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Duobinary Signaling

From: Sklar, Ch. 2, Section 2.9 Correlative Coding = Partial Response Signaling Special Case: Duobinary Signaling = Class 1 Partial Response Signaling Recall Nyquists claim from 1928: It is possible to tx Rs symbols/sec with no ISI in (minimum) bandwidth of W = Rs/2. But: it requires a brick-wall filter to obtain the Nyquist pulse shape. Adam Lender, 1963: It is possible to tx Rs symbols/sec with no ISI in (minimum) bandwidth of W = Rs/2. And: infinitely-sharp pulse-shaping filters are not required. Technique - Duobinary signaling: use controlled ISI to your advantage (to cancel out the ISI at the detector)

ECE 561

D. van Alphen

Block Diagram: Duobinary Signaling

Digital filter [xk] Brick-wall Nyquist filter


t = kT

Decoder channel yk


Delay T
yk = xk + xk-1


Say binary sequence [xk] is txd at rate Rs symbols/sec, over a system with bandwidth W = Rs/2 = 1/(2T) Note: the brick-wall filter is just a model; it wont really be used in our final actual system (recall: not realizable) Also note: symbols yk are not independent (each carries memory of the previous symbol) in other words, the yks are correlated
ECE 561 D. van Alphen 2

Block Diagram: Duobinary Signaling

bipolar [xk] Digital filter Brick-wall Nyquist filter


t = kT

Decoder yk channel


Delay T
yk = xk + xk-1


Decoding: xk = yk xk-1

If we could realize the brick-wall filter, there would be no ISI, so: in the absence of noise, yk = yk Duobinary decoding: since yk = xk + xk-1 : Assume xk
ECE 561

xk = yk xk-1

{ 1},




2}, a 3-ary alphabet


D. van Alphen

Duobinary Signaling An Example

Note: because the encoding is differential (like difference equations & differential equation) we need an initial condition, or an assumed value (or reference value) for the first xk.
Ref xk (binary)
yk xk (bipolar) xk (binary)

data 0
-1 ___ ___ ___

1 ___ ___ ___

-1 ___ ___ ___

1 ___ ___ ___

1 ___ ___ ___

data 0
-1 ___ ___ ___

xk (bipolar) -1

Given ref and data values; Binary Bipolar Encode: yk = xk + xk-1 Decode: xk = yk xk-1 Bipolar Binary

Observe alternative decision rule: yk = 2 -2 0

ECE 561 D. van Alphen

xk = _____ xk = _____ xk = negative of previous decision


Precoding of Duobinary Signals

Bad Property of Duobinary Signaling (as presented so far) Error Propagation: A single error in yk-hat will (often) result in 2 errors in xkhat Error Propagation can be avoided by pre-coding of the symbols We change the xks to coded values: wks wk = xk wk-1 where = mod 2 addition = exclusive-or operation Then do binary bipolar (on the wks); Then do the correlative coding: yk = wk + wk-1; Pass the yks through the brick-wall Nyquist filter; At the decoder: if yk = 2 0 xk = binary 0 xk = binary 1
For decoding, each decision is independent of previous decisions no error propagation

ECE 561

D. van Alphen

Example with Pre-coding

Ref xk (binary) wk (binary) 0 wk (bipolar) ____ yk xk (binary) data 0 ___ ___ ___ ___ 1 ___ ___ ___ ___ 0 ___ ___ ___ ___ 1 ___ ___ ___ ___ 1 ___ ___ ___ ___ data 0 ___ ___ ___ ___

Given ref and data values; Pre-code: wk = xk wk-1 Binary Bipolar Encode: yk = wk + wk-1 Decode: 2 0, 0 1

Block Diagram with Pre-coding


mod-2 add
wk wk-1 wk-1

Brick-wall Nyquist filter noise t = kT

H(f) T

yk channel


Delay T


yk = wk + wk-1
ECE 561 D. van Alphen

Duobinary Equivalent Transfer Function (equiv. to block diagram of pp. 2-3)

Problem: we need to get rid of that brick-wall filter in the model! Looking at the first part of our (not pre-coded) system, using an analog model:

Delay T

y(t) = x(t) + x(t-T) Y(f) = _____ + ____ e-j2


= X(f) [ ___ + _______]

H1(f) = ____ / _____ = _____________ The second part of our (not pre-coded) system was the Nyquist brick-wall filter: H2(f) = T, |f| < 1/(2T) 0, else
ECE 561 D. van Alphen 7

Duobinary Equivalent Transfer Function (equiv. to block diagram of pp. 2-3)

Thus, the over-all equivalent transfer function for the duobinary sytem (without pre-coding) is: Heq(f) = H1(f) H2(f) = T [1 + e-j2

|f| < 1/(2T)

= T [ej

fT + e-j fT] e-j fT,


|f| < 1/(2T)

|f| < 1/(2T)

= 2T cos( fT) e-j

So: |Heq(f)| = 2T cos(2 fT), |f| < 1/(2T) Phase response: corresponds to time delay T/2

ECE 561 D. van Alphen


Magnitude Response, Duobinary Equivalent Transfer Function 2

1.4 1.2

Impulse Response, Duobinary Equivalent Filter


1 0.8



0.6 0.4 0.2


0 -0.2

0 -1


0 f/T


-0.4 -2


0 t/T

|Heq(f)| = = 2T cos( fT) e-j

h eq ( t ) sinc t T

fT ,

|f| < 1/(2T)

t T T


Duobinary Equivalent Filter is called: a cosine filter Not the same as the raised cosine or RC filter of Ch. 3
Implementation: xk
ECE 561

D. van Alphen



Comparison: Binary vs. Duobinary Signaling

Duobinary: 0 ISI with minimum bandwidth No error propagation if precoding is used Problem of duobinary: because there are 3 amplitude levels (as opposed to 2 for traditional binary signaling), the receiver will have more difficulty distinguishing the levels 2.5 dB more Eb/N0 required for performance identical to BPSK without ISI (even with precoding for the duobinary)

Depending on the severity of the ISI, duobinary may perform better than BPSK

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D. van Alphen


The Larger Class of Partial Response Signaling

Class 1 PR Signaling = Duobinary Signaling: Class 2 PR Signaling: Class 4 PR Signaling: yk = xk +2 xk-1 + xk-2 yk = xk + xk-2 yk = xk + xk-1

See Charan Langtons Tutorial 16: Partial Response Signaling, for a discussion of all the other variations (Classes 1 5, pros and cons)

ECE 561

D. van Alphen


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