Ahmed Ar Rifai

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Hazrat Syedna Ahmed Kabeer Rifai r.

And when the Lords said to the angles, I am going to place in the earth a vicegerent(Deputy).and He taught Adam all the names. (Sura Baqra)

Blessed Grave of Hazrat Sayedna Ahmed Kabeer Rifai r.a ALLAH, the most Beneficent and Exalted created Adam (may Allah be pleased with him) and made him superior to the angles by endowing him with knowledge of the essence of the entire creation and then set him within the world to serve as His vicegerent. The descendants of Hazrat Adam inherit this endowment as a potential capacity, varying in nature from individual to individual. But the supreme vicegerency, universal and comprehensive, was manifested in Prophet Muhammad (May peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) who was the last Prophet in a long line of prophets. No prophet shall follow him in future but auliyas (saints) shall continue to grace this planet as the deputies of the Prophet (may peace & blessings of Allah be upon him) to guide the world community on the true path as revealed to the Prophet. One of the illustrious bright light of this line of saints was Syed ul Auliya Muhiuddin Abu Al Abbas Hazrat Syed Ahmed Kabeer Rifai Sha'fai, a true example of faith and one of the great inheritors of the perfection of the Prophet of Islam.

Muhiuddin is the pen name of Hazrat Sayed Ahmad ar- Rifai (R). One of his ancestors was Rifa'a, therefore he is also known as Rifai and since he was a follower of Hazrat Imam Sha'fai (may Allah be pleased with him) he is also called Sha'fai Hazrat Sayed Ahmad ar- Rifai (R) was born in the first half of Rajab in the Muslim yeer of 512 A.H. (1119 A.D.) on a Thursday. His birthplace was in the town of Ummu Abeyde in the township of Beta in the province of Basra, Iraq. He passed to the other side on Thursday, Jamadi al-Awwal 22, 578 A.H. (1183 A.D.), in the town of Wasit, in Basra, Iraq. His father was Sayed Ali Abu'l Hasan. His mother was Fatima ul-Anseri bint Yahya Nijjeri. His Shaykh was Aleyyul Wasiti. His maternal uncle, who helped raise him, was Shaykh Mansur Rabbani. Hazrat Sayed Ahmad ar- Rifai (R) has related to our Prophet (Peace and Blessing of Allah be upon him) through his father and mother sides by blood. His paternal lineage is as below. Sayed Ahmad Rifai bin Sayed Ali bin Sayed Yahya bin Sayed Sabit bin Sayed Hazim bin Sayed Ali bin Sayed Hasan bin Sayed Mahdi bin Sayed Muhammad bin Sayed Husain bin Sayed Ahmad bin Seyyid Musa al-Thani bin Sayed Ibrahim bin Sayed Musa-al Qadhim bin Sayed Jafr Sadiq bin Sayed Muhammad Baqir bin Sayed Zain al Abidin Ali bin Imam Hasan bin Ameer Al Mumineen Imam Ali bin AbuTalib (May Allah Please with them). Before Hazrat Sayed Ahmad ar- Rifai (R) birth, his maternal uncle, a famous Shaykh, Mansur Rabbani, had seen our prophet Hz. Muhammad (s.a.w.s) and was told that his sister would have a male child who would be famous and be known by the name "Rifa'i." When the child reached the proper age for Sufism, he should be sent to Shaykh Aleyyul Wasiti for education and training. Hazrat Sayed Ahmad ar- Rifai (R) father passed away when his son was 7 years old. Sayed Ali died in 519 A.H.; he is buried in Baghdad. So Hazrat Sayed Ahmad ar- Rifai (R) maternal uncle started taking care of the little boy. After a while he was sent to Shaykh Wasiti in accordance with his uncle's vision. Shaykh Mansur has said that as long as Hazrat Ahmed ar Rifai stayed with him, he saw many miracles come through the boy and that many blessings came through him for everyone. Once his uncle asked him to fetch some leaves. He went for them but returned with empty hands. He said to his uncle, "I found the leaves immersed themselves in invocation (Zikr) of Allah Taala, hence I did not separate them from the tree. Hazrat Sayed Ahmad ar- Rifai (R) showed ability and wisdom beyond his age when he began his education under Shaykh Vasiti. He acquired a high maqam by explaining the book of the Shafi school called "Tanbih." In his book Savad ul-Aynain, the writer Hazrat Ahmed ar Rifai (R) narrates, Shaykh Salih Yusuf Abu Zakariyya al-Asqalani, who was a great expert in the canon law of Islam, told me: I had gone to Ummu Ubydah to visit Hazrat Ahmed ar Rifai (R). There were more than one hundred thousand people around the guesthouse; some were managers, scientists and Shaykhs, and the others were the ordinary people. He gave dinner to all of them and was very friendly to everyone. He started to preach in the afternoon of a Thursday.

