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India's National

Gay & Lesbian Magazine !

From the Editor's desk… 01


Cover Story Freedom… after 150 years! 02

Politics & Activism Colours of Pride 04
Metro Life Chennai's open arms for the 'criminals in love' 08
Happenings Queer Thoughts 10
LGBT History Stonewall- The freedom wars 11
Religion Musings of a gay Hindu 12
Neighbours Being gay in Pakistan 15
Science Nature or Nurture? A debate revisited 18
Health Living with HIV 21
Relationships Not just friends! 24


In Conversation with Monish 23

Planes and Parachutes 28
I “was” Bi, I “am” Gay!
Coming Out Helpline 33
Why We must change!

Delhi High Court's historic judgement
Gay Pride parades India, 2009
40 years of Stonewall


Fashion Homme a la Homo 39

Books The Boyfriend, A Married Woman, Maurice 41
Literature LGBT Literature: Why Bother? 44
Cinema Milk, I can't think straight, Before Night Falls 46

Theatre Mahesh Dattani 49

Television Queer As Folk 51
Arts Colouring the World Queer 54
Destinations: Delhi 56
India's National
Gay & Lesbian Magazine !


Short Stories: 59
I don't have anything to wear!
Enchant of Love
Poetry: 'He' 63


Ask your Queer Peer!

From the Blogosphere
Queer 'n Funny! 65
Sacred Tidings 58
Events 66
Helplines 67
Opinion Polls
Queer Quotes 68

Cover Design:
Graphic Design:
From the Editor ’s desk…
T his first issue couldn't have been
released at a better time. At this historic
landmark first issue.

I'll take this opportunity to thank every single

moment, as we celebrate the decriminalization of my team-mates, from all across India and
of homosexuality in the world's largest even abroad, for it is their dedication,
democracy, let us also take time out to equanimity and tenacity that has ensured what
acknowledge the relentless struggle of those we have today.
thousands of known and unknown men and
women who've made this victory possible. And Pink Pages was long due. India was waiting for
therefore, to them is dedicated this first issue, it. And so we should all celebrate its coming
with the theme- Freedom… after 150 years! out! Let this magazine be the voice of the now
unstoppable and unbeatable Indian gay and
When TimeOut Magazine interviewed me lesbian community.
about the upcoming Pink Pages project, one of
the first questions that they asked me was- how
is it different from the queer publications Nipun Goyal
already in place? And the answer is- in many (Editor-in-chief)

For starters, this is India's first ever national

gay and lesbian magazine. All other queer
publications till now have been either
restricted geographically, or had been targeted
only for a limited intellectual readership. This
is the first effort to reach out the entire
community at large- at an all-India level.

Secondly, this is also India's first online queer

magazine. That ensures that it reaches out to
people anywhere around the world- free of

But most importantly, this is a non-profitable

community venture. Almost the entire Pink
Pages team consists of students or young
professionals from various fields- humanities,
engineering, medicine, arts- who pooled in
money and talent to successfully bring out this

Letters to the editor can be addressed to : [email protected]

Freedom After 150 Years
Nipun Goyal speaks to three prominent gay “On top of the moon!”
rights activists on the historic Delhi High Nitin Karani, gay rights activist, and editor of
Court ruling declaring homosexuality legal- Bombay Dost was beside himself with joy. “I
Mayur, from the Delhi Queer Pride feel on top of the moon” he said. “Although I
Committee; Nitin Karani, editor of Bombay was optimistic, but when I got this news at 10:35
Dost; and Harish Iyer, pioneer of the 'Friends in the morning, right on time for the judgement,
of Gays', Mumbai. I was absolutely ecstatic!”

Tears of happiness, ecstatic screams of joy and Mayur, a member of the Delhi Queer Pride
loud celebrations. This was what the Indian Committee, which organized the gay parade in
gay community woke up to on the morning of Delhi this year shared the euphoria. “This is a
2nd July 2009- a day that will go down in history historic day,” he said. “It gives hope- not just to
as the first major victory in the movement for the gay and lesbian community, but to all the
gay liberation in India. oppressed people in all sections of the society.
The wording of the 105 page High Court The court laid emphasis on inclusiveness, and
judgement was an astounding testimony in that really means a lot”
favour of freedom and equality- the lifeblood
of the Indian constitution. The document read, Harish Iyer, a gay activist from Mumbai and
"In our view Indian Constitutional law does pioneer of the Friends of Gays, a group that
not permit the statutory criminal law to be held brings together the families and friends of gay
captive by the popular misconception of who people struck a more cautious note. He said,
the LGBTs (lesbian gay bisexual transgender) “Although I'm extremely happy that we're no
are... longer criminals because of our sexuality, we
must realize that this is only half the battle won.
It cannot be forgotten that discrimination is We have to go a long way further, and so we
antithesis of equality and that it is the must behave responsibly.” He took exception to
recognition of equality which will foster the flamboyant celebrations on the streets. “It's
Cover Story

dignity of every individual." good to come out in huge numbers to show our
strength, but we shouldn't overdo the

Delhi Gay Pride parade 2009 (Picture: Anahita Sarabhai)

celebrations. I mean smooching on the streets prevention was one of the basic reasons why the
is something which we might do when we're court struck down the law. “Many professionals
happy, but we should also take into who spoke up in the court argued how it had
consideration the sensibilities of people become nearly impossible to work among gay
around.” men for HIV prevention measures because of the
Delhi and beyond
Although the ruling is binding only within Mayur said that one the main problems that used
Delhi, it'll be having a national impact. Mayur to arise earlier was during the counseling of HIV
cleared the air on the prevailing confusion. infected persons. “When asked about how they
“The Delhi High Court judgement is got the disease, they had to lie, as gay sex was
applicable throughout India, as long as it is not illegal. But now that it has been legalized, they
contradicted either by another High Court can be more honest about themselves to their
(whereby Section 377 will be reapplied to that counselors and doctors.”
state), or by the Supreme Court. Until then, it's
the law of the land.” The next step?
“Hate crime legislations and anti-discrimination
Anand Grover, the lawyer who argued the case laws,” says Nitin. Harish said, “the courts have
for Naz Foundation said in an interview to deemed us normal, now it's our turn to prove
DNA, “technically, the Delhi HC judgment is ourselves so.” He cautioned that “now on, we're
applicable only in the territory of Delhi. Law going to face lots of straight questions from
and order is a state subject and only the Delhi straight people. And to answer them, we have to
government, which was a respondent in this be responsible enough. Initial celebrations are
case, is bound by the Delhi HC order. The other just fine, but once they're over, we have to get
states were not party to the case. However, the down to the serious business of reforming our
judgment has immense persuasive value. It can image in the minds of heterosexual people, and
be cited in courts across the country to seek try not to be the freaks that they think us to be.”
relief. Also, if the government decides to Mayur, quite oblivious to all that serious talk,
challenge the order in the Supreme Court then said with a grin, “The next step? I've no clue!
the apex court's ruling will be the law of the Right now, it's time to party!”
country.” And party we will!

Social impacts
Cynics have been wondering what use can law
Cover Story

be when society is still so stringently intolerant

of gays. But Nitin dismisses such concerns by
saying, “A beginning has been made by this
ruling. It'll start impacting the society now. The
change will come slowly, but a beginning has
been made, and that's important.”
Even Harish said that change in society “will
happen.” He said, “this is an ongoing battle,
and it's only the first step achieved. The ruling
will now open a public dialogue on this issue,
which will only help in furthering our cause.”
Mayur said that “we have now forced our way
to the headlines. And we need to maintain this
momentum by continuing with our struggle,
spreading awareness and coming out in larger

HIV treatment: a ray of hope

According to Nitin, the impediments Section
377 was causing to HIV/AIDS treatment and

Colours of Pride Ananya Dhote analyzes the newfound shown by the queer community towards police
political and social consciousness sweeping officers raiding Stonewall Inn, in Greenwich
across the LGBT community in India and its Village- a neighborhood of New York City, a
legal fallouts in the coming five years of the popular hangout for gay people in those times.
newly elected UPA government. It led to the founding of the first homophile (as
they were called) organizations in the US, Gay
Smiling faces, sparkling eyes, intrepid voices, Liberation Front and Gay Activists Alliance.
statement-making placards…an undulating They coordinated the first anniversary rally on
wave of people, spreading out like colours of June 28, 1970 to commemorate the first
Politics and Activism

the rainbow, walk the streets to shatter all anniversary of the Stonewall Rebellion. It did
shackles of invisibility, law and convention not just grow into a national grassroots
imposed upon them. Like the essential prisms movement in the US but even influenced other
that trigger this universal dispersion, stand oft countries around the world that celebrate LGBT
repeated ideals inconspicuously true for every pride.
human life- honesty and courage.
Akin to US, each nation has a niche of history
India's existing, though translucent lesbian, surrounding the Pride Parade- their evolution
gay, bisexual and transgendered (LGBT) and opposition. While the pride parades in
community is finally discovering the strength Chicago, San Francisco, Berlin, Paris, just to
to uphold the premise that diversity is a gift; name a few, became institutionalized festivities,
sexual orientation and gender identity are on 26 June 1994, on the 25th Anniversary of the
inherent and cannot be altered. This June, 2009, Stonewall Riots, Progressive Organization of
for the second year in a row, the Indian LGBT Gays in the Philippines (ProGay Philippines)
community organized Pride Parades in major and Metropolitan Community Church (MCC)
Indian cities (Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai and Manila organized the First LGBT Pride March
Bangalore) for all queer people and their in Asia, highlighting broad social issues.
supportive friends and families. In fact, the
Pride Parade is a celebration for everyone, Not to be left far behind, Kolkata initiated the
whether lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, first Rainbow Pride Parade in India in 1999,
hijra, transsexual or straight, affirming our
right to be respected.

And deeply rooted within pride parades and

LGBT activism lie two important political,
social, legal and cultural questions: revocation
of archaic section 377 of the IPC and LGBT
rights in India. And with the first aim now
achieved with the historic Delhi High Court
judgment, the community is now looking
forward to achieving the second and much
larger milestone.

Parading history

Stonewall riots in the United States, in 1969,

are often cited as the first explicit resistance

Delhi Gay pride parade, June 2008

when a mere group of about 50 turned up while administrators and civil organizations to gain
the rest preferred to remain within their ground for political goals that include changing
shadowy closets. Since 2003, Kolkata's annual laws and policies in order to gain new rights,
pride marches have continued. Last year, in benefits, and protections from harm.
June 2008, Delhi and Bangalore joined in
while this year. This year Chennai too held its
rainbow flag high. Mumbai too organized its The Indian Political Debate
first Queer Azadi marche on 16th August 2008,
a day after the country's Independence Day, Politics in India seems to be a nuclear chain
purely to signify that while the nation attained reaction. In a country like ours, politics trickles
independence from British in 1947, the LGBT into myriad branches including religion, faith
community was still suffering under a 150 year and morality, regionalism, caste, creed; a single
old colonial era law. viewpoint that may happen to overlap all these
separate and often, contradicting reactions, is
stereotyped as a mass mandate that is for the
Roots and Impacts benefit of the entire country. The world's
largest democracy should have known that
Politics and Activism

While the pride marches seem to be a natural democracy is more than just popular vote.
repercussion stemming from years of
restriction, neglect, ignorance and persecution So, there was no surprise when the Home
faced by queers, its impact has to be gauged on ministry filed an affidavit which said, ''Indian
a broader scale spanning social-cultural facets society strongly disapproves of homosexuality
and even, the legal-political spaces. and disapproval is strong enough to justify it
being treated as a criminal offence even where
LGBT social movements around the world consenting adults indulge in it in private''. It
converge into common goals that include added: ''Deletion of the Section can open the
challenging social constructs of masculinity, flood gates of delinquent behaviour and (can)
femininity and primacy of conventional be misconstrued as providing unbridled license
heterosexual family (heteronormativity). And, for homosexual acts,'' and maintained that the
it requires knocking the doors of national and section 377 was needed in the IPC to deter
international institutions which can develop sexual abuse and related crimes. There's even
and implement frameworks aiding in little surprise, when BP Singhal from the
realization of above mentioned goals. Hence, Vishwa Hindu Parishad, an independent party
pride parades often lobby politicians, in the PIL that is opposing decriminalization of
gay sex started his arguments and described

homosexuality as an "evil" exported from
western countries. General elections 2009 and the newly
constituted law ministry took the issue forward
The high court was hearing a public interest presumably in a positive direction. In an
petition by Naz Foundation (it was filed in interview to a television channel, law minister
2001, following a police raid at the Naz Veerappa Moily indicated that the government
Foundation's office in Lucknow), an NGO may do a rethink on the controversial Section
seeking abolition of section 377 of IPC. 377 of IPC that criminalizes private consensual
sex between adults of the same sex. But even
Thankfully, the former health minister, before the Government, which started facing
Anbumani Ramadoss' statement during virulent opposition from Muslim and Christian
the17th International Conference on AIDS in religious groups, among others, could reach a
Mexico City that said, “Section 377 of the consensus, the Delhi High Court declared
Indian Penal Code, which criminalizes Men Section 377 unconstitutional on 2nd July.
who have sex with Men, must go”, came at a
critical time. Apart from highlighting that the While the government at present shows its
key to overcoming the HIV epidemic is to take blink-and-you-miss-it support for LGBT rights,
Politics and Activism

HIV services to those on the margins of the community itself is far more enterprising.
society, it also swung the health ministry in This fact is quite evident with Pride parades,
favor of gay rights. Back in India, he decided online activism, LGBT magazines, notable gay
to take up this issue with the PM and activists, gay themed movies, newspaper reports,
contradicting the Home ministry's stand on TV documentaries, and even alternative law
the PIL, he further added, “I fully support forums to address legal issues faced by queer
protecting children against sexual abuse and people. The ICMR (Indian Council for Medical
treating paedophiles as criminals. But Research) seems to be light years ahead when it
homosexuality must be legalized specially comes to acknowledging the impact that its
from the point of health issues”. recent regulation may have on gay rights.
Chapter 3 of the ICMR draft guidelines which
The former law ministry, faced with these deal with Ethical Considerations and Legal
contra opinions within government, did make Issues states: "There would be no bar to the use
a whispering mention of discussing this issue of ART by a single woman who wishes to have a
with health and home ministries, to decide child, and no ART clinic may refuse to offer its
whether section 377 can be scrapped to make services to the above, provided other criteria
way for a new law on sodomy which may not mentioned in this document are satisfied. The
discriminate against homosexuals. Though, child thus born will have all the legal rights on
by and large, during hearings on the PIL, the the woman or the man.” As per a Times of India
government's Additional Solicitor General PP report, when they drew the attention of Dr
Malhotra said that the matter was 'beyond his Kamini Rao - one of the ICMR Guidelines
hands' and that he would have to wait for the Committee Members -to provisions in the
decision of the Cabinet. Finally, the document which would enable gays/lesbians to
government went ahead with the 'moralistic' beget children, she said, "the right to procreation
arguments of the Home Ministry. is fundamental.", rejecting the view that a child
raised by homosexual parents would not have a
The High court bench comprising Chief normal childhood.
Justice A P Shah and Justice S Muralidhar
raised some commendable legal arguments in
favor of gay rights. Asking for scientific The Power of One
proofs and highlighting WHO reports, they
said that while homosexuality may be a We may talk of heavy weight organizations and
vehicle that spreads AIDS, it is not a disease in influential individuals coming forward to
itself. They added that concerns of such support gay rights in India, but the real power
marginalized groups should be appropriately lies distributed in hands of those masked and
addressed, though a straightforward ban on unmasked people marching in a big city parade
gay sex would do nothing to tackle the issue of while the crowd both stares and cheers. Or
HIV spread in India. They further refuted perhaps, many arguments may be silenced by
right wing VHP's claim that gay sex causes the girls in a far off village who oppose their
bodily harm. families and decide to live happily

together…what about the gay man who stood
up for himself when his company booted him
out for being open about his orientation…and
how about socially untouchable hijras who
fight elections…

An ocean of such individuals will serve as the

driving force behind any queer friendly policy
that may see light of the day, sometime in the
future. And may the future be painted with
pride, a pride not in our sexual orientation, but
rather a pride in our courage that challenges all
social conventions, a pride that tolerates hate
and discrimination and a pride that inspires
millions to stay true to their loving hearts.
Politics and Activism

As a mother, I know that homosexuals cannot

biologically reproduce children; therefore,
they must recruit our children.
Anita Bryant

As long as society is anti-gay, then it will

seem like being gay is anti-social.
Joseph Francis

Be who you are and say what you feel, because

those who mind don't matter and those who
matter don't mind.
Dr. Seuss

Chennai's open arms for the
'criminals in love' the maddening vehicular traffic already asleep),

M anorathan discovers the dark

the only signs of life after a busy day. These
billboards, no longer the advertisers, now speak
of mysterious, flamboyant dreams, giving
underbelly of Chennai in a rendezvous with direction to my aimless walks, with my eyes
male sex workers at Marina Beach- the city’s upturned, catching their flicker and missing
gay cruising spot. nothing, making out images not being seen. The
Yearnings have been the cause of ruins of all small town boy that I was, Chennai was a
awful extents from times immemorial and they network of such streets, unexplored, when I had
hold their legacy even now. The paperboy early to relocate here for my under graduation. Let
in the morning greets us with his anxious eyes as conservative, chicken-hearted, closed circuited
we rub our slumbering ones, to earn that extra (one of my favourites), etc., be the tag words
buck while that late night news reader wraps up glued to Chennai, but my night trips never had
the day with his good night (with a perceptibly anything to do with these boring modifiers.
missing yawn), a desperate call for a break that It was on one such night did my stress worn feet
is needed. In the middle are we, stirred in drag me to the Marina beach, to that gays’
emotions, I mean, longings, living our day, corridor, squeezed in between the historic
planned or unplanned, on a balancing gesture, government buildings and the polluted sea
stretching and un-stretching ourselves to meet waters beyond a massive expanse of heavily
their demands. littered sand, with one most remembered chief
Blinded by the vapoury yearnings, which minister resting peacefully at its side. It’s a
descend on us with vengeance for demands cruisers’ spot in all aspects, religiously revered
unfulfilled, rarely are we permitted to desire a as ‘The sanctuary for Chennai gays’ by one
breather from an abundance of air, purified of its petty artist I came across. With the air saturated
stagnant redundancy. Such is life, we yell, with stench caused by the wayside urinators,
giving names like commitments and boldly misguided by the ‘men only’ ambience, I
responsibilities for things driven by an inner was quite uncomfortable but then I was partly

desire, with exceptions when one still has the pleased as this place was the closest
shallow and pretentious selflessness to fight actualization I could ever achieve of those parks
with. Violent would the attempts to disrupt this in movies that men frequent, more in night.
routine be, as the fight is with oneself, for the A shady place as it is, why beatify myself by
same one, when both his selves speak for their making me the cold researcher, for I was no less
parts, proving just. And mine were less crazy in a hooker than them, hooking up with the
no particular way one can ever come up with! unknown, with no less wants. Everything is
Your browser may not support display of this
decided by a stare over here, and I did know the
tricks to avoid being misunderstood as
Night times are my cathartic moments, encouraging. Those lusty stares from beefy
especially on the roads, when the lights on those hunks, enquiring ones from the middle aged
ambitious billboards flicker in vivid hues (with (watch out for the pan in their mouths!), timid
downwardly stares from the grey haired oldies

and to top it all, the winners were those paying him. He was in fact starting to yarn a tale
desperate, deadly stares, determined to devour of his love for me, taking my interest as an
you even without a touch! By winners, I mean encouragement! Easy hopes for a simple man,
the most memorable ones and not the actual and there, a sign of aspiration! Then were my
winning of their pursuit, which is an altogether enquiries about safe sex, and pat came his
different story governed not by the magnitude approval for letting me do him with no rubber.
of the stare. Shiny costumes donned by a few, Some people are still into trusting others, no
(sex workers, as I heard), add colour to the wonder we still have innocent in our dictionary.
ageing night, and of course to the wearer.” He is Maybe, ignorant is the right word! Not that he
a she! No, but she may not be a she! “, so go the was ever told, for he did mention about a few
comments as a gang of dandies pass by, people supplying condoms and a meeting
followed by one figure draped in a sari, in an stressing the need for safe sex. The change did
ultramodern way, rouged cheeks and wet lips! happen in his thinking, but not in his way of
Cars follow them with an unusually slow speed, perceiving things. A seventeen year old getting
suggesting an imminent halt with any sign from buggered for money, teens fellating stinky old
the group. A few get picked up, while a few men, gay lovers in the flesh trade together,
refuse to, returning with their hands busy, married men trying to earn some extra money
setting their hair in place. A few smoke, out of and the list went on, of which my ears could
anxiety? Or maybe, just boredom. hear no more of! Should the blame be on the
unjust dancing of money or on the choice of
Those dandies spotted me and came to me
living of a few? And why should there be any
asking, “Time enna?” (What’s the time?). I
blaming, for they are as proud as any other
could see from his watch that it was 1030. After
moneymaker, with regrets attributable to the
the regular exchanges of nom de guerres, and
professions of even you and me? Yearning is
our fictitious jobs, he then talked about his
the common catalyst here (and of course in
mansion nearby, hinting his readiness to host
every other place), the primitive wheel of its
me. I didn’t want to just lose him for he sounded
own will, with the protagonists stuck to its
quite decent and suggested my wish to be here
for a few more minutes for which he obliged.
Waving at the passersby, he seemed quite well I got an auto back home from the bus stop
known to most of the well dressed guys there. It nearby, shooing away the desperate bikers, who
was then that I came. Then came a khakhied took me for one soliciting sex! Guilty I did feel,
guy, and then the hushes and the inactivity, the for breaking the heart of that overtly romantic
danger as I smelt! Then the normalcy! One of to young man, and satisfied was me as I got my
know about his part time job that helped to fill

share of flattery I was so desperate for

the hole his mansion’s rent made on his tiny

The elusive male sex workers, non-existent to

Indian cinema, with not much citation in
articles on prostitution in magazines, were just
in front of me. These poor young men,
obviously leading double lives by choice,
seemed to have arrived at a better solution to
lead their less lucky lives. And if it’s a question
of whether being ‘pleasure-driven or money-
driven’, it has something to do with pleasure,
for the guy I talked to, made no mention of my

Alternative Community:
Queering the Queer
to taking over as the mainstream serious hero.

