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Workforce / Member Participation Diagnostic

V2-0, Created by Rory Ridley-Duff and Viewpoint Research CIC, 7 th October 2013 This survey / questionnaire is designed to develop knowledge about member/employee involvement and (democratic) participation in their organisation. It provides a way for each member-employee to comment on involvement and participation in different areas of practice.

Organisation Information (suggested)

1. Organisation Name: _______________________________________________________ 3. Sector / Industry: ___________________(use SIC Codes?) 5. Size of Workforce: __________________ 8. Legal Form: Registered Charity (please tick one) Community Benefit Society (BENCOM) Mutual/Cooperative (CLG) Mutual/Cooperative (LLP) Community Interest Company (CLS) Other Social Enterprise (CLG) Other Social Enterprise (plc) Private Company (plc) Statutory Body Other State Agency Unincorporated 9. Parent Organisation: [OrgID]
Rory Ridley-Duff and Alistair Ponton (Viewpoint Research CIC), 2013, Creative Commons 2.0 Licence

2. 4. 7.

Registration Number: __________ First year of trading: __________ Expenditure last year: ____________

6. Income last year: _____________

Private Company (LLP) Church

Charitable Company (CLG) Mutual/Cooperative (IPS) Mutual/Cooperative (CLS)

Community Interest Company (CLG) Community Interest Company (plc) Other Social Enterprise (CLS) Private Company (CLS) Partnership

Personal Information (suggested)

1. Name: _______________________________________ Organisation: Postcode: [OrgID] [Partial] Country:

2. Job Title: ________________________________________________ 3. Role: Please tick all that apply (where known): I supervise people and/or work I am a volunteer for the organisation I am a customer of the organisation I have managerial authority 4. Pay Band/Rate:____________________________ 5. Length of Service: ________________________ 6. Sex: Male / Female / Dont Wish to Say

I am supervised by someone else

I am elected to represent the workforce

I have been elected to the board

I am an employee of the organisation I represent another organisation

I do not have managerial authority

(please indicate level, if known. Choices may be company specific) (in years, to the nearest year) (please circle one)

1. Education (Highest Qualification): None A-Level or equivalent Undergraduate Degree Doctorate / PhD GCSE or equivalent Foundation Degree or equivalent Postgraduate Degree Don't wish to say (please tick one)

8. Sexuality: Gay Bi-sexual

Heterosexual Sex Change


(please tick one)

Dont wish to say

Rory Ridley-Duff and Alistair Ponton (Viewpoint Research CIC), 2013, Creative Commons 2.0 Licence

9. Age Range: 50-59


Over 60




Dont wish to say

10. Ethnicity:

White British Pakastani Asian (Other) Black (Other)

White Irish Bangledeshi Mixed Origin Black African Chinese

(please tick one)

Black Caribbean Dont wish to say


Religion: Hindu Jewish Other Religion

None Muslim Sikh


(please tick one)

Dont wish to say


Disability: ______________ Dont wish to say

None (please tick one)

Registered Disabled

(Optional) Disability:

Rory Ridley-Duff and Alistair Ponton (Viewpoint Research CIC), 2013, Creative Commons 2.0 Licence

Area of Business

No Involvement (Depth 1)

Passive Involvement (Depth 2) In my work group, managers do provide training opportunities, and we are given instruction on how to develop our skills.

Active Involvement (Depth 3) In my work group, we can discuss staff development with managers, and can influence the way training is provided.

Managed Participation (Depth 4) In my work group, managers will listen to our proposals and usually support us in our efforts to design new learning and development opportunities. I think managers should listen to proposals for learning and development proposals from members of my work group, and decide which to support.

Member-Driven Participation (Depth 5)

1. How do you develop staff skills? (Skill Development)

What is the situation now? In my work group no internal training or external courses are provided. We have to learn as best we can while doing the job. Anyone in my group can propose a change to learning and development activities, and participate in decisions on how to implement them.

Rank (1 - 5) What would you like to do in the future? I think my colleagues and I prefer to learn on the job. No formal training is required. I think my colleagues and I need training, and that managers should provide instruction on how to develop our skills. I think my colleagues and I should have meetings with managers to discuss their plans for staff training and development. Anyone should be able to propose learning and development activities to their colleagues, and participate in decisions on how they are funded and implemented.

