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SIVA covers four year of extensive teachings, and additional workshops which will be available to both SIVA and Non-SIVA students. In future, master degree and doctorate degrees will be offered for graduated SIVA students. Each year is covered through 12 sessions, where each session comprises four lectures. The lectures are accompanied by written materials and recorded lecture by Pt. Sanjay Rath and Zoran Radosavljevi. All materials are copy righted by SIVA.

Session One 1. Definition of Jyotish 2. Jyotish's place in Vedic knowledge as a limb of the Vedas 3. Eighteen Rishis/Sapta Rishis (basic concepts) 4. The concept of Kala and Papa purush 5. Karma, destiny and faith 6. Vedic cosmology: Narayana and the 3 attributes (gunas) 7. The concept of Paramatma and jivatma 8. The Vedic Trinity- Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva- AUM 9. Vedic concept of time from yugas to the flow of breath 10. Tides (murta ghatika) 11. The importance of a Guru and Achyutananda Parampara 12. The mantra associated with Achyutananda lineage

Session Two 1. Five states of being (elements or tattvas) 2. Five Limbs (panchanga) part one 3. 33 sources of knowledge and illumination (devas) 4. The definition of Sura/Asura, deva/manushya/rakshasa 5. The Concept of the Sun and dwadasa rasis (all info about the rasis) 6. Dwadasa Aditya and Jyotirlingas

Session Three 1. The concept of the Moon and tides, Moon and its kendras 2. Extensive lecture on Nakshatras, and its various divisions. Naksatra elaboration in detail

Session Four

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1. Lagna, definition and calculation, Lagna in 12 signs 2. Nava Graha-detailed elaboration on various graha information 3. Lagnesha, rulers of houses from different lagna 4. Tri-Chakra drawings, traditional method

Session Five 1. Divisions of houses 2. Various types of houses 3. Twofold division of Hora, definition 4. Four ayanas, 4 ashramas, and 4 types of people based on Gunas 5. The Tripod of Life-Surya, Chandra and Lagna i 12 bhavas from lagna

Session Six 1. Sambhanda- Naisarghik, Tatkalika 2. Exaltation/debilitation, multrikon and own sign 3. Graha ghati and Two types of avastas

Session Seven 1. Drishti both Rahsi and Graha, explanations of dhristi padas 2. Calculation of Graha dristi

Session Eight 1. Special Lagnas- Bhava, Hora and Ghati 2. Sy and Ch Lagna, devatas of Rasis and Nakshatras 3. Paka Lagna in detail

Session Nine 1. Arudha Lagna 2. Upapada Lagna 3. Houses from Arudha 4. Arudha of the houses

Session Ten 1. Bhavesha -144 combinations 2. Bhavesha in Various sandhis (rasi, gandanta etc) 3. Bhavesha in exaltation and various other positions 4. Marana Karaka Stan and bhavesha in Marana

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Session Eleven 1. Surya Yogas- in detail 2. Chandra Yogas-in detail

Session Twelve 1. Mantra Shastra - Bija Mantras and Shiva bijas

Session One 1. Argala (rasi, graha, virodha, graha argala etc)with exercises, graha and bhava argalas

Session Two 1. Yuti 2. All combinations of Yuti with two and more grahas, 3. Graha Yuddha-four types

Session Three 1. Bhagya definition and detailed explanation 2. Dharma-definition and detailed explanation 3. Four Gayatri, 9th from different Lagnas 4. Pranapada lagna

Session Four 1. Hora and Bhava Lagna in Detail 2. Twelve houses from Hora and Bhava lagna 3. Matching these lagnas with Janma Lagna

Session Five 1. Ghati Lagna in detail 2. Twelve houses from Ghati Lagna 3. The concept of Yogadas

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Session six 1. Naisarghika Dasa 2. Vimsotari dasa basics, phylosophy and calculations

Session Seven 1. Karakas- Three Types 2. Naisarghik Karakas in detail

Session Eight 1. Sthira Karaka in detail 2. Longevity bases (calculations, three sutras etc)

Session Nine 1. Charakarakas, each karaka in detail 2. Charakaraka replacement, various movements and positions

Session Ten 1. Charts of Shri Rama and Krishna 2. Mula Dasa and Tithi Astottari Dasa

Session Eleven 1. Mundane Charts, introduction 2. Correct nation's chart 3. 144 y. Progressed chart

Session Twelve 1. Mantra Shastra Two 2. Various types of mantras and divisions, mantra devata, rishi, channdas, utkilana, shakti etc.

Session One

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1. Nara, Hoda and Dig Chakras 2. Kalachakra and Kalachakra Dasa-bases

Session Two 1. Nava Tara Chakra 2. Simhasan Chakra 3. Surya Kalanal Chakra 4. Dimbha and pataki Chakra

Session Three 1. Gochara basics 2. Gochara From Chandra in detail

Session Four 1. Brihaspati Cycle in detail

Session Five 1. Vimsottari Dasa and its variations, calculation and detailed use

Session Six 1. 28 nakshatra scheme 2. Sarvatobhadra and Shoola Chakra

Session Seven 1. Swamsa and Karakamsha-introduction and elaboration

Session Eight 1. Houses from Karakamsa in detail

Session Nine 1. Atmakaraka Yogas 2. Amatyakaraka Yogas

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Session Ten 1. Raj Yogas various types

Session Eleven 1. Nabhasa Yoga in detail

Session Twelve 1. Mantra Shastra 3 2. Ishta Devata 3. Dharma Devata

Session One 1. Varga Schemes - different types and divisions

Session Two 1. Shad Bal 2. Each Bal in detail

Session Three 1. Navamsa - six steps in understanding

Session Four 1. Drekkana - various types

Session Five 1. Artha Divisions 2. dasamsa, shodasamsa 3. Siddhamsa

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Session Six 1. Personal Divisions 2. Dwadasamsa, Saptamsa

Session Seven 1. Avastas, Deeptadhi 2. Baaladhi, pancha swara

Session eight 1. Shayanadhi avastas

Session Nine 1. Ashtottari dasa

Session Ten 1. Calculation of Longevity, various types and divisions

Session Eleven 1. Special Udu Dasas (lagnamsaka, tribhagi etc)

Session Twelve 1. Nama Tatva 2. Katapayadhi Varga

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