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ifliaaintt (Uijutcljes of QJljriBt

Philippine Address
Bertha D. Filer

l<"*orwardIng Agent

General Delivery Davao City, Philippines

January 25, 1963

J.E. Hartsock

R-1 Spring Valley, Ohio

IJAR 23 1S6>

Mission S^vices
Box 968 /

Mr. Wm* Mc^lyrey

BeR.TW/^ ^KLGd.
stian friendsj


Pv,eFcR-T To ciA-O^



It was on May 1, 1960, that I arrived in the Philippines, and a few days later when I came to Davao to begin ny work in Davao Bible Seminary. The school had just moved into its permanent home a few weeks before, and the first job assigned me was the setting up of a library. The school year began in mid-June, so I had not com pleted the library when rrsy teaching work began. It has kept me well-ocoupied ever

In 1S61, I spent a few months in visiting among the cjhurohes across the island of Mindonao in order to learn some of the problems of Bible school work and the opportunities for work with children, and thus be able to make my Christian education

classes in the Seminary more helpful. It has been ajoy to work with the Filipino young people who have come to us here, to see their faith and willingness to serve our Lord, and to be encouraged by their zeal, instructed by their humility.

The work here seemed urgent, and so I left the United States with barely enough money pledged for support. Faithful Christians in America have been moved by God to be very generous with me. I have not been in want, and I have been able each month to put some money into the worksome months very little, but sometimes much more.
Now the time is approaching when I had planned to return to the States. I would

like to visit each of the churches thst has supported me, to give a first-hand of what I have been doing, to tell of the needs for the future, to present the lenge of the work in the Southern Philippines. If it is God*s will, I willlis spending the months of Wy and June in the western part of the United States. to be in Ohio by July, and to be able to speak in churches in the eastern area
the fall months, and then back to the Southwest by Christmas time.

report chal I hope through

Dpvao ^ible Seminary and would like to hear ^ott it, please let me know. Address me in Dtvao through February,and after that (^ Spring Valley, Ohio. % forwrrding
agent will know ny schedule^^ and will be in tou^|i with me wherever I am.

If you would like a report on iry work, or if you are interested in the work of

Please oDntinue to pra^ for the churches in thd privilege to be able to teAl you personally about have met here, and about uvir fine, loyal Seminary

res. I would coon;t it a of the faithful Christians I ^ts.

In Christian


c/pJ.(MArtcc<^ Q^[,


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