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Part A: Basics of
communication with 1
Industrial Ethernet

Part A: Network structures

Industrial Communication and network configuration 2
SIMATIC NET generation of devices 3
Industrial Ethernet Part B: Active components
Networking Manual and supported topologies 4
Part B: Passive components
System Manual and accessories 5
switches and media 6

wireless network 7

security components 8

Part C: OSM, ESM and ELS 9

Part C: Passive components
and accessories 10
Part C: Instructions for fitting
connectors, attachments and 11

Part C: Installing network

components in cabinets 12

Appendix A

Safety Guidelines
This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent
damage to property. The notices referring to your personal safety are highlighted in the manual by a safety alert
symbol, notices referring only to property damage have no safety alert symbol. These notices shown below are
graded according to the degree of danger.

indicates that death or severe personal injury will result if proper precautions are not taken.

indicates that death or severe personal injury may result if proper precautions are not taken.

with a safety alert symbol, indicates that minor personal injury can result if proper precautions are not taken.

without a safety alert symbol, indicates that property damage can result if proper precautions are not taken.

indicates that an unintended result or situation can occur if the corresponding information is not taken into
If more than one degree of danger is present, the warning notice representing the highest degree of danger will
be used. A notice warning of injury to persons with a safety alert symbol may also include a warning relating to
property damage.

Qualified Personnel
The device/system may only be set up and used in conjunction with this documentation. Commissioning and
operation of a device/system may only be performed by qualified personnel. Within the context of the safety notes
in this documentation qualified persons are defined as persons who are authorized to commission, ground and
label devices, systems and circuits in accordance with established safety practices and standards.

Prescribed Usage
Note the following:

This device may only be used for the applications described in the catalog or the technical description and only
in connection with devices or components from other manufacturers which have been approved or
recommended by Siemens. Correct, reliable operation of the product requires proper transport, storage,
positioning and assembly as well as careful operation and maintenance.

All names identified by ® are registered trademarks of the Siemens AG. The remaining trademarks in this
publication may be trademarks whose use by third parties for their own purposes could violate the rights of the

Disclaimer of Liability
We have reviewed the contents of this publication to ensure consistency with the hardware and software
described. Since variance cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot guarantee full consistency. However, the
information in this publication is reviewed regularly and any necessary corrections are included in subsequent

Siemens AG Ordernumber: 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0 Copyright © Siemens AG 2008.

Automation and Drives Ⓟ 02/2008 Technical data subject to change
Postfach 48 48

Target group and motivation

The networking manual accompanies you through all phases of preparation and
implementation of network projects. It provides you with an overview of the structure and
configuration of Industrial Ethernet networks with the aid of SIMATIC NET.
On the one hand, the target groups are decision makers and planners; with this
documentation, they can gain an overview of the technical principles, the SIMATIC NET
product range and the most important practical applications. On the other hand, it provides
configuration engineers and commissioning personnel with extensive information and
reference data to which they can refer when setting up their network systems.

Structure of the document

The networking manual consists of three parts, structured as follows:

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Table 1 Structure of the Networking Manual

Part Content and target group

Part A: Basics This part is intended for decision makers and planners.
Chapters 1 and 2 The basics of network communication technology, the
special features of Industrial Ethernet and the essential
characteristics of SIMATIC NET products are presented in a
readily understandable form. Particular emphasis is placed
on the SCALANCE generation of devices.
This part closes with a chapter introducing the most
common network topologies and practical applications along
with the components required for them. The chapter is not
only instructive; you can also use it as a practical starting
point for planning your own systems.
Part B: Product overview The second part is also intended for decision makers and
Chapters 3 to 5 planners.
This part introduces the entire product ranges of SIMATIC
NET. Here, you will find the main characteristics of the
SCALANCE generation of switches, security and wireless
components - the emphasis being on their technical
properties. OSM and ESM devices, passive components
(such as cables and connectors) and accessories are also
Part C: Technical specifications and reference The last part is intended for configuration engineers and
Chapters 6 to 12 commissioning personnel.
You will find extensive reference data as required in the
planning and commissioning of a system. The document
contains dimension drawings, specifications, certifications
and much more helpful information on SIMATIC NET
components that will support you when setting up an actual
plant or network.

Topics such as product properties or supported network topologies are therefore described
more than once at various points in this book. The various aspects that are in the foreground
for the reader at a particular point are then highlighted.

Operating Instructions and other documents

Despite every effort being made to provide a complete and thorough picture, the Industrial
Ethernet Networking Manual cannot replace the Operating Instructions and reference
documents of the individual devices and components. You will find the detailed
documentation of the individual components on the Manual Collection DVD.

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Table of contents
Preface ...................................................................................................................................................... 3
1 Part A: Basics of communication with Industrial Ethernet ........................................................................ 17
1.1 Terminology .................................................................................................................................17
1.2 Industrial Ethernet........................................................................................................................19
1.2.1 Basics of Industrial Ethernet ........................................................................................................19
1.2.2 PROFINET ...................................................................................................................................21 Basics of PROFINET ...................................................................................................................21 PROFINET communication services ...........................................................................................23
1.2.3 SIMATIC NET ..............................................................................................................................25
1.2.4 Transmission procedures and real-time response.......................................................................26
1.2.5 Fault tolerance and redundancy ..................................................................................................28
1.2.6 Access Methods...........................................................................................................................29
1.3 Technologies of Industrial Ethernet .............................................................................................31
1.3.1 Communications media ...............................................................................................................31
1.3.2 Active and passive network components.....................................................................................33
1.4 Network security ..........................................................................................................................36
1.4.1 Basics...........................................................................................................................................36
1.4.2 Firewalls .......................................................................................................................................36
1.4.3 "Virtual Private Networks" (VPNs) ...............................................................................................37
1.5 Switches and switched LANs.......................................................................................................38
1.6 Wireless LAN ...............................................................................................................................40
1.6.1 What are WLANs? .......................................................................................................................40
1.6.2 Differences between wireless LAN and wired networks..............................................................40
1.6.3 Preferred areas of application for WLANs ...................................................................................41
1.6.4 The standards of the "IEEE 802.11" series .................................................................................41
1.6.5 Encryption and data security........................................................................................................42
1.6.6 Avoiding collisions in wireless networks ......................................................................................43
1.7 The SCALANCE generation of devices .......................................................................................44
2 Part A: Network structures and network configuration ............................................................................. 45
2.1 Note..............................................................................................................................................45
2.2 Electrical networks .......................................................................................................................46
2.2.1 Twisted-pair cable runs................................................................................................................46
2.3 Optical networks ..........................................................................................................................48
2.3.1 FOC links .....................................................................................................................................48
2.4 Web Based Management for configuring networks .....................................................................50
2.5 Basic structures............................................................................................................................52
2.5.1 Network topologies ......................................................................................................................52
2.5.2 Linear structure ............................................................................................................................54
2.5.3 Star structure................................................................................................................................55
2.5.4 Redundant ring structure .............................................................................................................59

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Table of contents

2.5.5 Optical linear structure ................................................................................................................ 61

2.5.6 Optical redundant ring structure.................................................................................................. 62
2.5.7 Redundant linking of network segments with electrical and FO components ............................ 63
2.6 Advanced network configurations ............................................................................................... 66
2.6.1 Configuring an IWLAN ................................................................................................................ 66 Structure of an IWLAN ................................................................................................................ 66 Structuring wireless networks ..................................................................................................... 67 IWLAN application example: Bottling plant ................................................................................. 73 IWLAN application example: Power screwdriver control ............................................................ 75 Wireless networks under extreme climatic conditions ................................................................ 76 Connecting a PROFIBUS network to a PROFINET installation ................................................. 77
2.6.2 Secured networks ....................................................................................................................... 79 Protection of the production network when networking with the office network ......................... 79 Automation network with protection from office network influences ........................................... 81 Data protection for mobile communication.................................................................................. 83
2.6.3 Mesh networks ............................................................................................................................ 84
3 Part B: The SCALANCE generation of devices........................................................................................ 89
3.1 The SCALANCE X family of switches......................................................................................... 89
3.1.1 Switches in the Industrial Ethernet environment......................................................................... 89
3.1.2 Device series of the SCALANCE X switches.............................................................................. 90
3.2 The SCALANCE W family of components for wireless networks ............................................... 92
3.2.1 Wireless components for Industrial Ethernet .............................................................................. 92
3.2.2 Device series of the SCALANCE W components ....................................................................... 95
3.3 The SCALANCE S family of security modules............................................................................ 97
3.4 FastConnect (FC): The fast assembly system for SCALANCE components ........................... 100
4 Part B: Active components and supported topologies............................................................................ 103
4.1 Common properties of all SCALANCE devices ........................................................................ 103
4.2 SCALANCE X switches and media converters......................................................................... 105
4.2.1 Product features of the SCALANCE X devices......................................................................... 105
4.2.2 Entry level SCALANCE X005 ................................................................................................... 109 X005 area of application ........................................................................................................... 109 Design of the SCALANCE X005 ............................................................................................... 110 Functions of the X005 ............................................................................................................... 110 Topologies with the SCALANCE X005 ..................................................................................... 111
4.2.3 SCALANCE X-100 and X-200 devices ..................................................................................... 111 Overview of the SCALANCE X-100 and X-200 devices ........................................................... 111 SCALANCE X-100 unmanaged ................................................................................................ 114 SCALANCE X-100 media converters ....................................................................................... 116 SCALANCE X-200/X-200 IRT................................................................................................... 121
4.2.4 SCALANCE X-300 .................................................................................................................... 128 Area of application of the X-300................................................................................................ 128 X-300 design ............................................................................................................................. 129 Functions of the X-300 .............................................................................................................. 129 Compatibility with other devices................................................................................................ 129 Overview of the product characteristics .................................................................................... 131
4.2.5 SCALANCE X-400 modular ...................................................................................................... 132 SCALANCE X-400 .................................................................................................................... 132 Overview of the media modules................................................................................................ 136 Overview of extender modules ................................................................................................. 137
4.3 SCALANCE W wireless network components .......................................................................... 139

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4.3.1 Versions of the SCALANCE W devices.....................................................................................139

4.3.2 Access points W-780 .................................................................................................................143 SCALANCE W-788 ....................................................................................................................143 SCALANCE W-786 ....................................................................................................................145 SCALANCE W-784 ....................................................................................................................148
4.3.3 SCALANCE W-740 Client Modules ...........................................................................................150
4.3.4 Special functions of SCALANCE W devices..............................................................................151 Access control: Encryption and authentication ..........................................................................151 Logging ......................................................................................................................................152 SCALANCE W devices as bridges ............................................................................................153 Functions for improving performance ........................................................................................155 Filter functions............................................................................................................................155
4.3.5 Other active WLAN components................................................................................................156 IWLAN/PB Link PN IO ...............................................................................................................156
4.4 SCALANCE S Security Module .................................................................................................158
4.4.1 Area of application of SCALANCE S .........................................................................................158
4.4.2 SCALANCE S design.................................................................................................................163
4.4.3 SCALANCE S functions.............................................................................................................165
4.4.4 SOFTNET Security Client ..........................................................................................................168
4.5 OSM/ESM and ELS ...................................................................................................................170
4.5.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................170
4.5.2 Overview of the functions...........................................................................................................170
4.5.3 Optical and electrical switch module (OSM/ESM) .....................................................................171 Area of application of OSMs/ESMs ...........................................................................................171 OSM/ESM functions...................................................................................................................172 Bus (linear) topologies with OSMs/ESMs ..................................................................................174 Redundant ring structure with OSMs/ESMs ..............................................................................174 Redundant linking of subnets using the OSM/ESM...................................................................176 OSM/ESM network management ..............................................................................................176
4.5.4 Electrical Lean Switch (ELS)......................................................................................................179 Area of application of the ELS ...................................................................................................179 ELS functions .............................................................................................................................180 Topologies with the ELS ............................................................................................................181
5 Part B: Passive components and accessories ....................................................................................... 183
5.1 Product overview of "passive IE components" ..........................................................................183
5.2 Contacts for special cables and special lengths ........................................................................185
5.3 Components for electrical networks...........................................................................................186
5.3.1 Overview of twisted-pair cables .................................................................................................186
5.3.2 Individual cable types.................................................................................................................188 FastConnect (FC) twisted-pair cables 4-wire for 100 Mbps Ethernet........................................188 FastConnect (FC) twisted-pair cables 8-wire for Gigabit Ethernet ............................................188 Twisted Pair Cord (4-wire for Fast Ethernet) .............................................................................188 Twisted Pair Cord (8-wire for Gigabit Ethernet).........................................................................189 IE Hybrid Cable ..........................................................................................................................189 Industrial Twisted Pair cables (ITP) ...........................................................................................190
5.3.3 Preassembled cable types.........................................................................................................190 Preassembled twisted-pair cords...............................................................................................190 IE M12 connecting cable............................................................................................................193 Preassembled Industrial Twisted Pair cables ............................................................................194
5.3.4 Twisted pair interface converters ...............................................................................................196
5.3.5 Cable connectors .......................................................................................................................196 IE FC RJ-45 Plug .......................................................................................................................196

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Table of contents IE Hybrid RJ-45 Plug................................................................................................................. 197 IE M12 Plug PRO...................................................................................................................... 197 IP65 plug ................................................................................................................................... 198
5.3.6 Outlets ....................................................................................................................................... 198 Industrial Ethernet FC Outlet RJ-45.......................................................................................... 198 IE FC Modular Outlet ................................................................................................................ 199
5.4 Components for optical networks.............................................................................................. 201
5.4.1 Optical transmission technology ............................................................................................... 201
5.4.2 Glass FO cables........................................................................................................................ 202 Properties of glass FO cable 50/125 µm................................................................................... 202 FO Ground Cable 50/125 µm.................................................................................................... 203 Overview of the glass fiber-optic cables 62.5/125 μm .............................................................. 204 Note on using preassembled glass FO cables ......................................................................... 205
5.4.3 Overview of plastic FO cable and PCF FO cable ..................................................................... 205
5.4.4 Special cables ........................................................................................................................... 207
5.5 Components for wireless networks ........................................................................................... 209
5.5.1 Antennas ................................................................................................................................... 209
5.5.2 IWLAN RCoax Cable (leaky feeder cable)................................................................................ 213
5.5.3 Various WLAN accessories....................................................................................................... 214
5.5.4 SINEMA E ................................................................................................................................. 215 SINEMA E ................................................................................................................................. 215 SINEMA E application............................................................................................................... 216 Range of functions of SINEMA E.............................................................................................. 217 Expanded functions of SINEMA E Standard............................................................................. 221
5.6 Accessories ............................................................................................................................... 222
5.6.1 Accessories for SCALANCE X-400 switches............................................................................ 222
5.6.2 C-PLUG configuration memory ................................................................................................. 223
5.6.3 IP65 power supply..................................................................................................................... 224
6 Part C: SCALANCE X switches and media converters .......................................................................... 229
6.1 Basic information on the use of SCALANCE X devices ........................................................... 229
6.1.1 General information on the use of SCALANCE X devices ....................................................... 229
6.1.2 General information on approvals and certifications................................................................. 230
6.1.3 Common connector pin assignments of SCALANCE X devices .............................................. 230
6.2 SCALANCE X005 ..................................................................................................................... 233
6.2.1 Certifications and approvals, degree of protection X005 .......................................................... 233
6.2.2 Installation instructions and guidelines X005 ............................................................................ 233
6.2.3 Operator control and display elements of the X005.................................................................. 234
6.2.4 Connector pin assignments X005 ............................................................................................. 234
6.2.5 Dimension drawing X005 .......................................................................................................... 235
6.2.6 X005 technical specifications .................................................................................................... 236
6.3 SCALANCE X-100 .................................................................................................................... 237
6.3.1 Certifications and approvals, degree of protection X-100......................................................... 237
6.3.2 X-100 installation instructions and guidelines ........................................................................... 237 Installation on a DIN rail ............................................................................................................ 237 Installation on a standard rail .................................................................................................... 238 Wall mounting ........................................................................................................................... 239 Grounding.................................................................................................................................. 239
6.3.3 X-100 operator controls and displays ....................................................................................... 240 SCALANCE X-100 button ......................................................................................................... 240 Fault indicator (red LED) ........................................................................................................... 241 Power display............................................................................................................................ 241 Port status indicator (green/yellow LEDs)................................................................................. 242

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6.3.4 Connector pin assignments .......................................................................................................242 Power supply..............................................................................................................................242 Signaling contact........................................................................................................................243
6.3.5 SCALANCE X-100, SCALANCE X-200 and SCALANCE S dimension drawings.....................244
6.3.6 X-100 technical specifications....................................................................................................247
6.4 SCALANCE X-100 media converters ........................................................................................251
6.4.1 Certifications and approvals, degree of protection X-100 media converters.............................251
6.4.2 X-100 media converter installation instructions and guidelines.................................................251
6.4.3 X-100 media converter operator controls and displays .............................................................252
6.4.4 Connector pin assignments X-100 media converters ................................................................253
6.4.5 Dimension drawing SCALANCE X-100 media converters ........................................................254
6.4.6 X-100 media converter technical specifications.........................................................................258
6.5 SCALANCE X-200/X-200 IRT....................................................................................................260
6.5.1 Certifications and approvals, degree of protection X-200..........................................................260
6.5.2 X-200 installation instructions and guidelines............................................................................261
6.5.3 X-200 operator controls and displays ........................................................................................261 SCALANCE X-200 button ..........................................................................................................261 Fault indicator (red LED)............................................................................................................262 Power display.............................................................................................................................264 Port status indicator (green/yellow LEDs)..................................................................................265 Redundancy manager indicator (green LED) ............................................................................266 Standby functions (yellow LED) .................................................................................................267 FOC diagnostic display (yellow LED) ........................................................................................268 LED display during startup.........................................................................................................269
6.5.4 Connector pin assignments X-200.............................................................................................269
6.5.5 Dimension drawing X-200..........................................................................................................270
6.5.6 X-200 technical specifications....................................................................................................272
6.6 SCALANCE X-300 .....................................................................................................................278
6.6.1 Certifications and approvals, degree of protection X-300..........................................................278
6.6.2 X-300 installation instructions and guidelines............................................................................279
6.6.3 X-300 operator controls and displays ........................................................................................280 LED display ................................................................................................................................280 LED display - Fault and Power ..................................................................................................281 LED display - System.................................................................................................................282 LED display of the ports (DMode A through DMode D).............................................................283
6.6.4 Connector pin assignments X-300.............................................................................................287
6.6.5 Dimension drawing ....................................................................................................................288
6.6.6 X-300 technical specifications....................................................................................................289
6.7 SCALANCE X-400 .....................................................................................................................293
6.7.1 Certifications and approvals, degree of protection X-400..........................................................293
6.7.2 Overview of X408-2 ...................................................................................................................294
6.7.3 Overview of the X414-3E ...........................................................................................................295
6.7.4 X-400 installation instructions and guidelines............................................................................297 Installing / uninstalling the SCALANCE X-400...........................................................................297 Installing / uninstalling with a 35 mm DIN rail ............................................................................299 Fitting / removing a cover/dummy cover....................................................................................301
6.7.5 X-400 operator controls and displays ........................................................................................303 X-400 display elements..............................................................................................................303 SELECT / SET button ................................................................................................................304 DIL switches of the SCALANCE X-414-3E................................................................................304
6.7.6 Connector pin assignments X-400.............................................................................................308 Connectors for the twisted pair cables.......................................................................................308 Connectors for fiber-optic cables ...............................................................................................311

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Table of contents Connectors of the power supply (X1) of the SCALANCE X-400 .............................................. 313 Connectors of the signaling contact and grounding strap (X2) of the SCALANCE X-400 ....... 314 Connectors of the digital inputs (X2) of the SCALANCE X414-3E ........................................... 315 Note........................................................................................................................................... 316
6.7.7 Dimension drawings X-400 ....................................................................................................... 317 SCALANCE X408-2 .................................................................................................................. 317 SCALANCE X-414-3E............................................................................................................... 319
6.7.8 X-400 technical specifications................................................................................................... 321 SCALANCE X414-3E and X408-2 - technical specifications.................................................... 321
6.7.9 Media modules.......................................................................................................................... 324 Installing / removing a media module ....................................................................................... 324 Display elements of the media modules ................................................................................... 326 Technical specifications of the media modules......................................................................... 326
6.7.10 Extender modules ..................................................................................................................... 328 Installation instructions and guidelines ..................................................................................... 328 Dimension drawings.................................................................................................................. 333 Technical specifications of the extender modules .................................................................... 336
7 Part C: SCALANCE W wireless network components ........................................................................... 339
7.1 SCALANCE W access points and client modules .................................................................... 339
7.1.1 Designation of the SCALANCE W product lines....................................................................... 339
7.1.2 Certifications and approvals of the SCALANCE W-788 and W-740PRO/RR........................... 340
7.1.3 Installation instructions and guidelines ..................................................................................... 343 Securing the housing ................................................................................................................ 343 Installation instructions for the SCALANCE W-788 and W-740PRO/RR ................................. 343
7.1.4 Display elements of SCALANCE W.......................................................................................... 347 LEDs on the W-788................................................................................................................... 347 LEDs of the W-740PRO/RR clients .......................................................................................... 349
7.1.5 Connector pin assignments for the SCALANCE W-788 and W-740PRO/RR clients ............... 349
7.1.6 Dimension drawing W-788/W-740PRO/RR .............................................................................. 351
7.1.7 Technical specifications for the SCALANCE W788-xPRO/RR and W74x-1PRO/RR .............. 351
7.2 SCALANCE W-786 Access Points ........................................................................................... 354
7.2.1 Certifications and approvals, degree of protection ................................................................... 354 Certifications and approvals for the SCALANCE W786 ........................................................... 354 Degree of protection.................................................................................................................. 355
7.2.2 Installation instructions and guidelines ..................................................................................... 355 Removing / fitting the housing cover......................................................................................... 355 Connecting up cables................................................................................................................ 357 Mounting without an adapter (wall mounting only) ................................................................... 360
7.2.3 LED display ............................................................................................................................... 362
7.2.4 Connector pin assignment W-786............................................................................................. 365
7.2.5 SCALANCE W786 technical specifications .............................................................................. 365
7.3 SCALANCE W-784 Access Points ........................................................................................... 369
7.3.1 Certifications for SCALANCE W784-1xx / W74x-1................................................................... 369
7.3.2 Technical specifications of the SCALANCE W784-1xx / W74x-1............................................. 371
7.3.3 Installation instructions and guidelines ..................................................................................... 372 Mounting without an adapter (wall mounting only) ................................................................... 372 Lightning protection, power supply, and grounding .................................................................. 374 Connectors for the power supply of the SCALANCE W784-1xx / W74x-1............................... 376 Connection for Industrial Ethernet ............................................................................................ 378 Connectors for external antennas............................................................................................. 379 Mounting with adapter plate ...................................................................................................... 380
8 Part C: SCALANCE S security components .......................................................................................... 383

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8.1 SCALANCE S certifications and approvals, degree of protection .............................................383

8.2 SCALANCE S installation and setup instructions ......................................................................383
8.3 Display elements SCALANCE S................................................................................................384
8.4 Connector pin assignments SCALANCE S ...............................................................................386
8.5 Dimension drawings for SCALANCE S .....................................................................................386
8.6 SCALANCE S technical specifications ......................................................................................386
9 Part C: OSM, ESM and ELS .................................................................................................................. 389
9.1 Optical Switch Module (OSM) and Electrical Switch Module (ESM) .........................................389
9.1.1 Certifications and approvals, degree of protection OSM/ESM ..................................................389
9.1.2 Installation instructions and guidelines for OSM/ESM ...............................................................391
9.1.3 Operator control and display elements of the OSM/ESM..........................................................393 "Status" LED display ..................................................................................................................393 "Power" LED display ..................................................................................................................394 Port LEDs...................................................................................................................................395 Operator controls .......................................................................................................................396
9.1.4 Connector and outlet pin assignment ........................................................................................397 Interface pin assignments ..........................................................................................................397
9.1.5 Dimension drawing ....................................................................................................................402 Optical Switch Module (OSM)....................................................................................................402 Electrical Switch Module (ESM).................................................................................................405
9.1.6 Components supplied with the OSM/ESM.................................................................................407
9.1.7 Technical specifications .............................................................................................................408
9.2 Electrical Lean Switch (ELS)......................................................................................................412
9.2.1 Certifications and approvals, degree of protection ELS ............................................................412
9.2.2 Installation instructions and guidelines ELS ..............................................................................412
9.2.3 Operator control and display elements of the ELS ....................................................................414
9.2.4 Connector pin assignments .......................................................................................................415
9.2.5 Dimension drawings of the ELS.................................................................................................416
9.2.6 Technical specifications of the ELS ...........................................................................................419
10 Part C: Passive components and accessories ....................................................................................... 421
10.1 Overview: Media, cables and connectors ..................................................................................421
10.2 Contacts for special cables and special lengths ........................................................................422
10.3 Notes on installation of electrical and optical bus cables ..........................................................422
10.4 Components for electrical networks...........................................................................................423
10.4.1 Twisted Pair Cord ......................................................................................................................423 Twisted Pair Cord (4-wire for Fast Ethernet) .............................................................................423 Twisted Pair Cord (8-wire for Gigabit Ethernet).........................................................................426
10.4.2 FastConnect (FC) twisted-pair cables .......................................................................................428 FastConnect (FC) twisted-pair cables 4-wire for 100 Mbps Ethernet........................................428 FastConnect (FC) twisted-pair cables 8-wire for Gigabit Ethernet ............................................438 IE FC TP FRNC cable GP 2x2...................................................................................................441 IE FC TP Food Cable 2x2 and IE FC Festoon Cable GP 2x2...................................................443
10.4.3 IE Hybrid Cable ..........................................................................................................................445
10.4.4 Industrial Twisted Pair cables (ITP) ...........................................................................................448
10.4.5 Preassembled twisted-pair (TP) and Industrial Twisted Pair (ITP) cables ................................451 Preassembled twisted-pair cords...............................................................................................451 Twisted pair interface converters ...............................................................................................457 IE M12 connecting cable............................................................................................................458

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Table of contents Preassembled Industrial Twisted Pair cables ........................................................................... 459

10.4.6 Cable connectors ...................................................................................................................... 461 RJ-45 plugs and IE M12 Plug PRO .......................................................................................... 461 IE FC Modular Outlet and IE FC Outlet RJ-45.......................................................................... 470
10.5 Components for optical networks.............................................................................................. 481
10.5.1 Glass FO cables 50/125............................................................................................................ 481 Properties of glass FO cable 50/125 µm................................................................................... 481 FO Standard Cable GP 50/125 µm........................................................................................... 487 FO Ground Cable 50/125 µm.................................................................................................... 488 FO Trailing Cable 50/125 µm Standard (variants with and without UL) ................................... 489 FO FRNC Cable 50/125............................................................................................................ 490
10.5.2 Glass FO cables 62.5/125......................................................................................................... 492 Overview of the glass fiber-optic cables 62.5/125 μm .............................................................. 492 SIENOPYR Duplex FiberOptic Marine Cable 62.5/125 μm ...................................................... 495
10.5.3 Plastic FO cable POF and PCF ................................................................................................ 497 POF Standard Cable and POF Trailing Cable .......................................................................... 497 PCF Standard Cable ................................................................................................................. 499 PCF trailing cable...................................................................................................................... 501 PCF trailing cable GP................................................................................................................ 503
10.5.4 Cable connectors for FO cables ............................................................................................... 505 Cable connectors for glass FO cables ...................................................................................... 505 Cable connectors for plastic and PCF FO cables ..................................................................... 506
10.5.5 Preassembled FO cables.......................................................................................................... 508 Preassembled FO standard cable GP ...................................................................................... 508 Preassembled FO Ground Cable.............................................................................................. 508 Preassembled FO Trailing Cable.............................................................................................. 509 Preassembled FO Trailing Cable GP........................................................................................ 510
10.6 Components for wireless networks ........................................................................................... 511
10.6.1 Antennas ................................................................................................................................... 511 Characteristics of omnidirectional antennas ............................................................................. 511 Characteristics of directional antennas ..................................................................................... 511 Technical specifications for antennas ....................................................................................... 512 Dimension drawings for the antennas....................................................................................... 514
10.6.2 RCoax leaky feeder cable ......................................................................................................... 519 Technical specifications ............................................................................................................ 519
10.6.3 Various WLAN accessories....................................................................................................... 521
10.6.4 SINEMA E ................................................................................................................................. 522
10.7 Accessories ............................................................................................................................... 525
10.7.1 C-PLUG configuration memory ................................................................................................. 525
10.7.2 IP65 power supply..................................................................................................................... 526
11 Part C: Instructions for fitting connectors, attachments and devices ...................................................... 527
11.1 Note on the installation instructions .......................................................................................... 527
11.2 Industrial Ethernet FastConnect Stripping Tool ........................................................................ 527
11.3 Fitting the IE FC RJ-45 Plug ..................................................................................................... 530
11.4 Fitting the IE FC Modular Outlet RJ-45..................................................................................... 532
11.4.1 Connecting the RJ-45 Modular Outlet....................................................................................... 532
11.4.2 Connecting the IE Hybrid Cable 2x2 + 4x0.34.......................................................................... 533
11.4.3 Connecting the IE FC TP standard cable 4 x 2 GP / IE FC TP flexible cable 4 x 2 GP ........... 535
11.5 Assembling an IE hybrid cable 2 x 2 + 4 x 0.34 with an IE IP 67 hybrid connector.................. 538
11.6 Fitting the IE FC TP standard cable 4 x 2 GP to an IE IP 67 hybrid connector ........................ 544

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Table of contents

11.7 Assembly of Industrial Twisted Pair connectors ........................................................................548

11.7.1 Assembling Industrial Twisted Pair Connectors ........................................................................548
11.7.2 Fitting the D-sub male connector ...............................................................................................549
11.8 Guidelines for setting up networked automation systems in buildings ......................................555
11.8.1 General notes on networking bus cables...................................................................................555
11.8.2 Protection from electric shock....................................................................................................555
11.8.3 Mechanical protection of bus cables..........................................................................................556
11.8.4 Electromagnetic compatibility of fiberoptic cables .....................................................................558
11.8.5 Connecting fiber-optic cables.....................................................................................................559
11.8.6 Electromagnetic compatibility of bus cables ..............................................................................560 Equipotential bonding system ....................................................................................................560 Requirements of the AC power distribution system...................................................................564 Shielding devices and cables.....................................................................................................567 Special noise suppression measures ........................................................................................569
11.8.7 Arrangement of devices and cables ..........................................................................................570 The influence of power distribution systems (EN 501742, ...........................................571 Cable categories and clearances...............................................................................................571 Cabling within closets ................................................................................................................573 Cabling within buildings .............................................................................................................573 Cabling outside buildings ...........................................................................................................574
11.8.8 Laying bus cables ......................................................................................................................574 Installation instructions for electrical and optical bus cables .....................................................574 Additional instructions on installing fiberoptic cables.................................................................576
12 Part C: Installing network components in cabinets................................................................................. 579
12.1 IP degrees of protection.............................................................................................................579
12.2 SIMATIC NET components........................................................................................................580
A Appendix................................................................................................................................................ 583
A.1 Overview of the standards relevant for network installation ......................................................583
A.2 Content of the standards............................................................................................................585
A.3 Application of the standards.......................................................................................................586
Glossary: Terms and acronyms ............................................................................................................. 587
Index...................................................................................................................................................... 603

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Part A:

Target group and content

This part is intended for decision makers and planners.
The basics of network communication technology, the special features of Industrial Ethernet
and the essential characteristics of SIMATIC NET products are presented in a readily
understandable form. Particular emphasis is placed on the SCALANCE generation of
This part closes with a chapter introducing the most common network topologies and
practical applications along with the components required for them. The chapter is not only
instructive; you can also use it as a practical starting point for planning your own systems.

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Part A: Basics of communication with Industrial

1.1 Terminology

"Industrial Ethernet"
The term "Industrial Ethernet" covers a series of expansions to the Ethernet standard (IEEE
802) with which communication suitable for an industrial environment is implemented. The
main aims are as follows:
● Deterministic data transmission (guaranteed response times and data rates)
● Safeguarding against component failure
● Network topologies adapted to a particular plant with the emphasis on linear (bus),
redundant network structures.
The components must meet the following requirements:
● Equipment designed for industry (signaling contacts, protected cables and cable
● Resistant to extreme conditions (temperature, vibration, pollution, electromagnetic
interference etc.)

Figure 1-1 Industrial Ethernet Logo

PROFINET is the name of the standard for Industrial Ethernet developed and maintained by
the PROFIBUS user organization. PROFINET unites protocols and specifications with which
Industrial Ethernet meets the requirements of industrial automation technology.
These include, for example:
● Real-time conditions,
● Environment strongly affected by EMI,

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Part A: Basics of communication with Industrial Ethernet
1.1 Terminology

● Demanding requirements for safety, reliability and availability.

This world is in stark contrast to an office environment where high data throughput and large-
area networking are the main objectives. Further differences between the two network types
can be found in the numbers and heterogeneity of the nodes and their intermeshing.

Figure 1-2 PROFINET Logo

SIMATIC NET stands for a wide range of network components grouped under the motto
"Totally Integrated Automation" to reflect the modern fully integrated implementation of
automation solutions. PROFINET is the protocol used by SIMATIC NET components within
the framework of Industrial Ethernet.

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1.2 Industrial Ethernet

1.2 Industrial Ethernet

1.2.1 Basics of Industrial Ethernet

The special features of Industrial Ethernet

Ethernet was developed for the office environment and is subject to certain restrictions due
to its origins. Industrial Ethernet therefore offers significant expansions of the Ethernet
technology for the industrial environment:
● Protected investment due to continuous and compatible further development
● Network components for use in a tough industrial environment
● Fast assembly and commissioning on site with cabling technology suitable for industry
● High transmission performance even with large numbers of nodes thanks to the end-to-
end availability of components with 100 Mbps transmission rates complying with Fast
Ethernet and 1000 Mbps with Gigabit Ethernet (see below) on all network components
● Fulfillment of the most stringent real-time requirements due to software and hardware
● Integrated security concepts to protect against unauthorized access
● High availability of the networks due to redundancy functionality (for example ring
redundancy) and redundant power supply
● Permanent monitoring of the network components with simple and effective signaling
● Almost unlimited communication performance with scalable performance available when
necessary with switching technology.
● Networking of different areas of application such as office and production
● Data reservation in Industrial Wireless LAN (IWLAN)
● "Rapid Roaming" in Industrial Wireless LAN (IWLAN) for extremely fast handover of
mobile nodes between different access points and therefore fast cyclic data
communication (iPCF)
● Communication throughout the enterprise with the options of linking over WAN (Wide
Area Network) such as ISDN or Internet
● Precise time stamping of events in the entire system with plant-wide timekeeping
By using switching technology, the network span is almost unlimited. Industrial Ethernet also
provides the option of wireless communication that can be integrated seamlessly in the
network structure. This means that information is available everywhere and at any time and
mobile access via Industrial Wireless LAN to the intranet/Internet is possible. Security
modules protect the network reliably from sabotage and espionage.
Industrial Ethernet uses data communication to exchange data between automation systems
or between automation system and intelligent partners (for example PCs).
High-speed communications networks can be set up with Industrial Ethernet in linear bus,
ring or start structures with large spans.

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Part A: Basics of communication with Industrial Ethernet
1.2 Industrial Ethernet

Fast Ethernet
Fast Ethernet is the further development of the Ethernet technology with data rates of 100
Mbps. The Fast Ethernet standard IEEE 802.3 u is based essentially on the classic Ethernet
Ethernet and Fast Ethernet have the following common features:
● Data format
● Access Methods (Page 29)
They differ from each other in the following respects:
● Network span
● Rules for network design
● Autosensing, the automatic detection of the transmission rate
● Higher data rate (see below)

Gigabit Ethernet
Gigabit Ethernet is an expansion of the Ethernet specifications to increase the data
transmission rate to 1000 Mbps or 1 Gbps. The relevant standards are IEEE 802.3z for
transmission over glass fiber and IEEE 802.3ab for electrical cable. An even faster standard
with 10 Gbps (IEEE 802.3an for electrical cable, IEEE 802.3 ae for fiber-optic cable) is
currently being introduced.
Apart from making adaptations to the protocol, the increase in transmission speed is also
achieved by the network nodes having suitably powerful ports and by the use of highly
immune category "5e" twisted-pair cables on the electrical connections.

Restrictions of Industrial Ethernet

Despite these adaptations, Industrial Ethernet in this form would still be lacking certain
properties that are of major significance for industrial applications. These include:
● Transmission mode and real-time response; in other words, it is guaranteed that frames
are transferred within a specified time,
● Determinism; put simply: The same preconditions always lead to the same results and
there are no undefined statuses,
● Fault-tolerance and redundancy with redundancy mechanisms that can compensate the
failure of components.
These restrictions are overcome with PROFINET.

See also
Transmission procedures and real-time response (Page 26)
Fault tolerance and redundancy (Page 28)

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1.2 Industrial Ethernet


The special features of Industrial PROFINET


Safety Communication

IT-Standards Distributed
& Security Field Devices

Network- Motion
Installation Control


Figure 1-3 PROFINET overview

PROFINET is the innovative and open Industrial Ethernet standard (IEC 61918, for
PROFINET also IEC 61784-5-3) for industrial automation.
PROFINET uses the existing IT standards and allows end-to-end communication from the
field level to the management level as well as plant-wide engineering.

Real-time communication
PROFINET is based on Industrial Ethernet and uses the TCP/IP standard (Transport Control
Protocol/Internet Protocol) for parameter assignment, configuration and diagnostics. Real-
time communication for the transfer of user/process data uses the same cable. PROFINET
can support the following real-time properties:
● With the option of prioritizing the bus nodes, Real Time (RT) uses the optimization or the
communications stack in the switch. This allows high-speed data transfer with standard
network components in automation.
● Isochronous Real Time (IRT): Hardware-supported real-time communication allows,
among other things, isochronous data transfer with very short update times for highly
dynamic motion control applications.

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1.2 Industrial Ethernet

Distributed field devices

PROFINET allows the integration of distributed field devices (IO devices, for example signal
modules) directly in Industrial Ethernet.
During the familiar configuration with STEP 7, these field devices are assigned to a central
control unit (known as the IO controller). Existing modules or devices can continue to be
used with PROFINET-compliant interface modules or links, guaranteeing the investments of
PROFIBUS users: Fieldbus integration is simplified.

Fieldbus integration
PROFINET allows the simple integration of existing fieldbus systems. To allow this, a proxy
is used; on the one hand this is the master of the PROFIBUS or AS-Interface system, on the
other hand it is a node on Industrial Ethernet and supports PROFINET communication. This
protects the investment of plant operators, machine and plant assemblers and device

Motion control
Based on PROFINET, isochronous real time (IRT) can be used to implement extremely fast
isochronous mode drive controls for high-speed motion control applications without great
The standardized drive profile PROFIdrive allows vendor-independent communication
between motion controllers and drives, regardless of the bus system - Industrial Ethernet or
Standard IT functions can be used at the same time on the same cable without impairing
real-time communication.

Distributed intelligence and machine-machine communication

PROFINET offers distributed automation on the basis of Component Based Automation – the
modular solution for machine and plant assembly and installation. Machines and plants can
be broken down into reusable, intelligent modules. Such modules include the mechanical
parts, the electrical/electronic parts and the user program of a plant unit.

Network installation
With PROFINET, the network can be installed without any specialist knowledge. At the same
time, the open standard based on Ethernet meets all the requirements relevant to an
industrial environment. PROFINET allows the simple setup of the usual network topologies
such as star, tree, linear bus and ring for increased availability using cabling designed for

Wireless networks
PROFINET provides new functions and applications for wireless communication with
Industrial Wireless LAN. This makes is possible to replace technologies subject to wear and
tear such as slip rings and allows the use of automated guided vehicle systems or
personalized operator control and maintenance devices. Industrial WLAN is based on
standards but also offers additional features to allow high-speed linking of field devices to

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Part A: Basics of communication with Industrial Ethernet
1.2 Industrial Ethernet

● "Data reservation" is used to reserve bandwidth between an access point and defined
clients. This guarantees high and reliable performance for this client regardless of the
number of clients operating with the access point.
● "Rapid Roaming" for extremely fast handover of mobile nodes between different access
points and therefore fast cyclic data communication (iPCF).

IT standards
Within the framework of Web integration, the data of PROFINET components are
represented in HTML or XML format.
Regardless of the tool used, information at the automation level can be accessed with one of
the commonly used Internet browsers from any location greatly simplifying commissioning
and diagnostics. ("Web Based Management")

PROFINET defines a graduated security concept that can be used without specialist
knowledge and that largely excludes operator error, unauthorized access and manipulation
without any detrimental effect on production. This functionality is provided by the
SCALANCE S product family with software and hardware modules.

The safety profile PROFIsafe (complying with safety standard IEC 61508) that was tried and
tested with PROFIBUS and that allows the transmission of standard and safety-oriented data
on one bus cable can be used regardless of the bus medium. PROFIsafe is the first profile
certified by the German TÜV for failsafe communication for Ethernet. This also allows
wireless communication for failsafe applications with Industrial Wireless LAN.
PROFINET therefore allows the implementation of failsafe applications with end-to-end
configuration in the entire network – whether planning new systems or upgrading existing

PROFINET is the standard for all applications in automation. With its integration in
PROFIBUS, it also covers the process industry - even including hazardous areas.

See also
PROFINET communication services (Page 23) PROFINET communication services


PROFINET supports the PROFINET IO and PROFINET CBA communications services as
well as various profiles such as PROFIsafe and PROFIdrive.

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1.2 Industrial Ethernet

The PROFINET IO and PROFINET CBA communications services provide the functionality
required by automation systems.

● PROFINET IO allows the direct connection of distributed field devices (IO devices, for
example signal modules) to Industrial Ethernet. To further support failsafe applications,
the devices communicate over PROFINET IO with the PROFIsafe profile.
● With PROFINET IO, you use the familiar SIMATIC software tools, for example STEP 7 for
engineering and diagnostics at the field level and SIMOTION Scout for configuring motion
control applications.
● With IRT communication (IRT: Isochronous Real Time), part of the transfer time is
reserved for cyclic (deterministic) data transfer. This divides the communication cycle into
a deterministic part and an open part.
● You can run both IRT and TPC/IP communication over the same network at the same
time without one impairing the other.
● By supporting isochronous real-time communication, PROFINET provides the short and
deterministic update times decisive for motion control applications.

● With PROFINET CBA (Component Based Automation), you can implement a modular
solution for your distributed automation system. With the component-based functionality
of PROFINET CBA, you divide the automation system into independent modules. You
implement the connections between the modules with the graphic engineering tool
SIMATIC iMap. This tool supports you when interconnecting modules right through to
complete plants and entire systems.
● PROFINET CBA supports cyclic and acyclic communication and with update times up to
10 ms is particularly suitable for data transmission between controllers.
● PROFIdrive is the functional interface between controllers and drives in PROFINET and
PROFIBUS. PROFIdrive is defined by the PROFIdrive profile of the PROFIBUS user
organization (PNO). The PROFIdrive profile specifies the device behavior and the
mechanism for accessing drive data for electrical drives, from a simple frequency
converter to high-performance servo controllers.
● PROFIsafe is the profile of PROFINET and PROFIBUS for safety-oriented
communication. PROFIsafe uses the conventional standard automation of PROFINET
and PROFIBUS and is certified for safety levels up to SIL 3 (Safety Integrated Level) of
the IEC 61508 and category 4 of EN954-1.
● PROFINET defines requirements regarding information integrity for automation systems
and supports the user with possible safety solutions specifically for an industrial

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Part A: Basics of communication with Industrial Ethernet
1.2 Industrial Ethernet


SIMATIC NET in the automation world

SIMATIC NET is the name of an entire family of networks. The various networks meet the
widest possible range of performance and application requirements:
They can exchange data at various levels, between various parts of a plant or between
various automation stations. SIMATIC NET components also have uniform system interfaces
and are extremely well coordinated with each other. In addition to the previous wired
solutions, wireless communication is gaining ground in industry. SIMATIC NET provides
products for enterprise-wide transmission of data over local area networks, intranet, Internet
or wireless networks.
telefon PC
Internet Pad
Fernwirk- und
PC Stationsleittechnik

Motion Control Controller

Systems PC/PG
Bedien- und Fernwirk-
Beobachtungssysteme und Stations-
WLAN Controller
Numeric Security

Teleservice PROFINET

Industrial Ethernet Industrial Ethernet

Access Mobile Panels

Notebook Controller Access Notebook IWLAN
Point RCoax Cable

Control Controller
Feldgerät für Ex-Bereich Bedien- und
Beobachtungssysteme Link

Koppler Link


Machine Mobile
Vision Motor- Drives Access
manager RFID Point
Motion Control Feldgeräte System
Link Feldgeräte Systems Link


Drives Aktor Client

Controller Module

KNX AS-Interface Feldgerät G_IK10_XX_50187

Sensoren Netzteil Sensoren Netzteil Sensoren

Figure 1-4 Industrial Ethernet and PROFINET in the SIMATIC NET environment

SIMATIC NET is characterized by the following features:

● Complete integration from the field level to the enterprise level,
● Coverage of the field area with Industrial Ethernet,
● Promotion of mobile communication,
● Integration of the IT technologies.
These communication network options allow SIMATIC products and intelligent devices to be
combined locally according to your requirements. Flexibility and openness of the standards

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Part A: Basics of communication with Industrial Ethernet
1.2 Industrial Ethernet

of SIMATIC communications networks make it possible to link different systems and to

implement extensions.
Thanks to its scalable performance, SIMATIC NET allows the implementation of enterprise-
wide communication – from the simplest device to the complex system. The SIMATIC NET
components used with Industrial Ethernet are particularly powerful. The devices of the
SCALANCE product family represent the latest and most advanced generation of active
SIMATIC NET network components.

Technical requirements
Communications networks are a central component of modern automation solutions.
Industrial networks have to fulfill special requirements, for example:
● Linking of automation systems, PCs as well as simple sensors, actuators and computers,
● Correct transfer of information and at the right time,
● Robust against electromagnetic interference, mechanical stress and pollution
● Flexible adaptation to the production requirements.
Industrial networks belong to the LANs (Local Area Networks) and allow communication
within a limited area.
Industrial networks fulfill the following communications functions:
● Process and field communication of the automation systems including sensors and
● Data communication between automation systems,
● IT communication to integrate modern information technology.


The network solutions of SIMATIC NET are an integral component of Totally Integrated
Automation (TIA). With Totally Integrated Automation (TIA), Siemens is the only
manufacturer to provide a totally integrated basis for implementing customer-specific
automation solutions.

1.2.4 Transmission procedures and real-time response

Industrial Ethernet uses the protocol family TCP/IP or UDP/IP for data transfer. These are
essentially defined in the following RFCs (RFC: Request For Comment):
● RFC 768: UDP (User Datagram Protocol)
● RFC 791: IP (Internet Protocol)
● RFC 792: ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol)
● RFC 793: TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)

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1.2 Industrial Ethernet

However, Industrial Ethernet is unsuitable for cyclic data exchange due to its telegram
overhead. An optimized Layer-2 protocol conforming to IEEE 802.3 that makes real-time
communication on the basis of Industrial Ethernet possible is therefore used.

Real-time communication (RT) and determinism

"Real time" means that a system guarantees the processing of external events within a
certain time. A high data rate alone is no guarantee for real-time response, since delays are
possible at "bottlenecks" in the network. Instead, the network protocol must ensure that time
critical frames are given preferential treatment.
This is achieved by defining real-time classes:
● RTC 1: Suitable for transfer of cyclic data. There are no special requirements for the
switches used.
● RTC 2: Suitable for transfer of alarms and cyclic data. Special switches must be used
here. There is, however, not yet any need for particular communication planning in the
form of a special configuration.
● RTC 3: ("Isochronous real time", see below) suitable for transfer of cyclic data for motion
control applications. RTC 3 also means not only that special switches are necessary but
also that explicit communication planning is required.
"Determinism" means that a system's reaction is predictable, in particular that the same input
data always result in the same reactions. One requirement, for example, would be that
frames must not be able to overtake each other; in other words, input values read later must
be arrive at the controller before others that were read earlier.
Both requirements are important for industrial networks. PROFINET fulfills these
requirements with the following transfer characteristics:
● Transfer of time-critical data takes place at guaranteed time intervals.
To achieve this, PROFINET provides an optimized communication channel for real-time
● The time of transfer can be accurately determined.(forecast).
● Problem-free communication using other standard protocols is guaranteed within the
same network.

Isochronous Real-Time Communication, IRT

In PROFINET with IRT, communication over Ethernet is divided into individual cycles. Each
cycle consists of two phases, an IRT channel reserved for extremely time-critical data, and
an "open channel", within which RT and non-time critical frames can be sent.
This allows time-critical and uncritical data to be sent on the same connection. At the same
time, however, a certain data rate (and therefore a transmission time) is reserved for the
critical data and real-time capability can therefore be guaranteed.
When this transmission method is implemented in ERTEC-ASICs (Enhanced Real-Time
Ethernet Controller), cycle times of 0.25 ms and jitter accuracy below 1 µs are achieved.

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1.2 Industrial Ethernet

Applications for IRT

IRT is used in areas with particularly stringent requirements for response times that cannot
be exceeded. This is the case, for example, for motion control applications, which require
response and update times in the range of a few milliseconds.

IRT Communication / Real-Time and TCP/IP Communication

Alongside IRT communication for which a bandwidth is reserved within the update time, RT
and TCP/IP communication is also permitted within a transfer cycle.
In RT communication the cyclic data are transferred between the IO controller and IO device,
however, without the "best possible synchronicity".
Unsynchronized IO devices automatically exchange data using RT communication.

Other procedures
Other procedures used in the S5/S7 environment to meet real-time requirements are known
under the names "ISO (H1)" or "ISO on TCP/RFC 1006".

1.2.5 Fault tolerance and redundancy

Fault-tolerant systems are designed to reduce production downtime. Availability can be
enhanced, for example, by means of component redundancy. Communication systems are
thus extended to automation systems.
Redundant systems in industrial Ethernet are characterized by the multiple (redundant)
presence of important automation components. When a redundant component fails,
processing of the program is not interrupted.
Redundancy is achieved by duplicating the part components such as CPU, network, CP, etc.
Monitoring and synchronization mechanisms ensure that if the active redundant connection
path fails, the previously passive (redundant) connection path takes over the communication
automatically. The connection itself remains established.

Redundant connection of several rings

The following graphic illustrates the principle of fault tolerance based on a network consisting
of several optical (yellow) and electrical (yellow) rings. The interconnection of the rings is

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1.2 Industrial Ethernet

Server Operator Station Engineering Station

Company network
Industrial Ethernet

1000 Mbit/s SCALANCE

Standby connection X308-2

ESM TP80 S7-300


100 Mbit/s SCALANCE


S7-400 S7-400


Figure 1-5 Optical and electric ring linked redundantly by SCALANCE X

The secondary rings (at the bottom) are connected redundantly with the main ring (at the
top): Of the two connections, one is inactive and is only activated when the other fails.

See also
SCALANCE X-400 (Page 293)

1.2.6 Access Methods

Switching mechanisms
Industrial Ethernet and therefore also PROFINET use switched Ethernet for data transfer.
The data traffic on the network is channeled and prioritized by dedicated devices known as
switches. A switch enables communication to take place simultaneously in both directions
(sending and receiving). This provides a network capacity of 200 Mbps, or twice the
bandwidth of Fast Ethernet (100 Mbps).
Switches of the SCALANCE X device family support real-time capability in the network with
two mechanisms: "Store and Forward" in general, and "Cut through" for "hard" real-time
requirements (IRT).

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1.2 Industrial Ethernet

The advantage of the switching mechanism is that nodes or network areas that do not need
a particular frame are not subjected to any load by irrelevant data. The resulting free network
capacities can be used by further devices. In contrast to hub-based shared medium
solutions, with switching technology it is possible to communicate in different network
sections at the same time and so increase the effective bandwidth.

Store and forward

With the store and forward mechanism, the switch stores the frames and then queues them.
The frames are then forwarded selectively to the specific port that can access the addressed
node (store and forward).

Advantages of store and forward






Figure 1-6 Store and Forward at Industrial Ethernet

Store and forward optimizes data traffic. With this function, the switch can check the formal
correctness of frames and prevent bad or corrupted frames being distributed any further over
the network.

Cut through
In the Cut Through process not the entire data package is stored temporarily in a buffer, but
is passed directly onto the target port as soon as the first 6 bytes (target address) have been
read. The times required by the data package to pass through the switch are then minimal.
The data is only stored temporarily using the store and forward mechanism when the section
between the target part and the port of the next switch is in use.
In PROFINET switches, cut through is implemented by using ERTEC-ASICs.

See also
Switches and switched LANs (Page 38)

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1.3 Technologies of Industrial Ethernet

1.3 Technologies of Industrial Ethernet

1.3.1 Communications media

Selection of media
Industrial Ethernet provides you with three different technologies to solve your automation
● Electrical cabling: "Twisted pair"
● Fiber-optic cable: "Fiber optic"
● Wireless/radio

Configuration limits
For a basic application, the various media typically have the following configuration limits:

Table 1-1 Typical configuration limits for media with Industrial Ethernet

Medium Typical numbers of nodes per Network span

Electrical cabling (twisted pair, approx. 100 up to 5 km
Fiber optic more than 1000 up to 150 km
Wireless/radio approx. 10, up to 1000 m per segment
more when using RCoax cables
Note that by using switches or access points, the actual network installations can be much
With PROFINET and suitable gateway modules, you can also integrate existing subnets (for
example PROFIBUS, ASi) in the Industrial Ethernet architecture.

Guide to selection
The following table shows with of the three communications media is best suited to which

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1.3 Technologies of Industrial Ethernet

Twisted-pair network Fiber optic network Wireless link

Flexibility of the network topology

Suitability for high data rates 1) 1)

Networking between buildings


Simple cable laying

Cables for indoor area; Cables for indoor and

Range of cables for special applications trailing cable; marine cable; outdoor area; trailing cable;
FastConnect cables halogen-free cables

Effect of power failure Failure of a subnet 2)

Failure of a subnet 2) Failure of a subnet 2)

Network breaks down into Network breaks down into

Effect of connection failure two subnets that function 3) two subnets that function 3)
in isolation in isolation
4) 5)
5000 m up to 150 km: 1000 m per segment
Max. length of the network over 150 km observe
signal runtime

Max. distance between two 100 m 3000 m 30 m indoor per segment

network nodes/Access Points 50 m POF 100 m outdoor per segment
100 m PCF
26000 m singlemode

100 m 3000 m 100 m feeder cable to

Max. length of connection cable multimode access point
50 m POF
100 m PCF
26000 m singlemode

Pre-assembled cables yes yes

without special tool; with special tool with trained staff

On-site assembling FastConnect system

LEDs; signal contact; LEDs; signal contact; LEDs;

Integrated diagnostics support SNMP network management; SNMP network management; SNMP network management;
Web-based management, Web-based management, Web-based management
PROFINET diagnosis PROFINET diagnosis

Electrical ring or doubling of Optical ring or doubling of the multiple coverage

Redundant network structures the infrastructure infrastructure
(linear bus, star, tree) (linear bus, star, tree)

Well-suited 1) Suitable for 10 Mbit/s and 100 Mbit/s and 1000 Mbit/s
2) Protection against subnet failure using redundant voltage supply
suitable 3) no effect in ring structure
4) depending on the network components used
not suitable 5) depending on the antenna used

Figure 1-7 Overview: Criteria for selecting the network configuration

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1.3 Technologies of Industrial Ethernet

1.3.2 Active and passive network components

Active and passive network components

Industrial Ethernet networks are created using active and passive network components:
● Active network components are for example switches, access points, client modules,
media converters and link modules.
● Passive network components are, for example, power cables and plug connectors.
The following tables contain a selection of network components for PROFINET/Industrial

Table 1-2 Active network components for PROFINET

Medium Components Remark

Copper SCALANCE X switches To interconnect nodes on Industrial
(electrical) Ethernet and to set up networks with more
complex topologies
ESM "Electrical Switch Module"
ELS "Electrical Lean Switch"
PN/IO Link Used to couple PROFINET to PROFIBUS
SCALANCE S "Security Module" to secure networks
against unauthorized access
Media and extender modules To expand the functionality of
SCALANCE X switches
Fiber-optic cable SCALANCE X switches see above
(optical) OSM Optical Switch Module
Radio SCALANCE W access point and For close-range wireless transfer
(wireless) client modules
IWLAN/PB Link PN IO For wireless coupling of Industrial Ethernet

Table 1-3 Passive network components for PROFINET

Medium Connector technology Cable type / transmission medium

Copper RJ-45 cable connector 100Base-TX
(electrical) ISO/IEC 61754-24 Two-pair, symmetrical and shielded copper cable
IE FC RJ-45 Plug IEC 61158
IE FC TP standard cable GP 2x2
M12 cable connector
IE FC TP flexible cable GP 2x2
IE FC TP trailing cable GP 2x2
IE TP torsion cable GP 2x2
IE FC TP trailing cable 2x2
IE FC TP marine cable 2x2
IE FC TP FRNC cable GP 2x2

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1.3 Technologies of Industrial Ethernet

Medium Connector technology Cable type / transmission medium

Fiber-optic cable SC RJ Plug POF-LWL (Plastic Optical Fiber)
(optical) ISO/IEC 61754-24 ISO/IEC 60793-2-40
PCF-LWL (Plastic Cladded Fiber)
ISO/IEC 60793-2-30
PCF standard cable GP
PCF trailing cable
PCF trailing cable GP (for SC RJ Plug)
BFOC (Bayonet Fiber Glass fiber cable - multimode fiber (62.5/125 µm)
Optic Connector) ISO/IEC 60793-2-10
ISO/IEC 60874-10
Fiber-optic standard cable
SC Plug
INDOOR fiber-optic indoor cable
ISO/IEC 60874-14
Flexible fiber-optic trailing cable
SIENOPYR shipping duplex FO cable (for BFOC
Glass fiber cable - multimode fiber (50/125 µm)
ISO/IEC 60793-2-10
FO standard cable GP
FO Trailing Cable
FO Trailing Cable GP
FO Ground Cable (for BFOC and SC connectors)
Radio IWLAN RCoax N IEEE 802.11
(wireless) connector IWLAN RCoax cable 2.4 GHz, 5 GHz

Cable assembly
FastConnect cables can be assembled particularly fast and simply on site. This means that
RJ-45 cabling technology, an existing standard, is also available in a version suitable for

Product overview
For a detailed overview of the available modules and accessories, refer to Part "B" of this
document, "Product overview". (Sections 3 -- 5)

Reference data
You will find reference data, installation instructions etc. for the individual modules in the
reference section "C" of this document. (Sections 6 -- 12)

See also
Part B: Active components and supported topologies (Page 103)

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1.3 Technologies of Industrial Ethernet

Part B: Passive components and accessories (Page 183)

SCALANCE X switches and media converters (Page 105)
SCALANCE W wireless network components (Page 139)
SCALANCE S Security Module (Page 158)
OSM/ESM and ELS (Page 170)
Components for electrical networks (Page 186)
Components for optical networks (Page 201)
Components for wireless networks (Page 209)
Accessories (Page 222)

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1.4 Network security

1.4 Network security

1.4.1 Basics

Security in automation technology

In principle, the security of every network with a connection to the outside world is at risk of
being compromised. Attacks from the outside can take the form of widespread viruses or
other malware, but may also involve sabotage or data espionage with an attacker
deliberately attempting to take control of a network or to access relevant information.
The potential damage caused by such an attack (if it succeeds) is high and can involve not
only serious production and machine downtimes but also a loss of customer confidence.
Security of the networks should therefore always be given high priority, even more so today
because island solutions are no longer practicable and automation networks normally also
require access to the Internet.

1.4.2 Firewalls

"Gatekeeper" function
Put simply, a firewall is a device or a software application inserted between the network and
the outside world as a "gatekeeper" to protect the network. The firewall represents the only
access to the local area network from outside and the entire data traffic crossing the
boundaries of the network is directed via the firewall. This means that the firewall can block
unwanted and potentially dangerous access from the outside. Various techniques are

Packet filter
A packet filter inspects data packets entering or leaving the network, their sender and
receiver addresses and the "port", or service, to which the data packet will be transferred.
Such services might be E-mail, file transfer with FTP, database access, SSH for encrypted
transfer etc.
Filter rules stored in the firewall now block the access to certain addresses or certain
services. Firewalls can implement complex filter rules in which, for example, service "A" is
available only for IP addresses "B" and "C" but is not allowed for other communications

"Stateful Inspection"
"Stateful Inspection" goes a step further than the packet filter and takes into consideration
the "context" within the communication in addition to the addresses and ports.
In concrete terms, this means, for example, that Web pages sent be an external server to an
internal computer can only pass through the firewall if the internal computer has actually
requested this page.

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1.4 Network security

Such techniques are, for example, relevant for preventing "Denial of Service" attacks (DoS)
in which an external intruder sends queries to the computer under attack from numerous
computers at the same time in the hope of overloading and paralyzing the network. Since,
however, the stateful inspection detects these illegitimate queries at the boundary of the
local area network, local traffic continues unaffected by the DoS attacks.

"Network Address Translation" (NAT)

"Network Address Translation" ("NAT") is a function with which a router (or, in our case, the
firewall) replaces the addresses of the local nodes involved in data traffic with its own IP
address whenever the traffic goes beyond the network boundaries. Incoming replies are only
assigned to the actual addressees with their IP addresses after passing the firewall.
This mechanism can be used for ergonomic reasons since to the outside only one single IP
address is required for any number of local nodes.
It does, however, also provide a certain protection from attacks since only one single
address is visible to the outside namely that of the firewall. A "naive" attack would always be
aimed at the firewall directly and not at the local computers being protected behind it.

"Personal firewalls"
For professional applications, the firewalls normally used are separate devices. The
alternative to these devices are "personal firewalls" in the form of software running on the
target computers themselves.
Personal firewalls cannot, however, provide the same security as dedicated devices. Errors
in the operating system or badly programmed or configured personal firewalls allow an
attacker to avoid the "gatekeeper" filter function and to attack the target computer or target
network despite the firewall.

1.4.3 "Virtual Private Networks" (VPNs)

The function of Virtual Private Networks

A VPN means that a public network is used to transfer private data by "embedding" the
private communication in the traffic of the public network.
The nodes of the VPN have the impression that they are connected directly to each other.
They are not aware of the intermediate steps inserted in the transmission via the public
network. For this reason, the mechanisms are known as "tunneling" through the public
network. Using VPNs, for example, two subnets at a considerable physical distance from
each other can be connected so that the users can address them as one unit.

Security of VPNs
The term "private" relates primarily to the use of VPNs and not to the confidentiality of the
data: VPNs are not automatically secure since it is not essential for the data traffic to be
encrypted. If, however, suitable encryption techniques are used, communication via the VPN
is practically safe from eavesdropping.

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1.5 Switches and switched LANs

See also
Encryption and data security (Page 42)

1.5 Switches and switched LANs

Switches and hubs

If a network needs to be divided into several (logical and physical) subunits, switches are
used at the connection points of the network sections.
Switches are active components that can receive and send at several ports independently.
There are equipped with intelligence that allows them to forward received messages only via
the port connected to the segment in which the actual addressee is located. This can be
connected directly to the port or via a further switch.
Since all direct connections are point-to-point and since the medium used allows full duplex
communication, it is no longer possible for collisions to occur.
● Hubs also connect network sections but only establish physical contact without controlling
the traffic. In contrast to switches, all the subnets connected via hubs form a single
collision domain.

Switched connection paths: "Shared LANs" and "Switched LANs"

"Shared LANs" are networks on which a message being transmitted blocks the network for
all other nodes; in other words, there can only be one sender at any one time. A wireless
network is a simple example of such a shared LAN.
"Switched LANs" are set up using switches and are characterized by the connection paths
for each data packet being switched based on the target address. Different data packets can
be in transit in the network at the same time on different connection paths. The data packets
only run through segments that lead to the recipient. All the SCALANCE X products and the
OSMs and ESMs belong to the products that use switching mechanisms and are therefore
used to set up switched LANs.

Functions of switches
Essentially, switches have the following functions:
● Connecting sublets
In contrast to hubs, switches connect several collision domains. This means that switches
can be used to set up networks with a far greater span and much higher number of nodes
than is possible with hubs. The distances achieved depend on the fiber-optic interfaces
used in the devices and the FOR fibers used. (For achievable spans, check the reference
section of this manual.)
● Containing load
By filtering the data traffic based on the Ethernet (MAC) addresses, local data traffic
remains local. In contrast to repeaters or hubs, which distribute data unfiltered to all ports
/ network nodes, switches operate selectively. Only data intended for nodes in other
sublets is switched from the input port to the appropriate output port of the switch. To
make this possible, a table assigning Ethernet (MAC) addresses to output ports is
created by the switch in a "teach-in" mode.

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1.5 Switches and switched LANs

● Limitation of errors to the network segment affected

By checking the validity of a data packet on the basis of the checksum which each data
packet contains, the switch ensures that bad data packets are not transported further.
Collisions in one network segment are not passed on to other segments.
● Increase in the number of connectable end devices compared with classic Ethernet

Advantages of switched LANs

The advantages of such switched LANs are:
● Improved performance (since the messages only block the sections of cable actually
between the sender and receiver),
● Avoidance of data collisions (because the sender does not block the entire network),
● Increased availability particularly in topologies that include redundancy,
– If a connection path is blocked in a redundant topology (due to a cable break or
component failure), switches can still redirect the messages over an alternative path
and maintain communication. A network with a ring topology (see below) is a classic
example of using switches in this way.
● Option of forming subnets and network segments,
● Simple rules for network configuration,
● Network topologies with 50 switches in the ring and a total span of up to 150 km can
implemented without any problems and without needing taking the signal delay into
● Unlimited expansion of the network span by connecting individual subnets (upwards of
150 km, signal delay must be taken into account),
● Simple, expansion is possible without affecting the existing network.

Application example: Redundant ring

Using an IE switch as the redundancy manager in a ring with redundancy manager provides
greater availability. If there is an interruption on the connection between these switches, the
IE switch used as redundancy manager acts like a switch and in a very short time creates a
line from the ring with redundancy manager. As a result, a functional, end-to-end structure is

See also
Redundant ring structure (Page 59)

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1.6 Wireless LAN

1.6 Wireless LAN

1.6.1 What are WLANs?

A WLAN is a "Wireless Local Area Network".

An IWLAN is an "Industrial WLAN", in other words, a wireless network "hardened" to cope
with the wireless complications of an industrial environment.

"Hardening" measures
Conventional wireless connections are not well suited to an industrial environment, on the
one hand because the production and automation level include numerous sources of EMI,
and on the other hand, automation has strict demands in terms of real-time requirements
and deterministic data transmission. The very nature of wireless networks also increases the
risk of eavesdropping or manipulation by unauthorized third parties. For this reason, wireless
networks need to be "hardened".
The "hardening" measures include, on the one hand robust and immune modules, and on
the other, the use of special protocols and security measures to ensure a deterministic
response and data protection.

1.6.2 Differences between wireless LAN and wired networks

Cable as opposed to radio waves

The use of cables and wires for communication has certain advantages because this makes
an exclusive medium available: The transmission characteristics of this medium are well-
defined and constant (as long as cables, routers or similar are not replaced) and it is clear at
all times which nodes are connected to a local area network and which are not.
On the other hand, the effort and cost of cabling increases with the number of nodes (and at
the same time the potential for broken cables and other hardware faults). Finally,
communication with freely moving nodes using wired methods is practicable only in
exceptional situations. Wireless links also allow areas to be covered that would present
problems using cables (across streets, over water).
In such situations, the advantages of wireless-supported networks come to the fore
(essentially the breaking of ties with any fixed location). In such cases, the possibly higher
required investment can be compensated by the customer benefits.
In networks with large numbers of nodes, however, it must not be forgotten that the space in
which wireless propagates is effectively a "shared medium" so that the effective data rate
decreases as the number or nodes increases.

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1.6 Wireless LAN

Complexity of the RF field

Radio waves propagate through space, are diffracted by obstacles or attenuated passing
through objects. This means that they form a complex RF field that changes yet again if the
obstacles move. Obviously, the area illuminated by one or more transmitters is not sharply
defined. There is also no clear delineation of the RF field and the transmission
characteristics of the individual nodes in the wireless network fluctuate depending on their
position. Lastly, it is also practically impossible to detect a "silent listener" in a wireless
These characteristics are fundamental when it comes to connection reliability, security and
immunity of a network. With responsible administration, careful planning and the use of
trained employees aware of the particular requirements of a wireless network, they can
nevertheless be as reliable, secure and robust as wired networks.

1.6.3 Preferred areas of application for WLANs

Preferred areas of application

In many environments, their special qualities make wireless networks the preferred, and in
some cases only practical medium.
These areas of application predestined for wireless networks include:
● Connection of mobile nodes both among themselves and with stationary nodes,
● Connection of mobile nodes with wired networks (Ethernet etc.),
● Contact with rotating nodes (cranes, carousels, ...),
● Connection of nodes with restricted mobility (monorail suspension tracks, high-bay
storage racks, ...), as a replacement for slip contacts or trailing cables,
● Establishing wireless bridges between physically separate wired subnets (different
buildings, across streets, over water, ...),
● Communication with nodes in inaccessible areas.

See also
Configuring an IWLAN (Page 66)

1.6.4 The standards of the "IEEE 802.11" series

Standardization of WLANs

The acronym "IEEE" stands for the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, an
organization that has taken on the task of developing, publishing and promoting electronic
and electrotechnical standards and that can be compared in some ways with DIN.

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1.6 Wireless LAN

The IEEE 802.11 group

Under the project number "802", a number of working groups were given the task of
developing standards for setting up and operating networks. Group "802.3" is responsible,
for example, for the standards relating to Ethernet connections.
The "802.11" working group developed the specification for wireless LANs, and the most
important variants of this specification "802.11 a/h" and "802.11 b/g" currently represent the
de facto standard for wireless networks.

Versions of the "802.11" standard

The following table provides an overview of the features of the individual versions.

802.11 "a"/"h" 802.11 "b" 802.11 "g"

Frequency band 5 GHz 2.4 GHz 2.4 GHz
Gross data rate 54 Mbps 11 Mbps 54 Mbps
Expansions of the 802.11 standard include the following:
● 802.11 "e": Introduces QoS to provide better support for real-time applications (VoIP,
● 802.11 "i": Replaces the no longer tenable WEP encryption mechanism with WPA or

1.6.5 Encryption and data security

WEP ("Wired Equivalent Privacy")

WEP is the oldest and at the same time the least secure encryption method with which
WLAN transmission is protected against unauthorized intruders according to the 802.11
With this method, a user password is used as a key from which a series of pseudo random
numbers is generated. Each character of the frame to be transmitted is then encoded with
next number of this series and decoded at the receiver.
WEP is generally considered to be inadequately secure today.

WPA ("Wi-Fi Protected Access")

WPA is the further development of WEP and still counts as the standard today despite
several weaknesses. Apart from technical modifications in the actual encryption algorithm,
the protocol was also adapted:
● Passwords for network access (authentication) are stored on a central server
● The key for frame transmission changes dynamically making statistical attacks more

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1.6 Wireless LAN

● The MAC address is worked into the key (in other words, unique hardware identification)
of the sender making it more difficult to falsify the sender of the message.

WPA2 and AES ("Advanced Encryption Standard")

The major difference between WPA2 and WPA is the encryption method: The weaknesses
identified in WPA no longer exist in the AES method used in WPA2.
If a "sensible" passwords are selected that it are adequately long and cannot be guessed,
messages encrypted with AES are considered proof against eavesdropping with the current
state of the art (Spring 2007).

EAP ("Extensible Authentication Protocol")

The acronym EAP covers a wide framework of different authentication mechanisms for
network access. In other words, EAP is not an authentication method itself but describes the
mechanism according to which the client and server can agree on a method.

MAC filter
MAC addresses ("Media Access Control A.") are codes with which hardware elements (for
example network cards, modules, motherboards) can be uniquely identified worldwide.
The addresses are normally encoded in 6 bytes (48 bits) and hardwired in the relevant
components; on request, the components identify themselves by returning their MAC
Filter tables with MAC addresses can be created in network management that permit or
forbid access for certain addresses. This allows simple although comparatively unsecured
access protection for the network to be implemented.
Manipulation of MAC addresses (spoofing) cannot be excluded which means that MAC filters
only provide adequate security for a network in conjunction with other measures.

1.6.6 Avoiding collisions in wireless networks


Ethernet uses the bus access method CSMA/CD. This acronym stands for Carrier Sense
Multiple Access with Collision Detection. In this method a node that wants to send listens to
the common bus line (Carrier Sense) and sends if it is not occupied. If the bus line is
occupied by another node, the node that wants to send postpones its wish to send and tries
to transfer again later on (Multiple Access). This functions, however, only on media on which
the node can send and receive at the same time (for example Ethernet); in other words, not
in WLANs.
For this reason, a different mechanism is used in wireless networks. CSMA/CA ("Collision
Avoidance") attempts to avoid the occurrence of collisions in advance. This is achieved, for
example, using the RTS/CTS method in which the sender sends a short test signal ("Ready
To Send" -- RTS). The actual transmission only begins after the recipient has replied to this
with "Clear To Send" (CTS). If a collision occurs, the retransmission follows after a pause not

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1.7 The SCALANCE generation of devices

selected at random but according to priority. With this strategy, communication remains

1.7 The SCALANCE generation of devices

The SCALANCE generation of devices

The name SCALANCE stands for the current generation of SIMATIC NET network
components for simple setup, management and operation of Industrial Ethernet LANs. The
three product families are as follows:
● SCALANCE X is the new product family of Industrial Ethernet switches. Switches are
active network components that distribute data to specific addressees, control network
traffic and ensure that the load on network connections is optimally distributed.
SCALANCE X switches are available in a wide range of variants with electrical and/or
optical ports, and in some cases with special functionalities to meet strict real-time
● SCALANCE W is the family of components and accessories for wireless local area
networks ("WLANs"). The use of access points,clients and accessories allows the
connection of mobile nodes and the establishment of networks in exacting environments.
SCALANCE W components are distinguished by their robustness, security and reliability.
Wireless transmission can be implemented using conventional antennas, directional
antennas or over short distances with leaky feeder cables (RCoax cable).
● SCALANCE S security modules protect automation networks from unauthorized access
and unnecessary communication load. Both eavesdropping and attacks by outsiders are
prevented reliably. Even if there are disturbances in the external network, data traffic in
the automation cell remains unaffected. Communication is protected regardless of the
application protocol used.
You will find a detailed introduction to the members of the SCALANCE generation of devices
in Part "B" of this document.

See also
Part B: The SCALANCE generation of devices (Page 89)

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Part A: Network structures and network configuration 2
2.1 Note

Please note the following:
You will find further use cases and information on configuration of various network topologies
in Part "B" in the descriptions of the individual components.

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2.2 Electrical networks

2.2 Electrical networks

The following components and cables are used in a 100 Mbps switched LAN:
● Components
– SCALANCE X switches
● Cables
– Twisted-pair cable
– TP Cord

See also
SCALANCE X switches and media converters (Page 105)
Optical and electrical switch module (OSM/ESM) (Page 171)
Components for electrical networks (Page 186)

2.2.1 Twisted-pair cable runs

The twisted pair interfaces of the SCALANCE X products comply with the
IEEE 802.3u: 100BASE-TX standard. Depending on the particular variant, the switches have
one or more RJ-45 or M12 jacks.

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2.2 Electrical networks

Requirements of twisted-pair cables

The twisted-pair cables inserted between two adjacent SCALANCE X modules must not
exceed the following maximum lengths:

Table 2-1 Maximum runs with twisted-pair cables

Cabling structure Cable type Max. length Max. total of the patch
cables (TP cord)
In one piece ITP standard 2x2 100 m -
(with D-sub connectors)
In one piece IE FC standard cable GP 100 m -
(without using patch IE FC flexible cable GP 85 m -
cable) IE FC torsion cable GP 55 m -
IE FC trailing cable GP 85 m -
IE FC trailing cable 85 m -
IE FC marine cable 85 m -
IE FC TP FRNC cable GP 85 m -
Structured IE FC standard cable GP 90 m 10 m
(with patch cable and IE FC flexible cable GP 75 m 10 m
IE FC Outlet RJ-45 or IE FC torsion cable GP 45 m 10 m
IE FC RJ-45 Modular
IE FC trailing cable GP 75 m 10 m
IE FC trailing cable 75 m 10 m
IE FC marine cable 75 m 10 m
IE FC TP FRNC cable GP 75 m 10 m

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2.3 Optical networks

2.3 Optical networks

The following components and cables are used in an optical 100 Mbps switched LAN:
● Components
– SCALANCE X products with FO interfaces
– OSM (I)TPnn (switches with multimode glass fibre-optic cables) or OSM (I)TPnn-LD
(switches with single mode glass fibre optic cables)
● Cables
– Multimode glass fiber-optic cable type 50/125 µm
– Single mode glass fiber-optic cable type 10/125 µm
– Twisted-pair cable, TP Cord

See also
SCALANCE X switches and media converters (Page 105)
Optical and electrical switch module (OSM/ESM) (Page 171)
Components for optical networks (Page 201)

2.3.1 FOC links

Standard Fast Ethernet

The switches equipped with interfaces for 100BASE-FX comply with the standard
IEEE 802.3u. They operate at a wavelength of 1300 nm.
Multimode glass fibers of the type 50/125 µm are suitable for the connection.
Switches or media modules equipped with an optical interface for single mode glass fibers of
the type 10/125 µm have the supplement LD in their names (Long Distance).
The length of an insertable FOC link is decided by:
● The fiber type multimode/ single mode
● The FO cable attenuation at the wavelength used
● The bandwidth distance product of the fiber-optic cable

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2.3 Optical networks

Requirements of multimode glass fiber-optic cables

Table 2-2 Max. length of a link with multimode FO cables between two switches:

Fiber-optic cable type FO power loss Bandwidth distance Max. length

at 1300 nm product

50/125 µm <= 0.7 dB/km >= 1200 MHz * km 3,000 m

Requirements of single mode glass fiber-optic cables

Single mode glass fiber-optic cables between two switches with suitable interfaces must
meet the following requirements in terms of power loss and the bandwidth distance product:

Table 2-3 Max. length of a link with single mode FO cables between two suitable equipped

Fiber-optic cable type FO power loss Bandwidth distance Max. length

at 1300 nm product

10/125 µm <=0.5 dB/km No info 26,000 m

SIMATIC NET multimode glass fiber-optic cables

The SIMATIC NET product range for Industrial Ethernet includes various types of multimode
glass fiberoptic cables with 50/125 µm fibers (see "Passive components for optical
● FO Standard Cable
● FO Ground Cable
● FO Trailing Cable
● FO Trailing Cable GP
● SIENOPYR duplex marine fiberoptic cable
When connecting SIMATIC NET Industrial Ethernet switches using SIMATIC NET multimode
glass fiberoptic cables, distances of 0 to 3000 m are permitted between two adjacent

Single mode glass fiberoptic cables with fiber type 10/125 are available in customized
lengths. You will find contacts in the "Support and training" section of this manual.

Standard 1 Gbps Ethernet

In Gbps Ethernet, a distinction is made in much the same way as in Fast Ethernet between
two versions both of which are described in the IEEE 802.3z standard.
1000BASE-SX is the name of the version for multimode glass fiber. A wavelength of 850 nm
is used. Due to their properties, the same 50/125 µm fiber from the SIMATIC NET product

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Part A: Network structures and network configuration
2.4 Web Based Management for configuring networks

range can be used as for 100BASE-FX. The range between two points is 750 m. As long as
this range is not exceeded, it is possible to upgrade from 100 Mbps Ethernet to 1
Gbps Ethernet over existing installed cable of this type without needing to install new cables.
The version for single mode glass fibers is 1000BASE-LX. A wavelength of 1300 nm is used
here. A single mode glass fiber-optic cable 10/125 µm may be up to 10,000 m long.
In terms of the FO link length that can be included, the dependencies are basically the same
as for 100 Mbps Ethernet.

Table 2-4 Maximum link length with multimode glass fiber-optic cables with 1 Gbps Ethernet:

Fiber-optic cable type FO power loss Bandwidth distance Max. length

50/125 µm ≤ 2.7 dB/km at 850 nm ≥ 600 MHz * km 750 m
9/125 µm ≤ 0.5 dB/km at 1310 nm 10,000 m
Single mode ≤ 0.28 dB/km at 1550 nm

See also
Components for optical networks (Page 201)

2.4 Web Based Management for configuring networks

Configuration over a Web interface

All SCALANCE devices that have management functions can be configured using "Web
Based Management" (WBM).
The devices have an integrated Web server that can be accessed by the configuration
engineer with a browser over every Ethernet connection. The server provides a series of
pages like those familiar from the Internet. On these pages, the configuration engineer can
make all important settings and can also run diagnostics and report functions.

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Part A: Network structures and network configuration
2.4 Web Based Management for configuring networks

Figure 2-1 Web Based Management based on the example of configuring a W-788 access point

● Access is possible from any PC with a Web browser installed on it and with an Ethernet
connection to the target device. (With SCALANCE W devices, this connection can also
be over a wireless network.)
● The installation of special software is not necessary and no specialist knowledge is
required to navigate through and work with WBM.
● Access is, of course, password protected.
For more detailed information on the functions of the WBM, refer to the operating instructions
of the individual devices.

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System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0 51
Part A: Network structures and network configuration
2.5 Basic structures

2.5 Basic structures

2.5.1 Network topologies

"Topology" means the spatial arrangement and interconnection of the nodes of a wired
Which topology is preferable depends on the position of the nodes relative to each other and
what is required of the network. If it is required that the network remains working in the event
of a failure, a ring structure is an advantage in which each node can reach the others over
both branches of the ring. A linear bus topology in which the nodes follow on from each other
like a chain is, on the other hand, more adversely affected by the failure of a component or a
cable break which causes the network to break up into separate sections.
In many cases, networks do not have a "pure" topology but rather a hybrid configuration; or
the full network consists of several subnets with different topologies.

The elementary topologies: Linear bus, star, tree and ring

In principle, wired networks with more than two nodes can be configured in three basic
structures: As a linear bus, a star and as a tree or ring.

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Part A: Network structures and network configuration
2.5 Basic structures

Operator Station (OS) OS SIMATIC IT SIMATIC Batch OS Engineering Station (ES)

Switch Switch
SCALANCE Terminal bus 1 Gbit/s SCALANCE
X414-3E X414-3E

OS Server

Switch Switch
X414-3E X414-3E

Plant bus 1 Gbit/s

Switch Switch
X414-3E X414-3E

Ring structure
Industrial Ethernet FC Cable 2x2

Switching cabinet

Switch S7-300
SCALANCE with CP 343-1
X108 IE FC

Industrial Ethernet FC Cable 2x2

IE TP Cord
Switching cabinet
10/100 Mbit/s

SIMATIC S7-400 with S7-300/ IE/PB

Field PG CP 443-1 MP 370 Link
with Advanced

CP 1512

s M N O P Q R

7 8 9

G H I J K L 4 5 6
M N O P Q R 1 2 3
. 0 +/-
7 8 9
4 5 6 INS
1 2 3 DEL

. 0 +/- ESC



10/100 Mbit/s



S7-400 S7-300 MP 370

IE FC Switch
Industrial Ethernet FC Cable 2x2

Switching cabinet Plug X208

X108 IE FC
IE TP Cord 0 1
10/100 Mbit/s

SIMATIC FC Standard Cable
ET 200X
Field PG
CP 1512

7 8 9
4 5 6
1 2 3
. 0 +/-







S7-400 S7-300 MP 370

Star structure Line structure

Figure 2-2 Selection of various network topologies (schematic): Ring (top center), star (bottom left) and linear bus
(bottom right)

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System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0 53
Part A: Network structures and network configuration
2.5 Basic structures

See also
Linear structure (Page 54)
Star structure (Page 55)
Redundant ring structure (Page 59)
Configuring an IWLAN (Page 66)

2.5.2 Linear structure

Linear bus
The linear bus is the simplest network structure. It is characterized by a network backbone to
which the individual nodes are connected directly or over a branch (only one node is
permitted per branch).
● The advantage of the linear bus topology is its simple setup and low hardware
investment. It is suitable, for example, for networking of rigidly linked machines over a
wide area as found in assembly lines.
● The disadvantage of the linear bus topology is the inefficient use of resources and the
lack of redundancy: A break on the cable at any point cannot be bridged. Connecting the
ends of the linear bus, on the other hand, creates a ring with which these disadvantages
can be avoided.

Control & Monitoring
SIMATIC S7-300 X101-1POF
with CP 343-1 media converter ET 200pro


PROFINET IE Standard Cable POF FO POF FO ET 200S with

IM 151-3 PN FO
Industrial Ethernet POF FO


X204IRT X202-2P IRT X200-4P IRT
ET 200S with
IM 151-3 PN FO

ET 200S with
IM 151-3 PN FO

Figure 2-3 Linear bus network topology based on the example of Industrial Ethernet

A further restriction for networks with a linear bus structure is the physical arrangement of
the network nodes. Depending on their position, the backbone may need take long detours
which may, in turn, lead to problems with frame delay times.
In a linear network topology, the network components such as switches typically have only
one or few connection points for network nodes. Linear bus structures can also be created
with devices with two integrated network interfaces.

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Part A: Network structures and network configuration
2.5 Basic structures

Example: 100 Mbps switched LAN with a bus structure

SCALANCE X devices/Industrial Ethernet ESMs allow the setup of 100 Mbps switched LANs
with a bus structure. There may be a maximum distance of 100 m between two of these
devices. Any TP ports can be use to cascade and form a linear bus. The number of
SCALANCE X devices/Industrial Ethernet ESMs that can be cascaded depends on the
response times of the applications operating over this linear bus.

with CP 343-1

Switching cabinet

Industrial Ethernet FC Cable 2x2

S7-300 with
CP 343-1/MP 370 S7-200
S7-400 with with CP 243-1 IE/PB
CP 443-1 Link
Switch Advanced
Switch Switch Switch

10/100 Mbit/s
RJ45 X104-2 X104-2 X104-2

IPC with
CP 1613 A2

electric linear topology
optical linear topology ET 200X FC Standard Cable

Figure 2-4 Linear structure (electrical)

See also
SCALANCE X-100 unmanaged (Page 114)
Optical linear structure (Page 61)
SCALANCE X-200/X-200 IRT (Page 260)

2.5.3 Star structure

The difference between the star topology and linear bus topology is that one switch functions
as the central node from which the spokes branch off to the individual nodes. The individual
nodes of the network therefore have separate point-to-point links with the active network
component (i.e. with the switch).

