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Nueva York and Beyond: The Latino Communities of the Tri-State Region

55 Exchange Place Fifth Floor New York, NY 10005 1-866 HF AYUDA (432-9832)

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Contributors John A. Gutrrez, Ph.D., John Jay College of Criminal Justice Jos Caldern, Hispanic Federation Jos Dvila, Hispanic Federation Luis Miranda, MirRam Group Mike Mancini, Nielsen Mnica Gil, Nielsen Meredith Dworkin, Nielsen Courtney Jones, Nielsen Phil Bender, Nielsen

Nueva York and Beyond: The Latino Communities of the Tri-State Region


Hispanic Federation

Dear Friends, Latinos are changing the New York Region.1 Their influence is being felt in politics, culture and the economy. They are transforming neighborhoods, altering political campaigns, and changing the way businesses do business. Hispanic Federation has not only watched the Hispanic communitys growth and development in the New York Region, it has been a leader in explaining the how and why of this movement. For this reason we are delighted to present this report on some of the key factors driving the Latinization of the New York Region. Thanks to our collaborators at Nielsen we have been able to create a unique snapshot of the areas Latino communities. This report was developed using current data on demographics and consumer behaviors in order to shed light on the burgeoning strength of Latinos and their unique position in the consumer landscape. Because the data is so rich and the insights so penetrating, we believe we have created a document that captures the complexity and diversity of the New York Regions Latinos in a way that few others have. Why does this data matter? The truth is that despite increased interest and research about the Latino community, we have often remained tied to ideas that often fail to reflect the nuances of the Latino experience in the region. This reluctance to see variety and difference in our neighborhoods has profound effects on everything from the way we craft policy to the way we do business. As one of the New York regions leading voices on Latino issues, Hispanic Federation is pleased to offer a document which moves away from received wisdom and offers new ways of understanding what it means to be Latino in the New York Region. We believe and hope that the data contained in this report will help our partners in philanthropy, business, government and the media to better understand this dynamic sector of our regions population. As the community continues to grow, understanding its contours and unique qualities becomes essential. Nueva York and Beyond: The Latino Communities of the Tri-State Region is the first step in developing broad awareness of a community that will, in many ways, define the future of the area. This report also has deep implications for policymakers. While we found much to be optimistic about regarding the future of the Latino community, it is also true, as the data reveal, that the regions Latinos confront real challenges. In particular, income and educational attainment rates are improving, but still lag behind other residents of the region. For policymakers everywhere in the region, the implications of this data are clear: policy proposals, especially those tied to education and economic development, must take into account the needs of Latinos. Hispanic Federation hopes that policymakers and businesses will regard this report as a starting point for better understanding the Latino communities of the New York region in all of their complexity. We hope, too, that they and others will understand that the future prosperity of the region rests in large part on the prosperity of Latinos. As the data show, the Latino experience in the New York region is now more varied than at any other time in recent history. To adequately support the continued success of the community requires careful analysis of data and an awareness that Latino interests arent confined to one neighborhood, one national group or one economic class. We can only hope that our partners in business, government and philanthropy will use the information in this report to work with us to support the development of the Latino community everywhere in the Jos Caldern President New York region. The opportunities for businesses that are eager to reach Latinos as potential consumers are many. In the previous pages we have seen how Latinosyoung and old, urban and suburbanare active and discerning consumers, deeply engaged with technology and attracted to a wide range of content. The roadmap offered in this report should help guide businesses as they strategize marketing and sales plans geared to the Hispanic market. The data presented in this report is a snapshot of a community that is constantly evolving and changing. With roots that extend back into the 19th century, Latinos are an integral part of the history of the New York region. Yet, as this report demonstrates, the Latino community is undergoing profound changes including dynamic growth in areas far away from historical centers of settlement and growing diversification by national origin. Add to this the increasing diversity of income, education and language preference and one sees a community that eludes any easy assessment. To understand the Latinos of the New York region is to understand it as a community as varied as the region itself.

For this study, the New York Region is defined as a geographic area based around New York City, including the adjacent areas that are socioeconomically tied to the City. More specifically, the New York Region includes the counties in New York, Connecticut, Pennsylvania and New Jersey from the New York and Hartford & New Haven Designated Market Areas (DMAs).

Hispanic Federation

Nueva York and Beyond


How are Latinos Shopping?

