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Vol. 10 No.

Young Talk, June 2009 1

Not for SALE:

Young Talk is FREE
Sex Education for primary schools
Gayaza HS • Know your rights
• Stay in school
• Say a BIG NO to sex

When we talk about virgins, we normally think it is only girls who can be virgins. This
is not true. Every boy and girl is born a virgin. Virginity is only lost after having sex.
Elizabeth Okello, teacher, Gayaza HS

Virgin Power:
For boys and girls
Who is a virgin? Proud Boys, keep
to wait the promise
A virgin is a boy or girl who has not had “I advise boys to stay virgins
sex! Yes, boys and girls are born virgins. “I want to keep a vir
by avoiding bad friends and Henry Ahirwe
z You can remain a virgin for as gin till marriage. I do
like bad friends. They refusing gifts for sex from older
long as you want. women. Virginity is cool.
z Virginity does not cause any can lead me into sex.
also talk to young peo Play football during your free
problem to your body. time and avoid being idle. “
z Protect it till the right time when about the benefits of
being a virgin.” Henry Ahirwe, 11, P5,
you get married. St Mary’s Bwebare PS,
Ngangeyo Hope, P7,
Virginity is healthy Hoima Public School Mbarara

Virginity is good for your growing body and mind. It:

z Shows you are in charge of your body. Thank you, Henry and Hope, for saying NO to sex
z Protects you from HIV and other Sexually and advising your friends to stay virgins like you! You
Transmitted Diseases (STDs). win a Young Talk package: a dozen book and pens.
z Protects you from early pregnancy.
z Helps you focus on your studies and the future.
New quiz: Imagine you are having a
The February Young Talkk quiz was: Virr-
conversation with a friend and she tells you:
Beauty queen ginity is lost through sex. What are you
doing in your village and school to avoid

Says NO to sex
sex? We recieved over 190 responses.
Thank You. You all win exercise
Ruth Agonza, 20, studies at Kichwamba Technical College,
books. We especially loved letters
from Masika Shamimu, Kyondo PS,
Fort Portal in western Uganda. She is studying electrical
Bundibugyo and Mugabe Mathias, 11,
engineering. She was chosen the most beautiful girl at the
P5, Rutooma Parents PS, Mbarara.
college. So she is
Miss Kichwamba.
Shamimu writes: I am avoiding sex
Ruth is a virgin.
• Following my religious teaching.
‘In P3 I made a promise not • Saying a loud NO to gifts.
to have sex until marriage. • Avoiding bad friends.
Even when I joined college, • Avoiding alcohol which can
I promised myself not to get confuse my mind.
involved with boys.
Many boys ask me to be Mathias wrote: “Delaying sex is
their girlfriend but I tell cool, healthy and easy. It helps you stay
them that I cannot serve in school, perform well and be liked by
Ann the teachers. Keep your virginity. Say
two masters at the same
time. I love sports. NO to sex.”
My mother encourages
me to keep the promise.’ Thank you, Shamimu and Mathias.
You get Young Talk gift packs of exercise
What would you tell Ann if she is your friend?
Ruth is waiting for the right time to have sex. Draw this picture and fill the empty bubble.
books, pens and reading books.
2 Young Talk, June 2009

Make good choices

Being a virgin shows you are in charge of your body.
You are waiting for the right time to marry after your Life more precious
studies. Say NO to what can lead you into early sex. than money
Bad friends “There is a shop keeper who always
nds tell me that, if I do not have sex like told me that he had my message. One
will not produce in future. They say prac- day I went to buy sugar and he said
akes perfect. I have refused their advice. he loves me. He gave me money and
to be a virgin until marriage. clothes. I refused them. I shouted at
ukunda, St Paul’s PS, Rukungiri. him. I reported him to my parents. My
mother talked to him. Since then he
Natukunda, you made the right choice! does not disturb me. Scovia N, 15, Am I still a virgin?
Just because your friends say they have Sibirise PS, Busia
Am I still a virgin if I use a tampon, climb
sex does not mean it is right. Having sex trees or ride a bicycle? Namaganda
can put you at risk of HIV/STDs. You Mai, Nakigo PS, Iganga
can even be imprisoned for making a
girl pregnant. Focus on your studies. Namaganda, yes you are a virgin! Virgin-
ity is lost the first time you have sex. You
don’t lose your virginity by climbing a tree
False stories about body changes or riding a bicycle or using a tampon.
Body changes like wet dreams, menstruation pe-
riods, pubic hair and breasts do not mean you are A tampon is one of the materials used to
ready to have sex! trap menstruation blood. It is put in the
You may get sexual feelings like Kyobutungi vagina.
Catherine of Butagasi village, Mbarara district. She
Different materials for trapping menstrual
became pregnant when she was in P7. She says: “I Scovia, you are a star! Money is good
blood are
started wanting sex in P7. My friends advised me but it cannot compare with your life.
z Pads z Sanitary towels
to have sex. I became pregnant. I regret losing my Some people may give you money and
z Tampons z Cloths
virginity and making my parents unhappy. They gifts, expecting you to pay back through
If you don’t have money to buy pads, you
have forgiven me and promised to take me back to school when sex. This is dangerous. Like Scovia, say
can make your own pads from cloths. You
the baby is big. I promise to work hard and make my parents NO to money and gifts. Study first, get
do not need to have sex for pads.
happy again.” jobs and earn your own money.

