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The History of Foxfire

The fall of 1966 found a young teacher arriving at Rabun
Gap-Nacoochee School and entering his first classroom, only
to find himself not really prepared for the challenge in front of
him getting the students interested in learning English. Eliot
Wigginton tried several approaches, but just could not get the
students attention. With inspiration from the writings of John
Dewey, Wigginton asked the students what would interest them
what could they do as a class to make the English curriculum
interesting. Several ideas were discussed, and the students chose
to produce a magazine. The students would practice their basic
writing skills while creating content for their magazine. Some
of the students decided to write articles based on information
and stories gathered from their families or neighbors stories
about the pioneer era of Southern Appalachia. Foxfire, the
name of a glowing fungus found on rotting wood in the area,
was the name the students chose for their endeavor.
At a time when the hillbilly stereotype was commonly
ridiculed, those early articles about the lives of Southern
Appalachian folk cast a whole new light on the determination,
faith, and joy of living that this vanishing mountain culture
should be remembered for. Those early articles about local
elders and their way of life struck a chord with the community
and the public at large, and the
fledgling magazine began to grow.
By 1972, the demand for current
and back issues of Foxfire was so
great that an anthology book was
produced The Foxfire Book.
Along with audio recordings,
the students often acquired artifacts from the contacts they were
interviewing, and available storage space in the classroom was
getting crowded. Looking for room to grow, property in nearby
Mountain City was purchased with book royalties in 1974, and
the first of todays 20+ log cabins were moved and reassembled
mostly by student hands to create a new homeplace for the
program: the Foxfire Museum & Heritage Center.
In 1977, when the newly-completed Rabun County High
School was opened and Rabun Gap-Nacoochee School
transitioned to a fully private boarding school, the Foxfire
program elected to move, feeling that its ties to the community
would be better served by working with the local students.
Foxfires next expansion began in 1986, when grant funding
made it possible to explore why the programs classroom
experience was so successful in connecting with students. In
less than ten years, The Foxfire Approach to Teaching and
Learning was in widespread use across North America. Not
at all a pattern for replicating Foxfires magazine product, the

Our Mission

Approach is a distillation of how Foxfire succeeded that can be

applied in any classroom, to any subject matter at any gradelevel. The Approach helps teachers find ways to incorporate
Foxfires basic foundations into their own individual classrooms.
Today, students at Rabun County High School are
still producing The Foxfire Magazine going out into their
community and preserving their heritage by interviewing their
elders. Over 45 years of collected documentation about the
culture of Southern Appalachia exists through the efforts of
the Magazine program. The 12 volumes of the Foxfire series
have sold nearly 9 million copies. Since 1976, over $850,000
in scholarships have been awarded to Foxfire students, with
assistance from philanthropist Julia B. Fleet since 1989.
Annually, the Foxfire Museum & Heritage Center provides
dozens of school, home-school, and private tour groups with
fun and educational exposure to this unique mountain culture,
while thousands of casual visitors take self-guided tours of
the Museum. College, high school, and elementary school
teachers continue to visit northeast Georgia and carry the
knowledge and experience of The Foxfire Course for Teachers
back to their classrooms across the country.
From its humble beginning in one rural classroom, Foxfire
has grown to be many things to many people, both to its local
community and to countless others across this country and
around the world. Thank you for your interest in the legacy our
students have created and in the stories they crafted it from.
Foxfire is a not-for-profit, educational and literary
organization based in Rabun County, Georgia.
Founded in 1966, Foxfires learner-centered,
community-based educational approach is advocated
through both a regional demonstration site grounded
in the Southern Appalachian culture that gave rise to
Foxfire, and a national program of teacher training
and support that promotes a sense of place and
appreciation of local people, community, and
culture as essential educational tools.

