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ABET Self-Study Report


Welding Engineering Bachelor of Science Degree Program


The Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio

June 16, 2011


The information supplied in this Self-Study Report is for the confidential use of ABET and its authorized agents, and will not be disclosed without authorization of the institution concerned, except for summary data not identifiable to a specific institution.

Table of Contents
Page Number A. Background Information .........................................................................1

B. Accreditation Criteria Summary

1. Students................................................................................................................ 3 2. Program Educational Objectives........................................................................10 3. Student Outcomes.......................................................................... 16 4. Continuous Improvement ..................................................................................18 5. Curriculum..........................................................................................................43 6. Faculty.62 7. Facilities..............................................................................................................69 8. Institutional Support and Financial Resources ..................................................73 Appendix A Course Syllabi Appendix B Faculty Vitae Appendix C Equipment Appendix D Institutional Summary

1. Degree Title Bachelor of Science in Welding Engineering 2. Contact Information Dave F. Farson Welding Engineering Program 1248 Arthur E. Adams Dr. Columbus, OH 43221 Telephone: 614-688-4046 Fax: 614-292-6842 [email protected] 3. Program History The Welding Engineering (WE) program at The Ohio State University offers the only ABET-accredited Bachelor of Science in welding engineering in the United States. Welding engineering was established as a department with a BS program within the Industrial Engineering Department in 1948. It became a separate department in 1948, an M.S. degree was established in 1956 and a Ph.D. degree in 1985. In establishing the department, the OSU College of Engineering recognized that engineering for welding requires a uniquely broad set of knowledge. In designing and refining welding processes, operations and welded products, welding engineers apply knowledge and techniques from the diverse engineering disciplines: materials, manufacturing. design and non-destructive evaluation. Based on this interdisciplinary foundation with an added technical area of polymers, the department eventually achieved national recognition for its materials joining research and education. Over 1000 Welding Engineering degrees have been conferred since the inception of the program, with over 50% of those in the past 20 years. Currently, approximately 20 to 40 BS degrees are awarded annually. Welding Engineering graduates from Ohio State are highly sought after by major corporations throughout the United States. Starting salaries are competitive with the highest of offers in all engineering disciplines at Ohio State. The Welding Engineering Department was re-combined with the Industrial Engineering department in 1994 during a restructuring aimed at decreasing the number of department in the College of Engineering. It became one of two degree programs within the renamed Department of Industrial, Welding and Systems Engineering. During AY 2009/2010, the Welding Engineering Program was transitioned into the Materials Science and Engineering Department. This reconfiguration was based in part on a realization that the research programs of the two departments had evolved in such a way that there was more synergy between the MSE and WE programs and less synergy between the ISE and WE programs than there had been in the past. In addition, welding metallurgy had always been seen as a key component of the WE undergraduate curriculum, partially because of the required MSE course content. 4. Options 1

The WE program offers no options.

Table D-3, Organizational Chart The Ohio State University Engineering Programs

5. Organizational Structure The program is located within the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, in the College of Engineering, under the provost and president.
Dr. E. Gordon Gee, University President

Dr. Joseph Alutto, University Executive Vice President and Provost

Dr. David Williams, Dean, College of Engineering

Dr. Bobby Moser, Dean College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences

Dr. Joseph Steinmetz, Dean College of Arts & Science

Dr. Krishnaswamy Srinivasan, Chair, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Dr. Richard Hart, Chair, Department of Biomedical Engineering

Dr. Stuart Cooper, Chair, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

Dr. Xiaodong Zhang, Chair, Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Dr. Carolyn Merry, Chair, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Geodetic Science

Dr. Robert Lee, Chair, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Dr. Julia Higle, Chair, Department of Integrated Systems Engineering

Dr. Rudolph Buchheit, Chair, Department of Materials Science and Engineering

Dr. Sudhir Sastry, Interim Chair, Department of Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering

Dr. Peter March, Interim Divisional Dean of Natural & Mathematical Sciences

Dr. Mei Zhuang, Aeronautical & Astronautical Engineering

Dr. Mark Ruegsegger, Biomedical Engineering

Dr. Jim Rathman, Chemical Engineering

Dr. Neelam Soundarajan, Computer Science and Engineering

Dr. George Valco, Computer Engineering Dr. Mark McCord, Civil Engineering

Dr. Steve Lavender, Industrial & Systems Engineering

Dr. Yogesh Sahai, Materials Science & Engineering

Dr. Gonul Kaletunc, Agricultural Engineering

Dr. James Beatty, Chair, Department of Physics

Dr. Gary Kinzel, Mechanical Engineering

Dr. John Lenhart, Environmental Engineering

Dr. George Valco, Electrical Engineering

Dr. Dave Farson, Welding Engineering

Dr. Gonul Kaletunc, Food, Biological, and Ecological Engineering

Dr. Richard Hughes, Engineering Physics

6. Program Delivery Modes Day 7. Program Locations Edison Joining Technology Center, 1248 Arthur E. Adams Dr., Columbus, OH 43221. 8. Deficiencies, Weaknesses or Concerns from Previous Evaluation(s) and the Actions Taken to Address Them The final statement from the 2005-6 ABET review of the WE program listed one area of concern and one observation. The concern noted that many students transfer to WE from other majors and require approval of course substitutions. It was stated that the program should review its procedures for approving and documenting course substitutions. Since transferring from the Integrated Systems Engineering Department to the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, the Welding Engineering program course substitution approval and documentation procedures now conform to the procedures used in the latter department. All petitions for substitutions or exceptions by WE majors are subjected to mandatory review by the undergraduate studies committee chair and are documented in the undergraduate studies committee minutes by the Department Academic Advisor. They are also documented on the student's degree audit. The most common substitutions for transferring students are for General Education Requirements and Engineering Graphics 167. These are approved at the College level and are also documented on the student's degree audit. The observation contained in the final statement from the 2005-6 ABET review of the WE program noted that a number of program faculty were nearing retirement age. It was recommended that the program develop a plan describing how retiring faculty would be replaced. In response to this recommendation, a Welding Engineering Transition Planning Committee (TPC) was convened in December 2006 at the request of Dr. Julia Higle, Chair of 2

Industrial, Welding and Systems Engineering Department with the urging of College of Engineering Dean Baeslack. The goal of the committee was to assist the IWSE Department in planning for the future development of the Welding Engineering program. The output of this process was two reports with plans to maintain the program through the faculty retirement transitions. The first report was submitted by the WE faculty to the Transition Planning Committee on June 15, 2007 and the second submitted by the committee to the IWSE department chair Higle on July 12, 2007. Subsequent events included retirement of four tenured faculty, hiring of one tenured faculty and a decision to refocus and strengthen the WE program by transitioning it to the Department of Materials Science and Engineering during AY 2009/2010. The majority of the faculty (three of the four) that retired since the 2005 ABET review taught courses in the welding processes area of Welding Engineering and 3 of the retired faculty were chair of the WE program ABET committee in the year of their retirement (Profs. Richardson, Albright and Tsai). The program has since added a clinical faculty who teaches processes-related courses. Also, there is currently an active search underway for an additional tenured faculty with expertise in the area of welding processes. These efforts, combined with assumption of increased teaching load by the remaining tenured welding process faculty have maintained the quality of instruction in the process area. 9. Joint Accreditation The program is solely accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET and is not jointly accredited by any other commission.


1.A Student Admissions Admission to The Ohio State University is selective. Applicants undergo a holistic review considering standardized test scores, high school (or previous institution) performance, and written essays. This review and the admission decision are handled centrally in the Office of Undergraduate Admissions and First Year Experience. Students who have been admitted indicating engineering as their area of interest and having a minimum ACT Math score of 24 or SAT Math score of 560 are directly enrolled as pre-engineering students in the College of Engineering. Students who do not meet this score may enroll in the University Exploration program and apply for admission to a pre-engineering program after completing Math 151 and either Chemistry 121 or Physics 131 with a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher. Students who start at a regional campus of Ohio State (Newark, Lima, Marion, Mansfield, & Wooster) are eligible to change to the Columbus campus after completing 45 credit hours to include Math 151 and either Chemistry 121 or Physics 131 with a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher regardless of whether they start as a pre-engineering student or not. Transfer students admitted to the university may also be admitted directly to the College of Engineering in a Pre-Welding Engineering major status. Students in the pre-major status have the advantage of being advised 3

directly by the Department Academic Advisor. Pre-engineering students then must meet the specific academic requirements for admission to their desired major. Admission to the Welding Engineering Program as a Major normally occurs after the student has completed the freshmen engineering core (curriculum will be presented in Section 5). Admission to the Welding Engineering Program requires a minimum 2.0 CGPA and a minimum 2.0 CGPA in a program-specific set of Secondary Point Hour courses chosen from the engineering core for purposes of determining who is admitted to the major. For Welding Engineering, those courses include: Engineering 181 and 183; Engineering Graphics 167; Math 151, 152 and 153; Chemistry 121 and 125; and Physics 131 and 132. (or their equivalents). 1. B. Evaluating Student Performance
1.B.1 Course Grading, Credit Points, Grade Point Averages and Deficiency Points

The two objectives in the student evaluation process are that each student maintains a minimal level of performance in each and every course in the program, and a reasonably consistent level of academic performance throughout the program. This evaluation procedure is based on the grading (marking) of individual courses. Table 1.1 Letter grades and scores Instructors are required to list the course evaluation criteria on the course syllabus, and distribute Letter Grade Grade Score the course syllabus at the beginning of each course. (GS) Typical evaluation instruments include examinations, A 4.0 quizzes, written and oral reports, and skill assessment. A3.7 The result is a letter and numerical grade score (GS). The B+ 3.3 correspondence between letter grades and grade score is B 3.0 given in Table 1.1. The credit points (CP) awarded for B2.7 each course is the product of course credits (C) and grade C+ 2.3 score: C 2.0

For example, a grade of C in a 3 credit course results in award of 6 credit points.

CD+ D E (failure)

1.7 1.3 1.0 0.0

Grade point average (GPA) for any time period is the ratio of total credit points awarded to total credits of courses completed in that period.



Grade point averages used in assessment of student progress are cumulative grade point average (CGPA), quarterly grade point average (QGPA) and GPA in Welding Engineering courses. The student must pass every course in their program curriculum. Courses may be repeated, but poor academic performance (defined as any quarter with a QGPA less than 2.0) can bring academic probation and eventually dismissal from the department and then the college, as discussed later in Progress, Academic Probation, and Dismissal, section 1.B.3. 4

For students with CGPA of less than 2.0, deficiency points (DP) are calculated as the


2 C


Any student who accumulates 15 or more deficiency points is placed on academic probation by the University. 1.B.2 Graduation Requirements In order to graduate, each student must pass every WE course in their program curriculum. They must also have at least a 2.0 cumulative grade point average (CGPA) and at least a 2.0 grade point average in Welding Engineering courses. These graduation requirements provide an end point for the students path through the curriculum. 1.B.3 Progress, Academic Probation, and Dismissal Any student who has accumulated fifteen or more deficiency points is placed on probation by the University. The probation continues provided the students college considers the students progress to be satisfactory and is removed when the deficiency points are fewer than fifteen. University academic probation and dismissal policies supersede all other college actions. In summary, satisfactory progress in Welding Engineering is defined as maintenance of QGPA of 2.0 in all attempted courses and not withdrawing from any course without permission of the student advisor. Detailed procedures for the college and Welding Engineering are spelled out in Appendix F. The student is notified of probationary status and what will be considered as satisfactory progress by the dean of the college. In the COE, the dean has appointed a designee to perform this notification. The designee presents academic probation cases to the Academic Standards and Progress (ASAP) Subcommittee at the quarterly meeting after grades are submitted. The College of Engineering monitors the academic performance of all engineering students. If performance does not significantly improved each quarter until the deficiency in quality points is removed, the student can be dismissed from the College of Engineering. Such actions are determined by the College of Engineering Committee on Academic Actions. The student may also be placed in a probationary status or dismissed from individual programs within the College of Engineering if specific program criteria are not met. Such actions are known as Special Action Probation (SAP). The Welding Engineering SAP criteria are generally based on academic term (quarter or semester) grades and academic progress. Following each quarters report of grades for that preceding quarter, if a student has earned less than a 2.0 quarterly grade point average (QPHR), regardless of total credit hours taken that quarter, the student is placed on SAP for Grades.Each student placed on SAP for Grades will be sent a letter, by email, stating the following conditions of their probation: 1. The student must earn a quarterly point-hour (QPHR) of 2.0 or above in their next quarter of enrollment. 5

2. The student must earn a quarterly point-hour ratio of 2.0 or above in any Welding Engineering courses. 3. The student may not drop any course after the third Friday of the quarter without written permission from the Undergraduate Studies Chairperson. 4. The student may not receive a grade of Incomplete (I) or a grade of E in any course taken that quarter. 5. The student must attain/maintain a cumulative point-hour ratio (CPHR) of 2.0 or above. In addition, the student may be required to meet periodically with the program Advisor or with the Undergraduate Studies Chairperson. Also, a student may be restricted in the number of hours they will be allowed to enroll in for the next quarter. Students may also be placed on SAP or lack of progress. If a student earns excessive Ws or Is, or if a student has taken a preponderance of courses not related to the major, the student is placed on SAP for Lack of Progress.Each student placed on SAP for Lack of Progress will be sent a letter, by email, stating the following conditions of their probation: 1. The student must take courses in their next quarter of enrollment which are required in their chosen major. 2. The student must earn a quarterly point-hour (QPHR) of 2.0 or above in their next quarter of enrollment. 3. The student must earn a quarterly point-hour ratio of 2.0 or above in any Welding Engineering courses. 4. The student may not drop any course after the third Friday of the quarter without written permission from the Undergraduate Studies Chairperson. 5. The student may not receive a grade of Incomplete (I) or a grade of E in any course taken that quarter. 6. The student must attain/maintain a cumulative point-hour ratio (CPHR) of 2.0 or above. Following receipt of grades after the students next quarter of enrollment, a student will be removed from SAP if it is determined that the student has met the terms listed above. A letter of this notification will be sent by email to the student. If the student fails to meet the above-listed terms of the academic probation, then the student will be considered for departmental dismissal. A student dismissed from the program may petition for reinstatement after at least 3 quarters from the dismissal. This will provide adequate time for the student to demonstrate the capability of satisfactory performance in scientific and technical courses. A student wishing to be considered for reinstatement should first meet with the Academic Advisor and with the Undergraduate Studies Chair. 1.B.4 Monitoring of Students The Department Academic Advisor primarily assists with registration and monitoring. The advisor screens both CGPAs and Welding Engineering course grade point averages at the end of each quarter to determine progress toward degree and violations of academic standards. 6

The Advisor then informs the Undergraduate Curriculum of such violations, the committee determining the appropriate actions. The Advisor also helps students negotiate any problems with University rules and regulations and is available to help with students' personal issues. The Advisor provides the knowledge and connection for a student with other resources on campus available to the student. At the beginning of the third year the Advisor reminds students of the technical elective and GEC requirements, and collects technical elective forms for approval or submission to the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee. The Advisor also reminds students of the requirement, and collects applications for graduation at least three quarters prior to graduation. At the end of each quarter the Advisor monitors both CGPA and Welding Engineering course grade point averages to determine two issues: (1) progress toward degree and (b) violations of academic standards. If violations of academic standards are determined, the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee is informed and makes the appropriate disposition (placing a student on Special Action Probation (SAP), continuing a student on SAP if appropriate based on individual circumstances, taking a student off SAP, or dismissing the student). The Department academic Advisor has the responsibility of ensuring that students have met the pre-requisites for courses in which they wish to enroll. The Advisor normally does not allow students to enroll in courses for which they do not have listed pre-requisites. In case unusual circumstances argue for admission of the student to a particular course for which they lack prerequisites, the student may petition the WE undergraduate studies committee, detailing the prior experience that they feel qualifies them to enroll without prerequisites. In consultation with the course instructor, the undergraduate studies committee grants or denies permission to enroll in the course. Progress toward degree is monitored by making sure that the student was enrolled in appropriate and required courses. The Advisor sends quarterly e-mail messages out to the email list of our students in the major reminding those who intend to graduate three quarters in the future to submit a completed Application to Graduate. The Advisor then reviews the overall progress to degree, including the students' completion of other University requirements such as the GECs, and uses the students' predictions of enrollment for their remaining quarters to check that all requirements will be fulfilled upon graduation. 1.C. Transfer Students and Transfer Courses The requirements and processes for accepting transfer students and assessing transfer credit are summarized in this section. The State of Ohio articulation policy and the Ohio Board of Regents College Level Examination Program description form the basis of the Ohio State University practices for awarding transfer credits for the various mathematics, sciences and general education curriculum courses that make up much of the required curriculum for the freshman and sophomore years for the Welding Engineering degree. 1.C.1 Transfer Students

The acceptance of transfer students is a two step process. First the student is considered for acceptance into the university, and then the student is considered for acceptance into the individual program. The University acceptance procedure for transfer students is covered in Transfer Application Packet 2011. The procedure for acceptance as a major in the Welding Engineering Program is the same as discussed in 1.A of this document except that the 2.0 GPA is based on only those freshmen core courses taken at Ohio State (not on core courses for which transfer credit was awarded). Potential transfer students apply to The Ohio State University via a Transfer Student Application, which is first evaluated and verified in the University Admissions Office. Domestic applicants with a 2.7 GPA on a 4.0 scale or better, in 45 non-technical, transferable quarter (30 semester) hours are admitted directly to the college as a pre-major in the engineering program of their choice. Domestic applicants who do not meet these criteria, and all international applicants applying to transfer in either from a U.S. or international institution, are referred to the program in which they have indicated interest. The department's Undergraduate Studies Committee makes an admission decision based on their evaluation of the students ability to function well in the program. 1.C.2 Transfer Course Credit The Office of Admissions also makes preliminary decisions of the department and category of credit for all courses for which the student had received a grade of C- or better at their previous school(s). Transfer credit could be assigned direct course equivalency by Admissions, for example, assuming that a basic English Composition course at any accredited school would be equivalent to Ohio States English 110. Most commonly the transfer credit evaluator is able to determine this for basic humanities and social science courses. Transfer credit may also be awarded as General, Special or Technical. Credit awarded in any of these categories must be specifically evaluated by individual departments for potential equivalency to OSU courses. A student who had, for example, Math General 10 credit hours on their Transfer Credit Evaluation Form, would take course description bulletins, syllabi and/or textbooks from the course(s) at their previous institution to the Transfer Evaluator (usually a faculty member) in that Department and the Evaluator would indicate on a form the OSU course(s) to which that credit is equivalent and send the form back to Admissions. Admissions would verify signature and credit hour totals and then instruct the Registrars Office to include the specific equivalencies as part of the students official record. In some cases specific equivalencies are not possible. In such cases a departments evaluator may write a letter stating that the intent of the requirement has been fulfilled without specific equivalency or that a large portion of material in the previous course covers a large portion of material in the OSU course. Based on those support letters, a Department might approve a Substitution Petition for that student for that course. After approval by the Undergraduate Studies Committee, a Substitution Petition then goes to a College Committee for final determination, and, if approved, becomes part of the students permanent record. The Welding Engineering Program does not award transfer credit for welding engineering lecture courses. Examination credit is sometimes awarded for OSU Welding Engineering 350, and 351. Credit for these two laboratory courses may be awarded by 8

satisfactory completion of an examination as described in section 1.C.3 below. Transfer credit for Welding Engineering lecture courses at the 300 level and above is normally not present in courses from other institutions who offer welding-related curricula due to the need for calculus as well as calculus-based physics and electrical circuits prerequisites. 1.C.3 Tests for Credit by Examination for WE350, WE350 Examination by credit for Weld Eng 350 Must pass 2 written tests SMAW, OAW 70% or better on each test. 15 questions, each test is worth 15 points. Must pass 2F T-Joint visual and break test with full penetration with one restart half way. Any lack of fusion in 6 of weld fails. Visual consist of acceptable amount of porosity, cracks, undercut, slag inclusions. Each visual part worth 5 points, total test work 25 points. 70% or better pass test. Cutting test consists of plate, when cutting is finished plate must measure 5x5. Plate will have 2 45 bevel, 2 straight cut, and a 1 hole in center of plate, each cut worth 5 points, making test worth 25 points, tolerance must be +/- 1/8 bevels within 2 degrees, 70% or better passes test. Examination by credit For Weld 351 Must pass 2 written tests GMAW, GTAW 70% or better on each test. 15 questions, each test is worth 15 points. Must pass a 2F three pass T-Joint and single pass Lap Joint with the GMAW Process, the test must pass visual. The visual consists of acceptable amount of porosity, cracks, undercut, and slag inclusions, and equal legs. The test score shall be 70% or better to pass. Any LACK OF FUSION will automatically fail. Example: rollover at the toe lines, the weld is not properly fused into base material. Must pass a 2F three pass T-Joint and single pass Lap Joint with the GTAW Process, the test must pass visual. The visual consists of acceptable amount of porosity, cracks, undercut, and slag inclusions, and equal legs. The test score shall be 70% or better to pass. Any LACK OF FUSION will automatically fail. Example: rollover at the toe lines, the weld is not properly fused into base material. 1.D. Advising and Career Guidance Academic advising across all engineering programs is coordinated at the College level by the Engineering Director of Academic Advising. Engineering 100, an introduction to the University and engineering majors, is coordinated across all programs. Both pre-majors and majors are advised. During orientation students are assigned an engineering advisor according to the pre-major they choose and will have an academic advisor until they graduate. The advising function in the Welding Engineering Program is performed both formally and informally. Formal advising is performed by a member of the department administrative staff, currently Ms. M. Daniels. Students who have yet to enter either category are advised as undecided students in the College of Engineering, or by advisors within the Undergraduate 9

Student Academic Services office. Students meet with the advisor at the students discretion. Only students in a probationary status are required to receive advisor approval prior to registration. The relatively small size of the Welding Engineering Program provides many opportunities for students to become well acquainted with most of the faculty. Many students receive informal advising from faculty on a variety of topics including academic programs and requirements, graduate school, career paths and other areas of importance. 1.E. Work in Lieu of Courses No credit is awarded for work in lieu of Welding Engineering lecture courses. WE premajor students that request such credit in lieu of the laboratory courses WE350 and WE351 are given the opportunity to obtain examination by credit by completing an examination to demonstrate knowledge and manual welding skills. This two-part exam is administered by the WE350/WE351 laboratory instructor consists of a written portion covering recitation topics and a manual welding demonstration. A written description of the examinations is appended to this self-study report. 1.F. Graduation Requirements In order to graduate and be awarded a Bachelor of Science in Welding Engineering degree, an undergraduate student must pass every required course in the WE program undergraduate curriculum. They must also have at least a 2.0 cumulative grade point average (CGPA) and at least a 2.0 grade point average in Welding Engineering courses. The Department Academic Advisor is responsible for verifying and certifying that the graduation requirements have been met by each and every graduating student. These graduation requirements provide an end point for the students path through the curriculum. 1.G. Transcripts of Recent Graduates The program will provide transcripts from some of the most recent graduates to the visiting team. The program is designated as WELD ENG in the transcripts.


2.A. Mission Statement The mission of welding engineering is to educate future materials joining engineers and leaders, to improve materials joining by creating and disseminating scientific understanding and new technologies and to support the materials joining community. 2.B Program Educational Objectives The program educational objectives are listed below. These objectives are published on the Ohio State University College of Engineering website at http://engineering.osu.edu/academic/degreeprograms/WLD.php under the link Major Sheet. 1. Welding engineers will be able to utilize the fundamental principles of engineering science and mathematics, and are aware of the underlying historic, social, ethical and aesthetic aspects of engineering. 10

2. Welding engineers will have knowledge of the fundamental theory of the process, design, materials and testing aspects of welding. 3. Welding engineers will be able to apply their fundamental welding engineering knowledge in an integrated fashion to solve diverse practical problems in the welding and joining field. 4. Welding engineers will be able to communicate effectively in written, oral and informal forms with a variety of audiences. 5. Welding engineers will be able to work effectively in independent and collaborative aspects of their professional activity in an organized and productive fashion. 2.C Consistency of the Program Educational Objectives with the Mission of the Institution The vision of the Ohio State University is defined in its Academic Plan, accessible at http://www.osu.edu/academicplan/stage.php. The stated purpose of the OSU is To advance the well-being of the people of Ohio and the global community through the creation and dissemination of knowledge. Core values are: A. Pursue knowledge for its own sake. B. Ignite in our students a lifelong love of learning. C. Produce discoveries that make the world a better place. D. Celebrate and learn from our diversity. E. Open the world to our students. Comparison shows that the objectives of the undergraduate WE program are aligned and consistent with the Ohio State University purpose and core values, although the latter are somewhat larger in scope and aspiration. 2.D Program Constituencies Welding Engineering identifies five constituencies of the program that have a stake in the achievement of the above objectives by

Table 2.D-1 Companies Hiring WE Majors 05 06


program graduates. The primary constituencies include: students that choose the program, the industries that recruit and employ welding engineering graduates, and the alumni of welding engineering that support the program. The Edison Welding Institute (EWI) is viewed as a significant constituency due to their unique relationship with the program. Finally, graduate schools in engineering are recognized as constituencies as they rely on graduates to seek higher levels of education and/or life-long learning. The interests and role of these constituents are summarized below. 2.D.1 Students The students that choose our program, and their families, are in several ways the most important constituency of the program. They are the constituency with which we have the most direct contact. They are often the most vocal in praise and criticism. This constituency makes a huge investment of time, financial resources, aspirations and faith in the university, the college, and the program to provide an avenue to a viable, challenging and life-long career endeavor. They deserve the best education that can be provided, and one that will assure them success throughout their professional careers. 2.D.2 Industry Welding Engineers graduating from Ohio State often enter some aspect of the welding industry on graduation with a BS degree. Welding Engineering graduates can be employed in various capacities by manufacturers or end users of every imaginable kind of engineered structure, product, or process. This may be within the identifiable welding industry, or in the multiplicity of companies large and small that rely on joining of materials for manufacture of products ranging from routine (e.g., automotive mufflers, lawn mowers) to the highly critical (e.g., jet aircraft engines, artificial pacemakers). The data for companies hiring WE graduates, co-ops and summer interns in the 05-06 academic year is inserted in Table 2.D-1. Although this is a snapshot, it provides an illustration of the range of industries with needs for Welding Engineering graduates. 2.D.3 Welding Engineering Alumni Welding Engineering alumni are a significant constituency of the program because of the unique status of Ohio State welding engineering alumni in the U.S. welding industry, and their responsible positions and influence in major companies in many industrial sectors. A substantial number of new graduates each year are hired by WE alumni who head corporate or plant welding groups and activities. Ohio State Welding Engineering has a dedicated and active group of alumni, organized into The Ohio State University Welding Engineering Alumni Society. These alumni express a considerable support in the Welding Engineering program, its continuation, and its improvement. 2.D.4 Edison Welding Institute The Ohio State University Welding Engineering program has a unique relationship with the Edison Welding Institute (EWI). EWI is a non-profit corporate consulting, research and 12

development organization with over 200 corporate subscribers. Subscribers include major and minor companies throughout the US, as well as many in Ohio. This includes companies like General Electric, Caterpillar, General Motors and Ford. EWI owns the 130,000 square foot Edison Joining Technology Center (EJTC), on land leased from Ohio State University at the West Campus of the university. EWI occupies approximately 100,000 square feet, with approximately 30,000 square feet leased to the university to house the Welding Engineering program. EWI has a staff of approximately 60 engineers, the majority of whom are graduates of Welding Engineering. EWI operates with an annual budget of up to $30M per year. EWI supplies as much as $600,000 in research funds to Ohio State University. A number of undergraduate welding engineering students work in part-time capacities for EWI throughout the school year. Some students also intern full-time at EWI during summers. Cooperative research with EWI also employs a number of graduate students who may work either in EWI or OSU laboratories. Due to their partnership with Ohio State, their employment of more Ohio State welding engineers than any other entity, and their strong ties with the welding industry throughout the United States, they are regarded as an important constituency. Also, EWI technicians are paid by the program to provide laboratory instruction for the introduction of students to manual welding, and logistical support for welding laboratory maintenance. 2.D.5 Graduate Programs Typically ten to twenty percent of BSWE graduates go directly into graduate school. Most of those who continue seek an MS in Welding Engineering at Ohio State. They often continue due to participation in the combined BS/MS for students that have demonstrated high academic ability. The combined BS/MS program allows the attainment of an MS degree with one additional year following the BS. BS/MS plan students are often employed by EWI as a part of an EWI Graduate Fellowship program that involves participation in project and research work at EWI. Students wanting to pursue graduate study often stay on at OSU. Graduates that go to other universities typically choose an industrial engineering, mechanical engineering or materials science-related program. As in many engineering disciplines, pursuing a graduate program at Ohio State may not be attractive to most graduates compared to starting a career in industry with lucrative industrial salaries. It is not unusual to find BS WE graduates in corporate research and development positions because of their unique background in welding principles and fundamentals. Graduates that continue their education later in their careers may choose MBA programs rather than graduate programs in engineering as they progress into management positions. As a result, graduate programs are currently not considered to be a major constituency of the Welding Engineering program. 2.D.5 Relationship of Program Educational Objectives to Constituent Needs The objectives listed in section 2.B imply knowledge in a mixture of fundamental and applied subject areas that comprehensively meet the needs of the constituents. In particular, 2.B.1 and 2.B.2 both require knowledge of welding-related basic science and mechanics concepts that prepare a student for graduate study while 2.B.3 explicitly calls out the applied knowledge needed by industrial applications and welding development engineering. The communications and teamwork topics addressed by objectives 2.B.4 and 2.B.5 and the basic cultural literacy requirement in 2.B.1 are needed by all graduates. 13

2.E Process for Revision of the Program Educational Objectives Consideration of the continuing suitability of the program objectives and outcomes is carried out periodically in discussions held during the Program Assessment Board (PAB) meetings. Input for this review of objectives comes from several sources. One source of input has been the College of Engineering Alumni Survey. This survey asks second and sixth year alumni to judge the suitability, usefulness and success of their learning education relative to the program objectives after gaining the benefit of their employment experience. A source for judging overall success of the program in the eyes of employers, with implications to program objectives and outcomes, has been starting salary data for graduating seniors. Another source of input has been the Welding Engineering Program Assessment Board members experiences with capstone projects teams. The PAB is constituted primarily of industry sponsors of senior capstone projects, so the board members experiences also informs the review of program objectives in addition to attainment of them by that years students. The current Program Educational Objectives were in place before the time of the last program review completed in 2005. These program objectives and outcomes were first approved by the IWSE Department Advisory Board in the Autumn of 1998. The objectives were developed based on analysis of the existing program, and with the aid of Welding Engineering representatives on the Department of Industrial, Welding and Systems Engineering Advisory Board (with representation from both the Welding Engineering and Industrial and Systems Engineering programs). Board members also assisted with the development of the Welding Engineering program outcomes necessary for achievement of the program objectives. Original objective and outcome development was based on elements of the existing program, career experiences of board members, and on US Department of Labor information describing the profession of welding engineering. Program objectives in place at the time of the previous ABET program review (2005) were re-affirmed in 2009 by the program assessment board meeting during that year. 2.E.1 College of Engineering Alumni Survey The College of Engineering Alumni Survey has been conducted on a yearly basis since 1999 as a source of data on program objectives and outcomes. This survey has been distributed to second and sixth year engineering graduates of all engineering programs. This survey has a general component and a component specific to each degree program. The survey asks the alumni to rate accomplishment of the program objectives based on their educational experience. The responses give an indication of the perceived accomplishment of the objectives as a component of assessment of program outcome assessment to be discussed regarding ABET Criterion 3 in the next section. 2.E.2 Placement Data Placement data for graduates with a BS degree in Welding Engineering is viewed as an indicator of the success of the program in meeting the program educational objectives in that it 14

reflects the perception of employers as to the future contribution and impact that graduates can make in the industry. Historically, Welding Engineering has experienced good demand for BS degree graduates as reflected by numbers employed and starting salary offer comparisons with other disciplines. Formal placement data supplied by OSU Engineering Career Services and Employer Relations of the College of Engineering provides quantitative data concerning placement (reporting is voluntary and therefore does not account for all graduates). This data allows a trend over time to be studied, mainly with regard to any deterioration in demand for graduates that might suggest the need for improvement of program objectives or outcomes for the purpose of supplying a more qualified and respected graduate. It is necessary to keep in mind that the salary data is self-reported which has potential implications for the comprehensiveness and representativeness of the sampling set. Table 2.E-1. Placement results for BSWE students (salaries based on data reported by graduating students)
BS-Major Welding Engineering average # students reporting Career Employment Accepted Further Education Looking Military Commitment No Info Returned to Home Country 2005-2006 $53,355 36 31 7 5 0 2 2006-2007 $55,569 34 25 2 6 0 2 1 2007-2008 $58,577 39 32 3 3 0 0 2008-2009 $61,087 25 17 2 3 0 0 2009-2010 $55,008 7 15 5 5 1 4

2.E.3 Program Assessment Board The Program Assessment Board (PAB) is made up of representatives from companies who sponsor capstone design projects and selected representatives from previously cited constituencies. It has been charged with yearly assessment of the extent to which WE Program Educational Objectives are being achieved, as well as to provide recommendations for improvement of Program Objectives and Outcomes. They also give general feedback to the WE faculty, via the WE Undergraduate Studies Committee, of their opinion of the program and recommendations for improvement based on their capstone project interactions and other experience with the program. The PAB meets during the ninth or tenth week of classes of the Spring Quarter. This date is chosen to correspond with the final presentation of Capstone Design projects by graduating seniors, thus giving the board an opportunity to view presentations for assessment purposes. Minutes from the 2009 and 2011 PAB meetings and the attendees are presented in Section 4 Continuous Improvement. Board members are introduced and provided an update on the program since the last meeting. Materials provided to the board members consist of a list of board members and affiliations, an overview of the program educational objectives and student outcomes and results of the various assessment activities that have taken place, including alumni survey and placement data. They attend final presentations of several Capstone Design projects. They subsequently discuss the program among themselves and with faculty representatives to provide feedback on the program objectives, outcomes and suggestions for improvement. 15


3.A Student Outcomes Graduates from the BSWE program must demonstrate the learning outcomes listed by ABET as : (a) an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering (b) an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data (c) an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs (d) an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams (e) an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems (f) an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility (g) an ability to communicate effectively (h) the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context (i) a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning (j) a knowledge of contemporary issues (k) an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice. In addition, three welding engineering-specific outcomes defined by the program are: WELDENG (L) an ability to select and design welding materials, processes and inspection techniques based on application, fabrication and service conditions WELDENG (m) an ability to develop welding procedures that specify materials, processes, design and inspection requirements WELDENG (n) an ability to design welded structures and components to meet application requirements These learning outcomes were arrived at in discussions with the Program Assessment Board and are contained in annual reports, which are maintained for open access by faculty and students in a dedicated office area of EJTC. They were approved by the faculty in March 2009 and by that years PAB in June 2009. 3.B Relationship of Student Outcomes to Program Educational Objectives Achievement of the learning outcomes prepares graduates to attain the program objectives. To assist in describing the relationship between the outcomes and objectives, Table 3.B-1 below groups the WE outcomes under the objectives that they support. Note that the ABET a)-k) outcomes are fairly general so the same outcome supports more than one program objective in some cases. Table 3.B-1 Student Outcomes Relationship to Program Educational Objectives


Objective 1 - Welding engineers will be able to utilize the fundamental principles of engineering science and mathematics, and are aware of the underlying historic, social, ethical and aesthetic aspects of engineering. (a) (f) (h) (i) (j) Outcomes. New graduates have: an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering, an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility, the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context, a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning, a knowledge of contemporary issues.

Objective 2 - Welding engineers will have knowledge of the fundamental theory of the process, design, materials and testing aspects of welding. Outcomes. New graduates have: an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering, an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems, an ability to select and design welding materials, processes and inspection techniques based on application, fabrication and service conditions.

(a) (e) (l)

Objective 3 Welding engineers will be able to apply their fundamental welding engineering knowledge in an integrated fashion to solve diverse practical problems in the welding and joining field. (b) (c) (e) (l) (m) (n) Outcomes. New graduates have: an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data, an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs, an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems, an ability to select and design welding materials, processes and inspection techniques based on application, fabrication and service conditions, an ability to develop welding procedures that specify materials, processes, design and inspection requirements, an ability to design welded structures and components to meet application requirement.

Objective 4 Welding engineers will be able to communicate effectively in written, oral and informal forms with a variety of audiences. (g) (k) Outcomes. New graduates have: an ability to communicate effectively, an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.

Objective 5 Welding engineers will be able to work effectively in independent and collaborative aspects of their professional activity in an organized and productive fashion. (d) Outcomes. New graduates have: an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams,


(e) (k)

an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems, an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.


This section documents: a) the processes for regularly assessing and evaluating the extent to which the program educational objectives and student outcomes are being attained, and b) evaluation results that quantify the extent to which the program educational objectives and student outcomes are being attained. It also describes how the results of these processes have been utilized to effect continuous improvement of the program and provides examples of those improvements. The annual continuous improvement process used by the WE program is summarized in the diagram below.


The assessment instruments used to gather data for the process are listed in each block and the person(s) responsible for collecting the information are also shown. The approximate timing of the collection of the various data is distributed throughout the academic year to correspond to the time at which the information is available. The program assessment board meeting is convened by the WE UGSC chair near the end of spring quarter. This meeting coincides with the final project presentations by WE capstone teams since this board is comprised primarily of capstone project sponsors. 4.A Program Educational Objectives Assessment Table 4.A-1 lists the assessment processes used to gather data used to evaluate the program educational objectives, the frequency of data collection, the expected level of attainment for each objective. Also, the results of the evaluation processes and the extent to which each of the program educational objectives is being attained are summarized. More discussion of the assessments in this table is provided below.

Table 4.A-1 Program Educational Objective Assessment Processes and Evaluation

Assessment process 1. College alumni survey 2. PAB meetings Frequency biannual biannual Expected level of attainment agreement (3/5) for all objectives consensus Current Level of attainment attained Min: 3.86 Max: 5.00 attained

The results of the college alumni survey are maintained by the college and made available for ABET report preparation purposes on a password-protected web server. The WE salary data reported by graduating students is maintained by the college placement office and is made available on a public website at https://career.eng.ohio-state.edu/statistics/salaries-current.php. The PAB meeting minutes are recorded and maintained by the WE UGSC chair. 4.A-1 Program Educational Objectives Assessment Results The Welding Engineering program evaluates its educational objectives through feedback from the College of Engineering Alumni Survey of recent graduates and Program Assessment Board. The college survey asks alumni to rate the degree to which the WE curriculum allowed them to achieve stated program objectives within several years after graduation. The Program Assessment Board is asked to comment on the suitability of the objectives for the undergraduate curriculum. The results of the College of Engineering alumni surveys for the years 2006, 2008, and 2009 are summarized in Tables 4.A.2-4 below. Note that the 2009 data was taken out-ofsequence so as to be available for this ABET evaluation cycle. Table 4.A-2 College of Engineering alumni surveys 2006 n=7
Dont Agree(1) You can utilize the fundamental principles of engineering science and mathematics, and feel that you are aware of the Somewhat Agree (2) Agree(3) Strongly Agree(4) Very Strongly Agree(5) Not Applicable No Response Numerical Average










underlying historic, social, ethical and aesthetic aspects of engineering. You have adequate knowledge of the fundamental theory of the process, design, materials and testing aspects of welding. You are able to apply fundamental welding engineering knowledge in an integrated fashion to solve diverse practical problems in the welding and joining field. You are able to communicate effectively in written, oral and informal forms with a variety of audiences. You are able to work effectively in independent and collaborative aspects of your professional activity in an organized and productive fashion.

































Table 4.A-3 College of Engineering alumni surveys 2008 n=12

Dont Agree(1) You can utilize the fundamental principles of engineering science and mathematics, and feel that you are aware of the underlying historic, social, ethical and aesthetic aspects of engineering. You have adequate knowledge of the fundamental theory of the process, design, materials and testing aspects of welding. You are able to apply fundamental welding engineering knowledge in an integrated fashion to solve diverse practical problems in the welding and joining field. You are able to communicate effectively in written, oral and informal forms with a variety of audiences. You are able to work Somewhat Agree (2) Agree(3) Strongly Agree(4) Very Strongly Agree(5) Not Applicable No Response Numerical Average










































effectively in independent and collaborative aspects of your professional activity in an organized and productive fashion.

Table 4.A-4 College of Engineering alumni surveys 2009 n=4

Dont Agree(1) You can utilize the fundamental principles of engineering science and mathematics, and feel that you are aware of the underlying historic, social, ethical and aesthetic aspects of engineering. You have adequate knowledge of the fundamental theory of the process, design, materials and testing aspects of welding. You are able to apply fundamental welding engineering knowledge in an integrated fashion to solve diverse practical problems in the welding and joining field. You are able to communicate effectively in written, oral and informal forms with a variety of audiences. You are able to work effectively in independent and collaborative aspects of your professional activity in an organized and productive fashion. Somewhat Agree (2) Agree(3) Strongly Agree(4) Very Strongly Agree(5) Not Applicable No Response Numerical Average









































Generally, the results all indicated that the alumni either strongly or very strongly agree (Likert levels 4 and 5) with the objectives listed in the table. The only statement that received a rating less than 4 (3.89 in 2006 and 3.92 in 2008) corresponded to Objective 1 You can utilize the fundamental principles of engineering science and mathematics, and feel that you are aware of the underlying historic, social, ethical and aesthetic aspects of engineering.. However, this objective improved a strong rating of 4.25 in 2009. No specific course or curriculum modifications are implied by these results. Program Assessment Board Meetings The program advisory board meeting was not held in 2007 due to retirements of WE program personnel. A meeting of the capstone sponsor representatives from AY 2008-2009 with minutes as shown in Table 4.A-5. Table 4.A-5 2009 OSU WE Program Capstone Program Assessment Board Meeting Minutes 21

5/28/09 10:45 12:00 Rm 102 Attending: D Harwig (EWI), A Swary (Panasonic FA), D Molnar, M Topping (Siemens) A program summary consisting of curriculum objectives, outcomes and assessment results for the current year was presented for 1st the 45 min, after which the panel discussed curriculum topics The general idea of broadening the inspection component of WE to Quality was supported by several attendees. One attendee suggested the inclusion of waveform design and offline programming of robotic systems as useful skills One attendee said graduates do not have knowledge to select among the various commerciallyavailable welding wire formulations for a given application (simple example: S1, S3, S6 steel wires: what affect does silicon have on the weld?) This lead to a general discussion of usefulness ofchemistry of welding topic that was dropped from the curriculum when Prof Howden retired. In general, the attendees agreed that this could be topic for a replacement faculty recruited as part of the WE-MSE transition. Several attendees mentioned that in general, capstone presentations could be more polished to clearly state conclusions, etc. Several attendees mentioned the ISE student advisor as an asset and hoped that the alumni communications (e.g. about jobs opportunities) would continue after the WE-MSE transition

The most immediate actionable item from the discussion was a suggestion for improvement of the capstone presentations. This was forwarded to the capstone instructor for the coming year, Professor Lippold. The suggestion for power supply waveform design is considered for inclusion in the WE500 course. The topic can be covered after the introduction to switching power supply designs, time permitting. However, there are other higher priority subjects that are of interest to a broader spectrum of welding engineering job functions that must be thoroughly covered. The acquisition of off-line robot programming software is currently being discussed with Motoman by Prof. Phillips in conjunction with the new robotic work-cell that was installed during AY 2010-11. Prof. Phillips currently has a full schedule of 9 lab exercises that have been developed for instruction on this new system via WE656 - Robot Programming and Operations beginning in Au2011. However, when the program transitions to a semester calendar beginning in Au2012, there will be 14 instruction weeks, so the additional off-line programming topic can be feasibly added. A meeting of the program advisory board consisting of capstone sponsor representatives from AY 2010-11 was held on June 3, 2011 with minutes as shown in Table 4.C-5. At the 2011 PAB meeting, the representatives were asked to fill out questionnaires with ratings of the extent to which the capstone members teams displayed capabilities and preparedness relating to the WE student outcomes. This data is tabulated and discussed in Criterion 4 of this report. Table 4.A-6 2011 OSU WE Program Capstone Program Assessment Board Meeting Minutes
6/03/2011 10:45 12:00 Rm 102 Attending: Deere: A. Mortale, B. King; EPRI: S. McCracken; Cameron: D. Hannam; Babcock&Wilcox: S. Slack; OSU: D. Farson, D. Phillips, B. Alexandrov Slides were presented for 1st 30 min, after which the panel discussed curriculum topics and suggestions for improving the curriculum and capstone course sequence. The suggestion was made that the welding lab equipment should be expanded to include other manufacturers equipment besides Lincoln Electric. D. Phillips briefly described the intent to incorporate a number of Miller systems in the weld booths and also mentioned the new Motoman robot system, which is equipped with a Miller GMA welding system. The WE informational YouTube video created by one of this years capstone teams was presented.


One of the board members suggested that some means be found to include the video in this years ABET report. A discussion of the current class sizes in WE (Sr: 22, Jr: 24) prompted a discussion of the role of scholarships in recruiting out-of-state students. It was mentioned that the availability of numerous WE UG scholarships helps to offset the increased out-of-state cost. D. Hannam suggested that perhaps the program and scholarships could be advertised more and that the new video could be distributed to high school advisors via DVD. It was mentioned that the current YouTube accessibility probably reaches a more extensive audience and is cost effective. A short and a longer version are both readily located by searching Welding Engineering Ohio State University on YouTube.

4.B Student Outcomes Assessment Table 4.B.1 lists the assessment processes used to gather the data upon which the evaluation of student outcomes is based. The frequency with which these assessment processes are carried out, the expected level of attainment for each of the student outcomes and the extent to which each of the student outcomes is being attained are summarized. More discussion of the assessments in this table is provided below. Attainment level of 70% for coursework indicates that at least 70% of students achieved scores of 70% (grade of C-) or better on the applicable assessment instruments. The marginal assessment applies when the percentage of student scoring C- or better falls below 70% but at least 70% are still attaining a passing grade (score of 60%, grade of D) or better. The unacceptable assessment would apply when more than 30% of students are achieving failing scores on applicable instruments (score less than 60%, grade of E) Table 4.B-1 Student Outcomes Assessment Processes and Evaluation
Assessment process 1.Instructor-based coursework assessments 2. Senior class surveys 3. Capstone class surveys 3. WE placement data Frequency quarterly Expected level of attainment attainment = 70% for all assessments agreement (3/5) for all objectives agreement (3/5) for all objectives college average salary Current Level of attainment see Table 4.C-5 for outcomes with marginal attainment attained attained

bi-annual bi-annual annual

not attained (AY0910) WE:$52,210; COE: $54,993

Table 4.B-2 lists the contribution of the required WE curriculum courses to the ABET and WE program student outcomes. It is evident from the data that all of the outcomes have four or more courses that contribute to their attainment with outcome j (knowledge of contemporary issues) having the fewest and outcome a (ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering) having the most. Contemporary issues are predominantly addressed by the general education curriculum courses which are not considered in this self-study.


Table 4.B-2 Degree of contribution of required courses to student outcomes 1= major, 2 = some, 3 = small.

The required course WE 489 Industrial Experience I is worthy of note with regards to contribution to outcomes. The value of this course as an ABET requirement has been debated by the faculty from time to time and there was serious consideration to removing it from the required curriculum at the time of the last curriculum revision completed in AY2006-7. One primary issue with this course is the variability of the summer jobs that the students are able to obtain. The level of economic activity in the US and the suitability of the qualifications of the students for the available jobs in any given year both impact the Industrial Experience outcomes. The most persuasive argument for the course is feedback from numerous individual students about the significant contribution that the course makes to their welding engineering education. A summary of the student reports from the year 2010 is provided in Table 4.B-3 below. Also, to accommodate the variability of work experiences inherent in this course, the format of the final report is being changed to require that students identify at least 2 ABET+WE student outcomes that their job related most to (and at which level 1,2 or 3) and further explain how the job experience contributed to their attainment of these outcomes. With these modifications, we believe that the contribution of the WE489 course to each students attainment of identified learning outcomes will be more readily assessed. Table 4.B-3 Summary of Student Feedback from Au 2010 WE 489 Course Reports Students Organization Student Evaluation of Experience 1 OSU Very good (graduate student) 2 B&W Very Good (employed by company) 3 Swagelok Good 4 Panasonic Good 5 Lincoln Electric Good 6 Ford Very good 24

7 8 9 10 11 12

Dynamic Materials Westinghouse Electric Curtis Wright Lincoln Electric ESAB John Deere

Good Fair Fair Good Very Good Very Good (employed)

4.B-1 Instructor-Based Student Outcome Assessment Results 1.Instructor-based coursework assessments The course assessment format and summaries are documented in each required course portfolio that is maintained by instructors and is to evaluators. The instructor assessments of attainment of student outcomes are linked to ABET outcomes 3.a-k and program outcomes l-n. The degree attainment of each applicable outcome is assessed by the instructor according to the scale A: acceptable; M: marginal; U: unacceptable. The course assessments reflect faculty opinions about the understanding of the class materials relevant to applicable outcomes based on homework, tests and other work. It serves and an indirect indicator regarding the sufficiency of class materials and the appropriateness of prerequisites. Attainment level of 70% for coursework indicates that at least 70% of students achieved scores of 70% (grade of C-) or better on the applicable assessment instruments. The marginal assessment applies when the percentage of student scoring C- or better falls below 70% but at least 70% are still attaining a grade of D or better (score of 60% or better). An example of a coursework assessment spreadsheet it inserted below in Table 4.B-4. In summary, instructor direct assessments in the course work evaluation spreadsheets indicate attainment of applicable student outcomes with the exceptions and comments as noted below in Table 4.B-5.These comments indicate the improvements being made to improve the attainment of outcomes. In the case where the course content is small in an area but the assessment instrument scores or student interactions provide insight into the attainment of an objective, the contribution of the course to the outcome is listed as 3.


Table 4-B-4. Coursework assessment spreadsheet example (WE500/550)

WE 500/550 Course Contributions to WE Program Outcomes and Assessment Reporting
ABET a-k + WE program Outcome WE Program Objective WE Curriculum Component Course(s) Credits Estimated contribution to PO: WE Core 500/550 3+1 1-Major 2-Some 3-Small 1 Assessment Method 1,2,3 Assessment Result Qtr/Yr Wi11 Acceptable Marginal Unacceptable A Elaboration/ Recommendation/ Action Refer to attachment notes at bottom (e.g. 1,2,3,)

a f h i j

Objective 1 - Welding engineers will be able to utilize the fundamental principles of engineering science and mathematics, and are aware of the underlying historic, social, ethical and aesthetic aspects of engineering. Outcomes. New graduates have: an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering, an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility, the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context, a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning, a knowledge of contemporary issues. Objective 2 - Welding engineers will have knowledge of fundamental theory of the process, design, materials and testing aspects of welding. Outcomes. New graduates have: ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering, ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems, ability to select and design welding materials, processes and inspection techniques based on conditions. Objective 3 - Welding engineers will be able to apply their fundamental welding engineering knowledge in an integrated fashion to solve diverse practical problems in the welding and joining field. Outcomes. New graduates have: ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data, ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs, ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems, an ability to select and design welding materials, processes and inspection techniques based on conditions, an ability to develop welding procedures that specify materials, processes, design and inspection requirements, an ability to design welded structures and components to meet application requirement. Objective 4 - Welding engineers will be able to communicate effectively in written, oral and informal forms with a variety of audiences. Outcomes. New graduates have: an ability to communicate effectively, an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice. Objective 5 - Welding engineers will be able to work effectively in independent and collaborative aspects of their professional activity in an organized and productive fashion. Outcomes. New graduates have: an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams, an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems, an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.


a e L

1 1

1,2,3,4 1,2,3


b c e L m n

1 1 1 1 1

4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3 1,2,3,4 1,2,3


g k

3 2

1,2,3 3


d e k

1 2

1,2,3,4 3 Level of Implementation Ongoing Current Future ongoing ongoing ongoing ongoing


Outcome Assessment Method Details: 1 Final exam 2 Midterm exam 3 Homework 4 Worksheets showing results of laboratory exercises, calculations Elaboration/ 1.) Increase emphasis on clarity of writing in grading, disscussion of class work Recommendation/ 2.) Actions 3.)

