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5. Fluid friction in liquids

5.1 Introduction

Generally the term uid is understood to be matter either in the gaseous or liquid state. The physics involved on the macroscopic scale is essentially the same; the dierence is orders of magnitude in density and therefore molecular distance and the corresponding forces acting. The experimental techniques required for investigating gases or liquid are quite dierent, though. In this text uid refers to the liquid state, if not otherwise explicitly stated. A uid ows, e.g. in a tube, not as solid plug, but with more or less complicated internal motion with continuously changing velocities at all points of reference in the uid. Resistance to ow stems from attractive forces between the molecules, and therefore work is required if molecules are to be separated, as in a owing liquid. For the many molecules in a macroscopic uid sample, it would be impractical to try to calculate this work on the molecular level. Instead, at least for engineering purposes, a dierent approach is adopted. As is often the case when the underlying physics is too complicated for direct access, or the eort would not be rewarding, a phenomenological view is applied, and the physical mechanisms described by using easily measured macroscopic material parameters. One such case is friction of any kind, and in particular the internal forces that make a uid resist motion : the observed phenomenon is reduced to a parameter that we will examine below: viscosity ; the collective resistance to motion by the molecular forces is referred to as uid friction. Returning briey to the molecular level, we recall that polyatomic molecules are stabilized by internal, or intramolecular forces between atoms or groups of atoms, which are not of concern here, whilst uid friction is determined by the forces between the molecules, the intermolecular forces. We also note that the intermolecular forces are attractive, but in a uid rather weak. The weak binding between molecules may typically be described as Van der Waals forces or hydrogen bonds, the latter, e.g. for the important case of water and watery solutions. Practical and economical consequences of engineering design are found in all kind of installations involving extensive tubing, as is the case for heat exchangers, thermal (steam) power stations, nuclear power reactors, hydropower stations, oil reneries, chemical processing plants, paper mills, but also on a dierent scale, the system of human blood vessels; In all these cases careful design was employed to balance tubing diameter and viscosity against desired ow characteristics. In this laboratory we investigate uid friction in two important cases: the ow resistance of liquids 3

5. Fluid friction in liquids

FR d

Abbildung 5.1: Principle of measuring the Newtonian uid friction. in capillary tubes, and its dependence on tube diameter, for water and castor oil (ricinus); In a second experiment, the resistance to motion of spherical balls falling by gravity, again in water and castor oil. Both methods are developed for quantitative determination of uid friction, and determine quantitatively the coecient of viscosity In particular we also introduce the Reynolds number as an important characteristic of uid ow.



a) Newtons law for Fluids Newtonian uids

A Newtonian uid (named so for Isaac Newton) is a uid whose stress versus strain rate curve is linear and passes through the origin. The constant of proportionality is known as the viscosity of the uid1 . In common terms, this means that the uid continues to ow, regardless of the forces acting on it. For example, water is Newtonian, because it continues to show uid properties no matter how fast it is stirred or mixed. In contrast, a non-Newtonian uid changes its properties: stirring can leave a hole behind because the uid becomes thicker (Rheopecty; this behaviour is seen in materials such as pudding, starch in water). The non-Newtonian uid may also become thinner with stirring, the drop in viscosity causing it to ow better (Thixotropy; this property has been put to good use in non-drip paints, which easily wet the brush because they ow easily, but become more viscous(thicker) when applied by brushstroke on a wall). Next we need to dene two common notions used to describe uid motion: laminar ow sometimes known as streamline ow, occurs when a uid ows in parallel layers. The appearance is smooth. Flow that is not laminar is termed turbulent. It is characterised by whirls, or in more technical language by eddies and vortices and generally by chaotic, property changes. There is rapid variation of pressure and velocity in space and time. The appearance is rough. Extended piping systems, as used for district heating or chemical industry, need to be designed for

The material properties stress, strain and shear are introduced in laboratory TB.