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System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0 55
Part A: Network structures and network configuration
2.5 Basic structures

The immediate effect is that the messages only run via the spokes between sender and
recipient, in other words network performance improves significantly because several nodes
can communicate at the same time.
In practice, these may be a mixture of fiber-optic and twisted-pair cables depending on what
is required of the individual links. Typical applications are Ethernet office networking or the
networking of production cells in manufacturing with Industrial Ethernet.

SCALANCE X-400 Access Point

S7-300 with CP 343-1 SCALANCE
X101-1 or
X101-1 LD

Industrial Ethernet Industrial

X101-1 or X206-1 X101-1 or
X101-1 LD X101-1 LD

Field PG with
CP 7515

ET 200S ET 200S ET 200S ET 200S ET 200S


Figure 2-5 Star topology based on the example of Industrial Ethernet with a gateway to Industrial Wireless LAN

● The use of a switch optimizes data throughput in the network. Messages are transferred
only on the star segments between sender and recipient and the segments of the other
nodes remain unaffected by them. If a node fails, the communication between the other
network nodes remains intact.
● Compared with ring or linear bus structures, however, the investment in cabling increases
considerably due to the long distances back to the star center.
Typical use cases for star networks are switching cubicles, individual machines or
manufacturing cells.

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2.5 Basic structures

Examples of simple star structures

PC with
CP 1613 A2


S7-200 with S7-300 with

CP 243-1 CP 343-1 Lean

IPC with Panel PC
CP 1613 A2

Figure 2-6 Star structure with SCALANCE X005

The number and technology of the connections to the end nodes (electrical/optical) depends
on the number of relevant ports on the switch: In the example above, the SCALANCE X005
can support five 10/100 Mbps cables with RJ-45 connectors and no fiber-optic connections.
The cable lengths listed in the linear bus topology example apply; with an FC TP Standard
Cable, the end nodes can be installed up to 100 m from the switch.

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Part A: Network structures and network configuration
2.5 Basic structures

Switching cabinet

S7-400 with
CP 443-1 Advanced
IPC with
CP 1613 A2
MP 370
S7-300 with CP 343-1

Industrial Ethernet FC Cable 2x2

IE TP Cord

10/100 Mbit/s

S7-400 S7-300 MP 370 IPC with
with CP 443-1 with CP 343-1 CP 1613 A2

Figure 2-7 Star network structure with SCALANCE X124

More complex network structures can be set up by using switches with a higher number of
ports. (In the example above, a SCALANCE X124 with 24 electrical ports.) In terms of the
numbers of nodes and the physical span of the network, this is practicable only up to a
certain limit.
If more extensive networks need to be configured, it is advisable to use more switches and
the extra subnets that result.

Tree structure
If several start networks, for example manufacturing cells, need to be interconnected in a
network, a tree-shaped network results.

See also
Entry level SCALANCE X005 (Page 109)
SCALANCE X-100 unmanaged (Page 114)

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Part A: Network structures and network configuration
2.5 Basic structures

2.5.4 Redundant ring structure

"Redundant rings"
The simple ring topology (Page 52) results from connecting the two ends of an active linear
bus topology to form a physical ring. A special redundancy mechanism ensures that the
redundant ring structure (Page 62) remains a logical bus in normal situations and prevents
frames from circulating. If a section of the ring fails, the mechanism quickly makes a
substitute path available in ring: The message now travels the long way round via the intact
network section instead of over the direct interrupted path and reaches its recipient via this
detour. The network does not break down into two segments.

Operator OS Server Operator

Stations redundant Stations

X414-3E X414-3E
Industrial S7-200
X308-2 Non-Siemens
Mbit/s device

X408-2 10/100



H-System H-System

Figure 2-8 Ring topology based on the example of Industrial Ethernet with glass fiber-optic cables

● The effects of a network component being disrupted are restricted to the failed
component and to the end devices connected to it. If a ring section is interrupted, for
example by a cable break, communication continues without any disruption.
The reconfiguration time is faster here than in the office world and meets the requirements of
the automation world.

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Part A: Network structures and network configuration
2.5 Basic structures

Creating a ring from a linear bus

A simple ring structure is created from a linear bus by connecting the ends together.
This arrangement does, however, require a switch operating in redundancy manager mode
at the end of the line.

Example: Structure of a redundant network with SCALANCE X-200IRT switches

To increase availability, optical or electrical linear bus topologies made up of SCALANCE X-
200/X-200 IRT (Page 260) switches and a SCALANCE X-200/X-200 IRT (Page 260) ,
SCALANCE X-300 (Page 278) , SCALANCE X-400 (Page 293) , OSM version 2 (Page 389)
or ESM version 2 (Page 389) configured as redundancy manager, can be closed to form a
ring. The SCALANCE X-200 switches are first connected over their ring ports to form a linear
bus. The two ends of the line are closed to form a ring by a switch operating in redundancy
manager mode. Devices of the SCALANCE X-200, X-300, X-400 product families, or OSMs /
ESMs can be used as redundancy managers. When a switch is used as the redundancy
manager, the ring ports are isolated from each other if the network is operating problem-free.


Operator Station PC



Industrial Ethernet Switch


Twisted Pair

S7-400 S7-300


Figure 2-9 SCALANCE X: Configuration with high-speed redundancy in the electrical ring

The SCALANCE switch or OSM / ESM operating in the redundancy manager mode monitors
the connected linear bus over its ring ports and switches the ring ports through if there is an
interruption on the connected bus; in other words, it restores a functioning line over this

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Part A: Network structures and network configuration
2.5 Basic structures

substitute path. Reconfiguration takes place within 0.3 seconds. As soon as the problem has
been eliminated, the original topology is restored; in other words, the ring ports in the
redundancy manager are once again disconnected from each other.

See also
Part C: SCALANCE X switches and media converters (Page 229)

2.5.5 Optical linear structure

Structure of a fiber-optic linear bus structure

The Industrial Ethernet SCALANCE X devices/OSMs allow the setup of 100 Mbps, 1 Gbps
or mixed switched LANs with a linear bus structure. At 100 Mbps, the maximum distance of a
link between two devices is 3000 m or 26 km with LD variants. At 1 Gbps, the maximum
distance of a link between two devices is 750 m or 10 km with LD variants. Devices are
cascaded over the FO ports. Up to 50 devices can be cascaded.

Fiber Optic


X414-3E X414-3E X414-3E X414-3E

S7-400 S7-300 S7-400 S7-300 S7-400 S7-300 ET 200S S7-300

ET 200S ET 200S ET 200S ET 200S

Figure 2-10 Linear structure (optical)

See also
SCALANCE X-400 modular (Page 132)

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Part A: Network structures and network configuration
2.5 Basic structures

2.5.6 Optical redundant ring structure

Redundant optical ring

With the aid of a redundancy manager (RM), the ends of an optical linear bus can be
connected together to form a redundant optical ring. All media converters, SCALANCE X-
100/-200/300 and -400 devices as well as OSMs can be used. The SCALANCE X-200
devices, all SCALANCE X-300/-400 devices and OSMs can take on the role of RM.
The RM monitors the line connected to it. If it detects a break on the line, it interconnects the
ends of the line to reestablish a functioning linear bus configuration.
A maximum of 50 of the listed SCALANCE X/OSMs are permitted in an optical ring. This
strategy achieves a reconfiguration time of less than 0.3 seconds. The RM mode is activated
on the OSM using a DIP switch. SCALANCE X devices that can operate as the RM, no
longer have a DIP switch for setting this function, but are configured by the software.
The maximum length of the fiberoptic cable between two devices is 3,000 m. This means
that an optical ring including 50 switches can have a maximum span of 150 km.

The reconfiguration time of less than 0.3 s can only be achieved when no components (for
example switches from other vendors) other than ring-compliant SCALANCE X switches /
OSMs are used in the redundant ring.
In a ring, one device and one device only must operate in the redundancy manager mode.


ET 200S
Switch ET 200S

Fiber Optic
Optic S7-400



ET 200S


Figure 2-11 Redundant ring structure with optical ring, example with SCALANCE X-202IRT

The interconnected switches in this ring do not need to be connected only with FO cables or
only with electrical cables. A mixed electrical and optical ring is also permitted.

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2.5 Basic structures


Operator Station



Industrial Ethernet
X400 IRT

X206-1 X206-1
Industrial Ethernet


S7-400 S7-300

Maximum cable length for 100 Mbit/s:
electrical ring circuit: 100 m
optical ring circuit S7-400
(multimode): 3000 m

Figure 2-12 High-speed redundancy in a mixed ring

See also
SCALANCE X-100 media converters (Page 116)
SCALANCE X-200/X-200 IRT (Page 121)
SCALANCE X-300 (Page 128)
SCALANCE X-400 modular (Page 132)
OSM/ESM and ELS (Page 170)

2.5.7 Redundant linking of network segments with electrical and FO components

SCALANCE X switches support not only ring redundancy within a ring but also redundant
linking of several rings or open network segments (linear bus). In the redundant link, two

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Part A: Network structures and network configuration
2.5 Basic structures

rings are connected together over two Ethernet connections. This is achieved by configuring
a master/slave device pair in one ring so that the devices monitor each other and, in the
event of a fault, redirect the data traffic from the normally used master Ethernet connection
to the substitute (slave) Ethernet connection.

Standby redundancy

Operator Operator
Station Stations

X204IRT X208


S7-300 S7-200

X202-2IRT X202-2IRT


X204-2 X202-2IRT



Figure 2-13 Example of redundant linking of two SCALANCE X-200 IRT rings

For a redundant link as shown in the figure, two devices must be configured as standby
redundancy switches within a network segment. Here, network segments are rings with a
redundancy manager (RM, in the example, the SCALANCE X202-2IRT switches). Instead of
rings, network segments might also be linear.
The two X202 devices connected in the configuration exchange data frames with each other
to synchronize their operating statuses (one device is master and the other slave). If there
are no problems, only the link from the master to the other network segment is active. If this
link fails (for example due to a link-down or a device failure), the slave activates its link as
long as the problem persists.

See also
SCALANCE X-200/X-200 IRT (Page 121)

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64 System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0
Part A: Network structures and network configuration
2.5 Basic structures

SCALANCE X-300 (Page 128)

SCALANCE X-400 modular (Page 132)
OSM/ESM and ELS (Page 170)
Redundant linking of subnets using the OSM/ESM (Page 176)

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Part A: Network structures and network configuration
2.6 Advanced network configurations

2.6 Advanced network configurations

2.6.1 Configuring an IWLAN Structure of an IWLAN

Basic structure of a WLAN

WLANs do not have a physical topology like traditional wired networks. There are no "linear
bus", "ring" or "star" structures, instead wireless networks are unstructured (ad hoc) or
divided into individual cells.


oder CP 343-1


Industrial Ethernet

Access Point
Access Point SCALANCE
IWLAN RCoax Cable

Client Module PB Link

ET 200pro ET 200S

Figure 2-14 Simple WLAN structure with two access points/wireless cells, RCoax cable and IWLAN/PB Link PN IO

Here, access points take over the role of switches. End nodes are connected to the network
by activating clients. Larger networks can be achieved by setting up several wireless cells
each under the control of an access point. The connection between individual cells is also
via access points.
The cells have the function of subnets between which the mobile nodes can move.

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Part A: Network structures and network configuration
2.6 Advanced network configurations

Shared medium instead of switched medium

It must be remembered that wireless networks always operate according to the shared
medium principle; in other words, only one node can send at any one time. As the number of
nodes increases, the achievable data rate inevitably falls for the individual nodes.

See also
Structuring wireless networks (Page 67)
Access points W-780 (Page 143)
Various WLAN accessories (Page 214)
IWLAN RCoax Cable (leaky feeder cable) (Page 213)
IWLAN/PB Link PN IO (Page 156)
Connecting a PROFIBUS network to a PROFINET installation (Page 77)
IWLAN application example: Power screwdriver control (Page 75) Structuring wireless networks

Ad hoc networks
If wireless networks are set up without any further structuring, they are known as ad hoc
In such networks, each node can contact any other node at any time. The achievable data
rate sinks quickly because every active sender blocks all others. At the same time, there are
serious security and reliability problems because no control entity is controlling the data
Ad hoc networks can only operated according to the 802.11 "b" standard.
For reasons of data security, transmission reliability and optimum performance, it is not
advisable to operate an industrial wireless network as an ad hoc network. With ad hoc
networks, protection against unauthorized intrusion and eavesdropping is difficult while the
uncoordinated data traffic is not ideal for optimum performance. Response time and data
rates cannot be guaranteed.
As an alternative, wireless networks can be configured in "infrastructure mode".

Use of access points and clients in infrastructure mode

A wireless network can be structured by using one node as an access point that manages
communication with other nodes, the clients. When a network is structured in this way, this is
known as infrastructure mode. The access point can manage access authorization for the
nodes and assign them time slots for communication to ensure real-time response and
deterministic communication.

Coordination by an access point: Standalone networks

The simplest form of an infrastructure network is a single wireless cell that is coordinated by
an access point.

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2.6 Advanced network configurations

In this case, a central access point functions like a switch receiving the frames from the
individual nodes (clients) and forwarding them.

Figure 2-15 Wireless network in standalone mode Normally, SCALANCE W clients take the place of PROFIBUS links.

This mechanism has several advantages:

● It is not necessary for all nodes to be within the range of the others; it is adequate if all
nodes have a connection to the access point.
● The access point can control and coordinate data traffic. Assigning time slots during
which the individual clients are permitted to send, means, for example, that cycle times
and data rates can be guaranteed.

Structuring of wireless networks with wireless cells

It is also more economical to divide a WLAN into several cells since only one node can
transmit on one channel at any one time. If several cells are available, there can be an active
sender in every cell and the actual data throughput is increased.

Connecting individual wireless cells

If the network has a larger span, the wireless network is divided into cells. All clients within
the cell are within the range of a central access point (AP). The other nodes, the clients, only
ever communicate with their access point and not directly with other clients.

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2.6 Advanced network configurations

The actual users of the network, CPUs, HMI devices etc. are also connected over wired
Ethernet with the second interface of the client.
The setting up of a network with more than one cell may be necessary due to the span
involved: It is practically impossible to predict the range that can be covered by an access
point. (This is influenced by shadowing and reflections caused by stationary or mobile
objects and interference from other transmitters.) In closed rooms, omnidirectional antennas
typically cover distances between 30 m and 100 m.

Industrial Industrial
Ethernet Ethernet

Access Point
Access Point Access Point
W788-1PRO S7-400
W788-2PRO W788-2PRO

ET 200S IE Client Module
Field PG/
with CP 7515
IE Client Module

Automated guided Wireless SPS
vehicle systems Mobile diagnosis and service Separate radio network

Figure 2-16 Structure of a WLAN with several wireless cells

In the illustration above, the access points are interconnected by wired Industrial Ethernet.
Each access point spreads a wireless cell (light shaded area) within which it communicates
with its (stationary) clients. Communication between cells is handled over Industrial Ethernet.
If a network with several cells is necessary, the APs have to communicate with each other
over a separate channel. To allow this, all W-780 access points have a wired Ethernet
interface; the W788-1PRO and W788-2PRO access points also have a second wireless
interface that serves the same purpose. This means that the connection between the cells
can be established over cable or over wireless.

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Part A: Network structures and network configuration
2.6 Advanced network configurations

Communication between a client located in cell "A" and a client in cell "B" is always handled
via the APs in cells "A" and "B" even if the two clients are theoretically within each other's

Clients moving between wireless cells: "Roaming"

The situation becomes more complicated if clients are allows to move: What happens when
the leave the area of one wireless cell and enter another? This is known as roaming and the
control of the mobile client must then be passed from one access point to another.


Radio cell 1 Radio cell 2

Industrial Ethernet Field PG/

Access Point Access Point
W788-1PRO W788-1PRO


Client Module Client Module

W746-1PRO W746-1PRO


X208 X208 X208
S7-300 S7-300 S7-300

Automated Guided Vehicle System (AGVS)

Figure 2-17 Roaming between wireless cells

The figure above shows how a moving node (in this case an automated guided vehicle
system) is handed over between two wireless cells: The access point of the first cell in which
the AGVS is originally located hands over the router function of the AGVS when this reaches
the boundary between its own cell and the cell of the next access point. As of this point, the
second access point is responsible for managing the client AGVS.

Roaming causes problems

One problem associated with roaming is the time required
● to detect that the old wireless cell is being exited and
● to establish the connection to a new wireless cell.

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2.6 Advanced network configurations

This handover typically takes several hundred milliseconds; and this time is too long for
many industrial applications. To speed up the handover, "rapid roaming" with the iPCF
method ("industrial Point Coordination Function") is used to reduce the interruption to a
length of time acceptable for industrial requirements. SCALANCE W access points and
clients with the supplement "RR" in the device name have the rapid roaming function that
reduces the interruption to only a few milliseconds.

Complex structures
Depending on the requirements of the automation task and the performance of the devices,
even more complex structures are possible:
● Multichannel configuration: Adjacent wireless cells communicate on different frequencies.
This ensures that nodes in cell "A" cannot disrupt cell "B" and that communication can
continue reliably.
● Wireless Distribution System ("WDS"): An infrastructure network in which the connection
between the cells (the backbone) is not over cable but over a second wireless interface of
the access point.
● Redundant Wireless LAN ("RWLAN"): In this case, there are two frequencies available for
the backbone. If one of these frequencies is disrupted, the APs can change to the other
frequency. This means that the availability and reliability of the network is retained even
in a disrupted environment.

Leaky feeder cable

In environments that make the use of wireless difficult (for example in tunnels), or when the
node only moves along predefined rails (for example automated guided vehicle systems), it
is sometimes preferable to replace the omnidirectional antennas with an RCoax leaky feeder
The leaky feeder cable is a special antenna in the form of a thick, flexible cable that
produces an RF field with high intensity but only over a very limited range. As long as it can
be guaranteed that the communication partner moves in an area close to the RCoax cable,
the leaky feeder cable provides a reliable RF field and an excellent connection to the nodes.

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2.6 Advanced network configurations

Radio cell

Access Point
RCoax Cable


Link PN IO




Field PG/Notebook
gear 1

gear 2

gear 3

gear 4

gear 5

Figure 2-18 Function of the RCoax leaky feeder cable

The distance between the end node and the leaky feeder cable can be up to approx. 1 m.
Several leaky feeder cable elements can be combined up to a total length of approx. 100 m.
They create individual antenna wireless cells and the node roams between them. Refer to
IWLAN application example for a use case. Power screwdriver control.

Connecting PROFIBUS segments: IWLAN/PB Link PN IO

To connect PROFIBUS nodes to an Industrial WLAN, the IWLAN/PB Link PNIO can be
used. This provides the gateway between IWLAN and a PROFIBUS network and can be
equipped with omnidirectional antennas or with a special antenna for communication with a
leaky feeder cable.

Industrial Ethernet Networking Manual

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2.6 Advanced network configurations

Industrial Ethernet PROFIBUS


Industrial Ethernet IWLAN/PB

Link PN IO


Industrial Ethernet
IWLAN RCoax Cable


Link PN IO

Figure 2-19 IWLAN/PROFIBUS gateway

Refer to Connecting a PROFIBUS network to a PROFINET installation (Page 77) for a use

See also
IWLAN application example: Power screwdriver control (Page 75)
SCALANCE W wireless network components (Page 139)
Components for wireless networks (Page 209)
IWLAN/PB Link PN IO (Page 156)
Access points W-780 (Page 143)
RCoax leaky feeder cable (Page 519) IWLAN application example: Bottling plant

An optimum solution is required for a filling machine with moving bottles. The valves on the
moving part of the filling machine need to open and close in real-time.
The wired solution used up to now had too many downtimes because the slip ring contacts
were subject to wear and tear and the communication system suffered from a lot of

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2.6 Advanced network configurations

Alternative wireless solutions such as the use of infrared over the AS-Interface and
PROFIBUS did not match up to the required performance and reliability. The final decision is
a PROFINET solution with IO communication.
A SIMATIC ET 200S is installed as the control unit on the moving parts of the filling machine
along with a SCALANCE W788-1RR access point and a SCALANCE
W747-1RR as client module to control the fast opening and closing of the valves.


Figure 2-20 IWLAN: System solution for bottling plants

The wireless PROFINET communication allows the common use of real-time and TCP/IP-
based communication on one cable and permits the integration of controller, distributed I/O
and other Ethernet-based devices in one communications structure. The cyclic transfer of I/O
data along with the process image of the corresponding controller makes for precise and
very fast opening and closing of the valves.
With the wireless access to the moving parts of the machine, there is no longer any wear
and tear costing long downtimes and high costs.
This interface can, in future, also be used for service making programming much simpler.

● Costs saved by reduction of the downtimes with reliable communication in real time and
savings on slip rings
● Significant improvement in performance
● Protection of investment by integrating PROFIBUS field devices in an IWLAN wireless
● Cost-effective solution even compared with AS-Interface or PROFIBUS
● Option of wireless programming for service purposes
● Future-proof solution due to the use of the PROFINET standard and due to the option of
integrating further applications such as a weighing system with SIWAREX

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See also
Access points W-780 (Page 143)
SCALANCE W-740 Client Modules (Page 150)
IWLAN/PB Link PN IO (Page 156) IWLAN application example: Power screwdriver control

The aim is to reduce the number of power screwdrivers in motor vehicle assembly. The
previous solution has a power screwdriver for each cycle and every bar code acquisition.
Since the wired solution with slip rings required maintenance, a reliable wireless
communications solution is intended to increase efficiency and reduce tooling times.
The products should be suitable for industry and be available worldwide. Investment should
be protected by components that will be available in the long term.

S7-300 with
CP 343-1

Access Point

Segment 1

Power screwdriver

Operator control
and monitoring


Figure 2-21 IWLAN: System solution for screwdriver controller with RCoax cable and SCALANCE

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2.6 Advanced network configurations

To set up the wireless data transmission, the silicon-free leaky feeder cable IWLAN RCoax
cable will be used along the coding bar. This generates a defined, cone-shaped and reliable
RF field and can be moved easily. The RCoax cable is therefore ideal for use in
environments in which wireless is otherwise difficult and whenever rail-guided vehicles are
For the feed-in stations for the RCoax Cable, IWLAN access points SCALANCE W788-1RR
to IEEE 802.11 b/g (2.4 GHz) with data rates up to 54 Mbps will be used. The client module
SCALANCE W747-1RR will be installed as the mobile node. This allows the same mobile
unit to be used for all applications so that a mobile power screwdriver can be used for
several cycles.
With this implementation with SCALANCE W747-1RR, there is also the option of using up to
eight end devices

● Lower investment costs due to the savings on power screwdrivers
● Reduction of maintenance costs and downtimes with a reliable wireless and therefore
non-wearing data transmission to mobile communications partners
● Reduction of downtimes in the event of faults by using the C-PLUG (configuration plug);
devices can be replaced without a programming device and without needing specialist
● Reduction of operator activity, for example scanning, cycle transfer, travel time
● Changing models is straightforward and depends only on materials logistics
● Integration of further applications for quality control is possible
● Full screwdriver data can be loaded over the IWLAN link

See also
Access points W-780 (Page 143)
SCALANCE W-740 Client Modules (Page 150)
C-PLUG configuration memory (Page 223) Wireless networks under extreme climatic conditions

The W-786 access points

SCALANCE W-786 products are particularly suitable in areas with extreme climatic
conditions. Even at temperatures down to -40 °C or up to +70 °C, SCALANCE W-786
devices can be installed and operated with no problems.
With their resistance to UV and salt spray, they are suitable for installation in areas with hard
requirements such as harbors. When antennas are necessary in exacting environmental
conditions, the variants of the SCALANCE W-786 product line with internal antennas are

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2.6 Advanced network configurations

Figure 2-22 Harbor installation as an example of wireless networks in hostile climatic conditions

The SCALANCE W-786 is only an access point but it can nevertheless be configured as a
client module using Web-based management.
If SCALANCE W-786 devices are configured as client modules, then depending on the
selected variant, a maximum of one wireless module is available as client.

See also
SCALANCE W-786 (Page 145) Connecting a PROFIBUS network to a PROFINET installation

In a brick works, during production the green bricks are transported to the drying chamber by
a trolley or shuttle conveyor. The shuttle conveyor not only runs back and forth between the
two stations, but also fulfills other tasks. When the shuttle conveyor arrives, the doors or the
drying chamber open or close automatically.
The original solution used a trailing cable for communication between the conveyor and the
plant control, however this turned out to require too much maintenance. The plant then
converted to wireless PROFIBUS modems:

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2.6 Advanced network configurations

Figure 2-23 PROFIBUS/PROFINET gateway, 1st stage

The results were, however, not satisfactory. The maintenance was no longer required but
communication was liable to disruption and was interrupted time and again for short periods.
The reason turned out to be that the cycle time and transmission rate via wireless
PROFIBUS were inadequate to meet the requirements of the plant.

The system was replaced by a PROFINET IWLAN. Instead of the wireless PROFIBUS
modem, an IWLAN/PB Link PN/IO took over communication between the ET 200M head
modules, the HMI operator station and the S7 plant controller that in turn communicate over
SCALANCE W access points or clients.

Figure 2-24 PROFIBUS/PROFINET gateway, 2nd stage

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2.6 Advanced network configurations

This solution combines PROFINET IO and wireless industrial technology. The plant therefore
has real-time PROFINET communication based on Ethernet with a high data rate and is
transparent to the PROFIBUS network.

● Maintenance-free communications medium (no more moving parts),
● Transparent network with wireless PROFINET/PROFIBUS gateway,
● More user friendliness with wireless PCs for diagnostics, process visualization etc.,
● High data rate, reliable communication,
● Elimination of downtimes due to disruptions,
● Operating costs, particularly for maintenance, significantly lower,
● Increased productivity,
● Installation of a flexible, expandable system with system reserves.

See also
Access points W-780 (Page 143)
SCALANCE W-740 Client Modules (Page 150)
IWLAN/PB Link PN IO (Page 156)

2.6.2 Secured networks Protection of the production network when networking with the office network

● The production network needs to be protected from unauthorized attacks from the office
network and the automation cells from mutual influence.
● Total integration from the management level to field level should be possible to allow
comprehensive diagnostics for field devices and network components.
● Cells with predominantly the same structure (same private IP addresses) should be
protected from illegal access.
– A Syslog server should log all attacks, for example by hackers, or overload.
– Process data such as numbers produced, fabrication numbers, type designations
should be logged.
● The configuration should be simple since personnel without special training in security will
be used for commissioning and service.

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2.6 Advanced network configurations



Office environment Factory computer center

Printer Office PC ROBCAD Test Process Virus File Syslog Print DHCP
PC systems data protection server server server DNS
recording server archive server
Factory network

Industrial Ethernet
with layer 3-functions with layer 3-functions
(IP routing) (IP routing)


Vehicle body production network

Adhesive bead Adhesive bead

Plant PC Bolt PC monitoring Laser PC Plant PC Bolt PC monitoring Laser PC
Plant cells

Robot Bolt Programming Screwdriver Robot Bolt Programming Screwdriver

controller device controller device
S7-400 with S7-400 with
CP 443-1 Welding CP 443-1 Welding

controller controller

Figure 2-25 Plant network protected with SCALANCE S

The use of SCALANCE S602 as a firewall serves to filter data packets and to allow
communication connections according to the firewall rules. Incoming and outgoing
communication can be filtered as well as IP and MAC addresses or communications
protocols (ports). It is also possible to set an overload limit.
The firewall integrated in the security modules can be configured so that only a certain
number of stations are permitted access.
The logging functionality allows access monitoring and logs attacks and attempted access to
allow preventive measures to be taken.

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2.6 Advanced network configurations

An IP address conversion is necessary for effective protection of the established cells. The
SCALANCE S602 security modules with NAT/NAPT functionality are used to achieve this.
Syslog information such as process data is automatically sent to the Syslog server.
This means that the production network is protected effectively and reliably from
unauthorized access from the office network, but that the office network is also protected
from influence from the production network.

● Protecting the plant from unauthorized attacks and communication overload by using
● Effective protection from mutual influence between production and office network
● Continuous monitoring of access to the production network
● Cost saving by saving on public IP addresses
● Simple maintenance and diagnostics, since all protected cells can be set up identically.

The SCALANCE S602 security modules do not work in conjunction with the SOFTNET
security client.

See also
SCALANCE S Security Module (Page 158) Automation network with protection from office network influences

● Automation systems should be protected within the automation cell even without their
own security functionality.
● Existing network settings such as topology, addresses or protocols used should remain
unchanged by implementing security.
● Mechanisms for authentication and data encryption should be used to prevent falsification
of IP addresses or manipulation and espionage

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2.6 Advanced network configurations


Visualization with
WinCC flexible Runtime
Field PG

SOFTNET Security Client

S612 S612

Transfer of
productivity data
Switch via VPN
X208 5

SIMATIC Station 1 ET 200S with SIMATIC Station 2

with CP 343-1 IM151-3 PN with CP 343-1 Lean

Automation cell 1 Automation cell 2

secure network
insecure network

Figure 2-26 Protection of automation cells via a VPN tunnel

VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) allow the secure authentication of communication nodes
and the encryption of data transmission.
The SCALANCE S security modules are used to protect automation networks and for the
secure exchange of data between automation systems.
They only allow communication between authenticated and authorized devices. This protects
from operator errors, prevents unauthorized access and avoids disruptions and
communication overload.
The data transmission is also encrypted providing protection from espionage and
The SOFTNET security client software is used to set up secure VPN connections from
PGs/PCs with network segments. This allows secure VPN client access by PCs/notebooks
to automation systems or cells protected by SCALANCE S.

● Enhanced protection of the plant from unauthorized access, manipulation, espionage and
communication overload by the SOFTNET security client using VPN technology with
● Simple configuration of security mechanisms is possible without specialist knowledge

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2.6 Advanced network configurations

● No modification or adaptation of the existing network structure, applications or nodes

necessary and therefore simple integration in existing systems

See also
SCALANCE S Security Module (Page 158) Data protection for mobile communication

● Mobile access for commissioning, maintenance and service of field devices, control
technology and mobile operator control and monitoring should only be possible for
authorized personnel.
● Personnel should be able to move around freely and have access within the RF field to
data from the machine room and control components.
● This should minimize downtimes and personnel requirements.
● It should be possible to use the components both in the indoor and outdoor areas.
● The configuration of restricted access should be as simple as possible to set since the
plant will only be operated by automation technicians.

PC/IPC with IPC PC/PG/Notebook

Software with CP 7515
SOFTNET Access Pooint and Software
Security Client SCALANCE SOFTNET Security Client

Industrial Ethernet
Security Module Security Module Security Module


Automation cell 1 Automation cell 2 Automation cell 3

protected access (VPN tunnel)

Figure 2-27 Secure access to automation cells protected by SCALANCE S with SOFTNET security client

To achieve the optimum coverage with the RF field, a preliminary illumination is performed
and the RF field planned.

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2.6 Advanced network configurations

A W788-1PRO access point is used to illuminate the space involved. With its robust IP65
metal housing, it can be used both indoors and outdoors. Thanks to the roaming function of
Industrial Wireless LAN (IWLAN), the nodes can move freely in the wireless network.
A field PG is used as the mobile end device.
Use the SCALANCE S security modules and the SOFTNET Security Client software
achieves secure authentication of the communications nodes and encryption of the data
transmission through the VPN tunnel, operator errors and unauthorized access are
prevented as well as espionage and manipulation.

● Mobile communication is protected from unauthorized access, manipulation, espionage
and communications overload
● Simple integration of other mobile nodes even in existing automation systems
● Savings in resources for service and maintenance
● Simple configuration of the security mechanisms without specialist knowledge

See also
SCALANCE S Security Module (Page 158)

2.6.3 Mesh networks

Mesh networks
In a mesh network, every network node is connected to one or more of the other nodes.
Information is passed from node to node until it reaches its destination. If every node is
connected to every other node, this is known as a fully connected network.
● Mesh networks are normally self-healing: If a node or a connection is blocked, the
network can reconfigure itself around the problem. The data is redirected and the network
is then operational again.
● The reconfiguration time can, however, be a problem for industrial applications.
The concept of mesh networks can be used both for wired and wireless networks. Powerful
switches such as the SCALANCE X-300 and X-400 devices are capable of setting up and
controlling mesh networks. These topologies are used in particular when setting up networks
over large areas and at the transition to enterprise networks.

Example: Connecting a redundant ring to a mesh network

From any SCALANCE X-200 / X-300 / X-400 in the ring, a connection can be established to
a component in a mesh network. This connection is not redundant. However, by using the
spanning tree protocol, an alternative route can switched to the component in the ring. From
the perspective of the mesh network, the redundant ring is treated as a hub or switch. Each
connection to a switch in the ring is like a connection to the port of a switch without STP
capability that forwards STP frames transparently. This means that a redundant ring in a
manufacturing process can be connected to a network in the office world.

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2.6 Advanced network configurations

With a SCALANCE X-400, the simultaneous use of STP and ring redundancy is not possible.
A SCALANCE X-400 cannot use more than one method at one time. If (R)STP is disabled, a
SCALANCE X-400 works in the (R)STP listening mode. In this mode, the switch forwards
(R)STP configuration frames transparently even when (R)STP is disabled for it. If it
recognizes a topology change frame, it reduces the aging time for a limited period or deletes
the address table so that the node list is updated more quickly.

IT network (Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol RSTP)

Switch Switch


Switch Switch


Industrial 100/1000
Ethernet Mbit/s


Ring structure in industrial fields

Figure 2-28 Integration of an optical ring in a mesh network

See also
SCALANCE X-200/X-200 IRT (Page 121)
SCALANCE X-400 modular (Page 132)

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Part B:

Target group and content

This part is intended for decision makers and planners.
This part introduces the entire SIMATIC NET product lines. Here, you will find the main
characteristics of the SCALANCE generation of switches, security and wireless components
- the emphasis being on their technical properties. OSM and ESM devices, passive
components (such as cables and connectors) and accessories are also described.

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Part B: The SCALANCE generation of devices 3
3.1 The SCALANCE X family of switches

3.1.1 Switches in the Industrial Ethernet environment

Overview of the SCALANCE X Industrial Ethernet switches

Figure 3-1 SCALANCE X device overview

SCALANCE X is the current family of Industrial Ethernet switches from SIMATIC NET. It is
made up of various product lines each complementing the other that are also available for
PROFINET applications and are tailored to specific automation tasks.

Switched network
The transmission media used between the switches are fiber-optic cables (optical) or
twisted-pair cables (electrical). End devices or network segments are connected over
twisted-pair cable.

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Part B: The SCALANCE generation of devices
3.1 The SCALANCE X family of switches

Highlights of the Industrial Ethernet switches SCALANCE X

● Graduated portfolio of complementary products from the entry level to modular high-end
● Use as redundancy manager for setting up redundant network structures,
● Seamless integration of automation and existing office networks,
● Routing functions at layer 3 level for communication between IP subnets,
● Robust, innovative and space-saving housing concept; extremely good integration in
SIMATIC automation solutions; free choice between 35 mm DIN rail, S7-300 standard rail
or direct wall mounting,
● Securing collar concept; with the PROFINET-compliant connector Industrial Ethernet
FastConnect RJ-45 Plug 180 from SIMATIC NET provides additional tensile and bending
strain relief for the RJ-45 port,
● High-speed redundancy allows very fast reconfiguration (< 0.3 seconds) with up to
50 SCALANCE X-200, SCALANCE X-300 or SCALANCE X-400 switches in the ring.

3.1.2 Device series of the SCALANCE X switches

SCALANCE X005 entry level

Unmanaged switch with five RJ-45 ports for use in machine and plant islands.

SCALANCE X-100 unmanaged

Switches with up to twenty-four electrical and up to two optical ports and on-site diagnostics
for use in applications in the immediate vicinity of machinery.

SCALANCE X-100 unmanaged media converters

Media converters are used to convert electrical to optical signals and to connect existing
networks, for example AUI networks.
The unmanaged Industrial Ethernet media converters are ideally suited for converting
various transmission media in 10/100 Mbps Industrial Ethernet networks in linear bus, star
and ring structures. They are all designed for industry and equipped with a compact housing.

SCALANCE X-200 managed

Configuration and remote diagnostics are integrated in the SIMATIC STEP 7 engineering
tool. This increases plant availability. Devices with a high degree of protection allow
installation without a cabinet.
Universally use from machine-oriented applications to networked units.

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Part B: The SCALANCE generation of devices
3.1 The SCALANCE X family of switches

SCALANCE X-200IRT managed

For use in unit networks with hard real-time requirements (isochronous real time) and
maximum availability. Data traffic without real-time requirements can be handled on the
same network. Dual network structures are therefore not necessary.

SCALANCE X-300 managed plus

The main area of application of the SCALANCE X-300 switches is in high-speed plant
networks with an interface to the Enterprise network. The SCALANCE X-300 managed plus
product line combines the firmware functionality of the SCALANCE X-400 product line
(without routing functions at the layer 3 level) with the compact design of the SCALANCE X-
200 product line. The "managed plus" attribute means both enhanced management
functions compared with the SCALANCE X-200 and enhanced firmware functionality.

SCALANCE X-400 modular

For use in high-speed plant networks that will also be capable of meeting future
requirements (for example high-speed redundancy). The partially modular design concept
provides optimum flexibility to allow this switch to be adapted to the task in hand. Support of
numerous standardized IT functions makes the smooth integration of automation networks in
existing office networks possible.

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Part B: The SCALANCE generation of devices
3.2 The SCALANCE W family of components for wireless networks

3.2 The SCALANCE W family of components for wireless networks

3.2.1 Wireless components for Industrial Ethernet

Industrial mobile communication with SCALANCE W

Figure 3-2 Industrial mobile communication

The key to market success tomorrow is the availability of information at any location and at
any time. Processes can be much more efficiently designed using mobile devices networked
over standardized and available wireless networks. The advantage of wireless solutions is
primarily the simple and flexible accessibility of mobile nodes.

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3.2 The SCALANCE W family of components for wireless networks

SCALANCE W – wireless communication

Figure 3-3 SCALANCE W wireless group

The SCALANCE W products offer a unique combination of reliability, robustness and

security in one product. With the basic technology of Industrial Wireless LAN (IWLAN), they
offer an enhancement of the IEEE 802.11 standard that is particularly attractive to industrial
customers requiring determinism and redundancy. For the first time, a single wireless
network is available both for process-critical data, for example alarm messages (IWLAN), as
well as for non-critical communication (WLAN), for example for service and diagnostics. The
outstanding features of SCALANCE W products are the reliability of the wireless channel
and the dust- and waterproof design (IP65) of the metal housing along with the high degree
of mechanical stability familiar in SIMATIC products. To protect them from unauthorized
access, the products provide modern standard mechanisms for user authentication and
encryption of data, which does not prevent them from being easily integrated into existing
security concepts.

Wireless infrastructure
In contrast to copper and fiber-optic cables, wireless transmission makes use of radio waves.
The propagation characteristics of the electromagnetic waves can differ considerably and
depend on the spatial environment and the installed wireless infrastructure.
To achieve better reception, SIMATIC NET modules use techniques such as antenna
diversity, top-quality receivers and fault-tolerant modulation techniques to improve signal
quality and to prevent the wireless traffic being interrupted. To ensure reliable wireless links,
it is even possible to activate data reservation on the access points to achieve a reliability
similar to that of wired links.
Industrial mobile communication uses the various wireless networks, for example WLAN,
GSM or GPRS together in harmony. First and foremost, this relates to the various frequency
ranges for different applications, the restrictions regarding the maximum transmit power and
the selection of specific transmission techniques.

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Part B: The SCALANCE generation of devices
3.2 The SCALANCE W family of components for wireless networks

Wireless LAN.
IEEE 802.11

depending on surroundings


up to
approx. from approx. 30 m to approx. 300 m from 300 m
10 m

Personal Area Local Area Wide Area
Network (PAN) Network (LAN) Network (WAN)

Figure 3-4 Using different wireless networks

Network solution with Industrial Mobile Communication (IMC)

Mobile end devices allow an uninterrupted flow of information from the enterprise level right
through to the production level.
To simplify planning and configuration of an IWLAN network, the SINEMA E software is
available providing a series of simulation functions. It can visualize wireless and device
properties clearly and in detail and therefore reduce configuration and commissioning effort
and help to avoid configuration errors. It can also be used to detect and precisely evaluate
existing wireless networks to avoid unnecessary coverage ranges or possible wireless dead
For wireless communication in a PROFIBUS environment, a wireless-based solution is
available with the IWLAN/PB Link PN IO.
This allows fast, mobile, secure and simple availability of information at the right place and at
the right time.

Using redundancy mechanisms and packet repetitions, the SCALANCE W access points
create a reliable wireless link that can also resist the interference found in the industrial
The reservation of the data rate makes wireless traffic plannable and prevents delays or
even production downtimes when accessing data.
The C-PLUG exchangeable medium stores project engineering and configuration data
making it possible to replace devices quickly and without specially trained personnel. This
minimizes downtimes and saves training costs.
With "rapid roaming", mobile nodes can be handed over quickly from one RF field to the next
avoiding any interruption in PROFINET IO communication. Several PROFINET IO devices
can also be operated simultaneously over wireless links in real time.

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3.2 The SCALANCE W family of components for wireless networks

Robustness and suitable for industry

Depending on their degree of protection, SCALANCE W products can be subjected to
temperature fluctuations from -20 °C to +60 °C or come into constant contact with dust and
water. With a metal housing and constructed to withstand shock and vibration, they can be
used in a tough industrial environment.
Accessories such as the antennas, power supply unit and the cabling are included in this
concept and manufactured for industrial use.
Power and data are transferred over one cable with Power-over-Ethernet saving investment
and maintenance costs.

Security of the data

Defined transmission times and a net bit rate for the data packets are implemented with the
"reservation of the data rate" function and make cyclic wireless traffic available. Even real
time can be used in a wireless network.
Redundant network concepts can also be implemented over wireless: Wireless channels are
designed redundantly with a switchover in milliseconds so that the application is not affected
by packet repetitions or disruptions on the wireless channel.
The latest encryption mechanisms make the data safe from unwanted access.

Dedicating data transfer rate

Data trans- IEEE 802.11 Data trans- IEEE 802.11 Data trans- IEEE 802.11
fer rate fer rate fer rate Time
dedicated dedicated dedicated

Client 1
Client 2
Client 3
Client 4
Client 5
Client 6

Nodes with Nodes 1,2 and 3 have predictive Node 4 can "only" access the

critical data access to the radio channel, radio channel in the third cycle
controlled by SCALANCE W-780

Figure 3-5 Reserving the data rate

3.2.2 Device series of the SCALANCE W components

Access points and clients

The SCALANCE W product family includes access points that can handle coordination and
routing functions in the wireless network and pure clients that only establish the connection
between wired end devices and the wireless network.

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Part B: The SCALANCE generation of devices
3.2 The SCALANCE W family of components for wireless networks

The functionality of all access points can be reduced so that they can also be used purely as
clients; a client cannot, however, be upgraded to become an access point.

SCALANCE W-788: Standard access points

The W-788 access points are the "workhorses" of the SCALANCE W product range. Robust,
compact and powerful, they all have two antenna interfaces with which even wireless
problem areas can be illuminated.
Web-Based Management and wide range of administrative and date protection functions is
common to all models. Some devices also have rapid roaming capability or have two
wireless interfaces for redundant connections.

SCALANCE W-744: Clients

In terms of their hardware and most technical specifications, the clients of the W-744 series
correspond to the W-788 access points but have a reduced range of software that does not
allow them to be used as access points.

SCALANCE W-786: Access points for difficult external conditions

With degree of protection IP65 and a particularly robust vandal-proof housing no parts
accessible from the outside, the W-786 access points are particularly suited for use in tough
climatic conditions (harbor installations with salt spray etc.) or public places and facilities.

SCALANCE W-784: Access points reduced to the basics

The W-784 access points are a less expensive variant compared with the other access
points. In these devices, the extras have been reduced to a minimum so that their extremely
compact design makes them suitable for installation in switching cubicles or other
environments in which cost containment is more important than resistance to external

See also
SCALANCE W wireless network components (Page 139)

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Part B: The SCALANCE generation of devices
3.3 The SCALANCE S family of security modules

3.3 The SCALANCE S family of security modules

Industrial security with SCALANCE S

Figure 3-6 SCALANCE S picture of the product

Modern automation engineering is based on communication and the increasing networking

of individual manufacturing cells. The integration of all manufacturing components with
continuous networking through to the office network or the company intranet is gaining in
importance all the time. This also applies to remote access options for service, the
increasing use of IT mechanisms such as Web servers and E-mail in programmable
controllers and the use of wireless LANs. This brings industrial communication and the IT
world closer together and subjects it to the known risks from the office and IT environment,
such as hackers, viruses, worms or trojans.
The existing security concepts were developed for the office world and require constant
upkeep and specialist knowledge. Moreover, they are not normally capable of dealing with
the special protocols of industrial communication or the special environmental conditions.
With its Industrial Security concept, Siemens offers a security solution specifically for
industrial automation engineering to meet the requirements of this application environment.

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3.3 The SCALANCE S family of security modules

Production service computer WAN

with SOFTNET Security PC Router MD740-1
Client software Firewall
Host computer with
SOFTNET Security Client software PC with
Server Security
Security Module
MES level
Office level

Switch SCALANCE X-400 Switch SCALANCE X414-3E
Automation network
Secure access (VPN tunnel)

Industrial Ethernet Industrial Ethernet

Security Module Security Module Security Module

PC Robot cells Robot cell
Control & Monitoring Automation cell

Figure 3-7 SCALANCE S application scheme

Advantages of the Industrial Security concept:

● Protection from data espionage and data manipulation
● Protection against overload of the communications system
● Protection against mutual influence
● Protection against incorrect addressing
● Reliable remote access even via the Internet
● User-friendly and simple configuration and administration without specialist IT security
● No changes or adaptation of the existing network structures necessary
● No changes or adaptation of the existing applications or nodes necessary
● Robust design, suitable for industry

SCALANCE S security modules provide scalable security functions:

● Stateful inspection and firewall to protect automation devices from unauthorized access
regardless of the size of the network to be protected.

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3.3 The SCALANCE S family of security modules

● Alternatively or additionally with VPN (Virtual Private Network) for secure authentication
of the communications nodes and encryption of the data transmission
● SOFTNET Security Client for secure access from PCs/notebooks to automation systems
protected by SCALANCE S (in bridge mode).

SOFTNET security modules

The SOFTNET Security Client software serves as a VPN client for programming devices,
PCs and notebooks in an industrial environment. It allows secure VPN client access to
automation systems protected by SCALANCE S.

for Industrial Ethernet

Ethernet S7-400 with
CP 343-1

with CP 243-1

S5-115U to -155U S7-300

with CP 1430 TF with CP 443-1

Figure 3-8 System configuration SOFTNET for Industrial Ethernet

– Protects with the stateful inspection firewall, address translation (NAT/NAPT), DHCP
server and Syslog.
– Protects with stateful inspection firewall
– Up to 64 VPN tunnels simultaneously with up to 32 devices
– Protects with stateful inspection firewall
– Up to 128 VPN tunnels simultaneously with up to 64 devices
– Expanded temperature range from -- 20 °C to + 70 °C

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Part B: The SCALANCE generation of devices
3.4 FastConnect (FC): The fast assembly system for SCALANCE components

Advantages of SCALANCE S
Security modules of the SCALANCE S family are intended specifically for use in automation
engineering but nevertheless fit in seamlessly with the security structures of the office and IT
world. They provide security and meet the special requirements of automation engineering,
such as simple upgrading of existing plants, simple installation and minimized downtimes in
the event of faults.
Various security measures can be combined depending on the security requirements.

See also
Part C: SCALANCE S security components (Page 383)

3.4 FastConnect (FC): The fast assembly system for SCALANCE


The FastConnect connector technology

Figure 3-9 IE FastConnect product group

When installing cables, problems are often encountered stripping the cables, there are too
many connector bits to get lost, wires are incorrectly connected or mistakes are made during
assembly. To avoid this, SCALANCE devices are designed for the use of the fast assembly
system FastConnect (FC).

The FastConnect system covers FC cables, preset stripping tools and specially developed
connectors and includes the following:

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3.4 FastConnect (FC): The fast assembly system for SCALANCE components

● Industrial Ethernet FastConnect cables (IE FC Cable 2x2) specially designed for fast
assembly (PROFINET-compliant, silicone free, halogen free, UL and CAT5e certified) for
a variety of applications as FC TP Standard Cable, FC TP Flexible Cable, FC TP Trailing
Cable and FC TP Marine Cable, and with FRNC jacket.
● Convenient stripping with the FastConnect Stripping Tool for Industrial Ethernet cables,
with which the outer jacket and braid shield can be removed to the perfect length in one
● Cables prepared in this way are connected to the FastConnect using the insulation
piercing technique.
● Industrial Ethernet FC RJ-45 Plugs with 90°, 145° and 180° cable outlet (PROFINET-
compliant) or IE FC Modular Outlet for gigabit cabling

See also
Components for electrical networks (Page 186)

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Part B: Active components and supported topologies 4
4.1 Common properties of all SCALANCE devices

Properties shared by all SCALANCE devices

All SCALANCE devices have the following properties. If there are exceptions, this will be
pointed out in the description of the relevant device.

Autocrossover function
All SCALANCE devices have an integrated MDI/MDIX autocrossover function on their
electrical ports making it possible to use straight-through cables. This prevents malfunctions
resulting from mismatching send and receive wires. This makes installation much easier for
the user.

All SCALANCE devices also have the autonegotiation function. Autonegotiation means the
automatic detection of the functionality of the port at the opposite end. Using autonegotiation,
repeaters or end devices can detect the functionality available at the port of a partner device
allowing automatic configuration of different types of device. With autonegotiation, two
components connected to a link segment can exchange parameters and set themselves to
match the supported communication functionality.
The SCALANCE devices are therefore plug-and-play devices that require no settings when
they are put into operation.
Please note that devices not supporting autonegotiation must be set to 100 Mbps/ half
duplex or 10 Mbps half duplex.

Fault mask
On all SCALANCE devices with a button on the front panel, it is possible to set a specific
configuration as the desired status (good status). Deviations from this setting occurring
during operation are treated as errors.
Monitored error statuses include, for example, the status of the power supply or link down to
a communications partner, to which the SCALANCE device reacts with a fault LED and by
opening the signaling contact.

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4.1 Common properties of all SCALANCE devices

Formation of loops
The typical configuration of a network with the SCALANCE products is a tree structure. The
direct connection of two ports on the switch or accidental connection over several switches
causes an illegal loop. Such a loop can lead to network overload and network failures.
When configuring the network with SCALANCE X400, meshing is possible since, in this
case, the spanning tree algorithm can eliminate the loop. Other SCALANCE products can
also be used in this loop if they cannot form a loop with each other.

Cable length at the electrical ports

A maximum of two IE-TP cords or IE-TP-XP cords with a total length of max. 10 m can be
used between two adjacent SCALANCE devices.
With the IE FC cables and IE FC RJ-45 plug, an overall cable length of a maximum of 100 m
is permitted between two devices depending on the cable type.

Table 4-1 Maximum runs with twisted-pair cables

Cabling structure Cable type Max. length Max. total of the patch
cables (TP cord)
In one piece IE FC standard cable GP 100 m -
(without IE TP cords) IE FC flexible cable GP 85 m
IE FC torsion cable GP 55 m
IE FC trailing cable GP 85 m
IE FC trailing cable 85 m
IE FC marine cable 85 m
Structured IE FC standard cable GP 90 m 10 m
(with IE-TP cords and IE FC flexible cable GP 75 m
IE FC Outlet RJ-45 or IE FC torsion cable GP 45 m
IE FC RJ-45 Modular
IE FC trailing cable GP 75 m
IE FC trailing cable 75 m
IE FC marine cable 75 m

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4.2 SCALANCE X switches and media converters

4.2 SCALANCE X switches and media converters

4.2.1 Product features of the SCALANCE X devices

Overview of the performance classes of the SCALANCE X devices

Real-Time Isochronous Real-Time



Managed plus X310 X308-2 X308-2 LD



X204-2/ X206-1/ X212-2/ X202-2IRT X201-3P IRT


X208 X216 X224 X204-2LD X206-1LD X212-2 LD X204IRT X200-4P IRT X202-2P IRT

Unmanaged X108 X116 X124 X104-2 X106-1 X112-2



Entry Level

Figure 4-1 Overview of Industrial Ethernet switches

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4.2 SCALANCE X switches and media converters

Media converter (MC)

Modulare Gigabit


OMC TP11 /

X101-1 X101-1LD X101-1POF X101-1AUI X101-1FL OMC TP11LD


Entry Level

Figure 4-2 Performance range of the SCALANCE X-100 media converters

Overview table
You will find a table with an overview of the product features of the various SCALANCE X
devices at the end of this section.

Electrical and optical interfaces

SCALANCE devices can be used as switches in both optical and electrical Industrial
Ethernet networks. Each performance class therefore includes a mixture of devices with
varying numbers of electrical and optical interfaces. The optical interfaces also include
versions specially designed to cover long distances. These are available in devices that have
LD in the device designation.

Management functions
A further distinction between the devices is that the SCALANCE X200, SCALANCE X300
and SCALANCE X400 devices have management functions whereas the SCALANCE X100
and SCALANCE X005 do not. While unmanaged devices are less expensive, managed

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4.2 SCALANCE X switches and media converters

devices provide numerous configuration and diagnostics functions that make the operation of
an Industrial Ethernet network much more convenient.

Fault-tolerance due to redundancy

The SCALANCE X-200, X-300 and X-400 switches have functions that allow the setup and
management of redundant networks in a ring structure. These networks can handle the
failure of individual nodes or cable sections and "divert" the data traffic so that the network
remains available.

IRT for strict real-time requirements

Devices with the IRT supplement (Isochronous Real Time) are particularly suitable for
applications in which a data transmission must be guaranteed at fixed intervals. To allow
this, all devices in an Industrial Ethernet have the same timebase. The messages of the
preferred nodes are transmitted together at previously configured times. Frames of other
nodes are held back by the IRT switches and sent later.

SCALANCE X-100 media converters

The media converters of the SCALANCE X-100 line are particularly suitable for applications
in which two Industrial Ethernet networks implemented with different media need to be
linked. These have only two interfaces and therefore fit into an extremely narrow casing.
They can also be used in a redundant ring.
The media converters have electrical and optical interfaces to link optical media with
electrical networks and to link existing network segments or individual end devices via
10BaseFL, AUI drop cable, etc.

SCALANCE X-400 modular switches

To achieve the greatest possible flexibility in terms of interfaces, the use of the modular
devices SCALANCE X414-3E and SCALANCE X408-2 is recommended. By making use of
media modules, these provide the maximum possible variability. Apart from numerous
management functions, these devices can also be used to link redundant electrical and
optical rings.

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4.2 SCALANCE X switches and media converters

Table showing an overview of the functions

Type and number of ports Features

Gigabit Ethernet Fast Ethernet

Diagnostics: Web, SNMP

10 / 100 /

PROFINET diagnostics
10/100 Mbit/s 100 Mbit/s

SIMATIC environment
1000 Mbit/s

Standby redundancy

RSTP IT features
Gigabit technology
Compact housing

Layer 3 switching
Ring redundancy
LED diagnostics
TP FO TP Fiber Optic

Modular design
Signal contact

IRT capability
Local display

Digital inputs
C-PLUG slot
2 x 24 V DC

(set button)
Type of RJ45 M12 POF/ Multi- Single-

with RM
PCF mode mode



X414-3E 2 2 4) 20 3) 12 3) 12 3) 8

X408-2 4 4 4) 4 4 1)
4 2)

X310 3 7

X308-2 1 2 5) 7
X308-2LD 1 2 5) 7
X204IRT 4
X202-2IRT 2 2
X202-2P IRT 2 2
X201-3P IRT 1 3
X200-4P IRT 4
X224 24
X216 16

X212-2 12 2
X212-2LD 12 2
X208 8
X208PRO 8
X206-1 6 1
X206-1LD 6 1
X204-2 4 2
X204-2LD 4 2
X124 24
X116 16
X112-2 12 2

X108 8
X106-1 6 1
X104-2 4 2

X005 5

well suitable 1) can be additionally plugged in via multimode media modules 3) with extender module
2) can be additionally plugged in via singlemode media modules 4) can additionally be plugged with singlemode or multimode media modules with SC interface
1) and 2) a total of max. 2 media modules 100 MBit/sec can be plugged in 5) singlemode or multimode with SC interface G_IK10_XX_10216

Figure 4-3 SCALANCE X product table

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4.2 SCALANCE X switches and media converters

Diagnostics options
The individual SCALANCE X devices provide the following diagnostics options:

Possibilities of diagnostics with switches

LED Error signal Signal screen PROFINET Web-based Diagnostics VLAN IGMP- RSTP Multicast-/ Layer 3
Module type contact form diagnostics manage- via SNMP Snooping/ broadcast- (IP-Routing)
ment -Querier limitation
SCALANCE X414-3E/X408-2
X-200P IRT


1) with SCALANCE X414-3E

Figure 4-4 Diagnostics options of the SCALANCE X switches

See also
Part C: SCALANCE X switches and media converters (Page 229)

4.2.2 Entry level SCALANCE X005 X005 area of application


Figure 4-5 SCALANCE X005

The SCALANCE X005 switch allows the cost-effective installation of small Industrial Ethernet
linear bus or star structures with switching functionality. The devices are designed for
installation in a switching cubicle.

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4.2 SCALANCE X switches and media converters

The SCALANCE X005 has five RJ-45 jacks for connection of end devices or other network

See also
SCALANCE X005 (Page 233)
Product features of the SCALANCE X devices (Page 105) Design of the SCALANCE X005

Design of the SCALANCE X005

The SCALANCE X005 Industrial Ethernet switch with its robust metal casing is ideal for
installation on a DIN rail and an S7 standard rail. It is also possible to install the device
directly on a wall in various positions. Thanks to its S7-300 housing dimensions, the device
is ideal for integration in an automation solution with S7-300 components.
The SCALANCE X005 has five RJ-45 jacks with MDI-X pin assignment, automatic detection
of the data rate (10 or 100 Mbps), autosensing and autocrossing function for connecting
Industrial Ethernet FC cables.

No power supply redundancy, no signaling contact

To accommodate as many TP interfaces as possible in the smallest possible space, it was
decided not to include a redundant power supply or a signaling contact.

See also
Common connector pin assignments of SCALANCE X devices (Page 230) Functions of the X005

The SCALANCE X005 supports the MDI / MDIX autocrossover function. This makes it
possible to use straight-through cables.
The SCALANCE X005 also has the autonegotiation and auto polarity exchange functions.
This makes the SCALANCE X005 a plug-and-play device that does not require settings to be
made for commissioning.
Please note that ports of partner stations requiring a fixed configuration must be set to 100
Mbps/ half duplex or 10 Mbps half duplex.

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4.2 SCALANCE X switches and media converters Topologies with the SCALANCE X005

Network topologies
Switching technology allows extensive networks to be set up with numerous nodes and
simplifies network expansion.
With the SCALANCE X005 device, linear bus and star topologies can be implemented.
It is not possible to use a SCALANCE X005 switch in a redundant ring because it does not
support redundancy.

See also
Linear structure (Page 54)
Star structure (Page 55)

4.2.3 SCALANCE X-100 and X-200 devices Overview of the SCALANCE X-100 and X-200 devices

Comparison of the features of the SCALANCE X100 and 200 devices

This section compares the major features of the SCALANCE X100 and 200 devices to help
you to find the most suitable device for a given application.
The devices of the SCALANCE X100 product line are unmanaged Industrial Ethernet
switches with up to 24 ports and on-site diagnostics for applications in the vicinity of the
The devices of the SCALANCE X-200 product line are managed Industrial Ethernet switches
also with a maximum of 24 ports that can be used universally for applications ranging from
those in the vicinity of the machinery to networked plant subunits. Configuration engineering
and remote diagnostics are integrated in the SIMATIC STEP 7 engineering tool increasing
the plant availability. Devices with a high degree of protection allow installation without a
With the SCALANCE X200-4P IRT, X201-3P IRT, X202-2P IRT, X202-2IRT and X204IRT
(isochronous real time), SIMATIC NET offers the first Industrial Ethernet real-time switches
from the new SCALANCE series with innovative housing concept and integrated ERTEC
(Enhanced Real-Time Controller). By using the "cut through" switching mechanism, the
switches are ideal to meet the real-time requirements of PROFINET. This reduces the delay
in an IRT switch from approximately 10 us to approximately 3.5 us (best case).
The following SCALANCE X-100/200 devices are available with optical interfaces. The
transmission mode of these 100Base-FX connectors conforms to the IEEE 802.3 standard.
These devices have FO interfaces that are particularly suited to the use of single mode
FO cables with a core diameter of 10 µm. The light source is an LED that emits light with
a wavelength of 1310 nm.

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4.2 SCALANCE X switches and media converters

The maximum transmission range (segment length) is 26 km.

The cables are connected over BFOC sockets.
Data transmission is over multimode fiber-optic cable (FOC). The wavelength is 1310 nm.
Multimode FO cable is used with a core diameter of 50 or 62.5 µm. The light source is an
LED. The outer diameter of the FO cable is 125 µm.
The maximum transmission range (segment length) is 3 km.
The cables are connected over BFOC sockets.
Data is transferred using plastic optical fiber (POF) or polymer cladded fiber (PCF). The
wavelength is 650 nm. POF cables with a core diameter of 980 µm as well as PCF cables
with core diameter of 200 µm are used. The light source is an LED.
The minimum cable length is 1 m. The maximum transmission range (segment length) is
50 m for POF and 100 m for PCF cables.
The cables are connected over SC-RJ sockets.

Features common to all X-100/X-200 switches

All SCALANCE switches of the X-100/X-200 series have the following features:
● They are robust and suitable for use in an industrial environment,
● Diagnostics LEDs,
● Redundant 24 V DC power supply,
● Compact housing (securing collars, etc.)
● Signaling contact and local operation.

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4.2 SCALANCE X switches and media converters

Features of the specific products

The following table provides an overview of the features of the individual switches.

Table 4-2 Overview of the product characteristics

Device type SCALANCE X

104-2 204-2 212-2 204-2LD 212-2LD 200-4PIRT
106-1 206-1 216 206-1LD 201-3PIRT
108 208 224 202-2IRT
112-2 208PRO 202-2PIRT
116, 204IRT
Fast learning - + + + + +
Passive - + 1) + + + +
Log table - + 1) + + 2) + +
SNTP + - + 1) 2) + + 2) + +
Cut through - - - - - +
Fast learning: Quick recognition of MAC addresses on the device that change during
operation (for example, when an end node is reconnected).
1) Except 208PRO
2) As of hardware/firmware version V2
Cut through is not possible
● between a port set to 10 Mbps and a port set to 100 Mbps
● when two packets are to be sent at the same time on one port.

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4.2 SCALANCE X switches and media converters SCALANCE X-100 unmanaged

Area of application of the X-100


Figure 4-6 Product pictures of the SCALANCE X-100 series

The unmanaged Industrial Ethernet switches of the SCALANCE X-100 series allow cost-
effective setup of Industrial Ethernet with 10/100 Mbps linear bus or star structures with
switching functionality. They are particularly suitable for applications in the immediate vicinity
of machines and have a robust metal housing for space-saving installation in a cubicle on a
DIN rail, S7-300 standard rail or for wall mounting.
The node or network connectors are robust, designed for industry and have electrical or
optical interfaces depending on the model. The cable connectors conform to PROFINET and
lock into the housing providing additional strain and bending relief.
Simple diagnostics is possible on the device with the LEDs (power LED, fault LED, LED for
link status or data traffic) and signaling contact.
The use of a redundant power supply is also possible.

See also
SCALANCE X-100 (Page 237)
Product features of the SCALANCE X devices (Page 105)

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4.2 SCALANCE X switches and media converters

X-100 design

The SCALANCE Industrial Ethernet switches with their robust metal IP30 housing are ideal
for installation on a DIN rail and an S7-300 standard rail. It is also possible to install the
device directly on a wall in various positions. Thanks to its the housing dimensions that
match those of the S7-300, the devices are ideal for integration in an automation solution
with S7-300 components.
All SCALANCE X-100 switches have the following connectors:
● A 4-pin terminal block for connecting the redundant power supply (2 x 24 V DC)
● A 2-pin terminal block for connecting the floating signaling contact
The following are available depending on the device:
● 10/100BaseTX, RJ-45 connector:
RJ-45 jack, automatic detection of the data rate (10 or 100 Mbps), autosensing and
autocrossing function for connecting Industrial Ethernet FC cables via Industrial Ethernet
FC RJ-45 Plug 180 up to 100 m
● 100BaseFX, ST connectors, for multimode fiber-optic cables
ST sockets for direct connection to the Industrial Ethernet FO cables up to 3000 m to set
up linear bus and star structures. Wavelength: 1310 nm
With the Industrial Ethernet FastConnect RJ-45 Plug and Industrial Ethernet FastConnect
standard cable, installation is possible without a patch panel.

Functions of the X-100

The integrated switch functionality results in a distribution of network load.

LEDs display the following information locally:
● Power
● Port status
● Data traffic
● Signaling contact

Signaling contact
X-100 switches can indicate the following errors/faults via the floating signaling contact:
● The failure of a link at a monitored port,
● The failure of one of the two redundant power supplies,
The connection or disconnection of a communication node on an unmonitored port does not
lead to an error message.

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4.2 SCALANCE X switches and media converters

The signaling contact remains activated until the error/fault is eliminated or until the current
status is applied as the new desired status by Web Based Management or using the button.
When the device is turned off, the signaling contact is always activated (open).

Topologies with X-100

Network topology and network configuration

SCALANCE X-100 switches are particularly suitable for setting up electrical and optical
Industrial Ethernet linear bus or star structures. These are normally installed in a switching
cubicle along with the nodes to be connected.
When the switches of the SCALANCE X-100 family are cascaded, there is no restriction to
the network span. This makes network configuration simple and the delay time does not
need to be calculated. The network can be expanded at any time without problems.
During network configuration, however, the following constraints must be remembered:
● Length of the TP cable between two SCALANCE X switches:
– Max. 100 m via Industrial Ethernet FC cable with Industrial Ethernet FC RJ-45 Plug
– Max. 10 m via patch cables with TP Cord
– Max. 100 m via Industrial Ethernet FC Outlet RJ-45 or Industrial Ethernet FC modular
Outlet RJ-45, IE FC standard cable and TP Cord (total portion via TP Cord max. 10 m)
● Length of the optical cables:
– Max. 3000 m with Industrial Ethernet FO cables

See also
Linear structure (Page 54)
Star structure (Page 55) SCALANCE X-100 media converters

Overview of the media converters

Comparison of the features of the media converters

Media converters are used to link two Industrial Ethernet networks. The major advantage of
the converters is their compact construction and cost-effective design.
This section provides an overview of the features of these unmanaged Industrial Ethernet
media converters.

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4.2 SCALANCE X switches and media converters

Product features
The media converters of the SCALANCE X-100 series allow the cost-effective installation of
Industrial Ethernet linear (bus) and star structures with transitions from one media to

Type and number of ports Features

Twisted Pair Fiber Optic

SIMATIC evironment
Fast Ethernet

Compact housing

Ring redundancy
LED diagnostics

Signal contact

Local display
10 / 100 Mbit/s 100 Mbit/s 10 Mbit/s

(SET button)
2 x 24 V DC

without RM
Type of module RJ45 POF / PCF Multimode Singlemode AUI Multimode

1 1

OMC TP11 1 1
OMC TP11LD 1 1

Figure 4-7 Overview of the SCALANCE X-100 media converters

See also
SCALANCE X-100 media converters (Page 251)

X-100 media converter design

The SCALANCE X-100 media converters with their robust metal housing are ideal for
installation on a DIN rail and an S7 standard rail. It is also possible to install the device
directly on a wall in various positions. Thanks to their S7-300 housing dimensions, the
devices are ideal for integration in an automation solution with S7-300 components.
The SCALANCE X-100 media converters have
● A 2-pin terminal block for connecting the floating signaling contact
and directly below this
● A 4-pin terminal block for connecting the redundant power supply (2 x 24 V DC)
All media converters have two interfaces for connecting to an Industrial Ethernet network as
shown in the table in the previous section.

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4.2 SCALANCE X switches and media converters

See also
Overview of the media converters (Page 116)

Functions of the X-100 media converters

Network connection and media transition

The unmanaged media converters of the SCALANCE X-100 product line allow the cost-
effective connection of network segments or nodes with different transmission media
(optical/electrical) within Industrial Ethernet linear bus, star and ring structures. They are
designed for installation in a switching cubicle.
Individual end devices or network segments located at a distance from the main network can
be connected via the optical link of the SCALANCE X-100 media converters. It is also
possible to integrate an optical link into a redundant ring and to install the SCALANCE X-100
media converters in a standby link.

with CP 443-1
IE Standard Cable
Industrial Ethernet Switch
SCALANCE Industrial Industrial Industrial
X108 Ethernet Ethernet Ethernet
Fiber Optic



with CP 1430 CP 1413 with CP 1430 CP 1413 with CP 1430 CP 1413


Figure 4-8 Example of using the X101-1FL media converter: Connection of an optical network segment to copper
Industrial Ethernet

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4.2 SCALANCE X switches and media converters

with CP 243-1

IE Standard Cable
Industrial Switch
Ethernet SCALANCE 10Base5-Segment

Connecting cable Bus coupler

727-1 incl. Medium
(AUI Dropcable) Attachment


Figure 4-9 Example of using the X101-1AUI media converter: Connection of existing network
segments to IE networks

Cascading (series connection) two media converters

In this mode, two media converters are connected in series via their FO ports. This mode is,
for example, useful when two electrical Industrial Ethernet networks located at some
distance from each other need to be linked together.

Topologies with the X-100 media converters

Network topologies
Linear bus and star topologies can be implemented with an Industrial Ethernet media
converter of the SCALANCE X-100 series. It is also possible to link rings and to use two
identical media converters in a ring structure.
Depending on the local conditions, the transition from electrical to optical media using media
converters may be a cost-effective way of bridging longer distances.

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SCALANCE X-400 S7-300


Fiber Optic S7-400


X101-1 LD



Figure 4-10 Optical ring with SCALANCE X-100 media converters

The passive use of two identical media converters of the SCALANCE X-100 series within a
redundant ring is possible. In this case, the media converters behave "like a section of

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Industrial Ethernet SCALANCE



Industrial Ethernet


X208 X208



X101-1 or


Figure 4-11 Electrical ring with SCALANCE X100 media converters

See also
Linear structure (Page 54)
Star structure (Page 55) SCALANCE X-200/X-200 IRT

Area of application of the X-200

SCALANCE X-200 Industrial Ethernet switches allow the cost-effective installation of 10/100
Mbps Industrial Ethernet linear (bus), star and ring structures with switching functionality,
where availability of the network or remote diagnostics options are required. The devices
have degree of protection IP30 and are designed for installation in a switching cubicle. With
IP65, the SCALANCE X208PRO is intended for installation outside a cubicle.
SCALANCE X-200 switches vary in terms of the functions they provide and the number and
type of electrical and optical IE interfaces.
The SCALANCE X-200IRT switches form a special class by using the "cut through"
switching mechanism, the optimum solution to meet the real-time requirements of

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PROFINET. SCALANCE X-200IRT switches allow the installation of isochronous mode

real-time Industrial Ethernet linear bus, ring and star structures with switching functionality.
The special requirements for automation solutions in terms of linear topology, hard real time
and unrestricted IT openness are incorporated in one technology.

Figure 4-12 SCALANCE X-200 managed switches

See also
SCALANCE X-200/X-200 IRT (Page 260)

X-200 design

The SCALANCE X-200 and SCALANCE X-200IRT Industrial Ethernet switches with their
robust metal housing are ideal for installation on a DIN rail and an S7-300 standard rail. It is
also possible to install the device directly on a wall in various positions. Thanks to their S7-
300 housing dimensions, the devices are ideal for integration in an automation solution with
S7-300 components.
The modules have a 4-pin terminal block, the SCALANCE X208PRO has two 4-pin M12
interfaces for connecting to the redundant power supply (2 x 24 V DC). They also have a 2-
pin terminal block to allow the use of the signaling contact. On the SCALANCE X208PRO,
the signaling contact is connected to a 5-pin M12 socket.
Status information is indicated by a row of LEDs (power, link status, data traffic, power
supply, signaling contact).
The SCALANCE X-200 modules and SCALANCE X-200IRT are available with the following
port types for communication:
● RJ-45 connector; 10/100BaseTX:
Automatic detection of the data rate (10 or 100 Mbps), autosensing and autocrossing
function for connecting Industrial Ethernet FC cables via Industrial Ethernet FC RJ-
45 Plug 180 or Industrial Ethernet RJ-45 Plug up to 100 m.

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● 4-pin M12 connector, d-coded; 10/100BaseTX:

Automatic detection of the data rate (10 or 100 Mbps), autosensing and autocrossing
function for connecting Industrial Ethernet FC cables with 4-pin M12 connectors up to
100 m.
● BFOC (Bayonet Fiber Optic Connector) plug for multimode glass fibers; 100BaseFX:
For direct connection of preassembled Industrial Ethernet FO standard cables with a core
diameter of 50 or 62.5 µm and a maximum segment length up to 3000 m for setting up
linear bus and star structures; wavelength approx. 1310 nm.
● BFOC Plug for single mode glass fibers; 100BaseFX:
For direct connection of preassembled single mode glass fibers with a core diameter of
10 µm and a maximum segment length up to 26 km for setting up linear bus and star
structures; wavelength approx. 1310 nm.
SCALANCE X-200 devices with one or more of these interfaces have the letters LD
appended to the designation. Example: SCALANCE X204-2 LD
● SC-RJ sockets for connecting Plastic Optical Fiber cable (POF) or Polymer Cladded Fiber
cable (PCF); 100BaseFX:
For direct connection of a preassembled POF standard cable with a core diameter of 980
µm or PCF standard cable with a core diameter of 200 µm. The minimum cable length for
POF and PCF cables is 1 m. The maximum segment length for POF is 50 m and 100 m
for PCF. Wavelength approx. 850 nm.
SCALANCE X-200 devices with one or more of these interfaces have the letter P
appended to the designation. Example: SCALANCE X201-3P IRT
The connector technology is the same for multimode and single mode fibers. The devices
themselves, however, have transmitter/receiver modules specially adapted to the type of

Table 4-3 TP and FO interfaces of the SCALANCE X200 devices

RJ-45 M12 IE FO IE FO single IE FO

connectors Connectors multimode mode POF/PCF
connectors connectors
(BFOC) (BFOC) Connectors
SCALANCE X224 24 - - - -
SCALANCE X216 16 - - - -
SCALANCE X208 8 - - - -
SCALANCE X208 PRO - 8 - - -
SCALANCE X212-2 12 - 2 - -
SCALANCE X206-1 6 - 1 - -
SCALANCE X204-2 4 - 2 - -
SCALANCE X212-2 LD 12 - - 2 -
SCALANCE X206-1 LD 6 - - 1 -
SCALANCE X204-2 LD 4 - - 2 -
SCALANCE X204 IRT 4 - - - -
SCALANCE X202-2 IRT 2 - 1 - -
SCALANCE X202-2 PIRT 2 - - - 2
SCALANCE X201-3 PIRT 1 - - - 3
SCALANCE X200-4 PIRT - - - - 4

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The pin assignment of the 10/100BaseTX RJ-45 connectors, the power supply terminals and
the signaling contact terminals are the same on all SCALANCE X200 devices except for the
SCALANCE X208 PRO. They are described in the section Common connector pin

Functions of the X-200

Signaling contact
The following errors/faults can be signaled by the signaling contact:
● The failure of a link at a monitored port,
● The failure of one of the two redundant power supplies,
● The C-PLUG (see below) is also monitored. If a C-PLUG is in the device when you press
the button, this is also stored and monitored,
● Redundancy manager connected through,
● Monitoring the POF connectors on the SCALANCE X200-P IRT devices (maintenance
request or maintenance required)
POF cables age significantly faster than glass fibers. SCALANCE X200-PIRT devices
monitor the quality of the signals received via POF cables. If the signals become too
weak, this is indicated by the signaling contact. This means that maintenance can be
performed in good time before there is a breakdown in communication.
The SCALANCE X-200IRT variants have the following additional monitoring functions:
● Switchover of standby connection
The connection or disconnection of a communication node on an unmonitored port does not
lead to an error message.
The signaling contact remains activated until the error/fault is eliminated or until the current
status is applied as the new desired status by Web Based Management or using the button.
When the device is turned off, the signaling contact is always activated (open).

The C-PLUG is an exchangeable medium for storage of the configuration and project
engineering data of the base device. When replacing the base device, it can be used to
transfer the data it contains to the new device without requiring a programming device.
During operation, the C-PLUG is supplied with energy by the base device. It retains all data
permanently when the power is turned off.
If an empty C-PLUG (factory settings) is inserted, all configuration data of the SCALANCE X-
200 is saved to it when the device starts up. Changes to the configuration during operation
are also saved on the C-PLUG without any operator intervention being necessary.
A basic device with an inserted C-PLUG automatically uses the configuration data of the C-
PLUG when it starts up. This is, however, only possible when the data was written by a
compatible device type.

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Inserting a C-PLUG that does not contain the configuration of a compatible device type,
inadvertently removing the C-PLUG, or general malfunctions of the C-PLUG are indicated by
the diagnostic mechanisms of the SCALANCE X-200 (LEDs, PROFINET, SNMP, WBM,
This allows fast and simple replacement of the basic device. If a device is replaced, the C-
PLUG is taken from the failed component and inserted in the replacement. The first time it is
started up, the replacement device has the same configuration as the failed device except
for the MAC address set by the vendor.

Configuration and diagnostics over the Industrial Ethernet network

SCALANCE X-200 devices provide various functions that can be started or executed via the
Industrial Ethernet network. Before the SCALANCE X-200 can be addressed via the
network, it must first be given an IP address. There are three ways of doing this:
● Configuration with the Primary Setup Tool (PST) V3 or higher;
● To be able to use the setup tool to assign the IP address, the SCALANCE X-200 must be
accessible over Ethernet.
● Configuration with DHCP
● Configuration with STEP 7 V 5.3 plus SP 1
After an IP address has been assigned, data such as diagnostics and configuration data can
be called up from components that have Web Based Management (WBM -- see below).
This, for example, allows port information to be queried such as the transmission speed
being used, transmission mode (full, half duplex), autonegotiation, link status and whether or
not a port is active.
The data stored on the C-PLUG can also be read.
Using WBM, various settings can be made on the SCALANCE X-200. It is possible, for
example, to specify whether or not messages are sent by E-mail or using an SNMP trap.
Port mirroring can also be enabled or disabled. Port mirroring means that all the frames sent
and received via a port are also sent via a different port to a connected monitoring device. It
is also possible to set the port to be monitored and the port via which the frames are
mirrored (the monitor port).
Any statistical data recorded by the SCALANCE X-200 can also be read out. This means, for
example, that the number of frames sent or received per port and the number of bad frames
can be queried.

The Primary Setup Tool (PST)

The Primary Setup Tool is used mainly to assign an IP address to a SCALANCE X-200. This
is available on the CD that ships with the SCALANCE X-200.

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)

The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is a protocol that allows the dynamic
configuration of IP addresses and provides additional information.
This allows the use of a limited number of existing IP addresses by managing the address
assignment centrally. When a PC is first turned on in a LAN, the PC logs on at a server with

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this service. The server assigns a free IP address so that at the next startup, a connection is
not absolutely necessary.
The use of DHCP is not restricted to the startup phase. DHCP can also be used during
The IP address remains valid for a selectable period known as the "lease time". When this
expires, it must be renewed or extended.
Generally, there is no fixed address assignment; in other words, when a client requests an IP
address again, it is normally assigned a different address. It is, however, possible to
configure the DHCP server so that it makes a fixed address assignment.

Web Based Management (WBM)

With Web Based Management, the Industrial Ethernet switches of the SCALANCE X-200
product line provide various diagnostic functions that can be controlled using an Internet
browser (for example the Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape). The functions are
controlled using a Java script stored on the Industrial Ethernet switches of the
SCALANCE X-200 product line that can be loaded by the browser. To access Industrial
Ethernet switches of the SCALANCE X-200 product line, the IP address of the device must
be entered in the address box of the browser.

Topologies with X-200

Linear and star structure

All SCALANCE X-200 products can be used in electrical, optical and mixed linear and star
structures. Networks are also possible in which these structures are interlinked. These are
known as tree structures.

Ring structures
SCALANCE X-200 products can be used in electrical, optical and mixed ring structures.
There can be up to 50 switches in a ring.
In a ring structure, the SCALANCE X-200 switches are initially connected via their ring ports
to form a linear bus. The two ends of the line are closed to form a ring by a switch operating
in redundancy manager mode. When the network is functioning correctly, the ring ports of
the redundancy manager are disconnected.
The switch operating in redundancy manager mode monitors the connected line over its ring
ports and switches the ring ports through if there is an interruption on the connected line; in
other words, it restores a functioning line over this substitute path. Reconfiguration takes
place within 0.3 s.
As soon as the problem has been eliminated, the original topology is restored; in other
words, the ring ports in the redundancy manager are once again disconnected from each
Only one switch can be configured as redundancy manager (RM) in a ring.
The redundancy function of the SCALANCE X-200 is enabled and disabled by pressing a
button on the front of the device or with Web Based Management (WBM) (cannot be set via
PNIO). After the RM function has been enabled or after the RM has been switched through,
this is indicated by the RM LED on the housing.

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Redundant coupling of network segments

The redundant coupling of two rings is handled by the standby manager mechanism. This
function can only be configured with Web Based Management (WBM).
The redundant coupling of two network segments shown here as an example is only
possible between SCALANCE X-200IRT devices, since this requires the standby function of

Operator Operator
Station Stations

X202-2IRT X202-2IRT

S7-300 S7-200

X202-2IRT X202-2IRT





Figure 4-13 Redundant coupling of two optical rings with SCALANCE X202-2IRT

The SCALANCE X-200IRT can be operated either as RM or in standby mode. It cannot,

however, handle both functions at the same time. When standby or redundancy manager
function is activated, this is signaled by the RM-LED. The standby manager is configured
using WBM.

See also
Linear structure (Page 54)
Star structure (Page 55)
Redundant ring structure (Page 59)
Optical redundant ring structure (Page 62)
Optical linear structure (Page 61)

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4.2.4 SCALANCE X-300 Area of application of the X-300

Area of application of the SCALANCE X-300 switches

Figure 4-14 SCALANCE X-300 product group

The IE Switches SCALANCE X-300 from SIMATIC NET are designed for use in high-speed
plant networks that will also meet future requirements. With the HSR redundancy function
and standby coupling of rings, high network availability can be achieved. Support of IT
standards such as VLAN, RSTP, IGMP, and GARP makes seamless integration of
automation networks in existing office networks possible.
The IE Switches SCALANCE X-300 are designed for use in switching cubicles and cabinets.

Technical options (network topologies)

The IE Switches SCALANCE X-300 simplify the expansion of a network regardless of the
network topology.
You can use an IE Switch SCALANCE X-300 in the following network topologies:
● Linear structure
● Star/tree structure
● Ring with redundancy manager (standby function)
The maximum cable length is 10 km for single mode gigabit transmission. A mixed topology
between IE Switch SCALANCE X-300 devices and OSMs/ESMs is possible only via the
electrical ports. Mixed operation in the topology between SCALANCE X308-2 and an OSM
over the optical ports is not possible because the SCALANCE X308-2 only supports gigabit.

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Using an IE Switch SCALANCE X-300 as the redundancy manager in a ring with

redundancy manager provides greater availability. If there is an interruption on the
connection between these switches, the IE Switch SCALANCE X-300 used as the
redundancy manager acts like a switch and in a very short time creates a line from the ring
with redundancy manager. As a result, a functional, end-to-end structure is restored. For
information on this topic, refer to the Configuration Manual "SIMATIC NET; Industrial
Ethernet Switches SCALANCE X-300 SCALANCE X-400".

Relationship with X-400 switches

The essential technical features of X-300 switches are the same as those of SCALANCE X-
402-2 devices.
Refer to the compatibility overview in the section below (Page 129)!

See also
SCALANCE X-300 (Page 278) X-300 design

SCALANCE X-300 devices have the same functionality as the devices of the SCALANCE X-
400 series, however, they have the compact design of the SCALANCE X-200 devices.

See also
X-200 design (Page 122) Functions of the X-300

Functionality of the X-408-2

Functionally, SCALANCE X-300 switches are identical to the X-408-2 devices. (No layer 3
functionality on the X-300)

See also
Functions of the X-400 (Page 133) Compatibility with other devices

Compatibility list
The following products and devices are compatible with IE Switches X-300:

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● End devices
All SIMATIC NET products with a TP port can be connected to the ports of IE Switches X-
● Network components in linear or star structure
OMC (TP cable max. 6 m long)
SCALANCE X-100 medium converter
● Network components in a ring structure with IE Switches X-300 as RM
– Ring structure electrical
(All IE Switches X-300 possible, it may be necessary to reconfigure ring ports):
– Optical ring structure
(possible only with SCALANCE X308-2 and X308-2LD):
● Redundant coupling of networks.
– In the network segment with the master-slave pair of devices to be configured:
on the standby link also to SCALANCE X-200
– In the network segment to be coupled:

All compatibility information assumes the correct use of the TP and FOC cables.

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4.2 SCALANCE X switches and media converters Overview of the product characteristics

Table 4-4 Overview of the product characteristics

Device type SCALANCE

X310 X308-2 X308-2 LD
SIMATIC environment + + +
Diagnostics LED + + +
24 V DC + + +
Compact housing (securing collar, etc.) + + +
2x 24 V DC + + +
Signaling contact + on-site operation + + +
Diagnostics: Web, SNMP, PROFINET + + +
C-PLUG + + +
IRT capability - - -
Fast learning1 + + +
Passive listening + + +
Log table + + +
Cut through - - -
Use in ring possible (not as RM) + + +
Redundancy manager + + +
Standby manager + + +
1Fast learning:
Fast recognition of MAC addresses on the device that change during operation (for example,
when an end node is reconnected).

