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Buddha Dharma Education Association Inc.
Ven. Dr K. Sri Dhammananda
Reproduced from
v. . Sv: naxxaNaNoa
(this seuion onIy reprinted herein)
other seuions be/o. reproduced e/se.here
Practica/ Buddhism
Ho. to Practise Buddhism
Buddhism and the Free Tinkers
Buddhism as a Re/igion
Buddhism for the Future
v. K. Sv: naxxaNaNoa
Publication of the Sasana Abhiwurdhi Wardhana Society
Buddhist Maha Vihara
123 Jalan Berhala, Brickfelds
50470 Kuala Lumpur
TeI: 0322741141 0322741886 Iax: 0322732570
ImaiI: bmvharaCpo.jaring.my
2000 by the author
All rights reserved
Malaysian First Edition 2000
Jub/ished for /ree 9istribution
Rcprintcd lor lrcc distribution by
Te Corporate Body of
Te Buddha IducationaI Ioundation
11 F., 55 Hang Chow South Road Scc 1,
Taipci, Taiwan, R..C.
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ImaiI: ovcrscasCbudacdu.org.tw
Website: http://www.budacdu.org.tw
Tn:s noox :s s+v:c+iv vov vvvv o:s+v:nu+:oN, :+ :s No+ +o nv soio.
iv v
Anou+ +nv Au+nov
VenerabIe r K Sri hammananda Nayaka Maha Tera is a
houschold namc in thc 8uddhist world. !n morc than lorty cight
ycars as incumbcnt ol thc 8uddhist Maha \ihara, thc \cncrablc
has brought thc 8uddha Vord to countlcss numbcrs ol dcvotccs
who othcrwisc would havc had no acccss to thc sublimc mcs
sagc ol thc Suprcmcly nlightcncd nc.
8csidcs his talks thc \cncrablc has bccn ablc to rcach an
cvcn widcr audicncc through his publications which rangc lrom
thc voluminous hammapada to littlc nvc pagc pamphlcts.
Hc has rcachcd all lcvcls ol rcadcrs lrom cruditc scholar monks
to young schoolchildrcn. His wholc approach to thc cxposition
ol thc hamma is govcrncd by his dccp conccrn lor giving thc
ancicnt tcachings a contcmporary rclcvancc, to show that thc
Sublimc Mcssagc is timclcss and has a mcaning that cuts across
thc boundarics ol timc, spacc, racc culturc and cvcn rcligious
iv v
Te Juddhi 7ay
v. K. Sv: naxxaNaNoa
vi vii
[ontents of Te Juddhi 7ay
Anou+ +nv Au+nov ...................................................................................... iv
IN+voouc+:oN .................................................................................................... vii
u+:vs ov PavvN+s :N +nv Uvnv:Nc:Nc
ov +nv:v Cn:iovvN ................................................................... q
Bivss:Nc Svvv:cvs vov Cn:iovvN ................................................... +:
Wnv oo wv co +o +nv Buoona vov Rvvucv- ......................... +
Buoon:s+ Iouca+:oN a Cui+uvai Pvac+:cvs .................... +6
Mavv:acv .............................................................................................................. +8
Rvi:c:ous R:+vs .............................................................................................. :o
Tanoos ...................................................................................................................... ::
Cnavxs a Biacx Mac:c ............................................................................ :
Ixacvs, Hoiv Wa+vv, Hoiv Tnvvao,
Tai:sxaNs a Axuiv+s .......................................................... :6
S:cxNvss .................................................................................................................. :8
va+n ....................................................................................................................... o
Pos+ Mov+vx ......................................................................................................
IuNvvais .................................................................................................................
Buv:ai a Cvvxa+:oN .................................................................................. +
:svosai ov Asnvs ........................................................................................ :
Pvv:oo ov MouvN:Nc ...................................................................................
Pos+-IuNvvai R:+vs a Mvxov:ai Svvv:cvs .........................
Aixs G:v:Nc ....................................................................................................... y
CoNcius:oN .......................................................................................................... q
vi vii
Happy cvcnts such as birth and marriagc, and sad occasions likc
sickncss and dcath in a pcrsons cxistcncc vcry oltcn ncccssitatc
thc obscrvancc ol ccrtain ritcs, which havc bccn pcrlormcd in
cvcry socicty lrom timc immcmorial. Such ritcs, which origi
natcd cvcn long bclorc thc various major world rcligions bccamc
cstablishcd, havc bccn handcd down by our lorclathcrs, and in
thc passagc ol timc, havc gradually assumcd thc lorm ol tradi
tional customary practiccs until thc prcscnt day. Vc continuc
to practisc many ol thcsc ritcs through ignorancc and lcar, not
daring to changc or discard thcm cvcn with thc acquisition ol a
modcrn cducation and sophisticatcd lilcstylc.
!n particular many ol thc ritcs pcrlormcd on sad occasions
likc dcath and luncrals arc shroudcd in mystcry and supcrstition,
and vcry oltcn incur a trcmcndous nnancial burdcn on bcrcavcd
lamilics. Tis is onc ol thc major rcasons why many 8uddhists
arc casily convcrtcd to othcr rcligions bccausc it ocrs good
ammunition lor othcr rcligionists to hurl thcir criticisms and
attacks on thc 8uddhists. !t is impcrativc that thc 8uddhist
community in this country should awakcn to this situation and
makc couragcous corts to makc rclorms in thc pcrlormancc ol
thcir ritcs and rituals in consonancc with corrcct 8uddhist rcli
gious principlcs.
Tis book prcscnts in a simplc and undcrstandablc man
ncr thc various ritcs which could bc pcrlormcd by 8uddhists
on happy and sad occasions in thcir livcs. !t is hopcd that thcy
will makc corts to undcrstand thcm and practisc thcm whcn
thc occasion ariscs. 8y so doing, thcy will not only attain satis
laction and a scnsc ol sccurity in thc knowlcdgc that thcy arc
pcrlorming propcr 8uddhist ritcs, but also hclp to cnhancc thc
imagc ol thcir own rcligion in thc cycs ol othcrs.
TaN Tv:x BvNc Pvvs:ovN+,
Buoon:s+ M:ss:oNavv Soc:v+v,
+s+, ]aNuavv +q8q
Te Juddhist 7ay
u+:vs ov PavvN+s :N +nv Uvnv:Nc:Nc
ov +nv:v Cn:iovvN
Tc birth ol a child is a happy cvcnt. Having a baby and bring
ing him up is an advcnturc that can bc cmbarkcd upon happily
and with conndcncc. At thc samc timc it mcans thc bcginning
ol a long pcriod ol sacrincc and rcsponsibility lor thc parcnts.
vcn though human bcings arc lar advanccd on thc cvolution
ary laddcr, thcir young normally takc a long timc to maturc and
bccomc indcpcndcnt. Parcnts havc thc oncrous duty ol bcar
ing thc rcsponsibility ol caring lor thcir childrcn and nurturing
thcm to bccomc usclul adults ol thc luturc. Howcvcr ovcr thc
ccnturics, socictics havc dcvclopcd ccrtain wclltcstcd lormulac
to guidc parcnts in this task ol child rcaring. !n this conncc
tion rcligion plays a ccntral rolc in providing parcnts with a
lramcwork within which to train thc young in cthics, bchaviour
and morality. !n 8uddhism, thc 8uddha has givcn vcry usclul
advicc on thc dutics ol parcnts towards thcir childrcn and vicc
vcrsa. Tc _iga/o+ada _utra is pcrhaps thc bcst known ol thcsc
valuablc injunctions. Tc 8uddha rclatcd an incidcnt ol how hc
had oncc noticcd a young man pcrlorming a simplc ritual ol
bowing to thc six dircctions (north, south, east, west, zenith and
nadir). Upon bcing qucstioncd as to thc mcaning and intcnt ol
.c ..