The Foxfire Magazine

The Foxfire Magazine has been in continuous production
since it was founded in 1966. Begun in an English class at
Rabun Gap-Nacoochee School, the magazine operated there
until 1977, when the program moved to Rabun County High
School. It remained an English-credit class for many years, until
changing staff and changing state curriculum guidelines forced
the program to become a vocational elective. However, the goals
of the program remain unchanged: Student leadership directs
the day-to-day operation of the class with help from faculty
facilitators, the students use Rabun County and neighboring
communities as the resources for the information they gather,
and each finished Magazine issue is distributed to an audience
well outside the classroom across the entire United States
and abroad. The students achieve their goal of preserving the
vanishing culture of Southern Appalachia their culture while
meeting state curriculum mandates and publishing deadlines.
The Foxfire Magazine is no small achievement.
Student editors are responsible for training new students
on each step of the production of The Foxfire Magazine. A
student begins by choosing a topic to research or a family
member, neighbor, or other local elder to interview. He or
she arranges to meet their
contact and record the
interview. Back in the
classroom, the interview
is carefully transcribed
word-for-word into word
processing software.
Pulling information from
the completed transcript, the student writes an article based
on the contents of their interview or pulls together information
45 Yearsissue #1 and each 5th anniversary issue since then,
including the 40th & 45th Anniversary issues on next page

from several interviews. Articles can focus on a specific persons

life or stories, the lore of a specific town or community, details
or how-to information on traditional crafts and skills, or any
number of other things. The student editors assist the other
students on each step of the process, then proofread and offer
advice on content, and ultimately choose which articles will be
included in the next Magazine issue. If an interview or article
is not chosen for immediate publication, it will be archived for
later use when a similar topic or theme comes up again.
Producing two double-issues of The Foxfire Magazine
each school year, all of the students in the program work to
develop their skills in writing, communication, collaboration,
time management, decision-making, and problem-solving.
Leadership, teamwork, self-discipline, and responsibility are
also fundamentals of the program. Through hard work and the
acceptance of their audience beyond the classroom (subscribers,
libraries, etc.), students gain confidence in their own abilities,
competence, and self-worth all while preserving their unique
heritage and building a sense of community and place.

subscribe to
The Foxfire Magazine
Two issues per year
of personalities, history, and
how-to articles from Appalachia,
written by students at Rabun
County High School.
$12.95 one-year

in U.S.A.
$24.95 one-year
above (large) is the 45th Anniversary issue of The Foxfire Magazine

The Foxfire Museum

& Heritage Center

If youre headed near the mountains of northeast Georgia,

plan a visit to Mountain City and step back to a time when life
was much slower and simpler, but just as fulfilling (if not more
so) than the rushed existence most of us lead today.
Here you will find the homes, tools, trades, crafts, and
the lifestyle of the all-but-vanished pioneer culture of the
Southern Appalachian mountains. Foxfire students began
interviewing their families, friends, and neighbors in 1966.
Many times, these folks would
give the students an old tool or a
finished hand-crafted items they
were discussing or documenting.
Very quickly, Foxfire amassed a
very extensive artifact collection.
When The Foxfire Book became
a national phenomenon, Foxfire
gained a source of capital (book
royalties) to fund new growth.
Students in the program chose
to create a physical home for
their program, and, in 1974, land on the side of Black Rock
Mountain was purchased. From the beginning, the students
intended the property to be a place of interaction between
themselves, their work, and their community.
Foxfires new homeplace opened up a whole new realm
of possibilities for the studentsthey could now collect and
preserve one very significant piece of endangered Southern
Appalachian culture that they had never been able to even
consider before log cabins. About half of the 20+ log cabins
at the Center are authentic structures, standing basically as
they were originally built as much as 190+ years ago. The rest
of the cabins are traditional designs, constructed from usable
pieces of barns, homes or other buildings too deteriorated to be
reassembled, and represent structures that could not be found
intact or would not be parted with by their owners.
The Museums oldest structure is an authentic 1820s oneroom log cabin that was home to three family generations with 10
children each. Dog-trot cabins, known for their summertime
comfort, a replica chapel (the center of any mountain
community), an animal
barn, a blacksmiths shop,
and a complete grist mill
showcase other aspects of
living and working in the
bygone days of Southern
Appalachian. Collections

