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August 16th, 2011 Paul Deloughery Law Office, P.C. 4835 E.

Cactus Road, Suite 225 Scottsdale, AZ 85254

Dharma Bridge Foundation


79 Standish Drive Mt Sinai, New York, 11766



[email protected]

Dharma Bridge Foundation, an overview.

I. Who we are.

We are a group who have been raising money, and distributing these funds for the purpose of providing assistance to charitable, religious and educational programs at Buddhist monasteries in India, Nepal and other countries throughout the world, as well as assisting spiritual teachers residing in these monasteries to travel to other countries in order to provide religious teachings to students abroad.


Use of funds.

The use of these funds has been, but should not be limited to: The cost of transportation incurred in traveling to and from India, and to and from Nepal, as may be required by the immigration laws of the State of India. The cost of fees involved in obtaining passports, Visas, and any other documentation required for such traveling. Sundry costs of educational materials as may be required or desired. Other materials as may be required by the students of these monasteries. Library materials, as deemed suitable by those teachers we choose to support. Administrative costs, such as internet web hosting and registration services, associations, or fees required for the construction of an internet presence, by which we increase the number of our membership, and subsequently increase donations. Ultimately, a small amount of our funding will need to be used to offset the expenses of raising and distributing these funds, for example, bank fees, internet device costs, and the cost of sending monies to those teachers we support. Other religious, educational and spiritual needs, including sponsoring pujas and other ceremonies at these monasteries. III. Fund raising activity to date . Thus far, all funds raised (approximately $5,000 to date) have been by direct donation via the internet, as well as a few donations via money order, or direct wiring to India. IV. Next steps At this juncture, we seek to obtain "Non-Profit Status" for several reasons: Compliance with the taxation laws of the United States. Qualifying for any "matching funds" type of grants that may be available to us as a Non-Profit Organization, but are not in our current state. Making the process of donating more attractive to more affluent donors, through taxexempt donations. Greater "legitimacy" and "transparency". Greater discounts and fund raising opportunities for Non-Profit organizations.


Where we are with this goal

At this time, we have gathered an ad-hoc body of directors, who have been making guiding decisions for the group. This body is willing and able to take on the officers positions of a non-profit corporation. VI. Expected obstacles Very few of our directors are within a reasonable commuting distance with each other. Thus any and all meetings have been taking place via the Internet, using various messaging processes. This will need to continue. One of our directors (Duke Okkelberg) is the recipient of our funding as one of our English Language Teachers. VII. . What we are preparing for. We are aware that the first step to any of this is incorporating and filing a "fictitious name" request with the state-level governments. We are aware that we need to have by-laws and confirmed, installed officers at the point of incorporation. VIII. Conviction and determination. Since the fundamental purpose of this work is to assist in the education of Buddhist monastics in order to help bring Buddhist thinking to the West, we are very determined to proceed in this work. We simply will not accept failure, and will work steadily towards our goals. We thank you for your time and consideration, and humbly request your assistance in obtaining non-profit status as quickly as possible, Sincerely, Jennifer Hadorn (AKA Kelsang Oden) Chief Director Darrick Okkelberg (AKA Duke Okkelberg) Chief Monastic Liaison Kunchok Palden India Monastic Liaison

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