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Resources:Neon Genesis Evangelion Proposal (Translation)

(Redirected from Neon Genesis Evangelion Proposal (Translation)) Available translations from the Neon Genesis Evangelion Proposal. Transcriptions of the original Japanese text are included for open comparison with the translations.

Page 1 (Cover Page)

Translation Translator: Reichu Neon Genesis Evangelion TV Animation Series Shinseiki Evangelion (Tentative Title) Proposal GAINAX Notes The cover page presents both versions of the title (the "Roman character version" and the Japanese version), hence the inclusion of Shinseiki Evangelion (literally "New Century Evangelion", or whatever variation you prefer) in the translation. -Reichu Original Japanese NEONGENESISEVANGELION TV GAINAX

Page 2 (Synopsis and Staff)


Translator: AnonymousEvaTranslator

In The Year 2015

Humanity has reached its evolutionary limit. Their salvation lies in invoking the Human Instrumentality Project. In order to disrupt the plan, a group of unidentified giant battle weapons have invaded. The Apostolos. They've been given the names of angels, but can they really be Messengers of the Gods? In order to obtain the great power needed to resist the Apostolos, humanity has developed the allpurpose artificial battle weapon Evangelion. After fourteen years, three units have been completed. However, only appointed fourteen-year-old boys and girls can possibly manipulate the Evas. And now, the fight for humanity's existence rests with them. Shinseiki Evangelion Tentative Title: NEON GENESIS EVANGELION

Classification: Science Fiction Action Serialized TV Animation Format: Planned 30 minutes an episode with a total of 26 episodes over six months Target Audience: Grade school students, middle school students, and general household Project & Original Work: Gainax Character Design: Yoshiyuki Sadamoto Mechanical & Concept Design: Ikuto Yamashita Scenario & Director: Hideaki Anno Notes They use the word Kamigami, "Gods," for the phrase (Kamigami no tsukai), or, "Messengers of the Gods" on page 2. In this context it's different than saying the one Christian God. Kind of noteworthy, I thought. -AET Original Japanese

? 14 3 14


Page 5 (Highlights)

Translation Translator: AnonymousEvaTranslator

Story & Drama Highlights Unraveling A Riddle

Within the main project's drama, and in addition to the day-to-day depictions of the individual characters, the unidentified enemy Apostolos, numerous science fiction elements, mysteries, and secrets are kept hidden. The boy protagonist of the series begins the story in a place he knows nothing of. In short, the audience, too, begins the story with the protagonist, and is witness as he is to each revelation to the series' mysteries and secrets. Of course, before the story begins, earth-shattering unforeseen events, unexpected plot twists, etc., are prepared beforehand.

The Feel Of A Game

The main project will include all sorts of game elements to be inlaid into the main story. For example, with the setting of Japan in the midst of defensive battles in urban environments, the streets themselves would become fortifications during battle, prepared with fuselages and choices of military equipment. In the second half of the story, preparations to invade a discovered enemy stronghold would be done in the vein of a simulation or RPG game.

In addition, battles with multiple artificial weapons include hand-to-hand battles, support of two or more allies, a variety of enemies, as well as launchings and weapons from fuselages. Moreover, energy replenishing packs will be hidden throughout the city as the use of time and a continually draining power supply will provide battle suspense, not unlike the nature of various shooting or action games.

Visual Highlights
A team of super-scientific battle weapons is brought to life in compelling fashion. The process of launching these giant weapons is done with significant mechanical vibrance. Each time, the launching process differs; throughout the metropolis are multiple, unexpected, hidden points of departure. The force of two enormous weapons clashing together always creates a dynamic fight. Like regular people, these giant, heavy artificial weapons move speedily, creating a fantastic dramatic effect. The forms of the Apostolos are never the same. There is always a variety in weapons and design. An active limit time forces the protagonist to work quickly, creating plenty of tension and heartpounding suspense. Crisis befalls the protagonist. An extravagant, adrenaline-pumping climax. A turning of the tide of battle. And, finally, catharsis. Until this project, anime has never included these concepts. To have cool, realistic battle scenes is what we imagine. Original Japanese



Page 7 (Apostolos)


The enemies are unidentified giant battle weapons, designated Apostolos.