Latinotechs, Modern Familias and Latinoexecs

Key Findings
While Puerto Ricans are still the largest Latino group at 31%, two in five Latinos in the Tri-State are either Dominican, Mexican or Ecuadorian. The most rapid growth of Latinos is taking place in those communities where few Latinos have traditionally settled, such as Rockland and Fairfield Counties.

are more likely to say that the Internet changed the way they do research on products and shop.
Latino Strivers and Urban Abuelitos were more likely to say that they would Young Latinotechs, LatYMUs and Latino Strivers

Pay Anything

for the electronic products they want than were Lat(te)tinos or Latinoexecs.

are more likely to buy products that use recycled paper than older Latinos. Latinotechs and Latinoexecs are 1.5 times
more likely to shop using the Internet than other Latinos.

Seven out of every ten Latinos in the region, 5 million in total, live in just ten counties in NY, NJ and CT. Nearly one third of young Latinos living in urban areas are high or middle income earners. Latinos are moving up the educational ladder nearly 1.2 million have at least some college education and nearly one million reported being high school graduates. Nearly 60% of all Latinos in the region say they speak English very well or well. Latinos account for $92 billion in household income in the New York Region. Latinos across the region have high rates of cell phone/wireless usage. The share of Latino adults who report shopping online increased 14% (to 74%) from 2009 to 2012. More than three out of every four Latino households in NYC metro area pay for cable/satellite TV service. For Latinos, reality TV is popular whether you are young or older, urban or suburban, more or less affluent. Younger, lower-income Latinos in urban and dense suburbs report radio as the prime source of entertainment.

Lat(te)tinos are more likely than other Latinos to shop at sporting goods stores and toy stores.
With the exception of LatYMUS, Urban Abuelitos are

Latinos prefer to shop in local stores as opposed to national chains.

24 Hispanic Federation

1.7 times more likely

to buy on impulse than other Latinos. They are also

the least likely

Latino consumers to wait for a sale before making a purchase.

Section 2: Understanding Latino Lifestyles

All data contained in this report is from Nielsen unless otherwise noted.

Nueva York and Beyond

Section 1: Dnde Estamos? Quines Somos?

The US Hispanic Population From California to New York, and everywhere in between, the United States is experiencing a fundamental realignment of its population. The nation is becoming more diverse with more people whose ancestry winds back to Asia, Africa and the Americas now calling the United States home. In many ways, it is the component parts of the Latino communities of the United States that are most contributing to the dynamic diversification of the U.S. The United States is now home to nearly 55 million Latinos accounting for over 17% of the nations total population of 315 million, and their numbers are growing. By 2060, there will be nearly 130 million Latinos in the United States, accounting for over 30% of the total U.S. population.2

What are Latinos Reading and Listening To?

LatinoTechs, LatYMUs, and Urban Abuelitos are more likely to read a daily print newspaper than other Latinos.
Lat(te)tinos are the least likely to pick up a daily newspaper.

LatYMUs, Latino Strivers, and Urban Abuelitos

are more likely to read Spanish-language weekly newspapers than other Latinos.

Projected Growth in Population (% of Population)


Year 2012

Year 2060

Latinotechs and Latinoexecs are most likely to subscribe to satellite radio

and almost twice as likely to listen to satellite radio in their cars as are other Latinos in the New York region.

+14% Growth
31% 17% 13% 0%



15% 5.1% 8.2%

Radio is an important medium to reach Latino consumers throughout the New York region.
In fact, for Latino Strivers, radio is the prime source of entertainment.




Non Hispanic White

Where Does the New York Region Fit Within the U.S. Hispanic Population? New York State has the fourth largest Hispanic population in the United States. With its 3.6 million Hispanic residents, representing 6.6% of the total Hispanic population in the nation, the state ranks only behind California, Texas and Florida in total Hispanic population. Most Latino New Yorkers live in New York City, where they number more than 2.4 million strong and account for one quarter of the citys population. But New York City is an axis around which exist other Latino communities, some in New York State, and others in New Jersey and Connecticut, where the number of Latinos

most popular among Latino Strivers.

Spanish-language radio is

Latinotechs and Latinoexecs are

almost twice as likely

to listen to all news and all sports radio formats as other Latinos.

U.S. Census Bureau, Projections of the Population by Sex, Race, and Hispanic Origin for the United States: 2015 to 2060. December 2012.