his action, thc young man rcplicd that hc did not know thc sig
nincancc ol his pcrlormancc but that hc was mcrcly lollowing
his latc lathcrs advicc. Charactcristically, thc 8uddha did not
condcmn thc young man lor pcrlorming such a ritual, but gavc
it a usclul mcaning by a practical intcrprctation. Hc said that
thc act ol paying rcspccts to thc six dircctions signincs honour
ing and lulnlling oncs dutics and obligations to oncs parcnts,
tcachcrs, rcligious pcrsonalitics, oncs wilc, childrcn and cm
ployccs. Tus, wc scc that thc 8uddha laid grcat cmphasis on
a pcrsons rclationship with othcrs, but morc cspccially so bc
twccn parcnts and childrcn. Parcnts must carc lor thcy childrcn,
by allowing thcm thcir indcpcndcncc whcn thc timc is right
and by giving thcm thcir rightlul inhcritancc in duc coursc. n
thc othcr hand, childrcn on thcir part arc dutybound to carc
lor thcir parcnts by cxtcnding to thcm nlial dcvotion. Tis is
donc out ol mutual rcspcct and gratitudc towards thcm and not
out ol cxpcctation ol any rcward in rcturn. !t is indicatcd hcrc
that thcrc is a closc link bctwccn rcligion and parcntchildrcn
rclationship. Parcnts should not lail to undcrscorc thc rcligious
signincancc ol thc birth ol a child. A lamily that dcvclops its
rclationship along scnsiblc cstablishcd rcligious lincs cannot go
Parcnts arc dutybound to dcvclop such a rclationship
bascd on thcir rcligious cultural hcritagc. Vhilst othcr rcligion
ists havc thcir lormal and obligatory baptisms and christcnings
to pcrlorm, 8uddhist parcnts nccd only bring thcir childrcn to
thc tcmplc so as to rcamrm thcir laith in thc Triplc Gcm and to
.c ..
scck rclugc in thc 8uddha, thc hamma and thc Sangha. Hav
ing sought rclugc in thc Triplc Gcm parcnts thcmsclvcs may bc
cndowcd with thc conndcncc in thc upbringing ol thcir chil
drcn with thc nrm assurancc that thcy arc bcing protcctcd lrom
all cvil. Vc cannot dcny thc cxistcncc ol cvil lorccs around us
which arc malcvolcnt towards human bcings and which could
causc harm. 8ringing a child to thc tcmplc, and having sacrcd
traditional rcligious scrviccs pcrlormcd in its lavour would dcn
nitcly contributc to thc wcllbcing ol thc child. Tis could also
bc considcrcd as thc initial stcp in associating thc child with thc
tcmplc which il continucd lrom a vcry tcndcr agc, could bccomc
part and parccl ol its lilc. Tis habit il maintaincd up to adult
lilc would scrvc thc pcrson in good stcad whcn conlrontcd with
Religion will help children along the correct path
.a .
Bivss:Nc Svvv:cvs vov Cn:iovvN
Tc rcciting ol Sutras imparts vcry bcncncial cccts on a child.
!t was rcportcd that during thc 8uddhas timc, whcn a child
who was in a critical condition duc to cxtcrnal cvil inucncc was
brought bclorc him, thc 8uddha instructcd that thc Sutras bc
rccitcd by an asscmbly ol monks. Tc rcsultant ccct was that
thc child avcrtcd dcath and livcd to a ripc old agc. !n lact hc
was callcd ,yu.addhana mcaning Iong Iife bccausc hc was
no longcr in dangcr ol a prcmaturc dcath.
e Buddha saved the life of a child.
.a .
Wnv oo wv co +o +nv Buoona vov Rvvucv-
Vhcn thosc who bclicvc in a god cxpcricncc lcar, sorrow or any
disturbancc thcy pray lor hclp and protcction. Many 8uddhists
ask whom thcy can turn to whcn thcy arc conlrontcd with
insccurity. !n such circumstanccs 8uddhists can rccall thc
8uddha to thcir mind and scck solacc. Tcrc is no doubt that thc
8uddhist conccpt ol god is dicrcnt lrom that in othcr rcligions
but whcn thcy contcmplatc thc suprcmc qualitics ol thc 8uddha,
his grcat victorics, and his calm and noblc charactcristics, thcir
minds will bc calmcd and thcy will gain conndcncc. vcn many
othcr rcligionists say god is not a pcrson, but a lorcc which is
pcrsonalizcd in thc mind. Vhcn thcir minds arc calmcd and
strcngthcncd by locusing on this powcr, thcy arc in a position to
lacc disturbanccs to cvaluatc thc problcms and nnd thc mcans
to ovcrcomc thcm. 8uddhists can ovcrcomc thcir problcms in a
similar manncr by rccalling thc imagc ol thc 8uddha. Naturally
many ol our problcms arc causcd by thc mind and mind alonc is
ablc to solvc thcm through undcrstanding and conndcncc. Tat
is why thc knowlcdgc ol thc harma is important. Vhcn thc
mind is strcngthcncd through inspiration and dcvotion towards
thc 8uddha it can ovcrcomc thc scnsc ol hclplcssncss and lcar ol
cvil spirits, ol bcing lclt alonc, and conndcncc is rcgaincd. Tus
is what is mcant by going lor rclugc to thc 8uddha.
Vhilst sccking rclugc lor thc child at thc tcmplc, ocr
ings ol owcrs, inccnsc, candlcs or lruits may bc madc at thc
shrinc room and thc rcsidcnt monks invitcd to rccitc sutras lor
. .
thc blcssing ol thc inlant. !l so dcsircd, thc advicc ol thc monks
may also bc sought lor a suitablc 8uddhist namc to bc givcn to
thc child.
As thc child grows up, it is thc rcsponsibility ol parcnts to
bring thc child rcgularly to thc tcmplc to cnablc it to associatc
with rcligiousmindcd pcoplc and to listcn to simplc rcligious
discourscs and scrmons and dcrivc bcncnt thcrclrom. !n coursc
ol timc thc child will gct uscd to pcrlorming 8uddhist practiccs
and will lccl comlortablc amidst thc scrcnc atmosphcrc in thc
tcmplc surroundings. l coursc childrcn should also bc brought
to thc tcmplc lor spccial blcssing scrviccs on important occa
sions likc thcir nrst day at school, cxaminations, birthdays and
othcr happy cvcnts. Vhcn childrcn gct uscd to listcning to thc
sutras, thcy acquirc immcnsc conndcncc in thcmsclvcs bccausc
thcy know that through thc bcncncial inucncc ol thc sutras,
thcy arc bcing protcctcd. Tcy thcrclorc tcnd to pcrlorm bcttcr
in whatcvcr undcrtaking thcy sct out to do, and as a rcsult arc
lcss ncrvous, lccl morc sccurc and will no longcr havc thc drcad
ol bcing lclt uttcrly hclplcss.
. .
Buddhist families should live in the light of the Buddha
.6 .,
Buoon:s+ Iouca+:oN a Cui+uvai Pvac+:cvs
An ccctivc way to introducc rcligious lcssons lor thc young on
morality and cthics is by using picturcs, illustrations, rcligious
symbols and by giving intcrcsting talks on 8uddhist lcgcnds
and storics. Tis mcthod may appcal to many pcoplc, cspccially
thc young and it can hclp thcm to apprcciatc 8uddhism much
bcttcr. Ccrtain stagc pcrlormanccs or skctchcs dcpicting his
torical 8uddhist lcgcndary cvcnts can also hclp to crcatc a good
and lasting imprcssion on thc young minds.
