Steady State Analysis of Wind Turbine

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Steady State Analysis of Wind Turbine Generators Interconnected to the Grid

R.Jayashria, R.P.Kumudini Devib


Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering (Affiliated to Anna University), Sriperumbudur, India

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, College of Engineering, Anna University, Chennai, India

Abstract - A preliminary analysis on the impact of wind power penetration into the grid is presented. The purpose of the work is to develop consistent simulation tools in order to analyze the steady state impact of the interconnection of wind turbine generators (WTG) to the utility grid. Conclusions regarding the impact are drawn from the power flow analysis, in which the steady state model of the induction machine is considered. The usual N-R method of power flow is modified to include the WTG bus. The convergence characteristics of this modified N-R method (simultaneous method) is compared with the usual sequential methods of power flow and it is found that the simultaneous method is faster and results in less number of iterations. The impact of increasing the number of wind turbines in the wind farm is studied. A method is suggested to strengthen the given network between the point of common coupling (PCC) and the rest of the grid. Simulation results show that this helps in accommodating more wind turbines in the wind farm. Simulation studies are done on a 9-bus radial system, using C++ programming language and the results obtained are presented. Index terms Wind energy interconnection, induction generator, power flow analysis, PCC

throughout the entire farm. In reality, the wind farm usually covers a large area and the wind speed within the farm is not uniform. Thus the actual situation is usually better than the worst-case scenario. In addition to low voltage problems, power flow pattern and system dynamic characteristics will also change when a large-scale wind-powered generation is integrated into the utility grid [3]. Thus there is an essential need to study the impacts of WTG interconnected to the grid. This paper discusses the steady state impact of interconnecting WTGs to the utility grid. The power flow of a radial system with WTG is simulated using a simultaneous method of power flow and the impact of increasing the number of wind turbines in the wind farm is studied. A method to strengthen the given network between the PCC and rest of the grid is proposed. II. THE STEADY STATE MODEL OF WTG The general structure of the WTG model for steady state analysis is presented in Fig. 1. A description of sub models (or components) is presented in the following sections.

1. INTRODUCTION The wind energy sector has grown significantly in India despite ups and downs. Wind is one of the largest resources in India with a potential of about 45,000MW at 50m above the ground level. Wind power alone contributes four percent to the total installed grid power, with an installed capacity of 4225 MW. The country ranks fourth in the world after Germany, the US and Spain in the area of wind energy exploitation. The wind power capacity is expected to reach 25 percent by 2011-2012 [1]. The majority of the wind turbines installed in India are induction generators directly connected to the grid. These generators require reactive power from the grid for excitation. This may create low voltage issues in the power system. Voltage violations due to the presence of such generators can considerably limit the amount of power supplied by these generators in distribution networks. Before installing one such generator, utility engineers must analyze the worst operating scenarios to guarantee that the network outages will not be adversely affected by the generators [2]. In this paper, the worst-case scenario is assumed for a wind farm, i.e., each wind turbine operates at exactly the same operating point __________________________________________________

Fig. 1. The general structure of WTG model

A. Wind Turbine Model The simple aerodynamic model commonly used to represent the turbine is based on the power performance versus the tip speed ratio (). The power extracted from the WTG is given by, (1) 2 where, - density of air, A swept area of the blade, CP performance coefficient, v wind speed. The tip speed ratio is given by,

P =

AC P v

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(2) v where - rotor speed of the wind turbine (low shaft speed), R radius of the wind turbine rotor. The general functional representation of CP is [4], (- C6 1 ) 1 x C (, ) = C (C - C - C - C )e (3) p 1 2 3 4 5





1 + 0.008

0.035 1-

3 , - pitch angle and C1 to

From the equivalent circuit the expression for the air gap power is obtained as :

C6 and x are constants. The power coefficient curve CP versus is provided by the manufacturer. The constants C1 to C6 and x are computed using the procedure in [4] for the given characteristics of the particular turbine under consideration. Hence given the experimental power coefficient curve, an analytical expression for the power curve (P versus v) of the turbine can be obtained using (1) and (3). Such a curve of aerodynamic power for the data provided in [5] is shown in Fig. 2. This curve is valid for a given pitch angle and an operating rotor speed .

Pg =| I 2 | R2 s

1 s


III. POWER FLOW ANALYSIS The power flow analysis with WTG is quite complicated unlike the power system with the conventional sources, because of the following reasons: 1. The power injected into the grid by WTG depends on the wind velocity, which is unpredictable and variable. 2. Most of the WTG use induction generators. Therefore, there is the problem of slip convergence. Feijoo and Cidras [6] suggest a sequential method wherein the state variables (V-voltage, -power angle) and the slip of induction generator are solved alternatively. In this paper, the N-R method is modified to include the WTG bus, wherein all three variables are solved simultaneously. The WTG is modeled as a variable load.

