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Problem: Poor Environmental Sanitation



JUSTIFICATION It is a health threat because there is a possibility that a disease may occur from this problem if they still do not improve the environment due to presence of breeding or resting sites of insects, rodents and other vectors and unsafe water that may lead to more disease. The problem is not modifiable because the family doesnt have enough resources to solve the problem. Health workers can give some tips to them about sanitation but the community doesnt have enough resources yet there is a present knowledge about proper sanitation. There is no damage created on the family for now but the problem has been for so long already and the family has done something to treat it. They havent mentioned that this is a problem to them and they are not implementing management and intervention.



Nature of the Problem



Modifiability of the Problem


Preventive Potential of the Problem



Salience of the Problem


Problem: The family has a history of hereditary disease: Hypertension ACTUAL SCORE



JUSTIFICATION It is a health deficit because Mrs. Alejandro is hypertensive (there is a presence of disease)


Nature of the Problem


Modifiability of the Problem

The problem is modifiable because the family has current knowledge and is responding to the problem through the maintenance drug. The health workers shared to Mrs. Alejandro that the lomboy leaves and guyabano is not yet proven in treating hypertention


Preventive Potential of the Problem

The problem is severe and has already caused twice stroke to Mrs. Alejandro. And she is using maintenance drug.


Salience of the Problem

The family has recognized the problem and has also implemented action to treat it by using maintenance drug.


Family Initial Data Base

Head of the Family: Gregorio Alejandro Address: Barangay Canelar, Zamboanga City Name of Family Member Gregorio Alejandro Rose Alejandro Ace Alejandro Nicole Edward Relationship to the Family Head of the family Wife Son Granddaughter Grandson Age 55 54 23 6 7 Marital Status Married Married Single Child Child Educational Attainment 1st year High School 3rd year High School rd 3 year College (Undergraduate) Grade 1 Occupation Government Employee Maintenance Health Remarks Hypertensive, Diabetic

A. Family Structure, Characteristic and Dynamic Mrs. Rose Alejandro is 54 years of age who is happily married to Mr. Gregorio Alejandro 55 years of age. They have 5 children, 4 girls and 1 boy, they resides at Barangay Canelar, Zamboanga City. But their 4 daughters are now happily married; two of those are working abroad at Dubai as domestic helper The family is nuclear in structure. According to Mrs. Alejandro they owned the house but not the land for it is owned by someone. The common language spoken at their home is tagalong and chavacano. In regards to decisionmaking in terms of the expenditure of money, education, daily living, involvement in the Barangay activities and in matters of health care, lies to both of them (Mr. And Mrs. Alejandro). They talk about such issue then decide as to they think is the best for it. The breadwinner of the family is her husband who is a government employee. B. Socio-Economic and Cultural Characteristic All works of the Alejandro family is purely Roman Catholic. Mrs. Rose Alejandro is a fully stay-at home mom. She didnt finish her studies (3rd High School) due to financial

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