Success Criteria 70% 70% 70% 70%


Table 4.B-5 Summary of coursework assessments outcome attainments and comments where marginal attainment was indicated (70% of students received grades better than D on applicable coursework). Note that marginal attainment is lower than attainment which is defined as 70% of students receiving a grade of C- or better.
Course Outcome / Comment contribution* MSE581.04 g/1 1.) Need improved approaches to developing and assessing writing skills WE500/550 g/3 1.) Increase emphasis on clarity of writing in grading, discussion of class work WE600 g/3 1.) Increase emphasis on clarity of writing in grading, discussion of class work WE611/661 a/1 1.) Continue to emphasize the use of computational tools to provide quantitative understanding of metallurgical principles 2.) Incorporate the use of ICME (integrated computational materials engineering) tools for describing process-materials interactions in the semester class g/3 1.) Continue to emphasize the use of good writing skills by sharing best practice WE612 g/2 1.) Lab report quality varies greatly among students, but has improved over the past few years. A "template" approach seems to work best for improving quality WE620 f/3 2.) Continue to relate course material to contemporary issues and professional and ethical responsibilities 4.) This topic is discussed in more detail in other courses; will continue to emphasize related aspects in lectures. 2.) Continue to relate course material to contemporary issues and professional j/3
and ethical responsibilities

L/1 m/3 WE621 f/3



4.) This topic is discussed in more detail in other courses; will continue to emphasize related aspects in lectures. 4.) This topic is discussed in more detail in other courses; will continue to emphasize related aspects in lectures. 2.) Continue to relate course material to contemporary issues and professional and ethical responsibilities 4.) This topic is discussed in more detail in other courses; will continue to emphasize related aspects in lectures. 2.) Continue to relate course material to contemporary issues and professional and ethical responsibilities 4.) This topic is discussed in more detail in other courses; will continue to emphasize related aspects in lectures. 2.) Continue to relate course material to contemporary issues and professional and ethical responsibilities 4.) This topic is discussed in more detail in other courses; will continue to emphasize related aspects in lectures.
1.) Continue to relate course material to contemporary issues and professional and ethical responsibilities

m/3 WE641 b/2 f/2 g/3 h/3

1.) Increase emphasis on clarity of writing in grading, discussion of class work

1.) Continue to relate course material to contemporary issues and professional and ethical responsibilities


i/2 j/2 WE489 m/2 g/1

2.) Continue to emphasize need for life long learning and and use of modern engineering tools 1.) Continue to relate course material to contemporary issues and professional and ethical responsibilities

1.) Develop strategies to engage industries with Junior and Senior students using I/UCRC center to improve quality of available jobs 2) Require final reports to identify at least 2 outcomes their job contributed most to (and at which level 1,2 or 3) and explain how the job experience contributed to their attainment of these outcomes. 3) Assess student attainment of claimed outcomes based on the justification contained in their report.

*Degree of contribution: 1-major; 2-some; 3-small 4.B-2 Senior class and PAB surveys The senior class surveys are completed by students midway through their last quarter and thus represent student perspective of the effectiveness of the WE BS curriculum in facilitating their attainment of the student outcomes. For compatibility, the outcomes used in all surveys (shown below the results charts) were the ones in use during the 2006-2007 survey. As described above in Section 3.A, the outcomes used for ABET accreditation were changed from the prior extensive lists of WE-specific outcomes to the standard ABET 3.a)-3.k) outcomes, supplemented by 3 additional WE-specific outcomes WE L) WE n). The student outcomes applicable to results shown below were drawn from the prior extensive list of WE-specific outcomes. They either completely or significantly overlap with the currently used ABET 3.a)-k) and WE-specific outcomes WE L) WE n). This correspondence is shown in Section 4.B-2a inset below. For future surveys, we plan to modify the senior student surveys to exactly correspond to the outcomes currently in use by the program. For the student outcomes used in the senior student surveys to date, the correspondence between the two sets of outcomes is detailed in the Table 4.B-6 below.
Table 4.B-6 Relationship of senior student survey outcomes to currently-used student outcomes. The outcomes currently used in program accreditation (ABET 3.a)-k) + WE L)-n) overlap with the outcomes used in senior class surveys, with the exception of ABET (h), (i). Attainment of these outcomes is documented by course-based assessments as summarized in Table 4.B-2 immediately above. In summary, the correspondence of current student outcomes to the ones used in survey results presented elsewhere in section 4.B are: ABET (a) is divided into 4 detailed areas by survey outcomes ABET (b) is divided into 2 detailed areas by survey outcomes ABET (c) is divided into 2 detailed areas by survey outcomes. ABET (d) is divided into 2 detailed areas by survey outcomes. ABET (e) is equivalent to a survey outcome ABET (f) is partially covered by a survey outcome ABET (g) is partially covered by a survey outcome ABET (h),(i) are different from survey outcomes ABET (j) is equivalent to a survey outcome ABET (k) is partially covered by a survey outcome WE(L),(m), (n) are all equivalent to a survey outcome In detail, the correspondence between the survey outcomes and the ABET 3.a)-k) and WE L)-n) outcomes are spelled out in the lists below. The bulleted survey outcomes are listed below the


3.a)-k) and WE L)-n) outcomes. (a) an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering The basic operating theory of the various material joining processes including arc, resistance, solid state and high energy density The foundations of welding design: heat flow, stress, structural analysis, and fitness for service Materials principles and how materials are influenced by joining processes Operating principles and analysis methods for the various destructive and nondestructive techniques used to evaluate welds (b) an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data Discover new patterns of welding phenomena or substantiate hypotheses Maintain coherent written technical notes on details of engineering work in the laboratory and field (c) an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs The foundations of welding design: heat flow, stress, structural analysis, and fitness for service Perform failure analysis on welding components for feedback to material selection, design and production processes (d) an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams Interact with engineering personnel, management, customers and the like to exchange ideas and to offer information or receive technical advice on welding Organize and present materials to technical peer groups, customers, plant personnel and management (e) an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems Select, improve and develop processes, materials and designs that optimize welding fabrication and production in a safe manner (f) an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility Select, improve and develop processes, materials and designs that optimize welding fabrication and production in a safe manner (g) an ability to communicate effectively Organize and present materials to technical peer groups, customers, plant personnel and management (h) the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context (i) a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning (j) a knowledge of contemporary issues Apply new developments in the welding field to solve current welding problems and improve production processes (k) an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice. Apply new developments in the welding field to solve current welding problems and improve production processes In addition, three welding engineering-specific outcomes defined by the program are: WELDENG (L) an ability to select and design welding materials, processes and inspection techniques based on application, fabrication and service conditions Select, improve and develop processes, materials and designs that optimize welding fabrication and production in a safe manner WELDENG (m) an ability to develop welding procedures that specify materials, processes, design and inspection requirements Establish welding procedures to guide production and welding personnel relative to specifications,


materials, processes, design and testing WELDENG (n) an ability to design welded structures and components to meet application requirements The foundations of welding design: heat flow, stress, structural analysis, and fitness for service

The student responses are listed in Tables 4.B-7 and 4.B-8 below. The PAB from the year 2011 was also surveyed for the same outcomes for comparison of student perceptions to industry personnel who are familiar with student capabilities from capstone project interactions. The Likert scale used in all of Tables 4.B-6, 4.B-7,4.B-8 and 4.B-9 was: not prepared=1; somewhat prepared=2; prepared=3; well prepared=4; very well prepared=5. Overall, survey results shown in Table 4.B-7 below indicate that WE undergraduates felt prepared or better (i.e. well-prepared or very well-prepared) in all aspects (processes, design, materials and NDE) of welding engineering. The processes topic (outcome 1.,average 4.45) received the highest rating and the NDE topic (outcome 4, average 3.9) received the lowest with materials (outcome 2.) and design (outcome 3.) receiving intermediate ratings. This NDE rating stands in counter-point to the 2011 PAB ratings (Tables 4.B-8), which gave the highest rating (4.75/5) to the expertise of the students in the NDE technique-related outcome 4. The PAB rated the students well-prepared in all other outcomes 1.,2., and 3. In any case, the students have the smallest number of course hours (4 hrs) in the NDE topic 4. compared to the other areas, while the subject matter is technically complex (particularly acoustics), so the student rating is perhaps not surprising. Table 4.B-7 Summary Welding Engineering-Specific Expertise Ratings from Senior Student Surveys in 2007, 2009 and 2011.


Table 4.B-8 Summary Welding Engineering-Specific Expertise Ratings from a PAB survey in 2011.

1. The basic operating theory of the various material joining processes including arc, resistance, solid state and high energy density 2. The foundations of welding design: heat flow, stress, structural analysis, and fitness for service 3. Materials principles and how materials are influenced by joining processes 4. Operating principles and analysis methods for the various destructive and nondestructive techniques used to evaluate welds The senior student ratings of capability in weld engineering-specific student outcomes shown in Table 4.B-9 indicates that students believe they are capable or better in all of the listed capabilities. The lowest ranked capability 3 speaks to the ability to carry out basic research related to welding engineering. The student perception that they are not as well prepared in this research function as some of the other listed capabilities which are more relevant to welding engineering applications is likely accurate. The PAB rankings of student capabilities in Table 4.B-10 are in general correspondence with the student ratings. Table 4.B-9 Summary Welding Engineering-Specific Expertise Ratings from Senior Student Surveys in 2007, 2009 and 2011.


Table 4.B-10 Summary Welding Engineering-Specific Expertise Ratings from a PAB survey in 2011.

1. Establish welding procedures to guide production and welding personnel relative to specifications, materials, processes, design and testing 2. Select, improve and develop processes, materials and designs that optimize welding fabrication and production in a safe manner 3. Discover new patterns of welding phenomena or substantiate hypotheses 4. Apply new developments in the welding field to solve current welding problems and improve production processes 5. Perform failure analysis on welding components for feedback to material selection, design and production processes 6. Interact with engineering personnel, management, customers and the like to exchange ideas and to offer information or receive technical advice on welding matters 7. Organize and present materials to technical peer groups, customers, plant personnel and management 8. Maintain coherent written technical notes on details of engineering work in the laboratory and field 4.C Capstone Course Assessments In the WE program, the capstone course sequence is based on industry-suggested topics and the student activities are all organized around projects that address these topics. Based on a topic self-selected from a pool of possible choices, the teams write a proposal to the industry sponsor who suggested that topic, execute the project tasks and create various written and oral reports on the project status and results. Because of this concentration on execution of projects on industry-suggested topics that are likely to be similar to welding engineering tasks that BS graduates might face in their career, there is additional focus on collecting data that quantifies how well students are able to apply WE skills to successfully complete capstone projects. For compatibility with past capstone student surveys, the outcomes used in all capstone student surveys (shown below the results charts) were the same as ones in use during the 20062007 survey. As described above in Section 3.A, the outcomes used for ABET accreditation were changed from the prior extensive lists of WE-specific outcomes to the standard ABET 3.a)-3.k) outcomes, supplemented by 3 additional WE-specific outcomes WE L) WE n). The student outcomes with results shown below were drawn from the prior extensive list of WEspecific outcomes. They either completely or significantly overlap with the currently used ABET 32

3.a)-k) and WE-specific outcomes WE L) WE n). This correspondence is shown in Table 4.C-1 inset below.
Table 4.C-1 Relationship of capstone student survey outcomes to currently-used student outcomes.

The outcomes currently used in program accreditation (ABET 3.a)-k) + WE L)-n) overlap with the outcomes used in senior class surveys, with the exception of ABET (h), (i). Attainment of these outcomes are documented by course-based assessments completed at other points in the program. In summary, the correspondence of current student outcomes to the ones used in survey results presented elsewhere in section 4.B are: ABET (a) is equivalent to 1 survey outcome ABET (b) is equivalent to 1 survey outcome ABET (c) is divided into detailed areas by 2 survey outcomes. ABET (d) is divided into detailed areas by 2 survey outcomes. ABET (e) is divided into detailed areas by 3 survey outcomes ABET (f) is partially covered by a survey outcome ABET (g) is divided into detailed areas by 9 survey outcomes ABET (h),(i), (j) are different from survey outcomes ABET (k) is divided into detailed areas by 4 survey outcomes WE (L) is divided into detailed areas by 2 survey outcomes WE (m), (n) are different from survey outcomes In detail, the correspondence between the survey outcomes and the ABET 3.a)-k) and WE L)-n) outcomes are listed below. (a) an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering Apply fundamental principles of science to analysis of physical phenomena (b) an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data Maintain coherent written technical notes on details of engineering work in the laboratory and field (c) an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs Develop a technical proposal in a team environment to address an engineering problem or to develop new technology for a specific application Develop a project work scope that is consistent with the needs of the sponsor and within the time and resource bounds available (d) an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams Engage in teamwork on both formal and informal bases Work effectively in a team environment to accomplish the proposed work (e) an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems Develop a technical proposal in a team environment to address an engineering problem or to develop new technology for a specific application Develop a project work scope that is consistent with the needs of the sponsor and within the time and resource bounds available Use available technical information and experience to solve an engineering problem (f) an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility (g) an ability to communicate effectively Produce effective formal written reports in different formats such as letters, memos, progress Organize and present materials to technical peer groups, customers, plant personnel, management Use various electronic and computer aids to productively prepare written and oral 33

communications Interact with other engineering personnel, management, customers, and others to exchange ideas, information Communicate effectively with project sponsors, mentors, and course coordinator Communicate issues and problems associated with the project Report on project results in interim and final reports using both written and oral communication methods Organize accurate, cogent, and appealing technical information in written and oral form Use a poster format to successfully communicate the motivation, objectives, and results of a project (h) the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context (i) a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning (j) a knowledge of contemporary issues (k) an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice. Apply new developments in the welding field to solve current welding problems Use various electronic and computer aids to productively prepare written and oral communications Manage workloads and plan work activities such as to meet schedules and deadlines Perform a cost analysis for the work proposed based on standard cost guidelines WELDENG (L) an ability to select and design welding materials, processes and inspection techniques based on application, fabrication and service conditions Develop a technical proposal in a team environment to address an engineering problem or to develop new technology for a specific application Develop a project work scope that is consistent with the needs of the sponsor and within the time and resource bounds available WELDENG (m) an ability to develop welding procedures that specify materials, processes, design and inspection requirements WELDENG (n) an ability to design welded structures and components to meet application requirements

Table 4.C-2 below shows that students rated the capabilities based on their capstone experience in the range of 4 and above with the 2010-11 ratings being marginally but consistently higher than the 2008-09 ratings. Note that the Likert scale used in Tables 4.B-8 and 4.B-9 was: not prepared=1; somewhat prepared=2; prepared=3; well prepared=4; very well prepared=5. Thus the minimum rating of 4 indicates that students felt very well prepared to perform all of the indicated functions based on capstone course activities.


Table 4.C-2 Summary of Welding Engineering-Specific Capability Ratings from a senior student surveys in 2009 and 2011.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Apply fundamental principles of science to analysis of physical phenomena Apply new developments in the welding field to solve current welding problems Maintain coherent written technical notes on details of engineering work in the laboratory and fieldeffective formal written reports in different formats such as letters, memos, Produce progress Organize and present materials to technical peer groups, customers, plant personnel, management 6. Use various electronic and computer aids to productively prepare written and oral communications 7. Engage in teamwork on both formal and informal bases 8. Manage workloads and plan work activities such as to meet schedules and deadlines 9. Interact with other engineering personnel, management, customers, and others to exchange ideas, information Table 4.C-3 also shows that students generally rated their capability to successfully complete their capstone course project in the range of 4 and above by. Note that the weighting of the rating scale for these questions was based on agreement with the stated capability: NA: not agree=1; SA: somewhat agree=2; A: agree=3; VA: very much agree=4; EA: extremely agree=5. Thus a rating of 4 indicates that students very much agree that they have improved their skill in the pertinent ability based on capstone course activities. The lowest-ranked aspects of capstone courses were related to cost-analysis (3.8; item 4 below) teamwork (3.8; items 6 ) and communications (3.7; item 7). However, even the lowest rankings indicate that students agree to very much agree that the capstone course provided the indicated capability.


Table 4.C-3 Summary of Welding Engineering-Specific Capability Ratings from a senior student surveys in 2009 and 2011.

Communicate effectively with project sponsors, mentors, and course coordinator Develop a technical proposal in a team environment to address an engineering problem or to develop technology for that a specific application Develop a new project work scope is consistent with the needs of the sponsor and within the time and resource bounds available Perform a cost analysis for the work proposed based on standard cost guidelines Use available technical information and experience to solve an engineering problem Work effectively in a team environment to accomplish the proposed work Communicate issues and problems associated with the project Report on project results in interim and final reports using both written and oral communication methods Organize accurate, cogent, and appealing technical information in written and oral form Use a poster format to successfully communicate the motivation, objectives, and results of 10. a project

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

4.D WE BS curriculum revision The Welding Engineering undergraduate curriculum was revised in 2007, 2 years after the most recent ABET review, in order to: 1.) Strengthen the curriculum in some areas that were recommended by the ABET continuous improvement process; 2.) Capitalize on closer association with the Industrial and Systems Engineering Program since department consolidations in 1995; 3.) Make use of flexibility provided in the selection of core engineering courses due to the change to the engineering core requirements in 1999; 4.) Formalize some changes that have been necessitated by curriculum revisions in supporting programs; and 5.) Address an issue relative to the retirement of one faculty member and the resulting loss of a faculty slot.


6.) Add the one additional hour of GEC credit for each of Social Sciences and Arts & Humanities, and include GEC Ethics course requirement, as per college GEC requirement changes. A comparison of the new and old curriculums is presented below in Tables 4.C-1 Table 4.C-1 Comparison of Current and Proposed New WE Curriculum Year 1 New in bold type; parentheses (old program) Quarter Course (Department, Number, Title) Course Credits Total Credits

Eng 100 or UVC 100 Survey1 (1) Math 151 Calculus and Analytical 5 Geometry AU Chem 121 General Chemistry 5 Eng 181 Introduction to Engineering I 3 Total Quarter Credits Math 152 Calculus and Analytical 5 Geometry Chem 125 Chemistry for Engineers 4 WI Engr 183 Introduction to Engineering II 3 Physics 131 Introductory Physics 5 Total Quarter Credits Math 153 Calculus and Analytical 5 Geometry Physics 132 Introductory Physics 5 SP st English 100.xx 1 Yr. English Comp. 5 En Graph 167 Engineering Problem Solving 4 Total Quarter Credits Total First Year Credits * Note: Clerical change of number for Eng 182 to Eng 183.



19(14) 50(49)

Year 2 New in bold type; parentheses removed from old program. Course (Department, Number, Title) Math 254.0x Calculus and Analytical Geometry Phys 133 Particles and Motion MSE 205 Intro to Mater Sci Engineering GEC Total Quarter Credits WE 300 Survey of Welding WE 350 Intro to Welding Lab I Math 255.0x Diff. Eq. MSE 410 Statics GEC Course Credits 5 5 3 5 18(18) 3 1 5 4 5 37 Total Credits




Total Quarter Credits 18(12) ME 420 Strength of Materials 4 ISE 350 Manufacturing Engineering 3 WE 351 Intro to Welding Lab II 1 SP ECE 309 Electrical Circuits Lab 1 ECE 300 Electrical Circuits 3 (WE 400 Chemistry of Welding) (3) Total Quarter Credits 12(12) Total Second Year Credits 48(42) Year 3 New in bold type; parentheses removed from old program. Quarter Course (Department, Number, Title) Course Credits Total Credits

WE 500 Physical Principles in Welding 3 Eng. WE 550 Physical Principles in Weld. Eng. 1 Lab AU MSE 401 Materials Thermodynamics 4 WE 620 Eng. Analysis for Design and 4(5) Simulation Total Quarter Credits 12(18) (MSE 542.01 Materials Structure II) (3) (MSE 542.02 Materials Structure (2) Laboratory) MSE 525 Phase Diagrams 3 WI MSE 581.04 MSE Laboratory for WEs 2 WE 600 Physical Principles in Weld. Eng. II 3 WE 621 Welding Engineering Design 4 Total Quarter Credits 12(17) WE 610 Introduction to Welding Metallurgy 3 WE 601 Welding Applications 3 WE 651 Welding Applications Laboratory 1 SP MSE 543 Structural Transformations 3 WE 631 Nondestructive Evaluation 4 Welding Engineering 641 3 Total Quarter Credits 17(17) Total Third Year Credits 51(52) Year 4 New in bold type; parentheses removed from old program Quarter Course (Department, Number, Title) WE 611 Welding Metallurgy I WE 661 Welding Metallurgy Laboratory WE 489 Industrial Experience WE 690 Capstone Welding Design I ISE 410 Industrial Quality Control GEC or Technical Elective Course Credits 3 1 1 1 4 5 38 Total Credits




(WE 640 Welding Production) Total Quarter Credits WE 612 Welding Metallurgy II WE 662 Welding Metallurgy Lab WE 691 Capstone Welding Design II ISE 504 Engineering Economics Analysis GEC or Technical Elective Total Quarter Credits WE 692 Capstone Welding Design III GEC or Technical Elective GEC or Technical Elective Total Quarter Credits Total Fourth Year Credits Total Credits in Program

(3) 15(19) 3 1 2 3 5 14(17) 1 5(4) 5(4) 11(16) 40(52) 197(195)


There was no change to the total hours of the Welding Engineering Program other than the addition of two credit hours of GEC to raise the total program hours from 195 to 197. Two required Welding Engineering courses were eliminated WE 400(3) Chemistry of Welding in the sophomore year and WE 640(3) Welding Production in the senior year. A situation with teaching the WE 400 course has arisen due to a faculty retirement. Recommendations from critical review from the faculty, program assessment board and students have revealed that this course is outdated, has not been of great value, and it was no longer actively taught after the retirement of Professor Howden. It was determined that the WE 640 course could be replaced by content contributed by ISE courses that were adopted into the curriculum. In particular, ISE 350(3) Manufacturing Engineering, ISE 504(3) Engineering Economics Analysis and ISE 410(4) Industrial Quality Control were integrated into the WE program. The ISE courses strengthened the program in the overall manufacturing and business area as has been recommended by the ABET assessment processes. Credit hour wise, the ISE 350(3) and 504(3) credit hours replaced the WE 400(3) and 640(3) credit hours. The ISE 406(4) was adopted as a Selected Engineering Core Math and Statistics elective for Welding Engineering. Within the WE curriculum, the heavily subscribed WE 641(3) Welding Codes, Specifications and Standards was changed from a WE technical elective status to a required status. This was also the result of constituency recommendation via the Program Assessment Board within the ABET improvement process. These hours were accommodated by change of the technical elective total elective credit hours from 21 to 15. Two additional WE curriculum changes were required due to changes in supporting programs. In the case of the Introduction to Engineering courses, the Engineering 182 requirement was changed to the new Engineering 183 number for consistency. Also, MSE revised their curriculum the time of this WE revision. In consultation with MSE, WE adopted the new MSE 525(3), 581.04(2) and 543(3) as required courses in place of the previous MSE 541(3), 542(3) and 542.02(2) courses. 4.E Program Educational Objectives Revision The 2005 ABET review of the program was completed with student outcomes in use up to that time. The assessment of student attainment of the outcomes and ABET reporting was hindered by the fact that the outcomes were not the same of the ABET Criterion 3 a)-k) outcomes, necessitating a cumbersome numerical mapping between the program outcomes and 39

the ABET outcomes. Comparison of the prior welding engineering learning outcomes to the ABET (a-k) outcomes showed that the ABET outcomes were the same as the welding program student outcomes. The ABET outcomes were more general in nature while the welding outcomes were quite similar but written to be more specific to welding engineering. Given this fact, a decision was made to transition the WE program assessment to the ABET Criterion 3 outcomes, supplemented with three additional outcomes which specifically speak to welding engineering expertise. This transition was done after the 2006-2007 academic year. The current set of (a-n) outcomes thus covers the same learning aspects while being far fewer in number (14 outcomes vs. 21 prior outcomes) and more consistent with the ABET evaluation process. To summarize this revision, Table 4.C-2 compares the prior learning outcomes to the ABET a)-k), supplemented with 3 additional WE l)-m) outcomes. Inspection of Table 4.C-2 shows that the revised outcomes, though fewer in number, are more general and thus cover the same topics as the prior outcomes. Table 4.E-1 Prior WE program outcomes compared to revised ABET a)-k) + WE l)-m) outcomes
Objective 1 - Welding engineers will be able to utilize the fundamental principles of engineering science and mathematics, and are aware of the underlying historic, social, ethical and aesthetic aspects of engineering. A) B) C) D) E) (a) (f) (h) (i) (j) Prior Outcomes. New graduates can: Formulate and solve problems using advanced mathematical analysis. Apply the fundamental principles of science to the understanding of physical phenomena. Appreciate the social and historic context of technology in modern civilization. Recognize ethical issues in private and professional life. Pursue lifelong learning, advanced degree programs and professional licensing. New Outcomes. New graduates have: an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering, an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility, the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context, a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning, a knowledge of contemporary issues.

Objective 2 - Welding engineers will have knowledge of the fundamental theory of the process, design, materials and testing aspects of welding. A) B) C) D) Prior Outcomes. New graduates can: Describe the fundamental operating theory of the various materials joining processes. Apply the fundamentals of heat flow, and structural analysis to weld design problems. Apply fundamental materials science principles to the analysis of welded structures. Describe the fundamental principles and analysis methods for the various destructive and nondestructive techniques used to evaluate welds. New Outcomes. New graduates have: an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering, an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems, an ability to select and design welding materials, processes and inspection techniques based on application, fabrication and service conditions.

(a) (e) (l)


Objective 3 Welding engineers will be able to apply their fundamental welding engineering knowledge in an integrated fashion to solve diverse practical problems in the welding and joining field. Prior Outcomes. New graduates can: Develop welding procedures to guide production and welding personnel relative to specifications, materials, processes, design, testing and code compliance. Select processes, materials and designs based on fabrication and service conditions. Evaluate new developments in the welding field to solve welding problems and improve production processes. Assist in failure analyses of welded components for feedback to material selection, design and production engineering. Recognize a safe and productive work environment for welding operations. New Outcomes. New graduates have: an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data, an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs, an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems, an ability to select and design welding materials, processes and inspection techniques based on application, fabrication and service conditions, an ability to develop welding procedures that specify materials, processes, design and inspection requirements, an ability to design welded structures and components to meet application requirement.

A) B) C) D) E) (b) (c) (e) (l) (m) (n)

Objective 4 Welding engineers will be able to communicate effectively in written, oral and informal forms with a variety of audiences. A) B) C) D) Prior Outcomes. New graduates can: Maintain coherent written technical notes on engineering work. Produce effective written and oral technical reports. Use various electronic and computer aids in written and oral communications. Communicate formally and informally with engineering personnel, technicians, production personnel, management, customers, and the like to exchange ideas and information or to offer or receive technical advice. New Outcomes. New graduates have: an ability to communicate effectively, an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.

(g) (k)

Objective 5 Welding engineers will be able to work effectively in independent and collaborative aspects of their professional activity in an organized and productive fashion. A) B) C) (d) (e) (k) Prior Outcomes. New graduates can: Work independently with limited direction and supervision. Engage in teamwork on both formal and informal bases. Manage work loads and plan work activities such as to meet schedules and deadlines. New Outcomes. New graduates have: an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams, an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems, an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.


3 WE placement data Placement data for the years since the last ABET program review are displayed in Table 2.B-4. Historically, WE graduates have been awarded salaries that are at or above the college of engineering average and this trend was generally maintained during the current ABET reporting cycle, with the exception of AY09-10 and AY10-11. During those years, there was a dramatic decrease in rate at which students reported salaries and a decline in the reported salaries, which averaged about $3000 or 5.2% below the college average. The reasons for these declines are not known and are currently being investigated. Students from the latest two time periods were recently contacted in May 2011 and requested to report their starting salaries, although no additional data has been reported. Currently, strategies for obtaining increased reporting rate of salaries by students are being considered Table 4.B-5 WE and College of Engineering average starting salaries by year
Academic Year Su10-Sp11 Su09-Sp10 Su08-Sp09 Su07-Sp08 Su06-Sp07 Su05-Sp06 Number graduates reporting 8 7 25 49 24 36 Average WE Starting Salary $52,210 $55,486 $59,857 $57,583 $53,566 $52,386 College Average Starting Salary $58,263 $56,880 $56,375 $55,545 $53,535 $51,051


5.A Program Curriculum Table 5-1 describes the plan of study for students in the WE program including a recommended schedule by year and term along with average section enrollments for all courses in the program. Note that this table applies to the current quarter-based curriculum for the two years preceding the current visit. Beginning in autumn 2012, The Ohio State University will transition to a semester-based academic calendar. The semester-based WE curriculum is described in Appendix E to this report, which contains semester versions of Table 5.A-1, 5.A-3 and Table 5.1. 5.A.2 Relation of Curriculum to Program Educational Objectives The WE curriculum aligns with the program educational objectives listed in section 2.B and supports attainment of the student outcomes. The relationship of the curriculum to each objective is summarized below.
Objective 1 Welding engineers will be able to utilize the fundamental principles of engineering science and mathematics, and are aware of the underlying historic, social, ethical and aesthetic aspects of engineering.

The fundamental principles of engineering science and mathematics are addressed most heavily in the freshman year of the curriculum. Five courses in mathematics, 3 in physics, 2 in chemistry, 2 in engineering mechanics, 2 in electrical engineering and 1 in materials science are all contribute heavily to fundamental principles of engineering science and mathematics. These fundamentals serve as the foundation on which the subsequent lecture and laboratory courses build to create increased depth of understanding that is required to utilize these fundamental principles. Awareness of historic, social, ethical and aesthetic aspects of engineering is promoted by completion of the 35-credit general education curriculum, including courses in historical studies, arts and humanities, social science, ethics and social diversity. The rich cultural and artistic environment at a comprehensive university such as OSU also contributes to awareness and appreciation of historic, social, ethical and aesthetic aspects of engineering.
Objective 2 Welding engineers will have knowledge of the fundamental theory of the process, design, materials and testing aspects of welding.

Most of the required welding engineering lecture courses contribute extensively to providing the knowledge specified in Objective 2. The 4 areas: processes, design, materials and testing have long been considered to form the basis of welding engineering. The WE-specific curriculum begins WE300 which surveys and introduces these four topics. The other required courses contribute further depth into these areas, either individually or in combinations.
Objective 3 Welding engineers will be able to apply their fundamental welding engineering knowledge in an integrated fashion to solve diverse practical problems in the welding and joining field.

The 3-course senior capstone design sequence required in the curriculum contributes heavily to practice in application of fundamental knowledge to solve industry problems. The 43

philosophy of the WE capstone is to undertake projects which address problems contributed by industrial sponsors. The student teams formulate proposals, undertake work to generate necessary data or information and create reports and presentations as part of these projects. The summer internship required by the program is also directed at providing students with real-world experience in a welding or materials joining functions.
Objective 4 Welding engineers will be able to communicate effectively in written, oral and informal forms with a variety of audiences.

The WE curriculum requires learning of effective communications skills at a number of points. This begins with 10 hrs of required courses work in the GEC, continues with technical report writing in MSE581.04 (a course which was created to replace and improve on an earlier English department course in technical writing). Communication instruction culminates in the final quarter of the capstone sequence, which requires a written proposal and progress and final reports, oral progress and final presentations and a poster presentation. The policy of the program is to enter all final project reports in the James F Lincoln Foundation Welding Awards Contest and all final project posters to the Poster Competition held at the American Welding Society convention. The reports and posters have historically been quite successful in these competitions since the inception of this requirement in the previous ABET review cycle.
Objective 5 Welding engineers will be able to work effectively in independent and collaborative aspects of their professional activity in an organized and productive fashion.

Most of the university curriculum emphasizes independent work by its nature. Collaborative work is required in most of the laboratory courses in the curriculum, in part because of the necessity of sharing experimental equipment. Because of this limitation, completion of laboratory exercises is customarily done by teams of 2 or three students. This is the case in WE550, WE651, WE661, WE662 and the lab portion of WE631. The lab work in WE350 and WE351 is done individually since the objective of these courses is development of individual welding skills. Also, all capstone projects are completed by 3 student teams.

5.A.3 Relation of Curriculum to Student Outcomes The ways in which the curriculum and its associated prerequisite structure support the attainment of each of the student outcomes listed in Section 3.A are detailed below. Table 4.B-2 (repeated as Table 5.A-1 below) lists the contribution of the required WE curriculum courses to the ABET and WE program student outcomes. It is evident from the data that all of the outcomes have four or more courses that contribute to their attainment with outcome j (knowledge of contemporary issues) having the fewest and outcome a (ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering) having the most.


Table 5.A-1 Degree of contribution of required courses to student outcomes 1= major, 2 = some, 3 = small

. (a) an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering This student outcome is highly related to the first half of Program Educational Objective 1. Much of the freshman curriculum (including 5 courses in mathematics, 3 in physics, 2 in chemistry, 1 in thermodynamics, 2 in engineering mechanics, 2 in electrical engineering and 1 in materials science) are all contribute heavily to understanding of fundamental principles of engineering science and mathematics. The welding engineering curriculum deals with application of this fundamental knowledge to understanding of the processes, materials, design and testing aspects of welding. The capstone sequence and the summer internship requirements are directed specifically at application of this knowledge. (b) an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data Much of the engineering curriculum is aimed at providing the understanding of various physical phenomena and systems required by this outcome. Lab classes are based on conducting and reporting experiments. The capstone projects are predominantly experimental and are judged to provide major support to this outcome. Also, the statistical design of experiments, analysis of data and evaluation of processes is specifically addressed in ISE410 Industrial Quality Control. (c) an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs The welding process classes (WE500, WE550, WE600, WE601, WE651) support welding process and system design. The welding metallurgy course and lab (WE611/661) makes major contributions to welding component and process design. The welding design courses (WE620, WE621) contribute strongly to component and process design. The industry problems addressed by capstone projects in WE690-1-2 address welding problems that fall 45

into these categories, considering welding metallurgy issues to divide into component and/or process design. (d) an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams Major contributions to teamwork are made by laboratory classes ISE350 and the internship class which requires a position in a welding-related organization. The laboratory classes all involve some degree of teamwork since exercises are generally completed the by student lab teams on shared equipment. (e) an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems Much of the engineering curriculum is aimed at providing the understanding of various physical phenomena and systems required by this outcome. The engineering capstone design courses WE690-1-2 provide experience directly targeted to this outcome. (f) an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility A major contribution to this outcome is made by the GEC requirement for 5 credit hours in the ethics category. This requirement is not summarized in the above table since there are a number of GEC courses which can be used to satisfy the requirement. Discussions in 6 welding engineering engineering classes are judged to make some or minor contributions to this outcome. (g) an ability to communicate effectively The laboratory class MSE581.04 concentrates intensively on report writing. Written reports are also required by WE489, WE601,WE651, WE661, and all 3 capstone sequence courses. (h) the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context The GEC courses provide the breadth of education required by this student outcome but are not included in the summary shown in Table 5.A-1. Several MSE and WE courses are judged to provide contributions to this outcome. (i) a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning The GEC courses are judged to provide insight into subjects that will awaken in students the need for lifelong learning and provide them with an introduction that is necessary for further exploration. In the MSE and WE curriculum, contributions are judged to be made in courses where an introduction is made in a technical area where there is particularly extensive depth for further exploration. (j) a knowledge of contemporary issues Knowledge of contemporary issues is judged to be provided by GEC courses. Several WE courses are considered to provide instruction in content that pertains to issues related to welding engineering. The capstone sequence is judged to be particularly relevant since the project problems are submitted by industry sponsors as relevant to their current concerns. (k) an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice. Many courses in the required curriculum have content related to use of modern engineering techniques, skill or tools.


WELDENG (l) an ability to select and design welding materials, processes and inspection techniques based on application, fabrication and service conditions This outcome is written to summarize the OSU WE programs perspective on the field of welding engineering. As such, all of the WE courses make at least some contribution to it. WELDENG (m) an ability to develop welding procedures that specify materials, processes, design and inspection requirements Procedure development has been suggested by many alumni and PAB members as an area in which OSU welding engineers need expertise. Many courses provide the necessary knowledge for this function. The course WE641 specifically addresses WE procedures and their qualification in the context of several important welding codes and standards. WELDENG (n) an ability to design welded structures and components to meet application requirements The design of welded structures and components to serve in a given application is addressed by content in many of WE courses. WE621 addresses the expected mechanical design aspects whereas WE641 discusses welding requirements in a number of codes and standards. The capstone project problems submitted by corporate sponsors involve design from a mechanical, materials or process standpoint. 5.A.4 Prerequisite structure of required WE courses An advising sheet showing the sequence of required courses in the WE curriculum is shown below in Table 5.A-2

5.A.5 Satisfaction of specific requirements for curricular areas. The number of credit hours in the program relevant to the various curricular areas are summarized in Table 5.1 The credit hours of mathematics and basic sciences courses substantially exceed the minimum (49 credits vs. 32 credits minimum) and slightly exceed the percentage of total hours in the curriculum (25.5% vs. 25% minimum). The number of engineering credit hours and the percentage of the total curriculum far exceed the minimum (109 credits vs. 48 credits minimum and 56.8% vs. 37.5% minimum). 5.A.6 Design Experience

The principal design experience provided by the WE curriculum is the three-course capstone design sequence - WE690, WE691, WE692 - which is scheduled throughout the senior year. This course is project-based with the proposal, execution and reporting phases being nominally divided up into the three quarters. Candidate projects are solicited from a pool of potential sponsors over the spring and summer preceding the capstone year. In the first class of WE690, students are assigned to 3-member teams and the teams vote on their project selections. The WE690 instructor then assigns teams to projects based on the results of this vote. A member of the WE faculty is assigned as advisor to each of the project teams at this time. The teams develop a written proposal and a make a presentation to the class (with their industrial sponsors in attendance) at the end of autumn quarter.


The winter quarter WE691 class is devoted to execution of the project work. Experimental work is done with existing equipment, with equipment provided by the industry sponsor and installed in the EJTC labs or at the sponsor facilities. The latter case requires one or more trips by the project team to the sponsor location. At the end of winter quarter, the team writes a progress report and makes a presentation to the class. The spring quarter WE692 class is devoted to completion of the project execution and reporting of the project results. The written final report is graded by the faculty member advising the project team with input from the project sponsor. The team makes a final classroom presentation with the project sponsors in attendance. The main advantage of this industry-based capstone course is the relevance of the projects to actual problems that industry sponsors need solved. The projects and industry sponsors are refreshed annually to keep the project current with existing industry needs and interests. The fact that the capstone design project sequence is scheduled during the senior year allows the project teams to apply welding engineering knowledge from their prior and concurrent classes to their projects. Since the welding industry depends significantly on codes and standards, capstone projects often involve exposure to these codes. A list of capstone design project course project titles and sponsors for the two past years is displayed in Table 5.A-2. The WE curriculum and the contribution of the courses to the various curricular areas (Math & Basic Sciences, General Education, Other) is summarized in Table 5-1. Table 5.A-2. Capstone design project course project titles and sponsors for the years 2008-2009 and 2010-2011.
Academic Year 2010-2011 Project Title Welding Engineering Promotion Video and Presentation Materials International Capstone Sensitization of Stainless Steels Effect of Joint Design and Welding Procedure on Submerged Arc Welding Melt-off Rates GMAW Power Measurements according to ASME Requirements Evaluation of Dissimilar Metal Electro-spark Deposition Combinations Tungsten Electrode Comparison Power Ratio Control on Dilution and Cracking of Nibase Filler Metals Guidance for Shielding Gas Selection for GMAW of Steels Narrow Groove GTAW Argon Flood Cup Study Evaluating Use of Strip Electrodes for Submerged Arc Bulk Welding Comparison of Constant Current and Constant Voltage Power Supplies for Shielded Flux Cored Arc Welding Sponsor MSE Department OSU and Univ. of Pretoria (South Africa) Lincoln Electric EuroWeld/EPRI EWI Babcock & Wilcox EPRI John Deere WEC Welding and Machining Euroweld Lincoln Electric Co.



Weld Repair of Crack in Hastalloy-X Effect of Infrared Pre-Heating on Vibration Welding of Thermoplastics Evaluation of High Efficiency Advanced Tip Nickel Alloy Electrodes for Welding 9% Ni. Steels Large Diameter Electrode Wire Continuous Wire Feeding Joining for

Siemens EWI Panasonic Factory Solutions Lincoln Electric Company Southern Indiana Steel


Table 5.A-3 Advising sheet showing prerequisite structure of required WE courses.

Welding Engineering 2009-2010 Name: _________________________ New to OSU: ____________ YEAR 1 email: _______ ____Student ID: ________________________ @osu.edu WINTER Math 152.0X (Calc & Anal Geom) ..5____ Physics 131 (Partcls & Motion) ......5____ Engr 183.0X (Intro to Engr II) ........3____ Chem 125 (Chem for Engr) ...........4____ Math 255.0X (Diff Equat) .............5____ EE 300 (Electrical Circuits) .............3____ EE 309 (Electrical Circuits Lab) ........1____ ME 410 (Statics) .........................4____ WE 351 (Intro Weld Lab II) .............1____ GEC5____ WE 600 (Physical Prin in WE II) .......3____ WE 621 (WE Design) ...................4____ MSE 525 (Phase Diagrams) ...........3____ MSE 581.04 (MS Lab) ...............2____ SPRING Math 153.0X (Calc & Anal Geom .5____ Physics 132 (Electrcty & Magntsm).5____ En Graph 167(Prob Slv Prog Engr).4____ English 110.0X (1st Yr English Comp).5____ ME 420 (Intro Strngth Mtls). 4____ ISE 350 (Manufacturing Engr) .3____ MSE 205 (Intro to MSE)........................3____ GEC ..5____ GEC ...5____ WE 601 (Weld Process & Apps). . . . . . 3__ WE 610 (Intro to Weld Metallurgy). . . . .3____ WE 631 (Nondestructive Eval). . . . . . . 4____ WE 641 (Weld. Codes & Stds). . . . . . . 3____ WE 651 (Weld Proc Apps Lab). . . . . .1____ MSE 543 (Struct Transform). . . . . . . . . 3____ WE 692 (Capstone Weld Dsgn III)..1____ GEC ......5____ Technical Electives Phone: ________ _____

AUTUMN Math 151.0X (Calc & Anal Geom).. 5____ Chem 121(Gen Chem) ................ 5____ Engr 100.13(Engr Survey) ........... 1____ Engr 181.01 (Intro to Engr I) ........ 3____ Math 254.0X (Calc & Anal Geom).. 5____ Physics 133 (Elctrdynmc & Quant) . 5____ WE 300 (Survey of WE)................ 3____ WE 350 (Intro Weld Lab)............... 1____ GEC5____ WE 500 (Physical Prin in WE) ........ 3____ WE 550 (Physical Prin in WE Lab I).. 1____ WE 620 (Engr Anlys Dsgn & Simulat) 4____ MSE 401 (Matls Thrmodynmcs)...... 4____

WE 489 (Industrial Experience). . . . . . 1____ WE 611 (Weld Metallurgy I) . . . . . . . . . 3_ _ WE 661 (Weld Metallurgy I Lab) . . . . . 1__ WE 690 (Capstone Weld Dsgn I) . . . . . 1____ ISE 410 (Indstrial Quality Control) . . . . 4____ Technical Electives

WE 612 (Weld Metallurgy II) ...........3____ WE 691 (Capstone Weld Dsgn II) .....2____ WE 662 (Anys Non-Ferrous Hi All Weld) .. 1____ ISE 504 (Eng Econ Analy)...... 3____ GEC.... 5____ Technical Electives

Courses Printed in BOLD are taught only one time per year.

Please check On-line Course Offerings for availability of other courses.


5.A.7 Curricular Materials Available for Review During the accreditation visit, curricular portfolio for each required and elective course will be available for review. The portfolios include an ABET-format syllabus, an outcomes profile sheet that explains how the course relates to the ABET and program outcomes ascribed to it, the course notes used in lectures and examples of student homeworks and exams. 5.B Course Syllabi Appendix A contains a syllabus for each course used to satisfy the mathematics, science, and discipline-specific requirements required by Criterion 5. 5.C Semester Curriculum The university has a schedule to convert from a quarter calendar to a semester calendar beginning in Summer 1012. For most students, this change will have an effect beginning in Autumn, 2012. The change has its most direct impact in the curriculum of all university programs. In all cases, the policy of this conversion has been to avoid adding to deleting topics from classes to the maximum extent possible. As a result, the number of credit hours required to complete the WE semester curriculum will be 129, in a ratio of 0.672 to the current requirement of 192 quarter hours. The semester advising sheet are also shown below and the syllabi are shown in Appendix A. An important aspect of the quarter-semester conversion is the advising of students on their course selections through the transition period. The program has devoted considerable attention to this issue to ensure that quality and continuity of the curriculum is maintained for all students throughout the transition period. The there will be three cohorts of WE students who begin their undergraduate studies on quarters and then finish them on semesters. The advising sheets that show the sequence of courses for each of these student cohorts are shown in Tables 5.C-1-5.C-3. The final table 5.C-4 displays the semester curriculum advising sheet. These sheets can be compared with the quarter advising sheet in Table 5.A-3. As a policy, the conversions have generally been done with a credit hour ratio of 2/3 to minimize alteration of the degree of emphasis devoted to any particular subject. For the core curriculum, the 5 quarter, 25-credit math sequence MA151-MA152-MA153-MA254-MA255, which covered calculus through differential equations is replaced with a 14-hour sequence MA1151-MA1152-MA2177 which covers the same subjects with a slight decrease of the MA254 and MA255 topics. The 3-quarter, 15-credit physics sequence PH131-PH132-PH133 is exactly replaced with the 2 semester, 10-credit sequence PH1131-PH1132. For the welding engineering curriculum, the 3-quarter, 10-credit process sequence WE500/550, WE600, WE601 is replaced by the two semester, 8-hour WE4001-WE4002, both of which include laboratory sections. The 2 quarter, 8-credit design sequence WE620-WE621 is replaced by the 2 semester, 7-credit sequence WE4201 WE4202. This expansion is hours is justified since the design course sequence has been overcrowded with topics since it was decreased from a 3-quarter sequence some years ago. The welding metallurgy courses were 51

converted from the 3-quarter, 11-credit the WE610-WE611/611-WE612/662 sequence is converted to a 2-semester, 8-credit sequence WE4101/4611-WE4012/4612.

Table 5.C-1 Advising sheet for students entering Au09


Table 5.C-2 Advising sheet for students entering Au10


Table 5.C-3 Advising sheet for students entering Au11


Table 5.C-4 Semester advising sheet for students entering Au12 and later


Table 5-1 Curriculum Welding Engineering

Indicate Whether Course is Required, Elective or a Selected Elective by an R, an E or an SE.2 Curricular Area (Credit Hours) Engineering Topics Check if Contains Significant General Design () Education Last Two Terms the Course was Offered: Year and, Semester, or Quarter Average Section Enrollment for the Last Two Terms the Course was Offered1

Course (Department, Number, Title) List all courses in the program by term starting with first term of first year and ending with the last term of the final year.

Math & Basic Sciences


1; Autumn Math 151.0x Calc and Anal Geom Chem 121 General Chemistry Engr 100.13 Engineering Survey Engr 181.0x Intro to Engineering I 1; Winter Math 152.0x Calc and Anal Geom Physics 131 Int Phys: Part and Mot Chem 125 Chem for Engineers Engr 183 Intro to Engineering II 1; Spring Math 153.0x Calc and Anal Geom Physics 132 Int Phys: Elec and Mag EG 167 Prob Solv thru Prog Engl 110 First Year Engl Comp 2; Autumn Math 254.0x Calc and Anal Geom Physics 133 Int Phys: Therm Phys, Waves and Quan Phys WE 300 Introduction to Weld. Eng. WE 350 Introductory Weld Lab I GEC


5 5 1 3 ( ) 5 5 4 3 ( ) 5 5 4 ( ) 5 5 5 3 1 5 56 AU 11,WI 11 19 AU 11,WI 11 15

2; Winter

Math 255.0x Ord Diff Eqns EE 300 Electrical Circuits EE 309 Elec Circuits Lab ME 410 Intro to Solid Mech WE 351 Intro to Weld Lab I GEC 2; Spring ME 420 Strength of Materials ISE 350 Manufacturing Processes Eng. MSE 205 Intro to MSE GEC GEC 3; Autumn WE 500 Principles of Arc Welding Systems WE 550 Principles of Arc Welding Systems Lab MSE 401 Materials Thermo WE 620 Engineering Analysis for Design and Simulation 3; Winter MSE 525 Phase Diagrams MSE 581.04 Materials Lab WE 600 Physics of Welding WE 621 Welding Engineering Design 3; Spring WE 610 Introduction to Welding Metallurgy WE 601 Welding Process & Applications WE 651 Welding Process Applications - Lab WE 641 Weld. Codes and Standards WE 631 Nondestructive Evaluation MSE 543 Mater. Structures Transformations 4; Autumn WE 611 Welding Metallurgy I WE 661 Welding Metallurgy I - Lab WE 489 Industrial Experience WE 690 Capstone Welding Design I ISE 410 Industrial Quality Control


5 3 1 ( ) 4 1 5 4 3 3 5 5 3 1 4 4 () 3 2 () 3 4 () 3 3() 1 3 () 4 3 3 1 1 1 () 4 AU09, AU10 28 AU09, AU10 28

AU 11, WI11 8



SP10, SP11 38 SP 09, SP 10 42

AU09, AU10 38 AU09, AU10 29 AU09, AU10 29 57

4; Winter

4; Spring

Technical Electives WE 612 Welding Metallurgy II WE 662 Welding Metallurgy II - Lab ISE 504 Engineering Economics WE 691 Capstone Welding Design II GEC Technical Electives WE 692 Capstone Welding Design III GEC Technical Electives


6 3 1 3 2 () 5 5 1 () 5 3

WI10,WI11 WI10,WI11 WI10,WI11

38 30 28

SP10, SP11


TOTALS-ABET BASIC-LEVEL REQUIREMENTS OVERALL TOTAL CREDIT HOURS FOR THE DEGREE PERCENT OF TOTAL Total must satisfy either credit hours or percentage Minimum Quarter Credit Hours Minimum Percentage

49 193



32 Hours 25%

48 Hours 37.5 %

1. For courses that include multiple elements (lecture, laboratory, recitation, etc.), indicate the average enrollment in each element. 2. Required courses are required of all students in the program, elective courses are optional for students, and selected electives are courses where students must take one or more courses from a specified group. Instructional materials and student work verifying compliance with ABET criteria for the categories indicated above will be required during the campus visit.


