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Acquire Analyze and Present

focus on

Energy & Power Predictive Maintenance and Machine Health Monitoring

Rodrigue Saab

National Instruments overview Introduction to Virtual Instrumentation What is NI LabVIEW ?
Acquire, Analyze and Present

Data Acquisition Elements for:

Power Vibration

Beyond the Basic applications Conclusion and Questions

National Instruments Overview

Leaders for over 25 years in Computer-Based Measurement and Control Direct operations in 41 Countries More than 1,500 products 3,800 employees, and 500 Alliance Program Members Corporate headquarters in Austin, Texas
Direct Sales Offices Distributors

Diversity of NI Customers
95% of Fortune 500 in manufacturing More than 25,000 customers in more than 90 countries



Software and Hardware Tools for Advanced Functionality and Reliability

Software Tools
Graphical development Data logging Custom user interfaces Advanced analysis and control algorithms Real-time support for reliability

Hardware Tools
High-accuracy I/O High-speed acquisition Motion, vision, and communications Isolation and filtering Onboard intelligence for reliability

NI LabVIEW Graphical Development Software

Measure, control, and present your data Graphical environment for intuitive development Up to 10 times reduction in development time Designed specifically for measurement and control tasks

Acquire with NI LabVIEW

Seamless and open connectivity with measurement hardware Data Acquisition Instrument Control Image Acquisition Motion Control Types of Measurements Voltage / Current Temperature Force, Load, Pressure Flow Speed Rotation Torque Etc.

Analyze with NI LabVIEW

Make Decisions with Your Data

Analyze Measurements with LabVIEW

Over 450 built-in functions for math and inline analysis:
Curve fitting and interpolation FFT and frequency analysis Signal generation Mathematics Probability and statistics Time and frequency domain analysis Digital signal processing Sound and vibration

NI LabVIEW Built-In Analysis

Basic Analysis 1D Linear Evaluation 1D Polynomial Evaluation 2D Linear Evaluation 2D Polynomial Evaluation AxB A x Vector Complex LU Inverse Matrix Determinant Dot Product Histogram Inverse Matrix Mean Median Mode Outer Product Real Compact Array to Matrix Real Compact Cho Inverse Matrix Real Compact Cholesky Factor Real Compact Tri-Matrix Inverse Real LU Factor Real LU Inverse Matrix Real Matrix to Compact Array Std Deviation and Variance Measurements AC & DC Estimator Amp & Freq Estimate Amplitude and Phase Spectrum Auto Power Spectrum Cross Power Spectrum Find Exact Peak H(f) Harmonic Analyzer Impulse Response Function Network Functions (avg) Power & Frequency Estimate Scaled Time Domain Window Signal Generator by Duration Spectrum Unit Conversion Transfer Function Signal Generation Arbitrary Wave Chirp Pattern Gaussian White Noise Impulse Pattern Periodic Random Noise Pulse Pattern Ramp Pattern Sawtooth Wave Sinc Pattern Sine Pattern Sine Wave Square Wave Triangle Wave Uniform White Noise Windowing Blackman Window Blackman-Harris Window Cosine Tapered Window Cosine Window Coefficients Exact Blackman Window Exponential Window Flat Top Window Force Window General Cosine Window Hamming Window Hanning Window Kaiser-Bessel Window Triangle Window Window Parameters Filters Bessel Coefficients Bessel Filter Butterworth Coefficients Butterworth Filter Cascade->Direct Coefficients Chebyshev Coefficients Chebyshev Filter Coercion for FIRNC Elliptic Coefficients Elliptic Filter Equi-Ripple BandPass Equi-Ripple BandStop Equi-Ripple HighPass Equi-Ripple LowPass FIR Coefficients FIR Filter FIR Narrowband Coefficients FIR Narrowband Filter FIR Windowed Coefficients FIR Windowed Filter IIR Cascade Filter with I.C. IIR Cascade Filter IIR Filter with I.C. IIR Filter Inv Chebyshev Coefficients

Inverse Chebyshev Filter Median Filter Parks-McClellan

Statistics 1D, 2D, and 3D ANOVA Chi Square Distribution Contingency Table erf(x) erfc(x) F Distribution General Histogram Inv Chi Square Distribution Inv F Distribution Inv Normal Distribution Inv T Distribution Moment about Mean MSE Normal Distribution Polynomial Interpolation Rational Interpolation RMS Spline Interpolant Spline Interpolation T Distribution

Signal Processing AutoCorrelation Complex FFT Convolution

Cross Power CrossCorrelation Decimate Deconvolution Derivative x(t) Fast Hilbert Transform FHT Integral x(t) Inverse Complex FFT Inverse Fast Hilbert Transform Inverse FHT Inverse Real FFT Power Spectrum Pulse Parameters Real FFT Unwrap Phase Y[i]=Clip{X[i]} Y[i]=X[i-n] Zero Padder Curve Fitting Exponential Fit Coefficients Exponential Fit General LS Linear Fit General Polynomial Fit get new coefficients Lev-Mar abx Lev-Mar xx

