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Im scared.

m scared because Im thinking of a moment that changed my life and altered who I am, and I cant get away from it. I realize that being scared is part of who I am. Fear is the genesis of most of the good things that have occurred in my life. Fear is the beginning of every success Ive lived. But it affects my perspective, both physical and logical. Thats the way it works. It doesnt just change what happens inside of you, it also immediately impacts how you relate to the world all around you. Howor ifyou remember. Because of fear, other information that seems totally basic and elementarylike what you were doing and why you were thereare gone. The present loses its power when pitted against fear. Fear is magical and possesses all kinds of superpowers. All it takes is a few words or a ash of images to trigger its strength. And the moment you see or hear whatever it is that scared you, your life changes. And yet, because Im scared, details I dont usually notice are right there in my mindI can see them and their shapes, I can sense them, and I feel like I could reach out and touch them. But not the whole picture; some things dissolve. And thats what happened to me on the day my good friend Dr. Sbastien Simard called my mobile.


In fact, Im sitting here trying to think of where I was when the phone rang, but I cant remember. Id like to know what I was doing when I took the call, but thats not possible either. The memories attached to that moment are lost somewhere inside me, and I know its because of the fear. What I can recalland the clarity of that recollection is odd, like a slow-motion dreamis that I was standing in a long hallway, alone. I see white walls and a hall and Im walking down the middle of it toward who knows where. The phone rings and I know I have to answer because its my surgeon. I stop, which is odd because usually I walk and talk. But here I stop, I look at the screen and see his name, I push the button and I put the phone to my ear. And this is when he tells me: Georges, you have a torn ACL. Your knee ligament is fully torn. You need major surgery. Youre not ghting for a long time. Ever since I was nine years old Ive known the unique feeling generated by fear. It makes me laugh now, but thats because I know better. Its because, without the bullies and the assholes and the jerks, I would never have become who I am today. I would never have been lucky enough to prove them wrong. I would be somebody different, and nobody can know who that person would or might have been. I just dont care about the possibilities because I cant change any of the things that have come before me. All I know for certain is the present. Ive also known for a long time that fear comes in two packages: good and bad. Heres an example of good fear. When I was twelve years old, my buddies and I would gear up on winter days and plan these big street ghts in our neighborhood. All the kids from my street or my neighborhood. We wore these big, thick winter coats, toques and gloves to protect ourselves from the minus-30 Celsius Canadian winters. Wed have these epic battles and beat


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each other in the snow until someone gave up. I was pretty good at that, but sometimes I ate my share of whoopings, especially from the older kids. We were trying to prove who was tough and I was really proud, so, many times, I got whooped. There were no head shots, just body blows. It was fun. I was scared, but I went anyway because I didnt want to be teased for being scared. It taught me to be humble. You learn to understand that others can be stronger than you. I wasnt always the strong one. Fear made me. Its why I am in love with my own fear. Dont misunderstand me: I dont like fear, but I do love it, and theres a major difference there. Because of what my fear makes me do. Because of how my fear has made me who I am. Some of my fears are terrifying, paralyzing, and I wont talk to you about those. They take my sleep and my comfort away from me. So not here, not now. Because Im not ready for that yet. I cant. I wont. Im not a machine. MOTHER: My Georges came out two weeks late. He had lesions on his face, and soon after that he had scabs all over. There were ve or six doctors checking on him all the time. We were really scared for him. The truth is that I didnt start as a winner. When I was a kid, I was just another reject. I started at the bottom. I think all winners do. It was a physical thing, most probably. For some reason I dont know, I was addicted to licking my lips. I couldnt stop. Id chew on the collar of my shirt, or Id lick the rim of my lips. At home, walking to school in the classroom, in the schoolyard, Id constantly be licking my lips, round and round and round. This wasnt good, especially for a kid who always had skin problems.