Contents of Appendix A. WE Program Course Syllabi

Pre-Welding Engineering Common, Selected Core - Quarter Syllabi formats vary by offering department (credit hours in parentheses) . Math 151 (5) Calculus and Analytic Geometry Math 152 (5) Calculus and Analytic Geometry Math 153 (5) Calculus and Analytic Geometry Math 254 (5) Calculus and Analytic Geometry Chemistry 121 (5) General Chemistry Physics 131 (5) Introductory Physics: Particles and Motion Physics 132 (5) Introductory Physics: Electricity and Magnetism Engineering 181 (3) Fundamentals of Engineering I Engineering 183 (3) Fundamentals of Engineering II Math 255 (4) Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations Physics 133 (5) Introductory Physics: Thermal Physics, Waves and Quantum Physics Chemistry 125 (4) Chemistry for Engineers Engineering Graphics 167 (4) Problem Solving through Programming for Engineering Calculations and Computer Graphics EE 300 (3) Electrical Circuits EE 309 (1) Electrical Circuits Laboratory ME 410 (4) Statics ME 420 (4) Introduction to Strength of Materials MSE 205 (3) Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering MSE 401 (4) Materials Thermodynamics ISE 350 (3) Manufacturing Engineering ISE 504 (3) Engineering Economic Analysis Required WE Core Quarter Syllabi WE 300 (3) Introduction to Welding Engineering WE 350 (1) Introductory Welding Laboratory I WE 351 (1) Introductory Welding Laboratory II WE 489 (1) Industrial Experience WE 500/550 (4) Principles in Welding Engineering I/Laboratory WE 600 (3) Physical Principles in Welding Engineering II WE 601 (4) Welding Applications/Laboratory MSE 525 (3) Phase Diagrams MSE 543 (3) Materials Structures MSE 581.04 (2) Materials Lab for Welding Engineers WE 610 (3) Introduction to Welding Metallurgy WE 611/661 (4) Welding Metallurgy I/Laboratory WE 612/662 (4) Welding Metallurgy II/Laboratory WE 620 (4) Engineering Analysis for Design and Simulation WE 621 (4) Welding Design Principles WE 631 (4) Nondestructive Evaluation WE 690 (1)/691 (2)/692 (2) Capstone Welding Design I/II/III 59

WE Technical Electives Quarter Syllabi WE 602 (3) Fundamentals of Resistance Welding Processes WE 605/655 (4) Introduction to Weld Process Control WE 634 (4) Introduction to Ultrasonics WE 635 (4) Fundamentals of Radiography WE 656 (1) Robot Programming and Operations WE 701 (3) Solid State Welding WE 702 (3) Fundamentals of Resistance Welding of Materials WE 703 (3) Brazing and Soldering WE 704 (3) High Energy Density Welding Processes WE 705/755 (4) Advanced Welding Process Control Systems/Laboratory WE 706 (3) Welding of Plastics and Composites WE 707 (3) Adhesive Bonding and Mechanical Joining of Plastics WE 715 (3) Special Topics in Welding Engineering WE 740 (3) Fitness-for-Service of Welded Structures Pre-Welding Engineering Common, Selected Core Semester Syllabi Math 1151 (5) Calculus and Analytic Geometry Math 1152 (5) Calculus and Analytic Geometry Chemistry 1250 (4) General Chemistry Physics 1131 (5) Introductory Physics: Particles and Motion Engineering 1181 (2) Fundamentals of Engineering I Engineering 1182 (2) Fundamentals of Engineering II Math 2177 (4) Calculus and Analytic Geometry Physics 1132 (5) Introductory Physics: Electricity and Magnetism Chemistry 1250 (4) Chemistry for Engineers Computer Science and Eng. (2) Problem Solving through Programming for Engineering ECE 2300 (3) Electrical Circuits ME 2040 (4) Statics, Stengths of Materials MSE 2010 (3) Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering MSE 2251 (3) Materials Thermodynamics ISE 4200 (3) Manufacturing Engineering Stat 3450 - Statistical Methods for Engineers Required WE Semester Syllabi WE3001 (3) Survey of WE WE3010 (1) Intro to arc welding lab. WE3981(1) Industrial Experience in WE WE4001 (4) Physical Principles of WE I WE4002 (4) Physical Principles of WE II WE4101 (3) Welding Metallurgy I WE4102 (3) - Welding Metallurgy II WE4201 (4) Welding Engineering Analysis, Design WE4202 (4) - Welding Design WE4301 (3) Nondestructive Evaluation 60

WE4611 (1) - Welding Metallurgy I Lab WE4612 (1) - Welding Metallurgy II Lab WE4901-02-03 (2)+(3) Welding Engineering Capstone Design I,II, III. Required Non-WE (6 Credits) Semester Syllabi MSE 3141 (3) Structural Transformations of Metals MSE 3331 (1) Materials Laboratory I ISE3040 (2) Engineering Economics WE Technical Electives (9 Credits) Semester Syllabi WE4012 (2) - Resistance Welding Processes WE4021 (3) - Solid-State Welding - Joining WE4023 (2) - Soldering and Brazing WE4024 (3) - High Energy Density Welding WE4025 (3) - Robotic Welding Systems WE4302 (3) - Industrial Radiography WE4303 (3) - Ultrasonic Nondestructive Testing WE4540 (2) - Welding Production WE4595 (2) - Topics in Welding Engineering WE4606 (1) - Welding Robot Programming Lab


6A. Faculty Qualifications Welding Engineering is comprised of diverse technical areas of materials (principally metals and polymers), processes technology, mechanical design, nondestructive evaluation and quality assurance. The seven current program faculty members have similarly diverse educational backgrounds and experience as summarized in Table 6-1 and Appendix B. Broadly speaking, 3 of the faculty have specialization in welding metallurgy, 1 in polymer materials welding, 2 in welding processes and 1 in nondestructive evaluation. Five faculty members are tenured associate or full professors, 1 is a clinical associate professor and 1 is a research scientist. Most of the faculty members have industrial work experience prior to coming to the program and all have some amount of industrial consulting experience. All 7 faculty members have a PhD in a field related to their program specialization. Five faculty members hold one or more Fellow awards from technical societies that they are active in. The WE faculty have active industrial interactions. These may involve graduate thesis sponsorship and interactions through the Center for Integrated Materials Joining Science for Energy Applications but also often are related to undergraduate summer internships and senior capstone design project support. 6B. Faculty workload The welding engineering faculty members are all active in teaching, research and service. The data in Table 6-2 summarize the courses taught by faculty in the previous 2 years. The teaching load carried by the faculty is significant relative to college averages. The 5 tenured and 1 clinical faculty members teach a total of 11 required undergraduate lecture courses and 12 elective courses per year that are generally at the undergraduate/graduate level, for an average of over 3.5 lecture courses per year per faculty. The other courses listed in Table 6-2 are laboratory courses, non-lecture courses and distance learning sections of on-campus lectures. The associated teaching effort varies widely among these courses. For example, the enrollment in distance learning sections ranges from approximately 1 to 10 students per offering. In total, these 6 faculty members have grade responsibility for an average of just over 8 courses per year at the level of undergraduate or undergraduate/graduate. The expectations for faculty workload are for a balanced effort in teaching and research and a service workload commensurate with program needs. Because of the relatively small faculty size and the specialization of the WE faculty into their respective areas, the concept of providing reduced teaching responsibility in turn for research release-time salary contributions is not feasible. Consequently, course assignments do not depend on research activity or release-time salary contributions.

6C. Faculty Size The program has 5 tenured faculty member, 1 clinical faculty member and 1 research faculty member. By virtue of their research or industrial experience, the faculty members have qualifications in multiple areas and are able to teach all of the course topics that the curriculum 62

requires. The faculty members listed below in regular font are primary instructors in the labeled subject area and those listed in italics contribute to instruction in the subject areas by a portion of content in courses that they teach.
Welding Processes Farson, Phillips, Benatar, Alexandrov Metallurgy/Polymers Lippold, Benatar, Babu, Phillips, Alexandrov Welding Design Benatar Nondestructive Evaluation, Q/A Rokhlin, Benatar, Phillip, Farson

The number of Welding Engineering faculty is adequate for faculty to maintain close contact with the undergraduate students. While the MSE department has a full-time undergraduate student advisor with regular weekly office hours at EJTC, various members of the faculty are active in student advising. In particular, Prof. Babu advises the local student American Welding Society chapter and various undergraduate student activities. In past three years, such student activities have included a student NASA Moonbuggy race team and (in the 5 years prior to that), a NASA zero gravity flight experiment team. Other faculty (Farson, Lippold) have assisted students in fund-raising and fabrication of the moon buggy and the microgravity experiment. The currently-ongoing search for an assistant professor in the welding engineering area is soliciting candidates in one or more of the following areas: computational materials modeling, process modeling, structural design, structural integrity, fitness-for service, welding process technology, and welding metallurgy. The addition of this faculty member will bring the program clinical and tenured faculty number to 7. 6D. Professional Development Support for faculty development for assistant professors is built into the startup package. New faculty members are given reduced teaching loads with the expectation that they will use the time to establish their research programs. In addition, the department provides travel funds for professional activities (professional society activities, conferences, visiting potential research sponsors including industry, workshops, etc.). These activities are funded primarily from gifts to the department as discussed in section 8.B.1. Opportunities and funding for professional development in instructional technology are provided by the MSE department, the college through the Engineering Education Innovation Center and by the University, primarily through the Office of Information Technology. Examples of professional development activities sponsored by these organizations include on-line course website tool (Carmen) instruction, student information database systems training, audio/visual instructional tools and curriculum modification to facilitate integration of instructional technology. Attendance at professional meetings and conferences sponsored by various technical societies and organizations is individually funded by senior faculty members from their research projects of department discretionary accounts. Eligible senior faculty members are encouraged to take advantage of the universitys professional leave program described in section 8.D. All faculty members are also encouraged to participate in university sponsored teaching seminars and workshops. All are encouraged to 63

utilize the Office of Faculty and TA Development to improve classroom skill and the ability to effectively interact with students. These resources are available without charge. Consulting and other outside interactions with industrial entities is encouraged within the university guidelines. 6E. Authority and Responsibility of Faculty guidance of the program, and in the development and implementation of. Describe the roles of others on campus, e.g., dean or provost, with respect to these areas. The processes for the evaluation, assessment, and continuing improvement of the welding engineering program, including its educational objectives and student outcomes are controlled primarily by the program faculty members. A good illustration of the autonomy accorded the faculty in this regard is the distance education master of science degree. This degree was based on on-line curriculum materials developed by defense-related US government-funding won by faculty-lead proposal. Further curriculum development and computer technology implementation was subsequently supported by the college of engineering and by proposals to the university Office of Information Technology Describe the roles of others on campus, e.g., dean or provost, with respect to these areas. undergraduate curriculum of the welding engineering program


Table 6-1. Faculty Qualifications Name of Program Professional Registration/ Certification Years of Experience This Institution Highest Degree Earned- Field and Year Rank 1 Govt./Ind. Practice Type of Academic Appointment2 T, TT, NTT Level of Activity H, M, or L Consulting/summer work in industry L M M L M H L

Professional Organizations M M M M H M H

Boian T. Alexandrov Sudarsanam Suresh Babu Avi Benatar Dave F. Farson John C. Lippold David H. Phillips

PhD, Welding Engineering, 2001 PhD, Materials Science, 1992 PhD, Mechanical Engineering, 1987 PhD, Electrical Engineering, 1987 PhD, Materials Engineering, 1978 PhD, Welding Engineering, 2008




3 15 0 8 17 22

26 3 24 16 16 3

7 3 24 16 16 3

none none none none none Cert. Weld. Inspect., Prof. Engr., Internati onal Weld. Engr. none


Stan I. Rokhlin

PhD, Electrical Engineering, 1972




Professional Development 65

Faculty Name

FT or PT4


Instructions: Complete table for each member of the faculty in the program. Add additional rows or use additional sheets if necessary. Updated information is to be provided at the time of the visit. 1. Code: P = Professor ASC = Associate Professor AST = Assistant Professor I = Instructor A = Adjunct O = Other 2. Code: TT = Tenure Track T = Tenured NTT = Non Tenure Track 3. The level of activity, high, medium or low, should reflect an average over the year prior to the visit plus the two previous years. 4. At the institution Table 6-2. Faculty Workload Summary Program Activity Distribution3 Faculty Member (name) Boian Alexandrov Suresh Babu PT or FT1 FT FT Classes Taught (Course No./Credit Hrs.) Term and Year2 WE703/03AU10 WE489/01/AU10,WI11 WE611/3/AU10 WE661/01/AU10 WE694/04/AU10 (Joint MSE 794) WE701/03/SP11 WE794/03/WI11 WE999/01-18/AU0, WI11,SP11 WE620/04/AU10 WE620DL/04/AU10 WE621/03/WI11 WE621DL/04/WI11 WE641/03/SP11 WE706/03/WI11 WE706DL/03/WI11 WE707/03/SP11 WE707DL/03/SP11 WE740/03/AU10 WE740DL/03/AU10 WE793/01-15/AU10,WI11,SP11 Research or Teaching Scholarship 15 40 85 50 % of Time Other4 Devoted to the Program5 100 90


Avi Benatar







Dave Farson


John Lippold


David Phillips


Stan Rokhlin


WE793DL/01-15/AU10, WI11, SP11 WE999/01-18/AU10,WI11,SP11 WE500/03/AU10 WE550/01/AU10 WE600/03/WI11 WE600DL/03/WI11 WE605/03/WI11 WE605DL/03/WI11 WE655/01/WI11 WE704/03/SP11 WE793/01/AU10,WI11,SP11 WE999/01-15/ WI10,SP11 ISE999/01-15/AU10, WI10,SP11 WE610/03/SP11 WE612/03/WI11 WE662/01/WI11 WE690/01/AU10 WE691/02/AU10,WI11 WE692/02/WI11 WE300/03/AU10,WI11 WE350/01/AU 10, WI11, SP11 WE351/01/AU10,WI11, SP 11 WE601/03/SP11 WE651/01/SP11 WE695/03/SP11 WE702/03/AU10 MSE 581.04/02/WI 11 WE 793/01-15/AU 10, WI 11 WE631/04/SP11 WE635/03/AU10 WE681/01/AU10,WI11,SP11 WE732/03/WI11 WE795/10/AU10,WI11,SP11















1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

FT = Full Time Faculty or PT = Part Time Faculty, at the institution For the academic year for which the self-study is being prepared. Only classes with enrolled students are listed. Program activity distribution should be in percent of effort in the program and should total 100%. Indicate sabbatical leave, etc., under "Other." Out of the total time employed at the institution.


7.A. Offices, Classrooms and Laboratories Program teaching and research laboratories, graduate teaching lecture classrooms and faculty offices have been located in Edison Joining Technology Center (EJTC). This is a shared facility with the Edison Welding Institute (EWI), the largest welding and materials joining engineering consulting company in North America. The EJTC facility is located on the Universitys West Campus (connected to Main campus by bus service at six-minute intervals). Features of the west campus facilities include: - modern, attractive accommodations for the program and visitors (conference rooms, class rooms, and easy access/parking) - state-of-the-art welding and robotic equipment in teaching laboratories - undergraduate student study and computer lab space that is closely-integrated with faculty offices to encourage faculty-student interaction and provide a congenial atmosphere for student group study and interaction - shared use of very extensive Edison Welding Institute (EWI) facilities and equipment located in the same building (a brief description of EWI staff, facilities and research activities is attached) The program also has access to some faculty offices and a student computing lab on Main campus in the Watts Hall (home of the MS&E department). Most of the undergraduate classroom lecture instruction is provided in Watts Hall. EJTC was constructed in 1996 at a total cost of $9,000,000. The WE program occupies 32,000 square feet of the building (25% of the total). The WE program invested $600,000 in office and lab furnishings, equipment and furniture moving, utility connections and other expenses. The program functions and floor space allocations within the EJTC and Watts Hall facilities are summarized in Tables 7.A-1 and 7.A-2. Table 7.A-1: EJTC facility functions and space Function
common shop area research labs teaching labs computer lab faculty offices (full time, visiting, emeritus) grad student offices staff offices conference rooms class rooms student lounge areas service areas office - other

1 18 2 1 11 1 2 2 2 1 6 4

Floor Space
(ft2) 800 13022 5914 1330 1907 700 579 580 1344 277 1345 912


shared meeting room storage Total

1 1

2150 480 30539

Table 7.A-2: Watts Hall program functions and space

computer labs faculty offices (full time only) Total

1 4 (shared)

Floor Space
(ft2) 320 640 960

7.A.1 Teaching Lab Equipment A strong point of the EJTC facility is the excellent welding and robotic equipment in its teaching laboratories, summarized in Appendix C in Table C-1. Good relationships with welding robot and welding equipment companies have allowed the program to maintain the latest technology in teaching labs through donations and discount consignments. The large majority of the welding robotic systems and manual/semi-automatic welding systems mentioned below are at most several years old. The manual and semiautomatic welding systems which equip the 12 manual welding booths are replaced annually by Lincoln Electric on a donation and reduced-cost consignment basis. The Motoman Arcworld robotic system was recently consigned (in late 2010) to EWI in exchange for membership fees with a stipulation that it be located in on OSU side of the facility for easy student access. Equipment which is shared between research and teaching functions is described in the next section. We utilize the Board of Regents equipment fund every biennium and receive a varying equipment allocation based on faculty size and enrollment ($55,000 in the years 2005-2008). 7.A.2 Shared Teaching/Research Equipment A portion of the equipment that is used for education was purchased with research funds and is used primarily for research, but is made available on a part-time basis for teaching. The department is able to offer laboratory experiences in topics which do not warrant investment of program funds, but which nonetheless significantly benefit the students education. Relevant equipment is summarized in Table C-2 7A.3 Computer labs The program has well-equipped student computing lab facilities. A state-of-the-art Windows networked environment with large collections of engineering and general purpose software provide students the opportunity to become familiar with the latest engineering computational tools. The hardware (Table C-3) and software (Table C-4) are divided between a 70

main facility at EJTC and a secondary facility in Watts Hall building on Main Campus. Students have access to the computer facilities on a 24-hour basis seven days a week throughout the calendar year. The software packages listed in Table C-4 are available from any of the individual computer systems. They represent an array of engineering software, including computer-aided design, finite element analysis, general scientific/mathematical computing, general office computing and other packages. 7.B Computing Resources 7.B.1 Web Servers The program has access to three web servers where personal web pages and class web pages are posted. The web address dedicated to the WE program is http://www.matsceng.ohiostate.edu/weldingengineering. Faculty are provided with a default faculty web page on the MSE department server and assistance in creating and loading web page content. The university course management servers at carmen.osu.edu are used for on-line course management. All lecture courses offered by the program have on-line component on this server. These resources are also used extensively by the WE program primarily to support its Distance Learning Master of Science in Welding Engineering degree offering. 7.B.1 Computer Networking The EJTC computer labs computers are inter-connected by a Local Area Network (LAN) infrastructure as shown in Table C-5. 7.C Guidance in use of the tools, equipment, computing resources and laboratories In laboratory classes taught in the curriculum, this function is provided primarily by instructor or the teaching assistant. Laboratory classes where this type of guidance is provided include WE550, WE631, WE635, WE638, WE651, WE655, WE656, WE661, and WE662. WE350 and WE351 are the two classes where all undergraduate students are taught manual welding. This instruction if provided by an EWI welding technician, partially paid by the department for this service. In WE620, some lectures are taught in the computer laboratory so that students can use the computer software as it is being demonstrated on a computer projector. In the capstone course sequence WE690-WE691-WE692, guidance in the use of the relevant equipment is primarily provided by the EJTC Facility Manager Jennifer Conrad, the faculty member advising the capstone team or a graduate research associate that they may assign to provide this assistance. Since all classes in the curriculum are taught with materials displayed on a computer projector, the use of relevant software is readily incorporated into lectures. 7.D. Maintenance and Upgrading of Facilities The EJTC facility is owned by EWI and the OSU leases the portion used for the WE program. The building maintenance is provided by EWI. The WE laboratory equipment that is 71

not located in shared-use research laboratories is maintained by the facility manager Jennifer Conrad. As mentioned above, most of the manual welding booth systems are procured on reduced rate consignments and are updated periodically as the consignments expire. This ensures that the booths are equipped with up-to-date systems. The computer laboratory hardware is replaced annually or semi-annually and the software is maintained at the latest available version. This periodic updating is enabled by the technology fee which assessed to all students ($150 for undergraduates in 2008) in the college of engineering. 7.E Library Services OSUs multidisciplinary Science and Engineering Library (SEL) opened in 1993 houses the merged collections of the former Engineering, Materials Engineering, Astronomy, Chemistry, Physics, and Mathematics libraries. It is the largest subject-specific library of the OSU Columbus-campus libraries, which includes 10 other locations. The SEL has five stories and just under 70,000 square feet, seating for 1169 (including 8 reservable study rooms) and 115 public networked PCs, and 24x7 access 360 days a year. Staff assistance is provided 8am 11:30pm. SEL is on W. 18th Ave., within two blocks of all engineering departments located on main campus. The science and engineering librarys collection totals over 262,705 volumes (as of July 2009). Reference librarians (4.5) in SEL perform collection development; provide instruction at the desk and the classroom; educate patrons in the use of the electronic OSU catalog, OhioLINK (the statewide information system), various databases available through the OSU catalog and OhioLINK; prepare handouts and web links tailored to OSU services and collections, and give orientation lectures and tours as requested. Whenever possible, the teaching and development of information skills is integrated into the general curriculum (ex: design classes; Engineering Survey 100). Research and Internet Guides (such as Information Gateway, Net.Tutor, and Citation Style Guides ) are available on the OSUL website (http://library.osu.edu/sites/guides/). The Gateway lists resources by category, background, directories, current information, etc.) for a wide range of subjects; Net.Tutor is a tutorial on effective use of the web-based library information services. Librarians also assist users online thru email, Ask-a-Librarian, and an interactive Chat service. OSU participates in OhioLINK, a statewide consortia of 80+ academic institutions ranging from two year colleges to Research I institutions. OhioLINK features a central catalog, statewide lending and borrowing, statewide distribution of selected databases and electronic journals, and a statewide contract for purchasing of books. SEL is a popular pick-up and dropoff location for OhioLINK loans because of hours and location. An analysis of holdings among OhioLINK institutions shows that each institution has titles unique to the consortium thus each campus enriches resources for all others.



The following sections include descriptions of the processes that apply to the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, including the Welding Engineering program. The administration processes and institutional support are essentially the same for the Materials Science and Engineering program. 8.A. Leadership Administration of the Welding Engineering degree programs was moved from the Department of Integrated Systems Engineering (ISE) to the Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) Department during AY 2009/2010. Shortly before this realignment occurred, the Department of Industrial, Welding and Systems Engineering was renamed to be the Department of Integrated Systems Engineering. This name was chosen to be consistent with a shift in focus of that departments research and instruction away from welding-related activities. At the same time, the college leadership realized that the instructional and research interests, activities and leadership of the MSE undergraduate and graduate programs were better aligned with the WE programs. The Materials Science and Engineering Department has proven to be a good fit for the Welding Engineering Program and the program is flourishing in the MSE department. WE research activities are benefitting from faculty collaboration and the WE program faculty staffing has been stabilized. When the WE degree programs were moved to the MSE department, an agreement was made with the college to allocate 3 additional tenured faculty positions to the WE program. Subsequently, a search for a tenure-track faculty in the welding processes area was initiated and a clinical faculty instructor position was created and filled (David Phillips, Associate Professor-Clinical). The department chair, Rudy Buchheit takes an active role in the administration of the program. He convenes WE program faculty meetings at EJTC on a regular basis and has arranged for the department fiscal officer and the department undergraduate advisor to maintain weekly office hours at EJTC. 8.B.1 Budgeting The department's permanent budget is determined by the college of engineering. In general terms, changes in the permanent budget from year to year are relatively small and are guided by enrollment, number of students graduated, and research activity. In 2008, the WE program had revenues of $1.45M and a permanent budget allocation (excluding facilities lease costs) of $966K. After accounting for assessment for physical plant, research administration, student services and central administration, the WE program annual permanent budget allocation exceeded the amount calculated by the college budget model by about 10%. The entire MSE department permanent budget is required for faculty and staff salaries and benefits. The MSE department also depends on temporary funds to a significant degree. This includes research income (primarily release time) and development funds (primarily contributions from alumni). Funds for department expenses such as GAAs, supplies and services, travel, etc. are covered primarily from release time (discretionary funds created when 73

portions of faculty salaries are charged to research projects), current use development funds, earnings on endowment accounts, and a small amount of release time returned from the college. Department resources from permanent and temporary sources are adequate to operate the WE program. 8.B.2 Teaching support The MSE department provides a convenient mechanism through which adequate Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) support is provided for program courses. The department requires graduate research associates paid from separately-funded research projects to serve a minimum of one quarter as a GTA for one of the courses taught in the department. Part time instructors have been occasionally used by the WE program in order to balance faculty work load or cover areas where faculty expertise is lacking. Prior to being appointed as an Associate Professor-Clinical during AY2009-2010, D. Phillips was supported as a part-time instructor for one year by college funds. Also, the WE350/351 lab classes are taught by S. Manring, an EWI employee who is hired as a part-time instructor by the MSE department. The university Learning Technology office (http://lt.osu.edu/support/) provides resources and consulting support in the area of teaching and learning with technology. In particular, the eLearning Professional Development Grant program extends learning technology growth opportunities to individual faculty or departments to attend conferences, host speakers, and obtain new expertise. A forerunner program known as Technology-Enhanced Learning and Research (TELR) provided approximately $250,000 to support the development of distance learning curriculum and implementation of distance learning teaching technology by the program during the previous and current ABET cycles. The college of engineering provided additional funds of approximately $100,000 for this on-line course development. The College of Engineering funds proposals ($90,000/yr) from faculty and staff for pedagogies to enhance teaching and learning through the use of technology, through improved design of instructional spaces, and through individual professional development. Resources are allocated to faculty for support of their individual teaching and research programs via discretionary accounts. The discretionary funds allocation is returned from the department based on the amount of salary release time that faculty charge to their individual research projects. 8.B.3 Facilities In FY93 the college of engineering adopted a student computer fee that continues to provide stable on-going resources for computer equipment, software, and support staff. This funding provides us with state-of-the-art computer equipment. Computers are never more than 3 years old, software is kept up-to-date and students have 24-hour access 7 days per week. This has been a tremendous benefit to our instructional programs. Other instructional labs are supported through a combination of efforts. The WE program works closely with industry and state-of-the-art equipment is often placed in our labs on consignment or for lease at a reduced rate. We also compete for equipment funds from NSF and other federal agencies and utilize generous university office of research, college and department cost-share programs for equipment purchased on such research grants. The departments share 74

of these equipment cost-share programs is generally covered by returned indirect costs from research and development funds. It is significant that the university has allocated $365,000 per year for the operation and maintenance of the WE laboratories at the Edison Joining Technology Center. This figure includes $100,000 from the College of Engineering, $100,000 from the Office of Research, and $165,000 from the central administration. This investment in the program has made these worldclass facilities possible. Facilities are not a barrier to successfully achieving program outcomes and objectives. 8.C Staffing The department is blessed with excellent support personnel. An excellent full time academic counselor, aided by student assistants, serves both academic programs. A full-time administrator serves as the personnel and fiscal officer. An office associate, also aided by students, serves both graduate programs in the Watts Hall MSE office. Both the academic counselor and the full-time administrator have weekly office hours (approximately day per week) in EJTC to support the Welding Engineering program. A second office associate supervises student reception workers and handles the varied office tasks associated with the Watts Hall department office. The on-campus computer labs (housed in the complex adjacent to Watts Hall, designated a ECR6) and associated internal network are managed by an engineer who is a long-time employee of the department. The ECR6 computer lab manager is aided by a staff consisting of a full-time computer technician and graduate administrative associates. The computer technician has weekly office hours (approximately day per week) at EJTC to support the student computer lab and other program computing and network needs. The MSE department has a machine shop in the basement of Fontana Labs staffed by two full time employees and several student employees. The machine-shop facilities and personnel are available to support undergraduate and graduate student research projects on a fee-for-service basis. One full time staff member serves as the building and facilities manager for the Welding Engineering Labs. This person is responsible for installing and maintaining welding equipment used in the instructional labs. In summary, the department is well served by a loyal and capable staff. Additional support staff would be beneficial in several areas, but staff, or lack thereof, are certainly not restricting the potential of the department. 8.D. Faculty Hiring and Retention The processes for hiring of new faculty is maintained by the university Office of Academic Affairs. The recruitment of regular tenure track (RTT), regular clinical track (RCT), and regular research track (RRT) faculty to fill vacant positions must be based on a clear and sound plan for the programmatic future of the unit and college and on a realistic determination of the availability of resources to support the appointment. The dean of the college must give prior approval of faculty searches. This approval will be based at least in part on a determination that the above criteria have been met. Circumstances that suggest considerable caution in the recruitment of regular faculty include: declining enrollments inadequate resources to support the activities and professional development of current faculty 75

other major changes that could affect the need for faculty in particular areas of expertise All regular faculty searches must, with rare exceptions, entail a vigorous national search in addition to the internal posting. All searches must include serious efforts to achieve a pool of highly qualified applicants that includes members of underrepresented groups. The university remains strongly committed to diversifying its faculty. Units that lack women and minority faculty must make every possible effort to recruit qualified faculty in these groups. Regular faculty searches are conducted by a committee of department faculty appointed by the department chair. Search committees make recommendations to the chair following completion of the search process. On receipt of the search committee's report, the chair may recommend to the dean making an offer to a particular candidate, resuming the search, or canceling the search. 1. Describe strategies used to retain current qualified faculty. Tenure and competitive salary and benefits are primary means available to the university to retain current qualified faculty. In hiring faculty into probationary regular tenure track faculty positions, the OAA policy states that the unit should be firmly convinced that these persons, given their training and record to date, will successfully meet the unit's, college's and university's standards for tenure by the end of the probationary period. The The university Office of Institutional Research and Planning periodically conducts a university-wide survey all faculty about their experiences as members of the Ohio State academic community. This survey is part of a larger collection of data on faculty satisfaction, workload, and climate conducted by the American Association of Universities. Subsequently, the Ohio State University has been recognized in 2008 and in 2009 as one of the Chronicle of Higher Education's "Great Colleges to Work For." The university ranked among the top 10 large fouryear universities (over 10,000 enrollment) in three categories: "Overall Satisfaction with Benefits," "Health Insurance" and "Disability Insurance."

8.E. Support of Faculty Professional Development

The university Learning Technology office (http://lt.osu.edu/support/) provides resources and consulting support in the area of teaching and learning with technology. In particular, the eLearning Professional Development Grant program extends learning technology growth opportunities to individual faculty or departments to attend conferences, host speakers, and obtain new expertise. Travel for faculty development purposes is supported by the MSE department discretionary funds on a case-by-case basis. Discretionary accounts of individual faculty members may be used to support sabbaticals, travel, workshops, seminars or any other faculty professional development expenditures that fall within state and university policies. The Faculty Professional Leave (FPL) (commonly referred to as sabbatical leave) program is available to give faculty a period of uninterrupted time to invest in their professional development. FPL proposals generally emphasize enhancement of research skills and knowledge. However, faculty members may use an FPL for substantial investment in 76

pedagogical or administrative skills and knowledge when these are judged to be mutually beneficial to the faculty member and his or her academic unit. The college accepts applications for tenured faculty sabbatical leaves of duration of up to 2 quarters or 1 semester with no reduction on salary. Leaves of 3 or 4 quarters entail a reduction in salary of 1/3 over the sabbatical year. Leaves of 2 semesters will entail a reduction in salary of 1/3 over the 2 semester period. No more than 10% of the faculty in the program (corresponding to one WE faculty) may be on FPL leave at time. A similar faculty leave program called Special Research Assignment (SRA) is available to faculty for one quarter of leave. It is awarded to regular full-time program faculty members whose research may be effectively promoted by the award of the time. The assignment allows release from teaching of 2 or fewer courses for the quarter in question and salary is not affected. The FPL application process focuses in order on: (a) eligibility (faculty are eligible for sabbatical every seventh year of service). (b) the cogency of the argument being made for the benefits of the leave to the individual and the department.

There are no specific criteria for Welding Engineering degree programs. A description of how the program satisfies the general criteria is presented in the above sections.


Appendix A Course Syllabi

Quarter Syllabi Non-WE required - Quarter WE required - Quarter WE elective - Quarter Semester Syllabi WE required - Semester WE elective Semester Non-WE required Semester A2 A2 A33 A58 A83 A83 A124 A160-202

Appendix B Faculty Vitae Appendix C Equipment Appendix D Institutional Summary Signature Attesting to Compliance

B1-B21 C1-6 D1-19 E1


Syllabi Non-WE Required Undergraduate Courses

EN Graph 167 Problem Solving through Programming for Engineering Calculations and Computer Graphics Description
Solving engineering problems using computer programming; development of algorithms and program modules; solutions to major problems will be presented in an engineering report format.

Levels, Credits, Class Time Distribution, Prerequisites Level: UG Units: 4 Class Time Distribution: 4 2-hr cl and lab hours per week Prerequisites or Concur: Math 151 or higher. Quarters Offered Su, Au,Wi,Sp Intended Learning Outcomes This course provides students with a number of MATLAB and C++ programming tools and presents the basics of computer programming in a problem solving environment. Students will learn and practice fundamental computational skills useful to engineering students and professional engineers in many fields (e.g., introduction to managing variables, importing and exporting data, performing calculations, generating plots, and developing and managing files using computer applications). Time is routinely reserved for students to work in class on assignments. The instructional staff will move around the class, coaching students on approaches to problems, helping students to understand important concepts, and suggesting useful references as needed. Several class projects will be handed out that are intended to integrate and reinforce the concepts taught in the class. Representative Texts and Other Course Materials Text: MATLAB: An Introduction With Applications 3rd or 4th Edition Amos Gilat C++ Without Fear: A Beginner's Guide That Makes You Feel Smart - Brian Overland Recommended Items: Storage Medium USB flash drives Note: 3GB storage space on a network drive accessible by Remote Desktop from outside of class is provided by the FirstYear Engineering Program. CAD Computer Graphics Lab: In addition to your classrooms and labs, you will have access to the Hitchcock Computer Graphics Lab (HCGL) located in Hitchcock Hall Room 342. Representative Topics List Course Intro and Computational Science Array Creation Array Accessing, Strings Array Operations Linear Models Script Files Non-linear Models 2-D Plots A2

Functions Program Strategies Logical Expressions Conditional Statements Accuracy and Precision Loops Verification and Validation Representative Assignments Data Project Plot Project Parachute/Team Project Extended/Team Project Representative Grading Plan
167 Grading Summary Daily Assignments Projects Quizzes Exam 1 Exam 2 Final Exam Journal Entries % of Final Grade 20% 20% 9% 15% 15% 20% 1%

Relationship to BS Program Outcomes a b c d e f g ** ** * * ** * Course Coordinator: Dr. Lisa Abrams

k ***


ISE 504 Engineering Economic Analysis Spring Quarter, 2011 Su, Au, Wi, Sp Qtrs. 3 classes/wk 3 credits. Instructor Harry Pierson 246 Baker Systems [email protected] GTA Vikram Srinivasan ([email protected])

Textbook Blank, Leland and Anthony Tarquin. Engineering Economy, 6th edition. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2005. (ISBN 0-07-320382-3) Specific Course Information Catalog Description: Economic analysis of engineering projects and methods of operation; the analysis of public investments, and introduction to the analysis of engineering decisions. 504H (honors) may be available. Prereq: 3rd yr standing or concur with ISE500 or written permission of instructor; and a minimum cumulative pt-hr ratio of 2.00. Not open to students with credit for IndEng 504. This is a required course in the BSWE curriculum Specific goals for the course Engineering economics is a set of analytic techniques used in making decisions about the allocation of resources. At its core is a mathematical model of how the value of money depends upon when it is paid or received. This model, while universally applicable to all areas of personal and business finance, will be applied in the context of problems that earlyand mid-career engineers are typically called upon to solve. In much the same manner that an engineer applies the fundamental laws of mathematics and science to optimize quantities such as weight, power consumption, heat flow, stress, etc., students will learn to apply timevalue-of-money concepts to maximize the financial benefits or minimize the financial costs associated with engineering projects. This course is important in demonstrating the following ABET Educational Outcomess for the accreditation of your degree: (a) an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering (ABET 3a) (c) an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability (ABET 3c) (e) an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems (ABET 3e)


(k) an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice (ABET 3k) Grading Final numeric grades will be determined according to the following weighting: Midterm 1 25% Midterm 2 30% Final Exam 30% Quizzes 15% Course Topics Date 3/28 3/30 4/4 4/6 4/11 4/13 4/18 4/20 4/25 4/27 5/2 5/4 5/9 5/11 5/16 5/18 5/23 5/25 5/30 6/1 6/9 Subject Course Introduction Equivalence Equivalence Equivalence Excel Interest Rates Interest Rates, Review Worth Analysis Midterm 1 Worth Analysis, Rate of Return Analysis Rate of Return Analysis, Payback Analysis Payback Analysis, Break Even Analysis Sensitivity Analysis, Review Midterm 2 Depreciation Depreciation, After-Tax Analysis After-Tax Analysis Inflation University Holiday - No class Inflation, Review Final Exam (3:30-5:18) Ch 17 (skip 17.7-9) Ch 14 Ch 16 (skip 16A.1) Ch 7 (skip 7.5) & Ch 8 Section 5.6 Ch 13 Sections 18.1, 18.2 Ch 5 (skip 5.6 & 5.7) Ch 6 Appendix A Ch 4 Reading Assignment Ch 1 Ch 2 & Ch 3


1. Physics 131 Introductory Physics: Particles and Motion

2. Credits: 5 undergraduate credit hours Su, Au, Wi, Sp Qrts. 5cl, 1 2-hr lab.

3. Course Dr. Michael Ziegler Coordinator: Office: 1036A Smith labs, Phone: 614-292-2067 4. Textbook: Fundamentals of Physics by Halliday, Resnick, Walker, 8th edition (2008) Physics 131 Laboratory Activities & Worksheets, 4th edition 5. Course Major concepts of physics from a contemporary point of view; for Information: students in physical sciences, mathematics, or engineering. Pre-req: 1 entrance unit of Physics or Chemistry; and Math 151 and concur Math 152, or concur Math 161 or higher. This is a required course for Arts & Sciences Physics and Engineering Physics majors. It is required in the undergraduate WE curriculum. 6. Course Objectives: Students understand the basic facts, principles, theories and methods of modern science [a, e]. Students learn key events in the history of science [a, h]. Students provide examples of the inter-dependence of scientific and technological developments [a, e, k]. Students discuss social and philosophical implications of scientific discoveries and understand the potential of science and technology to address problems of the contemporary world [h, j]. 7. Topics Covered: Kinematics Static forces Dynamic forces Static friction Conservation of energy Momentum Rotational dynamics


1. Physics 132 Introductory Physics: Electricity and Magnetism 2.Credits: 5 undergraduate credit hours

3. Course Dr. Michael Ziegler Coordinator: Office: 1036A Smith labs, Phone: 614-292-2067 4. Textbook: Fundamentals of Physics. Halliday, Resnick and Walker 8th edition (2008). Physics 132 Laboratory Activities and Worksheets. 3rd edition.

5. Course Major concepts of physics from a contemporary point of view; for Description: students in physical sciences, mathematics, or engineering. Continuation of 131. Su, Au, Wi, Sp Qrts. 5cl, 1 2-hr lab. Pre-req: Physics 131; and Math 152 and concur Math 153, or concur Math 162 or higher. This is a required course for Arts & Sciences Physics and Engineering Physics majors 6. Course Objectives: Students understand the basic facts, principles, theories and methods of modern science [a, e]. Students learn key events in the history of science [a, h]. Students provide examples of the inter-dependence of scientific and technological developments [a, e, k]. Students discuss social and philosophical implications of scientific discoveries and understand the potential of science and technology to address problems of the contemporary world [h, j]. 7. Topics covered: Coulombs Law Electric fields Charge distributions Electric flux Gausss Law Electric potential Capacitors

Inductance Faradays Law Amperes Law The Biot-Savart Law Magnetic forces and fields Resistance Currents and circuits


1. Physics 133 Introductory Physics: Thermal Physics, Waves, and Quantum Physics 2. Credits: 5 undergraduate credit hours

3. Course Dr. Michael Ziegler Coordinator: Office: 1036A Smith labs, Phone: 614-292-2067 4. Textbook: Fundamentals of Physics, Halliday, Resnick, Walker, 8th edition (2008) Physics 133 Laboratory Activities & Worksheets, 1st edition

5. Course Major concepts of physics from a contemporary point of view; for students in physical Information: sciences, mathematics, or engineering. Su, Au, Wi, Sp Qrts. 5 cl, 1 2-hr lab. Pre-req: Physics 133 and math 153 or Math 162 or higher. This is a required course for Arts & Sciences Physics and Engineering Physics majors. It is a required course in the WE undergraduate curriculum. 6.Course Objectives: Students understand the basic facts, principles, theories and methods of modern science [a, e]. Students learn key events in the history of science [a, h]. Students provide examples of the inter-dependence of scientific and technological developments [a, e, k]. Students discuss social and philosophical implications of scientific discoveries and understand the potential of science and technology to address problems of the contemporary world [h, j]. 7. Topics covered: Simple harmonic motion Interference and diffraction Sound waves Electromagnetic waves Refraction Lenses and images Single and double slit diffraction Special relativity Matter waves Quantum wells


2. 3. Instructor: Office:
4. Textbook:

1. Chemistry 121 General Chemistry 5 credits, 4 cl, 3 lab hrs per week Dr. Spinney Lab Supervisor: Dr. Tatz 144 Celeste Labs Office: 280D Celeste Lab
Chemistry, The Central Science (Eleventh Edition), by Brown, LeMay, Bursten and Murphy

Lab Manual:

General Chemistry Laboratory Experiments, Volume 1 (2009-10), by Casey and Tatz

Lab Notebook: Prerequisite:

Student Lab Notebook, Hayden-McNeil Publishing, Inc. One unit of high school chemistry and eligibility to enroll in Math 150.

5. Course Information Chemistry 121 is a Physical Science course in the Natural Science category of the GEC. It is a

required course in the WE undergraduate curriculum.

6. Goals/Rationale: This course fosters an understanding of the principles, theories, and methods of modern science, the relationship between science and technology, and the effects of science and technology on the environment. Learning Objectives: 1. Students understand the basic facts, principles, theories, and methods of modern science [a,e]. 2. Students learn key events in the history of science [a,h]. 3. Students provide examples of the inter-dependence of scientific and technological developments [a, e, k]. 4. Students discuss social and philosophical implications of scientific discoveries and understand the potential of science and technology to address problems of the contemporary world [h, j]..
7. Topics Introduction, Matter, Measurement, Significant Figures, Dimensional Analysis ; Atomic Theory and Atomic Structure Modern View of the Atom, Atomic Weights, Periodic Table, Molecular/Ionic Compounds, Naming Inorganic/Organic Compounds Chemical Equations, Reactivity Patterns, Formula Weights, Avogadros Number, The Mole, Empirical Formulas, Stoichiometry, LR LR, Aqueous Solution, Precipitation, Acid-Base, Oxidation-Reduction, Solution Concentration, Solution Stoichiometry/Chemical Analysis; Light Waves, Energy of Photons, Line Spectra, Orbitals Atomic Orbitals, Representing Orbitals, Electron Configuration; Periodic Table, Charge, Size, Ionization Energy, Electron Affinities Metals, Nonmetals and Metalloids; Lewis Symbols, Ionic and Covalent Bonding, Lewis Structures, Bond Polarity and Electronegativity Lewis Structures, Resonance Structures, Octet Exceptions, Bond Strength, Molecular Shapes, VSEPR Model, Polarity


Covalent Bonding/Orbital Overlap, Hybrid Orbitals, Multiple Bonds, Molecular Orbitals, Second-Row Diatomics


1. Chemistry 125 General Chemistry 2. 4 credits, 3 cl, 3 lab hrs per week Lecture: Tuesday & Thursday 11:30 12:48 pm, EL 1008 3. Instructor: Office: 4. Textbook: Lab Manual: Lab Notebook:
5. Specific Course Information Chemistry 125 is a Physical Science course in the Natural Science category of the GEC, which has these goals and objectives:

Dr. Loza 280C Celeste Lab

Lab Supervisor: Dr. Tatz Office: 280D Celeste Lab

Chemistry, The Central Science (11th Edition), by Brown, LeMay, Bursten and Murphy General Chemistry Laboratory Experiments, Volume 5 (2010), by Casey and Tatz Student Lab Notebook, Hayden-McNeil Publishing, Inc.


Chemistry 121 or completion of Chemistry101 with a grade of A or Aand eligibility to enroll in Math 151.

Chemistry 125 is a required course in the WE Undergraduate curriculum 6. Goals/Rationale: Courses in natural sciences foster an understanding of the principles, theories, and methods of modern science, the relationship between science and technology, and the effects of science and technology on the environment. Learning Objectives: 1 Students understand the basic facts, principles, theories, and methods of modern science [a,e].. 2 Students learn key events in the history of science [a,h]. 3 Students provide examples of the inter-dependence of scientific and technological developments [a, e, k]. 4 Students discuss social and philosophical implications of scientific discoveries and understand the potential of science and technology to address problems of the contemporary world [h,j]. 7. Lecture Topic Gas Laws, Ideal Gases, Applications, Partial Pressures (Daltons Law), Kinetic Molecular Theory, Diffusion, Effusion Real Gases, Intermolecular Forces, Liquids, Vapor Pressure Phase Diagrams, Solid Structures and Bonding, Solutions, Concentration Solution Process, Solubility, Colligative Properties, Reaction Rates Rate Laws, Integrated Rate Laws, Arrhenius Equation, Kinetic Theory, Mechanisms, Catalysis Equilibrium Calculations, Reaction Quotient, Le Chateliers Principle Acid-Base Equilibria, Brnsted-Lowry Concept, pH Scale, Strong & Weak Acids & Bases, Salt Solutions, Acidity & Structure Lewis Concept, Common-Ion Effect, Buffers, Acid-Base Titrations Chemical Thermodynamics Electrochemistry


ENG 183.01: Fundamentals of Engineering II Description Team building, design/build project; project management, introduction to MATLAB, written and oral reports, preparation of visual aids, hands-on lab and reporting. Levels, Credits, Class Time Distribution, Prerequisites Level: U Credits: 3 Class Time Distribution: 2 class, 3 lab hours per week Prerequisites: 181 or 181.01 or 181.02 or 191H or 191.01H or 191.02H. Not open to students with credit for 182. Quarters Offered Su, Wi, Sp Intended Learning Outcomes The goals of this course are threefold: (1) to build on the skills you gained in 181, (2) to engage you in a quarter-long design/build project, and (3) prepare you for your advanced engineering classes and career. This course is divided into two segments: (1) Class Assignments and (2) Hands-on Laboratory. Representative Texts and Other Course Materials Required Materials: New Book (At OSU Bookstores) o MATLAB: An Introduction With Applications, 3rd or 4rd Edition, by Gilat, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ, 2008. ISBN: 978-0-470-10877-2 or 978-0-47076785-6 Books reused from 181 o Tools and Tactics of Design, by Dominick, et al., combined with excerpts from A Guide to Writing as an Engineer, 2nd Edition by Beer et al., Wiley Custom Services, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ, 2009. ISBN: 978-0-47073-241-0 o Technical Graphics, 2nd Edition, by Meyers, et al., Schroff Development Corporation, Mission, KS, 2009. ISBN 978-1-58503-395-9 o An Introduction to Autodesk Inventor 2010 and AutoCAD 2010, by Shih, Schroff Development Corporation, Mission, Kansas, 2003. ISBN 978-1-58503545-8. Engineering 183_01 Student Course Packet (*Purchase at campus Barnes and Noble*) o (includes Student Lab Manual and Student Homework Packet and a DVD of materials) Recommended Items: Storage Medium USB flash drives Note: 3GB storage space on a network drive accessible by Remote Desktop from outside of class is provided by the First-Year Engineering Program. Mechanical pencils, ruler (inches and metric)

Representative Topics List A12

Technical Graphics Computer Aided Design Programming in MATLAB Engineering Design and Analysis Project Management Ethics in Engineering Teamwork Oral and Written Technical Communication

Representative Lab Assignments The current design-build project involves constructing a working model of a rollercoaster; the labs therefore cover topics in basic physics such as: Various forms of energy and those that are useful in producing work Principle of conservation of energy Friction and other energy losses Use of switches and sensors in building an electronic speed-trap circuit for measuring the speed of a moving object Representative Grading Plan Class Activities: 27% o Daily Assignments/Quizzes: 17% o MATLAB Quizzes: 2% o Initial Paper Design: 8% Lab Activities 28% o Lab Memos o Lab Quizzes: 3% o Initial Project Schedule: 1% o Final System Set: 5% o Oral Presentation: 5% o Lab Notebook 4% o Final Written Lab Report 5% Exams (Class and Labs) 40% o Midterm: 20% o Final: 20% Team Work: 5% o Final Team Evaluation: 3% o Attendance: 1% o Journal: 1% Relationship to BS Program Outcomes (***: major contribution; **:some contribution) ABET Criteria: a b c d e f g h i j k *** *** *** *** *** ** *** ** *** Course Coordinator: Dr. John Merrill


1. ECE 300 Electrical Circuits 2. 3 cr. hr; 2 48 min. lecture and 1 48 min recitation per week 3. Course Supervisor: Charles Klein 4. Textbook: Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering, 5th Ed., Rizzoni, 2007 a. References: i. Schaum's Outline of Electric Circuits, J. Edminister and M. Nahvi ii. Publishers website for the textbook: http://highered.mcgrawhill.com/sites/0072463473/information_center_view0/ iii. Analysis and Design of Linear Circuits, 5th Ed., Thomas and Rosa, 2006 5. Specific course information a. Catalog Description: Introduction to circuit analysis; circuit analysis concepts and their extension to mechanical and thermal systems by analogy; electrical instruments and measurements. b. Prerequisites: Physics 132, Math 254, minimum CPHR of 2.00, and in Eng college. Not open to Elec & Cptr Eng majors. 6. Specific goals for this course a. Outcomes of instruction i. Students learn the basic laws of circuit theory. ii. Students learn to analyze simple resistive or dc circuits. iii. Students learn to analyze simple and ideal operational amplifier circuits. iv. Students learn to analyze simple sinusoidal RLC circuits. v. Students learn about frequency domain concepts and filters. vi. Students learn to analyze simple switching or transient circuits. b. Student Outcomes: ABET standard Student Outcome 3a 7. Topics (number of lectures) a. DC or Resistive Circuit Analysis (10) b. Ideal Operational Amplifier Circuits (3) c. AC or RLC Circuit Analysis (9) d. Filters and AC Circuits (6) e. Switching Circuits and Transient Response (2)


1. ECE 309 Electrical Circuits Laboratory 2. 1 cr. hr; 1 3 hr lab per week 3. Course Supervisor: Steven Bibyk 4. Textbook: A Practical Introduction to Electronic Instrumentation, 3rd Ed., Rizzoni, 1997 5. Specific course information a. Catalog Description: Accompanies and complements 300 by demonstrating the physical principles discussed there; use of electrical instruments such as oscilloscopes, voltmeters, ammeters, etc., are also emphasized. b. Prerequisite or concurrent: ECE 300 and minimum CPHR of 2.00. Not open to Elec & Cptr Eng majors. 6. Specific goals for this course a. Outcomes of instruction i. Engineering students outside the major learn the basic techniques of electrical measurements with instruments such as oscilloscopes, voltmeters, etc. (3(k)) ii. Students reinforce knowledge of basic electrical principles and analysis techniques taught in non-major circuits classes through hands-on experience. (3(a),(e)) b. Student Outcomes: ABET standard Student Outcome in parenthesis after each outcome of instruction 7. Topics (number of labs) a. Introduction to Oscilloscope (1) b. Introduction to DC Electrical Measurements (1) c. Introduction to AC Electrical Measurements (1) d. The Strain Gauge Whetstone Bridge: Measurement of Force (1) e. Introduction to Operational Amplifiers (1) f. Sinusoidal Frequency Response of Circuits Containing Energy Storage Elements (1) g. Op-Amp Active Filters (1) h. Step Response of Circuits Containing Energy Storage Elements (1) i. Introduction to Half-wave and Full-wave Rectifiers (1)


Math 151: Calculus and Analytic Geometry I Credits: 5 credits (Three 48-min lectures, two 48-min. recitations) Course Coordinator: Crichton Ogle Textbook and Supplementary Materials: Calculus: Early Transcendentals, Volume I, 6th OSU custom edtition, Stewart, 2009 Calculator Description: Limits, continuity, derivatives, Mean Value Theorem, extrema, curve sketching, related rates, differentiation of the trig, log, and exp functions. Pre-requisites: C- or better in Math 150 or Course Code L on Math Placement Test Required Course Course Goals: ABET Criteria: 3a 1) To master the essentials of Differential Calculus and its applications, and to develop the computational and problem solving skills for that purpose 2) To understand the basic techniques of Calculus, including the notions of limit and continuity, the definition of the derivative of a function, how to compute the derivative of a function, how to compute the derivative of any elementary function (polynomial, exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric, or any combination of such), how to determine maxima and minima, and how these techniques apply to real life situations Topics: 1) Exponential Functions 2) Inverse Functions and Logarithms 3) The Tangent and Velocity Problems 4) The Limit of a Function 5) Calculating Limits Using the Limit Laws 6) Continuity 7) Limits of Infinity; Horizontal Asymptotes 8) Derivatives and Rates of Change 9) The Derivative as a Function 10) Derivatives of Polynomials and Exponential Functions 11) The Product and Quotient Rules 12) Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions 13) The Chain Rule 14) Implicit Differentiation 15) Derivatives of Logarithmic Functions 16) Rates of Change in the Natural and Social Sciences 17) Exponential Growth and Decay A16

18) Related Rates 19) Linear Approximations and Differentials 20) Maximum and minimum values 21) The Mean Value Theorem 22) How Derivatives Affect the Shape of the Graph 23) Summary of Curve Sketching 24) Optimization Problems 25) Antiderivatives 26) Graphic with Calculus and Graphing Calculators 27) Indeterminate forms of LHopitals Rule 28) Newtons Method


Mathematics 152.01 5 cr. Calculus and Analytic Geometry Au, Wi, Sp, Su Prerequisite: Mathematics 151.xx with grade of C- or better. Catalog Description: Integrals, area, fundamental theorems of calculus, logarithmic and exponential functions, trigonometric and inverse trigonometric functions, methods of integration, applications of integration, polar coordinates. Objectives of Course: To provide students with a solid foundation in one-variable integral calculus. ABET Criteria: 3a Text: Calculus: Early Transcendentals, Volume 1 ISBN-13: 978-1-4240-6455-7 or ISBN-10: 1-4240-6455-4. , 6th OSU custom edition, by Stewart, Cengage, Alternate Text: Calculus: Early Transcendentals ISBN 0534393217. , 6th edition, by Stewart, Thomson, Topics List & Sample Syllabus 4.4 Indeterminate Forms and LHospitals Rule 5.1 Areas and Distances 5.2 The Definite Integral 5.3 The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus 5.4 Indefinite Integrals and the Net Change Theorem 5.5 The Substitution Rule 5.6 The Logarithm Defined as an Integral 6.1 Areas between Curves 6.2 Volumes 6.3 Volumes by Cylindrical Shells 6.4 Work 7.1 Integration by Parts 7.2 Trigonometric Integrals 7.3 Trigonometric Substitution 7.4 Integration of Rational Functions by Partial Fractions 7.8 Improper Integrals 8.1 Arc Length 8.2 Area of a Surface of Revolution 9.1 Modeling with Differential Equations 9.3 Separable Equations 9.4 Exponential Growth and Decay


Math 153: Calculus and Analytic Geometry III Credits: 5 credits (Three 48-min. lectures, two 48-min recitations) Course coordinator: Kenneth Koenig Textbook and Supplementary Materials: Calculus: Early Transcendentals, Volume I, 6th OSU custom edtition, Stewart, 2009 Calculator Description: Indeterminate forms, Taylors formula, improper integrals, infinite series, parametric curves, and vectors in the plane; vectors, curves, and surfaces in space. Pre-requisites: C- in Math 152 or 152.xx or 161 or 161.xx or 161H or 161.xxH Required Course Course goal: To provide students with a solid foundation in calculus covering such topics as infinite series, power series, Taylor theorem; planar curves; vectors, curves and surfaces in space. ABET Criteria: 3a Topics: 1) Sequences 2) Series 3) The integral test and estimates of sums 4) The comparison tests 5) Alternating series 6) Absolute convergence, and the ratio and root tests 7) Strategy for testing series 8) Power series 9) Representations of functions as power series 10) Taylor and Maclaurin series 11) Binomial series 12) Applications of Taylor polynomials 13) Curves defined by parametric equations 14) Calculus with parametric curves 15) Polar coordinates 16) Area and lengths in polar coordinates 17) Three-dimensional coordinate systems 18) Vectors 19) The dot product 20) The cross product 21) Equations of lines and planes 22) Cylinders and quadric surfaces A19

23) Cylindrical and spherical coordinates 24) Vector functions and space curves 25) Derivatives and integrals of vector functions 26) Arc length and curvature


Math 254: Calculus and Analytic Geometry IV Credits: 5 credits (Three 48-min. lectures, two 48-min. recitations) Course coordinator: Kenneth Koenig Textbook and Supplementary Materials: Calculus: Early Transcendentals, Volume I, 6th OSU custom edtition, Stewart, 2009 Calculator Description: Partial differentiation, Lagrange multipliers, multiple integrals, line integrals, and Greens theorem Pre-requisites: Math 153.01 Required Course Course goal: To provide students with a solid foundation in calculus. ABET Criteria: 3a Topics: Functions of several variables Limits and continuity Partial derivatives Tangent planes and linear approximation The chain rule Directional derivatives and the gradient vector Maximum and minimum values Lagrange multipliers Double integrals over rectangles; Iterated integrals Double integrals over general regions Double integrals in polar coordinates Triple integrals Triple integrals in cylindrical coordinates Triple integrals in spherical coordinates Vector fields Line integrals Fundamental theorem for line integrals Greens theorem Curl and Divergence Parametric surfaces and their areas Surface integrals Stokes theorem and the divergence theorem


MSE 205-Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering (Required) offered every quarter
Catalog Data: Structure, processing, properties, and applications of metals, ceramics, polymers, and composite materials. Su, Au, Wi, Sp Qtr. 3 1-hr lectures, 1-1hr recitation. Math 141 or 151 or 161; Physics 131; Chem 121 or Chem H201 3-48 minute lectures per week 1-48 minute recitation per week (optional) Apply knowledge of math, elementary physics, and introductory chemistry to understand structures, processing methods, and resulting properties of engineering materials. ABET Criteria: 3 (a, e, h, j, k) W.D. Callister, Jr., Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction (7th ed), Wiley and Sons, 2007. Student Learning Resources CD-ROM See detailed list appended. 25% weekly quizzes (based on homework), 50% midterms (2), 25% final (1).