R ohit K Dasgupta reports on the LGBT

The other papers were quite good too. In
particular I like Niluka's paper on Disability and
Sexuality in the Sri Lankan context. Also
conference in Kolkata, where participants noteworthy was Monidipa's paper on Kari( a
from India and abroad presented their papers graphic novel by Amruta Patil on a lesbian girl)
on subjects as diverse as gay politics and It’s important to see how the proliferation of the
gender identity. different kinds of media has given it a wider
Queer Thoughts, the national conference readership and understanding in terms of both
organized by Sappho for Equality which was engaging the heteronormative audience and in
held on the 10th and 11th April at H.L Roy interrogating the flailing gender theories.
auditorium, saw a very good turnout. Pramada Menon’s comments on joining the
Delegates had come from abroad and other academic space with the activist's voice was
parts of India, either to present a paper or just another point worth thinking about. The
support the cause. There was some very conference interrogated the muffled silence of
thought provoking stuff discussed which
ranged from Dr Dhar talking about Freud,
Lacan and psychonalysis to Sutanuka talking
about polymorphosity and the multiplicity of
identity. I presented the first paper of the
conference and am glad to say it went off rather
well. I spoke about identifying and locating the
'Queer' identity in Popular Indian Culture

(which was mainly films). I spoke at length

about Fire and My brother Nikhil and also
comparing it to more 'mainstream' films like
Honeymoon travels Pvt Ltd. and how the
identity has changed over time. The queer man Judges and participants at the Paper Presentation
from being the ridiculed character in side role
acceptance, identity, morality and religion that
are intertwined together within the tapestry of
the Indian gay movement impacting the erotic
silence of the closet and the dynamics of a love
that we are afraid to speak of. The papers and
the speakers spoke about giving shape to the
creation of a unique Indian queer identity and
in breaking the silent monolith of MSM and

Stonewall: The Freedom Wars
Stonewall Inn on June 28, 1969. Usually, the
police would arrest the men in drag. This time,

R avi turns back the pages of history and

the men did not go quietly. They fought back in
what would become known as the Stonewall
Riots. These riots marked the start of the LGBT
looks into the one single most important event rights movement in America and around the
in gay history- the Stonewall riots of 1969. world.

The police were known for roughly handling

America after the Second World War was a
patrons. In one instance, a policeman picked up
conservative place. The country had had
a woman and heaved her into the back of a
enough of war. Any behavior out of the
police wagon. This incited the crowd to riot. The
ordinary was not tolerated. And
police were pushed back into the bar. They
homosexuality was unthinkable. It ranked
barricaded themselves inside the bar and called
right up there with Communism as one of the
for reinforcements. An uprooted parking meter
unmentionables, which a God fearing
was used as a battering ram to get to the cops
Christian country could do well without.
trapped inside. The riot started around 2 am and
Things started changing by the end of the
went on until 4 am. By the time it was over 13
decade. In the Sixties, the Civil Rights
people were arrested, a few were hospitalized
Movement picked up steam, so did the
and 4 police officers were injured. The
LGBT History

Counterculture Movement. The LGBT

Stonewall Inn was damaged and subsequently
Community had to wait for a seminal event-
closed. The riots marked the first time gay
people had actually fought back. A sense of
Gay bars in the Fifties and Sixties had been urgency was felt after the riots. This lead to the
dark and dismal places. This heightened the formation of societies like the Gay Liberation
feeling of gay men that they were social Front, the Gay Activists Alliance and others.
reprobates. Raids on bars by the police were The world has never been the same since.
common. One such raid occurred upon the

Musings of a gay

Hindu… trouble. Sexuality is one of them. It traps you in

the cycle of karma and rebirths. But at the same

N ipun Goyal writes on what it means to

time kaam- or sexual gratification is one of the
four aims of human life. How does one resolve
this seemingly strange dichotomy? I talked to
be gay and Hindu, and if the two identities can
the president of the Hare Krishna Temple in the
ever be reconciled in a country that’s
Hindu holy city of Ujjain and this is how he
predominantly Hindu, and at the same time
explained it- It is obviously not possible to
deeply homophobic.
embark on the path to God with worldly
distractions agonizing the mind. And what
What pegged me, a self-confessed Agnostic to agonizes the mind more than anything else is
dwell upon this issue? The mystical lure of this unfulfilled desire- that may be in the form of
ancient religion is not the least among them- material comforts or sexual needs. Hence the
even as a 21 year old, I continue to enjoy with need to fulfill our desires before we take refuge
equal gusto as any other faithful Bengali Hindu in the Lord.
the sounds of dhak and the swirls of dhuno
during the Durga Poojo aartis. But more But does that mean there’s no place in the
important is the fact that despite our trend spiritual world for the worldly man? Not exactly,
towards Agnosticism or Atheism, Hinduism he says. If one regulates his/her life as per the
holds immense sway over the lives of millions scriptures, both material and spiritual needs
of Indians. And the fact that modern day may be fulfilled simultaneously. Now here lies
Hinduism is deeply homophobic leads us to the catch- what constitutes such behaviour?
this debate. Hindu scholars have interpreted it as a
monogamous heterosexual married life. Some
What sets Hinduism apart of the orthodox even saying that even within
Unlike Abrahamic faiths, Hinduism is not a marriage, only sex for the sake of procreation is
monolithic religion. While these religions acceptable. So where does that leave gay and
have a holy book that regulate the follower’s lesbian people? Indeed, what about the promise
beliefs and lifestyles, Hinduism is more of a of allowing the believer to satisfy all desire?
quest, where the onus is on the individual,

rather than on the deity. The Hindu concept of Hinduism and Homosexuality
God or Brahma is the omnipresent and Now let’s come to the question of what our
omniscient being which pervades time and scriptures say of homosexuality. I remember
space, and thus is within each one of us. He tickling with mortification and at the same time
does not regulate our lives, but our actions do. feeling a chill run down my spine as I watched B.
It is this emphasis on the individual rather than P. Singhal, the Sangh ideologue ranting against
the religion, as is in the case of Abrahamic gay sex on a televised debate on the issue.
faiths that will perhaps hold the key to our Watching him, I also recollected my recent trip
questions. to the Konark Temple, where our guide had
shown us, among other things, a relief showing
How Hinduism views sexuality two women in a homosexual embrace. Mr.
Hinduism sees all forms of desire as a source of Singhal said the Manusmriti prohibits

homosexual behavior. I did some research to Shudra (a low caste Hindu) who listens to the
find out how accurate his argument was. recitation of the Vedas should be punished by
This is what the Manusmriti says on the issue pourning molten lead into his ears. Would Mr.
of two Brahmin men having sex- Singhal agree to that?
"A twice-born man who has intercourse with a On gay marriage
Revivalist Hindu movements like the Arya
male, or with a female in a cart drawn by oxen,
Samaj strictly define and regulate marriage
in water, or in the day-time, shall bathe,
between one man and one woman. However,
dressed in his clothes."

A ritual bath as a punishment for having gay

sex? I wonder if too many gay Hindus would
mind that! Also the book says nothing on the
issue of non-Brahmin men having gay sex.
Here’s what it says on lesbian sex-
“If two kanya (virgin girls) have sex, each must
be fined two hundred (panas), pay the double
of her (nuptial) fee, and receive ten (lashes
with a) rod."

Ruth Vanita, a scholar on this issue points out

that here the concern is not about
homosexuality, but about loosing virginity, A relief at the Konark temple showing two women in
because the same punishment is meted out to a a sexual embrace

man who has intercourse with a virgin girl the Vedas, from which the Arya Samaj draws its
outside marriage. beliefs are much more lenient, defining
Two conclusions may be drawn from the marriage as a “union of two souls.” So while
findings- One, punishments for homosexual polygamy is ruled out, gay marriages aren’t
behavior are very minor, especially when because according to Hinduism, the soul has no
compared to punishments for heterosexual sex.
transgressions (A Brahmin man is to be
executed for adultery). Secondly, one has the Also, as per accounts in the Kamasutra,
liberty to question the authority of the committed same-sex couples were not unknown
Manusmriti itself as it is not a scripture, but a to ancient Indians, though it can never be
law book, and laws should reflect the changing verified whether such unions were religiously
times. For instance, the Manusmriti says that a sanctified or secular in nature-

A relief at the Khajuraho Temple showing a monk giving fellatio to a visiting Prince
“There are also third-sexed citizens,
sometimes greatly attached to each other and Bisexuality immediately doubles your chances for
with complete faith in one another, who get a date on Saturday night.
married together.” Woody Allen

A Vaishnava preacher I recently talked to
termed homosexuality “demonic”. When I
pointed out to him that none of the Hindu
scriptures censure it, he replied that a silence
on the issue is not necessarily an acceptance. If
that’s true in this case, how would we explain
the homoerotic sculptures on the walls of
ancient temples or the abounding references to
homosexuality in the Puranas- not sparing
even the gods and goddesses? How many Did you hear about the Scottish drag queen? He
Hindu priests today would allow homo-erotic wore pants.
images to adorn their temple walls? Doesn’t Lynn Lavne
the fact that priests in ancient India didn’t
seem to mind say something for the tolerance
of homosexual people in during those times?
And here we have Hindu politicians saying
that homosexuality is a western import,
unknown to ancient Indians! If anything is a
western import, it is without doubt the deep
rooted homophobia of modern day Hindus-
imposed upon India as late as the nineteenth
century by patriarchal and homophobic
Abrahamic values, and institutionalized
through the notorious Section 377 of the
Indian Penal Code. Do not follow where the path may lead. Go,
instead, where there is no path and leave a trail.
As the Gay Rights movement establishes itself
Ralph Waldo Emerson
in predominantly Hindu countries like India
and Nepal, and as the expatriate Hindu
community gets exposed to the international
LGBT Movement, Hindus will have to

question their hobophobia and scrutinize their

beliefs in the light of both their scriptures as
well as modern-day democratic and liberal
values, which afterall may not be contrary to
their own faith.

Every time you don't follow your inner guidance,

you feel a loss of energy, loss of power, a sense of
spiritual deadness.
Shakti Gawain

Being gay in

Pakistan It’s none of their business what the heck science

N uwas Manto gives a touching personal

has to say when it comes to diversity in sexual
orientation. What matters is the word of Allah,
the Supreme Being. I am not trying to be anti-
account on what it means to be gay in a deeply
religion, but anti-Irrationalism. Twenty years
religious and conservative country like
ago, it was a rare sight to see a woman driving
Pakistan, where homosexuality is considered a
on the roads of Lahore. Today it’s impossible
sin and male effeminacy scoffed upon.
not to see one, or else you are not in Pakistan.
In Pakistan the word 'gay' is synonymous with But even today if a woman gets divorced, or
the word 'eunuch'. It doesn’t really matter worse, if she demands a divorce she is
whether you have a penis or not. One of my considered to be a shame, in the former case, or
friends quite sincerely, in order to indentify my a slut, in the latter. According to a family friend
sexual orientation, asked me if I get erected and of mine, those women who can’t be good
if I ejaculate. Upon receiving a positive housewives can’t be good women at all. So, I
response he thereby concluded there is no way guess those men who can’t be good husbands
that I can be gay. Of course, it doesn’t matter if can’t be good men too. Hey wait! World, we are
one gets erected while watching gay porn or out of good men in Pakistan!
straight porn. That has nothing to do with his
But of course, men are men. You see, there is no
sexuality. Poor Kinsey. Such an easy and
harm if straight men penetrate into the backs of
traditional method to identify sexuality and he
these filthy gay men. After all, they are the ones
spent years on research!
penetrating, not being penetrated into. In
.But this unscientific approach towards human Pakistan there is no concept of diversity in

sexuality is not limited only to my friend, but to homosexuality: ‘Top’, ‘bottom’, ‘versatile’.
a majority of Pakistanis, who view Islam and Every gay man is a bottom. I myself, seemed to
homosexuality as being mutually incompatible. believe this till I met some who really were not.

Due to lack of knowledge concerning the field what gay rights are. I know what I must demand
of human sexuality, there is a belief that from this world. I know it’s okay to be gay, and
homosexuality is based upon lust, not love. although I am an Atheist now, I also know that
That is the information that heterosexist minds it’s okay to be gay and Muslim at the same time.
are fed upon. In my country, as I explained I have done research on Islam and
before, there is no difference between a eunuch homosexuality to some extent and so I believe
(hijra) and a homosexual man (not gay woman). that homosexuals can live peacefully in the
Therefore if you get into a fight with a gay man Islamic world only if the interpretations of the
there is always the best way to insult him. This story of Lot are done in a way that is devoid of
most astonishing word that the founders of the bigotry and hatred.
Urdu language ever created: Khusra! I have
But many homosexuals don’t know that. They
become used to hearing it. During school,
are happy to be gay and perform namaz five
because of my effeminacy was made fun of.
times a day as long as there is no mention of
My family has always been, and I guess will
homosexuality and the name of Islam together,
always go on to till I don’t change myself, tell
whether in a homophobic tone, or in that of
me how I should become more manly. How I
advocacy. If that happens they are torn between
should talk, walk, speak, eat, hold the glass,
sexuality and religion, both of which are
and the list goes on. I am told that I can’t be
equally important in a man’s life. You must not
open about my sexual orientation because that
be surprised when I tell you that when I talked
would bring shame to my family. After coming
about re-interpretation of the Quran in order to
out and writing openly on facebook about my
reconcile homosexuality and Islam, there is no
sexual orientation and my non-religiosity, my
way they can digest such an idea. How can all
brother sent me a furious message from the UK
the Ulema be wrong? And more importantly,
telling me to better mend my ways before he
there seems to be such a crystal clear mention of
kills me for defaming the name of my father
homosexuality as a sin in the Quran. Guess
.Of course many homosexuals take their own
what, there is no word for homosexuality in the
life! When your family is not supportive, when
book! The words used to describe it are
some of your friends hold on to you (but still
anything but ‘homosexuality’. The closest that

view homosexuality as a disease they must

it comes to is the incident where Lot asks the
tolerate), when many people who are in a
people whether they would give up the woman
process of becoming good friends of yours stop
that God had given them, for men (his guests,
talking to you the very next day after you told
who were Angels in reality subsequently came
you’re gay, there seems to be no other way out
to inform him of his near destruction). Now
but to kill yourself.
there can be various interpretations of that. But
But then that sort of humiliation is not limited even when you ask you anti-gay or confused
to your enemies only, but also extends to your homosexual friends to quote where in the Quran
family. Whenever there is a fight between me there is a direct reference to homosexuality, and
and my sisters, they have one word to shut me when they are unable to do so, they find it hard
up. Yes! You guessed it right: Gay. Why am I to absorb the information. Okay, I understand.
telling you my story while my task was to Twenty years of radical anti-gay brainwashing
inform my Indian friends about the gay isn’t going away in a day or two. But what really
subculture in Pakistan? Well, my story speaks piques me is the fact that in order to defend their
for many. However I am still lucky. I know religion orientated homophobia, my people

would even go on to defy scientific evidence.
But not all is bad. More and more people now
believe that gays should have rights to a proper
life too, although not in a large numbers. Again,
as long as homosexuality and religion are not
brought face to face, people won’t be ready to
t o l e r a t e h o m o s e x u a l i t y. N o w w h e n
homosexuality is discussed in relation to Islam, Every time you don't follow your inner
there is an obvious defensive behaviour. What guidance, you feel a loss of energy, loss of
power, a sense of spiritual deadness.
is really funny is that these same people forget
Shakti Gawain
their Allah’s divine anti-gay verses when they
are offered a blowjob! I have tested at least two
guys who went to lengths to explain to me why
Allah hates homosexuals. But when I offered to
have sex with them , they didn’t lose a second to
accept it. (Of course I didn’t have sex with them.
I have some self-respect you know!)
The female homosexual scene is almost non-
existent. Lesbians seem to not exist at all.
Therefore they can be saved from the general
wrath of society when they dress like boys and
act like one. There is no concept of tomboyish
girls being lesbians, although there is a strong
Everybody's journey is individual. If you fall
notion that all effeminate men are gays and all
in love with a boy, you fall in love with a boy.
gays are effeminate (something that I must The fact that many Americans consider it a
admit even I used to believe at one point of disease says more about them than it does
time). But returning to the discussion of about homosexuality.
James Baldwin
Pakistani gay woman, I seldom hear about a
lesbian, and have never heard about an out and

proud one. But my poor sisters suffer from two

kinds of discrimination: based upon both
gender and sexual orientation.

My Indian friends must have noted that

Pakistani Gay sub-culture is not much different
from that of the Indian one, nor are our fears,
hopes and everyday toils. Therefore, we must
erase the international borderlines with love
and respect towards one another, and work
towards helping our brothers and sisters live a
life of bliss regardless of their nationality,
sexuality, religion, or ethnicity.