Laboratory Manuals for Physics Majors - Course PHY112/122


laminar ow since this requires the least pumping power and causes less vibrations and material detoriation. For applications where heat exchangers and reaction vessels are involved, turbulent ow is essential for good heat transfer and mixing, since in this ow regime there is ow also transversely to the general ow direction. Employing a simple model for laminar ow, we may assume innitely thin parallel uid sheets move with dierent velocities such that frictional forces FR between the sheets act to set up shear stress. We also characterise FR as drag. This model is depicted in Fig. 5.1 : A layer of uid is enclosed between two plates. If this frictional force causes the substance between the plates to undergo shear ow (as opposed to just elastic shearing, as for a solid, until the shear stress balances the applied force), the substance is called a uid. We assume here that the lower plate is stationary, and that the upper moves with a relative velocity v . It is further assumed that the attraction between the plates and the uid is such that next to each plate there is a uid sheet that does not move relative to the plate. As a consequence the velocities for each sheet changes with distance, as shown in the gure. In particular we note already here, that in the gure the change in velocity is linear with distance between the plate. This is not trivial, and we return to this subject later. The principle shown may be directly implemented in an apparatus for measuring uid resistance, for instance by using two parallel rotating plates. Under steady state conditions, an external force F = FR is required to maintain the velocity v of the upper plate. For velocities not too high, and a plate distance d small compared to the area A of the upper plate (in order to avoid edge eects), the force F = FR is proportional to the area and velocity v of the upper plate and inversely proportional to the distance: v (5.1) d Here is a property variable characterising the thickness or tiness of the liquid. Written is this form the relation is valid only for the chosen geometry of parallel plates; for the same liquid owing, e.g. in a tube, the ratio v/d, the rate of shear deformation, varies with distance. FR = A For straight, parallel and uniform ow, as in this case, it was postulated by Newton, that the shear stress, , between layers is proportional to the velocity gradient in the direction perpendicular to the uid sheets. This is the Newtons criterion, and may taken as a denition of a Newtonian uid. The relation Eq. 5.1 then may be written on the equivalent but more general form: FR (z ) dv = A dz


The factor of proportionality is by denition the viscosity, here designated . Many uids, such as water and most gases, satisfy Newtons criterion, that their ow be described by Eq. 5.2. By denition, the viscosity depends only on temperature and pressure, but not on the forces acting upon it. It is worth noting, that it is the strength of the velocity gradient dv dz perpendicular to the ow direction that determines the drag, the resistance to ow. In our intuitive picture of laminar ow, this is because of the friction in the uid sheets gliding past each other. In practice this property

Laboratory Manuals for Physics Majors - Course PHY112/122

5. Fluid friction in liquids

determines the time for a certain uid to ow through a given tube, or the pumping power required for a certain volume throughput. The coecient of viscosity , as dened through the relations Eq. 5.1 and Eq. 5.2, is the most common variant, and is therefore often called just viscosity or absolute viscosity. More specic names are the dynamic viscosity, or the Newtonian viscosity. The reader is advised, that several dierently dened coecient of viscosity are found in the literature (see below). Non-Newtonian uids exhibit a more complex relationship between shear stress and velocity gradient than simple linearity as in Eq. 5.2. Examples include polymer solutions, molten polymers, blood ketchup, shampoo, suspensions of starch2 , many solid suspensions and most highly viscous uids. It is not the thickness per se that makes a uid non-Newtonian, but the complicated interaction between large molecules or chains of molecules. As already mention above, an indication demonstrating the nonlinearity, is the drop in viscosity seen when stirring non-drip paints, The viscosity is a strongly temperature dependent parameter, as we know already from everyday experience. Some common viscosity coecients Several dierent viscosity coecients are in use, depending on the method for applying stress and the nature of the uid, i.e. the type of application targeted. Specialised methods of measurement, and corresponding units are in use for industrial applications, in particular petrochemical. For Newtonian uids, dynamic viscosity and kinematic viscosity are common, and often confused. If in doubt, always note the unit. We list some of the most common coecients for the sake of completeness here: Viscosity coecients for Newtonian uids Dynamic viscosity (introduced above) determines the dynamics of an incompressible Newtonian uid. Kinematic viscosity is the dynamic viscosity divided by the density for a Newtonian uid. Volume viscosity (or bulk viscosity) determines the dynamics of a compressible Newtonian uid. Viscosity coecients for non-Newtonian uids Shear viscosity is the viscosity coecient when the applied stress is a shear stress (valid for non-Newtonian uids). Extensional viscosity is the viscosity coecient when the applied stress is an extensional stress (valid for non-Newtonian uids; widely used for characterising polymers).
Those of the readers having been exposed to a British education may be familiar with the substance oobleck, which gets its name from the Dr. Seuss book Bartholomew and the Oobleck, where a gooey green substance, oobleck, fell from the sky and wreaked havoc in the kingdom.

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Shear viscosity and dynamic viscosity are the best known in each of the two groups: both dened as the ratio between the pressure exerted on the surface of a uid, in the lateral or horizontal direction, to the change in velocity of the uid as you move down in the uid (this is what is referred to as a velocity gradient).