Rank (1 - 5)

Further comments:

Rory Ridley-Duff and Alistair Ponton (Viewpoint Research CIC), 2013, Creative Commons 2.0 Licence

Area of Business

No Involvement (Depth 1)

Passive Involvement (Depth 2) In my work group, we talk a bit, and managers do make the effort to communicate their ideas to us.

Active Involvement (Depth 3) In my work group, there is quite a lot of conversation, and we are not afraid to have conversations with managers when we need to raise an issue. My colleagues / I like to discuss managers' ideas and contribute to their development.

Managed Participation (Depth 4) In my work group, we converse with each other and our manager(s) frequently to address issues as they arise.

Member-Driven Participation (Depth 5) In my group, we are free to organise our time and converse with anyone else whenever we have an issue to discuss.

2. How would you describe the working environment? (Working Atmosphere)

What is the situation now? In my work group there is not much talking, and my colleagues and I keep our heads down.

Rank (1 - 5) What would you like to do in the future? My colleagues / I just like to get on with our work and not be disturbed. My colleagues / I like to hear managers' ideas as long as they do not expect us to come up with ideas of our own. My colleagues / I like to raise issues and formulate ideas, and have open discussion with our manager(s) about them. My colleagues / I would like to be able to freely discuss any issue or idea, and choose which other members of staff to involve in the discussion.

Rank (1 - 5)

Further comments:

Rory Ridley-Duff and Alistair Ponton (Viewpoint Research CIC), 2013, Creative Commons 2.0 Licence

Area of Business

No Involvement (Depth 1)

Passive Involvement (Depth 2) Sometimes members of my work group are asked to brief new members of staff (or assess their skills).

Active Involvement (Depth 3) Members of my work group discuss managers' proposals on how to induct new staff, and are involved in induction activities. My colleagues / I would like to discuss managers' proposals for staff induction.

Managed Participation (Depth 4) Managers listen to proposals for staff induction prepared by members of my work group and decide with us which proposals to implement.

Member-Driven Participation (Depth 5) Members of my group can propose and discuss changes to staff induction, and we all participate in decisions on how the proposals are implemented. My colleagues and I would like to manage the induction of new staff into our work group.

3. How do you induct newly appointed / elected staff? (Induction Processes)

What is the situation now? People in my work group do not participate in staff induction.

Rank (1 -5) What would you like to do in the future? My colleagues / I do not want to be involved in staff induction activities. My colleagues / I would consider briefing new staff (and assessing their skills) if asked to do so. My colleagues / I would like to put our own proposals to managers for staff induction in our work group.

Rank (1 - 5)

Further comments:

Rory Ridley-Duff and Alistair Ponton (Viewpoint Research CIC), 2013, Creative Commons 2.0 Licence

Area of Business

No Involvement (Depth 1)

Passive Involvement (Depth 2) Members of my work group have appraisals that are designed and conducted by a manager.

Active Involvement (Depth 3) Members of my work group contribute to the design of the appraisal system, and have input into their own appraisal

Managed Participation (Depth 4) Members of my work group contribute to the design of the appraisal system, and managers use the process to identify our career development needs. My colleagues / I would like to put proposals to managers on how they use appraisal to support career development.

Member-Driven Participation (Depth 5) Members of my work group can control their own appraisal, and ask a colleague of their own choosing to help them work out options for career development.

4. How do you approach staff appraisal? (Staff Appraisal)

What is the situation now? Members of my work group do not appraise staff, or have staff appraisals.

Rank (1 - 5) What would you like to do in the future? My colleagues / I do not want to be involved in a staff appraisal process. My colleagues / I would like an appraisal from our manager to learn about our performance. My colleagues / I would like to discuss the appraisal process with managers to improve it. My colleagues / I would like to control the appraisal process, and choose which colleague we want to help us work out options for career development.

Rank (1 - 5)

Further comments:

Rory Ridley-Duff and Alistair Ponton (Viewpoint Research CIC), 2013, Creative Commons 2.0 Licence

Area of Business

No Involvement (Depth 1)

Passive Involvement (Depth 2) In my work group, we have meetings with a manager, and s/he tells me (us) what the executive group have decided to do.

Active Involvement (Depth 3) In my work group, we have meetings with a manager, and they discuss their plans with us before they make any decisions.

Managed Participation (Depth 4) My work group has meetings with a manager, and they listen to our ideas for the future of the organisation before working out with us which to adopt.

