USAvSergeyAleynikov 7-4-09 Full

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In re: :
Docket No.

Plaintiff, :

- against - :

SERGEY ALEYNIKOV, : New York, New York

July 4, 2009
Defendant. :

------------------------------------- :



For the United States U.S. ATTORNEY’S OFFICE,

One St. Andrew’s Plaza
New York, New York 10007
(212) 637-2492


52 Duane St., 10th floor
New York, New York
(212) 417-8700

Transcription Service: Carole Ludwig, Transcription Services

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Phone: (212) 420-0771
Fax: (212) 420-6007

Proceedings recorded by electronic sound recording;

Transcript produced by transcription service



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Exhibit Voir
Number Description ID In Dire

1 3
2 THE CLERK: All rise.

3 THE COURT: Please be seated.

4 THE CLERK: The United States of American versus

5 Sergey Aleynikov. Would you please state your name for the

6 record?

7 MR. JOSEPH FACCIPONTE: Good afternoon, Your

8 Honor, Joseph Facciponte for the Government. With me at

9 counsel table is Michael McSwaine (phonetic) of the FBI.

10 THE COURT: Good afternoon.

11 MS. SABRINA SHROFF: Good afternoon, Your Honor,

12 for Sergey Aleynikov, Federal Defenders of New York by

13 Sabrina Shroff. My client is standing to my right. Good

14 afternoon.

15 THE COURT: Good afternoon. May I have the date

16 and time of arrest, please?

17 MR. FACCIPONTE: Yes, approximately 9:20 p.m.

18 last night, Your Honor.

19 THE COURT: Thank you. Please raise your right

20 hand.

21 (Witness is Sworn)

22 THE COURT: Mr. Aleynikov, the purpose of the

23 proceeding is to advise you of certain rights that you have

24 to inform you of the charge made against you to consider

25 whether counsel should be appointed for you and to determine

26 to what conditions, if any, you might be released. Do you

1 4
2 understand, sir?


4 THE COURT: You have the right to remain silent.

5 You’re not required to make any statements. If you’ve made

6 statements to authorities already, you need not make

7 additional statements. Anything that you do say can be used

8 against you. You have the right to be released either

9 conditionally or unconditionally pending trial, unless find

10 there are no conditions that would reasonably assure your

11 presence in court and the safety of the community.

12 You have the right to be represented by counsel

13 during all court proceedings and during all questioning by

14 authorities. If you’re not able to retain counsel, the

15 court can appoint counsel to represent you.

16 In that connection I have before me a document

17 which is labeled financial affidavit which I shall show you

18 now. Do you recognize this document, sir?

19 MR. ALEYNIKOV: Yes, Your Honor.

20 THE COURT: Would you raise your right hand,

21 please. Do you swear or affirm that the statements

22 contained in this financial affidavit are true statements

23 and that your true signature appears at the bottom of the

24 affidavit?

25 MR. ALEYNIKOV: It is.

26 THE COURT: The information that you provided in

1 5
2 the affidavit suggests to me that you can retain counsel.

3 So I will appoint counsel to appear with you only for this

4 proceeding and you will have to make efforts to retain

5 counsel.

6 If you’re not able to retain counsel you should

7 advise the court and the issue of whether counsel will

8 appointed for you will be revisited.

9 Ms. Shroff, have you received a copy of the

10 complaint?

11 MS. SHROFF: I have received the complaint, Your

12 Honor. I have provided my client with a copy. He has read

13 the complaint and he waives its public reading at this time.

14 THE COURT: Very well. Sir, you have a right to

15 have a preliminary hearing held in connection with the

16 charge that is outlying in the complaint. At the hearing,

17 the government would have the burden of establishing that

18 there’s probable cause to believe that a crime was being

19 committed as set forth in the complaint and that you

20 committed it.

21 If probable cause is not established, you will be

22 released from the charge. If it is established, the

23 government will have the right to proceed to trial against

24 you. If you are in custody, the hearing will be held within

25 ten days. If you at liberty, the hearing will be held

26 within 20 days. No hearing will be held before the date in

1 6
2 which it is scheduled. You’re either indicted by a grand

3 jury or information is filed against you by the government.

4 I’ll fix the hearing date in just a moment, after we address

5 the issue of bail.

6 Have both parties received a copy of the pre-trial

7 services report?

8 MR. FACCIPONTE: Yes, your government has, Your

9 Honor.

10 MS. SHROFF: We have as well, Your Honor.

11 THE COURT: What is the government’s position on

12 the bail?

13 MR. FACCIPONTE: We seek detention at this time,

14 Your Honor.

15 THE COURT: Under what theory or theories?

16 MR. FACCIPONTE: On theory of danger to community

17 and risk of fight.

18 THE COURT: What is the defendant’s position on

19 bail?

20 MS. SHROFF: Your Honor, the defendant maintains

21 that he should be released according to the recommendation

22 of the pre-trial services officer.

23 THE COURT: Very well. I’ll hear the --

24 MS. SHROFF: We’re ready to proceed at this time.

25 THE COURT: I’ll hear the government in

26 connection with its application.

1 7
2 MR. FACCIPONTE: Thank you, Your Honor. We

3 believe the defendant poses both a substantial risk of

4 flight and danger to the community. I’ll address the danger

5 issue first as I believe it is the more serious and guiding

6 principle in this case.

7 What the defendant is accused of having stolen

8 from this investment bank, which is a major investment bank

9 in New York, is their proprietary, high-quantity, high-

10 volume trading platform with which they conduct all of their

11 trades in all major markets within the United States and

12 other places.

13 It is something which they had spent millions upon

14 millions of dollars in developing over the past number of

15 years and it’s something which provides them with many

16 millions of dollars of revenue throughout this time.

17 They guard the secrecy of this code very strictly

18 and they have no known instance of this code going anywhere

19 except the defendant’s malfeasance here, except for some

20 exceptions that are noted in the complaint.

21 If this code is allowed to go to a competitor or

22 to an entity that is not necessarily legal but can start

23 trading with this, the bank itself stands to lose its entire

24 investment in creating this software to begin with, which is

25 millions upon millions of dollars.

26 The bank’s profit margin will be eroded -- and

1 8
2 I’ll explain why in a minute -- by the other competit

3 activity. In addition, because of the way this software

4 interfaces with the various markets and exchanges, the bank

5 has raised a possibility that there is a danger that

6 somebody who knew how to use this program could use it to

7 manipulate markets in unfair ways.

