Focus 2009

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FOCUS 2009! 1. In a child with suspected coarctation of the aorta, the nurse would expect to find: D.

BOUNDING PULSES IN THE ARMS. 2. The nurse is caring for a child receiving chest physiotherapy (CPT). Which of the ff actions by the nurse would be appropriate? C. CONFINE THE PERCUSSION TO THE RIB CAGE AREA. 3. A client was admitted to the psychiatric unit with major depression after a suicide attempt. In addition to feeling sad and hopeless, the nurse would assess for: C. PSYCHOMOTOR RETARDATION OR AGITATION. 4. A victim of domestic violence states to the nurse, If only I could change and be how my companion wants me to be, I know things would be different. Which would be the best response by the nurse? D. BATTERERS LOSE SELF-CONTROL BECAUSE OF THEIR OWN INTERNAL REASONS, NOT BECAUSE OF WHAT THEIR PARTNER DID OR DID NOT DO. 5. A nurse is to present information about Chinese folk medicine to a group of student nurses. Based on this cultural belief, the nurse would explain that illness is attributed to the: B. YIN, THE NEGATIVE FORCE THAT REPRESENTS DARKNESS, COLD, AND EMPTINESS. 6. A polydrug user has been in recovery for 8 months. The client has begun skipping breakfast and not eating regular dinners. The client has also started frequenting bars to see old buddies. The nurse understands that the clients behavior is a warning sign to indicate that the client may be: A. HEADED FOR RELAPSE. 7. At the day treatment center a client diagnosed with Schizophrenia-Paranoid Type sits alone alertly watching the activities of clients and staff. The client is hostile when approached and asserts that the doctor gives her medication to control her mind. The clients behavior most likely indicates: B. SOCIAL ISOLATION RELATED TO ALTERED THOUGHT PROCESSES . 8. A client is admitted with the diagnosis of meningitis. Which finding would the nurse expect in assessing this client? B. FLEXION OF THE HIP AND KNEES WITH PASSIVE FLEXION OF THE NECK. 9. Post-procedure nursing interventions for electroconvulsive therapy include: C. REMAINING WITH CLIENT UNTIL ORIENTED. 10. The nurse is talking to parents about nutrition in school aged children. Which of the ff is the most common nutritional disorder in this age group? C. OBESITY. 11. The nurse assesses a client who has been re-admitted to the psychiatric inpatient unit for schizophrenia. His symptoms have been managed for several months with fluphenazine (Prolixin). Which should be a focus of the first assessment? B. MEDICATION COMPLIANCE. 12. The nurse admits a client newly diagnosed with hypertension. What is the best method for assessing the blood pressure? B. IN BOTH ARMS. 13. The nurse is caring for a client who has developed cardiac tamponade. Which finding would the nurse anticipate? C. DISTENDED NECK VEINS.

14. At the geriatric day care program a client is crying and repeating I want to go home. Call my daddy to come for me. The nurse should: C. GIVE THE CLIENT SIMPLE INFORMATION ABOUT WHAT SHE WILL BE DOING. 15. When teaching adolescents about STDs, what should the nurse emphasize that is the most common infection? B. CHLAMYDIA. 16. A 38-year old female client is admitted to the hospital with an acute exacerbation of asthma. This is her third admission for asthma in 7 months. She describes how she doesnt really like having to use her medications all the time. Which explanation by the nurse best describes the long-term consequence of uncontrolled airway inflammation? C. LUNG REMODELLING AND PERMANENT CHANGES IN LUNG FUNCTION 17. The mother of a 15 month-old child asks the nurse to explain her childs lab results and how they show her child has iron-deficiency anemia. The nurses best response is: B. YOUR CHILD HAS LESS RED BLOOD CELLS THAT CARRY OXYGEN. 18. Privacy and confidentiality of all client information is legally protected. In which of these situations would the nurse make an exception to this practice? B. WHEN THE CLIENT THREATENS SELF-HARM AND HARM TO OTHERS. 19. At a well baby clinic the nurse is assigned to assess an 8 month-old child. Which of these development achievements would the nurse anticipate that the child would be able to perform? C. SIT WITHOUT SUPPORT. 20. First-time parents bring their 5 day-old infant to the pediatricians office because they are extremely concerned about his breathing pattern. The nurse assesses the baby and finds that the breath sounds are clear with equal chest expansion. The respiratory rate is 38-40 breaths per minute with occasional periods of apnea lasting 10 seconds in length. What is the correct analysis of these findings? C. THIS BREATHING PATTERN IS NORMAL. 21. A 30 month-old child is admitted to the hospital unit. Which of the ff toys would be appropriate for the nurse to select from the toy room for this child? B. LARGE WOODEN PUZZLE. 22. A 2 year-old child has just been diagnosed with cystic fibrosis. The childs father asks the nurse, What is our major concern now, and what will we have to deal with in the future? Which of the ff is the best response? C. THIN, TENACIOUS SECRETIONS FROM THE LUNGS ARE A CONSTANT STRUGGLE IN CYSTIC FIBROSIS. 23. Which presidential decree orders reporting of births within 30 days after its occurrence? A. 651. 24. These rates are referred to the total living population. It must be presumed that the total population was exposed to the risk of occurrence of the event. C. CRUDE/ GENERAL RATES. 25. These are used to describe the relationship between two numerical quantities or measures of events without taking particular considerations to the time or place. B. RATIOS.