In fact, my mother told me that even before I left the hospital where I was born, I had all kinds of skin issues. I got better, of course, and I grew up all right and everything, but then when I was eight I had to have a major kidney operationever notice that big scar on my lower back?and after the operation I started having psoriasis problems. Again, I got better, but for a while I wasnt very pretty to look at . . . and no matter what, I couldnt stop licking my lips. Eventually, I developed a red rim of raw skin around my mouth. I must have looked like a diminutive clown, or something else, something ridiculous. To the other kids around me, I was different, weird, an easy target. It would be my rst pass at the world of losing. Even though Id been studying karate since the age of seven, I realized when I was nine years old that life isnt like a movie. The bullies will win. When youre alone and there are three of them, and when theyre twelve years old and youre a skinny, funnylooking nine-year-old, youre screwed. You can do all the karate in the world, you can ght back with everything youve got, but you will not beat them. I wasnt the Karate Kid, because thats ction. Even though ction is inspired by reality, ction in commercial art often omits some very important, very traumatizing nuances. It was tough being bullied where I grew up because everybody knows everybody. I come from St-Isidore, a village of about 2,000 people thats about thirty minutes outside of Montreal. I didnt have that many friends. I got close to one kid, an immigrant from Colombia who didnt speak French or English. We got on just ne, probably because we couldnt speak to each other at rst. We used sign language, although Im pretty sure he knew what was happening. Hes always been a really smart guy. Im glad he stuck by me, and that were still friends today.


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Im the kind of person who can deal with insults, but what actually really makes me angry is when somebody picks on someone I care for. That always ticks me off. Sometimes when I got picked on, I got really scared and I ran. But other times I was being humiliated in front of everybody and didnt have a choice: I had to stand and ght. I confronted danger even if I knew I wasnt going to come out on top. My thinking was, At least Ill get my shots in and theyll regret it and hopefully they wont try again. After school, at lunchtime, during recessit happened pretty much anytime, anywhere. Playing dodgeball, theyd throw the ball in my face on purpose. Theyd throw it at me when I was on the sideline, just because. Id be walking off, and pow! Right in the kisser. Theyd laugh more and Id hurt more because it was unexpected. I was always angered by my treatment, but I tried not to show it. I went through all the emotions, sometimes fear and avoidance, and other times maybe I was learning to be brave. I once fought because they spit on my friend and me. I went in alone, pretending Id forgotten something, and I took a swing at one of them. They were surprised, especially when I connected. I got him good. I swung for another one, and that was the mistake. They teamed up and I really paid for it. But sometimes you just cant walk away. The truth is that bullying has helped make me who I am. Without it, without those obstacles, I might not be where I am. The story would be different. Bullying was part of the world I grew up in, at a key period in my life, and I got through it. It was mine to face and I did. Every single day was the same. Id get up, walk to school past the same houses, along the same streets, by the same trees. My world was four kilometers square and everything I knew lived inside it. One day, I started losing my lunch money. Then I



started losing my pants. I had these cool Adidas tearaway pants, the ones with the buttons that run along the side and you can pull off with a stiff yank, like the professional basketball players had on television. Every day, theyd yank them off me and laugh. And so I lost my dignity. In front of all the kids I went to school with. Right there in the schoolyard. Some of the kids looked on and laughed. Some pointed and whispered. Others, who were just as scared as I was, hid in the shadows. They probably thanked their lucky stars it was me getting picked on and not them. I dont blame them. Because I remember and understand how they must have felt. Luckily, I could take it. And yet, for some reason, I kept wearing those same pants to school. One night, I came home from school and told my parents how Id lost my lunch money to bullies. My dad got up from the kitchen table, walked me straight over to the one of the bullies houses, told his parents about what he had done to me and demanded an apology and a promise that he never do it again. Not only did this tactic not work, but I was totally embarrassed, and so I never told my parents again about being bullied. My mother says that the next time she heard Id been bullied as a kid was in a television interview a few years ago, when I was in my twenties. The bullies kept at me for almost three yearsuntil they found a bigger reject than I was, I guess. Or maybe they just got bored with me. I dont know why they started leaving me alone, and frankly I dont care. Maybe I was getting bigger and they knew I was on the verge of becoming a black belt. Maybe the most important lesson I learned from my youth is that I dont ever want to make someone else feel the way these bullies did to me. MOTHER: I used to play records with subliminal messages for Georges when he was young. It was relaxing music to calm