To lcad childrcn on thc right path, parcnts thcmsclvcs
should nrst sct thc cxamplc and lcad idcal livcs. !t is impossiblc
to cxpcct worthy childrcn lrom unworthy parcnts. Apart lrom
Kammic tcndcncics, childrcn arc inucnccd by thc dclccts and
virtucs ol parcnts too. Rcsponsiblc parcnts should takc prccau
tion not to transmit ncgativc traits to thcir childrcn.
Tc 8uddhas advicc rcgarding traditions and customs was
ncithcr to acccpt nor to rcjcct anything without nrst considcring
whcthcr such practiccs arc mcaninglul and usclul. Lcss cmpha
sis is placcd on thcsc mcthods oncc a pcrson has lcarncd thc
hamma to lcad a mcaninglul 8uddhist lilc. Tc 8uddha says
that whatcvcr mcthods wc usc to train thc mind, our attitudc
should bc likc a man who uscd a ralt to gct across a rivcr. Altcr
having crosscd thc rivcr, hc did not cling on to thc ralt, but lclt
it on thc rivcr bank to continuc his journcy. Similarly, cultural
practiccs should bc rcgardcd mcrcly as an aid to gain inspiration
and not as an cnd in thcmsclvcs.
.6 .,
8uddhist cultural practiccs vary lrom country to country. Vhcn
pcrlorming thcsc traditional practiccs, wc must bc carclul not
to catcgorisc 8uddhism as bclonging to any onc ol thcm. For
cxamplc, wc should not think in tcrms ol Chincsc 8uddhism,
Sinhalcsc 8uddhism, Japancsc 8uddhism, Tai 8uddhism,
8urmcsc 8uddhism or Tibctan 8uddhism. Tis only crcatcs dis
harmony, discrimination and misundcrstanding. Vc should also
bc awarc ol ccrtain socallcd 8uddhist lcadcrs who try to rcinlorcc
Parents should teach their children to become good Buddhists
. .
thcir own 8uddhist labcls by incorporating many lorms ol charms,
divinc powcrs, mystical and supcrnatural practiccs and conccpts to
hoodwink thc masscs. Such unscrupulous actions arc donc with a
total disrcgard to what thc 8uddha has said about such practiccs.
Anothcr common practicc among 8uddhists is to hold
blcssing scrviccs in thcir ncw homcs. Vhcncvcr pcoplc movc
into ncw dwclling houscs, or whcn shilting housc lrom onc
locality to anothcr, it is thc gcncral custom among 8uddhists
to invitc monks to pcrlorm blcssing scrviccs so as to cnsurc that
thc placc will bc wcll protcctcd spiritually as wcll as bc a pcacc
lul abodc lor all who dwcll in it whcrc happincss, pcacc and
harmony will pcrvadc. Similarly, such blcssing scrviccs could
also bc pcrlormcd whcn occupying ncw busincss prcmiscs, or
whcncvcr a ncw busincss is launchcd.
According to thc 8uddha, as a child grows into adulthood, it is
also thc duty ol parcnts to nnd a suitablc spousc lor thcir o
spring. l coursc this is not thc custom nowadays in modcrn
socicty, but ncvcrthclcss parcnts can bc supportivc whcn thcir
childrcn bcgin to look lor suitablc matcs lor thcmsclvcs. Tis
would bc thc bcst opportunity to hclp thcm not only matcrially
but also in thc lorm ol ocring discrcct advicc and guidancc
in thc choicc ol suitablc partncrs, so as to avoid pitlalls in lilc.
!l thc childrcn had bccn coming to thc tcmplc rcgularly, thc
chanccs arc that thcy would havc had thc opportunity to associ
. .
atc with othcr 8uddhist youths who sharc with thcm thc samc
rcligious valucs and intcrcsts and who would invariably makc
good marriagc partncrs.
!t has bccn noticcd that many 8uddhists in this country tcnd
to lorgct thcir spiritual obligations whcn it comcs to thc most
important and auspicious occasion ol thcir livcs thcir mar
riagc. !t is customary in 8uddhist countrics lor cngagcd couplcs
to invitc monks to thcir homcs lor a blcssing scrvicc. Tis could
bc pcrlormcd cithcr bclorc or altcr thc wcdding which normally
takcs placc at thc Rcgistry ol Marriagcs or at thc homcs ol thc
partics conccrncd. !t is hopcd that all 8uddhist couplcs would
lulnl thcir obligations in this manncr whcn thcy gct marricd.
Marriages should be conducted in a religious atmoshpere
ac a.
Simplc ocrings ol owcrs, inccnsc and candlcs arc all that arc
rcquircd lor thc short blcssing scrvicc to which thc parcnts ol
both partics togcthcr with thcir rclativcs and lricnds could bc
invitcd to participatc. Such blcssing scrvicc, givcn on thc auspi
cious day, would bc a dcnnitc spiritual contribution to thc suc
ccss, pcacc, harmony and happincss ol thc ncwlywcds.
!nlatuation alonc is not a sumcicnt basis lor a succcsslul
marriagc, hcncc young pcoplc should wcll bc adviscd to bc surc
ol thc spiritual sidc ol thcir aair bclorc taking thc nnal vows.
Vhcn a couplc cmbarks on marriagc by obscrving rcligious
tcncts, thcy arc bound to havc grcatcr rcspcct lor thc institution
ol marriagc and thcy will naturally turn to rcligion in timcs ol
strcss lor solacc. Altcr having bccn happily marricd thc young
couplc should thcmsclvcs strivc to bccomc good and rcsponsiblc
8uddhist parcnts to thcir own childrcn ol thc luturc.
Rvi:c:ous R:+vs
Although rcligious ritcs, rituals and ccrcmonics arc not lavourcd
by intcllcctuals, such practiccs arc ncvcrthclcss important lor
dcvcloping and maintaining thc dcvotional aspccts ol a rcligion
and lor crcating a scnsc ol inspiration among thc masscs. For
many pcoplc, cultivating dcvotion is thc nrst important stcp to
wards thc cxpcricncc ol a rcligion. !l thcrc is no dcvotional and
cultural aspccts attachcd to 8uddhism, pcoplc may bc drawn
to somc othcr kind ol bclicls or practiccs, cvcn though thcy arc
ac a.
awarc that such practiccs arc stccpcd in supcrstition or blind
!t is important lor rcligions to havc somc harmlcss rituals
and rcasonablc practiccs lor pcoplc to cxprcss thcir dcvotion
and spiritual lcclings. Many ol thc 8uddhist ccrcmonics hclp
to cultivatc good habits and positivc cmotions amongst thc lol
lowcrs who conscqucntly bccomc morc tolcrant, considcratc
and culturcd pcoplc. Vhcn pcrlormcd with undcrstanding and
carncstncss, thcsc traditional practiccs tcnd to strcngthcn oncs
bclicls as against a mcrc intcllcctual approach. 8uddhism with
out any dcvotion would bc rathcr cold, dctachcd and acadcmic.
Religious symbols aid devotion
aa a
Most raccs havc thcir own taboos. !n Malaysia pcrhaps wc havc
morc than our lair sharc ol thcm bccausc thc thrcc major cthnic
groups havc thcir own animistic bclicls and cach is inucnccd
by thc othcrs. 8ccausc ol ignorancc, lcar and supcrstition cach
group tcnds to acccpt thc bclicls ol othcrs rathcr than study
ing thcm rationally and discarding thcm as bcing irrclcvant to
modcrn socicty. For cxamplc many Asian communitics bclicvc
that thcy must not clip thcir nngcr nails altcr dark nor wash
thcir hair on ccrtain days ol thc wcck. Somc pcoplc think that it
is bad luck to scc shavcn hcadcd rcligious mcn thc nrst thing in
thc morning whilst othcrs will not swccp thcir houscs altcr dark.