Linear Fit Coefficients Linear Fit Nonlinear Lev-Mar Fit partial derivative Target Fnc & Deriv NonLin Linear Algebra Cholesky Factorization Complex A x B Complex A x Vector Complex Cholesky Factorization Complex Conjugate Transpose Matrix Complex Determinant Complex Dot Product Complex EigenValues and Vectors Complex Inverse Matrix Complex LU Factorization Complex Matrix Condition Number Complex Matrix Norm Complex Matrix Rank Complex Matrix Singular Values Complex Matrix Trace Complex Outer Product Complex Pseudoinverse Matrix Complex QR Factorization Complex SVD Factorization Create Special Complex Matrix

Create Special Matrix EigenValues and Vectors LU Factorization Matrix Condition Number Matrix Norm Matrix Rank Matrix Singular Values PseudoInverse Matrix QR Factorization Solve Complex Linear Equations Solve Linear Equations SVD Factorization Test Complex Positive Definite Test Positive Definite Trace Numeric Operations 1D Polar To Rectangular 1D Rectangular To Polar Complex Polynomial Roots Normalize Matrix Normalize Vector Numeric Integration Peak Detector Polar To Rectangular Quick Scale 1D Quick Scale 2D Rectangular To Polar

Scale 1D Scale 2D Threshold Peak Detector Unit Vector 1D and 2D Evaluation Curve Length Preparation Curve Length Differentiation Eval Polar to Rect Optimal Step Eval Polar to Rect Eval X-Y(a,t) Eval X-Y(t) Optimal Step Eval X-Y(t) Eval y=f(a,x) Eval y=f(x) Optimal Step Eval y=f(x) Prep Eval y=f(x) Prep1 Eval y=f(x) Prep2 Eval y=f(x) Eval X-Y-Z(a,t1,t2) Prep Eval X-Y-Z(a,t1,t2) Eval X-Y-Z(t1,t2) Eval y=f(a,x1,x2) Prep Eval y=f(a,x1,x2) Eval y=f(x1,x2) Prep Eval y=f(x1,x2) Extrema of f(x1,x2) Integration

Limit Partial Derivative Prep Partial Derivatives of f(x1,x2) Zeroes and Extrema of f(x) Numeric Functions Bessel Function J0(x) Bessel Function J1(x) Bessel Function Jn(x) Bessel Function Y0(x) Bessel Function Y1(x) Bessel Function Yn(x) Bessel Polynomial Beta Function Binomial Coefficient Carlson Elliptic Integral 1st Kind Chebyshev Polynomial Continued Fraction Complex Continued Fraction Cosine Integral Gamma Function Incomplete Beta Function Incomplete Gamma Function Jacobian Elliptic Function Legendre Elliptic Integral 1st Kind Sine Integral Spike Function Square Function Step Function

Differential Equations Cash Karp Check Prep Cash Karp Check Cash Karp Function Cash Karp General Cash Karp Global Cash Karp Global0 Euler Check Prep Euler Check Euler Function Euler Global Multiple Roots ODE Cash Karp 5th Order ODE Euler Method ODE Linear nth Order Numeric ODE Linear nth Order Symbolic ODE Linear System Numeric ODE Linear System Symbolic ODE Runge Kutta 4th Order Runge Kutta Check Prep Runge Kutta Check Runge Kutta Function Runge Kutta Global Transfer LSS Imaginary Transfer LSS Real Optimization Bracket Fletcher Brent Search Powell Prep

Brent Search Powell Brent with Derivatives 1D Brent with Derivatives Prep Chebyshev Approximation Prep Chebyshev Approximation Conjugate Gradient Global Conjugate Gradient nD Derivative Fletcher Downhill Simplex nD Global Downhill Simplex nD Inner Part Downhill Simplex nD Value Downhill Simplex nD Find All Minima 1D Find All Minima nD Prep Find All Minima nD Fitting on a Sphere Function and Derivative Function and Derivatives CG Golden Section 1D Golden Section Inner Part Levenberg Marquardt P.D Levenberg Marquardt Prep Levenberg Marquardt Line Minimum Derivative Line Minimum Fletcher Linear Programming Middle Linear Programming Preparation Linear Programming Simplex Method

