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It deals with food and water intake of organisms for their growth and daily activity.Life is practically is synonymous with activity and work. Work demands energy or vital force and this source of energy are the metabolism of food. An animal without food must live on its own resources and would ultimately die fond of food. Food is usually essential for life. Not only supply energy, but also for tissue repair and growth.

1. The elementary components of cells and tissues. These include carbon, hydrogen,nitrogen, phosphorus and sulphur, elements and minerals. Mineral constituents such as Copper, Iron,Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium and Calcium.These serves as compounds of Enzymes or Enzyme system. 2. A sufficient amount of organic compounds such as Carbohydrates, Organic acids, Alcohols and Amino acids are required partly because of a need for energy and partly because of the inability of the animals to synthesize certain important molecules needed for life. 3. Adequate supplies of vitamins which cannot be synthesize by Enzymes system play a vital role in metabolic activities of the body.


This type of nutrition is characteristic of green plants which are able to synthesize all essential organic compounds, such as Carbohydrates, Fats and Proteins from inorganic mineral sources such as Carbon dioxide, Ammonia, Nitrates etc. Such organisms include Bacteria which contain Bacteriochlorin in their body; some animals contain Chlorophyll in their body such as Euglena and Volvox.

There are two kinds of Autotrophs:

a. Chemosynthetic Autotrophs: These are the organism which manufactures all their protoplasmic requirements from the inorganic substances such as Carbon dioxide, Ammonia,

Nitrate etc. when these substrates are oxidized by these organisms energy is produced, which is utilized for their activity. b. Photosynthetic Autotrophs: These organisms produce energy for their synthetic energy by converting light energy into chemical energy, through the process of Photosynthesis. This occurs in Chloroplast which is the tiny power plants in the cytoplasm of the plant cells. Organisms that obtain their energy through Photosynthesisare termed as Photosynthetic Autotrophs.

This type is characteristic of animals and some non-green plant. Here the animals unable to use the free energy to synthesize organic compounds necessary for life, but they depends upon organic sources of carbon. They are thus depend upon plants and are called Heterotrophs.

There are 3 kinds of Heterotrophs. They are as follows:

a. Holozoic Heterotrophs: There are those which like animals, feed exclusively on solid material, which they take through mouth. b. Saprozoic Heterotrophs: These include organisms such as Fungi, which it takes in dissolved organic material often all over the body. c. Parasitic Heterotrophs: These are those which feed in or on another organism (the host) and causes harm to it. Ex: Tapeworm.

Feeding and Feeding Mechanism

The intake from environment into the body is known as Feeding. Animals feed in different manners, therefore the feeding mechanism of animals generally exhibit some relation to the type of food and in most of the cases the structure and function of the digestive tract.

YONGE grouped Feeding Mechanism into three major categories according to the type of food utilized. 1) Mechanism for dealing with Small Particles 2) Mechanism for dealing with Large Particles 3) Mechanism for taking in Fluids or Soft Tissues.


This mechanism is characterized of sedentary or sluggish aquatic animals, which feed continuously on small pieces of food, detritus (decayed food), diatoms, planktons and bacteria.

a) Pseudopodial Feeding:
This type of feeding is the characteristic feature of Rhizopods such as Amoeba which engulf their food with the help of Pseudopodia, which extend around the food particle and capture it with the small amount of water.

b) Ciliary and Flagellar Feeding:

This method of feeding is commonly used by a large number of animals such as Ciliate Protozoans, Sponges, Many Tubicular Annelids and some Gastropods. The cilia and flagella are not only the organs of locomotion, but also useful in getting the food particles. A sort of water current is established by the Movement of Cilia, water current carry the food particles towards the mouth.In ciliate Protozoans, the food particles are carried towards the Cytoplasmic mouth by special Ciliary currents of water.

c) Mucoid Feeding:
In chaetopterus, the mucous secretion often helps in feeding. These animals secrets threads of mucous that float in the water.

d) Tentacular Feeding:
In some animals such as Polycheats (Nereis) and Hydrozoans (Hydra) [free movable ciliated tentacles] are used in collecting the food particles. The preys are often attached to the tentacles by a sticky secretion. On the contraction and relaxation of the tentacles the prey is bought close to the mouth.

e) Muscular Feeding:
In some animals muscular contractions help in feeding. In Jelly Fishes the rhythmic muscular contractions of the bell direct the water laden food particles towards the mouth.