of simple tools and furnishings complete the picture. The

over-210-year-old Zuraw Wagon, the only wagon in existence
known to have been used in the Trail of Tears, is also on
display. The Village Weaver, artist-in-residence Sharon Grist,
is an accomplished spinner, dyer, knitter, and weaver. Sharon
usually has woven goods in progress on her many looms, and
is more than happy to share her art with visitors. Artist Carole
Morse also demonstrates at the Museum during the warmer
months, showcasing the craft of traditional broom-making.
Visitors can take a self-guided tour of the Museum,
following a walking trail that climbs the property, winding
throughout the grounds before returning to the gift shop. Some
portions of the Museum are vehicle and handicap-accessible.
Guided tours are available by appointment for groups of six or
more and feature in-depth information and more collections,
including woodworking tools, housewares, and a folk art gallery.
Visitors are encouraged to keep in mind that almost everything
they see at the Museum was collected or built by students.
The gift shop and Museum entrance are housed in the
Gate House, the first cabin visitors will see driving up Foxfire
Lane. Other cabins on the
property provide archive
storage, conference and
dormitory facilities for
teacher-training classes and
visiting students, and space
for heritage workshops or
folk-life demonstrations.
see maps inside back cover
for directions to the Museum

8:30am 4:30pm, MonSat

(call & confirm hours near national holidays)

museum admission: $6 per person,

$3 ages 710, ages 6 & under FREE,
$5 for seniors 62 & up

the Museum is now accessible by motor homes and

tour buses, but graveled mountain roads are involved

The Foxfire Approach

to Teaching and Learning

As Foxfire grew and gained national recognition, beleaguered

teachers all across the country looked at The Foxfire Magazine,
and saw an opportunity to change things. They started producing
their own magazines in an attempt to do Foxfire. Most of these
teachers met with partial or little success because they had missed
the very heart of why Foxfire succeeded student choice.
Kaye Carver Collins, an early magazine student and later
a Foxfire staff member for 13 years, explained the problem like
this: It seemed that people couldnt understand the importance
of the difference between the magazine, which was the choice we
made, and the fact that we made a decision.
In-house research and later grant-funded exploration sought
to clarify the reasons for Foxfires success and give teachers the
help they were looking for. The original classroom models three
driving factors student decisions directing the process, using
the local community as a resource for learning, and providing
an audience beyond the classroom for the students work were
grown and refined over time by practicing educators and Foxfire
staff, resulting in the eleven Core Practices that are the foundation
of the Foxfire Approach to Teaching and Learning.
The Approach is neither a method nor a recipe for success.
Each practitioner must be willing to rethink his or her own
teaching methods and adapt the Approach to their particular
subject areas, students, and curriculum requirements. An
introductory program, A Taste of Foxfire, is a short class offered
to familiarize teachers and administrators with the Approach and

Read More About The

Teaching and Learning
From Thinking To Doing
Detailed discussion by practicing
Foxfire teachers on each of the
eleven Core Practices, the building
blocks of the Foxfire Approach
to Teaching and Learning, grown
from the original Foxfire classroom.

Considering Creativity
and Imagination
Articles from educators around the country,
supporting Core Practice 9, offering
insights into and practical applications of
creativity, imagination, and the aesthetic
experience for enriching learning.

determine its appropriateness for their classrooms or schools. The

Foxfire Course for Teachers is an in-depth examination of each
of the Core Practices and their applications. During the Course,
teachers will identify their existing perceptions of the relationships
between teachers, learners, and the curriculum. Those perceptions
will be challenged, and the teachers will begin to redefine their
own teaching philosophies to include the Core Practices and
merge them back into their own teaching practices.
Foxfire teacher courses are provided through a partnership
with nearby Piedmont College in Demorest, GA, and can be
taken for continuing education credit. Separate focused courses
are offered for K-12 teachers and for college professors. Contact
Hilton Smith, Secondary Education Chair at Piedmont College,
for more information by email at [email protected] or by
telephone at 706-778-8500, ext. 1297.

Foxfire Approach to
in these Foxfire books:
Considering Reflection
A second collection of articles, built
around Core Practice 10, featuring
sections on Teacher Reflection and on
Student Reflection, intended to support
any teacher wanting to strengthen
reflection in the classroom.