Prerequisites: Time and Place: Objectives:


Topics: Grading Plan:

Laboratory Projects: None Professional Component Content: Engineering Science: 2.5 credits or 83% Engineering Design: 0.5 credits or 17% Design Component Content: In lectures and in assigned homework, students learn how to (1) determine thermal and mechanical processing that achieve particular structures and properties, (2) determine needed material properties to meet an engineering requirement, and (3) select materials that meet or exceed required properties. Relation to Program Objectives: 1. This course applies basic science and engineering concepts to materials engineering and therefore is integral to ABET Outcome 3(a). 2. This course provides examples of the relationship between microstructure, properties and processing of materials and therefore is integral to ABET Outcome 3(c,e). Updated by: P.M. Anderson


Lecture Topics
Each bulleted item comprises approximately one lecture General Introduction. Types of atomic bonding and the relation to properties. Comparison of densities of material Engineering stress and engineering strain; stress-strain testing, linear elastic moduli. Plastic (permanent) deformation, yield strength, tensile strength, ductility, toughness, hardness, hardening, design/safety factors. Dislocations and strengthening; plastic strengthening due to grain size reduction and alloying. Plastic strengthening due to precipitation and due to work hardening. estimate of %cold work on yield strength, tensile strength, and ductility. Recovery, recrystallization, and grain growth due to heating after cold work. Ductile vs brittle failure and case examples; features of fracture surfaces. Role of flaws, stress concentration factors, fracture toughness; estimates of critical stress (load) for fracture. Effect of loading rate and temperature. Fatigue and fatigue design parameters; improving fatigue life; creep and creep failure. Phase diagrams. Solubility limit, components and phases, estimates of number and types of phases, phase composition, and weight fraction of phases. Cooling in a Cu-Ni binary; mechanical properties versus composition and structure. Eutectic systems; eutectoid systems (steel). Phase transformations and kinetics. TTT diagrams for eutectoid steels. tempering martensite; processing options for steels. Taxonomy of metals; precipitation hardening; metal fabrication methods. Bonding in ceramic materials; predicting the structure of ceramics with ionic bonding; defects in ceramics; methods to measure elastic moduli, strength, and elevated temperature response. Applications and processing of ceramics; ceramic fabrication methods; glass structure, properties, and heat treatment. Polymer microstructure, molecular weight and crystallinity; tensile response of thermosets, thermoplastics, and elastomers; predeformation by drawing; time-dependent deformation. Composite materials and classifications; estimates of elastic moduli and strength; benefits of composites such as specific properties. The cost of corrosion, standard EMF tests, galvanic series, forms of corrosion; controlling corrosion. Electrical conduction; comparison of conductivities; insulators, semiconductors, and metals; estimating conductivity versus composition in an alloy; conductivity versus temperature in a metal versus a semiconductor; doping. Heat capacity, thermal expansion coefficient, and thermal conductivity of materials; thermal stress; thermal shock resistance. Response of a material to an applied magnetic field; types of magnetism; magnetic susceptibility; permanent magnets; magnetic storage. Light interaction with solids; absorption, transmission, and reflection in metals and nonmetals; color of nonmetals; applications to luminescence, photoconductivity, solar cells, fiber optics. Price and availability of materials; relative cost of materials; optimization for stiff/light and strong/light members in tension, tornsion, and bending. Stiff/cheap and stong/cheap members. Material property database (on CD-ROM); use in materials selection.


MATSCEN 581.04 Materials Science and Engineering Laboratory for Welding Engineering Credits 2 credit hours Instructor David Phillips, Associate Professor of Practice Office: 114 Edison Joining Technology Center Phone: 614-292-1974 Email: [email protected] Required Materials Course Information: None required Laboratory experiments related to materials characterization and properties for Welding Engineering Students. Development of technical writing skills WI Qtr., 1 lecture, 1 lab, Prerequisites: MSE 205 and 3rd yr engineering standing, MSE 525 (conc.) This is a required class for BSWE majors

Contribution to ABET and Program Learning Outcomes: Students should have: (a) an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering (1) (b) an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data (1) (c) an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs (3) (e) an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems (2) (g) an ability to communicate effectively (1) (i) a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning (2) (k) an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice. (2) WELDENG (L) an ability to select and design welding materials, processes and inspection techniques based on application, fabrication and service conditions (2) WELDENG (m) an ability to develop welding procedures that specify materials, processes, design and inspection requirement (3) Degree of contribution: (1): major (2): some (3): small Topics: (Hours) Metallography (7.0) Heat Treatment and Welding of Steels (8.0) Casting of Aluminum (5.0) Analysis of Steel Weldment Fusion Zone (3.0) Technical Writing (9.0)


MSE 525 Phase Diagrams

Catalog Data: Phase diagrams of unary, binary, and ternary materials systems; thermodynamics and applications. Prerequisites: 4th year standing in engineering or permission of instructor. MSE 401 or equivalent. Not open to students with credit for MSE 521.01. Time and Place: Winter quarter. 3-48 minute lectures per week Objectives: Provide students with a working knowledge of how to read phase diagrams and use them to solve problems involving alloy and process design. Meet ABET Criteria 3 Outcomes a, e, i, j, and k. Textbook: F. N. Rhines, Phase Diagrams in Metallurgy (McGraw-Hill, 1956, New York). Other supplemental reading will be provided. Topics: See detailed list appended. Grading Plan: 20% homework (8), 35% midterm (1), 45% final (1). Professional Component content: Engineering Science: 2.5 credits or 83%. Engineering Design: 0.5 credits or 17%. Design Component content: Students learn to apply principles of phase diagrams to the design of alloys and material processes that involve multicomponent systems. Lecture Topics Each bulleted item comprises approximately one lecture Review of phase binary diagram axes and analysis Applications Phase Rule, LeChateliers Principle Unary P vs T Phase Diagrams Invariant and univariant equilibrium, allotropy Thermodynamics, free energy vs. temperature Phase boundary slopes, vapor pressure Binary Phase Diagrams and types of solutions Equilibrium and cored microstructures Eutectic systems Eutectoid and monotectic systems, miscibility gaps Other phase diagram features Peritectic and syntectic systems Invariant equilibria classification Ternary phase diagrams and the Gibbs triangle Isomorphous systems 3-phase equilibria example system with 2 binary eutectics and 1 isomorphous Phase diagram topology and ZPF lines Classification of 4-phase, invariant equilibria Example system with 3 binary eutectics Example with 2 binary eutectics and 1 peritectic Example with 1 binary eutectic and 2 peritectics A25

Quasi-binaries Phase diagram division Representing complex ternary systems Higher-order multicomponent systems Important ceramic phase diagrams


MSE 543-Materials Structure III

Description: Principles of structural transformations in materials. Thermodynamics and kinetics of nucleation, growth, precipitation, and martensitic reactions. Prerequisite: MSE 342 and 525 or 542.01. Time Distribution: Three-48 minute classes per week Textbook: Physical Metallurgy Principles, R. E. Reed-Hill & R. Abbaschian, (PWS Pub. Co., Boston, MA 1994). Course Objectives: Ability to apply basic concepts of thermodynamics and diffusion to driving forces and mechanisms of microstructural transformations. ABET Criteria: 3(a) Understanding basic kinetics and morphology of nucleation and growth processes in solids. ABET Criteria: 3(a). Ability to apply concepts of transformation kinetics to practical microstructure-processing relations in materials. ABET Criteria: 3(a), 3(c), 3(e). Ability to find, interpret, and use material properties in computational models of transformation kinetics. ABET Criteria: 3(a), 3(b), 3(c), 3(e), 3(k). Topics: 1. Microstructures by Transformation: Examples from various materials classes. 2. Chemical potential, phase equilibrium, and driving force 3. Structure, Energy & Mobility of Surfaces and Interfaces 4. Interface Migration by short-range diffusion 5. Grain Growth vs. Polymorhpic phase growth 6. Diffusional Nucleation: Energetics & Kinetics 7. Crystal Growth and Morphology (Example: CVD Diamond) 8. Overall Kinetics of Nucleation & Growth Processes: IT- Diagrams. 9. Applications of N & G Kinetics, and Processing-Structure Relations in: 9.1 Solidification, Morphological stability 9.2 Glass formation and devitrification (Example: Glass ceramics.) 9.3 Annealing: Recrystallization and Grain Growth (Example: silicon steels) 9.4 Precipitation in Solids (Example: precipitation hardening) 10. Sintering of powders: Driving Forces & Mechanisms (Example: fully dense Alumina) 11. Nondiffusional Transformations Professional Component: 1.5 credit hours of engineering science and 1.5 hours of engineering design. Design component Content: Students must learn and apply the principles of phase transformations in solids to a range of important technological problems. Students are given and opportunity to develop their technical judgment and scientific insight though homework and exams.


ME 410 - Statics
1. Course Number and Name Mech Eng 410 - Statics

2. Credits and Contact Hours

4 cr hrs - 3x1 1/3 cr hrs Lecture, 1 hr Recitation

3. Course Coordinator

Daniel A. Mendelsohn, Assoc. Prof. of Mechanical Engineering Engineering Mechanics - Statics, 12th Ed. by R. C. Hibbeler, Pearson - Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, 2010

4. Text

5. Course Information (a) Catalog Description

(b) Prerequisites

(c) Course Type

Vector concepts of static equilibrium for isolated and connected bodies, centroids, inertia, truss, frame and machine analysis, shear force and bending moment diagrams, and friction. (Au, Wi, Sp, Su Qtrs.) Engineer 182 or 183 or H192 or En Graph 167 or H167 or Cptr/Inf 201 or Cptr/Inf 202, and Physics 131, and Math 254 (prereq or concur). CPHR 2.00 or above recommended. Not open to students with credit for H210 or 400. Required

6. Course Goals [Outcomes Addressed]: Our students will obtain: 1. Ability to determine resultant forces and moments and equivalent force/couple systems for a given system of forces and/or couple moments. [a,e] 2. Ability to isolate a particle or rigid body from its surroundings and draw a freebody diagram. [a,e] 3. Ability to write the equilibrium equations for a body given its free-body diagram and then solve those equations for unknowns. [a,e] 4. Ability to find forces at external supports and internal connections of structures in equilibrium such as trusses, frames, and machines. [a,e] 5. Ability to find internal forces in structures and to draw shear force and bending moment diagrams for beams. [a,e] 6. Ability to solve equilibrium problems involving impending motion at surfaces with Coulomb friction. [a,e] 7. Ability to determine geometric and inertial properties of solid bodies. [a,e] 8. Ability to develop a systematic approach to solving problems, including careful sketching, precise mathematical notation, and clear presentation of solution. [a,e,g,k]


7. Course Topics Topics Covered Number of Lecture/Exam Hours 1. 2D and 3D Force Vectors and Particle Equilibrium 4 2. Moment due to a force, Couples, Force/Couple Systems 4 3. 2D Rigid Body Equilibrium 3.5 4. 3D Rigid Body Equilibrium 3.5 5. Centroids, Area Moms of Inertia, Distributed Loading, Fluid Statics 7 6. Trusses, Frames and Machines 7 7. Internal Forces, Shear and Bending Moment Diagrams 4 8. Dry Friction and Coulombs Law 3 9. Midterm Exams 3 10. Total 40

Relationship to ABET-Accredited Program Outcomes: ABET and Program Outcomes Addressed: a , e, k Prepared by: Daniel A. Mendelsohn, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering


ME 420- Introduction to Strength of Materials 1. Course Number and Name 2. Credit and Contact Hours 3. Course Coordinator Mech Eng 420- Introduction to Strength of Materials 4 cr hrs- 3x64 min Lecture, 1 hr Recitation Daniel A. Mendelsohn, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering Mechanics of Materials, 8th Ed. By R.C. Hibbeler, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, 2010

4. Text

5. Course Information (a) Catalog Description

(b) Prerequisites (c) Course Type

Stress and strain analysis of structural components subjected to unidirectional and combined loads; vessels; beam deflections, Mohrs Circle, and columns ME 210H or ME 410, or EngMech 210H Required

6. Course Goals [Outcomes Addressed]: Our students will obtain: 1. Ability to use internal forces to model normal and shear stress distributions in frame and machine components under various loadings including pure shear, axial, torsion, and bending loading [a,e,k] 2. Ability to relate stresses to strains and use published experimentally determined material properties such as Youngs modulus and Poissons ratio [a,e,k] 3. Ability to analyze displacement or deflection and use constraints on deformation quantities to calculate forces on bodies supported in a statically indeterminate manner [a,e,k] 4. Ability to transform stresses and strains at a point between differently oriented coordinate systems [a,e,k] 5. Ability to size structural elements and determine allowable loads on components based on considerations of critical values of stress and factors of safety [a,e,c,k] 6. Ability to develop a systematic approach to solving problems, including careful sketching, precise mathematical notation, and clear presentation of solutions [a,e,g,k]


7. Course Topics Topics Covered Number of Lecture/Exam Hours 1. Review of Statics 1 2. Definition of Stress, Average Normal and Shear Stress, Allowable Stress and Factor of Safety 2 3. Deformation and Normal and shear Strain, Mechanical Properties of Materials, Hookes Law 3 4. Deformation of Axially Loaded Members (Statically Indeterminate and Thermal Loading Problems) 4 5. Torsion of Bars (Stress, Angle of Twist and Statically Indeterminate Problems) 4.5 6. Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagrams 1.5 7. Bending Stress in Transversely Loaded Beams 2.75 8. Shear Stress and Shear Flow in Transversely Loaded Beams 3.25 9. Stresses in Pressure Vessels and Combined Loading 3.5 10. Plane Stress Transformation 3.25 11. Plane Strain Transformation and Generalized Hookes Law 2.75 12. Deflection of Transversely Loaded Beams and Statically Indeterminate Problems 4 13. Buckling of Columns 1.5 14. Exams 3 Total 40 Contribution to ABET Professional Component: Distribution of hours Mathematics: Basic Science: Engineering Topics: 4 General Education: Relationship to ABET-Accredited Program Outcomes: ABET and Program Outcomes Addressed: a , e, k Prepared by: Daniel A. Mendelsohn, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering,


Materials Science and Engineering (MSE 401) Materials Thermodynamics

Catalog Data:

First three laws of thermodynamics; phase equilibria; reaction equilibria; solution theory; phase diagrams. 4 Credit hrs. MSE 205, Physics 132; Math 254, and Chemistry 121.


Time Distribution: Autumn quarter, 3 1-hr lectures, 1 2-hr recitation. Course Objectives: Introduce the fundamental concepts and the basic laws of thermodynamics, as applied to materials. Program Outcome (a). Apply the concepts of chemical thermodynamics to examine the chemical and phase stabilities of materials. Program Outcome (a). Textbook: Introduction to the Thermodynamics of Materials, by D. R. Gaskell, Taylor and Francis, 2003 (4th ed.) Introduction and stabilities of materials Basic concepts First law Enthalpy, heat capacity, enthalpy changes Second law, entropy, and entropy changes Free energy and free energy changes Stability diagrams and stability boundaries Thermodynamics of mixing Solution thermodynamics Phase equilibria Reaction equilibria Grading Plan: 3 Exams (25% each), Quizzes 15%, Attendance 10%

Topics Covered:

Professional Component: 4 Credits of Engineering Sciences Relationship to ABET outcomes: This offering is integral to ABET 3(a) as it applies basic science concepts to Materials Engineering, and ABET 3(c,e) as it provides examples of analytical relations between thermodynamic properties and experimentally measurable properties of materials.


WE Required courses


Credits Instructor

WELDENG 300 - Survey of Welding Engineering 3 credit hours David Phillips, Associate Professor of Practice Office: 114 Edison Joining Technology Center Phone: 614-292-1974 Email: [email protected] 1) WE 300 Lecture Notes, D. Phillips, 2011 2) Welding Essentials, 2nd Ed., Galvery, Marlow Principles of welding engineering including processes, design, quality assurance, and codes WI, SP Qtr., 3 classes, Prerequisites: MSE 205 This is a required class for BSWE majors

Required Materials

Course Information: materials,

Contribution to ABET and Program Learning Outcomes: Students should have: (a) an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering (1) (b) an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data (3) (c) an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs (2) (e) an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems (2) (g) an ability to communicate effectively (3) (i) a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning (2) (k) an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice. (2) WELDENG (L) an ability to select and design welding materials, processes and inspection techniques based on application, fabrication and service conditions (2) WELDENG (m) an ability to develop welding procedures that specify materials, processes, design and inspection requirement (2) Degree of contribution: (1): major (2): some (3): small Topics: (Hours) Arc Welding Processes (7.0) Non-Arc Welding and Solid-State Welding Processes (4.0) Welding Metallurgy (4.0) Welding Design (3.0) Weld Quality and NDE (2.0) Codes and Standards (2.0) Midterm exams (2.0)


WELDENG 350 Introductory Welding Laboratory I Credits 1 credit hour Instructor David Phillips, Associate Professor of Practice Office: 114 Edison Joining Technology Center Phone: 614-292-1974 Email: [email protected] Required Materials Hobart Institute of Welding Technology Training Manuals Item #EW-369 SMAW B and Item #EW-269 OAW Safety equipment - welding helmet with a #10 lens + a cover lens, gloves (light weight, heavy arc), green welding jacket, safety glasses, leather work boots Demonstration of a fundamental working knowledge of manual arc welding AU, WI, SP Qtrs., 1 class, Prerequisites: WE 300 (concur.) This is a required class for BSWE majors

Course Information:

Contribution to ABET and Program Learning Outcomes: Students should have: (a) an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering (3) (b) an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data (2) (c) an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs (3) (e) an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems (3) (g) an ability to communicate effectively (3) (i) a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning (2) (k) an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice. (3) WELDENG (L) an ability to select and design welding materials, processes and inspection techniques based on application, fabrication and service conditions (3) WELDENG (m) an ability to develop welding procedures that specify materials, processes, design and inspection requirement (1) Degree of contribution: (1): major (2): some (3): small Topics: (Hours) Shielded Metal Arc Welding Skills (18.0) Cutting Skills (8.0) Exams (2.0)


Credits Instructor

WELDENG 351 Introductory Welding Laboratory II 1 credit hour David Phillips, Associate Professor of Practice Office: 114 Edison Joining Technology Center Phone: 614-292-1974 Email: [email protected] Hobart Institute of Welding Technology Training Manuals item #EW-369 GMAW B, item #EW-369 GTAW B Safety equipment - welding helmet with a #10 lens + a cover lens, gloves (light weight, heavy arc), green welding jacket, safety glasses, leather work boots Demonstration of a fundamental working knowledge of semiautomatic arc welding AU, WI, SP Qtrs., 1 class, Prerequisites: WE 350 (concur.) This is a required class for BSWE majors

Required Materials

Course Information:

Contribution to ABET and Program Learning Outcomes: Students should have: (a) an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering (3) (b) an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data (2) (c) an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs (3) (e) an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems (3) (g) an ability to communicate effectively (3) (i) a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning (2) (k) an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice. (3) WELDENG (L) an ability to select and design welding materials, processes and inspection techniques based on application, fabrication and service conditions (3) WELDENG (m) an ability to develop welding procedures that specify materials, processes, design and inspection requirement (1) Degree of contribution: (1): major (2): some (3): small Topics: (Hours) Gas Metal Arc Welding Skills (11.0) Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Skills (11.0) Exams (2.0)


1. WE 489 INDUSTRIAL EXPERIENCE 2. Credits 3. Instructor 1 credit hour, classes as arranged for report discussions S.Suresh Babu, Associate Professor Office: 130 Edison Joining Technology Center Phone: 614-247-0001 Email: [email protected] None

4. Required Materials

5. Course Information Experience in an industrial organization and submission of an acceptable report on the work done. Su, Au, Wi, Sp Qtrs. Prereq: Permission of instructor. One qtr full time industrial experience or equiv part-time field experience. This is a required course in the Welding Engineering major 6. Course Objective This course is intended to provide the student with an opportunity to apply his / her knowledge in an industrial environment and to expose the student to conditions in the real world of industry.
Contribution to ABET and Program Learning Outcomes: at the end of the course, students should have: (g) an ability to communicate effectively (1) WELDENG(L) an ability to select and design welding materials, processes and inspection techniques based on application, fabrication and service conditions (3) WELDENG(m) an ability to develop welding procedures that specify materials, processes, design and inspection requirement (3)

WELDENG n(3) an ability to design welded structures and components to meet application requirement (3) Degree of contribution: (1): major (2): some (3): small 7. Topics (hours) The industrial work experience will be for quarter full time or equivalent part time

Prepared by: D. Farson, March 2011


1. WE 500/550 PRINCIPLES OF ARC WELDING SYSTEMS 2. Credits 3. Instructor WE500: 3 credit hours WE500: 1 credit hour 3 classes 1 3 hr. lab per week Dave F. Farson, Associate Professor Office: 116 Edison Joining Technology Center Phone: 614-688-4046 Email: [email protected]

4. Required Materials 1.) WE 500 Lecture Notes; Principles of Arc Welding Systems, D. Farson, R. Richardson, 2011 5. Course Information Study of the application of electric and magnetic principles in welding engineering. Autumn Quarter, 3-1 hour lectures/week (500), 1-3 hour lab/week (550) Prerequisites WE300; WE350; EE300/309 (may be concurrent) WE500 and WE550 are required classes for BSWE majors 6. Contribution to ABET Professional Component (Criterion 4): Mathematics and Basic Science - 0 Credits Engineering - 4 Credits General Education - 0 Credits Contribution to ABET and Program Learning Outcomes: Students should have: (a) an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering (1) (b) an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data (1) (c) an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs (1) (e) an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems (1) (g) an ability to communicate effectively (3) (i) a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning (2) (k) an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice. (2) WELDENG(L) an ability to select and design welding materials, processes and inspection techniques based on application, fabrication and service conditions (1) WELDENG(m) an ability to develop welding procedures that specify materials, processes, design and inspection requirement (1) Degree of contribution: (1): major (2): some (3): small 7. Lecture Topics (hours): Review of materials joining concepts (1) Welding processes (1) A38

Energy and power sources (1) Electric power (2) Thermal Processes (1) AC and DC circuits and analysis (2) Electrical measurements (1) Rectification (1) Arc electrical characteristics (2) Arc heat source characteristics (2) Welding arc control (4) Welding power source characteristics (4) Feedback control of power sources (2) Solid-state power control (2) Inverter technology power sources (2) Lab Topics (hours): Simple AC circuits and measurements (3) Electrical power and safety (3) AC circuit characterization (3) DC circuits and measurements (3) Inductance in electrical circuits (3) Manual arc characteristics (3) Power source characteristics (3) Gas metal arc characteristics (3) Solid-state electrical power circuits (3)


1. WELDENG 600 - Physical Principles in Welding Engineering II 2. Credits 3. Instructor 3 credit hours 3 classes per week Dave F. Farson, Associate Professor Office: 116 Edison Joining Technology Center Phone: 614-688-4046 Email: [email protected]

4. Required Materials 1.) WE 600 Lecture Notes, D. Farson, C. Albright, 2011 2.) AWS Welding Handbook, Vol. II, 8th Edition 5. Course Information Study of physical principles in welding processes. Wi Qtr. 3 cl. Prerequisites: WE500, ME 420 This is a required class for BSWE majors 6. Contribution to ABET and Program Learning Outcomes: Students should have: (a) an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering (1) (b) an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data (1) (c) an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs (1) (e) an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems (1) (g) an ability to communicate effectively (3) (i) a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning (2) (k) an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice. (2) WELDENG(L) an ability to select and design welding materials, processes and inspection techniques based on application, fabrication and service conditions (1) WELDENG(m) an ability to develop welding procedures that specify materials, processes, design and inspection requirement (1) Degree of contribution: (1): major (2): some (3): small 6. Topics: (Hours) Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (5.0) Gas Metal Arc Welding (6.0) Plasma Arc Welding (3.0) Heat Transfer Effects (2.0) Welding Deposition Calculations & Procedure Development (4.0) Heat Transfer Effects (1.0) High Energy Density Welding (5.0) Midterm Exams (2.0) A40

Credits Instructor

WELDENG 601 Welding Processes and Applications 3 credit hours David Phillips, Associate Professor of Practice Office: 114 Edison Joining Technology Center Phone: 614-292-1974 Email: [email protected] 1) WE 601 lecture notes, D. Phillips, 2011 Fundamentals, theory, and practice of Resistance and SolidWelding processes SP Qtr., 3 classes, Prerequisites: WE 600 This is a required class for BSWE majors

Required Materials Course Information: State

Contribution to ABET and Program Learning Outcomes: Students should have: (a) an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering (1) (b) an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data (3) (c) an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs (2) (e) an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems (1) (g) an ability to communicate effectively (3) (i) a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning (2) (k) an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice. (1) WELDENG (L) an ability to select and design welding materials, processes and inspection techniques based on application, fabrication and service conditions (1) WELDENG (m) an ability to develop welding procedures that specify materials, processes, design and inspection requirement (2) Degree of contribution: (1): major (2): some (3): small Topics: (Hours) Resistance Welding Processes (10.0) Solid-State Welding Processes (8.0) Equipment and Power Supplies (2.0) Quality Control (2.0) Midterm exams (2.0)


Course Credits Instructor

WE610, Introduction to Welding Metallurgy 3 credit hours, two 75 minute classes per week John C. Lippold, Professor Office: 136 Welding Engineering Laboratory, EJTC Phone: 614-292-2466 E-mail: [email protected]

Required Materials 1) Welding Metallurgy, S. Kou, 2nd Edition, Wiley and Sons, Inc. 2) WE610 Notes, Welding Metallurgy Principles, Copyright 2004. 3) Selected technical papers and readings. Course Information Application of physical metallurgy principles to non-equilibrium, thermomechanical conditions associated with welding. Required course for BSWE majors Prereq: MSE541, Phase Diagrams Co-req: MSE543, Phase Transformations Contribution to ABET and Program Learning Outcomes (a) an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering (2) (b) an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data (3) (c) an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired need (3) (d) an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams (e) an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems (2) (f) an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility (g) an ability to communicate effectively (3) (h) the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context (3) (i) a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning (j) a knowledge of contemporary issues (k) an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice (3) In addition, three welding engineering-specific outcomes defined by the program are: (l) an ability to select and design welding materials, processes and inspection techniques based on application, fabrication and service conditions (1) (m) an ability to develop welding procedures that specify materials, processes, design and inspection requirements (2) (n) an ability to design welded structures and components to meet application requirement (3) Degree of contribution: (1) significant (2) moderate (3) small


Topics (hours): Regions of a fusion weld (1.5) Regions of a solid-state weld (1.0) Weld solidification principles (6.0) The weld fusion boundary and unmixed zone (1.0) The partially melted zone of the HAZ (2.0) The heat affected zone (4.0) Classification of weld defects and discontinuities (0.5) Weld solidification cracking (2.0) HAZ and weld metal liquation cracking (2.0) Solid-state cracking phenomena (2.0) Hydrogen-induced cracking (2.0) Weldability testing (3.0) Weld metal fluid flow and penetration characteristics (1.0) Gas/metal reactions and porosity formation (1.0)

Prepared by: J.C. Lippold (4/15/2011)


WE 611/661 Welding Metallurgy I Catalog Description: Study of the metallurgy and welding of transformable steels. Level/Credits: UG/G, 3 credits lecture (WE611), 1 credit laboratory (WE661) Quarter/Time: AU Quarter, three 1-hour lectures/week, one 3 hour lab/week. Prerequisite: WE610 Course Objective: This course is intended to provide a basic understanding of the nature of iron and its allotropic forms and the effect of alloying elements on the solid-state transformation of iron alloys (steels). Heat treatment of carbon and low-alloy steels is discussed and related to the effect of welding thermal cycles on resulting structure and properties of steels in the heat-affected-zone and weld metal. Major emphasis is placed on microstructure evolution in the weld metal and HAZ and the relationship of microstructure to mechanical properties. Welding procedures, steel and filler metal classification systems are described. Weldability and weldability testing are discussed. The associated laboratory exercises are designed to support the lectures and demonstrate the structure and properties of steel as a function of welding procedure and heat treatment. Required Materials: Course Notes, Welding Metallurgy and Weldability of Structural Steels, NEMJET 2004 Reference Materials: 1. Linnert, Welding Metallurgy, Carbon and Alloy Steels, 4th Edition, American Welding Society, ISBN 0-87171-457-4. 2. Porter & Easterling, Phase Transformations in Metals and Alloys, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., ISBN 0-442-30439-0.

Contribution to ABET and Program Learning Outcomes (a) an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering (1) (b) an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data (1) (c) an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired need (1) (d) an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams (3) (e) an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems (1) (f) an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility (g) an ability to communicate effectively (1) (h) the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context (i) a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning (j) a knowledge of contemporary issues (k) an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice (3) In addition, three welding engineering-specific outcomes defined by the program are: (l) an ability to select and design welding materials, processes and inspection techniques based on application, fabrication and service conditions (1) (m) an ability to develop welding procedures that specify materials, processes, design and inspection requirements (1)


(n) an ability to design welded structures and components to meet application requirement (2) Degree of contribution: (1) significant (2) moderate (3) small Topics (hours): Introduction - What is Steel ? (1.0) Steel making and processing (1.0) Classification of steels (1.0) Review of Iron-iron carbide phase diagram. (1.0) Alloying elements in steel and hardenability. (2.0) TTT and CCT diagrams (2.0) Steel microstructures (2.0) Weld HAZ microstructures (2.0) Weld metal microstructures (2.0) Mechanical properties of steels (2.0) Selection of welding consumables (1.0) Fluxes and slags (1.0) Hydrogen in steel and measurement. (1.0) Hydrogen induced cracking. (3.0) Weldability (2.0) Weldability testing for hydrogen cracking. (1.0) Weld failure analysis techniques and fractography (1.0) Welding Fume (1.0)

Hot tapping (1.0) Case Studies (2.0)

Lecture Grading Midterm #1 30% Midterm #2 30% Final Exam 40%

Laboratory Grading Lab # 1 25% Lab # 2 25% Lab # 3 25% Lab # 4 25% Lab Teams consist of 3-4 students/team


Course Credits

WE612/662, Welding Metallurgy II and Laboratory WE612: 3 credit hours, two 75 minute classes per week WE662: 1 credit hour, 30 hours of laboratory John C. Lippold, Professor Office: 136 Welding Engineering Laboratory, EJTC Phone: 614-292-2466 E-mail: [email protected]


Required Materials 1) Welding Metallurgy and Weldability of Stainless Steels, J.C. Lippold and D.J. Kotecki, Wiley and Sons, Inc. 2) Selected technical papers and readings. Course Information WE612: welding metallurgy and weldability of stainless steels and nonferrous alloys. WE662: characterization of weld structures in stainless steels, aluminum alloys, and Ni-base alloys. Required course for BSWE majors Prereq: WE611, Welding Metallurgy I Co-req: WE662, Welding Metallurgy II Laboratory Contribution to ABET and Program Learning Outcomes (a) an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering (2) (b) an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data (2) (c) an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired need (3) (d) an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams (e) an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems (2) (f) an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility (g) an ability to communicate effectively (2) (h) the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context (3) (i) a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning (j) a knowledge of contemporary issues (k) an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice (2) In addition, three welding engineering-specific outcomes defined by the program are: (l) an ability to select and design welding materials, processes and inspection techniques based on application, fabrication and service conditions (1) (m) an ability to develop welding procedures that specify materials, processes, design and inspection requirements (2) (n) an ability to design welded structures and components to meet application requirement (3) Degree of contribution: (1) significant (2) moderate (3) small A46

Topics (hours) Introduction to Stainless Steels (0.5) Fe-Cr, Fe-Cr-C, and Fe-Cr-Ni phase diagrams (1.0) Welding Metallurgy and Weldability of Ferritic Stainless Steels (3.0) Welding Metallurgy and Weldability of Martensitic Stainless Steels (2.0) Welding Metallurgy and Weldability of Austenitic Stainless Steels (5.0) Welding Metallurgy and Weldability of Duplex Stainless Steels (2.0) Welding Metallurgy and Weldability of Precipitation-Hardened Stainless Steels (1.0) Dissimilar Combinations with Stainless Steels (1.0) Corrosion Behavior of Welded Stainless Steels (1.0) Welding Metallurgy of Ni-base Alloys (2.0) Weldability of Ni-base Alloys (1.0) Welding Metallurgy of Cu-base Alloys (0.5) Weldability of Cu-base Alloys (0.5) Welding Metallurgy of Aluminum Alloys (4.0) Weldability of Aluminum Alloys (2.0) Physical Metallurgy of Titanium Alloys (1.0) Weldability of Titanium Alloys (1.0) Alloy Selection (1.5)

Prepared by: J.C. Lippold (4/15/2011)


WELDENG 620 Engineering Analysis for Design and Simulation Credits Instructor 4 credit hours Avraham Benatar, Associate Professor Office: 124 Edison Joining Technology Center Phone: 614-292-1390 Email: [email protected]

Required Materials 1.) Lecture Notes, A. Benatar, 2010 2.) Laboratory Notes, A. Benatar, 2010 3.) Matlab, Student Edition 4.) Abaqus, Student Edition Course Information Fundamentals of engineering analysis of heat flow, thermal and residual stresses, and fracture and fatigue with applications to design and simulation in welding and manufacturing. Au Qtr. 3 cl. 1 3-hr lab Prerequisites: MechEng 210H or 400 or 410 This is a required class for BSWE majors Contribution to ABET and Program Learning Outcomes: Students should have: (a) an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering (1) (b) an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data (3) (c) an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs (3) (e) an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems (1) (f) an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility (3) (g) an ability to communicate effectively (3) (h) the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context (3) (i) a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning (2) (j) a knowledge of contemporary issues (3) (k) an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice. (3) WELDENG(L) an ability to select and design welding materials, processes and inspection techniques based on application, fabrication and service conditions (1) WELDENG(m) an ability to develop welding procedures that specify materials, processes, design and inspection requirement (3) WELDENG(n) an ability to design welded structures and components to meet application requirements (3) Degree of contribution: (1): major (2): some (3): small A48

Topics: (Hours) Lectures Introduction to Heat Flow (3.0) Introduction to Finite Difference and Finite Element Methods (4.0) Heat Flow with Moving Heat Sources (5.0) Introduction to Thermal and Residual Stresses and Distortion (3.0) Three-bar analogy (3.0) Residual Stress Measurement, Stress Relieving, and Distortion Control (2.0) Fracture (4.0) Fatigue (4.0) Exams (2.0) Laboratories Matlab Programming and Application to Heat Flow and Finite Difference (9.0) Abaqus Modeling of Heat Flow (6.0) Abaqus Elastic, Thermo-Elastic and Thermo-Elastic-Plastic Models (6.0) Ababqus analysis of Fracture (6.0)


WELDENG 621 Engineering Analysis for Design and Simulation Credits Instructor 4 credit hours Avraham Benatar, Associate Professor Office: 124 Edison Joining Technology Center Phone: 614-292-1390 Email: [email protected]

Required Materials 1.) Lecture Notes, C. Tsai, 2008 2.) Laboratory Notes, A. Benatar, 2011 3.) Abaqus, Student Edition Course Information Design fundamentals applicable to welded structures. Hands-on PCbased design laboratory. Wi Qtr. 3 cl. 1 3-hr lab Prerequisites: 620, 620 and EngMech 440 or MechEng 420 or 440 This is a required class for BSWE majors Contribution to ABET and Program Learning Outcomes: Students should have: (a) an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering (1) (b) an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data (3) (c) an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs (2) (e) an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems (1) (f) an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility (3) (g) an ability to communicate effectively (3) (h) the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context (3) (i) a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning (3) (j) a knowledge of contemporary issues (3) (k) an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice. (1) WELDENG(L) an ability to select and design welding materials, processes and inspection techniques based on application, fabrication and service conditions (1) WELDENG(m) an ability to develop welding procedures that specify materials, processes, design and inspection requirement (3) WELDENG(n) an ability to design welded structures and components to meet application requirements (1) Degree of contribution: (1): major (2): some (3): small A50

Topics: (Hours) Lectures Essential Elements in Structural Welding (3.0) Review of Torsion, Bending, and Buckling (9.0) Weld Sizing and Weld Requirements for Built-Up Structural Members (2.0) Design of Welded Plate Girders (3.0) Design of Structural Connections (3.0) Beam to Column Rigid Frame Connections (2.0) Design for Torsion and Tubular Connections (4.0) Design for Fatigue Loading (2.0) Exams (2.0) Laboratories Abaqus Structural Modeling of Torsion, Bending and Buckling (15.0) Abaqus Structural Modeling of Welds (6.0) Ababqus Structural Modeling of Plate Girders and other Welded Structures (6.0)


WE631 Nondestructive Evaluation Credits Instructor 4 credit hours 3 cl, 1 3-hr lab. S. I. Rokhlin EJTC-1248 Arthur E. Adams Dr., Rm. 132, Phone #: 2-7823. E-Mail: [email protected]

Required Materials WE631 Class Notes package ASM Metals Handbook, Vol. 17, 9th ed., Nondestructive Evaluation and Quality Control Laboratory Manual package Course Information Catalog Description: Principles of nondestructive evaluation and inspection of materials and structures for engineering plus laboratory experience with principles, equipment, techniques and interpretation of nondestructive tests. Prereq: 3rd yr standing in Eng or equiv with written permission of instructor. Safety related equipment and procedures required. This is a required course in the BSWE curriculum

Course Objective: This course addresses the main concept and aim of Nondestructive Testing of materials as applied to inspecting the integrity of different joints and structures. The course provides the theoretical principles of conventional NDT methods, and their capabilities and limitations. The course gives an introduction to other NDT techniques. The associated laboratory session is designed to demonstrate calibration procedures, performing inspection techniques and interpretation of indications received from different discontinuities. Contribution to Professional Component (Criterion 4) of ABET 2000: Mathematics and Basic Science 0.5 Credits; Engineering - 3 Credits; General Education 0.5 Credit Specific Outcomes of Instruction Students should be able to: 1) Understand the importance of different NDT techniques for structural integrity. 2) Understand the meaning of discontinuity, flaw and defect. 3) Understand the capabilities, limitations and applicability of each method. 4) Understand the physical principles of each method. 5) Know the different types of ultrasonic waves in isotropic materials. 6) Know how to measure ultrasonic velocities and how to determine elastic moduli of material. 7) Understand reflection and transmission of ultrasonic waves on interfaces between solids.
8) Understand reflection, transmission and mode conversion of ultrasonic waves at oblique incidence on an interface.

9) Know how to use Snells law and how to determine critical angles and be able to select an angle-beam transducer for an ultrasonic inspection. A52

10) Know how to use and calibrate an angle-beam transducer for weld inspection. 11) Learn ultrasonic inspection of welds. 12) Be familiar with different ultrasonic testing methods (pulse echo, throughtransmission, and different scanning procedures). 13) Understand X-ray generation. 14) Understand the basics of radiation safety. 15) Understand the importance of the X-ray tube current and voltage control on a radiographic test. 16) Know the different mechanisms of X-ray attenuation in materials. 17) Understand different features of radiographic films and the meaning of optical density and contrast. 18) Know how to use film characteristic curves and densitometer. 19) Understand the effect of different factors on the quality of radiographs like geometric unsharpness, scattering, and image distortion. ABET + WE outcomes (a) an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering (1); (e) an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems (1); (l) an ability to select and design welding materials, processes and inspection techniques based on application, fabrication and service conditions (1); (m) an ability to develop welding procedures that specify materials, processes, design and inspection requirements (2); (n) an ability to design welded structures and components to meet application requirements (2) Topics (hours): Introduction to NDT (1.0), Introduction to Ultrasonic Testing (0.5) Physical Principles of Ultrasonics (0.5) Reflection & Transmission of Ultrasonic waves (2.5), Ultrasonic Transducers (1.5) Testing Methods (1.5) , Introduction to Radiographic Testing (0.5) Generation of X-rays (1.0), Radiation Attenuation (1.0) X-Ray Films (1.0), Selection of Exposure Parameters (2.5) Factors Affecting Quality of Radiographs (1.0) Image Quality Indicators (1.0), Different Radiographic Techniques (1.5) Radiographs of Welds (1.0), Gamma Rays (1.0), Real-Time Radiography (0.5) Computerized Tomography, Compton Back Scattering (0.5) Introduction to Magnetic Particle Testing (0.5), Physical Principles (1.5) Magnetization (1.0), Liquid Penetrant Testing (2.0), Eddy Current Testing (1.5) Laboratory: UT (12.0), RT (9.0), MPT (3.0), LPT (3.0) A53

WELDENG 641 Welding Codes, Specifications, and Standards Credits Instructor 3 credit hours Avraham Benatar, Associate Professor Office: 124 Edison Joining Technology Center Phone: 614-292-1390 Email: [email protected]

Required Materials 1.) Lecture Notes, C. Tsai, 2008 2.) AWS D1.1:2002 Course Information Consideration of the welding requirements in a variety of industry and government documents including examples from the aircraft, automotive, maritime, piping, and pressure vessel fields. Sp Qtr. 3 cl. Prerequisites: 4th yr standing in Eng or permission of instructor This is a required class for BSWE majors Contribution to ABET and Program Learning Outcomes: Students should have: (a) an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering (1) (b) an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data (2) (c) an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs (2) (e) an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems (1) (f) an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility (2) (g) an ability to communicate effectively (3) (h) the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context (3) (i) a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning (2) (j) a knowledge of contemporary issues (2) (k) an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice. (1) WELDENG(L) an ability to select and design welding materials, processes and inspection techniques based on application, fabrication and service conditions (1) WELDENG(m) an ability to develop welding procedures that specify materials, processes, design and inspection requirement (2) WELDENG(n) an ability to design welded structures and components to meet application requirements (1) Degree of contribution: (1): major (2): some (3): small


Topics: (Hours) Essential Elements in Structural Welding (3.0) Review of Torsion, Bending, and Buckling (9.0) Weld Sizing and Weld Requirements for Built-Up Structural Members (2.0) Design of Welded Plate Girders (3.0) Design of Structural Connections (3.0) Beam to Column Rigid Frame Connections (2.0) Design for Torsion and Tubular Connections (4.0) Design for Fatigue Loading (2.0) Exams (2.0)


Credits Instructor

WELDENG 651 Welding Process Applications - Laboratory 1 credit hour David Phillips, Associate Professor of Practice Office: 114 Edison Joining Technology Center Phone: 614-292-1974 Email: [email protected] 1) WE 651 laboratory instructions, D. Phillips, 2011 Laboratory experience in engineering aspects of welding SP Qtr., 1 class, Prerequisites: WE 601 (concurrent) This is a required class for BSWE majors

Required Materials Course Information:

Contribution to ABET and Program Learning Outcomes: Students should have: (a) an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering (1) (b) an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data (1) (c) an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs (1) (e) an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems (2) (g) an ability to communicate effectively (1) (i) a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning (2) (k) an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice. (1) WELDENG (L) an ability to select and design welding materials, processes and inspection techniques based on application, fabrication and service conditions (2) WELDENG (m) an ability to develop welding procedures that specify materials, processes, design and inspection requirement (1) Degree of contribution: (1): major (2): some (3): small Topics: (Hours) Resistance Welding (10.0) Solid-State Welding (8.0) Arc Welding (5.0) Laser Welding (5.0)


1. Course
2. Credits 3. Instructor

WE690/691/692, Welding Engineering Capstone Senior Design WE690: 1 credit, WE691: 2 credits, WE692: 2 credits John C. Lippold, Professor Office: 136 Welding Engineering Laboratory, EJTC Phone: 614-292-2466 E-mail: [email protected]

4. Required Materials None 5. Course Information Capstone senior design course (3 quarters) Weekly meetings (~ 2 hours) Required course for BSWE majors Prereq: Senior standing in Welding Engineering 6. Contribution to ABET and Program Learning Outcomes (a) an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering (2) (b) an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data (1) (c) an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired need (1) (d) an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams (1) (e) an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems (1) (f) an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility (2) (g) an ability to communicate effectively (1) (h) the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context (2) (i) a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning (3) (j) a knowledge of contemporary issues (3) (k) an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice (1) In addition, three welding engineering-specific outcomes defined by the program are: (l) an ability to select and design welding materials, processes and inspection techniques based on application, fabrication and service conditions (1) (m) an ability to develop welding procedures that specify materials, processes, design and inspection requirements (1) (n) an ability to design welded structures and components to meet application requirement (1) Degree of contribution: (1) significant (2) moderate (3) small 7. Topics (approximate hours per student): Proposal development WE690 (20) Project execution WE691/692 (>100) Prepare interim reports and presentations (20) Prepare final report (10) Prepare final presentation (5) Prepare poster (5) Prepare project portfolio (2)

Prepared by: J.C. Lippold (4/15/2011)


WE Elective Undergraduate Courses


WE602 FUNDAMENTALS OF RESISTANCE WELDING PROCESSES Catalog description: The Fundamentals of the resistance welding process will be presented; distinctions made between variations in processes. Emphasis will also be placed on process systems. Level/Credits: Undergraduate/Graduate 3 credits Quarter/Time: Sp Qtr 3-hr-1 hour lectures recitations /week Prerequisities: WE 601 Course Objective: Students will develop an understanding of various resistance welding processes used in commercial manufacturing. An understanding of the process, power supplies, control (including microprocessor feedback control), and metallurgical variables will be obtained. Required Materials: Course CD and notes provided Lecture topics: PROCESS REVIEW & SAFETY (1 WEEK) SPOT WELDING (1.5 WEEK) Physics of Spot Welding Heat Balance Spot Weldability PROJECTION WELDING (1.5 WEEK) Projection Welding Principles Projection Physics Projection Weldability Solid Projections Projection Equipment Seam Welding (1/3 week) Flash Butt Welding (1/3 week) Other Processes (1/3 week) Process Selection 1/3 week) Systems (2 weeks) Electrodes and Tooling Cooling & Mechanical Systems Power Systems & Controls Stored Energy Systems Codes & Standards (1/3 week) Monitoring & Feedback Control (1 week) Process Modeling Industrial Applications (1 week) Prepared by: D. Dickinson, 4/17/2005 A59


2. Level/Credits: WE 605: Undergraduate/graduate, 3 cr WE655: Undergraduate/graduate, 1 cr Quarter/Time: WE 605: Winter, 3 x 1 hr lecture classes/week WE655: Winter, 1 x 3 hr laboratory class/week

3. Instructor

Dave F. Farson, Associate Professor Office: 116 Edison Joining Technology Center Phone: 614-688-4046 Email: [email protected]
1) WE605 Lecture Notes 2) WE 655 Laboratory Project Notes

4. Required Materials:

5. Course Information a. Catalog Description: WE605: Study of principles and practical application of control systems and control elements of welding processes. WE655: Experimentation with the applications of process controls in welding engineering. b. Prerequisites: WE 500, WE655 to be taken concurrent with WE605 c. This is an elective course in the WE undergraduate curriculum 6. Objectives Contribution to Professional Component (Criterion 4) a.) Mathematics and Basic Science 0 Credits b.) Engineering 4 Credits c.) General Education 0 Credit Contribution to ABET and Program Learning Outcomes: Students should have: (a) an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering (1) (b) an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data (1) (c) an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs (1) (e) an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems (1) (g) an ability to communicate effectively (3) (i) a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning (2) (k) an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice. (2) WELDENG(L) an ability to select and design welding materials, processes and inspection techniques based on application, fabrication and service conditions (1) WELDENG(m) an ability to develop welding procedures that specify materials, processes, design and inspection requirement (1) 7. WE605 Topics (hours) Process Concepts (0.5) Welding As a Process (2) Process Control Concepts (4) Logical/Sequential Control (1) Relay-Based Controls (4) Motors (3)


Transistor Logic-Based Control (5) PLC-Based Control (6) WE655 Topics (hours) Automated welding sytem operation (2) Relay logic introduction (2) Relay control of motor-powered manipulator (2) Solid state logic introduction (2) PLC programming (2) PLC control of motor-powered manipulator (2) Arc Monitor System Operation (2) Prepared by D. Farson (12/10)