Member-Driven Participation (Depth 5) Anyone in my group can initiate a proposal and organise meetings to discuss and make decisions about the contribution of our work group to the future of the organisation. I think anyone in my group should be able to initiate a plan and organise a discussion / debate on whether to implement it.

5. How do you plan for the medium and long-term? (Strategic Management)
What is the situation now? In my work group, we do not participate in meetings, or receive information on the future plans of the organisation.

Rank (1 - 5) What would you like to do in the future? I do not need or want to participate in planning activities I prefer to work things out as I go. I think our work group should have a meeting with a manager so they can tell us their plans. I think our work group should have meetings with a manager so they can discuss their plans with us before they take decisions. I think our work group should have meetings with managers so they can listen to our plans and help us choose which one(s) to adopt.

Rank (1 - 5)

Further comments:

Rory Ridley-Duff and Alistair Ponton (Viewpoint Research CIC), 2013, Creative Commons 2.0 Licence

Area of Business

No Involvement (Depth 1)

Passive Involvement (Depth 2) If an issue or problem arises, people in my work group will tell a manager and find what to do.

Active Involvement (Depth 3) If an issue or problem arises, people in my work group will raise it with a manager and make suggestions to help the manager decide what to do. My colleagues / I would like to raise and discuss issues and problems so that managers can make informed decisions.

Managed Participation (Depth 4) If an issue or problem arises, people in my work group will propose a solution and clear it with a manager before going ahead with it.

Member-Driven Participation (Depth 5) If an issue or problem arises, people in my work group will work out a solution with anyone around at the time capable of helping them, then act on it.

6. How do you make operational decisions? (Operational Management)

What is the situation now? If an issue or problem arises, people in my work group ignore it until a manager wants to do something about it.

Rank (1 - 5) What would you like to do in the future? My colleagues / I prefer to leave issues and problems for managers to sort out. My colleagues / I would like to feel able to raise issues and problems, and for managers to act on them. My colleagues / I like to come up with our own solutions to issues and problems, and get management approval to action them. My colleagues / I like to resolves any issues and problems using our own creativity and skills. We like to involve others (at our discretion) if we cannot resolve it by ourselves.

Rank (1 - 5)

Further comments:

Rory Ridley-Duff and Alistair Ponton (Viewpoint Research CIC), 2013, Creative Commons 2.0 Licence

Area of Business

No Involvement (Depth 1)

Passive Involvement (Depth 2) People in my work group are given information about our pay policy, employee benefits and leave entitlements.

Active Involvement (Depth 3) People in my work group can contribute to discussions about pay levels, employee benefits and leave entitlements before managers make decisions. My colleagues / I would like to meet with the manager(s) to discuss proposed changes to pay, benefits and leave entitlements before they make decisions.

Managed Participation (Depth 4) People in my work group can make proposals about pay levels, benefits and leave entitlements to managers, and managers work out whether we can put them into practice. My colleagues / I would like managers to listen to staff proposals on pay, benefits and leave entitlements, and help to develop a sensible policy.

Member-Driven Participation (Depth 5) Everyone in my group can make proposals, and participate in discussions and decisions on pay levels, staff benefits and leave entitlements.

7. How do you go about setting wages, hours and leave entitlements? (Terms and Conditions)
What is the situation now? People in my work group do not participate in meetings to discuss pay, employee benefits or leave entitlements.

Rank (1 - 5) What would you like to do in the future? My colleagues / I do not want to participate in discussions on pay rates, benefits and leave entitlements. We / I prefer to leave that to others. My colleagues / I would like to hear when there are planned changes to pay, benefits and leave entitlements so a manager can tell us why things have to change. My colleague / I would like to make proposals for changes to pay, benefits and leave entitlements, and organise open discussions/debates until a new policy is agreed.

Rank (1 - 5)

Further comments:

Rory Ridley-Duff and Alistair Ponton (Viewpoint Research CIC), 2013, Creative Commons 2.0 Licence

Area of Business

No Involvement (Depth 1)

Passive Involvement (Depth 2) People in my peer group get told by managers what we will do with our surplus (profit) or cope with our deficit (loss). They decide and tell us about the system for paying bonuses and dividends.

Active Involvement (Depth 3) Managers will consult people in my peer group on what to do with our surplus (profit), or how to reduce our deficit (loss). They like to hear our ideas on a system for paying bonuses and dividends.