Possessing various forms and various super-scientific special abilities, the mysterious objects Apostolos advance upon mankind. In actuality, they are ancient relics that were left sleeping all around the world by prehistoric lifeforms called the First Ancestral Race. There are 28 in all. Adam was the first one confirmed, excavated by mankind 15 years ago in the Dead Sea region, but it was destroyed by a mysterious explosion. 27 will subsequently awaken. The Apostolos are all named after angels described in the Dead Sea Scrolls. Notes The header here includes the bit (, which is shito in Japanese quotation marks, followed by katakana "Apostolo" in parentheses, indicating that "Apostolo" is Proposal's answer to "Angel". Despite the comment regarding angel names in the Dead Sea Scrolls, in real life their names originate from a multitude of Judeo-Christian esoteric sources. None of the Apostolos/Angels, to my knowledge, have names originating from the actual Dead Sea Scrolls, and since we already have sources for their names we don't need a "secret" version of the DSS to ascribe the names to, either. But be that as it may... Also note the presence of the First Ancestral Race. While not exactly satisfying the breadth of their description in the Classified Information, that the idea was lurking about two years before the series' debut does at least prove that the CI did not pull them out of its posterior.

Original Japanese

1 28 15 27

Page 9 (Evangelions' Features)

Translation Translator: Reichu

Evangelions' Features
Because of its flexible artificial musculature composed of metal, movement like a human being is rendered possible. Its actional response time may also be manipulated at will. The main unit is the basic body, manufactured from a skeletal framework and artificial muscles. Various versatile armor suits, special equipment, etc., can be equipped onto this, enabling Eva's multi-purpose utilization. Put simply, they are giant robots, wearing helmets and equipped with gloves. Usually they operate by means of an electric energy supply provided via cable. However, in the event of emergency, they switch to an internal supply. At the same time, this has a weakness in that, due to a problem with storage capacity, Eva can only operate for approximately 1 minute on internal power. They are improved after Eva-01 and installed with a Positron Engine, but all sorts of problems remain, as this system is also unstable. Unfortunately, unaided flight is impossible. Furthermore, within the show there are multiple Evangelion homotypes. (Following the conclusion of Episode 01, as follows.) Unit 00 Prototype: Unit 01 Test Type: Unit 02 Experimental Type: Unit 03 Experimental Type: Unit 04 Test Type: Partially damaged in its first combat. The unit is being kept on freeze. Successfully activated for the first time in Episode 01, upon which it was immediately used in actual combat. Currently being transported from Sasebo via aircraft carrier in the care of the U.N. Army. The final adjustments have been handled. Currently being constructed at an unspecified site in America. Missing number. As it disappeared in an explosion incident, its construction has been discontinued.

Unit 05 Experimental Type: Unit 06 Mass Production Model: Notes

Currently being constructed at an unspecified site in Germany. Construction is scheduled to begin in 2016, also in Germany.

Note the conceptual predecessor of the S Engine. Additionally, an actual lineup of mass production Evas is conspicuously absent. The original conception for two final Eva units may possibly be recycled for Rebuild of Evangelion, which is currently known to have unique Eva-05 and Eva-06 models. Original Japanese


Page 13 (Human Instrumentality Project)

Pages 13 through 23 were translated by a professional translator for pmkava. The translator does not appear to be familiar with the series and thus some errors are present. What is meant by The Human Complementary Plan, a plan to save mankind from despair? Mankind has already obtained the power to antagonize God. This is the basis of this story and the great international project known as The Human Complementary Plan. Half a century ago, we developed nuclear fusion. Next up for mankind, who can store the sun in the palm of his hand, is a complementary plan to create the perfect human with their own hands. The goal is to liberate all of mankind by scientifically re-creating the tree of life forbidden by God, by taking away death from man, and by freeing him from the original sin and the curse that plagues him. The one who is advocating and recommending this plan is Gendo Ikari, the father of the main character. Through artificial evolutionary research, he is single-mindedly pursuing the form of a human who has achieved the ultimate evolution

Page 14 (Nerv)
What is The Secret Military Agency Nerv? The central characters affiliated with the organization forming the core of this drama. A secret military agency under the direct control of the Human Complementary Committee, an international federation of supreme executives. A highly regulated internationally-armed organization devoted to the first original race with the goal of investigating and researching the unidentified organisms, the Angels, and perhaps their capture or extermination. Implementing security for the surrounding facilities of the Artificial Evolution Research Center in support of this goal. The content of their activities have partly been made public by the public relations department, but the majority of their activities are highly secretive. As a contingency, they can also invoke their command authority (to the highest degree excepting nuclear weapons) against the United Nations forces and the armies of United Nations member countries at their own accord. When this happens, the authority held by the supreme chief officers of all divisions supersedes executive and legislative agencies of the United Nations member countries (Nerv headquarters currently does not get along well with the Japanese government and their Defense Agency). As their primary weapon, they retain the universal humanoid decisive land weapon, Evangelion. As drawn up in their stage 1 maintenance plan, they plan on deploying five versions of the Eva weapon. As of episode 1, they have accomplished 62% of their plan.