Hazrat Sayed Ahmad ar- Rifai (R) answered more than two hundred questions, and he did not get angry when he was answering the questions. I became embarrassed because of the insensitivity of people asking the questions, and I stood up and said, Is this not enough for you? He can answer every question about the written sciences, without facing any difficulty, with the permission of Allah! Hazrat Sayed Ahmad ar- Rifai (R) smiled at my words and said, Abu Zakariyya, allow them to ask before I pass away. Certainly, the world is a house from which we will all depart. Allah changes all situations, all of the time. All the public cried at this answer. The crowd was perplexed and anxious exclamations were heard. Forty thousand people became his students because of the spiritual effect of his talk. Hazrat Sayed Ahmad ar- Rifai (R) talks, his actions, his behavior and his every breath were for the sake of Allah Almighty. He always had a smiling face, was modest and good-tempered, endured suffering, and was very patient. He did not get personally cross with anyone, and did not want any help for his own person. On the contrary, he loved for Allah, and even his anger was for Allah. He did not rebuke anybody who behaved in a manner that he did not like. He considered neither his family nor himself superior to other people. Speaking about this he said, According to the Islamic law, everybody is equal to everybody else: it doesnt matter if they are close relatives or if they are strangers to us. The righteous people more are closer to Allah.

Dargah of Hazrat Syedna Ahmed Kabeer Rifai r.a.

Many miracles occurred through Ahmed ar Rifai.

One of the most widely known is the one that give him the name "Abul alameein" (the Father of Two Banners). In the year 555 A.H., when he was 43 years old, Hazrat Sayed Ahmad ar- Rifai (R) went on hajj. He didn't wear the usual traveling clothes of Sayeds (the relatives of the Prophet, saws, could be recognized by their clothes). There is a certain section of the Prophet's (saws) tomb in Medina that only blood relatives of the Prophet (saws) may enter. The guard at the door would not allow him in, as he wanted to know the proof that Hazrat Sayed Ahmad ar- Rifai (R) was related to the Prophet (saws). Hazrat was sad and yelled towards our Prophet's (saws) tomb, "As-salaamu alaykum, ya jaddi (Peace be on you, my ancestor)." Our Prophet (saws) answered, saying "Walaykum salaam, ya waladi (And peace be on you, my son). Hazrat Sayed Ahmad ar- Rifai (R), stood facing the noble chamber(of the prophet's tomb), he uttered these verses: My spirit, I would send you to kiss the ground on my behalf, for it is my deputy.The turn of visible forms has now come around, So please extend your right hand, that my lips may touch it." Muhammad's (saws) hand came out of the tomb and our Peer kissed the Prophet's (saws) hand. When people saw this miracle, they went into a state of wajd (ecstasy) and began stabbing themselves with their swords and knives. When the ecstasy passed, there were people lying all over the floor covered with blood, so Hazrat Sayed Ahmad ar- Rifai (R) returned them to their normal health. After that, our Peer was famous for possessing this gift. Allama Shatnufi also recalls that one visitor came to see Hazrat Sayed Ahmad arRifai (R) and estables were placed before him. That visitor refused to eat saying that he eats only when it was time for him to eat. Hazrat asked him about the time of his meals. He replied that he eats only after the dusk prayers. The visitor was served dinner after Maghrib. He requested Hazrat Sayed Ahmad arRifai (R) to join him for dinner. But the Hazrat told the guest that he eats at his own time. What will be your time? The guest enquired. Hazrat replied: once in six months. (Bahjat al Asrar p. 236) Hazrat Allama Jami (May Allah be pleased him) records that many people used to come to Hazrat Sayed Ahmad ar- Rifai (R) for amulets to be written out for their benefit. Sometimes if by chance there was no ink, Hazrat Ahmed used to write amulets without ink. Once Hazrat Sayed Ahmad ar- Rifai (R) wrote an amulet for a person without the aid of ink. After a long interval that person returned it to Hazrat, in order to test him. But Hazrat told the visitor that the paper given to him had an amulet written over it (Nafhat al Uns p. 785) Hazrat Allama Jami (May Allah be pleased with him) records the one day two pupils of Hazrat Sayed Ahmad ar- Rifai (R) went to the forest and sat down for conversation. One of them asked the other: you have been serving Hazrat Sayed Ahmad ar- Rifai (R) for long; what reward have you got for your services? The other pupil replied that if have a wish then why not say it; may be granted by Allah. The first pupil said, my brother I wish that the warrant of release from hell, for both of us, should descend from heaven. Within minutes a paper fell from above which was picked up by the pupils. It was a plain paper and they took it to Hazrat Sayed Ahmad ar- Rifai (R). When Hazrat saw the paper he prostrated himself in prayer and later said:

Allah does not write with ink. The letter has been written with light and praised Allah for granting freedom, from hell, for his pupil, in his lifetime. (Nafhat al Uns p. 786). Hazrat Allama Tadni (May Allah be pleased with him) relates that one of the followers of Hazrat Sayed Ahmad ar- Rifai (R) saw in his dream that Hazrat Sayed Ahmad ar- Rifai (R) was present in a magnificent house & that his wife was beating him on his shoulders with a lighted stick and Hazrat Sayed Ahmad ar- Rifai (R) was sitting silently. After waking up the pupil angrily told other disciples that they were not doing anything while Hazrat Sayed Ahmad ar- Rifai (R) was facing trouble. One disciple disclosed that Hazrat Sayed Ahmad ar- Rifai (R) was not in position to pay five hundred dinars as alimony to his wife. One of them offered to Hazrat Ahmed five hundred dinars to pay to his wife as alimony. Hazrat Sayed Ahmad ar- Rifai (R) smiled and said if I did not bear my wife's torture with patience, you would not have seen me in a splendid house in your dream. (Qalaid al Jawahir p. 293)

According to Allama Shatnufi (May Allah be pleased with him) Shaikh Imam Abu Abdullah Bitahi travelled to Umme Ubaida and stayed in the Khaniqah of Hazrat Sayed Ahmad ar- Rifai (R) for a few days, Hazrat Sayed Ahmad ar- Rifai (R) requested him to describe the grace & virtues of Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (R) (May Allah be pleased with him). Imam Abu Abdullah began to speak when one person intervened and said: Cut this out and tell us the virtues of others, referring to Hazrat Sayed Ahmad ar- Rifai (R). The Shaikh of Umme Ubaida stared at the intruder with such anger that he fell down dead on the ground. And then Hazrat Sayed Ahmad ar- Rifai (R) remarked: who has the power to praise Hazrat Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani? And who has the capability to attain the spiritual heights achieved by him? He told his audience that Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani was a great saint on whose right flows the ocean of Shariat and on the left flows the ocean of Haqeeq (Reality). Out of these two one can choose one's pick. In out time, he said, No one can be compared with Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (May Allah be pleased with him). (Bahjat ul Asrar p. 232)

In his heart Hazrat Sayed Ahmad ar- Rifai (R) had great respect for Hazrat Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (May Allah be pleased with him). Very often he would shower praises on the Ghaus-e-Azam and instruct his followers & audience to honour and follow the path laid by Hazrat Abdul Qadir Jilani (R).