1000 750 500 250 0 0 10 20 30

A. Simultaneous Method of Power Flow Analysis

This method determines simultaneously the state variables corresponding to nodal voltage magnitudes and angles of the network and slip of induction generators. Assuming adequate initial conditions, the method retains Newtons quadratic convergence. In this method the load flow algorithm is reformulated to include the mismatch equation Pmis. The unified load flow formulation is, [ ] [ P ] P P P V (5) V s [ Q ] Q V Q Q V = V s V [ Pmis ] P P P mis V mis mis V s s [ ] where {Pmis / s} is a diagonal matrix whose order is equal to the number of wind farms in the network. Their elements are given by,


Fig. 2. The mechanical power output of the turbine as a function of wind speed

B. Gear Box The gear box is used for converting low speed rotation of the turbine blades to high speed rotation compatible to that of an electric generator. Thus the model for the gear box is simply a constant (gear box ratio). C. Electric Generator
The model considered here is a squirrel cage induction generator which is driven by a wind turbine having a fixed turbine blade angle (stall regulated fixed speed WTG). The induction generator is directly connected to the grid. In the operating range the rotor speed varies within a very small range (around 1-5% of the nominal value) and hence, these are known as fixed speed generators. The steady state model of the induction machine can be represented by the well-known equivalent circuit shown in Fig.3.

Fig.3 Steady state equivalent circuit of induction machine

( B C ) (6) 2 D sC s 2 where, the values of A to E are given in the appendix. Pmis is the difference between the power extracted from the turbine and electrical power developed in the machine. s is the vector of incremental changes in induction machines slip. In the above unified load flow (5) the order of the jacobian for the power system having Ng generator buses, Nl load buses and Nw wind farm buses with induction generators is (Ng+2Nl+3Nw-1) x (Ng+2Nl+3Nw-1).
B. Convergence Characteristics of Simultaneous and Sequential methods of power flow Both the methods of power flow are tested on the system given in Fig. 4 [5]. The data for the same is provided in the appendix.

P mis

av [C2 EC1 ]C1e


0r / v

R1 : Stator resistance R2 : Rotor resistance Xl1 : Stator leakage reactance Xl2 : Rotor leakage reactance Xm : Magnetizing reactance

I1 : Stator current I2 : Rotor current Im : Magnetizing current V : Terminal voltage s : slip = (s r) / s


Simulations were carried out for wind speeds ranging from 5 m/s (cut-in speed) to 25 m/s (cut-off speed) in steps of 2 m/s. The results for the voltage, real power generated and reactive power consumed by the WTG in both the methods are given in Fig. 5. The results are obtained under the assumption that the wind speed is the same for all machines and they are uncompensated. The bar charts clearly show that the results obtained in both methods are comparable. It is also observed in the simulation that the number of iterations with sequential method is 5 (for power flow) x 4 (for slip convergence) and with simultaneous method it is only 6. Thus the convergence with simultaneous method is better.



400 300 200 100 0 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 WIND VELO C ITY (m/s) Simultane ous Se que ntial

Fig.5c. Reactive powers with both methods

IV. EFFECT OF INCREASING THE NUMBER OF TURBINES AT THE PCC The number of WTGs on-line determines the loading of the transmission systems. Thus, it affects the voltage at the PCC. To illustrate this, the simulation was initially run for one WTG connected at bus 9. Repeated runs were performed by increasing the number of WTGs connected at the PCC. The plots of voltage, real power generated and reactive power consumed, for wind speeds ranging from 5 m/s to 25 m/s, obtained through simulation are given in Fig. 6. It is clear that as the number of WTGs at the PCC increases, the reactive power consumed increases and as a result the voltage drops. These are reflected in Figs. 6c and 6a. As more turbines are connected, the generated power measured at the PCC of course increases as illustrated in Fig. 6b. But when the number of WTGs connected is more than 2, the aerodynamic power of the wind turbine over-powers the induction generators connected at the PCC and thus the wind turbine goes into a runaway condition. This is reflected by the nonconvergence of the power flow in the operating wind speed region considered (shown by dotted line in Fig. 6).

Fig. 4 Single line diagram of the power system with WTGs

1.00 0.99 0.98 0.97 0.96 0.95 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 Simultaneous Sequential WIND VELO C ITY (m/s)


Fig.5a. Voltage with both methods





800 600 400 200



0 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 Se que ntial W IND VELO C ITY (m/s) Simultane ous






Fig.5b. Real powers with both methods Fig.6a. Voltage at PCC



2000 1500 1000 500 0 5 10 15 20 25 W IND VELO C ITY (m/s) 1 TURBINE 3 TURBINES 2 TURBINES

power compensation. Therefore, there is a danger of overcompensation. Moreover, reducing the impedance five times leads to the use of five transmission lines in parallel. This is not at all economical. Instead one can go in for reactive power compensation using fixed capacitors.