!t is cvcn bclicvcd to bc bad to carry mcat around at night lor
lcar that it might attract cvil spirits. Somc parcnts advisc thcir
childrcn to carry a piccc ol mctal to protcct thcmsclvcs lrom
ghosts. Tcn thcrc arc thosc who bclicvc that howling dogs and
hooting owls at night could bring bad luck and that a twitching
ol thc lclt cyc is a bad omcn. Somc pcoplc considcr thcsc as vcry
scrious issucs. 8ut thosc who ignorc thcm arc lrcc lrom lcar and
Vhat is thc 8uddhist attitudc towards such bclicls:
Vhcrc docs rational thinking cnd and supcrstition bcgin: Tcy
all sccm to originatc in our lcar ol thc unknown. Somctimcs
thcrc arc practical rcasons lor obscrving ccrtain bclicls. For cx
amplc it is ol coursc inadvisablc to cut oncs nngcrnails in thc
aa a
dark simply bccausc onc could cut oncs nngcr in thc proccss.
As lar as cvil spirits arc conccrncd thc 8uddha has said that so
long as wc practisc lovingkindncss towards all bcings, visiblc
and invisiblc, so long as wc do othcrs no harm by living scnsi
bly and bclicving in thc powcr ol thc hamma or thc Truth as
cxpoundcd by thc 8uddha, and so long as wc dcvclop our right
undcrstanding by studying his Tcachings, nothing can harm
us. Tis again mcans wc havc to dcvclop our rcligious dcvotion
and conndcncc by visiting thc tcmplc rcgularly, and by having
usclul discussions with rcligious tcachcrs so as to cnrich our un
dcrstanding ol thc hamma. Tc tcmplc must bc a placc whcrc
pcoplc can gain morc knowlcdgc and undcrstanding to gct rid
ol supcrstitious bclicls and to cradicatc unduc lcar in thc minds
ol innoccnt pcoplc.
Cnavxs a Biacx Mac:c
!t is common practicc among many Asian communitics to think
that thcy arc thc victims ol black magic and charms whcncvcr
thcy lacc somc unhappy, cxpcricnccs in thcir livcs. At thc
slightcst indication that somcthing unplcasant has happcncd
thcy would oltcn run o to consult sccrs, astrologcrs, mcdiums
and bomohs. l coursc thc livclihood ol thcsc vcndors ol magic
and charms dcpcnds on tclling thcir customcrs that somcthing
is wrong or that somc cvil lorccs havc bccn cmploycd by somc
onc to bring about thcir lamily mislortunc. Tcy thcn claim to
a a
bc ablc to countcract thcsc cvil lorccs and chargc largc sums ol
moncy by promising to curc thcm. Morc oltcn than not thc
only ccct is that thcsc unsuspccting victims cnd up bccom
ing lightcr in thcir pockct and as a rcsult arc nonc thc wiscr lor
thcir cxpcricncc. Popular 8uddhism has not bccn sparcd by thc
antics ol thcsc quacks and charlatans, somc ol whom cvcn going
to thc cxtcnt ol masqucrading thcmsclvcs as monks to makc a
last dollar lrom thcir unsuspccting victims. 8ut thc 8uddha has
dcclarcd in no unccrtain tcrms that many ol our mislortuncs arc
csscntially crcatcd by thc untraincd impurc minds and it is only
through our own corts and undcrstanding that wc will bc ablc
to ovcrcomc thcm.
!n this country particularly thcrc arc a grcat many such
bclicls. Tis may bc bccausc thc thrcc major raccs havc thcir
own pcculiar bclicls, and a grcat dcal ol intcrchangc had takcn
placc so much so that thcrc had dcvclopcd a trcmcndously varicd
sct ol bclicls which arc uniqucly Malaysian.
Tc 8uddhist curc lor mislortunc ol any kind is as scicn
tinc as thc mcthods ol modcrn psychiatry. !t is summarizcd in
thc Sccond Noblc TruthTc Causc ol Sucring. 8clorc wc
can look lor a curc to mislortunc (iII Iuck, bad heaIth, Ioss of
someone or something personaI and famiIy probIems) wc must
gct to thc root ol it. Vc must cxaminc rationally what actually
is happcning and undcrstand that only wc alonc can ovcrcomc
thc mislortunc. Conccntration ccrtainly will strcngthcn thc
mind to undcrstand thc causc ol thc problcms in ordcr to nnd
a solution. !n thc casc ol sickncss, a calm mind hclps to ccct
a a
a curc lastcr. 8y mcrcly appcaling to thc Supcrnatural to ovcr
comc mislortunc is not thc propcr solution to cnd sucring. Vc
must rccct calmly that mislortunc is thc lot ol anyonc who is
born into this world and that what happcns to us must bc lookcd
at rationally so that a rcasonablc solution could bc lound. Tis
is not latalistic it shows that cach individual, using thc Right
ort can rid himscll ol mislortunc.
Charms and black magic have no efect on the
spiritually strong individual
a6 a,
Ixacvs, Hoiv Wa+vv, Hoiv Tnvvao,
Tai:sxaNs a Axuiv+s
Socicty in gcncral is bcttcr cducatcd now than it has cvcr bccn
in thc past, but in spitc ol vast advanccs achicvcd in thc ncld ol
scicntinc knowlcdgc, many pcoplc still sucr lrom lcar, suspicion
and insccurity. Tc root causc ol thcsc statcs ol mind stcms lrom
ignorancc, unccrtainty and craving. 8ccausc ol our ignorancc
ol thc noncxistcncc ol a pcrmancnt scll, wc bclicvc in our cgo
and this bclicl givcs risc to craving. Vc arc nllcd with insatiablc
dcsircs and lcar ol losing that which wc posscss. Vc lcar that
wc will bc harmcd or that wc will lacc bad luck. So what do
wc do: Vc turn instinctivcly to our animistic past and dcpcnd
on spccial talismans and amulcts to protcct us. Tc 8uddha has
clcarly statcd that cxtcrnal objccts arc not strong cnough to pro
tcct thosc whosc minds arc wcak and conluscd. ur only sccu
rity is to takc rclugc in our knowlcdgc ol thc truth and in our
rcalization ol thc truc naturc ol thc scll and othcr phcnomcna.
ncc wc undcrstand that thcrc is no rcality in a scll that can bc
harmcd, wc bccomc sccurc and conndcnt. No harm can comc
to him who is unalraid, unsclnsh or undcludcd.
Howcvcr, it docs not mcan that 8uddhism condcmns thc
usc ol ccrtain rcligious objccts likc a pcndant ol thc 8uddha im
agc to givc us a scnsc ol sccurity. Many grcat mcn had lound sol
acc and comlort by contcmplating on thc scrcnc and calm imagc
ol thc 8uddha. Tc nrst Primc Ministcr ol !ndia, Mr. Nchru
said that whcn hc was imprisoncd by thc 8ritish his only sourcc
a6 a,
ol comlort was a tiny 8uddha imagc which hc had with him. l
coursc thc imagc itscll had no magical powcr. 8ut what it sym
bolizcd was thc grcat qualitics ol thc 8uddha who had himscll
rcmaincd calm and unacctcd by thc attacks madc against him
by his cncmics and it was this symbol that rcmindcd Nchru ol
his own strcngth with which hc could lacc advcrsity calmly. Vc
too can carry imagcs ol thc 8uddha or inscriptions ol thc sutras
around with us to givc us conndcncc. Many sutras cnd with thc
invocation: By the power of this truth, may victory be mine
or may happiness be mine. Tis shows that as 8uddhists wc
do not bclicvc in thc animistic powcr ol imagcs or talismans,
but that thcy arc to bc rcgardcd as mcrc aids which could hclp
us to gain conndcncc in oursclvcs.