Nature or Nurture?
A debate revisited
nonsexual problems, such as fear of adult

M aloi takes a thorough look at the major

historical theories of homosexuality and the
responsibility, or may be triggered by various
experiences, such as having sexual relationships
with members of one's own sex at an early age
that prove to be very satisfying. Arguments
recent trends within the world’s scientific regarding the roots of lesbianism include
community on this ancient debate. disappointing heterosexual love experience, a
father who displays distaste for men who
Homosexuality has always been a part of express interest in his daughter, and memories of
human society, only that is has not been talked abusive relationships with men. It is believed
about and swept under the carpet since that all humans were born bisexual in nature, and
centuries. With the advancements in the fields from this state, as a result of restriction in one
of psychology, genetics and the allied direction or the other, both heterosexuality and
sociobiologists, human rights activists have homosexuality developed . One or more of the
become more intrigued about what goes behind following factors is unusual in some respect in
homosexuality and so it has become one of the the childhood of homosexuals: parental hopes
most debated issues in these times. Many before birth for a child of the other sex;
scientists have worked for centuries trying to difficulties at birth; slight anatomical
understand the genesis of homosexual differences between identical twins leading to a
behaviour. A lot has been postulated but special attachment of one child or the other to
hereunder is in a nutshell all that has been their mother; strength of the relationship
hypothesised, studied and proven. between father and child; competition for the
affections of the mother; the individual's birth
Psychoanalytical theories order, parental age at birth, and family size.
This theory states that most families of Homosexuality has also been linked to
homosexuals are characterized by an childhood opposite sex-dimorphic behaviour,
overprotective mother and an absent father. such as effeminacy in boys. However, such
Homosexuality may be an expression of behaviour is not observed in all pre-homosexual
children while it is also seen in some pre-
heterosexual children. It is quite possible that,
rather than being causative of adult sexual
orientation, such behaviour is the manifestation
of an innate predisposition towards
homosexuality. Researchers have provided
evidence that gay men report having had less
loving and more rejecting fathers and closer

relationships with their mothers, than non-gay

men. Key factors in the development of
homosexuals were "paternal attachment,
introversion, and neurotic characteristics."
Genetic hypothesis
Xq28 is the locus on chromosome X that carries
the homosexuality trait

Homosexuality arises through the interaction of

particular genetic propensities with specific
rearing environments. The genetic theories of
sexual orientation attempt to show that it is
possible that homosexuality can be sustained in

a population through purely genetically exposure to hormone levels in the womb during
controlled processes which have been subject fetal development may block or exaggerate
to the pressures of natural selection. masculinization of the brain in homosexual
men. It is proposed that sexual orientation is
The two most popular hypotheses in this field primarily determined by the degree to which
are those of balanced superior heterozygote the nervous system is exposed to testosterone,
fitness and of kin selection for altruistic estradiol, and to certain other sex hormones
behaviour. while neuro-organization is taking place,
predominantly between the middle of the
Briefly, the former hypothesis supposes that second and the end of the fifth month of
phenotypic homosexuality is the result of gestation. Complex combinations of genetic,
homozygosity for recessive 'homosexual' hormonal, neurological, and environmental
genes. If a heterozygote, possessing one factors operating prior to birth largely
'homosexual' genetic allele and one determine what an individual's (adult) sexual
'heterosexual' allele, is phenotypically orientation will be.
heterosexual, and more reproductive than an
individual who is homozygotic for the The concentrations of these chemicals are
'homosexual' alleles, then the heterozygotic thought to be influenced by fetal and maternal
combination will be preferentially selected in immune systems, maternal consumption of
future generations. In this way, the certain drugs, maternal stress, and direct
'homosexual' genes are preserved. This injection.
explanation may seem implausible; for one
thing, it hardly seems likely that only a single, Recent developments
major gene is involved in determining sexual While the theories of psychoanalysis, as
preference. However, various genetic concepts espoused by Freud are fast losing credibility
(incomplete penetrance, epistasis, etc.) may be along with his other theories, alternative ones
utilized to expand the hypothesis that suggest a biological origin of sexual
orientation is now gaining a consensus among
The key to the kin selection hypothesis is that it the scientific community, exactly what gay
does not matter how one's genes are passed to activists have been rooting for as they believe
the next generation, as long as they are. that society would be more pre-disposed
Siblings share, on average, 50% of their genes. towards accepting gays if it’s proved that they
Therefore, if an individual shows altruistic are born that way.
behaviour towards its siblings which results in
an increased likelihood of the siblings leaving A Swedish study, published in the Proceedings
or raising offspring, then that individual is, in of the National Academy of Sciences journal
effect, favouring its own success. Although it is suggests that the brains of gay men and women
hard to see how such a process could operate in look like those found in heterosexual people of
modern society, sociobiology concerns itself the opposite sex.
with how behavioural traits have evolved and
been selected from primitive societies to the According to the report, in heterosexual men
present day. It has been suggested that, in and gay women, there were more nerve
primitive societies, homosexuals may have "connections" in the right side of the amygdala,
formed a 'sterile caste' which could devote compared with the left. The reverse, with more

itself to helping mothers to rear their young neural connections in the left amygdala, was
. the case in homosexual men and heterosexual
Neurohormonal hypothesis women. The research team said that these
The early fixation hypothesis includes research differences could not be mainly explained by
into prenatal development and the "learned" effects, but needed another
environmental factors that control mechanism to set them, either before or after
masculinization of the brain. Studies have birth.
concluded that there is empirical evidence to
support this hypothesis, including the observed “If you’re gay, you’re born gay”
differences in brain structure and cognitive Your browser may not support display of this
processing between homosexual and image.
heterosexual men. One explanation for these
differences is the idea that differential Born gay?

On this, the BBC reported-
Everybody's journey is individual. If you fall
‘Dr Qazi Rahman, a lecturer in cognitive in love with a boy, you fall in love with a
biology at Queen Mary, University of London, boy. The fact that many Americans consider
said that he believed that these brain it a disease says more about them than it
differences were laid down early in foetal does about homosexuality.
development. James Baldwin

"As far as I'm concerned there is no argument

any more - if you are gay, you are born gay," he
said. “The amygdala, he said, was important
because of its role in "orientating", or
directing, the rest of the brain in response to an
emotional stimulus - be it during the "fight or
flight" response, or the presence of a potential

"In other words, the brain network which

determines what sexual orientation actually
'orients' towards is similar between gay men
and straight women, and between gay women
and straight men.

"This makes sense given that gay men have a Gay and lesbian people fall in love. We settle
sexual preference which is like that of women down. We commit our lives to one another.
in general, that is, preferring men, and vice We raise our children. We protect them. We
versa for lesbian women."’ try to be good citizens.
California Sen. Sheila Kuehl
That may be true, but it’s still some time before After California Senate approved gay
we gear the final word on this debate. marriage bill AB849

Gay people, well, gay people are EVIL, evil

right down to their cold black hearts which
pump not blood like yours or mine, but rather
a thick, vomitous oil that oozes through their
rotten veins and clots in their pea-sized brains
which becomes the cause of their Nazi-esque
patterns of violent behavior. Do you
Trey Parker and Matt Stone
From South Park, spoken by Mr Garrison

Living with HIV “I’ve been involved with HIV since early

A lan Lee speaks with HIV experts on the

implications and treatment of HIV. Also, at
medical school,” says Rick Stryker, MD, a
Clinician and Regional Director for Abbott
Laboratories’ Global Antiviral Team. “When I
first started doing this, I would have dozens of
community and individual levels, how we can patients in the hospital, many with a poor
expect to look at the future of AIDS treatment prognosis. We didn’t know enough about HIV
and prevention, as well as our own to successfully treat them. I could tell you many
responsibilities. sad stories about patients - including personal
friends and even a family member - who passed
A recently published study contains some very away before effective treatments were found.”
good news for people living with HIV. It “Everything changed overnight in 1995 with the
suggests that the life expectancy for a person first protease inhibitor,” Dr. Stryker continues.
newly diagnosed with HIV, with no symptoms, “In the beginning of 1995, most of my patients
has jumped from seven years to 24. were in the hospital. That all went away within a
year. And things have continued to improve
This changes everything. Most experts agree with the availability of newer and better
that HIV infection is no longer a death treatments.”
sentence. Instead, it is a chronic, long-term
disease. Before 1995, a newly infected person The Diabetes Comparison
faced the near-certainty of dying with AIDS. Gary Thal, MD, Director of Medical Affairs for
Today a newly infected person can look Bristol-Myers Squibbs, compares HIV to
forward to 24 years -and potentially much another chronic long-term disease: diabetes.
more! - of living with HIV. “The typical person with HIV needs to think
about how to manage a chronic disease for the
We spoke with three HIV experts about this rest of their life, as they would with diabetes,”
change, and about what it means to people Dr. Thal says. “For most patients in the
living with HIV today. developed world, HIV is no longer a death
Let’s start with a little history. sentence. But it’s certainly not a trivial disease
1995: The Year Everything Changed or anything to be cavalier about. It’s not easy to
Prior to 1995, there were no effective live with HIV, just as it’s not easy to be a diabetic.
treatments for HIV. But in1995 the first But it is doable. Patients need to make that
protease inhibitors were introduced, and commitment to manage it.”
doctors discovered that a combination of three
or more HIV medications could stop HIV in its Dan Seekins, MD, Director of Efavirenz and
tracks. The new combination treatments were Nucleoside Agents for BMS in the US and
called HAART - Highly Active Anti- globally, agrees with the diabetes comparison.
Retroviral Therapy - and the results were “Yes, I think it’s fair to compare HIV to
dramatic! People who were days away from diabetes,” Dr. Seekins says. “You see the same

death came back to life. thing with diabetes as you do with HIV: people
who eat right and take their medications do well,

and those who don’t, don’t. So I think that’s a state.”
pretty fair analogy.” “People should not be lured into thinking that HIV
Getting your full 24 - and more! is not a big deal - that they can do whatever they
What does it take to make sure you get your want and we have the resources to pick up the pieces
full 24 years, and even more? if they get infected,” Dr. Stryker adds. “Prevention
“Seek treatment early, be fully adherent and is much better than treatment. That said, a patient
have a good partnership with your physician,” who is really willing and able to fully participate in
says Dr. Stryker. “The adherence part is treatment can have a really excellent response.
absolutely critical. Studies show that patients There’s every reason to believe many people will
who take their medication 95 - 100% of the live a normal lifespan well beyond 24 years.”
time have the best prognosis. It drops off fairly Responsibility to the Next Generation
sharply after that. Even after years and years of All of the doctors we spoke to agreed that the
undetectable viral load, if something changes reported increase in life expectancy for people with
the virus can and will escape rather quickly.” HIV is a great thing - but they also cautioned against
Dr. Seekins also stresses the importance of complacency.
adherence. “Medicines don’t work if patients
don’t take them,” Dr. Seekins says. “People “Not to diminish the good news,” said Dr. Thal.
feel better, they’re working again and dating “But it’s important for the general population not to
again, and they forget to take their pills. That’s become complacent about this disease, not to
the biggest mistake you can make.” diminish their efforts at risk-prevention. We can’t
“Pick a treatment that fits your lifestyle,” Dr. allow this to let us turn our back on HIV. We can’t
Seekins continues. “Make sure it’s something say, ‘OK, we’ve solved this one, now let’s move on
you can commit to. That involves to the next disease of the week.’”
understanding your treatment options and “If people with HIV stop reminding the rest of us, it
what you’re going to have to do as a patient to could become a forgotten disease,” Dr. Thal
really get good results.” continues. “If we become complacent about it, what
And don’t overlook the obvious: “The biggest happens to the millions of people outside the
thing anyone can do to live longer is stop developed world who are still 20 years behind us?”
smoking,” Dr. Seekins notes. “Moderate “Unless we keep working on it, the 24 years won’t
exercise also clearly shows a benefit, not only turn into 34 , then 44, then 54. We need the reminder
directly but also by lowering your blood that, yes, you’re living longer. But you’re not living
pressure and cholesterol.” disease-free.”
Hope for the Future A Cure?
Dr. Stryker says, “Early in the HAART era there
The doctors we talked to all expect that the life was a lot of optimism that a combination of drugs
expectancy for someone newly diagnosed would be able to able to eradicate the virus fully. But
with HIV can be even longer than 24 years in no one has completely eradicated HIV with the
the future. currently available drugs. There are sanctuary sites
in the body where the virus can hide out. We’ll need
“I’m not sure there’s any reason why there has new therapies that can eradicate the small amount of
to be a more limited life expectancy for people virus that remains in patients who are fully
with HIV than without,” say Dr. Thal. “We’re suppressed.”
not there yet, but over time there’s no reason
someone with HIV shouldn’t have a normal “Is that around the corner? No. But it’s a goal that’s
lifespan. It will require getting people into the out there for the future.”
system earlier, patient commitment, continued “A cure is an elusive goal and one that will take a
research, and continuing to identify optimal

long time to achieve,” agrees Dr. Thal. “The virus

ways to treat. Of course, as long as there are mutates itself and can escape the current
patients who are not compliant or don’t have medications. I hope that a cure is possible. I think
access to health care, their life expectancy is it’s possible. In the short term? I doubt it. But you
going to be limited and that will contribute to never know before you find something that you’re
the overall demographics of the epidemic.” going to find it. We’re looking for both a cure and a
“Chances are excellent that lifespan will preventative. We didn’t eradicate polio by curing it,
continue to improve,” echoes Dr. Stryker. we eradicated it by preventing it.” (Positive Health)
“Most of the increase is due to improved
management and much better treatments that
are capable of fully suppressing HIV and
essentially putting someone into a remission
Monish is one the key members of the Delhi
Queer Pride Committee, and he talked to
What was the response of on-lookers?
Mixed, but mostly positive. The media was
very supportive. As I was walking with the
Pink Pages about the recently concluded
Gay Pride celebrations in Delhi, that not marchers, I heard one onlooker say it's fine as
only saw a massive turnout, but also long as they don't harm us. But there was also
attracted a lot of media attention. another lady who said “We should keep an
eye on these parades, even our children might
How was the parade this year different be one of them!”
from the one last year?
Lots of other minority groups turned out for The parade generated a lot of media
support. For instance, women's rights attention. Do you think most of it was
activists. There was significant celebrity positive?
presence. Also many participants came along Totally positive. Both the print and electronic
with their parents and straight friends who media gave us significant coverage and media
support them. reports were all very sympathetic to our cause.
But don't you think much of the coverage
There were fears that the parade could be was only by the English media?
sabotaged by some right wing groups. I wouldn't say so. I've seen reports in Hindi
Were you nervous? newspapers too about the parades. Though
There were no threats as such. Whenever you they took time to catch up with it, they
take a new initiatives, you have to be eventually did. Their coverage may not be as
cautious. But we were definitely not nervous. positive, but the Hindi media is certainly not
ignoring us any more.
What was the exact turnout?
More than three thousand. Finally, what is your reaction to the
historic Delhi High Court judgement
That's a huge number. Were you expecting declaring homoesexuality legal?
that? It's a historic day, a victory for humanity I'd
We definitely were. Infact had it not been for say. It's a great step forward in the road to
the sweltering heat, more would've come. By ensuring human rights to all. However this is
the time the parade ended, everybody was just the beginning of a long struggle. Our next
drenched in sweat. step would be to try and legalize adoptions by
same sex couples, anti-discrimination laws
and domestic partnerships for gays.

More than
just friends! just an intense friendship. For one thing, we

A nahita Sarabhai discusses gay love

and bonding- in a society that's still not used to
have sex! Unless straight people have redefined
what it means to be platonic, sex is not part of a
friendship. Intense or otherwise. Some people
though, would not consider our physical
same-sex relationships. Also how is a gay relationships to be Being that sex is most often
relationship different from a straight one defined as an act between a man and woman.
anyway? But trust me, those of you out there who adhere
to this definition, you don't know what you're
“… what's it like for you guys? It's talking about!
basically just an intense friendship right??”
What is sex besides a physical embodiment of
Ummm. No. your connection to another person? The most
primal of human instincts, whether it is in the
One of my closest friends asked me this the context of a committed relationship or a one
other night. She is an educated, exposed, night stand, sex is about two people who choose
articulate woman and has been a friend of to express their attraction physically. The object
mine for a long long time. I can safely say she (for those of us who are not bound by religious
is not a homophobe. Why then, would she beliefs here) is the orgasm. The climax. The
assume that my relationship with a woman is intimacy it creates. The bond it symbolizes. So,
just an intense friendship, while hers with a
man, is clearly so much more?

We live in a homosocial nation. Men and


women hold hands in public all the time –with

their friends of the same gender, that is. In
most other countries, this would imply an
inordinate proportion of homosexuals. But in
ours, homosexuality has nothing to do with it.
We hold hands to symbolize our friendship.
We hold hands, to fulfill our human need for
physical affection. One that, as we all know,
we cannot entertain in public with members of
the opposite sex. So it's okay for men to hold
hands with men and women to hold hands with
women, and when it comes to talking about
sex… ah! There's the rub!

Now, when we talk about queer sex, what it

boils down to is a lack of imagination really!
Most people in India do not want to/ cannot
imagine two people of the same gender doing
more than hold hands or hugging. They cannot
picture the potential of sex there – why would
they? When even sex between a man and a
woman is already so 'taboo'?

So in answering my friend's question, let me

try and explain why a queer relationship is not

if all those conditions are met, sex it is. And we
have it. God has given you one face, and you make
yourself another.
So if we have sex. And we have love. And we William Shakespeare
have commitment. What makes our
relationships any different from those our
straight friends have? What is the missing
element in our relationships that have them
classified as 'intense friendships'?

I hope my friend gets her answer here. That she

is able to get past socially defined conventions
about relationships and human connections.
Society can and so very often does limit our
freedom of thought. We do not know why we
believe so many things we think we do. Even
the most educated and open minded of us.
There are no simple solutions to this. Time, is
the best one. Time and the desire to understand
and accept. To ask the questions. And then, Hateful to me as the gates of Hades is that man
once we have asked them, to really listen to the who hides one thing in his heart and speaks
answers. another.

heterosexual-pride day, why do you need a

gay-pride day?" I remember when I was a
kid I'd always ask my mom: "Why don't we
have a Kid's Day? We have a Mother's Day
and a Father's Day, but why don't we have a
Kid's Day?" My mom would always say,
"Every day is Kid's Day." To all those
heterosexuals that bitch about gay pride, I
say the same thing: Every day is
heterosexual-pride day! Can't you people
enjoy your banquet and not piss on those of
us enjoying our crumbs over here in the
Rob Nash

Ask Your
Peer Queer!
Our psychologists and medical professionals importantly, as one needs. I find the only thing
reply to your personal queries on a whole really being discussed in regards to this is the
range of issues… HIV/AIDS precautions, due to its impact on the
( Yo u c a n m a i l y o u r q u e s t i o n s t o community at large. As for us, the women... I
[email protected]) admit, there isn't much at all.

Our health official who will be helping answer

I'm a 21 year old guy and still confused questions such as these says lesbians carry
about my sexuality. I've always been much of the same risk as any other sexually
attracted to boys but also enjoy the active person for unprotected sex. She should
company of girls, and like the cute ones... I take all the precautions one would otherwise. I
wonder if I'm bisexual.. isn't such confusion suggest, as India isn't really up to speed on these
at this age strange? How much time will I issues, that you do some research online.
take to decide?
Here is a link you might want to check out to
If you ask me, it's never too early or too late. begin with, and once on it, put 'safer sex' in the
Everyone has their own way of coming out and search bar and you'll get what you need!
discovering who they are, what they like and
how they want to be. How much time should it
take for one to deice? Well, I can say (at the risk
of sounding ridiculous at first) take your entire Be safe!
lifetime, if necessary!

Don't fall into the trap of labels, categories and I'm gay, age 22, and always keep falling for
definitions. Some of us know exactly what straight guys, sometimes having occasional
category we fall under because we feel a flings with them, but of course they leave me
certain way without any doubt or contradiction in the end for their girlfriends. I'm always left
(just like a majority of our population wouldn't shattered and lonely.
have any doubt being attracted to someone of
the opposite sex), and that's great. As for those Hey, I hear you, and if it's any consolation, you
Peer Queer

of us who don't know exactly what we want, are in very good company!
that's alright too. Don't stress out. Follow your Unfortunately, we all do it. Even when we know
heart, and your gut. If you are attracted to a what lies ahead, we let ourselves get caught in
man, approach him. If you are attracted to a the same situation. And yes, we try and tell
woman, well, approach her too! (just not at the ourselves that this one is different, and he/she
same time if possible!!) really loves me etc. etc…! But the truth is, more
often than not, they leave us anyway!
At the end of the day we all know, its about the
person, not their gender. So relax look at the up So the question is, why? The two most common
side, your dating pool just grew a whole lot reasons I find for this are, 1. Because they are
bigger…! scared about the repercussions of people finding
out, and scared to think they themselves are gay
in fact. Reason 2. (Harsher as it may be) More
I'm a lesbian and would like to know what and more teenagers and young adults are
risks I face from STDs like AIDS looking to experiment when it comes to
exploring their sexuality. It has become a part of
To begin with, I'm really glad you asked this self-discovery and/or a 'cool' thing to do, not to
question. Queer health issues are not as mention that being queer (In India especially at
discussed as one would like and more the moment) carries the appeal of the 'forbidden

fruit'. Either way, there isn't much you can do choose.
about it. It is the individual's choice/ point of
view/ circumstance/ personal issues amongst
other things, and well, you can't control who I'm 22 and recently came out to my mother.
you fall for. So I guess all one can do is, learn She's shattered, to put it mildly. She still
from each mistake and experience, enjoy the thinks it's all just a phase and worried that
times when it's good, be careful with yourself I'll be ostracized by society. She wants me to
and don't give your heart away TOO easily. get into a marriage of convenience with a
lesbian and never tell anyone that I'm gay.
PS. Yes, I know, easier said than done! How do I convince her?

