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AP Physics Unit 2 Quiz


The parabola above is a graph of force F as a function of time t for an object. Sketch a graph representing the velocity v of the object as a function of time t if the object starts at rest. 2.

Two blocks of masses 2 kg and 5 kg are pushed up a frictionless surface at an angle above the horizontal by a force F, as shown above. Determine the force that the 5-kilogram block exerts on the 2-kilogram block. 3.

A race car is moving at a constant speed around the track in the direction indicated by the arrow as shown above. At which position or positions on the track will its acceleration be directed due Northeast? Or, does it accelerate at all? 4. A particle of mass m moves along a straight path with a speed v defined by the function v = bt + ct2, where b and c are constants and t is time. What is the magnitude F of the net force acting on the particle at time t = t1 ? 5. The mass of a newly discovered extra-solar planet is one-half that of the Earth, and its diameter is two times that of the Earth. Calculate the acceleration due to gravity at the surface of this planet.


A 300 kg mass is suspended by two cords as shown in the figure above. Determine the tensions in each of the cords. 7.

A ball initially moves vertically downward with velocity v i, just prior to being struch by a stick, as shown above. After leaving the stick, the ball moves horizontally with a velocity v f, which is smaller in magnitude than vi. Draw a vector that represents the direction of the average force that the stick exerts on the ball. 8.

A 2-kg object and a 4-kg object are connected by a thread that passes over a light, frictionless pulley, as shown above. The objects are initially held at rest. If a third object is added on top of the 2-kg object and the objects are released, what is the mass of the third object if the magnitude of the acceleration of the system is 2 m/s2? 9.

Some roof workers leave a box of supplies on the roof at the end of a days work, but must tie the box to the side of the building with a rope in order to keep the box from slipping off, as shown above. Find an expression for the tension T in the rope in terms of the boxs mass m, the angle of the roof with respect to the horizontal , the coefficient of static friction s between the box and the roof, and any other fundamental constants.


1988M1. A highway curve that has a radius of curvature of 100 meters is banked at an angle of 15 as shown above. a. Determine the vehicle speed for which this curve is appropriate if there is no friction between the road and the tires of the vehicle.

On a dry day when friction is present, an automobile successfully negotiates the curve at a speed of 25 m/s. b. On the diagram below, in which the block represents the automobile, draw and label all of the forces on the automobile.


Determine the minimum value of the coefficient of friction necessary to keep this automobile from sliding as it goes around the curve.


1993M2. A car of mass m, initially at rest at time t = 0, is driven to the right, as shown above, along a straight, horizontal road with the engine causing a constant force Fo to be applied. While moving, the car encounters a resistance force equal to -kv, where v is the velocity of the car and k is a positive constant. a. The dot below represents the center of mass of the car. On this figure, draw and label vectors to represent all the forces acting on the car as it moves with a velocity v to the right.


Determine the horizontal acceleration of the car in terms of k, v, Fo, and m.


Derive the equation expressing the velocity of the car as a function of time t in terms of k, Fo, and m.


AP Physics Unit 2 Quiz Answer Section


PTS: 1 2. ANS: (5/7)F PTS: 1 3. ANS: C and E PTS: 1 4. ANS: mb+2mct1 PTS: 1 5. ANS: 9.8 / 8 = 1.23 m/s2 PTS: 1 6. ANS: TH = 5196 N T30 = 6000 N PTS: 1 7. ANS:

PTS: 1 8. ANS: 2/3 kg PTS: 1

ID: A 9. ANS: T = mg(sin cos ) PTS: 1

ID: A 10. ANS:


PTS: 15

DIF: AP Physics C


ID: A 11. ANS:



PTS: 15

DIF: AP Physics C


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