Table 4-5 Overview of the connection options

Fast Ethernet Device type SCALANCE

10/100 Mbps
X310 X308-2 X308-2 LD
TP (RJ-45) 10 8 8
Fiber - 2 -
Fiber - - 2
single mode

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4.2.5 SCALANCE X-400 modular SCALANCE X-400

Area of application of the X-400


Figure 4-15 SCALANCE X414-3E

The SCALANCE X-400 product line consists of modular Industrial Ethernet switches, media
modules, and extenders. 100 Mbps and 1000 Mbps technology is supported for different
transmission media (twisted pair, fiber-optic) and increased port requirements. The main
areas of application are high-performance plant networks (control level). Due to its modular
structure, the X-400 product line is designed to meet future demands and can be adapted to
meet the requirements of a particular task.
The integrated redundancy manager allows fast medium redundancy even for large
networks both for Gigabit Ethernet (SCALANCE X-300 and X-400 switches in the ring) and
for Fast Ethernet (SCALANCE X-400 switches in the ring combined with SCALANCE X-200
switches or OSMs/ESMs).
To set up optical Gigabit Ethernet rings, the integrated Gigabit Ethernet ports can be
converted to fiber-optic cable via a 2-port Gigabit Ethernet media module. Module variants
for multimode (up to 750 m FO cable) and single mode (up to 10 km) are available.
Using a plug-in 2-port Fast Ethernet media module for multimode or single mode FO cable,
SCALANCE X-400 switches can also be integrated in 100 Mbps rings with
SCALANCE X204-2 or OSMs. A second plug-in 2-port Fast Ethernet FO cable media
module allows distant nodes to be connected optically.
Remote diagnostics is possible using PROFINET diagnostics, a Web browser or SNMP.
Switches of the SCALANCE X-400 product line support office standards and therefore allow
seamless integration of automation networks into existing office networks. Virtual networks
(VLANs) can be set up. The support of standardized redundancy methods (Rapid
Reconfiguration Spanning Tree Protocol) allows redundant interfacing to higher-level
Enterprise networks.

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The SCALANCE X408-2 switch has four integrated gigabit Ethernet twisted-pair interfaces
(10, 100 or 1000 Mbps) to interconnect multiple switches and to connect end devices. The
nodes are connected over 4 Fast Ethernet ports integrated in the switch (10 or 100 Mbps).
The X414-3E switch has two integrated gigabit Ethernet twisted pair ports (100 or 1000
Mbps) to interconnect multiple switches. The nodes are connected over 12 Fast Ethernet
twisted-pair ports integrated in the switch (100 Mbps or even 10 Mbps).
A further eight nodes can be connected over an 8-port Fast Ethernet twisted-pair extender
docked to the right of the switch.

See also
Accessories for SCALANCE X-400 switches (Page 222)
SCALANCE X-400 (Page 293)

X-400 design

SCALANCE X-400 design

The base device consists of a basic module, the power supply and a switch CPU. The
SCALANCE X414-3E also has 8 digital inputs. On the SCALANCE X408-2, the CPU is
integrated in the basic module. Unused slots or slots in which nothing can be inserted, are
protected by covers.
SCALANCE X-400 provides a modular structure for the required ports. This modularity
simplifies setup and subsequent expansion of complex network topologies to meet current
SCALANCE X-400 provides electrical ports that can be used as gigabit and ring ports.
Expanding with media modules provides additional optical ports.
On the SCALANCE X414-3E, attaching the extender module EM495-8 can increase the
number of ports by a maximum of eight. Attaching the EM496-4 extender module makes two
further slots available for media modules.
The SCALANCE X-400 devices have numerous LEDs and a selection button with which a
range of mode and status information can be displayed.
The SCALANCE X-400 is powered by a 24 V DC supply. To protect the device from failure
of the external power supply, two power supplies can be connected. To use 110/220 V AC
line power, S7-300 power supplies are suitable that convert to 24 V DC. These must
guarantee a current of at least 2 A to supply the 24 V side of a SCALANCE X414-3E. They
must also meet the requirements of SELV to NEC Class 2.

Functions of the X-400

● Increased network performance
By filtering the data traffic based on the Ethernet (MAC) address of the end devices, local
data traffic remains local, only data intended for nodes in another network segment is

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forwarded by the switch. With DHCP support, the IP address can be assigned by a
central DHCP server.
● Simple network configuration and network expansion:
The switch stores the data received at the ports and then forwards it to the destination
address. The restriction of the network span resulting from collision detection (CSMA/CD)
ends at the port.
● Restricting errors to the network segment affected:
SCALANCE X-400 switches only forward data with a valid checksum (CRC).
● Integration of existing network segments operating at 10 Mbps in Fast Ethernet networks
operating at 100 Mbps:
At its twisted-pair ports, the X-400 switch automatically detects the send and receive
pairs (autocrossover), the data rate 10 or 100 Mbps and full and half duplex operation
● High-speed connection of SCALANCE X-400 switches operating at 1 Gbps:
X-400 switches have several gigabit Ethernet ports for interconnecting switches.
● Fast redundancy in the ring (reconfiguration time of the ring max. 0.3 seconds):
By interconnecting the ends of an optical line using X-400 switches to form a ring, reliable
communication can be achieved. The X-400 switch has an integrated redundancy
manager (RM) that permanently monitors the functioning of the network. It recognizes the
failure of a section in the ring or of a SCALANCE X-400 switch and activates the
substitute path within a maximum of 0.3 seconds. Rings consisting of SCALANCE X400
switches can be operated at 1000 Mbps. In rings with SCALANCE X-200 or OSMs/ESMs,
it is possible to integrate X400 switches at 100 Mbps.
● Layer 3 routing with the SCALANCE X414-3E allows communication between different IP
– Static routing
– Dynamic routing OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) and RIPv1/2 (Routing Information
– Redundant routing VRRP (Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol)
● Redundant connection to company networks:
X-400 switches support the standardized redundancy mechanism Rapid Spanning Tree
Protocol (RSTP). This allows a subnet to connected redundantly to a higher-level
company network with reduced requirements for the reconfiguration time (in the seconds
● Support of virtual networks (VLAN):
To structure Industrial Ethernet networks with a with a growing number of nodes, an
existing physical network can be divided into several virtual subnets.
● Load limitation when using multicast protocols (for example Voice over IP, video):
By learning the multicast sources and destinations (IGMP snooping), X-400 switches can
also filter multicast data traffic and therefore limit load in the network.
● Time synchronization:
Diagnostics messages (log table entries, E-mails) are given a time stamp. The local time
is uniform throughout the network due to synchronization with a SICLOCK time
transmitter making it easier to assign diagnostics messages to several devices.
● Simple device replacement:
All settings are automatically stored on the C-PLUG exchangeable storage medium. If a
switch of the X-400 series needs to be replaced, these settings are simply transferred by
inserting the C-PLUG.

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Topologies with X-400

Network topology and network configuration

With X-400 switches, the network topology can be adapted easily to the structure of the
plant. The following network structures and combinations of them can be implemented:
● Fast Ethernet and gigabit rings with fast medium redundancy:
An electrical ring with redundancy manager can be set up without media modules.
An optical ring with redundancy manager requires the use of media modules. Which
slots or ports should be used, depends on the selected transmission rate.
● Star structure with X-400 switches:
Each X-400 represents a point of the star. The cascading depth and total span of a network
are limited only by the signal propagation times of the communication connections.
● Linear bus structure with X-400 switches:
Linear structures can also be implemented with the SCALANCE X-400. The cascading depth
and total span of a network are limited only by the signal propagation times of the
communication connections.
● Redundant coupling of network segments
In this case, network segments are rings with a redundancy manager (RM). The rings can
also be interrupted at one point (linear topology).
During network configuration, however, the following constraints must be remembered:
General configuration rules
Maximum cable length with multimode FO cable between two modules:
● 3000 m at 100 Mbps
● 750 m at 1 Gbps
Maximum cable length with single mode FO cable between two modules:
● 26 km at 100 Mbps
● 10 km at 1 Gbps
Maximum cable length for twisted pair:
● 100 m
Network configuration rules such as "delay equivalents" and "variability value" end at the port
of the switch and are meaningless for the cascading of switches such as those of the
SCALANCE X-400 series.

Application examples
Detailed application examples can be found in the section on network topologies.

See also
Basic structures (Page 52)
Advanced network configurations (Page 66)

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4.2 SCALANCE X switches and media converters Overview of the media modules

Overview of the media modules

The Industrial Ethernet SCALANCE X400 devices can be equipped with media modules to
allow FO cables to be used. Media modules are available both for multimode FO cables and
for single mode FO cables. They can be added or changed during operation. SCALANCE
X414-3E supports two optical gigabit Ethernet ports and up to four extra optical Fast
Ethernet ports.

SCALANCE X408-2 Example 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Fast Ethernet

Gigabit or

Slot e.g. for use in optical gigabit ring with

number 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 single mode for a distance of up to
10 km, connecting two separate optical
nodes and up to four electrical nodes.

Example 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Gigabit or Fast
e.g. for use in optical gigabit ring,


connecting up to six electrical nodes



for redundant connection of optical gigabit
rings via electrical gigabit segments,



connecting up to four electrical nodes.

Figure 4-16 Examples of using the MM491-2x media modules

The following media modules are available:

Table 4-6 Overview of the properties of the media modules

Module type Procedure Cabling Connectors Segment Wavelength

MM491-2 100Base-FX Multimode 2x2 BFOC 3 km 1310 nm
MM491-2LD 100Base-FX Single mode 2x2 BFOC 26 km 1310 nm
MM492-2 1000Base-SX Multimode 2 SC duplex 750 m 850 nm
MM492-2LD 1000Base-LX Single mode 2 SC duplex 10 km 1310 nm
An inserted media module for gigabit Ethernet converts the two gigabit Ethernet twisted-pair
ports to optical, the onboard ports are disabled. Media modules can be added or replaced
during operation.
Media modules can be inserted in the following slots:

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4.2 SCALANCE X switches and media converters

Table 4-7 Options for inserting media modules

Media module In device Slot

MM491-2 SCALANCE X414-3E 6, 7
SCALANCE X408 5, 6
EM496-4 12 - 15
MM491-2LD SCALANCE X414-3E 6, 7
SCALANCE X408 5, 6
EM496-4 12 - 15
MM492-2 SCALANCE X414-3E 5
SCALANCE X408 5, 6
MM492-2LD SCALANCE X414-3E 5
SCALANCE X408 5, 6

See also
Media modules (Page 324) Overview of extender modules

Overview of the extender modules

The SCALANCE X414-3E has an expansion interface on the right-hand side of the device.
An optional extender module can be attached to this interface.
The SCALANCE X408-2 cannot be extended with an extender module.
The following extender module variants are available:
● EM495-8:
This has 8 twisted-pair 10/100 Mbps ports (RJ-45 jacks). This allows the twelve onboard
Fast Ethernet twisted-pair ports of the SCALANCE X414-3E to be extended to a total of
20 ports.

Figure 4-17 Twisted pair extender EM495-8

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4.2 SCALANCE X switches and media converters

The twisted pair extenders can also be installed during operation. No media module is
required for data transfer with this extender module.
For slots 12 and 13 of the twisted pair extender EM495-8, you can use the cover that can
also be used on slots 9 to 11 on the basic device. Two CV490 4x100 covers are supplied
with the twisted pair extender.
● EM496-4:
This has 4 media module slots for the Fast Ethernet media modules MM491-2 and
MM491-2LD so that the SCALANCE X414-3E can be extended by up to 8 optical Fast
Ethernet ports (100 Mbps).

Figure 4-18 Empty media module extender EM496-4 without protective caps for the media module
terminal strips and without cover

Installation of the media module extender and removal or insertion of the media modules is
possible during operation. You require at least one media module for data transfer over this
extender module.
Mixed operation in slots 12 through 15 with MM491-2 and MM491-2LD modules is possible.
The media module plug connectors are protected by protective caps.
Four CV490 2x100 covers are supplied with the twisted media module extender EM496-4.
The media module plug connectors are also protected from damage by protective caps.

See also
Extender modules (Page 328)

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4.3 SCALANCE W wireless network components

4.3 SCALANCE W wireless network components

4.3.1 Versions of the SCALANCE W devices

Overview of the features of the individual SCALANCE W devices

Table 4-8 Overview of the SCALANCE W700 product range

Functionality Device name Special features

Access points W788-1PRO "Standard" access points
W788-1RR Access points with "Rapid
W788-2RR Roaming" functionality
W786-1PRO Particularly robust devices for
W786-2PRO use in tough mechanical and
W786-3PRO climatic environments
W784-1 Cost-effective access points
W784-1RR with small dimensions and
reduced hardware features,
"RR" with "Rapid Roaming"
Clients W744-1PRO Client for connecting an end
W746-1PRO Client for up to eight end nodes
W747-1RR Client for up to eight end nodes
*) with "Rapid Roaming"
W744-1 As the "PRO"/"RR" models
W746-1 however with the hardware of
W747-1 the W784-1 access points
The access points can also be configured as clients
*) including one PROFINET I/O client

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WDS (Wireless Distribution System)

PoE (Power-over-Ethernet) 802.3af

SSH / HTTPS / Admin password

with HiPath Wireless Controller

IEEE 802.11e (QoS/WMMM)


STP/RSTP (IEEE 802.1d/w)

IEEE 802.11i, Hidden SSID
Number of radio interfaces

Resistant to condensation

Interference redundancy
redundant power supply

NAT/PAT (Client-Mode)
IEEE 802.1x (RADIUS)
Antennae connections
Number of addresses
Resistant to saltwater


Conducted interface

VLANs (Multi-SSID)
IEEE 802.11a/b/g/h
Antennae diversity

IP protection class

Forced Roaming
Use in Ex zones
-40°C to +70°C
-20°C to +60°C

Resistant to UV

Rapid Roaming
Rugged design
Wall mounting

0°C to+60°C


W788-1PRO 1 65 2048 RJ45 external

W788-2PRO 2 65 2048 RJ45 external

SCALANCE 1 65 2048 RJ45 external


W788-2RR 2 65 2048 RJ45 external

SCALANCE RJ45/ internal/

W786-1PRO 1 65 2048 BFOC external

SCALANCE RJ45/ internal/

W786-2PRO 2 65 2048 BFOC external

SCALANCE 1) RJ45/ internal/

W786-2HPW 2 65 2048 BFOC external

2048 BFOC external

W784-1 1 30 2048 RJ45 external

SCALANCE 1 30 2048 RJ45 external


suitable 1) Firmware from Hipath Wireless Controller G_IK10_XX_30183

Figure 4-19 Functional overview of SCALANCE W access points

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Figure 4-20

Link PN IO


with HiPath Wireless Controller


Number of radio interfaces
Antennae diversity


Industrial Ethernet Networking Manual

PoE (Power-over-Ethernet) 802.3af
redundant power supply

System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0

Wall mounting


IP protection class

-20°C to +60°C
0°C to +60°C
Rugged design

Functional overview of SCALANCE W clients

Resistant to condensation
Rapid Roaming



Number of addresses

Conducted interface



IEEE 802.11a/b/g/h

1) no HTTPS
Antennae connections



IEEE 802.11i, Hidden SSID
IEEE 802.1x (RADIUS)

SSH / HTTPS / Admin password

Use in Ex zones
PROFINET IO diagnosis
Part B: Active components and supported topologies
4.3 SCALANCE W wireless network components

Part B: Active components and supported topologies
4.3 SCALANCE W wireless network components

Overview of the communications options (schematic)


Industrial Ethernet

Access Point
W788-2PRO S7-400 with
CP 443-1
Mobile Pocket Loox CP 443-5
with CP 1430

Client Module PROFIBUS

W746-1PRO Field PG /
ET 200S

ET 200S

Mobile diagnostics and services

Figure 4-21 IWLAN product schematic

See also
Part C: SCALANCE W wireless network components (Page 339)

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4.3 SCALANCE W wireless network components

4.3.2 Access points W-780 SCALANCE W-788

The W-788 product line

Figure 4-22 SCALANCE W788-1PRO access point

The access points are used to set up wireless networks complying with IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/h
up to 54 Mbps both at 2.4 GHz and at 5 GHz in a rough industrial environment. Existing
LANs and WLANs can be expanded simply with Industrial Wireless LAN using the
SCALANCE W-780 access points.
All SCALANCE W78x devices are equipped with an Ethernet interface and a wireless LAN
interface (SCALANCE W788-2PRO and SCALANCE W788-2RR: two WLAN interfaces).
This makes them suitable for the following applications:
● The SCALANCE W78x forwards data within its transmission range from one node to
another without a connection to wired Ethernet being necessary.
● The SCALANCE W78x can be used as a gateway from a wired to a wireless network.
● The SCALANCE W78x can be used as a wireless bridge between two networks at
different locations.
● The SCALANCE W78x can be used as a wireless bridge between nodes operating on
two different channels.

Other properties
● High availability and reliable wireless communication for productive operation in the plant
by reserving bandwidth and cyclic monitoring of the connection to the clients,

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● Protection of investments by using the industrial standard IEEE 802.11 that is recognized
● Four devices in one: Access point or point-to-point connection at 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz,
● Designed for tough everyday industry thanks to robust construction, protection from
vibration and shock and operation at -20 °C to 60 °C,
● Simple installation and flexible power supply with one cable for data and power with
Power-over-Ethernet (PoE) complying with IEEE 802.3af,
● High data security to protect from hackers and operator errors with the latest security
mechanisms such as WPA or 128-bit encryption (AES),
● Silicone and halogen-free along with ATEX approval for hazardous areas,
● Simple device replacement in the event of a fault with C-PLUG (configuration plug),
● Simple and fast configuration with installation wizard,
● High degree of system reliability with Totally Integrated Automation (TIA),
● Automatic roaming when the connection to Industrial Ethernet is lost.

Additional functions of the SCALANCE W788-1PRO and SCALANCE W788-2PRO

● Second IEEE 802.11a/b/g/h wireless card with up to 54 Mbps at 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz
● Redundancy mode (WDS) for extremely reliable point-to-point operation using both
wireless cards

Additional functions of the SCALANCE W788-1RR and SCALANCE W788-2RR

● "Rapid roaming" for extremely fast handover of mobile nodes between different access

Table 4-9 Differences between the SCALANCE W-788 access points

Type Quantity Number supported iPCF mode

WLAN interfaces IP nodes (1)
1 2 1 several
W788-1PRO X x
W788-2PRO x x
W788-1RR X x X
W788-2RR x x x
(1) The iPCF mode provides an optimized data throughput and minimum handover times.

See also
SCALANCE W access points and client modules (Page 339)

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4.3 SCALANCE W wireless network components SCALANCE W-786

Basics: Extremely robust

The three devices SCALANCE W786-1PRO/-2PRO/-3PRO are access points with the same
construction having one, two or three wireless interfaces and standardized electrical RJ-45
or fiber optic cable ports. With the fiber-optic connectors, sections of up to 3000 m can be
covered through areas of high EMI.
The access points are designed for maximum robustness. The important features include:
● All destructible parts are kept inside the product,
● High resistance to dropping and tension compression with impact-resistant and
shockproof housing,
● Salt spray and UV resistant,
● Temperature range in operation: - 40 °C through + 70 °C
● Resistant to dew and condensation,
● Degree of protection: IP65
With these features, the access points are ideal for use outdoors and under difficult
conditions (harbor installation, public places/public transport).


Figure 4-23 SCALANCE W-786 access point

The SCALANCE W786-3PRO access point equipped with three wireless modules uses two
modules to provide communication between the access points themselves while the third
wireless module is used to establish the RF field for the nodes, for example an automated
guided vehicle system. This also allows mesh networks to be implemented.

Possible applications of the SCALANCE W-786

A SCALANCE W-786 is equipped with an Ethernet port and up to three wireless LAN ports.
This makes the device suitable for the following applications:
● The SCALANCE W-786 forwards data within its transmission range from one node to
another without a connection to wired Ethernet being necessary.

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4.3 SCALANCE W wireless network components

● The SCALANCE W-786 can be used as a gateway from a wired to a wireless network.
● The SCALANCE W-786 can be used as a wireless bridge between two networks.
● The SCALANCE W-786 can be used as a bridge between two cells operating at different
With a SCALANCE W-786 with more than one WLAN interface, you can also implement a
redundant wireless connection to a SCALANCE W78x with at least two WLAN interfaces.
The SCALANCE W-786 is only an access point but it can nevertheless be configured as a
client module using Web-based management. In this case, depending on the selected
model, only one wireless module is available as client.

Properties of the SCALANCE W-786

● The Ethernet interface supports 10 Mbps and 100 Mbps, both in full and half duplex as
well as autocrossing and autopolarity.
● Operating the wireless interface in the frequency bands 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz.
● The wireless interface is compatible with the standards IEEE 802.11a, IEEE 802.11h,
IEEE 802.11b and IEEE 802.11g. In the 802.11a, 802.11h and 802.11g mode, the gross
transmission rate is up to 54 Mbps. In turbo mode, the transmission rate is up to 108
Mbps (not permitted in all countries and modes).
● As an expansion of the 802.11a mode, it is also possible to operate according to the
IEEE 802.11h standard. In 802.11h mode, the procedures Transmit Power Control (TPC)
and Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS) are used in the range 5.25 - 5.35 and 5.47 -
5.75 GHz. In some countries, this allows the frequency subband of 5.47 - 5.725 GHz to
be used outdoors even with a higher transmit power.
TPC is a technique of controlling the transmit power by reducing it to the strength actually
required. With dynamic frequency selection (DFS), the access point searches for primary
users (for example radar) on a randomly selected channel before starting communication.
If signals are found on the channel, this channel is disabled for 30 minutes and the
availability check is repeated on another channel.
● Support of the authentication standards WPA, WPA-PSK, WPA2, WPA2-PSK and
IEEE 802.1x and the encryption methods WEP, AES and TKIP.
● Suitable for inclusion of a RADIUS server for authentication.
● Device-related and application-related monitoring of the wireless connection.
● The interoperability of SCALANCE W786 devices with Wi-Fi devices of other vendors
was tested thoroughly.

Overview table
The following table illustrates the differences between the various variants of the

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4.3 SCALANCE W wireless network components

Type Number Number and type Number of Number of R- Order no.

of WLAN of Ethernet ports internal SMA sockets
ports antennas for external
W786-1PRO 1 1 RJ-45 1 — 6GK5786-1BA60-
(diversity(2)) 2AA0
2AB0 (1)
W786-1PRO 1 1 RJ-45 — 2 6GK5786-1AA60-
2AB0 (1)
W786-1PRO 1 1 ST duplex 1 — 6GK5786-1BB60-
multimode FO (diversity(2)) 2AA0
cable 6GK5786-1BB60-
2AB0 (1)
W786-1PRO 1 1 ST duplex — 2 6GK5786-1AB60-
multimode FO 2AA0
cable 6GK5786-1AB60-
2AB0 (1)
W786-2PRO 2 1 RJ-45 2 — 6GK5786-2BA60-
(diversity(2)) 2AA0
2AB0 (1)
W786-2PRO 2 1 RJ-45 — 4 6GK5786-2AA60-
2AB0 (1)
W786-2PRO 2 1 ST duplex 2 — 6GK5786-2BB60-
multimode FO (diversity(2)) 2AA0
cable 6GK5786-2BB60-
2AB0 (1)
W786-2PRO 2 1 ST duplex — 4 6GK5786-2AB60-
multimode FO 2AA0
cable 6GK5786-2AB60-
2AB0 (1)
W786-3PRO 3 1 RJ-45 — 6 6GK5786-3AA60-
2AB0 (1)
W786-3PRO 3 1 ST duplex — 6 6GK5786-3AB60-
multimode FO 2AA0
cable 6GK5786-3AB60-
2AB0 (1)
(1) US variant
(2) There are two internal antennas per WLAN port. The antenna used is always the one that
provides the best possible data transmission (diversity).

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4.3 SCALANCE W wireless network components

You will find more information on the configuration parameters of the particular device in the
SCALANCE W786 online help of Web Based Management.

See also
SCALANCE W-786 Access Points (Page 354) SCALANCE W-784


Figure 4-24 SCALANCE W784 Access Point

SCALANCE W-784 Access Points are produced in two variants:

● SCALANCE W784-1 with an integrated wireless card,
● SCALANCE W784-1RR with an integrated wireless card and additional functions.
The access points can also be operated as clients.
The following table illustrates the differences between the various variants of the

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4.3 SCALANCE W wireless network components

Type Number of Number of Number of iPCF mode (1) Order no.

WLAN ports supported IP nodes supported MAC
(3) nodes (3)
W784-1 1 several several No 6GK5784-1AA30-2AA0
6GK5784-1AA30-2AB0 (2)
W784-1RR 1 several several Yes 6GK5784-1AA30-6AA0
6GK5784-1AA30-6AB0 (2)
(1) The iPCF mode provides an optimized data throughput and minimum handover times.

(2) US variant

Cost-optimized installation variant

Due to its compact and space-saving design, the SCALANCE W-784 device line is
particularly suitable for applications in which IWLAN is used in the switching cubicle or needs
to be integrated in device or machine.
SCALANCE W-784 access points have an IP30 aluminum housing to provide mechanical
and electromagnetic protection.
They are suitable for industry-related applications in which the environment does not create
any increased demands. An optimum price-performance ratio is achieved because no
unnecessary hardware is used for indoor applications.

Rapid roaming with SCALANCE W784-1RR

The SCALANCE W784-1RR Access Point with rapid roaming , just like the SCALANCE W-
788 product line, provides an expanded range of functions such as iPCF mode. This allows
applications with real-time requirements and deterministic response times to be implemented
for wireless networks as well -- even during roaming.
This means that wireless PROFINET IO is supported.

See also
Structuring wireless networks (Page 67)
SCALANCE W-788 (Page 143)
PROFINET communication services (Page 23)
SCALANCE W-784 Access Points (Page 369)

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4.3 SCALANCE W wireless network components

4.3.3 SCALANCE W-740 Client Modules


Figure 4-25 SCALANCE W744-1PRO Client Module

The client modules serve as the wireless interface between a client with an Industrial
Ethernet interface, for example, an S7-300 with CP 343-1 or ET 200pro, and the wireless
network complying with IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/h at up to 54 Mbps both at 2.4 GHz and at 5 GHz
in a tough industrial environment.
SCALANCE W-740 clients are equipped with an Ethernet port and a wireless LAN port. This
makes these devices suitable for the following applications:
● The SCALANCE W-740 is used to connect a device with an Ethernet port (for example, a
SIMATIC PLC with Industrial Ethernet communications processor) to a WLAN.
● The SCALANCE W-740 can be used as a gateway from a wired to a wireless network.
Depending on the device, one or eight nodes are supported on the wired network

Other properties
● High availability and reliable wireless communication for productive operation in the plant
by reserving bandwidth and cyclic monitoring of the connection to the clients.
● Protection of investments by using the industrial standard IEEE 802.11 that is recognized
● Two devices in one: Operation at 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz
● Designed for tough everyday industry thanks to robust construction, protection from
vibration and shock and operation at -20 °C to 60 °C
● Simple installation and flexible power supply with one cable for data and power with
Power-over-Ethernet (PoE) complying with IEEE 802.3af, even with 24 V DC
● High data security to protect from hackers and operator errors with the latest security
mechanisms such as WPA or 128-bit encryption (AES)
● Silicone and halogen-free along with ATEX approval for hazardous areas
● Simple device replacement in the event of a fault with C-PLUG (configuration plug)

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4.3 SCALANCE W wireless network components

● Simple and fast configuration with installation wizard

● High degree of system reliability with Totally Integrated Automation

Extra for SCALANCE W746-1PRO and W747-1RR

● Establishment of connections to up to 8 IP devices

Extra for SCALANCE W747-1RR

● "Rapid roaming" for the fast handover of mobile nodes from one RF field to the next in
iPCF mode

Table 4-10 Differences between the SCALANCE W740 devices

Type Quantity Number supported iPCF mode

WLAN interfaces IP nodes (1)
1 2 1 several
W744-1PRO X x
W746-1PRO X x
W747-1RR X x x
(1) The iPCF mode provides an optimized data throughput and minimum handover times.

See also
SCALANCE W access points and client modules (Page 339)

4.3.4 Special functions of SCALANCE W devices Access control: Encryption and authentication

Control of WLAN access

With wireless LANs, the a danger of unwanted eavesdropping or unauthorized intervention in
communication is much greater than with wired communication. Measures to protect the
networks from misuse should therefore be implemented.
the relevant settings can be made with Web Based Management (WBM) or using the
Command Line Interface (CLI).

Authentication protects the network from unwanted access. This is normally achieved by an
exchange of keys or certificates between client and server. There are various methods

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4.3 SCALANCE W wireless network components

available and these are described in the operating instructions of the SCALANCE W78x or
If no authentication is required, this is possible by configuring the network as an "Open

Encryption protects the transferred data from eavesdropping and corruption. Encryption can
only be disabled if open system was selected as the authentication setting. All other security
methods include both authentication and encryption.
Various encryption methods are possible.
If you have selected Open System including encryption or Shared Key as the authentication,
you will need to define a key in the Keys menu.
● WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy)
A weak, symmetrical stream encryption method with only 40- or 104-bit long keys based
on the RC4 algorithm (Ron’s Code 4).
If the WPA-PSK or WPA (RADIUS) authentication method is selected, the following
alternatives are available:
● TKIP (Temporal Key Integrity Protocol)
A symmetrical encryption method with the RC4 algorithm (Ron’s Code 4). In contrast to
the weak WEP encryption, TKIP uses changing keys derived from a main key. TKIP can
also recognize corrupted packets.
● AES (Advanced Encryption Standard)
Strong symmetrical block encryption method based on the Rijndael algorithm that further
improves the functions of TKIP. Logging

Information on system events

With WBM, it is possible to read out information on system events and the behavior of the
protocols (IP, TCP, UDP, ICMP, SNMP). A log table records the type of event and the time
at which it occurred. The events to be logged can be configured.
Several events that can be recorded are listed below:
● Authentication attempts
With all SCALANCE W devices, a table can be read out with information on successful or
failed authentication attempts.
● Ethernet and WLAN interface
Information on the current settings of the Ethernet interface and the WLAN interface and
their current operating data is displayed.
The statistics of the transferred data of the WLAN interface in particular provide
information on the quality of the wireless connection. A large number of transmission
errors indicates a bad connection.
● Overlap AP

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To evaluate the transmission quality of the SCALANCE W78x operating as the access
point, the Overlap AP function can provide interesting information. This shows all access
points that are visible on the set or adjacent channels (at 2.4 GHz). If entries exist here,
the maximum data throughput of the access point will be restricted.
For optimum data throughput, the set wireless channel must not be used by other access
points. In the 2.4 GHz band (802.11b or 802.11g), there is overlapping of the wireless
channels so that an access point occupies not only the set channel but also the two or
three adjacent channels. Care should therefore be taken the ensure that there is
adequate channel spacing to neighboring access points.
● Signal recorder
All SCALANCE W devices can record or display the signal strength of the connected
access point with the Signal Recorder function. Using this data, areas with an inadequate
signal strength can be located. The Signal Recorder can be particularly advantageous
when the client moves along a fixed path (for example suspension track).
The Signal Recorder can, however, only be controlled using the Command Line Interface.
● List of access points
The list of access points displays all available access points to which a SCALANCE W74x
can establish a wireless connection. To achieve this, the client runs a background scan
(possible only when iPCF mode is enabled). If, for example, the security settings do not
match up, the access point would not be included in the list.
Each wireless LAN has a configurable SSID (Service Set Identifier) to be able to identify
the wireless network uniquely. This is the network name and is configured on the access
point. All clients with access to this access point adopt this SSID. The SSID is displayed
in the list of access points.
● Client list
All the clients logged on at the SCALANCE W78x along with certain additional
information (wireless channel, status etc.) are displayed in the client list. This list is
available only in access point mode of the SCALANCE W78x. The list contains the
following information:
– MAC address of the client
– The wireless interface via which the client is connected
– The signal strength specified in RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indicator from 0% to
100%); the higher the value, the better the signal
– which encryption is activated
– the current channel over which the client communicates with the SCALANCE W78x
– the current state of the clients SCALANCE W devices as bridges

SCALANCE W as bridge
A bridge is a network component that connects two networks. A bridge is not dependent on
the protocol; management of the data packages is based on the physical address of the
network nodes (MAC address). The SCALANCE W provides bridge functionality because it
handles data exchange between wired and wireless Ethernet.

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4.3 SCALANCE W wireless network components

Learning Table
The SCALANCE W saves the information about which MAC address can be reached over
which port in a learning table. Entries in this list are deleted automatically when there is no
further data transfer for the corresponding MAC addresses. The time after which addresses
are deleted if there is no data traffic is set in the Aging Time parameter.
The learning table contains the information about whether a MAC address can be reached
over the wired Ethernet interface or over the wireless interfaces. The SCALANCE W obtains
this information from the active data exchange.

ARP protocol (Address Resolution Protocol)

If the IP address of a node is known, the ARP protocol can be used to find out the
corresponding MAC address.

NAPT (Network Address Port Translation)

In Network Address Port Translation (NAPT) or Port Address Translation (PAT), several
internal source IP addresses are translated into the same external source IP address. To
identify the individual source nodes, the port of the source device is also stored in the
translation list of the NAT gateway and translated for the external address.
If several local clients send a query to the same external destination IP address over the
NAT gateway, the gateway enters its own external source IP address in the header of these
forwarded frames. Since the forwarded frames have the same global source IP address, the
NAT gateway assigns the frames to the clients using different port number.
The NAT/NAPT functions are only available in the SCALANCE W746-1PRO,
SCALANCE W747-1RR and SCALANCE W78x (only in client mode).
NAT/NAPT is possible only on layer 3 of the ISO/OSI reference model. To use the NAT
function, the networks must use the IP protocol. When using the ISO protocol that operates
at layer 2, it is not possible to use NAT.

IP mapping table
It is possible to allow WLAN access to several devices in a wired network via a
SCALANCE W746-1PRO, SCALANCE W747-1RR and SCALANCE W78x operating as
client. This makes it unnecessary to equip every device with its own wireless client. This so-
called IP mapping is possible only if the connected devices are addressed only by IP frames.
Communication with a component at the MAC address level (ISO/OSI layer 2) is possible
only if its MAC address is configured on the client.
The client maintains a table (the IP mapping table) with the assignment of MAC address and
IP address to be able to send incoming IP frames to the correct MAC address. In principle,
any number of device is can be reached downstream from a client using IP. The client can
manage up to eight devices. When a new device is added, the oldest entry is deleted from
the table to make space is for the new entry. Since the data throughput of a wireless
connection cannot be increased indefinitely, a maximum of eight devices should be
managed by one client.

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4.3 SCALANCE W wireless network components Functions for improving performance

iPCF (industrial Point Coordination Function)

iPCF ensures that the entire data traffic of a cell is ordered, controlled by the access point.
By avoiding collisions, the throughput can be optimized even with large numbers of nodes.
iPCF also allows fast cell changes.
The basic principle of iPCF is that the access point scans all nodes in the cell cyclically. The
same time, the scan includes the downlink traffic for this node. In the reply, the node sends
the uplink data. The access point scans a new node at least every 5 ms.
The scan of a node can be seen by all other nodes in the cell. This allows a client to detect
the quality of the link to the access point even when it is not communicating with the access
point itself. If it does not receive a frame from the access point for a certain time, it starts to
search for a new access point.
In iPCF mode, both the search for a new access point and the registration with this new
access point have been optimized in terms of time. This handover time is significantly below
50 ms.
iPCF can be recommended, in particular, when a high data throughput is required despite a
large number of nodes or when extremely short handover times from cell to cell are required.
("Rapid roaming")

WDS (Wireless Distributed System)

In normal operation, the SCALANCE W78x is used as an interface to a wireless network and
communicates with clients. There are, however, situations in which several
SCALANCE W78x devices need to communicate with each other, for example to extend
wireless coverage or to set up a wireless backbone. This mode is possible with WDS.
WDS is available only when the SCALANCE W78x is used in access point mode and iPCF is
not activated. Filter functions

If a SCALANCE W78x is used as an access point, various filter functions can be set using
the WBM.

MAC filter
If the MAC filter is activated, communication with clients on the Ethernet side is possible only
when their source MAC addresses are entered in the table. As an alternative, there is a
possible setting with which access is denied for all specified MAC addresses. A maximum of
50 MAC addresses can be entered in the table.
With IP mapping of a SCALANCE W78x in client mode, only the MAC address assigned to
this device is relevant, the MAC addresses of the devices downstream from it on the
Ethernet side are irrelevant for filtering.

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4.3 SCALANCE W wireless network components

MAC Dir filter; restriction of the data traffic between MAC addresses
It is possible to filter the data traffic intended for wireless clients linked to the SCALANCE
W78x access point. This filter is used to permit a specified MAC address access only to
other specified MAC addresses. You can specify several source addresses or entries for one
destination address. The communication of the destination address is then restricted to
these entries. If a destination address is not entered in the filter, it is not subjected to any

Protocol filter
Without protocol filtering, the SCALANCE W78x processes all data packets regardless of the
protocol being used. To increase data security and to reduce load, it can nevertheless be
useful to prevent communication using certain protocols.

4.3.5 Other active WLAN components IWLAN/PB Link PN IO


Figure 4-26 IWLAN/PB Link PN IO gateway module

The IWLAN/PB Link PN IO is a compact gateway between Industrial Wireless LAN and
● PROFIBUS master interface for flexible integration of systems from the field level in an
IWLAN wireless infrastructure complying with IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/h at up to 54 Mbps at
2.4 GHz or 5 GHz, for example with SCALANCE W access points

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4.3 SCALANCE W wireless network components

● PROFINET IO proxy;
Connection of PROFIBUS DP slaves to a PROFINET IO controller according to
PROFINET standard:
From the perspective of the IO controller, all DP slaves are treated like IO devices with an
Ethernet interface, in other words, the IWLAN/PB Link PN IO is their proxy.
● Can be used flexibly by connecting an IWLAN antenna or alternatively an antenna for
operation with RCoax cable (leaky feeder cable)
● Communication with automation systems in mobile applications, such as automated
guided vehicle systems (AGVS), storage bay conveyor systems or monorail suspension
● Increased plant availability with wireless and therefore wear-free data transmission to
mobile communications partners, for example the controller of an automated guided
vehicle systems (AGVS)
● Non-touch technology with RCoax as a substitute for slip rings, for example monorail
suspension tracks
● Integration of PROFIBUS field devices in an IWLAN wireless network (protection of
● Design to match power rail booster ideal for mounting on monorail suspension tracks
along with ET 200S
● Device replacement without PG by using the C-PLUG exhangeable medium to store
configuration, engineering and application data.

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4.4 SCALANCE S Security Module

4.4 SCALANCE S Security Module

4.4.1 Area of application of SCALANCE S

Area of application of SCALANCE S devices

The SCALANCE S devices protect nodes connected to the protected network with a
combination of different security measures. SCALANCE S602 and SCALANCE S612/S613
have different protective functions. Individual devices or even entire automation cells can be
protected by all SCALANCE S devices.

Figure 4-27 SCALANCE S product family

The range of devices is expanded by the SOFTNET Security Client; a sofware application
that allows secure access to automation systems protected by SCALANCE S devices.


Figure 4-28 SCALANCE S602

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4.4 SCALANCE S Security Module

The SCALANCE S602 device provides flexible protection without complicated handling with
a combination of different security measures:
● Data espionage;
● Unauthorized access;
SCALANCE S602 is configured with the Security Configuration Tool.

External network


External External External

Internal Internal Internal

• Firewall
• Router


ET 200X
0 1

OP 270 S7-400 S7-300

"internal" HMI "internal" Automation cell "internal" Automation cell

Figure 4-29 Setting up a system with SCALANCE S602

The SCALANCE S602 provides the following security functions:

● Firewall
– IP firewall with stateful packet inspection
– Firewall also for Ethernet "non-IP" frames according to IEEE 802.3 (layer 2 frames;
does not apply to S602 if router mode is used)
All network nodes located in the internal network segment of a SCALANCE S are
protected by its firewall.
● Router mode
By operating the SCALANCE S as a router, you separate the internal network from the
external network based on the analysis of the IP addresses. The internal network
detached by SCALANCE S therefore becomes a separate subnet; SCALANCE S must
be addressed explicitly as a router using its IP address.
● Protection for devices and network segments
The firewall protective function can be applied to the operation of single devices, several
devices, or entire network segments.
● No repercussions when included in existing networks
If a SCALANCE S602 is included in bridge mode in an existing network infrastructure,
this does not mean that new settings need to be made for the end devices; in other
words, division into IP subnets is not necessary.

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4.4 SCALANCE S Security Module


Figure 4-30 SCALANCE S612

The security functions of the SCALANCE S612/S613 provide flexible protection against the
following, without system repercussions, protocol-independent (as of Layer 2 according to
IEEE 802.3) and without complicated handling:
● Data espionage
● Data manipulation
● Unauthorized access
The SCALANCE S612 / S613 and SOFTNET Security Client are also configured with the
Security Configuration Tool.

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Service computer
Security client


Internal VPN over

IPSec tunnel

Host computer

External network


External External External
• Firewall
• Router Internal Internal Internal



ET 200X
0 1

OP 270 S7-400 S7-300

"internal" HMI "internal" Automation cell "internal" Automation cell

Figure 4-31 Setting up a system with SCALANCE S612/S613

The SCALANCE S612/S613 provide the following security functions:

● Firewall
– IP firewall with stateful packet inspection
– Firewall also for Ethernet "non-IP" frames according to IEEE 802.3 (Layer 2 frames)
All network nodes located in the internal network segment of a SCALANCE S are
protected by its firewall.
● Communication made secure by IPSec tunnels
SCALANCE S612 / S613 devices can be configured to form groups. IPSec tunnels are
created between all SCALANCE S612 / S613 devices of a group (VPN, Virtual Private
Network). All internal nodes of this SCALANCE S can communicate securely with each
other through these tunnels.
● Protocol-independent

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Tunneling includes all Ethernet frames according to IEEE 802.3 (Layer 2 frames). Both IP
and non-IP frames are transmitted through the IPSec tunnel.
● Protection for devices and network segments
The firewall and VPN protective function can be applied to the operation of single
devices, several devices, or entire network segments.
● No repercussions when included in existing networks
Internal network nodes can be found without configuration. If a SCALANCE S612 / S613
is included in an existing network infrastructure, this does not mean that new settings
need to be made for the end devices; in other words, division into IP subnets is not

Internal and external network nodes

SCALANCE S602/S612/S613 divides networks into two areas:
● Internal network: Protected areas with the "internal nodes"
Internal nodes are all the nodes secured by a SCALANCE S
● External network: Unprotected areas with the "external nodes"
External nodes are all the nodes located outside the protected areas.
The internal network is considered to be secure (trustworthy). Connect an internal network
segment to the external network segments only over SCALANCE S.
There must be no other paths connecting the internal and external network!

Configuration and administration

A CD ships with the SCALANCE S containing not only the manual but also the Security
Configuration Tool.
The Security Configuration Tool is used for the following tasks:
● Configuration of SCALANCE S;
● Configuration of SOFTNET Security Client; (S612/S613)
● Test and diagnostics functions, status displays.
To operate the SCALANCE S, you must download a configuration created with the Security
Configuration Tool. A SCALANCE S configuration includes the IP parameters and the setting
for firewall rules and, if applicable, the setting for IPSec tunnels (S612 / S613) or router
mode (S602).
The Security Configuration Tool has two modes:
● Offline - configuration view
In offline mode, you create the configuration data for the SCALANCE S modules and
SOFTNET Security Clients. Prior to downloading, there must already be a connection to
● Online
The online mode is used for testing and diagnostics of a SCALANCE S.

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Before putting the device into operation, you can first create the entire configuration offline
and then download it. For the first configuration (device with factory settings), use the MAC
address printed on the device.
The Security Configuration Tool provides two operating views in offline mode:
● Standard mode
Standard mode is the default mode in the Security Configuration Tool. It allows fast,
uncomplicated configuration of SCALANCE S operation.
● Advanced mode
Advanced mode provides extended options allowing individual settings for the firewall
rules and security functionality.
In advanced mode, a further distinction must be made between local firewall rules and
global firewall rules for modules:
– Local firewall rules are always assigned to a module. They are configured in the
properties dialog of the modules.
– Global firewall rules can be assigned to several modules at the same time. This option
simplifies configuration in many situations.
Consistency checks are running even while you make the entries in the dialogs. You can
also start a project-wide consistency check for all dialogs at any time. Only consistent project
data can be downloaded.
The saved project and configuration data are protected by encryption both in the project file
and on the SCALANCE S.
On the SCALANCE S, they are in a plug-in exchangeable medium, the C-PLUG. The
C-PLUG an exchangeable medium that allows the device to be replaced in the event of a
fault without requiring a programming device.
Each project can be protected from unauthorized access by assigning passwords.
To ensure security of administrative communication, the settings are made on the
SCALANCE S via an SSL encrypted channel.
The SSL protocol is located between the TCP (OSI layer 4) and the transmission services
(such as HTTP, FTP, IMAP etc.) and is used for a secure transaction. With SSL, the user is
sure that it is connected to the required server (authentication) and that the sensitive data is
transferred over a secure (encrypted) connection.

See also
C-PLUG configuration memory (Page 223)
Part C: SCALANCE S security components (Page 383)

4.4.2 SCALANCE S design

The SCALANCE S has a robust metal housing ideal for installation on a DIN rail and an S7
standard rail. It is also possible to install the device directly on a wall in various positions.

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4.4 SCALANCE S Security Module

Thanks to their S7-300 housing dimensions, the devices are ideal for integration in an
automation solution with S7-300 components.
Configuration and engineering data is stored in internal non-volatile memory on the
SCALANCE S. A C-PLUG can also be inserted to store this data. The compartment for the
C-PLUG is below a screw cover on the back of the device. If a SCALANCE S needs to be
replaced, the stored data can be transferred simply to the new device.
SCALANCE S devices have the following connectors:
● A 4-pin terminal block for connecting the redundant power supply (2 x 24 V DC)
● A 2-pin terminal block for connecting the floating signaling contact
● Two Industrial Ethernet connectors in the form of RJ-45 jacks with standard pinning for
connecting two separate Industrial Ethernet networks
The two Industrial Ethernet connectors, port 1 and port 2, are handled differently by the
SCALANCE S and must not be swapped over when connecting to the communication
● Port 1 - external network
Upper RJ-45 jack, marked red = unprotected network area;
● Port 2 - internal network
lower RJ-45 jack, marked green = network protected by SCALANCE S;If the ports are
reversed, the device loses its protective function.
Both connectors support autonegotiation and the MDI / MDIX autocrossing function.
The advantage of the MDI /MDIX autocrossing function is that straight-through cables can be
used throughout and crossover Ethernet cables are unnecessary. This prevents
malfunctions resulting from mismatching send and receive wires. This greatly simplifies
IE TP cords or IE TP-XP cords with a maximum length of 10 m can be connected to the two
IE TP ports. In conjunction with the Industrial Ethernet FastConnect IE FC Standard Cable
and IE FC RJ-45 Plug 180, a total cable length of maximum 100 m is possible between two

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4.4 SCALANCE S Security Module

4.4.3 SCALANCE S functions

SCALANCE S functions
The SCALANCE S602, SCALANCE S612 and SCALANCE S613 differ from each other
mainly in their firmware. The differences are shown in the following table.

Table 4-11 Overview of the functions

Function S602 S612 S612 V2 S613 S613 V2

Firewall x x x x x
NAT/NAPT router x - x - x
DHCP server x - x - x
Network Syslog x - x - x
IPSec tunnel (VPN, Virtual Private - x x x x
Softnet Security Client - x x x x
x function supported
- function not supported

The firewall functionality of SCALANCE S has the task of protecting the internal network
from influences or disturbances from the external network. This means that; depending on
the configuration, only certain previously specified communication relations between network
nodes from the internal network and network nodes from the external network are allowed.
All network nodes located in the internal network segment of a SCALANCE S are protected
by its firewall.
The firewall functionality can be configured for the following protocol levels:
● IP firewall with stateful packet inspection;
● Firewall also for Ethernet "non-IP" frames according to IEEE 802.3; (Layer 2 frames)
Stateful Inspection (also known as Stateful Packet Filter or Dynamic Packet Filter) is a
firewall technology that operates both on the network and at the application layer. The IP
packets are accepted on the network layer, inspected according to their state by an analysis
module and compared with a status table.
For the communication partner, a firewall with stateful inspection appears as a direct cable
that only allows communication according to the rules.
Firewall rules for data traffic in the following directions:
● from the internal to the external network and vice versa;
● from the internal network into an IPSec tunnel and vice versa (S612/S613 only).

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SCALANCE S in routing mode (S602)

By operating the SCALANCE S602 in routing mode, you separate the internal network from
the external network based on the analysis of the IP addresses. The internal network
separated by SCALANCE S602 therefore becomes a separate subnet.
You have the following options:
● Routing - can be set in both standard and advanced mode
Packets intended for an existing IP address in the subnet (internal or external) are
forwarded. The firewall rules for the direction of transmission also apply.
For this mode, you must also configure an IP address for the internal subnet.
Note: In contrast to the bridge mode of the SCALANCE S, VLAN tags are lost in routing
● NAT/NAPT routing - can be set in advanced mode
In this mode, the IP addresses are also converted. The IP addresses of the devices in the
internal subnet are mapped to external IP addresses and are therefore not "visible" in the
external network.
For this mode, you configure the address conversion in a list. You assign an external IP
address to an internal address.
Depending on the method you want to use, the following applies to the assignment:
– NAT (Network Address Translation)
The following applies here: Address = IP address
– NAPT (Network Address Port Translation)
The following applies here: Address = IP address + port number
NAT (Network Address Translation) is a routine with which an IP address in a frame is
replaced on the router by another.
With NAPT (Network Address Port Translation), not only an IP address is replaced in the
frame on the router by another address but also the port number by another port number.
By configuring address translation in the "Router Mode" dialog, you operate the SCALANCE
S as NAT/NAPT router. With this technique, the addresses of the nodes in the internal
subnet are not known in the external network; the internal nodes are visible in the external
network only under the external IP addresses defined in the address conversion list (NAT
table and NAPT table) and are therefore protected from direct access.

SCALANCE S as DHCP server (S602)

A DHCP server assigns an IP address to each client throughout the network. DHCP
(Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) in conjunction with a suitable server, allows the
dynamic assignment of an IP address and other configuration parameters to computers in
the network.
SCALANCE S602 can be operated in the internal network as a DHCP server. This allows IP
addresses to be assigned automatically to the devices connected to the internal network.
The IP addresses are assigned either dynamically from an address band you have specified
or you can select a specific IP address for a particular device.

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Test, diagnostics, logging, network Syslog (S602)

For test and monitoring purposes, all SCALANCE S devices have various diagnostics and
logging functions. Only the SCALANCE S602, however, supports network Syslog.
● Diagnostic functions
These include various system and status functions that you can use in online mode.
● Logging functions
This involves the recording of system and security events. The events are logged in the
buffer area of the SCALANCE S or a server. These functions can only be assigned
parameters and evaluated when there is a network connection to the selected
SCALANCE S module.
The events to be logged are selected in the log settings for the relevant SCALANCE S
module. The following variants can be configured for logging:
● Local log
In this variant, events are recorded in the local buffers of the SCALANCE S module.
These logs can then be accessed, displayed and archived on the service station in the
online dialog of the Security Configuration Tool.
● Network Syslog (S602)
Network Syslog uses the Syslog server in a network. This records the events in log files
according to the configuration in the log setting for the relevant SCALANCE S module.
SCALANCE S602 can be configured so that it sends Syslog information as a client to a
Syslog server. The Syslog server can be in the internal or external subnet. The
implementation corresponds to RFC 3164.
In both logging procedures, SCALANCE S recognizes the three following types of events:
● Packet filter events (firewall) / packet filter log
The packet filter log records certain packets from the data traffic. Data packets are only
logged if they match a configured packet filter rule (firewall) or to which the basic
protection reacts (corrupt or invalid packets). This is only possible when logging is
enabled for the packet filter rule.
● Audit events / audit log
The audit log automatically logs successive security-relevant events. This would include,
for example, enabling or disabling packet logging or actions when users did not
authenticate themselves correctly with a password.
● System events / system log
The system log automatically logs successive system events, for example the start of a
process. The logging can be scaled based on event classes.
Line diagnostics can also be configured (S602). Line diagnostics returns messages as
soon as the number of bad packets exceeds a selectable limit.

IPsec tunnel (S612/S613)

IPsec (IP Security Protocol) is a layer 3 tunneling protocol and is an expansion/addition to IP.
IPSec (currently), however, only allows encryption of IP packets, does not transfer multicasts
and only supports static routing.
This protocol is used only by SCALANCE S612/S613.

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4.4 SCALANCE S Security Module

In the internal networks protected by the SCALANCE S612/S613, the IPsec tunnel provides
the nodes with a secure data connection through the unsecured external network to other
internal networks protected by the SCALANCE S612/S613. Data exchange between devices
through the IPSec tunnel in the VPN (Virtual Private Network) has the following properties:
● Confidentiality
The data exchanged is safe from eavesdropping.
● Integrity
The data exchanged is safe from corruption/counterfeiting.
● Authenticity
Only those with the appropriate rights can set up a tunnel.
With the Security Configuration Tool, the SCALANCE S612/S613 and SOFTNET Security
Client modules that are intended to belong to an internal network can be configured to form
groups or VPNs (Virtual Private Network).
IPSec tunnels are established automatically between all SCALANCE S612/S613 modules
and SOFTNET Security Client modules that belong to the same group. All internal nodes of
this SCALANCE S612/S613 can communicate securely with each other through these
Tunneling includes all Ethernet frames according to IEEE 802.3 (Layer 2 frames). Both IP
and non-IP frames are transmitted through the IPSec tunnel.

4.4.4 SOFTNET Security Client

The SOFTNET Security Client is a software application and an integral part of the industrial
security concept that is used to protect automation systems and secure data exchange
between automation systems:
● Fully integrated intuitive configuration without specialist security knowledge
● A common configuration tool with a common database for SCALANCE S and SOFTNET
Security Client
– Automatic generation of certificates by the Security Configuration Tool
– Automatic learning of the nodes of the internal network and detection of the
SCALANCE S modules in the external network
● Use of the tried-and-tested IPsec mechanisms for setting up and operating VPNs
● Allows secure access by programming devices, PCs and notebooks to automation
systems or automation cells protected by SCALANCE S.

Principle of application
The SOFTNET Security Client PC software provides VPN services on the PG or notebook.
This allows secure IP-based access from a PC/PG to automation systems in subnets
protected by SCALANCE S612/S613.

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4.4 SCALANCE S Security Module

Area of application - access over VPN

With the SOFTNET Security Client, a PC/PG is configured automatically so that it can
establish IPsec tunnels to one or more SCALANCE S modules.
Thanks to this IPsec tunnel communication, it is possible to access devices or networks
located in an internal network protected by SCALANCE S securely using PG/PC applications
such as NCM Diagnostics or STEP 7.
Remember that you can only use the SOFTNET Security Client in groups with modules in
bridge mode.

Automatic communication over VPN

For your application, it is important that the SOFTNET Security Client automatically detects
access to the IP address of a VPN node. You address the node simply using the IP address
as if it was located in the local subnet to which the PC/PG with the application is attached.

How it works
The SOFTNET Security Client reads in the configuration created with the Security
Configuration Tool and gets the required information on the certificates to be imported from
the file. The root certificate and the private keys are imported and stored on the local PG/PC.
Following this, security settings are made based on the data from the configuration so that
applications can access IP addresses downstream from the SCALANCE S modules.
If a learning mode for the internal nodes or programmable controllers is enabled, the
configuration module first sets a security policy for the secure access to SCALANCE S
modules. The SOFTNET Security Client then addresses the SCALANCE S modules to
obtain the IP addresses of the relevant internal nodes. SOFTNET Security Client enters
these IP addresses in special filter lists belonging to this security policy. Following this,
applications such as STEP 7 can communicate with the programmable controllers over VPN.

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4.5 OSM/ESM and ELS

4.5 OSM/ESM and ELS

4.5.1 Introduction

The OSMs/ESMs ("Optical Switch Module", "Electrical Switch Module") and ELS ("Electrical
Lean Switch") are an older generation of Industrial Ethernet Switches from SIMATIC NET.

4.5.2 Overview of the functions

Overview of the functions of the individual modules

Type and number of ports Features

Gigabit Ethernet Fast Ethernet Ring redundancy without RM

10 / 100 /


Diagnosis: Web, SNMP

10 / 100 Mbit/s 100 Mbit/s

SIMATIC environment

PROFINET diagnosis

1000 Mbit/s

Standby redundancy

Gigabit technology
Compact housing

Layer 3 switching
Ring redundancy
TP / FO TPTP Fiber Optic

Modular design

Office features
LED diagnosis

Signal contact

IRT capability
Local display

Digital inputs
2 x 24 V DC

(set button)

RJ45 M12 Fast ITP POF/ Multi- Single-


with RM

Module type Connect PCF mode mode

2 2 4
OSM TP62 6 2 8
OSM ITP62 6 2 8

OSM ITP53 5 3 8
ITP62-LD 6 2 8
OSM BC08 8 8
ESM TP40 4 4

ESM TP80 8 8
ESM ITP80 8 8
ELS TP40 2 2

2 2
ELS TP80 8

suitable G_IK10_XX_10208

Figure 4-32 OSM/ESM and ELS - overview of the functions

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4.5 OSM/ESM and ELS

4.5.3 Optical and electrical switch module (OSM/ESM) Area of application of OSMs/ESMs


Figure 4-33 ESM and OSM

The version 2 OSMs/ESMs (Optical/Electrical Switch Modules) allow cost-effective setup of

100 Mbps switched networks.
By creating segments (dividing a network into subnets/segments) and
attaching these segments to an OSM/ESM it is possible to contain the load in existing
networks and to achieve an improvement in network performance.
The OSM/ESM allows the creation of redundant Industrial Ethernet ring structures using
switching technology with fast medium redundancy (reconfiguration time maximum 0.3
To create an optical ring, OSMs with two FO ports are required.
To create an electrical ring, ports 7 and 8 of the ESM are interconnected using Industrial
Twisted Pair cables.
The data rate in the ring is 100 Mbps; a maximum of 50 OSMs/ESMs can be used.
In addition to the two ring ports, OSMs/ESMs have a further six ports (optionally D-sub or
RJ45 ports), to which both end devices and network segments can be attached.
Several rings can be interconnected redundantly using the integrated standby function.
There are three ways of signaling errors:
● via the signal contact
● via SNMP (traps)
● by Email

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Part B: Active components and supported topologies
4.5 OSM/ESM and ELS

See also
Optical Switch Module (OSM) and Electrical Switch Module (ESM) (Page 389) OSM/ESM functions

Improving network performance
By filtering the data traffic based on the Ethernet (MAC) address of the end devices, local
data traffic remains local, only data intended for nodes in another subnet is forwarded by the

Simple network configuration and network expansion

A total network span of up to 150 km (OSM) or 5 km (ESM) presents no problem.
The OSM/ESM stores the data received at the ports and then forwards it to the destination
address. The restriction of the network span resulting from collision detection (CSMA/CD)
ends at the OSM/ESM port.

Error containment
The OSM/ESM limits the propagation of errors in a network to the subnet involved because it
forwards only valid data.

Integration of Ethernet networks operating at 10 Mbps and 100 Mbps

The OSM/ESM is suitable for the integration of existing subnets operating at 10 Mbps in Fast
Ethernet networks operating at 100 Mbps.
The OSM/ESM automatically detects the data rate (10 or 100 Mbps) at the twistedpair ports
as well full or half duplex mode.

Fast redundancy in the ring

By interconnecting the ends of an optical bus using OSMs/ESMs to form a ring, reliable
communication can be achieved. With an OSM/ESM in the ring, the integrated redundancy
manager is activated using a DIL switch. The redundancy manager constantly monitors the
operation of the network.
It recognizes the failure of a section in the ring or of an OSM/ESM and activates the
substitute path within a maximum of 0.3 seconds.

Redundant linking of networks.

The standby function integrated in the OSM/ESM allows the redundant linking of two
networks (ring or bus structure). To achieve this, two OSMs/ESMs are set as the standby
master/slave using a DIL switch in one network and their standby ports connected to

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Part B: Active components and supported topologies
4.5 OSM/ESM and ELS

partners in the other network. These partners can be OSMs/ESMs or SCALANCE X


Priority for forwarding timeofday frames

OSMs/ESMs recognize a SIMATIC NET timeofday frame by its multicast address
09:00:06:01:FF:EF H and forward it with priority over other frames. Giving priority to
forwarding of timeofday frames minimizes their delay time in the network and keeps this
as low as possible regardless of the network load.

All modules have the following connectors and operator controls:
● A 6pin terminal block for connecting the power supply (redundant 24 V DC power supply)
and the floating signal contact.
● A row of LEDs and a selection button to display the mode and status information.
● The StandbySync port is used to synchronize two modules when linking redundant
● The OSMs/ESMs can be upgraded to new firmware revisions and can be assigned
parameters via the serial port.
The OSM/ESM has a total of eight LAN ports. Depending on the particular variant, they have
the following ports:
● Twistedpair port (D-sub): 10/100Base-TX
9pin D-sub socket (ITP port), automatic data rate detection (10 or 100 Mbps) for
connection of TP cables (max. length 100 m)
● Twistedpair port (RJ-45): 10/100Base-TX
RJ45 jack, automatic data rate detection (10 or 100 Mbps) for connection of TP Cords
(max. length 10 m, in conjunction with FC Outlets RJ45 and Industrial Ethernet
FastConnect cable (patch cabling) up to 100 m)
● Glass FOC: Multimode (MM); 100Base-FX BFOC
2 BFOC sockets per port, data rate 100 Mbps, for connection of multimode FOC in
environments with high EMI levels and for distances up to 3000 m between two OSMs
● Glass FOC: Single mode (SM); 100Base-FX BFOC
2 BFOC sockets per port, data rate 100 Mbps, for connection of single mode FOC in
environments with high EMI levels and for distances up to 26 km between two OSM
ITP62LD modules.
For an overview of the number of interfaces available on the various models, refer to the
Overview of the functions.

See also
Overview of the functions (Page 170)

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Part B: Active components and supported topologies
4.5 OSM/ESM and ELS Bus (linear) topologies with OSMs/ESMs

Bus (linear) topologies with the OSM/ESM

Linear bus topologies can be implemented with OSMs/ESMs. The maximum cascading
depth is 50 OSMs/ESMs in series.
The entire segment lengths permitted for a port type (TP, FO) can be used.

See also
Linear structure (Page 54) Redundant ring structure with OSMs/ESMs

Redundant ring structure with OSMs

With the aid of an OSM functioning as the redundancy manager (RM), the ends of an optical
bus made up of OSMs can be connected together to form a redundant optical ring. The
OSMs are connected together using ports 7 and 8.
The RM monitors the line of OSMs connected to it at ports 7 and 8 in both directions. If it
detects a break on the line, it interconnects the ends of the line to reestablish a functioning
linear bus configuration. A maximum of 50 OSMs are permitted in an optical ring. This
strategy achieves a reconfiguration time of less than 0.3 seconds.
The RM mode is activated on the OSM using a DIP switch.

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4.5 OSM/ESM and ELS




10/100 Mbit/s

OSM 100 Mbit/s PC

OSM 10/100


Figure 4-34 Redundant ring structure with OSMs (switched network)

Redundant ring structure with ESMs

A redundant electrical ring can also be set up with ESMs. To achieve this, the ESMs are
connected together using ports 7 and 8. One device must be switched to the redundancy
manager mode. With ESMs and a maximum of 50 devices in the ring, a reconfiguration time
of less than 0.3 s can also be achieved.

The reconfiguration time of less than 0.3 s can only be achieved when no components (for
example switches from other vendors) other than SCALANCE X switches OSMs or ESMs
are used in the redundant ring.
In a ring, one device and one device only must operate in the redundancy manager mode.
End devices or complete network segments can be attached to ports 1 - 6 of an OSM/ESM
operating in the RM mode.

See also
Optical redundant ring structure (Page 62)
Redundant ring structure (Page 59)

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Part B: Active components and supported topologies
4.5 OSM/ESM and ELS Redundant linking of subnets using the OSM/ESM

Redundant linking of subnets using the OSM/ESM

Using an OSM/ESM, fast, redundant links between two Ethernet subnets or networks can be
implemented. These networks can, for example, consist of redundant OSM/ESM rings.
The redundant link as shown in the figure below is established on separate paths via the two
TP ports (default port 1) of an OSM/ESM pair. The standbysync ports of both OSMs/ESMs
must be connected using an ITP XP standard cable 9/9 with a maximum length of 40 m.

How standby redundancy works

One of the two OSMs/ESMs must be set to the standby mode by setting the DIP switch. This
OSM/ESM forms the redundant link that only transfers data when the other path (main link)
fails. The OSM/ESM in the standby mode receives information about the state of the main
link via the synchronization connection between the standbysync ports. If the main link fails,
the redundant OSM/ESM activates the standby link within 0.3 seconds.
If the problem is eliminated on the main link, this also causes a signal on the synchronization
connection. The main link is enabled again and the standby link disabled.

Faults managed by the redundancy function

The following problems on the main link activate the standby link:
● Main OSM/ESM without power
● Cable break at a cascaded port of the main OSM/ESM
● Defective or deactivated partner on a cascaded port of the main OSM/SM.

Port assignment in OSM/ESM standby mode

On the standby master and standby slave, only port 1 (standby port) can be used for the link
to the neighboring ring. Ports 2 to 6 can be used just as normal OSM ports.
The port assignment is the default setting of an OSM when shipped.
With network management, it is also possible to configure ports other than port 1 or several
ports as standby ports (see also OSM/ESM Network Management Manual).

Simultaneous standby and redundancy manager operation

A standby master or standby slave can act as a redundancy manager in a redundant ring at
the same time. OSM/ESM network management

Network management provides the following functions:

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4.5 OSM/ESM and ELS

● Password protected login for administrators (write and read rights) and users (read rights
● Reading out version and status information
● Setting the message and standby mask and address information,
● Fixed parameter settings for ports and filter tables,
● Output of statistical information,
● Diagnostics of data traffic,
● Selectable mirror port,
● Downloading new firmware versions via the network.
If problems occur in the network, the OSM/ESM can send error messages (traps)
automatically to a network management system or Emails to a network administrator.

Remote monitoring
Remote monitoring (RMON) provides the following functions:
The OSM/ESM is capable of visualizing statistical information according to the RMON
Standards 1 to 3. These include, for example, error statistics maintained for each port

WebBased management functions

The management level of the OSM is accessible using a web browser. Masks, filters, and
ports can be configured. Diagnostics of the device and the ports is possible via the Web.

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4.5 OSM/ESM and ELS

Figure 4-35 Network management with Web browser

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4.5 OSM/ESM and ELS

4.5.4 Electrical Lean Switch (ELS) Area of application of the ELS


Figure 4-36 ELS TP40M

The Electrical Lean Switch ELS product generation allows powerful Fast Ethernet networks
with a small number of interfaces to be set up in industry. Nodes are connected solely over
twisted-pair interfaces, in other words, electrical interfaces.

Figure 4-37 ELS TP80

The Electrical Lean Switches (ELS) allow the cost-effective installation of Industrial Ethernet
bus or star structures with switching functionality. The ELS are designed for installation in a
switching cubicle.

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4.5 OSM/ESM and ELS

The following ELS variants are available:

● ELS TP40
● ELS TP80
Compared with the other devices, the ELS TP40M has the following extra features:
● Additional integrated Web server
● SNMP access
● E-mail function for remote diagnostics and signaling over the network

See also
Electrical Lean Switch (ELS) (Page 412) ELS functions

The ELS TP devices are plug-and-play devices that require no settings when they are put
into operation.
All ELS TP devices provide the following functions:
● Autonegotiation,
● MDI/MDIX autocrossover function

Additional functions of the ELS TP40M

The ELS TP40M alone has the following functions.
Diagnostics functions:
● Display of the current state of the port (link up/down, transmission rate and duplicity)
● Display of the MAC address, the IP address, the subnet mask, the gateway, and the type
of configuration (manual or using DHCP).
● Trap and E-mail monitoring unit: Cold start events and status changes at the port can be
sent to E-mail and/or trap recipients,
● Display of statistical values of errors that have occurred on the network and that were
detected by the ELS (CRC, defective frames, collisions etc.).
● Display of the system up time and the hardware and firmware version.
Configuration functions:
● Configuration of the IP address, the subnet mask and the gateway using the Primary
Setup Tool (PST),
● Reset of all values to the factory settings using the PST.
● Configuration of E-mail and trap recipients.

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4.5 OSM/ESM and ELS

● Configuration of individual events that will trigger the sending of E-mails and/or traps.
The ELS TP40M includes integrated Web-Based Management; in other words, it can be
operated using an Internet browser (such as Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape). The
modules are operated using a Java applet stored on the ELS that is loaded by the browser.
For the browser to be able to load the applet, a Java virtual machine (JVM) is required. As of
Version 6.x, Netscape provides a JVM integrated in the browser that can be used for Web
Based Management. For the Microsoft Internet Explorer, the JVM Plugin must be installed
separately. On the CD supplied with the ELS TP40M, you will find a suitable JVM from Sun
Microsystems. The latest JVM versions can also be downloaded free from the Web pages of
Sun Microsystems. Topologies with the ELS

Topologies with the ELS

The ELS TP40 and ELS TP40M are optimized for installation in 10/100 Mbps
Industrial Ethernet networks with a linear structure but they can also be used as a single
start point. The ELS TP40 themselves are interconnected using IE FC 2x2 cables. These are
connected to the devices using insulation piercing contacts. One or two nodes or one node
and a programming device can be connected via two RJ-45 jacks.
The ELS TP80 also allows a star network to be set up with up to 8 nodes via RJ-45 jacks or
the expansion of the number of ports for OSM/ESM applications.

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Part B: Passive components and accessories 5
5.1 Product overview of "passive IE components"

Table of available passive IE components

See following page.

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o p t i c a l e l e c t r i c a l

Figure 5-1





with SC

with RJ45

IE devices
IE devices
IE devices
IE devices

with BFOC

with Sub-D

with SC RJ

IP67 hybrid

IE FC Outlet

ITP connector
IE FC Standard Cable GP 4x2

A coded
connector B coded
IE FC Cable 4x2
IE FC Standard Cable GP 2x2
IE FC Flexible Cable GP 2x2
IE FC Trailing Cable GP 2x2 IE FC Cable 2x2
IE FC Torsion Cable GP 2x2
IE FC Trailing Cable 2x2
IE FC Marine Cable 2x2
IE TP Cord 9/RJ45
IE TP XP Cord 9/RJ45
IE TP Cord 9-45/RJ45
IE TP XP Cord 9-45/RJ45 IE TP Cord 2x2
IE TP Cord RJ45/15
IE TP XP Cord RJ45/15
IE TP XP Cord 9/9

IE TP Cord RJ45/RJ45
Part B: Passive components and accessories

IE TP XP Cord RJ45/RJ45 IE TP Cord 4x2

5.1 Product overview of "passive IE components"

ITP Standard Cable

ITP FRNC Cable ITP cables
ITP Standard Cable 9/15
Industrial Ethernet (IE)

Product overview of "passive IE components"

ITP XP Standard Cable 9/9 ITP connecting
ITP XP Standard Cable 15/15 cables
ITP FRNC Cable 9/15

Hybrid cable 2x2 + 4x0,34 Hybrid cables

Energy Cable 2 x 0,75 Energy cables

FO Standard Cable GP Fiber-optic (FO)
FO Trailing Cable
FO Trailing Cable GP cables
FO Ground Cable 50/125 µm
Fiber Optic Standard Cable
INDOOR Fiber Optic Indoor Cable Fiber-optic cables
Flexible Fiber Optic Trailing Cable 62,5/125 µm
SIENOPYR Marine Duplex Fiber Optic Cable

PCF Standard Cable GP PCF FO cables

PCF Trailing Cable GP
PCF Trailing Cable 200/230 µm
Fiber-optic cables
Prefabricated fiber-optic cables with
with BFOC connector
BFOC connector
Fiber-optic cables
Prefabricated fiber-optic cables with
with SC connector
SC connector
POF Standard Cable GP POF FO cables
POF Trailing Cable 980/1000 µm
Prefabricated fiber-optic cables
Fiber-optic cables
with SC RJ connector with
G_IK10_XX_10007 SC RJ connector

System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0

Industrial Ethernet Networking Manual
Part B: Passive components and accessories
5.2 Contacts for special cables and special lengths

5.2 Contacts for special cables and special lengths

Contacts for special cables and special lengths

If you require special cables and special lengths of the cable types, please contact:
Jürgen Hertlein
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel.: + + 49 (911) 750-4465
Telefax: + 49 (911) 750-9991

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Part B: Passive components and accessories
5.3 Components for electrical networks

5.3 Components for electrical networks

5.3.1 Overview of twisted-pair cables

This section describes the technical properties of the Industrial Twisted Pair and twisted-pair
cables. The unassembled cables are described first. Following this, the available assembled
cables will be introduced.

Fast Connect (FC) Twisted Pair

For structured cabling within a factory, the FC twistedpair cabling system is ideal. Using the
FastConnect (FC) system for Industrial Ethernet, structured cabling from the office
environment has been further developed for use in the factory.
FastConnect cables can be assembled fast and simply on site. This means that RJ-45
cabling technology, an existing standard, is also available in a version suitable for industry
and making such cabling possible in an industrial environment.
With the IE RJ-45 Plug and FastConnect cables, runs of up to 100 m cable length are
possible without patching.

Twisted Pair Cord

The TP Cord is used to connect end devices to the Industrial Ethernet FC cabling system. It
is intended for use in switching cubicles. It is used mainly as a patch cable.
The maximum total length of the two TP Cords in a point-to-point connection is 10 m.

ITP ("Industrial Twisted Pair" with D-sub connectors)

To establish a direct link between nodes and network components, the ITP Standard Cable
preassembled with robust D-sub male connectors is available.
This allows a cable length of up to 100 m without patch cables.

The EN 50173 standard describes the structured cabling of office buildings. IEC 24702
describes the structured building networking of an industrial building. The description of the
automation system within an industrial building can be found in IEC 61918 and the
communications-specific part of PROFINET is in IEC 61784-5-3.
See also Appendix (Page 583)

Structured cabling
Structured cabling describes the cabling of building complexes for information technology
purposes regardless of the applications used. A building is divided into the following areas:

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Part B: Passive components and accessories
5.3 Components for electrical networks

● Primary area
(interconnection of buildings of a campus)
● Secondary area
(interconnection between floors of a building)
● Tertiary area (information technology connectors for the end devices of a floor)
TP Cords can be used as patch cables between devices and on patch panels.
The structured cabling that can be implemented with the Industrial Ethernet FastConnect
system complies with the tertiary cabling described in EN 50173.

Active distributor,
e.g. SCALANCE X-400 Terminal device,
e.g. S7-300

Patch cable, Connection cable,

e.g. IE TP Cord e.g. IE TP Cord
Installation cable, e. g.
FC TP Standard
Cable 4 x 2

Connection socket, Connection socket,
e.g. IE FC Outlet RJ45 e.g. IE FC Outlet RJ45
A+B < 10 m IE FC RJ45 Modular Outlet IE FC RJ45 Modular Outlet
A+B+C < 100 m

Figure 5-2 Structured cabling to EN 50173

Table 5-1 Cables for structured cabling to EN 50173

Uses SIMATIC NET cable Maximum length

Patch cable IE TP Cord A+C max. 10 m
Tertiary cable IE FC standard cable GP B max. 90 m
IE FC flexible cable GP B max. 75 m
IE FC torsion cable GP B max. 45 m
IE FC trailing cable GP B max. 75 m
IE FC trailing cable B max. 75 m
IE FC marine cable B max. 75 m
IE FC TP FRNC cable GP B max. 75 m

Industrial Twisted Pair cables (IE FC Standard Cable) are intended for indoor use.
Twisted Pair cables (TP Cord) are intended for use in switching cubicles.

See also
Components for electrical networks (Page 423)
Appendix (Page 583)

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Part B: Passive components and accessories
5.3 Components for electrical networks

5.3.2 Individual cable types FastConnect (FC) twisted-pair cables 4-wire for 100 Mbps Ethernet

When installing Industrial Ethernet (IE) networks, there are various cable types available for
different applications.
The Industrial Ethernet FC cables listed should be used.
The symmetrical radial structure of the FastConnect (FC) twistedpair cables allows the use
of the IE FC stripping tool. This allows fast and straightforward assembly of the IE FC RJ-
45 Outlet or IE FC RJ-45 Plug.

See also
FastConnect (FC) twisted-pair cables 4-wire for 100 Mbps Ethernet (Page 428) FastConnect (FC) twisted-pair cables 8-wire for Gigabit Ethernet

To operate 1 gigabit Ethernet networks, 8-wire cables are required. The available
FastConnect (FC) Industrial Ethernet cable is category 6 (CAT6) according to the
international cabling standards ISO/IEC 11801 and EN 50173. This cable is also suitable for
lower data rates such as 100 Mbps.
The symmetrical radial structure of the FastConnect (FC) twistedpair (TP) cable allows the
use of the IE FC stripping tool. This allows fast and straightforward assembly of the
IE FC RJ-45 Modular Outlet.
Note: The user may need to readjust the IE FC stripping tool 6GK1 901-1GA00 for the 4x2
cable variant. The two setting screws of the knife cassette on the stripping tool must be
opened by approximately half a turn.
Cabling with 8-wire cables is always advisable if there is any plan to change over to 1 gigabit
in the foreseeable future.

See also
FastConnect (FC) twisted-pair cables 8-wire for Gigabit Ethernet (Page 438) Twisted Pair Cord (4-wire for Fast Ethernet)

The IE TP 2 x 2 Cord is used to connect end devices to the Industrial Ethernet FC cabling
system. It is intended for use in switching cubicles. The cable is now only used as an adapter
cable to connect devices with a D-sub port to devices with an RJ45 port.

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5.3 Components for electrical networks

The cable is suitable for a transmission rate of 10/100 Mbps.

A maximum of 10 m of twistedpair cord can be used between two devices. With structured
cabling using two IE TP Cords, this length is the maximum for both patch cables together.
The TP interface converter is used to connect an end device with an RJ45 port to the
Industrial Twisted Pair cabling system with a D-sub port.

See also
Twisted Pair Cord (4-wire for Fast Ethernet) (Page 423) Twisted Pair Cord (8-wire for Gigabit Ethernet)

The IE TP 4x2 Cord is used to connect end devices to the Industrial Ethernet FC cabling
system. It is intended for use in switching cubicles. This cable is only available
The cable is suitable for a transmission rate of 10/100/1000 Mbps.
A maximum of 10 m of twistedpair cord can be used between two devices. With structured
cabling using two IE TP Cords, this length is the maximum for both patch cables together.

See also
Twisted Pair Cord (8-wire for Gigabit Ethernet) (Page 426) IE Hybrid Cable

The IE Hybrid Cable 2x2 + 4x0.34 in conjunction with the IE FC RJ-45 Modular Outlet is the
ideal solution when a device such as the SCALANCE W needs to be supplied with power at
the same time. The cable includes
● 2 x 2 wires for data transmission according to CAT 5e
● 2 x 2 wires each with a core diameter of 0.76 mm to supply power
Power supply according to the Power over Ethernet standard (PoE) can also be carried on
the power wires; in other words up to 57 V.

With the IE Hybrid Cable 2x2 + 4x0.34 and the IE FC RJ-45 Modular Outlet with power
insert, distant nodes such as the SCALANCE W can be supplied with data (10/100 Mbps)
and power at the same time. Having both data and power on one cable leads to a significant
reduction of installation costs.
The IE Hybrid Cable 2x2 + 4x0.34 is halogen-free for universal use in industry and office. It is
UV resistant to UL 1581 Sec. 1200.

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5.3 Components for electrical networks

The maximum cable length between the IE FC RJ-45 Modular Outlet and the SCALANCE W
access point is 80 m with an additional 6 m patch cable to the Modular Outlet. An IP67
hybrid cable connector is recommended for connection to the SCALANCE W.

See also
IE Hybrid Cable (Page 445) Industrial Twisted Pair cables (ITP)

Two cable types are used for the Industrial Twisted Pair cable (ITP cable):
● ITP Standard Cable for Industrial Ethernet
● ITP FRNC Cable for Industrial Ethernet
Compared with the standard cable, the FRNC cable has a jacket of thermoplastic copolymer
that is extremely flame retardant and halogen-free. The electrical properties are largely the
Both ITP cables can be ordered either in meters or preassembled with connectors. They
allow connection of a single end device or the connection of two active network components

See also
Industrial Twisted Pair cables (ITP) (Page 448)

5.3.3 Preassembled cable types Preassembled twisted-pair cords

The preassembled Twisted Pair Cords (patch cables) can be used inside switching cubicles
and for transmission links up to 10 m. Compared with the Industrial Twisted Pair cables, the
Twisted Pair Cords are much thinner and more flexible. The connectors are standardized
RJ-45 plugs and D-sub male connectors for connection to Industrial Twisted Pair
The IE TP Cord RJ-45/RJ-45 and IE TP XP Cord RJ-45/RJ-45 have 4 x 2 wires. They
therefore comply with category 6 of the international cabling standards ISO/IEC 11801 and
EN 50173 and are therefore suitable for 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet.
The other cables have 2 x 2 wires. They comply with Cat 5e and are suitable for 10/100
Mbps Ethernet.

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5.3 Components for electrical networks

The following schematics show the available cables and their applications.

Network S7-400
NC Prepared IE TP Cord 2x2


IE TP Cord RJ45/RJ45
Sub-D-9 Sub-D-15
IE TP Cord 9/RJ45
Plug RJ45 RJ45 Plug
IE TP Cord 9-45/RJ45
IE TP Cord RJ45/15

Network Network

component component
Prepared crossed IE TP Cord 2x2

Sub-D-9 IE TP XP Cord RJ45/RJ45

RJ45 IE TP XP Cord 9/RJ45
Plug RJ45 Plug
IE TP XP Cord 9-45/RJ45
IE TP XP Cord 9/9

S7-400 S7-400
S7-300 S7-300
Prepared crossed IE TP Cord 2x2


Sub-D-15 IE TP XP Cord RJ45/RJ45 Sub-D-15

Plug RJ45 IE TP XP Cord RJ45/15 RJ45 Plug
IE TP XP Standard Cable 15/15

Figure 5-3 Use of TP Cord for direct connection of individual components (10/100 Mbps)

From top to bottom:

● Direct connection between an end device and a network component
● Direct connection between two network components
● Direct connection between two end devices

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5.3 Components for electrical networks

Network component e.g. OSM

RJ45 NC IE FC Outlet RJ45 S7-400 PC Sub-D-15

IE TP Cord 2x2 IE FC TP Cable 2x2 IE TP Cord 2x2

IE TP Cord 9/RJ45 IE FC TP Standard Cable GP 2x2 (Type A) IE TP Cord RJ45/15

IE TP Cord 9-45/RJ45 IE FC TP Flexible Cable GP 2x2 (Type B)
IE FC TP Trailing Cable GP 2x2 (Type C)
IE FC Torsion Cable 2x2 (Type C)
IE FC TP Trailing Cable 2x2 (Type C)
IE FC TP Marine Cable 2x2 (Type B)

Network component
NC IE FC Outlet RJ45
NC Sub-D-9

IE TP Cord 2x2 IE FC TP Cable 2x2 IE TP Cord 2x2

IE TP Cord 9/RJ45 IE FC TP Standard Cable GP 2x2 (Type A) IE TP Cord 9/RJ45

IE TP Cord 9-45/RJ45 IE FC TP Flexible Cable GP 2x2 (Type B) IE TP Cord 9-45/RJ45
IE FC TP Trailing Cable GP 2x2 (Type C)
IE FC Torsion Cable 2x2 (Type C)
IE FC TP Trailing Cable 2x2 (Type C)
IE FC TP Marine Cable 2x2 (Type B)

Plug S7-300 IE FC Outlet RJ45 S7-300 Plug
Sub-D-15 Sub-D-15
RJ45 RJ45
IE TP Cord 2x2 IE FC TP Cable 2x2 IE TP Cord 2x2

IE TP Cord RJ45/15 IE FC TP Standard Cable GP 2x2 (Type A) IE TP Cord RJ45/15

IE FC TP Flexible Cable GP 2x2 (Type B)
IE FC TP Trailing Cable GP 2x2 (Type C)
IE FC Torsion Cable 2x2 (Type C)
IE FC TP Trailing Cable 2x2 (Type C)
IE FC TP Marine Cable 2x2 (Type B)

If at least one network component with autocrossover function is used,

prepared TP cords can also be used.

Figure 5-4 Use of TP Cord as a patch cable with IE FC Outlets RJ-45 (10/100 Mbps)

From top to bottom:

● Structured cabling between an end device and a network component
● Structured cabling between two network components
● Structured cabling between two end devices

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5.3 Components for electrical networks

Network Network
NC prepared IE TP Cord 4x2
NC component

e.g. SCALANCE X-400 e.g. SCALANCE X-400

IE TP Cord RJ45/RJ45

If components not supporting Autocrossing are used it is required
to use IE TP XP Cord between two network components or two terminals.

Figure 5-5 Use of TP Cord for direct connection of individual components (10/100/1000 Mbps)


IE FC RJ45 Modular Outlet PC

IE TP Cord IE FC TP Cable 4x2 IE TP Cord

Insert 1GE Insert 1GE

IE TP Cord RJ45/RJ45 IE FC TP Standard Cable GP 4x2 IE TP Cord RJ45/RJ45

If components not supporting Autocrossing are used it is required
to use IE TP XP Cord between two network components or two terminals.

Figure 5-6 Use of TP Cord as a patch cable with IE FC RJ-45 Modular Outlets (10/100/1000 Mbps)

See also
Preassembled twisted-pair cords (Page 451) IE M12 connecting cable

The preassembled IE M12 Connecting Cables are ideally suited for connecting Industrial
Ethernet nodes (for example SCALANCE X208PRO) with degree of protection IP65. They
are suitable for transmission rates of 10/100 Mbps. These is IE FC TP Trailing Cable GP
with D-coded M12 male connectors at both ends.