8 What this program does is connect and draw

9 information from stock exchanges around the country, and it

10 draws them in very small increments of time. One of the

11 bank officers described it as milliseconds of time. And it

12 is very efficient at processing that stock information and

13 sending to the bank’s programs that conduct trades based

14 upon algorithms that are developed by mathematicians and

15 physicists.

16 As we stand right now, according to the

17 defendant’s post-arrest statements to the government, he

18 transferred his view -- unwittingly, but nevertheless amidst

19 to having transferred --

20 MS. SHROFF: I’m sorry, Your Honor, did he say

21 unwittingly?

22 MR. FACCIPONTE: In the defendant’s view in his

23 post-arrest statement. Nevertheless --

24 THE COURT: Share the statement with defendant’s

25 counsel.

26 MR. FACCIPONTE: I have provided the copy of the

1 9
2 statements to Ms. Shroff and also to Your Honor’s deputy.

3 In his view he transferred it unwittingly, but nevertheless

4 admits to having transferred it. And it is sitting on a

5 server that we believe is in Germany right now.

6 He admits to having made several copies of that,

7 that he downloaded to his personal computer, his laptop

8 computer, and to a flash drive. And he has given consent

9 for the government to seize those items but the copy in

10 Germany is still out there. And we at this time do not know

11 who has access to it and what’s going to happen to that

12 software.

13 We believe that if the defendant is let at liberty

14 there is a substantial danger that he will obtain access to

15 that software and send it on to whoever may need it. And

16 keep in mind, this is worth millions of dollars.

17 THE COURT: Well, what makes you think that it

18 hasn’t already been transferred since you do now know

19 whether other people have access to the Germany server?

20 It’s already compromised, so the financial institution has

21 to take steps now if you’ve made it aware of the compromise

22 to adjust for the loss of its trading platform.

23 MR. FACCIPONTE: Your Honor is correct. I

24 could’ve been disseminated in this time. It does not mean,

25 however, that if it has not been disseminated we should not

26 take steps to prevent the defendant from disseminating

1 10
2 information if it is not already out there.

3 THE COURT: But my point is if you’ve made the

4 financial institution aware, that is date of the compromise,

5 and resides in the server in Germany, prudence dictates the

6 financial institution now has to take steps, if it hasn’t

7 already, to address the loss of that information. It can’t

8 guess that no one has access to it. It has to operate as if

9 someone does have access to it and can use it and can affect

10 the financial institution adversely.

11 So I have to image in that it’s already taken

12 steps if you’ve alerted of the existence on the Germany

13 server, the institution I have to imagine has already taken

14 steps to contain any damage that may befall it.

15 MR. FACCIPONTE: My understanding from the

16 financial institution, they are aware of this, Your Honor,

17 is that they do not believe that any steps they can take

18 would mitigate the danger of this program being released.

19 In other words, they can take steps, they can

20 start building a new program, they can -- I’m not exactly

21 sure what steps they can take. But even if they could take

22 steps, my understanding from them is that any dissemination

23 of this program would be a substantial loss to them, a very

24 substantial loss to them.

25 And so if has, by some miracle, it has not been

26 disseminated already, the government requests that the

1 11
2 defendant be remanded so that there is no possibility that

3 he can affect any transfer of the software that is in

4 Germany.

5 THE COURT: Well, whether he is detained is

6 irrelevant. The financial institution cannot gamble, if I’m

7 to believe your presentation that markets will be affected

8 and so forth, they can’t gamble that no one else is going to

9 get access. It has to operate as if someone’s got access

10 and has got to take steps to insulate or reduce any damage

11 it could possibly reduce, not only to itself but to the

12 financial markets.

13 MR. FACCIPONTE: May I have one moment, Your

14 Honor?

15 (Pause in proceedings)

16 MR. FACCIPONTE: I believe, Your Honor, that the

17 financial institution, I think the position here is that

18 whatever steps the financial institution can take, the

19 financial institution essentially has no way to effectively

20 protect itself against the loss of this program. Once it is

21 out there, anybody will be able to use this. And fair

22 market share would be adversely affected. They would’ve

23 lost the substantial investment of millions upon millions of

24 dollars that they’ve placed into this software.

25 Even if they take the most prudent steps available

26 to them we should not run the risk that something which has
1 12
2 not been let out of the box yet, could be let out of the box

3 if the defendant is released. And if he’s released, he

4 doesn’t need necessarily access to his home computer. A

5 smart phone, a black berry, or an Iphone, something that

6 gives him access to the Internet is all he needs, and maybe

7 ten minutes.

8 So until we can say that this information is

9 secure to the best of your knowledge, the government

10 maintains the defendant is danger to the community.

11 In addition, Your Honor, he poses a risk of flight

12 and I believe the risk of flight in connection to a

13 substantial amount of money that could be made in selling

14 this software ought to be noted by the court.

15 He is a dual citizen with the Russian federation.

16 He has ties to Russia in the sense that his parents are

17 there and he visits Russia about every other year or so. He

18 is facing, if the court were to find a maximum amount of

19 loss possible here, in the worst-case scenario, a very

20 substantial sentence in this case.

21 And considering that he’s already partially

22 allocuted to some of the elements of the offense in his

23 post-arrest statement and the other evidence that we’re

24 developing and the evidence presented in the complaint, the

25 proof against him is strong at this point.

26 And so therefore, there’s just a possibility of

1 13
2 substantial sentence combined with the profit to be made by

3 selling this software, combined with the fact that he can

4 flee to Russia, the government believes that the defendant

5 be detained at this time.

6 THE COURT: If as you say, the material is on the

7 server in Germany, if anyone can access the material through

8 that server, that is to say it is not only the defendant who

9 can access it; he might be able to provide other persons

10 with information that would allow them to access it, if

11 that’s so, then what difference does it make whether he’s

12 detained or not if he can communicate that information?

13 MR. FACCIPONTE: Right now our understanding is

14 that the server can only be accessed by someone who has his

15 user name and password.

16 THE COURT: Who has what, sir?

17 MR. FACCIPONTE: His user name and password.

18 THE COURT: Okay. So if he gives that to you,

19 you can access that, isn’t that correct?

20 MR. FACCIPONTE: That is correct, Your Honor.

21 THE COURT: So whether he’s detained or not

22 doesn’t him from communicating that information to you or

23 anyone else. And therefore the server could be accessed and

24 the financial institutions and the markets compromised as

25 you have described.

26 MR. FACCIPONTE: It would certainly be more

1 14
2 difficult, Your Honor. And I don’t believe the public ought

3 to bear the burden or the risk of that coming to past. In

4 addition --

5 THE COURT: But if he’s detained, what prevents

6 him from communicating the information? That’s what I don’t

7 understand.