Hispanic Federation

Section 1: Dnde Estamos? Quines Somos?

Section 2: Understanding Latino Lifestyles

Nueva York and Beyond


What are Latinos Watching?

is also significant. In fact, the multi-state, New York City metro area is home to 4.8 million Latinos,

Latinos watch television and significant numbers of them are doing so through cable or satellite providers.
But how Latinos watch television depends on factors such as age and income.

LatYMUs are less likely

than all other Latinos to say that television is their main source of entertainment.

the second largest metropolitan area concentration of Latinos in the country. Only the Hispanic population in the Los Angeles designated market area (or DMA) is larger than New York.3 By 2018, the number of Latinos in the New York DMA will reach 5.2 million persons, and remain the second largest Hispanic population in nation. What is more, if we take into account areas that are not in immediate proximity to New York City (for example the Hartford, CT DMA) but who form part of the larger New York region up the Connecticut coastline, there are 5.3 million Latinos representing 22% of the regions population.

Percentage of US Hispanic Population, Top Hispanic Markets

Latino Strivers are

1.5 times
more likely to watch television between

Primetime situation comedies are more popular among

Latinotechs, Lat(te)tinos and Latinoexecs than they are among Latino Strivers.
New York, NY

2am and 5am

than other Latinos in the New York region. While Urban Abuelitos are 1.2 times more likely to watch telenovelas than other Latinos, they arent alone in watching these serial dramas.
San Francisco, CA



Chicago, IL


For Latinos, reality television is popular whether youre young or older, urban or suburban, more or less affluent.

Latino Strivers and LatYMUs are also more likely

Los Angeles, CA


Phoenix, AZ


Dallas-Ft. Worth, TX


than other Latinos watch these programs.

San Antonio, TX


Houston, TX


Miami-Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Source: Nielsen Pop-Facts Premier, 2013.1 Update, Current Year Population by Ethnicity and Single Race


Harlingen, TX


DMA (Designated Market Area) regions are the geographic areas in the United States in which local television viewing is measured by Nielsen. A DMA region is a group of counties that form an exclusive geographic area in which the home market television stations hold a dominance of total hours viewed. There are 210 DMA regions, covering the entire continental United States, Hawaii, and parts of Alaska.


Hispanic Federation

Section Section 1: Dnde 2: Understanding Estamos? Quines Latino Lifestyles Somos?

Section 1: Dnde Estamos? Quines Somos?

Nueva York and Beyond

Latinos in the Tri-State Region: Deep Historical Connections to the Community History matters. And in the case of the Latino communities of the New York Region, their historical connections to communities matter. In the early 20th century, Latinos settled in areas that would serve as nodes of Latino life in the region. Throughout the regionin New York, New Jersey and Connecticutthese founding communities continue to be the places in and around which the majority of Latinos live. Thus, while Latinos are important component parts of the populations of all 36 counties in the New York regional area, they continue to be highly concentrated in a select number of counties. Fully 70% of the total Latino population in the region is located in New York-Hartford region in just 10 counties across New York, New Jersey and Connecticut. The concentration of more than seven of every ten Latinos in just 10 counties reflects the deep hold that these communities have on Latino families and the role these places play in welcoming new Latinos to the region.

Television and Technology: How Do Latinos Use Media? Between 2009 and 2012, the share of Latino adults who reported using a cellphone in the United States increased from 76% to 86%.6 In the New York City Metro Area cell phone usage among Latinos is high but there are differences based on age and income. Approximately 80% of Urban Abuelitos report having access to wireless/cellphone service. Every other group of Latinos in the New York Metro area reports higher rates of wireless/cellphone usage. Latinotechs and Latinoexecs report the highest rates of wireless/cellphone usage (94% and 96%, respectively). The Digital Divide Se Desaparece Slowly but Surely. The digital divide is going the way of eight-tracks and VHS. The share of Latino adults who report going online at least occasionally increased 14% (from 64% to 78%) from 2009 to 2012.7 Yet even though internet usage is increasing there are important differences between Latinos based on age and income. In the New York Metro area more than 63% of Latinotechs report medium to heavy use of the Internet. By contrast, just 47% of Latino Strivers in the area report medium to heavy use of the Internet. Among Urban Abuelitos, the rates of Internet usage are significantly lower than those of all young Latinos, just 36% of these older Latinos report medium to heavy use of the internet. Ahora Si Lo Veo!: Access to Cable Television and HDTV Is Becoming More than three out of every four Latino households in the New York City Metro area pay for cable/ satellite television service. Yet, here again, we see significant differences depending on age and income. While Latinoexecs and Latinotechs report cable/satellite usage exceeding 83%, the rate of usage for Urban Abuelitos is nearly ten percent lower (73.7%). These differences become more acute when one analyzes the rates of HDTV usage in the community with just under 40% of Urban Abuelitos having access to HDTV, compared to more than 60% of Latinotechs and Latinoexecs.