You and the media

Newspapers, magazines, TV and movies are some of the
media. They help us to learn new things. But media can also
make you do wrong things like having sex. Avoid media with
bad stories. Focus on your books for a bright future.
Keep your
mind busy Know your body: hymen Virginity lost

first time you
ome girls are born with a thin skin that partly
Young Talkers, sexual
covers the vaginal opening. It is called a hymen. have sex
feelings are normal.
Having a hymen does not mean a girl is or is not
It means that your How useful is the
a virgin. Some girls who have sex still have a hymen.
hormones are secondary virginity?
Others who have never had sex have no hymen. Most
working properly. Nantale Shamim,
women have some hymen left until they give birth.
Control them by 12, P7, Banunule
keeping busy: find PS, Kampala
something to do like
reading your books, It is very useful! If you
playing games with
lose your virginity, you
good friends and
helping parents with can still stop having sex
work at home. and be safer. This is
called secondary virginity.
Remember: just because
you had sex does not
mean you have to con-
tinue saying yes to sex
A boy enjoys playing football at Gulu Youth Centre. every time.

Picture bonus! Dear Young Talkers, write to us, send beautiful pictures and win Young Talk exercise books!
Young Talk, June 2009 3

For teach-
Sex with a virgin not protection from HIV ers
Dear teachers, teach

B your pupils the value
of virginity. Tell them
virginity is healthy. Do
Is it true that if you have unprotected sex with a virgin you this during club ac-
are safe? Rosemary, P7, Bukomero Junior tivities. Let them ask or
School, Kiboga write questions about virginity. And
No, you are not safe! You can get pregnant or HIV encourage the children to talk to their
anytime you have sex. There are many young people who parents. Jerolam Omach, Counsellor,
are virgins and HIV positive. They could have got it from Straight Talk Foundation
their mothers during:
z Pregnancy
Teachers, help your pupils read
z Birth
and understand Young Talk.
z Breastfeeding
To win books on how to make
It is called mother-to-child
school safer, send us a text with
transmission of HIV. A virgin can also
your name and school address
get HIV through sharing sharp objects
on: 077-5-517458. You can also
with a person who has HIV. Learn to smile like SMS when you pick Young Talk
this happy Young bundle from DEO or post office.
It is only by testing the blood that you
Talker from Lira If you send your pupils’ letters
can tell that someone is safe.
Dr Stephen Watiti, to Straight Talk Foundation with
Mildmay Centre Do first things first: read your books.
a covering letter, you also win.

Learn with fun games

Virginity game

You can make your own play board. What you need: A box or
hard paper, glue, blue, red and black pen. On top of the hard
paper put the white paper using glue. Now copy the play board.

Science quiz: Get a piece of paper and copy this exercise. Tick Our school environment
the right answers: TRUE or UNTRUE and send them to Young Talk PO Box
22366, Kampala. All answers received BEFORE August 23rd, 2009 will WIN What do you
exercise books, pads and a personal copy of July Young Talk. see in this
You can tell if a person is a virgin. True Untrue
AIDS is a disease without a cure. True Untrue Write to Young Talk
Sex cures menstruation period pains. True Untrue and tell us a story
of what you think
You cannot get pregnant if you play sex once. True Untrue
is happening in this
You can develop hips if you have sex. True Untrue picture. Best stories
People with HIV need love and care. True Untrue win exercise books,
You can get HIV by sitting near an HIV infected person. True Untrue pens, and pads.

A girl can get pregnant if she has sex during her period. True Untrue
Puberty is something that happens to boys only. True Untrue YOUNG TALK IS FOR TEACHERS AND PUPILS IN P5, P6 AND P7
4 Young Talk, June 2009

Members of Young Talk
club at Kyanuki PS,
Kasese district.

