Calculation of Base Plate

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Section size: Width of section, w = Depth of section, H = Thickness of web, tw = Thickness of flange,tf =

W200X36 203 mm 204 mm 7 mm 11.0 mm

Y d

Width of base plate,B = Length of base plate,D = Anchor Bolt size:

225 mm 225 mm

No of anchor bolts = 4 Diameter of anchor bolt, d = 20 Center to center distance ,c = 140 Center to center distance ,d = 140 Thickness of base plate from tension criteria Force on base plate :( Node 339, LC 34) Vertical compressive load , Pac = Axial Tension, PT = 130 Shear along X dirn = 10 Shear along Y dirn = 10 Resul;tant Shear = 14.15 Yield strength of plate, fy = 265 f for steel = 0.9 50 kN kN kN kN N/mm2

mm mm mm
Refer Appendix D for support reactions

kN ( factored) ( factored) ( factored) ( factored)

( refer page

of this calculation)

Base Plate Dimensions

.72 64

Factored bearing stress ,sbc = 0.85xfcxf'c fc = f'c = sbc = 0.6 28 14.28 N/mm2 N/mm2

Refer CSA-A23.3-94 cl 10.8

Area of plate required = Min size of B& D =

3501.4 sqmm 59.1726 mm

Since the area required is less than the area bounded by column it is considered a lightly loaded base plate Bearing stress developed,sbc actual =
2 0.99 N/mm


Thickness of base plate,tp = 0.43*w*b *sqrt(sbc/(f*fy*(1-b 2))) b= l= l= b= tp = sqrt(0.75+(1/4l2))-(1/2l) 2*H/w

Refer CISC Handbook

2.01 0.65 18.38 mm


Calculation of base plate thickness, tp



12 9.4 0

Page No : of Calculation of m and n m= m= n= n= (D-0.95H)/2 15.6 mm (B-0.8*w)/2 31.3 mm sqrt(2*Pac*m2/B*D*f*fy) or sqrt(2*Pac*n2/B*D*f*fy) whichever is greater 2.85 mm

Thickness of plate ,tp = Thickness of plate ,tp =

Thickness of base plate from tension criteria Tension per bolt = 32.5 kN 64.72 mm

Distance between center of bolt and edge of column flange,f = Considering a 45o degree dispersion from bolt towards the support Influence width,= 129.40 mm Towards column flange

The minimum of the effective width is considered.

Moment about column flange, M =

2.1034 kNm

Thickness of base plate =

16.51 mm

Provide thickness of base plate = Check for weld around UC203X203X46 Thickness of flange weld,t = Thickness of web weld,t = 6 mm 6 mm

20 mm

Ultimate tensile strength for E49XX electrodes, Xu = Ultimate tensile strength of base material, Fu (350W) = Shear per mm run ,Sx =

2 490 N/mm 2 410 N/mm

(Refer Table-4 of CISC Handbook)


For weld material

Conservatively (1+0.5*sin q) is taken as 1.0 fw = 0.67 Shear per mm run ,Sx = 933.075 N/mm Shear per mm run ,Sx = 933.075 N/mm Total length of weld = Total force transmitted = Total Resultant Shear = 1220 mm 1097.3 kN 130.77 kN

For flange weld For web weld

< Total Shear Capacity,Hence OK

30 Well Dia Depth Water depth Volume of water 9.144 m 9.144 m 3.048 m
3 200.16 m

30 feet 10 feet 200160 10.008


3000 3500 875

Well Dia Depth Water depth Volume of water

0.15 m 106.68 m 103.632 m

3 1.83132861 m

350 feet 340 feet

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