LP Simplex Method Inner Part Normalized Case Decode Normalized Case One Step Normalized Pade Approximation Reflection Point Transport Problem to Linear Programming Parser Functions Atomic Check Backward Bracket Search Backward Decompose Number Backward Number Split Bracket Balancing Bracket Deletion Coded Eval Parsed Formula String Compiler RPN Compiler Tree Structure Dot or Comma Double Structure Eval Formula Node Eval Formula String Eval Multi-Variable Array Eval Multi-Variable Scalar Eval Parsed Formula Node Eval Parsed Formula String Eval Single-Variable Array Eval Single-Variable Scalar

Find String Identifier Function Decomposition Left and Right Parts List of Variables Number Decomposition Number Split Operation Selection Parse Formula Node Parse Formula String Plus Minus Correction Space Deletion Split the String String Index String to Tree Inner Part String to Tree Preparation String to Tree Substitute Variables Three Register Calculation Type of a Substring x Decode Transfer Functions Buneman Frequency Estimator Class Generator Daubechies4 Function Dual Signal FFT Fractional FFT Laplace Transform Real Power Spectrum Fractional FFT

Prime FFT Radix 2 Real Sparse FFT Sparse Signal FFT STFT Calculation STFT Spectrogram Unevenly Sampled Signal Spectrum Walsh Hadamard Inverse Walsh Hadamard Wavelet Transform Daubechies4 Inverse Wavelet Transform Daubechies4 WVD Calculation WVD Spectrogram Zero Functions Division p(x) and q(x) Find All Zeroes Inner Part Find All Zeroes of f(x) Formula Check Function Values GCD of p(x) and q(x) Line Search Prep Line Search Multiple Zeroes Multiplication p(x) and q(x) Newton Raphson Inner Part Newton Raphson Zero Finder Nonlinear System Prep

Nonlinear System Single Solution Nonlinear System Solver Polynomial Real Zero Counter Ridders Zero Finder Ridders Zero Inner Part Sign Changes Sturms Chain Single Roots Zero Deletion Zero Global Point-by-Point Array Operations 1D Linear Evaluation 1D Polar to Rectangular 1D Polynomial Evaluation 1D Rectangular to Polar Normalize Vector Quick Scale 1D Scale 1D Unit Vector Point-by-Point Filters Bessel Filter PtByPt Butterworth Filter PtByPt Chebyshev Filter PtByPt Elliptic Filter PtByPt Equi-Ripple BandPass PtByPt Equi-Ripple BandStop PtByPt Equi-Ripple HighPass PtByPt Equi-Ripple LowPass PtByPt FIR Filter PtByPt

FIR Windowed Filter PtByPt IIR Cascade Filter PtByPt IIR Cascade Filter with I.C. PtByPt IIR Filter PtByPt IIR Filter with I.C. PtByPt Inverse Chebyshev Filter PtByPt Median Filter PtByPt Point-by-Point Fitting Exponential Fit Coefficients PtByPt FIR Windowed Filter PtByPt IIR Cascade Filter PtByPt IIR Cascade Filter with I.C. PtByPt IIR Filter PtByPt IIR Filter with I.C. PtByPt Inverse Chebyshev Filter PtByPt Median Filter PtByPt Point-by-Point Fitting Exponential Fit Coefficients PtByPt Exponential Fit PtByPt General LS Linear Fit PtByPt General Polynomial Fit PtByPt Linear Fit Coefficients PtByPt Linear Fit PtByPt Linear Intopolation Polynomial Interpolation PtByPt Rational Interpolation PtByPt Recurrence for Rational Interpolation

Spline Interpolant PtByPt Spline Interpolation PtByPt Point-by-Point Frequency Domain Amplitude and Phase Spectrum PtByPt Auto Power Spectrum PtByPt Buneman Frequency Estimator PtByPt C2P_zero Complex FFT PtByPt Cross Power PtByPt Cross Power Spectrum PtByPt Fast Hilbert Transform PtByPt FHT PtByPt Impulse Response Function PtByPt Inverse Complex FFT PtByPt Inverse Fast Hilbert Transform PtByPt Inverse FHT PtByPt Inverse Real FFT PtByPt Power Spectrum PtByPt Real FFT PtByPt Round to Zero Single Side Real FFT PtByPt STFT Spectrogram PtByPt Transfer Function PtByPt Walsh Hadamard Inverse PtByPt Walsh Hadamard PtByPt Wavelet Transform Daubechies4 Inverse PtByPt Wavelet Transform Daubechies4 PtByPt

Windowed FFT PtByPt WVD Calculation WVD Spectrogram PtByPt Point-by-Point Linear Algebra Complex Dot Product PtByPt Complex Outer Product PtByPt Dot Product PtByPt Outer Product PtByPt Other Point-by-Point Functions Add Array Elements PtByPt Array Max & Min PtByPt BinarySearch Boolean Crossing PtByPt Complex Queue PtByPt Data Queue PtByPt Decrement PtByPt Increment PtByPt Search 1D Array PtByPt Sort 1D Array PtByPt Value Has Changed PtByPt Zero Crossing PtByPt Zero-Order Hold PtByPt Point-by-Point Probability and Statistics General Histogram PtByPt Generate Bins Histogram by Bins Histogram PtByPt