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him down, and the messages were always positive, like You are a loved child or You are a great person, things like that. It was important to me that he feel good about himself. When he was eight, he had a major kidney operation. Thats when he started psoriasis. He had just started karate too. I remember hed cry after losing at rst, but I kept every single one of his karate evaluations and you can see where he started and where he got to today. Its incredible. Some people learn to lose. Others lose and learn. The latter is a much better approach in my opinion because it focuses the mind on the positives and keeps your thoughts away from the negatives. One of my favorite Japanese proverbs is Fall down seven times, stand up eight. This understanding extends to all things, by the way, but you only learn it by losing a few times. Winning is love. I cried when I won my rst title. It was the best moment of my career. It literally was a dream come true. Losing, however, is a step along a much longer life path. And the only way to ascend to new and greater heights is to lose. I have a special relationship with losing. It scares me to death, but that doesnt mean I cant nd a way of using it to my benet. Because losing changes me and turns me into a better man. The rst time I learned and understood what losing actually means, I was just eight years old. I was in grade school and I remember it like it was yesterday. I can see it in my minds eye. I recall the details quite vividly because its also the rst recollection of pain in my life. We were in the schoolyard during recess and a bunch of the bigger, tougher kids were playing on the snowbanks. Trust me, there was lots of snow in St-Isidore during the winter. Its what we call a real winter. At my school, the plows would push the snow into these great mounds at the end of the yard. They were



so high you couldnt see what was on the other side of them. But they sure were fun to play on. The schoolyard became a fortress of snow. So throughout the winters, at lunchtime, wed get out there, eight and sometimes ten kids, and play King of the Mountain. Its a simple game: everybody starts at the bottom, you race to be the rst one to reach the top of the mountain, and then you do anything and everything possible to stay there, on top, being king. We were all trying to be kings. The toughest primary-school kids who had something to prove, they were all there. Les ptits toughs, I called themthe little toughs. There were no rules. You could do anything, as long as you stayed atop that mountain. The kids on my block didnt play King of the Mountain they were too little or nerdyso I had no idea how it worked, but I was curious. At rst, I just stayed in the distance, watching this game, trying to understand. One day, leaning against the wall on the other side of the yard, I decided it didnt look that tough and I decided to give it a try. At the start I was pretty scared, but I was also pretty agile. So I was doing well at rst, pushing a few people around and avoiding major shoves and pushes myself. I was strong enough, I thought, to maybe become king. But what I didnt realize is that, to the others, I was just the new guy, the rookie, the fresh meat. The others kids knew each other and how each played, strengths and weaknesses, tactics and all that. So when you were the new kid coming into the game, everybody noticed. Its like in football, when a veteran sees a new guy on the other side and tells one of his buddies, Let him through once or twice so I can get a shot on him. At some point, especially in sport, someones going to test you and see what youre made of. Thats just the way it is.


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One of the kids Id pushed out of my way was getting frustratedhis name was Joel Cavanagh, and Ill never forget it. After a shove, he turned to me and asked, Georges, do you want to ght? I thought he just wanted to wrestle, something to have a bit of fun on the mountain. And so I barely had the word yes out of my mouth when he landed a straight right to my nose. THWACK!!! I fell and rolled down the side of the snow mountain, all the way to the ground. Somewhat dazed, I could tell from the snow on the ground that my nose was bleeding. I grabbed a handful of akes and pressed it to my face for two reasons: to stop the bleeding, and to hide my shame! Joel was a nice kid, and we actually talked about what happened afterward. He was frustrated by my staying power and he took me by surprise. Every kid in the yard saw me get knocked down. But I learned something from it that Ill never forget. I may have lost that mountain, but I won a valuable lesson that day: the power of the unexpected. Ive been using it ever since. The worst punches are the ones you dont see coming. The ones that dont give your brain an instant to prepare you for the blow. The ones looking for a place to connect. Especially when the thrustbe it a st, knee or footstrikes your temple or your chin. Those are the strikes you dont immediately feel. You cant. Your body gives priority to all of the power exiting it. The powerful and instant displacement of human matter is so great that your knees buckle, then cease to function. All of you ceases to function. And you go down. As for the top of the mountain, lets just say that I learned the best way not only to become but also to stay king is to keep my eyes up and my hands ready at all times.