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5.3 Components for electrical networks

Figure 5-7 IE M12 connecting cable

See also
IE M12 Plug PRO (Page 197)
IE M12 connecting cable (Page 458) Preassembled Industrial Twisted Pair cables

The preassembled Industrial Twisted Pair cables use the robust 9 or 15-pin D-sub male
connectors on an ITP standard cable. These cables have the supplement "ITP". These
cables require end devices and network components with Industrial Twisted Pair ports.
The connection between an active network component and the end device is established
with an Industrial Twisted Pair cable with a 9pin (network component end) and a 15pin D-sub
connector at the end device end.
To connect two active network components, an Industrial Twisted Pair cable with two 9pin D-
sub connectors is used. The two wire pairs are crossed over. Crossover cables have the
additional "XP" marking (crossed pairs).
To connect two end devices to each other, an Industrial Twisted Pair cable with two 15pin D-
sub connectors is used. The wire pairs are again crossed over and this cable also has the
additional "XP" marking.

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5.3 Components for electrical networks

Network component

NK Preassembled Industrial Twisted Pair cable

Connectors Connectors
Sub-D-9 ITP Standard Sub-D-15
Cable 9/15

Network component Network component

NK Konfektionierte Industrial Twisted Pair-Leitung


Connectors Connectors
Sub-D-9 ITP XP Standard Sub-D-9
Cable 9/9

S7-400 S7-400

S7-300 S7-300
Preassembled crossover
Industrial Twisted Pair cable

Connectors Connectors
Sub-D-15 ITP XP Standard Sub-D-15
Cable 15/15

Figure 5-8 Use of preassembled Industrial Twisted Pair cables for direct connection of individual components

See also
Preassembled Industrial Twisted Pair cables (Page 459)

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5.3 Components for electrical networks

5.3.4 Twisted pair interface converters

Interface converters are used to connect an end device with an RJ-45 port to the Industrial
Twisted Pair cabling system.
At one end, the interface converter has an RJ-45 plug to connect the end device, at the other
end it has a 15-pin D-sub female connector with slide locking mechanism. Plug and female
connector are connected by a short TP Cord. This converts the RJ-45 jack of the end device
into an Industrial Twisted Pair end device interface. Double-shielded ITP standard cables up
to 90 min length can be connected to the 15-pin D-sub female connector. These cables can
also be installed in areas with strong EMI.

See also
Twisted pair interface converters (Page 457)

5.3.5 Cable connectors IE FC RJ-45 Plug


Figure 5-9 IE FC RJ-45 Plug with IE FC TP Standard Cable

IE FC RJ-45 Plugs are compact and robust cable connectors that can be used both in an
industrial environment as well as in the office world. The connectors have a robust metal
casing suitable for industry that provides ideal protection from interference for the data
The cable connectors allow point-to-point connections (10/100 Mbps) to be implemented for
Industrial Ethernet between two end devices/network components up to 100 m without patch
The Industrial Ethernet FastConnect RJ-45 Plugs allow simple and fast assembly of the
Industrial Ethernet FastConnect installation cables 2 x 2 (4-wire twisted-pair cables) on site.

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5.3 Components for electrical networks

The Industrial Ethernet FastConnect Stripping Tool for preparing the end of a cable (stripping
the jacket and shield in one step) allows simple stripping and fast fitting of the cable
connector to the cable. Since the cable connector does not have any loose parts, it can be
fitted in difficult conditions.

See also
IE FC RJ-45 Plug (Page 463) IE Hybrid RJ-45 Plug

The IP 67 hybrid cable connector is used to connect a SCALANCE W-700 to Industrial
Ethernet. In conjunction with the IE Hybrid Cable 2x2 + 4x0.34 and the IE FC RJ-45 Modular
Outlet with power insert, power can also be supplied to the target device alongside the data
transmission. The connection of a power supply for Power over Ethernet (PoE) is possible.
The IP 67 hybrid cable connector cannot be ordered separately. It ships with the

See also
IE Hybrid RJ-45 Plug (Page 466) IE M12 Plug PRO

The IE M12 Plug PRO is a 4-pin, D-coded M12 male connector with degree of protection
IP67. It is particularly suitable for use with devices with the relevant degree of protection
such as the SCALANCE X208PRO. It can fitted to cables with an outer diameter of 6 mm to
8 mm. It is suitable for assembling IE FC cables with a transmission rate of up to 100 Mbps.
This allows the IE FastConnect Stripping Tool to be used. By using the insulation piercing
technique, assembly is simple and fast and requires no additional special tools.
With IE FC cable 2 x 2 and IE M12 Plug PRO, an overall cable length of up to 100 m is
permitted between two devices depending on the cable type.

Figure 5-10 IE M12 Plug PRO

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5.3 Components for electrical networks

See also
IE M12 Plug PRO (Page 468) IP65 plug

The previous section IE M12 Plug PRO introduced the IE M12 Plug PRO and the
IE Hybrid RJ-45 Plug. These plugs are used to connect IE FC cables to IP65 devices. Power
can also be supplied via the IE Hybrid RJ-45 Plug.
For devices such as the SCALANCE X208PRO, other cable connectors are required:
● The Power M12 Cable Connector PRO (female), a 4-pin M12 cable connector, A-coded,
to supply the 24 V operating voltage; the power cable 2 x 0.75 is recommended as the
● The Signaling Contact M12 Cable Connector PRO (female), a 5-pin M12 cable
connector, B-coded, for the signaling contact.

See also
IP65 plug (Page 467)

5.3.6 Outlets Industrial Ethernet FC Outlet RJ-45

The Industrial Ethernet FC Outlet RJ45 is used to implement the transition from the robust
Industrial Ethernet FC TP cables used in the industrial environment to preassembled TP
Cord cables using an RJ45 jack. When used with FC TP cables and preassembled TP
Cords, the Industrial Ethernet FC Outlet RJ45 saves considerable time during installation.

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5.3 Components for electrical networks

Figure 5-11 TP Cord with FC Outlet RJ-45 (top)

Color coding prevents errors when connecting the wires. The Industrial Ethernet FC Outlet
RJ45 corresponds to category 5e of the international cabling standards ISO/IEC 11801 and
EN 50173.

The Industrial Ethernet FC Outlet RJ45 consists of a robust metal casing. The screw-on
cover ensures reliable shield contact and strain relief for the Industrial Ethernet FC cable.
The Outlet RJ45 has the following terminals:
● 4 insulationpiercing contacts for connecting the Industrial Ethernet FC cable (contacts
● RJ45 jack with dust protection cap for connecting various TP Cord cables.

See also
Industrial Ethernet FC Outlet RJ-45 (Page 474) IE FC Modular Outlet

The IE FC RJ-45 Modular Outlet is designed for use in industry and is suitable for
transmission links with data rates of 10/100/1000 Mbps according to ISO/IEC 11801 and
EN 50173.
The IE FC RJ-45 Modular Outlet basic module can be equipped with various optional inserts
without changing the wiring (permanent wiring):
● Insert 2 FE: Two Fast Ethernet connections for attachment of two 10/100 Mbps end
devices/network components

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5.3 Components for electrical networks

Figure 5-12 Modular Outlet 2xLAN

● Insert 1 GE: One gigabit Ethernet connection for attaching a 10/100/1000 Mbps end
device/network component

Figure 5-13 Insert 1GE

● Power insert: For power supply

Figure 5-14 Modular outlet with power insert

See also
IE FC Modular Outlet (Page 470)

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5.4 Components for optical networks

5.4 Components for optical networks

5.4.1 Optical transmission technology

Fiber-optic cables (FO cables)

On fiber-optic cables (FO) data is transmitted by modulating electromagnetic waves in the
range of visible and invisible light. The materials used include the following:
● For high-quality FO cables: Glass fibers
● For robust FO cables: Plastic; known as POF cables
● PCF fibers with a glass core and plastic fiber cladding
A distinction is made between
● Step-index fibers and
● Graded-index fibers
Basically, the step-index fiber consists of a glass fiber surrounded by a glass tube with
different refractive indices. The light used to transmit the message propagates only through
the glass fiber. Simple step-index fibers have a relatively large diameter. The light launched
into the glass fiber is refracted (and is no longer available for message transmission) or
reflected so that it remains inside the glass fiber. Beams that are reflected often on their way
to the receiver travel a greater distance than those that are reflected less often or not at all.
This results in different delays. At the receiver, the edges of the coded signal become
blurred. As a result, the maximum transmittable frequency and the maximum length of the
fiber-optic cable are restricted.
Monomode FO cables have a very thin glass fiber with a diameter of around 10 µm and a
cladding diameter 125 µm. Since the core diameter is only is only approximately 6 times the
wavelength, the light propagates without blurring the edges of the coded light.
Graded-index fibers consist of many layers with the refractive index reducing from the center
of the core towards the outside. The speed of propagation increases as the refractive index
reduces. This means that the differences in the delay times on the possible paths through
the FO cable caused by reflection are much less than in step-index fibers. The blurring of the
edges of the coded light is therefore also significantly reduced so that cable lengths of
several kilometers are possible at 100 Mbps depending on the wavelength of the light.
One point to note is that as the fiber diameter reduces, the more important it is to assemble
connectors precisely. The actual maximum length possible with a FO cable also depends on
the power loss budget resulting from the transmit and receive elements used and the
attenuation of the FO cable itself including the coupling loss between the sending and
receiving elements.
Only the fiber-optic cables intended for SIMATIC NET for Industrial Ethernet are described
below. These are all graded-index fibers. The various FO cable types allow solutions for
connecting the components with each other adapted to the operating and environmental
Compared with electrical cables, fiber-optic cables have the following advantages:

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5.4 Components for optical networks

● Electrical isolation of nodes and segments
● No grounding problems,
● No shield currents,
● Transmission path immune to external electromagnetic noise,
● No lightning protection required,
● No noise emission along the transmission path,
● Light weight,
● Depending on the fiber type, cables several kilometers long can be used even at higher
transmission rates.

Point-to-point link
Fiber-optic technology only allows the implementation of point-to-point links; in other words,
one transmitter is connected to only one receiver. The transmission path between two nodes
therefore requires two fibers (one for each transmission direction). All SIMATIC NET
standard fiber-optic cables are therefore designed as duplex cables.

Fiber diameter: 50 µm and 62.5 µm fibers

Previously not only 50 µm fibers Properties of glass FO cable 50/125 µm (Page 202) but also
62.5 µm fibers Overview of the glass fiber-optic cables 62.5/125 μm (Page 204) were
widespread. In the meantime, 50 µm fibers have improved considerably and their values are
in some cases better than the previous 62.5 µm fibers. For this reason, 50 µm fibers are now
used in the SIMATIC NET standard FO cables. Only the SIENOPYR marine duplex FO
cable still uses 62.5 µm fibers.

See also
Overview of plastic FO cable and PCF FO cable (Page 205)

5.4.2 Glass FO cables Properties of glass FO cable 50/125 µm

Designed for Industry

SIMATIC NET glass fiber-optic cables (FO) are available in various designs allowing
optimum adaptation to a wide range of applications.

FO Standard Cable

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5.4 Components for optical networks

● Universal cable for use indoors and outdoors

FO Ground Cable
● Longitudinally and laterally watertight cable for use outdoors with non-metallic rodent
protection for direct underground installation
FO Trailing Cable
● Cable for use in drag chains and for high mechanical strain, PUR outer jacket, no UL
FO Trailing Cable GP
● Cable for use in drag chains and for lower mechanical strain, PVC outer jacket, UL
SIENOPYR Duplex Fiber-Optic Marine Cable
● Hybrid cable consisting of two fibers and two additional copper wires
for fixed installation on ships and offshore facilities

SIMATIC NET standard fibers

In glass fiber-optic cables, SIMATIC NET uses a fiber with 50 µm core diameter as its
standard fiber. SIMATIC NET bus components are ideally matched to these standard fibers
allowing large distances to be covered while keeping the configuration rules simple.

Simple configuration
All the descriptions and operating instructions for SIMATIC NET bus components contain
information about the distances that can be covered with the standard fibers described
above. You can configure your optical network without complicated calculations using simple
limit values (refer to chapter 3 "Network structures and network configuration").

See also
Glass FO cables 50/125 (Page 481) FO Ground Cable 50/125 µm

The FO Ground Cable is a longitudinally watertight and laterally water protected cable with
non-metallic rodent protection that is suitable for direct installation underground. It is suitable
for connecting optical interfaces operating in the wavelength range around 850 nm and 1300

The FO Ground Cable has the following properties:
● UV resistant
● Silicone-free

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5.4 Components for optical networks

● Suitable for direct connector assembly

It is available with and without connectors as follows:
● In meters up to 3000 m,
● With 4 BFOC connectors in lengths up to 300 m,
● With 4 SC connectors in lengths up to 300 m,
● With 2 SC duplex connectors. Overview of the glass fiber-optic cables 62.5/125 μm

Designed for Industry

SIMATIC NET glass fiber-optic cables (FO) are available in various designs allowing
optimum adaptation to a wide range of applications.

Fiber-optic standard cable
● Universal cable for use indoors and outdoors
INDOOR fiber-optic indoor cable
● halogen-free, can be walked on, flame retardant FO cable
for use in buildings
Flexible fiber-optic trailing cable
● for situations in which the cable must be capable of moving
SIENOPYR Duplex Fiber-Optic Marine Cable
● Hybrid cable consisting of two fibers and two additional copper wires
for fixed installation on ships and offshore facilities

SIMATIC NET standard fibers

In glass fiber-optic cables, SIMATIC NET uses a fiber with 62.5 µm core diameter as its
standard fiber. SIMATIC NET bus components are ideally matched to these standard fibers
allowing large distances to be covered while keeping the configuration rules simple.

Simple configuration
All the descriptions and operating instructions for SIMATIC NET bus components contain
information about the distances that can be covered with the standard fibers described
above. You can configure your optical network without complicated calculations using simple
limit values (refer to chapter 3 "Network structures and network configuration").

See also
Glass FO cables 62.5/125 (Page 492)

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5.4 Components for optical networks Note on using preassembled glass FO cables

Special tools are necessary to fit connectors to glass FO cables. This should also only be
performed by trained personnel. If users keep to certain rules when handling and laying
preassembled glass FO cables, they can be very useful if the users do not have the
personnel required for such tasks.
You will find information on handling fiber-optic cables in the sections Connecting fiber-optic
cables and Laying bus cables.
When connecting cables with BFOC connectors to the devices, remember that these must
be crossed over so that there is a connection between transmitter and receiver and receiver
and transmitter. If the cables have SC connectors, this is guaranteed by the connector

See also
Connecting fiber-optic cables (Page 559)
Laying bus cables (Page 574)
Preassembled FO cables (Page 508)

5.4.3 Overview of plastic FO cable and PCF FO cable

Properties of plastic FO cables

Plastic fibers have several properties that differ from those of glass fibers. For example, the
maximum possible cable length is shorter with glass fibers due to the higher attenuation and
the bandwidth is smaller.
Plastic fibers are, however, easier to work with than glass fibers and on-site connector
assembly is more straightforward.
In particular when networking production cell solutions, such as when using the ET200, the
maximum length of plastic cables is often not required. In such situations, plastic fibers may
the ideal solution.

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5.4 Components for optical networks

Figure 5-15 Plastic optical fiber (POF) and plastic cladded fiber (PCF) cables

Plastic FO cable also known as POF cable (Plastic Optical Fiber) can be installed with a
cable length of up to 50 m. In SIMATIC NET, POF cables with a fiber diameter of 980 µm are
used. PCF and POF cables work at a light wavelength of 650 nm.
If the cable length is not adequate, PCF (Plastic Cladded Fiber) can be used instead. The
maximum length of a PCF cable is 100 m.

Examples of application

PROFIBUS module CP 342-5 FO

e.g. CP 5613 FO (IM 153-2 FO, IM 151, BM 143 DESINA)

FO cable with
simplex connector


PROFIBUS PCF - or plastic FO cable

Figure 5-16 Connection example: Optical networking of two components with plastic FO cable (here in a PROFIBUS

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Part B: Passive components and accessories
5.4 Components for optical networks

Control & Monitoring
SIMATIC S7-300 X101-1POF
with CP 343-1 media converter ET 200pro


PROFINET IE Standard Cable POF FO POF FO ET 200S with

IM 151-3 PN FO
Industrial Ethernet POF FO


X204IRT X202-2P IRT X200-4P IRT
ET 200S with
IM 151-3 PN FO

ET 200S with
IM 151-3 PN FO

Figure 5-17 Application example: Setup of a network using POF cables in Industrial Ethernet

Available plastic FO cables

The following variants of plastic FO cables are currently available:

Cable Installation Use Jacket

POF standard cable GP Stationary Indoor PVC
POF trailing cable As trailing cable Indoor PUR
PCF standard cable GP Stationary Indoors and outdoors PVC
PCF trailing cable As trailing cable Indoors and outdoors PUR
PCF trailing cable GP As trailing cable Indoors and outdoors PVC

See also
Plastic FO cable POF and PCF (Page 497)

5.4.4 Special cables

Special cables
In addition to SIMATIC NET standard FO cables described in the IK PI catalog, there are
numerous special cables and installation accessories available. Listing all would exceed the
scope of both the catalog and this manual.
The technical specifications of the SIMATIC NET bus components contains the SIMATIC
NET FO cables used as standard cables for connections and also lists additional fiber types
that can be used.

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5.4 Components for optical networks

Remember that the distances that can be covered change if you use fibers with a different
core diameter or attenuation properties from those listed as standard in the operating

See also
Contacts for special cables and special lengths (Page 185)

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5.5 Components for wireless networks

5.5 Components for wireless networks

5.5.1 Antennas


Figure 5-18 Antennas for SCALANCE W

Antennas for use with SCALANCE W devices are distinguished by the following
● Omnidirectional antennas emit and receive in all directions; Directional antennas cover
greater distances and increase the link quality in environments with multiple sources of
EMI interference but provide no significant area coverage.
● Detached antennas increase the reliability of wireless connections by optimizing the
transmission and reception conditions; connection to access point/client over cable;
antennas directly on the device allow a compact, low-maintenance design.
● Frequency band: The antennas can communicate in the 2.4 GHz band, in the 5 GHz
band or in both bands.
● RCoax leaky feeder cables can be used in special environments as an alternative to
conventional antennas.
● Antenna diversity stabilizes wireless links
The individual antenna types are as follows:

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5.5 Components for wireless networks

ANT795-4MR, ANT795-4MS

Figure 5-19 ANT795-4MR

Figure 5-20 ANT795-4MS

With these omnidirectional antennas, the RF field is concentrated at 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz in
the vertical plane of the antenna. Both antennas have a beamwidth of 30° and an antenna
again of 4 dB. They are mounted directly on the R-SMA connector on the SCALANCE W
The ANT795-4MR antenna can only be turned around one axis and is normally used due to
its IP65 degree of protection primarily with the SCALANCE W-788 access points and the
SCALANCE W744-1PRO, W746-1PRO and W747-1PRO client modules. Two of these
antennas ship with these access points or client modules.
The ANT795-4MS has an additional joint and is therefore suitable for the SCALANCE W784-
1 and W784-1RR access points and the SCALANCE W744-1, W746-1 and W747-1 client

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5.5 Components for wireless networks

ANT792-6MN, ANT793-6MN

Figure 5-21 ANT792-6MN

Figure 5-22 ANT793-6MN

With these omnidirectional antennas, the RF field is concentrated at 2.4 GHz (ANT792-6MN)
and 5 GHz (ANT793-6MN) in the vertical plane of the antenna. The antennas have an
antenna gain of 6 dB or 5 dB respectively.
The N-Connect connector is used that can be connected to a SCALANCE W over a variety
of IWLAN extension cables. Both antennas ship with a mounting bracket that allows wall or
mast mounting. This makes the antennas particularly suitable, for example, for illuminating a
space with a mounting mast in the middle.
The TI795-1R terminator also ships with both antennas. This is required to terminate the
radio waves of the second antenna connector on a SCALANCE W when only one antenna is
being used.

ANT795-6MN, Antenna Mounting Tool (ANT795-6MN)

Figure 5-23 ANT795-6MN

With this omnidirectional antenna, the RF field is concentrated at 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz in the
vertical plane of the antenna. The antenna has an antenna gain of 6 dB or 8 dB.

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5.5 Components for wireless networks

The N-Connect connector is used that can be connected to a SCALANCE W over a variety
of IWLAN extension cables. The antenna characteristics are such that transmission
properties are good even directly below or above the antenna. It is designed for roof
installation but can be installed on or under a roof and is therefore suitable for mobile
application, for example in an automated guided vehicle system. If it needs to be installed on
ceiling below a roof, the optional antenna mounting tool (ANT795-6MN) is used.


Figure 5-24 ANT795-6DN

This wide-angled antenna aligns the RF field at 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz.
The antenna is suitable, for example, for illuminating the space located in front of a wall.

ANT792-8DN, ANT793-8DN

Figure 5-25 ANT792-8DN

Figure 5-26 ANT793-8DN

These antennas genuinely radiate the RF field in a specific direction at 2.4 GHz (ANT792-
8DN) or 5 GHZ (ANT793-8DN). Due to the restricted beamwidth, the RF field is concentrated
into a narrow cone. This achieves high passive gain and long distances.
With their high passive gain, the antennas are suitable for covering long distances with

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5.5 Components for wireless networks

See also
Antennas (Page 511)

5.5.2 IWLAN RCoax Cable (leaky feeder cable)

IWLAN RCoax Cable

Figure 5-27 RCoax cable

IWLAN RCoax leaky feeder cables when operated as the antennas of SCALANCE W access
points, provide a reliable wireless connection in areas in which it would be difficult to install
traditional antenna technology.
The defined cone-shaped RF field that develops along the leaky feeder cable allows reliable
transmission of data in all systems in which the mobile nodes move on defined paths. The
IWLAN RCoax cable is therefore not subjected to wear and tear and requires little
● Reliable illumination in areas otherwise difficult for wireless, for example in cranes, high-
bay storage stackers/retrievers, transfer lines, tunnels or monorail suspension tracks
● Generation of a wedge-shaped RF field
● Low interference or mutual disturbance with low transmit power
● Cost saving by direct replacement slip rings and trailing cable
● Highly flexible application

See also
RCoax leaky feeder cable (Page 519)

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5.5 Components for wireless networks

5.5.3 Various WLAN accessories

Antenna cables

Figure 5-28 Antenna ANT 793-8 DR with extension cable

● Antennas are fitted with antenna cables and R-SMA connectors; as an option, an
extension cable is available,
● All cables provide flame protections, are chemically resilient and silicone free. ("FRNC"

Termination Impedance TI795-1R

● The cable terminator TI795-1R must be used with SCALANCE W-700 products if only
one antenna is installed.

Lightning Protector LP798-1PRO

● The lightning protector LP798-1PRO expands the possible uses of separate antennas
used outdoors,
● Flexible industrial use due to protection against water and dust with class of protection
● Operation outdoors with expanded temperature range,
● This accessory is suitable for use with SCALANCE W-700 including national approvals.

Power Supply PS791-1PRO

See alsoIP65 power supply (Page 224)

See also
Antennas (Page 511)
Various WLAN accessories (Page 521)

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5.5 Components for wireless networks


SINEMA E as planning and configuration tool

SINEMA E (SIMATIC Network Manager Engineering) is software for planning, simulating,
configuring and measuring (site survey) for Industrial Wireless LAN (IWLAN) applications
complying with the 802.11 a/b/g standard.
It is used for the following purposes:
● Visualization of IWLAN networks, for example according to coverage, data transfer rate,
signal/noise ratio and overlapping taking into account environmental and device
● Prognosis/simulation of proposed RF fields and recording of existing RF fields (site
● Configuration of individual and multiple devices as well as upload/download of IWLAN
device parameters
● Integrated and expandable catalog entries for WLAN devices, antennas and wireless
obstacles as well as standard graphics formats for importing floor plans
● Report function for documenting the configured IWLAN environment and device

Figure 5-29 Sinema Lean 2006 screenshot

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Part B: Passive components and accessories
5.5 Components for wireless networks

A whole range of customer benefits

SINEMA E brings many benefits to the customer in all phases of network planning and
● Simplified planning and configuration of IWLAN applications with the aid of simulation
– to detect the number, location and parameters of the IWLAN devices
– for industrial and office environment including outdoor areas
– for specialists and first time users, for example creating offers with the Sales Wizard
● Clear and detailed visualization of wireless and device properties
● Minimization of the configuration and commissioning effort with grouped configuration
and online functions and support during initial commissioning
● Reduction of configuration errors with integrated validation function
● Reports for creating offers, device installation instructions and plant documentation
● Flexible and open architecture for the integration of further WLAN devices (according to
802.11 a/b/g/h standard) for modeling and simulation of obstacles that could influence the
RF illumination

Versions "Lean" and "Standard", along with "PowerPack" license

SINEMA E is marketed in a "Lean" and a "Standard" version. Compared with the "Lean"
version, the "Standard" version provides an expanded range of functions.
Along with the two versions, a "PowerPack" license is also available with which a "Light"
version can be upgraded to the "Standard" version.

See also
Expanded functions of SINEMA E Standard (Page 221)
SINEMA E (Page 522) SINEMA E application

Use of SINEMA E in the planning and configuration phase

SINEMA E is the generic term for the engineering of network products such as
The SINEMA E software application includes the following functions for engineering IWLAN
● Offer phase
– Simple Sales Wizard
– Report on creation of offer
● Planning, simulation and configuration
– Planning and simulation of a WLAN Infrastructure

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Part B: Passive components and accessories
5.5 Components for wireless networks

– Simultaneous configuration of device groups

– Acquisition of an existing RF field (site survey)
– Creation of a report with installation rules
● Central detection, upload/download and modification of device parameters
● Report for completion documentation
● Measures if faults occur or service is necessary

Technical clarification Engineering Installation Maintenance

& Planning & Comissioning & Service

Customer personnel

Planner Configuration Commissioning Service

engineer engineer

Offline Online

Figure 5-30 Schematic representation of the use of SINEMA E Range of functions of SINEMA E

Modeling the environment and the RF field

To achieve the simulation, the user models the environment within which the WLAN will be
set up. This includes walls, windows, doors, ceilings and flooring of the building for which the
thickness, composition etc. can be taken into account as well as larger obstacles such as
In a later step, the active components are placed in position; in other words, the access
points and clients within the modeled office or industrial environment.

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Part B: Passive components and accessories
5.5 Components for wireless networks

Figure 5-31 SINEMA E in the modeling phase

Above, you can see a screenshot of the SINEMA E application showing the modeling of a
building. The simulation acquires a three-dimensional arrangement of the building parts and
equipment as well as the active and passive components of the wireless network.
Devices, antennas and wireless obstacles can be selected from a component catalog and
adapted to the actual situation. The simulation that follows soon provides the configuration
engineer with a picture of the signal qualities that can be expected in individual configured
areas. An integrated consistency check ensures the validity of the configuration and reduces
possible errors before the network is installed.
With the graphic user interface, even complex environments can be simulated with little

Simulation of the resulting RF field

Based on the access points and clients distributed in the modeled building by the user,
SINEMA E simulates the resulting RF field and displays it graphically so that the user can
see at a glance whether the illumination and data rate of the wireless cell are adequate. The
frequency of the transmitters used and the characteristics of the antennas or RCoax cables
are also taken into account.

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5.5 Components for wireless networks

Figure 5-32 SINEMA E simulation

In the area configured in the previous step, the expected signal strengths are calculated for
each point and represented in a pseudo color image.

Three-dimensional evaluation of indoor and outdoor areas

The simulation is three-dimensional and therefore allows evaluation of the effects of ceilings
and floorings and the transmission characteristics over several floors. SINEMA E is not
restricted to the interior of office or industrial premises but can also be used in outdoor areas.
This is relevant, for example, to evaluate possible wireless leaks outside the buildings or the
connection between two buildings.

Product catalogs
This simulation is made particularly user-friendly by the comprehensive product catalogs
supplied with the tool. These allow simulated hardware based on SIEMENS own products
and third-party products to be included in the simulation. Modules shown with a precise list of
their technical characteristics are simply taken from the catalog and placed in the simulated
The catalog can also be expanded by the customer to include new models and

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Part B: Passive components and accessories
5.5 Components for wireless networks

In the simulation mode shown above, a building floorplan can be seen with RF fields
generated by several access points. The signal strengths achieved at various points in the
room are shown by different color intensities.
Note how the geometry of the room (for example the corridor bottom center) is also taken
into account and included in the realistic prognosis.

Report module
A report module is integrated in both the simulation and diagnostics functions of both
SINEMA E versions, Lean and Standard.
Based on the configuration that develops through the stages of simulation, this generates a
parts list including the ordering data of all the devices used from the module catalog. This
simplifies the creation of an offer, planning and cost predictions for a project.
When setting up the wireless network, the coordinates at which the individual devices should
be installed can also be taken from the report. This simplifies fast, problem-free and reliable
installation of the individual components.
The report also contains the simulations performed in the form of informative graphics
containing the signal strength and data rate along with interference. This report is therefore
also the acceptance document for commissioning and can be used in questions involving
warranties and service situations.

Figure 5-33 SINEMA E screenshot of the generated report

Other properties
Using the materials/regions builder, a further component of the SINEMA E module, complex
obstacles and other building parts (such as large transformers or turbines) can be measured
as they stand, stored and then used in the current or future simulations.

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5.5 Components for wireless networks

This avoids unnecessary repetitions of time-consuming measurements and allows user-

specific libraries of wireless obstacles and their precise geometries and characteristics to be
created. Expanded functions of SINEMA E Standard

"Lean" and "Standard"

The functions described above are available in both SINEMA E versions. The standard
version also has two useful additional functions: "Autoplacement" and the "Site Survey".

"Autoplacement": Automatic optimization

After configuring the environment, a further step is available in which SINEMA E itself
attempts to find the optimum location for the access points: Once configuration of the
building geometry is completed and the areas of the building that must at all events be
covered by the WLAN have been defined, SINEMA E then calculates the optimum (and
resource-saving) positioning of the individual access points.

"Site Survey" mode: Analysis and diagnostics of existing networks

SINEMA E is also a complete tool for measuring (site survey) existing WLAN networks
according to the 802.11 a/b/g/h standard. This means that WLAN signals can be measured
at the start of planning or for verification during commissioning and then later for
troubleshooting during maintenance or service work.
The software stores and links received measured values of the WLAN adapter in use along
with the coordinates in the floorplan. Depending on the application, various methods are
available for measurement and evaluation. With the standard measurement method, the
WLAN adapter used for the measurement is always connected to a previously defined
WLAN (SSID). Properties such as speed, signal strength and roaming behavior of this
existing client-access point connection are recorded. With continuous measurements along a
path, it is adequate to simply set a start and end point; all other measurement coordinates
are then determined automatically by the software. This allows the WLAN connection
properties of a client to be measured quickly even when large areas are involved.
Using the Advanced measurement method, on the other hand, all WLAN signals in the
environment are scanned to acquire signals from known and unknown devices. To analyze
and display the measurement results, there is a wide range of filter functions available, such
as minimum, maximum, average value etc.

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Part B: Passive components and accessories
5.6 Accessories

5.6 Accessories

5.6.1 Accessories for SCALANCE X-400 switches

Covers, and dummy cover, terminal set

The protective caps for the media module terminal strips and the covers must be fitted in all
slots that do not contain media modules.
For slots for twisted pair (9 through 11), the covers are recommended to protect the RJ-45
Due to the varying availability of of RJ-45 connectors and the resulting numbers of LEDs and
their significance, there are covers available with different labeling to suit the situation.

Table 5-2 Overview of the use of covers and dummy cover

Slot Labeling for /

Cover suitable for
CV490 2x1000 SCALANCE X414-3E: 5 Gigabit ports
CV490 2x100 SCALANCE X414-3E: 6, 7 Media module slots
Extender EM496-4: 12 - 15
CV490 4x100 SCALANCE X414-3E: 9 - 11 Fast Ethernet port
Extender EM495-8: 12, 13
CV490 COVER SCALANCE X414-3E: 8 Slot without function
The various covers cannot be ordered individually. They are available as a complete set for
a SCALANCE X414-3E. There is also a terminal set consisting of ten 4-wire and ten five-wire

Table 5-3 Order numbers for accessories

Order number
SCALANCE X400 cover set 6GK5490-0AA00-0AA2
Terminal set 6GK5498-0AA00-0AA0

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5.6 Accessories

5.6.2 C-PLUG configuration memory


Figure 5-34 C-PLUG

The C-PLUG is an exchangeable medium for storage of the configuration and project
engineering data of the basic device. This means that the configuration data remains
available if the basic device is replaced. It is therefore used when the replacement of
network components or communications modules needs to be quick if a fault occurs without
needing to configure a replacement and without needing specialist personnel. Downtimes of
network segments and connected Industrial Ethernet nodes can therefore be minimized if a
fault occurs.
It can be used in all SIMATIC NET products with a C-PLUG slot.

The C-PLUG has degree of protection IP20. With IP65 components, the degree of protection
is retained because the C-PLUG is installed inside the protected housing.
Power is supplied by the host device. The C-PLUG retains all data when the power is turned

If an empty CPLUG (as supplied) is inserted in a SIMATIC NET component, the device
automatically backs up the configuration data during startup. Changes to the configuration
during operation are also saved on the C-PLUG without any additional operator intervention
being necessary.
When an unconfigured device starts up, it automatically adopts the configuration data of an
inserted C-PLUG assuming the data was written by a compatible device type.
The C-PLUG can also be used to store application data such as documentation or Web

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Part B: Passive components and accessories
5.6 Accessories

Incorrect use of the C-PLUG, such as inserting a C-PLUG containing the configuration of a
different device group or general malfunctions of the C-PLUG are indicated by diagnostics
mechanisms of the host device (LEDs, PROFINET, SNMP, Web based Management, etc.).

See also
C-PLUG configuration memory (Page 525)

5.6.3 IP65 power supply

Power supply PS791-1PRO

● AC/DC power supply unit for input voltages from 90 to
265 V AC,
● Water and dust protection with robust metal housing to IP65,
● Can be used with all SCALANCE products,
● Redundant power supply possible.
To connect the M12 socket X2 with the SCALANCE products X788 and X744 and the
SCALANCE X208PRO, the M12 power cord supplied with the products can be used. As an
alternative, a user-assembled cable can also be used.

Figure 5-35 PS791-1PRO

See also
IP65 power supply (Page 526)
IE M12 Plug PRO (Page 468)

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224 System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0
Part C:

Target group and content

This part is intended for configuration and commissioning engineers.
Here, you will find a wide range of reference data that you will require during the planning
and commissioning of a system. The document contains dimension drawings, specifications,
certifications and much more helpful information on SIMATIC NET components that will
support you when setting up an actual plant or network.

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Validity of the information

Please note that the data provided here is only intended to give you general information.
Our products are in constant development and the specifications and reference data may
change in the course of this development. Despite all our efforts, it is possible that individual
items of information in this networking manual are out of date.
You will find the continuously updated data in the product manuals of the individual devices.

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Part C: SCALANCE X switches and media

6.1 Basic information on the use of SCALANCE X devices

6.1.1 General information on the use of SCALANCE X devices

Note the following information and warnings relating to the SCALANCE X switches and media

The requirements of EN61000-4-5, surge test on power supply lines are met only when a
Blitzductor VT AD 24V type no. 918 402 is used
DEHN+SÖHNE GmbH+Co.KG Hans Dehn Str.1 Postfach 1640 D-92306 Neumarkt,

When used under hazardous conditions (zone 2), the devices of the SCALANCE X-100/X-
200/X-300 and X-400 product lines must be installed in an enclosure.
To comply with ATEX100a (EN 60079-15), this enclosure must meet the requirements of at
least IP54 in compliance with EN 60529.

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Part C: SCALANCE X switches and media converters
6.1 Basic information on the use of SCALANCE X devices

6.1.2 General information on approvals and certifications

Please note the following:

The approvals specified for the individual products apply only when the corresponding mark
is shown on the product. You can check which of the various approvals have been granted
for your product by the markings on the type plate.

CE mark
SIMATIC NET SCALANCE X Industrial Ethernet switches meet the requirements and aims
of the following EU directives and comply with the harmonized European standards (EN) for
programmable logic controllers published in the Official Journal of the European
● Directive 89/336/EEC "Electromagnetic Compatibility" (EMC Directive)
● Directive 73/23/EEC "Electrical Equipment Designed for Use within Certain Voltage
Limits" (Low Voltage Equipment Directive)
● Directive 94/9/EEC Equipment and Protective Systems intended for Use in Potentially
Explosive Atmospheres (Explosion Protection Directive).

The EC Declarations of Conformity are available for the responsible authorities according to
the above-mentioned EC Directive at the following address:
Siemens Aktiengesellschaft
Bereich Automatisierungs- und Antriebstechnik
Industrielle Kommunikation SIMATIC NET
Postfach 4848
D-90327 Nürnberg, Germany

6.1.3 Common connector pin assignments of SCALANCE X devices

Common connector pin assignments of SCALANCE X devices:

Some of the connector pin assignments are the same on all SCALANCE X devices with the
following exceptions:
● The SCALANCE X005 does not have a signaling contact and has a single non-redundant
power supply connector.
● On the SCALANCE X-100 media converters, the terminal blocks for the signaling contact
and power supply connectors are arranged directly one above the other. The pin
assignment is, however, as described below.
● Due to its higher degree of protection, the SCALANCE X208PRO is equipped with M12

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Part C: SCALANCE X switches and media converters
6.1 Basic information on the use of SCALANCE X devices

● On the SCALANCE X-400, the signaling contact is connected by contacts MK1 and MK2
on the 4-pin connector on the rear terminal block on the power module.
You should also refer to the operating instructions of the individual devices in question.

Pin assignment of the RJ-45 connectors:

On the SCALANCE devices, the IE TP ports are implemented as RJ-45 jacks with MDI-X
assignment (Medium Dependent Interface–Autocrossover) of a network component.

Figure 6-1 RJ-45 jack

Table 6-1 Pin assignment of the RJ-45 jack

Pin number Pin assignment of 10/100BaseTX Pin assignment of the gigabit Ethernet
Pin 8 n. c. 3-
Pin 7 n. c. 3+
Pin 6 TD- 1-
Pin 5 n. c. 2-
Pin 4 n. c. 2+
Pin 3 TD+ 1+
Pin 2 RD- 0-
Pin 1 RD+ 0+

Pin assignment of the power supply connectors:

The power supply is connected using a 4-pin plug-in terminal block. The power supply can
be connected redundantly. Both inputs are isolated. If there is a voltage difference greater
than 1 V, there is no load distribution between the two external power supplies. When a
redundant power supply is used, the power supply unit with the higher output voltage
supplies the SCALANCE alone. The power supply is connected over a high resistance with
the enclosure to allow an ungrounded set up. The two power supplies are non-floating.

Figure 6-2 IP30 power supply

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Part C: SCALANCE X switches and media converters
6.1 Basic information on the use of SCALANCE X devices

Table 6-2 Pin assignment of the power supply terminals

Pin number Assignment

Pin 1 L1+ 24 V DC
Pin 2 M1
Pin 3 M2
Pin 4 L2+ 24 V DC

Pin assignment of the signaling contact:

When present, the signaling contact is connected to a 2-pin plug-in terminal block. The
signaling contact (relay contact) is a floating switch with which error/fault states can be
signaled by breaking the contact.

Figure 6-3 IP30 signaling contact

Table 6-3 Pin assignment of the signaling contact terminal

Pin number Assignment

Pin 1 F1
Pin 2 F2
● The connection is different for SCALANCE X-400 devices: The connection is made here
by contacts MK1 and MK2 on the 4-pin connector to the rear terminal block on the power
Among other things, the following errors/faults can be signaled by the signaling contact:
● The failure of a link at a monitored port,
● The failure of one of the two redundant power supplies (if present),
● C-PLUG faults and linkdown.
The connection or disconnection of a communication node on an unmonitored port does not
lead to an error message. The signaling contact remains activated until the error/fault is
eliminated or until the current status is applied as the new desired status using the button.
When the device is turned off, the signaling contact is always activated (open).
Other error/fault messages are listed in the sections on functions in the descriptions of the
SCALANCE devices.

See also
IE M12 Plug PRO (Page 468)

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Part C: SCALANCE X switches and media converters


6.2.1 Certifications and approvals, degree of protection X005


Table 6-4 Approvals

c-UL-us UL 60950-1; CSA C22.2 No. 60950-1
C-Tick AS/NZS 2064 (Class A)
CE EN 61000-6-2; EN 61000-6-4

Degree of protection
Tested to IP30.

See also
General information on approvals and certifications (Page 230)

6.2.2 Installation instructions and guidelines X005

Installation as for SCALANCE X-100

The switches are installed in the same way as the SCALANCE X-100 devices.
Note the following however
● The shape factors of the devices differ,
● The signaling contact connector is not present on the SCALANCE X005 switches,
● Power is supplied via a non-redundant two-pin terminal block.

See also
X-100 installation instructions and guidelines (Page 237)

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Part C: SCALANCE X switches and media converters

6.2.3 Operator control and display elements of the X005

Display elements
The status of the power supply is indicated by a green LED. It is lit green when an operating
voltage between 18 V and 32 V is connected.
The status of the communication ports is indicated by five LEDs, one per port:

Table 6-5 Port status display

Status Meaning
Ports 1 to 5: LED lit green TP link exists, no data reception
Ports 1 to 5: LED lit yellow TP link exists, data received at TP port
Ports 1 to 5: LED flashes yellow Test phase during power on

Operator controls
The SCALANCE X005 does not have any operator controls.

6.2.4 Connector pin assignments X005

Connector pin assignments

The connector pin assignment of the SCALANCE X005 is the same as on the other
SCALANCE-X devices with two exceptions:
● The SCALANCE X005 does not have a signaling contact,
● The power supply is not redundant but in the form of a two-pin plug-in terminal block.
(See below)

Connecting the power supply

Figure 6-4 Pin assignment of the two-pin plug-in terminal block for the power supply

Pin Assignment
1 M (chassis ground)
2 L+ (+18 -- +32 V DC)

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Part C: SCALANCE X switches and media converters

See also
Common connector pin assignments of SCALANCE X devices (Page 230)

6.2.5 Dimension drawing X005

Dimension drawing SCALANCE X005

Figure 6-5 Drilling template SCALANCE X005

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Part C: SCALANCE X switches and media converters

6.2.6 X005 technical specifications

Technical specifications of the SCALANCE X005

Table 6-6 Electrical data

Power supply 24 V DC (18 - 32 V DC) safety extra-low voltage (SELV)
Power loss at 24 V DC 2W
Current consumption at 24 V DC 80 mA
Overvoltage protection at input PTC resettable fuse (0.5 A / 60 V)
Transmission rate 10/100 Mbps
Aging time 375 seconds
Emission EN 61000-6-4
EN 61000-6-3 with snap ferrite on the cables
Manufacturer: Würth Elektronik - type: 742 711 31
Immunity EN 61000-6-2
MTBF 167.1 years

Table 6-7 Environmental conditions

Operating temperature 0 °C - +65 °C
Storage/transport temperature -40 °C - +80 °C
Relative humidity in operation < 95% (no condensation)
Operating altitude 2000 m at max. 56 °C ambient temperature
3,000 m at max. 50 °C ambient temperature

Table 6-8 Mechanical data

Dimensions (W x H x D) mm 40 x 125 x 124
Weight 550 g
Installation options • DIN rail
• S7-300 standard rail
• Wall mounting

Table 6-9 Order number

SCALANCE X005 6GK5005-0BA00-1AA3

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Part C: SCALANCE X switches and media converters
6.3 SCALANCE X-100

6.3 SCALANCE X-100

6.3.1 Certifications and approvals, degree of protection X-100



c-UL-us UL 60950-1; CSA C22.2 No. 60950-1
c-UL-us for hazardous locations UL 1604, UL 2279Pt.15
FM FM 3611
C-Tick AS/NZS 2064 (Class A)
CE EN 61000-6-2, EN 61000-6-4
ATEX Zone 2 EN 50021 1)
1) For temperature information "T.." or the maximum ambient temperature "Ta:..", refer to the

type plate.

Degree of protection
Tested to IP30.

See also
General information on approvals and certifications (Page 230)

6.3.2 X-100 installation instructions and guidelines Installation on a DIN rail

Install the Industrial Ethernet switches of the SCALANCE X-100 product line on a 35 mm rail
according to DIN EN 50022.
1. Place the upper catch of the device over the top of the DIN rail and then push in the lower
part of the device against the rail until it clips into place.
2. Fit the connectors for the power supply.
3. Fit the connectors for the signaling contact.
4. Insert the terminal blocks into the sockets on the device.

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Part C: SCALANCE X switches and media converters
6.3 SCALANCE X-100

Figure 6-6 SCALANCE X-100 installation on a DIN rail (35 mm)

To remove the Industrial Ethernet switches of the SCALANCE X-100 product line from the
DIN rail:
1. First disconnect all connected cables.
2. Use a screwdriver to release the lower DIN rail catch of the device and pull the lower part
of the device away from the rail.

Figure 6-7 SCALANCE X-100 removing from a DIN rail (35 mm) Installation on a standard rail

Installation on a SIMATIC S7-300 standard rail

1. Place the upper guide at the top of the SCALANCE housing in the S7 standard rail.
2. Screw the Industrial Ethernet switches of the SCALANCE X-100 product line to the
underside of the S7 standard rail.
3. Fit the connectors for the power supply.
4. Fit the connectors for the signaling contact.
5. Insert the terminal blocks into the sockets on the device.

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Part C: SCALANCE X switches and media converters
6.3 SCALANCE X-100

Figure 6-8 SCALANCE X-100 installation on a SIMATIC S7-300 standard rail

To remove Industrial Ethernet switches of the SCALANCE X-100 product line from the
SIMATIC S7-300 standard rail:
1. First disconnect all connected cables.
2. Loosen the device screws on the underside of the S7 standard rail and lift the device
away from the rail. Wall mounting

Wall mounting
1. For wall mounting, use suitable mounting fittings for the wall
(for example, for a concrete wall, four plugs 6 mm diameter and 30 mm long, 4 screws
3.5 mm diameter and 40 mm long).
2. Connect the electrical cable connecting cables.
3. Fit the connectors for the signaling contact.
4. Insert the terminal blocks into the sockets on the device.
For more exact dimensions, please refer to the section "Dimension drawings".

The wall mounting must be capable of supporting at least four times the weight of the device. Grounding

Installation on a DIN rail

The device is grounded over the DIN rail.

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Part C: SCALANCE X switches and media converters
6.3 SCALANCE X-100

S7 standard rail
The device is grounded over its rear panel and the neck of the screw.

Wall mounting
The device is grounded by the securing screw in the unpainted hole.
Please note that the SCALANCE X-100 must be grounded over one securing screw with
minimum resistance.
If a device of the SCALANCE X100 product line is mounted on a non-conducting base, a
grounding cable must be installed. The grounding cable is not supplied with the device.
Connect the paint-free surface of the device to the nearest grounding point using the
grounding cable.

6.3.3 X-100 operator controls and displays SCALANCE X-100 button

What does the button do?

Using the button, you can display and modify the set fault mask. The fault mask setting is
retained after device power off/on.
After pressing and holding down the button, the currently valid fault mask is displayed for
approximately 3 seconds. The LEDs of the monitored ports flash at a frequency of 5 Hz.
To change the fault mask, keep the button pressed. Within the next 3 seconds, the current
link status of the ports is displayed flashing at a frequency of 2.5 Hz. Keep the button
pressed. This new status is adopted as the new fault mask. The monitored ports now are
indicated by permanently lit LEDs until the button is released. As long as the LEDs are still
flashing, however, the saving of the mask can be stopped by releasing the button.
If an empty fault mask is set (no port is monitored), the two neighboring port LEDs flash on
and off alternately. To create an empty fault mask when you save as described above, the
port cables must not be connected.
At the same time, the monitoring of the connected power supplies is set with the fault mask.
The existence of the two power sources is monitored only if they are connected when the
fault mask is saved.
The failure of the link of one of the monitored ports or one of the monitored power supplies is
indicated by the red fault LED lighting up. At the same time, the signaling contact opens.

Port monitoring and power supply monitoring are not activated when the device is delivered
(factory default).

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Part C: SCALANCE X switches and media converters
6.3 SCALANCE X-100 Fault indicator (red LED)

Fault indicator (red LED)

If the red LED is lit, the SCALANCE X-100 has detected a problem.
The signaling contact opens at the same time.
The LED signals that the device can adopt the following statuses:

Device type SCALANCE LED lit red LED not lit

X104-2 1, 2 4
X106-1 1, 2 4
X108 1, 2 4
X112-2 1, 2, 3 4
X116 1, 2, 3 4
X124 1, 2, 3 4
1. Link down event on a monitored port.
2. Loss of one of the monitored power supplies or voltage dropped below approximately 14
V. Refer also to Section ..
3. Both supply voltages are below approximately 14 V (reduced voltage)
4. No fault detected by the SCALANCE X-100. Power display

Power display
The LEDs signal that the device can adopt the following statuses:
The status of the power supply is indicated by two green LEDs or one green/yellow LED:

Device type Green LED lit LED not lit

X104-2 1 2
X106-1 1 2
X108 1 2
X112-2 1 2
X116 1 2
X124 1 2
1. Power supply L1 or L2 is connected.
2. Power supply L1 and/or L2 not connected or <14 V.

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6.3 SCALANCE X-100 Port status indicator (green/yellow LEDs)

Port status indicator (green/yellow LEDs)

The LEDs signal that the device can adopt the following statuses.
The status of the interfaces is indicated by two-color LEDs:

Device type SCALANCE LED lit green LED lit yellow LED flashes yellow
Number of port
X104-2 6 port LEDs 1 2 3
X106-1 7 port LEDs 1 2 3
X108 8 port LEDs 1 2 3
X112-2 14 port LEDs 1 2 3
X116 16 port LEDs 1 2 3
X124 24 port LEDs 1 2 3
1. TP link exists, no data reception.
2. TP link, data received at TP port.
3. Setting or display of the fault mask.

6.3.4 Connector pin assignments Power supply

Power supply
The power supply is connected using a 4-pin plug-in terminal block.
The power supply can be connected redundantly. Both inputs are isolated. There is no
distribution of load. When a redundant power supply is used, the power supply unit with the
higher output voltage supplies the device alone. The power supply is connected over a high
resistance with the enclosure to allow an ungrounded set up. The two power supplies are

Figure 6-9 Power supply SCALANCE X-100

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Figure 6-10 Terminal block, four-pin

Table 6-10 Pin assignment for the power supply

Pin number Assignment

Pin 1 L1+ 24 V DC
Pin 2 M1
Pin 3 M2
Pin 4 L2+ 24 V DC

The device is designed for operation with safety extra-low voltage. This means that only
safety extra-low voltages (SELV) complying with IEC950/EN60950/ VDE0805 can be
connected to the power supply terminals.
The power supply unit for the device power supply must meet NEC Class 2, as described
by the National Electrical Code(r) (ANSI/NFPA 70).
The power of all connected power supply units must total the equivalent of a power source
with limited power (LPS limited power source).
If the device is connected to a redundant power supply (two separate power supplies), both
must meet these requirements.
The signaling contact can be subjected to a maximum load of 100 mA (safety extra-low
voltage (SELV), 24 V DC).
Never connect the device to AC voltage.
Never operate the device with DC voltage higher than 32 V DC. Signaling contact

Signaling contact
The signaling contact (relay contact) is a floating switch with which error/fault states can be
signaled by breaking the contact.
The signaling contact is connected to a 2-pin plug-in terminal block.

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Figure 6-11 Signaling contact SCALANCE X-100

Figure 6-12 Terminal block, two-pin

Table 6-11 Pin assignment of the signaling contact

Pin number Assignment
Pin 1 F1
Pin 2 F2
The following errors/faults can be signaled by the signaling contact:
● The failure of a link at a monitored port.
● The failure of one of the two monitored power supplies.
The connection or disconnection of a communication node on an unmonitored port does not
lead to an error message.
The signaling contact remains activated until the error/fault is eliminated or until the current
status is applied as the new desired status using the button.
When the device is turned off, the signaling contact is always activated (open).

6.3.5 SCALANCE X-100, SCALANCE X-200 and SCALANCE S dimension drawings

Dimension drawings for SCALANCE X-200

The following dimension drawings are intended as examples and apply to the SCALANCE X-
100, SCALANCE X-200 and SCALANCE S with an installation width of 60 mm:

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5 50


Figure 6-13 SCALANCE X100, SCALANCE X200, SCALANCE S dimension drawing

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The schematic below shows the minimum bending radii for an optical cable including
connector (external cable with 150 mm radius) and an IE FC cable with IE FC RJ-45
Plug 180 (inner cable with 76 mm radius).



Figure 6-14 Side view

See also
Dimension drawing X-200 (Page 270)

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6.3 SCALANCE X-100

6.3.6 X-100 technical specifications

Table 6-12 Connectors

Device type Attachment of end Connecting end devices Connector for power Connector for
SCALANCE devices or network or network components supply signaling contact
components over over fiber-optic
twisted pair
X104-2 4 x RJ-45 jacks with 2 x 2 BFOC sockets 1 x 4-pin plug-in 1 x 2-pin plug-in terminal
MDI-X pinning (100 Mbps, full duplex to terminal block block
10/100 Mbps (half/ full 100BaseFX)
X106-1 6 x RJ-45 jacks with 1 x 2 BFOC sockets 1 x 4-pin plug-in 1 x 2-pin plug-in terminal
MDI-X pinning (100 Mbps, full duplex to terminal block block
10/100 Mbps (half/full 100BaseFX)
X108 8 x RJ-45 jacks with - 1 x 4-pin plug-in 1 x 2-pin plug-in terminal
MDI-X pinning terminal block block
10/100 Mbps (half/ full
X112-2 12 x RJ-45 jacks with 2 x 2 BFOC sockets 1 x 4-pin plug-in 1 x 2-pin plug-in terminal
MDI-X pinning 10/100 (100 Mbps, full duplex to terminal block block
Mbps (half/full duplex) 100BaseFX)
X116 16 x RJ-45 jacks with - 1 x 4-pin plug-in 1 x 2-pin plug-in terminal
MDI-X pinning terminal block block
10/100 Mbps (half/full
X124 24 x RJ-45 jacks with - 1 x 4-pin plug-in 1 x 2-pin plug-in terminal
MDI-X pinning terminal block block
10/100 Mbps (half/ full

Table 6-13 Electrical data

Device type Power supply Power loss at Current consumption Overcurrent protection at
SCALANCE 2 x 24 V DC 24 V DC at rated voltage input
(18-32 V DC) PTC resettable fuse
(0.6 A / 60 V)
Safety extra-low voltage
X104-2 + 4.2 W 175 mA +
X106-1 + 3.6 W 150 mA +
X108 + 3.36 W 140 mA +
X112-2 + 10.8 W 450 mA -
X116 + 7.2 W 300 mA -
X124 + 10.8 W 450 mA -

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6.3 SCALANCE X-100

Table 6-14 Signaling contact

Device type Voltage at signaling contact Current through signaling contact

X104-2 24 V DC max. 100 mA
X106-1 24 V DC max. 100 mA
X108 24 V DC max. 100 mA
X112-2 24 V DC max. 100 mA
X116 24 V DC max. 100 mA
X124 24 V DC max. 100 mA

Table 6-15 Permitted cable lengths (copper)

Device type 0 - 55 m 0 - 85 m 0 - 100 m

SCALANCE IE TP torsion cable with IE FC TP marine/trailing/ flexible IE FC TP standard cable with IE FC RJ-
IE FC RJ-45 Plug 180 cable with IE FC RJ-45 Plug 180 45 plug 180
or or
0 - 45 m IE TP torsion 0 - 75 m IE FC TP marine/ or
cable with IE outlet RJ- trailing/flexible cable + 10 m TP cord
45 + 10 m TP cord over IE FC outlet RJ-45 with 0 - 90 m IE
over IE FC outlet RJ-45 FC TP standard cable + 10 m TP cord
X104-2 + + +
X106-1 + + +
X108 + + +
X112-2 + + +
X116 + + +
X124 + + +

Table 6-16 Permitted cable lengths (fiber-optic)

Device type 1 - 50 m 1 - 100 m 0 - 3,000 m 0 - 26000 m

SCALANCE 980/1000 200/230 polymer glass FOC glass FOC
plastic optical cladded fiber (PCF) 62.5/125 µm or 10/125 µm single mode fiber;
fiber (POF) 6 dB max. permitted FO 50/125 µm glass fiber; 0.5 dB/km at 1300 nm;
cable attenuation with ≤ 1 dB/km at 1300 nm; 13 dB max. permitted FO
3 dB link power margin cable attenuation with 2 dB
≥ 600 MHz x km;
link power margin
6 dB max. permitted FO
cable attenuation with 3
dB link power margin
X104-2 - - + -
X106-1 - - + -
X108 - - - -
X112-2 - - + -
X116 - - - -
X124 - - - -

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Table 6-17 Aging time/ MTBF

Device type Aging time MTBF

X104-2 30 seconds 134.87 years
X106-1 30 seconds 136.65 years
X108 30 seconds 139.83 years
X112-2 30 seconds 61.3 years
X116 30 seconds 61.3 years
X124 30 seconds 49.3 years

Table 6-18 Permitted environmental conditions / EMC

Device type Operating Storage/transport Relative humidity in Operating altitude at max. xx°C
SCALANCE temperature temperature operation ambient temperature
X104-2 -10 °C through +60 -40 °C through ‹ 95 % 2000 m at max. 56 °C
°C +80 °C (no condensation) 3000 m at max. 50 °C
X106-1 -10 °C through +60 -40 °C through ‹ 95 % 2000 m at max. 56 °C
°C +80 °C (no condensation) 3000 m at max. 50 °C
X108 -20 °C through +70 -40 °C through ‹ 95 % 2000 m at max. 56 °C
°C +80 °C (no condensation) 3000 m at max. 50 °C
X112-2 -10 °C through +70 -40 °C through ‹ 95 % 2000 m at max. 56 °C
°C +80 °C (no condensation) 3000 m at max. 50 °C
X116 -20 °C through +70 -40 °C through ‹ 95 % 2000 m at max. 56 °C
°C +80 °C (no condensation) 3000 m at max. 50 °C
X124 -20 °C through +70 -40 °C through ‹ 95 % 2000 m at max. 56 °C
°C +80 °C (no condensation) 3000 m at max. 50 °C

Table 6-19 Order numbers for accessories

Order number
IE FC Stripping Tool 6GK1901-1GA00
IE FC blade cassettes 6GK1901-1GB00
IE FC TP standard cable GP 6XV1840-2AH10
IE FC TP trailing cable 6XV1840-3AH10
IE FC TP marine cable 6XV1840-4AH10
IE FC TP trailing cable GP 6XV1870-2D
IE FC TP flexible cable GP 6XV1870-2B
IE TP torsion cable 6XV1870-2F
FO FRNC Cable 50/125 6XV1 873-2B
IE FC RJ-45 Plug 180 pack of 1 6GK1901-1BB10-2AA0
IE FC RJ-45 Plug 180 pack of 10 6GK1901-1BB10-2AB0
IE FC RJ-45 Plug 180 pack of 50 6GK1901-1BB10-2AE0

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6.3 SCALANCE X-100

The number of SCALANCE X Industrial Ethernet Switches connected in a line influences the
frame propagation time.
When a frame passes through devices of the SCALANCE X-100 product line, it is delayed by
the store and forward function of the switch
• with a 64 byte frame length by approx. 10 microseconds (at 100 Mbps)
• with a 1500 byte frame length by approx. 130 microseconds (at 100 Mbps)
This means that the more devices of the SCALANCE X-100 product line, the frame passes
through, the longer the frame delay.

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6.4 SCALANCE X-100 media converters

6.4.1 Certifications and approvals, degree of protection X-100 media converters


Table 6-20 Approvals for SCALANCE media converters X101-1, X101-1LD, X101-1POF, X101-1FL
and X101-1AUI

c-UL-us UL 60950-1; CSA C22.2 No. 60950-1

c-UL-us for hazardous locations UL 1604, UL 2279Pt.15
FM FM 3611
C-TICK AS/NZS 2064 (Class A)
CE EN 61000-6-2, EN 61000-6-4
ATEX Zone 2 EN 50021

Degree of protection
Tested to IP30.

6.4.2 X-100 media converter installation instructions and guidelines

Installation as for SCALANCE X-100

The switches are installed in the same way as the SCALANCE X-100 devices.
Note the following however:
● The connectors of the signaling contact on the SCALANCE X-100 media converters are
located directly above the power supply connectors.

See also
X-100 installation instructions and guidelines (Page 237)

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6.4 SCALANCE X-100 media converters

6.4.3 X-100 media converter operator controls and displays

Display elements
The following LEDs exist on all SCALANCE X-100 media converters and in the same
● Fault indicator (red LED); Labeled: F): This is lit if one of the two redundant power
supplies fails and/or if there is a link down on a monitored port. The signaling contact
opens at the same time.
● Power indicator (green LED); Labeled: L): This is lit when an adequate power supply is
connected to at least one of the power supply terminals. The LED goes off if the supplied
power drops below 14 V at both inputs.
● Transparent Link indicator (green LED); Labeled: TL): This is lit when transparent link is
set. It is not lit in standalone mode; in other words when end devices are attached to both
ports of the media converter (no cascading).
The status of the ports is indicated by two LEDs:

Table 6-21 Status of the port

Port status display Meaning

Port 1: LED lit green TP link exists, no data reception
Port 2: LED lit green FO link exists, no data reception
Port 1: LED lit yellow TP link exists, data received at TP port
Port 2: LED lit yellow FO link exists, data received at FO port
Ports 1 and 2: LEDs flash yellow Setting or display of the fault mask

Operator controls
The media converters have a button with which the set fault mask can be displayed and
modified and with which the transparent link mode can be set.
After pressing the button, the currently valid fault mask is displayed for approximately 3
seconds. The LEDs of the monitored ports flash at a frequency of 5 Hz.
If the button remains pressed, the new fault mask is displayed after the 3 seconds have
elapsed. The flashing frequency is reduced to 2.5 Hz. After a further 3 seconds, the new fault
mask is adopted and saved. The monitored ports are indicated by permanently lit LEDs until
the button is released.
As long as the LEDs are still flashing, the saving of the mask can be interrupted by releasing
the button.
If an empty fault mask is set (no port is monitored) or you want to set an empty mask, the 2
port LEDs flash on and off alternately.
At the same time, you can also set the monitoring of the redundant power supply with the
fault mask. Monitoring of the power supply is activated only when both power supplies are
connected when the fault mask is stored.
The factory default is no port monitoring.

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The setting is retained after a power cycle.

6.4.4 Connector pin assignments X-100 media converters

Connector pin assignments

The connector pin assignment of the SCALANCE X-100 media converters is the same as on
the other SCALANCE-X devices.
Note the following however:
● The connectors of the signaling contact are located directly above the connectors for the
power supply.

See also
Common connector pin assignments of SCALANCE X devices (Page 230)

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6.4 SCALANCE X-100 media converters

6.4.5 Dimension drawing SCALANCE X-100 media converters

Dimension drawing SCALANCE X-100 media converters

Figure 6-15 Dimension drawing X101-1

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Figure 6-16 Dimension drawing X101-1AUI

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Figure 6-17 Dimension drawing X101-1LD

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Figure 6-18

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Rechts / Right Vorne / Front Links / Left

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Dimension drawing X101-1POF

40 123

Oben / Top

Alle Bemassungswerte sind in Millimeter (mm) angegeben. 6GK51011BH002AA3_001

All dimensions are in millimeters (mm). Format / Size: DIN A2 Massstab / Scale: 1:1
6.4 SCALANCE X-100 media converters
Part C: SCALANCE X switches and media converters

Part C: SCALANCE X switches and media converters
6.4 SCALANCE X-100 media converters

Figure 6-19 Bending radii SCALANCE X-100 media converters

6.4.6 X-100 media converter technical specifications

SCALANCE X-100 media converter technical specifications

Table 6-22 Electrical data

Device type SCALANCE X

X101-1 X101-1LD X101-1POF X101-1FL X101-1AUI
Power supply 2 x 24 V DC (18 - 32 V DC) safety extra-low voltage (SELV)
Power loss at 24 V DC 3W 3W 3W 3W 3W
Power consumption at 120 mA 120 mA 120 mA 120 mA 160 mA
24 V DC (typical)
Minimum rated current of 170 mA 200 mA 200 mA 200 mA 200 mA
the supplying power unit
Overvoltage protection at PTC resettable fuse (0.5 A / 60 V)
Voltage at signaling contact 24 V DC 24 V DC
Current through signaling max. 100 mA No info
Transmission rate 10/100 Mbps 10 Mbps
Interference emission EN 61000- EN 61000- EN 61000- EN 61000- EN 61000-6-
6-3 6-4 6-3 6-3 4
Immunity EN 61000-6-2
MTBF > 130 years

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Table 6-23 Environmental conditions

Device type SCALANCE X

X101-1 X101-1LD X101-1POF X101-1FL X101-1AUI
Operating temperature -10 °C - +60 °C
Storage/transport -40 °C - +80 °C
Relative humidity in < 95% (no condensation)
Operating altitude 2000 m at max. 56 °C ambient temperature
3000 m at max. 50 °C ambient temperature
Degree of protection Tested to IP30

Table 6-24 Mechanical data

Device type SCALANCE X

X101-1 X101-1LD X101-1POF X101-1FL X101-1AUI
Dimensions (W x H x D) 40 x 125 x 124
Weight 550 g
Installation options • DIN rail
• S7-300 standard rail
• Wall mounting

Table 6-25 Order numbers

SCALANCE X101-1 6GK5101-1BB00-2AA3

SCALANCE X101-1LD 6GK5101-1BC00-2AA3
SCALANCE X101-1POF 6GK5101-1BH00-2AA3
SCALANCE X101-1FL 6GK5101-1BY00-2AA3
SCALANCE X101-1AUI 6GK5101-1BX00-2AA3

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6.5 SCALANCE X-200/X-200 IRT

6.5 SCALANCE X-200/X-200 IRT

6.5.1 Certifications and approvals, degree of protection X-200

The following tables apply to the SCALANCE X models
● X200-4PIRT
● X201-3PIRT
● X202-2IRT, X202-2PIRT
● X204IRT, X204-2, X204-2LD
● X206-1, X206-1LD
● X208, X208PRO
● X212-2, X212-2LD
● X216
● X224

Table 6-26 Approvals

c-UL-us UL 60950; CSA C22.2 No. 60950

UL 60950-1; CSA C22.2 No. 60950-1 for IRT devices
c-UL-us for hazardous locations UL 1604, UL 2279Pt.15
FM FM 3611
C-TICK AS/NZS 2064 (Class A)
CE EN 61000-6-2, EN 61000-6-4
ATEX Zone 21 EN60079-15II 3 G EEx nA II T..KEMA 03 ATEX 1226 X
1For temperature information "T.." or the maximum ambient temperature "Ta:..", refer to the
type plate.

Degree of protection
Tested to IP30.
Except for X208PRO: Tested to IP65.

See also
General information on approvals and certifications (Page 230)

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6.5 SCALANCE X-200/X-200 IRT

6.5.2 X-200 installation instructions and guidelines

Installation of SCALANCE X-200 switches

The switches are installed in the same way as the SCALANCE X-100 line apart from the
exception below.

Ring port settings

By default, the following ring ports are set:

X208 X208PRO X216 X224 X204-2 X206-1 X212-2 X204-2 X206-1 X212-2
P1, P2 P1, P2 P1, P2 P1, P2 P5, P6 P1, P2 P1, P2 P5, P6 P1, P2 P1, P2

X202-2IRT X204IRT X204IRT PRO X202-2P IRT PRO X202-2P IRT X201-3P IRT X200-4P IRT
P3, P4 P1, P2 P1, P2 P3, P4 P3, P4 P3, P4 P3, P4

On a SCALANCE X-200, these ports are enabled as ring ports when the module is supplied.
Without deactivating them, they can also be used as normal ports, for example, in a tree
The ports of a SCALANCE X-200 that will be used as ring ports must be configured using
the WBM if they are not default ring ports.

6.5.3 X-200 operator controls and displays SCALANCE X-200 button

Button function
Using the button, you can display and modify the set fault mask. The fault mask setting is
retained after device power off/on.
After pressing and holding down the button, the currently valid fault mask is displayed for
approximately 3 seconds. The LEDs of the monitored ports flash at a frequency of 5 Hz.
To change the fault mask, keep the button pressed. After a further 3 seconds, the current
link status of the ports is displayed and the the power supply LEDs flash at a frequency of
2.5 Hz. Keep the button pressed. After a further 3 seconds, this status is adopted and saved
as the new fault mask. The monitored ports now are indicated by permanently lit LEDs until
the button is released. As long as the LEDs are still flashing, however, the saving of the
mask can be stopped by releasing the button.
If an empty fault mask is set (no port is monitored) or you want to set an empty mask, the 2
port LEDs flash on and off alternately.

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6.5 SCALANCE X-200/X-200 IRT

At the same time, the monitoring of the connected power supply is set with the fault mask.
The existence of the two power sources is monitored only if they are connected when the
fault mask is saved.
The failure of the link of one of the monitored ports or one of the monitored power supplies is
indicated by the red fault LED lighting up. At the same time, the signaling contact opens.
Port monitoring and power supply monitoring are not activated when the device is delivered
(factory default), the redundancy manager is disabled.
The following applies to IE Switches X-200 (except SCALANCE X208 PRO): If the button is
pressed for 2-3 seconds longer, the RM LED starts to flash for approx. 2 seconds. If the
button is released during this time, the RM is disabled. If you hold down the button, the RM
LED lights up permanently and the RM is enabled. If the button is pressed longer (15
seconds), the device is reset to "factory defaults". This is indicated by all the Port LEDs
(green) flashing. During this activity, the device must not be turned off.

PRO, the button is beneath the C-PLUG cover on the rear of the device. Fault indicator (red LED)

Fault indicator (red LED)

If the red LED is lit, the IE Switch X-200 has detected a problem.
The signaling contact opens at the same time.
The LED signals that the IE Switch X-200 can adopt the following statuses:

Device type SCALANCE LED lit red LED flashing red LED not lit
X208 1, 2, 3, 4 9 10
X208PRO 1, 2, 3, 4 9 10
X216 1, 2, 3, 4 9 10
X224 1, 2, 3, 4 9 10
X204-2 1, 2, 3, 4 9 10
X206-1 1, 2, 3, 4 9 10
X212-2 1, 2, 3, 4 9 10
X204-2 LD 1, 2, 3, 4 9 10
X206-1 LD 1, 2, 3, 4 9 10
X212-2LD 1, 2, 3, 4 9 10
X202-2IRT 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 9 10
X204IRT 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 9 10
X204 IRT PRO 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 9 10
X202-2P IRT PRO 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 9 10
X202-2P IRT 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 9 10
X201-3P IRT 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 9 10
X200-4P IRT 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 9 10

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6.5 SCALANCE X-200/X-200 IRT

1. Link down event on a monitored port.

2. Failure of one of the two redundant power supplies.

SCALANCE X204 IRT PRO and SCALANCE X202-2P IRT PRO have no redundant
power supply.

4. Device startup, the LED is lit for approx. 20 seconds.
5. Device is in PROFINET mode:
– a) There is no connection to the controller
– b) There is a connection to the controller, there is also a configured diagnostic
interrupt, for example power fail interrupt, C-PLUG interrupt etc.
6. Redundancy manager connected through.
7. Switchover of standby connection.
8. Maintenance request or maintenance requirement.
9. An internal fault was detected. Inform the maintenance personnel and, if necessary, send
the device in for repair.
10.No fault detected by the IE Switch X-200.

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6.5 SCALANCE X-200/X-200 IRT Power display

Power display
The LEDs signal that the IE Switch X-200 can adopt the following statuses:
The status of the power supply is indicated by two green LEDs or one green/yellow LED:

Device type Green LED lit Yellow-green LED LED not lit
LED lit green LED lit yellow
X208 - 2 3 4
X208PRO 1 - - 4
X216 - 2 3 4
X224 - 2 3 4
X204-2 - 2 3 4
X206-1 - 2 3 4
X212-2 - 2 3 4
X204-2 LD - 2 3 4
X206-1 LD - 2 3 4
X212-2LD - 2 3 4
X202-2IRT - 2 3 4
X204IRT - 2 3 4
X204 IRT PRO - 2 3 4
X202-2P IRT PRO - 2 3 4
X202-2P IRT - 2 3 4
X201-3P IRT - 2 3 4
X200-4P IRT - 2 3 4

1. Power supply L1 or L2 is connected.

2. Both L power supplies are connected (redundant supply).
3. One L power supply is connected (non-redundant supply).
4. Power supply L1 and/or L2 not connected or <14 V.

SCALANCE X204 IRT PRO and SCALANCE X202-2P IRT PRO have no redundant
power supply.

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Part C: SCALANCE X switches and media converters
6.5 SCALANCE X-200/X-200 IRT Port status indicator (green/yellow LEDs)

Port status indicator (green/yellow LEDs)

The LEDs signal that the IE Switch X-200 can adopt the following statuses.
The status of the interfaces is indicated by two-color LEDs:

Device type SCALANCE LED lit green LED lit yellow LED flashes LED flashes
yellow green
Number of port
X208 8 port LEDs 1 2, 3 4 5, 6
X208PRO 8 port LEDs 1 2, 3 4 5
X204-2 6 port LEDs 1 2, 3 4 5, 6
X206-1 7 port LEDs 1 2, 3 4 5, 6
X204-2 LD 6 port LEDs 1 2, 3 4 5, 6
X206-1 LD 7 port LEDs 1 2, 3 4 5, 6
X202-2IRT 4 port LEDs 1 2, 3 4 5, 6
X204IRT 4 port LEDs 1 2, 3 4 5, 6
X204 IRT PRO 4 port LEDs 1 2, 3 4 5, 6
X202-2P IRT PRO 4 port LEDs 1 2, 3 4 5, 6
X202-2P IRT 4 port LEDs 1 2, 3 4 5, 6
X201-3P IRT 4 port LEDs 1 2, 3 4 5, 6
X200-4P IRT 4 port LEDs 1 2, 3 4 5, 6
X216 16 port LEDs 1 2, 3 4 5, 6
X212-2 14 port LEDs 1 2, 3 4 5, 6
X212-2LD 14 port LEDs 1 2, 3 4 5, 6
X224 24 port LEDs 1 2, 3 4 5, 6

1. TP link exists, no data reception.

2. TP link, data received at TP port.
3. Device startup, the LED is lit for approx. 6 seconds.
4. Setting or display of the fault mask.
5. The "Show Location" function was enabled over Ethernet (for example, PST tool).
The button was pressed for longer than 15 seconds to reset the configuration.
6. PROFINET IO operation was started with the PN IO controller, the attempt to change the
fault mask with the button was rejected by all the port LEDs flashing once.

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Part C: SCALANCE X switches and media converters
6.5 SCALANCE X-200/X-200 IRT Redundancy manager indicator (green LED)

Redundancy manager indicator (green LED)

The LED signals that the IE Switch X-200 can adopt the following statuses:

Device type SCALANCE LED lit green LED flashes green LED not lit
X208 1 2 3
X208PRO - - -
X216 1 2 3
X224 1 2 3
X204-2 1 2 3
X206-1 1 2 3
X212-2 1 2 3
X204-2LD 1 2 3
X206-1LD 1 2 3
X212-2LD 1 2 3
X202-2IRT 1 2 3
X204IRT 1 2 3
X204 IRT PRO 1 2 3
X202-2P IRT PRO 1 2 3
X202-2P IRT 1 2 3
X201-3P IRT 1 2 3
X200-4P IRT 1 2 3

1. Redundancy manager RM is enabled.

2. Redundancy manager is switched over.
3. Redundancy manager is disabled.

The redundancy manager indicator and the standby indicator are implemented as a dual
LED, the indicator color changes depending on the function (Redundancy function ->
green, standby function -> yellow).

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6.5 SCALANCE X-200/X-200 IRT Standby functions (yellow LED)

Standby functions (yellow LED)

The LED signals that the IE Switch X-200 can adopt the following statuses:

Device type SCALANCE LED lit yellow LED flashes yellow LED flashes yellow LED not lit
(slowly) (fast)
X208 - - - -
X208PRO - - - -
X216 - - - -
X224 - - - -
X204-2 - - - -
X206-1 - - - -
X212-2 - - - -
X204-2 LD - - - -
X206-1 LD - - - -
X212-2LD - - - -
X202-2IRT 1 2 3 4
X204IRT 1 2 3 4
X204 IRT PRO 1 2 3 4
X202-2P IRT PRO 1 2 3 4
X202-2P IRT 1 2 3 4
X201-3P IRT 1 2 3 4
X200-4P IRT 1 2 3 4

1. Standby function is enabled (IE Switch X-200 is in standby active mode).

2. Standby function is enabled (IE Switch X-200 is in standby passive mode).
3. Standby partner lost.
4. Standby function is disabled.

When the device switches from active to passive mode because of a fault, the red fault
LED is also activated. This is possible only when standby monitoring is enabled in the
fault mask.

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Part C: SCALANCE X switches and media converters
6.5 SCALANCE X-200/X-200 IRT FOC diagnostic display (yellow LED)

Only the SCALANCE X202-2P IRT, X202-2P IRT PRO, X201-3P IRT and X200-4P IRT
devices have the FO cable diagnostic display.

FOC diagnostic display (yellow LED)

The diagnostic status of the SC RJ interfaces is signaled by an additional LED per port.
The LED signals that the device can adopt the following statuses:

Device type SCALANCE LED lit yellow LED not lit

X202-2P IRT PRO 1 2
X202-2P IRT 1 2
X201-3P IRT 1 2
X200-4P IRT 1 2

1. Signaling maintenance is necessary. Maintenance should be performed to ensure

problem-free operation.
2. Relevant only when the link exists:
The available link power margin is adequate for problem-free operation.

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Part C: SCALANCE X switches and media converters
6.5 SCALANCE X-200/X-200 IRT LED display during startup

LED display during startup

Device type SCALANCE When the device starts up, the following LEDs light up in the following order:
1. Power LEDs (green) light up immediately after turning on the power.
2. Port LEDs (yellow) light up for approx. 6 seconds, the red LED is off.
3. Port LEDs go off, the red error LED is lit for approx. 20 seconds.
4. After the port LEDs go off, the correct link status is displayed after approx. 2 seconds.
5. The IE Switch X-200 is now ready for operation.
X208 +
X208PRO +
X216 +
X224 +
X204-2 +
X206-1 +
X212-2 +
X204-2 LD +
X206-1 LD +
X212-2LD +
X202-2IRT +
X204IRT +
X204 IRT PRO +
X202-2P IRT PRO +
X202-2P IRT +
X201-3P IRT +
X200-4P IRT +

6.5.4 Connector pin assignments X-200

The pin assignment of the SCALANCE X-200 devices is the same as with other SCALANCE
X devices.

Pin assignments of the SCALANCE X208 PRO

Due to the use of M12 connectors, the SCALANCE X208 PRO is waterproof according to
IP65. At the same time, the requirements for CAT5 are met.

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6.5 SCALANCE X-200/X-200 IRT

See also
Common connector pin assignments of SCALANCE X devices (Page 230)

6.5.5 Dimension drawing X-200

General dimension drawings

You will also find dimension drawings for most SCALANCE X-200 devices in the section with
the reference data of the SCALANCE X-100 line. (See below)

Dimension drawings SCALANCE X208PRO

Figure 6-20 Dimension drawing SCALANCE X208PRO

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6.5 SCALANCE X-200/X-200 IRT


Figure 6-21 SCALANCE X208PRO_M12 bending radius

See also
SCALANCE X-100, SCALANCE X-200 and SCALANCE S dimension drawings (Page 244)

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6.5 SCALANCE X-200/X-200 IRT

6.5.6 X-200 technical specifications

Technical specifications of the SCALANCE X-200 devices without optical interface and with interface
for multimode FO cable

Table 6-27 Electrical data


204-2 X206-1 X208 8PRO
Power supply 2 x 24 V DC (18 - 32 V DC) safety extra-low voltage (SELV)
Power loss at 24 V DC 6.36 W 5.28 W 3.84 W 4.4 W
Current consumption at 24 V DC 265 mA 220 mA 160 mA 185 mA
Overvoltage protection at input PTC resettable fuse (0.6 A / 60 V)
Voltage at signaling contact 24 V DC
Current through signaling max. 100 mA
Transmission rate 10/100 Mbps
Aging time 30 seconds
Interference emission EN 61000-6-4 Class A
Immunity EN 61000-6-2
MTBF 74.64 years 78.71 years 83.71 years 115.48 years

Table 6-28 Environmental conditions


204-2 X206-1 X208 8PRO
Operating temperature -10 °C - +60 °C -20 °C - +60 °C -20 °C - +70 °C
Storage/transport temperature -40 °C - +70 °C
Relative humidity in operation < 95% (no condensation)
Operating altitude 2000 m at max. 56 °C ambient temperature
3,000 m at max. 50 °C ambient temperature

Table 6-29 Mechanical data


204-2 X206-1 X208 8PRO
Dimensions (W x H x D) mm 60 x 125 x 124 90 x 125 x 124
Weight 780 g 1000 g
Installation options • DIN rail
• S7-300 standard rail
• Wall mounting

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6.5 SCALANCE X-200/X-200 IRT

Technical specifications of the SCALANCE X216, X212-2 and X224 devices

Table 6-30 Electrical data


Power supply 2 x 24 V DC (18 - 32 V DC) safety extra-low voltage (SELV)
Power loss at 24 V DC 5.76 W 7.92 W 8.40 W
Current consumption at 24 V DC 240 mA 330 mA 350 mA
Overvoltage protection at input PTC resettable fuse (1.1 A / 33 V)
Voltage at signaling contact 24 V DC
Current through signaling max. 100 mA
Transmission rate 10/100 Mbps
Aging time 30 seconds
Interference emission EN 61000-6-4 Class A
Immunity EN 61000-6-2
MTBF 52.07 years 51.18 years 45.87 years

Table 6-31 Environmental conditions


Operating temperature 0 °C - +60 °C
Storage/transport temperature -40 °C - +70 °C
Relative humidity in operation < 95% (no condensation)
Operating altitude 2000 m at max. 56 °C ambient temperature
3,000 m at max. 50 °C ambient temperature

Table 6-32 Mechanical data


Dimensions (W x H x D) mm 120 x 125 x 124 180 x 125 x 124
Weight 1200 g 1600 g
Installation options • DIN rail
• S7-300 standard rail
• Wall mounting

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6.5 SCALANCE X-200/X-200 IRT

Technical specifications of the SCALANCE X200 LD devices

Table 6-33 Electrical data


D X206-1LD X212-2LD
Power supply 2 x 24 V DC (18 - 32 V DC) safety extra-low voltage (SELV)
Power loss at 24 V DC 6.36 W 5.28 W 7.92 W
Current consumption at 24 V DC 265 mA 220 mA 330 mA
Overvoltage protection at input PTC resettable fuse (1.1 A / 33 V)
Voltage at signaling contact 24 V DC max. 28.8 V DC
Current through signaling max. 100 mA
Transmission rate 10/100 Mbps
Aging time 30 seconds
Interference emission EN 61000-6-4 Class A
Immunity EN 61000-6-2
MTBF 74.64 years 78.71 years 51.18 years

Table 6-34 Mechanical data


D X206-1LD X212-2LD
Dimensions (W x H x D) mm 60 x 125 x 124 120 x 125 x 124
Weight 780 g 1200 g
Installation options • DIN rail
• S7-300 standard rail
• Wall mounting

Table 6-35 Environmental conditions


D X206-1LD X212-2LD
Operating temperature 0 °C - +60 °C
Storage/transport temperature -40 °C - +70 °C
Relative humidity in operation < 95% (no condensation)
Operating altitude 2000 m at max. 56 °C ambient temperature
3,000 m at max. 50 °C ambient temperature

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274 System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0
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6.5 SCALANCE X-200/X-200 IRT

Technical specifications of the SCALANCE X200IRT devices

Table 6-36 Electrical data


Power supply 2 x 24 V DC (18 - 32 V DC) safety extra-low voltage (SELV)
Power loss at 24 V DC 4.8 W 6W
Current consumption at 24 V DC 200 mA 300 mA
Overvoltage protection at input PTC resettable fuse (0.6 A / 60 V)
Voltage at signaling contact 24 V DC
Current through signaling max. 100 mA
Transmission rate 10/100 Mbps
Aging time 30 seconds
Interference emission EN 61000-6-4 Class A
Immunity EN 61000-6-2
MTBF 80.58 years 70.90 years

Table 6-37 Environmental conditions


Operating temperature -20 °C - +70 °C -10 °C - +60 °C
Storage/transport temperature -40 °C - +70 °C
Relative humidity in operation < 95% (no condensation)
Operating altitude 2000 m at max. 56 °C ambient temperature
3,000 m at max. 50 °C ambient temperature

Table 6-38 Mechanical data


Dimensions (W x H x D) mm 60 x 125 x 124
Weight 780 g
Installation options • DIN rail
• S7-300 standard rail
• Wall mounting

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6.5 SCALANCE X-200/X-200 IRT

Table 6-39 Electrical data


Power supply 2 x 24 V DC (18 - 32 V DC) safety extra-low voltage (SELV)
Power loss at 24 V DC 7.2 W 8.4 W 9.6 W
Current consumption at 24 V DC 300 mA 350 mA 400 mA
Overvoltage protection at input PTC resettable fuse (1.1 A / 33 V)
Voltage at signaling contact 24 V DC
Current through signaling max. 100 mA
Transmission rate 10/100 Mbps
Aging time 30 seconds
Interference emission EN 61000-6-4 Class A
Immunity EN 61000-6-2
MTBF 83.72 years 78.03 years 73.06 years

Table 6-40 Environmental conditions


Operating temperature 0 °C - +60 °C 0 °C - +50 °C 0 °C - +40 °C
Storage/transport temperature -40 °C - +70 °C
Relative humidity in operation < 95% (no condensation)
Operating altitude 2000 m at max. 56 °C ambient temperature
3,000 m at max. 50 °C ambient temperature

Table 6-41 Mechanical data


Dimensions (W x H x D) mm 60 x 125 x 124
Weight 780 g
Installation options • DIN rail
• S7-300 standard rail
• Wall mounting

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Part C: SCALANCE X switches and media converters
6.5 SCALANCE X-200/X-200 IRT

Order numbers

SCALANCE X204-2 6GK5204-2BB10-2AA3

SCALANCE X206-1 6GK5206-1BB10-2AA3
SCALANCE X208 6GK5208-0BA10-2AA3
SCALANCE X216 6GK5216-0BA00-2AA3
SCALANCE X212-2 6GK5212-2BB00-2AA3
SCALANCE X224 6GK5224-0BA00-2AA3

Table 6-42 "LD" devices

SCALANCE X204-2LD 6GK5204-2BC10-2AA3

SCALANCE X206-1LD 6GK5206-1BC10-2AA3
SCALANCE X212-2LD 6GK5212-2BC00-2AA3

Table 6-43 "IRT" devices


SCALANCE X202-2IRT 6GK5202-2BB00-2BA3
SCALANCE X202-2P IRT 6GK5202-2BH00-2BA3
SCALANCE X201-3P IRT 6GK5201-3BH00-2BA3
SCALANCE X200-4P IRT 6GK5200-4AH00-2BA3

Web Based Management

You will find information on configuring the SCALANCE X switches using Web Based
Management in the relevant operating instructions.

