Clarifications For Original 2012 Edition

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Clarifications for original 2012 edition rulebook

Page 30 - Entering a Structure The term 'entrance' applies to doors, windows, lobbies, roof access hatches etc. Page 47 - Entering / Abandoning Structures Entering/ leaving a structure does count as an Embark/ Dissembark move Page 30 - Entering a Structure Entering or leaving a structure counts towards the maximum number of disembarkation and embarkation actions your squad may undertake each turn. An example of this could be a warrior squad embarked on an invader, which is in turn embarked on a marauder. The invader could disembark (1st disembark move for Invader and Warriors completed), and the warriors could then disembark from the invader (2nd disembark move for Invader and Warriors completed). However, the Warriors would then be unable to enter a building as this would count as a 3rd embarkation/disembarkation move. Page 47 - Disembarking/Embarking directly into/from a structure Disembarking/embarking directly into a structure from a transport or vice versa only counts as a single disembarkation/embarkation move towards a units maximum of two per turn (in the example above this WOULD allow the Warriors to enter the structure in the same turn). Page 35 - Command Units: The word 'mounted' (first sentence of paragraph 2, 'Command Units') is meant to imply that Commanders may be placed in Vehicle and Aircraft Units (not infantry bases), as in the paragraph above. Page 36 - Command Cards with no Commander present: Although it's true that a player may always play with a CV of 1 and may therefore draw and hold up to 1 Command Card, it's also true that 'Sphere of Influence' cards may only be played within the Command Radius of the highest ranking Commander on the table. If there are no Commanders left on the table, then these cards can't be played! As such, it's safest to have a few subordinates in the chain of command. Page 37 - AA Weapons: AA Weapons can only reaction fire if they would normally be allowed to fire this turn. It does state this in the Transports section (p.g 46 - "Embarking/ Disembarking Units may not shoot in the same turn as doing so"). Page 38 - Indirect Fire Weapons shooting directly: IF weapons can fire and do not suffer the +2 Ac modifier if they have line of sight themselves (since they are not indirectly firing their weapon in these cases). Obviously this isn't strictly accurate fluff-wise with the UCM Kodiak (since it calls in an orbital strike -it's always indirect as it were). However, the Kodiak has advanced optical scanners, so the rule works for it as well.

page 62 - Decapitation and Scourge Command Unit Note that the Desolator may be taken as this command unit in Scourge armies, since it is taken in addition to the Army Roster (the restriction on aircraft in the Defence Force Army Roster therefore does not apply).

Page 94 - Scourge 'one way' Dropship fluff: The background text referring to Scourge dropships as 'one way vehicles' only applies to drops from orbit, and has no bearing on the actual battlefield or game rules. Once atmospheric, Scourge dropships can carry, pick up and transfer troops just as any other race can. Pages 80 and 117 - Marksman Laser and RX-1000 'Sunspear' special rules vs Passive Countermeasures: However accurate, a directed energy weapon would still have to go through Passive Countermeasure shields before hitting home, so the engaged unit should get a single roll to deflect the hit if a 6 is rolled. A failed save will result in the automatic 2Dp of damage, a successful save will block both. Page132 - In the 'Gates' subsection, paragraph 2: The rules state: " While the mechanics of picking and dropping off troops are unchanged.." - This means that Shaltari aerial Gates still need to be able to land to Materialise/ Dematerialise troops. This works in the usual way. Page135 - 'Choosing Gates in the Army Lists' section, point 1 Gates which also have a Mass value (i.e. the Haven Terragates) DO contribute to your army's total Mass Value. Why the PHR don't have a Support Choice in the core rulebook: Our recent releases for the PHR (The Ares and Erebos Strike Walkers) are support choices, filling this gap. Why the PHR Tarnnis isn't a Support Choice: The Taranis can be deadly in certain scenarios (e.g. Demolition). Given the number of free Support slots the PHR currently have, you'd be able to swamp an army with them and dominate these scenarios. Why the Scourge don't have an Exotic Choice in the core rulebook: Our recent release for the Scourge (The Destroyers) are an Exotic choice, filling this gap. Pages 84, 102, 122 and 144 - Fleet Battlegroups and Skirmish sized games: The stats in the rulebook are correct here. Generally, you can't take Fleet Battlegroups (and thus Fast Movers) in a Skirmish sized game. However, a squad allowance is provided for Fleet Battlegroups in skirmishes as future scenarios and/ or famous commanders may allow the use of Fleet Battlegroups in skirmishes (and thus a squad cap would be needed).

Page 36: COMMAND CARDS: General Clarifications

I've been made aware that several of the rules for Command cards, while implied are not specifically stated in the rules text (thanks to 'Andon' of the unofficial DZC forum 'the Hot LZ' for bringing this to my attention in such detail). As such, I'll clarify the position below: Decks - May not be altered from the standard sets - Shuffle your deck before each game, and place it face down always - If a player runs out of cards in their deck, then the discard pile should be shuffled into a new deck to draw from Hands - A player's Hand Size is equal to the highest CV of any Commander that player controls on the table, or 1 if no Commanders are present - A player can never hold more cards than their Hand Size Discarding - If a player discards a card it should be placed face up in the discard pile - Any cards which have been played and are resolved are also placed in this discard pile - Players may look through any other player's discard pile - A player may discard any number of cards in their hands in Phase 1.2 Shaltari Commanders and CV values - A player may only hold a Hand Size up to their maximum CV present on the table. Shaltari Commanders count as NOT being on the table when Dematerialised (as they're in orbit onboard the mothership and not in a great position to give orders!). However, the Commander does NOT count as leaving the table if Dematerialising and Materialising in the same turn (they're only absent for a moment, and as such command is not interrupted).

The latest errata, clarifications and FAQ's will always be available on our website: 24/07/2013

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