WE634 INTRODUCTION TO ULTRASONICS Catalog Description: Ultrasonic waves in solids and fluids; ultrasonic generators and systems; physical ultrasonics; applications of ultrasonics. Prerequisites: None Required Materials: None Schedule: AU Qtr., 4 classes/week (Laboratory experiments are included) Course Objective: The course addresses the principles and application of ultrasonic evaluation of materials. It examines mechanical oscillations, the generation of ultrasonic waves, and propagation of elastic waves in isotropic materials. It covers mathematical modeling of one-dimensional wave propagation in materials. The interaction of ultrasonic waves with materials, and reflection and transmission of elastic waves at different boundaries are studied with the application of evaluating layered materials. Ultrasonic oblique incidence at interfaces and Snells Law are discussed. Other topics like Rayleigh, and Lamb waves and their applications to materials evaluation are covered. Topics (hours): Introduction and historical overview (1.0) Mechanical oscillation (1.0) Simple harmonic oscillation, damped and forced oscillations (3.0) Resonance, band width, quality factor (1.0) Generation and detection of ultrasound, piezoelectricity (3.0) Mathematical representation of wave equation (3.0) Wave propagation, boundary conditions (2.5) Reflection and transmission of ultrasonic waves at fluid/solid boundaries (2.0) Normal incidence, layered materials (2.0) Snells law and oblique incidence of ultrasonic waves at interfaces (3.0) Rayleigh wave (1.0) Guided waves: Lamb wave and its applications (1.5) Diffraction and scattering of ultrasonic waves by obstacles (2.5) Attenuation of ultrasonic waves in materials (2.0)

Prepared By: S. I Rokhlin (4/26/99)


WE635 FUNDAMENTALS OF RADIOGRAPHY Catalog Description: Introduction to concept, and basic elements of industrial radiography, characterization of a radiographic system as a linear system, parameters that affect the quality of radiographs, real-time radiography, image digitization, microradiography, and computerized tomography. Prerequisites: None Required Materials: 1) WE635 Class Notes package 2) Laboratory Manual package Recommended Books: 1) Halmshaw, R. Industrial Radiology, Theory & Practice, 2nd ed., Chapman & Hall, 1995. 2) ASM Metals Handbook, Vol. 17, Nondestructive Evaluation and Quality Control Schedule: SP Qtr., 3 classes/week, 1 laboratory period (3 hr/week) Course Objective: The objective of this course is to study the major concepts of industrial radiography: generation of X-ray, interaction of ionizing radiation with materials and Xray imaging. Parameters, which affect the image quality and methods for characterization of radiographic systems are discussed for film and real-time radiography. Other topics like image digitization, microradiography and computerized tomography also are addressed in this course. Topics (hours): Lecture: Introduction (1.0) Generation of X-ray (1.0) The effect of changing mA and kV on the X-ray spectrum (2.0) Interaction of X-rays with materials (1.0) Image formation and X-rays Films (2.0) Film characteristic curves and contrast sensitivity measurement (2.0) Selection of Exposure Parameters (1.0) Factors Affecting Quality of Radiographs (2.0) Detectability and Image Quality Indicators (2.0) Image digitization (2.0) Microradiography (1.5) Real-Time Radiography (2.0) Introduction to linear systems (2.0) Modeling a radiographic system as a linear system (3.0) Evaluation of a radiographic system (2.0) Introduction to Computerized Tomography (3.0) Laboratory: Film Radiography (9.0) Real-Time Radiography (9.0) A63

Microradiography and Computerized Tomography (3.0) Prepared By: S. I Rokhlin (4/26/99)


WE 656 ROBOT PROGRAMMING AND OPERATIONS Catalog description: Types and applications of industrial robot systems; lab experience in robot programming and operations Prerequisites: Welding Eng or Ind Eng major and written permission of instructor. Required Materials: Lab Notes Schedule: 1-3 hr lab per week Course Objective: To introduce and train students in the programming and operation of welding robots. Topics: Safety in welding robot operation (1) Components of robot systems (2) Robot programming Robot 1 (9) Robot programming Robot 2 (6) Robot programming Robot 3 (6) Programming problem (6)

Prepared By: R. Richardson (3-22-99)


WELDENG 701 SOLID STATE WELDING Credits Instructor 3 credit hours lecture (WE 701) (elective) Prof. Sudarsanam Suresh Babu, Associate Professor Office: 130 Edison Joining Technology Center Phone: 614-247-0001 Email: [email protected]

Required Material / Reference Text (1) (2) (3) (4) Solid State welding course notes developed by Prof. C. Albright in 1996; Additional research papers to be added by Prof. Babu before each subject matter. R. F. Tylecote, The solid phase welding of metals, St. Martin Press, 1968 ASM Handbool Vol. 6, Welding, Brazing and Soldering, 1993, ASM International

Course Information The welding of metals in the solid state with emphasis on processes and metallurgical principles; SP Quarter, 2 X 1.5 hr lectures/week This is elective course; Prerequisites: Concurrent 600 level courses Course Objectives: First objective is to expand the students in understanding of solid-state welding process through exploration of processes and scientific and engineering principles that governs the processes. The students should be able to understand how the physical laws affect the observed phenomenon including microstructure evolution in solid state welding processes. Through this understanding of the physical laws and the observed welding phenomenon, the students should be in a better position to predict the effects of welding variable changes on welding process behavior. With the above predictions, students should be able to understand material compatibility and phenomenon that affect compatibility after solid-state welding. Contribution to ABET and Program Learning Outcomes: Students should have: (a) an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering (1) (b) an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data (1) (c) an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs (1) (d) an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams (3) (e) an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems (1) (g) an ability to communicate effectively (3) (i) a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning (2) (j) a knowledge of contemporary issues (3) (k) an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice. (2) A66

WELDENG (l) an ability to select and design welding materials, processes and inspection techniques based on application, fabrication and service conditions (1) WELDENG (m) an ability to develop welding procedures that specify materials, processes, design and inspection requirements (1) WELDENG (n) an ability to design welded structures and components to meet application requirement (2) Degree of contribution: (1): major (2): some (3): small WE701 Topics: (Hours) Mechanisms of solid-state welding: Cold Pressure Welding Roll bonding Flash Butt Welding Friction Welding Friction Stir Welding Explosive Welding Ultrasonic Welding Magnetic Pulse Welding Deformation Resistance Welding Diffusion and Transient Liquid Phase Bonding Microscale Welding Nanoscale Welding Material Changes Mid Term Group Project Presentations Final Exam

(6) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (1)


Credits Instructor

WELDENG 702 Fundamentals of Resistance Welding 3 credit hours David Phillips, Associate Professor of Practice Office: 114 Edison Joining Technology Center Phone: 614-292-1974 Email: [email protected] W.E. 701 class notes, D. Phillips, 2011 Fundamentals of Resistance Welding processes with emphasis on material weldability AU Qtr., 3 classes, Prerequisites: WE 601 This is not a required class for BSWE majors

Required Materials Course Information:

Contribution to ABET and Program Learning Outcomes: Students should have: (a) an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering (1) (b) an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data (3) (c) an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs (1) (e) an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems (1) (g) an ability to communicate effectively (2) (i) a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning (2) (k) an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice. (1) WELDENG (L) an ability to select and design welding materials, processes and inspection techniques based on application, fabrication and service conditions (1) WELDENG (m) an ability to develop welding procedures that specify materials, processes, design and inspection requirement (2) Degree of contribution: (1): major (2): some (3): small Topics: (Hours) Resistance Welding Fundamentals (4.0) Resistance Welding Processes (6.0) Resistance Welding Equipment (4.0) Weldability of Materials using Resistance Welding Processes (8.0) Resistance Welding Quality Control (2.0)


1. WELDENG 703 Brazing and Soldering 2. Credits 3. Instructor 3 credit hours Boian T. Alexandrov, Research Scientists Office: 128 Edison Joining Technology Center Phone: 614-292-1735 Email: [email protected] Guest Lecturers: A. Shapiro, Titanium Brazing Inc., M. Lucas, Belcan Inc., P. Ditzel, Parker and Hannifin, A. Rbinkin, Metglass Inc., Y. Flom, NASA Goddard Center

4. Required Materials 1) WE 703 Lecture Notes, A. Shapiro, M. Lucas, P. Ditzel, B. Alexandrov, A. Rabinkin, and Y. Flom (2008) 2) AWS Brazing Handbook, 5th Edition, 3) AWS Soldering Handbook, 3rd Edition 5. Course Information Study of fundamental concepts in brazing and soldering processes and their thermodynamic and metallurgical background. AU Qtr. 3 cl. Prerequisites: WE400 This is a technical elective class for BSWE majors 6. Contribution to ABET and Program Learning Outcomes: Students should have: (a) an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering (2) (b) an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data (2) (c) an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs (2) (e) an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems (2) (g) an ability to communicate effectively (3) (k) an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice (3) (l) an ability to select and design welding materials, processes and inspection techniques based on application, fabrication and service conditions (1) (m) an ability to develop welding procedures that specify materials, processes, design and inspection requirement (2) (n) an ability to design welded structures and components to meet application requirement (3) Degree of contribution: (1): major (2): some (3): small 7. Topics: (Hours) Introduction and definitions. (3.0) A69

Thermodynamic considerations and metallurgical background. (5.0) Brazing processes and brazing materials. (11) Soldering processes and soldering materials. (3.0) Design and strength of brazed and soldered joints. (4.0) Inspection of brazed and soldered structures. (1.0) Safety considerations in brazing and soldering. (1.0) Midterm Exams (2.0)


WE 704 HIGH ENERGY DENSITY WELDING Credits Instructor 3 credit hours Dave F. Farson, Associate Professor Office: 116 Edison Joining Technology Center Phone: 614-688-4046 Email: [email protected]

Required Materials 1) Laser Material Processing, 2nd Ed., W. Steen, WE704 Lecture Notes, Carmen web site Course Information Theory and practices in laser, electron beam, plasma, and other high energy density welding processes; process demonstrations. Prerequisites: WE600 This is a technical elective class for BSWE majors SP Qtr. 2 1.5hr classes per week Course Objective: To provide: 1) a fundamental understanding of lasers and optics relevant to materials processing 2) an understanding of the important industrial laser materials processes, 3) a basic acquaintance with electron beam systems and welding Contribution to ABET Professional Component (Criterion 4): Mathematics and Basic Science - 0 Credits Engineering - 3 Credits General Education - 0 Credits Contribution to ABET and Program Learning Outcomes: Students should have: (a) an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering (1) (b) an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data (1) (c) an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs (1) (e) an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems (1) (g) an ability to communicate effectively (3) (i) a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning (2) (k) an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice. (2) WELDENG(L) an ability to select and design welding materials, processes and inspection techniques based on application, fabrication and service conditions (1)


WELDENG(m) an ability to develop welding procedures that specify materials, processes, design and inspection requirement (1) Degree of contribution: (1): major (2): some (3): small Topics: High Energy Density Processes, Process Properties, Applications Electron Beam Basics, Electron Guns, Electric Fields Magnetic Lenses, Beam Deflection, Alignment Vacuum Systems Safety, Joints Variable, Weld Quality Lasers and Laser Physics Laser Systems CO2 Lasers, CO2 Laser Systems Nd:YAG Lasers, Diode Lasers Excimer Lasers, Q-switching Optics, Laser Optics, Brightness, Fresnel Number, Cavity Modes Beam Propagation, Focus Optical Components Fiber Optics Optical Phenomenon Laser Welding Basics, Laser Penetration Welding, Laser Welding Joints, Variables Materials, Polarization, Focusing Plasma Suppression Laser Weldability, Costs Laser Cutting 1, Laser Cutting 2


1. WE 705/755 ADVANCED WELDING PROCESS CONTROL SYSTEMS 2. Credits 3. Instructor SP Qtr., 2 1.5hr lectures, 1-3 hr lab per week Dave F. Farson, Associate Professor Office: 116 Edison Joining Technology Center Phone: 614-688-4046 Email: [email protected]

4. Required Materials 1.) Lecture Notes R. Richardson, 1999 2.) AWS Welding Handbook, Vol. I, 8th Edition 3) Excerpts from selected texts provided on Carmen site 5. Course Information Principles of automation of welding processes, especially arc welding. Prerequisites: WE605/655; WE755 Lab Concurrent This is a technical elective class for BSWE majors 6. Course Objective To provide a framework of fundamentals for understanding and utilizing automation in the welding industry. Contribution to ABET Professional Component (Criterion 4): Mathematics and Basic Science - 0 Credits Engineering - 4 Credits General Education - 0 Credits Contribution to ABET and Program Learning Outcomes: Students should have: (a) an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering (1) (b) an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data (1) (c) an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs (1) (e) an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems (1) (g) an ability to communicate effectively (3) (i) a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning (2) (k) an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice. (2) WELDENG(L) an ability to select and design welding materials, processes and inspection techniques based on application, fabrication and service conditions (1) WELDENG(m) an ability to develop welding procedures that specify materials, processes, design and inspection requirement (1) 7. Topics Introduction to arc welding automation (3) Elements of robot manipulator control (4) Servo system fundamentals (4) A73

Robot programming methods (2) Fundamentals of economic justification (3) Positioning and fixture design for automation (2) Weld design for automation (1) Cell design and layouts (3) Weld procedure development and optimization (3) Sensors and advanced process controls (3) Lab topics Robot welding systems safety Robot coordinate systems Robot programming by teach pendant Robotic arc welding programming Coordinated motion programming Robotic weld seam sensing systems Robotic welding systems examples (local site visits)


WELDENG 706 Welding of Plastics and Composites Credits Instructor 3 credit hours Avraham Benatar, Associate Professor Office: 124 Edison Joining Technology Center Phone: 614-292-1390 Email: [email protected]

Required Materials 1.) Plastics and Composites Welding Handbook, D.A. Grewell, A. Benatar and J.B. Park, Editors, Hanser, 2003. Course Information Theory and practice in welding of plastics and polymeric composites, including theory and analysis of welding processes, part and joint design, and process selection. Wi Qtr. 3 cl. Prerequisites: 620 or permission of instructor This is a technical elective for BSWE majors Contribution to ABET and Program Learning Outcomes: Students should have: (a) an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering (1) (b) an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data (2) (c) an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs (2) (e) an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems (1) (f) an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility (2) (g) an ability to communicate effectively (2) (h) the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context (2) (i) a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning (3) (j) a knowledge of contemporary issues (2) (k) an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice. (1) WELDENG(L) an ability to select and design welding materials, processes and inspection techniques based on application, fabrication and service conditions (1) WELDENG(m) an ability to develop welding procedures that specify materials, processes, design and inspection requirement (3) WELDENG(n) an ability to design welded structures and components to meet application requirements (1) Degree of contribution: (1): major (2): some (3): small Topics: (Hours) A75

Introduction to Structure and Properties of Polymers and Composites (6.0) Hot Plate Welding and Welding Steps (4.0) External Heating Methods: Hot Gas, Extrusion and Implant Welding (6.0) Internal Heating Methods: Ultrasonic, Vibration and Spin Welding (6.0) Electromagnetic Heating Methods: RF, Microwave and Laser Welding (6.0) Exams (2.0)


WELDENG 707 Adhesive Bonding and Mechanical Joining of Plastics Credits Instructor 3 credit hours Avraham Benatar, Associate Professor Office: 124 Edison Joining Technology Center Phone: 614-292-1390 Email: [email protected]

Required Materials 1.) Adhesion and Adhesives Technology: an Introduction, A.V. Pocius, 2nd Edition, Hanser (2002). 2.) First Snap-Fit Handbook - Creating and Managing Attachments for Plastic Parts, P.R. Bonenberger, 2nd Edition, Hanser (2005). Course Information Fundamentals of adhesive bonding science and technology and methods for mechanical joining of plastics including fasteners, swaging, staking, snap-fits and press-fits. Sp Qtr. 3 cl. Prerequisites: 620 or permission of instructor This is a technical elective for BSWE majors Contribution to ABET and Program Learning Outcomes: Students should have: (a) an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering (1) (b) an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data (2) (c) an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs (1) (e) an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems (1) (f) an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility (3) (g) an ability to communicate effectively (3) (i) a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning (3) (j) a knowledge of contemporary issues (3) (k) an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice. (1) WELDENG(L) an ability to select and design welding materials, processes and inspection techniques based on application, fabrication and service conditions (1) WELDENG(m) an ability to develop welding procedures that specify materials, processes, design and inspection requirement (1) WELDENG(n) an ability to design welded structures and components to meet application requirements (1) Degree of contribution: (1): major (2): some (3): small Topics: (Hours) A77

Introduction to Properties of Polymeric Adhesives (4.0) Theories of Adhesion (4.0) Adhesive Bonding Procedures and Rapid Curing Methods (4.0) Design and Testing of Adhesive Joints (2.0) Analysis and Design of Snap-fits (5.0) Analysis and Design of Press-fits (3.0) Analysis and Design of Bolted Joints (3.0) Staking and Swaging (3.0) Exams (2.0)


1. Course 2. Credits 3. Instructor

WE715, Special Topics in Welding Engineering 3 credit hours, two 75 minute lectures per week John C. Lippold, Professor Office: 136 Welding Engineering Laboratory, EJTC Phone: 614-292-2466 E-mail: [email protected] 1) WE715 Course Notes, J.C. Lippold, Copyright 2009. 2) Selected technical papers and readings.

4. Required Materials

5. Course Information This course will review the nature of weld defects and their prevention. Other topics include failure analysis and weldability testing. Elective course for BSWE majors Prereq: WE610, or basic knowledge of physical metallurgy principles. 6. Contribution to ABET and Program Learning Outcomes (a) an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering (2) (b) an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data (3) (c) an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired need (3) (d) an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams (e) an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems (2) (f) an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility (g) an ability to communicate effectively (2) (h) the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context (3) (i) a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning (j) a knowledge of contemporary issues (k) an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice (3) In addition, three welding engineering-specific outcomes defined by the program are: (l) an ability to select and design welding materials, processes and inspection techniques based on application, fabrication and service conditions (1) (m) an ability to develop welding procedures that specify materials, processes, design and inspection requirements (2) (n) an ability to design welded structures and components to meet application requirement (3) Degree of contribution: (1) significant (2) moderate (3) small 7. Topics (hours) Principles of weld solidification (1.5) Classification of weld defects (0.5) Weld solidification cracking (3.0) A79

HAZ and weld metal liquation cracking (3.0) Ductility dip cracking (1.0) Reheat cracking (2.0) Strain age cracking (2.0) Lamellar tearing (0.5) Copper contamination cracking (0.5) Hydrogen-induced cracking (2.0) Corrosion and corrosion-induced cracking (2.0) Fatigue and fracture (2.0) Weldability testing (3.0) Failure analysis (2.0) Interpreting fractography (2.0) Student presentations (3.0) Prepared by: J.C. Lippold (4/15/2011)


WELDENG 740 Fitness-for-Service of Welded Structures Credits Instructor 3 credit hours Avraham Benatar, Associate Professor Office: 124 Edison Joining Technology Center Phone: 614-292-1390 Email: [email protected]

Required Materials 1.) Fracture and Fatigue Control in Structures: Applications of Fracture Mechanics, J.M. Barsom and S.T. Rolfe, 3rd Edition, American Society for Testing and Materials, 1999. Course Information The interrelationship of design, fabrication, nondestructive evaluation, fracture mechanics, and reliability concepts in establishing the overall fitness-for-purpose of welded structures. Au Qtr. 3 cl. Prerequisites: 620 or permission of instructor This is a technical elective for BSWE majors Contribution to ABET and Program Learning Outcomes: Students should have: (a) an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering (1) (b) an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data (3) (c) an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs (1) (e) an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems (1) (f) an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility (3) (g) an ability to communicate effectively (3) (i) a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning (3) (j) a knowledge of contemporary issues (2) (k) an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice. (1) WELDENG(L) an ability to select and design welding materials, processes and inspection techniques based on application, fabrication and service conditions (1) WELDENG(m) an ability to develop welding procedures that specify materials, processes, design and inspection requirement (3) WELDENG(n) an ability to design welded structures and components to meet application requirements (1) Degree of contribution: (1): major (2): some (3): small Topics: (Hours) Introduction to Fitness-for-Service and Root Causes of Weld Failure (4.0) A81

Linear Elastic and Elastic-Plastic Fracture Mechanics (2.0) Failure Assessments and Fracture Mechanics Design (4.0) Fatigue (5.0) Fracture and Fatigue Control (5.0) Fitness-for-Service Assessments and Standards (3.0) Case Studies (5.0) Exams (2.0)


Semester Syllabi WE required syllabi Semester

Note: in all semester syllabi, contribution ABET-EAC Criterion 3 and Program Student Outcomes is denoted as: ***: major; **: some; *: small


WELDENG 3001 (Proposed): Survey of Welding Engineering Course Description Study of the principles of welding engineering, including processes, design, weldability of materials, codes and standards, and quality assurance. Prior Course Number: 300 Transcript Abbreviation: Survey Weld Eng Grading Plan: Letter Grade Course Deliveries: Classroom, Less than 50% at a distance Course Levels: Undergrad Student Ranks: Sophomore Course Offerings: Spring Flex Scheduled Course: Never Course Frequency: Every Year Course Length: 14 Week Credits: 3.0 Repeatable: No Time Distribution: 3.0 hr Lec Expected out-of-class hours per week: 6.0 Graded Component: Lecture Credit by Examination: No Admission Condition: No Off Campus: Never Campus Locations: Columbus Prerequisites and Co-requisites: Physics 132, MSE 205 Exclusions: Not open to students with credit for WE 300 Cross-Listings: The course is required for this unit's degrees, majors, and/or minors: Yes The course is a GEC: No The course is an elective (for this or other units) or is a service course for other units: No Subject/CIP Code: 14.9999 Subsidy Level: Baccalaureate Course Programs Abbreviation

Welding Engineering

Course Goals
Ability to describe basic welding engineering terminology. Understanding of major welding processes and their principles of operation. Understanding of basic weld design concepts, welding symbols, and testing of weldments. Ability to explain the effect of various welding processes on the properties of materials. Understanding of basic weld metallurgy and welding defects and discontinuities Understanding of the basic weld inspection techniques and the use of codes and standards for assuring weld quality.


Understanding of cutting processes. Introduction to the welding of plastics.

Course Topics Topic

Welding processes and terminology Physics of welding Weld design, welding symbols, residual stress and distortion, and testing and failure mechanisms of weldments Welding codes and standards, weld defects and discontinuities, weld quality, and weld inspection techniques Welding metallurgy and joining of materials Cutting processes Introduction to welding of plastics

10.0 2.0 8.0 10.0 8.0 2.0 2.0








Grades Aspect
MT 1 MT 2 Quizzes Final exam

25% 25% 20% 30%

Representative Textbooks and Other Course Materials Title

Welding Essentials, 2nd Edition WE 3001 Lecture Notes, "Survey of Welding Engineering"

William Galvery Phillips

ABET-EAC Criterion 3 Outcomes Course Contribution

** * * * * * a b c d e f g h

College Outcome
An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering. An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data. An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs. An ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems. An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility. An ability to communicate effectively. The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context. i A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning. j A knowledge of contemporary issues. k An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.


WELDENG ABET-EAC Criterion 9 Program Criteria Outcomes Course Contribution

*** * * l

Program Outcome
an ability to select and design welding materials, processes and inspection techniques based on application, fabrication and service conditions m an ability to develop welding procedures that specify materials, processes and inspection requirements n an ability to design welded structures and components to meet application requirements

Prepared by: Dave Farson


WELDENG 3189 (Approved): Industrial Experience I Course Description Experience in an industrial organization and the submitting of an acceptable report on the work done Prior Course Number: 489 Transcript Abbreviation: Industrial Exp I Grading Plan: Letter Grade Course Deliveries: Greater or equal to 50% at a distance Course Levels: Undergrad Student Ranks: Junior, Senior Course Offerings: Autumn Flex Scheduled Course: Never Course Frequency: Every Year Course Length: 14 Week Credits: 1.0 Repeatable: No Time Distribution: 1.0 hr Lec Expected out-of-class hours per week: 2.0 Graded Component: Lecture Credit by Examination: No Admission Condition: No Off Campus: Never Campus Locations: Columbus Prerequisites and Co-requisites: Permission of instructor. Exclusions: Cross-Listings: The course is required for this unit's degrees, majors, and/or minors: Yes The course is a GEC: No The course is an elective (for this or other units) or is a service course for other units: No Subject/CIP Code: 14.9999 Subsidy Level: Baccalaureate Course Programs Abbreviation

Welding Engineering

General Information
W.E. 489 is a required course for graduation. The W.E. program may be able to assist the student in obtaining employment. The expectation is that student will be involved in a welding related job experience. There is some flexibility as to the nature of the work.

Course Topics Topic Lec A87 Rec Lab Cli IS Sem FE Wor

Experience in an industrial organization and the submitting of an acceptable report on the work done

Grades Aspect


ABET-EAC Criterion 3 Outcomes Course Contribution

*** ** ** ** * * * * * * * a b c d e f g h

College Outcome
An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering. An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data. An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs. An ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems. An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility. An ability to communicate effectively. The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context. i A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning. j A knowledge of contemporary issues. k An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.

WELDENG ABET-EAC Criterion 9 Program Criteria Outcomes Course Contribution

*** *** *** l

Program Outcome
an ability to select and design welding materials, processes and inspection techniques based on application, fabrication and service conditions m an ability to develop welding procedures that specify materials, processes and inspection requirements n an ability to design welded structures and components to meet application requirements

Prepared by: Dave Farson


WELDENG 3601 (Approved): Introductory Arc Welding Laboratory Course Description An introduction to the basic skills required for manual and semiautomatic arc welding processes. Prior Course Number: 350, 351 Transcript Abbreviation: Arc Weld Lab Grading Plan: Letter Grade Course Deliveries: Classroom Course Levels: Undergrad Student Ranks: Sophomore, Junior Course Offerings: Autumn, Spring Flex Scheduled Course: Never Course Frequency: Every Year Course Length: 14 Week Credits: 1.0 Repeatable: No Time Distribution: 3.0 hr Lab Expected out-of-class hours per week: 0.0 Graded Component: Lecture Credit by Examination: No Admission Condition: No Off Campus: Never Campus Locations: Columbus Prerequisites and Co-requisites: Co-req: 300 or 3001 or permission of instructor. Exclusions: Not open to students with credit for WE 350 and WE 351. Cross-Listings: The course is required for this unit's degrees, majors, and/or minors: No The course is a GEC: No The course is an elective (for this or other units) or is a service course for other units: Yes Subject/CIP Code: 14.9999 Subsidy Level: Baccalaureate Course Programs Abbreviation

Welding Engineering

General Information
This course is not open to students with credit for WE 350 or WE 351

Course Goals
Develop basic welding skills in manual arc welding processes Develop basic welding skills in semiautomatic welding processes Develop flame cutting skills


Course Topics Topic

Manual arc welding training Semiautomatic arc welding training Flame cutting training



19.5 19.5 3.0






Grades Aspect
Exam Manual arc welding skill test Semiautomatic arc welding skill test Flame cutting skill test

30% 30% 30% 10%

Representative Textbooks and Other Course Materials Title

3010 laboratory manuals


ABET-EAC Criterion 3 Outcomes Course Contribution

* a b c d e f g h

College Outcome
An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering. An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data. An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs. An ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems. An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility. An ability to communicate effectively. The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context. i A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning. j A knowledge of contemporary issues. k An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.

WELDENG ABET-EAC Criterion 9 Program Criteria Outcomes Course Contribution


Program Outcome
an ability to select and design welding materials, processes and inspection techniques based on application, fabrication and service conditions m an ability to develop welding procedures that specify materials, processes and inspection requirements n an ability to design welded structures and components to meet application requirements


WELDENG 4001 (Approved): Physical Principles in Welding Processes I Course Description Study of the application of physical principles in engineering of arc welding processes and equipment. Prior Course Number: 500, 550, 600 Transcript Abbreviation: Phy Prn Weld Pro I Grading Plan: Letter Grade Course Deliveries: Classroom Course Levels: Undergrad Student Ranks: Junior, Senior Course Offerings: Autumn Flex Scheduled Course: Never Course Frequency: Every Year Course Length: 14 Week Credits: 4.0 Repeatable: No Time Distribution: 3.0 hr Lec, 3.0 hr Lab Expected out-of-class hours per week: 6.0 Graded Component: Lecture Credit by Examination: No Admission Condition: No Off Campus: Never Campus Locations: Columbus Prerequisites and Co-requisites: Prereq: 300 or 3001 or permission of instructor. Open to WE or MSE majors only. Exclusions: Not open to students with credit for WE 500. Cross-Listings: The course is required for this unit's degrees, majors, and/or minors: Yes The course is a GEC: No The course is an elective (for this or other units) or is a service course for other units: No Subject/CIP Code: 14.9999 Subsidy Level: Baccalaureate Course Programs Abbreviation

Welding Engineering

Course Goals
1. Understand how the physical laws affect the observed phenomenon in welding processes. 2. Through an understanding of the physical laws and the observed welding phenomenon, to be in a better position to predict the effects of welding variable changes on welding process behavior 3. Understand the design of electrical power supplies and systems for arc welding. 4. Predict joint fill rates and nugget areas for typical arc welding processes.


5. Design experiments and analyze results to develop welding process procedure specifications

Electrical energy sources, power distribution Arc electrical circuit characteristics Arc heat generation Electrical welding power supply designs GTAW, PAW, GMAW, FCAW, SAW Current and voltage measurements in electrical circuit Lab safety and power systems AC circuits Rectification and filtering SMA and GTA arc characteristics Welding power source characteristics GMA arc characteristics SCR power supplies

4.0 6.0 6.0 13.0 13.0








6.0 3.0 6.0 5.0 5.0 6.0 6.0 5.0

Grades Aspect
MT 1 MT 2 HW, labs Final exam

20% 20% 20% 40%

Representative Textbooks and Other Course Materials Title Author


ABET-EAC Criterion 3 Outcomes Course Contribution

*** *** *** *** a b c d e f g h i j

College Outcome
An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering. An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data. An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs. An ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems. An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility. An ability to communicate effectively. The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context. A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning. A knowledge of contemporary issues.



k An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.

Course Contribution
*** *** l

Program Outcome
an ability to select and design welding materials, processes and inspection techniques based on application, fabrication and service conditions m an ability to develop welding procedures that specify materials, processes and inspection requirements n an ability to design welded structures and components to meet application requirements

Prepared by: Dave Farson


WELDENG 4002 (Approved): Physical Principles in Welding Processes II Course Description Study of the application of physical principles in engineering of non-arc welding processes and equipment. Prior Course Number: 600, 601, 651 Transcript Abbreviation: Phy Prn Wld Pro II Grading Plan: Letter Grade Course Deliveries: Classroom Course Levels: Undergrad Student Ranks: Junior, Senior Course Offerings: Spring Flex Scheduled Course: Never Course Frequency: Every Year Course Length: 14 Week Credits: 4.0 Repeatable: No Time Distribution: 3.0 hr Lec, 3.0 hr Lab Expected out-of-class hours per week: 6.0 Graded Component: Lecture Credit by Examination: No Admission Condition: No Off Campus: Never Campus Locations: Columbus Prerequisites and Co-requisites: Prereq: 500 or 4001 or permission of instructor. Open to WE or MSE majors only. Exclusions: Not open to students with credit for WE 600. Cross-Listings: The course is required for this unit's degrees, majors, and/or minors: Yes The course is a GEC: No The course is an elective (for this or other units) or is a service course for other units: No Subject/CIP Code: 14.9999 Subsidy Level: Baccalaureate Course Programs Abbreviation

Welding Engineering

Course Goals
Understanding of major Resistance Welding processes, weld parameters, equipment, and applications. Understanding of the fundamentals and theory of Resistance Welding. Understanding of the fundamentals and theory of Solid-State Welding. Ability to describe and understand the major Solid-State Welding processes, weld parameters, equipment, and industrial applications.


Understanding of the fundamentals and theory of High Energy Density welding processes. Ability to describe and understand Laser and Electron Beam welding processes, weld parameters, equipment, and industrial applications.

Course Topics Topic

Fundamentals of Resistance Welding processes Equipment, parameters, and applications for Resistance Welding processes Laboratory experiments - Resistance Welding Fundamentals of Solid-State Welding processes Equipment, parameters, and application of Solid-State Welding processes Fundamentals of Laser and Electron Beam Welding processes Equipment, parameters, and application of Laser and Electron Beam Welding processes. Laboratory experiments - Solid-State Welding Laboratory experiments - Laser Welding

10.0 6.0








14.0 8.0 4.0 8.0 6.0 14.0 14.0

Grades Aspect
MT 1 mt 2 HW, labs Final exam

20% 20% 20% 40%

Representative Textbooks and Other Course Materials Title

4001 Class Notes

Dickinson, Farson, Phillips

ABET-EAC Criterion 3 Outcomes Course Contribution

*** *** * * *** a b c d e f g

College Outcome
An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering. An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data. An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs. An ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems. An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility. An ability to communicate effectively.



h The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context. i A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning. j A knowledge of contemporary issues. k An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.

WELDENG ABET-EAC Criterion 9 Program Criteria Outcomes Course Contribution

*** *** l

Program Outcome
an ability to select and design welding materials, processes and inspection techniques based on application, fabrication and service conditions m an ability to develop welding procedures that specify materials, processes and inspection requirements n an ability to design welded structures and components to meet application requirements

Prepared by: Dave Farson


WELDENG 4101 (Approved): Welding Metallurgy I Course Description Application of physical metallurgy principles to nonequilibrium thermo-mechanical conditions associated with welding in structural alloys and focus on carbon steels Prior Course Number: 610, 611 Transcript Abbreviation: Weld Met I Grading Plan: Letter Grade Course Deliveries: Classroom Course Levels: Undergrad Student Ranks: Junior, Senior Course Offerings: Spring Flex Scheduled Course: Never Course Frequency: Every Year Course Length: 14 Week Credits: 3.0 Repeatable: No Time Distribution: 3.0 hr Lec Expected out-of-class hours per week: 6.0 Graded Component: Lecture Credit by Examination: No Admission Condition: No Off Campus: Never Campus Locations: Columbus Prerequisites and Co-requisites: Prereq: MSE 401 or 2251, Co-req: MSE 543 or 3141 or permission of instructor. Open to WE or MSE majors only. Exclusions: Not open to students with credit for WE 610. Cross-Listings: The course is required for this unit's degrees, majors, and/or minors: Yes The course is a GEC: No The course is an elective (for this or other units) or is a service course for other units: No Subject/CIP Code: 14.9999 Subsidy Level: Baccalaureate Course


Welding Engineering

Course Goals
First part of the course introduces the fundamental concepts of welding/joining metallurgy. This will build upon physical metallurgy principles from prerequisite MSE courses. Topics presented include regions of fusion and solid-state welds, weld solidification, HAZ phenomena, weld defects, and weldability testing.


This course provides the foundation for the second part of the class, as well as, subsequent required and elective courses to be offered in related welding/joining metallurgy courses. This second part of the course will provide basic understanding of the nature of iron and its allotropic form. In addition, the effect of alloying elements on the solid state transformation of iron alloys (steels) will be discussed. Heat treatment of carbon and low-alloy steels is discussed and related to the effect of welding thermal cycles on resulting structure and properties of steels in the heat-affected-zone and weld metal. in the third part of the course, welding procedures, steel and filler metal classification systems, and post-weld heat treatments are described. Weldability and weldability testing are discussed. Major emphasis is placed on the toughness characteristics of steel weldments and the influence of hydrogen in producing HAZ and weld metal cracks.

Course Topics Topic

Introduction to Welding Metallurgy Regions of a Weld in Fusion and Solid-State Weld Weld Solidification Principles Fusion Zone Unmixed-Zone and Partially Melted Zone Heat-Affected-Zone Classification of Defects and Discontinuities Weldability Weldability Testing Introduction to Steels Steel Making and Processing Physical Metallurgy of Steels Weld Microstructure Evolution Consumables and Selection Welding Fume Weldability of Steels (General) Hydrogen Cracking Post-weld Heat Treatment and High-Temperature Properties of Steel Welds Fracture and Fatigue Behavior

1.0 1.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 1.0 5.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 4.0 4.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 2.0 1.0








Representative Assignments
Home work problems are assigned from the text book and notes distributed in the class Home work may also include some of the computational tools that will be made available to to the students

Grades Aspect
Midterm 1 Midterm 2 Final Exam

30% 30% 40%


Representative Textbooks and Other Course Materials Title

Welding Metallurgy Welding Metallurgy: Fundamentals (v. 1)

Sindo Kou G. E. Linnert

Welding Metallurgy and Weldability of Structural Steels, Class Notes; Copyright 2007

J.C. Lippold and B.T. Alexandrov

ABET-EAC Criterion 3 Outcomes Course Contribution

* * * * a b c d e f g h

College Outcome
An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering. An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data. An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs. An ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems. An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility. An ability to communicate effectively. The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context. i A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning. j A knowledge of contemporary issues. k An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.

WELDENG ABET-EAC Criterion 9 Program Criteria Outcomes Course Contribution

*** ** * l

Program Outcome
an ability to select and design welding materials, processes and inspection techniques based on application, fabrication and service conditions m an ability to develop welding procedures that specify materials, processes and inspection requirements n an ability to design welded structures and components to meet application requirements

Additional Notes or Comments

This course may be taken by graduate students also

Prepared by: Sudarsanam Babu


WELDENG 4102 (Approved): Welding Metallurgy II Course Description This course addresses the welding metallurgy and weldability principles associated with stainless steels, nickelbase, aluminum-base, and titanium-base alloys and other nonferrous alloys. Prior Course Number: 612 Transcript Abbreviation: Weld Met II Grading Plan: Letter Grade Course Deliveries: Classroom Course Levels: Undergrad Student Ranks: Junior, Senior Course Offerings: Autumn Flex Scheduled Course: Never Course Frequency: Every Year Course Length: 14 Week Credits: 3.0 Repeatable: No Time Distribution: 3.0 hr Lec Expected out-of-class hours per week: 6.0 Graded Component: Lecture Credit by Examination: No Admission Condition: No Off Campus: Never Campus Locations: Columbus Prerequisites and Co-requisites: Prereq: 610 or 4101, Co-req: 4612 or permission of instructor. Open to WE or MSE majors only. Exclusions: Not open to students with credit for WE 612. Cross-Listings: The course is required for this unit's degrees, majors, and/or minors: Yes The course is a GEC: No The course is an elective (for this or other units) or is a service course for other units: No Subject/CIP Code: 14.9999 Subsidy Level: Baccalaureate Course Programs Abbreviation

Welding Engineering

General Information
This course represents the second in the Welding Metallurgy sequence in the Welding Engineering UG degree program. It has an associated laboratory WELDENG4612 that should be taken concurrently with this course.

Course Goals A100

Provide a basic understanding of the physical and welding metallurgy of stainless steels, including the use of phase diagrams and constitution diagrams. Describe the weldability aspects of stainless steels, including susceptibility to various forms of cracking that occur during fabrication and service. Provide a basic understanding of the physical and welding metallurgy of important nonferrous alloy systems, including nickel-, titanium-, and aluminum-base alloys. Provide guidelines for selection of these alloy systems based on their welding metallurgay and welability characteristics. Review basic concepts regarding characterization and failure analysis.

Course Topics Topic

Introduction and History of Stainless Steels Effect of alloying additions to stainless steel, and use of phase diagrams and constitution diagrams Physical metallurgy, welding metallurgy, and weldability of the major classes of stainless steels Dissimilar welding of stainless steels Welding Metallurgy and Weldability of Ni-base alloys Welding Metallurgy and Weldability of Al-Alloys Welding Metallurgy and Weldability of Ti-alloys and Mg- alloys Welding Metallurgy and Weldability of other nonferrous alloys Characterization and failure analysis Computational modeling of microstructure evolution in welds

1.0 3.0 15.0 2.0 6.0 5.0 2.0 1.0 4.0 3.0








Grades Aspect
Midterm 1 Midterm 2 Final Exam

30% 30% 40%

Representative Textbooks and Other Course Materials Title

Welding Metallurgy and Weldability of Stainless Steels Welding Metallurgy and Weldability of Ni-base Alloys

J.C. Lippold and D.J. Kotecki J.N. DuPont, J.C. Lippold, and S.D. Kiser

ABET-EAC Criterion 3 Outcomes Course Contribution

* *

College Outcome
a An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering. b An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data. c An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs.


d e f g

An ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems. An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility. An ability to communicate effectively.

Course Contribution

College Outcome
h The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context. i A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning. j A knowledge of contemporary issues. k An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.

WELDENG ABET-EAC Criterion 9 Program Criteria Outcomes

Course Contribution
*** * * l

Program Outcome
an ability to select and design welding materials, processes and inspection techniques based on application, fabrication and service conditions m an ability to develop welding procedures that specify materials, processes and inspection requirements n an ability to design welded structures and components to meet application requirements

Prepared by: John Lippold


WELDENG 4201 (Approved): Engineering Analysis for Design and Simulation Course Description Fundamentals of engineering analysis of heat flow, thermal and residual stresses, and fracture and fatigue with applications to design and simulation in welding and manufacturing. Prior Course Number: 620, 621 Transcript Abbreviation: Eng Anal Des & Sim Grading Plan: Letter Grade Course Deliveries: Classroom Course Levels: Undergrad Student Ranks: Junior, Senior Course Offerings: Autumn Flex Scheduled Course: Never Course Frequency: Every Year Course Length: 14 Week Credits: 4.0 Repeatable: No Time Distribution: 3.0 hr Lec, 3.0 hr Lab Expected out-of-class hours per week: 6.0 Graded Component: Lecture Credit by Examination: No Admission Condition: No Off Campus: Never Campus Locations: Columbus Prerequisites and Co-requisites: Prereq: 300 or 3001, Math 255 or 415 or 2177, ME 420 or 440 or 2040, or permission of instructor. Open to WE or MSE majors only. Exclusions: Not open to students with credit for WE 620 and 621. Cross-Listings: The course is required for this unit's degrees, majors, and/or minors: Yes The course is a GEC: No The course is an elective (for this or other units) or is a service course for other units: No Subject/CIP Code: 14.9999 Subsidy Level: Baccalaureate Course Programs Abbreviation

Welding Engineering

Course Goals
Obtain fundamental understanding of heat flow including heat conduction with moving heat sources. Obtain basic understanding of causes for and development of thermal stresses, residual stresses and distrotion. Obtain basic understanding of linear elastic fracture mechanics including ability to apply fracture criteria.


Obtain basic understanding of high cycle fatigue, effect of mean stress using Goodman diagram, and life prediction for a variety of structures inculing welded structures. Ability to analyze and design simple welded joints. Obtain basic understanding of and ability to apply finite difference and finite element modeling to simple heat flow, stress analysis and fracture mechanics problems.

Course Topics Topic

Introduction to heat flow including steady state conduction. Finite difference and finite element modeling of heat flow. flow with moving heat sources including Cooling Heat rates and peak temperature equations. Introduction to thermal stresses, residual stresses and distortion. Three-bar analogy analysis for residual stresses and distrotion. Residual stress measurement, stress relieving, and distortion analysis. Introduction to fracture mechanics, stress intensity factors and fracture toughness. Introduction to high cycle fatigue, Goodman diagaram, and fatigue of welded structures. Welded joint analysis and design. Matlab programming and application to heat flow and finite difference modeling. Abaqus modeling of steady state and transient heat flow. Ababqus analysis of elastic, thermo-elastic and thermo- elastic-plastic problems. Abaqus analysis of fracture.

6.0 5.0 5.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 4.0 4.0 3.0








12.0 9.0 12.0 9.0

Grades Aspect
Homework and quizzes Exam 1 Exam 2 Final exam

20% 25% 25% 30%

Representative Textbooks and Other Course Materials Title

Lecture and Lab Notes

A. Benatar

ABET-EAC Criterion 3 Outcomes Course Contribution College Outcome A104

*** * * *** * * * ** * ***

a b c d e f g h

An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering. An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data. An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs. An ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems. An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility. An ability to communicate effectively. The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context. i A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning. j A knowledge of contemporary issues. k An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.

WELDENG ABET-EAC Criterion 9 Program Criteria Outcomes Course Contribution

*** *

Program Outcome
an ability to select and design welding materials, processes and inspection techniques based on application, fabrication and service conditions m an ability to develop welding procedures that specify materials, processes and inspection requirements l
n an ability to design welded structures and components to meet application requirements

Prepared by: Avraham Benatar


WELDENG 4202 (Approved): Welding Design Course Description Fundamentals of design and application of codes and standards for welded structures. Prior Course Number: 621, 641 Transcript Abbreviation: Welding Design Grading Plan: Letter Grade Course Deliveries: Classroom Course Levels: Undergrad Student Ranks: Junior, Senior Course Offerings: Spring Flex Scheduled Course: Never Course Frequency: Every Year Course Length: 14 Week Credits: 3.0 Repeatable: No Time Distribution: 3.0 hr Lec Expected out-of-class hours per week: 6.0 Graded Component: Lecture Credit by Examination: No Admission Condition: No Off Campus: Never Campus Locations: Columbus Prerequisites and Co-requisites: Prereq: 620 or 4201 or permission of instructor. Open to WE or MSE majors only. Exclusions: Not open to students with credit for WE 621 and 641. Cross-Listings: The course is required for this unit's degrees, majors, and/or minors: Yes The course is a GEC: No The course is an elective (for this or other units) or is a service course for other units: No Subject/CIP Code: 14.9999 Subsidy Level: Baccalaureate Course


Welding Engineering

Course Goals
Ability to analyze structures including torsion, bending, pressure vessels, and columns. Ability to analyze and design joints in welded structures. Ability to analyze and design welded structures for dynamic and fatigue loading. Ability to apply industry codes and standards to the design of welded joints in steel structures.

Course Topics A106

Essential elements in structural welding. Torsion and polar moment of inertia. Beam bending, area moment of inertia, and graphical methods for bending analysis. Stress, strain, and moment of inertia transformations and Mohr circle. Analysis of pressure vessels. Buckling of columns. Weld sizing and weld requirements for built-up members. Design of welded plate girders and AISC codes. Design of welded pressure vessels and ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. Design of strcutural connections and AWS D1.1 code. Design of welded structures for dynamic and fatigue loading.

2.0 3.0 5.0 3.0 2.0 3.0 2.0 6.0 6.0 5.0 5.0








Homework and quizzes Exam 1 Exam 2 Final exam

20% 25% 25% 30%

Representative Textbooks and Other Course Materials Title

Lecture Notes

C. Tsai and A. Benatar

ABET-EAC Criterion 3 Outcomes Course Contribution

*** ** ** *** ** * * ** ** a b c d e f g h i j

College Outcome
An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering. An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data. An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs. An ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems. An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility. An ability to communicate effectively. The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context. A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning. A knowledge of contemporary issues.



k An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.

WELDENG ABET-EAC Criterion 9 Program Criteria Outcomes Course Contribution

*** ** *** l

Program Outcome
an ability to select and design welding materials, processes and inspection techniques based on application, fabrication and service conditions m an ability to develop welding procedures that specify materials, processes and inspection requirements n an ability to design welded structures and components to meet application requirements

Prepared by: Avraham Benatar


WELDENG 4301 (Approved): Nondestructive Evaluation Course Description Main concepts of Nondestructive Evaluation of materials as apply to inspections of joints and structures; principles of conventional methods, their capabilities and limitations. Prior Course Number: 631 Transcript Abbreviation: NDE Grading Plan: Letter Grade Course Deliveries: Classroom Course Levels: Undergrad Student Ranks: Junior, Senior Course Offerings: Spring Flex Scheduled Course: Never Course Frequency: Every Year Course Length: 14 Week Credits: 3.0 Repeatable: No Time Distribution: 2.5 hr Lec, 1.5 hr Lab Expected out-of-class hours per week: 5.0 Graded Component: Lecture Credit by Examination: No Admission Condition: No Off Campus: Never Campus Locations: Columbus Prerequisites and Co-requisites: Prereq: junior standing or permission of instructor. Open to WE or MSE majors only. Exclusions: Not open to students with credit for WE 631. Cross-Listings: The course is required for this unit's degrees, majors, and/or minors: Yes The course is a GEC: No The course is an elective (for this or other units) or is a service course for other units: No Subject/CIP Code: 14.9999 Subsidy Level: Baccalaureate Course Programs Abbreviation

Welding Engineering

Course Goals
Achieve basic understanding of main concepts and aims of nondestructive evaluation (NDE). Learn theoretical principles of NDE methods and their capabilities and limitations. Learn applications of nondestructive material evaluation. Learn to apply NDE for joint inspections. Obtain some basic laboratory experience with nondestructive evaluation methods.


Course Topics Topic

Introduction to NDE. Introduction to Ultrasonic Testing. Physical Principles of Ultrasonic. Reflection and transmission of ultrasonic waves. Ultrasonic Transducers. Ultrasonic Ultrasonic laboratory. testing methods. Laboratory. Introduction to radiography. Generation of X-rays. Radiation attenuation. X-Ray Films. Selection of Exposure Parameters. Radiographyc laboratory. Factors affecting quality of radiographs . Image quality indicators. Radiographs of welds and different radiographic techniques. Gamma Rays Real-Time Radiography Magnetic particle testing fundamentals. Physical principles of magnetization and inspection. Magnetic particle testing laboratory. Liquid penetrant testing. Liquid penetrant testing laboratory.

1.5 1.0 3.5 4.0 3.0 3.0 1.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 1.5 2.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 1.5 2.0 1.5








3.0 3.0


3.0 3.0

Representative Assignments
Homework problem assignment for problem solving.

Grades Aspect
Quizzes Laboratory MT Final

5% 20% 25% 50%

Representative Textbooks and Other Course Materials Title Author A110

Class notes

S. I. Rokhlin

ABET-EAC Criterion 3 Outcomes Course Contribution

*** * * *** * * ** * * *** a b c d e f g h

College Outcome
An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering. An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data. An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs. An ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems. An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility. An ability to communicate effectively. The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context. i A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning. j A knowledge of contemporary issues. k An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.

WELDENG ABET-EAC Criterion 9 Program Criteria Outcomes Course Contribution

*** ** * l

Program Outcome
an ability to select and design welding materials, processes and inspection techniques based on application, fabrication and service conditions m an ability to develop welding procedures that specify materials, processes and inspection requirements n an ability to design welded structures and components to meet application requirements

Prepared by: Stanislav Rokhlin


WELDENG 4611 (Approved): Welding Metallurgy Laboratory I Course Description Fundamental understanding of microstructure evolution in alloys and steels during heat treatment, as well as, welding through various characterization techniques Prior Course Number: 661 Transcript Abbreviation: Weld Met Lab I Grading Plan: Letter Grade Course Deliveries: Classroom Course Levels: Undergrad Student Ranks: Junior, Senior Course Offerings: Spring Flex Scheduled Course: Never Course Frequency: Every Year Course Length: 14 Week Credits: 1.0 Repeatable: No Time Distribution: 3.0 hr Lab Expected out-of-class hours per week: 0.0 Graded Component: Lecture Credit by Examination: No Admission Condition: No Off Campus: Never Campus Locations: Columbus Prerequisites and Co-requisites: Co-req: 4101 or permission of instructor. Open to WE or MSE majors only. Exclusions: Not open to students with credit for WE 661. Cross-Listings: The course is required for this unit's degrees, majors, and/or minors: Yes The course is a GEC: No The course is an elective (for this or other units) or is a service course for other units: No Subject/CIP Code: 14.9999 Subsidy Level: Baccalaureate Course Programs Abbreviation

Welding Engineering

Course Goals
Identification of microstructures and related properties in a variety of iron based alloys subjected to similar heat treatments, as well as, welding and post-weld heat treatment. Design of proper control methodologies to avoid weldability issues in steels.

Course Topics A112

(1) Identification of microstructures and related properties in a variety of iron based alloys subjected to similar heat treatments (2) Evaluation of microstructure and hardness in welds and the similarity of the same to samples subjected to thermo- mechanical processing in a Gleeble thermal-mechanical simulator (3) Understanding of complex interaction between prior heat treatment, welding process and post-weld heat treatments on the final weld microstructure and properties (4) Design and implementation of control methodologies to avoid hydrogen assisted cracking in steel welds using published standards (5) Optimization of welding process, process parameters, welding consumable selection and postweld heat treatment for structural steel welds using computational models and experimentation











9.0 6.0

Representative Assignments
The laboratory exercises are provided with instructions and samples. The students will evaluate the microstructure and hardness of the samples. Students will present the results for each laboratory (5 labs) exercise in the form of power point presentation and small report. One of the assignment will involve the use of computational tools that will be introduced in WE611.