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Part C: SCALANCE X switches and media converters
6.6 SCALANCE X-300

6.6 SCALANCE X-300

6.6.1 Certifications and approvals, degree of protection X-300

The following information applies to the SCALANCE X devices
● X310
● X308-2
● X308-2LD


Device type c-UL-us c-UL-us for hazardous FM1 C-TICK CE ATEX Zone 21 E1
SCALANCE locations1
X310 UL UL 1604, UL FM 3611 AS/NZS EN 61000-6-4 EN60079-15 ECE-G
60950-1 2279Pt.15 CL.1, Div.2 2064 Class A, II 3 G EEx nA II T.. 95/54/EEC
CSA CL.1, Div.2 GP. GP. A.B.C.D (Class A). EN 61000-6-2 KEMA 03 ATEX
C22.2 No. A.B.C.D T.. T.. 1226 X test number
60950-1 CL.1, Zone 2, GP, IIC, CL.1, Zone 2, 024734
T.. GP. IIC, T..
CL.1, Zone2, AEx nC Ta:..
X308-2 UL UL 1604, UL FM 3611 AS/NZS EN 61000-6-4 EN60079-15 -
60950-1 2279Pt.15 CL.1, Div.2 2064 Class A, II 3 G EEx nA II T..
CSA CL.1, Div.2 GP. GP. A.B.C.D (Class A). EN 61000-6-2 KEMA 03 ATEX
C22.2 No. A.B.C.D T.. T.. 1226 X
60950-1 CL.1, Zone 2, GP, IIC, CL.1, Zone 2,
T.. GP. IIC, T..
CL.1, Zone2, AEx nC Ta:..
X308-2 LD UL UL 1604, UL FM 3611 AS/NZS EN 61000-6-4 EN60079-15 -
60950-1 2279Pt.15 CL.1, Div.2 2064 Class A, II 3 G EEx nA II T..
CSA CL.1, Div.2 GP. GP. A.B.C.D (Class A). EN 61000-6-2 KEMA 03 ATEX
C22.2 No. A.B.C.D T.. T.. 1226 X
60950-1 CL.1, Zone 2, GP, IIC, CL.1, Zone 2,
T.. GP. IIC, T..
CL.1, Zone2, AEx nC Ta:..
1For temperature information "T.." or the maximum ambient temperature "Ta:..", refer to the

type plate.

Degree of protection
Tested to IP30.

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6.6 SCALANCE X-300

Order numbers

SCALANCE X310 6GK5 310-0FA00-2AA3

SCALANCE X308-2 6GK5 308-2FL00-2AA3
SCALANCE X308-2 LD 6GK5 308-2FM00-2AA3

See also
General information on approvals and certifications (Page 230)

6.6.2 X-300 installation instructions and guidelines

Installation of SCALANCE X-300 switches

The switches are installed in the same way as the SCALANCE X-100 line.

See also
X-100 installation instructions and guidelines (Page 237)

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Part C: SCALANCE X switches and media converters
6.6 SCALANCE X-300

6.6.3 X-300 operator controls and displays LED display

The following table shows the states indicated by the LEDs in the various display modes.

LED Display mode A Display mode B Display mode C Display mode D

IE Switch X-300 F Problem, signaling contact opens
L1 Power supply L1 is applied. Power supply L1 is
L2 Power supply L2 is applied. Power supply L2 is
RM Device is operating as RM
SB Device operates in standby mode.
DM off Lit green Lit orange Flashes
P1 Port status Transmission Half / full Fault mask
P2 rate duplex

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280 System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0
Part C: SCALANCE X switches and media converters
6.6 SCALANCE X-300 LED display - Fault and Power

Display modes A through C

In display modes A to C, the status of the signaling contact and the presence of the supply
voltages are displayed by the LEDs of the IE Switch X-300.

Figure 6-22 Example of the LED display of the device in DMode A

The following table lists the significance of the three LEDs on the IE Switch X-300 for display
modes A through C:

Label Color Status Meaning

F off The IE Switch X-300 has not detected any faults, the
signaling contact is closed.
Red on The IE Switch X-300 has detected a fault, the signaling
contact opens.
L1 off Power supply L1 lower than 17 V.
Green on Power supply L1 higher than 17 V.
L2 off Power supply L2 lower than 17 V.
Green on Power supply L2 higher than 17 V.
For information on the "DM" LED, refer to the operating instructions of the switch.

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Part C: SCALANCE X switches and media converters
6.6 SCALANCE X-300

Display in display mode D

In display mode D, the DM LED of the IE Switch X-300 flashes yellow/orange. This mode
indicates whether the power supply is being monitored with the signaling contact.

Figure 6-23 LED Fault / Power and System display in display mode D

The following table shows the meaning of the three LEDs on the IE Switch X-300 in display
mode D:

Label Color Status Meaning

F off No problem has been detected by the IE Switch X-300.
Red on The IE Switch X-300 detects a fault. The signaling contact
L1 off Power supply L1 is not monitored. If L1 falls below 17 V, the
signaling contact does not respond.
Green on Power supply L1 is monitored. If L1 falls below 17 V, the
signaling contact responds.
L2 off Power supply L2 is not monitored. If L2 falls below 17 V, the
signaling contact does not respond.
Green on Power supply L2 is monitored. If L2 falls below 17 V, the
signaling contact responds. LED display - System

On the IE Switch X-300, the LEDs of the system are on the right-hand LED strip.

Display modes A through D

The set display modes are indicated as follows:

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282 System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0
Part C: SCALANCE X switches and media converters
6.6 SCALANCE X-300

50 50 50 50

6% 6% 6% 6%

'0 '0 '0 '0


'0RGH$ '0RGH% '0RGH& '0RGH'

Figure 6-24 Display of the possible display modes (DMode A through DMode D)

The individual functions (RM, SB and DM) are independent of each other. The LED displays
are described below:

Label Color Status Meaning

RM off The IE Switch X-300 is not operating in redundancy
manager mode.
Green on The IE Switch X-300 is operating in redundancy manager
mode. The ring is working without problems, monitoring is
flashes The IE Switch X-300 is operating in redundancy manager
mode. An interruption has been detected on the ring; the
IE Switch X-300 has switched through.
SB off The standby function is disabled.
Green on The standby function is enabled. The standby link is
flashes The standby function is enabled. The standby link is active.
DM off Mode A
Green on Mode B
Orange on Mode C
Yellow/orang flashes Mode D
e LED display of the ports (DMode A through DMode D)

LEDs of the ports

The LED displays of the 10 ports indicate different port states depending on the set display
mode. The displays have the same meaning for all ports.

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6.6 SCALANCE X-300

Port statuses in DMode A

In display mode A, the current port status is displayed.

Port Color Status Meaning

P1 off No valid link to the port (for
P2 example station turned off or cable
P3 not connected)
P4 Green on Link exists and port in normal
P5 status. In this status, the port can
P6 receive and send data.
P8 flashes once per period Link exists and port in "blocking"
P9 status. In this status, the port only
P10 receives management data (no
user data).
flashes three times per Link exists and port turned off by
period management. In this status, no data
is sent or received over the port.
flashes four times per period Port exists and is in the "monitor
port" status. In this status, the data
traffic of another port is copied to
this port.
Yellow Flashes / lit Link exists, port is in normal status
and data is being received at the
The optical gigabit ports of the
IE Switch X-300 signal data
reception and data transmission.

Figure 6-25 Display of the port status of port 1

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6.6 SCALANCE X-300

Port statuses in DMode B

In display mode B, the current transmission rate is displayed.

Port Color Status Meaning

P1 off Port operating at 10 Mbps
P2 Green on Port operating at 100 Mbps
P4 Orange on Port operating at 1000 Mbps

Figure 6-26 Display of the transmission speed of port 1

If there is a link fault and the type of transmission is fixed (autonegotiation off), in DMode B,
the desired status, in other words the set transmission rate (1000 Mbps, 100 Mbps, 10
Mbps) continues to be displayed. If there is a link fault and autonegotiation is active, the port
LED goes off.

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6.6 SCALANCE X-300

Port statuses in DMode C

In display mode C, the current mode (half duplex, full duplex) is indicated.

Port Color Status Meaning

P1 off Port operating in half duplex
P2 Green on Port operating in full duplex

Figure 6-27 Mode display (full / half duplex) of port 1

If there is a link fault and the type of transmission is fixed (autonegotiation off), in DMode C,
the desired status, in other words the set type of transmission (full or half duplex) continues
to be displayed. If there is a link fault and autonegotiation is active, the port LED goes off.

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6.6 SCALANCE X-300

Port statuses in DMode D

In display mode D, you can see whether or not the port is monitored.

Port Color Status Meaning

P1 off The port is not monitored; in other words, if a link is not established
P2 at the port, this does not trigger the signaling contact.
P3 Green on Port is monitored; in other words, if there is no link established at
P4 the port (for example cable not plugged in or connected
P5 IE Switch X-300 turned off), this triggers the signaling contact and
P6 to a fault state.

Figure 6-28 Example: Monitoring of port 1 is "on“

6.6.4 Connector pin assignments X-300

Connector pin assignments

The connector pin assignments are identical to those of the other SCALANCE X devices.

See also
Common connector pin assignments of SCALANCE X devices (Page 230)

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Part C: SCALANCE X switches and media converters
6.6 SCALANCE X-300

6.6.5 Dimension drawing

Figure 6-29 Dimension drawing SCALANCE X-300 (here based on the example of the SCALANCE X308-2)

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Figure 6-30 Drilling template for the IE Switch X-300

6.6.6 X-300 technical specifications

Device type Dimensions (W x H x D) in mm Weight in g Installation options

- S7-300 standard rail
- Wall mounting
X310 120 x 125 x 123 1400 +
X308-2 120 x 125 x 123 1400 +
X308-2 LD 120 x 125 x 123 1400 +

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Table 6-44 Connectors

Device type Attachment of end devices Connecting end devices or Connector for power Connector for
SCALANCE or network components network components over supply signaling contact
over twisted pair fiber-optic
X310 7 x RJ-45 sockets with - 1x4-pin plug-in terminal 1 x 2-pin plug-in terminal
MDI-X pinning block block
10/100 Mbps (half/ full
3 x RJ-45 sockets with
MDI-X pinning
10/100/1000 Mbps (half/
full duplex)
X308-2 7 x RJ-45 sockets with 2 SC duplex sockets 1 x 4-pin plug-in terminal 1 x 2-pin plug-in terminal
MDI-X pinning (1000 Mbps, full duplex to block block
10/100 Mbps (half/ full 1000BaseSX)
1 x RJ-45 socket with
MDI-X pinning
10/100/1000 Mbps (half/
full duplex)
X308-2 LD 7 x RJ-45 sockets with 2 SC duplex sockets 1 x 4-pin plug-in terminal 1 x 2-pin plug-in terminal
MDI-X pinning (1000 Mbps, full duplex to block block
10/100 Mbps (half/ full 1000BaseLX)
1 x RJ-45 socket with
MDI-X pinning
10/100/1000 Mbps (half/
full duplex)

Table 6-45 Electrical data

Device type Power supply Power loss at Current consumption Overcurrent protection at
SCALANCE 2 x 24 V DC 24 V DC at rated voltage input
(18-32 V DC) Non-replaceable fuse
(F 3 A / 32 V)
Safety extra-low voltage
X310 + 9.6 W 400 mA +
X308-2 + 9.6 W 400 mA +
X308-2 LD + 9.6 W 400 mA +

Table 6-46 Signaling contact

Device type Voltage at signaling contact Current through signaling contact

X310 24 V DC max. 100 mA
X308-2 24 V DC max. 100 mA
X308-2 LD 24 V DC max. 100 mA

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Table 6-47 Permitted cable lengths (copper)

Device type 0 - 55 m 0 - 85 m 0 - 100 m

SCALANCE IE TP torsion cable with IE IE FC TP marine/trailing/ flexible cable IE FC TP standard cable with IE FC RJ-45
FC RJ-45 Plug 180 or with IE FC RJ-45 Plug 180 plug 180
0 - 45 m IE TP torsion or or
cable with IE outlet RJ-45 0 - 75 m IE FC TP marine/ trailing/flexible over IE FC outlet RJ-45 with 0 - 90 m IE FC
+ 10 m TP cord cable + 10 m TP cord over IE FC outlet TP standard cable + 10 m TP cord
X310 + + +
X308-2 + + +
X308-2 LD + + +

Table 6-48 Permitted cable lengths (fiber-optic)

Device type 0 - 750 m 0 - 10000 m

SCALANCE glass FOC glass FOC
50/125 µm multimode fiber; 9/125 µm single mode fiber;
2.5 dB/km at 850 nm 0.5 dB/km at 1310 nm;
4.5 dB max. permitted FO cable attenuation with 6 dB max. permitted FO cable attenuation with 3 dB
3 dB link power margin link power margin
X310 - -
X308-2 + -
X308-2 LD - +

Maximum insertion loss of 0.5 dB per SC connector.

Table 6-49 Aging time

Device type Aging time

X310 30 seconds
X308-2 30 seconds
X308-2 LD 30 seconds

Table 6-50 MTBF

Device type MTBF

X310 46 years
X308-2 48 years
X308-2 LD 48 years

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Table 6-51 Permitted ambient conditions

Device type Operating temperature Storage/transport Relative humidity in Operating altitude at max. xx°C
SCALANCE temperature operation ambient temperature
X310 0 °C through +60 °C -40 °C through +70 °C ‹ 95 % 2000 m at max. 56 °C
(no condensation) 3000 m at max. 50 °C
X308-2 0 °C through +60 °C -40 °C through +70 °C ‹ 95 % 2000 m at max. 56 °C
(no condensation) 3000 m at max. 50 °C
X308-2 LD 0 °C through +60 °C -40 °C through +70 °C ‹ 95 % 2000 m at max. 56 °C
(no condensation) 3000 m at max. 50 °C

The following applies to IE Switches X-300:
The number of IE Switches X-300 connected in a line influences the frame propagation time.
When a frame passes through an IE Switch X-300, it is delayed by the Store&Forward
function of the IE Switch X-300
• with a 64 byte frame length by approx. 10 microseconds (at 100 Mbps)
• with a 1500 byte frame length by approx. 130 microseconds (at 100 Mbps)
This means that the more IE Switch X-300 devices the frame passes through, the longer the
frame delay.

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6.7 SCALANCE X-400

6.7 SCALANCE X-400

6.7.1 Certifications and approvals, degree of protection X-400


SCALANCE X408-2, X414-3E

c-UL-us (Information Technology Equipment) UL 60950-1; CSA C22.2 No. 60950-1-03
c-UL-us (Industrial Control Equipment) UL 508; CSA C22.2 No. 14-M91
c-UL-us for hazardous locations UL 1604, UL 2279Pt.15
FM FM 3611
C-Tick AS/NZS 2064 (Class A)
CE EN 61000-6-2, EN 61000-6-4
ATEX Zone 2 EN 50021

Degree of protection
Tested to IP20.

Order numbers

SCALANCE X414-3E 6GK5414-3FC00-2AA2

SCALANCE X408-2 6GK5408-2FD00-2AA2

See also
General information on approvals and certifications (Page 230)

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6.7 SCALANCE X-400

6.7.2 Overview of X408-2

Design of the SCALANCE X408-2

Figure 6-31 SCALANCE X408-2

SCALANCE X-400 products are designed for installation in switching cubicles and have
degree of protection IP20. The installation width of the X408-2 basic device is 9 inches.
The SCALANCE X408-2 basic device consists of a basic module with the following
permanently installed modules:
● Slot 2: A power supply module for supplying the SCALANCE X408-2 with 24 V DC;
redundant 24 V supply is possible. The module also provides a floating signal output for
simple display of disruptions.
● Slot 3: A dummy module for the following LED displays: RM, STBY, DM1, DM2.
Slots 4 and 7 are covered by dummy modules and have no function.
The following ports are located on the basic module:
● Slots 5 and 6: Each slots for an optical Fast Ethernet media module each with 2 ports.
● In slots 5 and 6: Each with two RJ-45 jacks allowing connection of electrical (twisted pair)
connections at 10/100/1000 Mbps.
As an option, slots 5 and 6 can be used for an optical gigabit module with two ports.
● In slot 8: Four RJ-45 jacks for electrical (twisted pair) connections (10, 100 Mbps). These
cannot be used by media modules. Here, there is also a D-sub socket (RS-232) as
configuration and diagnostics port.

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6.7.3 Overview of the X414-3E

Design of the SCALANCE X414-3E

SCALANCE X-400 products are designed for installation in switching cubicles and have
degree of protection IP20. The installation width of the SCALANCE X414-3E with extender is
19 inches.

Figure 6-32 Basic device without media modules, protective caps and covers

The SCALANCE X414-3E consists of a frame with basic module. This has the following slot

Figure 6-33 Basic device X414-3E without media modules with existing ports

As default, the following modules are inserted:

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● Slot 2: A power supply module for supplying the SCALANCE X414-3E with 24 V DC;
redundant 24 V supply is possible. The module also provides a floating signal output for
simple display of disruptions.
● Slot 3: A module with 8 floating inputs for acquiring digital status information, such as
signaling contacts from PROFIBUS OLMs or door contacts and forwarding via
SCALANCE X-400 diagnostics methods (LED display, log table, trap or E-mail)
● Slot 4: A CPU module responsible for the management of the SCALANCE X414-3E
The following ports are located on the basic module:
● In slot 5: Two integrated Gigabit Ethernet twisted-pair ports (10, 100 or 1000 Mbps, RJ-45
jacks) for interconnecting the SCALANCE X-400 switches. Slot for an optical gigabit
Ethernet media module with 2 ports; when this module is inserted, the two RJ-45 gigabit
Ethernet twisted-pair ports on the same slots cannot be used.
● Slots 6 and 7: Each slots for an optical Fast Ethernet media module each with 2 ports.
● In slots 9 to 11: 12 integrated Fast Ethernet twisted-pair ports (10 or 100 Mbps, RJ-45
● An extender expansion port
Using this extender expansion port, the X414-3E can be expanded with the twisted-pair
extender EM495-8 by a further 8 Fast Ethernet ports:

6&$/$1&( &RYHU &RYHU [ &RYHU &RYHU &RYHU [ [ [ [ [
) ,1,1 50 3 3 3 3 3 3
/ ,1,1 67%< 3 3 3 3 3 3
/ ,1,1 '0 3 3 3 3 3
,1,1 '0 3 3 3 3 3












Figure 6-34 Basic device with twisted pair extender module

Using the media module extender EM496-4, an expansion of 4 ports for media modules is
possible, so that up to 8 optical Fast Ethernet ports (100 Mbps) are available:

6&$/$1&( &RYHU &RYHU [ &RYHU &RYHU &RYHU [ [ [ [ [ [ [
) ,1,1 50 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
/ ,1,1 67%< 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
/ ,1,1 '0 3 3 3
,1,1 '0 3 3 3












Figure 6-35 Basic device with media module extender

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The media module plug connectors are protected by protective caps.

Both the installation of the media module extender and removal or insertion of the media
modules is possible during operation. For data transfer via the extender module EM496-4, at
least one media module is required.
The SCALANCE X414-3E also has the following ports:
● Serial port
● Console port (Ethernet twisted-pair port) for on-site parameter assignment/diagnostics,
for firmware update and for standby synchronization
● Slot for optional C-PLUG exchangeable medium for simple device replacement (ships
with the product; it is located on the CPU module below the labeling strip)

Serial port
The CPU module of the SCALANCE X414-3E has an RS-232 port. This is used for the
following purposes:
● Firmware updates
● Management with the aid of the command interpreter (Command Line Interpreter, CLI)
including setting of the IP address information.
Input to the command interpreter is over command lines.
For more detailed information, refer to the Configuration Manual - SCALANCE X-400
Industrial Ethernet Switches.

Console port (Ethernet twisted-pair port)

On the bottom panel of the CPU module of the SCALANCE X414-3E, there is an 8-pin RJ-45
jack. This Ethernet interface can be used for productive communication with other switches
or end devices. This is used for the following purposes:
● Configuration
● Commissioning
The SCALANCE X414-3E can be configured either locally or over a network. For more
detailed information, refer to the Configuration Manual - SCALANCE X-400 Industrial
Ethernet Switches.

6.7.4 X-400 installation instructions and guidelines Installing / uninstalling the SCALANCE X-400

Notes on installation
IE Switches X-400 are designed for installation on an S7-300 standard rail and installation on
a 35 mm DIN rail.

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6.7 SCALANCE X-400

You will find general information on this in the section on installing SCALANCE X-100

Certain minimum clearances between an IE Switch X-400 and neighboring equipment must
be taken into account. These minimum clearances are necessary during installation and
operation to allow the following:
● Install and remove modules,
● To allow the flow of air required for heat dissipation during operation of the IE Switches X-
The following figure shows the space you need to allow for an IE Switch X-400.




Figure 6-36 Installation clearances for the IE Switches X-400 based on the example of a SCALANCE X414-3E with
extender module

See also
X-100 installation instructions and guidelines (Page 237)

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6.7 SCALANCE X-400 Installing / uninstalling with a 35 mm DIN rail

Installation on a 35 mm DIN rail

If the IE Switch X-400 is liable to be subjected to severe vibration (> 10 g), use the S7-300
standard rail for installation. The DIN rail does not provide adequate support for the
IE Switch X-400 with vibration greater than 10 g.

Since the two captive screws are not used to secure the device when installing on a 35 mm
DIN rail, it is not absolutely necessary to remove the covers and the blind cover, although
this does make it easier to handle the basic device.

When installing the IE Switch X-400, hold it by the backplane and not by the modules,
otherwise the device may be damaged.

To install the device, follow the steps below:

1. Place the central groove containing two spring clips on the back of the basic device on
the upper edge of the DIN rail with the device tilted slightly towards the back. Note that
both spring clips must be located behind the edge of the DIN rail.
2. Press the basic device down and push in the lower part until you hear it click into place in
the DIN rail.
3. Adjust the basic device to the right or left until it is in the required position.

Only horizontal installation permitted (ventilation slit top/bottom).

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Figure 6-37 Installing the SCALANCE X414-3E on a 35 mm DIN rail

Removing the SCALANCE X414-3E from a 35 mm DIN rail

Since the two captive screws are not used to secure the device when removing from a 35
mm DIN rail, it is not absolutely necessary to remove the covers and the blind cover,
although this does make it easier to handle the basic device.

When uninstalling the SCALANCE X414-3E, hold it by the backplane and not by the
modules, otherwise the device may be damaged.

To remove the device, follow the steps below:

1. Push the basic device down until the lower part can be pulled away from the rail to the
2. Lift the IE Switch X-400 up and off the DIN rail.

Removing the SCALANCE X408-2 from a 35 mm DIN rail

Since the two captive screws are not used to secure the device when removing from a 35
mm DIN rail, it is not absolutely necessary to remove the covers and the blind cover,
although this does make it easier to handle the basic device.

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6.7 SCALANCE X-400

When uninstalling the SCALANCE X408-2, hold it by the backplane and not by the
modules, otherwise the device may be damaged.

To remove the device, follow the steps below:

1. Using a slotted screwdriver with a 5.5 mm wide blade, pull down the clip on the basic
device slightly and pull out the lower part of the basic device to the front so that the spring
clips can no longer engage.
2. Lift the IE Switch X-400 up and off the DIN rail.

Figure 6-38 Removing the SCALANCE X408-2 from a 35 mm DIN rail Fitting / removing a cover/dummy cover

Variants of the covers/dummy cover

There are three variants of the covers
● CV490 2x1000
1 Gbps, electrical transmission, 2 port displays
possible slots:

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6.7 SCALANCE X-400

SCALANCE X408-2: 5 and 6
● CV490 2x100
possible slots
SCALANCE X414-3E: 6, 7 and extender module EM496-4 slots 12 through 15
● CV490 4x100
10/100 Mbps, electrical transmission, 4 port displays
possible slots
SCALANCE X414-3E: 9 through 11 and extender module EM495-8 slots 12, 13
SCALANCE X408-2: 8
There is a dummy cover
(no displays connected to front)
possible slots
SCALANCE X408-2: 4 and 7

Fitting a cover/dummy cover

There is only a dummy cover (no port displays to the front) on slot 8 (SCALANCE X414-3E)
or slot 7 (SCALANCE X408-2).
To fit a cover, you do not require any tools.
1. Place the two lower guides of the cover/dummy cover into the recesses at the lower edge
of the basic device. It should no longer be possible to move the cover/dummy cover to the
2. Tilt the cover/dummy cover at an angle towards the back until the two plastic pins at the
back top edge of the cover/dummy cover jut into the recesses in the basic device.
3. Press the upper part of the cover/dummy cover onto the basic device until the fluted
middle section of the cover/dummy cover is heard to click into place.
4. Secure the labeling strip on the front of the cover/dummy cover.

Removing a cover/dummy cover

To remove a cover, you do not require any tools.
1. Press on the fluted middle section of the top of the cover/dummy cover next to the
2. At the same time, tilt the cover/dummy cover down at an angle, the two guides initially
remain in the recesses at the lower edge of the basic device.
3. Remove the cover/dummy cover by pulling it upwards.

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6.7 SCALANCE X-400

6.7.5 X-400 operator controls and displays X-400 display elements

Display elements:
Depending on the display mode, the LEDs have the following meaning. To set the display
mode, press the SELECT / SET button on the CPU module until the DM1 and DM2 LEDs
light up on the CPU in the required combination. The selected display mode is then
activated. There is an automatic switchover to Dmode A if the button is not pressed for
longer than one minute.
The following table shows the states indicated by the LEDs in the various display modes.
You will find detailed information in the Operating Instructions SCALANCE X-400 Industrial
Ethernet Switches.

LED Display mode A Display mode B Display mode C Display mode D

Power F Problem, signaling contact opens
module for L1 Power supply L1 is applied. No monitoring with the Power supply L1
X414-3E and signaling contact. is monitored
L2 Power supply L2 is applied. No monitoring with the Power supply L2
signaling contact. is monitored
DI module IN1/IN5 Signal at input Signal at input Signal at input Signal at input
only for IN1 IN5 IN1 IN5
X414-3E IN2/IN6 Signal at input Signal at input Signal at input Signal at input
IN3/IN7 Signal at input Signal at input Signal at input Signal at input
IN4/IN8 Signal at input Signal at input Signal at input Signal at input
Switch CPU RM Device is operating as RM
for X414-3E STBY Device is in standby mode
and X408-2
DM1 off on off on
DM2 off off on on
Ports for P1 Port status Transmission Half / full duplex Fault mask
X414-3E and P2 rate
While the device is starting up, the red LED on the power module indicates the current status
of the device. For more detailed information, refer to the following table:

LED on LED off LED flashing

During device startup Device starts or a Device startup Error in keyboard input
fault/error was detected successful over serial interface or
bad firmware image
During operation Fault/error detected Operation not OK

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6.7 SCALANCE X-400 SELECT / SET button

The SELECT / SET button is used to switch over the display modes (DMode) and to make
other settings. After turning on the IE Switch X-400, it is in DMode A.
The button has the following functions:
● Changing the display modes
By pressing the button briefly, you change from one display mode to the next. The
selected mode or current status is displayed by the LEDs (D1, D2).
● Resetting to the factory defaults
It is possible to restore some of the factory defaults in DMode A. You do this by pressing
the button for 12 seconds. You can cancel the reset procedure by releasing the button
before the 12 seconds have elapsed. All previously made settings are overwritten by the
factory defaults.
● Defining the fault mask and the LED displays
It is possible to set the fault mask in DMode A and DMode D. This allows you to specify
the mask for signaling faults by defining an individual "good status" for the connected
ports and the power supplies. In this case, you press the button for 5 seconds in DMode
A or DMode D. After 3 seconds, the two LEDs (D1 and D2) start to flash. You can cancel
the procedure by releasing the button before the 5 seconds have elapsed. If, however,
you press the button for a further 2 seconds, the current states of all ports and the states
of the power supplies L1 and L2 are included in the fault mask. The previous fault mask is
then overwritten.
● Activating/deactivating the redundancy manager
It is only possible to activate/deactivate the RM in DMode B. You do this by pressing the
button for 5 seconds. After 3 seconds, the two LEDs (D1 and D2) start to flash. If you
release the button before the 5 seconds have elapsed, the action is aborted. After 5
seconds the redundancy manager is activated/deactivated. If the redundancy manager as
well as ring redundancy were deactivated, ring redundancy is also activated at the same
time. If you deactivate, only the redundancy manager is deactivated. DIL switches of the SCALANCE X-414-3E

Meaning of the DIL switches

The RM switch allows you to configure the SCALANCE X414-3E as a redundancy manager
in a ring with redundancy manager.

Only the SCALANCE X414-3E basic device has DIL switches.
Ring redundancy can be configured with these DIL switches. These settings are made in the
software for the SCALANCE X408-2 basic device. On the SCALANCE X408-2, the RM can
also be enabled / disabled with the SET/SELECT button. For more detailed information, refer
to the configuration manual "SCALANCE X-300 SCALANCE X-400 Industrial Ethernet

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6.7 SCALANCE X-400

Changing the switch settings during operation causes fault displays and activates the
signaling contact. The settings are adopted only after the device is restarted.

Configuration options
Below the labeling strip on the CPU module on slot 4, there are four DIL switches. These DIL
switches can have one of two states (ON / OFF).

Figure 6-39 Power module, digital inputs and CPU module with operator controls on the SCALANCE

● The RM switch allows you to configure the SCALANCE X414-3E as a redundancy

manager in a ring with redundancy manager. When using a SCALANCE X408-2, this
setting is made in the software or using the SELECT/SET button.
● The STBY switch is reserved for future functionality and does not currently have any
● With switches R1 and R2, you can specify either the two ports in slot 5, the two ports in
slot 6 or the first ports of slots 6 and 7 as ring ports. When both switches are set to ON,
ring redundancy is configured by the software as with the SCALANCE X408-2.

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6.7 SCALANCE X-400

Switch Status Meaning

RM OFF SCALANCE X414-3E is not a redundancy manager.
ON SCALANCE X414-3E is a redundancy manager.
-- No function.
R1 OFF Ports in slot 5 (gigabit ports) are ring ports.
R1 ON Ports 1 and 2 of slot 6 are ring ports.
R2 OFF .
R1 OFF Port 1 of slot 6 is first ring port.
R2 ON Port 1 of slot 7 is second ring port.
R1 ON Setting ring redundancy with software
When shipped from the factory, all DIL switches are set to OFF.

Using the C-PLUG

C-PLUG settings overwrite the DIL switches during startup

Ring ports on slots 5 to 7

When supplied, the DIL switches R1 and R2 on the SCALANCE X414-3E are set to OFF.
As a result, the gigabit ports on slot 5 are defined as ring ports and ring redundancy is
therefore enabled. In this case, you cannot enable rapid spanning tree / spanning tree.
For more detailed information, refer to the configuration manual "SCALANCE X-300
SCALANCE X-400 Industrial Ethernet Switches".

If R1 and R2 are set to OFF, the two gigabit ports of slot 5 are selected as ring ports.

If the SCALANCE X414-3E is operated without media modules, R1 and R2 must be set to
OFF, otherwise ports in slots 6 and 7 will be defined as ring ports that are only available
when media modules are plugged in.

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6&$/$1&( &RYHU &RYHU [ &RYHU &RYHU &RYHU [ [ [
) ,1,1 50 3 3 3 3 3 3
/ ,1,1 67%< 3 3 3 3 3 3
/ ,1,1 '0 3 3 3
,1,1 '0 3 3 3











Figure 6-40 Ring ports that can be defined with switches R1 and R2

Possible settings of the ring ports

Only two ports of a switch can ever be defined as ring ports. All other ports in slots 6 and 7
that are not defined as ring ports can be used for the optical connection of nodes or subnets.

● Switch 1:
In the schematic below, switches R1 and R2 are set to OFF.
● Switch 2:
In the schematic below, switch R1 is set to ON and R2 to OFF.
● Switch 3:
In the schematic below, switch R1 is set to OFF and R2 to ON.

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6.7 SCALANCE X-400

Figure 6-41 The three possible settings for ring ports with R1 and R2

6.7.6 Connector pin assignments X-400 Connectors for the twisted pair cables

The FastConnect cabling system

With the IE FC RJ-45 Plug and the FastConnect cables (FC), you can achieve a segment
length up to 100 m without patching. In this case, the IE FC standard cable 2x2 is connected
directly to the SCALANCE X414-3E and other components on the network.
Two FastConnect cable types are available, the eight-wire IE FC standard cable 4x2 and the
four-wire IE FC standard cable 2x2.
The diameter of the IE FC standard cable 4x2 does not allow connection to an RJ-45 plug so
that only the IE FC standard cable 2x2 as a four-wire cable is suitable for RJ-45 plugs. This
means that the maximum transmission rate is 100 Mbps.
The flexible eight-wire patch cable (TP cord) for gigabit transmission allows a maximum
cable length of 10 m.

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;( ;

$ % % % 6


$ P
% P

Figure 6-42 FastConnect cabling

A TP cord (1 Gbps)
B IE FC standard cable 2x2 (100 Mbps)

Connecting TP cord to FC cable

To connect TP Cord to FC cables, two IE FC RJ-45 modular outlet insert types are available:
● IE FC RJ-45 modular outlet insert 1GE
1 RJ-45 jack with 4x2 wire cable for 1 Gbps
● IE FC RJ-45 modular outlet insert 2FE
2 RJ-45 jacks each with 2x2 wire cable for 100 Mbps

With the IE FC RJ-45 modular outlet insert 1GE, the eight-wire FastConnect cable allows a
transmission rate of 1 Gbps.

Figure 6-43 IE FC RJ-45 modular outlet insert 1GE

With the IE FC RJ-45 modular outlet insert 2FE, the eight-wire FastConnect cable is split
over two RJ-45 jacks and allows a transmission rate of 2 x 100 Mbps.

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Figure 6-44 IE FC RJ-45 modular outlet insert 2FE

The maximum segment length of 100 m also applies when using the FastConnect cabling
with TP cord. Normally, FastConnect cable with a length of 90 m is used. The remaining 10
m is then available for TP cord at both ends (total of 10 m).

;( ;

$ $ $ $
,()&5- ,()&5-
*( )( % $ $


% $

$%$ P

Figure 6-45 FastConnect cabling

A1 TP cord 4x2
A2 TP cord 4x2
B IE FC standard cable 4x2

Removing the FC cable from IE Switches X-400

Under some circumstances, a screwdriver is necessary to remove the twisted pair cables
with RJ-45 plugs because it may not be possible to reach the connector with your hand due
to neighboring media modules, covers, or the dummy cover.

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If this is the situation, do the following:

1. Press the catch on the RJ-45 plug to the left with a small screwdriver.
2. Remove the cable.

Figure 6-46 Unlocking the FastConnect RJ-45 plug Connectors for fiber-optic cables

Gigabit transmission with FOC

Data transmission at 1 Gbps is over multimode FOC or single mode FOC. In both cases, the
fiber-optic cable is plugged into the SC duplex socket with the SC duplex plug. The
connectors have polarity reversal protection mechanisms.
When a media module is inserted, port 1 is to the front and port 2 to the rear.

Fiber-optic cable connectors are susceptible to contamination and mechanical damage to
the face. Protect open connections with the supplied dust caps.

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Figure 6-47 SC duplex plug with gigabit media module MM492-2LD

Fast Ethernet transfer with FOC

Data transmission at 100 Mbps is over multimode FOC or single mode FOC. In both cases,
the BFOC plug on the fiber-optic cable is plugged into the BFOC socket. When using the LH
module, SC duplex sockets are used as the connectors.
When a media module is inserted, the front two sockets belong to port 1 and the two back
sockets to port 2. The front socket is the input and the rear socket the output socket of the
respective port. Behind the labeling strip on the front of the media module, you will see the
relevant symbols.

Fiber-optic cable connectors are susceptible to contamination and mechanical damage to
the face. Protect open connections with the supplied dust caps.

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Figure 6-48 BFOC plug with Fast Ethernet media module MM491-2 Connectors of the power supply (X1) of the SCALANCE X-400

Polarity reversal protection X1, X2

The two 4-pin male connectors (X1, X2) for the power supply and the signaling contact have
no polarity reversal protection. If the connectors are accidentally swapped over, this does not
cause damage or destroy circuits. Normal functionality is, however, not available while the
connectors are swapped over.

Connectors of the power supply (X1)

The redundant power supply is connected over a 4-pin connector at the front terminal block
on the power module.

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/ 0 0 /

Figure 6-49 Pins of connector X1

Conn. 1 L1+ + 24 V power supply 1

M1 Ground
M2 Ground
L2+ + 24 V power supply 2

If IE Switches X-400 are supplied over long 24 V power supply lines or networks, measures
are necessary to prevent interference by strong electromagnetic pulses on the supply lines.
These can result, for example, due to lightning or switching of large inductive loads.
One of the tests used to attest the immunity of devices of the IE Switches X-400 to
electromagnetic interference is the "surge immunity test" according to EN61000-4-5. This
test requires overvoltage protection for the power supply lines. A suitable device is, for
example, the Dehn Blitzductor VT AD 24 V type no. 918 402 or comparable protective
Manufacturer: DEHN+SÖHNE GmbH+Co.KG, Hans-Dehn-Str.1, Postfach 1640, D-92306
Neumarkt, Germany. Connectors of the signaling contact and grounding strap (X2) of the SCALANCE X-400

Polarity reversal protection X1, X2

The two 4-pin male connectors (X1, X2) for the power supply and the signaling contact have
no polarity reversal protection. If the connectors are accidentally swapped over, this does not
cause damage or destroy circuits. Normal functionality is, however, not available while the
connectors are swapped over.

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Connectors of the signaling contact and grounding strap (X2)

The signaling contact is connected by contacts MK1 and MK2 on the 4-pin connector to the
rear terminal block on the power module.

0. *1' 0 0.

Figure 6-50 Pins of connector X2

By inserting a strap between protective earth GND and M3, IE Switches X-400 can be
operated with grounded reference potential.
When the device ships, no strap is fitted (non-grounded reference potential).

Conn. 2 MK1 Floating signaling contact relay connector 1

M3 Ground
GND Protective earth
MK2 Floating signaling contact relay connector 2 Connectors of the digital inputs (X2) of the SCALANCE X414-3E

Digital inputs 5 through 8 are connected using a 5-pin connector at the rear terminal block on
the DI module.

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,1 ,1 0 ,1 ,1

Figure 6-51 Pins of connector X2 (inputs 5-8)

Conn. 2 IN5 Digital input 5

IN6 Digital input 6
M5 Ground
IN7 Digital input 7
IN8 Digital input 8 Note

Note the following:

You should also compare the general connector pin assignments for SCALANCE X devices.

See also
Common connector pin assignments of SCALANCE X devices (Page 230)

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6.7.7 Dimension drawings X-400 SCALANCE X408-2

Dimension drawings for the SCALANCE X408-2

Figure 6-52 SCALANCE X408-2 front

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Figure 6-53 SCALANCE X408-2 top

Figure 6-54 SCALANCE X408-2 left

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Dimension drawings for the SCALANCE X414-3E

Figure 6-55 SCALANCE X414-3E front

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Figure 6-56 SCALANCE X414-3E top

Figure 6-57 SCALANCE X414-3E left

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6.7.8 X-400 technical specifications SCALANCE X414-3E and X408-2 - technical specifications



Connecting end 2 x RJ-45 jack (10/100/1000 Mbps) 4 x RJ-45 jack (10/100/1000 Mbps)
devices or network 12 x RJ-45 jack (10/100 Mbps) 4 x RJ-45 jack (10/100 Mbps)
segments over All electrical ports support
twisted pair autonegotiation and autocrossover.
Installation of media 2 x slot (6 and 7) for media module 2 x universal slot for media module
modules types MM491-2 and MM491-2LD. types
1 x slot (5) for media module types MM491-2 or
MM492-2, MM492-2LD, MM492-2LH MM491-2LD or
and MM492-2LH+ MM492-2 or
MM492-2LD or
MM492-2LH or
Installation of 1 x slot for extender module EM495-8 Not present.
extender modules or EM496-4
Connector for power 2 x 4-pin plug-in terminal blocks 2 x 4-pin plug-in terminal blocks
supply and signaling
Connection of digital 2 x 5-pin plug-in terminal blocks Not present.
Power supply 2 power supplies 24 V DC (20.4 to 2 power supplies 24 V DC (20.4 to
(redundant inputs 28.8 V) safety extra-low voltage 28.8 V) safety extra-low voltage
isolated) (SELV) (SELV)
Power supply voltage connected over Power supply voltage connected over
high resistance with housing (not high resistance with housing (not
electrically isolated). electrically isolated).
Tested to IEC 6100-4-5, 1995 "Surge Tested to IEC 6100-4-5, 1995 "Surge
Immunity Test", performed with Immunity Test", performed with
lightning protection device DEHN lightning protection device DEHN
Blitzductor VT AD 24 V, article no. 918 Blitzductor VT AD 24 V, article no.
402 918 402
Power consumption 15 W 8W
(without modules) at
24 V DC
Current < 2000 mA < 700 mA
consumption at 24
Load on the 24 V DC / max. 100 mA safety extra- 24 V DC / max. 100 mA safety extra-
signaling contact low voltage (SELV) low voltage (SELV)
Overvoltage Non-replaceable fuse (F 3.15 A / Non-replaceable fuse (F 3 A / 32 V)
protection at input 250 V)

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Digital Inputs Input voltage: Inputs not present.
• Rated value 24 V DC safety extra-
low voltage (SELV)
• For state "1": + 13 V ...+ 30 V
• For state "0": – 30 V... + 3 V
Max. input current: 8 mA
Max. cable length: 30 m
Inputs isolated from electronics.



Dimensions (width x height x 24.3 x 17.0 x 8.1 mm 24.3 x 17.0 x 8.1 mm
Weight approx. 5 g approx. 5 g
Power consumption 0.015 W 0.015 W
Memory capacity 32 Mbytes 32 Mbytes

Permitted cable lengths


TP cable length With TP cord up to 10 m, with With TP cord up to 10 m, with
FastConnect cabling system up FastConnect cabling system up
to 100 m. to 100 m.

Cascading depth


Linear/star structure Any (only depending on signal Any (only depending on signal
propagation time) propagation time)
Ring with redundancy manager 50 (for reconfiguration time < 50 (for reconfiguration time <
0.3 seconds) 0.3 seconds)

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Switching properties


Max. number of learnable 8000 8000
Aging time (default) 40 s 40 s
Switching technique Store and forward Store and forward
Latency (store and forward time) 5 µs 5 µs
(10 µs when changing from
gigabit to Fast Ethernet or vice

Permitted environmental conditions / EMC


Operating temperature Product version < 07 0°C through + 60°C
0°C to + 60°C
Product version ≥ 07
-40°C to + 70°C
Storage/transport temperature - 40 °C through + 80 °C - 40 °C through + 80 °C
Relative humidity in operation < 95% (no condensation) < 95% (no condensation)
Operating altitude Max. 2000 m Max. 2000 m
RF interference level EN 55081 Class A EN 55081 Class A
Immunity EN 61000-6-2: 2001 EN 61000-6-2: 2001



Dimensions (W x H x D) 344 x 145 x 117 mm 242 x 145 x 117 mm
Weight 3,070 g 1,900 g
Installation options 35 mm DIN rail 35 mm DIN rail
S7-300 standard rail S7-300 standard rail
Degree of protection IP20 IP20

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MTBF information (mean time between failure)

Device type MTBF

SCALANCE X414-3E basic device 24 years
6GK5 414-3FC00-2AA2
SCALANCE X408-2 basic device 18 years
6GK5 408-2FD00-2AA2
Twisted pair extender EM495-8 1,474 years
6GK5 495-8BA00-8AA2
Media module extender EM496-4 2,038 years
6GK5 496-4MA00-8AA2
Fast Ethernet media module MM491-2 138 years
6GK5 491-2AB00-8AA2
Fast Ethernet media module MM491-2LD 141 years
6GK5 491-2AC00-8AA2
Gigabit media module MM492-2 400 years
6GK5 492-2AL00-8AA2
Gigabit media module MM492-2LD 400 years
6GK5 492-2AM00-8AA2
Gigabit media module MM492-2LH 400 years
6GK5 492-2AN00-8AA2
Gigabit media module MM492-2LH+ 400 years
6GK5 492-2AP00-8AA2

6.7.9 Media modules Installing / removing a media module

Installing a media module

For installation, you require a slotted screwdriver with a 2.8 mm wide blade.

Installing a Fast Ethernet media module is the same in the IE Switch X-400 and in the media
module extender.

1. Remove the cover from the slot of the media module and remove the protective cap of
the module terminal strip underneath from the backplane of the basic device.

Keep these parts in a safe place in case you want to remove the media module later.

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2. Remove the inserted labeling strip from the front of the media module.
3. Place the two lower guides of the media module into the recesses at the lower edge of
the basic device. It should no longer be possible to move the media module to the side.
4. Tilt the media module at an angle towards the back until the two plastic pins at the back
top edge of the media module jut into the recesses in the basic device. The terminal strip
of the media module must fit into the guide in the backplane.
5. Press the upper part of the media module onto the basic device until the fluted middle
section of the media module is heard to click into place.
6. Tighten the captive screw on the front of the media module with a slotted screwdriver with
a 2.8 mm wide blade.
7. Secure the labeling strip on the front of the media module.

Figure 6-58 Inserting a media module

Removing a media module

To remove the device, you require a slotted screwdriver with a 2.8 mm wide blade.

Removing a Fast Ethernet media module is the same in the IE Switch X-400 and in the
media module extender.

1. Remove the inserted labeling strip from the front of the media module.
2. Release the captive screw on the front of the media module as far as it will go with a
slotted screwdriver with a 2.8 mm wide blade.
3. Press on the fluted middle section of the top of the media module next to the backplane.
4. At the same time, tilt the media module down at an angle, the two guides initially remain
in the recesses at the lower edge of the basic device.
5. Remove the media module by pulling it upwards.

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6. Fit the protective cap on the module terminal strip on the backplane of the
basic device. Fit a suitable cover on the slot of the media module. Display elements of the media modules

LED display of the modules

All media modules have 2 LEDs. In principle, their significance is the same for each module.
They match the LED displays of the basic device. With optical transmission, only a fixed
transmission rate and full duplex mode are possible. The display in display modes B and C is
● In display mode A, the current connection status is displayed.
● In display mode B, the fixed transmission rate is displayed.
● In display mode C, the full duplex mode is always displayed.
● In display mode D, you can see whether or not the port is monitored. Technical specifications of the media modules

Technical specifications of the media modules

Table 6-52 Electrical data

MM491-2 MM491-2LD MM492-2 MM492-2LD

Power consumption 2W 2W 4W 4W
Transmission rate 100 Mbps 100 Mbps 1000 Mbps 1000 Mbps
Interference emission EN 61000-6-4 Class A
Immunity EN 61000-6-2
MTBF > 130 years > 130 years > 400 years > 400 years

Table 6-53 Environmental conditions

MM491-2 MM491-2LD MM492-2 MM492-2LD

Operating temperature 0 °C - +60 °C
Storage/transport temperature -40 °C - +80 °C
Relative humidity in operation < 95% (no condensation)
Operating altitude 2000 m at max. 56 °C ambient temperature
3,000 m at max. 50 °C ambient temperature
Degree of protection, tested to IP20

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Table 6-54 Mechanical data

MM491-2 MM491-2LD MM492-2 MM492-2LD

Dimensions (W x H x D) mm 35 x 145 x 90 mm
Weight 260 g 250 g

Table 6-55 Permitted cable lengths

Cable length SCALANCE X408-2 SCALANCE X414-3E

0 - 3000 m Cable length multimode FOC at Cable length multimode FOC at
100 Mbps; 100 Mbps;
MM491-2 with glass FOC MM491-2 with glass FOC
62.5/125 μm or 50/125 μm; 62.5/125 μm or 50/125 μm;
≤ 1 dB/km at 1300 nm; ≤ 1 dB/km at 1300 nm;
≥ 600 MHz x km ≥ 600 MHz x km
0 - 750 m Cable length multimode FOC at Cable length multimode FOC at
1000 Mbps; 1000 Mbps;
MM492-2 with glass FOC MM492-2 with glass FOC
50/125 μm; 50/125 μm;
≤ 2.7 dB/km at 850 nm; ≤ 2.7 dB/km at 850 nm;
≥ 600 MHz x km ≥ 600 MHz x km
0 - 26 km Cable length single mode FOC Cable length single mode FOC
at 100 Mbps; at 100 Mbps;
MM491-2 LD with glass FOC MM491-2 LD with glass FOC
10/125 μm or 9/125 μm; 10/125 μm or 9/125 μm;
≤ 0.5 dB/km at 1300 nm ≤ 0.5 dB/km at 1300 nm
0 - 10 km Cable length single mode FOC Cable length single mode FOC
at 1000 Mbps; at 1000 Mbps;
MM492-2 LD with glass FOC MM492-2 LD with glass FOC
10/125 μm or 9/125 μm; 10/125 μm or 9/125 μm;
≤ 0.5 dB/km at 1300 nm ≤ 0.5 dB/km at 1300 nm

Table 6-56 Order numbers of the media modules

Media module Order number

MM491-2 (100 Mbps) 6GK5 491-2AB00-8AA2
MM491-2LD (100 Mbps) 6GK5 491-2AC00-8AA2
MM492-2 (1000 Mbps) 6GK5 492-2AL00-8AA2
MM492-2LD (1000 Mbps) 6GK5 492-2AM00-8AA2

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6.7.10 Extender modules Installation instructions and guidelines

Twisted-pair and media module extenders

These instructions apply to installation of the modules
● Twisted pair extender EM495-8
● Media module extender EM496-4

Installing the extender modules on an S7-300 standard rail

You require the following tools:
● slotted screwdriver with a 2.8 mm wide blade
● slotted screwdriver with a 5.5 mm wide blade

Make sure that in addition to the extender width of 87 mm (EM495-8) or 155 mm (EM496-
4), there is a clearance of 20 mm to the right of the basic device on the standard rail to be
able to align the guide bolts of the extender with the holes in the basic device during

Protective caps and CV490 2x100 covers must be fitted to all slots without media

When installing an extender module on an S7-300 standard rail, the basic device remains in
position. Follow the steps below:
1. Remove the cover from slot 11 of the basic device.
2. Remove the right-hand side panel of the basic device. To do this, use a slotted
screwdriver with a 2.8 mm wide blade to loosen the two captive slug screws on slot 11 in
the upper and lower recesses as far as they will go.
3. Remove the side panel of the basic device from the basic device to the right.

Keep the panel in a safe place in case the extender needs to be removed again later.

4. Remove the two covers from the extender.

5. Place the extender module on the edge of the S7-300 standard rail with the upper groove
angled slightly towards the back and tilt the extender towards the back. Make sure that
there is adequate clearance between the guide bolts of the extender module and the
basic device. In this position, the extender module should not be able to slip off, however
it can be moved horizontally in both directions.
6. Push the extender module slowly to the left while keeping it straight and without skewing
and check that the two guide bolts on the extender fit into the holes in the basic device.

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Then push the extender module to the left as far as it will go so that it is flush with the
right side of the basic device.
7. Using a slotted screwdriver with a 5.5 mm wide blade, tighten the captive screw between
slots 12 and 13 (EM495-8) or 13 and 14 (EM496-4) in the lower part of the extender
8. Using a slotted screwdriver with a 2.8 mm wide blade, tighten the two captive slug screws
on slot 11. The screws lock the two guide bolts, so do not use excessive force when
tightening them.
9. Fit the CV490 4x100 cover on slot 11 of the basic device. Make sure that the unused
slots have protective caps and covers CV490 2x100 fitted to them.

Figure 6-59 Installing the twisted pair extender on the S7-300 standard rail

Removing the extender modules from an S7-300 standard rail

You require the following tools:
● slotted screwdriver with a 2.8 mm wide blade
● slotted screwdriver with a 5.5 mm wide blade
When removing an extender module from an S7-300 standard rail, the basic device remains
in position. Follow the steps below:
1. To remove an extender module, remove the two covers on the extender.
2. Using a slotted screwdriver with a 5.5 mm wide blade, open the captive screw between
slots 12 and 13 (EM495-8) or 13 and 14 (EM496-4) in the lower part of the extender
3. Remove the cover from slot 11 of the basic device.

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4. Use a slotted screwdriver with a 2.8 mm wide blade to loosen the two captive slug screws
on slot 11 of the basic device in the upper and lower recesses as far as they will go.
5. Push the extender module slowly to the right while keeping it straight until the two guide
bolts of the extender module are completely outside the holes in the basic device.
6. Pull out the lower part of the extender module slightly towards the front and lift it from the
S7-300 standard rail.
7. Replace the right side panel of the basic device so that the guide bolts fit into the two
holes in the basic device.
8. Using a slotted screwdriver with a 2.8 mm wide blade, tighten the two captive slug screws
on slot 11. The screws lock the two guide bolts, so do not use excessive force when
tightening them.
9. Fit a suitable cover on slot 11 of the basic device.

The basic device must not be used permanently without the right side panel.

Installing extender modules on a 35 mm DIN rail

If the IE Switch X-400 with extender is liable to severe vibration (> 10 g), use the S7-300
standard rail for installation. The DIN rail does not provide adequate support for the
extender modules with vibration greater than 10 g.

For installation, you require a slotted screwdriver with a 2.8 mm wide blade.
Although the captive screw in the lower part between slots 12 and 13 (EM495-8) or 13 and
14 (EM496-4) of the extender module is not used when installing on a 35 mm DIN rail, it is
nevertheless advisable to remove the media modules.

Make sure that in addition to the extender width of 87 mm (EM495-8) or 155 mm (EM496-4),
there is a clearance of 20 mm to the right of the basic device on the DIN rail to be able to
align the guide bolts of the extender with the holes in the basic device during installation.

Protective caps and CV490 2x100 covers must be fitted to all slots without media modules.

When installing an extender module on a 35 mm DIN rail, the basic device remains in
position. Follow the steps below:
1. Remove the cover from slot 11 of the basic device.
2. Remove the right-hand side panel of the basic device. To do this, use a slotted
screwdriver with a 2.8 mm wide blade to loosen the two captive slug screws on slot 11 in
the upper and lower recesses as far as they will go.
3. Remove the side panel of the basic device from the basic device to the right.

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Keep the panel in a safe place in case the extender needs to be removed again later.

4. Place the central groove containing a spring clip on the back of the extender module on
the upper edge of the DIN rail with the module tilted slightly towards the back. Make sure
that there is adequate clearance between the guide bolts of the extender module and the
basic device.
5. The spring clip must be located behind the edge of the DIN rail so that it is visible from
the rear of the frame.
6. Press the extender module down and push in the lower part until you hear it click into
place in the DIN rail.
7. Push the extender module slowly to the left while keeping it straight and without skewing
and check that the two guide bolts on the extender fit into the holes in the basic device.
Then push the extender module to the left as far as it will go so that it is flush with the
right side of the basic device.
8. Using a slotted screwdriver with a 2.8 mm wide blade, tighten the two captive slug screws
on slot 11. The screws lock the two guide bolts, so do not use excessive force when
tightening them.
9. Fit the CV490 4x100 cover on slot 11 of the basic device.

Figure 6-60 Installing the twisted pair extender on the 35 mm DIN rail

Removing extender modules from a 35 mm DIN rail

To remove the device, you require a slotted screwdriver with a 2.8 mm wide blade. The
captive screw in the lower part of the extender module between slot 12 and 13 (EM495-8) or
13 and 14 (EM496-4) is not used for mounting on a 35 mm DIN rail. When removing an

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6.7 SCALANCE X-400

extender module from a 35 mm DIN rail, the basic device remains in position. Follow the
steps below:
1. Remove the cover from slot 11 of the basic device.
2. Use a slotted screwdriver with a 2.8 mm wide blade to loosen the two captive slug screws
on slot 11 of the basic device in the upper and lower recesses as far as they will go.
3. Push the extender module slowly to the right while keeping it straight until the two guide
bolts of the extender module are completely outside the holes in the basic device.
4. Push the extender module down until the lower part can be pulled away from the rail to
the front.
5. Lift the extender module up and off the DIN rail.
6. Replace the right side panel of the basic device so that the guide bolts fit into the two
holes in the basic device.
7. Using a slotted screwdriver with a 2.8 mm wide blade, tighten the two captive slug screws
on slot 11. The screws lock the two guide bolts, so do not use excessive force when
tightening them.
8. Fit a suitable cover on slot 11 of the basic device.

The basic device must not be used permanently without the right side panel.

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332 System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0
Part C: SCALANCE X switches and media converters
6.7 SCALANCE X-400 Dimension drawings

Dimension drawing - EM495-8 extender module


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Part C: SCALANCE X switches and media converters
6.7 SCALANCE X-400


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6.7 SCALANCE X-400

Dimension drawing - EM496-4 extender module


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Part C: SCALANCE X switches and media converters
6.7 SCALANCE X-400

Side Technical specifications of the extender modules

Technical specifications of the extender modules

Table 6-57 Electrical data

EM495-8 EM496-4
Power consumption < 0.5 W < 0.1 W
Transmission rate 10/100 Mbps 100 Mbps
Interference emission EN 61000-6-4 Class A
Immunity EN 61000-6-2
MTBF > 130 years > 140 years > 400 years > 400 years

Table 6-58 Environmental conditions

EM495-8 EM496-4
Operating temperature 0 °C - +60 °C
Storage/transport temperature -40 °C - +80 °C
Relative humidity in operation < 95% (no condensation)

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6.7 SCALANCE X-400

EM495-8 EM496-4
Operating altitude 2000 m at max. 56 °C ambient temperature
3,000 m at max. 50 °C ambient temperature
Degree of protection, tested to IP20

Table 6-59 Mechanical data

EM495-8 EM496-4
Dimensions (W x H x D) mm 86 x 145 x 112.5 mm 154 x 145 x 112.4 mm
Weight 560 g 980 g

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Part C: SCALANCE W wireless network components 7
7.1 SCALANCE W access points and client modules

7.1.1 Designation of the SCALANCE W product lines

Overview of the product lines

For technical reasons, the SCALANCE W devices are grouped in the following product lines:

Table 7-1 SCALANCE W product lines and members

Name of the line Models

W -788 W788-1PRO W-788-1RR
W788-2PRO W-788-2RR
W -786 W786-1PRO
W -784 W784-1PRO W-784-1RR

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7.1.2 Certifications and approvals of the SCALANCE W-788 and W-740PRO/RR


c-UL-us (Information UL 60950-1; CSA C22.2 No. 60950-1-03
Technology Equipment)
c-UL-us for hazardous locations UL 1604, UL 2279Pt.15
Non Incendive / Class I / Division 2 / Groups A,B,C,D / T* and Non
Incendive / Class I / Zone 2 / Group IIC / T*
(T* = For concrete information on the temperature class, refer to
the type plate)
FM FM 3611
FM Hazardous (Classified) Location Electrical Equipment:
Non Incendive / Class I / Division 2 / Groups A,B,C,D / T* and Non
Incendive / Class I / Zone 2 / Group IIC / T*
(T* = For concrete information on the temperature class, refer to
the type plate)

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7.1 SCALANCE W access points and client modules

CE The products
in the version put into circulation by Siemens A&D conform to the
regulations of the following European directive:
Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council relating to
Radio Equipment and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment
and the Mutual Recognition of their Conformity.
Conformity with the essential requirements of the directive
is attested by adherence to the following standards:
EN 60950
Safety of Information Technology Equipment
EN 301489-1
Electromagnetic Compatibility for Radio Equipment and Services
EN 301489-17
Specific requirements for broadband data transmission systems
and for equipment in local high-performance radio networks
EN 300328
Electromagnetic Compatibility and Radio Spectrum Issues
EN 301893
Broadband Radio Access Networks (BRAN) – 5 GHz high-
performance RLAN
EN 50371
Compliance of low power electronic and electrical apparatus with
the basic restrictions related to human exposure to
electromagnetic fields (10 MHz to 300 GHz)
Council recommendation on the limitation of exposure of the
general public to electromagnetic fields (0 Hz to 300 GHz)
Devices connected to the system must meet the relevant safety
ATEX Zone 2 * EN 50021

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7.1 SCALANCE W access points and client modules

* ATEX Zone 2
When used under hazardous conditions (Zone 2), the SCALANCE W78x product must be
installed in an enclosure. To comply with EN 50021, this enclosure must meet the
requirements of at least IP54 in compliance with EN 60529.

The purpose of installation in an enclosure with at least IP54 is to prevent accidental

insertion and removal of cables on the SCALANCE W. This is possible by installing in a
lockable switching cubicle.

Wireless approvals
For the current wireless approvals for these products, please visit

Order numbers

Table 7-2 Order numbers

National approvals for operation Order no.

SCALANCE W744-1PRO Outside the USA 6GK5744-1ST00-2AA6
In the USA 6GK5744-1ST00-2AB6
SCALANCE W746-1PRO Outside the USA 6GK5746-1ST00-2AA6
In the USA 6GK5746-1ST00-2AB6
SCALANCE W747-1RR Outside the USA 6GK5747-1SR00-2AA6
In the USA 6GK5747-1SR00-2AB6
SCALANCE W788-1PRO Outside the USA 6GK5788-1ST00-2AA6
In the USA 6GK5788-1ST00-2AB6
SCALANCE W788-2PRO Outside the USA 6GK5788-2ST00-2AA6
In the USA 6GK5788-2ST00-2AB6
SCALANCE W788-1RR Outside the USA 6GK5788-1SR00-2AA6
In the USA 6GK5788-1SR00-2AB6
SCALANCE W788-2RR Outside the USA 6GK5788-2SR00-2AA6
In the USA 6GK5788-2SR00-2AB6
Antenna ANT795-4MR 6GK5795-1MR00-0AA6
Lightning Protector LP798- 6GK5798-1LP00-0AA6

Degree of protection
Tested to IP65.

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7.1.3 Installation instructions and guidelines Securing the housing

Wall mounting or standard rail

There are two ways of securing the housing:
● Wall mounting
Use the holes in the housing to screw the device to the wall or on a horizontal surface.
● Standard rail mounting
Mount the SCALANCE W788-xPRO/RR or W74x-1PRO/RR on a 90 mm long, vertically
mounted section of standard rail (S7-300). In this case, the standard rail serves as an
adapter between the wall and SCALANCE W788-xPRO/RR or W74x-1PRO/RR. If you
want to mount the SCALANCE W788-xPRO/RR or W74x-1PRO/RR along with a PS791-
1PRO, you will require a 150 mm long standard rail.
Make sure that there is suitable strain relief for the connecting cable.

Premature aging of the device and cables due to UV radiation
Provide suitable shade to protect the device against direct sunlight. This avoids unwanted
heating of the device and prevents premature aging of the device and cabling. When
operating the SCALANCE W outdoors, it must be mounted so that it is protected from UV.
UV radiation can discolor the front panel of the SCALANCE W788-xPRO/RR or W74x-
1PRO/RR. Discoloring of the front panel does not impair the mechanical stability of the
device. The device must also not be subjected to long periods of rain (provide cover to
protect from rain). The cover should be made of a synthetic material since metal impairs the
radiation of radio waves.

The minimum distance to fluorescent lamps should be 0.5 m. When installed in a cabinet, we
recommend that you do not install relays on the same or on directly neighboring mounting
rails. Installation instructions for the SCALANCE W-788 and W-740PRO/RR

The SCALANCE W has a robust IP65 metal housing optimally designed for installation on an
S7-300 standard rail. With drill holes in the housing, wall mounting is also possible.
Installation on a DIN rail is possible only with additional fittings.
On the back of the device, there is a locking screw below which the receptacle for a C-PLUG
is located. This is used to store the device configuration. If the device develops a fault, the

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7.1 SCALANCE W access points and client modules

configuration can be transferred to the replacement device from the C-PLUG without
needing a programming device.
To achieve degree of protection IP65, however, suitable cables and connectors must be

2x antennas, with SCALANCE W788-2PRO:

detachable 2x additional sockets
for separate antennas


socket wall-
clip G_IK10_XX_30019

10/100 Mbit/s redundant

Industrial Ethernet energy

Figure 7-1 Connectors of the SCALANCE W access points and clients (here: W788-1PRO AP)

Suitable cables
The following cable variants are available to connect a SCALANCE W to the power supply
and to Ethernet:
● IE hybrid cable 2 x 2 + 4 x 0.34 (order no. 6XV1870-2J)
The two data wire pairs are separately shielded. This cable is particularly suitable for
assembly with the IE IP67 hybrid connector shipped with SCALANCE W. The 4 x 0.34
cables are used to supply power.
● IE FC TP standard cable 4 x 2 GP (order no. 6XV1870-2E)
IE FC TP Flexible Cable 4 x 2 GP (order no. 6XV1870-2H -- as spare part only)
In these cable types, two wires are twisted. All four pairs of wires are inside a common
shield. Two of the cable pairs are used to supply power. This cable is also suitable for
assembly with the IE IP67 hybrid connector shipped with SCALANCE W.
● 2 x 2 IE cable, the optional power supply (18 - 32 V DC) is over M12 connectors.
How to fit the connectors and cables is described in the general installation instructions or
the connector pin assignments of the SCALANCE W components.

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24 V DC and data 24 V DC and data Redundant 220 V DC and data 48 V DC and data transmission on one
transmission on transmission on 24 V DC and data transmission on line (Power over Ethernet) according to
one line two separate lines transmission on two separate lines IEEE 802.3af
one line
(8-core) (4-core and (8-core and (4-core and (4-core, (8-core)
2-core) 2-core) 3-core) modulated)

IP67 hybrid plug connector with

IE hybrid cable 2x2 + 4x0,34
IP67 hybrid plug connector with
IE standard cable 2x2
Power M12 cable connector
with energy cable 2x0,75
Power Supply PS791-1PRO

Use Installation of only Data and power on Redundant Operation Operation with Power over Ethernet
one line two separate lines power supply with 220 V (PoE)

Figure 7-2 Options for power supply to the SCALANCE W access points and clients

Supplying power
For a 24 V power supply to IP65, the AC/DC power unit PS791-1PRO is particularly suitable.
This is supplied with 115 V AC / 230 V AC (permitted voltage range 90 V AC to 265 V AC).
The generated 24 V DC is available via the supplied cable to the M12 socket of the
If the power is supplied via the IE hybrid cable 2x2 + 4x0.34, the IE FC RJ-45 Modular Outlet
Power Insert (6GK1901-1BE00-0AA3) can be strongly recommended (see also section
IE FC Modular Outlet).

There must be no potential difference between the following parts otherwise there is a risk
that the device will be destroyed:
● Ground potential of the power supply and ground potential of the antenna ground.
● Ground potential of the power supply and a grounded housing.
● Ground potential of the power supply and the ground potential of the device connected to
Industrial Ethernet (for example PC, AS-300, AS-400 etc.)
Connect both grounds to the same foundation earth or use an equipotential bonding cable.

Antenna connectors
All SCALANCE W devices have at least two R-SMA antenna connectors and ship with two
ANT795-4MR antennas.
The SCALANCE W788-2PRO and SCALANCE W788-2RR each have two integrated
wireless adapters. They therefore have two additional antenna connectors to which the
additional antennas can be connected to the sides of the housing via antenna connecting
If the SCALANCE W is installed in a switching cubicle, the antennas must be removed due
to the restricted communication. In this case, the connection is over detached antennas that
must be installed outside the cabinet. On the front panel, there is an identifier for the antenna

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7.1 SCALANCE W access points and client modules

connectors. The A connectors are on the right-hand side and B connectors B on the left-
hand side.
SIMATIC NET offers the IWLAN FRNC antenna extension cable for the connection between
the SCALANCE W and a detached antenna. To avoid violating the approvals, only antennas
released for this product can be used.
The distance between a pair of antennas for the first and second WLAN interface must be at
least 0.5 m.

Lightning protection

Installing antennas outdoors
Antennas installed outdoors must be within the area covered by a lightning protection
system. Make sure that all conducting systems entering from outdoors can be protected by
a lightning protection potential equalization system.
When implementing your lightning protection concept, make sure you adhere to the VDE
0182 or IEC 62305 standard.

Suitable lightning protectors are available in the range of accessories of SIMATIC NET
Industrial WLAN:
● Lightning Protector LP798-1PRO (with R-SMA connector, order no. 6GK5798-1LP00-
● Lightning protector LP798-1N (with N/N female/female connector, order no. 6GK5798-
Installing one of these lightning protectors between an antenna and a SCALANCE W is not
adequate protection against a lightning strike. The LP798-1PRO/N lightening protector only
works within the framework of a comprehensive lightning protection concept. If you have
questions, ask a qualified specialist company.

See also
Part C: Instructions for fitting connectors, attachments and devices (Page 527)
IE FC Modular Outlet (Page 199)
IE Hybrid Cable (Page 189)
Twisted Pair Cord (4-wire for Fast Ethernet) (Page 188)
Connector pin assignments for the SCALANCE W-788 and W-740PRO/RR clients
(Page 349)

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7.1 SCALANCE W access points and client modules

7.1.4 Display elements of SCALANCE W LEDs on the W-788

Information on operating status and data transfer

On the front of the housing, several LEDs provide information on the operating status of the





Figure 7-3 The LED display of the SCALANCE W788

LED Color Meaning

P1 Yellow Data transfer over the Ethernet interface (traffic).
Green There is a connection over the Ethernet port. (Link)
Flashing yellow PRESET-PLUG detected.
Yellow/green PRESET function completed successfully.
Flashing green "Flashing" enabled over PST.
L2 Green Power supply over the hybrid connector X1 (PoE or
energy contacts).

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7.1 SCALANCE W access points and client modules

LED Color Meaning

R1 Yellow Data transfer over the first WLAN interface.
Green Access Point Mode:
The WLAN interface is initialized and ready for operation.
Client Mode:
There is a connection over the first WLAN port.
Flashing green Access Point Mode:
The channels are being scanned.
Client Mode:
The client is searching for a connection to an access point or ad hoc
Green flashing Access Point Mode:
quickly With 802.11h, the channel is scanned for one minute for primary users
before the channel can be used for data traffic.
Client Mode:
The client waits for the adopt MAC address due to the setting <Auto Find
Adopt MAC> and is connected to no access point.
Flashing yellow PRESET-PLUG detected.
Green 3 x fast ,1 Client mode:
x long flashing The client waits for the adopt MAC address due to the setting <Auto Find
Adopt MAC> and is connected to an access point.
Yellow/green PRESET function completed successfully.
R2 Yellow Access Point Mode:
Data transfer over the second WLAN port.
Client Mode:
The LED is always off because the 2nd port is not available in client
Green Access Point Mode:
The WLAN interface is initialized and ready for operation.
Client Mode:
The LED is always off because the 2nd port is not available in client
Flashing green Access Point Mode:
The channels are being scanned.
Client Mode:
The LED is always off because the 2nd port is not available in client
Green flashing Access Point Mode:
quickly With 802.11h, the channel is scanned for one minute for primary users
before the channel can be used for data traffic.
Client Mode:
The LED is always off because the 2nd port is not available in client
Flashing yellow PRESET-PLUG detected.
Yellow/green PRESET function completed successfully.
L1 Green Power supply over the M12 connector (X2).
F Red An error occurred during operation with the SCALANCE W78x.

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7.1 SCALANCE W access points and client modules

If the LED for the WLAN port is not green when the device starts up, although it is activated,
the port is not ready for operation (interface not initialized).
The main reason for this is usually that during commissioning of the SCALANCE W78x
products, a waiting time of up to 15 minutes can occur when the ambient temperature is
below zero. The device is ready for operation at the specified ambient temperature as soon
as the LED for the WLAN interface is lit green. LEDs of the W-740PRO/RR clients

The arrangement and functions of the LEDs on the W-740 clients correspond to those on the
W788-1xx access point.

See also
LEDs on the W-788 (Page 347)

7.1.5 Connector pin assignments for the SCALANCE W-788 and W-740PRO/RR clients

Attachment for Ethernet

The SCALANCE W is attached to an Ethernet network using a hybrid socket on the front of
the housing. This port also has contacts for the operating voltage.
There is an RJ-45 jack integrated in the hybrid jack. A standard Ethernet cable with an RJ-45
plug can be inserted into this, however, this does not achieve IP65.

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7.1 SCALANCE W access points and client modules

Connectors for the power supply

Depending on the selected connector type (hybrid connector or M12), the power supply
pinning is as follows:

Table 7-3 Pinning of the hybrid connector for the power supply

Wire coding Brown Brown Black Black

IE hybrid cable 2 x 2 + 4 x 0.34
Wire coding White/blue Blue White/brown Brown
IE FC TP standard cable 4 x 2 GP or
IE FC TP flexible cable 4 x 2 GP
24 V 24 V Ground Ground
Power supply insert module 1 2 3 4

Table 7-4 Pinning of the M12 connector

X2 Socket
Pin 1 24 V DC
Pin 2 -
Pin 3 Ground
Pin 4 -
If you do not use the hybrid socket, this must be covered with a protective cap, otherwise IP
65 protection is lost. A suitable protective cap is available as an accessory (order no.
6ES7194-1JB10-0XA0). If you do not use the M12 connector, the supplied protective cap
must also be fitted to retain the IP65 degree of protection.

See also
Installation instructions for the SCALANCE W-788 and W-740PRO/RR (Page 343)

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7.1.6 Dimension drawing W-788/W-740PRO/RR

Dimension drawing for SCALANCE W-780 and SCALANCE W-740PRO/RR

5 115


Figure 7-4 Dimension drawing for SCALANCE W-780 and SCALANCE W-740PRO/RR

The cubicle installation depth with the hybrid cable connected is approx. 230 mm.

7.1.7 Technical specifications for the SCALANCE W788-xPRO/RR and W74x-1PRO/RR

Device variants
The technical specifications of the

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7.1 SCALANCE W access points and client modules


are largely identical. Unless indicated otherwise in the table, the following tables apply to all
the devices listed above:

Data transfer

Ethernet transfer rate 10/100 Mbps

Wireless transmission rate 1 ... 54 Mbps (108 Mbps)
Wireless standards supported 802.11a
Power supply standards supported 802.3af (Power over Ethernet)


Bridging a power outage is is possible only with an input voltage of 24 V DC (-15% . . .

Power • M12 connector

(24 V DC, 48 V DC)
• Energy contacts in the hybrid connector
(24 V DC, 48 V DC)
• RJ-45 jack Power over Ethernet
(48 V DC)
2 supplies 24 V DC (24 V DC, 48 V DC)
safety extra-low voltage (SELV).
Power supply isolated according to IEEE 802.3af,
isolation resistance > 2 Mohms.
Back up IE IP 67 hybrid connector
R-SMA antenna sockets
(2 x or 4 x with the 788-2PRO)

Electrical data

Power consumption < 10 W

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7.1 SCALANCE W access points and client modules


Dimensions without antennas 125 mm x 88 mm x 108 mm

(W x H x L)
Weight approx. 1050 g

Permitted ambient conditions

Operating temperature -20°C to 60°C

Transport/storage temperature -40°C to 70°C
Degree of protection Tested to IP65

MTBF information (mean time between failure)

MTBF 67 years

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Part C: SCALANCE W wireless network components
7.2 SCALANCE W-786 Access Points

7.2 SCALANCE W-786 Access Points

7.2.1 Certifications and approvals, degree of protection Certifications and approvals for the SCALANCE W786

CE conformity
The products
in the version put into circulation by Siemens A&D meets the regulations of the following
European directives:
● 99/5/EC
Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on radio equipment and
telecommunications terminal equipment and the mutual recognition of their conformity.
Conformity with the basic requirement of the directive is attested by adherence to the
following standards:
● EN 60950-1
Safety of information technology equipment
● EN 301489-1 V1.6.1
Electromagnetic compatibility for radio equipment and services
● EN 301489-17 V1.2.1
Specific requirements for broadband data transmission systems and for equipment in
local high-performance wireless networks (HIPERLAN)
● EN 300328 V1.6.1
Electromagnetic compatibility and radio spectrum issues
● EN 301893 V1.3.1
Broadband radio access networks (BRAN) – 5 GHz high-performance RLAN
● EN 50385:2002
Generic standard to demonstrate the compliance of low power electronic and electrical
apparatus with the basic restrictions related to human exposure to electromagnetic fields
(110 MHz to 40 GHz)
● 1999/519/EC
Council recommendation on the limitation of exposure of the general public to
electromagnetic fields (0 Hz to 300 GHz)
Devices connected to the system must meet the relevant safety regulations.

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7.2 SCALANCE W-786 Access Points

The EC Declaration of Conformity is available for the responsible authorities according to the
above-mentioned EC Directive at the following address:
Siemens Aktiengesellschaft
Automation and Drives
Industrielle Kommunikation
Postfach 4848
D-90327 Nürnberg
This declaration certifies compliance with the directives named above, but does not
guarantee any specific properties.

The specified approvals apply only when the corresponding mark is printed on the product.

Wireless approvals
For the current wireless approvals for these products, please visit Degree of protection

Degree of protection
The SCALANCE W-786 access point is certified according to IP65.
Shock resistant plastic housing, UV and salt spray resistant.

7.2.2 Installation instructions and guidelines Removing / fitting the housing cover

When does the housing cover need to be removed?

You can only perform the following activities when the cover is removed:
● You want to screw the SCALANCE W786 to a wall or onto the optional mounting plate.
● You want to connect cables to the SCALANCE W786 for the power supply, for Ethernet
or for external antennas.
● You want to insert a C-PLUG in the device or replace an existing C-PLUG.
● You want to use the reset button.

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7.2 SCALANCE W-786 Access Points

Removing the housing cover

Danger from line voltage
Once you have removed the housing cover, there is the danger from line voltage in the
area of the connecting terminals on the power supply adapter.
Only authorized personnel is permitted to open the device and carry out any work on the
open device (e.g. connection and disconnection of lines, operating the reset button,
replacing the C-PLUG)!


Figure 7-5 Removing the cover

A Sealing cap
B Cover screw
C Housing cover

Follow the steps below to remove the housing cover:

1. Remove the sealing caps from the housing cover (position A in the figure above)
2. Loosen the screws in the cover (position B in the figure above).

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These screws remain in the cover after they have been loosened (prevents them being
lost). Never attempt to remove these screws from the housing cover using force,
otherwise the housing cover will be damaged!

3. Remove the housing cover with the captive screws (position C in the figure above).

Fitting the housing cover

Fitting the housing cover is carried out in the reverse order. Tightening torque for the cover
screws 1.8 Nm. Connecting up cables

Connecting up cables prior to mounting

Before you screw a SCALANCE W786 to a wall or to the optional mounting plate, the cables
for the power supply, for Ethernet, and, when necessary, for the external antennas must be
connected up first. The available options are as follows:

Figure 7-6 Side view of a SCALANCE W786 with cables entering from different directions

● The cables are inserted from above (position A in the previous schematic). The housing
of the SCALANCE W786 has an opening at the top for this purpose.
● The cables are inserted from below (position B in the previous schematic). There is also
an opening at the bottom for this purpose.
● Cables inserted through a wall behind the SCALANCE W786 (position C in the previous
schematic). In this case, you will need to mount the SCALANCE W786 so that the
opening in the wall is located above the lower edge of the device.

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7.2 SCALANCE W-786 Access Points

Connecting up FO cables
Fiber-optic cables have a minimum bending radius. The cable must not be bent tighter than
this bending radius during installation or operation, otherwise the FO cable will be irreperably

m m
R > 25

Figure 7-7 Connecting up an FO cable

For the FO cable, use the second opening from the left in the seal. Cable routing is
illustrated in the figure above. For individual cores immediately following the connector, the
minimum bending radius is 25 mm. Refer to the specification of the cable you are using for
the minimum permitted bending radius of the cable within the jacket. Make sure that the FO
cable is not sharply kinked after passing through the housing.
An adhesive sealing foil must be used in the housing sealing with FO cables (position A in
the figure above). For more detailed information, refer to the section "Connecting the

Grounding terminal

To operate the SCALANCE W786 safely, the chassis ground connector must have a
suitable cable connected. Do not use the SCALANCE W786 without a ground cable

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The chassis ground connector is located on the rear of the device (M4 thread). Connect the
ground cable before you mount the SCALANCE W786 on a wall or on the optional mounting
plate. Once the SCALANCE W786 is mounted, the connector is no longer accessible.
Place the supplied toothed washer directly on the rear of the device before screwing on the
ground cable. Only then can you be sure that there is ideal contact with the screwed-on

Figure 7-8 Chassis ground connector on the rear of the SCALANCE W786

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Part C: SCALANCE W wireless network components
7.2 SCALANCE W-786 Access Points Mounting without an adapter (wall mounting only)

Drilling template
The location of the holes for mounting the SCALANCE W786 on a wall is shown in the
following figure:


34 184 34
Figure 7-9 Drilling template for wall mounting of the SCALANCE W786

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Figure 7-10 SCALANCE W786 wall mounting

Follow the steps below to screw a SCALANCE W786 to a wall:

1. Lead the cables into the housing of the SCALANCE W786 (position A in the figure
above). Note the information in the section "Connecting up cables".
2. Secure the SCALANCE W786 to the wall with three screws (position B in the figure
above). The screws are not supplied with the device. The type and length of the screws
depend on the type of wall.
Type of screw:
– for wooden walls: wood screw 4 x 30 mm
– for concrete walls: 4 x 50 mm with 5 mm concrete plug
– for metal walls: M4 x 25 mm with machine thread in the wall

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Option: Threaded holes on rear of housing

When a wall is extremely thin, it is often not possible to use wall plugs for the screws. To
allow wall mounting even in this situation, there are four M4 threaded holes on the rear of the
SCALANCE W786. The drilling template is a square with sides 100 mm long. The device can
therefore be mounted on a wall with bolts through the wall.
Calculate the length of the required M4 screws as follows:
Screw length = wall thickness + 7 mm

7.2.3 LED display

Information on operating status and data transfer

On the front of the housing, several LEDs provide information on the operating status of the

L1 PoE P1 R1 F


CE L1 PoE P1 R1 R2 F

L1 PoE P1 R1 R2 R3 F

Figure 7-11 The LED display of the SCALANCE W786

The "PoE" LED does not exist on devices with a port for FO cable.

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LED Color Description

L1 Green Power supply over a power supply adapter or the 48 V DC energy
contacts of devices with a port for FO cable.
PoE Green Power over Ethernet or power over the 48 V DC energy contacts of
devices with an RJ-45 port.
P1 Yellow Data transfer over the Ethernet interface (traffic).
Green There is a connection over the Ethernet port. (Link).
Flashing yellow PRESET-PLUG detected.
Yellow/green PRESET function completed successfully.
Flashing green "Flashing" enabled over PST.
R1 Yellow Data transfer over the first WLAN interface.
Green Access Point Mode:
The WLAN interface is initialized and ready for operation.
Client Mode:
There is a connection over the first WLAN port.
Flashing green Access Point Mode:
The channels are being scanned.
Client Mode:
The client is searching for a connection to an access point or ad hoc
Green flashing Access Point Mode:
quickly With 802.11h, the channel is scanned for one minute for primary users
before the channel can be used for data traffic.
Client Mode:
The client waits for the adopt MAC address due to the setting <Auto Find
Adopt MAC> and is connected to no access point.
Green Client Mode:
3x fast, The client waits for the adopt MAC address due to the setting <Auto Find
1x long flashing Adopt MAC> and is connected to an access point.
Flashing yellow PRESET-PLUG detected.
Yellow/green PRESET function completed successfully.
R2 Yellow Access Point Mode:
Data transfer over the second WLAN port.
Client Mode:
The LED is always off because the 2nd port is not available in client
Green Access Point Mode:
The WLAN interface is initialized and ready for operation.
Client Mode:
The LED is always off because the 2nd port is not available in client
Flashing green Access Point Mode:
The channels are being scanned.
Client Mode:
The LED is always off because the 2nd port is not available in client

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LED Color Description

Green flashing Access Point Mode:
quickly With 802.11h, the channel is scanned for one minute for primary users
before the channel can be used for data traffic.
Client Mode:
The LED is always off because the 2nd port is not available in client
Flashing yellow PRESET-PLUG detected.
Yellow/green PRESET function completed successfully.
R3 Yellow Access Point Mode:
Data transfer over the third WLAN port.
Client Mode:
The LED is always off because the 3rd port is not available in client
Green Access Point Mode:
The WLAN interface is initialized and ready for operation.
Client Mode:
The LED is always off because the 3rd port is not available in client
Flashing green Access Point Mode:
The channels are being scanned.
Client Mode:
The LED is always off because the 3rd port is not available in client
Green flashing Access Point Mode:
quickly With 802.11h, the channel is scanned for one minute for primary users
before the channel can be used for data traffic.
Client Mode:
The LED is always off because the 3rd port is not available in client
Flashing yellow PRESET-PLUG detected.
Yellow/green PRESET function completed successfully.
F Red An error occurred during operation with the SCALANCE W786.
Flashing red Ready to load firmware. The device was either stopped with the reset
button or there is incorrect firmware on the device.

If the LED for the WLAN port is not green when the device starts up, although it is activated,
the port is not ready for operation (interface not initialized).
The main reason for this is usually that during commissioning of the SCALANCE W78x
products, a waiting time of up to 15 minutes can occur when the ambient temperature is
below zero. The device is ready for operation at the specified ambient temperature as soon
as the LED for the WLAN interface is lit green.

