Avon and Somerset Constabulary - Assistant Chief Constable (Acc) John Long

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information > Who's Who? > Assistant Chief Constable (ACC) John Long
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Freedom of ACC John Long
John Long was appointed as Assistant Chief
Classes of Constable in April 2008 and is responsible for the
information policing in Bristol and criminal justice.
Who's Who?
ACC Rod John is no stranger to the area as he has served
Hansen with the constabulary since June 2003 when he
Allan Johnston joined Avon and Somerset from the Metropolitan
Police Service.
Assistant Chief
Constable (ACC)
Jac kie Roberts He began his career with the Met in 1984 after
spending two years working as an economist on
Assistant the project to build the Metro system in
Chief Newcastle.
(ACC) John
During his 10 years in the c apital he worked in
various locations ac ross London and served during
Chief Constable the Wapping and Broadwater Farm riots of the
Colin Port 80s, the Clapham and Ladbrook Grove rail
Contact the disasters, and the poll tax riots of the early 90s.
Chief Constable
Deputy Chief As Superintendent Head of operations in Wandsworth John was the gold
Constable (DCC) commander for the annual University Boat Race.
Rob Beckley
Julian Kern He joined Avon and Somerset in June 2003 as Superintendent in the Headquarters
operations department. His responsibilities included the policing of Europe's largest
In your area
music festival – Glastonbury.
On-line services In April 2004 he moved to Bristol and played a key role in the amalgamation of the
Operations and three Bristol districts into one.
In March 2005 he was promoted to Chief Superintendent and took over as distric t
commander of South Gloucestershire district before moving back to Bristol to be
Units and district commander in January 2007.
Website resources John is a trustee of the Bristol Drugs Project as well as being a visiting lecturer at
the University of the West of England.

ACC John Long said: "Bristol is a vibrant and diverse city and it is cruc ial that we
respond in every person's moment of need with absolutely the best level of
policing service we can provide. In this way we will maintain and build the
confidence in policing that our communities so much need and deserve.

"There are many others who wish to help and work alongside Bristol police in
tackling problems of crime, disorder and anti-soc ial behaviour. We rec eive wide-
ranging support from the Safer Bristol partnership, the business community and
the voluntary sec tor, whether through c o-operation, additional resources or
stepping forward to deal with individual problems. And, of course, there are the
often inspirational ac tions of the members of the public whom we serve. So many

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09/07/2009 Avon and Somerset Constabulary …
assist us to address and solve problems in their neighbourhoods and their City,
from helping us to prevent acts of terrorism to providing information on loc al anti-
social behaviour."

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