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©2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

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Windows Automated Installation Kit for Windows 7 Readme

Applies to:

 Windows® 7

 Windows Server® 2008 R2

 Windows Server® 2008

 Windows Vista® with Service Pack 1 (SP1)

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 Introduction

 Updates to This Readme

 Windows AIK Setup and Installation Known Issues

 Sysprep Known Issues

 Windows Setup Known Issues

 Windows System Image Manager (Windows SIM) Known Issues

 Component Platform Interface (CPI) Known Issues

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 Windows PE Known Issues

 Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM) Known Issues

 Unattended Setup Known Issues

 OCSetup Known Issues

 General Windows Deployment Known Issues

 Documentation Known Issues


This readme contains important, late-breaking information that supplements the Help documentation
for the upcoming Windows® 7 releases of Windows® Automated Installation Kit (Windows AIK). Before
installing Windows AIK, we strongly recommend that you review this readme.

A set of documentation is provided with this product that includes the Windows AIK User's Guide, The
User State Migration Tool User's Guide, and other documents. To view these documents after you
install Windows AIK, click Start, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft Windows AIK, point to
Documentation, and then click the appropriate Help file. By default, these documents are installed in
the %ProgramFiles%\Windows AIK\Docs\CHMs directory.

Updates to This Readme

This readme contains updated information for the Windows AIK and is current as of June 2009. The
latest version of this readme for Windows AIK is located here (
LinkId=139690). [ ]

Additional Resources

In addition to the tools available in Windows AIK, Microsoft® provides additional tools and resources to
help facilitate Windows deployment.

 Microsoft® Deployment Toolkit (MDT) (

[ ] )

MDT unifies the tools and processes required for desktop and server deployment into a common
deployment console and collection of guidance. The MDT tools and end-to-end guidance help
reduce deployment time, standardize desktop and server images, limit service disruptions, reduce
post-deployment help desk costs, and improve security and ongoing configuration management.

 Microsoft Assessment and Planning Toolkit (MAP) (

LinkID=132138 [ ] )

MAP is a tool that enables you to assess your current IT infrastructure for a variety of technology-
migration projects. It includes the features previously provided with Windows Vista Hardware
Assessment Solution Accelerator.

 Microsoft Application Compatibility Toolkit (ACT) (

[ ] )
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ACT contains the necessary tools and documentation to evaluate and mitigate application
compatibility issues before deploying a new version of Windows, a Windows update, or a new
version of Windows Internet Explorer® in your environment.

Windows AIK Setup and Installation

Known Issues

Supported installation to Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 2

The Windows AIK installation program (StartCD.exe) lists Windows Server® 2003 with Service Pack 1
(SP1) as a supported platform. This is incorrect. Only Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 2 is

Installing multiple versions of Windows AIK

Installing multiple versions of Windows AIK is not supported. You cannot install both the Windows 7
version and the Windows Vista version of Windows AIK to the same technician computer. First, you
must uninstall the previous version, and then you can install the new version.

You can use the 2.0 version of Windows AIK to configure and deploy the RTM version of Windows Vista
with SP1, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, and Windows Server 2008 R2.

Location of User State Migration Tool (USMT) documentation

There is not a link from the Start menu to the User State Migration Tool User's Guide (Usmt.chm). The
documentation for USMT is included with this release of Windows AIK and is available in %

Installing Windows AIK in two languages on the same computer is not supported

Windows AIK enables a subsequent installation in a different language, even if there is a pre-existing
Windows AIK with another language installed. Installation of Windows AIK in multiple languages on the
same computer is not supported.

Installing a localized Windows AIK in an additional language results in an inconsistent


Installing a localized Windows AIK in a language that is not the active operating-system language might
cause the tools and the documentation to be displayed in different languages.

Workaround: Install Windows AIK in the same language as the active operating system language.

Supported versions that can be installed with Windows AIK

Windows AIK is supported on the following versions of Windows:

 Windows 7

 Windows Server 2008 R2

 Windows Server 2008

 Windows Vista

 Windows Server 2003

Installing Windows AIK on pre-release versions of Windows 7 and Windows Vista causes the offline
servicing and Windows Preinstallation Environment (Windows PE) customization components to behave

The version of .NET Framework that is provided on the Windows AIK DVD is English only
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To install a localized version of the .NET Framework, go to the Microsoft Download Center
[ ] .