Considering Assessment
and Evaluation
A third collection of articles, discussing
Core Practice 11. Topics include Critical
Issues of Assessment, PerformanceBased Assessment, Portfolio Assessment,
and Scoring and Reporting.

The Foxfire Series ~

and showcase the simple faith, steadfast determination,

the southern Appalachian Mountains, high school students
personalities, and lives of their elders for over four decades,

The Foxfire Book: This Is The Way I Was Raised Up w Wood Tools
w Log Cabins w Chimneys w White Oak Splits w An Old Chair Maker
Shows How w Rope, Straw, and Feathers Are To Sleep On w A Quilt
Is Something Human w Soapmaking w Cooking On A Fireplace w
Preserving Vegetables & Fruit w Churning Butter w Hogs: Slaughtering,
Curing, Smoking, Recipes w Weather and Planting Signs w The Buzzard
and The Dog w Home Remedies w Hunting w Dressing and Cooking
Wild Animals w Snake Lore w Moonshining w Faith Healing
Foxfire 2: Sourwood Honey w Beekeeping w Spring Wild Plant Foods w
Ox Yokes w Wagon Wheels and Wagons w Tub Wheels w Foot-Powered
Lathes w From Raising Sheep To Weaving Cloth w Wash Clothes In An
Iron Pot w Midwives and Granny Women w Old-Time Burials w Boogers,
Witches, and Haints w Corn Shuckins, House Raisins, Quiltins, Pea
Thrashins, Singins, Log Rollins, Candy Pullins
Foxfire 3: Hide Tanning w Cattle Raising w Animal Care w Banjos
and Dulcimers w Purple Martin Gourds w Dipper Gourds w Ginseng
w Summer and Fall Wild Plant Foods w Smokehouses w Lumber Kilns
w Butter Churns w Apple Butter w Sorghum w Brooms and Brushes w
Cornshuck Mops, Dolls and Hats
Foxfire 4: Knife Making w Wood Carving w Fiddle Making w PlowStocks w Wooden Sleds w Gardening w Bird Traps, Deadfalls, and
Rabbit Boxes w Horse Trading w Making Tar w Logging w Water
Systems w Berry Buckets w Cheese Making
Foxfire 5: Blacksmithing: Blast Furnaces, Bellows, Fireplace Pokers,
Forge Shovels, Froes, Cowbells, and Horseshoes w Gunmaking: Black
Powder, Barrels, Siler Locks, Flintlocks, Modern Gunsmiths, Turkey
Shoots, The NMLRA w Bear Hunting: Habits and Habitat, Bear Dogs,
Hunting and Trapping, Honest John, Buck Fever, Hunting Lore
Foxfire 6: Gourd Banjos and Songbows w Wooden Locks w
Shoemaking w Toys and Games w Uncle John Was In The Crib Stealing
Corn w I Did The Best I Could With The Brain Nature Gave Me w
Memories Of The American Chestnut w The Homeplace

Among the first recognized works to go against stereotypes

and ingrained resourcefulness of the people who inhabited
of Rabun County, Georgia, have collected the stories,
preserving this unique heritage for the generations to come.

