04 April 12 2nd - Timothy Lesson 03

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2 Timothy Lesson 3 An Unashamed Workman April 11-12, 2013 I. WELCOME, 15 mins.

. Plan one to two icebreakers for the purpose of mixing around and getting group participation or getting acquainted. II. WORSHIP, 20 mins. Prayerfully choose a few songs to lead people into Gods presence. During this time, cell leaders will encourage cell members to listen to the Holy Spirit and release the words of strengthening, encouragement, and comfort they have received for the cell group, the church and nations. Upon each word shared, the cell leader will lead members by thanking and praising God for His promise and/or praying aloud together for the needs, etc. During this time, the cell leader will also lead the group to pray aloud for: (1) the mission organization or daughter church that the cell group adopts (2) the church ministry needs (3) blessings for new comers, the sick. MISSION ORGANIZATION: ________________, their needs:_______________ (Please contact the church if you dont know the needs of the mission organization.) CHURCH MINISTRY: 4/7-6/2: Financial Peace University 4/26-27: Mens Retreat (Theme: Becoming a Real Man). Registration starts 3/17 III. WORD, 45 mins. A. Sharing from last Sundays message. 1. What is the key message from last Sunday sermon? How God talks to you through the message? 2. How would you respond to the message? What action will you take after listening to the message? B. Discussion Topic: An Unashamed Workman Scriptures: 2 Timothy 2:14-26 (Please read Bible verses in turns) Memorizing Verse: Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth. If a man cleanses himself from the latter, he will be an instrument for noble purposes, made holy, useful to 2. 2.

the Master and prepared to do any good work. (2 Timothy 15, 21 NIV)

With the word, Paul encouraged Timothy. We are told to be good soldiers of Christ Jesus; that we are unyielding, devote ourselves in gospel, know the truth of gospel, and relate to Christ intimately. Paul further reminds us to be a workman approved by and not be ashamed of God. These 3 things are what we can do to please God. 1. Be faithful on our task (2Timothy 14-19): God requires us to be faithful in what we are entrusted to. 1. Correctly handles the word of truth (15): As we teach Gods word, we should be 100% honest and fair, without bias or partiality, so that people can understand Gods will. (2:14-16) Avoid godless chatter: Godless chatter is the worldly knowledge that goes against Gods word. The chatter not only damages ones belief but may lead us into sin and become ungodly. It is as a break-out of a tumor or pus; it will grow bigger and eventually uncontrollable to corrupt human hearts. Like Hymenaeus and Philtetus, who initiated that the resurrection no longer existed and affected many peoples faith. (2:1618) Stands firm on Gods solid foundation: The foundation was established based on Christ Jesus and everyone who belongs to God should keep away from sin and injustice. (2:19)



Be Holy (2Ti. 20): All believers are instruments used by God for the generation. For all instruments, it is more important to be holy in life than concerning its noble purpose 1. Turn away from wickedness and be a noble instrument: Wickedness refers to the behavior that may trip people, or wrong teaching that draws people away from God. We should never do things like these. Prepare ourselves so that we may someday be used by God, listen to the Holy Spirit and His guidance. Do the good works God requires us to do to be a blessing to others. (2:20-21) Flee the evil desires of youth: the evil desires here do not limited to only sensual desires, they also refer to money, fame, the desire for pleasure, and that of self-centered, impatient, proud, and frivolous. The behavior will lead us astray from holy and righteous life style. Never

think that being unyielding will free you from temptation. Just as James 1:15 mentioned, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death. (2:22a) 3. Pure in heart and seek the Lord: Everyone should spend some time in prayer and seek the Lord. Do as God will, make sure that you have God-loving, selfless and God-pursuing spiritual companions to work on righteousness, faith, love and peace together with you. (2:22b)

Prayer: Dear Jesus, we thank you and we praise you! You have elevated us once again and not to be ashamed of your calling. What a glorious calling! Keep us so that we will not slip. Allow us to come to you in an immaculate manner, help us to be trustworthy on the great mission you entrust us, and live a holy life to witness your glory. Let us draw people to you with your Word. We thank you and we pray in Jesus victorious name. Amen!


The Lords servant (2Timothy 23-26): Living the life as the Lords servant. 1. 2. Refrain from foolish and stupid arguments. (2:23): Sophistry can never convince people wholeheartedly. No one can touch a life like Jesus can. Be kind (2:24): Preaching Gods truth does not equal to rebuke or condemnation. If you are too aggressive, people will be uncomfortable. Gently instruct, so as to help others to advance their spiritual lives. Moreover, being sympathetic with other peoples feeling and needs, comforting them with appropriate words, so that they may feel accepted and their needs are satisfied. Instruct with gentleness (2:25): Advise people with full patience, in hoping that they may return to Jesus. Have faith in God that their eyes may someday be opened up, so that they realize they are sinners and will repent. Once they understand the truth, they will no longer be under the dominion of the devil.

IV. WORK (Pray for each other), 10 mins. Please break into group of 2 or 3 to pray for each others needs.


Discussion Questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. What do you think a unashamed workman is supposed to mean? Can you give us a couple examples? How did Paul teach us to be an unashamed workman? What is the difficulty for you to live in holy? Yet, how would you live in holy? Can you share with us how you would do in Gods house (cell group or church) to become an instrument thats fit for God to use? What are the good works you will be doing? What are the things you are sharing with your spiritual companion? What can be improved to better meet Gods will?


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