MOTHER: Georges had all this energy and we had to nd new ways of punishing him. We couldnt make him sit down in the corner; it wasnt possible. So when he was bad, Id send him to the monkey bars in the front yard. I told him to go dump his excess energy there. At two months, he was sleeping through the night. He was nine months old the rst time he stood, and he took his rst steps at thirteen months. The truth is that he preferred to walk on all fours, backward, and he was constantly bumping into people. I took him to an audition for the Cirque du Soleil once, but it wasnt for him. He said hed never wear tights like the acrobats. Never. They were all sorts of professional or Olympic gymnasts at the audition too. He didnt t in that day. As he grew up, he became more and more active, and he was always on his tiptoes. He could disappear if you didnt keep your eye on him, and all it took was a few seconds. One day, he was in the yard, tomato planting with his dad. Georges was two and a half. Dad turned around for barely a moment, and poof! Georges was gone, vanished. We looked for him and somehow found him halfway down the street, near the corner, watching trafc. It was scary . . . Georges was never able to sit still for even thirty seconds. He was always hyperactive. Thats how it was for his rst years. The best thing I did for him when he was young is buy him a kids encyclopedia about dinosaurs. He studied that book and learned it by heart. He fell in love with dinosaurs and their history and asked for more, and more, and more! Many people wonder why Im so interested in dinosaurs and their history. The reason is actually really simple: dinosaurs


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were the biggest, most physically powerful creatures that ever walked the face of the earth, yet now theyre gone. They ruled the planet for more than 150 million years, but then they became extinct, they just disappeared, and it fascinates me. Ever since my mom bought me that encyclopedia about dinosaurs, Ive been obsessed. How could these unbelievably powerful, fearsome creatures completely disappear? But Im also fascinated by cockroaches. Unlike the dinosaur, the cockroach is built for and exists for one single purpose: survival. Its the total opposite of a dinosaur. Cockroaches are survival machines. Scientists believe they can survive very high levels of radiation from a nuclear blast, and thats just the beginning of the story. The cockroach is one giant nerve, ne-tuned to everything around it: the environment and all immediate sources of potential danger. Its adaptable to almost any situation it encounters, and thats what makes the cockroach so interesting. Its a mobile radar system designed to identify and avoid threats. The cockroach doesnt waste a single thing; every part plays a role. It can run up to three miles per hour. It has faster reexes than humans beings. It can live by eating paper or glue. It has two brains, including one in its behind. It has a set of teeth in its stomach to help it digest food. It can squeeze itself as thin as a dime. It can go about forty minutes under water on a single breath. It has been practicing survival for over 280 million years. A female can stay pregnant her whole life. Its heart doesnt need to move or beat. It rests for 75 percent of its existence. It lives in cracks and nooksso, anywhere. It survives at minus-32 degrees Celsius, no problem. It has one giant nerve from head to tail, and the hairs on its back legs measure disturbances in the air. And nally, it can live for a full week without its head, until it diesjust because it cant drink water anymore. For humans,



the cockroach is rather scary and intimidating, very suspicious and totally repulsive. It doesnt even have a pretty name: the cockroach. But it persists. Dinosaurs were huge and powerful; they could not adapt and they died out. And so the big difference between dinosaurs and cockroaches is adaptability: one is able to adjust, while the other, apparently, couldnt. Dinosaurs didnt make adjustments, either because they didnt feel they needed to, or couldnt understand that they needed to. They were slowly but surely dying out as food became scarce and their environment changed around thembe it temperature or the arrival of mammals. The same analogy applies to ghting, and probably any other sport. Its not always the strong that survive. It takes brains, guts, tolerance and forward thinking. Weve seen this since the beginning of mixed martial arts. Maybe the greatest MMA inspiration for me is Royce Gracie, who defeated Gerard Gordeau in UFC 1. Royce is not a big man. Hes about six feet tall and weighs 185 pounds. Gordeau is taller (six foot ve), bigger and physically stronger. In fact, for the nal of the very rst UFC, few people thought Royce could win. Everyone believed his brother Rickson was the better all-around ghter and better suited to MMA. But it was Royce who got chosen to represent the Gracie family style of ghting. And in the nal, it didnt take Royce long to get Gordeau to the mat, trap him in a chokehold and tap him out. This match, for me, showed a new way of ghting. It showed how a smaller, lighter man could beat anybody. It showed how MMA is more than a ght, its a strategy sport. (Some people dont see it that way yet, but eventually, they should.) Royce went on to defeat many opponents who were much larger than him, including the legendary sumo champion Akebono. Akebono is six foot eight and almost ve hundred


