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Guardian Golden Idol

A Solo Scenario for

of the

by Richard A. Johnson

Copyright 2006 Rattrap Productions LLC

Jack stands at the entrance to the Great Hall of the Sky God. Its seen better days he thinks. The walls are cracked and water-stained. The columns are crumbling. And piles of rubble are scattered about the room. Of course, a thousand years of neglect will do that to the best of temples. But Jacks not here to assess its living conditions. Across the room from him stands the golden idol of the Sky God. From somewhere within the ceiling, sunlight is directed onto the statue and it still glows with the same brilliance it had the day it was first polished. With one foot poised to take a step forward, Jack hesitates. Something is not right with this picture. He steps back and surveys the floor and walls. Traps. The floor of the room is covered in triggers. He isnt sure if they would still work after all these years, but he is not about to find out by making himself a target. He cautiously makes his way toward the altar and the fame and fortune he has long sought

This game is designed as a mini-solo scenario or it can be tacked on to a larger adventure as the final scene.

The Game

This is a small board, just 12 x 12. The hero starts at the center of one edge. On the opposite edge is a raised dais with an altar with the Golden Idol on it. The 7 stretch between the heros starting point and the start of dais are triggers for the dart traps that line the walls.

The Board

Altar Idol


One Grade 3 Hero/Villain of your own design.

The Character Encounters

There should be two decks of cards. One deck represents the traps. The other represents the temple collapsing. Traps: There should be 10 cards in this set. Seven of these cards will have a dart firing from the wall and the remaining three will be no effect. The 7 strip from the entrance to the great chamber to the dais is a maze of triggers for the poison darts in the wall. If the model moves just 1 each turn while in the 7 strip, then no dart is triggered (the model is being cautious). If the model moves 2 each turn, then it must draw from this trap deck to see if a dart is fired. If the model moves more than 2, then a card must be drawn for each 1 of movement. If all the Trap cards are used, the deck should be reshuffled and placed out again if needed. Movement out of the trap zone, more than 1 also sets off a trigger. For example: if the model is 1 from the dais and it moves 3 to reach the idol, the 1 that it is still in the trap means it must draw a card for moving more than 1. Poison darts: The poison on these darts has not aged well and is not very effective. If a dart is fired, the model must make a DG test. If they pass, the dart misses. If they fail, the dart hits. Roll location and cross off one box on that location. Temple Collapsing: Once the model steps onto the dais, two things occur. The first thing the player should do is draw from their temple collapse deck of encounter cards. There will be 10 of these cards. Four of the cards will be no effect (lots of rumbling and crashing sounds), Five of these cards will be falling debris (model must pass a DG test or be hit by falling rocks at WS 2 to one random location), the final card will be the roof of the temple caving in. Once the Roof Collapsing card is drawn, the hero has until the end of the next turn to exit the chamber (through the same door he came in). The second thing that occurs when the hero steps on the dais is that the Temple Guardian appears. This guardian could be an Egyptian mummy, a Chinese terracotta warrior, or an undead Aztec sacrifice. The Guardian will always move to attack the hero no matter where he is. The guardian is immune to the effects of the poison darts so will move the full movement through them. If the Guardian is in close combat with the hero when the debris falls from the ceiling, there is a 50% chance it hits the Guardian instead. Placing the Guardian: Roll a d10 to place the Guardian. On a 1-2 it is placed in base contact with the altar, but behind it. On a 3-4, it is placed at the far right corner of the dais, on a 5-6 it is place in the far left corner of the dais, on a 7-8 it is placed at the near right corner of the dais, on a 9-10 it is placed at the near left corner of the dais.

Head (1)

Guardian of the Golden Idol

Base Brain=n/a Brawn=5 Guts=n/a Heater=1 Shiv=5 Dodge=2 Speed=4 DR 8 8 5 5 BR=n/a BW=5 GT=n/a HT=1 SH=5 DG=2 SP=4

Class: Guardian
Wound Level

(Grade 1)

Location (Die Roll) Torso (2-4) Arms (5-7) Legs (8-10)

Dead Again BW=5 GT=n/a HT=1 SH=5 DG=2 SP=2 Cut in Half! Dead Again! HT=1 SH=3 DG=1 SP=1 Attacks by biting SH=1 Cannot carry Crawl Only

Skills: The guardian, being an unliving creature, is immune to any skill or effect that affects BR. The Guardian also never takes a GT test and will always move toward whoever has the idol.
Fist 0