Units and nomenclature Dynamic viscosity: The symbol commonly used for dynamic viscosity by mechanical and chemical engineers is , whereas is commonly preferred by chemists and IUPAC3 . The SI unit of dynamic viscosity is the pascal-second (Pas), which in SI base units is expressed as kgm1 s1 . If a uid with a viscosity of one Pas is put between two plates, and one plate is displaced horizontally, creating a shear stress of one pascal, it moves a distance equal to the thickness of the layer between the plates in one second. The cgs physical unit for dynamic viscosity is the poise (P)4 . It is more commonly expressed, particularly in ASTM5 standards, as centipoise (cP). Water at 20 o C has a viscosity of 1.0020 cP. 1 P = 1 gcm1 s1 . The relation between poise and pascal-seconds is: 10 P = 1 kgm1 s1 = 1 Pas, 1 cP = 0.001 Pas = 1 mPas. The name poiseuille (Pl) has been proposed for this unit, also after Jean Louis Marie Poiseuille but has not been accepted internationally. Care must be taken in not confusing these units where they might appear. Kinematic viscosity: In many situations we are concerned with the ratio of the viscous force to the inertial force per unit volume, g . For this purpose the kinematic viscosity is dened as:


where, as before, is the dynamic viscosity [Pas], is the mass density [kgm3 ], and is the kinematic viscosity [m2 s1 ]. The cgs unit for kinematic viscosity is the stokes (St), named after George Gabriel Stokes. It is sometimes expressed in terms of centistokes (cSt or ctsk). 1 stokes = 100 centistokes = 1 cm2 s1 = 0.0001 m2 s1 . 1 centistokes = 1 mm2 s1 = 106 m2 s1 . The kinematic viscosity is sometimes referred to as diusivity of momentum, because it is comparable to, and has the same SI-dimension [m2 s1 ] as diusivity of heat and diusivity of mass. It is used in dimensionless numbers for the comparison of the ratio of the diusivities.

1 Poise = 1
3 4

g = 0.1 Pa s cm s


The International Union for Pure and Applied Chemistry named after Jean Louis Marie Poiseuille, who formulated Poiseuilles law of viscous ow. 5 ASTM International (ASTM), originally known as the American Society for Testing and Materials, is an international standards organisation that develops and publishes voluntary consensus technical standards for a wide range of materials, products, systems, and services.

Laboratory Manuals for Physics Majors - Course PHY112/122

5. Fluid friction in liquids

b) The Hagen-Poiseuille Equation

Using Newtons law of uids, as discussed above, we now develop an expression for laminar ow in a cylindrical tube of length l and inner radius R (cf Fig. 5.2). For the analysis we choose a concentric cylindrical volume element of uid of radius r R. Because of a pressure dierence p = p1 p2 persisting between the ends of the tube, a net force Fp acts on the cylindrical element: Fp = r2 p (5.5)

According to Eq. 5.2, the velocity gradient perpendicular to the cylinder axis (dv/dr)|r gives rise to a drag force FR at the distance r from the axis: FR = 2 r l dv dr (5.6)

For stationary conditions (no change in the velocity prole with time), a balance between the pressure induced force FP and the frictional drag FR persists, which we write as: r 2 p + 2 r l dv dr =0


From this we may express the velocity gradient at distance r from the cylinder axis dv dr =

p r 2 l


The actual ow speed v (r) may be obtained by solving this dierential equation, which because of the simple form amounts to an integration using the given boundary condition v (r = R) = 0: v (r ) = p (R 2 r 2 ) 4 l (5.9)

This is a parabolic velocity distribution as shown in Fig. 5.3. The maximum velocity is found at r = 0 in the centre of the tube, from where it decreases quadratically with increasing r, becoming zero at the wall of the tube.

R p1


FP p2

Abbildung 5.2: Forces and pressures acting on a uid in a section of a cylindrical tube.

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(r) max

Abbildung 5.3: Velocity prole in a cylindrical tube. Using the geometry of Fig. 5.4, the amount dQ of uid owing through an annular cylinder of radius r in time t,) may be expressed as: dQ = t v (r) 2 r dr = t r p (R2 r2 ) dr 2 l (5.10)

Integrating this equation over the cross section of the tube we arrive at the Hagen-Poiseuille Equation for for the amount Q owing in tie t:


R 4 p r p (R2 r2 ) dr = t 2 l 8 l


The reader is urged to perform a dimensional analysis of this expression in order to determine the correct unit of Q. If the dimensions of the tube is known, the viscosity of the uid given may be determined from measured values of Q, t and p.

c) Laminar and turbulent ow Reynolds number.