Sounds to me like your mother is just really

I'm 20, and into this relationship since the scared for you, and with good reason.
past 6 months, and already feel the weight of
it. I'm supposed to be 'committed' but find it Here are a couple of things I think you should
now increasingly difficult to remain faithful. do, and I promise they're all tried and tested!
Honestly, I'm getting bored of my boyfriend. Firstly, give her some time to get used to the
But he really loves me and I feel that if this idea of you being gay and knowing it's real. Use
relationship can't work out nothing ever this time to get the 'it's a phase' idea out of her
will. head and express your appreciation and
understanding with regards to her worries.
First of all sweety, lighten up!! For a young From now on regularly remind her of two
fella of your age you sound awfully glum and things; one, how important it is to you that she
despondent! accepts you as your true self and two, how much
you need her support and intend on giving her
Secondly, you're only 20! Don't be too hard on all of yours, when she needs it. (Think about it,
yourself for not wanting commitment. There is she is probably as worried about what the
a long way to go before you need to start implications of this will be on her and her world.
thinking about any kind of long-term That's scary for her too, so tell her you are there
commitment! You have so much to explore and for her at all time and that you wish it didn't
discover about yourself, in more than just this have to be this hard on her.)
aspect of your life, so maybe you should try
and just 'be' for a while. Take a break and a Secondly, once you feel she is more at ease with
breath of fresh air. Spend some time just on the topic at hand begin talking about it to her, in
your own to remember what that feels like too. a matter of fact, conversational kind of way.
What will come of this break, we will see. Make it normal for her, because it is to us. Tell
Maybe you will enjoy and realize you like just her about the various support groups, your gay
'being' for now! Or maybe you will realize how friends, upcoming pride and everything else
Peer Queer

much you have gotten used to your partners that will allow her to realize there is a whole gay
presence, and find that you miss that constant world out there and you are not alone in this
affection and love. Which ever it is, follow fight.
what feels right. If you aren't happy, you won't
be able to make him happy either. So maybe Lastly, get her to see that its not about wanting
spend your 'on break' time to think about what to flaunt your sexuality, but about being
commitment means to you. And of course, allowed to be yourself and happy, openly.
what is it that makes you happy. Commitment About having the same rights as any other
does not ensure happiness. So figure this stuff human being, including the right to choose who
out in order to know yourself. you love. I truly believe that in the end, the thing
most important to our parents is our happiness,
In the short term though, talk to your partner. so let her know that being gay is who you are
You never know, he might be going through the and even if it comes with a fight, happiness and
same thing you are (or will at some point). As love make it worthwhile. If you can get her to
human beings, we tend to be afraid of anything see why you would rather pick living your life
that will confine or constrain us. You just have truthfully and happily, fighting for your
to decide if the relationship is worth the effort freedom and happiness, over living it in the
of dealing with your fears. If it isn't, be honest darkness, unhappily but without struggle, I
with your partner, and allow both of you to get think you guys will be fine!
on with you lives, on whichever path you
Planes and
Parachutes There are two kinds of people in the world- the
Optimist and Pessimist. The best example of

O ne morning when you wake up looking

at some blue colour ceiling and then the whole
Optimists are American Presidents. They still
think that attacking Iraq is an act against
terrorism, finally ending up at the receiving end
of shoe hits (even after those two shoe throws
day you started noticing only blue colour how Bush manages to escape still amazes me
objects like the blue sky or Ocean or even your and he smiled at the end of the press meet.
blue underwear or blue color font labels in g4m. Shameless Bushhhhh!). Best example of
Suddenly the world seems, turned blue. I guess pessimists are Indians- even though they are
it is a kind of colour illusion or colour living in a strong democracy, they
perception a r e s t i l l h y p o c r i t e s .
(physics or psychological graduates
excuse me for my lack of knowledge). Whenever I read postings on g4m forums, I
always feel the same way- why do we criticize
I was trying to do a recap of my last few years, everything, why are we being hypocrites all the
not surprisingly it was all about being gay. I time, why do we think that criticizing someone
lived like a gay, spoke like a gay and even personally is our culture and moral right? I
started dressing like gay. I hardly even spoken remember, when I saw the news about the
to girls, didn't even watch a good romantic Mangalore Pub attack I was horrified and
movie which is heterosexual. I have not even anguished (conservatives please note that I'm
gone to a shop if there are no boys in the neither supporting pub culture nor against it, so
showroom. Though there is nothing wrong in don't come and tell me that I should not go to
living like the way as I'm doing, but being an pubs. If you do that I will threaten that I'll
author I should stand out from the world and commit suicide). I guess that was bit pessimistic
see things beyond my interests. of me. And then the debate along with Ashok
Singhal (BJP leader) and Raghuram (MTV
Colour illusion or Colour Perception are all the Roadies), where Raghu was literally shouting at
same. Seeing things in a different light is the BJP leader, pointing fingers towards him
another name. Arjun is my ex-boyfriend who and asking him who is he to say what lifestyle
changed his mobile number without informing we should choose. Well, that made me feel
me just three weeks after he told me he was better, I was optimistic again. I realized both

deeply in love with me. Lately I have received optimism and pessimism is needed. If Wright
a call from Arjun's old number, I thought Arjun brothers were not optimistic they would not
changed his mind and his number too. So with have invented aeroplanes and then a pessimistic
an excitement and moment of madness (one of scientist came and invented Parachutes.
the weakness of being gay) I took the call, but
suddenly Arjun had turned into a sissy, his Through some of my bad experiences I have
voice was so feminine and there was some taken an oath not to advice people. And once I
music (violin?) displayed in every sentence he became a consultant, advising has become my
uttered. Then I realized it's not Arjun, the guy profession. I can't even give personal advices to
(Faizal) who spoke to me is Arjun's friend and my friends for free. I believe only in India you
he was clueless why he called me. The phone can get advices for free, people who hesitate to
call turned out to be a hilarious one. The guy give water for free will be ready to give free
tried to find out more information about me advices, because they believe that they don't
and what I did with Arjun rather than telling me lose anything by doing that. One of my friends
the purpose of the call or how he got told me that she did a counting on the advices
A r j u n ' s s i m c a r d . that she has given in her whole life and when she
realized how much time she wasted on that, she

decided to quit that habit of hers. She also told in the farthest sight. I heard from our common
me that she now carefully spends advising gay pals that he is extremely virile when on the
time to actually help people. Physical act with them. He also seemed to have settled
objectives like helping a struggling young well with his wife. All was hunky dory with his
man to find a job or buying books for poor life until the day he went in a quest of his true
children. I promised her that I will join her self. It looked like a classic case of familiarity
team and will give my best on the same. My breeding contempt. He suddenly didn't like the
favourite Mother Teresa said helping poor company of his wife. He was impulsive and
people is neither a social service nor a hobby, it repulsive with his kids. “Not that I was in love
is our responsibility and we are duty bound to with a guy” he said “but am just bored of playing
help fellow human beings to the gallery”. Eventually, he ended up with a
divorce for reason that was not homosexuality
Note: but bigamy. He got a friend of his to play the role
Please note that I didn't advice of the “other woman” and staged his way out of
you to stop advising. the marriage. “Why did you marry at the first
place”, I asked him. He replied “I was bisexual”.
I was amazed at his matter-of-factly reply. How
I “was” Bi, I “am” Gay! simple it is to swing both ways and finally

“I had been through the straight path, it
didn't suit me. So here I am, GAY. Cock
sure now! 100% gay.” this conversation with
one's inner self is what many of us engage in.
I have spoken to many people who have
walked the “straight” path to discover
“finally” that they don't belong to that space.
Though scientists have said time and again,
that our genes determine our sexual
orientation, there always a thought lingering
in our minds about “circumstantially
imbibed homosexuality.”

Though, not all Indian parents discuss sex and

sexual preferences at the dinner table, we are
given to believe, consciously and
subconsciously, that we will grow up to have a
happy married life… husband-wife-kids et al. decide which way is yours! “What about the
We accept this without question, without lives of others who are affected by this choice?”

doubt. And this subconsciously plays up all I wondered.

through our lives. The worldview becomes I mulled over this puzzling issue for quite some
our view. And that view aligns itself so very time. I looked for answers outside, whereas
befittingly in our being that it sometimes takes actually, the solutions lied within. I did a
eons to excavate our true self from this thorough introspection of my feelings. (Me- an
complex collage of infused attitudes. out and about gay man) I was drawn to the age
when my older cousin had a fetish for bosoms.
I have a friend; his name is “A” - a man who He used to narrate the sexpisodes with heavily
was “successfully” married to a woman. (How breasted women with utmost passion. Much so,
I gauge success? Well, he has 2 children. And I used to imagine of the woman. This was often
also, the kids look like him. That's stands coupled with some anatomical responses in my
testimony, doesn't it?) “A” had a colorful life. body which result in me adjusting myself to
He enjoyed the best of both worlds. He was a disallow full preview. “Was I straight then?” I
regular at Gay parties and didn't ever reach late wonder. When I turned from boy to man, it was
for the very pampering Karva Chowth. He hip to have a girlfriend. Chasing skirts was an
ambled on parallel lanes… and managed it everyday quotidian for my group of friends. I
efficiently to ensure that both don't meet even followed the troop. Neither did I enjoy what
they did, nor did I enjoy aping them. Passing

comments and discussing orgasms about and
with the opposite sex wasn't something that I
was good at. But still I ended up fooling my
colleagues to believe that I am like them-

It took some time for me to allow my innate

sexuality to emerge undisguised. I started
interacting with my kind- gay men. That
facilitated a greater understanding of the
simple issue of sexual orientation that we
strive to make complex with stiff mindsets.

I pass not a verdict, but express my

understanding… I feel homosexual habits and
homosexuality are two different things. There
is thick distinction between the two. Let's take
an imaginary example, we often hear of
handsome groups of gay hostellers. The
question that dwells in our minds are “did they
become gay after close proximity with other
boys?…”. (What a great coincidence it would
be if they were all gay by birth and met one day
at the hostel!) I presume that hostellers, young
and libidinous, would feel the void for a
woman to satiate their fantasies. Engaging in
homosexual acts with peer and near might just
be a means to quench this thirst. The person
might not be a homosexual, but might be
engaging in homosexual acts. This could be
well termed as “Homosexual Habit” whereas
not the persons innate orientation.

Speaking about sexual orientation, let me take

my own example, my first sexual fantasy was
not about a person from the opposite sex. As
adolescence set in, my hormones naturally
reacted to the sight of handsome hunks. I did
appreciate the beauty of the opposite sex, but
(without mincing words…) bulges appealed to

me and not bosoms.

I have heard the statement myriad times by

people who support gay rights “everyone has
the right to choose to be gay”. The reality is that
“We didn't choose to be gay. We were born this

It takes a lot of courage to take your stand. But

nothing's as fulfilling as being what you are.

There are no bi lanes to gayness. Let us not let

society bi the gay.

Why We Must Change?
view one's same-sex, or opposite sex, if you are
Nuwas Manto gay or straight respectively, as nothing but
sexual objects.
Right after 9/11, Muslims all over the world
started experiencing hatred against their Why change your lifestyle for those hetero-
religion. Of course this Islamophobia is idiots out there, you might ask. And the answer
nothing compared to the gross homophobia is this- Because we need them to cooperate with
prevalent in most Islamic countries. us, and accept us. No matter how proud we are
Westerners find it hard to get over the images of our sexuality, we can't deny the fact that we
of men being stoned to death just because of live in a heterocentrist world, and so we need to
their sexual orientation. From then to now, amalgamate ourselves into their system. For that
Muslim Mullahs have come up with the peace we must change their pre-conceived ideas about
loving verses of Quran, such as 'If you kill one homosexuality and homosexuals. Gays are as
man, you kill the whole humanity.' Some normal as any other person. In fact we are more
reformists have taken a step ahead and even sensitive and humorous that heterosexual men,
concluded that Islam has everything against and we are stronger than a heterosexual woman.
b i - c u r i o s i t y, a n d n o t h i n g a g a i n s t We are gregarious and we know what it feels
homosexuality as long as gays don't harm like to be discriminated against. Thus we
anyone. Yes! The Muslim world is changing. sympathize with the feelings of other minorities.
Gradually, but it is changing. See, we are so special! But how can we transfer
such a message to the other guy, who's straight,
But why am I telling you about Islamic and in whose mind anti-gay religious ideas are
reformation when this magazine is more about inculcated? By changing the way he looks at
Queer lifestyle and health? Because, like homosexuals. He views them as sex-obsessed
Muslims and other groups who are changing to men, who failed at seducing women, and thus
fight against prejudice and unfair treatment turned into sinners whom God is going punish
against them, so must we. No, I am not on the last day of Judgement. Therefore, as a
enjoining you to go through a reformative community, whether in India or in Pakistan or in
therapy! What I am saying is that we must America, we must strive to change this almost
change the negativity entailed by the word true notion of heterosexuals against
'gay' the moment it is spoken to a straight man. homosexuals. We must start practicing
Majority of heterosexuals view homosexuals monogamy to show them that sex is just one

as 'sexually perverted sex freaks', and aspect of sexuality. That we are love spreading
homosexuality as an outcome of not being able angels and need to be loved back. That we can
to have or sustain a sexual relationship with fall in love too, though not with opposite sex.
opposite sex. But can we really blame them? That we have certain self-respect for ourselves.
What do we expect them to believe about us,
when majority of our community is really I know of one gay man and one bisexual one,
filled up with 'sex freaks'? How many both of whom fell in love with straight men.
monogamous gays do we know? How many What did these men do to get their honey's
virgin gays do we know? attention? You got it right. They used their body
to lure them, which any person would do. So
On one hand we proclaim 'homosexuality is what did the heterosexuals do? You are right
beyond the issue of sex' and on the other hand again! They used their bodies and fooled them
we are sleeping around every third same-sex into believing that they loved them. After their
person we can find on the block. What one hunger was satiated, these gay men were thrown
does in one's room is nobody's business. But away heart broken. I am sure, you must have
then we must also concede another fact: sexual come across such stories. Only if these
promiscuity is self-destructive. It makes one homosexual and bisexual men had thought once

before they got into the bed of heterosexual prejudice.''
men, at least out of their self-respect. Thought We can change so many heterosexuals when it
of whether these heterosexuals deserved them. comes to their concerns of homosexuals
Thought of what would they do if they were destroying our societies. Only that we must also
thrown away the way they were. Only if they change ourselves, so as to break down the walls,
had made these heterosexuals wait long before built and cemented with the help of abnormally
they had sex, and then see, if they were sex oriented notions about gays, which act a
emotionally compatible. preclude to them understanding us, and
It's funny how we lament over the issue of believing that we can be as natural and healthy
trying to change homosexuals, through at the towards our society.
same time having sex with the opposite sex, I believe we must change to change them.
since it's all in genes, while we think we can
turn heterosexual men and women,
homosexual. Rather we turn them into anti-
gay bi-curious individuals. So, it's not only
about the conception of homosexuals in the
society any longer, but our individual self

But on the whole, if LGBT society wants to be

considered civilized and decent and be able to
be active, it must act as one. It must embrace
monogamy, to eradicate the tag of 'sex freak'
from the LGBT society. And we can do a lot to
then change the concept of Queer lifestyle
among heterosexuals. Just see what Aisha
Fayyazi Sarwari has to say here about her pre-
conceived notions about gays:

''Raised Muslim, I thought homosexuality was Just a marriage or a political statement too?
a sin. My earliest forum entries still searchable
in Google cache, attest to the highly moral,
electrifyingly, religion-based view on

And here's what she has to say about it after

she had a wonderful openly gay senior in U.S:
''My notions got knocked down just as fast
when I worked as community reporter under
one of the most competent and impressive

men who headed the community relations

department at KRON 4, CNN affiliate station
then in 2003. He was openly gay, often
referring to his partner of 7 years with a smile
on his face. His partner played the orchestra at
Broadway. In the time I worked with him, he
covered every community issue, including the
one about Muslim Imams with as much
conviction as he would others like mounting
crime or local pollution. He never used his
position to overzealously promote his
cause.......Apart from the OTT nude-gay
parades in San Francisco that my poor old
mother once got stuck in when we went off
looking for a Pakistani restaurant, I see no real
damage gay and lesbian people can do to the
world apart from break down the walls of

Coming Out you have questions about your sexual

C oming out to yourself means realizing

and accepting that you're primarily attracted
orientation, or you're trying to come to terms
with your sexual orientation, and you'd like to
talk. Say you've come to them because you
trust them. The more people you can find and
to people the same sex as yourself. This be honest with, the better you'll feel.
'realization' is the first stage of coming out.
Accepting that you are gay or lesbian can take Testing the Water
Coming Out Helpline

With time, we realize that these feelings are You can get a sense of how accepting your
not just a phase and we have to find a way of friends and family are by the things they say, or
accepting them. There is no 'rule of thumb' to don't say, when the subject of homosexuality
say when this point is reached. For some comes up in conversation. You might try to
people it happens as teenagers, for others it bring it up yourself by talking about gay issues
may happen much later on in life. But how do in the news, or currently popular TV programs
you get from recognition to acceptance? It which feature gay or lesbian characters - or the
helps to talk to someone. But who? And what debates over equal rights in partnership and the
do you say? You might want to talk to someone workplace for lesbians and gay men. If your
who understands what this is like. friends' or your family's reactions are positive,
chances are they'll be more accepting of you.
Coming Out 'Confidentially' But keep in mind that it's easier for most people
to accept gay men and lesbians in the abstract;
You might find it helpful to discuss these it's a bit different when it's 'my son' or 'my
questions first with a lesbian and gay helpline daughter' or even 'my best friend'.
or switchboard. All these help lines are staffed
by volunteers familiar with the types of issues Coming Out to Friends
surrounding coming out. There are many such
help lines available in major Indian cities When you're ready to come out to your friends,
today. Your call will be handled with complete you may be lucky enough to have some gay or
confidentiality. There are also many gay, lesbian friends to help you. But heterosexual
lesbian and coming out sites on the World friends can also be good supporters. Choose
Wide Web. carefully as you reveal this fundamental part of
yourself. Many gay people find that the friends
Coming Out to Others they thought would be most supportive were
the first to drop them, while those who seemed
Sometimes people come out if someone asks unlikely allies offered the strongest support.
them directly if they're gay or lesbian. Others Along the way, you might lose a few people
make a point of pulling people aside and whom you thought were friends. But you'll
saying, "There's something I have to tell you." learn many valuable lessons about what the
If you choose the latter option, ask yourself: word friendship means.
"Who's the most open-minded and caring
person I know? And who's the least likely to be Coming Out to Family
shocked, threatened or put off?" Many people
describe how important it was to first tell Sometimes brothers and sisters are a good
someone outside the family. starting point as they are likely to understand
Whoever it is, make sure it's someone you more about being gay or bisexual than older
trust and who you believe to be open minded generations. Make sure you understand why
and supportive. The goal is not to tell for the you are going to tell them. One of the best
sake of telling, but not to hide. Tell that person reasons to come out to your family is to become

closer to them. If you have decided to tell your
family it may be easier to talk to one parent
before the other. You could then ask them for
help to approach the other. There are a number
of typical responses that parents, particularly,
are known to give: "How can you be sure?, I
went through a phase like this at your age," If adjustment is necessary, it should be made
"You'll grow out of it, you haven't tried hard primarily with regard to the position the
enough with the opposite sex," "How can you homosexual occupies in present-day society,
know at your age?" - and so on. (The London and society should more often be treated than
Lesbian and Gay Switchboard)
the homosexual.
Harry Benjamin
Coming Out Helpline

If gay and lesbian people are given civil

rights, then everyone will want them!
Author unknown
As seen on a button

If gays are granted rights, next we'll have to

give rights to prostitutes and to people who
sleep with St. Bernards and to nailbiters.
Anita Bryant

Delhi High Court legalizes homosexuality
TNN, 2 July, New Delhi

I ndia took a giant, albeit belated, step

towards globalisation on Thursday when the
Manohar Joshi, though, came out in opposition,
indicating an emerging left-right divide on the
Delhi high court delivered a historic
judgement to Gay activists celebrate after the Thousands participate in Gay Pride
Delhi High Court decriminalized parades across India
homosexuality by striking down section 377 of TNN
the IPC, outside the court in New Delhi. (PTI 28 June
Photo)amend a 149-year-old colonial-era law Placards with the words 'We demand Repeal of
— Section 377 of the IPC — and decriminalize Section 377' were seen on the famous Marina
private consensual sex between adults of the
same sex. It is the biggest victory yet for gays
rights and a major milestone in the country's
social evolution. India becomes the 127th
country to take the guilt out of homosexuality.
In a judgment that has aroused strong reactions
from religious and political groups, the court
declared that Section 377 IPC, where it
``criminalized consensual sexual acts of adults
in private'', violated fundamental rights to
personal liberty (Article 21 of the
Constitution) and equality (Article 14) and
prohibition of discrimination (Article 15). Pride parade, Chennai

Upholding the petition filed by Naz beach for the first time on Sunday.
Foundation, the court ruled: ``Indian There were about 200 people at the first-ever
constitutional law does not permit the statutory gay pride parade in the Tamil Nadu capital. But
criminal law to be held captive by the popular the number swelled as the march moved on
New Digest

misconceptions of who the LGBTs (lesbians, through the city's streets overturning the
gays, bisexuals and transgenders) are. It perception that Chennai was conservative when
cannot be forgotten that discrimination is it comes to sexuality. Bhuvaneshwar too held its
antithesis of equality and that it is the first Pride rally in which more than 150 people
p a r t i c i p a t e d .
recognition of equality which will foster the
dignity of every individual.''