Sacred objects remind us of the power of truth
a a
!n thc samc way somc 8uddhists also go to tcmplcs, to
collcct bottlcs ol holy watcr and picccs ol string ovcr which thc
sutras havc bccn rccitcd with grcat conccntration. Tcsc also
givc psychological strcngth and conndcncc to thc uscr bccausc
thcy rcmind him ol thc truth which was uttcrcd in thc sutras
and which rccall thc words ol thc 8uddha.
Rcccntly thcrc havc bccn many criticisms lcvcllcd against 8uddhist
lcadcrs that thcy do not sccm to carc lor thosc who arc sick. Critics
point out that lollowcrs ol ccrtain othcr rcligions do go lrom hos
pital to hospital comlorting sick paticnts. Such conccrn lor thc
sick is somcthing which is indccd commcndablc. !n 8uddhist
countrics dcvotccs invitc monks to visit thc sick and thc monks
arc morc than willing to rcndcr assistancc in this rcspcct. !n lact
lcarncd monks who arc vcry wcll vcrscd in traditional mcdicinc,
arc oltcn consultcd and thcy cvcn rcndcr thcir voluntary scrviccs.
Sincc many 8uddhists arc not wcll vcrscd in thcir own
rcligion to countcract thc tactics ol othcr rcligionists, such apathy
only cnablc thc lollowcrs ol othcr rcligions to takc advantagc ol
thc situation to convcrt thcm. Such othcr rcligionists havc cvcn
gonc to thc cxtcnt ol promising salvation by lrightcning thcir
victims with thc thrcat ol hcll and in this way havc won convcrts!
8uddhist monks want to havc no part in this. Howcvcr thcy will
willingly accompany lamily mcmbcrs and closc lricnds whcn in
vitcd to visit thc sick, not only in hospital but at homc as wcll.
a a
Sickncss is part and parccl ol our daily cxistcncc in this world,

wc should takc it in our stridc. Ncvcrthclcss, in thc cvcnt

ol sickncss bclalling a pcrson, it would bc advisablc, apart lrom
rcsorting to modcrn mcdical trcatmcnt, to invitc monks to pcr
lorm rcligious blcssing scrviccs lor thc spccdy rccovcry ol thc
paticnt. Such blcssings whcn rcccivcd with a propcr lramc ol
mind will cxcrt a considcrablc spiritual and psychological inu
cncc on thc paticnt, thus accclcrating his rccovcry. !n particular,
whcn thc illncss happcns to bc associatcd with thc attitudc ol
thc paticnts mind, a blcssing scrvicc by a monk would bc most
hclplul. !n instanccs whcrc thc bclicl is that an illncss has bccn
causcd by somc bad cxtcrnal inucncc or cvil spirits, a rcligious
Reciting the holy scriptures can help in healing
blcssing scrvicc would crcatc a good psychological attitudc
which in turn could radiatc bcncncial vibrations within thc
body to promotc spccdy rccovcry. Howcvcr, as undcrstanding
8uddhists, wc should not surrcndcr oursclvcs to thc crroncous
bclicl that cvil spirits arc thc solc causc ol our sickncss. Tc
8uddhas advicc Whenever you are physicaIIy sick, dont
aIIow your mind aIso to be sick is indccd vcry truc. !n accord
ancc with this advicc, wc must bc guidcd by our intclligcncc and
common scnsc to scck propcr mcdical attcntion lor our illncss
rathcr than to succumb oursclvcs to illloundcd supcrstition.
Man is mortal and dcath is to bc cxpcctcd. Howcvcr, vcry lcw
pcoplc can acccpt thc scparation or thc lcar ol what happcns
altcr dcath.
Tcrc is so much ignorancc among 8uddhists rcgarding
dcath that pcoplc cvcn changc thcir rcligion so that thcy can
gct a propcr luncral to cnsurc a shortcut to hcavcn. Familics
Meditation can create inner happiness
havc bccn known to bc scparatcd bccausc childrcn who bclong
to onc rcligion hastily convcrt thcir sick parcnts on thcir dcath
bcd. Somc 8uddhist childrcn arc powcrlcss bccausc thcy havc
not lcarncd what to do as truc 8uddhists. !t is thcrclorc vcry im
portant lor 8uddhist parcnts to makc thcir wishcs known clcarly
and to tcach thcir childrcn what to do as 8uddhists in thc cvcnt
ol thcir dcath. Many ignorant pcoplc havc taboos against dcath
and do not likc to attcnd luncrals during ccrtain pcriods think
ing that it will bring bad luck to thcmsclvcs.
Childrcn must lcarn lrom a young agc that dcath is a
natural part ol cxistcncc. Tcy must lcarn not to bc unnaturally
alraid at thc sight ol comns and corpscs. Tcy must know what
is thc scnsiblc thing to do at a luncral. !l this is not donc and
whcn a dcath occurs, young adults will bc at a loss and bc at thc
mcrcy ol unscrupulous rcligious pcoplc who cithcr usc this op
portunity to convcrt thcm to thcir laith, or makc thcm spcnd
largc sums ol moncy on supcrstitious and othcr mcaninglcss
First ol all wc must undcrstand thc 8uddhist attitudc
towards dcath. Scicntincally spcaking Lilc is an unccasing
scrics ol rising and lalling momcnts. Tc cclls in our body arc
constantly dying and arc rcplaccd by ncw oncs. As such, birth
and dcath arc taking placc cvcry momcnt. Tc phcnomcnon ol
dcath is mcrcly a morc dramatic cnding ol this continual proc
css. 8ut thc cnd is not pcrmancnt. !n lact in thc vcry ncxt 8cat
altcr dcath, rcbirth takcs placc. So in 8uddhism, dcath is not
bcing callcd to ctcrnal rcst to hc in thc bosom ol somc crcator
dcity but a continuation ol a proccss in anothcr lorm. So thcrc
is no nccd to lcar dcath. !n vicw ol this, thc 8uddha did not
prcscribc any spccinc ritcs rcgarding thc disposal ol a corpsc.
Tc body ol a dcad pcrson should bc rcmovcd with dignity and
bc trcatcd propcrly out ol rcspcct lor thc mcmory ol what thc
dcccascd pcrson had donc whcn hc was alivc. His past action
(Karma) will dctcrminc what his luturc lilc will bc.
Vc arc gratclul lor whatcvcr scrviccs thc dcad pcrson had rcn
dcrcd to us in thc past. Sorrow ariscs in our minds bccausc
somconc wc lovc has dcpartcd lrom our midst. Vhcn wc gathcr
around thc body ol a lovcd onc, as lricnds and rclativcs wc nnd
solacc in thc company ol othcrs who sharc our common sorrow
and who givc us moral support in our hour ol gricl. Tc dicr
cnt cultural practiccs wc pcrlorm arc usclul bccausc thcy hclp us
to minimisc our sorrow.
Every being that is born dies and is reborn
Pos+ Mov+vx
Nowadays in cascs whcrc dcath has occurrcd in spccial circum
stanccs which would ncccssitatc lurthcr invcstigation, it has bc
comc a common practicc lor hospitals to conduct post mortcms
on thc bodics ol such dcad pcrsons to vcrily thc causc ol dcath.
Somctimcs rclativcs objcct to this practicc thinking that it is
somcwhat sacrilcgious to cut up or mutilatc a corpsc. As lar as
8uddhists arc conccrncd thcrc should bc no rcligious rcason to
objcct to this practicc. !n lact, il such a post mortcm could hclp
thc living by providing mcmbcrs ol thc mcdical prolcssion with
morc inlormation which could cnablc thcm to curc discascs it
should bc considcrcd an act ol mcrit on thc part ol 8uddhists.