Newtons equation 5.2 is valid only for the case of laminar ow, as discussed above. For ow that is faster than a certain critical value vkrit the laminar ow lines are disturbed by an unruly behaviour and may develop vortex patterns that depends on the given geometry. This is the regime of turbulent ow that is characterised by uid motion also transversely to the direction of ow. The complicated ow pattern of turbulent ow requires more power for the same volume throughput, which is equivalent to a higher ow resistance. For a given system of uid and geometry, it is found that the critical velocity vkrit is determined by the mass density the viscosity and a characteristic dimension d of the system (e.g. the diameter of the tube in case of a cylindrical tube). In the study of macroscopic phenomenology of physics and engineering, surprisingly simple dimensionless combinations of measurable entities have proved themselves to faithfully characterise otherwise highly complicated systems.

dr r

Abbildung 5.4: Geometry for the development of Hagen-Poiseuille Equation.

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5. Fluid friction in liquids

As a characteristic of uid ow, the dimensionless number dened as Re = vd (5.12)

has emerged through measurement and intuition. This is Reynolds number, and it turns out that below a certain value Re krit laminar ow is present, whereas for Re > Re krit turbulent ow prevails. For straight, cylindrical tubes Re krit 2300. Eq. 5.12 the gives us: vkrit = 2300 d (5.13)

where d is the diameter of the tube. The ow remains laminar as long as the mean ow velocity is below vkrit . The remarkable feature of Reynolds number, or any other of several dimensionless number, is that any combination of the values of the measurable properties, consistently describe properties of the materal.

d) Stokes equation
For highly viscous uids (high ), such as oil at low temperatures, the throughput in a capillary would be so slow that the viscosity could not practically be determined. In such cases an eective and simple alternative method is to measure the time of fall by gravity of a sphere in the uid of interest. The forces acting on the sphere is shown in Fig. 5.5. The force of gravity FG and the bouyancy FA are respectively: FG = m g = FA = 4 r3 K g 3

4 r3 F l g 3

where K is the mass density and r the radius of the sphere and Fl the density of the uid. For the drag force FR , we have for laminar ow the frictional law of Stoke: FR = 6 r v (5.14)


Abbildung 5.5: Forces acting on a sphere falling through a viscous uid.

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where = viscosity of the uid r = radius of the uid v = terminal velocity of the sphere The frictional force FR is proportional to the velocity and thus for some velocity, the terminal velocity, a stationary condition is reached with constant velocity (see appendix). The forces acting on the sphere balances each other according to the relation: 4 r3 (K Fl ) g 6 r v = 0 3 (5.15)

If the mass density and the radius of sphere R are known, the viscosity may be determined from a measured value of the terminal velocity. 2 r2 g (K Fl ) 9v


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5. Fluid friction in liquids



a) Determination of the viscosity of water

The viscosity of water is determined according to Eq. 5.11. The amount of water Q collected from a capillary of radius R and length l in time t is determined6 ?. The measurement is made using three dierent capillaries (ve are provided, marked with roman numerals I - V). Check which capillaries that work the two smallest diameters probably does not allow laminar ow, and should therefore not be used (recall that the equations developed are valid only for laminar ow). Make sure that de-mineralized (or destilled) water is used in the experiment, since otherwise deposits are left in the capillaries (de-mineralized water may be found in rooms 11 G 24 and 11 G 26: water taps with green rings and text). With most capillaries there is some dripping at the same time as the water ows nicely. It is left to the discretion of the experimentalist to handle this matter in a reasonable way. The experimental set-up is shown in Fig. 5.6. A vertical glass cylinder with volume markings has a provision for mounting the capillaries at the output in the lower part of the cylinder. For given height h of the uid column, the pressure dierence p = p1 p2 between the ends of the capillaries will be: p = p 1 p 2 = p L + g h p L = g h (5.17)

Measure the length l of the capillaries. The inner diameter is given at the lab desk. Mount one of the capillaries at the outlet of the cylinder. Fill the cylinder with de-mineralised water. For each of the dierent capillaries there might be a highest level above which the ow through the capillary will not be laminar. This has to be tested. The same might be true for a lowest level.