Close Combat
Range TH











Obviously this whole little scenario was inspired by the opening sequence to Raiders of the Lost Ark (with the addition of a guardian to keep it interesting.) My whole point to putting this up was two-fold. First I wanted players to have a short scenario that they could tack on to an existing campaign (whether it be two games or several). Second, I wanted to play around with the Encounter decks a little more and offer more options and ideas for using them. Im not a big fan of card games, but Im finding that including cards in pulp games adds a little something extra and unexpected to each turn. Players are surprised and amused by how events are suddenly changed around them, almost like the unexpected twists of a pulp novel. I hope you have enjoyed this mini-scneario. If the feedback is positive, I may do more of them as well as continuing to post the longer ones. Richard A. Johnson

Authors Note


Poison darts: The poison on these darts has not aged well and is not very effective. If a dart is fired, the model must make a DG test. If they pass, the dart misses. If they fail, the dart hits. Roll location and cross off one box on that location.

Poison darts: The poison on these darts has not aged well and is not very effective. If a dart is fired, the model must make a DG test. If they pass, the dart misses. If they fail, the dart hits. Roll location and cross off one box on that location.

Poison darts: The poison on these darts has not aged well and is not very effective. If a dart is fired, the model must make a DG test. If they pass, the dart misses. If they fail, the dart hits. Roll location and cross off one box on that location.




Poison darts: The poison on these darts has not aged well and is not very effective. If a dart is fired, the model must make a DG test. If they pass, the dart misses. If they fail, the dart hits. Roll location and cross off one box on that location.

Poison darts: The poison on these darts has not aged well and is not very effective. If a dart is fired, the model must make a DG test. If they pass, the dart misses. If they fail, the dart hits. Roll location and cross off one box on that location.

Poison darts: The poison on these darts has not aged well and is not very effective. If a dart is fired, the model must make a DG test. If they pass, the dart misses. If they fail, the dart hits. Roll location and cross off one box on that location.


Poison darts: No dart fires

Poison darts: The poison on these darts has not aged well and is not very effective. If a dart is fired, the model must make a DG test. If they pass, the dart misses. If they fail, the dart hits. Roll location and cross off one box on that location.

Temple Collapsing: There is lots of rumbling and dust falling, but nothing major happens.




Temple Collapsing: There is lots of rumbling and dust falling, but nothing major happens.

Poison darts: No dart fires

Poison darts: No dart fires


Temple Collapsing: Debris begins falling from the ceiling. Model must pass a DG test or be hit by falling rocks at WS 2 to one random location

Temple Collapsing: There is lots of rumbling and dust falling, but nothing major happens.

Temple Collapsing: Debris begins falling from the ceiling. Model must pass a DG test or be hit by falling rocks at WS 2 to one random location


Temple Collapsing: Debris begins falling from the ceiling. Model must pass a DG test or be hit by falling rocks at WS 2 to one random location


Temple Collapsing: Debris begins falling from the ceiling. Model must pass a DG test or be hit by falling rocks at WS 2 to one random location

Temple Collapsing: There is lots of rumbling and dust falling, but nothing major happens.

Temple Collapsing: Debris begins falling from the ceiling. Model must pass a DG test or be hit by falling rocks at WS 2 to one random location.

Temple Collapsing: The roof begins caving in. The model has until the end of the next turn to exit the board or be crushed under tons of stone.

Other Products from Rattrap Productions LLC

.45 Adventure: Crimefighting Action in the Pulp Era A tabletop miniatures game that simulates all the two-fisted action of the era of pulp magazines. Players can take on the roles of colorful heroes or unscrupulous villains. With Tommy guns, Heaters, and Gats they can fight their way through the minions of crime or seek to control the world. .45 Adventure is designed to be played in spaces as small as two square-feet so it is great for the college student or anyone with a limited playing area who is looking to get into tabletop miniature games. But dont think that means you cant play the BIG games. .45 Adventure can handle the full eight foot playing space if the players choose to expand the scope of their game. This book contains all the rules necessary to play, customize your heroes and villains, and create scenarios. Plus there are two sample scenarios to help you get started. Dragon Bones: Adventures in the Gobi Desert The time and place is Mongolia of the 1920s. Warlords and free-roaming bandits battle for control of the countryside. Your team of researchers and explorers must race against time to recover the fossils and get them out of the dangerous warzone and back to the safety of the International Zone in Shanghai. This book introduces nine new archetypes to .45 Adventure; including Professors, Bandits, and the Dragon Lady. There are new rules for Mounted models and eight new skills you can add to provide even more diversification for your figures. The four scenarios in this book are designed for 2 to 6 players. These chapters (scenarios) are capable of being played in a single evening or several can be played out over a longer session.



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