As has bccn said carlicr thc physical body is nothing morc than
a combination ol clcmcnts which will disintcgratc on dcath. So
thcrc is no rcason to bclicvc that thc spirit ol thc dcad pcrson
will bc upsct il thc body is uscd lor scicntinc purposcs. Vc can
bc rcst assurcd that doctors and mcdical aidcs havc a high scnsc
ol rcsponsibility and prolcssional cthics and that thcy would
handlc a corpsc with thc utmost rcspcct duc to it, so rclativcs
nccd not bc unduly worricd about this. Tcrc arc somc who
cvcn plcdgc to donatc thcir bodics altcr thcir dcath to hospitals
lor mcdical studcnts to study anatomy.
!n this conncction, it is considcrcd an act ol thc highcst
mcrit lor 8uddhists to donatc parts ol thcir bodics altcr dcath
so that othcrs would bcncnt lrom thcm. Tc 8uddha himscll on

numcrous occasions in his prcvious livcs donatcd his body lor
thc bcncnt ol othcrs. Hc gavc his cycs, blood and csh and on
onc occasion sacrinccd his wholc body in ordcr to savc thc livcs
ol othcrs. 8uddhism is vcry clcar on thc issuc that thc dona
tion ol vital organs lor thc bcncnt ol othcrs brings grcat mcrit
and is to bc strongly cncouragcd.
Organ donation

!n most culturcd and civiliscd socictics a luncral is considcrcd as
a sad and solcmn occasion. A 8uddhist luncral should accord
ingly bc a solcmn occasion and should bc conductcd as such.
Tcrc is a widcsprcad supcrstition among somc pcoplc that
it is bad luck to bring a corpsc into a homc il a pcrson has dicd
clscwhcrc. Vc arc bound to show our rcspcct lor thc mcmory ol
thc dcad pcrson to trcat thc body with propcr rcspcct by giving
it a dcccnt luncral. Vhcthcr thc body is brought homc or not
dcpcnds on what is most convcnicnt lor thc bcrcavcd mcmbcrs
ol thc lamily. !n this conncction wc should also mcntion that
thcrc should bc no lcars or taboos rcgarding thc handling ol a
dcad pcrson. Somc pcoplc arc alraid to touch a corpsc thinking
thcy will bc laccd with bad luck. !l this wcrc truc doctors and
nurscs should bc thc most miscrablc pcoplc on carth! !l wc truly
wish to honour thc mcmory ol our dcpartcd oncs, wc should
bathc and drcss thc body and not lcavc it to somc strangcr lrom
an undcrtakcrs nrm to do it lor us. Rcmcmbcr that supcrstition
ignorancc and irrational lcar brings morc bad luck than grati
tudc, lovc and good tastc.
Contrary to popular bclicl, thc noisy, claboratc and somc
timcs showy or grand luncral proccssions costing thousands ol
dollars on unnccccsary things and which arc oltcn rcgardcd as
normal 8uddhist practiccs, arc in lact not 8uddhist practiccs
at all. !t is a total misconccption to associatc all thcsc practiccs
6 ,
with 8uddhism. Tcy arc just thc pcrpctuation ol agcold cus
toms and traditions handcd down lrom past gcncrations which
arc bcing adhcrcd to blindly. Vhcn vicwing such luncral ritcs
pcoplc ol othcr laiths oltcn wondcr whcthcr what thcy arc
watching is a proccssion cclcbrating somc happy lcstival or a
solcmn luncral.
Quitc oltcn a loud music instcad ol solcmn music, is pcr
lormcd during a luncral proccssion. nc would thcrclorc gain
thc imprcssion that thc ccrcmony is dcsigncd morc to makc an
outward show ol amucncc rathcr than to cxprcss gcnuinc sorrow
and rcspcct lor thc dcccascd. Although 8uddhism docs not ob
jcct to pcrpctuating cultural practiccs, so long as thcy arc not in
conict with thc tcachings ol thc 8uddha, it is lclt that wastclul,
uncconomical and unncccssary practiccs which arc not bcncn
cial cithcr to thc dcpartcd or thc living should bc discouragcd
or discardcd altogcthcr. For cxamplc, thc traditional practicc
ol burning papcr moncy, josspapcr and symbolic papcr houscs,
dcsigncd purportcdly lor thc bcncnt ol a dcccascd pcrson lor
usc in thc lilc hcrcaltcr, is dcnnitcly un8uddhistic. Howcvcr, il
it hclps onc psychologically to minimisc oncs sorrow by making
him think hc is doing somcthing bcncncial lor thc dcpartcd, it
is harmlcss, but noncthclcss onc should not go to cxtrcmcs or
bclicvc it can hclp thc dcccascd in any way.
8uddhism docs not objcct to dicrcnt communitics pcr
lorming dicrcnt luncral ritcs which arc suitablc lor cach local
ity and timc. 8ut thc most important thing is that thcy must bc
culturally acccptablc and practical.
6 ,
Tc ritcs attachcd to a 8uddhist luncral should bc simplc, solcmn,
dignincd and mcaninglul. !n many countrics 8uddhist monks
arc invitcd to thc housc ol thc dcccascd to pcrlorm rcligious
ritcs prior to a luncral. Tc ocring ol owcrs and thc burning
ol a lcw josssticks and candlcs arc normally acccptcd rcligious
practiccs on such an occasion.
Burning paper objects cannot help the dead

!t is customary as a mark ol rcspcct, lor lricnds and rcla
tivcs to scnd wrcaths ol owcrs lor thc luncral. Tcsc should
prclcrably bc ordcrcd so as to arrivc at thc housc not carlicr
than thc altcrnoon bclorc thc luncral, othcrwisc on thc sad
day itscll thcy may bc ladcd. Howcvcr il thc obituary noticc
spccincally statcs no owcrs, thcn this rcqucst should bc
strictly rcspcctcd.
8ccausc rclativcs havc dicrcnt opinions on luncral ritcs
thcrc arc many argumcnts about thc propcr rituals to bc pcr
lormcd. Pcoplc havc oltcn askcd thc lollowing qucstions:
1. Should thcrc bc a burial or crcmation:
2. !l crcmation, what docs onc do with thc ashcs:
3. Vhat kind ol comn must wc usc:
4. Must wc wcar black or whitc mourning clothcs:
5. Vhat colour ol candlcs must bc uscd, rcd or whitc:
6. How many days must thc body bc kcpt bclorc burial
or crcmation:
7. Vhat is thc limit ol cxpcnditurc lor a luncral:
All thcsc qucstions can simply bc answcrcd in this way:
Tc luncral must bc simplc, with thc lcast amount ol luss,
but with dignity. Pcrhaps thc most scnsiblc thing to do would
bc lor thc immcdiatc mcmbcrs ol thc lamily and closc lricnds
to havc an inlormal discussion on thc bcst way to conduct thc
luncral scrvicc in conlormity with prcvailing practicc, with qui
ct dignity and without incurring unncccssary cxpcnsc. !l thcy
arc unablc to attcnd to this thcmsclvcs, thcn it is advisablc that

this bc lclt to a rcputablc undcrtakcr as hc would undcrstand all
that is to bc donc and thus will takc much troublc and rcspon
sibility o thc rclativcs hands. Advicc may bc also sought lrom
a rcspcctablc monk who can rcally guidc thc lamily as to what
would bc thc bcst way to conduct a luncral in a bcntting man
ncr that would bc in accordancc with thc 8uddhist way ol lilc. !t
has to bc rcmcmbcrcd that as lar as 8uddhist ritcs arc conccrncd
thcrc arc no hard and last rulcs to bc strictly obscrvcd. !n this as
in all mattcrs wc must always try to lollow thc 8uddhas advicc
to maintain modcration and rcspcctability in whatcvcr wc do,
without causing harm to othcrs. !l wc can usc thc occasion to
contcmplatc with gratitudc thc good work donc by thc dcccascd
during his lilc timc, to rcmcmbcr that wc oursclvcs will havc to
dcpart somc day and that wc should do whatcvcr good wc can
lor so long as wc livc, thcn our contribution would bc mcaning
lul and dignincd.