Ten Most Populous Hispanic Counties in Tri-State Region

County Bronx County, NY Queens County, NY Kings County, NY New York County, NY Hudson County, NJ Suffolk County, NY Westchester County, NY Nassau County, NY Passaic County, NJ Fairfield County, CT Total Pop 1,399,626 2,267,344 2,564,998 1,620,501 649,263 1,504,699 963,608 1,349,698 502,707 936,341 Hispanic Pop 766,860 637,416 506,449 403,166 277,600 269,696 224,568 211,737 194,706 169,550 Percent Hispanic Pop 14.73% 12.24% 9.73% 7.74% 5.33% 5.18% 4.31% 4.07% 3.74% 3.26%

70% of the total Latino population in the region is located in 10 counties in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut.

Source: Nielsen Pop-Facts Premier, 2013.1 Update, Current Year Population by Ethnicity and Single Race

Plantando Banderas: The Latino Population is Growing Most Dynamically in Those Areas with Few Historical Ties to the Community El Condado de la Salsa, Los Sures, El Barrio, El Alto Manhattan, Union City, Hartfordthese are just some of the names that come to mind when one thinks of the Latino communities in the New York region. These are communities with deep Latino roots. As the data shows, there is little question that the bulk of the Latino community in the New York region is concentrated in a small number of counties. But as much as the Latino experience may be defined by its large concentration in these areas, the population is growing most rapidly elsewhere in the region. From Rockland County in New York to Fairfield County in Connecticut, Latinos are heading into new communities, some far away from the historical centers of Latino life in the region. It is precisely in those counties furthest
7 Mark Hugo Lopez, Ana Gonzalez-Barrera and Eileen Patten, Closing the Digital Divide: Latinos and Technology Adoption. Pew Research Hispanic Trends Project. March 2013. 8 Ibid

The share of Latino adults who report going online at least occasionally increased 14% from 2009 to 2012.

Hispanic Federation

Section 1: Dnde Estamos? Quines Somos?

Section 2: Understanding Latino Lifestyles

Nueva York and Beyond


Hispanic/Latino Lifestyle Segmentation

away from New York City where the Latino population has grown most rapidly, if not necessarily in the greatest absolute numbers. While the New York-Hartford Latino population grew by 30% over the 13 year period from Census 2000the Latino population within heavily Hispanic areas more

Interstates Latinotechs LatYMUs Latino Strivers Urban Abuelitos Middle Class Maduros/Modern Familias Lat(te)inos Latinoexecs Miscellaneous

than doubled, rising from just under 800,000 to over 1.6 million, a net growth rate of 109% or an average of 8.4% per annum. This compares to a New York (single DMA) market average growth rate of just-under 5% per year. Yonkers Whats driving this growing geographic diversityaffordable housing, new economic opportunities, jobs? Perhaps it is all of these factors. What is certain is that policymakers and corporations will now find burgeoning Latino communities in unexpected places. And with these new arrivals will come the need to reframe social policies and to craft new marketing strategies.