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pounds, and the ght lasted barely more than two minutes. Akebono got on top of Royce, but in a poor position. Royce squirmed into a better position, slowly, methodically, until he nally got hold of one of Akebonos gigantic arms. He locked the wrist and Akebono submitted. I did everything my trainers told me not to do, Akebono said after the ght. What you saw tonight is exactly what I trained to do, said Royce. I knew I had to bring Akebono to the ground, and I knew that the best way to do that was to let him come to me. It worked perfectly. When he fought Royce Gracie in 2004, Akebono was the dinosaur that couldnt adapt despite his superior metrics across the board. He was three times the size of Gracie, after all, and likewise had become expert at a style of ghting. Gracie was the more uid ghter, and he stuck with the plan and tweaked it as he went, seeking new opportunities as the ght evolved. Im not saying Royce was a cockroach in a derogatory sense, of coursehes one of my heroesbut his approach and style were certainly based on constantly adapting to the threat in front of him. What got the great, big Akebono was a simple wrist lock. In many ways, my approach also tries to mimic the cockroachs survival-based existence: I constantly have to invent new ways of defeating different and more lethal opponents. And Ive had to become more efcient as I progress through my career. This is a critical point because, like the cockroach, I want to confuse my opponent before the battle even takes place. I want to psych him out before we ght so I can have the mental edge. One of the jobs I had when I was starting out as a mixed martial artist was as a bouncer in a nightclub near Montreal.



Every single time I went to work, I had meatheads challenging me to a ght. It still happens nowadays, and its always in clubs: guys come up to me, take one look at me and tell me they can kick my ass. I dont mind at all; its all part of the game for me. What I used to do when guys got excited at the nightclub is say, Hey, I cant hear what youre saying, lets go talk about this outside. Theyd immediately think wed be about to ght, so theyd eagerly follow me out. Once wed get outside the club, Id tell them they werent allowed back in because they were acting like jerks, and theyd be welcome another day, when they were calmer (and sober). It pissed a lot of them off, but thats all right. It happens. These were just harmless drunks trying to show off their physical strength, and the best technique was to outsmart them; psych them outavoid it altogether. There are still many, many ghters who focus on their brute strength before perfecting their technique. But they often run into a wall as they ght better, smarter opponents. In sports, we see the David-versus-Goliath example all the time. Ive never been the biggest guy in the octagon, and I dont ever want to be either. My goal is to be the most efcient, quickestthinking ghter. I aim to be exible, open-minded and ready for any situation. And so, I may love the dinosaurs and their stories, but Im inspired by the cockroach: the ultimate adapter and the greatest survivor. MOTHER: What I remember best is that whenever Georges started something, he never stopped. Hed see something on TV, and then hed go alone somewhere and practice it until he got it. Only then would he come back and show you what he could do. When he was ten, he saw people on TV walking on their hands, and so he decided he was going to do the same. He spent two whole years walking on his


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hands at home. Id call the family in for dinner and youd see these two little legs bobbing in behind the kitchen table. That was my Georges. My father rst introduced me to Kyokushin karate when I was seven years old. He had practiced karate for years and was a black belt himself, and so he taught me the basic principles and movements in the basement of our home, which hasnt changed much since my childhood. When you walk down there you can see the punching bags and gloves and all the other equipment Ive gathered over the years. When my dad was content that I had learned the basics, he registered me at a local karate school. I remember my very rst class, a brand new white belt holding my brand new gi taut against my body. There had to be a hundred other kids in that classand, in the ensuing weeks and months, I lost ghts to most of them. After a while, my peers and I had the opportunity to graduate to green belt, but during the examination, I looked around and noticed we werent a hundred anymore. Now we were about fty. As the years passed by, the number continued to dwindle, and I noticed that the fewer the number of regular students, the more ghts I won. I was still losing a lot, mind you, but I kept going forward. And I believed my instructors, who constantly reminded me that I would keep getting better, that I had superior athletic skills, that I was making progress. I also listened to my dad, who told me I should never quit, no matter how slowly it seemed I was developing or how long it took me to improve. One of my friends even remarked that I was stubborn, independenthyperactive, even! Years later I can conrm that he was on the mark: once, to prove a point, I walked on my hands for almost two years.