8 MR. FACCIPONTE: It would be a lot harder. He

9 would have to at the very least enlist and accomplice.

10 THE COURT: Okay.

11 MR. FACCIPONTE: Which people may not want to be

12 accomplices.

13 THE COURT: That’s true whether he’s detained or

14 at liberty.

15 MR. FACCIPONTE: Okay. But if he’s at liberty he

16 would not necessarily -- he would not need an accomplice.

17 He could just pass it on to another server somewhere.

18 THE COURT: He may already have accomplices who

19 may have the information that can access the server in

20 Germany. Whether he’s detained or not, I still don’t

21 understand why being detained means the information can’t be

22 disseminated to access the server.

23 MR. FACCIPONTE: Because the server -- if the

24 server had been in the United States, Your Honor, we would

25 already be preparing process to free --

26 THE COURT: But it’s not.

1 15
2 MR. FACCIPONTE: The government needs a few days,

3 given the holiday weekend, it would be difficult to do that.

4 But the government needs a few days to consult with German

5 authorities to take the steps to freeze that server.

6 So if the court is not prepared to detain the

7 defendant on a general showing, the government would at

8 least ask that the defendant be detained until such time as

9 they can secure the server, which we are moving to do even

10 as we speak now.

11 THE COURT: I still don’t understand why

12 detaining him prevents him from communicating information so

13 that someone can access the server. If you make that clear

14 to me, then I understand more acutely why you’re arguing

15 that he should be detained.

16 MR. FACCIPONTE: Well, he would --

17 THE COURT: If it just makes it difficult, lots

18 of things are difficult, but not impossible.

19 MR. FACCIPONTE: If he were detained now, for

20 example, I don’t believe he would have immediate access to

21 telephone privileges at the NCC or MDC. I believe it takes

22 days to set those accounts up. He would have to tell

23 somebody physically. I don’t believe anybody would -- he

24 would have to enlist a co-conspirator right now.

25 And I think when you weigh the probability of him

26 engaging in that behavior and being able to pull that

1 16
2 together, first is the potential risk of just letting him

3 go, I believe he ought to be detained. Because he still has

4 more burdens in prison to disseminate his information than

5 he does if he’s out in the street.

6 So if he’s out in the street, he just needs access

7 to a cell phone. In prison, he needs to get access to a

8 phone which is not a right if he is detained. He would need

9 to write a letter. A letter takes several days to get to

10 where it needs to go.

11 In the meantime, we would have -- we would very

12 likely have the server locked down at that point in time.

13 THE COURT: All right. Ms. Shroff?

14 MR. FACCIPONTE: Actually, Your Honor, if I may,

15 earlier I represented that there had been no breaches before

16 for the bank. I should put that there’s never been any

17 breaches in anywhere of this magnitude before of the bank

18 where the entire platform has gone out.

19 I can’t represent that there have been absolutely

20 in the past no breaches whatsoever. But I do want to use

21 that segue into one thing I overlooked, which is when we

22 talk about this platform having been sent out, we’re talking

23 about what he did on the last day of his job, on June 5th,

24 2009.

25 We have access of substantial file transfers that

26 are listed in the complaint from June 4th and June 1st
1 17
2 because the banks have not been able to recover the command

3 history for what he did at those times. He have no idea of

4 what he took from the bank on those occasions.

5 He admits in his post-arrest statement that he has

6 taken other information from the bank. So I do want to say

7 that this is the most substantial theft that the bank can

8 remember ever happening to it, in the sense that the entire

9 platform has been stolen.

10 In addition, the defendant has, on other

11 occasions, taken information from the bank and we don’t know

12 what that information is or what use he’s made of it or

13 where it is even. I mean, it also -- some of that was also

14 sent to the server in Germany but we haven’t had access to

15 that server yet.

16 THE COURT: Ms. Shroff?

17 MS. SHROFF: Your Honor, let me just pick up with

18 the issue the court sort of raised and that occurred to me

19 while I was listening to Mr. Facciponte. Mr. Facciponte is

20 assuming, sitting here today, that nobody else has the

21 password or nobody else can access the server in Germany.

22 For all he knows, my client was at liberty to give

23 it to me and may have given it to several other people

24 before today. So I don’t think detention necessarily has

25 impact on what -- and I’m not referring to my client here;

26 I’m referring to any generic defendant who would be accused

1 18
2 of this kind of crime.

3 Because once the government attributes the motive

4 of theft, then one has to assume that if his goals was to

5 actually steal the proprietary information, he certainly is

6 not so bound that he would not make sure the theft

7 materializes into a profit.

8 So I’m going back to the defendant’s post-arrest

9 statement where it very clearly tells the government that at

10 no point did he intend to, nor did he actually sell any part

11 of the proprietary information. The proprietary information

12 was never used nor has it been used. And the government, I

13 believe had custody of my client and spoke to him for well

14 over four hours.

15 I say this because last night at midnight I

16 emailed Mr. Facciponte and asked him to have his agent stop

17 speaking with the person who was arrested because I was

18 under the impression that the had counsel already but hadn’t

19 had a call into me.

20 And I was informed by the U.S. Attorney’s Office

21 that they did not consider counsel and therefore would

22 continue speaking to the client. And the continued to speak

23 to him. And as far as I can tell, after four hours of

24 speaking to him were the following facts?

25 Number one, Goldman Sachs, or whatever the entity

26 is, has known before that this how I work on the program.
1 19
2 I’ve done it before during the course of my employment and

3 Goldman Sachs has had nothing to say about it. I have no

4 intention of ever selling this information nor did I have

5 any intention of ever using the information in a way

6 contrary to my employment agreement with Goldman Sachs.

7 I have not sold this information to anybody. I

8 have not offered to sell it to anybody. In fact, I’m fully

9 cooperating with your entity because I did not think I was

10 doing anything wrong.

11 I’m going to go ahead, Mr. FBI agent and AUSA and

12 sign a consent form so you can go to my home which has my

13 three little children in it, my wife in it, and I’m going to

14 tell my wife to let you come on into my home and take all

15 the computers that are over there.

16 I’m happy to sit down and talk to you and let you

17 know what other electronic equipment I have, and you can go

18 right ahead and seize it.

19 All of this the government has. So the government

20 has all of his personal computers. The government is also

21 fully knowledgeable about the fact that this employer was in

22 the past aware that this is how his common work practices

23 were and Goldman Sachs never took any steps to stop those

24 work practices.

25 So I’m somewhat confused by how the government can

26 say that there have been numerous breaches but none of the
1 20
2 breaches were addressed by Goldman Sachs that should’ve

3 resulted in an earlier arrest.

