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(Positron emission tomography)

PET scans cost $3,000 to $6,000; much higher than regular CT scans.

(Computed tomography Scan )
CT Scan costs range from $1,200 to $3,200; they usually cost less than MRIs (about half the price of MRI). Usually completed within 5 minutes. Actual scan time usually less than 30 seconds. Therefore, CT is less sensitive to patient movement than MRI. Despite being small, CT can pose the risk of irradiation. Painless, noninvasive. The effective radiation dose from CT ranges from 2 to 10 mSv, which is about the same as the average person receives from background radiation in 3 to 5 years. Usually, CT is not recommended for pregnant women or children unless absolutely necessary. CT can outline bone inside the body very accurately.

Time taken for Usually takes 2 to 4 hours complete scan: Effects on the body: Radiation exposure:
Radiation risk from the injection of a radioactive tracer is about the same as an X-ray Moderate to high radiation

Scope of application:

PET scans can image biological processes within the body.

Comparison of CT Scan and MRI


CT SCAN (Computed tomography Scan ) Suited for bone injuries, Lung and Chest imaging, cancer detection. Widely used in Emergency Room patient. X-ray attenuation was detected by detector & DAS system, follow by math. model (back projection model) to calculate the value of pixelism then become a image. Uses X-rays for imaging CT Scan costs range from $1,200 to $3,200; they usually cost less than MRIs (about half the price of MRI). Provides good details about bony structures A major advantage of CT is that it is able to image bone, soft tissue and blood vessels all at the same time. Usually completed within 5 minutes. Actual scan time usually less than 30 seconds. Therefore, CT is less sensitive to patient movement than MRI. Patients with any Metal implants can get CT scan. A person who is very large (e.g. over 450 lb) may not fit into the opening of a conventional CT scanner or may be over the weight limit for the moving table.

MRI (Magnetic resonance imaging) Suited for Soft tissue evaluation, e.g. ligament and tendon injury, spinal cord injury, brain tumors etc. Makes use of the fact that body tissue contains lots of water (and hence protons) which gets aligned to large magnetic field to produce net MDM vector.The decay of MDM is detected as MR signal. Uses large external field, RF pulse and 3 different gradient fields MRI costs range from $1200 to $4000 (with contrast); which is usually more than CT scans and X-rays, and most examining methods. Less detailed compared to CT scan Much higher soft tissue detail as compare to CT scan. Scanning typically run for about 30 minutes.
Patients with Cardiac Pacemakers are not allowed to get MRI scan, tattoos and metal implants may be contraindicated due to possible injury to patient or image distortion (artifact). Patient over 350 lb maybe over table weight limit. Demonstrates subtle differences between the different kinds of soft tissues.


Principle used for imaging: Cost:

Details of bony structures: Details of soft tissues: Time taken for complete scan: Limitation for Scanning patients:

Image specifics:

Good soft tissue differentiation especially with intravenous contrast. Higher imaging resolution and less motion artifact due to fast imaging

Scope of application:

CT can outline bone inside the body very accurately.

MRI is more versatile than the X-Ray and is used to examine a large variety of medical conditions

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