Grades Aspect
Laboratory Exercise 1: General Microstructure Identification Laboratory Exercise 2: Similarity between Weld and Thermo-Mechanical Simulation Laboratory Exercise 3: Microstructure Evolution During Welding and PWHT Laboratory Exercise 4: Welding Process Design to Avoid Hydrogen Assisted Cracking Laboratory Exercise 5: Computational Optimization of Welding Consumable and Process Parameters for Structural Steel Weld

20% 20% 20% 20% 20%

Representative Textbooks and Other Course Materials Title

Class Notes Welding Metallurgy

S. Kou

ABET-EAC Criterion 3 Outcomes Course Contribution College Outcome A113

* *** * * *

a b c d e

An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering. An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data. An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs. An ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems.

Course Contribution
* * *

College Outcome
f An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility. g An ability to communicate effectively. h The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context. i A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning. j A knowledge of contemporary issues. k An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.

WELDENG ABET-EAC Criterion 9 Program Criteria Outcomes Course Contribution

*** ** * l

Program Outcome
an ability to select and design welding materials, processes and inspection techniques based on application, fabrication and service conditions m an ability to develop welding procedures that specify materials, processes and inspection requirements n an ability to design welded structures and components to meet application requirements

Additional Notes or Comments

This laboratory will be relying on theory discussed in Welding Metallurgy 1 Course

Prepared by: Sudarsanam Babu


WELDENG 4612 (Approved): Welding Metallurgy Laboratory II Course Description Offered in conjunction with WE4102 - Welding Metallurgy II. The course demonstrates microstructure evolution and weldability principles in stainless steels and nonferrous alloys. Prior Course Number: 662 Transcript Abbreviation: Weld Met Lab II Grading Plan: Letter Grade Course Deliveries: Classroom Course Levels: Undergrad Student Ranks: Junior, Senior Course Offerings: Autumn Flex Scheduled Course: Never Course Frequency: Every Year Course Length: 14 Week Credits: 1.0 Repeatable: No Time Distribution: 3.0 hr Lab Expected out-of-class hours per week: 0.0 Graded Component: Lecture Credit by Examination: No Admission Condition: No Off Campus: Never Campus Locations: Columbus Prerequisites and Co-requisites: Co-req: 4102 or permission of instructor. Open to WE or MSE majors only. Exclusions: Not open to students with credit for WE 662. Cross-Listings: The course is required for this unit's degrees, majors, and/or minors: Yes The course is a GEC: No The course is an elective (for this or other units) or is a service course for other units: No Subject/CIP Code: 14.9999 Subsidy Level: Baccalaureate Course Programs Abbreviation

Welding Engineering

General Information
This is offered in conjunction with WEENG4102. The laboratories are closely linked to lecture material. The graduate equivalent of this course is WEENG7612.


Course Goals
Provide the student with hands-on experience with identifying microstructures in stainless steels and nonferrous alloys. Develop an in-depth understanding of the weldability issues associated with stainless steels and nonferrous alloys.
Use optical metallography techniques to characterize microstructure and develop a concise and well written laboratory report.

Course Topics Topic

Lab 1 - Microstructure evolution in martensitic and ferritic stainless steels. Lab 2 - Solidification behavior of austenitic stainless steel welds Lab 3 - Solidification anbd transformation behavior of duplex stainless steel welds Lab 4 - Dissimilar weldability: stainless and carbon steels Lab 5 - Weldability of stainless steels - cracking susceptibility Lab 6 - Welding metallurgy and weldability of Ni-base alloys Lab 7 - Welding metallurgy and weldability of Al-base alloys Lab 8 - Welding metallurgy and weldability of Ti-base alloys Lab 9 - Use of constitution diagrams



6.0 6.0 6.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 6.0 3.0 6.0






Grades Aspect
Lab 1 Lab 2 Lab 3 Lab 4 Lab 5 Lab 6 Lab 7&8 Lab 9

15% 10% 15% 10% 10% 10% 15% 15%

Representative Textbooks and Other Course Materials Title

Welding Metallurgy and Weldability of Ni-base Alloys Welding Metallurgy and Weldability of Stainless Steels

DuPont/Lippold/Kiser Lippold/Kotecki

ABET-EAC Criterion 3 Outcomes A116

Course Contribution
* * *** * *** a b c d e f g h

College Outcome
An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering. An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data. An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs. An ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems. An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility. An ability to communicate effectively. The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context.

Course Contribution

College Outcome
i A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning. j A knowledge of contemporary issues. k An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.


WELDENG ABET-EAC Criterion 9 Program Criteria Outcomes Course Contribution

*** l

Program Outcome
an ability to select and design welding materials, processes and inspection techniques based on application, fabrication and service conditions m an ability to develop welding procedures that specify materials, processes and inspection requirements n an ability to design welded structures and components to meet application requirements

Prepared by: John Lippold


WELDENG 4901 (Approved): Capstone Welding Design I Course Description Group design projects building on all aspects of welding engineering. Prior Course Number: 690, 691 Transcript Abbreviation: Capst Weld Des I Grading Plan: Letter Grade Course Deliveries: Classroom Course Levels: Undergrad Student Ranks: Senior Course Offerings: Autumn Flex Scheduled Course: Never Course Frequency: Every Year Course Length: 14 Week Credits: 2.0 Repeatable: No Time Distribution: 2.0 hr Lec Expected out-of-class hours per week: 4.0 Graded Component: Lecture Credit by Examination: No Admission Condition: No Off Campus: Never Campus Locations: Columbus Prerequisites and Co-requisites: Prereq: senior standing or permission of instructor. Open to WE or MSE majors only. Exclusions: Not open to students with credit for WE 690 and WE 691. Cross-Listings: The course is required for this unit's degrees, majors, and/or minors: Yes The course is a GEC: No The course is an elective (for this or other units) or is a service course for other units: No Subject/CIP Code: 14.9999 Subsidy Level: Baccalaureate Course Programs Abbreviation

Welding Engineering

General Information
Welding Engineering capstone projects are supported by industrial sponsors. The success of the project relies on good communication among students, sponsors , and advisors.


This is the first semester of a two semester capstone experience. Most of the first semester is spent developing the proposal. A few weeks at the end of the semester is spent in initiating the project. Although this is 2-credit course, each student may spend over 100 hours during the semester completing the project. The hour distribution has tried to reflect the number of laboratory hours typically required for each student.

Course Goals
Students learn how research a topic proposed by a sponsor and prepare a research proposal. Students communicate with the research sponsor, course coordinator, and faculty advisor in the development of the proposal. Students perform initial investigations and testing to meet the objectives of the proposal.

Course Topics Topic

Course introduction and guidelines for proposal development Groups communicate with sponsors and advisors to understand problem definition and critical Groups issues develop draft proposal Draft proposal presentations Revise and finalize proposal Final proposal presentations Testing and analysis from proposal



20.0 25.0






4.0 25.0 4.0 25.0

Grades Aspect
Communication with team members, sponsors, and advisors Written progress reports Proposal presentation Final proposal

30% 20% 10% 40%

Representative Textbooks and Other Course Materials



ABET-EAC Criterion 3 Outcomes

Course Contribution
** ** ** *** a b c d

College Outcome
An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering. An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data. An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs. An ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams.


** * *** * * * **

e f g h

An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems. An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility. An ability to communicate effectively. The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context. i A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning. j A knowledge of contemporary issues. k An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.

WELDENG ABET-EAC Criterion 9 Program Criteria Outcomes Course Contribution

** ** ** l

Program Outcome
an ability to select and design welding materials, processes and inspection techniques based on application, fabrication and service conditions m an ability to develop welding procedures that specify materials, processes and inspection requirements n an ability to design welded structures and components to meet application requirements

Additional Notes or Comments

Contribution to ABET l, m, and n is dependent on the nature of the project.

Prepared by: Dave Farson


WELDENG 4902 (Approved): Capstone Welding Design I Course Description Group design projects building on all aspects of welding engineering. Prior Course Number: 690, 691 Transcript Abbreviation: Capst Weld Des I Grading Plan: Letter Grade Course Deliveries: Classroom Course Levels: Undergrad Student Ranks: Senior Course Offerings: Autumn Flex Scheduled Course: Never Course Frequency: Every Year Course Length: 14 Week Credits: 2.0 Repeatable: No Time Distribution: 2.0 hr Lec Expected out-of-class hours per week: 4.0 Graded Component: Lecture Credit by Examination: No Admission Condition: No Off Campus: Never Campus Locations: Columbus Prerequisites and Co-requisites: Prereq: senior standing or permission of instructor. Open to WE or MSE majors only. Exclusions: Not open to students with credit for WE 690 and WE 691. Cross-Listings: The course is required for this unit's degrees, majors, and/or minors: Yes The course is a GEC: No The course is an elective (for this or other units) or is a service course for other units: No Subject/CIP Code: 14.9999 Subsidy Level: Baccalaureate Course Programs Abbreviation

Welding Engineering

General Information
Welding Engineering capstone projects are supported by industrial sponsors. The success of the project relies on good communication among students, sponsors , and advisors.


This is the first semester of a two semester capstone experience. Most of the first semester is spent developing the proposal. A few weeks at the end of the semester is spent in initiating the project. Although this is 2-credit course, each student may spend over 100 hours during the semester completing the project. The hour distribution has tried to reflect the number of laboratory hours typically required for each student.

Course Goals
Students learn how research a topic proposed by a sponsor and prepare a research proposal. Students communicate with the research sponsor, course coordinator, and faculty advisor in the development of the proposal. Students perform initial investigations and testing to meet the objectives of the proposal.

Course Topics Topic

Course introduction and guidelines for proposal development Groups communicate with sponsors and advisors to understand problem definition and critical issues Groups develop draft proposal Draft proposal presentations Revise and finalize proposal Final proposal presentations Testing and analysis from proposal 4.0 25.0 4.0 25.0



20.0 25.0






Grades Aspect
Communication with team members, sponsors, and advisors Written progress reports Proposal presentation Final proposal

30% 20% 10% 40%

Representative Textbooks and Other Course Materials Title



ABET-EAC Criterion 3 Outcomes Course Contribution

** ** **

College Outcome
a An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering. b An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data. c An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs.


*** ** * *** * * * **

d e f g h

An ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems. An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility. An ability to communicate effectively. The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context. i A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning. j A knowledge of contemporary issues. k An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.

WELDENG ABET-EAC Criterion 9 Program Criteria Outcomes Course Contribution

** ** ** l

Program Outcome
an ability to select and design welding materials, processes and inspection techniques based on application, fabrication and service conditions m an ability to develop welding procedures that specify materials, processes and inspection requirements n an ability to design welded structures and components to meet application requirements

Additional Notes or Comments

Contribution to ABET l, m, and n is dependent on the nature of the project.

Prepared by: Dave Farson


WE Elective Syllabi - Semester


WELDENG 4003 (Approved): Principles of Welding Process Control Course Description Study of principles and practical application of control systems and control elements of welding processes. Prior Course Number: 605, 655 Transcript Abbreviation: Prn Weld Pro Cntrl Grading Plan: Letter Grade Course Deliveries: Greater or equal to 50% at a distance Course Levels: Undergrad Student Ranks: Senior Course Offerings: Autumn Flex Scheduled Course: Never Course Frequency: Every Year Course Length: 14 Week Credits: 3.0 Repeatable: No Time Distribution: 2.5 hr Lec, 1.5 hr Lab Expected out-of-class hours per week: 5.0 Graded Component: Lecture Credit by Examination: No Admission Condition: No Off Campus: Never Campus Locations: Columbus Prerequisites and Co-requisites: Prereq: 500 or 4001 or permission of instructor. Open to WE or MSE majors only. Exclusions: Not open to students with credit for WE 605. Cross-Listings: The course is required for this unit's degrees, majors, and/or minors: No The course is a GEC: No The course is an elective (for this or other units) or is a service course for other units: Yes Subject/CIP Code: 14.9999 Subsidy Level: Baccalaureate Course Programs Abbreviation

Welding Engineering

Course Goals
To provide a rudimentary understanding of welding as a process To provide an acquaintance with the various technologies used to implement industrial process controls


Course Topics Topic

Introduction to welding processes & control Relay logic controls Servo motors Programmable logic controls Sensors Computer data acquisition

7.0 5.0 4.0 7.0 6.0 6.0


3.0 6.0 3.0 6.0 3.0






Grades Aspect
MT 1 HW Labs Final

35% 15% 15% 35%

Representative Textbooks and Other Course Materials Title

WELDENG 4003 Lecture Notes

Richardson, R.W., Farson, D.F.

ABET-EAC Criterion 3 Outcomes Course Contribution

*** *** *** ** a b c d e f g h

College Outcome
An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering. An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data. An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs. An ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems. An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility. An ability to communicate effectively. The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context. i A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning. j A knowledge of contemporary issues. k An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.


WELDENG ABET-EAC Criterion 9 Program Criteria Outcomes


Course Contribution
*** * l

Program Outcome
an ability to select and design welding materials, processes and inspection techniques based on application, fabrication and service conditions m an ability to develop welding procedures that specify materials, processes and inspection requirements n an ability to design welded structures and components to meet application requirements


WELDENG 4012 (Approved): Resistance Welding Processes Course Description This course addresses the fundamentals, theory, and application of Resistance Welding processes, with emphasis on processes, equipment, materials, and quality control. Prior Course Number: 602, 702 Transcript Abbreviation: Res Weld Proc Grading Plan: Letter Grade Course Deliveries: Classroom Course Levels: Undergrad Student Ranks: Junior, Senior Course Offerings: Autumn Flex Scheduled Course: Never Course Frequency: Every Year Course Length: 14 Week Credits: 2.0 Repeatable: No Time Distribution: 2.0 hr Lec Expected out-of-class hours per week: 4.0 Graded Component: Lecture Credit by Examination: No Admission Condition: No Off Campus: Never Campus Locations: Columbus Prerequisites and Co-requisites: Open to WE or MSE majors only or with permission of instructor. Exclusions: Not open to students with credit for WE 602 or WE 702. Cross-Listings: The course is required for this unit's degrees, majors, and/or minors: No The course is a GEC: No The course is an elective (for this or other units) or is a service course for other units: Yes Subject/CIP Code: 14.9999 Subsidy Level: Baccalaureate Course Programs Abbreviation

Welding Engineering

Course Goals
Develop an understanding of the theories and fundamentals of Resistance Welding processes. Understanding of Resistance Welding equipment details including power supplies and tooling.


Understanding of methods for quality control and mechanical testing of Resistance Welds. Understanding of the Resistance Welding of important structural materials including carbon and low alloy steels, stainless steels, aluminum, and titanium. Understanding of the Resistance Welding of coated steels including galvanized, aluminized, tin coated, and terne coated steels.

Course Topics Topic

Resistance Welding fundamentals. Resistance Welding equipment, tooling and power supplies. Welding of materials. Resistance Resistance Welding of coated steels. Resistance Welding quality, quality control, and testing.

10.0 4.0 5.0 5.0 4.0








Grades Aspect
Exam #1 Exam #2 Final exam

30% 30% 40%

Representative Textbooks and Other Course Materials Title

4012 Class Notes

Dickinson, Phillips

ABET-EAC Criterion 3 Outcomes Course Contribution

*** * ** ** a b c d e f g h

College Outcome
An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering. An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data. An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs. An ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems. An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility. An ability to communicate effectively. The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context. i A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning. j A knowledge of contemporary issues. k An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.



WELDENG ABET-EAC Criterion 9 Program Criteria Outcomes Course Contribution

*** * l

Program Outcome
an ability to select and design welding materials, processes and inspection techniques based on application, fabrication and service conditions m an ability to develop welding procedures that specify materials, processes and inspection requirements n an ability to design welded structures and components to meet application requirements

Prepared by: David Phillips


WELDENG 4021 (Approved): Solid-State Welding - Joining Course Description The welding and Joining of materials in the solid state with emphasis on physical processes and metallurgical principles Prior Course Number: WE701 Transcript Abbreviation: SS Weld Proc Grading Plan: Letter Grade Course Deliveries: Classroom Course Levels: Undergrad Student Ranks: Junior, Senior Course Offerings: Spring Flex Scheduled Course: Never Course Frequency: Every Year Course Length: 14 Week Credits: 3.0 Repeatable: No Time Distribution: 3.0 hr Lec Expected out-of-class hours per week: 6.0 Graded Component: Lecture Credit by Examination: No Admission Condition: No Off Campus: Never Campus Locations: Columbus Prerequisites and Co-requisites: Prereq: 601 or 4001 and 612 or 4102, or permission of instructor. Open to WE or MSE majors only. Exclusions: Not open to students with credit for WE 701. Cross-Listings: The course is required for this unit's degrees, majors, and/or minors: No The course is a GEC: No The course is an elective (for this or other units) or is a service course for other units: Yes Subject/CIP Code: 14.9999 Subsidy Level: Baccalaureate Course Programs Abbreviation

Welding Engineering

Course Goals
To expand the students understanding of solid state welding process through exploration of processes and scientific and engineering principles that govern the processes, as well as, fundamental mechanisms


Course Topics Topic

Mechanisms of Solid State Welding I


Rec Rec

Lab Lab

Cli Cli


Sem Sem


Wor Wor

Thermo-mechanical Processing of Metals and Alloys (Low to High and Strain Rates) Welding Cold Pressure Roll Bonding Flash Butt Welding Friction Welding Friction Stir Welding Ultrasonic Welding Explosive (Impact) Welding Magnetic Pulse (Impact) Welding Deformation / Resistance Welding Material Changes during Solid-State Joining and Its Impact Diffusion Based Joining Processes (includes transient liquid phase bonding) Meso-, Micro- and Nano-Scale Welding Computational Tools for Solid-State Joining

2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 3.5 4.5 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 4.0 2.0 2.0

Representative Assignments
Homework problems are assigned based on the class notes, research papers and text books Some assignments may involve use of the computational tools for describing solid-state joining

Grades Aspect
Home Works Proposal / Presentation Mid Term Final Exam

15% 25% 25% 35%

Representative Textbooks and Other Course Materials Title

Class Notes and Research Papers to be provided during the class ASM ans AWS Handbooks on Welding


ABET-EAC Criterion 3 Outcomes A132

Course Contribution
*** ** * ** ** * ** a b c d e f g

College Outcome
An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering. An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data. An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs. An ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems. An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility. An ability to communicate effectively.

Course Contribution
* * * ***

College Outcome
h The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context. i A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning. j A knowledge of contemporary issues. k An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.

WELDENG ABET-EAC Criterion 9 Program Criteria Outcomes Course Contribution

*** *** ** l

Program Outcome
an ability to select and design welding materials, processes and inspection techniques based on application, fabrication and service conditions m an ability to develop welding procedures that specify materials, processes and inspection requirements n an ability to design welded structures and components to meet application requirements

Additional Notes or Comments

Solid-State Joining Process Literature is Expanding at Rapid Scale; We need 3 credit hours to do the justice to the field.

Prepared by: Sudarsanam Babu


WELDENG 4023 (Approved): Brazing and Soldering Course Description Brazing and soldering processes with emphasis on physical and metallurgical principles, materials, design and application considerations. Prior Course Number: 703 Transcript Abbreviation: Brazing&Soldering Grading Plan: Letter Grade Course Deliveries: Classroom Course Levels: Undergrad Student Ranks: Senior Course Offerings: Autumn Flex Scheduled Course: Never Course Frequency: Every Year Course Length: 14 Week Credits: 3.0 Repeatable: No Time Distribution: 2.5 hr Lec, 1.5 hr Lab Expected out-of-class hours per week: 5.0 Graded Component: Lecture Credit by Examination: No Admission Condition: No Off Campus: Never Campus Locations: Columbus Prerequisites and Co-requisites: Prereq: 610 or 4101 or permission of instructor. Open to WE or MSE majors only. Exclusions: Not open to students with credit for WE 703. Cross-Listings: The course is required for this unit's degrees, majors, and/or minors: No The course is a GEC: No The course is an elective (for this or other units) or is a service course for other units: Yes Subject/CIP Code: 14.9999 Subsidy Level: Baccalaureate Course Programs Abbreviation

Welding Engineering

General Information
This course is a technical elective in the Welding Engineering UG degree program. It describes the basic processes and physical metallurgy principles of Brazing and Soldering. Three laboratory exercises (a total of nine hours) are incorporated in the course.


Course Goals
Describe the basic principles of brazing and soldering processes, and of microstructure, properties, quality, and reliability of brazed and soldered joints. Provide specific knowledge about brazing and soldering of metals, ceramics, and composites. Provide basic understanding of surface energy, wetting, and capillary flow in brazing and soldering. Interaction of solid and liquid metals, solidification, diffusion, phase transformations. Formation of oxides, carbides, nitrides and intermetalics. Provide basic knowledge about the brazing and soldering filler metals and fluxes, their composition, properties, application, compatibility to base metals, selection, and classification. Describe the basic principles and considerations in the design and strength of brazed and soldered joints, including joint geometry and gaps, strenght calculation, thermal expansion mismatch, stress concentration, testing, and quality control. Provide basic knowledge about the inspection and quality control of brazed and soldered joints, and about the safety considerations in brazing and soldering.

Course Topics Topic

Introduction, definitions, and general characterization of brazing and soldering Physical and metallurgical phenomena in brazing and soldering Wetting and capillary flow of brazing and soldering filler metals Brazing and soldering processes Brazing and soldering filler metals and fluxes Base materials and brazeability, brazing and soldering of metals and metallic alloys. Effect of preplacing of brazing and soldering filler metals on filling the joint gap and joint quality. Brazing and soldering of non-metallic materials. Design and strength of brazed and soldered joints. Inspection of brazed and soldered joints. Microstructure characterization and defects in brazed and soldered joints. Safety considerations in Brazing and soldering

3.0 6.0








7.0 7.0 3.0 6.0 7.0 2.0 5.0 2.0 7.0 1.0

Representative Assignments
Lab reports on: 1. Wetting and capillary flow of brazing and soldering filler metals 2. Effect of preplacing of brazing and soldering filler metals on filling the joint gap and joint quality. 3. Microstructure characterization and defects in brazed and soldered joints.

Grades A135

Lab reports Exam 1 Exam 2 Final Exam

15% 25% 25% 35%

Representative Textbooks and Other Course Materials Title

Lecture Notes

A. Shapiro, A. Rbinkin, B. Alexandrov, M. Lucas, P. Ditzel, Y. Flom

Brazing Handbook Soldering Handbook


ABET-EAC Criterion 3 Outcomes Course Contribution

** * *** * ** a b c d e f g h

College Outcome
An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering. An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data. An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs. An ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems. An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility. An ability to communicate effectively. The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context. i A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning. j A knowledge of contemporary issues. k An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.

* * *

WELDENG ABET-EAC Criterion 9 Program Criteria Outcomes Course Contribution

*** *** ** l

Program Outcome
an ability to select and design welding materials, processes and inspection techniques based on application, fabrication and service conditions m an ability to develop welding procedures that specify materials, processes and inspection requirements n an ability to design welded structures and components to meet application requirements


WELDENG 4024 (Approved): High Energy Density Welding Processes Course Description Theory and practice of laser, electron beam, and other high energy density welding processes. Prior Course Number: 704 Transcript Abbreviation: HED Weld Proc Grading Plan: Letter Grade Course Deliveries: Classroom Course Levels: Undergrad Student Ranks: Senior Course Offerings: Autumn Flex Scheduled Course: Never Course Frequency: Every Year Course Length: 14 Week Credits: 2.0 Repeatable: No Time Distribution: 2.0 hr Lec Expected out-of-class hours per week: 4.0 Graded Component: Lecture Credit by Examination: No Admission Condition: No Off Campus: Never Campus Locations: Columbus Prerequisites and Co-requisites: Prereq: 500 or 4001 or permission of instructor. Open to WE or MSE majors only. Exclusions: Not open to students with credit for WE 704. Cross-Listings: The course is required for this unit's degrees, majors, and/or minors: No The course is a GEC: No The course is an elective (for this or other units) or is a service course for other units: Yes Subject/CIP Code: 14.9999 Subsidy Level: Baccalaureate Course Programs Abbreviation

Welding Engineering

Course Goals
Understand how the physical laws affect the design and operation of electron beam and laser material processes and processing systems.


Course Topics Topic

Electron beam welding systems


Rec Rec

Lab Lab

Cli Cli


Sem Sem


Wor Wor

Electron beam welding processes Lasers and systems Optics Laser beam welding process laser cutting and drilling processes

2.0 14.0 2.0 2.0 2.0

Grades Aspect
MT 1 MT 2 HW Final exam

25% 25% 15% 35%

Representative Textbooks and Other Course Materials Title

Lecture Notes High Energy Density Welding Processes and Systems Laser Material Processing

Albright, C.E., Farson, D.F. Steen, W.M.

ABET-EAC Criterion 3 Outcomes Course Contribution

* a b c d e f g h

College Outcome
An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering. An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data. An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs. An ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems. An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility. An ability to communicate effectively. The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context. i A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning. j A knowledge of contemporary issues. k An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.


WELDENG ABET-EAC Criterion 9 Program Criteria Outcomes Course Contribution

*** *** l

Program Outcome
an ability to select and design welding materials, processes and inspection techniques based on application, fabrication and service conditions m an ability to develop welding procedures that specify materials, processes and inspection requirements n an ability to design welded structures and components to meet application requirements

Prepared by: Dave Farson


WELDENG 4025 (Approved): Robotic Welding Systems Course Description Theory, methods, economics and applications of robotic welding systems and processes. Prior Course Number: 705 Transcript Abbreviation: Robot Wld Syst Des Grading Plan: Letter Grade Course Deliveries: Classroom Course Levels: Undergrad Student Ranks: Senior Course Offerings: Spring Flex Scheduled Course: Never Course Frequency: Every Year Course Length: 14 Week Credits: 3.0 Repeatable: No Time Distribution: 2.5 hr Lec, 1.5 hr Lab Expected out-of-class hours per week: 5.0 Graded Component: Lecture Credit by Examination: No Admission Condition: No Off Campus: Never Campus Locations: Columbus Prerequisites and Co-requisites: Prereq: 300 or 3001 or permission of instructor. Open to WE or MSE majors only. Exclusions: Not open to students with credit for WE 705. Cross-Listings: The course is required for this unit's degrees, majors, and/or minors: No The course is a GEC: No The course is an elective (for this or other units) or is a service course for other units: Yes Subject/CIP Code: 14.9999 Subsidy Level: Baccalaureate Course Programs Abbreviation

Welding Engineering

Course Goals
Understand the basics of robotic welding systems design including manipulator kinematics, actuators and control. Understand cost/benefit analysis of robotic welding systems Understand the principles of robotic welding cell design including part motion, fixtures and tooling and operator safety.


Course Topics Topic

Economic justification


Rec Rec

Lab Lab

Cli Cli


Sem Sem


Wor Wor

Robot systems Welding robot cell design Part motion Robot safety Welding robotic system accessories Tooling and fixturing for robotic welding Motors and servo systems Feedback control Arm manipulator kinematics Process control Robotic system coordinates Robot system programming by pendant Coordinated motion Welding robot systems torch definition

3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 4.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0

4.5 6.0 6.0 4.5

Grades Aspect
MT exam HW, quizzes Final exam

20% 50% 30%

Representative Textbooks and Other Course Materials Title

Class notes

Richardson, R.W., Farson, D.F.

ABET-EAC Criterion 3 Outcomes Course Contribution

** *** * a b c d e

College Outcome
An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering. An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data. An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs. An ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems.


* ***

f An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility. g An ability to communicate effectively. h The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context. i A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning. j A knowledge of contemporary issues. k An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.

WELDENG ABET-EAC Criterion 9 Program Criteria Outcomes Course Contribution

*** * l

Program Outcome
an ability to select and design welding materials, processes and inspection techniques based on application, fabrication and service conditions m an ability to develop welding procedures that specify materials, processes and inspection requirements n an ability to design welded structures and components to meet application requirements

Prepared by: Dave Farson


WELDENG 4302 (Approved): Industrial Radiography Course Description Basic elements of industrial radiography, characterization of a radiographic system as a linear system, quality of radiographs, real-time radiography, microradiography, and computerized tomography. Prior Course Number: 635 Transcript Abbreviation: Radiography Grading Plan: Letter Grade Course Deliveries: Classroom Course Levels: Undergrad Student Ranks: Senior Course Offerings: Autumn Flex Scheduled Course: Never Course Frequency: Even Years Course Length: 14 Week Credits: 3.0 Repeatable: No Time Distribution: 2.5 hr Lec, 1.5 hr Lab Expected out-of-class hours per week: 5.0 Graded Component: Lecture Credit by Examination: No Admission Condition: No Off Campus: Never Campus Locations: Columbus Prerequisites and Co-requisites: Prereq: senior standing or permission of instructor. Open to WE or MSE majors only. Exclusions: Not open to students with credit for WE 635. Cross-Listings: The course is required for this unit's degrees, majors, and/or minors: No The course is a GEC: No The course is an elective (for this or other units) or is a service course for other units: Yes Subject/CIP Code: 14.9999 Subsidy Level: Baccalaureate Course Programs Abbreviation

Welding Engineering

Course Goals
Achieve basic understanding of main concepts and aims of radiography.


Learn generation of X-ray and interaction of ionizing radiation with materials. Learn to select parameters to optimize image quality. Learn fundamentals of real-time radiography, microradiography and computerized tomography. Obtain some basic laboratory experience with radiographic testing.

Course Topics Topic

Introduction to course. Generation of X-ray. The effect of changing mA and kV on the X-ray spectrum. Interaction of X-rays with materials. Image formation and X-rays Films. Film characteristic curves and contrast sensitivity measurement. Selection of Exposure Parameters. Film radiography laboratory. Factors Affecting Quality of Radiographs. Inspection of welds laboratory. Real-time radiography. Evaluation of radiographic systems. Homework siposia presentations and practical examples. Modeling a radiographic system as a linear system. Real-time radiography. Radiographyc laboratory. Microradiography. Introduction to computerized tomography. Computerized tomography.

1.5 1.5 3.5 4.0 3.0








4.0 1.0 3.0 5.0 4.0 1.5 2.0 1.0 3.0

3.0 3.0

6.0 3.0


Representative Assignments
Homework problem assignment

Grades Aspect
Homework Laboratory Final

33% 33% 34%

Representative Textbooks and Other Course Materials


Class notes

S. I. Rokhlin

ABET-EAC Criterion 3 Outcomes Course Contribution

*** * * *** a b c d e

College Outcome
An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering. An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data. An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs. An ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems.

Course Contribution
* * ** * * ***

College Outcome
f An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility. g An ability to communicate effectively. h The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context. i A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning. j A knowledge of contemporary issues. k An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.

WELDENG ABET-EAC Criterion 9 Program Criteria Outcomes Course Contribution

*** ** * l

Program Outcome
an ability to select and design welding materials, processes and inspection techniques based on application, fabrication and service conditions m an ability to develop welding procedures that specify materials, processes and inspection requirements n an ability to design welded structures and components to meet application requirements

Prepared by: Stanislav Rokhlin


WELDENG 4303 (Approved): Ultrasonic Nondestructive Testing Course Description Principles of ultrasonic wave generation, interaction of ultrasonic waves with material structures with emphasis on characterization of material properties, quantitative ultrasonic evaluation of material discontinuities. Prior Course Number: 732 Transcript Abbreviation: Ultrasonic NDT Grading Plan: Letter Grade Course Deliveries: Classroom Course Levels: Undergrad Student Ranks: Senior Course Offerings: Autumn Flex Scheduled Course: Never Course Frequency: Odd Years Course Length: 14 Week Credits: 3.0 Repeatable: No Time Distribution: 2.5 hr Lec, 1.5 hr Lab Expected out-of-class hours per week: 5.0 Graded Component: Lecture Credit by Examination: No Admission Condition: No Off Campus: Never Campus Locations: Columbus Prerequisites and Co-requisites: Prereq: senior standing or permission of instructor. Open to WE or MSE majors only. Exclusions: Not open to students with credit for WE 732. Cross-Listings: The course is required for this unit's degrees, majors, and/or minors: No The course is a GEC: No The course is an elective (for this or other units) or is a service course for other units: Yes Subject/CIP Code: 14.9999 Subsidy Level: Baccalaureate Course Programs Abbreviation

Welding Engineering

Course Goals A146

Achieve basic understanding of main concepts and aims of ultrasonic NDT. Learn theoretical principles of ultrasonic methods and their capabilities and limitations. Learn ultrasonic wave interaction with interfaces between materials and ultrasonic spectroscopic methods. Learn applications of ultrasonics for material characterization. Obtain some basic laboratory experience with ultrasonic testing.

Course Topics Topic

Introduction to course. Vibrations and ultrasonic waves. Physical principles and interaction with interface between materials. Oblique incidence of ultrasonic wave on liquid solid interface. transducers. Radiation field of Ultrasonic ultrasonic transducer. Measurements of velocity and attenuation. Ultrasonic laboratory. Ultrasonic spectroscopy. Sepectroscopic evaluation of adhesive joints laboratory. Ultrasonic evaluation of joints. Homework siposia presentations and practical examples. Modeling of ultrasonic systems as a linear system. Ultrasonic scattering. Ultrasonic Ultrasonic scattering in polycrystalline materials. laboratory. Reflection from defects. Ultrasonic NDT and damage tolerance concept.

1.5 1.5 3.5 4.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 4.0 1.5 2.0 1.0 3.0








3.0 3.0

6.0 3.0


Representative Assignments
Homework problem assignment

Grades Aspect
Homework Laboratory Final

33% 33% 34%

Representative Textbooks and Other Course Materials


Class notes

S. I. Rokhlin

ABET-EAC Criterion 3 Outcomes Course Contribution

*** * * *** a b c d e

College Outcome
An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering. An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data. An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs. An ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems.

Course Contribution
* * ** * * ***

College Outcome
f An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility. g An ability to communicate effectively. h The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context. i A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning. j A knowledge of contemporary issues. k An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.

WELDENG ABET-EAC Criterion 9 Program Criteria Outcomes Course Contribution

*** ** * l

Program Outcome
an ability to select and design welding materials, processes and inspection techniques based on application, fabrication and service conditions m an ability to develop welding procedures that specify materials, processes and inspection requirements n an ability to design welded structures and components to meet application requirements

Prepared by: Stanislav Rokhlin


WELDENG 4540 (Approved): Welding Production Course Description This course addresses the industrial engineering aspects of welding engineering. This includes process selection, manufacturing floor layout, economics, quality assurance, and personnel issues. Prior Course Number: 640 Transcript Abbreviation: Weld Prod Grading Plan: Letter Grade Course Deliveries: Classroom Course Levels: Undergrad Student Ranks: Junior, Senior Course Offerings: Spring Flex Scheduled Course: Never Course Frequency: Every Year Course Length: 14 Week Credits: 2.0 Repeatable: No Time Distribution: 2.0 hr Lec Expected out-of-class hours per week: 4.0 Graded Component: Lecture Credit by Examination: No Admission Condition: No Off Campus: Never Campus Locations: Columbus Prerequisites and Co-requisites: Prereq: 601 or 4002 or permission of instructor. Open to WE or MSE majors only. Exclusions: Not open to students with credit for WE 640. Cross-Listings: The course is required for this unit's degrees, majors, and/or minors: No The course is a GEC: No The course is an elective (for this or other units) or is a service course for other units: Yes Subject/CIP Code: 14.9999 Subsidy Level: Baccalaureate Course Programs Abbreviation

Welding Engineering

Course Goals
Present basic knowledge of the management of a welding manufacturing facility Establish comprehension and application of management techniques within a technological company for efficient facility management, project management, personnel management, and quality assurance.


Provide simulated management experience through the use of team-based case studies.

Course Topics Topic

Plant layout-fundamental and optimization Equipment needs and selection Time studies-optimization Quality control and quality assurance Management and leadership skills Motivational techniques Professional ethics Case studies

4.0 4.0 4.0 6.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 6.0








Grades Aspect
Midterm 1 Midterm 2 Case Studies Final Exam

20% 20% 20% 40%

Representative Textbooks and Other Course Materials Title

Course Notes


ABET-EAC Criterion 3 Outcomes Course Contribution

* * ** ** ** * * * * * ** a b c d e f g h

College Outcome
An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering. An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data. An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs. An ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems. An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility. An ability to communicate effectively. The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context. i A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning. j A knowledge of contemporary issues. k An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.


WELDENG ABET-EAC Criterion 9 Program Criteria Outcomes Course Contribution

** l

Program Outcome
an ability to select and design welding materials, processes and inspection techniques based on application, fabrication and service conditions m an ability to develop welding procedures that specify materials, processes and inspection requirements

Course Contribution

Program Outcome
an ability to design welded structures and components to meet application requirements

Prepared by: John Lippold


WELDENG 4595 (Approved): Topics in Welding Engineering Course Description Theory and application of novel and hybrid welding processes. Prior Course Number: 695 Transcript Abbreviation: Topics Weld Eng Grading Plan: Letter Grade Course Deliveries: Classroom Course Levels: Undergrad Student Ranks: Senior Course Offerings: Spring Flex Scheduled Course: Never Course Frequency: Every Year Course Length: 14 Week Credits: 2.0 Repeatable: No Time Distribution: 2.0 hr Lec Expected out-of-class hours per week: 4.0 Graded Component: Lecture Credit by Examination: No Admission Condition: No Off Campus: Never Campus Locations: Columbus Prerequisites and Co-requisites: Prereq: 601 or 4002 or permission of instructor. Open to WE or MSE majors only. Exclusions: Not open to students with credit for WE 695, "Theory and Application of Novel and Hybrid Welding Processes". Cross-Listings: The course is required for this unit's degrees, majors, and/or minors: No The course is a GEC: No The course is an elective (for this or other units) or is a service course for other units: Yes Subject/CIP Code: 14.9999 Subsidy Level: Baccalaureate Course Programs Abbreviation

Welding Engineering

Course Goals
Understanding of the novel and hybrid welding processes being developed by industry and research organizations


Understanding of the theory behind novel and hybrid welding processes, and possible industrial applications

Course Topics Topic

Novel and hybrid welding process details and equipment


Rec Rec

Lab Lab

Cli Cli


Sem Sem


Wor Wor

Novel and hybrid welding process theories and industrial applications


Grades Aspect
Midterm #1 Midterm #2 Participation in brainstorming and discussion boards Proposal

30% 30% 20% 20%

ABET-EAC Criterion 3 Outcomes Course Contribution

*** a b c d e f g h

College Outcome
An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering. An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data. An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs. An ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems. An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility. An ability to communicate effectively. The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context. i A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning. j A knowledge of contemporary issues. k An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.



WELDENG ABET-EAC Criterion 9 Program Criteria Outcomes Course Contribution

*** * l

Program Outcome
an ability to select and design welding materials, processes and inspection techniques based on application, fabrication and service conditions m an ability to develop welding procedures that specify materials, processes and inspection requirements n an ability to design welded structures and components to meet application requirements

Prepared by: David Phillips A153

WELDENG 4606 (Approved): Welding Robot Programming and Operations Course Description Laboratory experience programming and operation of robotic welding systems Prior Course Number: 656 Transcript Abbreviation: Wldng Robot Prg Grading Plan: Letter Grade Course Deliveries: Classroom Course Levels: Undergrad Student Ranks: Junior, Senior Course Offerings: Spring Flex Scheduled Course: Never Course Frequency: Every Year Course Length: 14 Week Credits: 1.0 Repeatable: No Time Distribution: 3.0 hr Lab Expected out-of-class hours per week: 0.0 Graded Component: Lecture Credit by Examination: No Admission Condition: No Off Campus: Never Campus Locations: Columbus Prerequisites and Co-requisites: Prereq: 300 or 3001 or permission of instructor. Open to WE or MSE majors only. Exclusions: Not open to students with credit for WE 656. Cross-Listings: The course is required for this unit's degrees, majors, and/or minors: No The course is a GEC: No The course is an elective (for this or other units) or is a service course for other units: Yes Subject/CIP Code: 14.9999 Subsidy Level: Baccalaureate Course Programs Abbreviation

Welding Engineering

Course Topics


Introduction to robotics Welding robot programming Welding robot programming



17.0 25.0






Grades Aspect
Completion of robot programming exercises


ABET-EAC Criterion 3 Outcomes Course Contribution

* * a b c d e f g h

College Outcome
An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering. An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data. An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs. An ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems. An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility. An ability to communicate effectively. The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context. i A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning. j A knowledge of contemporary issues. k An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.

WELDENG ABET-EAC Criterion 9 Program Criteria Outcomes Course Contribution


Program Outcome
an ability to select and design welding materials, processes and inspection techniques based on application, fabrication and service conditions m an ability to develop welding procedures that specify materials, processes and inspection requirements n an ability to design welded structures and components to meet application requirements

Prepared by: Dave Farson


WELDENG 4998 (Approved): Undergraduate Research in Welding Engineering Course Description Opportunity for supervised undergraduate research in Welding Engineering. Prior Course Number: 699 Transcript Abbreviation: Ugd Res Weld Eng Grading Plan: Letter Grade Course Deliveries: Classroom Course Levels: Undergrad Student Ranks: Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior Course Offerings: Autumn, Spring, May Flex Scheduled Course: Never Course Frequency: Every Year Course Length: 14 Week Credits: 1.0 - 3.0 Repeatable: Yes Maximum Repeatable Credits: 6.0 Total Completions Allowed: 6 Allow Multiple Enrollments in Term: No Graded Component: Lecture Credit by Examination: No Admission Condition: No Off Campus: Never Campus Locations: Columbus Prerequisites and Corequisites: Exclusions: Cross-Listings: The course is required for this unit's degrees, majors, and/or minors: No The course is a GEC: No The course is an elective (for this or other units) or is a service course for other units: Yes Subject/CIP Code: 14.9999 Subsidy Level: Baccalaureate Course


Welding Engineering

Course Topics


Supervised undergraduate research on various topics.









ABET-EAC Criterion 3 Outcomes Course Contribution

*** *** *** * *** * * * * *** a b c d e f g h

College Outcome
An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering. An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data. An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs. An ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems. An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility. An ability to communicate effectively. The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context. i A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning. j A knowledge of contemporary issues. k An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.

WELDENG ABET-EAC Criterion 9 Program Criteria Outcomes Course Contribution

** ** ** l

Program Outcome
an ability to select and design welding materials, processes and inspection techniques based on application, fabrication and service conditions m an ability to develop welding procedures that specify materials, processes and inspection requirements n an ability to design welded structures and components to meet application requirements

Additional Notes or Comments

Contributions to ABET-EAC Outcomes l, m, and n depend on the specific research project.

Prepared by: Avraham Benatar


WELDENG 4999H (Approved): Undergraduate Honors Research in Welding Engineering Course Description Honor program students are offered the opportunity for supervised undergraduate research in Welding Engineering. Student presentation and thesis writing included. Prior Course Number: H783 Transcript Abbreviation: Ugd Honor Res WE Grading Plan: Letter Grade Course Deliveries: Classroom Course Levels: Undergrad Student Ranks: Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior Course Offerings: Autumn, Spring, May Flex Scheduled Course: Never Course Frequency: Every Year Course Length: 14 Week Credits: 1.0 - 3.0 Repeatable: Yes Maximum Repeatable Credits: 6.0 Total Completions Allowed: 6 Allow Multiple Enrollments in Term: No Graded Component: Lecture Credit by Examination: No Admission Condition: No Off Campus: Never Campus Locations: Columbus Prerequisites and Co-requisites: Students must have a GPA of 3.4 or higher and permission of instructor. Exclusions: CrossListings: The course is required for this unit's degrees, majors, and/or minors: No The course is a GEC: No The course is an elective (for this or other units) or is a service course for other units: Yes Subject/CIP Code: 14.9999 Subsidy Level: Baccalaureate Course Programs Abbreviation

Welding Engineering


Course Topics Topic

Supervised undergraduate research on various topics. Student presentation and thesis writing included.









ABET-EAC Criterion 3 Outcomes Course Contribution

*** *** *** * *** ** * * * *** a b c d e f g h

College Outcome
An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering. An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data. An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs. An ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems. An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility. An ability to communicate effectively. The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context. i A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning. j A knowledge of contemporary issues. k An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.

WELDENG ABET-EAC Criterion 9 Program Criteria Outcomes Course Contribution

** ** ** l

Program Outcome
an ability to select and design welding materials, processes and inspection techniques based on application, fabrication and service conditions m an ability to develop welding procedures that specify materials, processes and inspection requirements n an ability to design welded structures and components to meet application requirements

Additional Notes or Comments

Contributions to ABET-EAC Outcomes l, m, and n depend on the specific research project.

Prepared by: Avraham Benatar


Non-WE required syllabi - Semester


CHEM 1250 (PENDING) General Chemistry for Engineers

Course Description First course for engineering majors, covering dimensional analysis, atomic and molecular structure, the mole, stoichiometry, chemical reactions, states of matter, solutions, kinetics, equilibrium, acids & bases, thermodynamics, and electrochemistry. Transcript Abbreviation: Gen Chem Engineers Grading Plan: Letter Grade Distance Education: No Course Deliveries: 100% at a distance No Greater or equal to 50% at a distance Less than 50% at a distance Course Levels: Undergrad Student Ranks: Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Masters Doctoral Professional Flex Scheduled Course: Never Course Lengths: 14 Week 12 Week (May + Summer) 7 Week 4 Week (May Session) Credits: 4.0 Repeatable: No Allow Multiple Enrollments in Term: No Graded Component: Laboratory Components: Lecture Laboratory No No

Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No

Yes No Yes No


Credit by Examination: Yes EM Tests via Office of Testing International Baccalaureate Advanced Placement Program Admission Condition: Yes Natural Science Off Campus: Never Campus Locations: Columbus Lima Mansfield Marion Newark Wooster

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Prerequisites and Co-requisites: One unit of high school chemistry and eligibility to enroll in Math 1150. Exclusions: Not open to students with credit for Chemistry 1210, 1610 or 1910H.