Managed Participation (Depth 4) People in my peer group can propose what to do with surpluses (profits) and deficits (losses). When appropriate, managers work with us to decide on a good system for paying bonuses and dividends. My colleagues / I would like to make proposals on the system for paying bonuses and dividends, and get managers guidance on which system they think will work best.

Member-Driven Participation (Depth 5) People in my peer group can propose how to distribute our surpluses (profits) and reduce our deficits (losses). We debate and vote on what system to use for paying bonuses and dividends.

8. How are surpluses (profits) and deficits (losses) allocated? (Wealth Sharing)
What is the situation now? People in my peer group do not participate in decisions about what to do with surpluses (profits) and deficits (losses), and do not talk to us about the system for paying bonuses and dividends. My colleagues / I just want a regular pay packet. We're / I'm not interested in discussing the system we use for paying bonuses and dividends.

Rank (1 - 5) What would you like to do in the future? My colleagues / I would appreciate being told what system managers have devised for paying bonuses and dividends. My colleagues / I would like to contribute our ideas before managers make any decisions about the system for paying bonuses and dividends. My colleagues / I would like to contribute to the development of any system for paying bonuses and dividends, and be part of any decision to change it.

Rank (1 - 5)

Further comments:

Rory Ridley-Duff and Alistair Ponton (Viewpoint Research CIC), 2013, Creative Commons 2.0 Licence

Rory Ridley-Duff and Alistair Ponton (Viewpoint Research CIC), 2013, Creative Commons 2.0 Licence

Area of Business

No Involvement (Depth 1)

Passive Involvement (Depth 2) People in my work group are told by their manager(s) how we are developing our products and services.

Active Involvement (Depth 3) People in my work group are invited by manager(s) to contribute to discussions on new products and services.

Managed Participation (Depth 4) People in my work group can propose new products and services to manager(s), and they help us work out which will fit best with business objectives. My colleagues / I would like to make proposals for new products and services, and to have the support of managers to develop them.

Member-Driven Participation (Depth 5) People in my work group can propose new products and services to manager(s), and participate in decisions on whether to fund and develop them. My colleagues / I would like to make proposals for new products and services, and participate in decisions about how they can be funded and developed.

9. How do you design new products and services? (Product / Service Development)
What is the situation now? People in my work group do not have meetings to discuss the development of our products and services.

Rank (1 - 5) What would you like to do in the future? My colleagues / I do not want to be involved in the development of future products and services. We / I prefer to leave this to others. My colleagues / I would like to be kept informed about the development of new products and services. My colleagues / I appreciate having discussions on how to develop new products and services.

Rank (1 - 5)

Further comments:

Rory Ridley-Duff and Alistair Ponton (Viewpoint Research CIC), 2013, Creative Commons 2.0 Licence

Area of Business

No Involvement (Depth 1)

Passive Involvement (Depth 2) In my work group, we have meetings to learn about the way our managers are developing the business.

Active Involvement (Depth 3) In my work group, we are included in discussions on business development before managers make decisions.

Managed Participation (Depth 4) In my work group, we have meetings to put our proposals to managers, and they guide us on which proposals they think will contribute most to developing the business. My colleagues / I would like to have meetings where we can present our proposals for business / market development, and get managers input on how to improve them.

Member-Driven Participation (Depth 5) In my group, we prepare business development plans for our area of work, and participate in discussions and decisions on how to fund and implement them.


How do you access and develop markets? (Market / Business Development)

In my work group, we do not have meetings about developing markets, or receive any information on the development of our business.

What is the situation now?

Rank (1 - 5) What would you like to do in the future? My colleagues / I do not want to attend meetings on business / market developments. We / I prefer to leave that to others. My colleagues / I would appreciate meetings where managers tell us about business / market developments. My colleagues / I would like to have meetings where managers have a conversation with us about their ideas for business / market development before they take any decisions. My colleagues / I would like to prepare proposals for our contribution to business / market development, and meet with colleagues to make decisions on their funding and implementation.

Rank (1 - 5)

Further comments:

Rory Ridley-Duff and Alistair Ponton (Viewpoint Research CIC), 2013, Creative Commons 2.0 Licence

Rory Ridley-Duff and Alistair Ponton (Viewpoint Research CIC), 2013, Creative Commons 2.0 Licence

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