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114/3 Satyen Roy Road Behala, Suhansini Apartment, Kolkata, W.B 700034
Phone : 033-24453296 & +91 - 9836909545; Email : [email protected]


Accomplished IT professional with 5 years significant experience in the Server Systems/ IT Industry

• A qualified MC SE, CC NA & add it ion al ly accented with Di pl om a in Sys tem Ma nag em en t & Dip lo ma in
Sof twar e experienced with the latest trends and techniques of the field, having an inborn quantitative aptitude,
determined to carve a successful and satisfying career in the IT industry.
• Strong problem solving & analytical skills with the flexibility to work cohesively as part of a multidisciplinary team,
complimenting the skills of others. Currently working for Web Sp id er s In di a Li mi ted , Kol kata , W.B. as a
Network M an age r.
• Quick learner, highly energetic and motivated aspiring to become a sound and successful professional in the areas of
my interest. Conceptually strong with an innovative and analytical approach to the work with an eye for detail.
• Professionally accomplished Micros of t C er ti fied Sy stem Eng in eer , with eventful career of 5 yea rs in managing
IT Support function in the computer hardware and networking industry.
• Proven technical / managerial competencies in structuring customized hardware and networking solutions to meet
customer’s specific needs.
• Expertise in Wi nd ows Se r ver s, Lin ux Pla tf orm, Router s & Swi tc he s & HiPat h Co mmu nic at io n
Sy stem s.
• Recipient of best performance award in Reward and Recognition ceremony at Sie me ns Inf or mat io n Sys tem
Li mi ted.
Tec hnical Prof ici ency
 Windows 2003 Server  Cisco Switch 6500  VOIP  RRAS and Radius server  Cisco Router IOS  ISA Server
2004  RHEL 5.0  DNS  Microsoft Exchange 2003/Sendmail  Windows Client OS  VPN  HiPath
3xxx/5xxx/Procentre  Web Server 
Co re C omp eten cie s
Network Planning • Internet Information Server • System Integration • Switches & Hubs • Mail Server Expert• Root
Cause Analysis •

Web Sp id er s In di a Li mi ted , Kol kat a, W .B No v’2008

ti ll D ate
Web Spiders is a global outsourcing provider of Rich Internet Application (RIA) development services and Systems
Integration services for Enterprise Content Management to Corporations and Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) in
more than 10 countries.
Network M an age r
 Supervising an IT team of 7 members in day-to-day system, network administration and management.
 Assessing a client's network requirements and designing, testing plans to meet those requirements.
 Implementing network security measures.
 Monitoring and reporting on network performance and usage.
 Maintaining track of IT Asset and Inventory, with the help of professional tools and techniques.
 Deploying, managing and maintaining live servers both under test and production environment.
 Taking key decisions on companies IT security and expansion policies.
 Maintaining dedicated servers with over 300 hosted solutions and applications.



Ja n’2008 ti ll Nov’2008
The Siemens Group in India is a unique player in the field of electrical and electronics engineering. We have the capability to
integrate diverse products, systems and services into turnkey solutions across the life- cycle of a project.
Ju ni or As so ci ate Engi ne er
 Currently working with a Support Team as a TC Engineer on HiPath PBX and Procenter Call Routing Application.
 Accountable for problem cause analysis, resolution of routine customer problems and complexity resolution.
 Responsible to give optimum level support for installation of telecom network.
 Accountable for providing quality standards for operational areas & ensuring adherence to quality standards.
 Leading efforts in developing & executing best practices & standard operating procedures targeting at organizational
 Providing technical leadership for analyzing and resolving service requests viz. developing application and unit,
integration and system testing.
 Analyzing root cause of failures and evolved breakdown solutions within minimum turnaround time.
Efficiently managing entire day-to-day activities covering wide functional areas include designing & developing the
workflow program, debugging and troubleshooting of the application

Al lInd ia T ec hn ol ogi es, K ol kata , W .B.

Ju n’200 7 ti ll Ja n’2008
Well known for its Internet solutions AllIndia Technology is the captain behind
Network Ad mi ni str at or
Joined as a System Administrator & within a short span of time received promotion.
 Managed system administration, networking and hardware management & maintenance.
 Efficiently managed and administered the installation, upgradation, configuring and troubleshooting, Desktops,
Servers, Database Servers, Mail Servers and Networking while updating the system with the improved and latest
technological tools to influence & increase the overall productivity and efficiency.
 Hold the credentials for gathering details about most common queries and technical difficulties faced by clients and
escalating the same to the concerned authorities.
 Successfully developed front-end web application: & under the Qmail-
Unix platform.

Inf os of t S ys tem, K olkat a, W.B .

2003 t il l 2006
De skt op Su ppo rt T ech ni ci an
 Coordinately worked with a team of 5 for assembling and repairing of various range of systems from 1999 till date.
 Spearheaded entire computer hardware operations with overall responsibility for viability of the company.
 Lead presentations to gather requirements and designed cost effective solutions to meet their specific needs.
 Manage computer installations along with all related accessories and networking to ensure hassle free functioning of
systems. Updated users on maintenance tips for prolonged service life of machines.
 Responsible for Troubleshooting & installation of computer Peripherals, hardware & software.


BA CHEL OR OF CO MME RCE ( Mar ket in g) - 200 7

Heramba Chandra College (Calcutta University)

Cer tif icatio ns

Micro sof t C er tif ied Sys tem Enginee r
Micro sof t C er tif ied Sys tem Adminis tr at or
Micro sof t C er tif ied Des kt op Tech nician
Micro sof t C er tif ied Profes sio nal Sinc e 200 7
Si em ens Cer tif ied Hipat h Engin eer
Cer tif ied N etwor k Exper t fro m Indian Ins titu te o f Hardware T echn ol ogy
Da te of Bi rth: 3rd July 1985; P ass po rt No : H0039546; Refer en ce s: Available on Request

Skill Assessment

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