4 The other thing that the prosecutor just referred

5 to, and I’m going to ask you just to take a look at page

6 seven of paragraph seven of the complaint itself. It says

7 that there are transfers from between June 1 to June 5th of

8 32 megabytes. I’m told that the entire platform would

9 consist of 1,224 megabytes at the very least.

10 So out of 1,224, the government is alleging 32

11 were transferred. I don’t understand how the government can

12 say my client has allocuted to any part of this crime

13 because his statement is replete with his saying, I never

14 had any intention of using this in any non-proprietary way.

15 I have violated no non-compete agreement. He says that very

16 clearly in what I have received to be his statement.

17 So I don’t think detaining Mr. Aleynikov has any

18 relation to danger to the community. And the one side point

19 I do want to make is that the server happens to be in

20 Germany is not known to anybody, nor was it a deliberate

21 attempt. Because when you see a URL you don’t know where

22 the server is.

23 So I’m really not sure what difference that makes.

24 And finally, if the government wants to take steps with

25 Germany, I’m pretty confident that nobody in Germany is

26 celebrating the 4th of July. I don’t think they got

1 21
2 independence the same year we did and I think the government

3 is well equipped to deal with whatever they want without

4 requesting that the time they need to necessarily result in

5 my client not being at liberty where he’s otherwise fully

6 qualified for bail.

7 This brings me to risk of flight. It is absurd to

8 say that he’s had risk of flight. He had three young girls

9 who are under the age of five, the last on being eleven

10 months old. His wife is a United States citizen; she is in

11 court today. His father lives in the United States.

12 Although they are not close, he is here.

13 My client’s entire married into family. His

14 father and mother are in the courtroom today. His mother-

15 in-law is not here because she’s watching the three girls,

16 but both of them would be willing to sign the bond.

17 So the only person he has in a country other than

18 this country is his mother and step-father. His mother is

19 certainly not a draw enough to my client to have not bought

20 a home in this country, not once but twice, and is certainly

21 not a draw enough for him to even visit her more than, maybe

22 once year.

23 I am told, and I asked the agent to show me the

24 passport, but the passport was not available to me, but in

25 the last 19 years that my client has lived in the United

26 States he has visited his home country or his mother’s home

1 22
2 country ten times, which is less than once every year.

3 My client’s post-arrest statement belies guilt

4 here. My client’s actions certainly belie guilt. He gave

5 them the entire computer. As I understand it, they have

6 seized every equipment that was in their home, this morning.

7 And my client’s wife let them in through the door and handed

8 it over.

9 I’m also told that my client’s passport, both of

10 them, one which was in his home. I think his Russian

11 passport, which I’m not even sure if valid now, but whatever

12 it is, it’s with the agent. The United States passport is

13 also with the agent, so my client is certainly not at risk

14 for flight.

15 And I think probation recommendation is proper

16 give the fact that my client is almost 40 years old, has no

17 prior arrest, no prior contact with the criminal justice

18 system, and detention is wholly improper given the facts of

19 this case.

20 If I’ve left out anything, Your Honor, I’m happy

21 to answer it here but I think the court is correct. There

22 seems to be no logical relationship between the relief being

23 sought and the harm that they seek to curtail. That there

24 is absolutely no way to say that a person should be detained

25 because they think that he may not have already passed on

26 access devices to some proprietary code.

1 23
2 And again, Your Honor, the government has yet to

3 tell the court in any way, shape or form, that there was any

4 intent to sell or misuse this proprietary information. So

5 my client’s statement is very clear, after four hours with

6 the agent, he tells the agent, look, I didn’t mean to misuse

7 this information. I have not stolen it. I have not made

8 any arrangements to steal it and this is the way I worked

9 when I was fully employed at Goldman Sachs.

10 And also, Your Honor, January 1st to January 5th

11 I’m pretty sure what time periods between which his

12 employment -- I’m sorry -- June, his employment with Goldman

13 Sachs was not over. I just want to leave the court with one

14 final thought.

15 If Goldman Sachs cannot possibly protect this kind

16 of proprietary information that the government wants you to

17 think is worth the entire United States market, one has to

18 question how they plan to accommodate any other breach. But

19 that seems like a very farce, wide-open statement to say,

20 that Goldman Sachs has no way of keeping track of their own

21 proprietary information.

22 I mean, I think that the market is at risk no

23 matter what then. It’s not necessarily attributable to my

24 client’s actions. So I think that pre-trial service’s

25 recommendation should be followed. If the court by any

26 chance were to think that their recommendation is not

1 24
2 enough, we are happy to have, come Monday, confessed

3 judgment in the home. We’re happy by any conditions that

4 the court imposes, including that my client not have access

5 to any electronics, including a telephone or including a

6 cell phone. I have no objection to that.

7 And I have two people who are ready to sign the

8 bond in court. His father-in-law works for ADP and I’m told

9 his yearly income is about $100,000. His mother-in-law

10 would be the second co-signer. She’s a piano teacher. And

11 my client’s wife would be the third co-signer if the court

12 would need a person that does not make money but has moral

13 estuation over Mr. Aleynikov.

14 Unless the court has any questions, I’m done.

15 THE COURT: Thank you. Anything else on behalf

16 of the government?

17 MR. FACCIPONTE: Yes, Your Honor, if I may

18 respond to a few points?

19 THE COURT: Sure.

20 MR. FACCIPONTE: Okay. First of all, in the

21 government’s discussions with the investment bank, we have

22 heard nothing to indicate that the investment bank at any

23 time has ever sanctioned the defendant taking any software

24 out of the bank and doing anything else with it.

25 The bank officers were quite clear that they

26 consider whatever software is being worked on my Goldman

1 25
2 Sachs employees that that software is proprietary and stays

3 within the bank. In fact, one bank officer recollected that

4 there was a time when defendant himself had asked permission

5 to take what could be considered open soft source software

6 which in the programming community is software which

7 programmers consider anyone can use in that intellectual

8 property rights don’t strictly attach to and place it back

9 onto the market, and he was told no.

10 And the fact that he asked shows that he is aware

11 that he cannot just take software and put it out into the

12 market. And the defendant signed a confidentiality

13 agreement that is quite clear that nothing that has anything

14 to do with Goldman Sachs goes outside of Goldman Sachs

15 without their permission.

16 So the notion that they would have to be something

17 we have not heard as the government from the bank. Because

18 everything that we have heard is that this was not

19 sanctioned conduct whatsoever from him.

20 Second, I do want to address a few small points.

21 When the agents were interviewing the defendant last night,

22 he had signed a written consent to be interviewed and a

23 waiver of his Miranda rights. He did not have counsel

24 appointed at that time. He did not request counsel to be

25 appointed during that time.