“There is almost unanimous medical and

psychiatric opinion that homosexuality is not a
disease or a disorder and is just another
expression of human sexuality,'' the court

Political parties seemed divided. The CPM

welcomed the judgement, while Samajwadi
Party said it was totally opposed to it. Both
Congress and BJP sought to buy time in order
to assess the popular opinion — both said they
would have to study the order before
commenting on it. BJP leaders like Murli

More than two thousand LGBT people and
their supporters turned out at the parade in New York marks 40 years of Stonewall
Delhi. Hundreds came out on the streets for riots
the gay pride parade in Bangalore too. NY1
Hundreds more joined members of the gay, 28 June, Manhattan
lesbian, bisexual, transgender and inter-sex
communities, as supporters. Gay pride was on full display along Manhattan's
Fifth Avenue Sunday as hundreds of thousands
In Bangalore, the marchers gathered at the of people celebrated the 40th anniversary of the
National College Grounds around 3 pm and modern gay rights movement.
spent an hour interacting, celebrating in
groups. Hundreds of thousands of people gathered
along Fifth Avenue from Midtown to the West
A group of foreigners also gathered to enjoy Village to cheer on marchers, floats and bands.
the parade with the local flavour. The Organizers of the parade say the fight is still
marchers, dressed in vibrant colours and
wearing exquisite head gear of pink and going on as state lawmakers consider legislation
gold danced to loud thumps of drums and to legalize gay marriage. Governor David
bongos. Paterson, a long-time advocate for gay rights,
served as one of the parade's grand marshals this
In Chennai, the marchers braved the
sweltering heat, united by a desire to year.
influence public opinion in favour of a
more tolerant society. They included City Council Speaker Christine Quinn says she
prominent figures from the community such
as Kalki, a transgender who runs the was hoping this year participants could
Sahodari Foundation and TV chat show celebrate the new law.
host Rose.
"We definitely had high hopes that today would
"While Chennai is generally perceived to be
a conservative society, people here are be maybe the most celebratory parade I'd ever
progressive in their thinking," said participated in and a lot of people had ever
Aniruddhan Vasudevan, a Bharatanatyam participated in. That's clearly not the case. And
artist and member of Shakti Center, a
that's very, very disappointing, there's no two
collective that aims to foster public
New Digest

dialogue on gender and sexuality in ways about that," said Quinn.

Chennai. "I'm hoping that in my time, I get to see them
legalize gay marriage," said one parade goer.
Preparations for the march began a few
months ago when various rights The march began as a gay rights demonstration
organisations came together. The approach in 1970 to commemorate the one-year
of the Tamil Nadu government has anniversary of the Stonewall Riots.
encouraged the organizers.

Open Letter to Mothers of a
gay or lesbian child urges of my physiology, sexuality and

T his is an open letter to mothers who are

not in a good relationship with their gay or
chemistry and do the exact opposite. I want to
be someone who is often beat up, harassed and
usually dismissed as being less than a human
being. I want to be ridiculed and unloved by my
lesbian children: parents and disciplined, sometimes
unmercifully, for being other than what they
had in mind when they created me.” Think
From the blogosphere

My son is gay. I knew that he was gay when I about that for a few seconds. What in the
realized that he had too many good things Universe would be the gain of such actions?
about him to be just one person; I think that he
was two years old. His interests were varied, as
were his abilities. Not only was he more able to If you have been unsupportive of your child
get along with both genders better than most because he or she is gay, you have just plain
adults, but, as he grew up, he was able to been unsupportive of your child. If you have
converse on a multitude of subjects and had angry thoughts or have chastised or
participate in a multitude of activities. Do not punished your child because of their
insert snide remark here. He suffered because homosexuality, you have acted against the very
of who he was. I didn't know it; he was that essence of life. Your child may very well go on
caring to protect me. and thrive anyway. However, it will never be
because of anything positive that you did on
their behalf. It will be in spite of all you have
If you are not on good terms with your gay or done to bring down the very being to whom you
lesbian child, you and your child will miss gave life. My son and his partner, Sam, had their
out…you more than your child. You will not commitment ceremony over a year ago. As the
be let in to his or her world and you will not be most important icing on the wedding cake, they
entrusted with their love. You will not be are now legally married. Sam is so amazing! I
revered, respected or cared about if you do not could not have asked for a better son-in-law!
know what a gift your child is. The fact that he
or she is gay takes away nothing from the
priceless life you brought into the world. It is Every child teaches his or her parents many
another facet of who your child is and another things. They teach us what a true love really is,
piece of the magnificent puzzle that is life. how much of a child we always will be and they
teach us that the world is a wonderful place.

As my father said to my son when my son told

him that he was gay, “Grandson, that means as
much to me as the color of your eyes.” My
father was an incredible man, just like my son.

Homosexuality is not a choice; it is part of a

human's makeup. Do you really believe that
anyone wakes up one day and says to himself
or to herself, “I think that, from now on, I will
conduct myself in a completely different and
largely unacceptable manner. I will make
myself become attracted to someone of my
same sex and I will prefer things that are
confusing to all who love me. I will fight the

They bring hope to the world while
they bring validation to our
existence. They are the children of
the Universe…the future…the
reason to face another day.
Depriving your child of your love,
trust, affection and esteem will
cause you to wither and die an
unfulfilled human; unloved by the
very creature who was meant to
love you unconditionally. Your
days will echo with the laughter
that might have been and you will
look forward to the night because it
brings sleep…and, with sleep,
escape from the light.
From the blogosphere

If you are concerned about what

sexual acts take place behind the
door of privacy, are you so certain
that the acts you perform behind
those doors…or even
elsewhere…are those which you
believe are someone else's business?
If you show scorn to your
homosexual child, or worse, you
have done a crime against nature.
Are you certain that it is wrong for
two people to make love…any two
people…more wrong than two
people bringing fear and pain to
each other? Have you ever been

I hope that I live long enough to see

that marriage between same- have to do is forsake your child.
gender people is accepted in our
culture. There are so many people Do not get me wrong; there is nothing for you to forgive.
who accept hate between people However, there is much for your child to forgive…if you ever
and murder between people. The get the chance and if you ever see the light. And this is the most
old hippie saying of “Make Love, important of all of my…tales from a broad.
Not War” is more blistering a
comment on these times than I Bronson's mother,
would ever have imagined. If you Conny E. Van Dyke
want to lose your connection to the (from the blog Tales from a broad)
Earth and to your time here, all you

In itself, homosexuality is as limiting as Is life not a hundred times too short for us
heterosexuality: the ideal should be to be to stifle ourselves.
capable of loving a woman or a man; either, Friedrich Nietzsche
a human being, without feeling fear,
restraint, or obligation.
Simone de Beauvoir

Homme a la Homo
Aniket Satam

A s we started cherishing the perfect

cardigan for coming fall, the fashion calendar
has already celebrating the homo- iscious
spring 2009. It's going to be fresh and funky.
The metro sexual man is going to make a major
comeback or wait it is the homosexual hysteria
which is on his way to enchant the printemps

Shocking Lego colors will fight with nudes for

the pantone thrown. Classic nautical chic look
will be challenged by the dare to wear funky
dude. The preppy palette gets botoxed with
digital printed jungle. It's boutique out there of
flowers from exotic Hawaiian hibiscus, to
monochrome daises at D&G. The flaura creped
on rich fabrics like satin, micro-knits
amplifying the luxe-quoteint.

The collection looks are another round of

motley of martini hues. Dangerous reds, perfect
match of tangerine and turquoise. The nouveau
combo introduced is the still grey and
butterscotch or say gunpowder with fluorescent
yellow both looks delicious and divine clash of
contrast. The only flesh seen on the model was
the palette of nudes ranging from sand to mocha
with tan and blush.

Styling was the new mantra – must have

accessories can create a mega battle and
divorces this spring. Who says summers are for
hookups, coming spring is all about Closet war.

its all about flaunting your feminine side,

without being pansy.

Who says men on mars don't like pink or say

print. Pucci's existence will be on stake guys.
It's all about flaunting the Venus in your charts,
if you can't be daring to wear a BACKLESS tee,
choose a dolman sleeve satin number.

Get your eyebrows shaped as no oversize

sunglasses to hide the Amazon above your eyes.
Harvest the chest and smoothen the limps to

wear the IT item for the coming season –
perfectly tailored cotton hot pants. Team it Pedicure is must to do or to try activity, as we
with vibrant jersey body flex tees to flaunt the no more hunt with those pointy toe nails.
skinny you. No needs of abs for coming Instead pick up pointy leather boots with
season just work on the calf muscles. vibrant appliqué and hand painted floral motifs.
Even, the Rin supreme white classic shoes are
If hot pants are hot then classic preppy going to come back from fashion cemetery. If
pinstriped pants are mercurial. They can be not then just add a fluorescent lace in your old
dressed up with matching fitted suit with pair of oxfords. If daring enough then choose
slimmer tie. Perfect the look with enamel patent shoes in sorbet colors like strawberry,
brooch or colourful tie pin. Make sure the sunset orange, lime green.
pants have pleats like your dad and if not
stripes try teal blue, grey or anything in the If devil wears Prada then be God in Gucci in the
high tone colour scheme. coming summer!!!!
The alarm is set for battle of the sexes.
The all American cardigan and skinny pants
will make another round but in fresh colours
and abstract prints. Orange will be the next big
thing as per colours are concerned. From burnt
to flaming, almost fluorescent, signature
Hermes to ripped peach. One thing is for sure
which ever tint, tone or shade you wear, you
are about to get more juicy for sure.

Don't be angry if someone calls you Pajama

chhaap, it's in ways a compliment for being a
fashion innovator. Nothing better then being
cool in wearing those drainpipes loose
drawstring pants teamed up with classy tee.
Try tucking in a crisp white shirt with skinny
tie and float in classy sandals to look a beachy

The accessories got a classy twister as the

scarves got a better hold this season on the
macho neck. Tie a knot or wear it loose. Go for
long knitted ones, the summer mufflers are
one magnetic buy for next summer, or start the
trend now. The skinny the waist goes, skinnier
the clincher goes. Try slim belts in white or
silver and make them your daily does of haute-
ness. Tucked in or just to define your workout
schedule. Use it as your weapon to thrill and to
anchor those loose pants on your next summer


The ultimate statement is the XXL Bag. Buy,

steal, fight or kill your fiancé, wife or gal pals
to get the best large bags. Its giant size we
talking about. Bigger the better you thought
now its time for action. Compete and conquer
the battle by buy purchasing the leather
doctors bag in sparkling patent in block hues
or play safe with beige, silver or brown.
Bottega revisited the classic bags well as
Gucci got hipper with fluorescent strap,
almost pop art-esque.

The Boyfriend Mumbai. He is gay who is used to picking up
Author- R. Raja Rao boys from public toilets or some parks or from
local trains. One day he meets a 19 year old dalit
Arijit Chandra boy Milind Mahadik. Some days after this
meeting, Mumbai burns with the infamous
One fine Sunday morning, Yudi (an communal riots of the year 1993. Though Yudi
'Americanized' version of Yudhishtir) meets a never felt sentiments about his previous 'guys',
boy Milind who is half his age while looking he worries about the safety of Milind. He even
for a 'bite' around a public loo at a local train goes on a lookout for Milind but his efforts
station. And from that day onwards Yudi's life remain futile until one day, after some months,
takes a rollercoaster ride of comic-tragic he meets him, working as a peon. After this
events. more trysts take place and they get 'married'.
Meanwhile a neurotic woman named Gauri
The Boyfriend, is a novel by famous Indian comes in the life of Yudi who falls in love with
LGBT writer, poet and activist R. Raj Rao, him and tries to 'straighten' him. Already
who in fact not an unfamiliar name among 'woman-phobic', Yudi does everything to avoid
Indian subcontinent literary circles. He came her advances. Months later Milind again
up with his first novel and first gay novel of disappears and this makes Yudi's life miserable.
India. Already causing a stirring in the Indian Milind appears again and then he gets married,
media with his collection of poems narrating knowing this Yudi, becomes all the more
the short film BomGay in year 1999, this novel obsessive and longs for Milind. Through these
published in 2003 by Penguin India was hard times Gauri helps him to reduce his misery
acclaimed as one of year's finest books. by becoming his friend with a sisterly affection.

The setting of the novel is the heart of Mumbai The ending is quite pragmatic but surprising.
(then Bombay). The events that take place in The story may not strike a chord, still it leaves
the story happen ten years before the book was an indelible effect on the reader. All in all, it is
published. The omnipresent 'invisible' gay fun and easy to read. And with this book the
culture in Mumbai - whether it is the lookout of author has been successful to be in the league of
the public loo, or the weekend hangout in the evolving genre of both Indian English
Testeostone - the only gay bar in the city; or
greasing the palms of police; or the kissing in
the Irani restaurant - this book somehow
familiarizes the readers to the 'closets' and gays.
The story can be treated as a love story with a
happy tryst of two lovers to heart-wrenching
parting with a pragmatically sentimental
ending. However, the writer has managed to
avoid every kind of hanky-panky and come up
with a dry, satirical humor that makes this nove
a fun read. Also the writer's attempts to sketch
the contemporary issues of Indian culture like
caste, class, poverty, illiteracy, slums etc. in
witty, irreverent humor are worthy of praise. R.
Raj Rao compares untouchability with
homosexuality, when one of his protagonists
Yudi (who is Brahmin by caste) says to dalit

boy Milind " "Homos are no different from

Bhangis. Both are Untouchables. I am a
homosexual. Gay by caste. Gay by religion."
"Outcastes" he says, "can only expect to be
friends with outcastes." "

The storyline goes like this. Yudi or

Yudhishthir who is in his 40s is a freelance
journalist, lives in the suburbs of Nalla Sopara,

A Married Woman to hear the reactions at the kitty parties where
Author – Manju Kapoor the book might be discussed.

Mallika Sarabhai

Astha is the urban middle class everywoman.

Pretty, parents in the government in Delhi,
dreams of love and romance and a family,
parents dreams of a house of their own, the
occasional heart flutter during college. Then
marriage. He seems nicer than most, more
attentive, more considerate. Then babies and
in laws. Then the boredom - at being only baby
sitter and sex partner, at the beck and call of a
mother in law. Astha is encouraged to take on a
teaching job to "time pass" but gets deeply
involved in it, running the school paper,
mentoring young girls. Till theater activist
Aijaaz lights a candle in her heart, one that
leads to an active engagement with the Babri
Masjid issue. The docile wife's mind awakens
and a feminist is about to be born, one who
wants to make a difference, one who wants to
stand up to be counted. Aijaaz's sudden
murder by a band of Hindutva hooligans, the
entire theater group charred in their van as
they try to perform for peace shatters Astha.
Over time her marriage crumbles and she gets
close to Aijaaz's unconventional wife Pippee.
Love blossoms again, or is it comfort ? The
two women find themselves in a soul warming
relationship where, after the initial reluctances
Astha finds herself obsessively involved. Her Maurice
career as a painter blossoms with the love, Author – E M Forster
driving a further wedge with her husband and
family. The inevitable choice arises - to live Kishore Kumar
with her true love Pippee or to continue the
subterfuge of being in a marriage. She chooses In the beginning there was Maurice. Before
the latter, unable to give up her children or to Brokeback, before Tales of the City and before
bring them into an unconventional lesbian Stonewall. When most of the western world
r e l a t i o n s h i p . could only speak of homosexuality in hushed
tones, Edward Morgan Forster, author of A
Few novels in India have taken the through Passage to India, sat down to write Maurice in
route with bisexuality. More have hinted at the 1913, though he did not allow its publication in
yearning. In reality, how many women, if all his lifetime.
taboos were excised, like a relatively
unpressured relationship with anther woman? Maurice is a story of love, bravery and rebellion,

How many even know of the possibility? Is the woven intricately in a time when England was
lure in the understanding that a woman very harsh to “acts of gross indecency” between
provides another woman, the comfort, the adult men. It is the story of a young man and his
need to talk, to hug rather than always have sex sexual and emotional awakening, experienced
etc? The kind that one saw in Fire? Or is it through his love for Clive, his Cambridge friend,
genetically programmed? and later Alec, the gamekeeper on Clive's estate.
The novel is, besides, a condemnation of a
Manju Kapur tells an averagely interesting pretentious and repressive British society.
tale but does well to bring the topic out in the
open for a general public. I would be interested

The novel begins with 14-year old Maurice to go to give him a send-off, but doesn't find
Hall having a talk with his prep-school teacher, Alec on the ship. Panicking, he goes back to the
who deems it his duty to tell the young lad boathouse at Penge where the two lovers were
about marriage and sex. However, at the end of supposed to meet, and finds Alec there. Alec
the discussion, Maurice feels cheated and intends to stay with Maurice, telling him that
thinks, “Liar, coward, he's told me nothing.” they “shan't be parted no more.”
He does not see himself adopting his teacher's
description of an adult life with marriage with Before the close of the novel, Maurice visits
a woman at its centre. Clive one last time and tells him of his plans for
his future with Alec, and then disappears into
Maurice grows up to be a curious, insightful the woods to join him. The novel ends with a
and brave young man. 'To ascend, to stretch a confused Clive, unable to understand, trying to
hand up to the mountainside until a hand devise a lie to tell his wife Anne.
catches it, was the end for which he had been Maurice is a novel written when it was still
born.' When he goes to college, he soon makes possible to live away from civilisation, in the
friends with fellow student Clive Durham, “greenwood.” And Maurice and Alec rebelled
with whom he enters into a committed and against society only to the extent that they
deeply loving relationship, however chaste abandoned it. A contrast can be drawn between
and non-consummate. Though it is clear that what Maurice wanted, and what the LGBT
Maurice looks forward to more than a platonic movements today envisage. We don't ask for
relationship, it is also clear that Clive's freedom to run away and live in the greenwood
predisposition to falling into well established today; we ask for social acceptance and equality.
social roles will never make it possible. We dream of a world where sexuality does not
matter, where stories would be told about gay
Disappointed and hurt by Clive's rejection, love without reference to homophobia or social
Maurice seeks psychiatric help with a certain and familial acceptance – and these stories
Dr Barry, who cannot even comprehend would be true.
Maurice's situation. This scene exposes the
emotional limitations and helplessness of
society, especially in matters relating to
homosexuality. Later, a hypnotist labels
Maurice's condition as “congenital
homosexuality” and claims to be able to cure
50% of his patients suffering from it. After
Maurice's first appointment with him,
however, he realises that the endeavour was in
vain. The hypnotist doubts if England will
ever accept homosexuality, saying “England
has always been disinclined to accept human

Maurice then meets Alec Scudder, the

gamekeeper at Penge, Clive's estate. The
physical intimacy that Clive denied is what
brings Maurice and Alec together. After their
first night together, Maurice is sceptical of his
position and tries to keep Alec at arm's length.