CSE 1221 (PENDING) Introduction to Computer Programming in MATLAB for Engineers and Scientists Course Description Introduction to computer programming and problem solving techniques with applications in engineering and the physical sciences; algorithm development; programming lab experience. Transcript Abbreviation: Prgrmng MATLAB Grading Plan: Letter Grade Distance Education: No Course Deliveries: 100% at a distance No Greater or equal to 50% at a distance No Less than 50% at a distance No Course Levels: Undergrad Student Ranks: Freshman Yes Sophomore Yes Junior No Senior No Masters No Doctoral No Professional No Flex Scheduled Course: Never Course Lengths: 14 Week Yes 12 Week (May + Summer) No 7 Week No 4 Week (May Session) No Credits: 2.0 Repeatable: No Allow Multiple Enrollments in Term: No Graded Component: Lecture Components: Lecture Laboratory Credit by Examination: Yes Departmental Exams Admission Condition: No Off Campus: Never Campus Locations: Columbus Yes Lima No Mansfield No Marion No A163

Newark No Wooster No Prerequisites and Co-requisites: ENGINEER 1181 or ENGINEER 1281; or Math 151 and Phys 131. Exclusions: CSE 205 Cross-Listings: ENGINEER 1221 The course is required for this unit's degrees, majors, and/or minors The course is a GEC The course is an elective (for this or other units) or is a service course for other units Subject/CIP Code: 14.0901 Subsidy Level: Baccalaureate Course Course Goals
Be competent with writing simple MATLAB programs performing numerical calculations Be competent with use of basic constructs provided by high-level imperative programming languages: sequencing, selection, and iteration Be familiar with algorithmic thinking Be familiar with use of computational approaches to solving problems in science and engineering Be familiar with using basic data structures such as arrays Be familiar with procedural composition Be exposed to computational science concepts, including simulation, optimization, and data analysis

No No Yes

Course Topics
Introduction to computation, concept of algorithm Variables, expressions and assignment Selection statements: if, switch Booleans, strings Matrices and indexing Loops: for and while; use of arrays Graphing, input/output with files, scripts Functions Higher order operators on matrices Review/exams

ECA Request ACAD Group: ENG ACAD ORG: D1435 Created By: Rowland,Shaun M Created Date: 2011-02-25 10:32:23 -0500 Status: PENDING Updated By: McCaul Jr,Edward Baldwin Updated Date: 2011-03-11 11:22:43 -0500


ECE 2300 (PENDING) Electrical Circuits and Electronic Devices Course Description Introduction to circuit analysis; circuit analysis concepts and mechanical systems analogies; theory and applications of electronic devices; operational amplifiers; electrical instruments and measurements. Transcript Abbreviation: ElecCirc&ElctrnDev Grading Plan: Letter Grade Distance Education: No Course Deliveries: 100% at a distance No Greater or equal to 50% at a distance No Less than 50% at a distance No Course Levels: Undergrad Student Ranks: Freshman No Sophomore Yes Junior Yes Senior Yes Masters No Doctoral No Professional No Flex Scheduled Course: Never Course Lengths: 14 Week 12 Week (May + Summer) 7 Week 4 Week (May Session) Credits: 3.0 Repeatable: No Allow Multiple Enrollments in Term: No Graded Component: Lecture Components: Laboratory Lecture Recitation Credit by Examination: No Admission Condition: No Off Campus: Never Campus Locations: Columbus Lima Mansfield Yes No No No

Yes No No A165

Marion No Newark No Wooster No Prerequisites and Co-requisites: Physics 132 or Physics 1132, Math 254 or Math 1152 or Math 1172, minimum CPHR of 2.00, and in Eng college. Exclusions: Not open to students with credit for ECE 300, 320, or 309; not open to Electrical and Computer Engineering majors. Cross-Listings: The course is required for this unit's degrees, majors, and/or minors No The course is a GEC No The course is an elective (for this or other units) or is a service course for other units Yes Subject/CIP Code: 14.1001 Subsidy Level: Baccalaureate Course Course Goals Students learn the basic laws of circuit theory Students learn to analyze simple resistive or dc circuits Students learn to analyze simple sinusoidal RLC circuits, including frequency domain concepts and filters Students learn the fundamentals of AC power circuits including the distinction between three-phase and residential power wiring and distribution Students learn to analyze basic ideal operational amplifier circuits Students learn basic elements of electronic circuits including diodes and their application in rectifiers and snubbers, and transistors and their applications in amplifiers and as switches Students learn the basics of interfacing and control output for electronic instrumentation and measurements Course Topics Fundamentals of electric circuits: Kirchhoff?s current & voltage laws, power & sign conventions, Ohm?s law, practical sources & measuring devices Resistive network analysis: node voltage analysis,mesh current analysis, superposition & Thevenin equivalent, loading AC network analysis: capacitors and inductors, sinusoids and sinusoidal response; phasor analysis of sinusoidal circuits Transient analysis with emphasis on 1st order circuits and brief overview of 2nd order circuits A166

Sinusoidal frequency response of RLC circuits, filter circuits Power in AC circuits, complex power, transformers, three-phase power, residential wiring & power distribution Ideal op-amps, basic op-amp circuits Diodes: ideal diode model and constant-voltage-drop circuit models, applications in rectifiers and for snubbers Bipolar junction transistors: operations, circuit models and applications Field-effect transistors: operations, circuit models and applications Electronic instrumentation and measurements: sensor interfacing, control output, embedded computing systems ECA Request ACAD Group: ENG ACAD ORG: D1445 Created By: Rowland,Shaun M Created Date: 2011-04-29 16:20:26 -0400 Status: PENDING Updated By: McCaul Jr,Edward Baldwin Updated Date: 2011-05-17 08:51:15 -0400 Version: 4 Cross-Listings: The course is required for this unit's degrees, majors, and/or minors The course is a GEC The course is an elective (for this or other units) or is a service course for other units Subject/CIP Code: 40.0501 Subsidy Level: Baccalaureate Course Course Goals Courses in natural sciences foster an understanding of the principles, theories, and methods of modern science, the relationship between science and technology, and the effects of science and technology on the environment. Course Topics Dimensional analysis, atomic and molecular structure, the mole, stoichiometry, chemical reactions, states of matter, kinetics, equilibrium, acids & bases, thermodynamics, and electrochemistry. ECA Request ACAD Group: ASC ACAD ORG: D0628 Created By: Hadad,Christopher Martin A167

No Yes Yes

Created Date: 2011-03-22 06:29:34 -0400 Status: PENDING Updated By: Meyers,Catherine Anne Updated Date: 2011-04-13 05:22:35 -0400 Version: 10


ENGINEER 1181.02 (PENDING) Fundamentals of Engineering 1 - Scholars Course Description Engineering problem solving utilizing computational tools such as Excel and Matlab; hands-on experimentation; modeling; ethics; teamwork; written, oral and visual communications. Transcript Abbreviation: Fund Engr 1 - Schl Grading Plan: Letter Grade Distance Education: No Course Deliveries: 100% at a distance No Greater or equal to 50% at a distance No Less than 50% at a distance No Course Levels: Undergrad Student Ranks: Freshman Yes Sophomore No Junior No Senior No Masters No Doctoral No Professional No Flex Scheduled Course: Never Course Lengths: 14 Week Yes 12 Week (May + Summer) 7 Week No 4 Week (May Session) Credits: 2.0 Repeatable: No Allow Multiple Enrollments in Term: No Graded Component: Lecture A169

No No

Components: Lecture Laboratory Credit by Examination: No Admission Condition: No Off Campus: Never Campus Locations: Columbus Yes Lima No Mansfield Yes Marion No Newark Yes Wooster No Prerequisites and Co-requisites: Prereq or concur: Replacement for Math 150 or higher and Scholar Status Exclusions: Not open to students with credit for ENG 183.01 or ENG 183.02 Cross-Listings: The course is required for this unit's degrees, majors, and/or minors Yes The course is a GEC No The course is an elective (for this or other units) or is a service course for other units Subject/CIP Code: 14.9999 Subsidy Level: Baccalaureate Course Course Goals 1. Students will develop professional skills for success in engineering, including teamwork; written, oral, and visual communications; and ethics. 2. Students will understand basic elements for engineering problem solving utilizing tools such as Excel and Matlab. 3. Students will have an introductory knowledge of a wide range of fundamental engineering tasks and principles gained through homework and hands-on laboratory exercises. 4. Students will be motivated towards opportunities within engineering careers and gain an appreciation of the range of engineering disciplines available to them. Course Topics 1. Course introduction and overview 2. Teamwork fundamentals and agreements 3. Problem solving fundamentals -- Problem types, systems descriptions, SI units, significant digits, understanding analsyis vs design 4. Using spreadsheets for problem solving -- Excel spreadsheet structure; equations, operators, array elements; models and systems; mathematical models; plots and charts A170


5. Ethics for engineers 6. Using MATLAB for problem solving -- MATLAB tool/environment; command mode; script files, arrays, and strings; problem solving structure for MATLAB, algorithms, statements and functions; input, output, plotting; systems and mathematical models 7. Series of laboratory exercises will draw from a wide range of engineering domains - Fundamental engineering concepts; hands-on measurement and instrumentation; collection and analysis of data; reporting of results; modeling ECA Request ACAD Group: ENG ACAD ORG: D1400 Status: PENDING Updated By: McCaul Jr,Edward Baldwin Updated Date: 2011-05-10 06:58:20 -0400


ENGINEER 1182.01 (PENDING) Fundamentals of Engineering 2 Course Description Introduction to 3D visualization and CAD; engineering design-build process; teamwork; written, oral and visual communications; project management. Transcript Abbreviation: Fund Engr 2 Grading Plan: Letter Grade Distance Education: No Course Deliveries: 100% at a distance No Greater or equal to 50% at a distance No Less than 50% at a distance No Course Levels: Freshman Yes Sophomore No Junior No Senior No Masters No Doctoral No Professional No Flex Scheduled Course: Never Course Lengths: 14 Week Yes 12 Week (May + Summer) 7 Week No 4 Week (May Session) Credits: 2.0

No No

Repeatable: No Allow Multiple Enrollments in Term: No Graded Component: Lecture Components: Lecture Laboratory Credit by Examination: No


Admission Condition: No Off Campus: Never Campus Locations: Columbus Yes Lima No Mansfield Yes Marion No Newark Yes Wooster No Prerequisites and Co-requisites: ENGR 1181.01 or 1181.02 or ENGR 1281.01H or 1281.02H or 1281.03H; Concurrent Math (Equiv 151) or higher Exclusions: Not open to students with credit for ENG 181.01 or ENG 181.02 Cross-Listings: The course is required for this unit's degrees, majors, and/or minors Yes The course is a GEC No The course is an elective (for this or other units) or is a service course for other units Subject/CIP Code: 14.9999 Subsidy Level: Baccalaureate Course Course Goals Students will understand and gain experience with the elements of engineering design Students will be able to visualize and present objects and systems in three-dimensions Student will have a basic proficiency with a modern CAD tool (Autodesk Inventor) Students will develop professional skills for success in engineering, including teamwork and written, oral, and visual communications Students will have an introductory level knowledge of project management (e.g. scheduling, budgeting, reporting) Students will complete a term-length, design-build project which serves as a cornerstone experience. Project is to reinforce use of numerical problem solving, engineering documentation, graphics and visualization and teamwork skills. Course Topics Introduction to Course and Overview Engineering Design Process Fundamentals Project Management Visualization of 3-D Objects (Sketching, Pictorials, & Orthographics) Construction of 3-D Objects with CAD Standard Views and Presentations of Objects Assembly and Presentation of Systems Conventions and Standards (Dimensioning, Tolerance, Sections) Design/Build Project Preparation Exercises A173


Design/Build Project(Project to make use of both Problem Solving and CAD knowledge) ECA Request ACAD Group: ENG ACAD ORG: D1400 Status: PENDING Update By: McCaul Jr,Edward Baldwin Updated Date: 2011-05-10 06:36:24 -0400


ISE 2040 (PENDING) Engineering Economics Course Description Economic analysis of engineering project alternatives. Cash flow modeling; time value of money;techniques for comparing projects;influence of taxes, depreciation, and inflation. Transcript Abbreviation: Eng Econ Grading Plan: Letter Grade Distance Education: No Course Deliveries: 100% at a distance No Greater or equal to 50% at a distance No Less than 50% at a distance No Course Levels:Undergrad Student Ranks: Freshman No Sophomore No Junior Yes Senior No Masters No Doctoral No Professional No Flex Scheduled Course: Never Course Lengths: 14 Week 12 Week (May + Summer) 7 Week 4 Week (May Session) Yes No No No

Credits: 2.0 Repeatable: No Allow Multiple Enrollments in Term: No Graded Component: Lecture Components: Lecture Credit by Examination: No Admission Condition: No Off Campus: Never Campus Locations: Columbus Yes Lima No Mansfield No Marion No Newark No Wooster No Prerequisites and Co-requisites: Sophomore standing in engineering. A175

Exclusions: Not available to students who have previously taken ISE 504 or IND ENG 504. Cross-Listings: The course is required for this unit's degrees, majors, and/or minors The course is a GEC The course is an elective (for this or other units) or is a service course for other units Subjct/CIP Code: 14.35 Subsidy Level: Baccalaureate Course Course Goals Be able to model descriptions of engineering projects as discrete cash flows Understand the concept of 'minimal acceptable rate of return' (MARR), how it is used, and what factors influence it

Yes No Yes

Be able to use present worth, future worth, rate of return, simple payback period, discounted payback period, and break-even analysis to evaluate, compare, and rank engineering projects Understand the advantages, disadvantages, and pitfalls associated with each of the analysis methods above, interpret the results from these methods, and understand the interrelations among the methods Be able to include the effects of depreciation, taxes, and inflation in the analysis of engineering projects Be able to use sensitivity analysis to evaluate projects with uncertain cash flows Course Topics Introduction to engineering economics Equivalence and equivalence calculations using MS Excel Interest rates Worth analysis Rate of return analysis Payback period and budgeting Break even analysis, sensitivity analysis Depreciation After-tax analysis Inflation ECA Request ACAD Group: ENG ACAD ORG: D1457 Status: PENDING Updated By: Soave,Melissa A Updated Date: 2011-06-08 07:40:04 -0400 Version: 5


ISE 4500 (PENDING) Manufacturing Process Engineering Course Description A thorough quantitative understanding of contemporary manufacturing processes; exposure to laboratory exercises and computer simulations in major manufacturing processes; design for manufacturing and assembly. Transcript Abbreviation: Mfg Proc Eng Grading Plan: Letter Grade Distance Education: No Course Deliveries:
100% at a distance Greater or equal to 50% at a distance Less than 50% at a distance No No No

Course Levels: Undergrad Student Ranks:

Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Masters Doctoral Professional No No No Yes No No No

Flex Scheduled Course: Never Course Lengths:

14 Week 12 Week (May + Summer) 7 Week 4 Week (May Session) Yes No No No

Credits: 3.0 Repeatable: No Allow Multiple Enrollments in Term: No Graded Component: Lecture Components: Lecture Laboratory Credit by Examination: No Admission Condition: No Off Campus: Never Campus Locations:
Columbus Lima Mansfield Marion Newark Wooster Yes No No No No No


Prerequisites and Co-requisites: Prerequisites: Mech Eng 420, and Mech Eng 561 or equivalent. Prerequisite or co-requisite: Mech Eng 510 or equivalent. Exclusions: Not open to students with prior credit for ISE 350 or IND ENG 311 Cross-Listings:
The course is required for this unit's degrees, majors, and/or minors The course is a GEC The course is an elective (for this or other units) or is a service course for other units No No Yes

Subject/CIP Code: 14.36 Subsidy Level: Baccalaureate Course Course Goals

Be able to identify viable production processes to create a discrete finished part from a given raw material Be able to design the critical parameters of basic manufacturing processes, analyze their magnitude, and predict their influence on process functions Be able to determine the tooling and equipment requirements for common transformation and

Course Topics
Material Solidification Solidification Deformation Material Additive Design Joining Measurement

ECA Request ACAD Group: ENG ACAD ORG: D1457 Created By: Rowland,Shaun M Created Date: 2011-05-11 17:20:56 -0400 Status: PENDING Updated By: Soave,Melissa A Updated Date: 2011-06-08 08:35:32 -0400 Version: 5


MATSCEN 2010 (NEW) Introduction to Engineering Materials Course Description Introduction to the properties (mechanical, electrical, thermal, diffusive, degradative, magnetic, optical), structure, and processing of engineering materials, including ceramic, metals, polymers, biological, and composite materials. Transcript Abbreviation: Intro Engin Mater Grading Plan: Letter Grade Distance Education: No Course Deliveries:
100% at a distance Greater or equal to 50% at a distance Less than 50% at a distance No No No

Course Levels: Undergrad Student Ranks:

Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Masters Doctoral Professional No Yes No No No No No

Flex Scheduled Course: Never Course Lengths:

14 Week 12 Week (May + Summer) 7 Week 4 Week (May Session) Yes No No No

Credits: 3.0 Repeatable: No Allow Multiple Enrollments in Term: No Graded Component: Lecture Components: Lecture Credit by Examination: No Admission Condition: No Off Campus: Never Campus Locations:
Columbus Lima Mansfield Marion Yes No No No


Newark Wooster

No No

Prerequisites and Co-requisites: Physics 1250 or 1260; Calculus I; General Chemistry I or Chemistry for Engineers; or permission of instructor Exclusions: Not open to students with credit for MSE205 Cross-Listings:
The course is required for this unit's degrees, majors, and/or minors The course is a GEC The course is an elective (for this or other units) or is a service course for other units Yes No Yes

Subject/CIP Code: 14.3101 Subsidy Level: Baccalaureate Course Course Goals

Define engineering material properties and their range of values. Demonstrate the relation between material properties and underlying structure and atomic bonding. Demonstrate how structure can be manipulated via thermal and mechanical processing. Provide examples of how materials selection can enable improved performance in engineering applications (e.g., structural, thermal, electrical, optical, magnetic).

Course Topics
Inter-relation between properties, structure, and processing Electronic structure, bonding, and properties that are inferred from these features Structures of metals, ceramics, and polymers Imperfections in solids Diffusion in solids Mechanical properties: ceramics, metals, and polymers Strategies to strengthen materials Mechanical failure: ceramics, metals, and polymers Thermal properties: ceramics, metals, and polymers Composite materials: thermal and mechanical response Hard and soft tissue: structure and mechanical response


Electrical properties: metals, insulators, and semiconductors Magnetic materials Optical properties Corrosion and degradation Phase diagrams Phase transformations Synthesis, fabrication, and processing of materials Case studies involving materials selection in engineering applications: structural, electrical, thermal, biological, magnetic, optical

ECA Request ACAD Group: ENG ACAD ORG: D1468 Created By: Rowland,Shaun M Created Date: 2011-04-29 16:20:34 -0400 Status: NEW Updated By: Rowland,Shaun M Updated Date: 2011-04-29 16:20:34 -0400


MATSCEN 2251 (NEW) Thermodynamics of Materials Course Description To provide students with fundamental basis of three laws of thermodynamics, phase equilibria, reaction equilibria, solution theory, phase diagrams and electrochemistry. Transcript Abbreviation: Thermodynamics Grading Plan: Letter Grade Distance Education: No Course Deliveries:
100% at a distance Greater or equal to 50% at a distance Less than 50% at a distance No No No

Course Levels: Undergrad Student Ranks:

Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Masters Doctoral Professional No Yes No No No No No

Flex Scheduled Course: Never Course Lengths:

14 Week 12 Week (May + Summer) 7 Week 4 Week (May Session) Yes No No No

Credits: 3.0 Repeatable: No Allow Multiple Enrollments in Term: No Graded Component: Lecture Components: Lecture Credit by Examination: No Admission Condition: No Off Campus: Never Campus Locations:
Columbus Lima Mansfield Marion Newark Wooster Yes No No No No No


Prerequisites and Co-requisites: MSE 2010; Calculus I; Physics 1250 or 1260; General Chemistry I or Chemistry for Engineers; or permission of instructor Exclusions: Not open to students with credit for BOTH MSE 401 and MSE 525 Cross-Listings:
The course is required for this unit's degrees, majors, and/or minors The course is a GEC The course is an elective (for this or other units) or is a service course for other units Yes No No

Subject/CIP Code: 14.3101 Subsidy Level: Baccalaureate Course Course Goals

Students will learn basic concepts related to three laws of thermodynamics, phase equilibria, reaction equilibria, solution theory, phase diagrams and electrochemistry. Students will learn to calculate a wide range of thermodynamic properties from a limted number of experimental data. Students will learn how to determine stability of materials under a given condition. Students will learn how to determine what reactions will or will not occur under a specified condition.

Course Topics
Introduction: criterion for stability of materials, basic concepts, definition of processes and systems First Law and its applications Enthalpy and Heat capacity Calculation of enthalpy changes Entropy and the Second law Calculation of entropy changes Second law and free energy Stability diagrams and stability boundaries Thermodynamics of mixing and solution thermodynamics Phase diagrams including ternary and alloy phase diagrams Reaction equilibria Thermodynamics of electrochemistry

ECA Request ACAD Group: ENG ACAD ORG: D1468 Created By: Rowland,Shaun M A183

Created Date: 2011-04-29 16:20:34 -0400 Status: NEW Updated By: Rowland,Shaun M Updated Date: 2011-04-29 16:20:34 -0400 Version: 0


MATSCEN 3141 (NEW) Transfomation and Processing of Materials Course Description Introduction to transformations, and the relationship between microstructure, properties, and processing in metals, ceramics, semiconductors, and polymers. Transcript Abbreviation: Trans Proc Mats Grading Plan: Letter Grade Distance Education: Yes Course Deliveries:
100% at a distance Greater or equal to 50% at a distance Less than 50% at a distance No No Yes

Course Levels: Undergrad Graduate Dentistry Medicine Student Ranks:

Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Masters Doctoral Professional No No Yes No No No No

Flex Scheduled Course: Never Course Lengths:

14 Week 12 Week (May + Summer) 7 Week 4 Week (May Session) Yes No No No

Credits: 3.0 Repeatable: No Allow Multiple Enrollments in Term: No Graded Component: Lecture Components: Lecture Credit by Examination: No Admission Condition: No Off Campus: Never Campus Locations:
Columbus Lima Mansfield Marion Newark Wooster Yes No No No No No


Prerequisites and Co-requisites: MSE 2251, MSE 2241 (or equivalent), or permission of instructor Exclusions: Not open to graduate students in MSE or WE Cross-Listings:
The course is required for this unit's degrees, majors, and/or minors The course is a GEC The course is an elective (for this or other units) or is a service course for other units Yes No No

Subject/CIP Code: 14.3101 Subsidy Level: Baccalaureate Course Course Goals

To provide students with a detailed understanding of the phenomena, principles, and mechanisms that govern transformations in materials. To be able to apply the basic concepts of thermodynamics and kinetics in determining the driving forces and mechanisms of microstructural transformations. To understand the basic kinetics and morphology of nucleation and growth processes in solids. To be able to apply the concepts of transformation kinetics to the understanding and control of microstructure-property relationships in materials. To be able to find, interpret, and use materials properties in computational models of transformation kinetics.

Course Topics
Introduction to transformations ? microstructures and mechanisms Thermodynamics and phase diagrams - chemical potential, binary free energy and phase diagrams Phase diagrams and their relationship to kinetics of transformations The nature and types of equilibrium, and the driving force for a reaction Basics of diffusion ? atomic mechanisms, Fick?s laws Surfaces, interfaces and microstructure ? interfacial energy and shape, the nature of interfaces, Gibbs-Thompson equation Solidification and microstructure ? homogeneous and heterogeneous nucleation and growth kinetics of solids from liquids Diffusional transformations in solids ? nucleation, growth, and precipitation in solid-solid systems Processing of defective microstructures ? crystallization of amorphous solids, recrystallization, sintering of powders


Precipitation kinetics ? Avrami equation, TTT and CCT curves Diffusionless transformations ? the martensite transformation Decomposition of martensite, and the shape memory effect Gas-solid reactions ? CVD and PVD, epitaxial growth and oxidation kinetics

ECA Request ACAD Group: ENG ACAD ORG: D1468 Created By: Rowland,Shaun M Created Date: 2011-04-29 16:20:34 -0400 Status: NEW Updated By: Rowland,Shaun M Updated Date: 2011-04-29 16:20:34 -0400 Version: 0


MATSCEN 3331 (NEW) Materials Science and Engineering Lab I Course Description Laboratory experiments related to materials processes, and properties. Introduction to experimental techniques used in materials fields. Data analysis, presentation and technical writing skills. Transcript Abbreviation: Mat Sc Eng Lab 1 Grading Plan: Letter Grade Distance Education: No Course Deliveries:
100% at a distance Greater or equal to 50% at a distance Less than 50% at a distance No No No

Course Levels: Undergrad Student Ranks:

Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Masters Doctoral Professional No No Yes No No No No

Flex Scheduled Course: Never Course Lengths:

14 Week 12 Week (May + Summer) 7 Week 4 Week (May Session) Yes No No No

Credits: 2.0 Repeatable: No Allow Multiple Enrollments in Term: No Graded Component: Laboratory Components: Laboratory Credit by Examination: No Admission Condition: No Off Campus: Never Campus Locations:
Columbus Lima Mansfield Marion Newark Yes No No No No




Prerequisites and Co-requisites: MSE 2331 or permission of instructor Exclusions: Not open to students with credit for BOTH MSE 581.01 and MSE 581.02 Cross-Listings:
The course is required for this unit's degrees, majors, and/or minors The course is a GEC The course is an elective (for this or other units) or is a service course for other units Yes No No

Subject/CIP Code: 14.3101 Subsidy Level: Baccalaureate Course Course Goals

Ability to conduct simple experiments in materials synthesis, processing and process control. Ability to conduct simple experiments in materials continuum property measurement. Skills in reduction, analysis and presentation of redundant and less accurate data. Computer data acquisition, analysis and process control. Ability to write, clear, concise, complete and correct technical reports. Building students' portfolio of important accomplishments.

Course Topics
Materials synthesis and processing. Transport: modes, species, continuity. Solid state, and irreversible thermodynamics. Process control for temperature, atmosphere, and vacuum. LabVIEW instrumentation. Continuum properties and their analysis in time and frequency domain. Data reduction, derivations, error analysis and statistics. Document formatting and processing.

Status: NEW Updated By: Rowland,Shaun M Updated Date: 2011-04-29 16:20:35 -0400 Version: 0


MATH 1151 (NEW) Calculus 1 Course Description Differential and integral calculus of one real variable. Transcript Abbreviation: Calculus 1 Grading Plan: Letter Grade Distance Education: No Course Deliveries:
100% at a distance Greater or equal to 50% at a distance Less than 50% at a distance No No No

Course Levels: Undergrad Student Ranks:

Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Masters Doctoral Professional Yes Yes No No No No No

Flex Scheduled Course: Never Course Lengths:

14 Week 12 Week (May + Summer) 7 Week 4 Week (May Session) Yes Yes Yes No

Credits: 5.0 Repeatable: No Allow Multiple Enrollments in Term: No Graded Component: Lecture Components: Lecture Recitation Credit by Examination: Yes EM Tests via Office of Testing Admission Condition: No Off Campus: Never Campus Locations:
Columbus Lima Mansfield Marion Newark Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes




Prerequisites and Co-requisites: Math Placement Level 1 or L, or C- or better in: 1150, {1148 & 1149}, or 150. Exclusions: Not open to students with credit for any higher numbered math class. Cross-Listings:
The course is required for this unit's degrees, majors, and/or minors The course is a GEC The course is an elective (for this or other units) or is a service course for other units No Yes Yes

Subject/CIP Code: 27.0101 Subsidy Level: Baccalaureate Course Course Topics

Limits, continuity, and derivatives; rate of change and slope; relation to increasing and decreasing functions. Implicit differentiation and related rates. Extrema of functions, second derivatives and concavity, applications. Antiderivatives, inde?nite integrals, integration by substitution. De?nite integrals, Riemann sums, areas, Fundamental Theorem.

ECA Request ACAD Group: MPS ACAD ORG: D0671 Created By: Shapiro,Daniel B Created Date: 2011-03-14 05:10:32 -0400 Status: NEW Updated By: Shapiro,Daniel B Updated Date: 2011-04-15 14:53:14 -0400


MATH 1152 (NEW) Calculus 2 Course Description Integral calculus, sequences and series, parametric curves, polar coordinates, vectors. Transcript Abbreviation: Calculus 2 Grading Plan: Letter Grade Distance Education: No Course Deliveries:
100% at a distance Greater or equal to 50% at a distance Less than 50% at a distance No No No

Course Levels: Undergrad Student Ranks:

Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Masters Doctoral Professional Yes Yes No No No No No

Flex Scheduled Course: Never Course Lengths:

14 Week 12 Week (May + Summer) 7 Week 4 Week (May Session) Yes Yes No No

Credits: 5.0 Repeatable: No Allow Multiple Enrollments in Term: No Graded Component: Lecture Components: Lecture Recitation Credit by Examination: Yes EM Tests via Office of Testing Admission Condition: No Off Campus: Never Campus Locations:
Columbus Lima Mansfield Marion Newark Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes




Prerequisites and Co-requisites: C- or better in 1151, 1156, 152.xx, or 161.xx; or P in 144 or 1144. Exclusions: Not open to students with credit for any higher numbered math class, or with credit for quarter math courses numbered 153 or higher. Cross-Listings:
The course is required for this unit's degrees, majors, and/or minors The course is a GEC The course is an elective (for this or other units) or is a service course for other units No Yes Yes

Subject/CIP Code: 27.0101 Subsidy Level: Baccalaureate Course Course Topics

De?nite and inde?nite integrals using standard techniques of integration. Improper integrals; limits using L?H?opital?s rule. Convergence of sequences and series of numbers. Various convergence tests. Power series, Taylor series, error estimates for Taylor polynomials. Parametric curves. Curves and areas in polar coordinates. Optional topic: Vectors, dot product, and cross product.

ECA Request ACAD Group: MPS ACAD ORG: D0671 Created By: Shapiro,Daniel B Created Date: 2011-03-14 05:10:32 -0400 Status: NEW Updated By: Shapiro,Daniel B Updated Date: 2011-04-15 14:53:49 -0400


MATH 2177 (NEW) Mathematicsl Topics for Engineers Course Description Multiple integrals, line integrals; matrix algebra; linear (ordinary and partial) differential equations. Transcript Abbreviation: Math Topics Eng Grading Plan: Letter Grade Distance Education: No Course Deliveries:
100% at a distance Greater or equal to 50% at a distance Less than 50% at a distance No No No

Course Levels: Undergrad Student Ranks:

Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Masters Doctoral Professional No Yes No No No No No

Flex Scheduled Course: Never Course Lengths:

14 Week 12 Week (May + Summer) 7 Week 4 Week (May Session) Yes Yes No No

Credits: 4.0 Repeatable: No Allow Multiple Enrollments in Term: No Graded Component: Lecture Components: Lecture Recitation Credit by Examination: No Admission Condition: No Off Campus: Never Campus Locations:
Columbus Lima Mansfield Marion Newark Yes No No No No




Prerequisites and Co-requisites: C- or better in 1172 or 2153; or credit for 1544, or 154. Exclusions: Cross-Listings:
The course is required for this unit's degrees, majors, and/or minors The course is a GEC The course is an elective (for this or other units) or is a service course for other units No No Yes

Subject/CIP Code: 27.0101 Subsidy Level: Baccalaureate Course Course Topics

Multiple integrals, line integrals, applications. Matrix theory, systems of linear equations, matrix operations. Second order, constant coefficient, ordinary differential equations. Fourier series and partial differential equations.

ECA Request ACAD Group: MPS ACAD ORG: D0671 Created By: Shapiro,Daniel B Created Date: 2011-03-14 05:10:32 -0400 Status: NEW Updated By: Shapiro,Daniel B Updated Date: 2011-04-15 15:25:17 -0400 Version: 1


MECHENG 2040 (NEW) Statics and Introduction to Mechanics of Materials Course Description Vector concepts of static equilibrium, truss, frame and machine analysis. Stress and strain analysis of deformable structural components; stress transformations; beam deflections; column buckling Transcript Abbreviation: Statics Mech Matls Grading Plan: Letter Grade Distance Education: No Course Deliveries:
100% at a distance Greater or equal to 50% at a distance Less than 50% at a distance No No No

Course Levels: Undergrad Student Ranks:

Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Masters Doctoral Professional No Yes Yes No No No No

Flex Scheduled Course: Never Course Lengths:

14 Week 12 Week (May + Summer) 7 Week 4 Week (May Session) Yes No No No

Credits: 4.0 Repeatable: No Allow Multiple Enrollments in Term: No Graded Component: Lecture Components: Lecture Recitation Credit by Examination: No Admission Condition: No Off Campus: Never Campus Locations:
Columbus Lima Mansfield Marion Newark Wooster Yes No No No No No


Prerequisites and Co-requisites: Prereq: Engineering 183 or 187 or 1182 or 1187 or H192 or 1282H; and Physics 131 or 1250; and Math 254 or 1152 or 1172 or 2162 Exclusions: Not open to students with credit for 420 or 2020 Cross-Listings:
The course is required for this unit's degrees, majors, and/or minors The course is a GEC The course is an elective (for this or other units) or is a service course for other units No No Yes

Subject/CIP Code: 14.1901 Subsidy Level: Baccalaureate Course Course Goals

A thorough understanding of the fundamental concepts of vector mechanics of bodies at rest (vectors, forces, couples, moments, Newton's laws, free body and equilibrium analysis Ability to determine reactions at the external supports of bodies in static equilibrium Ability to analyze common engineering structures such as trusses, frames, and machines Ability to determine geometric and inertial properties of solid bodies Ability to use internal forces to model normal and shear stress distributions in frame and machine components under various loadings including pure shear, axial, torsion, and bending loading. Ability to relate stresses to strains and use published experimentally determined material properties such as Youngs modulus and Poissons ratio. Ability to analyze displacement or deflection and use constraints on deformation quantities to calculate forces on bodies supported in a statically indeterminate manner. Ability to transform stresses and strains between differently oriented coordinate systems. Ability to size structural elements and determine allowable loads on components based on considerations of critical values of stress and factors of safety. Develop a systematic approach to solving problems, including careful sketching, precise mathematical notation, clear presentation of solutions, and computer generated plotting of results.

Course Topics
2D and 3D Force Vectors and Particle Equilibrium Moment due to a force, Couples, Force/Couple Systems 2D and 3D Rigid Body Equilibrium


Centroids, Area Moments of Inertia and Distributed Loading (including transverse beam loading and fluid statics) Trusses, Frames and Machines Internal Forces, Shear and Bending Moment Diagrams Definition of Stress, Average Normal and Shear Stress, Allowable Stress and Factor of Safety Deformation and Normal and Shear Strain Mechanical Properties of Materials, Hooke's Law Deformation of Axially Loaded Members (Statically Indeterminate and Thermal Deformation) Torsion of Bars (Stress, Angle of Twist) Bending Stress in Transversely Loaded Beams Shear Stress in Transversely Loaded Beams Combined Loading Stress Concentrations Standard Loading configurations FEM Demo and results Plane Stress Transformation Plane Strain Transformation and Generalized Hooke's Law Deflection of Transversely Loaded Beams Buckling of Columns

ECA Request ACAD Group: ENG ACAD ORG: D1470 Created By: Rowland,Shaun M Created Date: 2011-05-22 22:07:11 -0400 Status: NEW Updated By: Rowland,Shaun M Updated Date: 2011-05-22 22:07:11 -0400 Version: 0


PHYSICS 1250 (APPROVED) Mechanics, Thermal Physics, Waves Course Description Calculus-based introduction to classical physics: Newton's laws, fluids, thermodynamics, waves; for students in physical sciences, mathematics, and engineering. Transcript Abbreviation: Mech,Thermo,Waves Grading Plan: Letter Grade Distance Education: No Course Deliveries: 100% at a distance No Greater or equal to 50% at a distance Less than 50% at a distance Course Levels: Undergrad Student Ranks:
Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Masters Doctoral Professional Yes Yes No No No No No

No No

Flex Scheduled Course: Never Course Lengths:

14 Week 12 Week (May + Summer) 7 Week 4 Week (May Session) Yes No Yes No

Credits: 5.0 Repeatable: No Allow Multiple Enrollments in Term: No Graded Component: Recitation Components: Laboratory Lecture Recitation Credit by Examination: Yes Advanced Placement Program Departmental Exams Admission Condition: Yes Natural Science Off Campus: Never Campus Locations: A199

Columbus Lima Mansfield Marion Newark Wooster

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No

Prerequisites and Co-requisites: 1 entrance unit of physics or chem; Math 1151 co-req or higher or written permission of instructor. Exclusions: Not open to students with credit for Physics 131 Cross-Listings:
The course is required for this unit's degrees, majors, and/or minors The course is a GEC The course is an elective (for this or other units) or is a service course for other units Yes Yes Yes

Subject/CIP Code: 40.0801 Subsidy Level: Baccalaureate Course Course Topics

Newton's laws Rotational motion Linear and angular momentum Energy Conservation laws Thermodynamics Fluids, density and pressure Waves and interference

ECA Request ACAD Group: MPS ACAD ORG: D0684 Created By: Hughes,Richard E Created Date: 2010-10-07 12:37:29 -0400 Status: APPROVED Updated By: Bour,Andrea S Updated Date: 2011-05-03 13:27:05 -0400 Version: 16


PHYSICS 1251 (APPROVED) E&M, Optics, Modern Physics Course Description Calculus-based introduction to electricity and magnetism, simple optics, modern physics including special relativity and quantum mechanics; for students in physical sciences, mathematics, engineering. Transcript Abbreviation: Elec,Magn,Optic,QM Grading Plan: Letter Grade Distance Education: No Course Deliveries: 100% at a distance No Greater or equal to 50% at a distance Less than 50% at a distance Course Levels: Undergrad Student Ranks:
Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Masters Doctoral Professional Yes Yes No No No No No

No No

Flex Scheduled Course: Never Course Lengths:

14 Week 12 Week (May + Summer) 7 Week 4 Week (May Session) Yes No Yes No

Credits: 5.0 Repeatable: No Allow Multiple Enrollments in Term: No Graded Component: Recitation Components: Laboratory Lecture Recitation Credit by Examination: Yes Departmental Exams Admission Condition: Yes Natural Science A201

Off Campus: Never Campus Locations:

Columbus Lima Mansfield Marion Newark Wooster Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No

Prerequisites and Co-requisites: 131 or 1250 or 1260 or H1250; and Math 1251 or higher; or written permission of instructor. Exclusions: Not open to students with credit for Physics 132 Cross-Listings: The course is required for this unit's degrees, majors, and/or minors The course is a GEC The course is an elective (for this or other units) or is a service course for other units Subject/CIP Code: 40.0801 Subsidy Level: Baccalaureate Course Course Topics Electricity Magnetism Maxwell's equations Simple optics Special relativity Quantum mechanics ECA Request ACAD Group: MPS ACAD ORG: D0684 Created By: Hughes,Richard E Created Date: 2010-10-07 12:37:29 -0400 Status: APPROVED Updated By: Bour,Andrea S Updated Date: 2011-05-04 07:23:14 -0400 Version: 15

Yes Yes Yes


Appendix B Faculty Vitae Format 1. Name 2. Education degree, discipline, institution, year 3. Academic experience institution, rank, title (chair, coordinator, etc. if appropriate), when (ex. 19901995), full time or part time 4. Non-academic experience company or entity, title, brief description of position, when (ex. 1993-1999), full time or part time 5. Certifications or professional registrations 6. Current membership in professional organizations 7. Honors and awards 8. Service activities (within and outside of the institution) 9. Most important publications and presentations from the past five years title, co-authors if any, where published and/or presented, date of publication or presentation 10. Most recent professional development activities


Boian T. Alexandrov, Research Scientist

B.S./M.S. Materials Engineering, Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria, 1982 Ph.D. Welding Engineering, Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria, 2001

Academic Experience
Assistant Professor / Senior Assistant Professor, Technical University of Sofia, 1985 - 2003 Associate Professor, Technical University of Sofia, January 2003 - September 2005 Visiting Faculty, OSU Welding Engineering Program, October 2003 - September 2004 Research Scientist, OSU Welding Engineering Program, January 2006 - Present

Non-Academic Experience
Engineer Designer / Research Associate, Analytic Ltd., Montana, Bulgaria, 1982 - 1985

Certifications and Professional Registrations


Current Membership in Professional Organizations

American Welding Society (AWS) American Society for Metals, International (ASM) Bulgarian Welding Society (BWS)

Honors and Awards

2010 - International Metallographic Society and ASM International: 2010 International Metallographic Contest - First Place in Scanning Electron Microscopy 2010 - International Metallographic Society and ASM International: 2010 International Metallographic Contest - Third Place in Unique Techniques in Microscopy

Service Activities
Extramural ASM International, Member of the Joining Technologies Committee, Symposium co-organizer: 2008 present International Institute of Welding, Expert: Commission II Arc Welding and Filler Metals, Commission IX Behavior of Materials Subjected to Welding, 2001 - present International Institute of Welding, Representative of BWS at the General Assembly, and in Commissions II and IX, 2001 - 2007 B2

International Institute of Welding / European Welding Federation / Bulgarian Welding Society, Implementation of IIW / EWF Training and Qualification System, Establishment of Bulgarian National Authorized Body and Authorized Training Bodies, 2001 - 2007 Bulgarian Welding Society, Coordinator International Relations, 2001 - 2007 Intramural None

Significant Publications past five years

1. Alexandrov B.T., Hope A.T., Sowards J.W., Lippold J.C., and McCracken S.S, Weldability Studies of High-Cr, Ni-base Filler Metals for Power Generation Applications, IIW Doc. IX-2313-09, accepted for publishing in Welding in the World, 2011. 2. Sowards J.W., Liang D., Alexandrov B.T., Frankel G.S., and J.C. Lippold, Solidification Behavior and Weldability of Dissimilar Welds between a Cr-free, Ni-Cu Welding Consumable and Type 304L Austenitic Stainless Steel, accepted for publishing in Metallurgical and Materials Transactions in 2010. 3. Liang D., Sowards J.W., Frankel G.S., Alexandrov B.T., and J.C. Lippold, Corrosion Resistance of Welds in Type 304l Stainless Steel Made with a Nickel-copper-ruthenium Welding consumable" accepted for publishing in Corrosion Science, 2009. 4. Liang D., Sowards J.W., Frankel G.S., Alexandrov B.T., and J.C. Lippold, A Corrosion Study of Nickel-Copper and NickelCopper-Palladium Welding Filler Metals, accepted for publishing in Materials and Corrosion, 2009. 5. Alexandrov B. T. and J. C. Lippold, In-Situ Determination of Phase Transformations and Structural Changes during Nonequilibrium Material Processing, 1st International Workshop In-Situ Studies with Photons, Neutrons and Electrons Scattering , BAM, Berlin, September 1 -2, 2009. 6. Siefert J., B. Alexandrov1, J. Lippold, J. Sanders, and J. Tanzosh, Examination of Phase Transformations during PWHT of Steel P91, Safety and Reliability of Welded Components in Energy and Processing Industry, Proceedings, 61st IIW International Conference, IIW, Graz, Austria, July 10-11, 2008, pp. 75 80. 7. Alexandrov B. T., J. C. Lippold, J.K. Tatman, and G.M. Murray, Non-equilibrium Phase Transformation Diagrams in Engineering Alloys, 8th International Trends in Welding Research Conference , Proceedings, ASM International, Pain Mountain, GA, June 1- 6, 2008, pp. 467 - 476. 8. Alexandrov B. T., J. C. Lippold, and N. E. Nissley, Evaluation of Weld Solidification Cracking in Ni-Base Superalloys Using the Cast Pin Tear Test, Proceedings, Hot Cracking Phenomena in Welds II, Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 2008 pp. 193 - 214. 9. Lippold J.C., J.W. Sowards, G.M. Murray, B.T. Alexandrov, and A.J. Ramirez, Weld Solidification Cracking in Solid-Solution Strengthened Ni-base Filler Metals, Proceedings, Hot Cracking Phenomena in Welds II, Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 2008 pp. 147 170. 10. Alexandrov B. T. and J. C. Lippold, Single Sensor Differential Thermal Analysis of Phase Transformations and Structural Changes during Welding and Postweld Heat Treatment, Welding in the World, Vol. 51, n 11/12, 2007, pp. 48 59. 11. Alexandrov B. T. and J. C. Lippold, A New Methodology for Studying Phase Transformations in High Strength Steel Weld Metal, Proceedings, 7th International Trends in Welding Research Conference , ASM, May 16-20, 2005, pp. 975 - 980. 12. Alexandrov B. T. and J. C. Lippold, In-Situ Weld Metal Continuous Cooling Transformation Diagrams, Welding in the World, Vol. 50, n 9/10, 2006, pp. 65 74.

Professional development activities in the last five years.

Regular attendance at a range of professional meetings and conferences.



Education: Bachelor of Engineering Master of Technology Ph. D Metallurgical Engineering, PSG College of Technology, INDIA; 1986 Industrial Metallurgy Welding, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, INDIA; 1988 Materials Science & Metallurgy, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom; 1992

Academic Experience: 2009Welding Engineering Program, Materials Science & Engineering The Ohio State University; Associate Professor with Tenure 2007- 2009 Welding Engineering Program, Integrated Systems Engineering, The Ohio State University, Associate Professor with Tenure 1996-1997 University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN Deputation to ORNL, Oak Ridge, TN, Research Professor 1993-1996 Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA Deputation to ORNL, Oak Ridge, TN, Postdoctoral Researcher Non-Academic Experience 2007 Honorary distinguished scholar, Edison Welding Institute 2005-2007 Edison Welding Institute, Columbus, Ohio, USA, Technology Leader 1997-2005 Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, USA, Senior Research Staff 1992-1993 Institute of Materials Research, Sendai, Japan, Research Associate Certification or Professional Registrations: None Membership in Professional Societies: American Welding Society, TMS; ASM International; and AAAS Honors and Awards Honors and Awards for Technical Leadership: Fellow of American Welding Society (2006); Lidstone Medal 2002 awarded by The Welding Institute for the person less than 40 years of age who have made the significant contributions to the advancement of welding technology (2003); ASM-IIM India Visiting Lecture Award (1997) Honors and Awards for Research: Professor Masubuchi / MIT Award from AWS for advancing science and technology of materials joining through research and development (1998); UT-Battelle Significant R&D Accomplishment Award (2000) Awards based on Publications: AWS - McKay-Helm Award (2009); AWS-William Spraragen award (2005); AWS-Mc-Kay Helm Award (2002); Warren F. Savage Memorial Award (1998); Pfeil Medal for paper in physical metallurgy published by Institute of Metals, London (1991)


Service Activities OSU Undergraduate and Graduate Teaching: Solid-State Joining WE701 course SEI: 5.0 (2009); Integrated ThermoCalc, DicTra and JMatPro software into WE694 course and also in various CAPSTONE projects; WE694 (2009): SEI: 4.8 and 4.9; Introduced E-WeldPredictor online calculations to WE611 welding metallurgy course; WE 611 SEI Score: 4.9 OSU Science and Technology Initiatives: Director of NSF/IUCRC Center for Integrative Materials Joining Science for Energy Applications in collaboration with Colorado School of Mines, Lehigh University and University of Wisconsin (2009-); Associate director of Ohio Manufacturing Institute (2008-); OSU Interdisciplinary Research: Team member on US-DOE-China Project on Clean Energy Research Center on Clean Vehicle Collaboration; Team member on multiscale characterization of degradation in Li-Ion battery degradation OSU Undergraduate Student Mentoring: Academic advisor of AWS-Student Chapter, NASA - Moon buggy Student Team and NASA- Microgravity student team OSU Graduate students Mentored (including joint supervision): D. Schick (OSU), B. Narayanan (OSU), T. Lolla (OSU), X. Yu (OSU), J. Caron (OSU), Y. Zhang (OSU), S. Nagpure (OSU), M. Gonser (OSU), Alpesh Shukla (RPI/OSU, OH), Nathan Nissley (OSU, OH) OSU Post doctoral Fellows Mentored in last 5 years: M. Sriram (OSU) and R. DeHoff (OSU) Service to Professional Organizations: Member of the committee for Future of Materials Joining Symposium organized by AWS and EWI; Co-editor of the ASM Handbook on Welding and Joining (2008-); Active membership on the ASM Alloy Phase Diagram Committee (2006-); Member of Phase Transformation Committee (2009-); Service to Research Journals: Board of Review for Metallurgical & Materials Transactions A, Science & Technology of Welding and Joining, Welding in the World and Welding Journal Leadership in Technical Community: Co-organizer of International Workshop on In-situ Scattering Studies with Electrons, Photons and Neutrons, and AWS A9 Committee Chairman on standards for Computational Weld Mechanics (2008-); Publications Number of publications: 170 (105 journals and 65 conference); Number of presentations: 67


Avraham Benatar
Associate Professor , Welding Engineering Program Department of Industrial, Systems, and Welding Engineering The Ohio State University
Degrees PhD, 1987 SM, 1983 SB, 1981 Mechanical Engineering, MIT Mechanical Engineering, MIT Mechanical Engineering, MIT

Years of Service at OSU Assistant Professor, 6 years, 7/87-9/93 Associate Professor, 12 years, 10/93-present Academic and Industrial Experience 10/93-present Associate Professor, Dept. of Industrial, Welding, and Systems Engineering, OSU 9/98-8/99 Lady Davis Visiting Associate Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Technion Israel Institute of Technology, Israel 7/87-9/93 Assistant Professor, Dept. of Industrial, Welding, and Systems Engineering, OSU 2/81-6/87 Research Assistant, MIT/Industry Polymer Processing Program, MIT 9/79-5/80 Research Assistant, MIT Laboratory for Manufacturing and Productivity, MIT Summer 79, 80 Junior Engineer, Hydromechanics Ocean Eng. Consulting Summary Professional Accomplishments 14 Ph.D.dissertations (3 in progress) and 19 M.S. theses (2 in progress) advised, 2 postdoctoral researchers; 115 research publications, over 50 technical presentations, 2 keynote lectures, awarded as PI or co-PI over $6 million in funding since joining OSU in 1987, consultant for over 25 companies worldwide. Consulting, Patents, and Professional Licenses Consultant to numerous companies including Dupont, Eastman Kodak, Foster Miller, Ford, Branson Ultrasonics, Edison Welding Institute, Visteon, Boston Scientific, GNB Incorporated, Geauga Company, Baxter Healthcare, Blackstone Ultrasonics, and Kulicke & Soffa Industries Inc. Membership in Scientific and Professional Societies American Welding Society Society of Plastics Engineers American Society of Mechanical Engineers American Society for Engineering Education American Society for Materials Society of Manufacturing Engineers Principal Publications in the Last Five Years
A. Benatar, C. Bonten, D. Grewell, and C. Tuechert, Welding, Plastics Pocket Power Series, T. Osswald, Editor, Hanser Gardner Publications, 2001. D. Grewell, A. Benatar and J. Park, Editors, Plastics and Composites Welding Handbook, Hanser Gardner publishers, 2003. C. Lu, Y.J. Juang, L.J. Lee, D. Grewell and A. Benatar, Analysis of Laser/IR-Assisted Microembossing, Polymer Engineering and Science, Vol. 45, pp. 661-668, 2005. D. Grewell, A. Benatar, D. Ditmer and D. Hansford, Beam Shaping with Diffractive Optics for Laser Micro -welding of Plastics, Proceedings of the 63rd Annual Technical Conference, Society of Plastics Engineers, Boston, MA, pp. 1019-1023, May 2005 D. Grewell and A. Benatar, Modeling Heat Flow for a Distributed Moving Heat Source in Micro -Laser Welding of Plastics, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Numerical Methods in Industrial Forming Processes, Columbus, OH, June 2004


Principal Publications in the Last Five Years (Continued)

A. Benatar, D. Rittel and A.L. Yarin, Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of Longitudinal Wave Propagation in Cylinderical Viscoelastic Rods, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Vol. 51, Issue 8, pp. 1413-1431, August 2003. M. Rhew, A. Mokhtarzadeh and A. Benatar, Through Transmission Laser Welding of Polycarbonate and High Density Polyethylene, Proceedings of the 61st Annual Technical Conference, Society of Plastics Engineers, Nashville, TN, pp. 1116-1120, May 2003. D. Grewll, T. Jerew and A. Benatar, Diode Laser Microwelding of Polycarbonate and Polystyrene, Proceedings of the 60 th Annual Technical Conference, Society of Plastics Engineers, San Francisco, CA, May 2002. K.M. Kwan and A. Benatar, Investigation of Non -Thermal Effects Produced by Ultrasonic Heating on Curing of Two Part Epoxy, Proceedings of the 59th Annual Technical Conference, Society of Plastics Engineers, Dallas, TX, May 2001.

Honors and Awards 2004 Best Paper Award, SPE SIG on Joining of Plastics and Composites (With C. Lu, Y.J. Juang, L.J. Lee, and D. Grewell). 2003 Fellow, Society of Plastics Engineers. 2001 Best Paper Award, SPE SIG on Joining of Plastics and Composites (With K. Kwan). 1998 Lady David Fellowship, Israel Institute of Technology, Technion. 1995 Distinguished Lecturer of the 2nd International Conference of Composite Engineering 1994 Best Paper Award from Society of Plastics Engineers Vinyl Division (With C. Faisst) 1992 Adams Memorial Membership Award from American Welding Society - in recognition of outstanding teaching activities which advance the knowledge of welding. 1991 Lumley Research Award from The Ohio State University College of Engineering - in recognition of outstanding research accomplishments. 1990 Presidential Young Investigator Award from the National Science Foundation - in recognition for research and teaching accomplishments, for potential leadership in the academic community, and for potential contributions to science and engineering. 1987-1988 Best Teacher of the Year from the Department of Welding Engineering - voted by the students in recognition of teaching excellence. Institutional and Professional Service in the Last Five Years Member of Society of Plastics Engineers Fellows Selection Committee, 2003 - Present. Member of the Honors Committee of the American Welding Society, 1998 - Present. Member of Society of Plastics Engineers Technical Program Committee of Special Interest Group on Joining of Plastics and Composites, 1995 - Present. Chairman of International Institute of Welding Commission 16 on Plastics Joining and Adhesive Bonding, 1997 - 2003. United States Delegate to the International Institute of Welding Commission 16 on Plastics Joining and Adhesive Bonding, 1996 2003 Chair of Welding Engineering Graduate Studies Committee, 2003- Present. Member of the Department of Industrial, Welding and Systems Engineering (IWSE) Chair Search Committee, 2003 Present. Chair of the Department of IWSE Computing Committee, 1996 1998, 1999 Present. Reviewer for Polymer, Polymer Engineering and Science, Composite Science and Technology. Journal of Sound and Vibration. NSF proposals, National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, and AUTO21 Canadian initiative for the Automobile of the 21st Century. Professional Development Activities in the Last Five Years WebCT training course, OSU Technology Enhanced Learning and Research Course, 2001. Using Technology in Teaching, OSU Faculty and TA Development, 2003.


1. Name

Dave F. Farson
Associate Professor, Welding Engineering Program Department of Materials Science and Engineering The Ohio State University

2. Education PhD, 1987 Electrical Engineering, OSU MS, 1982 Welding Engineering, OSU BS, 1980 Welding Engineering, OSU 3. Academic Experience 7/09 present Associate Professor, Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering, Ohio State University 9/95 6/09 Assistant, Associate Professor, Dept. of Industrial, Welding and Systems Engineering, Ohio State University 2/88 5/95 Research Associate, Deputy Head, High Energy Processing Department Applied Research Laboratory, Pennsylvania State University 9/98 5/95 Member, Graduate Faculty, Department of Industrial, Manufacturing and Systems Eng. Pennsylvania State University 5/87 1/88 Senior Research Engineer, Laser Processing Department, R&D Center, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 4. Non-academic Experience 2/88 5/95 Research Associate, Deputy Head, High Energy Processing Department Applied Research Laboratory, Pennsylvania State University 5/87 1/88 Senior Research Engineer, Laser Processing Department, R&D Center, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 6. Current Membership in Scientific and Professional Societies American Welding Society Laser Institute of America 7. Honors and Awards OSU College of Engineering Lumley Research Award: 2000, 2007 AWS Adams Memorial Membership Award (for outstanding teaching), 1998 Fellow, Laser Institute of America, 1997 Applied Research Laboratory Letter of Commendation: 1993 Applied Research Laboratory Technical Contribution Award: 1993 American Welding Society Jennings Memorial Award: 1985, McKay-Helm Award: 2008 Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society, Life Member 8. Institutional and Professional Service Laser Institute of America Offices, Committees Past President: 1997 President: 1996 President-Elect: 1995 Board Member: 1993, 1994, 1995, 1998, 1999 Secretary: 1993, 1994 Chair, Material Processing Committee: 1992, 1993 Conference: International Congress on Applications of Lasers and Electro-optics (ICALEO) Material Processing Conference Chair: 2003 Congress General Chair: 1993, 1994 B8

American Welding Society Committees Member, C.7.C High Energy Joining Processes Technical Committee, 1994 present Member, Research&Development Committee, 2002 - present Department of Materials Science and Engineering Undergraduate Studies Committee (WE chair), Realignment committee 9. Principal Publications in the Last Five Years Total: 69 Journal (68 with student co-authors), 78 Conference Proceedings (76 with student co-authors) Y.C. Lim, D.F. Farson, M.H. Cho, J.H. Cho, Stationary GMAW-P weld metal deposit spreading, Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 14(7):626-635, 2009 H.W.Choi, D.F.Farson, C.M.Lu, L.J.Lee, Femtosecond laser micromachining and application of hot embossing molds for microfluid device fabrication, Journal of Laser Applications, 21(4):196 204, 2009. M.J Reiter, D. F Farson, M. Mehl Control of penetration depth fluctuations in single-mode fiber laser welds, Journal of Laser Applications 22(1):37-42, 2010 Fei ZZ, Hu X, Choi HW, Wang SN, Farson DF, Lee LJ, Micronozzle Array Enhanced Sandwich Electroporation of Embryonic Stem Cells, Analytical Chemistry 82(1):353-358, 2010 Lim YC, Yu X, Cho JH, Sosa J, Farson DF, Babu SS, McCracken S, Flesner B, Effect of magnetic stirring on grain structure refinement Part 2-Nickel alloy weld overlays, Science and Technology of Welding and Joining 15(5):400-406, 2010 Lim YC, Yu X, Cho JH, Sosa J, Farson DF, Babu SS, McCracken S, Flesner B, Effect of magnetic stirring on grain structure refinement Part 1-Nickel alloy weld overlays, Science and Technology of Welding and Joining 15(7):583-589, 2010 Chen J, He LN, Farson DF, Rokhlin SI, Particle simulation of femtosecond laser stimulation of electrical discharges in small gaps, Journal of Applied Physics 108(6):063303, 2010. J.Z. Chen, D.F. Farson, Coaxial Vision Monitoring of LBW/GMAW Hybrid Welding Process, Materials Evaluation, 68(12):1318-1328 2010, Lim YC, Johnson J, Fei ZZ, Wu Y, Farson DF, Lannutti JJ, Choi HW, Lee LJ, Micropatterning and Characterization of Electrospun Poly(epsilon-Caprolactone)/Gelatin Nanofiber Tissue Scaffolds by Femtosecond Laser Ablation for Tissue Engineering Applications, Biotechnology and Bioengineering 108(1):116-126, 2011 He LN, Chen J, Farson, DF, Lannutti JJ, Rokhlin SI, Wettability modication of electrospun poly(caprolactone) bers by femtosecond laser irradiation in different gas atmospheres, Journal of Applied Surface Science, 257:35473553, 2011. Lim YC, Boukany PE, Farson DF and Lee LJ, Direct-write femtosecond laser ablation and DNA combing and imprinting for fabrication of a micro/nanouidic device on an ethylene glycol dimethacrylate polymer, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 21(1): 015012, 2011. 10. Professional development activities: Weld-Ed partnership - OSU representative. A national partnership of colleges, universities, professional societies, government, and private industry committed to increasing the number and quality of welding and materials joining technicians to meet industry demand.