The Majority of Latinos Live in Select Super-Enclaves The Bronx Latino communities have ties that bind. This means that as the Latino population in the New York area has grown, most Latinos have cemented their connections to communities where other Latinos live. While the last few years have witnessed a dispersal of the New York Regions Latinos to new counties and cities far away from historic centers of Latino influence, the majority of the New Jersey regions Latinos are still more likely to be found in those historic centers and their surrounding areas. These are what we might call Super-Enclaves.4 The Super-Enclave is centered in an established, historical Latino community but extends into surrounding neighborhoods and communities. More Manhattan than 84% of the regions Latinos live in these Super-Enclave areas located in New York, New Queens Jersey, and Connecticut - even though these very same areas account for only 56% of the regions total population of 24 million. Newark What do these Super-Enclaves mean for policy-makers and businesses? At its most basic, the data reveal that Latinos maintain some geographic proximity to long-established Latino communities. Thus, while they may have moved out of the central nodes of the enclave they are still connected to it. This is acculturation, but a lo latino. Because of this, policymakers need to realize that the ripple effects of their policies can and will be felt outside of their immediate district. For Latinos, policy matters are regional as well as local. Brooklyn The same is true for corporations looking to attract Latino consumers. Reaching consumers in a particular Latino Super-Enclave may include a mix of traditional media (print and radio) and new media (internet and wireless)a reflection of the different media consumption habits within the Staten Island Super-Enclave. New York
Super-Enclaves include a number of High Incidence Tracts in close proximity to one another. A Census tract is a small, stable geographic area in the US with a population in 2010 of 4,000 (on average), bounded by political and administrative boundaries and defined to include relatively similar demographic characteristics. For this study, a high incidence census tract contains or is adjacent to a high concentration of Hispanic/Latino Population, relative to the other census tracts in its vicinity.

Jersey City

Source: Nielsen PRIZM, 2013.1 Update


Hispanic Federation

Section Section 1: Dnde 2: Understanding Estamos? Quines Latino Lifestyles Somos?

Section 1: Dnde Estamos? Quines Somos?

Nueva York and Beyond

Super Enclaves in the New York Area

Moving on up The Hispanic presence in the New York Region is diverse not only with regard to age and national

Interstate Highway Boundaries: Census tracts in shades of orange comprise the Super-Enclaves in the New York Area. Shading: The deeper the orange shading, the greater the Latino population in the census tract (gray-shaded census tracts fall outside of any Super-Enclave). Dots: more dots means more people, while the color of a dot represents a National origin group: Dominican (green), Mexican (red), Puerto Rican (purple).

origin, but also in terms of core socio-economics, lifestyles and location. While more than half of all Latinos in the area live in urban neighborhoods in the metro areas major cities, significant numbers of Latinos live in suburbs and other distinctly non-urban communities. There is a great deal of diversity even within the urban communities where the majority of Latinos reside. Nearly one in Yonkers three of young Latinos living in the metro areas urban communities are high-income or middleincome earners. In order to analyze these distinct groups of Latinos in the New York area we have created categories that reflect the different socioeconomic characteristics of these groups.

Outside of New York City, Middle Classes and Affluence As the Latino population in the New York Metro Area has expanded beyond the five boroughs The Bronx of New York City and the urban centers of New Jersey and Connecticut, growing numbers of Latinos are moving into the suburban regions surrounding the city in Connecticut, Lower Hudson Valley and Long Island. These communities are characterized by large numbers of Lat(te)tinos and Latinoexecs.

New Jersey




Jersey City


Staten Island

New York

Source: Nielsen Pop-Facts Advanced, 2013.1 Update, Current Year Hispanic Population by Specific Origin


Hispanic Federation

Section 1: Dnde Estamos? Quines Somos?

Section 2: Understanding Latino Lifestyles

Nueva York and Beyond


Section 2: Understanding Latino Lifestyles*

El Sancocho Neoyorquino: The Dynamic Growth of the Regions Hispanic Population Has Produced a Much More Diverse Latino Community. Numbers matter. The data presented in this report give us an important snapshot of the main demographic characteristics of the New York Latino Region. But there is more to the story. In order to understand Latino communities better we need to know more about the lives people live in these communities. What are they watching on television? How do they communicate? Where do they spend their free time? Building on Nielsens PRIZM market segmentation categories, we have created a number of lifestyle categories that attempt to capture the diversity of the Latino experience in the Tri-State Region:6 For decades, the Latino communities of the New York Region were dominated by a presence of Latinos from the Spanish-speaking Caribbean including, especially Puerto Rico and to a lesser extent Cuba. But in the aftermath of changes to U.S. immigration laws in 1965 and 1986, and with fewer Puerto Ricans and Cubans opting to settle in New York and Northern New Jersey, the New York Region is now home to one of the most diverse Latino communities in the nation. The arrival of large number of immigrants from the Dominican Republic beginning in the 1960s fundamentally transformed the Latino experience in New York City and opened the door to the arrival of other Latin Americans. Immigrants from Mexico, Central America and South America have since arrived in the region and have created a Latino community that more accurately reflects the diversity ofLatin America. The New York Regions melting pot is our sancocho, or Latin American stew. Of course, Puerto Ricans continue to be the dominant Latino group in the region, but any attempt to reach Latino consumers and voters must now recognize the rich diversity within the New York Latino community.
Latinotechs, 9% Younger, High-Income, Urban, Dense Suburbs, 2-City LatYMUs, 19% Younger, Middle-Income, Urban Latino Strivers, 18% Younger, Lower-Income, Urban, Dense Suburbs

