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MODEL QUESTION PAPER First Semester Branch: Mechanical Engineering Specialization: Industrial Engineering and Management MMEIM 205.

2 HUMAN RESOURSE MANAGEMENT (Elective-III) (Regular) Time: Three Hours Maximum: 100 Marks Answer all questions. Each full question carries 25 marks. 1) a) b) c) d) List the major activities in Human resource management? Enumerate the effect of globalization on Human resource management? Distinguish between outsourcing, off sourcing and employee leasing? Describe human resource competency model? (3+5+7+10=25 marks) Or 2) a) b) c) d) Discuss the role of human factor in management process? Explain the importance of Human resource in an industrial enterprise? List the responsibilities of a Human resource manager? Discuss in detail the various competitive challenges facing todays industrial enterprise? (3+5+7+10=25 marks) 3) a) b) c) d) Enumerate the importance of Human resource Planning? Define job specification and job description. State their objectives and importance? State the features of a sound recruitment policy? Explain the steps involved in Human resource planning? (3+5+7+10=25 marks) Or 4) a) b) c) d) Discuss the various methods of job analysis? Describe the external sources of recruitment? Explain the methods of evaluation of selection? What is supply forecasting? What are the steps taken to ascertain the supply of Human resource? (3+5+7+10=25 marks)

5) a) Discuss the significance of training? b) What are the factors responsible for determining needs for training? c) Define performance appraisal? Describe the administrative and developmental purposes of performance appraisal? d) What is job evaluation? Explain the difference between the major job evaluation systems noting the advantages and disadvantages of each? (3+5+7+10=25 marks) Or 6) a) b) c) d) Explain task analysis and person analysis? List reasons why appraisal programs sometimes fail? Discuss the various types of pension plans? Define pay for performance standards? Describe in detail the factors affecting wage mix? (3+5+7+10=25 marks) 7) a) b) c) d) What is the role of performance management Discuss the importance of collective bargaining? What are the main causes of industrial dispute? Also discuss the effects of industrial disputes? Define productivity, how is it measured and discuss the factors that affect productivity? (3+5+7+10=25 marks) Or 8) a) b) c) d) List the advantages of quality control? Discuss the role of trade unions in maintaining cordial relations? Explain in detail the procedure for removal of grievances? What do you mean by industrial relation? Discuss the role of various participants in industrial relation? (3+5+7+10=25 marks)

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