Page 15 (Layout)
Nerv General Organization Chart General Committee Head Official Chief Conrad Lawrence Special Assistant 1 person Observatory Committee Headquarters New city Tokyo-2 United Nations Headquarters underground shelter, Japan Headquarters Somewhere in new city Tokyo-3, Japan Division #1 Somewhere in the United States of America (assumed to be in Nevada) Division #2 In the red (due to Eva-04 exploding and its subsequent destruction) Branch #3 Somewhere in Germany The independent development and operation of the Eva weapon is progressing in each department. According to Nerv Headquarters second stage maintenance plan, the set up of new facilities in China and Australia within three years is being planned. EVA-00 PROTOTYPE Zero Edition Type B Equipment EVA-02 TESTTYPE 2nd Edition Type B Equipment

Page 16 (Hierarchy)
Nerv Headquarters Organization Chart Supreme Commander Gendo Ikari (also the Research Center Chief) Assistant Commander Kozo Fuyutsuki Inspector name unknown Nerv Headquarters Internal Bureau Managing Department Administrative Division 1 (Human Affairs) Division 2 (Training) Division 3 (Facilities) Division 4 (Supplies) Tactical Planning Department Division 1 (unknown) Scientific Research and Analysis Department Research Bureau Divisions 1 6 confirmed Technological Development Department (including experiments) Technology Bureau Division 1 (Head of Evas body) Division 2 (Head of materials engineering) Division 3 (Head of electromagnetic wave armor) Division 4 (Head of normal armor including guidance weapons) General Affairs Department General Affairs Bureau Division 1 (Accounting) Division 2 (Public Relations) Division 3 (Unknown) Division 4 (Unknown) Security and Intelligence Department (directly controls the committee, private, separate room, details unknown) Special Duties Department (majority has transferred to the second research center) Special Security Department (responsible for research center facilities security) Military Police Department (has authority to police outside of the organization) Direct Control Agency Division 1 (location unknown) Auxiliary Agencies Fuji Test Facility

Division 2 (location unknown) (Shizuoka Prefecture New Tokyo City #3) Matsushiro Test Facility (Matsushiro City, Nagano Prefecture) Evangelion Direct Control Unit (includes support division) Because research center security is of the utmost importance, maintenance plan number one governs the chief Eva division, the only group currently deployed for combat. However, because there are only three operational bodies including backups and only three operators, by nature the core Eva unit is unfortunately still operating with just the first platoon.

Page 17 (Shinji)
Main Character Introduction Shinji Ikari Age 14 Male Main character of this story An exclusive operator of the giant humanoid weapon Evangelion-01. 8th grade, quiet A-student. He protects himself by listening to others, but he grows up after experiencing various events in the story. His mother passed away when he was 3 years old. He has lived separate from his father. As a matter of fact, behind the relationship between him and Evangelion, which he operates, a serious secret is exists.

Page 18 (Misato)
Misato Katsuragi 1st Lieutenant Age 29 Female She looks more like Shinjis older sister or guardian rather than his immediate supervisor. Head of Strategy for the secret agency Nerv and later the person in charge. She is a 1st Lieutenant. Fairly optimistic. Even though she doesnt seem like the military type, she is practical inside. Shes an emotional type and gets along well with Shinji. A childish woman for her age. Her hobbies are either going out for a drink or relaxing at home. Quite stubborn with men. Page 19 (Ritsuko) Dr. Ritsuko Akagi Age 30 Female Supervisor of the development team for the giant humanoid Evangelion weapons. Intellectual and a cool cynic. Acquainted with Misato since school where the two were fighting friends. Appropriately mature for her age. Hobbies are Bonsai trees and punk rock. Has a cat. Surprisingly mild in front of men. Only woman who understands Professor Ikari.

Page 20 (Asuka)
Soryu Asuka Langley Age 14 Female Exclusive operator of the giant humanoid weapon, Evangelion-02 Specially educated and trained from the beginning as an exclusive operator. A determined girl who is apt to stretch herself depending on the situation. Hobby is playing video games. Hates to lose and hates boys. Aspires only to be like Kaji. Quarter Japanese, also has German-American blood. Step mother lives in Germany (her father passed away). Classmate with Shinji after changing schools.