0.99 0.97 0.95 5 10 15 20 25 Wind Ve locity (m/s) 1 turbine 5 turbine s 2 turbines 13 turbine s

Fig.6b. Real power generated



1000 800 600 400 200 0 5 10 15 20 W IND VELO C ITY (m/s) 1 TURBINE 3 TURBINES 2 TURBINES 25

Fig.7a. Voltage after line strengthening


10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 5 10 15 20 25 W IND VELO C ITY (m/s) 1 TURBINE 5 TURBINES 2 TURBINES 13 TURBINES

Fig.6c. Reactive power consumed

Due to the demand for increased power production from wind more WTGs are necessary to be connected to the wind farms. Therefore, the transmission lines need to be strengthened to accommodate more WTGs. Fig. 7 gives the voltage, power generated and reactive power consumed at the WTG bus after strengthening of the transmission lines between the PCC (bus 9 in the test system) and the grid (taken as an infinite bus - bus 1 in the test system). It is observed that when a double circuit line is used, 5 uncompensated WTGs can be connected. The power flow converges in the wind speed range considered. As the effective line impedance between the PCC and the grid is now reduced by half, the grid becomes stiffer. As seen in Fig 7c, obviously the reactive power drawn from the grid increases, but at the same time the voltage at the PCC also increases (as observed from Fig. 7a). This increase in voltage results from grid strengthening. When the grid is further strengthened by reducing the impedance of the transmission line 5 times, 13 uncompensated WTGs can be connected at the PCC. It is seen from Fig. 7 that although the reactive power consumption with 13 turbines is quite high, the voltage raises to nearly 1 p.u. This proves that the transmission capacity of the line is improved. Line strengthening may not be advisable beyond a certain level due to the following reasons. The WTGs considered here are all uncompensated. In general, fixed capacitors are connected in parallel to the induction generators for reactive

Fig.7b. Real powers after line strengthening






Fig.7c. Reactive powers after line strengthening

V. EFFECT OF COMPENSATION The reactive power compensation for WTGs is traditionally done with capacitor banks, which is an economic and relatively simple solution. In order to avoid problems with over voltages, especially in island conditions, no-load



compensation is most commonly used. No-load compensation means, that the compensation is designed to counterbalance the consumption of reactive power in the no-load situation, where the generator torque is zero. Parallel compensation is a common practice in WTGs to improve the power factor of each turbine. Some WTGs use more than one value of capacitor at their terminals to compensate reactive power for different wind speeds [7]. The power flow was run for different KVAR ratings of parallel capacitor compensation and with the line strengthened using double circuit lines between PCC and the grid. The results are shown in Fig 8. In Fig. 8a, the voltage is seen to improve with compensation. The voltage improvement comes from an improved power factor after the capacitor is installed. Fig. 8c shows a significant reduction in reactive power consumption with compensation. Fig. 8d shows a reduction in line current. This proves that the advantage of an improved power factor is the reduction of total current, which, in turn, reduces transmission loss and improves voltage regulation. This is also reflected in the PV curve of Fig. 8b.



2000 1500 1000 500 0 5 10 NO C O MP 200 KVAR 15 20 150 KVAR 250 KVAR 25 WIND VELO C ITY (m/s)

Fig. 8c. Reactive power with 5 turbines on-line

0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00



1.05 1.00 0.95 0.90 0.85 5 10 NO C O MP 200 KVAR 15 20 150 KVAR 250 KVAR 25 W IND VELO C ITY (m/s)

10 NO C O MP 200 KVAR


20 150 KVAR 250 KVAR



Fig. 8d. Line current with 5 turbines on-line

Fig. 8a. Voltage with 5 turbines on-line


In order to study the effect of compensation in improving the number of turbines connected at the PCC, the power flow was run for the rated wind speed (17 m/s) and for different ratings of parallel capacitor compensation. The results are shown in Fig 9. Fig 9a, shows that with a compensation of 250 kVAR, an additional 12 turbines can be installed for the same transmission line (assuming that the thermal limit is not reached). Without parallel compensation only 5 turbines can be installed.

1.05 1.00 0.95 0.90 0.85 0 1000 NO CO MP 200 KVAR 2000 3000 150 KVAR 250 KVAR PO WER (KW)
1 0.98 0.96 0.94 0.92 0.9 0 5 10 15 NUMBER O F TURBINES NO C O MP 200 KVAR 150 KVAR 250 KVAR

Fig. 8b. Power vs Voltage with 5 turbines on-line

Fig. 9a. Effect of parallel compensation on voltage


The slope of PQ curve also reduces (as seen from Fig. 9b), reflecting the improvement in power factor.