John C. Lippold Professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering Education B.S., 1973 M.S., 1975 Ph.D., 1978

Materials Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Materials Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Materials Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Academic Experience 04/10-present Professor, Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering 10/04-3/06 Interim Chair, Dept. of Industrial, Welding, and Systems Engineering, OSU 9/01-10/01 Distinguished Lecturer, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada 11/96-12/96 Visiting Professor, University of So Paulo, So Paulo, Brazil 04/95-03/10 Professor, Dept. of Industrial, Welding, and Systems Engineering, OSU Non-Academic Experience 11/89-11/90 Visiting Scientist, Institut de Soudure (French Welding Institute) and the French Iron and Steel Research Institute, Paris, France 9/85-3/95 Edison Welding Institute, Manager of Materials Dept. and Manager of Research 10/78-8/85 Member, Technical Staff, Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, CA Professional Registration, Scientific and Professional Societies American Welding Society American Society for Engineering Education The Metals Society of AIME (TMS) International Institute of Welding American Society for Materials Honors and Awards Fellow of ASM International (1994). Fellow of American Welding Society (1996). Comfort A. Adams Lecture Award from AWS (1997). Adams Memorial Membership Award from AWS (1997). Charles H. Jennings Award, American Welding Society. (1978, 1980, and 2004) William Spraragen Award, American Welding Society. (1980 and 1993) Lincoln Gold Medal Award, American Welding Society. (1984) Warren F. Savage Memorial Award, American Welding Society. (1994,1999, 2009) McKay-Helm Award, American Welding Society. (1995 and 1997) A.F. Davis Silver Medal, American Welding Society (2000) William Irrgang Memorial Award, American Welding Society (2002). Plummer Memorial Educational Lecture Award, American Welding Society (2002). Buehler Technical Paper Merit Award, International Metallographic Society. (1985 and 1989) Lumley Research Award, College of Engineering, OSU (2002 and 2010) Jaeger Lecture Award, International Institute of Welding (2008) Yoshiaki Arata Award, International Institute of Welding (2009) B10

Current Service Activities American Welding Society Awards Committee: Member, 2000-present, Chair, 2010-present Commission Delegate, International Institute of Welding (IIW), 1990-present Principal Reviewer, Welding Journal, 1992-present Review Board: Welding in the World, Metallurgical Transactions, Science and Technology and Welding and Joining, Acta Materialia, Scripta Materialia, Materials Science and Engineering Editor-in-Chief, Welding in the World, published by IIW, 2008-present College of Engineering College Committee for Academic Affairs (CCAA) Department UG and Grad Studies Committees, Chair Advisory Committee Publications (Representative last five years)
B.T. Alexandrov and J.C. Lippold, 2006. In-situ weld metal continuous cooling transformation diagrams, Welding in the World, Vol. 50, No. 9/10, pp. 65-74. M. Qian and J.C. Lippold. 2007. Investigation of grain refinement during a rejuvenation heat treatment of wrought alloy 718, Materials Science and Engineering A, 456(2007):147-155. J.W. Sowards, A.J. Ramirez, D.W. Dickinson and J.C. Lippold, 2008. Characterization Procedure for the Analysis of Arc Welding Fume, Welding Journal, 87(3):76s-83s. S. Shi and J.C. Lippold, 2008. Microstructure Evolution during Service Exposure of Two Cast, Heat-Resisting Stainless Steels HP-Nb modified and 20-32Nb, Materials Characterization, 59(8):1029-1040. M. Rubal, M.C. Juhas, and J.C. Lippold, 2008. Friction Stir Processing of Ti-5111, Joining of Advanced and Specialty Materials X, MS&T Conference, 2008, Pittsburgh, PA, pp. 2341-2348. J.C. Lippold and N.E. Nissley, 2008. Ductility dip cracking in high-Cr Ni-base filler metals, Hot Cracking Phenomena in Welds II, ISBN 978-3-540-78627-6, publ. by Springer,, pp. 409-426 N.E. Nissley and J.C. Lippold, 2009. Ductility-dip cracking susceptibility of Ni-based weld metals, Part 2 Microstructural Characterization, Welding Journal, 88(6):131s-140s. E. Taban, J.E. Gould, and J.C. Lippold. 2009. Characterization of 6061-T6 aluminum alloy to AISI steel interfaces during joining and thermo-mechanical conditioning, Materials Science and Engineering A, 527:1704-1708. J. Caron, C. Heinze, C. Schwenk, M. Reithmeier, S.S. Babu, and J.C. Lippold, 2010. Effect of continuous cooling transformation variations on numerical calculation of welding-induced residual stresses, Welding Journal, 89(7):151s-160s. S. Shi, J.C. Lippold, and J. Ramirez. 2010. Hot ductility behavior and repair weldability of service-aged, heat-resistant stainless steel castings, Welding Journal, 89(10):210s-217s.

Books and Edited Conference Proceedings (in last 5 years)

Trends in Welding Research, Proc. of the 7th International Conference, Eds. S.A. David, T. Debroy, J.C. Lippold, H.B. Smartt, and J.M. Vitek, ASM International, 2006. ISBN-10: 0-87170-842-6. Hot Cracking Phenomena in Welds II, Eds. T. Boellinghaus, H. Herold, J. Lippold, and C.E. Cross, Berlin, March 5-6, 2007, Springer-Verlag, ISBN 978-3-540-78627-6. J.C. Lippold and D.J. Kotecki, 2005. Welding Metallurgy and Weldability of Stainless Steels, pub. by Wiley and Sons, Inc. Hoboken, NJ, ISBN 0-47147379-0. J.N. DuPont, J.C. Lippold, and S.D. Kiser, 2009. Welding Metallurgy and Weldability of Nickel Base Alloys, pub. by Wiley and Sons, Inc. Hoboken, NJ, ISBN 978-0-470-08714-5, October 2009. Hot Cracking Phenomena in Welds III, Eds. J. Lippold, T. Boellinghaus, and C.E. Cross, Columbus, March 11-12, 2010, Springer-Verlag, in press.




Stanislav I. Rokhlin
Professor, Welding Engineering Program Department of Industrial, Systems, and Welding Engineering The Ohio State University Degrees Leningrad Electrical Engineering Institute, MS, 1967, Electro-Physics Engineering Leningrad State University, Mathematics and Mechanics study, 1967-1969 Leningrad Electrical Engineering Institute, Ph.D., 1972, Engineering Physics Years of Service at OSU Full Professor, 16 years, 1990-present Associate Professor, 4 years, 1985-1989 Visiting Associate Professor, 1 year, 1984-1985 Academic and Industrial Experience Professor, Dept. of Industrial, Welding, and Systems Engineering, OSU, 1990-present Associate Professor, Dept. Welding Engineering, OSU, 1984-1989 Senior Lecturer and later Associate Professor, Dept. of Materials Engineering, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel, 1977-1985 Senior Engineer and later Group Leader, National Scientific Research Institute, Broadcasting and Acoustics, Leningrad, USSR, 1967-1969, 1973-1976 Summary Professional Accomplishments 11 Ph.D. dissertations and 17 MS theses advised, over 300 research publications, over 200 technical presentations (30 keynote or invited presentations at national and international conferences), nearly $10 million in research grants since joining the university. Consulting, Patents, and Professional Licenses L.G. Merkulov and S. I. Rokhlin, "The Ultrasonic Nondestructive Testing Method of Parts," Patent No. 3614111, GO-I-f 23/00 Bull. No. 1, 1973. L.G. Merkulov and S. I. Rokhlin, "The Method of Measurements of a Liquid Level," Patent No. 430286 GO-I-f 23/00 Bull. No. 20, 1974. One patent pending; four OSU invention disclosures for last five years. Membership in Scientific and Professional Societies Fellow Acoustical Society of America American Society for Nondestructive Testing American Society of Mechanical Engineers Principal Journal Publications in the Last Five Years
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. J.- Y. Kim, V. A. Yakovlev and S. I. Rokhlin, Parametric modulation mechanism of surface acoustic wave on a partially closed crack, Appl. Phys. Lett., 82 (19),3203-3205, (2003). R. Wang, N. Katsube, R.R. Seghi and S. I. Rokhlin, Failure probability of borosilicate glass under Hertz indentation load, J. Mater. Sci. 38 (8), 1589-1596 (2003). A. Baltazar, L. Wang, B. Xie and S. I. Rokhlin, "Inverse ultrasonic determination of imperfect interfaces and bulk properties of a layer between two solids" J. Acoust. Sos. Am., 114 (3), 1424-1434 (2003). L. Wang and S. I. Rokhlin, "Ultrasonic wave interaction with multidirectional composites: modeling and experiment" J. Acoust. Sos. Am., 114 (5), 2582-2595 (2003). X. Zhao, G.S. Frankel, B. Zoofan and S.I.Rokhlin, In situ X -ray radiographic study of intergranular corrosion in Al alloys Corrosion, 59, 1012-1018 (2003). X. Liu, G.S. Frankel, B. Zoofan and S.I.Rokhlin, Effect of applied tensile stress on intergranular corrosion of AA2024-T3 Corrosion Sci., 46, 405-425 (2004). S.I. Rokhlin, B. Xie and A. Baltazar, Quantitative ultrasonic characterization of environmental degradation of adhesive bonds J. Adhesion Sci. Tech., 18 (3) 327-360 (2004).


8. 9.

10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.

S. I. Rokhlin, L. Wang, B. Xie, V.A. Yakovlev and L. Adler, Modulated angle beam ultrasonic spectroscopy for evaluation of imperfect interfaces and adhesive bonds Ultrasonics 42, 1037-1047 (2004). L. Wang and S. I. Rokhlin, A compliance/stiffness matrix formulation of General Greens function and effective permittivity for piezoelectric multilayers, IEEE Trans. Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics Frequency Control (UFFC) 51, 453-463 (2004). J. Kim, V. Yakovlev and S.I. Rokhlin, Surface acoustic wave modulation on a fatigue crack" J. Acoust. Sos. Am., 115 (5), 1961-1972 (2004). J. Kim, A. Baltazar and S.I. Rokhlin, Ultrasonic assessment of rough surface contact between solids from elastoplastic loading-unloading hysteresis cycle, J. Mech. Phys. Solid., 52 (8), 1911-1934 (2004). L. Wang and S. I. Rokhlin, Modeling of wave propagation in layered piezoelectric media by a recursive asymptotic method IEEE Trans. Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics Frequency Control (UFFC) 51(9), 1060-1071 (2004). L. Wang and S. I. Rokhlin, Recursive geometric integrators for wave propagation in a functionally -graded multilayered elastic medium, J. Mech. Phys. Solids 52 (11), 2473-2506 (2004). L. Wang and S.I. Rokhlin Universal scaling functions for continuous stiffness nanoindentation with sharp indenters International Journal of Solids and Structures 42(13), 3807-3832 (2005). L. Wang, M. Ganor and S.I. Rokhlin Inverse scaling functions in nanoindentation with sharp indenters: determination of material properties J. Material Res. 20 (4), 987-1001 (2005). L. Wang, M. Ganor, S.I. Rokhlin and A. Grill Mechanical properties of ultras -low dielectric constant SiCOH films: nanoindentation measurements J. Mater.Res. 20 (8), 2080-2093 (2005). R. Wang, N. Katsube, R.R. Seghi and S. I. Rokhlin, Statistical failure analysis of brittle coatings by spherical indentation: theory and experiment, J. Mater. Sci. (accepted). X. Liu, G. S. Frankel, B. Zoofan and S. I. Rokhlin, In Situ X - ray radiographic study of stress corrosion cracking in AA2024-T3, Corrosion (submitted ). B. Zoofan, J-Y. Kim, S.I. Rokhlin and G.S. Frankel, Application of phase -contrast microradiography in NDE, Materials Evaluation. (Accepted).

Honors and Awards

2004 Lumley Interdisciplinary Research Award, College of Engineering, The Ohio State University 2004 Lumley Research Award, College of Engineering, The Ohio State University 1998 Lumley Research Award, College of Engineering, The Ohio State University Charles H. Jennings Memorial Medal of the American Welding Society, 1986 Alcoa Foundation Award for Research in Field of Nondestructive Evaluation of Adhesive Joints, 1988 and 1989 Faculty Research Award, College of Engineering, The Ohio State University, 1990 F. Davis Silver Medal of the American Welding Society, 1991 American Society for Nondestructive Testing Fellowship Award, 1991 Fellow of Acoustical Society of America, 1993 Lumley Research Award, College of Engineering, The Ohio State University, 1994 American Society for Nondestructive Testing and Fellowship Award, 1995 NASA Technical Recognition Award, 1996 Lumley Research Award, College of Engineering, The Ohio State University, 1998 American Society for Nondestructive Testing Outstanding Paper Award, 1998

Institutional and Professional Service in the Last Five Years

Associate Editor, Materials Evaluation, J. of Am. Soc. for Nondestructive Testing, present. Member of Editorial Board, Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, present. Member of Editorial Board "Research in Nondestructive Evaluation", present. Chair Peer Review Panel of AFRL Nondestructive Evaluation Branch, August, 2003. Organizer and Chair of the Special Session on Composites at 2005 QNDE meeting.

Member of the Host Committee and Coordinator for 2001 ASNT Fall Conference, Columbus, OH, 2001 Chairman of the ASNT Research Symposium on "On Track to a Safer Millenium" 27-31 March 2000,Birmingham, AL. B15

Regular reviewer for over 10 major journals.


Appendix C Equipment
The major equipment items dedicated primarily to laboratory instructional purposes are listed below. Selected depicted items are labeled *. Table C-1: Teaching laboratory equipment (* = depicted)
Mechanized/Robotic Arc Welding Systems (WE 656, 651, 755) Fanuc ArcMate 100 6-axis robotic system* Lincoln PW655 GMA welding system Manual/Semi-Auto Arc Welding Stations (WE350/351/55) Manual welding booths*, each with the following equipment (x 12) Lincoln 255XT PowerMIG welding system* Lincoln 222 PrecisionTIG welding system*

Motoman Arcworld 6-axis robotic system* Miller Auto-Axcess 300DI GMA welding system 1-axis coordinated rotary positioner

Drawn arc stud welder* Nelweld 6000, dual gun, 1200A

ITW Miller Travel Master GMA system * - Miller Invision 456P Power Supply*

Polymer Welding Systems (WE706) 1. Branson ultrasonic welding system*


2. Vibration welding system *

JetLine GTA Sidebeam System - Series 9500 Controller - Thermal Dynamics 400 GTSW PS

Resistance Welding Systems (WE 701) 1. Taylor-Winfield AC Resistance Welders* (x2) - 75 and 100 KVA - Medar Controllers

Lincoln Sidebeam SubArc System* - Tandem Lincoln DC1000 PSs - Lincoln PW1000 PS

NDE (WE631) 1. Ultrasonic Flaw Detectors* (x6)

1. X-ray imaging system*


Process controls (WE550, 650, 755) 1. Omron CPM2C Programmable Logic Controls* - includes off-line programming software 2. Electrical circuit experimenter boards *(quantity = 10) - AC/DC amp and volt meters, low voltage AC power supply - miscellaneous connection hardware, elementary circuit components, - relay logic control 3. Dual trace 1 MHz oscilloscopes* (quantity = 10) 4. DC motor-actuated slide systems* (quantity = 2)

2. Microfocus X-ray system Metallography (WE610,611,612) 1. abrasive sectioning saw, bench grinder, mounting presses*(x2) polishers* (x3), optical microscopes w/ cameras, monitors* (x4), LCD overhead display*

2. Rockwell hardness tester - macro and superficial hardness - Rockwell A, B, and C scales 3. LECO microhardness tester - Knoop and DPH indenters - load range from 25 to 1000 grams - data storage and print out 4. Metallographic sample preparation


equipment - mounting presses (2) - grinding and polishing units (4) 5. Box furnace - 1 ft3 capacity - maximum temperature 2000 F

Table C-2: Shared Teaching/Research Equipment. Materials/Metallography (WE661 and WE662) 1. Gleeble 3800C Thermo-mechanical simulator Lasers (WE704) 1. Spectra-Physics Tornado 40W QSwitched DPSSL laser 2. Clark-MXR CPA2110 femtosecond pulsed laser 3. Continuum Q-Switched 3.5J Nd:YAG laser

Polymer Welding (WE706) 1. Laser through-transmission IR welding system 2. Microwave polymer welding system 3. Hot plate polymer welding system

X-ray/UT (WE671) 1. X-Y scanning water tank ultrasonic imaging system 2. Microfocus X-ray system

Table C-3 EJTC Student Computing Laboratory Hardware

EJTC Computer laboratory: Primary Server: HP Proliant ML350, Xeon ES420 processor at 2.5 GHz/2MB cache (4 core), 8 GB DDR SDRAM, 1.046TB (2x73GB+3x300GB) 15K SAS hard drives, 1TB USB external hard drive. Scanner: Epson 4990 PHOTO 4800 dpi optical resolution, 16 bits/pixel, 8.5 in. x 11.7 maximum document size. Projection System: Dedicated Computers:


Client Computers: HP xw6400 workstation, Xeon ES335 processor at 2.0 GHz/8 MB cache (4 core), 4 GB DDR2 SDRAM, 160 GB 7.2K RPM SATA hard drive. LCD monitor. (Quantity = 20) HP xw6600 workstation, Xeon ES405 processor at 2.0 GHz/12 MB cache(4 core) , 4 GB DDR2 SDRAM, 160 GB 7.2K RPM SATA hard drive LCD monitor. (Quantity = 18) Printers: Hewlett Packard LaserJet 4200dtn, 1200dpi, 35ppm B/W Duplex Printing. Hewlett Packard Color LaserJet 3700dn, 600dpi, 16ppm (B/W)/16ppm (Color) Duplex Printing. HP DesignJet Z2100 44in. Photo large format color printer, 600 dpi (2400x1200 dpi in best quality).

HP xw6400 workstation. Projectors: Proxima Desktop Projector 6150, (1 unit) Projectors have 1024 x 768 image resolution and are compatible with PC and Video Devices (VCRs, Video Disk Players, Video Cameras) UPS: APC Back-UPS PRO 650, max output power 650VA (410 watts), (Quantity=3).

Table C-4 EJTC computer laboratory Software.

Operating System Software: - Microsoft Windows 2008 Server Enterprise. - Microsoft Windows Vista Enterprise 64bit Antivirus: - Network Associates VirusScan 8.5.0i Web Browser: - Internet Explorer 7.0 Desktop Productivity Software: - Microsoft Office professional 2007: Microsoft Word Microsoft Excel Microsoft PowerPoint

Technical Graphing Software: - SigmaPlot 11 Graphical Development Software for signal acquisition, Measurement Analysis and Data Preparation: - LabVIEW 8.5 Statistical Analysis Software: - Minitab 15 Finite Element Analysis Software: - Ansys (version 12) - Abaqus (version 6.8-1) Fatigue Analysis Software:


Microsoft Access Microsoft Publisher Microsoft FrontPage Microsoft Outlook Microsoft InfoPath Microsoft Groove Microsoft OneNote - Microsoft Visio Professional 2007 Project Management Software: - Microsoft Project 2007 High Level Technical Computing Software: - MathCad 14 - Maple 12 - Matlab (release 14)

- FE-Fatigue (release 6.0) CAD Software: - AutoCad 2009 Solid Modeling Software: - Unigraphics NX-6.0 - Solid Edge ST (ver. Email: - OSU Webmail (Using Internet Explorer) Other Software: Thermo-Calc JMatPro-5.1

Table C-5: EJTC Local Area Network (LAN) infrastructure:

Backbone: Fast Ethernet (bandwidth = 100Mbps) Implementation over Category 5/5E Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) Cabling, Connecting Multiple Switches. Switches: Dell PowerConnect 2024 (x2), 3024 (x3), 3424 (x1). Cisco Catalyst 2900 XL (x3), 2950 (x1). Operating Network: Microsoft Network


Appendix D Institutional Summary

1. The Institution a. The Ohio State University, College of Engineering, 2070 Neil Avenue, Columbus, OH 43210-1275 b. President: Dr. E. Gordon Gee c. Submitted by: Dr. David B. Williams, Dean & Presidential Professor, College of Engineering d. The Ohio State University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools (NCA). Initial accreditation was in 1913 and the most recent accreditation was in 2007 for a ten year period. 2. Type of Control: Description of the type of managerial control of the institution. The Ohio State University is a Land Grant, State Institution. 3. Educational Unit: Describe the education unit in which the program is located including the administrative chain of responsibility for the program to the chief executive officer of the institution. See Table D-3: The Ohio State University Engineering Programs 4. Academic Support Units Within the College of Engineering: Civil & Environmental Engineering & Geodetic Science: Carolyn Merry, Department Chair Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering: Stuart Cooper, Department Chair Computer Science and Engineering: Xiaodong Zhang, Department Chair Electrical and Computer Engineering: Robert Lee, Department Chair Engineering Education Innovation Center: Robert Gustafson, Center Director Integrated Systems Engineering: Julia Higle, Department Chair Materials Science and Engineering: Rudolph Buchheit, Department Chair Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering: Krishnaswamy Srinivasan, Department Chair Outside of the College of Engineering: Anatomy: Phillip R. Payne, Department Chair Biochemistry: Michael Chan, Department Chair Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences: Bobby Moser, Dean Fisher College of Business: Christine Poon, Dean Earth Sciences: Berry Lyons, Department Chair Economics: Donald Haurin, Department Chair Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology: Peter Curtis, Department Chair Natural and Mathematical Sciences (Biology, Chemistry, Math): Peter March, Interim Dean D1

Physics: James Beatty, Department Chair Statistics: Doug Wolfe, Department Chair 4.1 Engineering Education Innovation Center: Robert Gustafson, Center Director, Honda Professor for Engineering Education The Engineering Education Innovation Center (EEIC) (http://eeic.osu.edu/ ) was established in May 2007 with the mission to enrich the student experience and to strengthen the academic credentials of our undergraduates. In conjunction with the Guiding Values and Principles of the College, the EEIC further highlights: Promoting innovation and creativity in all of our UG programs Offering multidisciplinary courses and opportunities for students that enhance their experience, and Fostering scholarship of teaching and learning across the college. Although all of our elements are interactive and complimentary of each other, each of the following elements makes unique contributions to the EEIC Mission as well as Ohio State University and College of Engineering strategic goals. OSU/COE Strategic Goals Elements of the EEIC 1. Fundamentals of Engineering Sequences a. First-year Engineering b. Programming for Engineering Problem Solving 2. Multi-Disciplinary Design a. Capstone Design b. Social Innovation Initiative 3. Enrichment Programs and Courses a. Engineering b. Non-Engineers c. Pre-College 4. Graduate Program and Research a. STEM/Engineering Education PhD b. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 5. Professional Development and Support a. Student b. Faculty/Staff
One University Students First Fac/Staff Talent & Culture Research Outreach & Operation /Fiscal Soundness Prominence Collaboration






Although not an academic department or tenure-initiating unit for faculty, the EEIC plays a pivotal role in education of all engineering students. Table EEIC 1, at the end of this section, gives a personnel summary for those with full or partial appointments with the EEIC. In addition, Table EEIC 2 and EEIC 3 present a Faculty Workload Summary and Faculty Qualifications for the EEIC respectively. D2

Overview of Programs 1. Fundamentals of Engineering Sequences ( http://eeic.osu.edu/fundamentals ) The First-Year Engineering course sequence is generally a prerequisite for declaring engineering majors at OSU. Incoming freshmen take either a two-quarter or three-quarter series ( twosemester, beginning AU 2012) which broadly introduces the topics of engineering problem solving, technical graphics, computer-aided design, programming in MATLAB, engineering design and analysis, project management, ethics in engineering, teamwork, and oral and written technical communication. Topics and laboratories provide a broad overview of engineering disciplines. Many "undecided" freshmen use these courses to help them narrow down and declare a major in the College of Engineering. The First-Year Engineering Program consists of three different course sequences, designed to give students a broad understanding of the principles and practices of engineering: The regular two-quarter sequence - Engineering 181 and 183 (ENGR 1181, 1182 semesters); Special sections for Engineering Scholars designated students are offered. The Honors sequence- Engineering H191, H192, and H193 (ENGR 1281, 1282 semesters) The Transfer sequence- Engineering 185,186,187 (ENGR 1185, 1186, 1187 semesters); for students with elements of the program by transfer. The two-quarter regular sequence teaches basic engineering skills to prepare students for advanced courses, internships, major selection, and careers in engineering. The Honors sequence accomplishes the same objectives but in more depth and in a more accelerated fashion with a programming course built in to the series. All three program options entail a major design-build project. The continuously updated curriculum, taught by faculty and professional engineers, exposes students to different engineering disciplines and helps develop the most up-to-date and practically relevant skills. One of the defining features of the FE program is the numerous competitions and exhibitions that take place during the year (https://eeic.osu.edu/node/1517). These include: FEH Robot Competition Nanotech Competition FE Roller Coaster Competition Advance Energy Vehicle Showcase Within the category of Fundamentals of Engineering the EEIC also offers versions of problem solving with programming course with focus on use of MatLab (ENG 167.02) and C++ (ENG 167.01) (https://eeic.osu.edu/course/engraph-167-problem-solving-through-programmingengineering-calculations-and-computer-graphic) used by a number of programs across the college. Under the semester system these courses will evolve into ENGR 1221 (2-credit MatLab based) and ENGR 1222 (3-credit C++ based). Both courses are to be cross-listed with the Department of Computer Science and Engineering. 2. Multi-Disciplinary Design D3

The EEIC Multidisciplinary (MD) Engineering Capstone Program ( http://eeic.osu.edu/capstone ) opens a broad range of opportunities for engineering and non-engineering students. It incorporates authentic industry-cooperative projects into the curriculum, providing students the opportunity to apply their education and develop professional skills in real-world problems. The program began in 2001 as a cooperation with Honda and had its roots in the Mechanical Engineering department. Over the years it has developed to incorporate students across the College, as well as business, industrial design, MBA, agriculture, and humanities students. It has recently partnered with the Engineering Sciences Minor, which will lead to an even broader variety of student participation. The MD Capstone includes a three-course sequence: ENG 658 (3 credits) Intro to MD Design (ENGR 4901, 1credit semesters) ENG 659.01 (3 credits) MD Design Project I (ENGR 4902, 2 credit semesters) ENG 659.02 (3credits) MD Design Project II Continuation of I (ENGR 4903, 2 credit semesters) In a continuing effort to create authentic experiences for our students, the College of Engineering began a new program in Autumn quarter 2009 called the Social Innovation Initiative (SII) (http://eeic.osu.edu/support-services/siii ). This program provides students with the opportunity to define, design, and commercialize socially-benefitting products. The intent is to provide a practical learning opportunity for students and develop products with commercial value. The program is designed to return commercial proceeds to the program to sustain its ongoing development. It is the goal to create products and commercialize them to produce an ongoing shared revenue stream to support future socially responsible products and projects.

3. Enrichment Programs and Courses In response to recent reports of the National Academy of Engineering, National Research Council, National Science Foundation, and OSU studies of general education, it is clear that the College has a responsibility and opportunity to contribute further to the general education of both engineering and non-engineering students primarily in the area of technological literacy.
The EEIC meets this responsibility to engineering students through multi-disciplinary courses in key areas of: University 2nd Writing, ENG 367 (ENGR 2367 semester) ( https://eeic.osu.edu/othercourses-services/writing )

Advance Graphics, ENG 410.01, 410.02 (ENGR 4410.01,0.2 semester) (https://eeic.osu.edu/course/engraph-410-computer-graphics ) Engineering History, ENG 360.01,360.02 (ENGR 2361 and 2362 semester) (http://eeic.osu.edu/tech-literacy/engineering-history ) Teamwork and Leadership, ENG 680,695 (ENGR 5680, 5695 semester) (https://eeic.osu.edu/other-courses-services/service-learning ) Service Learning, ENG 692 (ENGR 4692.01) ( http://eeic.osu.edu/other-coursesservices/service-learning ) Current Topics through Seminars, Workshops, Colloquia, ENG 491 (ENGR 4891)
The EEIC meets this responsibility to non-engineering students through courses in key areas of:


Graphics for Non-engineers, ENG 121 (ENGR 1121 semesters) ( https://eeic.osu.edu/course/engraph-121-graphic-presentation-i ) Technological Literacy Minors Engineering Sciences ( https://eeic.osu.edu/minors ) Technological Studies (Currently suspended) The EEIC contributes to Pre-college engineering education through summer programs, cosponsoring of a Boy Scout Explorers Post, special curriculum relations with selected high schools and connection to Project Lead the Way in Ohio. 4. Graduate Program and Research Beginning Autumn 2011, the first cohort of students will enter the Engineering Education STEM PhD program. This program is a collaboration between the College of Engineering and the College of Education and Human Ecology. (http://people.ehe.ohio-state.edu/stem/programof-study/ ) The EEIC, through the Department of Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering, offers a course entitled, College Teaching in Engineering. The course is designed as initial preparation for instruction in professional engineering programs at the college level. It focuses on skills, strategies and issues common to university teaching in general and engineering instruction more specifically. (https://eeic.osu.edu/other-courses-services/teaching-engineering) Faculty and staff of the EEIC are also actively engaged in research and publishing in the domain of scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL). 5. Professional Development and Support Technical Communications and Resource Consulting (TCRC) supplies consultation on writing practice to engineering students. (https://eeic.osu.edu/support-services/tcrc) The EEIC enhances the teaching and learning environment within the college by encouraging and supporting the development, evaluation, and use of appropriate educational technologies. To financially support some of the technological enhancements, a learning technology fee is assessed of all engineering students. The college provides matching funds for technical support, staffing, and infrastructure. To promote innovation the EEIC Provide targeted funding for technology resources and pedagogical improvement, including special one-time grants, and grants provided on a yearly basis. The Student Instructional Leadership Team (SILT) was organized during the autumn quarter of 2009 at The Ohio State University for the purpose of professional development of students in an instructional role. The team consists of five student leadership positions that work across the First-Year Engineering Program and Engineering Graphics courses which are part of the Engineering Education Innovation Center. SILT supports student employees through a group of peers. It strives to help further the development of teaching assistants in many aspects of teaching and professional and personal development. The group continues to change and evolve, D5

but with each iteration the team improves which helps to foster general improvements across the program. (https://eeic.osu.edu/first-year-engineering/silt) Periodic seminars, book studies, and workshops directed towards topics related to engineering teaching and advising are offered through the EEIC, often in conjunction with the University center for the Advancement of Teaching (UCAT). In addition the faculty and staff of the EEIC support a number of student organizations through advising. These include: ASEE Student Chapter (http://engineering.osu.edu/studentorganizations/index.php?org=88) Society of Business and Engineering (SoBE) ( http://osusobe.weebly.com/) Tau Beta Pi ( http://tbp.org.ohio-state.edu/index.php) Engineers for Community Service ( ECOS) (http://ecos.osu.edu/) Table EEIC 1. EEIC Personnel Summary FACULTY # of personnel EEIC FACULTY* 4 DEPARTMENT FACULTY** 7 CLINICAL & RESEARCH 3 LECTURER 12 Name Demel, Duane, Gustafson, Rogers (Visiting) Christensen (emeritus), Croft, DeGroat, Gilat, Staab, Tan, Abrams, Freuler, Grzybowksi Allam, Black, Busick, Clingan, Harper, Housholder, McCaul, Parke, Schlosser, Skarzynki, Stavridis, Trott, Whitfield


40 93

O.5 FTE Per Person Ave. 6 - 10 hours/week

STAFF ADMINISTRATION 5 McCabe, Merrill, Miyake, Hoffman, Seman (50%) LAB 2 Brand, Toms MULTI-DESIGN 1 Rhoads *100% EEIC Appointment **Partial EEIC Appointments Table EEIC 2. Faculty Workload Summary




Abrams, Lisa Allam, Yosef Black, Scott Busick, Richard Christiansen, Richard Clingan, Paul Croft, Frank Demel, John DeGroat, Joanne Duane, JoAnn Freuler, Rick Gilat, Amos Grzybowski, Deb Gustafson, Robert Harper, Kathy Housholder, Clay McCaul, Edward Merrill, John Parke, Mike Rhoads, Bob Rogers, Peter Schlosser, Phil


CLASSES TAUGHT (COURSE #, CREDIT HRS, TERM, YR) EG 410-3, EG 121-3, 694- 1 to 6 AU10SP11 ENG 181-3, 183-3, 186-2 AU10-SP11 ENG 367-5 AU10-SP11 ENG 181-3, 183-3, 187-2, EG 167-2 AU10-SP11 ENG 181-3, AU10-WI11, ENG 183-3, SP11 ENG 191-4, 192-4, 193-4 AU10-SP11 ENG 191-4, SU-10-AU11 ENG 191-4, 192-4, 193-4 AU10-SP11 ENG 193 -4 SP11 ENG 167-4 , AU10-SP11 ENG 191-4, 192-4, 193-4 AU10-SP11 ENG 181-3, 183-3 AU10-SP11 ENG 191-4, 192-4, 193-4 AU10-SP11 ENG 181- 3,FEB 810 WI11-SP11 ENG 191-4, 192-4, 193-4 AU10-SP11 ENG 367-5 AU10-SP11 ENG 360-5 SP11 ENG 692- 1 to 4 W11 ENG 181-3, 183-3, EG167-2 AU10SP11 ENG 658-3, 659.01-3 , 659.02-3 AU10SP11 ENG 658-3 , 659.01-3 , 659.02-3 AU10SP11 ENG 181-3, 183-3, 694- 1 to 6 AU10SP11

75% 75% 100% 65% 100% 80% 75% 80% 100% 100% 80% 50% 80% 20% 90% 50% 100% 5% 90% 50% 50% 75%

25% 25% 35%

50% 100% 100% 100% 60%

20% 25% 15%


100% 15% 100% 15% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 15%

10% 50% 20% 20% 10% 25%



10% 10% 25% 25% 25%


100% 100% 100% 100% 85%

25% 25%


Skarzynski, Bart Staab, George Stavridis, Olga Tan, Fabian Trott, Bruce Whitfield, Cliff


ENG 367-5 AU10-SP11 ENG 191-4 AU10 EG 121-3 AU10-SP11; ENG 181-3 WI11 ENG 360-5, SU10-AU11 ENG 183.03-3, 183-3, 181-3 AU10SP11 ENG 183.02-3, 186-2, 187-2, EG 167.02-4

75% 100% 100% 100% 60% 75%


100% 15% 50% 15% 100% 50%

40% 25%


Table EEIC 3. Faculty Qualifications

Years of Experience Level of Activity (H, M, or L)





Abrams, Lisa Allam, Yosef Black, Scott

PhD- Industrial 2001 PhD-Eng Educ 2009 MS-English Lit 2001 and Creative Writing 2006 Busick, MS- Computer Richard Science 1965 Christensen, PhD- ME and Rich Nuclear Clingan, MS- Chemical Paul 1989 Croft, Frank PhDDeGroat, PhD- Electrical Joanne 1991 Demel, John PhDMetallurgy 1973 Duane, Phd- Physics Josann 1970 Freuler, PhDRick Aeronatical and Astronautical 1991 Gilat, Amos Phd-ME 1982 Grzybowski, PhDDeb Biomedical 2000 Gustafson, PhdRobert Engineering 1974 Harper, Phd- Physics Kathy 2001








7 Ind 3 Ind 11 Gov

3 9 11

3 9 4.5








38 Ind

9 36

9 30 10 27 11 31 PE




4.5 Ind 4 Ind 16 Gov

10 39 11 41




FT FT 2 Ind

32 14

32 38







8 Ind

29 11

29 11













Housholder, Clay McCaul, Edward Parke, Mike

MS- Library Science 1993 PhD- History PhDOceanogrphy 1978 PhDMechanical 1973 PhD- Nuclear 1972 MS-Creative Writing/English 2004 PhDMechanical 1979 MBA- 1997 PhD- Civil 1982 MS- Electrical 1971 PhDAeronautical and Astronautical 2009




3 Gov/ 6 Ind 15 Ind in Engineering 21 Ind

20 20 15

5.5 3 14 PE




Rogers, Peter Schlosser, Phil Skarzynski, Bart Stabb, George Stavridis, Olga Tan, Fabian Trott, Bruce Whitfield, Cliff



35 Ind




20 Ind

17 4

17 4











12 Ind 15 Gov 30 Ind 5 Ind

1 30 9 2

1 29 9 2 PE




5. Non-academic Support Units Academic Advising: Judith McDonald, Director Academic advising activities are coordinated across all programs. Students are assigned an academic advisor in their program of choice during orientation. They will work with an advisor until graduation. Engineering Career Services and Engineering Cooperative Education and Internship Program: Rachel Ligman, Interim Director Engineering Career Services (ECS) serves three primary populations: (1) engineering students who seek opportunities for engineering cooperative education or internship experience prior to graduation; (2) engineering and computer and information science students who seek full-time postgraduate career opportunities up to one year after completing BS, MS, or PhD degrees; and (3) the employers who wish to hire these candidates. ECS is heavily utilized: in 2009-10, 87% of the BS graduates used at least one ECS service in their job searches; 62% of the MS and PhD candidates used ECS; 77% of the BS students who had jobs at graduation reported that they obtained their jobs from an ECS service; 73% of BS graduates had reported at least one co-op or intern experience. Details are available at https://career.eng.ohio-state.edu/about-us.php#mission. D10

Honors & Scholars: Linn Van Woerkom, Associate Provost and Director In the Honors Program, highly motivated students can pursue an enriched academic experience that integrates curricular and co-curricular opportunities. The Scholars Program is comprised of 14 unique living and learning communities designed to compliment students' academic experiences. Math & Statistics Learning Center: Dr. Darry Andrews, Director The Mathematics and Statistics Learning Center provides free support to students of many undergraduate Mathematics and Statistics courses at The Ohio State University. They provide trained tutors available to help students with difficulties they are experiencing in class or with homework. In addition, they provide online resources, practice exams and workshops to help students achieve their potential as a student. Minority Engineering Program: Minnie McGee, Assistant Dean The Minority Engineering Program (MEP) provides comprehensive programs, activities and services to increase the enrollment and matriculation success of diverse students populations, especially ethnic groups underrepresented in engineering. With its internal and external partners, MEP works to promote a campus environment where diversity is understood, appreciated and needed for optimum preparation in a global society. Specific programs include: pre-college initiatives such as summer camps, workshops, and STEM clubs to increase the pool of STEM-interested high school graduates; bridge programs to ease the transition to college; and college retention activities to encourage academic excellence and persistence to graduation, as well as an active promotion of post-graduate opportunities. Office of Disability Services: Lois B. Harris, Director The Office for Disability Services collaborates with and empowers students who have disabilities in order to coordinate support services and programs that enable equal access to an education and university life. Office of International Affairs: William I. Brustein, PhD, Vice Provost The Office of International Affairs cultivates and nurtures the growth of global perspectives at The Ohio State University. As Ohio State enhances its mission for high distinction in international education, scholarship, and public service, the Office of International Affairs provides leadership and innovation to facilitate international opportunities for our students and faculty, and makes educational resources accessible for the campus, our international guests, and the community beyond. We also stimulate activities that celebrate diverse cultures, foster the exchange of ideas, serve as the central information hub for international activities, and support the growing international dimension of Ohio State. Office of Student Life: Javaune Adams-Gaston, Vice President for Student Life


Ohio State's Office of Student Life connects the points where the University intersects with students' lives, bringing the experience full-circle from the classroom and professional development to home and play. The overarching goal of the Office of Student Life is to enhance the student experience and promote student success. Office of the Chief Information Officer: Kathleen Starkoff, Chief Information Officer The Office of the Chief Information Officer (CIO) provides services to help Ohio State faculty, students and staff use technologies in learning, teaching, research, and administrative settings. The Office of the CIO consists of Learning Technology, Customer Experience, Communications, Enterprise Applications, Enterprise Architecture, Finance, and Human Resources, Infrastructure, the Program Management Office, and various programs. The primary role of the Office of the CIO is to serve as a catalyst in working with the campus community to leverage technology to advance and support the mission and goals of the university. Science and Engineering Library: Daniel Dotson, Mathematical Sciences Librarian The Science and Engineering Library (SEL) is the university's 24 hour library. The library is open to the entire OSU community and the general public. The Library's collection primarily serves subject areas in most departments in the College of Mathematical and Physical Sciences and the College of Engineering. Outcomes Assessment Committee: Dave Tomasko, Committee Chair The Outcomes Assessment Committee is a college wide, standing committee formed in 1998 and has the responsibility to: 1. Oversee the development and implementation of the Colleges Outcome Assessment Model for Undergraduate Engineering Programs, with particular attention to ABETs Engineering Criteria. 2. Serve as a vehicle for programs to exchange experience and coordinate activities directed towards continuous program improvement. 3. Recommend activities and support innovations in curriculum assessment. 4. Work in concert with other committees of the College, in particular the Core Curriculum and College Services Committee and College Committee on Academic Affairs. 5. Coordinate Program Self Studies in preparation for ABET reviews. The committee has representation from each ABET accredited program in the College. Technical Communication Resources and Consulting: John Merrill, Interim Director The Technical Communication Resources and Consulting (TCRC) program has the responsibility for the ENG 367 course, which has a critical thinking and intensive writing pedagogical format, encouraging exploration of the interrelations of technology and society; supplies consultation on writing practice to engineering students; and gives support to the Engineering Education Innovation Center program in assessment of curriculum design for writing within engineering. TCRC is a drop-in center located in Hitchcock 305 with a limited number of staffed hours a week available for engineering students to get help and consultation on all stages of writing and writing tasks. The staff provides consultation for both graduate and undergraduate students as well as engineering staff and faculty. D12

Undergraduate Research Office: Dr. Allison Snow, Director The Undergraduate Research Office (URO) helps students pursue research opportunities at The Ohio State University, a top public research institution. Research can be conducted independently, as part of a team, in collaboration with faculty, here at the university or elsewhere. The URO staff also serves as a resource for advisors, technical staff, postdoctoral fellows, faculty and others who are part of the rich research environment at Ohio State. Women in Engineering Program: Glenda La Rue, Director The Women in Engineering Program (WiE) was established at OSU in 1979 to recruit and retain the universitys population of female engineering students. The program has evolved to include K-12 outreach initiatives to help grow the future engineering workforce. The WiE Program offers many special services designed for both prospective and enrolled women engineering students. Walter E. Dennis Learning Center: The purpose of the Walter E. Dennis Learning Center is to provide academic learning services and support to OSU students. They serve as a "learning connection" for students in need of learning assistance in a number of areas including study skills, time management, test-taking strategies, learning from text, note-taking, and self-regulation strategies. 6. Credit Unit The Ohio State University is on a quarter system. The university year is divided into four quarters of approximately eleven weeks each. The summer quarter is the beginning of the university year and is divided into two terms of approximately six weeks. All courses are assigned a number in accordance with Faculty Rules (http://trustees.osu.edu/rules8/ru805.php) and credit hours in accordance with the procedure outlined in the faculty rules (http://trustees.osu.edu/rules8/ru8-24-25.php). This rule states: (A) All courses shall be assigned a number of credit hours in accordance with the procedure outlined in rules 3335-8-02 to 3335-8-04 of the Administrative Code. This may be any number from zero on up; however, in determining the credit hours assigned, the department, school, college and council on academic affairs should use as a guide the following suggested standards: (1) One credit hour shall be assigned for each three hours per week of the average student's time, including class hours, required to earn the average grade of "C" in this course. (2) One credit hour shall be assigned for each two consecutive hours of practical or experimental work per week in any department or school. (3) One credit hour shall be assigned for each three hours of laboratory work per week, when no additional outside work is required. When outside work is required, then the standard in paragraph (A)(1) of this rule shall be applied. (B) In determining the hours per week required by the course or work, the council on academic affairs may, in appropriate cases, consider the average weekly hours D13

spent during a quarter, semester, or session on the course or work. It should be remembered that the above are guides only and may be deviated from for good cause. (C) When comparing or combining semester credit hours with quarter credit hours, one semester credit hour shall be the equivalent of one and one-half quarter credit hours. (B/T 7/9/2004) When the University switches to semesters in the summer of 2012 it will be following the Ohio Board of Regents rule for semester credits which states that one semester credit hour will be awarded for a minimum of 750 minutes of formalized instruction that typically requires students to work on out-of-class assignments an average of two hours for every hour of formalized instruction. The Universitys Rules Committee is in the process of revising all university rules to conform to this policy. The University has adopted an academic calendar consisting of two semesters containing 70 instructional days each. 7. Quarters to Semesters Process 7.1 Quarters to Semesters Task Force Shortly after the decision was made to switch to semesters the College formed that Quarters to Semesters Task Force which had its first meeting on the 12th of May 2009. At that meeting the task force was informed that Interim Dean Gregory Washington charge to the task force was: Provided with the opportunity to consider anew the content of a 21st Century engineering education and the methods by which that content is delivered, I am convening a task force of the faculty of the College of Engineering to undertake the following charge: 1) Establish the framework for a transition of engineering curricula to a semester-based calendar and work with the COE representatives to the University Senate to provide input to the process for deciding the semester-based university calendar model. 2) Evaluate and define the common technical elements (i.e., math, science, and engineering) that are central to the education of all engineers. 3) Evaluate and define the elements of a liberal education necessary for all engineers. 4) Provide a forum for discussion and evaluation of novel approaches for delivering the elements of engineering education, be they common to all disciplines or disciplinespecific, with consideration of the following attributes: a. Recommendations of the Engineer of 2020 report b. Embracing diversity and cultures c. Delivering a global education d. Impact on ABET accreditation 5) Deliver recommendations on the methods, format, and calendar of semester-based curricula in the College of Engineering. 6) Assist programs in developing individual curriculum change proposals which will be packaged together as a single submission from the college 7) Develop a transition plan to guide advising of students who will be enrolled when the semester shift is implemented.


This task force will be convened and chaired by the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education and Student Services, David Tomasko, with representation from the following constituencies: All degree offering units in the College (AAE, Aviation, BME, CBE, Civil, CSE, ECE, EngPhys, Environmental, FABE, ISE, ME, MSE, WE) Knowlton School of Architecture EEIC Freshman Programs College representatives to CAA and University Senate One (1) academic advisor Two (2) undergraduate students One (1) graduate student Liaisons from College Committees: College Committee on Academic Affairs Core Curriculum and UG Services Outcomes Assessment Committee Graduate Studies Chairs Committee The task force will begin meeting immediately and be asked to report back on its progress quarterly. Members will asked to serve for a period of one year at which time a determination will be made to either continue the task force or create an implementation committee. The Task Force held regular meetings to discuss various issues concerning the switch to semesters along with developing college policy with the idea of providing guidance to the programs as they created their semester curriculum. At some of the meetings guests from outside service units were invited to present how they were developing their semester courses and to gather input from Engineering on our needs. In addition, research was conducted on other institutions so that we could have bench marks as references. 7.2 Core Curriculum and UG Services Committee The Core Curriculum and UG Services Committee is responsible for the on-going development of the engineering core curriculum, the engineering general education curriculum, College listed courses and undergraduate student services within the college. Consequently, it has been actively involved in creating the semester core curriculum to include working with outside units and creating memorandums of understanding with them. All curriculum proposed by this committee was sent to the College Committee on Academic Affairs for their consideration. 7.3 Honors Committee The Colleges Honors Committee is the responsibility for assuring an active program for the support and recognition of undergraduate honors students to include determining policy for attaining and retaining of honors status in the College of Engineering. Consequently, the committee has created a semester policy which was sent to the College Committee on Academic Affairs for their consideration. 7.4 College Committee on Academic Affairs


The College Committee on Academic Affairs (CCAA) is responsible for reviewing and approving or disapproving proposals for changes in courses and curricula which are recommended by departments and reporting its decisions to the Universitys Council on Academic Affairs. CCAA created three subcommittees to review all semester curriculum, course, and policy proposals. Once a proposal had been reviewed and approved by a subcommittee it was presented to the full committee for its approval. After the full committee approved a proposal it was forwarded to the Universitys Council on Academic Affairs (CAA) for its approval. CAA was the last level of approval needed for all semester curriculum, course, and policy proposals

8. Tables Complete the following tables for the program undergoing evaluation.


Table D-1. Program Enrollment and Degree Data Welding Engineering Total Undergrad

Academic Year

2010 2009 2008 2007 2006


1st 4 9 8 0 0

Enrollment Year 2nd 3rd 4th 10 12 47 9 14 0 0 18 26 11 15 59 54 53 62


Total Grad

Degrees Awarded Associates Bachelors 30 22 38 36 45 Masters 6 16 6 11 10 Doctorates 1 1 4 2 4

73 95 102 64 77

37 34 37 35 37


Table D-2. Personnel

Welding Engineering Year1: 2010 HEAD COUNT Administrative3 Faculty (tenure-track) Other Faculty (excluding student Assistants) Student Teaching Assistants Student Research Assistants Technicians/Specialists Office/Clerical Employees Others4 Report data for the program being evaluated.

FTE2 0.88 4.9 1 0.5 3 0.91 0.6

FT 4 4 1 0 0 4 1

PT 1 1 0 1 6 0 3

Data on this table should be for the fall term immediately preceding the visit. Updated tables for the fall term when the ABET team is visiting are to be prepared and presented to the team when they arrive. For student teaching assistants, 1 FTE equals 20 hours per week of work (or service). For undergraduate and graduate students, 1 FTE equals 15 semester credit-hours (or 24 quarter credit-hours) per term of institutional course work, meaning all courses science, humanities and social sciences, etc. For faculty members, 1 FTE equals what your institution defines as a full-time load. Persons holding joint administrative/faculty positions or other combined assignments should be allocated to each category according to the fraction of the appointment assigned to that category. Specify any other category considered appropriate, or leave blank.


Table D-3, Organizational Chart The Ohio State University Engineering Programs

Dr. E. Gordon Gee, University President

Dr. Joseph Alutto, University Executive Vice President and Provost

Dr. David Williams, Dean, College of Engineering

Dr. Bobby Moser, Dean College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences

Dr. Joseph Steinmetz, Dean College of Arts & Science

Dr. Krishnaswamy Srinivasan, Chair, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Dr. Richard Hart, Chair, Department of Biomedical Engineering

Dr. Stuart Cooper, Chair, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

Dr. Xiaodong Zhang, Chair, Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Dr. Carolyn Merry, Chair, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Geodetic Science

Dr. Robert Lee, Chair, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Dr. Julia Higle, Chair, Department of Integrated Systems Engineering

Dr. Rudolph Buchheit, Chair, Department of Materials Science and Engineering

Dr. Sudhir Sastry, Interim Chair, Department of Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering

Dr. Peter March, Interim Divisional Dean of Natural & Mathematical Sciences

Dr. Mei Zhuang, Aeronautical & Astronautical Engineering

Dr. Mark Ruegsegger, Biomedical Engineering

Dr. Jim Rathman, Chemical Engineering

Dr. Neelam Soundarajan, Computer Science and Engineering

Dr. George Valco, Computer Engineering Dr. Mark McCord, Civil Engineering

Dr. Steve Lavender, Industrial & Systems Engineering

Dr. Yogesh Sahai, Materials Science & Engineering

Dr. Gonul Kaletunc, Agricultural Engineering

Dr. James Beatty, Chair, Department of Physics

Dr. Gary Kinzel, Mechanical Engineering

Dr. John Lenhart, Environmental Engineering

Dr. George Valco, Electrical Engineering

Dr. Dave Farson, Welding Engineering

Dr. Gonul Kaletunc, Food, Biological, and Ecological Engineering

Dr. Richard Hughes, Engineering Physics



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