Installing Windows AIK to a directory path that contains parentheses is not supported

For example, \Program Files\Windows AIK (Windows7) is not a supported directory path.

Windows Setup Known Issues

Drvload-injected drivers take precedence

Drivers added using the Drvload tool are marked as the preferred driver for that device. If you add an
updated driver during Windows Setup, the driver you added with Drvload takes precedence.

Password requirements for user accounts

In Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, and Windows Vista with Service Pack 1, the default
password policy requires the creation of a complex password for all user accounts. During installation,
Setup prompts you to configure a complex password. Attempting to configure a non-complex password,
either manually or by using a script, such as with the Net command, will fail.

When the Sysprep tool runs, it sets a blank password for the built-in administrator account. However,
Sysprep clears the built-in administrator account’s password only for server editions, not for client
editions. The next time the computer is started, Setup displays a prompt for a password. You can
automate configuration of the password by creating an answer file to use with Sysprep that specifies a
value for the Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup | UserAccounts |
unattended setup setting.

OEMs and system builders are required to retain the default password policy of their computers.
However, corporate customers are permitted to change the default password policy.

A corporate customer can configure a non-complex password for the built-in administrator account
during an unattended installation by specifying the desired value for Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup |
UserAccounts |

Default time-zone value is used if time zone is not specified in the Microsoft-Windows-Shell-
Setup component

The default time zone is based on the installed language and country/region that are specified in an
answer file. If a country/region has more than one time zone, then the time zone is set to the default
time zone for that country/region, which corresponds to the location of the capital/major city of that
country/region. For example, if UserLocale is en-CA, then Eastern Standard Time (EST) is used
because the Canadian capital/major city is Ottawa, which is in the Eastern Standard Time zone.

If the UserLocale value is en-US, then the time zone of the Windows installation defaults to
Pacific Standard Time (PST).

Windows Vista Setup fails with error code: 0x80070491

When you install Windows Vista, Setup might fail with the following error message:

Copy Code

Windows cannot access the required file Drive:\Sources\Boot.wim.

Make sure all files required for installation are available and restart the installati
Error code: 0x80070491

This issue might occur if you performed the following steps:

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1. Created a customized Windows PE image.

2. Renamed the image to Boot.wim.

3. Replaced the Boot.wim file on the Windows Vista media with your customized Boot.wim file.

Setup failed because your customized Boot.wim file was missing a required flag option in ImageX.

Run the following command against your customized Boot.wim:

Copy Code

imagex /info boot.wim 1 ImageName ImageDescription /flags "9"

If the flag is not set to 9, Windows Setup fails with the error message listed above.

Using OCSetup to install or uninstall a component may fail

If you attempt to install or uninstall a component using OCSetup and an unattended answer file, the
procedure can fail, even if the answer file includes the root-level component. To work around this
problem, use Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM) to apply the unattended answer
file instead of using OCSetup.

Sysprep Known Issues

[ADDED MAY 22, 2009]

Error running Sysprep against a Windows Tablet PC image

When you run Sysprep against a Windows Tablet PC image, you might see the following error.

Copy Code

Sysprep_Cleanup_IPS: Failed to delete IPS user profile files: error = 32

To complete the Sysprep operation, you must delete the %LocalAppData%

\Microsoft\InputPersonalization directory.

An error might occur while running Sysprep when Windows Media Player sharing is enabled

[ADDED MAY 22, 2009]

The following error might be encountered when running Sysprep on a computer that has Windows
Media Player media sharing enabled:

Copy Code

Info [0x0f0080] SYSPRP LaunchDll:Found 'drmv2clt.dll,Sysprep'; executing it

Error [0x0f0082] SYSPRP LaunchDll:Failure occurred while executing 'drmv2clt.dll,
Sysprep', returned error code -2147024864[gle=0x00000020]
Error [0x0f0070] SYSPRP RunExternalDlls:An error occurred while running registry
sysprep DLLs, halting sysprep execution. dwRet = -2147024864[gle=0x00000020]
Info [0x0f004c] SYSPRP WaitThread:Exiting spawned waiting thread

This error occurs because of issues with Windows Media Digital Rights Management (WMDRM). You
must disable Windows Media Player media sharing before running Sysprep. The Windows Media Player
media-sharing feature requires individual user consent and must be enabled only by an end user. This
same error might also occur if Windows Media Center is launched and configured, Intel Viiv is installed,
or when certain third-party tuner-card drivers are installed. You must stop these services before
running Sysprep.