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7.2.4 Connector pin assignment W-786

Connector variants
With a SCALANCE W786, you have the choice of two Ethernet ports:
● RJ-45 jack
● ST duplex socket for multimode FO cables 1310 nm and a maximum cable length of
3000 m

Location of the connectors and pin assignment of the Ethernet cable


Figure 7-12 Position of the Ethernet port with the housing cover removed

7.2.5 SCALANCE W786 technical specifications

Product versions
● SCALANCE W786-1PRO with one wireless interface and in the variants with two internal
antennas or two external antenna connectors and with RJ-45 or FO connector
● SCALANCE W786-2PRO with two wireless interfaces and in the variants with four
internal antennas or four external antenna connectors and with RJ-45 or FO connector
● SCALANCE W786-3PRO with three wireless interfaces and in the variants with six
external antenna connectors and with RJ-45 or with FO connector

Data transfer

Ethernet transfer rate 10/100 Mbps

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Wireless transmission rate 1 ... 54 Mbps (108 Mbps)

Wireless standards supported 802.11a
Power supply standards supported 802.3af (Power over Ethernet)


Power • 48 V DC supply via supplied connector

• RJ-45 jack Power over Ethernet
(48 V DC)
• 2 x 12 - 24 V DC supplies with optional power
supply adapter (available as accessory)
• 100 - 240 V AC with optional power supply
adapter (available as accessory)
Power supply isolated according to IEEE 802.3af,
isolation resistance > 2 Mohms.
Data • RJ-45 jack for Ethernet
or on devices for FO cable:
1 x 2 BFOC sockets
• depending on version, up to six R-SMA antenna

Electrical data

Power consumption depending on power supply PoE 12.9 W

48 V DC 12.9 W
12 - 24 V DC (adapter) 15 W
100 - 240 V AC 15 W


Dimensions 251 mm x 251 mm x 72 mm

(W x H x D)
Weight Without power supply 2241 g
(version with three IWLAN ports) adapter
With power supply 2428 g
adapter 12 - 24 V DC
With power supply 2433 g
100 - 240 V AC

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Permitted ambient conditions

Operating temperature -40°C to 70°C

Transport/storage temperature -40°C to 85°C
Degree of protection Tested to IP65

MTBF information (mean time between failure)

MTBF 61 years

Specifications and order numbers

Type Number of Number and Number of Number of R- Order no.

WLAN ports type of internal SMA sockets
Ethernet ports antennas for external
W786-1PRO 1 1 RJ-45 1 — 6GK5786-
(diversity(2)) 1BA60-2AA0

W786-1PRO 1 1 RJ-45 — 2 6GK5786-


W786-1PRO 1 1 ST duplex 1 — 6GK5786-

multimode FO (diversity(2)) 1BB60-2AA0
cable 6GK5786-

W786-1PRO 1 1 ST duplex — 2 6GK5786-

multimode FO 1AB60-2AA0
cable 6GK5786-

W786-2PRO 2 1 RJ-45 2 — 6GK5786-

(diversity(2)) 2BA60-2AA0

W786-2PRO 2 1 RJ-45 — 4 6GK5786-


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Type Number of Number and Number of Number of R- Order no.

WLAN ports type of internal SMA sockets
Ethernet ports antennas for external
W786-2PRO 2 1 ST duplex 2 — 6GK5786-
multimode FO (diversity(2)) 2BB60-2AA0
cable 6GK5786-

W786-2PRO 2 1 ST duplex — 4 6GK5786-

multimode FO 2AB60-2AA0
cable 6GK5786-

W786-3PRO 3 1 RJ-45 — 6 6GK5786-


W786-3PRO 3 1 ST duplex — 6 6GK5786-

multimode FO 3AB60-2AA0
cable 6GK5786-

(1) US variant
(2) There are two internal antennas per WLAN port. The antenna used is always the one that
provides the best possible data transmission (diversity).

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7.3 SCALANCE W-784 Access Points

7.3 SCALANCE W-784 Access Points

7.3.1 Certifications for SCALANCE W784-1xx / W74x-1

CE conformity
The products
in the version put into circulation by Siemens A&D conform to the regulations of the following
European directive:
● 99/5/EC
Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on radio equipment and
telecommunications terminal equipment and the mutual recognition of their conformity.
Conformity with the basic requirement of the directive is attested by adherence to the
following standards:
● EN 60950
Safety of information technology equipment
● EN 301489-1
Electromagnetic compatibility for radio equipment and services
● EN 301489-17
Specific requirements for broadband data transmission systems and for equipment in
local high-performance wireless networks (HIPERLAN)
● EN 300328
Electromagnetic compatibility and radio spectrum issues
● EN 301893
Broadband radio access networks (BRAN) – 5 GHz high-performance RLAN
● EN 50371
Compliance of low power electronic and electrical apparatus with the basic restrictions
related to human exposure to electromagnetic fields (10 MHz to 300 GHz)
● 1999/519/EC
Council recommendation on the limitation of exposure of the general public to
electromagnetic fields (0 Hz to 300 GHz)
Devices connected to the system must meet the relevant safety regulations.
The EC Declaration of Conformity is available for the responsible authorities according to the
above-mentioned EC Directive at the following address:
Siemens Aktiengesellschaft
Automation and Drives
Industrielle Kommunikation
Postfach 4848
D-90327 Nürnberg

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This declaration certifies compliance with the directives named above, but does not
guarantee any specific properties.

The specified approvals apply only when the corresponding mark is printed on the product.

ATEX, cULus and FM approvals

The products
have the following approvals
● EN 60079-15
II 3 G Ex nA II T..
KEMA 07 ATEX 0145X
● c-UL-us:
UL 60950-1 CSA C22.2 No.
● c-UL-us for hazardous location*:
ISA 12.12.01-2000, CSA C22.2 No. 213-M1987
CL. 1, Div. 2 GP. A.B.C.D T..
CL. 1, Zone 2, GP, IIC, T..
CL. 1, Zone 2, AEx nC IIC T..
● FM 3611 Hazardous (Classified) Location Electrical Equipment:
Non Incendive / Class I / Division 2 / Groups A,B,C,D / T* and
Non Incendive / Class I / Zone 2 / Group IIC / T*
(T.. / T* = For concrete information on the temperature class, refer to the type plate)

When used under hazardous conditions (Zone 2), the SCALANCE W784-1xx or W74x-1
product must be installed in an enclosure. To comply with EN 50021, this enclosure must
meet the requirements of at least IP 54 in compliance with EN 60529.

The specified approvals apply only when the corresponding mark is printed on the product.

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7.3 SCALANCE W-784 Access Points

Wireless approvals
For the current wireless approvals for these products, please visit

7.3.2 Technical specifications of the SCALANCE W784-1xx / W74x-1

Device variants
The technical specifications apply to the following products:

Data transfer

Ethernet transfer rate 10/100 Mbps

Wireless transmission rate 1 ... 54 Mbps (108 Mbps)
Wireless standards supported 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g, 802.11h, 802.11i
Power supply standards supported 802.3af (Power over Ethernet)


Power • Rated voltages 24 V DC or 48 V DC safety

extra-low voltage (SELV) (minimum permitted
voltage 18 V, maximum permitted voltage 57 V)
• RJ-45 jack Power over Ethernet
(48 V DC)
Power supply isolated according to IEEE 802.3af,
isolation resistance > 2 Mohms.
Data • RJ-45 jack for Ethernet
• 2 R-SMA antenna sockets

Electrical data

Power consumption 5W

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Dimensions without antennas and adapter plate 100 mm x 205 mm x 20 mm

(W x H x D)
Weight approx. 291 g

Permitted ambient conditions

Operating temperature -20°C to 60°C

Transport/storage temperature -40°C to 70°C
Degree of protection Tested to IP30

MTBF information (mean time between failure)

MTBF 67 years

7.3.3 Installation instructions and guidelines Mounting without an adapter (wall mounting only)

Drilling template and procedure

The location of the holes for mounting the SCALANCE W784-1xx / W74x-1 on a wall is
shown in the following figure:

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Figure 7-13 Drilling template for wall mounting of a SCALANCE W784-1xx / W74x-1

Secure the SCALANCE W784-1xx / W74x-1 to the wall using four screws. The screws are
not supplied with the device. The type and length of the screws depend on the type of wall.

The minimum clearance between the SCALANCE W784-1xx / W74x-1 and fluorescent
lamps should be 0.5 m.

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Part C: SCALANCE W wireless network components
7.3 SCALANCE W-784 Access Points Lightning protection, power supply, and grounding

Notes on lightning protection

Danger due to lightning strikes
Antennas installed outdoors must be within the area covered by a lightning protection
system. Make sure that all conducting systems entering from outdoors can be protected by
a lightning protection potential equalization system.
When implementing your lightning protection concept, make sure you adhere to the VDE
0182 or IEC 62305 standard.

A suitable lightning conductor is available in the range of accessories of SIMATIC NET

Industrial WLAN:
Lightning protector LP798-1N (order no. 6GK5798-2LP00-2AA6)

Danger due to lightning strikes
Installing this lightning protector between an antenna and a SCALANCE W-700 is not
adequate protection against a lightning strike. The LP798-1N lightening protector only
works within the framework of a comprehensive lightning protection concept. If you have
questions, ask a qualified specialist company.

The requirements of EN61000-4-5, surge immunity tests on power supply lines, are met only
when a Blitzductor is used with 12 - 24 V DC and 48 V DC:
12 - 24 V DC: VT AD 24V type no. 918 402
48 V DC: Type no. 919 545 and 919 506 (holder)
Manufacturer: DEHN+SÖHNE GmbH+Co.KG, Hans Dehn Str. 1, Postfach 1640, D-92306
Neumarkt, Germany

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7.3 SCALANCE W-784 Access Points

Safety extra low voltage

Danger to life from overvoltage, fire hazard
SCALANCE W-700 devices are designed for operation with a directly connectable safety
extra-low voltage or with the power supply adapters available as accessories (available
only for the SCALANCE W786-xPRO device). Therefore only safety extra-low voltage
(SELV) with limited power source (LPS) complying with IEC950/EN60950/VDE0805 may
be connected to the power supply terminals (exception: Power supply adapter for 100 - 240
V AC for the SCALANCE W786-xPRO).
Take measures to prevent transient voltage surges of more than 40% of the rated voltage.
This is the case if you only operate devices with SELV (safety extra-low voltage).
The power supply unit to supply the SCALANCE W-700 must comply with NEC Class 2
(requirements of class 2 for power supply units of the "National Electrical Code, table 11
(b)") or SELV with LPS (Limited Power Source) EN 60950-1. If the power supply is
designed redundantly (two separate power supplies), both power supplies must meet these
• Power supply with PELV (according to VDE 0100-410 or IEC 60364-4-41) is also
possible if the generated rated voltage does not exceed the voltage limits 25 V AC or 60


Damage to the device due to potential differences
To avoid the influence of electromagnetic interference, the device should be grounded.
There must be no potential difference between the following parts, otherwise the device or
other connected device could be severely damaged:
• Housing of the SCALANCE W-700 and the ground potential of the antenna.
• Housing of the SCALANCE W-700 and the ground potential of a device connected over
• Housing of the SCALANCE W-700 and the shield contact of the connected Ethernet
Connect both grounds to the same foundation earth or use an equipotential bonding cable.

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7.3 SCALANCE W-784 Access Points

Interruption of the power supply

Damage to the Ethernet interface
Repeated fast removal and insertion of the Ethernet cable when using Power-over-Ethernet
and when there is a redundant power supply can cause damage to the Ethernet interface.
Avoid repeatedly removing and inserting the Ethernet cable when using Power-over-
Ethernet and a redundant power supply.

FM warning notice
When operated in potential hazardous areas:
COMBUSTIBLE ATMOSPHERE IS PRESENT Connectors for the power supply of the SCALANCE W784-1xx / W74x-1

Possible power supplies

The following power supplies are suitable for the SCALANCE W784-xx / W74x-1:
● 24 V DC or 48 V DC direct voltage
● Power over Ethernet (PoE)
If an eight-wire Ethernet cable is used, it is possible to supply power over the four wires
that are not used as data lines. As an alternative, the voltage can be modulated onto the
data lines ("phantom power")
If a Fast Connect Ethernet connector is used to allow cable assembly in the field and due
to its greater mechanical strength, you can only use four-wire cables. In this case, only
phantom power is possible.

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Procedure for connecting the supplied connector

24 V / 48 V

L1 M1 M2 L2

Figure 7-14 Connector for the power supply of the SCALANCE W784-1xx / W74x-1. The screw
terminal is located as shown on the rear of the connector.

Perform the following steps to connect a power supply cable to a SCALANCE W784-1xx /
1. Connect the supplied connector to the power supply cable. The figure above shows the
location of the socket in the housing and the contact assignment. The connector is
protected against polarity reversal. When connecting the wires, make sure that the
connector is oriented correctly.
2. Press the connector into the socket in the housing until it engages.
3. Make sure that there is suitable strain relief for the power cable.

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7.3 SCALANCE W-784 Access Points Connection for Industrial Ethernet

Ethernet connector on the base of the housing

Figure 7-15 Connector for Industrial Ethernet on a SCALANCE W784-1xx / W74x-1

The Ethernet connector is located on the underside of the SCALANCE W784-1xx / W74x-1
(position A in the figure above)
Insert the Ethernet connector into this jack until it locks in place. Make sure that there is
suitable strain relief for the Ethernet cable.

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7.3 SCALANCE W-784 Access Points Connectors for external antennas

How to connect antennas


Figure 7-16 Connectors for external antennas on the top of a SCALANCE W784-1xx / W74x-1

The figure above shows the location of the antenna sockets "A" and "B". Perform the
following steps to connect a cable for an external antenna to a SCALANCE W784-1xx /
1. Insert the connector on the antenna cable into the R-SMA socket and tighten the sleeve
nut on the socket (key size SW8). The maximum tightening torque is 0.6 Nm.
2. Screw a terminating resistor to the unused socket if you are only using one antenna.

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7.3 SCALANCE W-784 Access Points Mounting with adapter plate

Fitting the adapter plate to an S7-300 standard rail


Figure 7-17 Side view of an S7-300 standard rail (shown in gray) with an adapter plate fitted

For cabinet installation, we recommend that you do not install relays on the same or on
directly neighboring mounting rails

Follow the steps below to fit the adapter plate to an S7-300 standard rail:
1. Place the adapter plate on the upper edge of the S7-300 standard rail (position A in the
figure above).

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2. At the bottom of the adapter plate, there are two holes with recesses. Use these holes to
screw the adapter plate to the S7-300 standard rail. The required screws (position B in
the figure above) are supplied with the adapter plate.
The threaded holes at the bottom of the adapter plate are not suitable for screwing the
plate to the S7-300 standard rail.

Mounting the adapter plate on a 35 mm DIN rail


Figure 7-18 Side view of a DIN rail (shown in gray) with an adapter plate fitted

For cabinet installation, we recommend that you do not install relays on the same or on
directly neighboring mounting rails

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7.3 SCALANCE W-784 Access Points

Follow the steps below to fit the adapter plate to a DIN rail:
1. Place the adapter plate on the upper edge of the DIN rail (position A in the figure above).
2. Pull down the DIN rail sliding catch (position B in the figure above) and press the adapter
plate against the DIN rail until the sliding catch engages.

Mounting the SCALANCE W784-1xx / W74x-1 on an adapter plate




Figure 7-19 Screwing the SCALANCE W784-1xx / W74x-1 to an adapter plate

Screw the SCALANCE W784-1xx / W74x-1 to the plate using the four M4 screws supplied
with the adapter plate. The maximum tightening torque for these screws is 0.7 Nm.

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Part C: SCALANCE S security components 8
8.1 SCALANCE S certifications and approvals, degree of protection


Table 8-1 Approvals


c-UL-us (Information UL 60950; CSA C22.2 No. 60950
Technology Equipment)
c-UL-us for hazardous locations UL 1604, UL 2279Pt.15
FM FM 3611
C-TICK AS/NZS 2064 (Class A)
CE EN 61000-6-2, EN 61000-6-4
ATEX Zone 2 EN 50021

Degree of protection
Tested to IP30.

8.2 SCALANCE S installation and setup instructions

Installation is analogous to the SCALANCE X-100 modules.

Parameter settings
To operate the SCALANCE S, you must download a configuration created with the Security
Configuration Tool. To set the parameters, use the software application "Security
Configuration Tool" that ships with the product.
A SCALANCE S configuration includes the IP parameters and the setting for firewall rules
and, if applicable, the setting for IPsec tunnels (S612 / S613) or router mode.
Before putting the device into operation, you can first create the entire configuration offline
and then download it. For the first configuration (device with factory settings), use the MAC
address printed on the device.

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Part C: SCALANCE S security components
8.3 Display elements SCALANCE S

Depending on the application, you will download the configuration to one or more modules
during the commissioning phase.

Factory defaults
With the factory defaults (settings as supplied or after resetting to factory defaults), the
SCALANCE S behaves as follows after turning on the power supply:
● IP communication is not possible since the IP settings are missing; in particular, the
SCALANCE S does not yet have an IP address.
As soon as the SCALANCE S module is assigned a valid IP address during configuration,
the module can also be reached via a router (IP communication is then possible).
● The device has a fixed, default MAC address; the MAC address is printed on the device
and must be used during configuration.
● The firewall is preconfigured with the following basic firewall rules:
– Unsecured data traffic from internal port to external port and vice versa
(external ↔ internal) is not possible;
The unconfigured status can be recognized when the F LED is lit yellow.

See also
X-100 installation instructions and guidelines (Page 237)

8.3 Display elements SCALANCE S

The following LEDs exist on all SCALANCE S devices and in the same numbers:
● Fault indicator (red LED); Labeled: F):

Table 8-2 Display of the operating state

Status Meaning
Lit red Module detects a fault. (Signaling contact is open).
The following faults are detected:
• Internal error/fault (for example: startup failed)
• Invalid C-PLUG (invalid formatting)
Lit green Module is in productive mode (signaling contact is closed).
Not lit Module has failed; no power supply (signaling contact is open).
Lit yellow Module in startup. (Signaling contact open).
If no IP address exists, the module remains in this status.
Flashes yellow and Module resets itself to factory settings. (Signaling contact open).
red alternately
● Power indicator (red-green double LED; labeling: L1, L2):

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8.3 Display elements SCALANCE S

The status of each power supply is indicated by a double LED:

Table 8-3 Status of the power supply

Status Meaning
Lit green Power supply L1 or L2 is connected.
Not lit Power supply L1 or L2 not connected or < 14 V (L+)
Lit red Power supply L1 or L2 failed during operation or < 14 V (L+)
● Port status displays (one green-yellow double LED per RJ-45 jack, labeling: P1 or P2 and
a yellow LED, labeling: TX

Table 8-4 Port status display P1 or P2

Status Meaning
Lit green TP link exists
Flashes / lit yellow Receiving data at RX
Not lit No TP link or no data being received

Table 8-5 Port status display TX

Status Meaning
Flashes / lit yellow Data being sent
Not lit No data being sent

Operator controls
SCALANCE S devices have a reset button. The reset button is located on the rear of the
housing below a cover secured with screws immediately beside the C-PLUG. The reset
button is therefore mechanically protected against being activated accidentally.
Two functions can be triggered with the reset button:
● Restart
If the reset button is pressed for shorter than 5 seconds, the module is restarted. The
loaded configuration is retained.
● Reset to factory settings
If the reset button is pressed for longer than 5 seconds, the error LED starts to flash
yellow-red. The module is restarted and reset to the status set in the factory. A loaded
configuration is deleted. Resetting takes up to 2 minutes. During the reset, the fault LED
continues to flash yellow-red. The power supply must not be interrupted during this
On completion of the reset, the device starts up again automatically. The fault LED is
then lit yellow.
If a C-PLUG is plugged in when you reset to factory settings, the C-PLUG is erased!
After pressing the button, the C-PLUG compartment must be closed again with the screw

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System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0 385
Part C: SCALANCE S security components
8.4 Connector pin assignments SCALANCE S

8.4 Connector pin assignments SCALANCE S

Connector pin assignments

They correspond to those of the SCALANCE X products and are described in the section
Common connector pin assignments.

See also
Common connector pin assignments of SCALANCE X devices (Page 230)

8.5 Dimension drawings for SCALANCE S

Dimensions of the SCALANCE S602, S612 and S613 modules

The dimension drawings of the SCALANCE S devices can be found in the SCALANCE X
reference section.

See also
SCALANCE X-100, SCALANCE X-200 and SCALANCE S dimension drawings (Page 244)

8.6 SCALANCE S technical specifications

Technical specifications

Table 8-6 Electrical data


Power supply 2 x 24 V DC (18 - 32 V DC) safety extra-low voltage (SELV)
Power loss at 24 V DC 3.84 W
Current consumption at 24 V 130 A at 24 V
Overvoltage protection at input Non-replaceable fuse (T 1.6 A / 250 V)
Voltage at signaling contact 24 V DC
Current through signaling max. 100 mA
Interference emission EN 61000-6-4 Class A
Immunity EN 61000-6-2
MTBF > 80 years

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386 System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0
Part C: SCALANCE S security components
8.6 SCALANCE S technical specifications

Table 8-7 Mechanical data


Dimensions (W x H x D) mm 60 x 125 x 124
Weight 0.7 kg
Installation options • DIN rail
• S7-300 standard rail
• Wall mounting

Table 8-8 Environmental conditions


Operating temperature 0 °C - +60 °C -20 °C to +70 °C
Storage/transport temperature -40 °C - +85 °C
Relative humidity in operation < 95% (at 30 °C, no condensation)
Operating altitude 2000 m at max. 56 °C ambient temperature
3,000 m at max. 50 °C ambient temperature
Degree of protection, tested to IP30

Table 8-9 Order numbers

SCALANCE S612 6GK5612-0BA00-2AA3

SCALANCE S613 6GK5613-0BA00-2AA3
SCALANCE S602 6GK5602-0BA00-2AA3

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System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0 387
Part C: OSM, ESM and ELS 9
9.1 Optical Switch Module (OSM) and Electrical Switch Module (ESM)

9.1.1 Certifications and approvals, degree of protection OSM/ESM

Product name
The OSM/ESM products below meet the regulations listed if the corresponding symbols are
shown on the type plate:

Industrial Ethernet OSM ITP62 with digital inputs 6GK1105-2AA10

Industrial Ethernet OSM ITP62 without digital inputs 6GK1105-2AA00
Industrial Ethernet OSM ITP62-LD with digital inputs 6GK1105-2AC10
Industrial Ethernet OSM ITP62-LD without digital inputs 6GK1105-2AC00
Industrial Ethernet OSM ITP53 with digital inputs 6GK1105-2AD10
Industrial Ethernet OSM ITP53 without digital inputs 6GK1105-2AD00
Industrial Ethernet ESM ITP80 with digital inputs 6GK1105-3AA10
Industrial Ethernet ESM ITP80 without digital inputs 6GK1105-3AA00
Industrial Ethernet OSM TP 62 with digital inputs 6GK1105-2AB10
Industrial Ethernet OSM TP62 without digital inputs 6GK1105-2AB00
Industrial Ethernet OSM TP80 with digital inputs 6GK1105-3AB10
Industrial Ethernet ESM TP 80 without digital inputs 6GK1105-3AB00
Industrial Ethernet OSM TP22 with digital inputs 6GK1105-2AE00
Industrial Ethernet ESM TP40 with digital inputs 6GK1105-3AC00
Industrial Ethernet OSM BC08 with digital inputs 6GK1105-4AA00

CE mark
SIMATIC NET OSMs/ESMs meet the requirements of the following EC directives:
● Directive 89/336/EEC "Electromagnetic Compatibility" (EMC Directive)
● Directive 73/23/EEC "Electrical Equipment Designed for Use within Certain Voltage
Limits" (Low Voltage Equipment Directive)
The EC Declaration of Conformity is available for the responsible authorities according to the
above-mentioned EC Directive at the following address:

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System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0 389
Part C: OSM, ESM and ELS
9.1 Optical Switch Module (OSM) and Electrical Switch Module (ESM)

Siemens Aktiengesellschaft
Bereich Automatisierungs- und Antriebstechnik
Industrielle Kommunikation (A&D SC IC)
Postfach 4848
D-90327 Nürnberg, Germany

Area of application
The products are designed for use in an industrial environment:

Area of application: Requirements Requirements

Emission Immunity
Industrial area EN 50081-2 : 1993 EN 50082-2 : 1995

Note for the manufacturers of machines

This product is not a machine in the sense of the EC Machinery Directive. There is therefore
no declaration of conformity relating to the EC Machinery Directive 89/392/EEC for this
If the product is part of the equipment of a machine, it must be included in the procedure for
obtaining the declaration of conformity by the manufacturer of the machine.

Marking for Australia

C-Tick Mark, AS/NZS 2064 (Class A)

UL approval
UL Recognition Mark
Underwriters Laboratories UL 1950 / UL 60950 (Information Technology Equipment)

CSA approval
CSA Certification Mark
Canadian Standard Association CSA C22.2 No. 60950-00

FM Approval
FM Hazardous (Classified) Location Electrical Equipment:
Non Incendive / Class I / Division 2 / Groups A,B,C,D / T* and
Non Incendive / Class I / Zone 2 / Group IIC / T4
*) Temperature Class T4 or T4A, depending on model

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390 System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0
Part C: OSM, ESM and ELS
9.1 Optical Switch Module (OSM) and Electrical Switch Module (ESM)

In hazardous areas, personal injury or damage to property may occur if you make or break
an electrical circuit while an OSM/ESM is in operation.
Do not connect or disconnect equipment when a flammable or combustible atmosphere is

Degree of protection
Tested to IP20.

9.1.2 Installation instructions and guidelines for OSM/ESM

Housing, installation
The Industrial Ethernet OSMs and ESMs have a sheet steel casing with degree of protection
IP20. They are suitable for the following types of installation:
● Installation on a 35 mm DIN rail
● Installation on a SIMATIC S7-300 standard rail
● Installation in pairs in a 19" cubicle
● Wall mounting
The modules can be installed vertically, one beside the other with no spacing between.
Unobstructed convection of surrounding air is essential, in particular air must be able to
circulate freely through the ventilation openings of the OSM/ESM.

1. Prior to installation, check whether the settings of the DIP switch are correct for your
2. Remove the terminal block for the power supply and signaling contact from the OSM and
wire up the power supply and signal cables.
3. Only for OSMs/ESMs with digital inputs:
Where necessary, remove the terminal blocks for the digital inputs from the OSM/ESM
and wire up the input signals.

Installation on a DIN rail

1. Install the OSM/ESM on a 35 mm DIN rail complying with DIN EN 50022.
2. Place the upper catch of the OSM/ESM over the top of the DIN rail and then push in the
lower part of the device against the rail until it clips into place.
3. Connect the electrical and optical connecting cables, the terminal block for the power
supply and, where necessary, the standard cable 9/9 to the standby sync port.

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System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0 391
Part C: OSM, ESM and ELS
9.1 Optical Switch Module (OSM) and Electrical Switch Module (ESM)

Removing from the DIN rail

To remove the OSM/ESM from the DIN rail, pull the device down pull out the bottom part
away from the DIN rail.

Installation on a SIMATIC S7-300 standard rail

1. First secure the two supplied brackets on both sides of the OSM/ESM.
2. Place the upper guide at the top of the OSM housing in the S7 standard rail.
3. Secure the OSM/ESM with the supplied screws to the lower part of the rail.

Installation in pairs in a 19" cubicle

To install in pairs in the 19" cubicle, you require the two securing brackets supplied.
1. First screw the two OSMs/ESMs together using the supplied holding plate on the rear.
2. Fit two of the supplied brackets to the sides
3. Secure the two devices using the brackets in the 19" cubicle. Please note that the
OSM/ESM must be grounded with a low resistance via the two holding brackets.

Wall mounting
To install an OSM/ESM on a wall, follow the steps below:
1. Fit the supplied mounting brackets on the sides.
2. Secure the device to the wall using the brackets.
3. Connect the device to protective earth with a low-resistance connection via one of the
The following table shows how to mount the device on different types of walls:

Wall Mounting
Concrete wall Use the four wall plugs (6 mm diameter and 30
mm long). (drill hole 6 mm in diameter, 45 mm
deep). To secure the device, use 4.5 mm
diameter and 40 mm long screws.
Metal wall To secure the device, use 4 mm diameter screws
(min. 2 mm thick) at least 15 mm long.
Sandwich type plaster walll Use an anchoring plug with at least
(min. 15 mm thick) 4 mm diameter.

The wall mounting must be capable of supporting at least four times the weight of the device.

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392 System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0
Part C: OSM, ESM and ELS
9.1 Optical Switch Module (OSM) and Electrical Switch Module (ESM)

9.1.3 Operator control and display elements of the OSM/ESM "Status" LED display

Fault (red LED)

Status Effect
Lit The OSM/ESM has detected an error. At the
same time, the signaling contact opens.
Not lit No problems detected by the OSM/ESM.

Stby – Standby (green LED)

This LED does not exist on the OSM TP22 and ESM TP40.

Status Effect
Lit The standby function is activated, the OSM/ESM
is in standby passive mode.
Not lit The standby function is disabled.
flashes The standby function is activated, OSM/ESM is in
the standby active mode; in other words, the
master OSM/ESM has failed and the standby
OSM/ESM takes over data traffic.

RM – Redundancy Manager (green LED)

Status Effect
Lit The OSM/ESM is operating in the redundancy
manager mode. The ring is operating free of
errors in other words the redundancy manager
does not allow traffic through but monitors the
Note: One OSM must operate in the redundancy
manager mode (and one only) in each OSM/ESM
Not lit The OSM/ESM is not operating in redundancy
manager mode.
flashes The OSM/ESM is in redundancy manager mode
and has detected a break on the ring. The
OSM/ESM makes the connection between its two
ring ports so that a functional linear configuration
is reestablished.

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Part C: OSM, ESM and ELS
9.1 Optical Switch Module (OSM) and Electrical Switch Module (ESM) "Power" LED display

The display mode of the "Power" LED can be switched over by briefly pressing the
"Select/Set" button on the front panel of the OSM/ESM. The valid display mode is indicated
by the display mode LEDs on the OSM/ESM.
Depending on the status of the display mode LEDs, the "Power" LED has the two following
display modes:

Display mode Display mode LED Power LED

Status of the power In the following states of the display Power LED L1 or L2
supplies mode LEDs, the Power LEDs Lit green; in other words, power
indicate the current status of the two supply 1 or 2 (line 1 or line 2) is
power supplies of the OSM/ESM: applied.
③②① Not lit; in other words power
□ □ □ or supply 1 or 2 (line 1 or line 2) is
□ □ ♦ or lower than 14 V.
□ ♦ □ or
Fault mask In this display mode LED status, the With the line 1 or 2 LEDs, the
Power LED indicates the fault mask fault mask indicates whether the
status: power supplies are monitored
③②① with the signaling contact.
□♦♦ L1 or L2 LED
Lit green; in other words the
corresponding power supply
(line 1 or line 2) is monitored. If
the power supply falls below 14
V, the signaling contact
Not lit, in other words the
corresponding power supply
(line 1 or line 2) is not
monitored. If the power supply
falls below 14 V this does not
trigger the signaling contact.
The fault mask can be set again
with the button on the front
panel of the OSM/ESM.
("□" -- LED off, "♦" -- LED on, Note: LED 3 exists only on devices with digital inputs.)
The "Select/Set" button on the front panel of the OSM/ESM changes the display mode of the
display mode LEDs. Using this button, a new status can be programmed for the fault mask

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394 System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0
Part C: OSM, ESM and ELS
9.1 Optical Switch Module (OSM) and Electrical Switch Module (ESM) Port LEDs

The port LEDs indicate the operating states of the individual ports of the OSM/ESM. On the
OSM/ESM variants with digital inputs, the state of the inputs is also indicated by the port
LEDs. To allow this, the OSMs/ESMs have an additional display mode. The display mode of
the port LEDs can be changed using the Select/Set button on the front panel of the
OSM/ESM allowing all operating states to be displayed. The current display mode is
signaled by the display mode LEDs.

Display mode Mode LED status Meaning of the Port LED

Port status ③②① Not lit: No valid link to the port
□□□ (for example station turned off
or cable not connected)
Lit green: Valid link
Flashes green (once per
period): Port switched to
Flashes green (twice per
period): Port is segmented
Flashes green (three times per
period): Port is turned off
Flashes green (four times per
period): Port is mirrored port
Flashes / lit yellow: Data
reception on this port
100 Mbps ③②① Lit green: Port operating at 100
□□♦ Mbps
Not lit: Port operating at 10
Full duplex ③②① Lit green: Port operating in full
□♦□ duplex mode
Not lit: Port operating in half
duplex mode

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Part C: OSM, ESM and ELS
9.1 Optical Switch Module (OSM) and Electrical Switch Module (ESM)

Display mode Mode LED status Meaning of the Port LED

Fault mask ③②① The fault mask indicates
□♦♦ whether the ports and the power
supplies are monitored with the
signaling contact.
Lit green: Port is monitored; in
other words, if the port does not
have a valid connection (for
example cable not plugged in or
attached device turned off), the
signaling contact is triggered.
Not lit: The port is not
monitored; in other words, an
invalid or valid connection at the
port does not trigger the
signaling contact.
The fault mask can be set again
with the button on the front
panel of the OSM.
Digital Inputs ③②① Lit green: The logical state "1" is
♦□□ applied to the corresponding
digital input. This requires an
input voltage of + 13 V DC to +
30 V DC.
Not lit: The logical state "0" is
applied to the corresponding
digital input. This requires an
input voltage of –30 V DC to + 3
("□" -- LED off, "♦" -- LED on, Note: LED 3 exists only on devices with digital inputs.) Operator controls

Two-pin DIP switch

The two-pin DIP switches on the upper casing of the OSM/ESM have the following functions:
● The standby function can be enabled or disabled with the Stby switch.
This switch has no function on the OSM TP22 and ESM TP40.
● With the RM switch, you can activate the redundancy manager function.

Figure 9-1 Functions of the "Stby" and "RM" DIP switches

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396 System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0
Part C: OSM, ESM and ELS
9.1 Optical Switch Module (OSM) and Electrical Switch Module (ESM)

Please restart the device after changing DIP switch settings. The switch setting is
adopted only when the device starts up.

"Select/Set" button
The "Select/Set" button on the front panel of the OSM/ESM has the following functions
● Pressing the button briefly moves on the display of the port LEDs (display mode). The
current display mode is indicated by the display mode LEDs.
● If the display is in the port status (all display mode LEDs off) and if the button is pressed
for three seconds, the display mode LEDs begin to flash. If you then continue to press the
button for a further two seconds, the OSM/ESM is reset.

When it is reset, all the settings of the OSM/ESM are set to their defaults (as set in the
factory). This allows you to cancel settings made, for example, with Web-Based
Management (WBM) (see also OSM/ESM Network Management, User Manual).
● If the display is in the fault mask status and you press the button for two seconds, the
display LEDs start to flash. If you then press the button for a further two seconds, the
current status of the ports and the supply voltages are entered in the fault mask. This
means, if, for example, the ports 1, 5, 6 had a valid connection (in other words the port
status displays of these ports are lit green or yellow) and if power supply 1 was active at
the point when the values were entered in the fault mask, ports 1, 5, 6 and power supply
1 will then be monitored.

If the "Select/Set" button is pressed while the device is starting up (takes approximately
20 seconds) after turning on the OSM/ESM, the OSM/ESM changes to the load firmware
status (all display mode LEDs flash simultaneously). This status is exited by pressing the
button again.

9.1.4 Connector and outlet pin assignment Interface pin assignments

ITP ports
In the ITP variant of the OSM/ESM, the end devices are attached via D-sub female
connectors. The casings of the connectors are electrically connected to the housing of the
OSM. A screw locking mechanism holds the connectors firmly in place.

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System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0 397
Part C: OSM, ESM and ELS
9.1 Optical Switch Module (OSM) and Electrical Switch Module (ESM)

Figure 9-2 ITP port

TP ports
With OSM TP62, OSM TP22, ESM TP40, and ESM TP80 modules, the end devices are
connected via RJ-45 jacks with MDI-X assignment (Medium Dependent Interface

Fiber-optic ports
The FO ports have BFOC/2.5(ST) female connectors. They monitor the connected cable for
wire breaks complying with the IEEE 802.3 100 Base-FX standard. A break on the FO cable
is always signaled by the port status display of both connected OSMs (status LED of the port
goes off).

The FO ports operate at the fixed transmission rate of 100 Mbps. An optical link, for
example, to OLM (10 Mbps) is not possible.

Standby-sync port
A 9-pin female connector is used to connect the ITP XP standard cable 9/9 for the redundant
standby coupling. The casing of the connector is electrically connected to the housing of the
The OSM TP22 and ESM TP40 do not have a standby-sync port.
A screw locking mechanism holds the connectors firmly in place.

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398 System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0
Part C: OSM, ESM and ELS
9.1 Optical Switch Module (OSM) and Electrical Switch Module (ESM)

Figure 9-3 Standby-sync port

Serial port
OSM/ESM modules have an RS-232 interface. This is used for the following purposes:
● Firmware updates
● Management with the aid of the command interpreter (Command Line Interpreter, CLI)
including setting of the IP address information

Figure 9-4 Serial port

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System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0 399
Part C: OSM, ESM and ELS
9.1 Optical Switch Module (OSM) and Electrical Switch Module (ESM)

Signaling contact/terminal block fir connecting the power supply

The connection of the power supply and the signaling contact is made using a 6-pin plug-in
terminal block with a screw locking mechanism.

Industrial Ethernet OSMs/ESMs are designed for operation with safety extra-low voltage.
This means that only safety extra-low voltages (SELV) complying with IEC950/EN60950/
VDE0805 can be connected to the power supply terminals and the signaling contact.
The power supply unit to supply the OSM/ESM must comply with NEC Class 2 (voltage
range 18 - 32 V, current requirement 1 A)
The signaling contact can be subjected to a maximum load of 100 mA (safety extra-low
voltage (SELV), 24 V DC).
* Power supply with PELV (according to VDE 0100-410) is also possible if the generated
rated voltage does not exceed the voltage limits 25 V AC or 60 V DC.
* Power supply by a SELV power source (according to IEC 60950) or PELV power source
(according to VDE 0100-410) without limited power is also permitted if suitable fire
protection measures are taken by:
- Installation in a cubicle
- Installation in a suitable enclosure
- Installation in a suitably equipped, closed room.

Figure 9-5 Signaling contact/terminal block for power supply

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400 System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0
Part C: OSM, ESM and ELS
9.1 Optical Switch Module (OSM) and Electrical Switch Module (ESM)

Power supply
The power supply can be connected redundantly. Both inputs are isolated. There is no
distribution of load. When a redundant power supply is used, the power supply unit with the
higher output voltage supplies the OSM/ESM alone.

Digital Inputs
In the case of the OSMs/ESMs with digital inputs, the states of these inputs are available in a
management information base (MIB) and can be read with an SNMP get request. Depending
on the configuration of the device, changes at these inputs can also trigger the sending of E-
mails, SNMP traps and/or entries in the log of the OSM/ESM. The use of these functions is
described in the OSM/ESM Network Management User Manual /1/.
The digital inputs are attached using six-pin plug-in terminal blocks with screw locking

The input voltage must not exceed +30 V DC or fall below -30 V DC.

Figure 9-6 Digital Inputs

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System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0 401
Part C: OSM, ESM and ELS
9.1 Optical Switch Module (OSM) and Electrical Switch Module (ESM)

9.1.5 Dimension drawing Optical Switch Module (OSM)

Outer dimensions and installation clearances for the OSM ITP62, OSM ITP62-LD, ITP53

Figure 9-7 Industrial Ethernet OSM ITPxx (dimensions in mm)

Industrial Ethernet Networking Manual

402 System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0
Part C: OSM, ESM and ELS
9.1 Optical Switch Module (OSM) and Electrical Switch Module (ESM)

Outer dimensions and installation clearances for the OSM TP62

Figure 9-8 Industrial Ethernet OSM TPxx (dimensions in mm)

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System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0 403
Part C: OSM, ESM and ELS
9.1 Optical Switch Module (OSM) and Electrical Switch Module (ESM)

Side view of the OSM

Figure 9-9 Industrial Ethernet OSM (side view; dimensions in mm)

Cable type Required clearance*

9pin D-sub connector for user assembly on ITP approx. 160 mm
standard cable
Preassembled cables
ITP Standard Cable 9/x approx. 95 mm
ITP XP Standard Cable 9/x approx. 95 mm
Preassembled cables
TP Cord 9/x (horizontal cable outlet) approx. 95 mm
ITP Cord 9/x (horizontal cable outlet) approx. 95 mm
TP Cord 945/x (45° cable outlet) approx. 95 mm
TP XP Cord 945/x (45° cable outlet) approx. 95 mm

Industrial Ethernet Networking Manual

404 System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0
Part C: OSM, ESM and ELS
9.1 Optical Switch Module (OSM) and Electrical Switch Module (ESM) Electrical Switch Module (ESM)

Outer dimensions of the ESM ITP80

Figure 9-10 Industrial Ethernet ESM ITP80 (dimensions in mm)

Outer dimensions of the ESM TP80

Figure 9-11 Industrial Ethernet ESM TP80 (dimensions in mm)

Industrial Ethernet Networking Manual

System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0 405
Part C: OSM, ESM and ELS
9.1 Optical Switch Module (OSM) and Electrical Switch Module (ESM)

Outer dimensions and installation clearances for the ESM ITP80/TP80 (side view)

Figure 9-12 Industrial Ethernet ESM (side view; dimensions in mm)

Cable type Required clearance*

9pin D-sub connector for user assembly on ITP approx. 160 mm
standard cable
Preassembled cables
ITP Standard Cable 9/x approx. 95 mm
ITP XP Standard Cable 9/x approx. 95 mm
Preassembled cables
TP Cord 9/x (horizontal cable outlet) approx. 95 mm
ITP Cord 9/x (horizontal cable outlet) approx. 95 mm
TP Cord 945/x (45° cable outlet) approx. 65 mm
TP XP Cord 945/x (45° cable outlet) approx. 65 mm

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406 System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0
Part C: OSM, ESM and ELS
9.1 Optical Switch Module (OSM) and Electrical Switch Module (ESM)

9.1.6 Components supplied with the OSM/ESM

Components supplied with the OSM/ESM

SIMATIC NET Industrial Ethernet OSM/ESM incl.
● Terminal block for the power supply
● Fittings for wall mounting
● Product information
● CD with Operating Instructions and "Network Management" manual
Order number
SIMATIC NET Industrial Ethernet OSM See catalog IK PI
SIMATIC NET Industrial Ethernet ESM See catalog IK PI

SIMATIC NET ITP Standard Cable
You will find ordering data in the catalog IK PI.

The Industrial Ethernet OSM/ESM is designed for operation with safety extra-low voltage.
This means that only safety extralow voltages (SELV) complying with IEC 950/EN
60950/VDE 0805 may be connected to the power supply terminals
or the signaling contact.
For more detailed information on the OSM/ESM, refer to the "Industrial Ethernet
OSM/ESM" operating instructions.

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System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0 407
Part C: OSM, ESM and ELS
9.1 Optical Switch Module (OSM) and Electrical Switch Module (ESM)

9.1.7 Technical specifications


Connecting end devices or network segments 6 x 9-pin D-sub sockets on OSM ITP62 and OSM
over twisted pair / Industrial Twisted Pair ITP62-LD
5 x 9-pin D-sub sockets on OSM ITP53
8 x 9-pin D-sub sockets on ESM ITP80
2 x RJ-45 jacks on OSM TP22
4 x RJ-45 jacks on ESM TP40
6 x RJ-45 jacks on OSM TP62
8 x RJ-45 jacks on ESM TP80
All electrical ports support 10/100 Mbps
OSMs/ESMs with digital inputs:
The electrical ports support autocrossover.
Standby-sync port for redundant coupling of rings 1 x 9-pin D-sub female connector
(not OSM TP22, ESM TP40)
Attachment of further OSMs and end devices via 2 x 2 BFOC sockets on OSM ITP 62, OSM
FO ITP62-LD, OSM TP62 and OSM TP22
3 x 2 BFOC sockets on OSM ITP 53
8 x 2 BFOC sockets on OSM BC08
(100 Mbps, 100BaseFX, full duplex)
Connector for power supply and signaling contact 1 x 6-pin plug-in terminal block
Power supply 2 x 24 V DC power supplies (18 to 32 V DC)
(redundant inputs isolated) safety extra-low voltage (SELV)
Power supply voltage connected over high
resistance with housing (not electrically isolated).
Tested to IEC 6100-4-5, 1995 "Surge Immunity
Test", performed with lightning protection device
DEHN Blitzductor VT AD 24V, article no. 918 402
Power loss at 24 V DC 20 W
Load on the signaling contact 24 V DC / max. 100 mA safety extra-low voltage
Current consumption at rated voltage 1000 mA
Overvoltage protection at input Non-replaceable fuse (1.6 A / 250 V / time lag)
Digital Inputs Input voltage:
Rated value 24 V DC safety extra-low voltage
For state "1": +13 ...+30 V
For "0" state: –30 ... +3 V
Max. input current: 8 mA
Max. cable length: 30 m
Inputs isolated from electronics.

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408 System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0
Part C: OSM, ESM and ELS
9.1 Optical Switch Module (OSM) and Electrical Switch Module (ESM)

Permitted cable lengths

FO cable length between two OSMs For OSM ITP62, OSM ITP53, OSM TP62, OSM
0-3000 m (62.5/125 μm glass fiber; 1 dB/km at
1300 nm; 600 MHz*km; 6 dB max. permitted FO
cable attenuation at 3 dB link power margin)
0-3000 m (50/125 μm glass fiber; 1 dB/km at
1300 nm; 600 MHz*km; 6 dB max. permitted FO
cable attenuation at 3 dB link power margin)
0-26000 m (10/125 μm single mode fiber; 0.5
dB/km at 1300 nm; 13 dB max. permitted FO
cable attenuation at 2 dB link power margin)
ITP cable length 0 - 100 m
TP cable length 0-10 m with TP cord
up to 100 m total length when using the
FastConnect cabling system
Length of the ITP XP Standard Cable 9/9 at 0 - 40 m
standby-sync port

Cascading depth

Linear/star structure Any (only depending on signal propagation time)

Redundant ring 50 (for reconfiguration time < 0.3 s)

Switching properties of OSM/ESM

Number of learnable addresses Up to 7000

Aging time 40 s (default)
Latency 4 µs (measured at 75% load between two ports
operating at 100 Mbps)
Switching procedure Store and forward

Permitted ambient conditions

Operating temperature 0 °C to +60 °C

(OSM ITP62-LD: 0 °C to +55 °C)
Storage/transport temperature -20 °C to +80 °C
Relative humidity in operation ‹ 95% (at 25 °C, no condensation)
Operating altitude Max. 2000 m
Interference emission EN 55081 Class A
Immunity EN 50082-2
Laser protection Class 1 complying with IEC 60825 -1

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System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0 409
Part C: OSM, ESM and ELS
9.1 Optical Switch Module (OSM) and Electrical Switch Module (ESM)


Dimensions (W x H x D) in mm 217 x 156.5 x 69

Weight in g 1400
Installation options DIN rail
S7-300 standard rail
Wall mounted
Installation in 19" cubicle
Only horizontal installation permitted
(ventilation slit top/bottom)

Scope of supply
SIMATIC NET Industrial Ethernet OSM/ESM
Fittings for 19" cubicle installation/wall mounting
6-pin plug-in terminal block for power supply and signaling contact
One to two 6-pin plug-in terminal blocks for OSMs/ESMs with digital inputs
Documentation on the CD

Order numbers

Industrial Ethernet OSM ITP62 6GK1105-2AA10

with digital inputs
Industrial Ethernet OSM ITP62 6GK1105-2AA00
without digital inputs
Industrial Ethernet OSM ITP62-LD 6GK1105-2AC10
with digital inputs
Industrial Ethernet OSM ITP62-LD 6GK1105-2AC00
without digital inputs
Industrial Ethernet OSM ITP53 6GK1105-2AD10
with digital inputs
Industrial Ethernet OSM ITP53 6GK1105-2AD00
without digital inputs
Industrial Ethernet ESM ITP80 6GK1105-3AA10
with digital inputs
Industrial Ethernet ESM ITP80 6GK1105-3AA00
without digital inputs
Industrial Ethernet OSM TP 62 6GK1105-2AB10
with digital inputs
Industrial Ethernet OSM TP62 6GK1105-2AB00
without digital inputs
Industrial Ethernet OSM TP80 6GK1105-3AB10
with digital inputs
Industrial Ethernet ESM TP 80 6GK1105-3AB00
without digital inputs
Industrial Ethernet OSM TP22 6GK1105-2AE00
with digital inputs

Industrial Ethernet Networking Manual

410 System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0
Part C: OSM, ESM and ELS
9.1 Optical Switch Module (OSM) and Electrical Switch Module (ESM)

Industrial Ethernet ESM TP40 6GK1105-3AC00

with digital inputs
Industrial Ethernet OSM BC08 6GK1105-4AA00
with digital inputs


Triaxial networks for Industrial Ethernet manual 6GK1970-1AA20-0BA0

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System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0 411
Part C: OSM, ESM and ELS
9.2 Electrical Lean Switch (ELS)

9.2 Electrical Lean Switch (ELS)

9.2.1 Certifications and approvals, degree of protection ELS


Table 9-1 ELS TP40, ELS TP40M and ELS TP80

UL UL 1950
CSA CSA C22.2 No. 950
FM FM 3611
C-TICK AS/NZS 2064 (Class A).
CE yes
Shipbuilding approval -

Degree of protection
Tested to IP20.

9.2.2 Installation instructions and guidelines ELS

Housing, installation
The ELS has a robust sheet steel casing with degree of protection IP20. They are suitable
for the following types of installation:
● Installation on a 35 mm DIN rail
● Installation on a SIMATIC S7-300 standard rail
● Installation in a 19" cubicle (along with other ELS modules in the 19" mounting system)
● Wall mounting

Remember that the ELS must only be installed horizontally (ventilation slits top/bottom
see Figure 4). To ensure adequate convection, there must be a clearance of at least 5 cm
above and below the ventilation slits. You should also make sure that the permitted
ambient temperature range is not exceeded.

Remove the terminal block from the ELS and wire up the power supply lines

Industrial Ethernet Networking Manual

412 System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0
Part C: OSM, ESM and ELS
9.2 Electrical Lean Switch (ELS)

Installation on a DIN rail

1. Install the ELS on a 35 mm DIN rail complying with DIN EN 50022.
2. Place the upper catch of the ELS over the top of the DIN rail and then push in the lower
part of the device against the rail until it clips into place.
3. Install the electrical connecting cables and the terminal block for the power supply.

Removing from the DIN rail

1. To remove the ELS from the DIN rail, first disconnect the TP cables and pull off the
terminal block.
2. Then pull down the device and release it from the rail.

Installation on a SIMATIC S7-300 standard rail

1. First secure the supplied brackets to the left and right of the ELS.
2. Place the upper guide at the top of the ELS housing in the S7 standard rail.
3. Screw the ELS to the bottom of the standard rail.

Installation in a 19" cubicle

To install in the 19" cubicle, you require the securing brackets supplied. You can achieve the
19'' width
• with 3 ELS devices
Follow the steps outlined below:
1. First screw the ELS switches to the supplied mounting plates at the rear.
2. Fit two of the supplied brackets to the sides
3. Secure the devices using the brackets in the 19" cubicle.

Wall mounting
To install an ELS on a wall, follow the steps below:
1. Fit the supplied mounting brackets on the sides of the ELS.
2. Secure the device to the wall using the brackets and fittings suitable for the wall in
3. Using one of the brackets or the PE screw terminal, connect the device with protective
earth with as low a resistance as possible.

The wall mounting must be capable of supporting at least four times the weight of the

Industrial Ethernet Networking Manual

System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0 413
Part C: OSM, ESM and ELS
9.2 Electrical Lean Switch (ELS)

● 19" cubicle: Please note that the ELS must be grounded with a low resistance via the two
holding brackets. It is also possible to ground the device using the PE screw terminal on
the terminal block.
● Installation on a DIN rail: The device is grounded either via the DIN rail or the PE screw
terminal on the terminal block.
● Wall mounting: Please note that the ELS must be grounded with a low resistance via the
two holding brackets. It is also possible to ground the device using the PE screw terminal
on the terminal block.
● S7 standard rail: The device is grounded either via the two mounting brackets or the PE
screw terminal on the terminal block.

Connecting the IE FC TP Cable to the ELS TP40 or ELS TP40M

When connecting the IE FC cables, follow the steps outlined below:
1. Strip the insulation from the FC TP cable with the IE FastConnect stripping tool. (Refer to
the instructions for the IE FC stripping tool, Order no. 6GK1901-1GA00)
2. Remove the protective foil from the cores and remove the support element between the
3. Open the cover of the TP ports with insulation piercing contacts.
4. Open the two contact covers.
5. Arrange the wires according to the color code of the contact cover of the TP ports with
insulation piercing contacts.
6. Insert the wires of the IE FC TP cable into the contact cover according to the color code.
7. Press down both contact covers to establish contact with the cores.
8. Close and screw down the cover of the TP ports with insulation piercing contacts.

9.2.3 Operator control and display elements of the ELS

ELS modules have the following LED displays:
● Power display: The status of the ELS TP40M is indicated by a green and a red LED, on
the ELS TP40 and ELS TP80, a green LED is used.
● The status of each TP interface is indicated by a green/yellow LED:

Industrial Ethernet Networking Manual

414 System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0
Part C: OSM, ESM and ELS
9.2 Electrical Lean Switch (ELS)

9.2.4 Connector pin assignments

Power supply
The connection of the power supply on all ELS is made using a 3-pin plug-in terminal block
with a screw locking mechanism. A suitable terminal block is supplied with all ELS devices.
The power supply is connected over a high resistance with the enclosure to allow an
ungrounded set up. The ELS TP80 can also be grounded via the PE screw terminal on the
terminal block.

No signaling contact
The ELS devices do not have a signaling contact.

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System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0 415
Part C: OSM, ESM and ELS
9.2 Electrical Lean Switch (ELS)

9.2.5 Dimension drawings of the ELS

Dimension drawings

Massstab / Scale: 1:1

Format / Size: DIN A2

Links / Left


Oben / Top
Vorne / Front

Alle Bemassungswerte sind in Millimeter (mm) angegeben.

All dimensions are in millimeters (mm).

Figure 9-13 Dimension drawing ELS 40

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416 System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0
Vorne / Front Links / Left


Figure 9-14

Industrial Ethernet Networking Manual

System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0

Dimension drawing ELS TP40M


Oben / Top

Alle Bemassungswerte sind in Millimeter (mm) angegeben.
Format / Size: DIN A2 Massstab / Scale: 1:1
All dimensions are in millimeters (mm).
9.2 Electrical Lean Switch (ELS)
Part C: OSM, ESM and ELS

Vorne / Front
Links / Left
Part C: OSM, ESM and ELS


Figure 9-15
9.2 Electrical Lean Switch (ELS)


Dimension drawing ELS TP80


Oben / Top

Alle Bemassungswerte sind in Millimeter (mm) angegeben.
Format / Size: DIN A2 Massstab / Scale: 1:1
All dimensions are in millimeters (mm).

System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0

Industrial Ethernet Networking Manual
Part C: OSM, ESM and ELS
9.2 Electrical Lean Switch (ELS)

9.2.6 Technical specifications of the ELS

Technical specifications of the Industrial Ethernet ELS

Table 9-2 Electrical data


Transmission rate 10/100 Mbps
Power supply 24 V DC (18 - 32 V DC) safety extra-low voltage (SELV)
Power consumption 150 mA 200 mA 150 mA
Power loss at 24 V DC 3.6 W 4.8 W 3.6 W
Overvoltage protection at input PTC resettable fuse (0.6 A / 60 V)
Aging time 5 minutes
Interference emission EN 61000-6-4
Immunity EN 61000-6-2
MTBF 108.85 years 51 years 81.52 years

Depending on the variant, the following TP interfaces are available:
● Twistedpair port (RJ-45): TP cords or TP-XP cords with a maximum length of 10 m can
be connected to the RJ-45 TP port. In conjunction with IE FC outlet RJ-45, a total cable
length of up to 100 m is permitted.
● Twisted pair interface as insulation piercing contacts: IE FC TP cables with a maximum
length of up to 100 m can be connected to the TP interfaces with insulation piercing

Table 9-3 Interfaces


RJ-45 jacks 2 x (10/100 Mbps; TP) 8 x (10/100 Mbps; TP)
Insulation piercing contacts 2 x (10/100 Mbps) -
Connector for power supply 1 x 3-pin terminal block (L1+ (24 V), M, PE)

Further data

Table 9-4 Environmental conditions


Operating temperature 0 °C - +60 °C
Storage/transport temperature -40 °C - +80 °C
Relative humidity in operation < 95% (no condensation)
Operating altitude 2000 m at max. 56 °C ambient temperature
3,000 m at max. 50 °C ambient temperature
Degree of protection IP20

Industrial Ethernet Networking Manual

System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0 419
Part C: OSM, ESM and ELS
9.2 Electrical Lean Switch (ELS)

Table 9-5 Mechanical data


Dimensions (W x H x D) mm 145 x 126.5 x 62.5
Weight 950 g
Installation • DIN rail
• S7-300 standard rail
• Wall mounting
Installation in a 19" cubicle. Only horizontal installation
permitted(ventilation slit top/bottom)

Order numbers

Industrial Ethernet ELS TP40 6GK1 102-6AA00

Industrial Ethernet ELS TP40M 6GK1 102-6AB00
Industrial Ethernet ELS TP80 6GK1 102-7AA00

Industrial Ethernet Networking Manual

420 System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0
Part C: Passive components and accessories 10
10.1 Overview: Media, cables and connectors

Overview of the available types of cable, connectors and accessories

Twisted Pair-networks Fiber Optic-networks Wireless link

Star, linear bus, ring, tree Star, linear bus, ring, tree Wireless network
Network topology

FastConnect cables FO Standard Cable

ITP-Standard Cable FO Ground Cable
TP Cord FO Trailing Cable
POF Standard Cable
Transmission media
POF Trailing Cable
PCF Standard Cable GP
PCF Trailing Cable GP
PCF Trailing Cable

over FC RJ 45 Plug and FO Standard Cable over RJ 45 Plug and

FastConnect cables FO Ground Cable FastConnect cables
ITP Standard Cable FO Trailing Cable ITP Standard Cable
ITP XP Standard Cable POF Standard Cable ITP XP Standard Cable
Device connection TP Cord, TP XP Cord TP Cord, TP XP Cord
POF Trailing Cable
TP Converter Cord TP Converter Cord
PCF Standard Cable GP
PCF Trailing Cable GP
PCF Trailing Cable
Endgeräteanschluss über OMC
Outlet RJ45 BFOC connectors Antennas
FC Stripping Tool further components (incl. RCoax Cable)
FC RJ 45 Plug on request
Tools and accessories SC connectors
FC RJ45 Modular Outlet
SC RJ connectors
9-pin ITP sub-D connector
15-pin ITP sub-D connector

Not relevant since twisted-pair Not applicable Lightning protector

only used in the indoor area
Lightning converter

Manual for TP and fiber optic networks Included in SCALANCE W

scope of supply


Figure 10-1 Product overview of cables and connectors

Industrial Ethernet Networking Manual

System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0 421
Part C: Passive components and accessories
10.2 Contacts for special cables and special lengths

10.2 Contacts for special cables and special lengths

Contacts for special cables and special lengths

If you require special cables and special lengths of the cable types, please contact:
Jürgen Hertlein
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel.: + + 49 (911) 750-4465
Telefax: + 49 (911) 750-9991

10.3 Notes on installation of electrical and optical bus cables


For detailed information on laying electrical and optical bus cables, refer to the Appendix.

See also
Laying bus cables (Page 574)

Industrial Ethernet Networking Manual

422 System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0
Part C: Passive components and accessories
10.4 Components for electrical networks

10.4 Components for electrical networks

10.4.1 Twisted Pair Cord Twisted Pair Cord (4-wire for Fast Ethernet)

The cable consists of two pairs of wires each pair twisted together (PIMPF structure). Each
pair is shielded with an aluminum foil. The outer shield is a tinplated copper braid mesh. The
outer sheath is PVC.

Each pair of wires is shielded by a plastic laminated aluminum foil with an external contact
surface. All the pairs making up the cable are surrounded by a braided shield of tinplated
copper wires (coverage approximately 88%).

Wire pair 2 (white/orange)

Wire pair 1 (white/blue)

Jacket (green) Outer braided shield

(tin-plated copper braid)


Pair shielding
(plastic laminated
aluminum foil)

Plastic foil

Jacket (green)

Wire pair 2 (white/orange)

Plastic foil

Pair shielding
(plastic laminated
aluminum foils)

Outer braided shield Wire pair 1 (white/blue)

(tin-plated copper braid)

Figure 10-2 Structure of the twopair IE TP CORD (PIMF)

Industrial Ethernet Networking Manual

System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0 423
Part C: Passive components and accessories
10.4 Components for electrical networks

The IE TP CORD is labeled as follows:

Technical specifications

Table 10-1 Electrical data of the IE TP Cord 2x2 at 20 °C

Cable category complying CAT5

with EN 50173
DC loop resistance maximum 300 Ω/km
DC insulation resistance minimum 150 MΩ x km
Attenuation/100 m at 4 MHz maximum 5.7 dB
10 MHz 9.0 dB
100 MHz 28.5 dB
300 MHz 49.5 dB
Near end crosstalk loss at 4 MHz minimum 80 dB
(NEXT)/100 m 10 MHz 80 dB
100 MHz 72.5 dB
300 MHz 65 dB
Characteristic impedance at 1...100 MHz 100 Ω +15/-15 %
10...600 MHz 100 Ω +10/-10 %
Transfer impedance at 10 MHz maximum 10 mΩ/m
Return loss at 1...20 MHz minimum 23 dB
20..0.100 MHz 23 dB - 10log(f/20)
Longitudinal conversion loss at 64 KHz minimum 43 dB
Capacitance unbalance pair at 1 KHz maximum 1600 pF/km
to ground
Dielectric strength at 50 Hz effective value
- conductor/conductor 1 min 700 V
- conductor/shield 1 min 700 V

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424 System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0
Part C: Passive components and accessories
10.4 Components for electrical networks

Table 10-2 Mechanical data of the IE TP 2x2 Cord

Standard code LI 02YSCY 2x2x0.15/0.98 PIMF ICCS GN

Core diameter to AWG 26 0.5 mm
Core diameter with PE jacket 0.98 mm
Approx. thickness of PVC outer sheath approx. 0.5 mm
Outer diameter 3.7 x 5.8 +/- 0.2 mm
Permitted bending radius: over the flat side
Multiple bends > 60 mm
Single bend > 40 mm
Permitted tensile force ≤ 48 N
Temperature range:
Operation -40 °C to +70 °C
Installation/assembly -20 °C to +50 °C
Transport/storage -40 °C to +70 °C
Net weight 33 kg/km
Free of halogens no
Resistance to fire Flameretardant complying with DIN VDE 0472, Part 804 test type B
Resistance to oil Conditionally resistant to mineral oils and fats
Silicone-free yes

The available preassembled IE TP Cord 2x2 cables are listed in the section Preassembled
Twisted Pair Cord cables.

See also
Preassembled twisted-pair cords (Page 451)

Industrial Ethernet Networking Manual

System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0 425
Part C: Passive components and accessories
10.4 Components for electrical networks Twisted Pair Cord (8-wire for Gigabit Ethernet)

The cable consists of four pairs of wires. Each wire has a PE jacket. The pairs are twisted
together. Each pair is shielded with an aluminum foil. The outer shield is a tinplated copper
braid mesh. The material of the outer jacket is FRNC (flame-retardant, non-corrosive).

Figure 10-3 Structure of the Twisted Pair Cord (8-wire for Gigabit Ethernet)

The IE TP CORD is labeled as follows:
CAT6 * AWM STYLE 21283 *

Industrial Ethernet Networking Manual

426 System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0
Part C: Passive components and accessories
10.4 Components for electrical networks

Technical specifications

Table 10-3 Electrical data of the IE TP Cord 4x2 at 20 °C

Cable category complying CAT6

with EN 50173
DC loop resistance maximum 290 Ω/km
DC insulation resistance minimum 500 MΩ x km
Attenuation/100 m at 4 MHz maximum 5.5 dB
10 MHz 8.6 dB
100 MHz 28.0 dB
300 MHz 50.1 dB
Near end crosstalk loss at 4 MHz minimum 80 dB
(NEXT)/100 m 10 MHz 80 dB
100 MHz 72.4 dB
300 MHz 65.3 dB
Characteristic impedance at 1...300 MHz 100 Ω +15/-15 %
300..00.600 MHz 100 Ω +25/-25 %
Transfer impedance at 10 MHz maximum 10 mΩ/m
Return loss at 10 MHz minimum 25 dB
100 MHz 20.1 dB
350 MHz 17.3 dB
Capacitance unbalance pair at 1 KHz maximum 1600 pF/km
to ground
Dielectric strength at 50 Hz effective value
- conductor/conductor 1 min 700 V
- conductor/shield 1 min 700 V

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System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0 427
Part C: Passive components and accessories
10.4 Components for electrical networks

Table 10-4 Mechanical data of the IE TP 4x2 Cord

Standard code LI 02YSCH 4x2x0.15 PIMF GN FRNC

Core diameter to AWG 26 0.5 mm
Core diameter with PE insulation 1.0 mm
Approx. thickness of FRNC outer sheath approx. 0.5 mm
Outer diameter (6.2 +/- 0.3) mm
Permitted bending radius:
Multiple bends 7 x outer diameter
Single bend 5 x outer diameter
Temperature range:
Operation -25 °C to +70 °C
Installation/assembly -20 °C to +50 °C
Transport/storage -25 °C to +70 °C
Net weight 50 kg/km
Free of halogens yes
Resistance to fire Flame retardant to IEC 60332-1
Silicone-free yes

The available preassembled IE TP Cord 4 x 2 cables are listed in the section "Preassembled
Industrial Twisted Pair and twisted pair cables".

See also
Preassembled twisted-pair (TP) and Industrial Twisted Pair (ITP) cables (Page 451)

10.4.2 FastConnect (FC) twisted-pair cables FastConnect (FC) twisted-pair cables 4-wire for 100 Mbps Ethernet

The FastConnect (FC) twisted-pair cable is a shielded cable with a symmetrical radial design
and 100 W characteristic impedance. The cable consists of 4 conductors arranged as a star
The IE FC Standard Cable and IE FC Food Cable have solid cores, the other cables (the
IE FC Trailing Cable, the IE FC Trailing Cable GP, the IE FC Flexible Cable GP, the
IE FC Marine Cable, the IE FC Torsion Cable and the IE FC FRNC Cable and IE FC
Festoon Cable) have stranded cores.

Industrial Ethernet Networking Manual

428 System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0
Part C: Passive components and accessories
10.4 Components for electrical networks

(star quad)
Jacket Outer braided shield
(tin-plated copper braid) Plastic foil


Plastic laminated
aluminum foil

Inner jacket

Dummy core


aluminum foil Dummy core

Outer jacket
Outer braided shield

Inner jacket
Plastic foil

Figure 10-4 Basic structure of the FastConnect (FC) twisted pair cable

Industrial Ethernet Networking Manual

System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0 429
Part C: Passive components and accessories
10.4 Components for electrical networks

Table 10-5 Product overview of the IE FC Cable 2 x 2 (PROFINET-compliant according to PROFINET

Installation Guide 1))


AWG 22/1 AWG 22/7 flexible cable for AWG 22
rigid cable occasional movement highly flexible cable for
constant movement, for
example drag chains or
IE FC TP Standard Cable
GP 2 x 2 X - -
(Type A)
6XV1 840-2AH10
IE FC TP Flexible Cable GP
2x2 - X -
(Type B)
6XV1 870-2B
IE FC TP Trailing Cable GP
2x2 - - X
(Type C)
6XV1 870-2D
IE FC TP Trailing Cable 2 x 2
(Type C) - - X
6XV1 840-3AH10
IE TP Torsion Cable GP
2x2 - - X
(Type C)
6XV1 870-2F
2x2 - X -
(Type B)
6XV1 871-2F
IE FC TP Marine Cable 2 x 2
(Type B) - X -
6XV1 840-4AH10

1) Available as download from

Industrial Ethernet Networking Manual

430 System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0
Part C: Passive components and accessories
10.4 Components for electrical networks

Table 10-6 Electrical data of the FastConnect (FC) twisted pair cables

Cable type 1) IE FC Standard Cable GP IE FC flexible cable GP IE FC torsion cable GP

2 x 2 (Type A) 2 x 2 (Type B) 2 x 2 (Type C)
Areas of application Universal application Occasional movement Use in robots
Cable specification Cat 5E Cat 5E Cat 5E
Electrical data (at 20 °C)
at 10 MHz typically 5.2 dB/100 m typically 6 dB/100 m typically 7.6 dB/100 m
at 100 MHz typically 19.5 dB/100 m typically 21 dB/100 m typically 41 dB/100 m
Characteristic impedance
at 1-100 MHz 100 Ω ± 15 Ω 100 Ω ± 15 Ω 100 Ω ± 15 Ω
Near end crosstalk loss
at 1-100 MHz typically ≥ 50 dB/100 m typically ≥ 50 dB/100 m ≥ 50 dB/100 m
Transfer impedance
at 10 MHz ≤ 115 Ω/km ≤ 100 mΩ/m ≤ 100 mΩ/m
DC loop resistance ≤ 124 Ω/km ≤ 120 Ω/km ≤ 120 Ω/km
DC insulation resistance > 500 MΩ x km > 500 MΩ x km > 500 MΩ x km
Transmission range
with IE FC RJ-45 Plug 100 m 85 m 55 m
with IE FC Outlet RJ-45 90 m 75 m 45 m

Industrial Ethernet Networking Manual

System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0 431
Part C: Passive components and accessories
10.4 Components for electrical networks

Table 10-7 Mechanical data of the FastConnect (FC) twisted pair cables

Cable type IE FC Standard IE FC flexible cable GP IE FC torsion cable GP

Cable GP 2 x 2 (Type A) 2 x 2 (Type B) 2 x 2 (Type C)
Cabling 2YY (ST) CY 2x2x0.64/1.5- 2YY (ST) CY 2x2x0.75/1.5- 02YS (ST) C11Y 1 x 4 x 0.7
(Standard code) 100 GN 100LI GN 5/1.5-100LI GN VZN FRNC
Inner wire diameter (copper) 0.64 mm, AWG22 0.75 mm, AWG22 0.76 mm, AWG22
Core insulation PE Ø 1.5 mm PE Ø 1.5 mm PE ∅ 1.5 mm
Inner jacket PVC Ø 3.9 mm PVC Ø 3.9 mm Ø 4.6 mm
Jacket PVC Ø (6.5 ± 0.2) mm PVC Ø (6.5 ± 0.2) mm PUR Ø (6.5 ± 0.2) mm
Perm. ambient conditions
Operating temperature
Transport/storage -40 ºC to +75 ºC -10 ºC to +70 ºC -40 ºC to +80 ºC
temperature -40 ºC to +75 ºC -40 ºC to +70 ºC -40 ºC to +80 ºC
Installation temperature -20 ºC to +60 ºC -20 ºC to +60 ºC -20 ºC to +60 ºC
Permitted bending radius
multiple 7.5 x ∅ 8x∅ 15 x ∅
single 3x∅ 5x∅ 5x∅
Bending cycles - - - 4)
Permitted tensile force ≤ 150 N ≤ 150 N ≤ 130 N
Weight approx. approx. 67 kg/km approx. 68 kg/km approx. 54 kg/km
Free of halogens no no yes
Resistance to fire Flame retardant to Flame retardant to Flame retardant to
UL 1685 (CSA FT 4) UL 1685 (CSA FT 4) IEC 60332-1-2
Resistance to oil Conditionally resistant Conditionally resistant Conditionally resistant
UL listing / 300 V rating yes/CM/CMG/PLTC/Sun Res yes/CM/CMG/PLTC/Sun Res UL Style 21161
UL style / 600 V rating yes no no
CCC certificate 5) Not necessary Not necessary Not necessary
UV resistance yes yes yes
Fast Connect cable structure yes yes no
Silicone-free yes yes yes

Industrial Ethernet Networking Manual

432 System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0
Part C: Passive components and accessories
10.4 Components for electrical networks

Table 10-8 Electrical data of the FastConnect (FC) twisted pair cables

Cable type 1) IE FC Trailing IE FC Trailing IE FC Marine

Cable GP 2 x 2 (Type C) Cable 2 x 2 (Type C) Cable 2 x 2 (Type B)
Areas of application Use in drag chains Use in drag chains Marine and offshore use 2)
Cable specification Cat 5E Cat 5E Cat 5E
Electrical data (at 20 °C)
at 10 MHz 6.3 dB/100 m 6.3 dB/100 m 6 dB/100 m
at 100 MHz 22.3 dB/100 m 22.3 dB/100 m 22 dB/100 m
Characteristic impedance
at 1-100 MHz 100 Ω ± 5 Ω 100 Ω ± 15 Ω 100 Ω ± 15 Ω
Near end crosstalk loss
at 1-100 MHz ≥ 50 dB/100 m ≥ 50 dB/100 m ≥ 50 dB/100 m
Transfer impedance
at 10 MHz ≤ 10 mΩ/m ≤ 10 mΩ/m ≤ 10 mΩ/m
DC loop resistance ≤ 120 Ω/km ≤ 120 Ω/km ≤ 120 Ω/km
DC insulation resistance > 500 MΩ x km > 500 MΩ x km > 500 MΩ x km
Transmission range
with IE FC RJ-45 Plug 85 m 85 m 85 m
with IE FC Outlet RJ-45 75 m 75 m 75 m

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Part C: Passive components and accessories
10.4 Components for electrical networks

Table 10-9 Mechanical data of the FastConnect (FC) twisted pair cables

Cable type IE FC Trailing IE FC Trailing IE FC Marine

Cable GP 2 x 2 (Type C) Cable 2 x 2 (Type C) Cable 2 x 2 (Type B)
Cabling 2YY (ST) CY 2x2x0.75/1.5-1 2YH (ST) C11Y 2 x 2 x 0.75/ L-9YH (ST) CH 2 x 2 x 0.34/
(Standard code) 00 LI GN 1.5-100 LI GN VZN FRNC 1.5-100 GN VZN FRNC

Inner wire diameter (copper) 0.75 mm, AWG22 0.75 mm, AWG22 0.75 mm, AWG22
Core insulation PE Ø 1.5 mm PE Ø 1.5 mm PP Ø 1.5 mm
Inner jacket PVC Ø 3.9 mm FRNC Ø 3.9 mm FRNC Ø 3.9 mm
Jacket PVC Ø (6.5 ± 0.2) mm PUR Ø (6.5 ± 0.2) mm FRNC Ø (6.5 ± 0.2) mm
Perm. ambient conditions
Operating temperature
Transport/storage -25 ºC to +75 ºC -40 ºC to +75 ºC -25 ºC to +70 ºC
temperature -25 ºC to +75 ºC -50 ºC to +75 ºC -40 ºC to +70 ºC
Installation temperature -10 ºC to +60 ºC -20 ºC to +60 ºC 0 ºC to +50 ºC
Permitted bending radius
multiple 7.5 x ∅ 7.5 x ∅ 15 x ∅
single 5x∅ 3x∅ 6x∅
Bending cycles 3 million 3) 4 million 3) -
Permitted tensile force ≤ 150 N ≤ 150 N ≤ 150 N
Weight approx. approx. 68 kg/km approx. 63 kg/km approx. 68 kg/km
Free of halogens no yes yes
Resistance to fire Flame retardant to Flame retardant to Flame test to IEC 60332-
UL 1685 (CSA FT 4) IEC 60332-1 3-22; flame retardant to
UL 1685 (CSA FT 4)
Resistance to oil Conditionally resistant Conditionally resistant Conditionally resistant
UL listing / 300 V rating yes/CMG/PLTC/Sun Res yes/CMX yes/CM/CMG/PLTC/Sun Res
UL style / 600 V rating yes no no
CCC certificate 5) Not necessary Not necessary Not necessary
UV resistance yes yes yes
Fast Connect cable structure yes yes yes
Silicone-free yes yes yes

1) Electrical properties at 20 °C, tested to DIN 0472

2) Shipbuilding approvals:
- Germanischer Lloyd
- Lloyds Register of Shipping
- Bureau Veritas
- Det Norske Veritas
- ABS Europe LTD
3) at a bending diameter of 200 mm

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4) Torsion-resistant cable for the following requirements:

min. 5 million torsion movements on 1 m cable +/- 180 º
5) All SIMATIC NET cables with order numbers beginning 6XV1 do not require a CCC
certificate (confirmation available)

● IE FC Standard Cable GP 2 x 2:
Standard bus cable with rigid cores and specially designed for fast assembly. Four rigid
conductors are arranged as a star quad.
● IE FC Flexible Cable GP 2 x 2:
Flexible bus cable for special applications with occasional movement; four wires
(stranded) arranged as a star quad.
● IE FC Torsion Cable GP 2 x 2:
Highly flexible bus cable for special applications with constant movement, for example for
use in robots; stranded cores.
● IE FC Trailing Cable GP 2 x 2:
Highly flexible bus cable for special applications with constant movement in a in a drag
chain, for example for permanently moving machine parts; not halogen-free; four wires
(stranded) arranged as start quad.
● FC TP Trailing Cable 2 x 2:
Highly flexible bus cable for special applications with constant movement in a in a drag
chain, for example for permanently moving machine parts; halogen-free; four wires
(stranded) arranged as start quad.
● IE FC Marine Cable 2 x 2:
Bus cable specially for use on ships; halogen-free, certified for shipbuilding; four wires
(stranded) arranged as star quad.

For structured cabling in the factory
● Time-saving due to simple and fast installation with FastConnect cables to the Industrial
Ethernet FC Outlet RJ-45 and IE FC RJ-45 Plug with insulation piercing technique.
● Convenient stripping with the FastConnect Stripping Tool, with which the outer jacket and
braid shield can be removed to the perfect length in one step.
● Versatile application due to special bus cables
● High noise immunity due to double shielding
● Easy length measurement with printed meter markers
● Exceeds the requirements of category 5 (CAT5e) of the international cabling standards
ISO/IEC 11801 and EN 50173
● Silicone-free and therefore suitable for use in the automobile industry (for example in
paint shops)

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Part C: Passive components and accessories
10.4 Components for electrical networks

Notes on Installation
The bus cables are sold in meters.
Using the IE FastConnect stripping tool, the outer jacket and shield of IE FastConnect cables
can be stripped to correct lengths in a single action. This allows the Outlet RJ-45 and the IE
FC R-45 Plug to be connected quickly and simply to the Industrial Ethernet FC cable.
Reduced length
Due to the stranded cores used in the cable variants, the signal attenuation is higher. For
precise values, refer to the above tables in the electrical data. Make sure that you take this
into account in your configuration.
Do not assemble with D-sub connectors
FastConnect twisted-pair cables are not suitable for the use of Industrial Twisted Pair D-sub
connectors due to their diameter. If you assemble Industrial Twisted Pair cables yourself with
D-sub connectors, use only Industrial Twisted Pair cable!
Laying cables
During storage, transport, and installation, the bus cables must be closed at both ends with a
shrink-on cover. Make sure that you do not exceed the bend radii and tensile stress!

Table 10-10 Ordering data

Order number
IE FC TP Standard Cable GP 2 x 2 (Type A) 6XV1 840-2AH10
TP installation cable for attachment to Industrial Ethernet FC Outlet
RJ-45 for general application, 4-wire, shielded, sold in meters,
maximum length available 1000 m, minimum length available 20 m.
IE FC TP Flexible Cable GP 2 x 2 (Type B) 6XV1 870-2B
4-wire, shielded TP installation cable for connection to
IE FC Outlet RJ-45/ IE FC RJ-45 Plug for occasional movement;
PROFINET-compliant; with UL approval;
sold in meters; maximum length available. 1000 m, minimum length
available 20 m
IE FC TP Trailing Cable GP 2 x 2 (Type C) 6XV1 870-2D
4-wire, shielded TP installation cable for connection to
IE FC Outlet RJ-45/ IE FC RJ-45 Plug for drag chains;
PROFINET-compliant; with UL approval;
sold in meters; maximum length available. 1000 m, minimum length
available 20 m
IE FC TP Trailing Cable 2 x 2 (Type C) 6XV1 840-3AH10
4-wire, shielded TP installation cable for connection to
IE FC Outlet RJ-45/ IE FC RJ-45 Plug 180/90 for drag chains;
PROFINET-compliant; with UL approval;
sold in meters; maximum length available. 1000 m, minimum length
available 20 m

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Part C: Passive components and accessories
10.4 Components for electrical networks

Order number
IE TP Torsion Cable GP 2 x 2 (Type C) 6XV1 870-2F
4-wire, shielded TP installation cable for connection to
IE FC Outlet RJ-45/ IE FC RJ-45 Plug for use with robots;
PROFINET-compliant; with UL approval;
sold in meters; maximum length available. 1000 m, minimum length
available 20 m
IE FC TP FRNC Cable GP 2 x 2 (Type B) 6XV1 871-2F
TP installation cable for connection to FC OUTLET RJ-45, 4-wire,
shielded, CAT 5, sold in meters, maximum length available 1000 m,
minimum length available 20 m
IE FC TP Marine Cable 2 x 2 (Type B) 6XV1 840-4AH10
4-wire, shielded TP installation cable for connection to
IE FC Outlet RJ-45/ IE FC RJ-45 Plug 180/90 shipbuilding certified;
sold in meters; maximum length available. 1000 m, minimum length
available 20 m
IE FC Stripping Tool 6GK1 901-1GA00
Preset insulation stripping tool for fast stripping of Industrial Ethernet
FC cables
IE FC blade cassettes (12 mm) 6GK1 901-1GB00
Cassette with spare blades for the Industrial Ethernet Stripping Tool;
for use with IE FC Outlet RJ-45, ELS TP40, set of 5
IE FC blade cassettes (5 mm) 6GK1 901-1GB01
Cassette with spare blades for the Industrial Ethernet Stripping Tool;
for use with IE FC RJ-45 Plugs and IE FC RJ45 Modular Outlet, set of
IE FC Outlet RJ-45 6GK1 901-1FC00 0AA0
For connecting Industrial Ethernet FC cables and TP Cords;
graduated price as of 10 and 50 connectors
IE FC RJ-45 Plug 180
RJ-45 cable connector for Industrial Ethernet with robust metal casing
and integrated insulation piercing contacts for connection of the
Industrial Ethernet FC installation cables; with 180° cable outlet; for
network components and CPs/CPUs with Industrial Ethernet interface
1 pack of 1
6GK1 901-1BB10-2AA0
1 pack of 10
6GK1 901-1BB10-2AB0
1 pack of 50
6GK1 901-1BB10-2AE0
IE FC RJ-45 Plug 90
RJ-45 cable connector for Industrial Ethernet with robust metal casing
and integrated insulation piercing contacts for connection of the
Industrial Ethernet FC installation cables; with 90° cable outlet; for
ET 200S
6GK1 901-1BB20-2AA0
1 pack of 1
6GK1 901-1BB20-2AB0
1 pack of 10
6GK1 901-1BB20-2AE0
1 pack of 50

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10.4 Components for electrical networks

Order number
IE FC RJ-45 Plug 145
RJ-45 cable connector for Industrial Ethernet with robust metal casing
and integrated insulation piercing contacts for connection of the
Industrial Ethernet FC installation cables; with 145° cable outlet; for
6GK1 901-1BB30-0AA0
1 pack of 1
6GK1 901-1BB30-0AB0
1 pack of 10
6GK1 901-1BB30-0AE0
1 pack of 50
SIMATIC NET Manual Collection 6GK1 975-1AA00-3AA0
Electronic manuals for communication systems, protocols, products;
on CD-ROM;
German/English FastConnect (FC) twisted-pair cables 8-wire for Gigabit Ethernet

Cable structure







Figure 10-5 FastConnect (FC) twisted-pair cables 8-wire

The FastConnect (FC) Industrial Ethernet cable IE FC Cable 4x2 has a particularly robust
design for industrial applications. Its shielded, symmetrical, radial structure allows the use of
the IE FC stripping tool.

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10.4 Components for electrical networks

Table 10-11 Electrical data of the 8-wire FastConnect (FC) twisted pair cable:

Cable type 1) IE FC standard cable GP 4x2

Areas of application Universal application
Cable specification Cat 6
at 10 MHz typically 6.0 dB/100 m
at 100 MHz typically 19.9 dB/100 m
at 250 MHz typically 33.0 dB/100 m
Characteristic impedance
at 1-100 MHz 100 Ω ± 15 Ω
Near end crosstalk loss
at 10 MHz typically 59.3 dB/100 m
at 100 MHz typically 44.3 dB/100 m
at 250 MHz typically 38.3 dB/100 m
Transfer impedance
at 10 MHz ≤ 10 mΩ/m
DC loop resistance ≤ 118 Ω/km
DC insulation resistance > 5000 MΩ x km
Transmission range
with IE FC RJ-45 Modular Outlet RJ-45 90 m

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10.4 Components for electrical networks

Table 10-12 Mechanical data of the FastConnect (FC) twisted pair cables

Cable type 1) IE FC standard cable GP 4x2

Cabling SF/UTP 4x2xAWG22
(Standard code)
Inner wire diameter (copper) 0.64 mm; AWG22
Core insulation PE Ø 1.25 mm
Inner jacket/thickness LSOH approx. 0.6 mm
Jacket/outer diameter PVC Ø (9.6 ± 0.3) mm; green
Perm. ambient conditions
Operating temperature
Transport/storage temperature -40 ºC to +70 ºC
Installation temperature -40 ºC to +70 ºC
-20 ºC to +60 ºC
Permitted bending radius
in operation 55 mm
during installation 80 mm
Bending cycles -
Permitted tensile force ≤ 180 N
Total weight approx. 115 kg/km
Free of halogens no
Resistance to fire Flame retardant to IEC 60332-1
Resistance to oil Conditionally resistant
UL approval CMG, PLTC
UL style / 600 V rating -
CCC certificate yes
UV resistance no
Fast Connect cable structure yes
Silicone-free yes

1) Electrical properties at 20 °C; tested to DIN 0472

The IE FC Standard Cable GP 4x2 is an 8-wire, shielded TP installation cable for connection
to IE FC RJ-45 Modular Outlet for universal application. It is a standard bus cable with rigid
cores and is specially designed for fast assembly with corresponding UL approval (general
purpose) for installation in cable bundles and on cable racks according to the regulations of
the NEC (National Electrical Code) Article 800/725.

