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Claudio v.

Comelec Facts: Jovito Claudio was the duly elected mayor of Pasay City in the May 11, 1998 elections. He assumed office on July 1, 1998. Sometime during the second week of May 1999, the chairs of several barangays in Pasay City gathered to discuss the possibility of filing a petition for recall against Mayor Claudio for loss of confidence. On May 29, 1999, 1,073 members of the PRA composed of barangay chairs, kagawads, and sangguniang kabataan chairs of Pasay City, adopted Resolution No. 01, S-1999, entitled RESOLUTION TO INITIATE THE RECALL OF JOVITO O. CLAUDIO AS MAYOR OF PASAY CITY FOR LOSS OF CONFIDENCE. He became the subject of a petition for recall filed by the Preparatory Recall Assembly of Pasay City (PRA) on July 2, 1999. The petition was opposed on grounds that it violated the oneyear prohibitory period from assumption of office and the pendency of an election case seeking the annulment of the proclamation of the incumbent mayor, a prejudicial question. The petition was, nevertheless, granted by the COMELEC, ruling that recall starts with the filing of the petition. Aggrieved, petitioners filed separate petition. Issue: WON the word recall in paragraph (b) of Section 74 of the Local Government ode includes the convening of the preparatory recall assembly and the filing by it of a recall resolution. Held: NO. Recall is a process which begins with the convening of the preparatory recall assembly or the gathering of the signatures at least 25% of the registered voters of a local government unit, and then proceeds to the filing of a recall resolution or petition with the COMELEC, the verification of such resolution or petition, the fixing of the date of the recall election, and the holding of the election on the scheduled date. However, as used in paragraph (b) of 74, "recall" refers to the election itself by means of which voters decide whether they should retain their local official or elect his replacement. The term "recall" in paragraph (b) refers to the recall election and not to the preliminary proceedings to initiate recall 1.Because 74 speaks of limitations on "recall" which, according to 69, is a power which shall be exercised by the registered voters of a local government unit. Since the voters do not exercise such right except in an election, it is clear that the initiation of recall proceedings is not prohibited within the one-year period provided in paragraph (b); 2.Because the purpose of the first limitation in paragraph (b) is to provide voters a sufficient basis for judging an elective local official, and final judging is not done until the day of the election; and 3.Because to construe the limitation in paragraph (b) as including the initiation of recall proceedings would unduly curtail freedom of speech and of assembly guaranteed in the Constitution.

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