Foxfire 7: Religious Denominations w Baptists, Catholics, Church Of

Christ, Episcopalians, Jehovahs Witnesses, Methodists, Pentecostals,
Presbyterians w The Camp Meeting w The Tradition Of Shaped-Note
Music w I Love To Sing . . . w Gospel Shaped-Note Music w Baptism w
Foot Washing w The People Who Take Up Serpents
Foxfire 8: Blacks In Appalachia w Southern Folk Pottery w Meaders
Pottery w Burlon and Irene Craig w Norman and Irene Smith w Wilson
Pottery w Hewell Pottery w Brown Pottery w Cockfighting: Breeds,
Breeding, Selling, Raising, Combs, Conditioning, Fighting, The Law w
Let Me Tell You About This Mule
Foxfire 9: Mushrooms That Glow w Remedies, Herb Doctors and
Healers w The General Store w Quilting-The Joy Of My Life w Crazy
Quilts w Catawba Indian Potter w Jud Nelson Wagon w Praying Rock
w Watchman On The Wall w Life Is Good w Haint Tales and Other
Scary Stories w Puncheon Floors w Mauls w Broadax Handles w The
Worst Feeling Was Being Alone
Foxfire 10: Tallulah Falls Railway w Tallulah Falls Hotel Era, Clayton
Boardinghouses, Survivors w Burton, Clearing The Land, Fontana Dam,
Hard Times, Forest Service and Ranger Nick, The CCC, The WPA w
Crafters: The Woodys, Jimmy White, Clyde Runion, Jerry King, The
Crockers, Reuben A. Miller, Minnie Black
Foxfire 11: The Old Homeplace w Wit, Wisdom, and Remembrances
w Gardens and Commercial Farms w Preserving and Cooking Food w
Wild Plant Uses w Beekeeping w Technology and Tools w Farm Animals
w Hunting Stories w Fishing w Personality Portraits: Annie Chastain,
Billy Long, Lillie Nix
Foxfire 12: The Goat Man, Teacher and Country Music Buff, Still
A-Dancin w Square Dancing w Crafters: Steve Turpin, Arthur Speed,
John Huron, Timpson Creek, Tubby Brown w How To: Kenny Runion
Chair, Rose Beads, Wooden Coffin, Turtles From Creek To Crock w
World Wars I and II w Cherokee Stories w Summer Camps: Camp
Dixie, Red Barrons Camp, Camp Pinnacle


people and traditions

Anniversary Volumes:
Singin, Praisin, Raisin

The Foxfire 45th Anniversary

Book: Singin, Praisin, Raisin
celebrates 2011s 45th anniversary
of Foxfire students collecting and
preserving the heritage of Southern
Appalachia. The books first musicthemed section, A Beautiful Life,
features thoughtful and touching
stories from new, colorful regional
personalities. Knoxville Girl and
Barbara Allen relate intriguing
tales and legends of relatively-rare
notable crimes and various spooky
happenings. Echoes contains encouraging life stories
about gospel, bluegrass, and faith from several traditional
musicians. Daddy Was a Farmer relives the days of Rabun
GapNacoochee Schools storied Farm Family Program
through the memories of those who acquired both sustenance
and education while working the land around the school.
With His Own Two Hands closes the book with a selection
of how-to articles ranging from building a versatile farming
sled to constructing basic woodworking tools and braiding
a leather bullwhip. (Visit our website for information about this
books companion audio CD, which contains a song from each
of the twelve musicians/groups in the Echoes section of the book.)

Faith, Family, & The Land

Built around three basic values of

southern Appalachian life, Faith,
Family, and the Land continues the
Foxfire tradition in a unique way
reminiscences of church, faith
healing, and miracles; raisin', farming,
and holidays; buying land, logging, and
the mountainselders' thoughts on
these topics and "how things used to
be" are shared through direct quotes
from the hundreds of contacts who
have graciously shared their lives with
Foxfire students since 1966. Filled with memories, lessons,
advice, and even recipes, The Foxfire 40th Anniversary Book is a
tribute to four decades of Foxfireto the contacts who shared
their lives with the students who gathered the stories to pass
on to kindred spirits who treasure the simple, steadfast, and
unique culture of southern Appalachia.

Aunt Arie: A Portrait

"Although Aunt Arie died in 1978, her

indomitable spirit is captured forever
here..." (Atlanta Journal-Constitution)
Arie Carpenter was one of the early
contacts that Foxfire students
interviewed, and she welcomed them
all into her home and shared her
life with them. Here is a loving
portrait of a fondly-remembered
friend. This book is not just
about Arieit is Aunt Arie. In
her own words, she discusses
everything from planting, harvesting, and
cooking to her thoughts about religion and her feelings about
living alone. Testimonials from many who knew her
supplement the interviews and the wealth of photographs
taken and gathered by Foxfire students.