Vhat is thc propcr attirc lor a luncral: !n 8uddhism wc
arc adviscd to always drcss dcccntly and modcratcly. Tcrc is no
hard and last rulcs as to what wc should wcar at a luncral, but
good tastc dictatcs that wc should drcss sombrcly and discard
ornamcnts in dclcrcncc to thc lcclings ol thc bcrcavcd lamily
and out ol rcspcct lor thc mcmory ol thc dcccascd. A woman
in mourning may pcrhaps wcar hcr wcdding or cngagcmcnt
ring. !t is bcttcr to wcar clothcs which arc in black, whitc, grcy
or somc such rclatcd colour but thc mattcr is cntircly lclt to thc
individual and his scnsc ol propricty cvcn though bIack is nor
mally rccogniscd as thc acccptcd symbol lor mourning.
c .
How long should a body bc kcpt bclorc burial or crcma
tion: Vc who livc in a hot and humid climatc should undcrstand
that dccomposition takcs placc vcry last and that it is unhygicnic
to kccp a body lor lar too long. 8csidcs, it would imposc a grcat
strain on thc rclativcs ol thc dcccascd in having to bcar with thc
proximity ol thc corpsc lor a pcriod longcr than is rcally ncccs
sary. Also ccrtain mourncrs out ol shccr cmotional gricl tcnd
to kiss thc body and touch it cxccssivcly. Tis is undcrstandablc
givcn thc strong cmotional lcclings that pcoplc havc to bcar,
but it should not bc ovcrdonc or cncouragcd. Vhilc onc can
not dictatc cxactly as to how long a body should bc kcpt, it is
wisc not to unncccssarily prolong thc ritcs. As a gcncral rulc it
sccms most practical to allow a lapsc ol about a day or two lor
luncral arrangcmcnts to bc madc and lor lricnds or rclativcs to
bc inlormcd.
n thc day ol thc luncral, thc scrviccs ol 8uddhist monks
would again bc callcd on to pcrlorm thc ncccssary rcligious
scrvicc at thc homc and at thc ccmctcry. !t has bccn thc prac
ticc amongst ccrtain pcoplc to ocr roastcd pigs and chickcns
as symbolic ocrings lor thc dcccascd. Such a practicc is not
cncouragcd in 8uddhism bccausc it involvcs thc killing ol inno
ccnt animals. To ocr sacrincial ocrings to thc dcpartcd oncs
is dcnnitcly against thc tcachings ol thc compassionatc 8uddha
and should bc discardcd. Simplc oral tributcs togcthcr with
thc burning ol inccnsc and candlcs would sumcc as symbolic
c .
Buv:ai a Cvvxa+:oN
Many 8uddhists havc askcd whcthcr a dcccascd pcrson should
bc buricd or crcmatcd. 8uddhism, bcing a lrcc rcligion, is cx
iblc on this issuc. Tcrc is no hard and last rulc, although in somc
8uddhist countrics, crcmation is thc normal acccptcd practicc.
Tc choicc ol onc mcthod or anothcr should bc in accordancc
with thc last wish ol thc dcccascd or bc lclt to thc discrction ol
thc ncxtolkin.
!n thc modcrn conccpt howcvcr, crcmation as a hygicnic
lorm ol disposal ol thc body, should bc cncouragcd. Vith thc
improvcmcnt in hcalth standards and thc socallcd population
cxplosion, usablc land is bccoming scarcc and hcncc it is advis
ablc to rcsort to crcmation and allow thc usc ol valuablc land
lor thc living instcad ol crowding it with innumcrablc tomb
Vhcthcr lor burial or crcmation, it has bccn obscrvcd
that ccrtain pcoplc lor scntimcntal rcasons, would likc to put
valuablc pcrsonal bclongings ol thc dcccascd into thc comn in
thc hopc and bclicl that thc dcpartcd onc would in somc way
bcncnt by it. !t is a lallacy to cxpcct that burial or burning ol
such bclongings would havc any mcrit at all. !nstcad ol putting
such things insidc a comn or a crcmatorium it would bc much
morc practical and scnsiblc to donatc thc usclul pcrsonal bc
longings, such as clothing, shocs and many othcr things to thc
poor and thc nccdy or to somc charitablc institution. Any hclp
to thc poor and nccdy is an act ol mcrit which bcncnts thc liv
ing and thc dcad. Tc lcar that somc pcoplc havc with rcgard to
thc usc ol bclongings ol a dcccascd pcrson is mcaninglcss and
:svosai ov Asnvs
Tc qucstion has oltcn bccn askcd whcthcr it would bc bcttcr
to bury thc ashcs, cnshrinc thcm in a building or havc thcm
strcwn into thc sca. Tc 8uddha did not lcavc any spccinc in
structions on thc mattcr bccausc hc wantcd us to undcrstand
that thc body is nothing morc than a combination ol physical
matcrials which will ultimatcly rcturn to thc samc clcmcnt
groups altcr dcath. Tc 8uddha taught that thc matcrial lorm
ol thc body is madc up ol thc clcmcnts ol Solidity, Fluidity,
Hcat and Motion. Upon dcath only two clcmcnts will rcmain,
namcly Solidity and Fluidity which, whcn rcduccd to ashcs,
has no spiritual signincancc. 8ccausc wc rcgard thc rcmains
as a rcmindcr ol thc dcad pcrson whom wc had oncc lovcd, wc
trcat thcm with rcspcct. 8ut wc must not gct attachcd to thcm
or cvcn think that thcy in any way will havc any link with thc
pcrson who has sincc dicd. 8uddhism tcachcs that thc lilc lorcc
dcparts immcdiatcly altcr dcath and that it takcs on anothcr
lilc lorm clscwhcrc.
Tc practicc ol kccping thc rcmains ol thc dcad gocs back to our
carlicst past. !n thosc days whcn pcoplc bclicvcd in a pcrmancnt
lilc lorcc, it was thc practicc likc in thc casc ol thc gyptians to
Reciting the holy scriptures can help in healing

prcscrvc thc rcmains in thc hopc that thc dcpartcd spirit would
thcrcby maintain contact with thc living. Grcat imposing tombs
and monumcnts wcrc built around thcm. 8ut such practiccs
wcrc rcscrvcd only lor important pcrsonagcs likc kings and rcli
gious lcadcrs. Tc rcst ol thc populations rcmains wcrc simply
disposcd ol in any suitablc way.
!n contrast to this thcrc is anothcr practicc, namcly that ol
anccstral worship whcrcby thc living maintaincd contacts with
thc dcad by obscrving ritualistic practiccs around thc dcad. Tis
gavc risc to thc practicc ol prcscrving thc ashcs in urns or othcr
rcccptaclcs to bc rcvcrcd a practicc which is still bcing car
ricd on cvcn to this day.
Somc pcoplc wish to cnshrinc thc rcmains in a building
whilc othcrs bury thcm. Anothcr mcthod is to throw thc ashcs
into thc sca or a rivcr. Tis is basically a Hindu custom whcrc
thc bclicl is that thc rcmains will ultimatcly bc rcunitcd with
thc original crcativc lorcc.