The changes in the New York Regions Latino population necessarily mean changes in the way we think about the Latino experience in the area. Immigration policies now come to the foreground of the areas political conversation. In virtually every community in the region the challenges facing immigrants, irrespective of their legal status, are important elements of policy discussions and debates. For businesses, the diversification of the Latino community by national origins means changing advertising strategies by recognizing important linguistic and cultural differences between groups and demanding that advertising agencies and other vendors craft product campaigns that speak to people in their particular cultural context. Often, this will mean recognizing that the newest Latino immigrants in the region maintain strong ties to their home country and their families there. In this way, the Latino consumer in New York is aware of multiple media platformsin New York and abroadand may be open to the arrival of products from the homeland. For networks and cable carriers, it means looking at channels and programming that comes from abroad. For large retailers, it means looking for themes and spokespeople that cut across country of origin. For local businesses, it calls for developing knowledge of consumer practices and preferences of single Latino groups.

Urban Abuelitos, 9% Older, Lower-Income, Urban, Dense Suburbs Lat(te)inos, 8% Middle Age, Families, Upper Middle-Income, Suburban

Middle Class Maduros/ Modern Familias, 19% Middle Age, Middle-Income, Inner Suburbs

Note: Percentages reflect percent composition of high Hispanic concentrations in Tri-State area. *Source: Data in this section is from Scarborough New York Local Market Study, Release 1 2013 unless otherwise noted

Latinoexecs, 17% Middle Age, High Income, Executive Enclaves & Towns

PRIZM defines every U.S. household into demographic and behavior segments to help identify consumer product consumption, lifestyles and purchase behaviors. It links customer data with neighborhood and household demographics, syndicated survey data and market research.


Hispanic Federation

Section Section 1: Dnde 2: Understanding Estamos? Quines Latino Lifestyles Somos?

Section 1: Dnde Estamos? Quines Somos?

Nueva York and Beyond


Population by Nation of Origin

Hispanic/Latino Population by Origin Puerto Rican Dominican Mexican Ecuadorian Colombian Salvadoran Peruvian Cuban Guatemalan Honduran Spaniard, Spanish Other Central American Other South American All Other Population 1,623,714 949,673 685,635 412,173 274,420 225,761 184,132 165,942 126,465 118,230 92,319 100,441 145,964 101,027 % of Pop 31.2% 18.2% 13.2% 7.9% 5.3% 4.3% 3.5% 3.2% 2.4% 2.3% 1.8% 1.9% 2.8% 1.9%

school diploma in New York City, 29% have completed high school. The numbers of Latino college graduates in the area are much higher than the national average for either Latinos or the U.S. population as a whole. In fact, nearly 16% of Latinos in the region are college graduates with another 22% having either attended college or earning an Associates degree. In total, there are nearly 1.2 million Latinos in the New York region with at least some college education, and nearly another one million high school graduates.

...the New York Region is now home to one of the most diverse Latino communities in the nation.

These data present a number of challenges to policymakers who must focus on college-readiness in elementary, middle, and high school environments. The data also reveals that schools must do a better job of addressing the particular learning needs of Latino students who come from households where the lack of educational role models, limited English language proficiency, and limited access to tutoring place students at a disadvantage. However, the data also reveal that the New York City region is home to large numbers of college educated Latinos. Given the positive correlation between educational attainment and income, policymakers and businesses would do well to remember to target these Latinos in policy and marketing campaigns.