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10.4 Components for electrical networks

Notes on Installation
The bus cables are sold in meters and have meter markers printed on them.
Using the IE FC stripping tool, the outer jacket and shield of IE FC 4x2 cables can be
stripped to correct lengths in a single action. This allows the IE FC RJ-45 modular outlet to
be connected quickly and simply to the IE FC 4x2 cable.
Note: The user may need to readjust the IE FC stripping tool 6GK1 901-1GA00 for the 4x2
cable variant. The two setting screws of the knife cassette on the stripping tool must be
opened by approximately half a turn. An IE FC stripping tool preset for 4x2 cables is in
Laying cables
During storage, transport, and installation, the bus cable must be closed at both ends with a
shrink-on cover. Make sure that the bend radii and tensile stress are not exceeded!

The IE FC Standard Cable GP 4x2 has the following printed on it every meter:
CAT6 6XV1870-2E AWG22 SUN RES OIL RES (UL) CMG FT4 E137929 + "lot" + "meter

Table 10-13 Ordering data

Order number
IE FC TP Standard Cable GP 4x2 6XV1 870-2E
TP installation cable for attachment to Industrial Ethernet FC RJ-45
Modular Outlet for general application, 8-wire, shielded, sold in
meters, maximum length available 1000 m, minimum length available
20 m
IE FC Stripping Tool 6GK1 901-1GA00
Insulation stripping tool for fast stripping of Industrial Ethernet FC
cables IE FC TP FRNC cable GP 2x2

With its flexible cores (stranded wires), this halogen-free cable is suitable for applications
with occasional movement. The cable has the FastConnect cable structure and can
therefore by stripped with the FastConnect stripping tool and can be assembled with all
FastConnect IE connectors.

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10.4 Components for electrical networks

Table 10-14 Electrical data of the IE FC TP FRNC Cable GP 2x2:

Cable type 1) IE FC TP FRNC cable GP 2x2

Areas of application Machine parts that are moved occasionally
Cable specification Cat5e
at 10 MHz 6 dB/100 m
at 100 MHz 22 dB/100 m
Characteristic impedance
at 1-100 MHz 100 ± 15 Ω
Near end crosstalk loss
at 1-100 MHz ≥ 50 dB/100 m
Transfer impedance
at 10 MHz ≤ 10 mΩ/km
DC loop resistance ≤ 120 Ω/km
Dielectric resistance ≥ 500 MΩ km
Transmission range
with IE FC RJ-45 Plug 85 m
with IE FC Outlet RJ-45 75 m

Table 10-15 Mechanical data of the IE FC TP FRNC Cable GP 2x2:

Cable type (standard code) L-9YH(ST)CH 2X2X0.34/1.5-100 GN VZN FRNC

Inner wire diameter (copper) 0.75 mm (AWG 22)
Core insulation PP, Ø 1.5 mm
Inner jacket FRNC, Ø 3.9 mm
Jacket PE Ø (6.5 ± 0.2) mm
Perm. ambient conditions
Operating temperature -25 ºC to +70 ºC
Transport/storage temperature -40 ºC to +70 ºC
Installation temperature 0 ºC to +50 ºC
Permitted bending radius
multiple 15 x Ø
single 6xØ
Bending cycles -
Permitted tensile force ≤ 150 N
Weight approx. 68 kg/km
Free of halogens Yes
Resistance to fire Flame retardant to IEC 60332-3-22
Resistance to oil Conditionally resistant
UL listing / 300 V rating CMG/PLTC/Sun Res
UL style / 600 V rating No
UV resistance Yes
Fast Connect cable structure Yes

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10.4 Components for electrical networks

Cable type (standard code) L-9YH(ST)CH 2X2X0.34/1.5-100 GN VZN FRNC

Silicone-free Yes
Shipbuilding approvals -

1) Electrical properties at 20 °C; tested to DIN 47 250 Part 4 or DIN VDE 0472

Table 10-16 Ordering data

Order number
IE FC TP FRNC cable GP 2x2 6XV1 871-2F IE FC TP Food Cable 2x2 and IE FC Festoon Cable GP 2x2

With its PE outer jacket and stranded wires, the IE FC TP food cable is especially suitable
for applications in the food, beverages and tobacco sector. The cable has the FastConnect
cable structure and can therefore by stripped with the FastConnect stripping tool and can be
assembled with all FastConnect IE connectors.
Due to its mechanical design (stranded wires and PUR outer jacket), the IE FC Festoon
Cable GP 2x2 is especially suitable for festoon applications on cranes. The cable has the
FastConnect cable structure and can therefore by stripped with the FastConnect stripping
tool and can be assembled with all FastConnect IE connectors.

Table 10-17 Electrical data of the IE FC TP Food Cable 2x2 and IE FC Festoon Cable GP 2x2:

Cable type 1) IE FC TP Food Cable 2x2 IE FC Festoon Cable GP 2x2

Areas of application Food, beverages and tobacco industry Festoon cables
Cable specification Cat5e Cat5e
at 10 MHz 6.9 dB/100 m 6.0 dB/100 m
at 100 MHz 23.5 dB/100 m 23.5 dB/100 m
Characteristic impedance
at 1-100 MHz 100 ± 15 Ω 100 ± 15 Ω
Near end crosstalk loss ≥ 50 dB/100 m ≥ 50 dB/100 m
at 1-100 MHz
Transfer impedance ≤ 10 mΩ/km ≤ 10 mΩ/km
at 10 MHz
DC loop resistance ≤ 120 Ω/km ≤ 120 Ω/km
Dielectric resistance ≥ 500 MΩ km ≥ 500 MΩ km
Transmission range
with IE FC RJ-45 Plug 85 m 85 m
with IE FC Outlet RJ-45 75 m 75 m

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Part C: Passive components and accessories
10.4 Components for electrical networks

Table 10-18 Mechanical data of the FastConnect (FC) twisted pair cables

Cable type (standard code) 2YH(ST)C2Y 2x2x0.75/1.5-100LI 2YY(ST)CY 2x2x0.75/1.5 LI GN

Inner wire diameter (copper) 0.25 mm (AWG 22) 0.25 mm (AWG 22)
Core insulation PE, Ø 1.5 mm PE, Ø 1.5 mm
Inner jacket FRNC, Ø 3.9 mm PVC, Ø 3.9 mm
Jacket PE Ø (6.5 ± 0.2) mm PVC Ø (6.5 ± 0.2) mm
Perm. ambient conditions
Operating temperature -40 ºC to +75 ºC -40 ºC to +75 ºC
Transport/storage temperature -45 ºC to +75 ºC -45 ºC to +75 ºC
Installation temperature -20 ºC to +60 ºC -20 ºC to +60 ºC
Permitted bending radius
multiple 0.05 m 0.07 m
single 0.02 m 0.03 m
Bending cycles - 5 million
Permitted tensile force ≤ 150 N ≤ 150 N
Weight approx. 55 kg/km approx. 68 kg/km
Free of halogens Yes No
Resistance to fire - Flame retardant to IEC 60332-1
Resistance to oil Conditionally resistant Conditionally resistant
UL listing / 300 V rating - Yes / CMG/PLTC/SUNRES/OIL RES
UL style / 600 V rating - Yes
UV resistance Yes Yes
Fast Connect cable structure Yes Yes
Silicone-free Yes Yes
Shipbuilding approvals - -

1) Electrical properties at 20 °C; tested to DIN 0472 Part 4 or DIN VDE 0472

Table 10-19 Ordering data

Order number
IE FC TP Food Cable 2x2 6XV1 871-2L
IE FC Festoon Cable GP 2x2 6XV1 871-2S

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10.4 Components for electrical networks

10.4.3 IE Hybrid Cable

Cable structure

Figure 10-6 Structure of the IE Hybrid Cable

The cables for data transmission have a shielded, symmetrical, radial design. Four cables for
power transmission are arranged around them. The entire cable is surrounded by a 1 mm
thick green FRNC jacket.
Due to the different structure compared with FastConnect (FC) Industrial Ethernet cables,
the IE FC stripping tool cannot be used.

Table 10-20 Technical specifications of the IE Hybrid Cable 2x2 + 4x0.34:

Cable type 1) IE Hybrid Cable 2x2 + 4x0.34

Areas of application Universal application
Data line:
Cable specification CAT 5e
at 10 MHz typically 7.5 dB/100 m
at 100 MHz typically 26 dB/100 m
Characteristic impedance
at 1-100 MHz 100 Ω ± 15 Ω
Near end crosstalk loss
at 10 MHz typically 50.3 dB/100 m
at 100 MHz typically 35.3 dB/100 m
Transfer impedance
at 10 MHz ≤ 10 mΩ/m
DC loop resistance ≤ 120 Ω/km

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10.4 Components for electrical networks

Cable type 1) IE Hybrid Cable 2x2 + 4x0.34

DC insulation resistance > 500 MΩ x km
Range with IE FC Outlet RJ-45 80 m + 5 m IE TP Cord
Power supply line:
Cable resistance < 54 Ω/km
Max. current per core < 0.35 A
DC insulation resistance > 20 MΩ x km
Operating voltage (peak) < 100 V

Table 10-21 Mechanical specifications of the IE Hybrid Cable 2x2 + 4x0.34:

Cable type 1) IE Hybrid Cable 2x2 + 4x0.34

Data line:
Cable type (standard code) 2YH(ST)C 2x2x0.75/1.5LI
Inner wire diameter (copper) 0.76 mm; 7 x 0.25 (AWG22)
Core insulation PE; Ø 1.6 mm
Power supply line:
Cable type (standard code) 4 x LIH 1x0.34/1,6; 2 x black, 2 x brown
Inner wire diameter (copper) 0.76 mm; 7 x 0.25 (AWG22)
Core insulation FRNC; Ø 1.5 mm
Entire cable:
Cable type (standard code) 2YH(ST)C 2x2x0.75/1.5LI
LIH H 2x2x0.34/1.6 GN FRNC
Jacket/outer diameter FRNC; green / (8.5 + 0.2 - 0.4) mm
Perm. ambient conditions
Operating temperature; no current over power supply cores -25 ºC to +70 ºC
Operating temperature; max. 0.35 A per power supply core -25 ºC to +65 ºC
Transport/storage temperature -25 ºC to +70 ºC
Installation temperature -25 ºC to +70 ºC
Permitted bending radius
- single 5 x cable diameter
- multiple 10 x cable diameter
Bending cycles -
Permitted tensile force ≤ 260 N
Total weight approx. 105 kg/km
Free of halogens no
Resistance to fire Flame retardant to IEC 60332-1
Resistance to oil Conditionally resistant
UL approval CMG, PLTC
UL style / 600 V rating yes
CCC certificate yes
UV resistance yes

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10.4 Components for electrical networks

Cable type 1) IE Hybrid Cable 2x2 + 4x0.34

Fast Connect cable structure no
Silicone-free yes

1) Electrical properties at 20 °C; tested to DIN 0472

Notes on Installation
The IE Hybrid Cable 2x2 + 4x0.34 is available in meters.
Due to its design, it is not possible to use the IE FC stripping tool.
To keep the voltage drop over the power supply cable as low as possible, the two cables
with the same color should be connected in parallel. Please note that the power supply
voltage at the input to the cable must be higher than the minimum permitted power supply of
the device being supplied by the amount of power drop over the outward and return
conductor. On the other hand, the power supply voltage must not exceed the maximum
permitted power supply of the device being supplied when no current is flowing.
The specified current of 0.35 A per wire of the power supply cable means a maximum
current of 0.7 A when two wires are connected in parallel for the outward and return cables.
Note that in this case, with an 80 m long IE Hybrid Cable, the voltage input must be >= 24 V
to supply the consumer with a voltage of at least 20.4 V.
If the maximum permitted current over the power supply cables is exceeded permanently,
the data transmission characteristics of the data lines can no longer be guaranteed. Their
attenuation characteristics deteriorate with increasing temperature. For this reason, if 0.35 A
is applied to each wire, the lower maximum ambient temperature of +65 °c applies.

The IE Hybrid Cable 2x2 + 4x0.34 has the following printed on it:
"continuous length in meters" SIEMENS SIMATIC NET IE Hybridcable 2x2 +
4x0.34 6XV1870-2J CAT V * 22AWG (SHIELDED) (UL) E119100 CMG 75°C or PLTC or
AWM 21287 600V FT4 SUN RES

Order number

Order number
IE Hybrid Cable 2x2 + 4x0.34 6XV1 870-2J
Flexible cable; 4 x Cu CAT 5e, shielded (AWG 22) and 4 x CU (0.34
mm2 per core) for IE FC RJ-45 Modular Outlet with Power Insert and
Hybrid cable connector IP67; available in meters; maximum length
available 1000 m.

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10.4 Components for electrical networks

10.4.4 Industrial Twisted Pair cables (ITP)

Structure of the ITP Standard Cable for Industrial Ethernet

The standard cable is designed as a 100 ohm S/STP cable
(Screened/Shielded Twisted Pair) with two pairs of wires. The basic element consists of two
twisted wires along with two blind elements, known as a twisted pair.
The wires are solid copper covered by an insulation layer of cellular polyethylene which is
further covered by a noncellular foam skin. The color coding of the conductors can be seen
in Table 4-2. The outer sheath is green PVC.

Table 10-22 Color coding of the pairs

Pair 1 2
Conductor a white White
Conductor b blue Orange

Each pair of wires is shielded by two plastic laminated aluminum foils with an external
contact surface. All the pairs making up the cable are surrounded by a braided shield of tin-
plated copper wires (coverage approximately 90%).

Wire pair 2 (white/orange)

Wire pair 1 (white/blue)
Jacket (green) Outer braided shield elements
(tin-plated copper braid) (wire pair 1)


Pair shielding
(plastic laminated
Meter marker aluminum foils)
(consecutive number)
Plastic foil
Dummy elements
(wire pair 2)
Jacket (green)

Wire pair 2 (white/orange)

Plastic foil

Pair shielding
(plastic laminated
aluminum foils)

Outer braided shield Wire pair 1 (white/blue)

(tin-plated copper braid)
Dummy element

Figure 10-7 Structure of the 2 x 2-wire Industrial Twisted Pair standard cable

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The standard cable has the following printed on it
There are markers printed at one meter intervals. These make it simple to check the length
of the cable.

Structure of the ITP FRNC Cable for Industrial Ethernet

The structure is basically the same as that of the standard cable. In contrast to the standard
cable, the outer jacket is of halogen-free material (FRNC).

The FRNC cable has the following printed on it
CAT5 6XV1851-0AH10* 22AWG (SHIELDED) (UL) E119100 CMG 75°C or
PLTC FT4 SUN RES (meter marker)".

Table 10-23 Electrical data of the ITP Standard Cable and ITP FRNC Cable at 20 °C

Cable category complying CAT5

with EN 50173
DC loop resistance maximum 124 Ω/km
DC insulation resistance minimum 5 GΩ x km
Attenuation/100 m at 4 MHz maximum 3.6 dB
10 MHz 5.7 dB
100 MHz 18.0 dB
Near end crosstalk loss at 1 to 300 MHz minimum 80 dB
(NEXT)/100 m
Characteristic impedance at 1...100 MHz 100 Ω +15/-15 %
100...300 MHz 100 Ω +45/-30 %
Transfer impedance at 10 MHz maximum 2 mΩ/m
Return loss at 1...100 MHz minimum 23 dB
100...300 MHz 15 dB
Longitudinal conversion loss at 64 KHz related to 100 m minimum 43 dB
Capacitance unbalance pair maximum 3400 pF/km
to ground
Operating voltage effective value ≤ 165 V

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Table 10-24 Mechanical data of the ITP Standard Cable and ITP FRNC Cable

ITP Standard Cable for ITP FRNC Cable for Industrial Ethernet
Industrial Ethernet
Standard code J-02YSCY 2x2x0.64/1.5 PIMF F GN J-02YSCY 2x2x0.64/1.5 PIMF F GN
Core diameter to AWG 22 0.64 mm 0.64 mm
Outer diameter approx. (6.0 x 9.4) mm approx. (6.0 x 9.4) mm
Thickness of the jacket approx. approx. 0.8 mm approx. 0.8 mm
Permitted bending radius: over the flat side over the flat side
under tensile strain during installation approx. 48 mm approx. 48 mm
after installation without tensile strain approx. 33 mm approx. 33 mm
Permitted tensile force ≤ 80 N ≤ 80 N
Temperature range:
Operation -40 °C to +80 °C -40 °C to +80 °C
Installation/assembly -25 °C to +80 °C -25 °C to +80 °C
Transport/storage -40 °C to +80 °C -40 °C to +80 °C
Copper number 46 kg/km 46 kg/km
Net weight 90 kg/km 98 kg/km
Free of halogens no yes
Resistance to fire Flame retardant to VDE 0482-265-2-1 Flame retardant to VDE 0482-266-2-4
IEC 60332-1 IEC 60332-3-24)
Resistance to oil Conditionally resistant to mineral oils Conditionally resistant to mineral oils
and fats and fats
Silicone-free yes yes

Special notes on installation

The maximum total length of a segment is 100 m. To obtain the best transmission
characteristics, the segment should consist of one single section of cable. In special
situations (for example when using two cabinet feedthroughs), the segment can consist of up
to three separate sections of cable.
The excellent transmission characteristics of the entire system can be guaranteed only when
SIEMENS Industrial Ethernet network components are used exclusively.

Assembling cables with twistedpair D-sub connectors

When assembling Industrial Twisted Pair cables yourself, make sure that you only combine
the ITP standard cable for Industrial Ethernet or the ITP FRNC cable for Industrial Ethernet
with the SIMATIC NET ITP D-sub connector for assembly on site. The dimensions of these
two components match each other.

Cannot be connected to IE FC Outlet RJ-45, IE FC RJ-45 Plug and IE FC RJ-45 Modular Outlet
The two ITP cables are not suitable for connection to the IE FC Outlet RJ-45, IE FC RJ-
45 Plug and IE FC RJ-45 Modular Outlet due to their diameters. Use the FastConnect (FC)
twisted pair cables for this.

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Versions available
The two ITP cables are available either by the meter without connectors or with 9 and 15-pin
D-sub connectors.
At the network component end, metal 9-pin D-sub male connectors are used, at the device
end 15-pin connectors. The 15-pin connectors have a special jumper with which the modules
with integrated twisted-pair transceiver can switch from AUI to twisted pair mode.
The following preassembled cables use the Industrial Twisted Pair cables:
● ITP Standard Cable 9/15
● ITP XP Standard Cable 9/9
● ITP XP Standard Cable 15/15
● ITP FRNC Cable 9/15
The XP supplement means that this is a crossover cable.

10.4.5 Preassembled twisted-pair (TP) and Industrial Twisted Pair (ITP) cables Preassembled twisted-pair cords

Twisted-pair (TP) cables (cord)

The flexibility of the cords allows simple installation, for example in a wiring closet or to
connect devices in a control room with low EMI levels.
A maximum of 10 m of twisted-pair cord can be used between two devices. With structured
cabling using two twisted-pair patch cables, this length is the maximum for both patch cables
Adapter cables are used to connect devices with a D-sub port to devices with an RJ-45 port.
To convert the RJ-45 interface of an end device to a 15-pin D-sub interface of the ITP
cabling system, the TP converter cord 15/RJ-45 can be used.

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10.4 Components for electrical networks

The following twisted-pair cables are available:

Table 10-25 Data of the preassembled twisted-pair cables

Cable Application Available MLFB

name lengths
IE TP Cord RJ-45/RJ-45 TP cable 4 x 2 with 2 RJ-45 plugs 0.5 m 6XV1 870-3QE50
1.0 m 6XV1 870-3QH10
2.0 m 6XV1 870-3QH20
6.0 m 6XV1 870-3QH60
10.0 m 6XV1 870-3QN10
IE TP XP Cord RJ-45/RJ-45 Crossover TP cable 4 x 2 with 2 RJ-45 plugs 0.5 m 6XV1 870-3RE50
1.0 m 6XV1 870-3RH10
2.0 m 6XV1 870-3RH20
6.0 m 6XV1 870-3RH60
10.0 m 6XV1 870-3RN10
IE TP Cord 9/RJ-45 TP cable 2 x 2 0.5 m 6XV1 850-2JE50
with a 9-pin D-sub male connector and an RJ-45 1.0 m 6XV1 850-2JH10
plug 2.0 m 6XV1 850-2JH20
6.0 m 6XV1 850-2JH60
10.0 m 6XV1 850-2JN10
IE TP XP Cord 9/RJ-45 Crossover TP cable 2 x 2 with a 9-pin D-sub 0.5 m 6XV1 850-2ME50
male connector and an RJ-45 plug 1.0 m 6XV1 850-2MH10
2.0 m 6XV1 850-2MH20
6.0 m 6XV1 850-2MH60
10.0 m 6XV1 850-2MN10
IE TP Cord 9-45/RJ-45 TP cable 2 x 2 with an RJ-45 plug and a D-sub 1.0 m 6XV1 850-2NH10
male connector with 45° cable outlet (only for
IE TP XP Cord 9-45/RJ-45 TP crossover cable 2 x 2 with an RJ-45 plug and 1.0 m 6XV1 850-2PH10
a D-sub male connector with 45° cable outlet
(only for OSM/ESM)
IE TP XP Cord 9/9 Crossover TP cable 2 x 2 for direct connection of 1.0 m 6XV1850-2RH10
two Industrial Ethernet network components with
ITP interface with two 9-pin D-sub male
IE TP Cord RJ-45/15 TP cable 2 x 2 with a 15-pin D-sub male 0.5 m 6XV1 850-2LE50
connector and an RJ-45 plug 1.0 m 6XV1 850-2LH10
2.0 m 6XV1 850-2LH20
6.0 m 6XV1 850-2LH60
10.0 m 6XV1 850-2LN10
IE TP XP Cord RJ-45/15 Crossover TP cable 2 x 2 with a 15-pin 0.5 m 6XV1 850-2SE50
D-sub male connector and an RJ-45 plug 1.0 m 6XV1 850-2SH10
2.0 m 6XV1 850-2SH20
6.0 m 6XV1 850-2SH60
10.0 m 6XV1 850-2SN10
For a full list of the order numbers (MLFB), refer to the IK PI catalog

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452 System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0
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Connector pinout

End device Network component

Function Pin Housing, shield Pin Function
RD+ 3 3 TD+
RD- 6 white 6 TD-
TD+ 1 1 RD+
2 white 2

RJ-45 plug RJ-45 plug

a) Connector pinout of the TP Cord RJ-45/RJ-45

End device End device

Function Function
Housing, shield Pin

RD+ 3 blue 3 RD+

white RD-
RD- 6 6
TD+ 1 1 TD+
TD- 2 white 2 TD-

RJ-45 plug RJ-45 plug

b) Connector pinout of the TP XP Cord RJ-45/RJ-45

Network component End device

Housing, shield
Function Pin Function
TD+ 5 3 RD+
white 6 RD-
TD- 9
RD+ 1 1 TD+
RD- 6 2 TD-

9-pin D-sub connector RJ-45 plug

c) Connector pinout of the TP Cord 9/RJ-45

Figure 10-8 Connector pin assignment of the TP cords

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10.4 Components for electrical networks

Network component Network component

Function Pin Housing, shield Pin Function

5 blue 3
TD- 9 6 TD-
RD+ 1 1 RD+
RD- 6 white 2 RD-

9-pin D-sub connector RJ-45 plug

d) Connector pinout of the TP XP Cord 9/RJ-45

Network component End device

Function Function
Housing, shield Pin
TD+ 5 3 RD+
white RD-
TD- 9 6
RD+ 1 1 TD+
RD- 6 2 TD-

9-pin D-sub connector RJ-45 plug

e) Connector pinout of the TP Cord 9-45/RJ-45

Network component Network component

Housing, shield
Function Pin Function
blue 3
TD+ 5 TD+
TD- 9 6 TD-
RD+ 1 1 RD+
white 2 RD-
RD- 6

9-pin D-sub connector RJ-45 plug

f) Connector pinout of the TP XP Cord 9-45/RJ-45

Figure 10-9 Connector pin assignment of the TP cords

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454 System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0
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10.4 Components for electrical networks

Network component Network component

Function Pin Housing, shield Pin Function

1 blue 1 RD+
white 6
RD- 6 RD-
TD+ 5 5 TD+
9 white 9 TD-

9-pin 9-pin
D-sub male connector D-sub male connector
g) Connector pinout of the TP XP Cord 9/9

End device Network component

Housing, shield Pin
Function Pin Function
RD+ 5 3 TD+
white TD-
RD- 12 6
TD+ 3 1 RD+
TD- 10 2 RD-

Coding for 6 RJ-45 plug

Switchover 7
AUI/ITP interface
15-pin D-sub connector

h) Connector pinout of the TP Cord 15/RJ-45

End device End device

Housing, shield
Function Pin Function
blue 3 RD+
RD+ 5
RD- 12 6 RD-
TD+ 3 1 TD+
white 2 TD-
TD- 10
Coding for 6
Switchover RJ-45 plug
AUI/ITP interface 7

D-sub male connector
i) Connector pinout of the TP XP Cord 15/RJ-45

Figure 10-10 Connector pin assignment of the TP cords

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10.4 Components for electrical networks



75'3 5'  ZKLWHJUHHQ  5' 75'3

75'1 5' *UHHQ  5' 75'1

75'3 7' ZKLWHRUDQJH 7' 75'3
75'1 7'   7' 75'1

75'3  EOXH  75'3

75'3 ZKLWHEURZQ 75'3
75'1 EURZQ 75'1



75'3 5'  
75'1 5' RUDQJH 5' 75'1
75'3 7'  ZKLWHJUHHQ  7' 75'3
75'1 7'  *UHHQ  7' 75'1

75'3 5'   75'3
75'1 5'   75'1
75'3 EOXH 75'3
75'1 ZKLWHEOXH 75'1

Figure 10-11 Connector pin assignment of the IE TP Cord RJ-45_RJ-45 cables with 4 x 2 wires

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456 System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0
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10.4 Components for electrical networks

1) For network devices and end devices that have the autocrossing function, no crossover
cable is necessary even when linking end device to end device or network component to
network component.
With devices that do not have the autocrossing function, a crossover cable is required to link
end device to end device or network component to network component.

See also
Twisted Pair Cord (4-wire for Fast Ethernet) (Page 423) Twisted pair interface converters

Product range

Table 10-26 Data of the interface converter TP Converter Cord 15/RJ-45

Cable name Application Available MLFB

TP Converter Cord 15/RJ-45 TP patch cable for attachment of 0.5 m 6XV1850–2EE50
end devices with an RJ45 port to 2m 6XV1850–2EH20
the ITP cabling system;
with one 15pin D-sub female
connector with slide locking
mechanism and one RJ45 plug

Mounting bracket
The D-sub female connector has a mounting bracket. This allows the female connector to be
fixed in place. The mounting bracket has two functions:
● Strain relief
The TP cord and the RJ45 port on the end device are protected from tensile strain.
● Grounding
The mounting bracket is electrically connected with the casing of the female connector
and therefore also with the cable shields. The bracket should be screwed to a grounded
plate or rail ensuring good contact.

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10.4 Components for electrical networks

Connector pinout



7'   7&
7'   7&
5'   5'
5'   5'


Figure 10-12 Connector pin assignment of the interface converter TP Converter Cord 15/RJ-45 IE M12 connecting cable


Table 10-27 SIMATIC NET IE CONNECTING CABLE M12-180/M12-180, preassembled IE FC

TRAILING CABLE GP, with 2 M12 male connectors (D-coded)

Length Order number

0.3 m 6XV1 870-8AE30
0.5 m 6XV1 870-8AE50
1.0 m 6XV1 870-8AH10
1.5 m 6XV1 870-8AH15
2.0 m 6XV1 870-8AH20
3.0 m 6XV1 870-8AH30
5.0 m 6XV1 870-8AH50
10.0 m 6XV1 870-8AN10
15.0 m 6XV1 870-8AN15

See also
IE M12 Plug PRO (Page 468)

Industrial Ethernet Networking Manual

458 System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0
Part C: Passive components and accessories
10.4 Components for electrical networks Preassembled Industrial Twisted Pair cables

Industrial Twisted Pair cables

Preassembled Industrial Twisted Pair cables are intended for direct links (without patch
cables) of up to 100 m in length between two devices.
Due to the double, extra thick shielding, Industrial Twisted Pair cables are particularly
suitable for an industrial environment with high levels of EMI, for example for a connection
between wiring closets.
The preassembled ITP cables are available in standard versions and as halogen-free FRNC


Table 10-28 Data of the Industrial Twisted Pair standard cables

Cable name Application Available MLFB

ITP Standard Cable 9/15 ITP installation cable is used for 2 m, 5 m, 8 m, 6XV1 850–0Bxxx 1)
direct attachment of end devices 12 m, 15 m,
with an ITP port to Industrial 20 m, 30 m,
Ethernet network components with 40 m, 50 m,
an ITP port; 60 m, 70 m,
with one 9pin and one 15pin D-sub 80 m, 90 m, 100 m
ITP XP Standard Cable 9/9 Crossover ITP installation cable, 2 m, 5 m, 8 m, 6XV1 850–0Cxxx 1)
for direct connection of two 12 m, 15 m,
Industrial Ethernet network 20 m, 30 m,
components with ITP interface; 40 m, 50 m,
with two 9-pin D-sub male 60 m, 70 m,
connectors 80 m, 90 m, 100 m
ITP XP Standard Cable 15/15 Crossover ITP installation cable, 2 m, 6 m, 10 m 6XV1 850–0Dxxx 1)
for direct connection of two end
devices with ITP interface;
with two 15-pin D-sub male
1) For a full list of the order numbers (MLFB), refer to the IK PI catalog

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Part C: Passive components and accessories
10.4 Components for electrical networks

Table 10-29 Data of the Industrial Twisted Pair FRNC cables

Cable name Application Available MLFB

ITP FRNC Cable 9/15 ITP installation cable is used for 2 m, 5 m, 8 m, 6XV1 851–1Axxx 1)
direct attachment of end devices 12 m, 15 m,
with an ITP port to Industrial 20 m, 30 m
Ethernet network components with
an ITP port;
with one 9pin and one 15pin D-sub
1) For a full list of the order numbers (MLFB), refer to the IK PI catalog

Connector pinout



5' 7'
5'   7'
7'   5'
7'   5'




5'   5'
5'   5'
7'   7'
7'  ZKLWH  7'



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460 System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0
Part C: Passive components and accessories
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'7(  3LQ 3LQ '7( 
7'  7'
7'  ZKLWH  7'
5'   5'
5'   5'


Connector pin assignment of the Industrial Twisted Pair standard cables

See also
IE Hybrid Cable (Page 445)

Special lengths

Special lengths for TP and ITP cables on request!

See also
Contacts for special cables and special lengths (Page 422)

10.4.6 Cable connectors RJ-45 plugs and IE M12 Plug PRO

RJ-45 plug
The RJ-45 plug is an 8-pin plug designed in compliance with IEC 60603-7. This plug type is
recommended according to IEEE 802.3 for 10BASE–T and 100BASE–TX. The RJ-45 plug
was developed by Western Electric and is also known as the Western plug.
The RJ45 plug cannot be ordered separately and is supplied only with preassembled cables
(TP cord).
● Connector casing with straight cable outlet

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10.4 Components for electrical networks

● Intended for connecting to:

– End devices with an RJ45 port and
– Network components with an RJ45 port

Illustration of an RJ45 connector system



Figure 10-13 RJ45 jack and plug

Use in an industrial environment

Originally designed for an office environment, the connector system was made suitable for
industry by various measures including:
● All-round shielding,
● Metal casing,
● Fast Connect technology.

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IE FC RJ-45 Plug

Design of the plug for user assembly

Three variants of the plug are available:
● With 180° (straight) cable outlet

Figure 10-14 FastConnect RJ-45 Plug 180

Due to their compact design, the cable connectors (FastConnect RJ-45 Plug 180) can be
used both for devices with individual jacks and for devices with multiple jacks (blocks). The
cable connector is particularly suitable for connecting FC TP cables to SIMATIC NET
modules and SCALANCE devices.
● With 90° (angled) cable outlet

Figure 10-15 FastConnect RJ-45 Plug 90

The FastConnect RJ-45 Plug 90 is intended, for example, for connection of FC TP cables to
ET200 or PN/PN couplers.

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10.4 Components for electrical networks

● With 145° (angled) cable outlet (SIMOTION and SINAMICS only)

Figure 10-16 FastConnect RJ-45 Plug 145

The FastConnect RJ-45 Plug 145 can be used to connect FC TP cables to SIMOTION and
SINAMICS modules.

With the four integrated insulation piercing contacts, establishing contact with the FC cable
variants is simple and error-proof. With the casing open, colored markers on the contact
cover make it simple to connect the cores to the insulation piercing contacts. The transparent
synthetic material of the contact cover allows the user to check the contacts at any time.

Table 10-30 Connector pin and color assignment

Pins of RJ-45 Wire color Signal on switch Signal on end device

1 Yellow RX+ TX+
2 Orange RX- TX-
3 White TX+ RX+
6 Blue TX- RX-
The assembly of the IE FC RJ-45 Plug is described in a separate section .

The insulation piercing contacts of the IE FC RJ-45 Modular Outlet can be released and
recontacted up to 10 times. Cable ends that have had a connector fitted, must not be used
twice but must be cut off before fitting a new connector.

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Technical specifications

Transmission rate 100 Mbps; CAT5e

Maximum cable length 0 - 100 m depending on the type of IE FC cable
Temperature range:
Operation -20 °C to +70 °C
Transport/storage -40 °C to +80 °C
Relative humidity in operation < 95%
Dimensions (W x H x D) in mm with Plug 180 13.7 x 16 x 55
Dimensions (W x H x D) in mm with Plug 90 13.7 x 16 x 42
Dimensions (W x H x D) in mm with Plug 145 13.9 x 16 x 55.6
Installation No tools required with insulation piercing technology (FastConnect)
Weight approx. 35 g
Degree of protection IP20

Table 10-31 Ordering data

Order number
IE FC RJ-45 Plug 180
RJ-45 cable connector for Industrial Ethernet with robust metal casing
and integrated insulation piercing contacts for connection of the
Industrial Ethernet FC installation cables; with 180° cable outlet; for
network components and CPs/CPUs with Industrial Ethernet interface
1 pack of 1 6GK1 901-1BB10-2AA0
1 pack of 10 6GK1 901-1BB10-2AB0
1 pack of 50 6GK1 901-1BB10-2AE0
IE FC RJ-45 Plug 90
RJ-45 cable connector for Industrial Ethernet with robust metal casing
and integrated insulation piercing contacts for connection of the
Industrial Ethernet FC installation cables; with 90° cable outlet; for
ET 200S
1 pack of 1 6GK1 901-1BB20-2AA0
1 pack of 10 6GK1 901-1BB20-2AB0
1 pack of 50 6GK1 901-1BB20-2AE0
IE FC RJ-45 Plug 145
RJ-45 cable connector for Industrial Ethernet with robust metal casing
and integrated insulation piercing contacts for connection of the
Industrial Ethernet FC installation cables; with 145° cable outlet; for
1 pack of 1 6GK1 901-1BB30-0AA0
1 pack of 10 6GK1 901-1BB30-0AB0
1 pack of 50 6GK1 901-1BB30-0AE0

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Part C: Passive components and accessories
10.4 Components for electrical networks

See also
Fitting the IE FC RJ-45 Plug (Page 530)

Notes on crossover cabling

The need for crossover cabling

The SCALANCE devices described in this manual have the autocrossover function. This
means that there is no situation in which crossover cables are necessary. IE FC RJ-
45 Plugs with the pin assignment shown above can be connected to both ends of the cable.
This corresponds to straight-through wiring.
In particular with older switches and end devices (for example OSM, ESM) it is possible that
this function is not implemented. In such cases, a crossover cable is necessary for a direct
connection from end device to end device or switch to switch if neither of the switches has
the autocrossover function.
Swapping over the send and receive pairs in one of the two plugs of the IE FC cable creates
a crossover cable.

IE Hybrid RJ-45 Plug

The assembly of the IE Hybrid RJ-45 Plug is described in a separate section (Page 533).

Table 10-32 Connector pin assignment of the RJ-45 part

Pin number (RJ-45 part) Signal Wire color

Pin 1 TX+ Yellow
Pin 2 TX- Orange
Pin 3 RX+ White
Pin 6 RX- Blue

Table 10-33 Pin assignment of the power supply insert module

Pin number Signal Wire color

Pin 1 24 V Brown
Pin 2 24 V Brown
Pin 3 Ground Black
Pin 4 Ground Black

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10.4 Components for electrical networks

Table 10-34 Technical specifications

Transmission rate 10/100 Mbps; CAT5

Maximum cable length with IE Hybrid Cable 2x2 + 4x0.34 80 m IE FC cables
Connector technology Insulation piercing technology
Permitted cable cross section for data cables AWG24 - AWG22
Outer cable diameter 10 mm to 11 mm
Degree of protection IP67
Ambient temperature -40 °C to +70 °C

See also
Connecting the IE Hybrid Cable 2x2 + 4x0.34 (Page 533)

IP65 plug

M12 cable connectors

M12 plugs are used not only for data transmission but also for the power supply and the
signaling contact. Different coding prevents inserting the wrong plug.

Table 10-35 Pin assignment of the cable socket Power M12 Cable Connector PRO

Pin 1 24 V DC
Pin 2 -
Pin 3 Ground
Pin 4 -

Table 10-36 Pin assignment of the cable socket Signaling Contact M12 Cable Connector PRO

Pin 1 F1
Pin 2 -
Pin 3 -
Pin 4 F2
Pin 5 -
The IE M12 Plug PRO is male and D-coded so that it cannot be confused with the Power
M12 Cable Connector PRO.

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Part C: Passive components and accessories
10.4 Components for electrical networks

Table 10-37 Ordering data

Order number
IE M12 Plug PRO
M12 cable connector 4-pin, D-coded, for assembly on IE FC Cable
2 x 2 with robust metal casing and fast connect technology; 180
degree cable outlet
6GK1 901-0DB10-6AA0
1 pack of 1
6GK1 901-0DB10-6AA8
1 pack of 8
Signaling contact M12 cable connector PRO
M12 cable connector 5-pin, B-coded, for connection to power cable 6GK1 908-0DC10-6AA3
Power M12 cable connector PRO
M12 cable connector 4-pin, A-coded, connection to power cable 6GK1 907-0DC10-6AA3
Power cable 2x0.75
Sold in meters 6XV1812-8A

See also
IP degrees of protection (Page 579)

IE M12 Plug PRO

Connector pinout
An IE M12 Plug PRO with the pinning as shown in the following table must be connected to
both ends of the IE FC cable.

Table 10-38 Pinning at both ends of a straight-through cable

Pin number Assignment as a network Color

Pin 1 RX+ Yellow
Pin 2 TX+ White
Pin 3 RX- Orange
Pin 4 TX- Blue
The signal assignment in the table corresponds to the pin assignment of the 4-pin
10/100BaseTX M12 socket of SCALANCE X208 PRO.
The pin assignment of the M12 socket of a network component on the other hand is as

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10.4 Components for electrical networks

Table 10-39 Crossover pin assignment at one end of a crossover cable

Pin number Assignment

Pin 1 TX+ White
Pin 2 RX+ Yellow
Pin 3 TX- Blue
Pin 4 RX- Orange
The difference is that the send pin at one end must connect to the receive pin at the other
end. With straight-through cables, this is only the case if the connector pin assignment is not
the same at both ends. With devices that have autocrossing, a transmission would work
even if the pin assignment was the same.

Technical specifications and ordering data

Table 10-40 Technical specifications

Transmission rate 10/100 Mbps; CAT5e

Maximum cable length (depending on cable type) 100 m IE FC cables
Number of pins 4
Cable connector/coding M12 "D" (Draft IEC 61076-2-101 Amendment 1)
Connector technology Insulation piercing technology
Permitted cable cross section AWG24 - AWG22
Outer cable diameter 6.0 mm to 8.0 mm
Degree of protection IP67
Ambient temperature -25 °C to +85 °C

Table 10-41 Ordering data

Order number
IE M12 Plug PRO
M12 cable connector 4-pin, D-coded, for assembly on IE FC Cable
2 x 2 with robust metal casing and fast connect technology; 180
degree cable outlet
6GK1 901-0DB10-6AA0
1 pack of 1
6GK1 901-0DB10-6AA8
1 pack of 8

Industrial Ethernet Networking Manual

System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0 469
Part C: Passive components and accessories
10.4 Components for electrical networks IE FC Modular Outlet and IE FC Outlet RJ-45

IE FC Modular Outlet

Simple assembly with integrated insulation piercing contacts with color coding allows time-
saving and error-free installation of the 8-wire CAT6 Industrial Ethernet FC installation cable
in the CAT6 Industrial Ethernet Modular Outlet. The design of the 8-wire AWG22 cable
allows the outer jacket and shield to be stripped with the familiar IE FC Stripping Tool in one
action (it may be necessary for the user to readjust the tool for the 4x2 cable variant. The two
setting screws of the knife cassette on the stripping tool must be opened by approximately
half a turn.) After preparing the cable in this way, contact is made immediately via the
insulation piercing contacts in the Modular Outlet.

The robust metal housing is intended for industry (IP40) and allows the modular outlet to be
installed on a DIN rail. Direct mounting on a wall is also possible.
The metal housing also provides strain relief for the installation cables suitable for industrial
surroundings and reliable shield contact. With its higher IP40 degree of protection is can be
mounted directly on site.
The IE FC RJ-45 Modular Outlet basic module can be equipped with two different optional
inserts without changing the wiring (permanent wiring):
● Insert 2 FE: Two Fast Ethernet connections for attachment of two 10/100 Mbps end
devices/network components
● Insert 1 GE: One gigabit Ethernet connection for attaching a 10/100/1000 Mbps end
device/network component
The basic module can be ordered without inserts. In this case, the inserts must be ordered
The modular outlet
● FC RJ-45 Modular Outlet Insert 1 GE and
● FC RJ-45 Modular Outlet Insert 2 FE
The ordering unit is a basic module and the relevant insert. When necessary, the insert can
be replaced.
Replacing the insert allows an upgrade of a 100 Mbps double connection to a gigabit
connection. This is possible only if the wiring was performed with the IE FC standard cable 4
x 2 GP. In this case, there is no need to change the installed wiring.

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10.4 Components for electrical networks

IE TP Cord

ET 200S
Modular Modular Modular
Outlet Outlet Outlet
Insert 1GE Insert 2FE Insert 2FE

2 x 100 Mbit/s
connection PC

IE TP Cord

IE FC Standard Cable 4x2

1 x 1000 Mbit/s connection


Modular Outlet
Insert 1GE

Figure 10-17 Modular Outlet Insert 1GE and IE FC RJ-45 Modular Outlet Insert 2FE

A further modular outlet, the

● FC RJ-45 Modular Outlet Power Insert

Figure 10-18 Basic module with power insert

provides not only a Fast Ethernet connection to connect a 10/100 Mbps end device / network
component but also the option of supplying power to the end device by connecting a power
supply to a two-wire terminal block. In this case, the wiring of the IE FC RJ-45 Modular
Outlet must be performed with the IE Hybrid Cable 2x2 + 4x0.34. Apart from the 2x2 data
line, this cable has four wires intended for the power supply.

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10.4 Components for electrical networks


24 V DC

Modular Outlet
Power Insert
IE Hybrid
cable connector

IE Hybrid Cable 2x2 + 4x0,34



Figure 10-19 Example of wiring with the FC RJ-45 Modular Outlet Power Insert

You will find instructions on assembling the IE FC RJ-45 Modular Outlet in the relevant
section of this manual.
To use the 2FE and 1 GE inserts, the basic modules of the outlets must be connected with
the following cable:
● IE FC Standard Cable 4 x 2 GP
The basic module of the FC RJ-45 Modular Outlet Power Insert must be connected with the
following cable:
● IE Hybrid Cable 2x2 + 4x0.34
Please note that the IE hybrid cable cannot be be prepared with the stripping tool.

The insulation piercing contacts of the IE FC RJ-45 Modular Outlet can be released and
recontacted up to 10 times. Cable ends that have had a connector fitted, must not be used
twice but must be cut off before fitting a new connector.

Use the power insert only under the following conditions:
• Extra-low voltages SELV, PELV to IEC 60364-4-41
• In USA/CAN with power supplies according to NEC class 2
• In USA/CAN, the cabling must meet the requirements of the NEC/CEC
• Current load maximum 0.5 A.

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10.4 Components for electrical networks

Table 10-42 Technical specifications

FC RJ-45 Modular Outlet Insert 2 FE

- Transmission rate of the 2 x RJ-45 jacks 10/100 Mbps; CAT5e
FC RJ-45 Modular Outlet Insert 1 GE
- Transmission rate of the RJ-45 jack 10/100/1000 Mbps; CAT6
FC RJ-45 Modular Outlet Power Insert
- Transmission rate of the RJ-45 jack 10/100 Mbps; CAT5e
- Voltage at the power insert terminal Max. 57 V 1)
Maximum cable length 0 - 100 m depending on the type of IE FC cable
Temperature range:
Operation -20 °C to +70 °C
Transport/storage -40 °C to +80 °C
Relative humidity in operation < 95%
Dimensions (W x H x D) in mm 50 x 115.25 x 59
Installation Wall mounting or on DIN rail
Weight 450 g
Degree of protection IP40
UL listing yes
Transmission characteristics Corresponds to category 6 of the international cabling standards
ISO/IEC 11801 and EN 50173

1) The minimum voltage supplied depends on the following parameters

● Resistance of the IE Hybrid Cable 2x2 + 4x0.34 per meter
● Actual length of the hybrid cable connected to the IE FC RJ-45 Modular Outlet
● Minimum operating voltage of the connected consumer

The following inserts are available without basic housing

Insert 2FE order no. 6GK1901-1BK00-0AA1
Insert 1GE order no. 6GK1901-1BK00-0AA2
Note that the connection between IE FC RJ-45 Modular Outlets with these inserts requires 8-
wire FastConnect cables (Cat6). The IE Hybrid Cable 2x2 + 4x0.34 6XV1870-2J is not
suitable for operation of the 2FE and 1GE inserts!

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Part C: Passive components and accessories
10.4 Components for electrical networks

Table 10-43 Ordering data

IE FC RJ-45 Modular Outlet with interface to the slot of an insert Order number
Base module without insert 6GK1901-1BE00-0AA0
- with insert 2FE; insert for 2 x 100 Mbps interface 6GK1901-1BE00-0AA1
- with insert 1GE; insert for 1 x 1000 Mbps interface 6GK1901-1BE00-0AA2
- with power insert; insert for 1 x 24 V DC and 1 x 100 Mbps interface 6GK1901-1BE00-0AA3
Insert 2FE for FC Modular Outlet Base; 2 x RJ-45 for 2 x 100 Mbps; 1 x 6GK1901-1BK00-0AA1
set of 4
Insert 1GE for FC Modular Outlet Base; 1 x RJ-45 for 1 x 1000 Mbps; 1 6GK1901-1BK00-0AA2
x set of 4

See also
Fitting the IE FC Modular Outlet RJ-45 (Page 532)

Industrial Ethernet FC Outlet RJ-45

The FC Outlet RJ-45 is suitable for mounting on a DIN rail and for wall mounting. There are
four drilled holes for wall mounting.
By arranging several FC Outlet RJ-45 devices in a line, you can create a patch panel with
any terminal density you require (for example 16 outlets to a width of 19" is possible with a
suitably wide rail). The FC Outlet RJ-45 can also be installed behind a metal panel with a
suitable cutout (for example in a wiring cubicle).

Application example
The Industrial Ethernet FC Outlet RJ-45 is attached directly to the Industrial Ethernet FC TP
cable. To connect the FC Outlet RJ-45 and network components or an end device, various
preassembled RJ-45 patch cables are available.

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10.4 Components for electrical networks

Figure 10-20 Industrial Ethernet FC Outlet RJ-45

Pin assignment of the FC Outlet RJ-45

The contacts of the RJ-45 jack and the insulation-piercing terminals for the FC TP cable are
assigned to each other as follows:

RJ-45 pin number Signal Insulation-piercing Wire color

terminal number
1 TX+ 1 Yellow
2 TX- 3 Orange
3 RX+ 2 white
6 RX- 4 blue

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10.4 Components for electrical networks

Technical specifications

Table 10-44 Specifications of the FC Outlet RJ-45

• Attachment of end devices, network components RJ-45 jack
• Attachment of Industrial Ethernet FC TP cables 4 insulation piercing terminals
Installation Standard rail or wall installation
Perm. ambient conditions
• Operating temperature -25 °C to +70 °C
• Storage/transport temperature -40 °C to +70 °C
• Dimensions (W x H x D) in mm 31.7 x 107 x 30
• Weight 300 g
Degree of protection IP20
Transmission characteristics Correspond to category 5 of the
international cabling standards
ISO/IEC 11801 and EN 50173

Ordering data

Table 10-45 Ordering data of the FC Outlet RJ-45

Industrial Ethernet FC Outlet RJ-45 6GK1 901-1FC00 0AA0

For connecting Industrial Ethernet FC TP cables and TP

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10.4 Components for electrical networks

Dimension drawings

Front view of the IE FC Outlet RJ-45


Figure 10-21 IE FC Outlet RJ-45 (dimensions in mm)

See also
Connecting the IE FC TP standard cable 4 x 2 GP / IE FC TP flexible cable 4 x 2 GP
(Page 535)

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Part C: Passive components and accessories
10.4 Components for electrical networks

Side view of the IE FC Outlet RJ-45


Figure 10-22 IE FC Outlet RJ-45 (dimensions in mm)

Industrial Twisted Pair D-sub connectors

The Industrial Twisted Pair D-sub connectors correspond to the standards MIL-C-24308 and
DIN 41652. Due to its mechanical strength and its excellent electromagnetic compatibility, for
use in a harsh industrial environment, this connector was preferred to the RJ-45 connector
recommended for 10BASE-T in IEEE 802.3.

Design of the plug for user assembly

Only the connectors for user assembly are described below.
There are two versions of the Industrial Twisted Pair D-sub connectors for user assembly:
● 9-pin connector with straight cable outlet and securing screws
● 15-pin connector with variable cable outlet (+30° , 0°, -30°) and securing bolts

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Part C: Passive components and accessories
10.4 Components for electrical networks

Both connector types have a metal casing. The Industrial Twisted Pair cables are connected
to the connector pins using screw terminals, special tools are not required.
For a detailed description of fitting connectors, refer to the section D-sub connectors.

Industrial Twisted Pair D-sub connectors, 9-pin

● Intended for connecting to:
– OLM/ELM (port 1–3)
– OSM/ESM (port 1–6, standby–sync port)
– Interface card ECTP3 (port 1–3) for star coupler (ASGE)
● Connector casing with straight cable outlet
● Can be mechanically secured to the female connector with integrated knurled screws
● Simple cable assembly with screw terminals

Screw terminal

Connector insert

5 9 1 6 Cover of the
Knurled screw housing

Cable clamp

Figure 10-23 Industrial Twisted Pair D-sub male connector (9-pin) for user assembly

Industrial Twisted Pair D-sub connectors, 15-pin

● For connection to end devices with an integrated Industrial Twisted Pair port
● Connector casing with variable cable outlet angle
+30° , 0° , –30°
● Slide mechanism for locking to female connector
● Two dummy plugs for closing unused cable outlets
● Simple cable assembly with screw terminals
● Internal coding jumper for converting the end device port from AUI to Industrial Twisted

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Part C: Passive components and accessories
10.4 Components for electrical networks

Connector Cover of the

insert housing
5 12 3 10

Sealing plugs
Cable clamp

Figure 10-24 Industrial Twisted Pair D-sub male connector (15-pin) for user assembly

See also
Fitting the D-sub male connector (Page 549)

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Part C: Passive components and accessories
10.5 Components for optical networks

10.5 Components for optical networks

10.5.1 Glass FO cables 50/125 Properties of glass FO cable 50/125 µm

Technical specifications
The following tables show an overview of the technical specifications of all SIMATIC NET
glass FO cables.

Table 10-46 Technical specifications of the FO Standard Cable GP and FO Ground Cable

Cable type FO standard cable GP FO Ground Cable

Areas of application Universal cable for use indoors Longitudinally and laterally
and outdoors watertight cable for use
outdoors with non-metallic
rodent protection for direct
underground installation
Can be ordered In meters; preassembled with In meters; preassembled with
4 BFOC or 4 SC connectors 4 BFOC or 4 SC connectors
Cable type (standard code) AT-W(ZN)YY 2x1G50/125 AT-WQ(ZN)Y(ZN)B2Y
Fiber type Multimode graded-index fiber Multimode graded-index fiber
50/125 µm 50/125 µm
at 850 nm ≤ 2.7 dB/km ≤ 2.7 dB/km
at 1300 nm ≤ 0.7 dB/km ≤ 0.7 dB/km
Modal bandwidth
at 850 nm ≥ 600 MHz *km ≥ 600 MHz *km
at 1300 nm ≥ 1200 MHz *km ≥ 1200 MHz *km
Number of fibers 2 2
Cable design Splittable Splittable
Core type Hollow core, filled Hollow core, filled
Basic element PVC, orange/black PVC, orange/black
Tensile strain relief Aramid yarn Aramid yarn
Outer jacket /color of cable PVC, green PE, black
Mechanical characteristics
Dimensions of basic element 2.9 mm Ø 2.9 mm Ø
Cable dimensions 4.5 x 7.4 mm 10.5 mm ± 0.5 mm
Cable weight approx. 40 kg/km approx. 90 kg/km
Permitted tensile force ≤ 500 N ≤ 800 N

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Part C: Passive components and accessories
10.5 Components for optical networks

Cable type FO standard cable GP FO Ground Cable

Bending radius 65 mm 155 mm
Bending cycles – –
Transverse compressive 300 N/cm 300 N/cm
Impact strength (initial energy / – –
number / hammer Ø)
Perm. ambient conditions
Installation temperature -5 ºC to +50 ºC -5 ºC to +50 ºC
Operating temperature -25 ºC to +80 ºC -25 ºC to +75 ºC
Storage temperature -25 ºC to +80 ºC -25 ºC to +75 ºC
Resistance to fire Flame retardant to IEC 60332-1 –
Free of halogens – –
Silicone-free yes yes
Resistance to mineral oils and Conditionally resistant Highly resistant
UL/CSA approval OFN (NEC Article 770, –
OFN, 90°C, FT1, FT4 (CSA
Standard C22.2 No232-M1988)
UV resistant yes yes
Rodent protection – yes
Gigabit length
1000BaseSX 750 m 750 m
1000BaseLX 2000 m 2000 m

Table 10-47 Technical specifications for the FO Trailing Cable and FO Trailing Cable GP

Cable type FO Trailing Cable FO Trailing Cable GP

Areas of application Cable for use in drag chains and Cable for use in drag chains and
for high mechanical strain, PUR for lower mechanical strain,
outer jacket, no UL approval PVC outer jacket, UL approval
Can be ordered In meters; preassembled with In meters; preassembled with
4 BFOC or 4 SC connectors 4 BFOC or 4 SC connectors
Cable type (standard code) AT-W(ZN)Y(ZN)11Y 2G50/125 AT-W(ZN)Y(ZN)Y 2G50/125
Fiber type Multimode graded-index fiber Multimode graded-index fiber
50/125 µm 50/125 µm
at 850 nm ≤ 2.7 dB/km ≤ 2.7 dB/km
at 1300 nm ≤ 0.7 dB/km ≤ 0.7 dB/km
Modal bandwidth
at 850 nm ≥ 600 MHz *km ≥ 600 MHz *km
at 1300 nm ≥ 1200 MHz *km ≥ 1200 MHz *km
Number of fibers 2 2
Cable design Splittable Splittable

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482 System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0
Part C: Passive components and accessories
10.5 Components for optical networks

Cable type FO Trailing Cable FO Trailing Cable GP

Core type Hollow core, filled Hollow core, filled
Basic element PVC, orange/black PVC, orange/black
Tensile strain relief Aramid yarn Aramid yarn
Outer jacket /color of cable PUR, green PVC, green
Mechanical characteristics
Dimensions of basic element 2.9 mm Ø 2.9 mm Ø
Cable dimensions 10.5 mm Ø ±0.5 mm 10.5 mm Ø ±0.5 mm
Cable weight approx. 90 kg/km approx. 90 kg/km
Permitted tensile force ≤ 800 N ≤ 800 N
Bending radius 200 mm 200 mm
Bending cycles 5.000.000 3.500.000
Transverse compressive 300 N/cm 300 N/cm
Impact strength (initial energy / – –
number / hammer Ø)
Perm. ambient conditions
Installation temperature -5 ºC to +50 ºC -5 ºC to +50 ºC
Operating temperature -25 ºC to +80 ºC -25 ºC to +80 ºC
Storage temperature -25 ºC to +80 ºC -25 ºC to +80 ºC
Resistance to fire – Flame retardant to IEC 60332-1
Free of halogens – –
Silicone-free yes yes
Resistance to mineral oils and Highly resistant Conditionally resistant
UL/CSA approval – OFN (NEC Article 770,
OFN, 90°C, FT1, FT4 (CSA
Standard C22.2 No232-M1988)
UV resistant yes yes
Rodent protection – –
Gigabit length
1000BaseSX 750 m 750 m
1000BaseLX 2000 m 2000 m

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Part C: Passive components and accessories
10.5 Components for optical networks

Table 10-48 Technical specifications for the INDOOR fiber optic cable and fiber optic standard cable

Cable type INDOOR fiber-optic Fiber-optic

indoor cable standard cable
Areas of application Non-crush, halogen-free and Universal cable for use indoors
extremely flame-retardant cable and outdoors
for use indoors
Can be ordered In meters, preassembled with 4 In meters, preassembled with 4
BFOC connectors BFOC connectors
Cable type (standard code) T-VHH 2G62.5/125 AT-VYY 2G62.5/125
3.2B200+0.9F600 F TB3 OR 3.1B200 + 0.8F600 F
Fiber type Multimode graded-index fiber Multimode graded-index fiber
62.5/125 µm 62.5/125 µm
Power loss at 850 nm ≤ 3.1 dB/km ≤ 3.1 dB/km
Power loss at 1300 nm ≤ 0.8 dB/km ≤ 0.8 dB/km
Modal bandwidth at 850 nm ≥ 200 MHz *km ≥ 200 MHz *km
Modal bandwidth at 1300 nm ≥ 600 MHz *km ≥ 600 MHz *km
Number of fibers 2 2
Cable design Splittable indoor cable Splittable outdoor cable
Core type Fixed core Compact core
Cable type INDOOR fiber-optic Fiber-optic
indoor cable standard cable
Areas of application Non-crush, halogen-free and Universal cable for use indoors
extremely flame-retardant cable and outdoors
for use indoors
Can be ordered In meters, preassembled with 4 In meters, preassembled with 4
BFOC connectors BFOC connectors
Cable type (standard code) T-VHH 2G62.5/125 AT-VYY 2G62.5/125
3.2B200+0.9F600 F TB3 OR 3.1B200 + 0.8F600 F
Basic element Copolymer, gray (FRNC) PVC, gray
Tensile strain relief Aramid yarn Kevlar yarn and impregnated
glass fiber yarn
Outer jacket /color of cable Copolymer, bright orange PVC, black
Mechanical characteristics
Dimensions of basic element (2.9 ± 0.1) mm Ø (3.5 ± 0.2) mm Ø
Cable dimensions (3.9 × 6.8) ± 0.2 mm (6.3 × 9.8) ± 0.4 mm
Cable weight approx. 30 kg/km approx. 74 kg/km
Permitted tensile force ≤ 800 N (brief) ≤ 500 N (brief)
Bending radius ≥ 60 mm (during installation); ≥ 100 mm only the flat surface
≥ 40 mm (in operation) flat
surface only
Transverse compressive 10,000 N/10 cm (brief)1) 2,000 N
strength 2,000 N/10 cm (permanent)2)

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10.5 Components for optical networks

Cable type INDOOR fiber-optic Fiber-optic

indoor cable standard cable
Impact strength (initial energy / 1.5 Nm/20 blows/12.5 mm –
number / hammer Ø)
Dimensions of basic element (2.9 ± 0.1) mm Ø (3.5 ± 0.2) mm Ø
Perm. ambient conditions
Installation temperature -5 ºC to +50 ºC -5 ºC to +50 ºC
Operating temperature -20 ºC to +60 ºC -20 ºC to +60 ºC
Storage temperature -25 ºC to +70 ºC -25 ºC to +70 ºC
Resistance to fire Flame retardant to IEC 60332-1 Flame retardant to IEC 60332-3
and VDE 0482-265-2-1 and VDE 0482-266-2-4
Free of halogens yes –
Silicone-free yes yes
Resistance to mineral oils and – –
UL approval – –
UV resistant – yes
Rodent protection – –
Gigabit length
1000BaseSX – –
1000BaseLX – –
1) Attenuation change reversible max. 0.3 dB, 2) Attenuation change reversible max. 0.1 dB

Table 10-49 Technical specifications for the Flexible Fiber-optic trailing cable and SIENOPYR Duplex
Fiber-Optic Marine Cable

Cable type Flexible fiber-optic SIENOPYR

trailing cable Duplex Fiber-Optic Marine
Areas of application Flexible cable for installation in Fixed installation on ships and
drag chains indoors and offshore facilities in all enclosed
outdoors spaces and on free decks;
shipbuilding approval
Can be ordered In meters, preassembled with 4 Sold in meters
BFOC connectors
Cable type (standard code) AT-W11Y (ZN) 11Y 2G62.5/125 MI-VHH 2G 62.5/125
3.1B200 + 0.8F600 F 3.1B200 + 0.8F600 + 2 x 1CU
Fiber type Multimode graded-index fiber Multimode graded-index fiber
62.5/125 µm 62.5/125 µm
Power loss at 850 nm ≤ 3.1 dB/km ≤ 3.1 dB/km
Power loss at 1300 nm ≤ 0.8 dB/km ≤ 0.8 dB/km
Modal bandwidth at 850 nm ≥ 200 MHz *km ≥ 200 MHz *km
Modal bandwidth at 1300 nm ≥ 600 MHz *km ≥ 600 MHz *km
Number of fibers 2 2
Cable design Splittable outdoor cable Splittable outdoor cable
Core type Hollow core, filled Solid core

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Part C: Passive components and accessories
10.5 Components for optical networks

Cable type Flexible fiber-optic SIENOPYR

trailing cable Duplex Fiber-Optic Marine
Cable type Flexible fiber-optic SIENOPYR
trailing cable Duplex Fiber-Optic Marine
Areas of application Flexible cable for installation in Fixed installation on ships and
drag chains indoors and offshore facilities in all enclosed
outdoors spaces and on free decks;
shipbuilding approval
Can be ordered In meters, preassembled with 4 Sold in meters
BFOC connectors
Cable type (standard code) AT-W11Y (ZN) 11Y 2G62.5/125 MI-VHH 2G 62.5/125
3.1B200 + 0.8F600 F 3.1B200 + 0.8F600 + 2 x 1CU
Basic element PUR, black Polyolefin
Tensile strain relief Aramid yarn, also GFK central Aramid yarn
Outer jacket /color of cable PUR, black SHF1 mixture, black
Mechanical characteristics
Dimensions of basic element (3.5 ± 0.2) mm Ø (2.9 ± 0.2) mm Ø
Cable dimensions 12.9 mm (outer diameter) 13.3 ± 0.5 mm
Cable weight approx. 136 kg/km approx. 220 kg/km
Permitted tensile force ≤ 2000 N (brief) ≤ 500 N (brief)
≤ 1000 N (permanent) ≤ 250 N (permanent)
Bending radius ≥ 150 mm min. 100,000 bending 133 mm (once)
cycles 266 mm (multiple)
Perm. ambient conditions
Installation temperature -30 ºC to +60 ºC -10 ºC to +50 ºC
Operating temperature -30 ºC to +60 ºC –40 ºC to +80 ºC 1)
–40 ºC to +70 ºC 2)
Storage temperature -30 ºC to +70 ºC -40 ºC to +80 ºC
Resistance to fire – Flame retardant to IEC 60332-3
Cat A
Free of halogens yes yes
Silicone-free yes yes
Resistance to mineral oils and – –
UL approval – –
UV resistant yes –
Rodent protection – –
Gigabit length
1000BaseSX – –
1000BaseLX – –

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486 System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0
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10.5 Components for optical networks

Cable type Flexible fiber-optic SIENOPYR

trailing cable Duplex Fiber-Optic Marine
Shipbuilding approvals – Lloyds Register of Shipping
Germanischer Lloyd
Registro Staliano Navale
Bureau Veritas
1) With no load on copper cores, 2) With maximum load on copper cores (6 A) FO Standard Cable GP 50/125 µm

Brief description of the Fiber Optic Standard Cable GP 6XV1873–2A

Figure 10-25 Design of the Fiber Optic Standard Cable

The fiberoptic standard cable contains two multimode graded fibers of type 50/125 µm.
The outer jacket is labeled "SIEMENS SIMATIC NET
FO Standard Cable GP 50/125 6XV1 873–2A (UL) E157125 OFN (drum number) / (year of
manufacture, e.g. 05) (meter marker)" approximately every 100 cm. The slash can be used
as a meter marker. Meter markers make it easier to estimate the length of an installed cable.

The fiberoptic standard cable has the following properties:
● UV resistant
● Silicone-free
● Suitable for direct connector assembly
● Available in meters up to max. 3000 m
● Preassembled with 4 BFOC connectors in lengths up to 300 m
● Preassembled with 4 SC connectors in lengths up to 300 m

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Part C: Passive components and accessories
10.5 Components for optical networks

Other special cables and special lengths available on request.

The fiberoptic standard cable is the universal cable for use indoors and outdoors. It is
suitable for connecting optical interfaces operating in the wavelength range around 850 nm
and 1300 nm.

See also
Preassembled FO standard cable GP (Page 508) FO Ground Cable 50/125 µm

Brief description of the Fiber Optic Ground Cable 6XV1873–2G









Figure 10-26 Design of the Fiber Optic Ground Cable

The FO Ground Cable contains two multimode graded fibers of type 50/125 µm.
The outer jacket is labeled "SIEMENS SIMATIC NET FO Ground Cable 50/125 6XV1873–
2G (drum number) / (year of manufacture, e.g. 05) (meter marker)" approximately every 100
cm. The slash can be used as a meter marker. Meter markers make it easier to estimate the
length of an installed cable.

See also
Preassembled FO Ground Cable (Page 508)

Industrial Ethernet Networking Manual

488 System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0
Part C: Passive components and accessories
10.5 Components for optical networks FO Trailing Cable 50/125 µm Standard (variants with and without UL)

FO Trailing Cable 6XV1873–2C









Figure 10-27 Design of the FO Trailing Cable

The FO Trailing Cable contains two multimode graded fibers of type 50/125 µm.
The outer jacket is made of PUR and is labeled "SIEMENS SIMATIC NET FO
Trailing Cable 50/125 6XV1873–2C (drum number) / (year of manufacture, e.g. 05) (meter
marker)" approximately every 100 cm. The slash can be used as a meter marker. Meter
markers make it easier to estimate the length of an installed cable. This cable does not have
UL approval.

FO Trailing Cable GP 6XV1873–2D









Figure 10-28 Design of the FO Trailing Cable GP

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Part C: Passive components and accessories
10.5 Components for optical networks

In contrast to the FO Trailing Cable, the material of the outer jacket is PVC. The fiber type is,
however, the same. The FO Trailing Cable GP has UL and CSA approval.
The outer jacket is made of PVC and is labeled "SIEMENS SIMATIC NET FO
Trailing Cable GP 50/125 6XV1873–2D (UL)E157125 OFN LL 64163 OFN FT4 90C CSA
(drum number) / (year of manufacture, e.g. 05) (meter marker)" approximately every 100 cm.

The FO Trailing Cable and FO Trailing Cable GP have the following properties:
● UV resistant
● Silicone-free
● Suitable for direct connector assembly
● Available in meters up to 3000 m
● Preassembled with 4 BFOC connectors in lengths up to 100 m
● Preassembled with 4 SC connectors in lengths up to 100 m
The FO Trailing Cable also has the following properties:
● Number of bending cycles at least 5,000,000
The FO Trailing Cable GP has the following properties compared with the FO Trailing Cable:
● UL and CSA approval
● Number of bending cycles at least 3,500,000

The FO Trailing Cable is suitable for use in trailing cables for heavy mechanical stress, the
FO Trailing Cable GP for less mechanical stress.
Both cables are suitable for connecting optical interfaces operating in the wavelength range
around 850 nm and 1300 nm.

See also
Preassembled FO Trailing Cable (Page 509)
Preassembled FO Trailing Cable GP (Page 510) FO FRNC Cable 50/125

The FO FRNC Cable with two 50/125 µm fibers is halogen-free and flame retardant and is
particularly suitable for fixed installation in buildings. With this cable design, little smoke that
is free of halogens is produced in the case of fire therefore reducing secondary damage

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10.5 Components for optical networks

Designed as a breakout cable, it is suitable for direct fitting of connectors.

Technical specifications

Cable type FO FRNC Cable

Areas of application Halogen-free cable for fixed installation indoors
and outdoors
Can be ordered Sold in meters
Cable type (standard code) AT-W(ZN)HH 2G50/125 UV
Fiber type Multimode graded-index fiber 50/125 µm
at 850 nm ≤ 2.7 dB/km
at 1300 nm ≤ 0.7 dB/km
Modal bandwidth
at 850 nm ≥ 600 MHz *km
at 1300 nm ≥ 1200 MHz *km
Number of fibers 2
Cable design Splittable
Core type Hollow core, filled diameter 1400 µm
Basic element Halogen-free, flame retardant, orange/black
Tensile strain relief Aramid yarn
Outer jacket /color of cable Halogen-free and flame retardant, FRNC, green
Mechanical characteristics
Dimensions of basic element 2.9 mm Ø
Cable dimensions 9.2 mm
Cable weight approx. 85 kg/km
Permitted tensile force ≤ 800 N
Bending radius 50 mm
Bending cycles -
Transverse compressive strength 300 N/cm
Impact strength (initial energy / number / hammer -
Perm. ambient conditions
Installation temperature -5 ºC to +50 ºC
Operating temperature -25 ºC to +70 ºC
Storage temperature -25 ºC to +70 ºC
Resistance to fire IEC 60332-3,
IEC 61034-1
IEC 61034-2
Free of halogens Yes
Silicone-free Yes
Resistance to mineral oils and fats Conditionally resistant

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Part C: Passive components and accessories
10.5 Components for optical networks

Cable type FO FRNC Cable

UL/CSA approval -
UV resistant Yes
Rodent protection -
Gigabit length
1000BaseSX 750 m
1000BaseLX 2000 m

Ordering data

Product name Order number

FO FRNC Cable 50/125 6XV1 873-2B

10.5.2 Glass FO cables 62.5/125 Overview of the glass fiber-optic cables 62.5/125 μm

Technical specifications
The following tables show an overview of the technical specifications of the SIMATIC NET
glass FO cables 62.5/125 µm.

Table 10-50 Technical specifications for the INDOOR fiber optic cable and fiber optic standard cable

Cable type Fiber-optic standard cable INDOOR fiber-optic indoor cable

Area of application Universal cable for use indoors and Non-crush, halogen-free and extremely
outdoors flame-retardant cable for use indoors
Can be ordered Assembled with 4 BFOC connectors in Assembled with 4 BFOC connectors in
fixed lengths and in meters fixed lengths
Cabling AT–VYY 2G62.5/125 I–VHH 2G62.5/125
(Standard code) 3.1B200+0.8F600 F 3.2B200+0.9F600 F
Fiber type Multimode graded-index fiber Multimode graded-index fiber
62.5/125 µm 62.5/125 µm
Power loss at 850 nm <= 3.1 dB/km <= 3.2 dB/km
Power loss at 1300 nm <= 0.8 dB/km <= 0.9 dB/km
Modal bandwidth
at 850 nm 200 MHz *km 200 MHz *km
at 1300 nm 600 MHz *km 600 MHz *km
Number of fibers 2 2

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Cable type Fiber-optic standard cable INDOOR fiber-optic indoor cable

Cable design Splittable Splittable
outdoor cable indoor cable
Core type Compact core Fixed core
Materials basic element PVC, gray Copolymer, orange
Tensile strain relief Aramid yarn and Aramid yarn
impregnated glass fiber yarn
Outer jacket/ PVC / black Copolymer/
color of cable bright orange (FRNC)
Dimensions (3.5 ± 0.2) mm ∅ 2.9 mm ∅
of basic element
Outer dimensions (6.3 x 9.8) ± 0.4 mm approx. 3.9 x 6.8 mm
Cable weight approx. 74 kg/km approx. 30 kg/km
Permitted tensile force <= 370 N (in operation) <= 200 N (in operation)
<= 500 N (brief) <= 800 N (brief)
Bending radiuses 100 mm 100 mm (during installation)
Only flat side 60 mm (in operation)
Only flat side
Transverse compressive strength 5,000 N/10 cm 3,000 N/10 cm (brief)
1,000 N/10 cm (permanent)
Resistance to impact 3 blows 3 blows
(initial energy: 5 Nm (initial energy: 1.5 Nm
Hammer radius: 300 mm) Hammer radius: 300 mm)
Installation temperature –5 °C to +50 °C –5 °C to +50 °C
Operating temperature –25 °C to +60 °C –20 °C to +60 °C
Storage temperature –25 °C to +70 °C –25 °C to +70 °C
Resistance to fire Flame retardant to Flame retardant to IEC 60332–3 and
IEC 60332–3 Cat. CF DIN VDE 0472
Part 804, test type B
Free of halogens no yes
UL approval no no
Shipbuilding approval no no

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10.5 Components for optical networks

Table 10-51 Technical specifications of the flexible fiber optic trailing cable

Cable type Flexible fiber-optic trailing cable

Area of application Flexible cable for installation in drag chains indoors and
Can be ordered Assembled with 4 BFOC connectors in fixed lengths and in
Cabling AT–W11Y (ZN)
(Standard code) 11Y2G62.5/125
3.1B200+0.8F600 LG
Fiber type Multimode graded-index fiber 62.5/125 µm
Power loss at 850 nm <= 3.1 dB/km
Power loss at 1300 nm <= 0.8 dB/km
Modal bandwidth at 850 nm
at 1300 nm 200 MHz *km
600 MHz *km
Number of fibers 2
Cable design Splittable
outdoor cable
Core type Hollow core, filled
Materials basic element PUR, black
Tensile strain relief GFK central element, Aramid yarn
Outer jacket /color of cable PUR, black
Dimensions of basic element (3.5 ± 0.2) mm ∅
Outer dimensions approx. 12.9 mm
Cable weight approx. 136 kg/km
Permitted tensile force <= 2000 N (brief)
<= 1000 N (permanent)
Bending radiuses 150 mm
Max. 100,000 bending cycles
Installation temperature –5 °C to +50 °C
Operating temperature –25 °C to +60 °C
Storage temperature -25 °C to +70 °C
Behavior in fire Complies with IEC 60332-1
Free of halogens no
UL approval no
Shipbuilding approval no

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Part C: Passive components and accessories
10.5 Components for optical networks SIENOPYR Duplex FiberOptic Marine Cable 62.5/125 μm

Cable cross-sectional area

Copper cable
FO cable fiber
Tensile strain relief
Protective sleeve
Copper braid
Common sheath
Outer jacket

Figure 10-29 Design of the SIENOPYR Duplex FiberOptic Marine Cable

SIENOPYR Duplex FiberOptic Marine Cable 6XV1 830-0NH10

The SIENOPYR Duplex FiberOptic Marine Cable has 2 multimode graded-index fibers
62.5/125 µm. It also has 2 multiwire, rubber insulated copper cores with 1 mm2 cross section.
These allow, for example, power to be supplied to the connected devices.
The round cross section of the cable makes it easier to seal cable feedthroughs.
The outer jacket is labeled with the year of manufacture and the label "SIENOPYR–FR MI–
VHH 2G 62.5/125 3,1B200+0.8F600+2x1CU 300V" at intervals of approximately 50 cm.

The SIENOPYR duplex fiberoptic marine cable has the following properties:
● Ozone proof complying with DIN VDE 0472 Part 805 test type B
● Silicone-free
● Behavior in fire complying with IEC 603323 cat. A
● Corrosivity of combustion gases complying with IEC 607542
● Smoke density complying with IEC 61031
● Halogen-free
● Is approved for ship building
– Lloyds Register of Shipping
– Germanischer Lloyd
– Registro Staliano Navale
– Bureau Veritas

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10.5 Components for optical networks

The rubber insulated copper cores have the following properties:

● Rated voltage 300 Veff
● Current carrying capacity: The specifications of DIN VDE 0891 apply. The maximum
permitted current carried by the copper wires is 6 A at an ambient temperature of 70 °C.
● DC loop resistance: max. 36.2 ohms/km at 20 °C

The SIENOPYR duplex fiberoptic marine cable is intended for fixed installation on ships and
offshore facilities in all enclosed spaces and on open decks. The cable is not, however,
intended for permanent installation in water.
It is suitable for connecting optical interfaces operating in the wavelength range around 850
nm and 1300 nm.

Technical specifications

Table 10-52 Technical specifications of the SIENOPYR duplex fiberoptic marine cable

Cable type SIENOPYR

marine duplex
fiber-optic cable
Area of application Fixed installation on ships and offshore facilities in all
enclosed spaces and on free decks
Can be ordered Sold in meters
Cabling MI–VHH 2G 62.5/125
(standard designation) 3.1B200 + 0.8F600 +
2x1CU 300 V
Fiber type Multimode graded-index fiber 62.5/125 µm
Power loss at 850 nm <= 3.1 dB/km
Power loss at 1300 nm <= 0.8 dB/km
Modal bandwidth at 850 nm
at 1300 nm 200 MHz *km
600 MHz *km
Number of fibers 2
Cable design Splittable
outdoor cable
Core type Solid core
Materials basic element Polyolefin
Tensile strain relief Aramid yarn
Outer jacket /color of cable SHF1 mixture / black
Dimensions of basic element (2.9 ± 0.2) mm ∅
Outer dimensions (13.3 ± 0.5) mm
Cable weight approx. 220 kg/km
Permitted tensile force <= 500 N (brief)
<= 250 N (permanent)

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10.5 Components for optical networks

Cable type SIENOPYR

marine duplex
fiber-optic cable
Bending radiuses 133 mm (once)
266 mm (multiple)
Installation temperature -10 °C to +50 °C
Operating temperature –40 °C to +80 °C 1)
–40 °C to +70 °C 2)
Storage temperature –40 °C to +80 °C
Behavior in fire Complying with IEC 60332–3 Cat. A
Free of halogens yes
UL approval no
Shipbuilding approval yes
1) With no load on copper cores
2) With maximum load on copper cores (6 A)

10.5.3 Plastic FO cable POF and PCF POF Standard Cable and POF Trailing Cable

Brief description of the POF Standard Cable and POF Trailing Cable

outer sheath
strain relief using
aramide yarn

ndard C

POF fiber single core sheath

Figure 10-30 POF Standard Cable

The POF Standard Cable contains two step-index fibers of type 980/1000 µm.
The outer jacket is labeled "SIEMENS SIMATIC NET POF Standard Cable GP 980/1000
Profinet 6XV1874–2A E157125 OFN-FT1 c(UL)us OFN (drum number) / (year of
manufacture, e.g. 05) (meter marker)" approximately every 100 cm.
The POF Standard Cable is available in meters and is suitable for fitting connectors directly.

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Part C: Passive components and accessories
10.5 Components for optical networks

SIMATIC NET POF fiber-optic cables are used to set up optical PROFINET and Industrial
Ethernet networks indoors. Devices with an integrated optical interface (SC RJ connectors)
include, for example SCALANCE X200-4P IRT, SCALANCE X201-3P IRT, SCALANCE
X202-2P IRT, SCALANCE X101-1POF, ET 200S.
Rugged round cables with green outer jacket and Kevlar strengthening elements and two
plastic fibers with a robust polyamide inner jacket for applications indoors and outdoors with
cable lengths up to 50 m. The cables are suitable for connector assembly on site.
● POF Standard Cable GP (General Purpose);
for indoor and outdoor applications
● POF Trailing Cable;
for use in drag chains

Table 10-53 Technical specifications of the POF Standard Cable GP and POF Trailing Cable

Cable type POF Standard Cable GP POF Trailing Cable 980/1000

Area of application For fixed installation indoors For moving applications (e.g.
drag chains)
Can be ordered Sold in meters Sold in meters
Cable type (standard code) I-V4Y(ZN)Y 2P980/1000 I-V4Y(ZN)11Y
2P980/1000 FLEX
Fiber type POF FO cable 980/1000 µm POF FO cable 980/1000 µm
at 650 nm 160 dB/km 180 dB/km
Modal bandwidth
at 650 nm 10 MHz x 100 m 10 MHz x 100 m
Number of fibers 2 2
Fiber core Polymethyl methacrylate Polymethyl methacrylate
Cladding Fluorinated special polymer Fluorinated special polymer
Inner jacket/color PA, black orange PA, black orange
Outer jacket/color PVC, green PUR, green
Tensile strain relief Kevlar fibers Kevlar fibers
Mechanical characteristics
Diameter of fiber core 980 µm 980 µm
Cladding outer diameter 1000 µm 1000 µm
Diameter of inner jacket 2.2 mm Ø ±0.01 mm 2.2 mm Ø ±0.01 mm
Cable dimensions 7.8 mm ± 0.3 mm 8 mm
Cable weight 65 kg/km 55 kg/km
Maximum permitted tensile 100 N 100 N
Bending radius 150 mm 60 mm
Bending cycles – 5.000.000

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Cable type POF Standard Cable GP POF Trailing Cable 980/1000

Transverse compressive 100 N/cm 200 N/cm
strength (brief)
Resistant to
mineral oil ASTM no. 2 Conditionally resistant Highly resistant
Mineral grease/water Conditionally resistant / - Highly resistant/ -
UV radiation yes yes
Perm. ambient conditions
Operating temperature -30 °C to 70 °C -20 °C to 70 °C
Transport/storage temperature -30 °C to 70 °C -40 °C to 80 °C
Installation 0 °C to 50 °C +5 °C to 50 °C
In short-circuit to cable – –
Resistance to fire Flame retardant to IEC 60332-1 –
UL/CSA approval OFN-FT1 UL-758 AWM Style 5422
UV resistant no no
Halogen-free no no
Silicone-free yes yes PCF Standard Cable

Brief description of the PCF Standard Cable 6XV1861–2A

outer sheath
support element

single core sheath

iling Ca

fleece wrapping
with strain relief
strain relief elements

using aramide
PCF fiber yarn

hollow core

PCF-LWL Trailing Cable

Figure 10-31 PCF Standard Cable

The PCF Standard Cable contains two step-index fibers of type 200/230 µm.
The outer jacket is labeled "SIEMENS SIMATIC NET PCF Standard Cable GP 200/230
Profinet 6XV1861–2A (UL)E157125 OFN LL64163 OFN FT4 90C CSA (drum number) /
(year of manufacture, e.g. 05) (meter marker)" approximately every 100 cm.

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10.5 Components for optical networks

The PCF Standard Cable is available in meters and is suitable for fitting connectors directly.

The PCF standard cable is a rugged round cable with a green PVC outer jacket and Kevlar
strengthening elements and two glass fibers with a robust polyamide inner jacket. It is
intended for fixed installation indoors with cable lengths up to 100 m. The recommended
wavelength is 660 m.

Table 10-54 Technical specifications of the PCF Standard Cable

Cable type
Area of application FO cable for fixed installation indoors
Can be ordered In meters or preassembled with 2 x SCRJ connectors
Cable type (standard code) I-VY(ZN)YY 2K200/230
Fiber type Step-index cable
Power loss at 660 nm 10 dB/km
Modal bandwidth
at 650 nm 17 MHz * km
Number of fibers 2
Max. cable length 100 m
Fiber core Fused silica
Single jacket PVC
Tensile strain relief Aramid
Outer jacket /color of cable PVC / green
Diameter of single element 2.2 mm
Outer diameter 7.2 mm
Cable weight approx. 45 kg/km
Maximum permitted tensile strain
brief 800 N
permanent 100 N
Bending radius, min.
brief 70 mm
permanent 105 mm
Max. transverse compression
brief 500 N/cm
permanent 300 N/cm
Installation and assembly -5 ºC to +50 ºC
Operating temperature -25 ºC to +75 ºC
Transport/storage temperature -25 ºC to +75 ºC
UL approval Type OFN (NEC Article 770, UL 1651)
CSA approval Type OFN, 90°C, FT1, FT4 (CSA-Standard C22.2 No232-
Shipbuilding approval No

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10.5 Components for optical networks

Cable type
Chemical properties Conditionally resistant to oil, petrol, acids and alkalis
UV resistance UV resistance of outer jacket to DIN EN ISO 4892-2,
procedure A; UV application 500 hours PCF trailing cable

Brief description of the PCF Trailing Cable

Figure 10-32 PCF trailing cable

The PCF Trailing Cable contains two step-index fibers of type 200/230 µm.
The outer jacket is labeled "SIEMENS SIMATIC NET PCF Trailing Cable 200/230 6XV1861–
2C (drum number) / (year of manufacture, e.g. 05) (meter marker)" approximately every 100
The PCF Trailing Cable is available in meters and is suitable for fitting connectors directly.

The PCF trailing cable is a rugged round cable with a green PUR outer jacket and Kevlar
strengthening elements and two glass fibers with a robust PVC inner jacket. It is intended for
moving applications such as drag chains indoors and outdoors with cable lengths up to 100
m. The recommended wavelength is 660 m.

Table 10-55 Technical specifications of the PCF Trailing Cable

Cable type
Area of application FO cable for flexible application in drag chains both indoors
and outdoors
Can be ordered In meters or preassembled with 2 x SCRJ connectors
Cable type (standard code) AT-V(ZN)Y(ZN)11Y 2K200/230
Fiber type Step-index cable
Power loss at 660 nm 10 dB/km
Modal bandwidth
at 650 nm 17 MHz * km
Number of fibers 2
Max. cable length 100 m

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10.5 Components for optical networks

Cable type
Fiber core Fused silica
Single jacket PVC
Tensile strain relief Aramid
Outer jacket /color of cable Polyurethane (PUR) / green
Diameter of single element 2.2 mm
Outer diameter 8.8 mm
Cable weight approx. 85 kg/km
Maximum permitted tensile strain
brief 2000 N
permanent 800 N
Bending radius, min.
brief 130 mm
permanent 175 mm
Max. transverse compression
brief 500 N/cm
permanent 300 N/cm
Bending cycles 5.000.000
Installation and assembly -5 ºC to +50 ºC
Operating temperature -25 ºC to +75 ºC
Transport/storage temperature -30 ºC to +75 ºC
Resistance to fire Flame retardant
Shipbuilding approval No
Chemical properties High resistance to oil, petrol, acids and alkalis
UV resistance UV resistance of outer jacket to DIN 53 387, procedure 1;
condition A

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502 System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0
Part C: Passive components and accessories
10.5 Components for optical networks PCF trailing cable GP

Brief description of the PCF Trailing Cable GP








Figure 10-33 PCF trailing cable GP

The PCF Trailing Cable GP contains two step-index fibers of type 200/230 µm.
The outer jacket is labeled "SIEMENS SIMATIC NET PCF Trailing Cable GP 200/230
6XV1861–2D (UL)E157125 OFN LL64163 OFN FT4 90C CSA (drum number) / (year of
manufacture, e.g. 05) (meter marker)" approximately every 100 cm.
The PCF Trailing Cable is available in meters and is suitable for fitting connectors directly.
The main difference between PCF Trailing Cable and PCF Trailing Cable GP is that the GP
variant as UL approval and that its outer jacket consists of PVC instead of PUR.