Windows System Image Manager

(Windows SIM) Known Issues
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Use Windows SIM to create catalogs of different architecture types

Because of the changes in the servicing stack in Windows Vista with SP1, Windows Server 2008,
Windows 7, and Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows SIM cannot create catalog files for some Windows
images of different architecture types. The following list describes the Windows SIM architecture types
and catalogs that can be created for each one.

 x86 Image Manager Can create catalogs for x86-based, x64-based, and Itanium-based Windows

 x64 Image Manager Can create catalogs only for x64-based Windows images.

 Itanium-based Image Manager Can create catalogs only for Itanium-based Windows images.

Windows SIM cannot save answer files generated from a Windows image containing an
ampersand character (&) in its file path

Attempts to save an answer file with an ampersand character (&) in the Windows image file path
generates an XML validation error.

Workaround: Store all Windows image (.wim) files and Windows image catalog (.clg) files in directories
without an ampersand (&) in the path name.

Component Platform Interface (CPI)

Known Issues

If you attempt to import a package to a distribution share using a custom application that calls the
Component Platform Interface (CPI), it will return an error (System.IO.FileNotFoundException). This is
because a file in the servicing stack (Dpx.dll) must be in an available path to your application. The
workaround is to verify that the %PROGRAM FILES%\Windows AIK\Tools\Image Manager directory is in
the system path.

Windows PE Known Issues

Windows Boot Manager compatibility

Previous versions of Windows Boot Manager (Bootmgr and Bootmgfw.efi) are not compatible with later
versions of Windows. However, all versions of the Windows Boot Manager are backward-compatible. To
avoid complications during the boot process, such as with dual-boot systems, use the version of
Windows Boot Manager that matches the latest version of Windows you are installing. For more
information on BCDboot.exe command-line options, and for information on how to deploy the
Windows 7 Boot Manager, see the Windows AIK User's Guide.

Mounted images become corrupted after a Windows PE reboot

If you mount an image during a Windows PE session and the computer reboots, the mounted directory
becomes corrupt. The ImageX/Cleanup command is not supported. Use the ImageX/Unmount
command to unmount the corrupted directory, and then remount the image.

Disk partitions inaccessible when booting from optical media with flat Windows PE images

When booting from a flat Windows PE image on optical media, no disk partitions are reported. This is
because the NTFS service is not launched.

Workaround: Run
net start ntfs
to see the partitions.

CreatePageFile option of the Wpeutil command may fail with existing page files
If a page file exists, the /CreatePageFile option must be set equal to or greater than the current size
of the page file or the command will fail.

Copype.cmd command fails with spaces in path

The destination-path parameter of Copype.cmd cannot contain spaces or it will fail.

Deployment Image Servicing and

Management (DISM) Known Issues

Servicing Window PE 2.1

[ADDED MAY 22, 2009]

You cannot use DISM to service a Windows PE 2.1 image. To service a Windows PE 2.1 image, you
must install the Windows OPK or Windows AIK for Windows Vista with SP1 on a separate computer, and
then use these tools to service the Windows PE 2.1 image.

Servicing and running Windows Setup from Windows PE 2.1

[ADDED MAY 22, 2009]

Before servicing a Windows 7 image, or running Windows 7 Setup from Windows PE 2.1, you must have
the MSXML optional component installed. See the corresponding OPK/WAIK documentation for
instructions on installing the MSXML optional component.

Servicing and running Windows Setup from Windows Server 2003

[ADDED MAY 22, 2009]

Before servicing a Windows 7 image, or running Windows 7 Setup from Windows Server 2003, you
must first install the correct MSXML 6 binary files (Msxml6.dll and Msxml6r.dll) on your system. These
binary files must be installed from the Windows 7 OPK/WAIK media.

Servicing and running Windows Setup from Windows PE 1.6 (2005)

[ADDED MAY 22, 2009]

Before servicing a Windows 7 image, or running Windows 7 Setup from Windows PE 1.6 (2005), you
must first install the correct MSXML 6 binary files (Msxml6.dll and Msxml6R.dll) on your full Windows
Server 2003 operating system of the same architecture. You can follow the steps earlier in this readme
to complete this procedure. After you complete this procedure, you can then install the correct Msxml 6
binary files to Windows PE 1.6 by copying them from your Windows Server 2003 installation. You do
this by copying all Msxml6*.dll binary files from %Windir%\System32 into the Windows PE 2005 %
Windir%\System32 directory of the same architecture.

