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First, Only Pseudoephedrine Product to Stop ~One Pot Meth in Pharmacies


with Unsurpassed Congestion Relief Not Found in Meth Lab Seizures Page 2 of 3

Missouri, the number of clandestine and mobile meth lab seizures increased by more than 50% over the
past four years.

Westport Pharmaceuticals is reaching out to local law enIorcement and narcotics oIIicers` associations
nationwide. It is offering to supply Zephrex-D

at no cost so that they can witness the results firsthand by
replicating and testing with appropriate safeguards -- the 'one pot shake and bake process conducted
by the Missouri Narcotics Officers Association using Zephrex-D


For other tried and true methods used by today`s meth makers, independent testing oI Zephrex-D

found that the traditional two-step (extraction/conversion) process converted less than one half of one
percent (0.5%) of the pseudoephedrine into meth. When more advanced extraction/conversion laboratory
methods were applied to Zephrex-D

, the yield was less than 2.0%.

Notably, in Westport Pharmaceuticals` testing, the small amount of meth produced with
extraction/conversion processes was still locked in binding ingredients, thus preventing smoking,
injecting or snorting the meth.

'The extremely small yields, locked in the binding ingredients, render meth making with Zephrex-D an
impractical, money-losing proposition for meth lab operators. We`re not saying it is absolutely impossible
to make meth with Zephrex-D

, but it won`t work with the 'one-pot shake and bake method. Other
traditional, two-step methods that meth cooks have used for years, result in extreme cost, trouble and
frustration only to make a very tiny amount of meth, said Hemings.

'We are conIident that Iurther testing, closely mimicking the processes known to be currently employed
by clandestine laboratory operators, will produce similar results, confirming that Zephrex-D can deter
today`s domestic meth-making processes. However, given criminal resourcefulness, it is imperative for
us to collaborate with federal, state and local law enforcement on identifying opportunities for constant
improvement. As we continue our meth resistance research and innovation, we must always stay a few
steps ahead oI the criminals, said Hemings.

The meth resistant properties of Zephrex-D

are provided by Tarex

, an innovative, patented technology

that delivers pharmaceuticals in a locking formulation that provides 100% pseudoephedrine relief while
deterring misuse of the medication.


meets all Food and Drug Administration (FDA) over-the-counter (OTC) monograph
requirements for products containing pseudoephedrine HCl. Clinical testing in humans further
demonstrates the bioavailability of Zephrex-D

. Manufacturing occurs in FDA registered facilities

following cGMP guidelines.

All Americans are impacted by the meth epidemic. Meth abuse costs US taxpayers approximately $23.4
billion annually. These costs include, but are not limited to: law enforcement, uninsured burn victims,
incarceration and rehabilitation of addicts, foster care for dependents, toxic waste cleanup and secondary
meth crimes. More importantly, these costs are increasing, not diminishing.

To see the Franklin County, MO, Narcotics Enforcement Unit in action combatting meth abuse, visit and

First, Only Pseudoephedrine Product to Stop ~One Pot Meth in Pharmacies


with Unsurpassed Congestion Relief Not Found in Meth Lab Seizures Page 3 of 3

About Westport Pharmaceuticals

Westport Pharmaceuticals, LLC is a privately-held specialty pharmaceutical company located in St.
Louis, MO. Using an innovative, tamper-resistant technology, Westport delivers pharmaceuticals in a
format that maintains patient efficacy while deterring misuse of a medication. This drug delivery system
provides a new and unconventional approach to combat drug misuse and has the potential to ease
purchase restrictions on legitimate consumers. Zephrex-D

, a 30 mg pseudoephedrine pill, is Westport`s

first commercially available product. For more information on Zephrex-D

visit,, or

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