As a result, Alec writes a letter of blackmail to

Maurice, threatening to expose his

Alec and Maurice later meet at the British

Museum, and in a moving scene, realise that
they are both in love with each other. Alec
however had already decided to go away to
Argentina to start a new life away from Penge.
Though resentful of this fact, Maurice decides

LGBT Literature: Why Bother?
Kishore Kumar
his heroes is based on the fact that they

I n The Symposium, Plato discussed love as

motivating the search for the forms, as a
are all homosexuals. . . Since Kafka
spent his entire lifetime deliberately
concealing his homosexuality, it is not at
all surprising that there are relatively
philosophical and spiritual exercise. This few overt references to homosexuality in
book is considered one of the foundations of his personal letters, diaries, notebooks,
western civilisation. More than two thousand or in his creative works . . . Kafka shares
years after Plato, Walt Whitman wrote his with his fellow deviants their most
Leaves of Grass, which was hailed as the distinctive trait: their simultaneous
definitive work of early American poetry. need to conceal themselves and to
When his employer read the book, he sacked exhibit themselves.
Whitman for being “the author of an obscene
book” because it had some explicitly Today's gay literature contains explicitly gay
homosexual content. content, but it is important to understand that it
took an awful lot of time and a plethora of social
Homosexuals have existed in all societies at changes to bring about this shift. Bayard
all points in history. And almost every literate Taylor's Joseph and his friend: a story of
society has had homosexual literature, or what Pennsylvania (1870) is widely considered
is now called LGBT writing, in its repertoire – America's first gay novel, while E M Forster's
whether published openly in its books and Maurice (1914) was England's first.
magazines, or passed secretly from hand to
hand, or “hidden in a hundred desk drawers.” But why does any of this matter? Why is the
It has even been said that many or most of the identification and study of LGBT literature
authors who have recreated modern writing important? Because gay literature mirrors gay
were gay, or Irish, or Jewish - Melville, history and, more or less faithfully, records gay
Whitman, Hopkins, James, Yeats, Kafka, life in its time in its social context. Because as
Woolf, Joyce, Stein, Beckett, Mann, Proust, gay readers and writers become more visible
Gide, Firbank, Lorca, Cocteau, Auden, Forster, and confident, and gay politics more settled and
Cavafy. And if we looked carefully, we can serious, gay history becomes a vital element in
find enough traces or even direct evidence in gay identity.
the works of Shakespeare and Marlowe and In dealing with homosexuality, we need to

Bacon, to declare them too part of the gay understand the relationship of the homosexual
tradition. A thin but clear line that runs through to society at large, and the reciprocal
western literature.

The gamut of gay literature ranges from the

portrayal of dark protagonists who elude
comprehension and inspire fear and confusion,
to the beautiful sonnets of Shakespeare and
poetry of Whitman. In fact, most of the LGBT
literature of the past is contained in stories and
novels with a deep homosexual undercurrent
that can be dissected out on careful study. For
example, Ruth Tiefenbrun writes of Kafka,

It is only when one reads the totality of

Kafka's writings that it becomes
apparent that the predicament of all
E. M. Forster
relationship. This assumes paramount
importance because being gay comes with a lot
of social baggage. Any treatment of the gay On a more personal scale, gay fiction,
woman or man that does not consider this especially gay teen fiction as we call it today,
would be incomplete. Since LGBT literature, plays a role in the development of a healthy
as does literature of any genre for that matter, perception of self and sexuality, and of a strong
reflects upon the mores of a society at a given gay identity. Exposure to such fiction helps
time, studying it would give us insights into the adolescents overcome feelings of shame and
various social constructs that the homosexual guilt which can otherwise lead to serious
has had to live through, through the ages. This psychiatric problems often culminating in self
in turn would give us a clear knowledge of the denial and even suicide. However, it is
evolution of gay culture and lifestyle, and gay unfortunate that such works of literature are
identity. simply not available in India, owing to
whatever reasons, leaving these feelings of
Within literature too, there are several shame to fester and adversely affecting the
questions that we are tempted to ask. Why quality of lives of millions of gay people in the
didn't Thomas Mann come out? Why didn't country.
Forster publish Maurice in 1914, when he
All this aside, studying gay literature has a
much greater personal importance. All other
communities who were oppressed in their
history – Jewish people, say, or African
Americans – have every opportunity to work
out the implications of their oppression in their
early lives. They hear the stories; they have the
books around them. Gay people, on the other
hand, grow up alone; there is no history. There
are no ballads about the wrongs of the past, the
martyrs are all forgotten. Thus the discovery of
a history and a heritage has to be made by each
individual as part of the road to freedom, or at
least knowledge.

This would be the goal of these columns – to

bring to the fore stories from literature,
Franz Kafka discussing great men and women who wrote of
homosexuality, openly or behind a veil, from
wrote it? Why didn't the American critic F.O.
different countries and in various languages.
Matthiessen write a history of gay American
And these columns will be written for a varied
writing? How come critics didn't realise that
audience, straight and gay – for those
Forster was gay? And why are gay lives

comfortable, or struggling, with the reality of

presented as tragic in so much writing? Why
sexual diversity in a country that is just waking
can't gay writers give gay men happy endings,
up to it.
as Jane Austen gave heterosexuals? Why is gay
life often presented as darkly sensational?
These, and other questions, both in literature
and in history, merit a careful consideration,
though real answers may not be in sight.

Just as the social conditions of an age shape its

literature, literature has an inverse relationship
to society. It can be a catalyst in bringing about
social change and can play an active part in
deciding what a community deems acceptable
and what, deplorable. In other words,
alongside mass media, it enjoys the privilege of
generating public opinion.

Milk Karan Sood

historically precise, moving as a good fiction

" I know that you can't live on hope alone, but

without it, life is not worth living. And you, and

Though it's unflinching in its depiction of

homosexual affection, the marvel of the movie
you, and you, and you have got to give them is the dexterity with which it excels the
hope.” quoted Harvey Milk, giving his "Hope specificity of its characters and gay theme to be
Speech" at the 1978 San Francisco Gay a universal human statement and profound
Freedom Day. political epic. Though it couldn't make for the
Best motion picture of the year, Van Gust well
Based on the tagline: His life changed history. established his personal life on the political
His courage changed lives; Milk is an ground, making it a flawless movie. Even
American biographical film on the life of gay Screenwriter Dustin Lance Black pulls off
rights activist and politician Harvey Milk, who something very close to magic, leading Milk to
was the first openly gay man to be elected to the Oscar for Best Writing and Screenplay 2008
public office in the United States of America as .
a member of the San Francisco Board of Penn goes deep and soulful in a highly
Supervisors. Made brilliantly under the ingratiating performance that's the one to beat
direction of Gus Van Sant and written by for the Best Actor Oscar. Penn inimitably
Dustin Lance Black, the film stars Sean Penn brought Milk alive as a vital and highly relevant
as Milk. It is a movie worth watching gripping figure, not just a political abstraction or any gay
every scene with humor, desires, hope, love activist. Josh Brolin, being nominated for Best
and political provocation. Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role
(Oscar), lived his character wonderfully. Even
The film use flashbacks from a statement James Franco and Emile Hirsch have done an
recorded late in life and archival footage for excellent job in the film.
atmosphere, tracing Harvey Milk's career from
his 40th birthday to his death. He leaves the Milk received widespread acclaim from film
closet, opens a camera shop that becomes the critics. Rotten Tomatoes reported that 93% of
salon for San Francisco's growing gay critics gave the film a positive review, based on
community, and organizes gays' purchasing a sample of 209, with an average score of 8.0/10.
power to build political alliances. He runs for Winning two Oscars, for the categories Best
office with lover Scott Smith as his campaign actor and best screenplay, it was nominated for
manager. Victory finally comes on the same six other. In addition, it won another 33 awards
day Dan White wins in the city's conservative and was nominated for around 44 categories.

district. The film flows so gracefully, making it

I can't Think Straight
Priya Ganoo
Even as you see the promos of 'I can't think As the wedding draws closer Tala is forced to
straight', you know you'll have to watch this rethink her wedding to Hani and eventually
movie come what may. Personally for me, breaks the wedding.
after seeing the film it has been difficult to
This is not the end of the story though. Tala must
keep myself from watching it over and over
cross and break all barriers to be with Leyla who
on the other hand comes out to her parents and
The movie is based on the novel of the same
name penned by Director Shamim Sarif
The cinematography is brilliant and captures the
herself. The story revolves around Tala (Lisa
aesthetic appeal of London and Jordan perfectly.
'hot' Ray) and Leyla (an irresistibly amazing
The background score is not too loud and yet
Sheetal Seth). As her parents make grand
just fits in well with the setting of the film. Lisa
wedding preparations for Tala's wedding in
Ray plays her part with ease and Sheetal Seth
Jordan, she encounters a clumsy, demure,
undoubtedly can make you fall in love with a
sensitive Leyla who secretly works to become
not-so-perfect Leyla. The chemistry between
a writer in London. But Leyla is dating Tala's
these two is the highlight of the film.
best friend Ali. However as sparks fly and love
blossoms between the two, Tala realizes her All in all, the film is a must watch for all those
own sense of duty and amidst much heartbreak who like films that are feel-good with a nice
flies back to Jordon leaving Leyla shattered. story, good cast and eye-candy.

Before night Falls Arijit Chandra
" My name for the moment is nomination for an Academy Award for best
Reinaldo Arenas. I am an exiled actor. Among other supporting casts, cameo of
Cuban writer. I live in New York City. Johnny Depp (in dual roles) as drag queen
I write and I survive. I am not Bon-Bon who helps Arenas to smuggle his
religious, I am homosexual and at the writings out of prison and Lieutenant Victor
same time anti-Castro. I meet all the overseeing the prison, have been quite a
conditions of never publishing a showcase of Depp's versatile acting. Olivier
single novel. " Martinez who played as Lazaro has also been
effective in his short role.
-- Reinaldo Arenas
With the slight feel of a documentary (and
Based on the memoir published indeed, showing some archival footages), this
posthumously, Before Night Falls is a film is sometimes unpleasant because of its
biographical film of Cuban poet and stark realism. Nevertheless, it is a thought-
writer Reinaldo Arenas. However the provoking, poignant drama and yet a beautiful
screenplay is based on several of example of real cinema. Overall it is a worth
Arenas' other works like Singing watch.
F r o m t h e We l l a n d T h e
In an episodic way of narrated events,
this film shows the pheasant
childhood and impoverished youth
of the poet, an ardent celebrant of the
revolution ( "Long Live Fidel! Viva
Fidel!"), and later conflict with the
Castro regime due to his writing and
h o m o s e x u a l i t y, s u b s e q u e n t
imprisonment and exile to New York
City in 1980, followed by Arenas'
struggle with AIDS and eventual
suicide (aged forty seven) in 1990.

Directed by artist-director Julian

Schnabel who is the master of
portraying biographies of artists on
the silver screen, this second film of
his is nonetheless an example of his
excellence like his other works. His
cinema is like poetry on silver screen.

With beautiful cinematography and

editing, the director has successfully
presented Reinaldo's life and work in
a graceful manner.

Javier Bardem who has played

Reinaldo Arenas has undoubtedly
done a wonderful job. He looks like
he has absorbed each nuance of the
poet's life, and in the same way he has
executed his skills, and thus this
Spanish actor went on to receive a

Mahesh Dattani Niladri Chatterjee

E xcept for Vijay Tendulkar's Marathi play

Mitra's Story (1982), which is regarded as the
relentless assault on Indian patriarchy. He
struck his first blow by empowering women
characters in his debut play Where There's a
first Indian play with a lesbian protagonist, Will (1988). In a line rich with queer suggestion,
there was not much queer presence on the a mistress says of her benefactor, "He saw in me
Indian stage until Mahesh Dattani's English- a woman who would father him." In his next
language play Bravely Fought the Queen play, tellingly titled Dance Like a Man (1989)--
(1991). Since then Dattani has written eight turned into a film of the same name in 2003,
screenplays and twelve other plays; one of directed by Pamela Rooks--queer presence is
these screenplays and four of the plays feature signaled when a male Bharatnatyam dancer's
at least one gay character. His recurrent father hints at a dance instructor's non-
depictions of homosexual characters make normative sexuality by commenting on the
him an important figure in South Asian gay latter's long hair and style of walking.
culture. Gender also holds center stage in his next play
Tara (1990) before yielding some discreet but
Dattani was born on August 7, 1958 in significant space to sexuality in Bravely Fought
Bangalore, where his parents settled, although the Queen. This play, about two brothers trying
they are from Gujarat and have also lived in to run an advertising agency, is the first
Mumbai. His education was at a Christian example of a male character vocalizing, if not
institution, Baldwin's High School, where the
language of instruction was English. He
graduated in History, Economics, and Political
Science and has a postgraduate degree in
Marketing and Advertising Management.

While growing up Dattani learned the classical

south-Indian dance of Bharatnatyam, which A still from Mango Soufflé
subsequently helped him to develop skills in
managing space on stage. It was not until he
finished school and watched some Gujarati performing, his homosexuality on the Indian
and Kannada theater that he identified his stage.
calling. However, at the time he was a
copywriter at an advertising agency. In the play, Nitin Trivedi is apparently happily
For a brief period he worked in his father's married to Alka, but is uncontrollably attracted
business before forming his theater group, to men. The first instance of his homosexual
Playpen, in 1984. Initially they performed expression occurs during his narration of an
Greek tragedy and modern classics, under incident. Nitin's brother Jatin had once knocked
Dattani's direction. He often acted in his own over a parked rickshaw because he was drunk

productions. and had lost control of his car. Nitin was with his
Dattani's entire opus may be seen as a brother when it happened. Remembering the
incident Nitin relishes his own description of
the rickshaw driver as "violent-looking" and
remembers his "strong black arm."

Although it is not stated explicitly, the audience

is given to understand that Nitin subsequently
begins to enjoy the rickshaw driver's sexual
services, meeting him either at the office in the
absence of Jatin or at home in the absence of his
wife. The play ends with a monologue by Nitin
in which he says that before marriage he was

sexually involved with a young man named Whether or not Night Queen (1999), published
Praful, who had convinced Nitin to marry his in Yaraana--an anthology of Indian gay
sister Alka by lying to Nitin that she knew writing--was written before or after Muggy
about their homosexual relationship and that Night, it covers almost the same area as the
she did not mind. previous play. But Night Queen is a one-act
play and has only two characters: Raghu and
Gay presence in Dattani's work increases with Ash, two young men who pick each other up in
the play Do the Needful (1997). Written for a park and come to Raghu's home for sex. Ash is
BBC Radio 4, the plot centers on the to be engaged to Raghu's sister Gayatri the
negotiations for an arranged marriage following day and is not aware that Raghu has
between Alpesh, a Gujarati man, and Lata, a already recognized him as Gayatri's soon-to-be
Kannada (i.e., belonging to the south-Indian fiancé.
state of Karnataka) woman. As the play
progresses it is revealed that the woman is not In another play written for BBC, Seven Steps
agreeable to the marriage because she loves around the Fire (1999), Dattani focuses on the
Salim, a Muslim man, while the prospective plight of the hijra (or transsexual) community
groom is in love with a man named Trilok. by fashioning a plot that involves the killing of
Although she tells Alpesh about her love for a hijra because she was having a relationship
another man, Alpesh keeps quiet about his with a government minister's son. Representing
homosexual relationship. the hijra community on stage further adds to
the spectrum of queer characters created by
Alpesh's homosexuality is revealed to Lata Dattani and underlines his abiding interest in
when she surprises him and the gardener of non-normative, marginalized sexualities.
her family having sex in the cowshed, just as
she is about to run away to Salim. At first In 1998 Dattani became the first playwright in
horrified, she subsequently decides that the English to be awarded India's most prestigious
best way to deal with the situation is to marry literary prize, the Sahitya Akademi Award.
Alpesh, so that they can lead separate sexual Bestowed on him for a collection of his plays,
lives yet keep up the appearance of a happy Final Solutions and Other Plays, the citation
couple: a common compromise in a society described his work as "a brilliant contribution
that has criminalized non-procreative sex to Indian drama in English."
since 1862!
Dattani has repeatedly used what may be called
On a Muggy Night in Mumbai (1998)-- the split-stage technique, which involves
subsequently turned into the film Mango dividing the stage into two halves or two levels,
Soufflé (2002), which Dattani directed from one beside or above the other. Then he gives
his own screenplay--places homosexuality at lines to characters in the two spaces in such a
its centre. It is not inaccurate to suggest that way that there is constant intercutting between
all of Dattani's previous work leads up to this the two actions. This not only makes for a
play: from concerns with gender, to a hint of tighter narrative but also a richer visual effect.
homosexuality, to its partial presence, to a
complete engagement with it. Of the eight The technique can also be interpreted as
characters in this play, five are gay men and Dattani's way of signaling that in India, as
one is a lesbian. elsewhere in the world, multiple realities co-
exist, resolutely and cheek-by-jowl, but that

The plot hinges on Kamlesh's trying to hide often only one reality--the heteronormative and
from his sister Kiran the fact that he was in a patriarchal--is visible. Dattani's plays are a
relationship with the man she is about to sustained effort at highlighting the otherwise
marry. The play samples a wide range of male invisible by situating it where it belongs--
homosexual presence in Indian society. alongside the visible normative reality.
Kamlesh is a well-adjusted, straight-acting (glbtq arts)
gay man. His ex-boyfriend Sharad is
intelligent and campy. Ed is in denial and is
about to enter into a heterosexual marriage
after having an affair with his fiancée's
brother, Kamlesh. Bunny is a celebrity and in
the closet.