By the time I got to the brown belt level, we were fewer than ten students, and when I was almost thirteen years old and going for my rst black belt, there were only two of us standing there. This is when I rst reected on the recent past and realized that, though I had lost a lot more ghts than I had won during the previous ve years, I had changed: now, I was nding new, innovative ways of losing ghts. I was learning from my losses, and this led to me win some close ghts that I used to lose before. With the help of my father and my teachers, I learned about resiliency, but at thirteen, I wasnt yet approaching losing from a philosophical perspective. At one point I had even tried to quit karate altogether. I was twelve years old and tired of losing and tired of my teacher, who, in retrospect, was a great mentor but a hard man. We used to get slapped around and barked at a lot. In fact, in todays world, he probably wouldnt be allowed to be as tough on kids as he had been, but this was another time, another era. One day I told my dad I was quitting karate for good. He wouldnt hear of it. He just looked up at me and stared into my eyes: You can quit when youre a black belt, he stated plainly. Dont ever quit anything until youve reached the end. He went back to whatever he was reading, which was the indicator that that was the end of the conversation. I had no choice but to go back. Thank goodness I did. Funnily, one of my sisters was in the same class and she too decided to quit. But instead of talking about it with my dad, she hid in the cornelds behind our house so that nobody would force her to go back. We still laugh about that one. Im thankful to my dad, though, because this was one potentially lost opportunity that would have altered my life for the worse. He turned this seemingly small episode into an eternal truth: always nish what youve started.


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Of course, I never actually liked losing, and I still had no idea how losing would help make me a better person. Between the ages of thirteen and seventeen, I was living according to a new emotion: anger. I didnt understand why Id been bullied, and it really bothered me. I wondered what Id done wrong, and what was wrong with me. I decided I wasnt going to relive my past as a bullied kid, and at rst, as I kept getting better at karate, I just wanted to learn more ways of breaking arms and hurting people. I had a lot of hatred, a lot of anger. And I really wanted revenge on the bullies. Thats what happens after youve been bullied. Some bullied kids become class clowns because they want to be liked so badly that they think making people laugh will bring them back to respectability. I know people like that. Other bullied kids go into hiding and aim for invisibility, hoping the world never again takes notice of them. Some bullied kids become bullies themselvesnot because they enjoy being bullies, but more because they gure that if they do, nobody else will bully them anymore. And some choose to ght the world of bullies on their own. MOTHER: Georges never opened his school books a lot, but he always made sure to do the necessary work and pass all his courses. He also always respected his teachers and elders. Although I wasnt the type who was going to step out and start ghts, I decided I wasnt going to walk away from one ever again. This kind if thinking translated to how I behaved in class with other students. One of the important lessons I learned from my parents is always to respect authority gures like teachers. While some of



our teachers were pretty annoying and rude, one of them was really warm and kind. She always encouraged me and treated me like I had something special. Of course, she taught religion and spirituality. I decided I was going to police her course and keep the kids under control so she could teach uninterrupted. This isnt a bad thing, but it certainly didnt make me any more popular at school. One day, this guy kept on teasing me, and I decided Id had enough. We got into a ght, and not only did I win, but I broke his arm. And then my world changed. After thinking about what Id done, I was a little ashamed of having hurt him so bad, and I thought people wouldnt want to be near me. I actually thought Id be cast out even further from the norm. But it was just the opposite. Now I was popular. I had been a reject for a long time, and then one day I got in a ght and broke a guys arm and all of a sudden I was popular. I knew it was bullshit. It pissed me off that Id become popular because Id kicked a guys ass. I thought it was stupid, even though people liked me now. I thought people were stupid, and I didnt give a crap what they thought of me anymore, not at all, and I didnt hesitate to tell them exactly what I thought of them. MOTHER: By the time he got to high school, I think he was very lonely. He was home a lot. He didnt have many friends, but I remember our dogs wanted to sleep next to his bed or in front of his door. He had a special relationship with those dogs, a shepherd and a collie. They followed him everywhere. I think the reason he was so lonely is that he didnt know what to do with his geniusson gnie, as we say in Quebec. I felt he was purposely isolating himself from others. He did have two very nice girlfriends for a while, but I think