According to Allama Shatnufi (May Allah be pleased with him) one persons came to seek the permission of Hazrat Sayed Ahmad ar- Rifai (R) before making a journey to Baghdad. Hazrat instructed him to pay a visit to Hazrat Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (r) , in case he was alive, at the first instance or otherwise pay his respects at his grave because Hazrat had promised and taken Oath from his followers that those whoever gos to Baghdad & do not pilgrimage to Hazrat Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (r) shrine shall be punished. (Bahjat ul Asrar p. 238) Hazrat Sayed Ahmad ar- Rifai (R) is known as one of the four major tariqat peers ("Aktab-i Arbaa," a qutb of the time, not just of a local area). One day somebody asked Hazrat Abdul Qadir al Jilani (R) (who was Hazrat Sayed Ahmad ar- Rifai (R) Uncle) "Ya Hazrat, what is love?" Hazrat Abdul Qadir al Jilani (R) told the person to go ask this question to Hazrat Sayed Ahmad ar- Rifai (R). After sending Hazrat Abdul Qadir al Jilani (R) salaams to Hazrat Sayed Ahmad ar- Rifai (R), he asked, "What is love?" When Hazrat Sayed Ahmad ar- Rifai (R) heard this question, he stood up, saying, "Love is fire, love is fire" He began whirling until he passed into the unseen and disappeared. When the person saw this, he was disturbed because he didn't understand what was happening. At that moment, the spiritual presence of Hazrat Abdul Qadir al Jilani (R) appeared and told him to look for the spot where his nephew Hazrat Sayed Ahmad ar- Rifai (R) had vanished, and to pour rosewater on that spot. The person did this and within a couple of moments, Hazrat Sayed Ahmad ar- Rifai (R) appeared, whirling in the exact same place. When the man went back to Baghdad, he visited Hazrat Abdul Qadir al Jilani (R), who asked him, "Did you see love? My nephew Hazrat Sayed Ahmad ar- Rifai (R) has reached stations that many walis have not been able to reach." Abu Musa el-Haddadi said that in the town of Haddahiye there was a woman whose children were always stillborn. This lady said, if I have a child, I will give this child in the service of Hazrat Sayed Ahmad ar- Rifai. A few years later she had a daughter who was hunchbacked and lame. Because of this, the other children in the village always made fun of her. One day, Hazrat Sayed Ahmad ar- Rifai was visiting this town and all the people went to the road to see him. The little girl threw herself at Hazrat Sayed Ahmad ar- Rifai feet and cried out, "You are my mother's Shaykh; please heal me from these problems!" and wept. When Hz. Rifai saw her situation he cried as well, and praying over her, he placed his hands on her back and head. The girl's back and leg were both healed. This is why Hazrat Sayed Ahmad ar- Rifai is called Beynennas (Abu'l Arca), the Father of the Lame. One Friday, Hazrat Sayed Ahmad ar- Rifai was sleeping and woke to find that it was time for prayer. However, there was a cat asleep on his robe. He asked his wife for some scissors, cut off the part of his robe where the cat lay, stood up and went to prayers. When he returned, the cat had awakened and left, so he asked his wife for thread to sew the robe back together. When he saw his wife's displeasure at what he had done to his robe, he said "Do not worry, nothing but goodness happened and I did not suffer because of this; this was a good thing." Once, Hazrat Sayed Ahmad ar- Rifai spent forty days caring for a dog with leprosy in the wilderness. When he returned and was asked why he had spent so much time caring for an unclean beast, he replied, "When I die and meet my Maker, what would I have said if He asked me why I hadn't helped one of His creatures?"

Teachings and Good Works Hazrat Sayed Ahmad ar- Rifai used to advise people to guard themselves from overindulging in the things that are neither recommended nor forbidden by religious law, such as overeating and oversleeping. He used to recommend worshipping at night. He also used to recommend keeping away from people who do not know their limits, who behave in excessive manner, who see themselves as superior to others, and who argue with each other. He used to do his service by himself, repair his own shoes, and carry the firewood which was prepared for him to the houses of people who were sick, orphaned, fallen or without relations or friends. He helped the blind find their shoes after worship, and also helped guide them to the places that they wanted to go. He respected old people and recommended respecting them. He always used to quote the words of our Prophet Muhammad (saw), If a person shows respect to old people and those in need, Allah will assign people who will respect them when they are old. Hazrat Sayed Ahmad ar- Rifai (R) used to go to the houses of the leprous and bedridden, wash their clothes, bring their meals, sit and eat with them, and pray for them. When he heard that the people of his city were sick in a far-off city, he used to visit them. He also cured wounded animals, and said, Compassion for the creatures of Allah is one of the qualities that bring human beings closer to Allah. He was very kind and compassionate to orphans. He would cry for the poor, grow merry with their joy, and behave very modestly towards them. He considered himself as one of them. Great people in Hazrat Sayed Ahmad ar- Rifai s time said, The most important reason for his reaching his high station was his great kindness to all creatures and his humility. He used to show respect to the wise and the experts in the canon law of Islam and wanted everybody else to respect them. He said, The wise are the leaders and fundamentals of the community. Hazrat Sayed Ahmad ar- Rifai (R) was not inclined towards worldly things. He did not store any possessions at any time: although he had great wealth, he did not own more than two garments at the same time, either in summer or winter. His wealth was much more than the wealth of governors and famous rich men. He used to distribute his revenue to dervishes and to people who came to the dervish lodge. Upon his passing away, his possessions were given to the people.

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