Queer AS Folk Niket
Melanie (Micelle Clunie ), Tough, brassy and

T here is a old Northern England saying

“there's nowt as queer as folk” aka "there's
sexy, this no-nonsense wife to Lindsay, mother
of Gus and new mother to Jenny has taken her
ambitions to a new level. Though strenuous and
trying at times, she lives up to each challenge
nothing as strange as people". This was the and shows all that this woman is made. Another
inspiration for Queer as Folk a 1999 British main character, Ben (Robert Gant) was added in
television series that chronicles the lives of the second season Ben is HIV-positive,
three gay men living in Manchester's gay dedicated lover to Michael and father to Hunter
village around Canal Street. More popularly has built the kind of life he's always wanted.
known by the American remake of the British With his brain matching his brawn, this gentle
series, Queer As Folk 2 or simply Queer As Buddhist won't let his life, love and happiness
Folk the American version follows the lives of stay in turmoil for long. Nobody's going to take
a group of gay men and women living in away his American dream. Then there is Vic
Pittsburgh who, like anyone, are focused on Grassi (Jack Wetherall) Michael's uncle who
their relationships, careers, loves and lives with Debbie and is HIV Positive too. He
ambitions. The series is a realistic, funny and recovered from a lengthy stay in the hospital
sometimes graphic portrayal of a minority prior to the beginning of the series and took a
community living in present-day society. trip to Italy with Debbie, not knowing that he
would live to see the bills from this trip start
showing up. James Montgomery aka Hunter
The show is about a gaggle of gay pals - ad Bruckner-Novotny (Harris Allan) a former
exec Brian (Gale Harold), an out, amoral, Hustler who was adopted by Michael and Ben
cheeky slut who's the adored leader of this as their son. Hunter is HIV Positive due to his
social circle; Michael (Hal Sparks), a meek, past as a street hustler who`s having a hard time
half in the closet gay man and out of the closet adjusting to being positive & having a family.
comic book geek; Emmett (Peter Paige), a
flamboyant chatterbox ; Ted Smith (Scott The series revolves around Babylon, a gay
Lowell) once wallflower accountant takes a dance club jam-packed with Abercrombie &
turn for the worse and ends up seeing the dark Fitch models seven nights a week, and visitors
side of a drug-laced misadventure. Having are quickly lost in a sea of techno wizardry and
woken up to see his life and love destroyed, glistening, half-clothed bodies. Most amazing

Ted takes it one day at a time. Fighting for his is the club's backroom, where the crème de la
health and struggling to rebuild former bonds. crème of the club's pretty boys disrobe and
Justin (Randy Harrison), a 17 year old who's screw one another until they can barely stand.
just discovering his sexuality, courtesy of the This is hardly like most clubs, gay or straight,
29 year old Brian. Debbie (Sharon Gless) but Babylon is what this show is all about: glitz,
Michael`s mother colourful and exuberant chaos, good looks, and jealousy on the dance
with her kitsch-covered flare, She is fiercely floor and Liberty Avenue which is city's gay
protective of her son , enamoured at becoming village. With its many Pubs Night Clubs &
a Grandmother to baby Jenny and totally in Dinners all catering to the city`s gay crowd.
love with Detective Horvath. Her boundless The first episode finds the four friends at
loyalty and motherly instincts also extend to a Babylon at 1.00 am with Michael narrating
family of friends. Lindsay (Thea Gill) “The thing you need to know is it's all about
gorgeous blonde is a wife, a mother, and a sex....”. Brian picks up and has sex with Justin,
loyal friend to many. Lindsay is a determined who falls in love with him and eventually
woman who is often the quiet force. She's up to becomes more than a one-night-stand. Brian
all challenges and reveling in the glory while also becomes a father that night, bearing a son
healing the rifts between old friends. and with Lindsay through artificial insemination.

Michael's seemingly unrequited love for Brian transitory break-up. Brian's new advertising
fuels the story, which he occasionally narrates agency, Kinnetik, becomes highly successful
in voice-over. Justin's coming out and budding both through a combination of Brian's
relationship with Brian has unexpected effects customer loyalty and his edgier advertising. As
on Brian and Michael's lives. Justin confides in a result of this, Brian is able to purchase Club
his straight high-school friend Daphne, while Babylon from its bankrupt owner.
struggling to deal with homophobic
classmates and his dismayed, divorcing In the fifth and final season the boys have
parents, Craig and Jennifer. Later in the second
season Justin and Michael co-create the
sexually explicit underground comic "Rage",
featuring a "Gay Crusader" superhero based on

Brian's son Gus, being raised by Lindsay and

Melanie, becomes the focus of several
episodes as issues of parental rights come to
the fore. Ted is Melanie's accountant who once
harboured a longstanding crush on Michael.
He and Emmett begin as best friends, but
briefly become lovers later in the series. Their
relationship ends as Ted, unemployed and with
a criminal record earned from running a
legitimate porn website that was targeted by a
Chief of Police running for Mayor, becomes
addicted to crystal meth. In the fourth season,
Brian, who has lost his job by assisting Justin
in opposing an anti-gay political client, starts
his own agency. Michael marries Ben
Bruckner, an HIV-positive college professor
and the couple adopts a teenage son, James
"Hunter" Montgomery, who is also HIV-
positive as a result of his experiences as a become men, and the series, perhaps more
young hustler. comfortable in its role in gay entertainment,
tackles political issues head-on and with much
more fervour.
Ted's affair with a handsome crystal meth
addict, Blake Wyzecki, sets the pattern for
Ted's later tragic but ultimately redeeming A political campaign called "Proposition 14" is

experiences with drug addiction. depicted during much of the final season as a
looming threat to the main characters. This
proposition, like so many real-life recent
Melanie and Lindsay's relationship, while on legislative moves that have affected many U.S.
the surface seeming more of a "stable" states, threatens to outlaw same-sex marriage,
relationship, is actually quite tumultuous and adoption and other family civil rights. The many
controversial. Each cheats on the other at ways in which such a proposition would affect
various points in the series; both tackle on a the characters are depicted through nearly every
threesome shortly after they marry and become episode. Debbie, Justin, Jennifer, Daphne,
separated for much of the 4th and 5th seasons. Emmett, Ted, Michael, Ben, Lindsay, Melanie
Melanie is impregnated by Michael (through and the children are depicted standing up and
artificial insemination, as Lindsay was) in the fighting against this proposition both by active
third season, so that best friends Brian and canvassing, political contributions and other
Michael become co-fathers to Lindsay and democratic processes, but are met with staunch
Melanie's children. Melanie gives birth to a opposition, discrimination, outright hatred and
girl, Jenny Rebecca, over whom Melanie, political setbacks.
Lindsay, and Michael have a brief legal
custody battle following the women's

The show climaxes near the end of the
series when a benefit to support
opposition to Proposition 14 hosted at
Brian's club Babylon (after repeated
relocations of the benefit, due to
discrimination) is attacked by a bomb
that initially kills 4, and eventually
another 3 and injures 67.

This horrible event sets the

bittersweet tone for the final three
episodes, in which Brian, frightened
by this third possible loss of Justin,
finally declares his love for him. The
two even plan to marry, but Justin's
artistic abilities get noticed by a New
York art critic and the two decide, for
the time being at least, in favor of a
more realistic approach to a stormy
relationship that nevertheless works
for their characters. Melanie and
Lindsay, realizing they have more in
common than they don't, resume their
relationship but relocate to Canada to
"raise (their children) in an
environment where they will not be
called names, singled out for
discrimination, or ever have to fear for
their life."

Emmett becomes a Queer-Eye type

TV presenter but is later fired when
professional football player Drew
Boyd kisses him on the news. Ted
confronts his midlife crisis head-on
and finally reunites with Blake.
Hunter returns and the Novotny-
Bruckner family perseveres.

The series came full circle with the

final scenes staged in the newly re-
built Babylon nightclub. In the final
scene, Brian dances to Heather
Small's "Proud," a song that Isn't it a violation of the Georgia sodomy law for the
accompanied a pivotal scene between Supreme Court to have its head up its ass?
Brian and Michael in the very first Letter to Playboy magazine, February 1987
episode of the series. It ends with a
final narration by Michael:
"So the "thumpa thumpa" continues.
It always will. No matter what
happens. No matter who's president.
As our lady of Disco, the divine Miss
Gloria Gaynor has always sung to us:
We will survive."

Colouring the World Queer :
Delmas Howe
amazing goings-on,” according to Howe. “It

D elmas Howe has described his

Stations: A Gay Passion as both a celebration
was a passionate experience for the men who
participated, where we celebrated our new-
found freedom after Stonewall. Unfortunately,
it was a celebration that started and ended
and a memorial. With titles like The Stripping, within a decade because AIDS intervened.
The Flagellation, and Veronica's Kiss, the Most of the men I knew from those days are all
eighteen paintings in the series clearly refer to dead now.”
the Christian Stations of the Cross—“but only
loosely,” Howe told me in one interview about
the paintings. “I'm not portraying Christ or It wasn't just friends who died, though. “In
his passion. I'm portraying our own gay 1990, my partner Mackenzie Pope became
passion that has centered for so long now very sick,” Howe said. “There was a gay
around the disaster known as AIDS.” doctor in Truth or Consequences who had
trained in the AIDS wing of a large New York
hospital, and the local public health nurse was
Set in the 1970s and early 1980s on the gay sex very helpful. But at the time there was no
piers of New York City's Greenwich Village, supportive network for people with AIDS in
the series not only portrays the celebration by southern New Mexico, so we had a struggle
gay men of their sexuality at the height of the caring for Mackenzie until he died in 1993.
“gay liberation” movement, but also
memorializes the many gay men lost to AIDS “I was amazed at the grief I felt,” Howe
in the decades that have followed. In Howe's continued. “I didn't know how intense an
own words: “The sex piers are gone now. But emotion it is, or how it makes you so
the paintings are intended to evoke a conscious of the moment. The loss of
conglomeration of feelings: the celebration of Mackenzie, the loss of so many friends.” He
sexuality and the male body that the sex piers knew he wanted to commemorate all the
represented, the thrill of all that sex so openly losses in his art, but it wasn't until a few years
available at the time, and of course the grief later that the idea for Stations emerged.
that has followed with AIDS.”

Howe speaks from a personal knowledge of

both the sex piers and AIDS. Although a native
of Truth or Consequences, New Mexico—a
small town located in the southern part of the
state that's known mainly for its distinctive
name, which it adopted in the early 1950s at
the urging of a well-known television show of
the era looking for a way to promote its image
nationally—he lived in New York from the
early 1960s until the late 1970s, when he
moved back west first to Texas, then to his
hometown so he could care for his aging

parents. In New York, he studied at both the

School of Visual Arts and the Art Students
League and began his art career, but he was no
stranger to the sex piers once they became a
prominent part of the city's gay male life.
“Those piers were the scene of some pretty Study for Veronica's kiss

The Triumph suffused through much Christian art and
“I went on an extended tour of Europe,” Howe hagiography. And some of his most recent work,
explained, “a kind of pilgrimage, studying a series of cowboy angels, hints at a heaven
first-hand many of its art masterpieces. I where the main criterion for entrance, in regard
visited church after church after church, and to men at any rate, seems to be an impressive
found that Christian art, when you really pay pectoral development and washboard stomach.
attention to it, is amazing for its homoerotic
content, much of it S&M homoerotic art. The Because of this erotic slant, Howe's work has
passion and crucifixion of Christ, the often been marginalized as “queer art” of
martyrs—all that tortured flesh, a lot of it male, interest mainly to gay men, and because of what
just cascading down from every direction. It might be called its figurative realism, it has
occurred to me that I'd come across that in my sometimes been dismissed as a throwback to a
life in New York, in the S&M scene with its kind of second-rate academic art. Figurative
costumes and role-playing. Sometime after though it may be, however, his art is hardly
that, I was in New York again, and made academic, and much of its apparent realism is
another pilgrimage through the old gay haunts more in the eyes of the beholder than in the
that are now mostly gone—the piers, the paintings themselves. Take a close look at the
trucks, the bars of Greenwich Village. That's work, and live with it for a while. Howe's art has
when it all came together. I decided to do a a way of entering your psyche and molding it in
Gay Passion, set on the sex piers, new ways. A close encounter with his Rodeo
commemorating the tens of thousands of Pantheon—which preceded the “gay cowboy”
wonderful, attractive, intelligent men wiped movie Brokeback Mountain by well over a
out because they were celebrating their decade—subverts a tired genre of American
sexuality. I also decided to use S&M imagery painting in a way that may well permanently
to emphasize the torture that AIDS has caused change the way you think about cowboys and
the whole gay community.” rodeos. The subdued colors of the Stations
series perfectly capture a sexuality as stripped
Anyone familiar with Howe's art knows that of its romantic trappings as it was in the
much of it embodies an erotic intensity which obsessive pursuit of sex by many gay men
speaks to the heart of contemporary gay male during the 1970s. The grays, the blacks, the
sensibility. The male physique is not his only leather masks and whips also foreshadow a
artistic interest, but the sexual vitality of the world in which every sexual act becomes a
men he does portray—whether naked or tortured signifier of possible illness and death.
clothed—is never in question. His Rodeo
Pantheon series, for example, recasts In an introductory essay to Rodeo Pantheon, a
American cowboy art in terms of an 1993 monograph on Howe's series published by
underlying homoerotic content that would Éditions Aubrey Walter, British photographer
have scandalized Frederic Remington. His and art historian Edward Lucie-Smith wrote
Stations series, as already noted, points that Howe's art “belongs to a new species of
directly to the homoerotic S&M motifs polemical avant-garde art.” It's not hard to see
why. Like feminist art, or work by racial and
ethnic minority artists, it demands that the
viewer take a step back from accepted social
and intellectual assumptions and view the
world from a different perspective. There's
nothing particularly innovative in the materials
or method of Howe's art: no stuffed Angora
goats with tires around their middles à la Robert
Rauschenberg or dead tiger sharks floating in
tanks of preservative fluid à la Damien Hirst, no

revisions of photographic images via silkscreen

or other media à la Andy Warhol. But given
time and a viewing eye open to new ways of
perceiving, his always painterly art can work its
own kind of magic and color the world
vibrantly queer. (Journal of LLGAF)

When in… Delhi!
L et's get this out of the way upfront:
Delhi is definitely not the outest and
proudest metropolis in the world. When it
comes to exhibiting signs of gay life,
Bollywood-infused Mumbai has a coyly
exposed (and gorgeously bejeweled) leg up
on India's 17 million-strong capital.

Although homosexual acts are culturally

taboo (your taxi driver will ask about “your
wife” multiple times) and officially outlawed
(India's Section 377 makes Proposition 8
look like a parking restriction), Delhi's
ordinarily undercover LGBT community THE GROOVE
held its first gay pride parade last June and Pegs 'n' Pints
its second annual gay film festival in August. Chanakya Lane, Chanakyapuri
A swiftly rising middle class is pushing 21st- (behind Akbar Bhawan), New Delhi; +91-11-
century Delhi forward in all the realms we 2687-8320
love -- fashion, art, media, technology, Delhi's queer chameleons get karma points for
gastronomy -- amid a sprawling cityscape coming out of the closet on this Tuesday-only
that includes 10th-century Hindu temples, gay night (the only regular public gay venue
16th-century Islamic palaces, early-20th- outside the city's cruisy parks). MTV India
century Raj monuments, and what will soon and Bollywood showstoppers play on a
be South Asia's largest shopping mall. loungy level overlooking the small dance floor.

Delhi's most delicious shopping secrets, THE DRINK

however, can still be found in the Olive Beach
labyrinthine Chandni Chowk market in Old Hotel Diplomat, 9 Sardar Patel Marg,
Delhi, where crowded stalls sell everything Chanakyapuri, New Delhi; +91-11-4604-0404
from hand-carved Shiva statues and deep- Brush shoulders with Bollywood hopefuls and
scented vetiver oils to gaudy silk pashminas foreign ambassadors (and their rakish
and pungent spices. Meanwhile, in New offspring) at this whitewashed Mediterranean
Delhi, once-derelict Connaught Place is in bar-restaurant in Delhi's diplomatic enclave. It
the midst of renewal, with trendy shops, also boasts a killer wine list (a Delhi rarity).
restaurants, and cafés cropping up in the Raj-
era shopping arcades that encircle an airy Rick's
new subway station. All of this is sufficient The Taj Mahal Hotel, 1 Mansingh Road, New
salve for any angst that may arise upon Delhi; +91-11-2302-6162
discovering there's just one gay bar in Locals and expats alike converge on this
town...and it's only open on Tuesday night. centrally located hotel bar for its posh vibe
Of course, you didn't travel all the way to and imperiously mixed cocktails -- try the
India for another drink with the gays. Did guava berry martini. Even if you're not staying
you? at the hotel, the five-star service staff will
make you feel like a distinguished guest --
STREET GUIDE before hailing you a taxi.

THE BITE Market is Ogaan, a trendy clothier stocking
Veda big-name Indian designers.
H-27 Outer Circle, Connaught Place, New
Delhi; +91-11-4151-3940 Hauz Khas Village
Together at last: techno music and South Delhi; head south on Sri Aurobindo
(mascarpone-stuffed) tandoori chicken! A Marg
lavishly decorated nouvelle curry house, Set amid several domed Muslim tombs, the
Veda (an acronym for Very Exotic Dining narrow medieval streets of Hauz Khas village,
Ambiance) is the brainchild (or perhaps home to India's National Institute of Fashion
drug-induced hallucination) of hard-partying Technology, teem with trendsetting shops,
Indian fashion designer Rohit Bal. The fried restaurants, and galleries. Additional suitcase
okra and yam dumplings are mmm, mmm alert: Stock up on vegetable-dyed, block-
good. printed tunics, saris, bedspreads, and
tablecloths at one of the many textile stores
Karim's here.(Out Traveler)
Jama Masjid, Gali Kababian, Old Delhi; +91-
After bazaar-hopping in Old Delhi's Chandni
Chowk market, ardent materialists can
unload piddling pocket change at this
inexpensive roadside dhaba (eatery) that
serves some of the most reliable Mughlai
(northern Indian) cuisine in the city.
It always seemed to me a bit pointless to
disapprove of homosexuality. It's like
disapproving of rain.
The Imperial
Francis Maude
Janpath (near Connaught Place), New Delhi;
Live like a modern-day maharajah at this
five-star 1931 landmark mixing classic
Victorian, Raj-era, and Art Deco design with
a museum-worthy collection of colonial art.
Even the most basic rooms feature marble
baths, Fragonard products, Wi-Fi, and D.
Porthault linens. Don't forget to throw back a

gin and tonic in the clubby 1911 Bar.

Aman New Delhi

Lodhi Road, New Delhi; +91-11-4363-3335
After building its reputation on über-luxe,
off-the-path resort hideaways, Aman opened
its second city hotel—this 39-room modern-
Moghul palace boasting private plunge pools
and terraces (at least in some of the
suites)—in February. Built around a tranquil
courtyard, it's hard to fathom the buzzing city
on the other side of the walls. the horses.
Daphne Fielding
THE THREADS The Duchess of Jermyn Street
Delhi Cloth House
66-B Khan Market, New Delhi; +91-11-
India's answer to Savile Row, this sartorial
sanctuary is an essential stop for demanding
dandies who want bespoke tailoring at
recession-proof prices (get an enviable new
suit for as little as $100). Also in Khan

Apphia K.
Greetings vary in each culture, region, tribe
and tradition. Something that most of us have
Acknowledging divine qualities in another,
namaste makes us aware of these very
overlooked is the simple way that we were characteristics residing within our own self.
taught to greet each other. Simply put, namaste means “The God in me
greets the God in you.” In other words, it
recognizes the equality of all, and pays honor to
Namaste is not our casual 'hey, what's up?' It is the sacredness of all.
not a simple, Hello, Good morning or Hi.
Bonjour, Hola, Shalom are different ways of
greeting people, but coming back to our roots, Translated into a bodily act, namaste is rich in
Namaste is a greeting used by so many people symbolism. The proper performance of
all over the world and not only by Indians. It is namaste requires that we blend the five fingers
not only a salutation, but also an expression of of the left hand exactly with the fingers of the
spirituality right hand. The significance behind this simple
act governs the entire gamut of our active life.
The five fingers of the left hand represent the
When saluted to another person, Namaste is five senses of karma, and those of the right hand
accompanied by a slight bow, pressing hands the five organs of knowledge. Thus, it signifies
together, and palms touching with fingers that our karma or action must be in harmony,
pointing upwards in front of the heart. The and governed by rightful knowledge,
gesture, done by itself, without words carries prompting us to think and act correctly.
with it the same meaning.
By combining the five fingers of each hand, a
total of ten is achieved. The number ten is a
Sacred Tidings

There are many versions to what the phrase symbol of perfection, and the mystical number
Namaste literally means. Here's a few- of completion and unity.
The word nama is split into two, na and ma. Na
signifies negation and ma represents mine. The gesture of namaste is unique in the sense
The meaning is therefore “not mine.” The that its physical performance is accompanied
significance of this is the implication that the by a verbal utterance of the word “namaste.”
individual soul belongs entirely to the This practice is equivalent to the chanting of a
Supreme soul, which is identified as residing mantra. The resonance of the sacred sound
in the individual towards whom the namaste is “namaste” is believed to have a quasi-magical
directed. There is nothing that the soul can value, corresponding to a creative energy
claim as its own. Namaste is thus the rejection change. This transformation is that of aligning
of “I” and the associated phenomena of oneself in harmony with the vibration of the
egotism. cosmos itself, a magical mystical feat indeed!
The next time someone greets you with a smile
The action of namaste unfolds itself at three and a namaste, know that they greet you with
levels: mental, physical and verbal. It starts their soul. With honor and respect, return their
with a mental submission. This submission greeting.
implies a total surrender of the self. By Till next time, in peace
performing namaste before an individual we
recognize the divine spark in him.