Tcrc is no harm in adopting any ol thcsc mcthods but
thcy must not bc considcrcd as bcing spccincally 8uddhist
or which 8uddhists must lollow. Also wc should not gct thc
wrong idca that by kccping thc rcmains in a holy placc likc a
tcmplc thc dcpartcd pcrson will bc safe lrom having to cxpcri
cncc thc cccts ol his karma. !t is alright as a mark ol rcspcct in
thc mcmory ol thc dcad, but nothing morc. !n 8uddhism, thc
manncr ol disposing ol thc rcmains ol thc dcccascd is lor thc
bcrcavcd lamily to dccidc so long as good tastc and dccorum

Pvv:oo ov MouvN:Nc
Vhcn a pcrson dics, closc rclativcs usually spcnd a ccrtain
pcriod ol timc in mourning. Tc lcngth ol thc mourning pcriod
dcpcnds upon thc tics which cxistcd bctwccn thc dcccascd and
mcmbcrs ol thc bcrcavcd lamily. uring this timc thcy drcss
in a ccrtain way, abstain lrom most lorms ol mcrrymaking and
cntcrtainmcnt. Somc pcoplc wcar whitc, othcrs black and somc
do not attcnd wcddings or othcr cclcbrations until a ycar has
passcd and so on. Tcsc arc not spccincally 8uddhist obscrv
anccs bccausc thc 8uddhist scripturcs do not rclcr to thcm as
such. Howcvcr dicrcnt communitics havc dcvclopcd ccrtain
ritcs bascd on thcir own cultural practiccs and thcsc havc comc
to bc acccptcd as bcing 8uddhist. Tcir intcntion is to hon
our thc mcmory ol a dcpartcd onc, to rcmind onc ol his own
mortality and so dcvclop a grcatcr scnsc ol spiritual awarcncss.
!l intclligcntly lollowcd, and il thcsc practiccs do not intcrlcrc
with thc ncccssary proccss ol living, thcn as 8uddhists wc havc
no rcason to objcct to thcm. Te Juddhi 7ay is the idd/e
7ay, the Jath of oderation in ,// Tings.
Pos+-IuNvvai R:+vs a Mvxov:ai Svvv:cvs
Tcn thcrc arc qucstions about postluncral ritcs. Somc pcoplc
hold praycr scrviccs lor thc dcccascd on thc scvcnth day, lorty
ninth day and on thc onc hundrcdth day, whilc othcrs, bcsidcs
6 ,
thc scvcnth day, do it altcr thrcc months and onc ycar. Somc
pcoplc do bclicvc that thc spirit ol thc dcad would rcturn during
thcsc spccinc timcs. 8ut whcthcr or not wc bclicvc in this is not
important. A scnsiblc rcligious scrvicc in mcmory ol thc dcad
whcrc lricnds and rclativcs gathcr to sharc a spiritual cxpcricncc
and to givc moral support to rcducc thc gricl ol thc bcrcavcd
lamily is cnnobling. 8ut thcrc is no ncccssity to insist that thc
scrvicc must bc hcld on a spccinc datc. Any datc convcnicnt to
all conccrncd should bc acccptablc lor thc pcrlormancc ol thc
Cheng Beng or AII SouIs day is not a 8uddhistic tcrm or prac
ticc. 8ut it is ccrtainly a good gcsturc whcn a wholc community
scts asidc a spccial day to rcmcmbcr thcir dcpartcd oncs by col
e ashes of the dead may be cast into the sea
6 ,
lcctivcly clcaning thc ccmctcry, and ocring owcrs as a mark
ol rcspcct. Tis would indicatc that thc dcccascds dcsccndants
arc nlial and havc lulnllcd thcir obligations to thcir lorbcars.
8uddhism docs not objcct in anyway to this cxccllcnt cxcrcisc in
gratitudc and rcmcmbrancc cnabling thc young to show rcspcct
lor thcir cldcrs and to cmulatc a good traditional practicc ol
honouring thc spirits ol dcpartcd anccstors. Howcvcr, thc lcar
that somc pcoplc crcatc in thc minds ol innoccnt pcoplc that thc
dcpartcd will rcturn to tormcnt or disturb thc lamily mcmbcrs
il thcy do not pcrlorm ccrtain rituals is groundlcss.
Aixs G:v:Nc
!t is a common practicc in most communitics to conduct rcli
gious scrviccs lor thc dcad during thc prcscribcd pcriods lol
lowing thc luncral. Tc 8uddhist practicc is to partakc in
almsgiving and to translcr mcrits to thc dcpartcd. To do this
rclativcs and lricnds ol thc dcccascd usually invitc a numbcr
ol monks and ocr thcm rcquisitcs such as lood and mcdi
cinc. Tcsc ocrings which contributc to thc matcrial wcllarc
ol holy pcoplc is considcrcd to bc an act ol mcrit. Undcrstand
ing 8uddhists also cxtcnd thcir donations to charitablc institu
tions, nccdy pcrsons and rcligious building projccts as wcll as
to publish lrcc rcligious booklcts and litcraturc lor distribution
to thc public to pcrpctuatc thc mcmory ol thc dcpartcd oncs.
Tc dcvotccs who givc thc ocrings do so with purc hcarts and

dcvclop a wholcsomc statc ol mind. Tcy do thcsc good dccds
in mcmory ol thc dcad pcrson, and dcvclop wholcsomc mcntal
links with thc dcad pcrson. !l thc dcpartcd onc is in a lavour
ablc position to rcccivc thcsc mcntal radiations (transference of
merits) hc will bc grcatly bcncntcd. !l on thc othcr hand hc is
not in such a position, thcn thc good dccds arc not wastcd bc
causc thcy will hclp thc living pcrsons who gcncratcd such good
thoughts to rcach a highcr lcvcl ol spiritual wcllbcing. 8uddhist
monks in any tcmplc will gladly assist mcmbcrs ol thc bcrcavcd
lamily with rcgard to what nccds to bc donc to conduct such an
almsgiving scrvicc.
Money spent on doing good works benefts the dead

!t is lcrvcntly hopcd that our local 8uddhist lcadcrs would takc
duc cognizancc ol somc ol thc lorcgoing prcvalcnt practiccs
which arc ncgativc in charactcr and othcr prcjudiccs with a vicw
to causing rclorm to bc ccctcd so that whatcvcr practiccs that
arc bcing carricd out by us would bc morc mcaninglul. !t is lclt
that our lcadcrs should conduct a basic rcappraisal ol currcnt
practiccs and rccognizc thc urgcnt nccd to bring about such rc
lorm through public cducation and thc widcst possiblc publicity
bc dircctcd towards this cnd.

As this is a Dhamma text, we request that it be treated with respect.

If you are fnished with it, please pass it on to others or ofer it to a
monastery, school or public library. anks for your co-operation.
amo ,mitabha
9edication of erit
May thc mcrit and virtuc
accrucd lrom this work
adorn thc 8uddhas Purc Land,
rcpay thc lour grcat kindncsscs abovc,
and rclicvc thc sucring ol thosc on thc thrcc paths bclow.
May thosc who scc or hcar ol thcsc corts
gcncratc 8odhimind,
spcnd thcir livcs dcvotcd to thc 8uddha harma,
and nnally bc rcborn togcthcr in thc Land ol Ultimatc 8liss.
Homagc to Amita 8uddha!
Rvvvix:vb ~xb box~:vb vov vvvv bis:vinu:iox nv
Tnv Covvov~:v 8obv ov :nv 8ubbn~ buc~:iox~i Fouxb~:iox
! ! F., H~xc Cnow Sou:n Ro~b, Svc +, T~ivvi, T~iw~x, R..C.
Tvi:886::++8, v~x:886::++
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Wvns:+v: n::v://www.nub~vbu.ovc.:w
Tnis noox is vov vvvv bis:vinu:iox, i: is xo: :o nv soib.

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