Mean PtByPt Median PtByPt Mode PtByPt Moment about Mean PtByPt MSE PtByPt RMS PtByPt Sample Variance PtByPt Standard Deviation PtByPt Variance PtByPt Point-By-Point Signal Generation Gaussian White Noise PtByPt Periodic Random Noise PtByPt Sawtooth Wave PtByPt Sine Wave PtByPt Square Wave PtByPt Triangle Wave PtByPt Uniform White Noise 2 Points Uniform White Noise PtByPt. Point-by-Point Time Domain AC & DC Estimator PtByPt AutoCorrelation PtByPt Convolution PtByPt CrossCorrelation PtByPt Deconvolution PtByPt Derivative x(t) PtByPt Integral x(t) PtByPt Peak Detector PtByPt

Savitzky Golai Filter PtByPt Threshold Peak Detector PtByPt Unwrap Phase PtByPt Y[i]=Clip{X[i]} PtByPt Y[i]=X[i-n] PtByPt

For a complete list of analysis functions in NI LabVIEW, go to

Industrial Data Acquisition System


Interface Hardware
PCI or PXI Analog and Digital I/O

Signal Conditioning
Excitation, Switching, and Filtering (if needed)

Sensor or Actuator
Voltage, Current and TC, RTD, Pressure, Accelerometer, Strain, . . .)

National Instruments

National Instruments

National Instruments

Partner Third Party

LabVIEW Demo
Voltage Measurements and Analysis

Vibration Measurements: Typical Spectrum Showing Basic Faults

Velocity (ips)
0.01 unbalance misalignment



bearing frequencies

gear mesh frequencies





Frequency (Hz)

Courtesy of

Machine Health Monitoring Systems


Interface Hardware
PCI or PXI High Accuracy Analog Input (built-in Signal Conditioning)

Sensor or Actuator
Accelerometers and Proximity Sensors

National Instruments

National Instruments

Partner Third Party

Sound & Vibration Toolkit for MCM

Advanced Analysis
FFT: time domain to frequency domain Gabor order analysis: frequency as rotational speed Signal resampling: time sampled data to position data

Custom Presentation
Bode plot Waterfall plot Custom graphs and displays

Integration of Measurements
Temperature, pressure, power

Vibration Measurements and Analysis

Beyond the Seminar

Taking NI LabVIEW Beyond Acquire Analyze Present

The NI Approach Integrated Hardware Platforms

PXI Modular Instrumentation Desktop PC Laptop PC PDA

High-Speed High-Resolution Multifunction Dynamic Instrument Digitizers and DMMs Data Acquisition Signal Acquisition Control Digitizers

Digital I/O

Counter/ Timers

Machine Vision

Motion Control

Distributed I/O and Embedded Control

Signal Conditioning and Switching

Unit Under Test

LabVIEW Real-Time Module

LabVIEW Real-Time

Compact FieldPoint



Desktop PC

Compact Vision System

PCI Plug-In Board

LabVIEW Datalogging and Supervisory Control Module

Ideal for high-channel-count applications
Built-in tools for
Trending Distributed logging Alarm and event management Easy networking Security Tag management

OPC connectivity Event-driven architecture Real-time connectivity

Analysis Toolkits
Signal Processing
Joint Time-Frequency Analysis (JTFA) Super-resolution spectral analysis Wavelet and filter bank design Digital filter design

Sound and Vibration

Order Analysis

Averaged frequency analysis State-of-the-art Gabor Order Tracking algorithm Transient analysis Flexible order energy Sound level measurement selection in the joint Weighting filters time-frequency domain Calibration and engineering Plot order(s) versus time units or RPM

NI Vision Development Module

Why Use NI LabVIEW?

Faster development with interactive configuration and graphical programming Tighter integration of real-world I/O, measurement analysis, and data presentation Highly flexible engineering tools from desktop to handheld, and real-time to embedded devices

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Your Next Step

Schedule a visit with your local field engineer to discuss your application.

Questions or Comments?

Energy Conservation logging and analyzing energy usage for lowering energy costs. Power Quality Measurements verifying and quantifying the quality of power. This includes Harmonics, Sags and Swells, etc. Machine Condition Monitoring measuring the condition of a machine through its power signature and vibration. Disturbance Monitoring measuring power fluctuations. Facilities Monitoring -- monitoring temperature, pressure, humidity, and power current throughout a building. Sequence of Event recorder typically 256 channels digital line recorder capturing power events. Also includes analog inputs Metering determining the amount of power used by a business or machine.

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