26 Ms. Shroff was his counsel at that time. She had

1 26
2 not been appointed yet by this court. The U.S. Attorney’s

3 Office position was that the defendant is not asking for

4 counsel at that point in time and he has no appointed

5 counsel, that Ms. Shroff could unilaterally instruct the

6 government to terminate the interview, and that’s why we did

7 not terminate the interview.

8 In any event, I personally did not receive Ms.

9 Shroff’s communication until just about the time when the

10 interview was being terminated anyway, although she did

11 attempt to communicate with another assistant in the office

12 last night.

13 The second point is the contention that I said

14 that the defendant had gone to Russia every year. I believe

15 I said every other year. And if Ms. Shroff says he’s been

16 in this country nearly 20 years and he’s been to Russia 10

17 times, that would be correct.

18 Third, the notion that the software, the

19 proprietary platform is much bigger than a 32 megabytes.

20 Our understanding from the bank is that what he took was

21 essential software to the platform that puts them in extreme

22 jeopardy of having their software out there in the market.

23 I also know for the one instance where we do have

24 logs of what he did, he ran a program that compressed the

25 files that were a resident on Goldman Sachs’ servers, and

26 compressed it down to a smaller size. So whether the total

1 27
2 size of this software -- it could be much bigger – it’s also

3 true that he has run a compression program on at least on

4 the software that went out on that Friday.

5 Ms. Shroff made some representations about the

6 defendant’s motivations and consenting to searches. You

7 know, it’s often true that defense attorneys look for

8 evidence of innocence in a defendant’s consent to search.

9 Another way to look at that is how did they arrest the

10 defendant might figure that we already know about certain

11 activities of his and we’re going to get a search warrant

12 anyway, so perhaps he should start cooperating.

13 We have no indication, however -- well, let me put

14 it to you this way: Again, his main contention is that, in

15 his post-arrest statement, that he took this unwittingly; he

16 had meant to take something else. Now the script that he

17 ran to take this information was very specific as to which

18 files would be taken and copied and uploaded into his

19 server.

20 So I don't know how there could’ve been a mistake

21 there, but even assuming there was a mistake, when he

22 discovered the mistake, which he says he discovered, why not

23 give it back immediately? Why hold on to it for a month.

24 And leave in mind it should be said that he is now working

25 in a start-up company that is developing the same kind of

26 software and his salary increased three fold just by joining

1 28
2 that start-up company.

3 And so it does raise a strong inference that if

4 he’s hold on to this software, and he’s working in a company

5 that is looking to create its own software that does similar

6 things, that he intends to use this.

7 Finally, to get back to the court’s original

8 concern, there is no guarantees of anything, Your Honor, in

9 terms of what may have happened and what may happen to the

10 defendant. However, we do know right now that in a few days

11 we can seize that server, or at least deny anyone access to

12 it.

13 And in light of the fact that the bank has made

14 many representations that this would be very harmful to the

15 bank and would lose it millions and millions of dollars we

16 believe that detention is the only way to insure that that

17 harm does not occur.

18 It may be too late but there is also a substantial

19 risk that the bank should not have to endure. And unless

20 Your Honor has any additional questions, I’m prepared to

21 rest.

22 MS. SHROFF: Your Honor, if the bank does not

23 bear the risk of insuring that its proprietary information

24 is safe, it’s certainly not fair for the bank to stand up

25 and say detain somebody while I put into place procedures

26 that I should have assured the American public that I

1 29
2 already had in place when I first took your money. That’s

3 preposterous. I mean, essentially what Mr. Facciponte is

4 telling us is this financial institution that takes millions

5 and millions of dollars of the American public should not

6 bear the risk of making sure that their millions and

7 millions of dollars are safe, and that burden in fact should

8 rest on one of maybe two hundred employees at Goldman Sachs

9 that has access to their software code. And gee whiz,

10 because Goldman Sachs didn’t bother to do it, could you just

11 detain him for a couple of days so that Goldman Sachs can

12 get his act together? That’s an absurd argument to make.

13 It’s just as absurd as saying that this guy who

14 you want to say in the next four days might use the code,

15 and it’s such a big feat, would not have put things in place

16 to make sure what he took over a month ago was not already

17 stolen or already put to malfeasance use.

18 So essentially what the government is saying to

19 you is this: Listen, a month ago this guy went and stole

20 something that Goldman Sachs values so much that they didn’t

21 bother to properly protect. For a month they did nothing.

22 He just kept on going on, using the source code, or whatever

23 code it is, and for a month and a half, a month at the very

24 minimum, Goldman Sachs did nothing.

25 Now suddenly Goldman Sachs has realized that they

26 want this code that they shouldn’t be wherever they think it

1 30
2 is out there. So now they want to come to you and say, hey,

3 detain him because for a month we did nothing. Even though

4 all the other factors show that this guy might actually be

5 innocent. Because were he not innocent, in a month that it

6 took for him to keep this code, he didn’t sell it to

7 anybody. They don’t have any proof of any selling to

8 anybody. He hasn’t disseminated to anybody that the

9 government can pass it to you.

10 In fact, in all the -- the 20 minutes he’s been

11 talking, he has never once told you what he did with the

12 code. It seems the code is encrypted, safe, not spent, and

13 out there just sitting. Because surely he started the

14 start-up way before this weekend, right? In fact, they’ve

15 known about this by their own admission since June 4th.

16 So whatever start-up he has, if he was going to

17 use it, he would’ve used it already. It would already be

18 over there and obviously they know it’s not over there. So

19 it’s a very strange argument to say, especially when they’re

20 arguing for detention. And they’re basically saying to you,

21 the only reason we want to now detain him is we’re scared

22 Goldman Sachs can’t get its act together. That’s not a

23 reason in the Bail Reform Act format to detain somebody.

24 Okay?

25 And there is no indication here that his actions

26 could or would prevent any harm to the general public.

1 31
2 That’s the first argument.

3 The second argument is, I didn’t talk about his

4 computers being taken because I’m fishing for some innocent

5 excuse. I’m telling you he’s innocent. I’m not fishing for

6 an excuse, and I’m also telling you that whatever access he

7 has, they have reduced his access. And if he really wanted

8 access that badly, he could’ve had access by now. He’s had

9 the damn thing -- I’m sorry -- he’s had it for a month. He

10 could’ve done any number of things he wanted with it for a

11 month. They have yet to tell you that he has sold this or

12 made mal use of it. Surely Goldman Sachs would’ve known is

13 he’s made mal use of it. It’s been a month.