26. This is the most sensitive index in determining the general health conditions of a community since it reflects the changes in the environment and medical conditions of a community. B. INFANT MORTALITY RATE. 27. According to the WHO, which of the ff is the most frequent cause of death under five worldwide in the 2003 WHO Survey? A. NEONATAL. 28. In the Philippines, what is the most common cause of death of infants according to the latest survey? C. OTHER PERINATAL CONDITION. 29. The major cause of mortality from 1999 up to 2002 in the Philippines are: A. DISEASES OF THE HEART. 30. Alicia, a 9 year old child asked you, What is the common cause of death in my age group here in the Philippines? The nurse is correct if he will answer: C. PROBABLY WISE, YOU MIGHT DIE DUE TO ACCIDENTS. 31. In children 1 to 4 years old, which is the most common cause of death? C. PNEUMONIA. 32. Working in the community as a PHN for almost 10 years, Aida knew the fluctuation in vital statistics. She knew that the most common cause of morbidity among the Filipinos is: C. PNEUMONIA. 33. Nurse Aida also knew that most maternal deaths are caused by: B. OTHER COMPLICATIONS RELATED TO PREGNANCY OCCURRING IN THE COURSE OF LABOR, DELIVERY AND PUERPERIUM. 34. It is concerned with the study of factors that influence the occurrence and distribution of diseases, defects, disability or death which occurs in groups or aggregation of individuals. A. EPIDEMIOLOGY. 35. Which of the following is the backbone in disease prevention? A. EPIDEMIOLOGY. 36. Which of the following type of research could show how community expectations can result in the actual provision of services? B. OPERATION RESEARCH. 37. An outbreak of measles has been reported in Community A. As a nurse, which of the following is your first action for an epidemiological investigation? D. IDENTIFY IF IT IS THE DISEASE WHICH IT IS REPORTED TO BE. 38. After the epidemiological investigation produced final conclusions, which of the following is your initial step in your operational procedure during disease outbreak? A. COORDINATE PERSONNEL FROM MUNICIPAL TO THE NATIONAL LEVEL. 39. The main concern of a PHN is the prevention of disease, prolonging of life and promoting physical health and efficiency through which of the following? D. ORGANIZED COMMUNITY EFFORTS. 40. In order to control a disease effectively, which of the ff must first be known? 1. The condition surrounding its occurrence. 2. Factors that do not favor its development. 3. The condition that do not surround its occurrence. 4. Factors that favors its development.

B. 1 AND 4

41. All of the ff are uses of epidemiology except: C. TO PROVIDE SUMMARY DATA ON HEALTH SERVICE DELIVERY. 42. Before reporting the fact of presence of an epidemic, which of the ff is of most importance to determine? A. ARE THE FACTS COMPLETE? 43. An unknown epidemic has just been reported in Barangay Paki. People said that affected person demonstrates hemorrhagic type of fever. You are designated now to plan for epidemiological investigation. Arrange the sequence of events in accordance with the correct outline plan for epidemiological investigation. 1. Report the presence of dengue. 2. Summarize data and conclude the final picture of epidemic. 3. Relate the occurrence to the population group, facilities, food supply and carriers. 4. Determine if the disease is factual or real. 5. Determine any unusual prevalence of the disease and its nature; is it epidemic, sporadic, endemic or pandemic? 6. Determine onset and the geographical limitation of the disease. B. 4, 1, 5, 6, 3, 2 44. In the occurrence of SARS and other pandemics, which of the ff is the most vital role of a nurse in epidemiology? C. SURVEILLANCE. 45. Measles outbreak has been reported in Barangay Bahay Toro. After conducting an epidemiological investigation you have confirmed that the outbreak is factual. You are tasked to lead a team of medical workers for operational procedure in disease outbreak. Arrange the correct sequence of events that you must do to effectively contain the disease. 1. Create a final report and recommendation. 2. Perform nasopharyngeal swabbing to infected individuals. 3. Perform mass measles immunization to vulnerable groups. 4. Perform an environmental sanitation survey on the immediate environment. 5. Organize your team and coordinate the personnel. 6. Educate the community on disease transmission. D. 5, 2, 3, 4, 6, 1 46. All of the ff are functions of a PHN Nurse in epidemiology except: A. LABORATORY DIAGNOSIS. 47. All of the ff are performed in team organization except: D. ACTIVE CASE FINDING AND SURVEILLANCE . 48. Which of the ff is the final output of data reporting in epidemiological operational procedure? A. RECOMMENDATION. 49. The office in charge with registering vital facts in the Philippines is none other than the: D. NSO. 50. The ff are possible sources of data except:

A. EXPERIENCE. 51. This refers to systematic study of vital events such as births, illnesses, marriages, divorces and deaths. C. VITAL STATISTICS. 52. In case of clerical errors in your birth certificate, where should you go to have it corrected? D. LOCAL CIVIL REGISTRAR. 53. Dionesia just gave birth to Paki, a health baby boy. Who are going to report the birth of baby Paki? D. BIRTH ATTENDANT. 54. In reporting the birth of baby Paki, where will he be registered? A. AT THE LOCAL CIVIL REGISTRAR. 55. Maria, the birth attendant noticed that Paki has low set of ears, micrognathia, microcephaly and a typical cat like cry. What should Maria do? D. CALL A TAXI AND TOGETHER WITH DIONESIA, BRING PAKI TO THE NEAREST HOSPITAL. 56. Maria would suspect which disorder: C. CRI DU CHAT. 57. Maria could expect which of the ff congenital anomaly that would accompany this disorder? A. AVSD

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