Page 21 (Rei)
Rei Ayanami Age 14 Female Exclusive operator of the giant humanoid weapon Evangelion-00 Member of ground crew in the beginning due to injury sustained during first battle. Specially educated and trained the same as Asuka. Lacks emotion and speaks few words. Nihilist without feelings. Learned about emotions and feelings after falling in love with someone. Important secret behind her birth is hidden (she has no parents).

Page 22 (Gendo)
Professor Gendo Ikari Age 48 Male Shinjis biological father. First chief of the Evolutionary Research Committee Advocate of the Human Complementary Plan, and also head official. Gradually becoming fixated on the research itself and turning into a digitalized human who justifies any means in order to achieve the goal. Believes his plan will form a utopia bringing true equality to all people. Mysterious person in behavior and words.

Page 23 (Sonota)
Toji Suzuhara Age 14 Male Shinjis classmate and best friend. Hot-blooded type who gets emotional. Doesnt really like to play sports. Tends to fall for older women. Father works for the research center. Has one younger sister. Kensuke Aida Age 14 Male Shinjis classmate and best friend. Enthusiast of military weapons and videos. Type who sacrifices anything for his hobbies. A bit nervous. Loves older women a lot. Father is a civil worker. (Mother passed away.) Hikari Horaki Age 14 Female Shinjis classmate. Class president. Hard-working type and a plain girl. Even though an A-student, gets along well with Asuka. As an aside, her older sisters name is Kodama, and younger sisters name is Nozomi. Ryoji Kaji Age 31 Male Research center member. Affiliated with Ministry Research Office unlike other members who are international public officials. Misatos ex-boyfriend. Childish but very strict. Greatly influences Shinjis development. Conrad Lawrence Age 67 Male United Nations executive committee member and Human Complementary Plan manager. Nerv audit committee executive officer (administrator). Establishment of Nerv, and research center and acceptance of Human Complementary Plan largely attributed to his efforts. Good supporter of Chief Ikari in the beginning, but only argues with him now. Kozo Fuyutsuki Age 45 Male Nerv headquarters vice commander. Understands and staunchly supports Chief Ikari. Practical and a man of few words. Quiet acceptance of Misatos reckless strategies due largely to his personality. Hot springs Penguin Age 2 Male Misatos pet. Created artificially by genetic manipulation. Intelligence of an infant. Usually resides in a large refrigerator. Loves to bathe in hot springs for some reason.

Page 24 (Episode 01)

Translations for the plot summaries (pages 24 through 28) were obtained nth-hand through MDWigs, executed by one who either intentionally remained anonymous or whose name was lost somewhere along the way. The translations are not ideal and need to be redone from scratch (only 28 has been given such an overhaul), but they are supplied here, with precautions, pending such time. Translations are left unaltered. (Energy would be better spent on making new ones than editing these!) Some notes are provided based upon MDWigs' post at Animeboards. Translation Translator: Unknown

Episode 1: People's reunion: The story begins with a two-car train moving through the montain terrain of Hakone, headed for the city of Tokyo-3. On board is the main character, Shinji Ikari. He has been summoned by his father to come to Tokyo-3. Suddenly the trains stops. Through the mountains and trees can be heard the sound of emergency sirens. Two giant figures appear, before Shinji's eyes and begin a raging battle. Misato Katsuragi appears and saves Shinji. The battle is between the robotic giant "Evangelion" unit-00 and the metalic "Angel" Rajiel. The unit-00 defeates the Angel, but not without heavy damage. The Angel disappears into a lake and the damages unit-00 is taken back to whence it came. Shinji, under the guid of Misato, is taken to underground "artificial evolution" laboratory where he meets Ritsuko and Rei, and, for the first time in years, sees his father. Shinji confronts the Evangelion unit-01. He learns that he has been chosen to pilot it. The Angel, Rajiel, appears once again. The unit-01 is prepared for battle, and Shinji, clueless of what is going on, takes his seat in the piloting chair under the orders of his father and the other grownups. The unit-01, though unable to even walk straight, is sent to fight. In the dark of the night, in the fortess city of Tokyo-3, the two giants clash and the people who created the "Eva" see the true power of their own creation and are awed. Notes "Rajiel" should be "Raziel". "Angel" should be, at this stage in the conceptual game, "Apostolo".