14 So my point to you in telling you that all of the

15 computers have been taken from his home is to assure you,

16 Your Honor, that were you do release him as you should, he

17 would not have access to it. And he would agree, as a

18 person of almost 40 years of age with no prior criminal

19 record, that he would not avail himself of any steps to

20 access anything else. And as an officer of the court, I’m

21 positing to you that those conditions would be honored by my

22 client.

23 Finally, Your Honor, he is a United States

24 citizen, he’s naturalized, he’s lived here for 20 years.

25 And there is nothing in all that the government has said

26 that require detention. Nobody but Goldman Sachs, according

1 32
2 to them, is at harm. And Goldman Sachs has known about this

3 since June 1. We are now on July 4th.

4 Finally, Your Honor, I just want to make sure that

5 the little anecdote that the government just said was

6 actually factually incorrect as far as I can tell. The

7 question posed to Goldman Sachs was not about accessing

8 software. The question was whether a particular thing could

9 be revealed into open source.

10 This material that they’re claiming is so highly

11 sensitive is not accessible. It’s encrypted and again, I

12 cannot make this point more strongly, for a month he has not

13 sold it. Every single time he’s talked about this code, the

14 word he’s used is Mr. Aleynikov took it. Taking. He took

15 it and he did nothing with it. They still haven’t showed

16 any sell, anything that is done with it to put Goldman Sachs

17 or the American public at risk, so he should be released.

18 THE COURT: Anything else we have from the

19 government?

20 MR. FACCIPONTE: Just briefly, Your Honor.

21 Goldman Sachs has not known about this since June 1st.

22 Goldman Sachs has known about this for a matter of days.

23 THE COURT: For how long?

24 MR. FACCIPONTE: For a matter of days, Your

25 Honor.

26 THE COURT: But the complaint says differently.

1 33
2 MR. FACCIPONTE: The complaint says that two

3 weeks ago they instituted a program of scanning their https

4 logs for unusual file transfers. That resulted in them

5 determining that this had been taken.

6 My understanding is that Goldman Sachs realized

7 that this was a problem based upon their review of those

8 logs just a few days ago. The government was not contacted

9 until Wednesday about this matter.

10 I think what Ms. Shroff is confusing is Goldman’s

11 civil remedies, to the extent that it has any, and this

12 criminal case. Maybe Goldman can go out and get whatever

13 the German equivalent is of a TRO. But this is, in the

14 government’s view, a crime that we have shown probable cause

15 for, and therefore it is possible that the defendant may

16 compound his crime and pose a danger to the community. And

17 the bail statute allows the court to detain him if he is a

18 danger.

19 In addition, there is some notion that this is

20 somehow Goldman Sachs’ fault. Goldman Sachs has safeguards

21 in place. It was the defendant who had to engage in

22 subterfuge to attempt to cover his tracks when he ran these

23 programs. If this was an innocent thing why was he

24 attempting to cover his tracks? Why he was deleting,

25 attempting to delete the batch history? Why did he encode

26 this and then delete the encryption program afterwards if

1 34
2 this was such an innocent
1 35
2 activity on his part?

3 And finally, there is a notion of what the

4 defendant may have done or may have done with the program

5 before he knew his activity was detected and what he may do

6 now. Maybe he didn’t disseminate the program before he knew

7 it was detected because he figured he had all the time in

8 the world; he had gotten away with it. He can wait to find

9 the highest buyer. He can wait to implement it in his new

10 position, slowly over time, so that his new employers in

11 SLU’s factory where he was getting his code from.

12 But now that he has been caught and it is very

13 likely that we will know what is in that German server

14 within a matter of days. And he may have other stuff there.

15 He has a very strong incentive to get rid of that evidence;

16 to move it some place else.

17 And because he has that strong incentive, he poses

18 a danger and that’s why we ask for detention.

19 MS. SHROFF: Your Honor, the government’s

20 complaint says that as of June 1st Goldman Sachs saw some

21 activity that they decided looked strange. And since June

22 1st until this weekend, or 24 hours, Goldman Sachs did

23 nothing, nothing, absolutely nothing.

24 I don't know what Goldman Sachs did other than

25 flag it or take steps. But they certainly didn’t call the

26 U.S. Attorney’s Office by their own admission until almost a

1 36
2 month later.

3 Secondly, Your Honor, it’s -- the government is

4 essentially saying to you that for 30 days they thought some

5 activity was strange but they did nothing about it. And for

6 30 days my client had this proprietary information but he

7 sat back and he said even though I’m going to do the start-

8 up company, I’m going to just sit around and wait and see

9 who I can sell this proprietary information to, and who is

10 going to be my highest bidder.

11 They can’t have it both ways. I mean, basically

12 their argument is, he stole it, he hid it, but look. He

13 didn’t really do anything with what he’s took. And I’m not

14 confusing a civil remedy with a criminal case. I was an

15 associate at Weill Gotshal for seven years. I know what a

16 civil remedy is.

17 My point here is they have no proof of a criminal

18 act because if he did, he wouldn’t keep saying Mr. Aleynikov

19 took the code. He wouldn’t keep saying -- he would be able

20 to stand there and tell you what he did with it. He would

21 be able to tell you Goldman Sachs thinks that the market is

22 compromised because of something he did. There is no

23 indication that this quote/unquote harm that they are

24 worried about, or that they claim to be worried about,

25 Goldman Sachs did anything about it for a whole month.

26 So essentially basically what they’re saying to

1 37
2 you is, why don’t you detain him until we’ve figured out

3 exactly what we can or cannot do? And that is something

4 that the bail reform act asks you to weigh within a

5 conglomerate of other factors, including the inferences that

6 we draw from misconduct. And the conduct that the court

7 should focus on is his lack of having done anything improper

8 with the proprietary information.

9 And, Your Honor, every single personal fact behind

10 this defendant supports release. There is no prior criminal

11 history, there’s not bench warrant history, there’s nothing

12 to indicate he’s a risk of flight, there’s nothing to

13 indicate he doesn’t have family here. There’s absolutely

14 nothing to indicate that he would do or take any wrong steps

15 here.

16 And I think the government is sort of cavaliering

17 throwing out hypotheticals. Maybe he would compound his

18 criminal behavior. Well, the equal inference is maybe he

19 wouldn’t. As he said in his statement he took this

20 unwittingly. If he took this unwittingly, it is certainly

21 must greater an inference that he wouldn’t do anything

22 improper with the information.

23 And again, to just go back to the point you

24 raised, there is no correlation between him being detained

25 and him releasing the proprietary code. In fact, I could

26 throw out another hypothetical. Maybe he’ll think, oh, I’m

1 38
2 detained. I might as well have this sold to the highest

3 bidder so that my three children and my wife can be taken

4 care of. I’ll just rot in jail. That’s an equally

5 plausible inference or an equally plausible thought that a

6 person may have.