Because x64 down-level Windows PE 1.6 cannot service cross-architecture installations, it is not
necessary to copy appropriate files into the Syswow64 directory of Windows PE 1.6.

Do not copy Msxml6*.dll files from the %Windir%\System32 directory of a Windows Vista-based
or Windows 7-based computer into Windows PE 2003 Service Pack 2 or the %Windir%\System32
directory of a Windows Server 2003 computer.

Windows PE 3.0 already has the Msxml6*.dll files in %Windir%\System32 in the base image.
Therefore, no additional steps are required.

Hotfix required for Windows Vista SP1 and Windows Server 2003 R2 64-bit host

Before using the DISM command with the /Add-Package, /Enable-Feature, or /Disable-Feature
options from a 64-bit Windows Vista with SP1 host, Windows Server 2008 RTM, or Windows
Server 2003 R2 host, you must install a hotfix.
To service a Windows 7 image from the host environment, you must install hotfix KB960037 on the
host computer. The hotfix is available on the Windows OPK and Windows AIK media, in the hotfix <%
Mediaroot%>\HotFix directory in one of the following locations:

 For a 64-bit Windows Vista with SP1 or Windows Server 2008 R2 RTM host operating system,
install the hotfix from: \HotFix\KB960037\WS08

 For a 64-bit Windows server 2003 R2 host operating system, install the hotfix from:

Double-click the appropriate .exe file to install the hotfix.

Adding then removing a package using DISM does not save space

Adding a package using the DISM command-line option /Add-Package, and then removing it using
the DISM/Remove-Package option will not save space because of an offline scavenging issue.

Unattended Setup Known Issues

Help update: Suppressing the user accounts-creation page in Windows Welcome

The user accounts-creation page in Windows Welcome is suppressed if a user or a group is added to a
local security group. Add a user or a group to a local security group by doing one of the following:

 Create a local user.

 Add a domain user to a local security group with the Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup |

unattended installation setting.

To suppress the user accounts-creation page in Windows Welcome, without creating a local user, use
one of the following workarounds:

Workaround 1

If the computer is already joined to a domain, use the following XML example to add the Domain Users
security group to the Local Users security group.

Copy Code

<DomainAccountList wcm:action="add">
<DomainAccount wcm:action="add">
<Name>Domain Users</Name>

Because joining a domain automatically adds the Domain Users security group to the Local Users
security group, the DomainAccounts command does not affect the membership of the Local Users
group. However, using this XML example to join a domain will also suppress the user accounts-creation
page in Windows Welcome.

Workaround 2

Use the Sysprep/Quit command to set the following registry value to 1:

Copy Code

Error message: "Windows could not parse or process unattend answer file."

If there is an error in your answer file, such as a typo, you might receive the following error message:

"Windows could not parse or process unattend answer C:\Windows\Panther\Unattend.xml for

<configuration pass>. The settings specified in the answer file cannot be applied. The error was
detected when processing settings for <component name>."

This error message does not appear until you have installed Windows to a destination computer and
booted the computer.

To correct this, you must overwrite the answer file in the reference image with a corrected answer file.
Then, you can deploy the reference image again.

To update the answer file in your reference image

1. Review the Windows Setup log files to identify the exact location of the error in the answer file
and in the configuration pass in which the error exists. Review the following files:

 %Windir%\Panther\Setupact.log

 %Windir%\Panther\UnattendGC\Setupact.log

2. After you have identified the errors in the answer file, use Windows SIM to create a corrected
answer file.

To update the answer file in the reference image, from the technician computer, run the
following ImageX command to mount your master image with read/write access:

ImageX /MountRW <referenceImage> <imageIndex> <mountPoint>.

Where <referenceImage> is the .wim file, <imageIndex> is the index number of the Windows
image inside the .wim file, and <mountPoint> is a local directory that you can mount the image
to. In the following step (step 3), the mount point is referenced as T:\Mount.

3. Navigate to the log files in the mounted Windows image (T:\Mount\Windows\Panther), and then
run the following command:

mkdir T:\mount\windows\panther\unattend

If this directory already exists, you can skip this step.

