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FORM 13 SCC REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ __________________________, Plaintiff, vs. __________________________, Defendant.

. x- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x DECISION This is a small claims action for (state which of the claims or demands below is the subject of the action filed): [For money owed under any of the following: 1. Contract of lease; 2. Contract of loan; 3. Contract of services; 4. Contract of sale; or 5. Contract of mortgage; For damages arising from: 1. Fault or negligence; 2. Quasi-contract; or 3. Contract; The enforcement of a barangay amicable settlement or an arbitration award involving a money claim covered by this Rule pursuant to Section 417 of Republic Act 7160, otherwise known as The Local Government Code of 1991]. Plaintiff alleges that (state material allegations and prayer in the Statement of Claim). Defendant alleges that (state reasons for denial of the claim and other material allegations in the Response including counterclaims, if any). On (date), both parties appeared during the hearing conducted by (state name of Judge who conducted the JDR. State whether parties appeared personally or through a specially authorized representative).

Civil Case No. ______________ For: _______________________

Considering the failure of the parties to arrive at any settlement of the dispute, this court proceeded with the hearing of the case which was terminated on __________________. The issue to be resolved by this court is _____________________________________________________________. whether

Plaintiffs evidence consists of: (state documents of plaintiff, affidavits submitted, if any, and statements made by plaintiff and witnesses under oath during the hearing). Defendants evidence consists of: (state documents of defendant, affidavits submitted, if any, and statements made by defendant and witnesses under oath during the hearing). This court finds that the claim of plaintiff (or defendant in a counterclaim) is (state whether meritorious or devoid of merit) under Article/Section (state the applicable provisions of law) or pursuant to established jurisprudence (cite applicable jurisprudence). In this case, this court found that (state first the factual findings established by the evidence and then the legal conclusions). Wherefore, the (claim/counterclaim) is (granted/denied). This court orders ____________________ to pay to _______________________ the amount of (state the monetary award or damages) with interest of (if applicable under Civil Code and/or settled jurisprudence) until fully paid. SO ORDERED. (Date of decision.)

-----------------------------------(Signature) Presiding Judge (or Pairing Judge in the absence of written agreement of the parties that the case shall be heard by the Presiding Judge who conducted the JDR) Copy furnished: All parties Office of the Clerk of Court of ____________

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