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Denmark : The Model Matrix For A Brave New World.

By Philip Jones 29th August 2008

“The perfect totalitarian state is one where the all powerful political bosses and their army of
managers, control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced because they love their
servitude”. Aldus Huxley Brave New World.

In Huxley’s novel `Brave New World`, humanity lives in an apparently `Utopian` carefree, healthy
and technologically advanced society `. Art, science and religion along with any vestiges of
individuality and human emotion have all been corrupted and or erased in order to construct this
Utopia. Warfare and poverty have been eliminated and everybody is permanently happy due to
government conditioning and drugs. Also among the `eliminated` are `family, culture, literature and
philosophy. Hedonism rules along with it’s `bed partners`, promiscuous sex and drug abuse, in the
form of `Soma`. A powerful psychotropic drug, rationed by the government in order to allow
citizens escape from painful memories through hallucinatory fantasy. Social stability is maintained
via deliberately engineered and strictly enforced social stratification.

Being a foreigner living in Denmark has had it’s disadvantages. But the opportunity to observe and
even live in such a society has been priceless. It is fair to say that it was my arrival here back in the
mid nineties which ruptured my own complacency, and began my journey of discovery. I have
written previously at length about my own experiences in Denmark (See Brave New Denmark &
Happyland on so I will not indulge myself any further here. But what I must point out is
that over the past eleven years, I have come to realise that there is something `Very Rotten In The
State Of Denmark.`

In the Matrix movie, the Morpheus character says to Neo, “The Matrix is a system Neo, and that
system is our enemy. When you are inside it what do you see? The minds of the very people we are
trying to save. But until we do, these people are part of that system and that makes them our
enemies. You have to understand that most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And
many are so hopelessly dependent on the system, they will fight to defend it”.

It is all but impossible to `unplug` Danes from their `Matrix`, because they cannot or will not see
that it exists, even when one presents compelling evidence that it does.. This coupled with the fact
that they have been indoctrinated from kindergarten into believing that it is the perfect social model,
and the only path to a just and happy life. All but a few react with extreme indignation when any
failings in this `flawless` Danish state are pointed out, or idiosyncrasies in the Danish character are
spotlighted. The very inference that Denmark is a Totalitarian State along the lines of Huxley’s
novel, which controls and micromanages their lives, causes a reflex `knee jerk` reaction which in
it’s uniformity of response is startling.

In effect, the whole Danish nation is locked into a state of mass denial and self delusion, or a
condition known as `cognitive dissonance`. Simply put, this means to be in a state of inner conflict,
when one’s belief system and experience do not corroborate each other. What then occurs as David
Icke explained in a recent article is that ;

“ The effects of this inner disharmony have to be addressed either by accepting that one’s belief
system is false, or by finding a way to justify the original belief. Most opt for the second recourse”.

The late Psychologist Leon Festninger, a student of Kurt Lewin (himself an inspiration of the
`Tavistock Institute` ) wrote in the book, When Prophecy fails;

“The individual believer must have social support. It is unlikely that one isolated believer could
withstand the kind of dis-confirming evidence we have specified. If, however, the believer is a
member of a group of convinced persons who can support one another, we would expect the belief
to be maintained and the believers to attempt to proselyte or to persuade non-members that the
belief is correct.”

In other words, when one’s erroneous and discredited belief system, whether it be social, political or
religious is shown to be evidently so, there is a clambering for safety in numbers. For the more
there are to prevaricate and justify, `move the goal posts` if you will, then the greater the probability
that the belief system, however discredited will remain the `received wisdom` of the masses.

This describes Denmark exactly. Unlike other nations whose citizens in my experience, are able to
perceive and recognise not only the positives in their societies, but the negatives also, Danes have
been so inculcated with a sense of self righteous superiority, that they in `parrot fashion` continue to
herald unquestioningly the wonderment of the Danish Social Model as being a pinnacle of human

In a plethora of recent opinion polls, Denmark has been called the `happiest` place on earth. How
can this be? How can a people so totally controlled claim such happiness? To answer the question:
they don’t know any better. All the avenues of information reinforce this message daily. Other
forms of social structure are always spoken about in the media and the state `education` system in
negative terms. A walk along any Danish street will prove conclusively that this is not the happiest
place on earth. As I have written previously, Danes are `content` in their servitude. There is no need
for coercion or brute force on the part of government here. Each Dane knows and understands
his/her place in the Matrix.