1. For Swallowing inactive Food

Burrowing animals such as Arenicola generally feed on Organic matters present in the mud. They used their eversible pharynx for swallowing mud. The organic matters of the mud are utilized and the residue is ejected as faeces.

2. For Scraping and Boring:

Some possesses structure for Scraping and boring the food stuffs. Ex: Aristotles lantern of Echinoids, laddular apparatus of some Mollusks,Boring valve of Teredoand heavy mouth parts of termites.

3. For Seizing the Prey:

Some animals possess specialized organs by which they are able to Seize the prey.

a) For seizing alone:

Ex: Nematocysts of hydra, Teeth of Coelenterate animals and radula of some Gastropods.

b) Seizing and Masticating:

Toothed jaws of Vertebrates, jaws and other mouth parts of Crustaceans and insects are used for seizing the prey and are also masticatory in function.

c) Seizing followed by External Digestion:

This type of feeding mechanism is found in Starfish. It uses its tube feet to force its shell and simultaneously its stomach is averted for digesting the muscular part of the prey.


There are some animals which feed on liquid food. These animals have some means of piercing of the skin or outer covering of the body of the prey and sucking out blood or other fluids.

a) For Piercing and Sucking:

The structure meant for piercing and sucking type are found in Hookworms, Leeches, Bugs and Mosquitoes.

b) For Sucking only:

Some Protozoans, Nematodes and Mammals possesses only Sucking organ.

c) For Absorption through the Body surface:

There are some animals such as Sporozoans andCestodswhich absorb food through the whole body surface as they have no digestive organs.

It is the essential substance that when absorbed into the body tissues yields materials for the production of energy, growth and repair of tissues and the regulation of life processes without harming the organism.

Wheat, rice, meat, butter, milk, fruits, eggs and vegetables are said to be the best sources of food. The ratio of this food may differ in different types.

CLASSIFICATION OF NUTRITIVE SUBSTANCES IN FOOD: 1) On the basis of their Chemical Constituents:

It is classified as Proteins, Carbohydrates, Mineral salts, Water and Vitamins. They may be further classified as follows, a) Nitrogenous and Non-Nitrogenous substances (Subject to the presence or absence of Nitrogen element in their constituents) Nitrogenous Protein Non-Nitrogenous - Carbohydrates and Fats b) Organic and Inorganic substances (depending upon the presence or absence of Carbon elements of in their constituents). Organic Food Protein, Carbohydrates and Fats. Inorganic Food Mineral Salts and Water.

2) On the basis of their functions in the body: (Nutritive substances fall

under this heading)

a) Body Builders:
These are the food material which helps in building the body. Ex: Proteins, Mineral salts and water. Because they are the only substances which enters into the body.

b) Energy producers:
Carbohydrate and Fats on their oxidations yields certain amount of energy which is consumed by the animal in order to perform the various vital activities of the body. These substances are called as Energy producing substances or Energy producers. Energy is always valued in terms of calorie. For Ex: Oxidation of one gram of, - Carbohydrate releases 4.1 calories - Fat releases 9.3 calories - Protein releases 4.5 calories Carbohydrate is said to be the best energy producer because they are completely oxidized easily and Fats took the next place in oxidation, whereas Proteins are oxidized only in the deficiency of Carbohydrate and Fats.

c) Regulators:
Mineral salts and Vitamins are capable of regulating the different function of the body, therefore they are referred as Regulating substances or Regulators.

The Principle functions of various Nutritive substances Nutrients Water Proteins Carbohydrates Fats Minerals Vitamins Body Builders (+)(+)(+)(+) (+)(+)(+)(+) Energy Producers (+) (+)(+)(+)(+) (+)(+)(+)(+) Regulators (+)(+)(+)(+) (+)

(+)(+)(+)(+) (+)

(+)(+)(+)(+) (+)(+)(+)(+)

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