Fiction : Short Stories
I don't have anything to wear!
Arijeet shower. After a hurried shave and shower, you
come out and spray copious amounts of deo
When was the last time you stood in front of on your body. You then stand in front of the
your cupboard and discovered to your utter mirror in probably a towel (sometimes
horror that you've nothing nice or suitable to nothing) and begin to think, oh fuck, age is
wear for the evening. I guess this is perhaps showing on my love handles, and if by any
the single most common horrifying incident chance you spot a gray hair, you're finished!
that presents itself to us after a zit decides to But then you think, I can always have those
magically appear on your 'glowing' face on annoying gray hairs coloured. Oh why didn't I
the day you are supposed to go out on that get them coloured. Damnit! Since you are still
long awaited date or an absolutely delicious undecided about what to wear you do a 'Eeny
cyber mate turns out to be an over 40 Meeny Miney Moe' and pick up a shirt from
something balding moustached uncle dying the cupboard, wear it and then decide 'Nah!
to get into your sack! this one is not good enough'. You fling it on
the bed which already has a mountain of
You may have an absolutely gorgeous clothes piled up on it. Then you pick another
ensemble of top of the line shirts, tees, one and then another before settling for a final
trousers, cargoes and jeans but then it's just one which is a wrinkle free light blue shirt
never enough for that date in which you with faint dark blue stripes and think to
decide to tell him about your love for him. yourself, Yeah, this one looks good! I hope he
You start off by trying out one tee after likes it as well. And then wryly smile, the
another, something in sky blue or baby pink clothes are anyway not going to stay on long
thinking to yourself that blue would make enough!
you look cool and pink would make you look
cute! And then to your disbelief you discover You take the tube of gel and apply it on your
that there's a bright red tee staring at you wet hair for that wet look. You wash your
from the shelf which has HOT written all lenses and then inevitably drop them. You
over it! You're left utterly confused. desperately search for them and find them in
one unreachable corner of the loo. You wash
Suddenly by divine intervention, it dawns them again and by the time you finish wearing
upon you that sporting a casual look would them your cell phone starts howling! Uff!
probably send signals to your date that you're Who in the world is it? You rush out and see
casual (read careless) about everything. So, that it's your date calling.
you start finding the perfect formal shirt that
would go with the evening. White is always Your date: "Where are you? I am on my way."
in and so is black but unfortunately, you You (trying to cover up the delay): "Oh, I am
wore them before in your first two meetings on my way too. Will be there on time."
and you don't want to seem repetitive with Your date: "Ok, see ya there."

clothes. You skim through your cupboard

with a frantic pace and then you suddenly As you finish, you realize that there's no way
realize that you're running late already! that you can reach on time unless they invent
time travel. So you decide - Ok, let's move it
And then you see yourself in the mirror. Oh before it's too late. You take the car keys, lock
my god! I haven't shaved. I haven't had my the door and rush downstairs in the lift. Rush
bath yet. Where's the CK that I bought? to the car, start it and navigate your way
Where's is the goddamned sexy Jockey that through one narrow lane after another to avoid
he likes? Where are my lenses? Where in the traffic snarls and then finally you reach the
world is my deo? So without wasting a plush restaurant. As you park your car off the
single moment you decide to rush into the kerb, you see your date standing there looking

as gorgeous as ever and smiling at you. You
kill the engine and get out of the car and
walk towards him. You suddenly see his face
turning crimson and as you go nearer to him,
you feel that he is certainly uncomfortable
with something in you. You start thinking - It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves,
Hmmm....everything seems Ok to me! Why and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.
is he staring at me like that? Agnes Repplier
You finally reach him and are about to give
him a hug when he pushes you away and
says - "Where are your pants?"

It's a helluva start, being able to recognize

what makes you happy.
Lucille Ball

I've wondered what my sexuality might be, but

I've never wondered whether it was acceptable
or not. Anyway, who really cares whether I'm
gay or straight?"
George Michael
To Britain's Big Issue magazine

It's hard enough to be taken seriously in the

struggle for gay rights without having a bunch
of straight girls running around kissing each
other to get the attention of boys and
M. Robin D'Antan

Enchant of Love- Part I
seven-day to Goa. I requested dad to buy me
Mohan Bhargava some good Tees and jeans so that I would feel
Prologue comfortable in the hot and humid weather of
It was second year of engineering. The third
semester had just got over. I had a fifteen-day
vacation. When I reached after a prolonged, The School Boys
strenuous, energy-sucking thirty six hours
journey back home, I found out that my It was the end of January when we commenced
parents were planning a trip to Maharashtra & our tour. We hired a car from Bhusawal, to see
Goa. Exuberance unloaded inside me and Ajanta & Ellora followed by Aurangabad.
began to surface on my face.
I felt as if Aurangabad was a medieval city. We
“Co' on dad, you never told me about this!” visited the Daulatabad fort, where I had to go up
straight, around 200 – 300 steps, in order to
“Take that as a surprise!” Dad said. reach the top and get an aerial view of the
picturesque old city. A series of secret, quizzical,
“But dad, I haven't got decent clothes!” subterranean passages lie coiled like a python
amidst the fort, I was getting scared at times as I
“Nothing to worry, you have plenty out here, had to go all alone, since my dad and mom
here's your time to utilize 'em.” preferred to stay back in the car. Upon seeing the
height of the ancient structure their interest level
I looked at my mom, meaningfully, as I knew had degraded all of a sudden. The Fort itself lies
she would definitely help me in choosing the in the body of an isolated hill; the steep hill sides
right ones for the trip. at the base falling so sharply to the moat that no
hostile troops could scale the height. But given
I have been visiting places with parents since the enthusiasm and positive energy of guys of
I was a child. The very first place of visit was my age, the uphill task was cheerfully accepted.
South India, when I was in the second
standard. I still remember how vexed I used I would have perceived some earthly pleasures
to get when people enquired back, “So, are as I thought I would be influenced and
you in KG -Two?” whenever I used to tell maneuvered by the existence of other physical
them that I studied in class two. I would retort (or virtual) entities around myself. Indeed I
back, making a funny face, “No! Standard could see decent guys in considerable numbers,
two!” People used to giggle at such a cute and in order to make everything look usual I
expression from a kid. avoided prolonging a stare at anyone. There was
a group of boys, from some local school, who
We would normally move out once in four were all dressed in school uniforms. I tried

years as the LTA provided by dad's office was a following this group discreetly. From their
World Cup occurrence. So, I could boast of conversations I found out they must have been
seeing almost every state in India. The studying in plus two. There were three guys in
enthusiasm to visit new places came entirely that bunch who were genuinely handsome with
from mom. Dad, though he had some inertia, well built bodies and broad shoulders.
could be convinced (or rather overpowered)
and hence the propositions were always I always fantasized guys having spatial hair on
accepted after a thorough feasibility analysis! their body, chest & legs, that makes them more
masculine with a radiance of deep, pure and
I decided to extend my vacation by another five fresh touch of irreverence, and I was very happy
days. I would be sick for those days (of course that most of these guys had that facet.
on paper). This was done so that we could get a
very pleasant and uninterrupted stay in Goa. 61
We planned our itinerary and allotted a straight
There are small alleys inside the fort and Ramu had a charming physique; he had a mole
hence are pretty constrained in terms of on his upper lip. I noticed the way his skin had
passage space for a group of people passing become lighter beneath his second shirt button.
through them. They had to jostle and help each He had a wheatish complexion. As I saw his
other in this way, making room for the next armpit while he was climbing up a rock by
step. So, the perverted soul in me tried to reap holding my hand (once again!), I found that the
an advantage out of this, but, I was disallowed lush outgrowth was quite satisfactory. This
that privilege by their guide. He was taking added to the masculine aura that he carried. I
care that no body could listen to his voice other could sniff a faint smell of some soup mixed with
than that group, and he was taking them far sweat when I tried getting close to him. It was
away from everybody else. So, what I would enticing to watch the way his hair had coiled near
do was, to show an unintentional urge to get in his ears, and the sparse hair on his chest, which
touch with those school students. It just was partially visible.
happened that I stroked up a small
conversation with one from that trio. I didn't I knew I wouldn't be able to initiate anything of
have to initiate it, that boy named Ramu was interest with him or the other two, as they were in
having problems climbing a step due to poor a group, and it would be really weird to even look
visibility; I just gave him my hand as a gesture for chances. The pleasure I had derived while
of support. being with those guys was something I would
have to take back out of the day's visit. Somehow
“Thank you, Sir,” Ramu said. my mind was not able to perceive this as I still
tried looking out for avenues for seclusion of any
“No problem,” I said, and then added “By the one of them from that group at some nook of the
way I am just few years older than you, no mysterious fort. But, I couldn't anyway discover
need to call me Sir. any remote possibility of such a thing happening.

He smiled back. I reciprocated as well. I had a Happily, I was rewarded by at least a glimpse of
chance to get a closer look at him later as we their beauty, when two guys went for an open air
walked down into a bright passage. disposal of their body liquid. I positioned
favorably in order to get a fair view of Ramu and
“So, which standard do you study in?” I was his friend. He had a nice organ, it was semi-erect
afraid to lose the track. then, around four inches, I just imagined the
potential it had to elongate, and I would have just
“Class twelve, this is a short trip organized by preferred the elasticity to be the maximum.
our class,” he replied.
We finally came to the thirty-meter high Chand
“I can see only boys; don't you have girls in Minar (Tower). It has three circular galleries, and
your class?” I tried acting straight; just in looks beautiful. Dusk was setting up, and in the
order to get involved in a chit chat with this partial darkness I watched the trio for the last
boy, who was moving near to the other two. time and waved them goodbye. My heart became
a bit heavy thinking that I would never ever see
“Our's is not a co-educational school, we don't them again. But then I thought, a considerable
have any girls' school even nearby!” he portion of trip was still in contention, so I would
frowned. rather have the opportunity of watching even
better guys, in Goa and may be in Mumbai too.

“That must be boring for you boys.” I winked.

Ramu and his friend chuckled. We didn't need We left Aurangabad the next day morning for
an introduction to proceed with the Pune, reached there in about four hours, and
conversation further. shifted to a hotel. The following day we had seen
certain prominent places in Pune like Raja
I chanced snick peeks at Ramu as we kept on Kelkar Museum, Parvati Hill and temple,
communicating. In fact it was I who would ask Shanivar Wada, and Aga Khan Palace.
them a lot of questions. Savoring & relishing
the frame constructed out of mind-boggling (To be continued…)
entities was my favorite pastime. I wouldn't at
all lose that convenience there as well.

He; Aham
He, the embodiment of beauty; the fairest of fair; whom Buonarroti would have
treasured beyond measure; whose form alone is capable of building almighty
empires; who, unadorned and austere, surpasses all models of masculine
His hair a lush growth on his scalp, nature's boast of abundance; of the darkest of
blacks, the colour of night in the deepest rainforests; the long locks worn in an
artfulness putting to shame many a human creation;
His skin a lesson in colour and beauty; of a smooth fairness – the colour of gold
married to cream – a gift of a shade to an artist, a feast to the eyes; mellow to
touch, the definition of velvet;
His brow vast and lustrous; his temples with their royal slant a beauty manifest and
subtle at once;
His eyes a piercing black, clear and satisfied, mirrors of a guiltless conscience;
open wide in authority; with the tranquillity of moonbeams reflected on a calm
His nose sculpted into perfection; straight in its length and rounded at the tip, a
shape of exotic homeliness;
His cheekbones high with a princely elegance; chiselled out by The Maker with
the splendour of antiquity;
His lips an impossible clash of sensuality and warmth; of the colour of ripe
pomegranates, and as succulent; curved in such pleasing a shape that in all,
resisting is but impossible;
His smile an exercise of the universe in clarity and joy, soothing the heart and
filling it with delight; the perfect expression for joys eternal and ephemeral; His
stubble an innocent, gentle, primal celebration of masculinity; mischief and
certainty blend into an air of perfect manliness as it curls around his parted lips;
His face thus one that Olympus couldn't possess; in its glory almost divine; its
features clearer than any mascara could define; a seraphic visage fairer than
Adonis, that would have an admirer dream of it for nights;
His long neck a classical beauty, fair and high, with the teasing hint of an Adam's
apple; the nape handsome with its fuzz, where an amorous hand may pass around
in ardour;
His shoulders broad and enduring, where a worthy head may rest in love and

His arms strong and curved in a raw and virile beauty; imposing in their power and
fairness; suggestive in shape, their sheer strength almost seductive; perfect to wrap
around when winter creeps in from under the sheets;
His hands finely sculpted and well skilled; firm in grasp; his fingers carved in
elegance masterful; his touch warm and intense, his handclasp an enviable

His august chest a sermon in sculpture and splendour; accentuated by the fuzz
of hair, sparse but rightly distributed; the pinnacle of manly allure painted in
the best of colours in the right places; its curves a beauty so inviting it takes a
Himalayan effort not to give in;
His abdomen and its shape a marvel; its black curls arranged to lure; his waist
shaped in precision, well demarcated to guide to treasures beauteous and vital;
His thighs the end of all human endeavour; shaped in consummate luxury –
strong, aesthetic, delightful – and designed to support empires;
His fragrance an overwhelming aphrodisiac; of summer gardens and winter
fireplaces; bewitching the senses and benumbing the mind, capable of tempting
saints; exquisitely overawing, a priceless gift to him that shall lay in his arms in
His voice a rich baritone, the zenith of nature's designs to communicate, to call,
to create; commanding, complying, tender; melodious as the greatest notes ever
His demeanour that of a commander of time, for whom centuries lay in waiting;
head upright, not a care in the world; certainty in state and purpose in stride;
flamboyant among friends and spirited in conversation; imposing in stature,
magnetic in persona;

He; whose person is designed for every conceivable delight, in fragrant gardens
on moonlit nights; endowed with the strengths to direct histories and move
oceans; to be the companion of another of equally incomparable merits, in
spirit and in body, eternally.

Jesse Helms and Newt Gingrich were shaking hands congratulating


themselves on the introduction of an antigay bill in Congress. If it

passes, they won't be able to shake hands, because it will then be
illegal for a prick to touch an asshole.
Judy Carte

What a drag it is getting old... ***

When I went to the bar tonight, I noticed this Three friends -- two straight guys and a gay guy
old boy about 75-80 years sitting all alone in -- and their significant others were on a cruise. A
the corner and he was crying over his tidal wave came up and swamped the ship; they
cocktail. all drowned, and next thing you know, they're
standing before St. Peter.
I stopped and asked him what was wrong.
First came one of the straight guys and his wife.
He said: "I have a 22 year old lover at home. St. Peter shook his head sadly. "I can't let you in.
I met him a month or so ago, right here in You loved money too much. You loved it so
this very bar!" He continued; "He makes love much, you even married a woman named
to me every morning and then he makes me Penny."
pancakes, sausage, fresh fruit and freshly
ground, brewed coffee." Then came the second straight guy. "Sorry, can't
let you in, either. You loved food too much. You
loved to eat so much, you even married a
woman named Candy!"

The gay guy turned to his boyfriend and

whispered nervously, "It doesn't look good,


There was this man who walked into a bar and

says to the bartender 10 shots of whiskey.

The bartender asks, "What's the matter?"

The man says, "I found out my brother is gay

I said: "Well, then why are you crying?" and marrying my best friend."

He said: "He makes me homemade soup for The next day the same man comes in and orders
lunch and my favorite brownies and then he 12 shots of whiskey.
makes love to me half the afternoon."
The bartenders asks, "What's wrong this time?"
I said: "Well, so why are you crying?"
The man says, "I found out that my son is gay."
He said: "For dinner he makes me a gourmet
meal with wine and my favorite dessert and The next day the same man comes in the bar and
then he makes love to me until 2:00 am." orders 15 shots of whiskey.

I said: "Well, for goodness sakes! Why in the Then the bartender asks, "Doesn't anyone in
world would you be CRYING!" your family like women?"

And he said: "I CAN'T REMEMBER The man looks up and says, "Apparently my
WHERE I LIVE!" wife does."


Gay Delhi Sunday Socials

A weekly social gathering for gay and
bisexual men. For more information on
venues and timings and to know about other
gay events in Delhi, join the GayDelhi email
list by sending a blank email togaydelhi-
[email protected]

The Delhi Frontrunners and Walkers Labels are for filing. Labels are for clothing.
Sunday Labels are not for people.
A weekly running/walking club for Delhi's Martina Navratilova
LGBTI people. For more details email
[email protected]


Gay Bombay Sunday Meet

Sun, 6:00 pm
JATC (Just Around the Corner) Bandra
West. Entry free. For more details, visit the
GayBombay website.

Has the situation in India on LGBT issues changed

positively over the past two years?

Vote Share




Yes-68% Total Votes:

Total 205221
No- 22%
Can't Say- 10%
Naz Dost Helpline for gay men.
Monday to Saturday 1-7 pm
The Naz Foundation also hosts weekly
meetings and support groups for men.
Call for details (011-2981-2287)
Lesbianism has always seemed to me an
Sangini Helpline extremely inventive response to a shortage of men,
but otherwise not worth the trouble.
Tuesday noon 3 pm, Friday 6-8 pm
Nora Ephron
Sangini provides confidential advice for
women who are attracted to women. Heartburn, 1983
Call for details (011-6567-6450)

ICWO Lesbian helpline (Chennai)

Monday – Friday 9.00 AM to 6.00 PM
A dedicated helpline for Lesbians by the
ICWO (Indian community welfare
organization) in association with Action Aid
Call for details(044-6551-5742)

TARSHI Helpline
Monday-Wednesday 10 am-4 pm
Confidential and anonymous counseling and
referrals on sexuality, sexual and
reproductive health and rights issues.
Call for details (011-2437-2229)

Let my lusts be my ruin, then, since all else is a

Alternative Law Forum
fake and a mockery.
Mon- Fri, 9:30 am- 6:30 pm Hart Crane
The forum provides legal services related to
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender
122/4, Infantry Road, Bengaluru

Lawyers' Collective
Mon-Fri, 9am – 6pm
This collective works on issues related to
discrimination on grounds of HIV and AIDS

First floor, 4A- MAH Road, Tasker Town,

Shivajinagar, Bengaluru

Sat 3:30- 6:30 pm, Sun 11:30 am – 6:30 pm
LESBIT is an organization that offers
counseling for lesbians and the transgender
Call for details (99452-31493)

"The only queer people are those who don't love anybody." ~Rita
Mae Brown

"The fact that we are all human beings is infinitely more important than all the peculiarities that
distinguish humans from one another."
~Simone de Beauvoir (1908--1986)

"When I was in the military they gave me a medal for killing two men and a discharge for loving
~From the tombstone of a gay Vietnam veteran

"Soldiers who are not afraid of guns, bombs, capture, torture or death say they are afraid of
homosexuals. Clearly we should not be used as soldiers; we should be used as weapons."
~Letter to the editor, The Advocate

"If love is the answer, could you rephrase the question?"

~Lily Tomlin

"Why is it that, as a culture, we are more comfortable seeing two men holding guns than holding
~Ernest Gaines

"Drag is when a man wears everything a lesbian won't."


"I am reminded of a colleague who reiterated 'all my homosexual patients are quite sick' - to which
Queer Quotes

I finally replied 'so are all my heterosexual patients'."

~Ernest van den Haag, psychotherapist

"My mother took me to a psychiatrist when I was fifteen because she thought I was a latent
homosexual. There was nothing latent about it."
~Amanda Bearse

"The closet is an awful place to die.


"One should no more deplore homosexuality than left-handedness."

~Towards a Quaker View of Sex, 1964


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