So as factories begin to close, and jobs are lost or outsourced to the East. As food prices and utility
bills rise far above those of other EU countries. As the already intolerable tax burden increases
incrementally and relentlessly each year. As interest rates rise, and more and more Danes find
themselves in extreme debt. The Danish people’s self delusion chip `kicks in` and they `pat` each
other on the back and consolidate the national state of denial. In the Danish news this week, Lene
Mobjerg wrote :

“More than 200,000 Danes (out of a population of 5 million) and 28,000 Businesses are registered
as debtors. 155, 000 new cases were filed during the first half of 2008 alone. The total debt owed by
Danes is now 8.4 Billion Kroner ($1.6 Billion), and a large cross section of the population have
severe economic issues to deal with. The largest debtor group are the 21-30 year olds, 7% of which
are in serious financial trouble. In the 30-40 year demographic, nearly every registered debtor has
upwards of 3 cases to his/her name”.

Yet still, almost every Dane one speaks to refuses to accept that perhaps their Brave New World is
not so `brave` and that there is `trouble in paradise`. Debt is a powerful force of enslavement.

Danes as a people are in many ways in a state of `arrested adolescence`. The Children of the Sixties
are as elsewhere now in the positions of power, and there is an almost ethereal feel about the place.
One will find professionals in their fifties clothed in shorts and sandals. It’s almost as if
`Woodstock` was only last week. But this seemingly Liberal Socialist veneer is only a mask for
what is in actuality a ruthless Corporate Fascist State, which will tolerate no dissent whatsoever, and
holds control, not by force of arms, or by the use of surveillance cameras as in the UK, but by the
use of an indoctrinated mindset which imbues it’s citizens with a `There’s nothing you can do about
it` mentality, combined with ever increasing use of prescribed anti depressants to those whose
programming, because of their paltry existence in what is essentially an open `mind prison`, begins
to break down.

Then you have the `Gatekeepers` of the Danish `Matrix`. All themselves victims of the brain
numbing propaganda hurled at them from childhood, perpetuated in schools and universities and
reinforced daily by the state/corporate media. The parents, priests, teachers, police, soldiers,
doctors, journalists and the `censors` who make sure that nothing is put into print, published or
broadcast which will create confusion, doubt or dissension. Of course, just a little harmless and
minor criticism is published in order to maintain the illusion of democracy and freedom. But
nothing which will provoke real debate on any contentious subject..

Then there are the `neighbours` and the `community groups` ever watchful that no one raises his or
her head above the ramparts, or breaks ranks, ceases to conform or displays any unnecessary signs
of individuality. In fact and amazingly so, in Denmark and the other Scandinavian lands, there is a
code of conduct used to enforce this `gatekeeper` mentality. It is known as the `Jantelav` and has it’s
origins in the small villages and hamlets of Denmark back in the 18th and 19th centuries. The
`code` was formulated by a Danish writer named `Aksel Sandemose` who included it in his novel,
`A Fugitive Crosses His Tracks` in 1933. He based it on the closed and narrow minded behaviour he
had witnessed as a child, and did not intend it to become what it has, a means by which a whole
people’s view of themselves can become degraded.

The Tennets of the `Code` are:

1. Don’t think you are anything.
2. Don’t think you are as good as us.
3. Don’t think you are smarter than us.
4. Don’t think yourself better than us.
5. Don’t think you know more than us.
6. Don’t think you are greater than us.
7. Don’t think you can do better than us.
8. Don’t laugh at us.
9. Don’t think that anyone cares about you.
10. Don’t think you can teach us anything.

Now it has to be understood that this code describes entirely the attitude and mentality of the
majority of Danish people. Was there ever a more perfect tool for controlling a society. Degrade
their self image and belief in their purpose, their ability to excel and shine. Look at the last `tenet`.
`Don’t think you can teach us anything`. For anyone who has come to live here with a craft or trade
or other expert skill, that in a nutshell illustrates how impossible it is to introduce new ways and
ideas into Denmark. Danes do not believe that anyone can teach them anything. Therein lies
the contradiction. Arrogance on the one hand, perpetual self degradation on the other.

I am convinced that Denmark is the Model Matrix for a `Brave New Europe` followed by a `Brave
New World`, and it’s `software` is being exported internationally. Unless people of all races,
religions, political persuasions, creeds and any other grouping are able to recognise it‘s
programmes` and refrain from `plugging` themselves into it, slavery of a kind hitherto not
experienced in all of human history will ensue on a Global scale.

Experience has equally convinced me that any such `unplugging` is not going to happen here in
Denmark, because the people don’t believe any problem exists or recognise it‘s credentials. This is
after all the `perfect social model` with a population of people who are constantly told they have it
better than anyone else, even though they are worthless and undeserving. And there you have the
`sting`. People who believe themselves undeserving or unworthy have low expectations. They
expect very little and are ever grateful to their benevolent masters for the `scraps` thrown them.

As Goethe put it, “None are more hopelessly enslaved, than those who falsely believe they are

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