Page 25 (Episodes 02 to 08)

Translation Translator: Unknown Episode 2: Unrecognizable ceilings: During battle, the Eva unit-01 goes out of control and shows unpredicted strength. Shinji's will defeated the Angel. After battle, the civilians' reaction to the Evas and Angels is shown. For Shinji, it is the begining of a new life in an unknown land filled with unknown people. The reoccuring fear from the battle. Misato and Shinji's interaction. Episode 3: The first telephone call: Shinji's new school. His first friends there. A heavy battle in Tokyo-3. Episode 4: 14 years, the first day: Shinji's birthday. But his father holds no words of congradulation for Shinji. Misato's decision for Shinji. A drama story of the people of "Nerv." Episode 5: Rei, beyond the heart: Interaction between Rei and Shinji. The fearsome power shown by an Angel. The Eva's defeat. The laboratory's oncoming peril. Episode 6: Deciding battle in Tokyo-3: A battle between human wit and the Angel. The Eva's revenge. Shinji begins to understand the people of Nerv. Episode 7: A man-made thing: A new man-made humanoid battle machine besides the Evas. What happens during its test run. A different side of Nerv is shown. Episode 8: Asuka's morning arrival: Asuka, Eva unit-02, and Kaji's arrival. Battle ships vs. a giant robot. A battle held on the deck of an aircraft carrier.

Page 26 (Episodes 09 to 15)

Translation Translator: Unknown

Episode 9: A split second, hearts overlap: The Eva's first beside-water battle. Shinji and Asuka's interaction. A double battle with 2 Evas. Episode 10: In the still darkness: An inoperative laboratory. The sadness of modern civilization deprived of electricity. A time suspense story. Episode 11: Magma diver: For the first time, Nerv strikes first against an Angel. An Eva is sent into a volcano, specially equipped to capture the Angel. Battle in the magma. Episode 12: An 18 second miracle: A highly explosive, unstoppable Angel decends towards Tokyo3 Absolute peril. Misato's high-risk plan. Episode 13: What comes after fear: The great defeat Shinji had expected to come. The breakdown of the Eva unit-01. Shinji gets trapped inside. Episode 14: An illness that leads to death, and: A rescue from the damaged unit-01. A drama of people. Shinji learns true fear and hopelessness. Episode 15: Shinji, once again: After his recovery, Shinji's decision to ride the Eva unit-01 once again. The Eva unit-01 is given an overhaul remake job.

Page 27 (Episodes 16 to 22)

Translation Translator: Unknown Episode 16: In the heart of the enemy: Shinji is taken into and Angel and for the first time, communication is made. Part of the Angels' objective is brought to light. Episode 17: Asuka's 1st date: Asuka goes to an amusement park for the first time. Misato's past. A romance comedy. Episode 18: the choice of life: Shinji fights the Angel-controlled Eva unit-03 piloted by his friend. The choice Shinji makes. Episode 19: A man's battle: Asuka is heavily wounded protecting Shinji. Shinji tries to prove himself to her. The Evas' first aerial battle. Kaji's death. Episode 20: Nerv's birth: The Eva unit-05 is sent to Nerv from Germany. A story of what happened 15 years ago: The evaporation of the Dead sea, the creation of Nerv and the Evas. A story of Shinji's father. Episode 21: At least, like a human: An underwater battle around a sunken ship. Shinji receives a mental attack by an Angel. A story of Shinji's mother. Episode 22: The cat and the transfer student: The first humanoid Angel (child with a pet cat) Nerv's accidental allowing of the Angel's entry into the laboratory. Shinji's dilemma of fighting a humanoid Angel. The laboratory's greatest secret is shown.

Page 28 (Episodes 23 to 26)