4. Copy the corrected answer file to the following location with the filename Unattend.xml:

If T:\Mount\Windows\Panther\Unattend\Unattend.xml already exists, overwrite it with the new

file. Also, the new answer file must be named Unattend.xml.

5. Type the following at the command prompt: ImageX /Unmount /Commit <mountPoint>

The master image is now fixed. On your destination computer, format the hard disk, and then
install the image again. Test that the reference image is correct. If there are still problems,
repeat the steps until all errors in the answer file are corrected.

OCSetup Known Issues

Using OCSetup to install or uninstall a component may fail

If you attempt to install or uninstall a component using OCSetup and an unattended answer file, the
procedure can fail even if the unattended file includes the root-level component. To work around this
problem, use DISM to apply the unattended answer file instead of using OCSetup.

General Windows Deployment Known


Enable Wake on Wireless LAN (WoWLAN)

[ADDED MAY 22, 2009]

In Windows 7, to enable support for Wake on Wireless LAN (WoWLAN) Group Temporal Key (GTK)
Rekey, and Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) power-management scenarios, you must modify a
registry key. GTK Rekey, and EAP wakeup are disabled by default because not all devices support these
options. A computer that is currently sleeping will not wake up on GTK or EAP actions even if the
Network Interface Controller supports them.

To enable WoWLAN support for GTK and EAP, create or modify the following registry key:

 Key Name: EnableWoWLAN

 Type: DWORD

 Path:

 Value: 1

In addition to modifying this registry key, on the Power Management tab of the Device Properties
page, select the Wake Up checkbox. After configuring this registry key, the computer will respond to
requests on GTK rekeying and to an EAP request-identity packet.

Documentation Known Issues

"Windows Edition Servicing Commands"

In the topic "Windows Edition Servicing Commands," the note concerning limitations applies only to
Windows Anytime Upgrade (WAU). However, the limitation does not apply to the servicing command. If
you use DISM to upgrade, only the edition of Windows to which you can change the image will appear
as a choice when you run the /Get-TargetEditions option. However, if the end user runs WAU, the
Windows 7 Starter edition cannot be changed to the Windows 7 Home Basic edition. You can use WAU
to upgrade from Windows 7 Starter to Windows 7 Home Premium or higher editions, or you can
upgrade from the Windows 7 Home Basic edition to the Windows 7 Home Premium or higher editions.

Windows BitLocker Drive Encryption not supported on Windows 7 Professional

The topic "Understanding BitLocker Drive Encryption" indicates that Windows 7 Professional supports
Windows® BitLocker™ Drive Encryption. This is incorrect. Instead, this topic should indicate that
BitLocker is supported on the Windows 7 Enterprise edition.

The topic "Walkthrough: Add Multilingual Support to Windows Setup" has two errors

The topic "Walkthrough: Add Multilingual Support to Windows Setup" contains the following errors:

 When adding language support to the Boot.wim file, you must also add the corresponding
Windows language pack to your Install.wim file. The Setup process requires that the two images
contain the same set of language packs.

 In Step 3.2, the example command-line option should be changed from /Index:1 to /Index:2.

The guide "Step By Step: Basic Windows Deployment for IT Professionals" uses a deprecated

[ADDED MAY 22, 2009]

In the guide "Step By Step: Basic Windows Deployment for IT Professionals," in the section "Add and
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Configure Windows Settings," the setting SkipUserOOBE is included. This setting has been
deprecated, and should not be used. In Windows Vista, the Getting Started application would open after
Windows completed installation by default. The SkipUserOOBE setting would skip this. In Windows 7,
the Getting Started application no longer opens automatically.

Sample scripts for the Diskpart tool include comments

[ADDED MAY 22, 2009]

Some of the Help topics contain sample scripts to use with the Diskpart tool. However, some of these
sample scripts contain comments with the forward-slash (//) characters. Diskpart does not accept script
files that include comments. If you copy and paste these sample scripts, remove the comments.

Storing user data on the system partition

[ADDED MAY 22, 2009]

The topic "Understanding Disk Partitions" incorrectly states that user files must not be stored on the
system partition. User data can be stored on the system partition. However, because the system
partition requires at least 50 MB of free space, we strongly recommend that you not encourage end
users to store files on the system partition.

Windows Server 2008 R2 Foundation uses the same settings as Windows Server 2008 R2
Standard Edition

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