7 There has to be some correlation, as you said,

8 between the remedy they seek and the harm they seek to

9 prevail. Detention is not appropriate here. What might be

10 appropriate is extremely stringent circumstances, and that

11 should more than suffice given the facts of this case.

12 THE COURT: Can you be heard further on behalf of

13 the government?

14 MR. FACCIPONTE: Not necessarily, Your Honor. I

15 just don’t know where Ms. Shroff sees in the complaint that

16 Goldman Sachs is aware as of June 1st. Goldman Sachs began

17 running programs within the past few weeks, recently

18 identified and issue. There was no contention in the

19 complaints.

20 And even if the complaints are ambiguous or

21 inartfully worded someplace, I can represent to you that my

22 understanding from Goldman Sachs is they did not know of

23 this as of June 1st. They learned of this much more

24 recently and --

25 MS. SHROFF: Your Honor, I think page eight, I

26 mean, paragraph eight, as of June 5th, 2009 the financial

1 39
2 institution has recovered a record of series of commands

3 entered in Aleynikov’s desktop which is also known as a

4 batch history. So what were they aware of as of June 5th?

5 MR. FACCIPONTE: It’s not as -- it’s as to June

6 5th. And what we were trying to say there is as of the June

7 5th transfer the government has -- the financial institution

8 has recovered a series of commands that are related to that

9 transfer on June 5th. It’s not when Goldman Sachs

10 discovered the transfer. They didn’t discover the transfer

11 the day it happened.

12 MS. SHROFF: And paragraph seven says as a result

13 of the review the financial institution learned that the

14 worktop desk and the review is noted in the first line of

15 paragraph seven. According to representatives of the

16 financial institution within the past few weeks I have

17 learned that the financial institution has begun monitoring.

18 So they start monitoring in June but they don’t

19 really pay any attention to what they’re monitoring. Is

20 that what the government wants us to think? So they stop

21 monitoring in early June, they start noticing something in

22 June 1st, but they say, hey, we’ll just wait until the 4th

23 of July and then bring it up?

24 MR. FACCIPONTE: I really think Ms. Shroff is

25 misconstruing the allegations in the complaint.

26 MS. SHROFF: It’s clear --

1 40
2 MR. FACCIPONTE: In any event --

3 MS. SHROFF: The English is clear. What am I

4 misconstruing? It says, as a result of that review the

5 financial institution learned that the worktop that -- it

6 doesn’t say the financial institution learned in July. And

7 if they learned in July --

8 MR. FACCIPONTE: It also doesn’t say the

9 financial institution hasn’t learned --

10 MS. SHROFF: -- then surely there is something

11 wrong.

12 MR. FACCIPONTE: -- in June.

13 MS. SHROFF: Don’t interrupt. You shouldn’t, I

14 mean if you’re doing a review, surely you look at what

15 you’re reviewing within the time frame that you’re reviewing

16 it. Either it’s that important to you or it’s not.

17 It can’t be that important to you that you don’t

18 review it for a month and then say detain him because two

19 days are so important to us that the entire American public

20 is going to fall on its face. It’s one or the other; it

21 can’t be both.

22 MR. FACCIPONTE: Our point stands, Your Honor.

23 We do believe that in this situation the bail statute

24 provides that the government can show by preponderance of

25 the evidence that he, the defendant, poses a danger to the

26 community in the form of the defendant going out and

1 41
2 disseminating software which would cause millions of dollars

3 of damage, if he hasn’t done so already, and we have no

4 reason to believe that he has --

5 MS. SHROFF: It’s not disseminated. It is not

6 disseminated.

7 MR. FACCIPONTE: It could be disseminated.

8 MS. SHROFF: If were disseminated, the damage

9 would be done and he would still be released. And by the

10 way, this is not a presumption case and the issue is risk of

11 flight.

12 MR. FACCIPONTE: I said the government has the

13 burden here. I did not say this was a presumption case.

14 MS. SHROFF: This is a non-presumption case. He

15 is entitled to the presumption. The presumption is in favor

16 of release, and the government certainly hasn’t overcome its

17 burden by claiming that they’ve reviewed something from June

18 1st and didn’t bother to do anything about it until July

19 4th.

20 MR. FACCIPONTE: Your Honor, that’s a specious

21 argument, that the bank began its review not on June 1st,

22 much later, and when it discovered there was a problem, it

23 brought it to the government’s attention promptly.

24 (Pause in proceeding)

25 MS. SHROFF: Your Honor, may I just -- Your

26 Honor, I’m sorry.

1 42

3 MS. SHROFF: Maybe I’m mistaken, but as I

4 recollect, Judge Ellis, he wrote the opinion on the United

5 States versus Madoff. I think he drew a distinction on

6 cases that have a presumption of release versus a

7 presumption of detention. And there is no presumption of

8 detention in a case that has no violence or drug history.

9 The relevant inquiry remains on risk of flight and not on

10 dangerousness.

11 I don’t have the cite in front of me, and I

12 apologize for that. But I’m pretty sure the inquiry on a

13 case where there is no presumption of detention as the

14 government has to concede this case is. The issue is not

15 dangerousness; the issue is risk of flight and there is no

16 risk of flight here.

17 THE COURT: Is it your view that in the absence

18 of an offense described in 18U.S.C.3142(f) that an accused

19 can never present as a danger to the community?

20 MS. SHROFF: No, not that they can ever present

21 as a danger to the community but I could be wrong. I’m

22 telling you candidly, but I think the inquiry isn’t on

23 dangerousness. The inquiry is on risk of flight.

24 THE COURT: The inquiry is determined by the

25 nature of the application. If the application is to detain

26 someone based upon a risk of flight only, fine, then you’ve

1 43
2 addressed issues with respect to flight only.

3 But if the application is one such as here where

4 there is an allegation by the government that the person

5 presents both as a risk of flight and a danger to the

6 community, you can’t ignore either. You have to analyze

7 both of the problems under which the application’s being

8 made.

9 MS. SHROFF: Your Honor, I think, again I’m not

10 sure I’m correct, but I think that in a non-presumption case

11 the sole inquiry then would be risk of flight.

12 THE COURT: But that can’t be the case if the

13 argument is that someone who does not commit an offense

14 described in (f) presents as a danger to the community.

15 MS. SHROFF: But then --

16 THE COURT: If you stole mail, let’s say --

17 MS. SHROFF: Right.

18 THE COURT: -- and threatened your supervisor in

19 a mail facility, if you were to be released, you would

20 present as a danger to that person in the community.

