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New Study: Actinidin from Kiwifruit Enhances Protein Digestion

A new in vitro study published in the Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry lends more support to dietary kiwifruits role as a digestive aid. Researchers found clear evidence that the actinidin, an enzyme naturally occurring in GREEN Kiwifruit, enhanced digestion of food proteins such as soy, meat and milk under simulated upper tract digestion conditions (gastric plus small intestinal digestion). Methods Researchers tested eight different protein samples including: sodium caseinate, whey protein isolate (WPI), gluten, gliadin, soy protein isolate (SPI), collagen from bovine Achilles tendon (type I), beef muscle protein, and zein. The protein sources were incubated in the presence and absence of the GREEN Kiwifruit (Actinidin deliciosa var. Hayward) extract and put through a two-stage model system that simulates the bodys gastric and small intestinal digestive phases. After each simulation, the researchers conducted Tricine-SDS-PAGE analysis to separate the proteins and measure the digestion products that remained. Results Actinidin enhanced the digestion patterns of all the proteins tested, yet results varied between proteins as some experienced reduced levels under the first phase of digestion while others showed reduced levels only after the second phase. At the end of in vitro digestion (both simulated gastric and intestinal), the GREEN Kiwifruit extract was found to be most effective at enhancing digestion of WPI, zein, gluten, and gliadin:

Whey Protein Isolate (WPI): Actinidin had no positive effect on digestion in the gastric phrase, yet did enhance small-intestinal digestion. WPI reduced to 59% residual protein in the

small-intestinal digestive phase when present along with kiwifruit extract, pepsin and pancreatin. Zein: No data are available from the gastric phase due to low solubility of the protein, but the presence of kiwifruit extract along with pepsin and pancreatin in the small intestine resulted in 61% undigested protein. Gluten: The kiwifruit extract produced an improvement in small intestinal digestion, but had no effect in gastric digestion. Gliadin: Overall, actinidin appeared to enhance the digestion of gliadin under simulated gastric plus intestinal conditions. Conclusion Including GREEN Kiwifruit as a regular part of your diet may give the upper tract digestive system support in processing proteins and may serve as a digestive aid. Actinidin, the protein-dissolving enzyme in kiwifruit, helps the digestive tract break down certain proteins and alleviate the sensation of an overfull stomach. Kiwifruit is also a good source of soluble fiber, another digestive aid.

Kaur L, Rutherfurd S, Moughan P, et al. Actinidin Enhances Protein Digestion in the Small Intestine As Assessed Using an in Vitro Digestion Model.Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry. 2010; 58: 50745080.

Actinidin Proteolytic Enzyme Manufacturer

Actinidin (Actinidain), a proteolytic enzyme present in kiwifruit, is a cysteine protease (E.C.

that is similar in action to the group of papain-like C1 enzymes found in tropical fruits such as papaya, mango, pineapple and banana.
The abundant supply of New Zealand Green Kiwifruit produced under a well-regulated horticultural environment provides an excellent source of Actinidin, meeting the requirements of world's best practice in food safety. Being a natural enzyme extracted from a cultivated fruit, New Zealand-produced Actinidin offers a choice where there are objections to the use of recombinant gene technologies, often used in the production of microbial enzymes. formulate Actinidin powder to achieve a stable enzyme activity without adding undesirable excipients to the food end-product. By virtue of its physical stability our Actinidin product can be prepared at various concentrations and levels of purity that will meet the needs of the customer.

Some of the known advantages of our products:

Reliability of Supply Sourced from New Zealand kiwifruit. The New Zealand kiwifruit industry has a long history of stable production producing fruit that meet the highest standards of horticultural practice and food safety. Continuity of supply is assured. Safety The regulatory controls on fruit production prevent harmful chemicals from entering the food chain. Ensures compliance with New Zealand's high food safety standards. Formulation The product is a powder provided in a way that will be compaitible with the customer's requirements. Shelf Life Packed in multi-layer metallised barrier bags, moisture and air

uptake is minimised. Our physical and enzymic stability is in excess of 2 years at ambient temperature.

Low-Temperature Actinidin enzymes exhibit activity at low temperatures, enabling controlled hydrolysis while minimising microbial risk. Thermal Stability Actinidin activity is optimal at 55 - 60C ensuring that hydrolysis can be performed at temperatures preventing microbial growth. High Activity Level Actinidin extracts can be produced with enzyme activity levels equivalent to those produced from papaya and pineapple extract.

Uses of Actinidin

Meat tenderising - controlled breakdown of tendonous proteins while maintaining textural quality Cosmetic products (skin treatments) Wound healing Nutritional supplements Baking improvement Protein hydrolysis

Kiwi Fruit Extracts

Bulk Actinidin Proteolytic Enzyme Kiwi Fruit Extract (Actinidain) produce commercial grade Actinidin

products, extracted from New Zealand kiwifruit, which can be used for similar applications as papain and bromolein.

These applications include:

Meat tenderising - controlled breakdown of tendonous proteins while maintaining textural quality Cosmetic products (skin treatments) Wound healing Nutritional supplements Baking improvement Protein hydrolysis

Our Actinidin products have a number of distinct advantages:

Reliability of Supply Sourced from New Zealand kiwifruit. The New Zealand kiwifruit industry has a long history of stable production producing fruit that meet the highest standards of horticultural practice and food safety. Continuity of supply is assured. Safety The regulatory controls on fruit production prevent harmful chemicals from entering the food chain. Ensures compliance with New Zealand's high food safety standards. Formulation The product is a powder provided in a way that will be compaitible with the customer's requirements. Shelf Life Packed in multi-layer metallised barrier bags, moisture and air uptake is minimised. Our physical and enzymic stability is in excess of 2 years at ambient temperature. Low-Temperature Actinidin enzymes exhibit activity at low temperatures, enabling controlled hydrolysis while minimising microbial risk. Thermal Stability Actinidin activity is optimal at 55 - 60C ensuring that hydrolysis can be performed at temperatures preventing microbial growth. Long Storage Life The actinidin extract is converted to a powder with a low moisture content and corresponding low water activity. Benefits compared to traditional liquid enzyme products include: o Greatly reduced microbial load o Greatly enhanced enzyme stability, longer storage life o Less susceptible to microbiological contamination after the pack is opened compared with liquid products o Does not require refrigeration

High Activity Levels Our Actinidin extracts can be produced with proteolytic enzyme activity levels that are higher than those produced by papaya and pineapple extract. Actinidin enzyme activity is expressed in units per gram based on the synthetic substrate CBZ-lysine-ONp. If you are unable to relate your application to the units stated on our product then we will be happy to assist in making the correlation/comparison.

Actinidain (EC, actinidin, Actinidia anionic protease, proteinase A2 of Actinidia chinensis) is a type of cysteine protease enzyme found in fruits including kiwifruit (genus Actinidia), pineapple, mango, banana and papaya. This enzyme is part of the papain-like peptidase C1 family. Similar to that of papain From the kiwi fruit or Chinese gooseberry (Actinidia chinensis).

This enzyme catalyses the following chemical reaction

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