A Foxfire Christmas

This enchanting book celebrates the

holiday traditions of Appalachian
families as passed down over many
generations. The memories shared here
are from a simpler time, when gifts
were fewer but vastly more precious,
and holiday tables were laden with
favorite traditional dishes. More than
just reminiscences, included are
instructions for creating many of the
ornaments, toys, and recipes that
make up so many Appalachian
holiday traditionsfrom chicken and dumplings to black
walnut cake (delicious), candy pulls to serenading (not what
you might think), corn husk dolls to hand-whittled toy cars
(no plastic here), and much more.

Appalachian Toys & Games

For those who are tired of dead

batteries and beeping electronic toys,
this book is a welcome and entertaining
guide. Part oral history and part
rule book, here is a joyous collection
of memories of playing indoor
and outdoor gamesof making
dolls, homemade board games,
playhouses, and other toyseach
with complete instructions and
the flavor of southern Appalachia.
Every toy and game has been tested
by the Foxfire students and is devised to make or play yourself,
without major expense, complicated parts, or electricity.

Wood Stove Cookery

A redesigned version of the

Winter 1981 issue of The
Foxfire Magazinea special
edition celebrating the
days and ways of cooking
on wood-burning stoves.
Foxfire students collected
over 100 recipes from the
last generation who grew
up cooking on wood stoves, like the Dickersons of Wolffork
Valley in the issues feature article. In true Foxfire tradition,
the students later expanded this project into The Foxfire Book
of Appalachian Cookery (below).

Appalachian Cookery

More than an average cookbook, this

collection contains over 500 recipes,
combining unpretentious, delectable
dishes with the wit and wisdom
of those who have prepared and
eaten such foods for generations.
A sampling of favorites includes
rhubarb cobbler, sassafras tea,
fried quail, Brunswick stew, angel
flake biscuits, seven-day cole slaw,
and lime pickles. The book also explains traditional methods of
preparing and preserving foods, preparing wild game, and cooking
with a wood stove or fireplace.


Winemaking contains stories from

over 25 Foxfire contacts, informative
sections on winemaking equipment,
ingredients, and procedures, and
over 30 unique recipes for wines
and juicesincluding blackberry,
corncob, dandelion, elderberry, and
rhubarb wines, many traditional
grape wine recipes, and other
surprises. From the introduction:
We gathered grapes for Bill Park,
crushed blackberries for Harry
Pitts, and gutted a pumpkin for Effie Lord. We
found that the various types of wine were endlessas John Bulgin
puts it, You can make wine out of anything but a rock.
To order any of these titles or browse other related
books we carry in our shop, please visit our website

Foxfire is appx. 1.5 miles off of US Highway 441 in

Mountain City, just 1 mile north of Clayton, GAless
than 2 hours from Atlanta, Asheville, or Greenville.

from US 441 in Mountain City:

Watch for the brown State Park signs,
follow them to Black Rock Mountain Parkway
On the Parkway, continue up appx. 1.0 mile, watch
for the first small brown Foxfire sign
At the large Black Rock Mtn. State Park sign,
turn left onto Down Home Lane
Just over 0.1 mile, turn left at the stop sign
onto Cross Street (gravel road for a short time)
Less than 0.5 mile down Cross Street, watch for
our sign and turn right onto Foxfire Lane
Stop at the Gate House, the first log cabin youll see


The Foxfire Fund, Inc.

PO Box 541 / 98 Foxfire Lane
Mountain City, Georgia 30562
Change Service Requested

706-746-5828 phone

706-746-5829 fax [email protected]

order form



Singin, Praisin, Raisin $18.95



Echoes Companion CD $14.95



Faith, Family, & The Land $19.95



Aunt Arie




Foxfire Christmas




App. Toys & Games




Wood Stove Cookery $11.95



Appalachian Cookery $24.95





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$100 - $150
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$150 - $200
shipping available
$200 - $250
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$250 +






Foxfire 5




Foxfire 6




Foxfire 7




Foxfire 8




Foxfire 9




Foxfire 10




Foxfire 11




Foxfire 12






$12.95 u.s. _______


Foxfire SetBooks 112 $216.00

Foxfire Magazine

From Thinking to Doing $19.95



Cons. Reflection




Cons. Creativity




Cons. Assessment




Teaching SetAll 4 Titles $50.80



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