Source: Nielsen Pop-Facts Advanced, 2013.1 Update, Current Year Hispanic Population by Specific Origin

The Fountain of YouthLatinos In 1990, the median age in the country was 32.9 years. In 2010, the median age in the United States was 37.2 years.5 America is getting older. Yet across the country, data suggest that Latinos continue to trend younger than their non-Hispanic peers. This is true in the New York Region as well. While the under-17 population in the region accounted for 22.5% of the total population; among Latinos, the under-17 population accounted for 28.5% of the total Latino population. In fact, Latinos accounted for 28% of the regions total under-17 population. The importance of the Latino community could be felt even more acutely when one looked at the under-4 population. Not only did children under the age of 4 account for 8.4% of the regions Hispanic population but Latino children under the age of 4 accounted for 30% of all children under the age of 4 in the region. This skew towards younger ages, coupled with modestly higher birth rates among Latinos is what is driving the region and the nation towards the 30% plus Latino share of population by mid-century.

The numbers of Latino college graduates in the area are much higher than the national average...
Level of Educational Attainment, Adults 25+
Total Pop, Age 25+ Population by Education Age 25+ Some High School, No Diploma High School Graduate Associates Degree Bachelors Degree Population 16,211,521 1,227,178 4,361,606 1,075,402 3,382,708 14.8% 26.9% 22.8% 35.5% % of Pop Hispanic/Latino Pop, Age 25+ Population 3,129,318 1,051,621 903,127 682,983 491,587 33.6% 28.9% 21.8% 15.7% % of Pop

Source: Nielsen Pop-Facts Advanced, 2013.1 Update, Current Year Population by Ethnicity, Sex and Educational Attainment

U.S. Census Bureau, Age and Sex Composition, 2010. December 2010.


Hispanic Federation

Section 1: Dnde Estamos? Quines Somos?

Section 1: Dnde Estamos? Quines Somos?

Nueva York and Beyond


For policy-makers and businesses, the implications of these findings on language are significant. Spanish-language use may change depending on age but the language retains a great value even to those who are admittedly not fluent. This means that many Latinos move, often seamlessly, between Spanish and English language worlds. Really reaching Latinos in the New York Region, whether it is to create awareness of a particular policy issue or introduce a new product, requires a strategy that utilizes both languages across multiple media platforms. Spoken Language of U.S. Hispanic Population, Age 5+
English Only Some English Bilingual Mostly Spanish Spanish Only

The impact of young people on the New York Regions Latino population has profound implications in virtually every sector of our areas politics and economy. In Hartford, Albany, and Trenton, policymakers must realize that long-standing issues such as equitable education funding, school reform, and curriculum creation and implementation have a deep impact on Latino communities. The relative youth of the Latino population also has profound implications for economic and job-creation strategies. In the coming years it will be young Latinos who will be bursting into the job market and accounting for

7.5% 17.5% 16.7%

an even greater percentage of the American labor force. Finally, the impact of Latino young people on the success of health care reform cannot be underestimated. Federal and state officials are particularly concerned about the participation of young people in the nations new Health Care Exchanges. The large number of young Latino adults will require that government increase its outreach and education campaigns among Latinos to ensure they participate in the nations new health care system.

Source: Nielsen Pop-Facts Advanced, 2013.1 Update, Current Year Hispanic Population Age 5+ by Ability to Speak English


For businesses in the region, the large number of young Latinos offers a valuable opportunity to establish long-term brand loyalty by growing with Latino consumers as they enter adolescence, middle age and their golden years. This is especially true as young Latinos enter the ages when they make significant purchases including their first automobile and their first home and all the furnishings, textiles and housewares that go into it. This means using focused and frequent advertising, across multiple platforms, and in more than one language. While that may not be easy, the rewards over the long term in brand identification and loyalty are difficult to ignore.

The Education Challenge Because Latinos represent such large segments of the United States youth population, educational policy and achievement are especially important in Hispanic communities. The New York Region area is no exception. For more than half a century, Latinos in New York City and surrounding communities have struggled to improve their childrens educational opportunities. At the ballot box and in the courthouse, education has long been one of the major concerns for Latino families. Nationally, the data reveals that Latinos lag behind other groups in educational attainment rates. Latinos are 2.6 times less likely to have completed high school than other Americans over the age of 25. And while 14.3% of those Americans 25 years and older are college graduates, among Latinos the percentage drops to 6.6%. In New York, there are serious challenges as well. Many of the indicators of Latino student performance in the region reveal public schools are struggling to educate our children and prepare them for the global workforce. As a result, large numbers of Latino youth drop out of school each year, imperiling their futures and that of their communities. However, Latino educational attainment rates in the New York region still offer hope. While 34% of Latinos over the age of 25 lack a high

Population, by Age Category

Hispanic Population General Population




16.3% 12.2% 10.3% 12.2% 9.3% 13.5% 11.5%









Source: Nielsen Pop-Facts Advanced, 2013.1 Update, Current Year Population by Ethnicity, Sex and Age


Hispanic Federation

Section 1: Dnde Estamos? Quines Somos?

