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From The Hartford Institute for Geriatric Nursing, New York University, College of Nursing

Best Practices in Nursing

Care to Older Adults
general assessment series
Issue Number 9, Revised 2012 Editor-in-Chief: Sherry A. Greenberg, PhD(c) MSN, GNP-BC
New York University College of Nursing
Assessing Nutrition in Older Adults
By: Rose Ann DiMaria-Ghalili, PhD, RN, CNSC, Drexel University College of Nursing and Health
Professions and Elaine J. Amella, PhD, RN, FAAN, Medical University of South Carolina College of Nursing
WHY: While poor nutrition is not a natural concomitant of aging, older adults are at risk for malnutrition due to physiological, psychological,
social, dietary, and environmental risk factors. Weight loss in older adults loss is often associated with a loss of muscle mass and can ultimately
impact functional status. Malnutrition in older adults is associated with complications and premature death. The progression to malnutrition is
often insidious and often undetected. The nurse plays a key role in prevention and early intervention of nutritional problems.
BEST TOOL: The Mini-Nutritional Assessment Short-Form (MNA

-SF) is a screening tool used to identify older adults (> 65 years) who are
malnourished or at risk of malnutrition. The MNA

-SF is based on the full MNA

, the original 18-item questionnaire published in 1994 by

Guigoz, et al. The most recent version of the MNA

-SF was developed in 2009 (Kaiser et al., 2009) and consists of 6 questions on food intake,
weight loss, mobility, psychological stress or acute disease, presence of dementia or depression, and body mass index (BMI). When height
and/or weight cannot be assessed, then an alternate scoring for BMI includes the measurement of calf circumference. Scores of 12-14 are
considered normal nutritional status; 8-11 indicate at risk of malnutrition; 0-7 indicate malnutrition. An advantage of the tool is that no
laboratory data are needed. An in-depth assessment and physical exam should be performed when patients are identifed to be malnourished
or at nutritional risk. A review of symptoms and objective clinical fndings should be assessed in addition to the patients cultural factors,
preferences, social needs/desires surrounding meals. A 72-hour food dairy recording the patents consumption is another important
supplement to the MNA


-SF provides a simple, quick method of identifying older adults who are at risk of malnutrition. The

-SF should be completed quarterly for institutionalized older adults and yearly for normally nourished community-dwelling older adults.

has been validated in many research studies with older adults in hospital, nursing home,
ambulatory care, and community settings. Studies have demonstrated internal consistency and inter-observer reliability to range from 0.51
to 0.89 (Guigoz, 2006). The MNA

-SF has a sensitivity of 89%, specifcity of 82%, and a strong positive predictive value (Youden Index = 0.70)
(Kaiser et al., 2009). While the MNA

-SF was developed from the full MNA

, reliability of the MNA

-SF is not yet available (Skates & Anthony,

STRENGTHS AND LIMITATIONS: Unlike many other nutritional instruments, the full MNA

and the MNA

-SF were developed to be user-

friendly, quick, non-invasive, and inexpensive. The MNA

-SF takes about 5 minutes to complete and the questions can easily be incorporated
into a complete geriatric assessment. The MNA

and MNA

-SF have been used extensively in clinical research in over 200 international studies
(Cereda, 2012). A limiting factor may be accurate assessment of height and weight to obtain BMI in bedridden individuals. To that end, users
of the MNA

-SF can substitute calf circumference for BMI. However, clinician lack of familiarity with the requirement of measuring calf
circumference is a potential limitation (DiMaria-Ghalili & Guenter, 2008). Question A focuses on food intake (not artifcial nutrition), and
the appropriateness of the MNA

-SF for use in older adults who receive tube-feeding (Bauer, et al., 2008) or total parenteral nutrition needs
to be considered. Patients receiving tube-feeding or total parenteral nutrition should be monitored by a dietitian or trained nutrition support
Best practice information on care of older adults:
Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA

) Home Page: Most recent research with excellent information for both nurses and older adults:
Bauer, J.M., Kaiser, M.J., Anthony, P., Guigoz, Y., & Sieber, C.C. (2008). The Mini Nutritional Assessment--Its history, todays practice, and future perspectives.
Nutrition in Clinical Practice, 23(4), 388-396.
Cereda, E. (2012). Mini nutritional assessment. Current Opinion in Clinical Nutritition and Metabolic Care, 15(1), 29-41.
DiMaria-Ghalili, R.A., & Guenter, P.A. (2008). How to Try This: The mini nutritional assessment. AJN, 108(2), 50-59.
Guigoz, Y., Vellas, B., & Garry, P.J. (1994). Mini Nutritional Assessment: A practical assessment tool for grading the nutritional state of elderly patients. Facts
and Research in Gerontology, 4 (Suppl.2), 15-59.
Kaiser, M.J., Bauer, J.M., Uter, W., Donini, L.M., Stange, I., Volkert, D., . . . Sieber, C.C. (2011). Prospective validation of the modifed mini nutritional assessment
short-forms in the community, nursing home, and rehabilitation setting. JAGS, 59(11), 2124-2128.
Loreck, E., Chimakurthi, R., & Steinle, N.I. (2012). Nutritional assessment of the geriatric patient: A comprehensive approach toward evaluating and managing
nutrition. Clinical Geriatrics, 20(4), 20-26.
Skates, J. J., & Anthony, P. S. (2012). Identifying geriatric malnutrition in nursing practice: the Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA

)-An evidence-based
screening tool. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 38(3), 18-27.
Permission is hereby granted to reproduce, post, download, and/or distribute, this material in its entirety only for not-for-proft educational purposes only, provided that
The Hartford Institute for Geriatric Nursing, New York University, College of Nursing is cited as the source. This material may be downloaded and/or distributed in electronic format,
including PDA format. Available on the internet at and/or E-mail notifcation of usage to: [email protected].
Best Practices in Nursing
Care to Older Adults
A series provided by The Hartford Institute for Geriatric Nursing,
New York University, College of Nursing
general assessment series
Mini Nutritional Assessment

Last name: First name:

Sex: Age: Weight, kg: Height, cm: Date:
A Has food intake decIined over the past 3 months due to Ioss of appetite, digestive probIems, chewing or
swaIIowing difficuIties?
0 = severe decrease in food intake
1 = moderate decrease in food intake
2 = no decrease in food intake
B Weight Ioss during the Iast 3 months
0 = weight loss greater than 3 kg (6.6 lbs)
1 = does not know
2 = weight loss between 1 and 3 kg (2.2 and 6.6 lbs)
3 = no weight loss
C MobiIity
0 = bed or chair bound
1 = able to get out of bed / chair but does not go out
2 = goes out
D Has suffered psychoIogicaI stress or acute disease in the past 3 months?
0 = yes 2 = no
E NeuropsychoIogicaI probIems
0 = severe dementia or depression
1 = mild dementia
2 = no psychological problems
F1 Body Mass Index (BMI) (weight in kg) / (height in m
0 = BM less than 19
1 = BM 19 to less than 21
2 = BM 21 to less than 23
3 = BM 23 or greater
Complete the screen by filling in the boxes with the appropriate numbers. Total the numbers for the final screening score.
F2 CaIf circumference (CC) in cm
0 = CC less than 31
3 = CC 31 or greater
Screening score (max. 14 points)
12 - 14 points: Normal nutritional status
8 - 11 points: At risk of malnutrition
0 - 7 points: Malnourished
1. Vellas B, Villars H, Abellan G, et al. Overview of the MNA - ts History and Challenges. J Nutr Health Aging. 2006;10:456-465.
2. Rubenstein LZ, Harker JO, Salva A, Guigoz Y, Vellas B. Screening for Undernutrition in Geriatric Practice: Developing the Short-Form Mini
Nutritional Assessment (MNA-SF). J. Geront. 2001; 56A: M366-377
3. Guigoz Y. The Mini-Nutritional Assessment (MNA

) Review of the Literature - What does it tell us? J Nutr Health Aging. 2006; 10:466-487.
4. Kaiser MJ, Bauer JM, Ramsch C, et al. Validation of the Mini Nutritional Assessment Short-Form (MNA-SF): A practical tool for
identification of nutritional status. J Nutr Health Aging. 2009; 13:782-788.
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