Make certain that you know the meaning of Q: what is the SI-unit in 5.11

atmospheric pressure pL

W 2r pL

Abbildung 5.6: Set-up for determining the viscosity of water.

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Let the water running from the capillary collect in a cup during the time interval t, for known heights ha and hb . The time should not be too short, since then errors might become large. Determine the amount of water Q using the electronic scale, and correct for the mass of the empty cup. Calculate the viscosity according to Eq. 5.11. Use for p the average of the pressure dierences at the end and at the beginning of the experiment 7 . p = p a + p e ha + he = W g 2 2 (5.18)

Repeat the measurement for the other two capillaries. Calculate the average of the values for the viscosity , and calculate the errors according to standard procedures. If the method is sound, the value for should not depend on the capillary. Comment upon this in your report. For all three capillaries calculate the mean ow velocity, i.e. assume for this calculation that the uid is moving through the tube as a solid plug. Verify that the this velocity is below the critical velocity for laminar ow.

b) Determination of viscosity for castor oil

In this case of a viscous uid, that certainly would not ow through our capillaries, we determine the viscosity using Eq. 5.16. Spherical steel balls fall by gravity in a tube lled with castor oil, the time for the balls falling a certain distance is registered. Balls with three dierent radii are used in consecutive experiments. Since the viscosity depends strongly on temperature, the temperatre of the oil will have to be measured continuously. As a preparation, perform the experiment for a mid-sized steel ball, and make qualitative observation. From this experience, choose a suitable vertical distance over which the falling balls will be monitored. Mark o the beginning and the end of the distance on the cylinder and measure the height l. Make certain that the balls have reached the terminal velocity before you mark o the starting point. The distance should be chosen so that the can be conveniently stopped with a manual timer, without unnecessary large errors. Chose another ball of the same size and measure the diameter with a micrometer. Measure the time t for the balls to fall through the distance choosen. Calculate the velocity v = l/t and the viscosity according to Eq. 5.16. Use the radius measured and the following values for the densities: Castor oil: Fl = 0.96 103 kg m3
A certain height h of water column corresponds to a pressure dierence between the pressure at height h and the pressure at the inlet of the capillary, or any other chosen reference point. It is therefore irrelevant from where h is measured.

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5. Fluid friction in liquids

Steel ball: K = 7.86 103 kg m3 Repeat the measurement for ve dierent mid-sized balls, and then for ve dierent balls of larger, and ve dierent of smaller size. If necessary, chose dierent height distances for balls of dierent size. Determine the average of the results and calculate the errors appropriately.

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The equation of motion for the falling ball (Newtons law of motion) is developed from the generic form: F =ma (5.19) For the acceleration we write: d2 dv 2 dt dt With notation and reference direction as in Fig. 5.5, the external forces acting are: a F = FG FA FR



In particular we know that FR = 6 r v , which we for simplicity write as FR = v . For the same reason we write = FG FA , from which we then have the equation of motion as a rst order ordinary dierential equation (ODE) in v = dz/dt: m dv =v dt (5.22)

Note, that is always zero, if we may assume that the density of the ball is greater that that of the uid. The solution to the dierential equation could be easily found with conventional methods (it is an exponential determined by the boundary conditions), we chose here to discuss the relation phenomenologically. Although we are interested only in the stationary solution, we start with a general approach to this equation. Positive reference direction is in the direction of gravitation. Assuming that the initial speed of the ball is zero, then, since > 0, the left side of the equation also have to be positive, i.e. dv/dt > 0 meaning that the speed increases (in a more direct view of matters, this has to be the case since the ball falls by gravity because of the higher density of the ball) Since is independent of the velocity, and the term v now increases, but has a negative sign, the right side of the ODE will decrease, requiring the derivative on the left side to become smaller. Eventually a stationary condition is reached as the ball attains its (constant) terminal velocity. In the limit t we have dv/dt = 0 and v = / , and the solution to the ODE: v (t) =
1 e m t


The higher the viscosity, the faster the terminal velocity is reached. If the velocity of the ball has some nite value, either larger or smaller than the terminal velocity, an equivalent reasoning may be applied, leading in any case to an asymptotical approach of the terminal velocity v = / as shown in Fig. 5.7 for three dierent examples of v (t = 0).

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5. Fluid friction in liquids

0 0 0 t

Abbildung 5.7: Change of velocity for a ball falling in a viscous uid for three dierent initial velocities: v (t = 0) = 0 (solid linie) and two dierent v (t = 0) > 0 (broken lines).

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