Section 1: Dnde Estamos? Quines Somos?

Nueva York and Beyond


Household Income and the Latino Community: Powerful Economic Impact, Great Diversity. Like so much else in the Latino community, income in the community is defined by diversity. Latinos can be found in significant numbers among the wealthiest residents of the New York Region; but they are also well represented among the areas lower income residents. Yet this income diversity speaks to a very clear reality: Latinos are important parts of the economic fabric of the New York region. Between 2010 and 2015, the growth of Hispanic buying power nationally will grow from $1 trillion to $1.5 trillion. A substantial part of that buying power is located in the New York Region. Of course, Latinos household incomes can vary widely and demand careful attention by those attempting to reach Latino consumers. The aggregate household income for all Latino households in the New York Region accounts for $92 billion (or 11% of earned income, as opposed to 22% of the population) of the more than $822 billion of aggregate income for the region among all households. Many Still Struggling While Latinos have a strong work ethic and entrepreneurial spirit, they are disproportionately represented in the regions lowest income levels. Nearly half a million Latino households in the New York Region earn an annual income lower than $25,000 and nearly 19% of all Latino households earn less than $15,000 per year. At $60,500 per annum, Latinos average household income is more than $30,000 less than it is for all of the households in the New York Region as a whole. Moving on up is certainly possible and many Latinos have already done so. However, in order for greater gains to happen, policymakers must place an increased emphasis on helping Latinos achieve higher levels of education and job-skills training. But Gaining Greater Representation at the Middle and Top Even though Latinos are overrepresented in the New York Regions lower income brackets, there are thousands of Latino households in the middle of the regions income hierarchy. Nearly half a million Latino households in the region earn between $35,000 and $75,000 annually. Another 260,000 households earn between $75,000 and $125,000. Finally, nearly 150,000 households in the region earn between $125,000 and $250,000.

Household Income
Household Income < $25,000 $25,000 - $34,999 $35,000 - $49,999 $50,000 - $74,999 $75,000 - $99,999 $100,000+ Total Households US Households 28,190,171 13,203,426 18,412,518 23,106,519 14,092,193 21,577,741 118,582,568 % 23.8% 11.1% 15.5% 19.5% 11.9% 18.2% 100% National Hispanic Households 4,218,210 1,982,617 2,581,225 2,782,986 1,469,034 1,779,089 14,813,161 % 28.5% 13.4% 17.4% 18.8% 9.9% 12.0% 100%

*Median US Household Income is $64,200

Source: Nielsen Pop-Facts Advanced, 2013.1 Update, Current Year Households by Ethnicity and Household Income

Latinos and Language Language matters. And for Latinos, the issues of language choice and use bring together

complicated questions about bilingualism, ethnic pride, and economic benefits. For marketers and others trying to reach Latino consumers, language is as important as message. Questions regarding Latinos and language proficiency and use have been debated for decades in the New York Region and across the nation. The proliferation of Spanish media, immigration, the relative easeof travel, and the economic imperative to speak more thanone language have created conditions that support Spanish languageproficiency in the region. Nevertheless there are important and significant generational differences with regard to Spanish and English language proficiency among Latinos in the New York Region. Latinos over the age of 65 are more likely to speak solely Spanish. Still, more than half of Latino children and teens report speaking both Spanish and English very well. And among those between the ages of 18 and 65, more than 40% report speaking English and Spanish well. Still, more than one quarter of this age group reported not speaking English well or at all. In short, the Latino communities of the New York Region are marked by great diversity in language use in both English and Spanish. Yet these generational differences dont tell the whole story. Latinos, even those without

expressed fluency in Spanish, have a deep and abiding interest in the language of their parents

40.7% of Hispanic households have a yearly income of $50,000 or more.

and grandparents. More than 90% of Latinos in the United States say they want their children to speak Spanish and many Latino adults raised as English-speakers express an interest in reading, watching and exploring Spanish language media.


Hispanic Federation

Section 1: Dnde Estamos? Quines Somos?

Section 1: Dnde Estamos? Quines Somos?

Nueva York and Beyond


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