gsp: the way of the fight

they became possessive, and you never tell Georges what to do. His training always comes rst. Always. I rejected the world Id come from. I lost my bearings, my foundation. I could feel the world shifting beneath my feet, and my struggle was to keep balance. It was ridiculous that people would start respecting me now because of this event. So I realized it wasnt real respect, it was fear, and that pissed me off even more! So I focused on training because it was the only thing I was sure I wanted to be doing. I withdrew, slowly, surely, into my own shell. I went back to my dads basement and the gym. It was the only thing that made me feel good. Back when I was a kid going through this for the rst time, I didnt know what else to do. I didnt know what I was going to do with my life. I had no idea what I would become. It just felt good to be training. Working. Moving forward. So I slowly drew away into my own world, my own invented existence. MOTHER: I have to admit that at rst we didnt understand the Georges we saw ghting in the octagon. We didnt know where the anger or the vengeance came from. This inner rage was foreign to us. For his rst-ever ght in Laval, he had to convince me to go, and he kept talking about the technical side of martial arts. He said to me, Tell me what you think after you see me ght, not before. We havent missed any of his ghts since. Hes changed a lot too, like hes transformed himself. How he speaks, the way he moves, the style he dresses. Hes always still the same Georges, but when I see him on TV, I see that hes created another personality. It makes me wonder sometimes where he comes from.



A lot of people who have known me for many years say there are two Georges. They see and hear two of me, they say. There is one Georges theyve always known. And then there is this other Georges who, if not entirely different, seems unknown and surprisingly distinct. My mother often says she doesnt recognize me when she hears me giving media interviews. My own entourage, who spend more time with me than anyone ever hassometimes they just look at me after Ive spoken, and they stare. Like they werent expecting those words to come out of me. Like its not really me. I think I know when I rst noticed the changethe other Georges, as they call it. I was nineteen years old and had just started my MMA career. The years before turning nineteen had been long and tough and lled with doubt. Darkness. The dreams I had were still stuck inside me, and I didnt know how to voice them yet. I started behaving differently, making decisions that surprised some people. Like going to New York City to seek out new coaches, new knowledge. I understand what people mean by their idea of two Georges. Theres me in a hostile environment, when I need to be hard and without pity, and then theres me when Im in relaxed surroundings. Theres quite a difference . . . At the end of high school, I stopped talking to people, stopped connecting and just focused on myself. I discovered a darker side, a darker place in my existence. Im not sure exactly how to explain it. I just think it was part of my evolution. Ive been a good and nice person at times, and it has helped me win opportunities, and other times Ive been pitiless because thats what the situation demanded of me. Genetics and environment are the determining factors in that equation. Where I come from, and the people who came before me, helped make me who I am today. Determinism is something I strongly believe in. I have the


gsp: the way of the fight

illusion that I control all of my actions, but in reality I dont. Its like a pool tableyou hit the cue ball and it strikes the other balls and sends them on a path thats beyond your control, even if you know where the balls are going. Life is like that, just more complex. Its the buttery effect, and each gesture has an impact on the nal result. It means I control most of my reactions, and as I get better and acquire more knowledge, my preparation to meet my fate is improved. The key has always been simple, though: discovery. Even though other people had started voicing their opinions on my potential, I remained silent. Until I discovered exactly what it is that I wanted to do: become a mixed martial artist. That discovery gave belief to my inner dreams because I started seeing the concrete possibility that I could become a ghter, a true ghter. And so the change was going from having visions about my life to living them concretely. At this stage in my life I left many, many things behind. I constantly heard Kristofs words whispered in my ear, and it triggered a reaction inside me and I realized: this is what I want to do. I want to become champion of the world in mixed martial arts. And then, all of my energy, everything I had inside of me, went toward achieving that unique goal. I wasnt making sacrices anymore, I was making decisions. Train instead of party. Work instead of play. Perfect practice instead of casual repetition. I started living life with purpose and direction. In the words of Buddha: First, intention; then, enlightenment.



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