Translation Translator: Reichu Episode 23: "The Human Instrumentality Project" The secrets of Eva and the Human Instrumentality Project unveiled, along with the truth behind the goals of Ritsuko and Shinji's father. Episode 24: "Now, the Promised Time" Rei breaks down. Her secrets are revealed. At last awakened, the twelve strongest Apostolos descend from the Moon. Both Eva Unit-06 and the American continent vanish completely. Humans acknowledge their helplessness in the face of the Apostolos' crushing power. The promised time, when people will return to nothing, approaches. A human drama in the depths of despair. Episode 25: "Arka, the Promised Land" The laboratory holds the ancient ruins of Arka, which have become key. In order to stop the twelve Apostolos, the United Nations' head members annul the Human Instrumentality Project and resolve to destroy the Apostolos. Shinji's father objects. Shinji and the others stay at the laboratory for Rei. A drama of people conflicting over incongruous objectives. Final Episode: "The Only Neat Thing to Do" On the stage of the destroyed laboratory, all mysteries and drama are concluded. The denouement. Notes "Rei breaks down": "breaks down" can also be "collapses" or "be defeated". "Vanish": "evaporate" or "disappear without explanation". "Arka" is a tentative rendition, after something spotted in Legends of the Jews (= potential Pointless Religious Reference). "Arqa" is another good possibility. (The frequently-seen Romanizations "Aruka" and "Aluka" don't seem to be meaningful in any way, and are hence unlikely.) Pending the possible uncovery of additional sources, essentially nothing is known about this mysterious Arka. The only other place I've seen it mentioned is in the "music menu" published in the [S Works]] booklet, wherein the BGM pieces A-10 ~ 13 were originally intended to be "themes of Arka". (These pieces would later become, respectively, "MOTHER IS THE FIRST OTHER", "DEPRESSION", "INTROJECTION", and "SEPARATION ANXIETY", all associated with the "mindscape" scenes introduced with Episode 16.) It's been suggested that the assault of the "twelve strongest Apostolos" survived into the final plot as the 9-point attack of the Mass Production Model Evas. (Note that Seele did intend for there to be twelve of them...) Episode 26's title comes from a sci-fi novella by James Tiptree, Jr. (Note a point of commonality with the eventual 26 title?) Original Japanese

Page 34 (Three Apostolos)

Translation Translator: Reichu

Hovering at high altitudes, the Apostolo Arael (Angel of Birds)

A bird-shaped aerial combat weapon. With its twelve translucent wings outstretched, it can move freely about in the air. The Apostolos greatest weapons are the high-frequency swords on its wingtips. Since the Evas are terrestrial units, they are forced into an extremely tough fight.

The Apostolo Shateiel (Angel of Silence)

An optical combat weapon of light energy condensed into a solid state. Protective plating shaped like a rotating crystal converts all lines of magnetic and electromagnetic force into absorbed energy. The energy accumulated within the body can be changed at will into magnetic field lines, electromagnetic waves, electricity, and heat; and released at foes.

The Apostolo Turel (Angel of the Rock of God)

A large-scale automatic bomb that chases its enemies down and self-destructs. Shaking off any and all external attacks, it brings certain death to its targets. Its form, slowly advancing by air, fills Tokyo-3 with terror and despair. Notes Don't ask me what "high-frequency swords" are -- I don't know. High-frequency swords may be a reference to Larry Niven's Known Space books, which feature a 'variable sword', which Wikipedia defines as "An ultra-thin wire of molecular monofilament, made rigid and protected by a stasis field, forming a nearly invisible (and extremely sharp) blade. The wire can be extended to varying lengths (hence the name) and has a glowing red ball to mark the end of the blade." Gainaxers (to say nothing of Japanese SF fans in general) are likely very familiar with Niven's Known Space books, given that they ran the Japanese fan club for Niven and their store, 'General Products', was a corporation in Known Space. (Niven gave his personal blessing to the borrowing.) The alternative references is to Star Wars's Expanded Universe concept of 'vibroblade' or 'vibrosword'. A sword with an edge vibrating at ultrasonic speeds would well be 'high frequency'. Which is it? Hard to say. I incline to Niven because his variable sword first appeared in the, like, 1970s, while I don't think the SW swords appeared until the late '80s. But the existing Eva prog knives resemble vibroblades much more than variable swords. It may be useful to look up the exact terms in Japanese; if the SW term is used, then jackpot, if the Niven term is used, excellent (but if neither is used, we remain uncertain). --Gwern (contribs) 18:26 18 February 2011 (GMT) Shateiel is the correct spelling. I know my brain wanted to read the as , but this is not so. I'm pretty sure it's saying that Shateiel is made of solidified light, not that it's an "optical weapon" that solidifies light. (It's busy converting and storing all of that other stuff, besides.) This would also make sense in light (uh... no pun intended?) of the rubber-physics technobabble provided on the Angels' native matter in Episode 05; all ideas start somewhere. I couldn't figure out what (shingan, literally "god" + "rock") -- whatever Turel is "the angel of" -- was supposed to be referring to, until I looked Turel up. Turns out Turel's name actually means "rock of God". I guess since Turel isn't listed as a patron angel of anything, Anno and friends decided to make it the patron angel of its own name? Oh dear... Original Japanese () 12 ()

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