Young TALK
PO Box 22366 Kampala

Will anything happen to me if I delay sex up till

the age of 30? Auma G, 14, Bukobe Maboka PS,
Grace, nothing bad will happen to you. You will get
older and wiser to make good choices in future.
You will also be able to go for an HIV test together
with your partner and make good decisions for your
future. Delaying sex is one of the important ways of
reducing risk of HIV and STDs.
an produces when an ovum and a sperm cell meet and Mulongo Sadi, Buwagama PS, P6, Bugiri
form an embryo inside the womb. However, in some Sorry, Sadi, about your father’s illness.
Is it true that HIV attacks only the white blood
cultures girls pull their labia minora (see the diagram on But do not lose hope. You can help him get
cells of the body? How does Septrin control it?
page 2). This custom is called visiting the bush. Per-
r medicine from Hospice Uganda in Makindye,
Mugasho Lawrence, 13, P7, Nkonge UMEA PS,
forming this custom is a choice for a person to make Kampala. They will help nurse him well. You also
and should not be forced. Many people do not visit the need a wise adult to help you go through this
Septrin does not control HIV. It prevents a person
bush but they still produce children. difficult time. Please start talking to your dad and
with HIV infection from developing common diseas-
mum to plan for the future. Has he written a will?
es like pneumonia, meningitis, diarrhoea and malaria.
My school is very far from home, Make sure you ask your mum or respected elder
Prevention of these diseases enables a person to live
I always reach late and they always beat me. like a reverend or khadi to make sure he does that.
a longer and healthier life even when they have HIV
Can I stop studying? Yokwe R, 14, P6, Mogiri PS, You can start rearing chicken, goats or planting trees
and reduces progression to AIDS. Talk to a health
Kajo Keji County, Sudan that can help you get basic needs after he passes on.
worker if you react. They will help you.
No, do not stop studying. Going to school will make Contact Hospice on: 077-2-500769.
a very big difference in your future. Your teacher is
Can a girl of eight years get pu-
breaking the law on corporal punishment. Can a girl get pregnant if she has never had
bic hair? Nakabembe F, 11, Main
Please ask your parents/guardian to talk to period? Namutebi E, P7, University Hill PS,
Street PS, Jinja
the teacher who is beating you. You could Mukono
Yes it is possible and very normal.
also talk to the headmaster. Try to leave Yes, you can become pregnant any time you have
Some people develop body changes
home early to reach school in time. You sex! Just because a girl has not had her period does
like pubic hair earlier than others.
could also jog to school; maybe in the future not mean that she has a natural form of birth
Some may start developing these
you will become world champion runner. control.
changes from 9 to 19 years but they
may happen earlier.
My father has lung cancer. He is about to Getting pregnant is related to ovulation
die. I am worried. He has been providing (the movement of an ovum from the ovary into ova-
Is it true that if you do not visit the
the basic needs in our home. What will I duct or a fallopian tube). Because a girl can
bush as our aunts tell us you will
do if he dies? ovulate before having her first menstruation period,
never produce? Asaale Juliet, 14,
it is possible to become pregnant before beginning
P7, Kibbuye Mapeera PS, Mukono
to menstruate.
No, my dear, visiting the bush has Counselor: Dr Edith Nakku, Mulago Hospital.
nothing to do with producing. A wom-

Science corner New quiz: Advise Katushabe

If your father refuses to pay your school fees

and yet he has good money, can your boyfriend
indow period is the time it takes for
help you? Katushabe Hope, 14, P7,
your body to
Bihanga Model School, Kamwenge
produce antibodies
Send your advice to Young Talk, 22366,
(body soldiers) to HIV from
Kampala Uganda and WIN.
the moment HIV enters your
body. This usually takes two
Star Schoo
to 12 weeks. To know if you
are HIV infected or not, test
g PS
after three months. To be
P 7 D a y & Boardin
sure, you can test again in three months. Remem- Lira school
ber: HIV can be spread during the window period. e Y o u n g Talk star
is th
Dr Paul Semugoma, . You win a
this month ll.
Pupils of New Bweyale Parents School, Masindi. International Hospital Kampala d netba
Young Talkers, early sex can make you feel bad. football an
Don’t try it. Stick on abstinence.
Publisher: Straight Talk Foundation 4 Acacia Avenu
Answer and send your answers to Young Talk Telephone: (031) 262030/1, Fax: 534858, E-mail: strta
President: C. Watson, Executive Director: J. Wiltsh Print Director: Editorial Manager:
P.O. Box 22366 Kampala and WIN pads. M. Akello, Editors: G. Awekofua, F. Ouma, P. Kiwuuwa, J Chief Designer:
Designers: GB. Mukasa, Allan B. Dentine Young Talk

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