1200 900 600 300 0 0 500 1000 1500 P GENERATED (KW ) NO C O MP 200 KVAR 150 KVAR 250 KVAR

Fig. 9b. Effect of parallel compensation on P generated and Q consumed by the WTG

reactive power consumed. The line current reduces leading to the reduction in transmission losses. The net effect is improvement in power factor. Overall, the following are recommended: 1. To strengthen the grid to evacuate the maximum power output from the wind farms, corresponding to installed rated capacity. This is to ensure harvesting of the wind power in the windy seasons. 2. To go in for parallel capacitor compensation of the individual wind turbines with directly connected induction generators, corresponding to the reactive power required at no-load. Full range compensation of the reactive power is possible, but it is not recommended, because shutdowns in islanding situations can create high over voltages in the WTG installation. As the output power fluctuates with the wind speed, SVC in combination with TCSC can be considered to provide adjustable capacitor compensation.
TABLE II TRANSMISSION LINE DATA (ALL LINES) Parameter Value Resistance 0.24 /km Reactance 0.36 /km Susceptance 2.80 S/km Length 20.0 km TABLE III TRANSFORMER DATA Step up Load transformer transformer data (at the data (all) wind bus) 0.63 MVA 15 kV 0.4 kV 6% 6 kW 1.0 MVA 15 kV 0.69 kV 6% 13.58 kW


VI. CONCLUSIONS The convergence characteristics of sequential and simultaneous methods of power flow are compared and it is found that the simultaneous method is faster and results in less number of iterations. The effect of increasing the number of turbines at the PCC with and without compensation is summarized in Table I.

P Q generated consumed at 17 m/s at 17 m/s (MW) (MVAR) A1 2 0.9820 1.56 0.84 A2 5 0.9883 3.89 2.11 A3 13 0.9971 10.12 5.11 B1 9 1.03 3.89 1.42 B2 13 1.04 3.89 1.19 B3 17 1.05 3.89 0.96 A1 Uncompensated system (without line strengthening) A2 Uncompensated system (with double circuit line) A3 Uncompensated system (with 5 lines in parallel) B1 Compensated system (150 kVAR) B2 Compensated system (200 kVAR) B3 Compensated system (250 kVAR) No. of turbines Voltage at PCC at 17 m/s (pu) Line current at 17 m/s (pu) 0.0721 0.1792 0.1729 0.1712 0.1695 Rated apparent power Rated voltage of MV side Rated voltage of LV side Nominal shortcircuit voltage Copper loss at rated power

Feeding transformer data

25 MVA 110 kV 15 kV 11 % 110 kW


It is found from the simulation that when the number of turbines on-line is beyond 2, the wind turbine goes into a runaway condition. This is indicated in the voltage drop at the PCC and the non-convergence of the power flow. As can be summarized from table.1, when the transmission line between the PCC and the grid is strengthened 13 turbines can be connected and thus more power can be fed into the grid. The voltage profile at the PCC is also found to improve although the reactive power drawn from the grid is very high. But it is not economical to have 13 lines in parallel. Moreover, there is a danger of over voltage with compensation. The effect of compensation is studied with different kVAR ratings of parallel capacitor compensation. Table I shows that there is improvement in voltage profile and decrease in the

Parameter Stator resistance Rotor resistance Stator leakage reactance Rotor leakage reactance Magnetizing reactance

Symbol Rs Rr Xls Xlr Xm

Value 0.0034 0.003 0.055 0.042 1.6


Simultaneous Method : Expressions for A to E


V X m Rr / s Rs + ( X s + X m )
2 2

; B=

2 Rr s

( R1 +

Rr s



C = ( R1 +

Rr 2 2 2 ) + ( X1 + X r ) ; D = ( + 0.08 ) ; s






transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 21, No.1, February


E =C C C 2 3 5

[3] W. J. Lee, Dynamic stability analysis of an industrial power system, IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 675681, Jul./Aug. 1995.

VIII. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The authors thank the authorities of Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering for their support. They also acknowledge Mr.Y.Samba Siva Rao of Anna University for his help in C++ programming. IX. REFERENCES

[4] S.Heier, Grid Integration of Wind Energy Conversion

Systems, John Wiley and Sons, 1998.

[5] Z. Lubosny, Wind Turbine Operation in Electric Power

Systems Advanced modelling, Springe Verlag, 2003.

[6] A.E. Feijoo and J. Cidras, Modeling of Wind Farms in the Load Flow Analysis, IEEE Transactions on Power

Systems, Vol. 15, No.1, February 2000, pp.110-115.

[1] Bindhu Unny, Airborne Electricity, Industry Watch, Jan-Feb 2006. [2] W.Freitas, J.C.M.Vieira, A.Morelato, Comparative [7] C. Chompoo-inwai and P.Fuangfoo, System Impact Study for the Interconnection of Wind Generation and Utility System,





Analysis between Synchronous and Induction Machines

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