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Report Grant Funding Application

Purpose of Grant Global Advances in Health and Medicine is supporting a small number of innovative thinkers, leaders, and organizations using case reports to help solve healthcare challenges. This grant is designed to appeal to those working in institutions that would benefit from the solutions they propose. Background Global Advances in Health and Medicine believes that case reports are an untapped source of useful information offering information and solutions to address some of todays healthcare challenges. Case reports have historically been used to offer a framework for the early evaluation of signals of harms. We believe they also can be used for effectiveness and costs. Recent technology advances combined with the transparent and accurate capture of individualized care information has resulted in expanded opportunities for using case reports in education and research as well as practice. We encourage using case reports for interdisciplinary collaborations and making visible the patient-provider relationship. Case reports support the discovery of global convergences and collaborations in health and medicine. Systematically written case reports and guidelines offer the possibility of improving the completeness of evidence from the real-world practice of healthcare delivery and providing new tools to better serve patients and demonstrate meaningful use. In the past year alone, more than 66,000 case reports were published in journals indexed by the US National Library of Medicine and more than 27,000 case reports are now searchable in the Cases Database offered by Biomed Central. The growth of case reports in a medical era dominated by clinical trials and systematic reviews underscores the increasing importance of individualized care. Case reports, often written without the benefit of standardized reporting guidelines, are of insufficient quality to allow outcome comparisons. Formalized, systematically written case reports can strengthen the link between clinical expertise and external evidence and demonstrate that busy clinicians who devote their reading time to [the] incorporation of the best available evidence can practice evidence based medicine.1 In 2011, Global Advances in Health and Medicine partnered with international health research guideline experts to develop formalized report guidelines for case reports. The resultant CAse REport guidelines and checklist have been disseminated through the simultaneously publication of an article in seven international peer reviewed medical journals and a presentation at the International Congress on Peer Review and Biomedical Publication on September 10, 2013. The guidelines and checklist are available at Potential users of systematically written case reports include patients, practitioners, specialty societies, researchers, education institutions, the healthcare industry, and policy makers. Grant Details Three (3) grants in the amount of $5,000 each will be awarded on December 1, 2013, to the applicants who best meet the indicated criteria and deadlines. Application Deadline: November 30, 2013 1 Sackett D. Evidence based medicine: what it is and what it isn't. BMJ. 1996 Jan 13;312(7023):71-2. Global Advances in Health and Medicine

Grantee notification: January 1, 2014 Applying for a Grant Complete grant applications should be submitted electronically to [email protected]. 1. Submit a one-page, no more than 1000-word outline of your idea about how case reports can be used to help solve a problem, and describe your strategy for implementing your solution. 2. Basic information to be provided in application: - Contact information for you and your organization - Brief description of your organization - Brief biography of those who would carry out the project - Description of problem/challenge you intend to solve - Brief description of step-by-step implementation that clearly outlines how case reports can help solve the problem (including estimated costs, measurement and evaluation criteria, and path to financial sustainability) - Timeline from onset to completion of your proposed solution 3. Grants are reviewed by an international team of experts in the field of case reports and health research reporting guidelines. Grantees will be notified on January 1, 2013. Expected Submission Your step-by-step proposal should include: (1) background of the problem, (2) rationale for your proposed solution, (3) steps for implementing your solution, and (4) estimated financial projections for the implementation of your solution. The proposal should include a timeline. Selected grantees will work with GAHM team members ([email protected]) on a strategy for implementing your solution. Eligibility and Selection Criteria* 1. New ideas and effective organizations that can help advance the use of case reports 2. Evidence of long-term sustainability after initial funding 3. Evidence that the described initiatives are likely to succeed in the community you serve *Nonprofit charitable organizations are eligible to receive funding under this program. Questions/Discussion of Ideas Questions about your ideas can be reviewed and discussed prior to you submitting your grant. Contact us at [email protected].

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