21 Notwithstanding the fact that the underlying offense,

22 stealing mail, is not one recited in (f). You could present

23 as a danger.

24 MS. SHROFF: Well, unless he is also charging him

25 with the threat, then I would have to say yes, I’m of the

26 opinion that you wouldn’t consider that.

1 44
2 THE COURT: Even if you did not, if you made a

3 post-arrest statement and said I hate my supervisor. When I

4 get out of here, he or she’s in for it. I’m going to do

5 harm to that person. Whether you charged it or not, you now

6 have information that a person in the community may be in

7 risk or at risk if the person’s at liberty.

8 MS. SHROFF: That may be. That may be that the

9 person’s at risk.

10 THE COURT: So depending upon how the application

11 is made, what theories under which you are pursuing, in this

12 case the government is pursuing both theory of flight and

13 danger to the community. Both theories have to be analyzed

14 by the court. You can’t ignore one just because the

15 underlying offense is recited in Supplement (f) of 18 U.S.C.

16 3142.

17 MS. SHROFF: Well, Your Honor, I guess I’m not

18 saying you should ignore it but I am saying that I’m not

19 quite sure that that’s -- that prong is relevant on a non-

20 presumption case. But I abide by what you are saying. Like

21 I said, I am not sure.

22 I think I have -- I don’t have a presumption to

23 overcome here; they do. But I think that all the steps that

24 could possibly be taken and again, relying on my

25 recollection of the Ellis/Madoff opinion, the question isn’t

26 whether all risk is eradicated. The question under the --

1 45
2 THE COURT: Of course. You can never eliminate

3 all risk. Otherwise insurance companies wouldn’t be in

4 business.

5 MS. SHROFF: Thank you, Judge.

6 THE COURT: In a circumstance where an

7 application is made that a person be detained, 18U.S.C.36142

8 requires that certain factors be considered. Among others,

9 the nature of the charged offense, the evidence against the

10 accused, the background of the accused, his or her ties to

11 the community, employment history, prior criminal history if

12 any, whether at the time of the alleged offense that the

13 accused is under the supervision of a parole or probation

14 entity.

15 In the instance case, the accused has ties to the

16 community, had an employment history, has no prior criminal

17 history, is not under the supervision of a parole or

18 probation entity.

19 The strength of the evidence against him is

20 tempered somewhat by the statement that he gave post-arrest,

21 although there is evidence proffered and outlined in the

22 complaint that may demonstrate a degree of strength that

23 militates in favor of the application made by the

24 government.

25 I am not unmindful that apparently a month has

26 elapsed since the -- almost a month. Tomorrow will be a

1 46
2 month since the accused severed his ties with this prior

3 employer, a financial institution, whose proprietary

4 information is at the heart of the complaint. And there is

5 no evidence that has been proffered that the material was

6 taken, or alleged to have been taken, from the financial

7 institution has been used to harm it or anyone else.

8 Much during the course of this proceeding is based

9 on speculation. But we don’t deal with speculation when we

10 come to court; we deal with facts.

11 Given all of the information that has been

12 presented to me in support of and against the application

13 that the accused be held without bail, on the issue of

14 danger, the court has to find that there is clear and

15 convincing evidence that the defendant would present as a

16 danger. I don’t think that clear and convince evidence has

17 been presented to me, so I do not find that he should be

18 detained under the theory of danger.

19 With respect to flight, I also am not persuaded

20 that the quantum of information that’s been presented to me

21 permits a conclusion that the defendant could not be at

22 liberty under conditions that would insure that he be in

23 court whenever he is directed to do so. So I’m going to

24 deny the application that the defendant be detained without

25 bail.

26 (Pause in proceeding)
1 47
2 THE COURT: Bail condition will be as follows: A

3 $750,000 personal recognizance bond must be co-signed by

4 three financially responsible persons. Bond is to be

5 supported by $75,000 cash or property.

6 Defendant’s travel is restricted to the Southern

7 and Eastern Districts of New York and the District of New

8 Jersey and he must surrender the travel documents he may

9 possess and not seek or obtain any new or replacement travel

10 documents while this criminal action is pending.

11 He’ll be subject to regular pre-trial supervision

12 and he shall not access the computer data that is the

13 subject of the criminal action.

14 The pre-trial services office shall be permitted

15 to the extent possible to monitor defendant’s use of

16 computers or other electronic devices at his home or place

17 of business to insure that the defendant does not access the

18 data that is the subject of this criminal action. All bail

19 conditions must be satisfied before the defendant’s release.

20 Sir, if you’ve satisfied the bail conditions and

21 are at liberty, you must appear in court whenever you are

22 directed to do so. If you fail to do so, you and any co-

23 signers on your bond will be liable to the government for

24 the full amount of the bond.

25 Any property or cash posted in support of the bond

26 before fitted to the government, a warrant may issue for

1 48
2 your arrest, and you may expose yourself to a new charge in

3 connection with your failure to appear in court, which would

4 have a penalty that is independent of any penalty that might

5 be imposed upon you should you be found guilty of the

6 offense that is outlined in the complaint. Do you

7 understand, sir?


9 THE COURT: What date would you like for a

10 preliminary hearing date?

11 MS. SHROFF: Your Honor, first may I just request

12 that the United States Attorney’s Office order my client to

13 be produced on Monday so that all conditions can be met.

14 I’m told that those conditions will be met by Monday. So

15 I’m going to ask Mr. Facciponte to please produce my client.

16 And assuming that he does, then I would like the

17 30th day.

18 MR. FACCIPONTE: Your Honor, I --

19 THE COURT: Please have the defendant available

20 so that, if the conditions are satisfied, he may be released

21 on Monday.

22 MR. FACCIPONTE: Your Honor, we’ll put in a

23 prison production order with the Marshals immediately after

24 this conference.

25 THE COURT: August 3 will be the preliminary

26 hearing day. Is there anything else that we need to

1 49
2 address?

3 MR. FACCIPONTE: Nothing from the government.

4 Thank you, Your Honor.

5 MS. SHROFF: No, Your Honor, thank you.

6 (Whereupon the matter is adjourned to August

7 3rd, 2009.)
















1 50

2 C E R T I F I C A T E

4 I, Carole Ludwig, certify that the foregoing

5 transcript of proceedings in the United States District

6 Court, Southern District of New York, United States of

7 American v. Sergey Aleynikov, was prepared using digital

8 electronic transcription equipment and is a true and

9 accurate record of the proceedings.





14 Signature_______________________________


16 Date: July 6, 2009










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