Mixed Reaction To Fields Renovation: Staff

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SEPTEMBER 20, 2013

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Mixed reaction to Fields renovation

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Diners move through the renovated Fields Dining Hall during lunch. BY LAUREN ACHEE


The first-years werent the only new faces on campus this year. Bon Appetit debuted the newly improved Fields Dining Hall, renovations of which have been underway May 13. According to Facilities Manager Larry Atchison, the approved budget for the renovations was $2,271,289, with the funds coming from building depreciation, and not from student fees. I think the Bon looks great, Gwen Matthews (16) said. It feels a bit more open.

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Way to bring out an arsenal of six waffle makers. Give the people what they want!
I love the new seating arrangements, Holly Thomson (16) said. The mixture of booths and high, big and small tables offers a lot of options for any Bon situation. When designing the alterations to Fields, the focus was on providing an easier means for the movement of students through the food area, which General Manager Mac Lary and Manager Carrie Simmons both agreed was accomplished. From what we have experienced compared to years past, the flow in Fields is much smoother, Lary said. A variety of new conveniences are also available to Fields diners this year. Way to bring out an arsenal of six waffle makers. Give the people what they want! said Thomson. I dont like how long the lines are [when youre sitting down]; and the lines all run into each other. I do like the meat carving

station, A.J. Slepian (16.) One of the most noticeable changes made to Fields was the consolidation of the food stations, which are now all in a central location. According to Marlon Jimenez Oviedo (16), who is entering his second year working in Fields Dining Hall, this has been extremely helpful from an employee standpoint. Its so much better that its all together, he said. [It] makes it easier for moving things. Another change that has been beneficial for employees has been the beverages and the salad bar. Overall flow was a goal for the design team and Bon Appetit management. An improved floorplan allows for better access for employees. Because the space is so open, it is much easier for our staff to work, Larry said. The salad bar is a great change because it can be serviced from the back side. As with any change, some of the alterations are taking some getting used to. The low wall

separating the eating area from the dining area has proven to be both a blessing and a curse. The bread should not be left in the bag, Thomson said. [Its] good for labeling, but not good for people not touching my food.

the alterations, there is a sense that these changes are an overall improvement.

The new Bon feels modern and ready for adventures, When the but I cant help lines get too feeling a twinge of long for Indian nostalgia for the food, the wall old Bon. prevents you from Rationally, I do think that its circumventing better, Oviedo said. them. Many students appreciate
Fields new features, but also recognize that the previous Bon holds many memories. The new Bon feels very modern and ready for new adventures, Thomson added. Though I cant help but feel a twinge of nostalgia for the old Bon.

Another complaint was the bread area, which is now located close to the salad bar. The bread should not be left in the bag, Thomson said. [Its] good for labeling, but not good for people not touching my food. Despite some drawbacks to

New seating arrangements in Fields dining hall created by Bon Appetit over the summer.


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