The PCF trailing cable GP is a rugged round cable with a green PVC outer jacket and Kevlar
strengthening elements and two glass fibers with a robust PVC inner jacket. It is intended for
moving applications such as drag chains indoors and outdoors with cable lengths up to 100
m. The recommended wavelength is 660 m.

Table 10-56 Technical specifications of the PCF Trailing Cable GP

Cable type
Area of application FO cable for flexible application in drag chains both indoors
and outdoors
Can be ordered In meters or preassembled with 2 x SCRJ connectors
Cable type (standard code) AT-V(ZN)Y(ZN)Y 2K200/230
Fiber type Step-index cable
Power loss at 660 nm 10 dB/km
Modal bandwidth
at 650 nm 17 MHz * km

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Part C: Passive components and accessories
10.5 Components for optical networks

Cable type
Number of fibers 2
Max. cable length 100 m
Fiber core Fused silica
Single jacket PVC
Tensile strain relief Aramid
Outer jacket /color of cable PVC / green
Diameter of single element 2.2 mm
Outer diameter 8.8 mm
Cable weight approx. 85 kg/km
Maximum permitted tensile strain
brief 2000 N
permanent 800 N
Bending radius, min.
brief 130 mm
permanent 175 mm
Max. transverse compression
brief 500 N/cm
permanent 300 N/cm
Bending cycles 5.000.000
Installation and assembly -5 ºC to +50 ºC
Operating temperature -25 ºC to +75 ºC
Transport/storage temperature -30 ºC to +75 ºC
UL approval Type OFN (NEC Article 770, UL 1651)
CSA approval Type OFN, 90°C, FT1, FT4 (CSA-Standard C22.2 No232-
Shipbuilding approval No
Chemical properties Conditionally resistant to oil, petrol, acids and alkalis
UV resistance UV resistance of outer jacket to DIN EN ISO 4892-2,
procedure A; UV application 500 hours

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10.5 Components for optical networks

10.5.4 Cable connectors for FO cables Cable connectors for glass FO cables

BFOC cable connectors for glass FO cables

In Industrial Ethernet fiber-optic networks, BFOC cable connectors have been used for many
years for glass FO cables.

Figure 10-34 BFOC connectors

In the meantime, the SC connectors have also become established. They are used mainly
with the SCALANCE products with a gigabit Ethernet interface.

Figure 10-35 SC cable connectors

Fitting connectors on site

When connectors need to be fitted on site,
● SIEMENS provides this service,
● BFOC and SC connectors and special tools can be ordered.
In this case, speak to your contact for special cable solutions.

Connectors should only be fitted to glass fiberoptic cables by trained personnel. When fitted
correctly, they allow extremely low insertion loss and the value is highly reproducible after
multiple plugging cycles.

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10.5 Components for optical networks

Preassembled cables
To be able to use glass fiberoptic cables with untrained personnel, glass fiberoptic cables
are also available with four BFOC or SC connectors already fitted.
For more details, refer to section Preassembled FO cables (Page 508).

Fiber-optic cable connectors are susceptible to contamination and mechanical damage to
the face. Protect open connectors with the supplied dust caps.

Only remove the dust cap immediately before establishing the connection. Cable connectors for plastic and PCF FO cables

SC RJ connectors
POF and PCF FO cables are used to set up optical Ethernet/PROFINET networks indoors
and outdoors and used SC RJ connectors.
Ethernet/PROFINET devices with an integrated optical interface with SC RJ connectors
include, for example, SCALANCE X-200P IRT, ET200S.

POF/PCF-LWL termination kit

To fit connectors to POF/PCF FO cables on site, the termination kit is available.

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Part C: Passive components and accessories
10.5 Components for optical networks

Figure 10-36 POF/PCF-LWL termination kit

The kit is available in a termination case. It consists of stripping tool, buffer stripping tool,
Kevlar scissors, fiber cutter and microscope.

Table 10-57 Order numbers for kits and accessories

6GK1900-0ML00-0AA0 SIMATIC NET termination kit SC RJ POF plug, termination case for
on-site assembly of SC RJ connectors consisting of stripping tool,
Kevlar scissors, polishing set
6GK1900-0NL00-0AA0 SIMATIC NET termination kit SC RJ PCF plug, termination case for
on-site assembly of SC RJ PCF connectors consisting of stripping tool,
Kevlar scissors, polishing set, fiber cutter
6GK1900-0MB00-0AC0 SIMATIC NET, IE SC RJ POF PLUG threaded coupling connector for
on-site fitting to POF FO cables (set of 20 duplex connectors)
6GK1900-0NB00-0AC0 SIMATIC NET, IE SC RJ PCF plug threaded coupling connector for
on-site fitting to PCF FO cables (set of 10 duplex connectors)

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10.5 Components for optical networks

10.5.5 Preassembled FO cables Preassembled FO standard cable GP

Preassembled FO standard cable GP

The FO cables are available with two fibers. They are preassembled with 4 BFOC or 4 SC

Table 10-58 The following preferred lengths of preassembled FO Standard Cable GP are available:

Length Preassembled with 4 BFOC connectors Preassembled with 4 SC connectors

0.5 m 6XV1 873-3AH05 6XV1 873-6AH05
1m 6XV1 873-3AH10 6XV1 873-6AH10
2m 6XV1 873-3AH20 6XV1 873-6AH20
3m 6XV1 873-3AH30 6XV1 873-6AH30
5m 6XV1 873-3AH50 6XV1 873-6AH50
10 m 6XV1 873-3AN10 6XV1 873-6AN10
15 m 6XV1 873-3AN15 6XV1 873-6AN15
20 m 6XV1 873-3AN20 6XV1 873-6AN20
30 m 6XV1 873-3AN30 6XV1 873-6AN30
40 m 6XV1 873-3AN40 6XV1 873-6AN40
50 m 6XV1 873-3AN50 6XV1 873-6AN50
80 m 6XV1 873-3AN80 6XV1 873-6AN80
100 m 6XV1 873-3AT10 6XV1 873-6AT10
150 m 6XV1 873-3AT15 6XV1 873-6AT15
200 m 6XV1 873-3AT20 6XV1 873-6AT20
300 m 6XV1 873-3AT30 6XV1 873-6AT30

Other special cables and special lengths available on request.

See also
FO Standard Cable GP 50/125 µm (Page 487) Preassembled FO Ground Cable

Preassembled FO Ground Cable

The FO cables are available with two fibers. They are preassembled with 4 BFOC or 4 SC

Industrial Ethernet Networking Manual

508 System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0
Part C: Passive components and accessories
10.5 Components for optical networks

Table 10-59 The following preferred lengths of preassembled FO Ground Cable are available:

Length Preassembled with 4 BFOC connectors Preassembled with 4 SC connectors

100 m 6XV1 873-3GT10 6XV1 873-6GT10
200 m 6XV1 873-3GT20 6XV1 873-6GT20
300 m 6XV1 873-3GT30 6XV1 873-6GT30
Due to the properties and the areas of application of the FO Ground Cable, shorter
preassembled lengths are not defined.
Other special cables and special lengths available on request.

See also
FO Ground Cable 50/125 µm (Page 488) Preassembled FO Trailing Cable

Preassembled FO Trailing Cable

The FO cables are available with two fibers. They are preassembled with 4 BFOC or 4 SC

Table 10-60 The following preferred lengths of preassembled FO Trailing Cable are available:

Length Preassembled with 4 BFOC connectors Preassembled with 4 SC connectors

3m 6XV1 873-3CH30 6XV1 873-6CH30
5m 6XV1 873-3CH50 6XV1 873-6CH50
10 m 6XV1 873-3CN10 6XV1 873-6CN10
20 m 6XV1 873-3CN20 6XV1 873-6CN20
50 m 6XV1 873-3CN50 6XV1 873-6CN50
10 m 6XV1 873-3CT10 6XV1 873-6CT10

Other special cables and special lengths available on request.

See also
FO Trailing Cable 50/125 µm Standard (variants with and without UL) (Page 489)

Industrial Ethernet Networking Manual

System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0 509
Part C: Passive components and accessories
10.5 Components for optical networks Preassembled FO Trailing Cable GP

Preassembled FO Trailing Cable GP

The FO cables are available with two fibers. They are preassembled with 4 BFOC or 4 SC

Table 10-61 The following preferred lengths of preassembled FO Trailing Cable are available:

Length Preassembled with 4 BFOC connectors Preassembled with 4 SC connectors

3m 6XV1 873-3DH30 6XV1 873-6DH30
5m 6XV1 873-3DH50 6XV1 873-6DH50
10 m 6XV1 873-3DN10 6XV1 873-6DN10
20 m 6XV1 873-3DN20 6XV1 873-6DN20
50 m 6XV1 873-3DN50 6XV1 873-6DN50
10 m 6XV1 873-3DT10 6XV1 873-6DT10

Other special cables and special lengths available on request.

See also
FO Trailing Cable 50/125 µm Standard (variants with and without UL) (Page 489)

Industrial Ethernet Networking Manual

510 System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0
Part C: Passive components and accessories
10.6 Components for wireless networks

10.6 Components for wireless networks

10.6.1 Antennas Characteristics of omnidirectional antennas

Distribution of the RF field

With the omnidirectional antennas ANT795-6MR and ANT795-4MR, the RF field is
concentrated in a plane perpendicular to the antenna. The field is uniformly distributed
around the antenna and weakens with increasing distance from the antenna. Both antennas
have a beamwidth of 30° and similar antenna gain. In contrast to the ANT795-4MR that is
mounted directly on the housing, the ANT795-6MR can be installed detached from the
device connected by the preassembled antenna cable.

vertical horizontal
opening opening
angle angle

Figure 10-37 Radiation pattern of the omnidirectional antennas ANT 795-6/4 MR

Above and below the antenna there is no radiation. Moving away from the plane
perpendicular to the antenna, once the beamwidth is reached, the antenna gain has dropped
to half the value. The quality of the wireless connection then becomes noticeable poorer. Characteristics of directional antennas

Distribution of the RF field

The directional antennas ANT792-8DR and ANT793-8DR concentrate the RF in the shape of
a lobe (to simplify matters, this is shown as a funnel in the figure below). The emission is
best perpendicular to the antenna. If the direction around the beamwidth is left, there is
practically no wireless connection possible. This antenna is then known as directional.
Antennas are supplied with a preassembled 5 m antenna cable, ANT792-8DR is also
available without a cable.

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System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0 511
Part C: Passive components and accessories
10.6 Components for wireless networks

horizontal vertical
opening angle opening angle

Figure 10-38 Radiation characteristics of the ANT 792/3-8DR directional antennas

The ANT792-8DR and ANT793-8DR antennas differ in the beamwidth of the RF field:

ANT792-8DR approx. 30°
ANT793-8DR approx. 20° Technical specifications for antennas


ANT795-4MR ANT795-4MS ANT792-6MN

Frequency range 2.4 … 5 GHz 2.4 … 5 GHz 2.4 GHz
Characteristics omnidirectional
Radiation angle 360° horizontal
Antenna gain 4 dBi / 4 dBi 4 dBi / 4 dBi 6 dBi
SWR max. 2.0 max. 2.0 max. 1.8
Connectors R-SMA male R-SMA male N female
Perm. ambient conditions
Operating temperature -20 °C to +60 °C -20 °C to +60 °C -40 °C to +70 °C
Transport/storage -20 °C to +60 °C -20 °C to +60 °C -40 °C to +70 °C
Relative humidity 100 %
Degree of protection IP65
Dimensions (W x H x 35 x 148 x 13 35 x 160 35 x 13 22 x 250 x 22
D) in mm
Installation Directly on the device Directly on the device Wall or mast
Weight 50 g 50 g 300 g
Range with line-of-sight 100 m 100 m 200 m
and no disruption

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512 System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0
Part C: Passive components and accessories
10.6 Components for wireless networks

ANT793-6MN ANT795-6MN ANT795-6DN

Frequency range 5 GHz 2.4 … 5 GHz 2.4 … 5 GHz
Characteristics omnidirectional omnidirectional directional
Radiation angle 360° horizontal 360° horizontal 55° horizontal, 55°
Antenna gain 5 dBi 6 dBi / 8 dBi 9 dBi / 9 dBi
SWR max. 1.5 max. 1.8 max. 1.5
Connectors N female N female N female
Perm. ambient conditions
Operating temperature -40 °C to +70 °C -40 °C to +70 °C -40 °C to +70 °C
Transport/storage -40 °C to +70 °C -40 °C to +70 °C -40 °C to +70 °C
Relative humidity 100 %
Degree of protection IP65
Dimensions (W x H x D) 16 x 160 x 16 86 x 43 x 86 100 x 95 x 32
in mm
Installation Wall or mast Ceiling Wall or mast
Weight 300 g 300 g 110 g
Range with line-of-sight 200 m 200 m 200 m
and no disruption

ANT792-8DN ANT793-8DN
Frequency range 2.4 GHz 5 GHz
Characteristics directional directional
Radiation angle 35° horizontal, 30° 18° horizontal, 18°
vertical vertical
Antenna gain 14 dBi 19 dBi
SWR max. 1.5 max. 1.5
Connectors N female N female
Perm. ambient conditions
Operating temperature -40 °C to +70 °C -40 °C to +70 °C
Transport/storage -40 °C to +70 °C -40 °C to +70 °C
Relative humidity 100 %
Degree of protection IP65
Dimensions (W x H x D) 200 x 200 x 43 190 x 190 x 31
in mm
Installation Wall or mast Wall or mast
Weight 500 g 700 g
Range with line-of-sight 1000 m 1000 m
and no disruption

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System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0 513
Part C: Passive components and accessories
10.6 Components for wireless networks

Actual range
The actual range may be significantly shorter than the value listed in the table and depends
on the spatial conditions, the wireless standard used, the data rate and the antenna being
used at the other end.

Note on national wireless approvals
You will find the current national approvals on the Internet at Dimension drawings for the antennas


21,2 6

34,6 13

Figure 10-39 Dimension drawing ANT795-4MR/MS

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514 System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0
Part C: Passive components and accessories
10.6 Components for wireless networks


Figure 10-40 Dimension drawing ANT792-6MN

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System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0 515
Part C: Passive components and accessories
10.6 Components for wireless networks


Figure 10-41 Dimension drawing ANT793-6MN


Figure 10-42 Dimension drawing ANT795-6MN

Industrial Ethernet Networking Manual

516 System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0
Part C: Passive components and accessories
10.6 Components for wireless networks


Figure 10-43 Dimension drawing ANT795-6DN

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System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0 517
Part C: Passive components and accessories
10.6 Components for wireless networks


Figure 10-44 Dimension drawing ANT792-8DN


Figure 10-45 Dimension drawing ANT793-8DN

Industrial Ethernet Networking Manual

518 System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0
Part C: Passive components and accessories
10.6 Components for wireless networks

10.6.2 RCoax leaky feeder cable Technical specifications

The information relates to the two RCoax cables with MLFB numbers 6XV1875-2A for 2.4
GHz and 6XV1875-2D for 5 GHz.

2.4 GHz / 5 GHz
Inner conductor Copper-clad aluminum,
diameter: 4.8 mm
Dielectric Polyethylene foam,
diameter: 12.4 mm
Outer conductor Overlapping copper foil with the slot groups
bonded to cable jacket
Cable jacket Polyethylene, pastel turquoise
diameter: 15.5 mm
Jacket thickness: 1.3 mm

Mechanical characteristics
2.4 GHz / 5 GHz
Minimum bending radius (once) 20 cm
Tensile strength 110 daN (1daN = 10 N)
Weight 0.232 kg/m
Recommended mounting distance 0.6 m

Electrical characteristics
2.4 GHz / 5 GHz
Impedance 50 +/- 2 Ω
Ratio of propagation speed 88%
Capacitance 76 pF/m
DC resistance at 20 °C Inner conductor: 1.48 Ω/km
Outer conductor: 2.9 Ω/km
Prohibited frequencies 535, 1070, 1605 +/- 65 MHz
2140 +/- 40 MHz

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System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0 519
Part C: Passive components and accessories
10.6 Components for wireless networks

Nominal longitudinal attenuation and coupling losses at 20 °C and 2.4 GHz

f α C50
[MHz] [dB/100m] [dB]
2400 17.0 59
2500 17.7 59

Nominal longitudinal attenuation at 20 °C and 5 GHz

f α α
[MHz] [dB/100m] [dB/100m]
Cable installation 10 cm over Cable installation 15 mm over
concrete aluminum rail
5200 24 35
5800 28 39

Nominal coupling losses at 20 °C and 5 GHz

f C50 C95
[MHz] [dB] [dB]
5200 43 47
5800 42 46
Notice: C50 and C95 apply here for an antenna distance of 10 cm from the cable

Permitted ambient conditions

Operating temperature - 40°C through + 85°C

Operating temperature according to UL listing - 20°C through + 60°C
Storage temperature - 70°C through + 85°C
Installation temperature - 25°C through + 60°C

Resistance to fire

Low corrosive gas emission IEC 60754-2

Flame retardant IEC 60332-1 and IEC 60332-3 Cat. C
Low smoke emission IEC 61034

Industrial Ethernet Networking Manual

520 System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0
Part C: Passive components and accessories
10.6 Components for wireless networks

10.6.3 Various WLAN accessories

Antenna extension cable

Table 10-62 Technical specifications

Antenna extension cable FRNC

Attenuation 0.5 dB/m at 2.4 GHz, 0.8 dB/m at 5 GHz
Connectors R-SMA
Antenna cable length 15 m/5 m
Perm. ambient conditions
Operating temperature -25 °C to +80 °C
Transport/storage temperature -40 °C to +80 °C
Relative humidity 100 %
Resistance to fire IEC 60332-1
Halogen-free yes
Silicone-free yes
Resistance to mineral oils and fats Conditionally resistant
Degree of protection IP65
Weight 500 g
Approvals IEC 60754-1/-2, IEC 601034, IEC 60332-1, UL

Table 10-63 Ordering data

ANT 790

Terminator TI795-1R

Table 10-64 Technical specifications

Termination Impedance TI795-1R

Frequency range 2.4 GHz, 5 GHz
Impedance 50 ohms
Connectors R-SMA male
Perm. ambient conditions
Operating temperature -20 °C to +60 °C
Transport/storage temperature -20 °C to +60 °C
Relative humidity 100 %
Degree of protection IP65
Dimensions (L X D) in mm 15 x 10
Weight 5g

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System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0 521
Part C: Passive components and accessories
10.6 Components for wireless networks

Table 10-65 Ordering data


Lightning protector LP 798-1N

Table 10-66 Technical specifications

Lightning protector LP798-1N

Frequency range 0 to 5.8 GHz
Impedance 50 ohms
Connectors N/N female/female
Perm. ambient conditions
Operating temperature -40 °C to +100 °C
Transport/storage temperature -40 °C to +100 °C
Relative humidity 100 %
Degree of protection IP65
Dimensions (L X D) in mm 36.8 x 17
Weight 50 g

Table 10-67 Ordering data


Power supply PS791-1PRO

See alsoIP65 power supply (Page 526)

10.6.4 SINEMA E

Software in continuous development

Note that SINEMA E is a software product that is constantly being developed.
If you want to keep up to date with the current range of functions of the application, check
the Internet regularly:

Industrial Ethernet Networking Manual

522 System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0
Part C: Passive components and accessories
10.6 Components for wireless networks

Software requirements
To use its full functionality problem-free, SINEMA E requires the following software:
● Windows XP Service Pack 2 The available language versions of SINEMA E are German
and English.

The release for Windows Vista is planned for Autumn 2007.

Hardware requirements
The computer on which you install SINEMA E should meet the following minimum
● Processor speed 1 GHz
● 512 MB RAM
● Hard disk with 20 MB of free space to install SINEMA E. You also require enough space
for one or more projects. For more detailed information, refer to the current readme file
supplied with the software.
● Monitor resolution at least 1024 x 768 pixels

Supported WLAN components

● WLAN access points
– Hipath AP2610,2620,2630,2640 *1)
– Standard Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/h access points *1)
● WLAN clients
– Standard Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/h clients *1)
● LAN/WLAN adapters for up/download functions
– Standard LAN adapters *2)
– Standard WLAN adapters *3)

Industrial Ethernet Networking Manual

System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0 523
Part C: Passive components and accessories
10.6 Components for wireless networks

● WLAN adapters for WLAN measurement (site survey) *5)

– Standard mode:
Standard WLAN adapters *3)
– Advanced mode:
PCMCIA WLAN adapters *4)
1) no configuration possible online and offline (Note: Hipath is configured by the Hipath
WLAN controller)
2) Integrated LAN interface of notebooks and PGs such as SIEMENS Power PG M
3) WLAN PCMCIA adapters such as SIEMENS CP 7515 or integrated WLAN interface of
notebooks and SIEMENS PGs
4) Driver supports cards with the following Atheros chipsets ( AR5001A, AR5001X,
AR5002G, AR5002X, AR5004G, AR5004X, AR5005GS) such as NetGear WAG511 V2,
Cisco Aironet CB21AG 802.11 a/b/g
5) SINEMA E standard license required

Order numbers and software versions

MLFB Version

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524 System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0
Part C: Passive components and accessories
10.7 Accessories

10.7 Accessories

10.7.1 C-PLUG configuration memory

Technical specifications of the C-PLUG

Table 10-68 Electrical data

Power consumption 0.015 W
Power supply Supplied by end device
Memory capacity 32 Mbytes
MTBF > 600 years

Table 10-69 Environmental conditions

Operating temperature -20 °C - +70 °C
Storage/transport temperature -40 °C - +80 °C
Relative humidity in operation < 95% (no condensation)
Operating altitude 2000 m at max. 56 °C ambient temperature
3,000 m at max. 50 °C ambient temperature
Degree of protection, tested to IP20

Table 10-70 Mechanical data

Dimensions (W x H x D) mm 24.3 x 17 x 8.1 mm
Weight approx. 5 g

Table 10-71 Order number

C-PLUG 6GK1900-0AB00

The C-PLUG must only be removed or inserted when the power supply to the device is
turned off.

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System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0 525
Part C: Passive components and accessories
10.7 Accessories

10.7.2 IP65 power supply


Table 10-72 Technical specifications

Power supply PS791-1PRO

Interfaces AC Power 3+PE Cable Connector for 100-240 V
AC power supply
M12 Plug pro or Power Cord M12 for 24 V DC
output power
On/off switch
Input voltage 90 V to 265 V AC at 47 Hz to 63 Hz
Output voltage 24 V DC, +-7%, 0.42 A
Output power 10 W
Network disruption Bridging min. 20 ms at 230 V AC
Perm. ambient conditions
Operating temperature -20 °C to 60 °C
Transport/storage temperature -40 °C to +85 °C
Relative humidity 100%
Approvals EMC:
EN 55022 Class B,
EN 61000-4;
UL 1950, EN 60950;
Device failure MTBF 600,000 h at full load, 25 °C
Switching frequency typ. 100 kHz
Degree of protection IP65
Dimensions (W x H x D) in mm 125 x 60 x 130
Installation Wall/standard rail mounting (S7-300) direct on
SCALANCE devices
Weight 700 g

Table 10-73 Ordering data


See also
IP65 power supply (Page 224)

Industrial Ethernet Networking Manual

526 System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0
Part C: Instructions for fitting connectors,
attachments and devices

11.1 Note on the installation instructions

Note the following:

This networking manual provides information on installing some of the most common
You will find more detailed information on installing and setting up in the documentation of
the relevant devices or components.

11.2 Industrial Ethernet FastConnect Stripping Tool

This section describes the use of the IE FC Stripping Tool. This is the ideal tool for preparing
the IE FC cables and simplifies fitting the IE FC connectors to the IE FC cables. Please refer
also to the instructions in the user guide supplied with the IE FC Stripping Tool.
The cables must be prepared before the connector can be fitted. The IE FC connectors are
constructed so that the cables can always be stripped in the same way.

Personnel qualification requirements

Qualified personnel as referred to in these operating instructions or in the warning notes are
defined as persons who are familiar with the installation, assembly, startup and operation of
this product and who possess the relevant qualifications for their work.

Industrial Ethernet FastConnect Stripping Tool

The tool described in this manual is intended only for stripping SIMATIC NET Industrial
Ethernet FastConnect cables. If used elsewhere, accidents may occur or tools and cable
may be irreparably damaged.
The tool and must not be used on live cables under any circumstances.

Industrial Ethernet Networking Manual

System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0 527
Part C: Instructions for fitting connectors, attachments and devices
11.2 Industrial Ethernet FastConnect Stripping Tool

1. Fit the required knife cassette in the 1. Take the stripping tool in your right 1. Fit the measured end of the cable in
stripping tool. When using stripping hand. the stripping tool. Limit stop for the
tool supplied with the yellow knife 2. Measure the cable length by placing cable length is the index finger of
cassette, the cutting depth must be the cable on the template. Use the your left hand.
adjusted with the middle socket index finger of your left hand as the
head screw after converting. limit stop.

1. Clamp the stripping tool as far as it 1. To strip the insulation, turn the tool 1. Keeping the it closed, pull the
will go. in the direction of the arrow stripping tool with jacket and
• approx. 4 times for PVC insulation remnants of the shield off the end of
the cable.
• approx, 8 times for PUR insulation.

Industrial Ethernet Networking Manual

528 System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0
Part C: Instructions for fitting connectors, attachments and devices
11.2 Industrial Ethernet FastConnect Stripping Tool

1. After releasing the tool, remove the 1. If the white filler is not removed with 1. The protective foil is easier to
remnants of the cable from the tool. the insulation, remove it with your remove if you score it between the
hand. wires with a screwdriver.

1. Pull the protective foil off the wires. 1. Follow the instructions supplied with 1. Replace the knife cassette after
your connector or outlet. approx:
• 1500 operations with cables with
PVC outer jackets
• 150 operations with cables with
PUR outer jackets
1. Order numbers for knife cassettes:
• Green: 6GK1901-1GB01
• Yellow: 6GK1901-1GB00

Using the IE FC Stripping Tool
The insulation piercing contacts of the FC RJ-45 plug can be released and recontacted up to
10 times.
Cable ends that have had a connector fitted, must not be used twice but must be cut off
before fitting a new connector.
To assemble a cable with crossed over wires, connect the color-coded wires at one end of
the cable in the connector as shown below:
- connect white with yellow
- connect blue with orange.

Industrial Ethernet Networking Manual

System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0 529
Part C: Instructions for fitting connectors, attachments and devices
11.3 Fitting the IE FC RJ-45 Plug

11.3 Fitting the IE FC RJ-45 Plug

Fitting the IE FC RJ-45 Plug

Fit the IE FC RJ-45 Plug as explained in the instructions below.

In the stripping tool, use the green knife Take the stripping tool in your right Place the cable in the stripping tool.
cassette 6GK1901-1GB01 hand. The index finger of your left hand is the
(5.1 mm knife distance)! Measure the cable length by placing limit stop.
When using stripping tool supplied with the cable on the template. Clamp the stripping tool as far as it will
the yellow knife cassette, the cutting Use the index finger of your left hand go.
depth must be adjusted with the middle as the limit stop.
socket head screw after replacing the
knife cassette.

Rotate the stripping tool to strip the Keeping the it closed, pull the stripping If the white filler was not pulled off
cable - with PVC insulation approx. 4 tool with jacket and remnants of the when you stripped the cable, remove it
times, - for PUR insulation approx. 8 shield off the end of the cable. and the transparent protective foil
times in the direction of the arrow. manually.
Cut off the dummy cores.

Industrial Ethernet Networking Manual

530 System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0
Part C: Instructions for fitting connectors, attachments and devices
11.3 Fitting the IE FC RJ-45 Plug

Spread out the cores according to their Insert the cores as far as they will go Press down the contact elements as far
colors on the contact elements of the into the contact elements of the FC RJ- as the limit stop to contact the cores.
FC RJ-45 plug. 45 plug.

Close the cover and turn the locking Insert a 2.5 mm screwdriver into the The connector is correctly locked when
mechanism with your hand as far as hole in the locking mechanism and the opening of the locking mechanism
possible in the direction of the arrow. continue turning it as far as the limit is at the side and the side edges are
stop. flush with the connector.

The figures show how to fit an IE FC RJ-45 Plug 180. To fit the IE FC RJ-45 Plug 145 or IE
FC RJ-45 Plug 90, the procedure is analogous!

Replace the knife cassette if the cut is The insulation piercing contacts of the To assemble a cable with crossed over
not clean or after stripping FC RJ-45 plug can be released and wires, connect the color-coded wires at
approximately recontacted up to 10 times. one end of the cable in the connector
• 1500 operations with cables with Cable ends that have had a connector as shown below:
PVC outer jackets fitted, must not be used twice but must Connect white with yellow
• 150 operations with cables with be cut off before fitting a new Connect blue with orange.
PUR outer jackets connector.

See also
IE FC RJ-45 Plug (Page 463)

Industrial Ethernet Networking Manual

System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0 531
Part C: Instructions for fitting connectors, attachments and devices
11.4 Fitting the IE FC Modular Outlet RJ-45

11.4 Fitting the IE FC Modular Outlet RJ-45

11.4.1 Connecting the RJ-45 Modular Outlet

Graphic showing connection of the IE FC RJ-45 Modular Outlet

Industrial Ethernet Networking Manual

532 System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0
Part C: Instructions for fitting connectors, attachments and devices
11.4 Fitting the IE FC Modular Outlet RJ-45

11.4.2 Connecting the IE Hybrid Cable 2x2 + 4x0.34


Remove the locking screw of Now release the two cover Lift up the upper part of the IE
the insert. (1.) screws that are now accessible FC RJ-45 Modular Outlet. (4.)
Pull the insert forward as far as Lift up the 4 terminals of the
the limit stop. (2.) terminal block. (5.)

Strip the approx. 55 mm of the Insert the wires pair by pair into Secure the wires in position by
jacket of the IE Hybrid Cable the wire channels of the pressing down the terminals as
2x2 + 4x0.34. insulation piercing terminals far as the limit stop.
Shorten the shield of the data according to the color codes in Repeat these steps until all four
wires by approx. 5 to maximum the picture on the left. pairs or wires are connected.
20 mm. The color codes on the terminal
Cut off the dummy cores. block of the modular outlet have
Spread the wires according to no meaning for the hybrid cable!
the color markings in the figure The ends of the wires must be
above. visible in the last viewing
Cut all the wires in a straight window of the terminal block
line to leave 48 mm to the cable and must meet the back panel
jacket. of the terminal block!

Industrial Ethernet Networking Manual

System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0 533
Part C: Instructions for fitting connectors, attachments and devices
11.4 Fitting the IE FC Modular Outlet RJ-45

Center the cable in the shield Tighten the two cover screws. Fit the outlet on a DIN rail or
clamp so that the power wires Tighten the insert screw until the secure it to a smooth surface
are at the bottom in the shield insert is flush with the casing of using the three holes in the
clamp and the braided shield the outlet. casing.
makes contact with the
pressure surface in the upper
part of the outlet. (15.)
Fold down the upper part. (16.)
Make sure that the power wires
do not slip and are not jammed
by the lateral metal bars.

The insulation piercing contacts of the IE FC RJ-45 Modular Outlet can be released and
recontacted up to 10 times.
Cable ends that have had a connector fitted, must not be used twice but must be cut off
before fitting a new connector.

The following inserts are available without basic housing
Insert 2FE order no. 6GK1901-1BK00-0AA1
Insert 1GE order no. 6GK1901-1BK00-0AA2
Note that the connection between IE FC RJ-45 Modular Outlets with these inserts requires 8-
wire FastConnect cables (Cat6). The IE Hybrid Cable 2x2 + 4x0.34 6XV1870--2J is not
suitable for operation of the 2FE and 1GE inserts!

Use the power insert only under the following conditions:
Extra-low voltages SELV, PELV to IEC 60364-4-41
In USA/CAN with power supplies according to NEC class 2
In USA/CAN, the cabling must meet the requirements of the NEC/CEC
Current load maximum 0.5 A.

Industrial Ethernet Networking Manual

534 System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0
Part C: Instructions for fitting connectors, attachments and devices
11.4 Fitting the IE FC Modular Outlet RJ-45

Keep to the rules in the SCALANCE W manual for fitting an IP67 hybrid cable connector to
a SCALANCE W device!

11.4.3 Connecting the IE FC TP standard cable 4 x 2 GP / IE FC TP flexible cable 4 x 2



Remove the locking screw of Now release the two cover Lift up the upper part of the IE
the insert. (1.) screws that are now accessible. FC RJ-45 Modular Outlet. (4.)
Pull the insert forward as far as Lift up the 4 terminals of the
the limit stop. (2.) terminal block. (5.)

Use the green knife cassette Take the stripping tool in your Place the cable in the stripping
6GK1901-1GB01 (5.1 mm knife right hand. tool. Your left index finger is the
clearance) in the stripping tool. Measure the cable length limit stop.
Adjust the cutting depth of the against the stripping tool. Tighten the stripping tool until it
knife cassette if necessary with Use your left index finger as the locks into place (audible click).
the socket-head screws at the limit stop. (9.)
head of the tool.

Industrial Ethernet Networking Manual

System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0 535
Part C: Instructions for fitting connectors, attachments and devices
11.4 Fitting the IE FC Modular Outlet RJ-45

Rotate the stripping tool to strip Remove the cable jacket, shield Cut off the central support
the cable and the white filler with your element.
- with PVC insulation approx. 4 hand.
- for PUR insulation approx. 8
in the direction of the arrow.

Spread out the wires according Guide the wires according to the Secure the wires in position by
to the color markings on the color markings, pair by pair into pressing down the terminals as
terminal block of the Modular the wire channels of the far as the limit stop.
Outlet. insulation piercing terminals as Repeat these steps until all four
Do not undo the twisting of the far as the limit stop on the back pairs or wires are connected.
wire more than necessary to panel. (17.)
make the connection. The ends of the wires must be
Shorten the two middle pairs so visible in the last viewing
that all wires end in a line. window of the terminal block!

Align the cable so that the Tighten the two cover screws. Fit the outlet on a DIN rail or
braided shield is in the center of (23.) secure it to a smooth surface
the middle section of the shield Tighten the insert screw until the using the three holes in the
clamp. insert is flush with the casing of casing.
Fold down the upper part. the outlet. (24.)

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536 System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0
Part C: Instructions for fitting connectors, attachments and devices
11.4 Fitting the IE FC Modular Outlet RJ-45

The insulation piercing contacts of the IE FC RJ-45 Modular Outlet can be released and
recontacted up to 10 times.
Cable ends that have had a connector fitted, must not be used twice but must be cut off
before fitting a new connector.

Use the power insert only under the following conditions:
Extra-low voltages SELV, PELV to IEC 60364-4-41
In USA/CAN with power supplies according to NEC class 2
In USA/CAN, the cabling must meet the requirements of the NEC/CEC
Current load maximum 0.5 A.

Keep to the rules in the SCALANCE W manual for fitting an IP67 hybrid cable connector to
a SCALANCE W device!

Industrial Ethernet Networking Manual

System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0 537
Part C: Instructions for fitting connectors, attachments and devices
11.5 Assembling an IE hybrid cable 2 x 2 + 4 x 0.34 with an IE IP 67 hybrid connector

11.5 Assembling an IE hybrid cable 2 x 2 + 4 x 0.34 with an IE IP 67 hybrid


Terminating the IE Hybrid Cable 2x2 + 4x0.34 with an IE IP67 hybrid plug
Remove the two inner shells of the universal
sealing ring to adapt it to the diameter of the
hybrid cable.

Push the bushing, the washer, the adapted

universal sealing ring and the housing over the
cable jacket.

Remove the following lengths of cable jacket and

shield braid:
• 25 mm for the power leads.
• 30 mm for the data leads
(to achieve good shielding, the shield braid
must be at least 30 mm long).

Industrial Ethernet Networking Manual

538 System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0
Part C: Instructions for fitting connectors, attachments and devices
11.5 Assembling an IE hybrid cable 2 x 2 + 4 x 0.34 with an IE IP 67 hybrid connector

Arrange the data leads according to the color

codes on the splice element. The following table
shows the assignment of the data leads.

Contact and color assignment of the splice


Wire color code White Blue Yellow Orange

Connector color code White Blue Yellow Orange
(Siemens IE)
Siemens IE FC RJ-45 3 6 1 2
socket (reference)

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System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0 539
Part C: Instructions for fitting connectors, attachments and devices
11.5 Assembling an IE hybrid cable 2 x 2 + 4 x 0.34 with an IE IP 67 hybrid connector

Insert the all the data leads at the same time into
the splice element is far as they will go.

Close the splice element and RJ-45 data module

until they lock together.

Insert the data module and the splice element

into the supplied IDC assembly tool.

Industrial Ethernet Networking Manual

540 System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0
Part C: Instructions for fitting connectors, attachments and devices
11.5 Assembling an IE hybrid cable 2 x 2 + 4 x 0.34 with an IE IP 67 hybrid connector

Press the data module and the IDC assembly tool

together to establish the installation piercing

Remove the assembled data module from the

IDC assembly tool.

Position the top shield plate and press it over the

cable shield.

Industrial Ethernet Networking Manual

System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0 541
Part C: Instructions for fitting connectors, attachments and devices
11.5 Assembling an IE hybrid cable 2 x 2 + 4 x 0.34 with an IE IP 67 hybrid connector

Position the lower shield plate and press it and

the upper shield plate together until they lock
together with an audible "click".

Arrange the power leads and insert them as far

as they will go into the hinge elements of the
isolation body.
The following table shows the pin assignment of
the power leads.

Wire color code Brown Brown Black Black

24 V 24 V Ground Ground
Power supply insert 1 2 3 4

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542 System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0
Part C: Instructions for fitting connectors, attachments and devices
11.5 Assembling an IE hybrid cable 2 x 2 + 4 x 0.34 with an IE IP 67 hybrid connector

Press each individual hinge element together with

the integrated IDC contact.
Recommendation: Use a small slotted
screwdriver (max. 3.5 mm) as a lever.

Push the housing over the assembled data

module and the insulator body until they lock
together (there should be an audible click).

Tighten the cable gland. We recommend an open

ring key with a size of 21 mm.

Industrial Ethernet Networking Manual

System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0 543
Part C: Instructions for fitting connectors, attachments and devices
11.6 Fitting the IE FC TP standard cable 4 x 2 GP to an IE IP 67 hybrid connector

11.6 Fitting the IE FC TP standard cable 4 x 2 GP to an IE IP 67 hybrid



Remove the two inner shells of the universal sealing ring

to adapt it to the diameter of the hybrid cable.

Push the bushing, washer, adapted universal sealing

ring and the housing over the cable jacket.

30 mm Remove the following lengths of cable jacket and shield

25 mm braid:
• 25 mm for the power leads
• 30 mm for the data leads
To achieve good shielding, the shield braid must be alt
least 30 mm long.

Arrange the data leads according to the color codes on

the splice element. The following table shows the
assignment of the data leads.
Wind the shield braid around the data leads. As a result,
the shielding of the cable has contact to the shield plate
of the splice element that will be fitted later.

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544 System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0
Part C: Instructions for fitting connectors, attachments and devices
11.6 Fitting the IE FC TP standard cable 4 x 2 GP to an IE IP 67 hybrid connector

Contact and color assignment of the splice element.

Contact 2 Contact 6
(Orange) (Blue)

Contact 1
(Yellow) Contact 3

Color coding of the standard cable White / Orange White / Green

orange * green *
Connector color code (Siemens IE) White Blue Yellow Orange
Siemens IE FC RJ-45 socket (reference) 3 6 1 2
* White wire of the pair.

Insert the all the data leads at the same time into the
splice element is far as they will go.

Close the splice element and RJ-45 data module until

they lock together.

Insert the data module and the splice element into the
supplied IDC assembly tool.

Industrial Ethernet Networking Manual

System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0 545
Part C: Instructions for fitting connectors, attachments and devices
11.6 Fitting the IE FC TP standard cable 4 x 2 GP to an IE IP 67 hybrid connector

Press the data module and the IDC assembly tool

together to establish the installation piercing connection.

Remove the assembled data module from the IDC

assembly tool.

Position the top shield plate and press it over the cable

Position the lower shield plate and press it and the upper
shield plate together until they lock together with an
audible "click".

Arrange the power leads and insert them as far as they

will go into the hinge elements of the isolation body.
The following table shows the assignment of the power

Industrial Ethernet Networking Manual

546 System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0
Part C: Instructions for fitting connectors, attachments and devices
11.6 Fitting the IE FC TP standard cable 4 x 2 GP to an IE IP 67 hybrid connector

Wire color code (standard) White / Blue White / Brown

blue * brown *
Function 24 V 24 V Ground Ground
Power supply insert module 1 2 3 4

* White wire of the pair.

Press each individual hinge element together with the

integrated IDC contact.
Recommendation: Use a small slotted screwdriver (max.
3.5 mm) as a lever.

Push the housing over the assembled data module and

the insulator body until they lock together (there should
be an audible click).

Tighten the cable gland. We recommend an open key

with a size of 21 mm.

Industrial Ethernet Networking Manual

System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0 547
Part C: Instructions for fitting connectors, attachments and devices
11.7 Assembly of Industrial Twisted Pair connectors

11.7 Assembly of Industrial Twisted Pair connectors

11.7.1 Assembling Industrial Twisted Pair Connectors

To maintain the excellent EMC and transmission characteristics of the twistedpair cabling
system, connectors must be fitted with extreme care. Follow the installation instructions
How to fit 9pin and 15pin connectors is explained in detail on the following pages.

Fit the D-sub connectors for self-assembly only to the 2x2 Industrial TwistedPair standard
cable. The cable clamp used for contacting the shield is designed for the diameter of this
These D-sub male connectors are not suitable for fitting to Industrial Ethernet FC cable

Industrial Ethernet Networking Manual

548 System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0
Part C: Instructions for fitting connectors, attachments and devices
11.7 Assembly of Industrial Twisted Pair connectors

11.7.2 Fitting the D-sub male connector

9-pin D-sub male connector

Figure 7-7 shows all the components of a 9-pin D-sub connector.







Figure 11-1 Industrial Twisted Pair D-sub male connector (9-pin) for user assembly

Industrial Ethernet Networking Manual

System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0 549
Part C: Instructions for fitting connectors, attachments and devices
11.7 Assembly of Industrial Twisted Pair connectors

1. Remove approximately 30 mm of the outer sheath from the braided shield.


2. Cut the braided shield approximately 10 mm from the edge of the outer sheath
and pull off the loose shield.


3. Turn back the braided shield over the outer sheath.

● Unwind the aluminum foil shield up to a point approximately 15 mm from the folded back
braided shield and cut off the unwound material.
● Remove the plastic foil and blind elements.
● Remove approximately 5 mm of the insulation from the conductors.

5 10 15

4. Wrap copper band around the braided shield.

5. Fit the connector

● Fit the connector insert into the connector casing
● Fit the lower cable clamp into the grooves of the connector casing

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550 System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0
Part C: Instructions for fitting connectors, attachments and devices
11.7 Assembly of Industrial Twisted Pair connectors

● Match the wire pairs to the screw terminals

You will find the assignment required for a particular cable type in section .
● Fit the cable into the connector casing so that the braided shield with the copper band lies
in the cable clamp
● Fit the upper cable clamp into the grooves of the connector casing and screw it tight
● Secure the conductors in the screw terminals
● Screw the cover on to the connector casing

5 9 1 6



Figure 11-2 9-pin D-sub male connector fitted to the standard cable

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System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0 551
Part C: Instructions for fitting connectors, attachments and devices
11.7 Assembly of Industrial Twisted Pair connectors

15-pin D-sub male connector

Figure 7-9 shows all the components of a 15-pin D-sub connector

Figure 11-3 15-pin D-sub male connector for user assembly

Industrial Ethernet Networking Manual

552 System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0
Part C: Instructions for fitting connectors, attachments and devices
11.7 Assembly of Industrial Twisted Pair connectors

1. Remove approximately 35 mm of the outer sheath from the braided shield.


2. Cut the braided shield approximately 10 mm from the edge of the outer sheath
and pull off the loose shield.

3. Shorten the white-blue pair by approximately 3 mm to 32 mm

(to introduce the cable as shown in Figure 1–10).
● Turn back the braided shield over the outer sheath.
● Unwind the aluminum foil shield leaving approximately 15 mm (shorter pair) or
approximately 18 mm (longer pair) to the folded back braided shield and cut off the
unwound shield.
● Remove the plastic foil and blind element.
● Remove approximately 5 mm of the insulation from the conductors.

4. Wrap copper band around the braided shield.

5. Fit the connector

● Fit the lower cable clamp into the grooves of the connector casing.
● Fit the cable into the connector casing so that the braided shield with the copper band lies
in the cable clamp
● Fit the upper cable clamp into the grooves of the connector casing and screw it tight
● Match the wire pairs to the screw terminals
You will find the assignment required for a particular cable type in section .
● Secure the conductors in the screw terminals
● Screw the cover on to the connector casing

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System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0 553
Part C: Instructions for fitting connectors, attachments and devices
11.7 Assembly of Industrial Twisted Pair connectors

Figure 11-4 15-pin D-sub male connector fitted to the standard cable

See also
Preassembled twisted-pair (TP) and Industrial Twisted Pair (ITP) cables (Page 451)

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554 System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0
Part C: Instructions for fitting connectors, attachments and devices
11.8 Guidelines for setting up networked automation systems in buildings

11.8 Guidelines for setting up networked automation systems in buildings

11.8.1 General notes on networking bus cables

Bus cables in plants

Bus cables are important connections for communication between individual components of
an automation system. Mechanical damage or repeated electrical interference affecting
these bus connections reduces the transmission capacity of the system. In extreme cases,
such problems can lead to failure of the entire automation system. The following sections
explain how to protect cables from mechanical and electrical impairment.

Shielding and grounding concept

Bus cables connect programmable controllers. These in turn are connected to transducers,
power supply units, peripheral devices etc. over cables.
All the components together form a complex electrically networked automation system.
When connecting system components via electrical cables (in this case bus cables),
remember to take into account the requirements of the overall system structure.
Connecting cables, in particular, influence the shielding and grounding concept. Shielding
and grounding an electrical installation serves the following purposes:
● Protects both humans and animals from dangerous network voltages
● Prevents unacceptable noise emission and susceptibility to noise
● Protects the system from overvoltage (for example lightning protection)


SIMATIC NET network components and SIMATIC automation components are designed to
operate together taking into account the aspects listed above. By keeping to the installation
instructions described in the system manuals and in the following sections of this book, your
automation system will meet the legal and normal industrial requirements for safety and
noise immunity.

11.8.2 Protection from electric shock

Twistedpair signal level

The signal levels on twisted pair cables are in the range of only a few volts. Correctly
installed and operated twisted-pair cables do not have dangerous electrical voltages.
Nevertheless you should remember the following rules when installing the power
supply for all components (end devices, bus components, etc.) that you want to connect to
twistedpair cable.

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System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0 555
Part C: Instructions for fitting connectors, attachments and devices
11.8 Guidelines for setting up networked automation systems in buildings

Operation with 24 V DC
Numerous SIMATIC NET components require a voltage of 24 V DC as their operating
voltage or as auxiliary contact voltage. This power supply must meet the requirements of an
extralow voltage with reliable electrical isolation from the main power system, complying with
IEC 60950 or EN 60950 /18/.

Operation with line power

Components operated with line power must meet the requirements for protection against
electric shock as stipulated in EN 60950 /18/, EN 611312 /20/, EN 61010 /19/ or other
applicable product standards.
All the signals of the twistedpair port must meet the requirements of reliable electrical
isolation from the line power supply, complying with IEC 60950 or EN 60950 /18/.

Cabling components
Conductive cable path systems, barriers, and accessories must be included in the protective
measures preventing indirect contact (protection against illegal dangerous contact voltage).
Grounding conductors (PE) and equipotential bonding conductors must be installed
according to the requirements of systems in buildings complying with HD 384.4.41
(protection against electric shock) and HD 384.5.54 (grounding and grounding conductor).
The use of EN 501742 is recommended for the separation of low voltage cabling and IT
The requirements of HD 384.4.47 S2 (application of measures for protection against electric
shock) and HD 384.4.482 S1 (selection of protective measures as a function of external
influences) and appropriate national or local regulations must be adhered to.

Safe initial state of the system in case of faults

Problems on communication connections must not be allowed to put system users at risk.
Cable or wire breaks must not lead to undefined statuses in the plant or system.

11.8.3 Mechanical protection of bus cables

Protection of electrical and optical bus cables

Mechanical protection is required to protect bus cables from breaks or mechanical damage.

The measures described here for mechanical protection apply both to electrical and optical

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556 System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0
Part C: Instructions for fitting connectors, attachments and devices
11.8 Guidelines for setting up networked automation systems in buildings

Measures for mechanical protection

The following measures are recommended to protect bus cables from physical damage:
● When cable cannot be installed on a cable rack or similar construction, it should be
installed in a conduit (for example PG 11-16)
● In areas where the cable is subject to mechanical stress, install the cable in a heavy-
gauge aluminum conduit or in a heavy-gauge plastic conduit (see Figure 1–5)
● When 90° bends are necessary and at the junctions between buildings (for example
expansion joints), a break in the conduit is acceptable only when there is no likelihood of
damage to the cable, for example due to falling objects (see Figure 1–6).
● In areas where the cable is likely to be walked on or driven over in buildings or in
machines, install the cable in a closed heavy-gauge aluminum or steel conduit or in a
metal cable gutter.

Figure 11-5 Mechanical protection of the bus cable

Figure 11-6 Interrupting the conduit at an expansion joint

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System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0 557
Part C: Instructions for fitting connectors, attachments and devices
11.8 Guidelines for setting up networked automation systems in buildings

Redundant bus cables

The installation of redundant bus cables involves special requirements. Redundant cables
should always be installed on separate cable racks to avoid simultaneous damage by the
same event.

Install bus cables separately

To prevent accidental damage to bus cables, they should be clearly visible and should be
separate from all other wiring and cables. To improve EMC, it is often advisable to install the
bus cables in a separate cable channel or in conductive metal tubes. Such measures also
make it easier to localize a faulty cable.

11.8.4 Electromagnetic compatibility of fiberoptic cables

Fiberoptic cables
For communications between buildings and/or external facilities, the use of fiberoptic cables
is generally recommended. Due to the optical transmission principle, fiberoptic cables are
not affected by electromagnetic interference. Measures for equipotential bonding and for
overvoltage protection are unnecessary with fiberoptic cables.

Fiberoptic cables are ideally suited for connections in areas with high EMI levels.
Remember, however, that bus components operating on an electrical basis such as OLMs,
OSMs etc. may require additional noise protection measures if they are operated in such
areas. These must be protected against unacceptable interference using the measures
already mentioned such as shielding, grounding, minimum clearance to sources of
interference etc.

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558 System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0
Part C: Instructions for fitting connectors, attachments and devices
11.8 Guidelines for setting up networked automation systems in buildings

11.8.5 Connecting fiber-optic cables

BFOC connectors
Industrial Ethernet fiber-optic network components use only glass fiber-optic cables with
BFOC connectors.

Figure 11-7 BFOC connector with dust cap

Connectors should only be fitted to glass fiber-optic cables by trained personnel. When fitted
correctly, they allow extremely low insertion loss and the value is highly reproducible after
multiple plugging cycles.

Preassembled cables
To be able to use glass fiber-optic cables with untrained personnel, glass fiber-optic cables
are also available with four BFOC connectors already fitted. See also preassembled FO

Fitting connectors on site

If it is necessary to fit connectors on site,
– BFOC connectors and suitable tools can be ordered
– SIEMENS provides this service.
If this is required, please ask your contact for special cables and special lengths.
You will also find the address:
- in our catalog IK PI
- on the Internet (http//

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System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0 559
Part C: Instructions for fitting connectors, attachments and devices
11.8 Guidelines for setting up networked automation systems in buildings

Fiber-optic cable connectors are susceptible to contamination and mechanical damage to
the face. Protect open connectors with the supplied dust caps. Only remove the dust cap
immediately before making the connection.

See also
Contacts for special cables and special lengths (Page 422)
Preassembled FO cables (Page 508)

11.8.6 Electromagnetic compatibility of bus cables

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) is the capability of a electrical equipment to function
satisfactorily in its electromagnetic environment without influencing this environment and
interfering with other equipment belonging to it (in compliance with DIN VDE 0870).
This mutual influence can take the form of electrical, magnetic, and electromagnetic effects.
These effects can spread both over cable connections (for example a common power
supply) or due to radiated interference affecting the cable.
To avoid interference affecting electrical systems, these effects must be reduced to a certain
level. The measures involved in achieving this limitation include the design, construction, and
correct connection of bus cables. The components and bus cables for SIMATIC NET
Industrial Ethernet meet the requirements of the European standards for devices used in an
industrial environment. This is documented by the CE marking.

Adherence to the specified limit values can only be guaranteed when using components
from the SIMATIC NET Industrial Ethernet range exclusively and by keeping to the
installation instructions in this manual! Equipotential bonding system

Aims of equipotential bonding

The noise immunity of extended electronic automation systems or, in general, information
technology systems largely depends on the suitable design of the grounding and
equipotential bonding system of the building.
Equipotential bonding and grounding have two essential aims:
● Protection from the dangers of electricity

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560 System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0
Part C: Instructions for fitting connectors, attachments and devices
11.8 Guidelines for setting up networked automation systems in buildings

– by limiting the contact voltage and creating a fault to ground path

● Improvement of electromagnetic compatibility
– by creating a reference potential and equalizing potential differences between parts of
the system
– by shielding.

Causes of potential differences

Wherever electric currents flow, magnetic fields are produced that in turn induce stray
currents in electrically conductive materials. Induced stray currents can therefore not be
avoided in the vicinity of electrical consumers (drives, electronic controls, lighting etc.) and
their power supply cables. They spread in all conductor loops. Conductor loops are formed
by parts of buildings such as metal banisters on staircases, water pipes or central heating
pipes as well as through the shields of electrical data cables and the protective ground
connectors of electrical devices (PE). The flow of current produces a voltage drop. This can
be measured as a potential difference between two locations within the system.
Extremely high potential differences between two grounding points result from lightning

Effects of potential differences in information technology systems

If locations with different grounding potential are connected via cables, currents will flow. The
currents flow on all connections between these two points, for example also on the signal
cables or cable shields connecting them. Attached devices can be disturbed or even
The aim of a grounding and equipotential bonding system is to ensure that the currents flow
in the grounding system and not in the electronic circuits.

Measures for grounding and equipotential bonding

According to EN 50310 /21/, a "common bonding network CBN" with a fine mesh of
conductive elements must be created in buildings with information technology systems.
Systems that extend beyond one floor and that are interconnected by electrical bus cables
require a threedimensional CBN with a lattice construction resembling a Faraday cage.
With the following measures, you can create a grounding and bonding system that will
improve EMC:
● Include all the metal parts of a building in a common bonding network (CBN) with low
impedance and high current carrying capacity. To this network, you should then connect
the main grounding terminal or bar, grounding conductors, metal conduits, reinforcing
rods, equipotential bonding ring conductor, cable racks and any additional bonding
● Connect all inactive metal parts in the immediate vicinity of your automation components
and bus cables to the bonding system ensuring good conductivity. This includes all metal
parts of cabinets, machine parts etc. that have no electrical function in the automation
● Include metal, conductive cable channels/racks in the equipotential bonding of the
building and between the individual parts of the system. The individual segments of the
channels/racks must be connected together with low inductance and low resistance and

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System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0 561
Part C: Instructions for fitting connectors, attachments and devices
11.8 Guidelines for setting up networked automation systems in buildings

connected to the CBN system as often as possible. Expansion joints and angled
connections should be bridged by additional flexible grounding bands. The connections
between the individual segments of channels must be protected from corrosion to ensure
longterm stability.
● The effectiveness of equipotential bonding is greater when the impedance of the bonding
conductor is low.
● The impedance of the additional bonding conductor must not exceed 10% of the shield
impedance of parallel Industrial Twisted Pair cables.
● Protect the bonding conductor from corrosion.
● Install the bonding conductor so that the area enclosed by the bonding conductor and
signal cables is as small as possible.
● Use copper or galvanized steel for the bonding conductor.

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562 System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0
Part C: Instructions for fitting connectors, attachments and devices
11.8 Guidelines for setting up networked automation systems in buildings

Figure 11-8 Example of meshed bonding system

For information about grounding and bonding techniques, refer to the system manuals of the
SIMATIC S7300 /9/, S7400 /10/ programmable controllers.

Equipotential bonding is unnecessary if the sections of a system are connected exclusively
using fiberoptic cable (FO).

Industrial Ethernet Networking Manual

System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0 563
Part C: Instructions for fitting connectors, attachments and devices
11.8 Guidelines for setting up networked automation systems in buildings Requirements of the AC power distribution system

HD 384.3 S2 (IEC 603643:1993, modified, /22/) describes various power distribution
systems (TNS, TNC,S, TNC, TT and IT systems). Additional national or local regulations
stipulate the measures required for protection against electric shock and stipulate the
requirements for a grounding system (see also section 1.2 Protection against electric shock).
The outer surfaces of switching cubicles, device housings, connectors and bus cables are
conductive to provide shielding and must be connected to the grounding system to ensure
safety. To ensure that the EMC shield effect is achieved, they make further requirements of
the grounding system and grounding of the power distribution system. These result in an
alternating power distribution system with noncurrent carrying grounding conductors, for
example as in the TNS system.

Cable shields are part of the equipotential bonding network of a system.

Since the shields of twistedpair cables are included in the bonding system, all the currents
coupled into the bonding system of a building or plant flow through them.
Depending on the intensity and frequency range, these shield currents can cause
disturbances in data communication. Measures must therefore be taken to avoid the
alternating power distribution system of a plant including the bonding system in the power
return cabling. A TN-S system with separate cables or N and PE, for example, meets these
requirements. The EN 50310:2000 /21/ standard provides detailed guidelines for installing a
network system for supplying information technology equipment.

End devices and /or network components connected over shielded twistedpair cables must
only be supplied by alternating power distribution systems whose grounding conductors
cannot contribute to the transmission of energy. There must be no PEN cable within the
entire system. This condition is met, for example, by a TNS system.

Signal connections in existing installations

If unexplained, sporadic disturbances occur in data processing systems or on their
communication connections, it is advisable to check for unwanted shield currents. These can
be measured simply by inserting the cable in question in a clipon ammeter. Currents higher
than approximately 0.1 A indicate problems in the electrical installation, for example in the
TNC system.
If the alternating current power system supplies a large number of electronic devices or
electronically controlled consumers, the highest interference currents can generally be
observed at the third harmonic of the frequency.
Other signs of an unsuitable alternating current power supply are as follows:
● Currents on the PE conductor
● Currents through water pipes and heating pipes
● Progressive corrosion at grounding terminals, on lightning conductors, and water pipes.

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564 System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0
Part C: Instructions for fitting connectors, attachments and devices
11.8 Guidelines for setting up networked automation systems in buildings

Remember that sporadic events such as switching, short circuits, or atmospheric discharge
(lightning strike) can cause current peaks in the system many times higher than the
measured average value.

The following measures are suitable for troubleshooting:
● Restructuring the power distribution system (to form a TNS system)
● Replacing the electrical data cabling with fiberoptic cables
● Installing an equipotential bonding conductor parallel to the disturbed data cabling.

If shield currents on bus cables cause problems in communication, the safest often
cheapest solution is to replace the disturbed electrical bus connection with a fiberoptic

Example of installing FO cable in a TNCS system

The graphic below illustrates the relationships between the structure of the alternating
current network, equipotential bonding system, and information technology cabling in a
Three PCs and three S7300 PLCs represent the information technology system. These are
networked using two OSMs. The housing of all the end devices and the OSMs are correctly
connected to the grounding and bonding system of the building. The PCs are connected to
the system via the PE contact of their power supply cable. The housing of the OSMs and the
racks of the S7300 PLCs are connected either directly or via a switching cubicle housing
locally to the CBN. The shields of the twistedpair cables interconnect all the device housings
and are therefore connected to the grounding and bonding systems at both ends.
The horizontal power distribution within a floor corresponds to the requirements of a TNS
system. The neutral cable N and grounding conductor PE are separate cables. The PE
grounding conductor does not contribute to the power supply of the devices. The parallel
cable shields of the twistedpair cables are therefore also free of neutral cable currents.
The vertical, interfloor power distribution is designed as a TNC system (common PEN cable
for N and PE). The PEN is the return cable of the power supply of all connected consumers.
A connection between the two OSMs at the righthand edge of the picture over shielded
twistedpair cables would allow the return cable current of the PEN to flow through the entire
bonding system, all PE cables, and all cable shields on both floors. It is therefore strongly
recommended to implement the interfloor connection between the two OSMs with fiberoptic

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Figure 11-9 Fiberoptic links avoid shield currents in the TNCS network

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Part C: Instructions for fitting connectors, attachments and devices
11.8 Guidelines for setting up networked automation systems in buildings Shielding devices and cables

Shielding cables
The high degree of noise immunity of SIMATIC NET twisted-pair copper networks is
achieved by the exclusive use of shielded twisted-pair cables. The highly symmetrical
twisted signal wires are surrounded by a combination of foil and braided mesh shields. The
shield makes large-area, conductive contact with the casing of the attached end device or
network component at both ends of the twisted-pair cable via the connector/outlet. The entire
communications electronics, consisting of transmitter and receiver chips as well as the signal
cables is protected from electromagnetic influence from the outside world by a closed
"cocoon" of electrically conductive device casing and cable shield.

The values specified for noise emission and noise immunity in the technical specifications of
all SIMATIC NET Industrial Ethernet components assumes the use of shielded twisted-pair
As explained in the installation rules for the devices, the shields of the twisted-pair cables
must make good conductive contact with the device housings at both ends. This is ensured
by the SIMATIC NET connectors designed specially to match the devices.
If, on the other hand, the rules are ignored and unshielded cables are used or the shields do
not make contact with the casing at both ends, there is no longer any guarantee that the
technical data regarding noise emission and noise immunity will apply. In this case, the
operators of the system must take responsibility themselves for compliance with the legal
limit values for noise emission and noise immunity (CE mark)!

Handling bus cable shields

Note the following points about cable shields:
● Use SIMATIC NET twisted-pair cables throughout your system. The shields of these
cables have an adequate density to meet the legal requirements regarding noise
emission and immunity.
● Always contact the shields of bus cables at both ends. The legal requirements for noise
emission and noise immunity in your system (CE marking) can only be achieved when
the shields make contact at both ends.
● Secure the shield of the bus cable to the connector casing.
● If cables are installed permanently, it is advisable to remove the insulation of the shielded
cable and to establish contact on the shield/PE conductor bar.

If there is a potential difference between the grounding points, an illegally high
compensating current can flow through the shield grounded at both ends. To rectify the
problem, do not, under any circumstances, open the shield of the bus cable.
This problem can be solved in the following ways:

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● Install an additional bonding conductor parallel to the bus cable that takes over the shield
● Use fiber-optic cable instead of electrical cable (safest solution).

Establishing shield contact

When contacting the cable shields, please note the following points:
● Secure the braided shield with metal cable clamps.
● The clamps must make good and large-area contact with the shield.
● Contact SIMATIC NET twisted-pair cables only using the braided copper shield and not
the aluminum foil shield. The foil shield is connected to a plastic foil to increase tearing
strength and is therefore non-conductive.
● Contact the shield with the shielding bar directly at the point at which the cable enters the

Figure 11-10 Securing shielded cables with cable clamps and ties (schematic representation)

● When removing the sheath of the cable, make sure that the braid shield of the cables is
not damaged.
● To allow good contact between grounding elements, tin-plated or galvanically stabilized
surfaces are ideal. With galvanized surfaces, the necessary contact should be achieved
using suitable screws. Painted surfaces should be avoided at the contact points.

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● Unless specifically intended for this purpose, shield clamps and contacts should not be
used for strain relief. The contact with the shielding bar could be impaired or be broken

Figure 11-11 Contacting the shield at the point of entry to a cabinet Special noise suppression measures

Connecting switched inductances to suppressors

Some inductive switching devices (for example relays) create interference voltages that are
a multiple of the connected operating voltage. The SIMATIC S7-300 /9/ and S7-400 /10/
system manuals contain suggestions on how to limit the interference voltages caused by
inductance by connecting them to suppressors.

Power supply for programming devices

It is advisable to include a power socket for programming devices in each cabinet. The
socket must be supplied by the same system to which the PE conductor for the cabinet is

Cabinet lighting
Use bulbs for the cabinet lighting, for example LINESTRA lamps. Avoid the use of
fluorescent lamps since they cause interference. If you need to use fluorescent lamps, take
the measures shown in the figure below.

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Figure 11-12 Measures for interference suppression of fluorescent lamps in a cabinet

11.8.7 Arrangement of devices and cables

Adequate clearance to reduce the effects of interference

One simple but nevertheless effective method of reducing the effects of interference is to
keep the "culprit" and "victim" devices and cables as far apart from each other as possible.
Inductive and capacitive interference injection declines in proportion to the square of the
distance of the elements involved. This means that doubling the clearance reduces the
effects of interference by a factor of four. Taking certain aspects into account during the
planning phase of a building generally incurs little extra cost and can save considerable
effort later.

Standards recommending the spatial arrangement of devices and cables

EN 501742 /13/ includes recommendations on the spatial arrangement of devices and
cables with the aim of achieving the lowest possible mutual interference.

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11.8 Guidelines for setting up networked automation systems in buildings The influence of power distribution systems (EN 501742,

Planning the electrical installations

To avoid the power distribution system affecting sensitive devices, the following points must
be taken into account when planning the electrical installation:
● Possible sources of interference, for example voltage distributors, voltage transformers,
elevators, high currents in power supply bars, must be located at a suitable distance from
sensitive devices;
● Metal pipes (for example for water, gas, heating) and cables should enter the building at
the same point;
● The metal surfaces, shields, metal pipes, and connections of such conduits must be
connected with lowresistance conductors to the main bonding conductor of the building;
● Using a common cable route for lowvoltage cable and signal cables with adequate
separation (either by clearance or shielding) between the two to avoid large induction
loops that are created by the different lowvoltage cabling;
● The use of either a single multicore cable for all power supplies or (in the case of higher
power requirements) of conductor bars with weak magnetic fields. Cable categories and clearances

Fiberoptic cables
When using fiberoptic cables, mechanical protection is necessary, however the EMC rules
do not apply.

Grouping in categories
It is useful to group wires and cables into various categories according to the signals they
carry, possible interference signals, and their sensitivity to interference. Minimum clearances
can be specified for these categories so that interferencefree operation can be expected
under normal operating conditions if the clearance is adhered to.

Grouping cables according to voltage classes assumes that the interference voltages relate
directly to the power supply voltage conducted (the lower the supply voltage, the lower the
interference voltage). Remember, however, that DC or 50 Hz power supply voltages do not
represent any danger to Industrial Ethernet bus cables. The critical interference voltages in
the kHz to MHz frequency range are created by the consumers connected to the cable. A 24
V DC cable with which a relay is switched regularly has a far more critical interference range
than a 230 V cable supplying a lightbulb.
In the information shown below, it is assumed that all the components within an automation
system and all the plant components controlled by the system (for example machines, robots
etc.) at least meet the requirements of the European standards for electromagnetic

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11.8 Guidelines for setting up networked automation systems in buildings

compatibility in an industrial environment. If devices are defective or incorrectly installed,

higher interference voltages must be expected!
The following is assumed:
● The cables for analog signals, data signals and process signals are always shielded.
● The distance from the cables to the chassis surface of the system (cabinet wall, grounded
and conducting cable channel, ...) is not more than 10 cm.

In general, the greater the distance between cables and the shorter the distances over
which the cables run parallel to each other, the less the danger of interference.

How to read the table

To check how cables of different types must be laid, follow the steps outlined below:
1. Find the cable type of the first cable in column 1 (Cables for ...).
2. Find the cable type of the second cable in the relevant section in column 2 (and cables
for ...).
3. Read the guidelines for laying the cables in column 3 (lay ...).
Table 1-1 Cabling within buildings

Cables for ... and cables for ... Lay ...

Bus signals, shielded Bus signals, shielded In common bundles or cable
(PROFIBUS, Industrial (PROFIBUS, Industrial channels
Ethernet) Ethernet)
Bus signals, unshielded Bus signals, unshielded
(ASInterface) (ASInterface)
Data signal, shielded
(PG, OP, printer, counter inputs
Analog signals, shielded
DC voltage
(v 60 V), unshielded
Process signals
(v 25 V), shielded
AC voltage
(v 25 V), unshielded
Monitors (coaxial cable)
DC voltage In separate bundles or cable
(u 60 V and v 400 V), channels (no minimum
unshielded clearance required)
AC voltage
(u 25 V and v 400 V),

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11.8 Guidelines for setting up networked automation systems in buildings

Cables for ... and cables for ... Lay ...

DC and AC voltage Within closets:
(u 400 V), unshielded In separate bundles or cable
channels (no minimum
clearance required)
Outside closets:
On separate cable paths with at
least 10 cm clearance
HF cables for transmitter high Lay HF cables in steel pipes
level stages and transmitter with multiple ground points; at
antennas with voltages from 10 least 30 cm clearance
to 1000 V Cabling within closets

Cabling within closets

When running cables within cubicles and cabinets, remember the following rules:
● Install the cables in metallic, electrically conductive cable channels.
● Screw the cable channels to the struts of the rack or cubicle walls approximately every 50
cm making lowresistance and lowinductance contact.
● Separate the cables according to the categories as shown in table 1-1.
● Maintain the minimum clearance between the cables of different categories as explained
in table 1-1. In general, the risk of interference due to crosstalk is less the greater the
clearance between the cables.
● Where cables of different categories cross, they should cross approximately at right
angles (wherever possible avoid sections where the cables run parallel).
● The shields of all cables entering the wiring closet should make largearea contact with
closet ground as close as possible to the point of entry. Cabling within buildings

Cabling within buildings

When laying cables outside cabinets but within buildings, note the following points:
● Install the cables in metallic, electrically conductive cable channels.
● Include the metal cable channels and racks in the bonding system of the building or plant.
Note the information on equipotential bonding in Section 1.3 in this manual.

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● Separate the cables according to the categories as described in table 11 and run the
various categories in their own channels/racks.
● If there is only one common metal channel available for all categories, either the
clearances shown in Table 11 must be maintained or the individual categories should be
separated from each other by metallic partitions. The partitions must be connected to the
channel making lowresistance and lowinductance contact.
● Cable racks should cross each other at right angles. Cabling outside buildings

Using fiberoptic cables

Industrial Twisted Pair is intended for use within buildings (tertiary area). The installation of
Industrial Twisted Pair cables between buildings in not permitted. LAN connections between
buildings and between buildings and external facilities are only possible with fiberoptic
cables (FO). Due to the optical transmission principle, fiberoptic cables are not affected by
electromagnetic interference. Measures for equipotential bonding and overvoltage protection
are unnecessary with fiberoptic cables.

11.8.8 Laying bus cables Installation instructions for electrical and optical bus cables

Installation instructions for electrical and optical bus cables

During installation, remember that LAN cables can only be subjected to a certain amount of
mechanical strain. Cables can be damaged or even destroyed by too much tensile stress or
pressure, by torsion or by bending them too sharply. The following instructions will help you
to avoid damage when installing LAN cables. If cables are subjected to strain or stress as
listed above, they should always be replaced.

Storage and transportation

During storage, transportation and cabling, the open ends of the LAN cable (without
connectors) must be kept closed with a shrinkon cover to prevent oxidation of the cores and
to keep dampness out of the cable.

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During transportation, cabling and operation, the cable must not be exposed to temperatures
below the specified minimum temperature or above the specified maximum temperature
otherwise the electrical and mechanical characteristics of the cables can deteriorate. The
permitted temperature ranges of your bus cable can be found in the technical data sheets of
the bus cables

Tensile strength
The tensile force exerted on the cables during or after installation must not exceed the limits
of tensile strength of the cables. The permitted tensile strain on your bus cable can be found
in the technical data sheets of the bus cables.

Pull preassembled cables using cable grips

To pull preassembled cables, make sure that you use cable grips. These surround the
connector and protect it from damage when pulling in the cable.

Fitting strain relief

Make sure that you provide strain relief approximately 1 m from the connection point on all
cables subject to tensile force. Shield clamps are not adequate for strain relief.

Too much pressure on the cables must also be avoided, for example crimping the cable
when securing it in position.

Torsion can lead to the elements of a cable being displaced and degrading the electrical
characteristics of cables. Bus cables must therefore not be twisted.

Bending radiuses
To avoid damage within the bus cables, they must at no time be bent more sharply than the
minimum bending radius. Note the following:
● The permitted bending radii are larger when pulling in the cable under tensile strain than
in the fixed, installed state
● Bending radii for noncircular cables apply only to bending the flat, broader surface. Bends
in the narrower surface require much greater radii.
The permitted bending radii for your bus cable can be found in the technical data sheets of
the bus cables.

Avoid loops
When laying LAN cables, roll them tangentially from the cable drum or use appropriate rotary
tables. This prevents loops forming and resulting in kinks and torsion.

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11.8 Guidelines for setting up networked automation systems in buildings

Installing other cables

Remember that cables must not be subjected to excessive strain and stress when installed.
This can, for example, happen when cables are installed along with other cables on a
common rack or in a common duct (providing this is electrically permitted) and when new
cables are pulled along the same path later (during repairs or when extending a system).* Additional instructions on installing fiberoptic cables

Protecting connectors from contamination

Fiberoptic cable connectors are sensitive to contamination. Unconnected male and female
connectors must be protected with the supplied dust caps.

Attenuation variations under load

During installation, fiberoptic cables must not be twisted, stretched or squashed. The
specified limit values for tensile strain, bending radii and temperature ranges must be
adhered to. During installation, the attenuation values can vary slightly, these variations are,
however, reversible providing the strain limits are not exceeded.

Pull cables using cable grips and protect connectors

If the cable does not have a Kevlar pulling attachment, make sure that you use cable grips.
Before fitting the cable grip, make sure that the connectors of preassembled cables are
protected from the pressure exerted by the cable grip, for example using a piece of
protective tube.

Fitting strain relief

Although the BFOC connectors have their own strain relief and kink protection, it is advisable
to arrange for additional strain relief as close as possible to the connected device to protect
against mechanical strain.

Plan adequate attenuation reserves

When installing cables over greater distances, it is advisable to take into account one or
more repair splices in the power loss budget.

Electromagnetic immunity
Fiberoptic cables are immune to electromagnetic interference. Installing cables in cable
channels along with other cables (for example 230 V/380 V power supply cables) causes no
problems. When installing in cable channels, however, make sure that the permitted strain
on the fiberoptic cables is not exceeded when pulling in other cables later.

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Part C: Instructions for fitting connectors, attachments and devices
11.8 Guidelines for setting up networked automation systems in buildings

Keep to the technical specifications
During installation and operation, all mechanical requirements for the cable such as
bending radii, tensile strain etc. must be kept to. If these are exceeded, there may be
deterioration of the transmission characteristics that can lead to temporary or complete
failure of the data transmission.

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Part C: Installing network components in cabinets 12
12.1 IP degrees of protection

Electrical equipment is normally surrounded by a protective casing.
The purpose of this casing includes
● Protection of persons from touching live components or moving parts
(accidental contact protection)
● Protection of equipment from intrusion of solid foreign bodies (solid body protection)
● Protection of equipment from ingress of water (water protection).

IEC 60529, EN 60529 /15/

The degree of protection specifies the degree to which the casing meets these
three protective functions.
The degrees of protection are specified uniformly in the "International Standard IEC 60529"
or in the identical European standard EN 60529.
The degree of protection of a casing is indicated by a code. The code consists of the letters
IP (International Protection) followed by a code number for contact, solid body and water
protection as shown below:

IP 5 4

Code letters
(International Protection)

1. Code number (0 - 6)
Protection against accidental contact
and solid matter ingress
2. Code number (0 - 8)
Water protection

In some situations, the degree of protection is specified in even greater detail by adding
letters to the code numbers.

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Part C: Installing network components in cabinets
12.2 SIMATIC NET components

Scope of protection
The various degrees of protection are listed briefly in Tables 1-1 and 1-2. For more detailed
information on the individual ratings and the test conditions that must be fulfilled, please refer
to the standards listed above.

Table 12-1 Contact protection (short form)

First number Protection of equipment from intrusion of Protection of persons from access to
solid foreign bodies dangerous parts
0 not protected not protected
1 ≥ 50.0 mm diameter back of hand
2 ≥ 12.5 mm diameter finger
3 ≥ 2.5 mm diameter tool
4 ≥ 1.0 mm diameter wire
5 dust protected wire
6 dustproof wire

Table 12-2 Water protection (short form)

Second number Protection of equipment from ingress of water

0 not protected
1 vertically falling drops of water
2 falling water (15° from vertical)
3 sprayed water
4 splashwater
5 jet water
6 strong jet water
7 temporary immersion
8 long period of immersion

12.2 SIMATIC NET components

Ventilation openings
The casings of most SIMATIC NET network components have ventilation openings. To allow
more effective cooling of the electronics components, ambient air can flow through the
casing. The maximum operating temperatures quoted in the technical specifications apply
only when there is unrestricted flow of air through the ventilation openings.
Depending on the size of the ventilation openings, such modules comply with degree of
protection IP 20, IP 30 to IP 40. You will find the precise degree of protection of a SIMATIC
NET component in its operating instructions.

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Part C: Installing network components in cabinets
12.2 SIMATIC NET components

Components with the degrees of protection mentioned above do not provide protection
against dust and water! If the installation site requires such protection, the components must
be installed in an additional enclosure such as a switching cubicle that provides the higher
degree of protection (for example IP65/ IP67).
If you install these components in an additional enclosure, make sure that the conditions
required for operation are maintained!

Heat dissipation
Make sure that the temperature inside the additional enclosure does not exceed the
permitted ambient temperature for the installed components. Select an enclosure with
adequate dimensions or use heat exchangers.

Outdoor installation
If you install the equipment outdoors, make sure that the additional enclosure is not
subjected to direct sunlight. This can lead to a considerable rise in temperature within the

Make sure that there is adequate clearance around the component so that
● the convection cooling of the component is not restricted
● components do not cause neighboring components to heat up more than permitted
● there is enough space for installing cabling
● there is enough space to remove components for maintenance or repair.

Regardless of the degree of protection of the casing, the electrical and optical ports are
always sensitive to
- mechanical damage
- damage caused by electrostatic contact discharge when touched
- contamination by dust and fluids
On devices with degree of protection IP65, always close unused ports with the supplied
dust protection caps. Remove these caps only immediately before connecting up the
cables to the ports.

EN 60529:2000 degree of protection due to casing (IP code) (IEC 60529:1999)

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Appendix A
A.1 Overview of the standards relevant for network installation

This section provides with a basic overview of the standards generally relevant for
installation of networks in buildings and those particularly relevant for Industrial Ethernet.

This section can only include basic information available at the time of going to print.
Fort more detailed and up-to-date guidelines, contact the PROFIBUS user organization e.V.

The PROFIBUS user organization

PROFIBUS User Organization e.V.
Haid-und-Neu-Straße 7,
D-76131 Karlsruhe, Germany
Tel. +49 (0) 7 21 · 96 58 590, Fax +49 (0) 7 21 · 96 58 589
[email protected],

Standards for general-purpose cable communications networks in an office environment

Standard Area of application

ISO/IEC 11801 International standard for network planning in office buildings
EN50173 European standard for network planning in office buildings; adopted as national
Due to the use of Ethernet in automation engineering, the existing standards needed to be
expanded to include the industrial sector.

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A.1 Overview of the standards relevant for network installation

Standards for general purpose cable communications networks in an industrial environment

Standard Area of application

ISO/IEC 24702 International standard for planning general-purpose networks in industrial
EN50173-2 European standard for network planning in industrial buildings; adopted as
EN50173-3 national standard
For industrial applications, expanded standards are necessary that describe the constraints
for these applications

Cabling standards for industrial networks and their scope

Standard Area of application Scope

IEC 61918 International standard for communications Describes the network structure and
networks in industrial automation systems; general requirements in and
relevant for various fieldbuses, common between automation cells
aspects of planning, installation, operation1)
IEC61784-5-x International series of standards for special Describes specific requirements of
requirements in industrial networks such as the communication profile
PROFINET / PROFIBUS, supplementing
IEC 61918
1) Fieldbus-specific aspects are described in separate, ancillary standards

The "PROFINET Cabling and Interconnection Technology" guideline

Among other things, the PROFIBUS User Organization has produced the "PROFINET
Cabling and Interconnection Technology" guideline that served as input for IEC 61918 and
IEC 61784 and that also references these standards.
It describes the technical benchmark values for cables and connectors (both electrical and
optical) for PROFINET networks. These are intended to help new manufacturers to produce
PROFINET-compliant products.
The guideline can be downloaded in English from the URL:

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584 System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0
A.2 Content of the standards

A.2 Content of the standards

Content of the IEC 24702 and EN50173-3 standards

The standards for general purpose building networking of buildings used for industrial
purposes describe:
● The structure of the building network,
● The requirements for cables (fibre-optic, electrical),
● The requirements for connectors (fibre-optic, electrical),
● Limit values for installed links.
IEC 24702 references IEC11801.
Technical aspects of installation described in IEC 14763 (EN50174).

Content of the IEC 61918 and IEC61784 standards

the standards for automation networks include a general section describing the following
● Design of the network (network structure, grounding, equipotential bonding),
● Planning and installation,
● Requirements of components (table connectors, cables, grounding, ...)
● Acceptance of an installation,
● Maintenance and service.
IEC 61918 contains general requirements common to all fieldbuses (PROFINET, PB,
Fieldbus-specific aspects/requirements that differ from the general section described in
profile-specific standards, for example in IEC61784-5-3 for PROFIBUS, PROFIBUS PA and
PROFINET; IEC61784-5-6 for Interbus.

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A.3 Application of the standards

A.3 Application of the standards

Application of the EN standards 50173/50174

Standard Project phase Tasks
EN50173-1 Planning of cabling Topology, cables, connection technology, limit
values for transmission links
EN50174-1 Planning phase Management of the cabling, safety requirements,
EN50174-2 laying of cables, equipotential bonding)
EN50174-1 Implementation phase
EN501714-1 Operational phase Quality assurance, management of the cabling,
repair and maintenance

Description of the fieldbus-specific characteristics in IEC 61784

This standard references IEC 61918.
Standard Fieldbus
IEC 61784-5-2 ControlNet, EtherNet/IP
IEC 61784-5-6 Interbus
IEC 61784-5-10 Vnet/IP (Yokogawa)
IEC 61784-5-11 TCnet (Toshiba)

General-purpose cabling systems: EN 50173/EN 50174

Standard Contents
EN50173-1 Part 1: General requirements
EN50173-2 Part 2: Office environment
EN50173-3 Part 3: Industrial area
EN50173-4 Part 4: Domestic environment
EN50174-5 Part 5: Computer centers

Installation of communication cabling: EN 50174

Standard Contents
EN50174-1 Part 1 Specification and quality assurance
EN50174-2 Part 2 Installation planning and practices in buildings
EN50174-3 Part 3 Installation planning and practices outdoors

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Glossary: Terms and acronyms

A series of standards for wireless network protocols developed by the IEEE.

Access point
A node in a WLAN that performs administrative functions in the network while at the same
time provides → clients with the connection to wired networks, other clients in the same
wireless cell or in other wireless cells.

"Access Control List", list with → MAC addresses with the right to access the wireless

Ad hoc network
Ad hoc network (ad hoc: Latin "for this purpose") is used in information technology to
describe a wireless network between two or more mobile end devices without a fixed
This technology is used, for example, in Bluetooth to allow the spontaneous linking of mobile
phones, for example with headsets.

Advanced Encryption Standard

Aging time
The aging time is the time after which a learned → MAC address is discarded if an IE switch
has not received frames with this sender address during this time.

Antenna diversity
The simultaneous availability of two wireless interfaces on one device. In areas hostile to
wireless communication, it is possible to switch over to the interface with the frequency
currently providing the best reception.

Address Resolution Protocol

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Glossary: Terms and acronyms

Technique with which a → TP port is automatically switched over between → MDI and
→ MDIX pin assignment to make a connection regardless of the port pin assignment of the
device being attached. This means that crossover cables are not required. The
autocrossover function can only be used when the port is set to → autonegotiation mode.

Procedure standardized by IEEE 802.3 in which the transmission parameters (for example
10/100 Mbps, full/half duplex) are negotiated automatically between the devices.

Practically synonymous with "maximum usable data rate". The term derives from the fact
that the transmission at a certain data rate occupiers a proportionally wide part of the
wireless spectrum.

"Bayonet Fiber Optic Connector", a connector system for glass fiber FO cables with which
the cable is secured by a bayonet locking mechanism.

A protocol for automatic assignment of IP addresses. The IP addresses are provided by a
BOOTP server. → DHCP.

Command Line Interpreter. Option for configuring various devices based on a command line.
The CLI can be used with → TELNET over every Ethernet Port.

A node of a WLAN without a infrastructure capability of its own that accesses a wireless
network via an → access point.

Collision domain
To ensure that the → CSMA/CD protocol functions correctly, the propagation time of a data
packet from one node to another is restricted. This propagation time results in a spatially
limited span for the network depending on the data rate known as the collision domain.

Connection monitoring
With regular link test pulses, a switch monitors the connected TP and FO cable segments for
short-circuits or interruptions. The switch does not send data to a segment from which it is
not receiving link test pulses.

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CP 1515
Communications processor (wireless adapter) for a wireless connection of a laptop, a
programming device or an Internet pad with a WLAN. This is the predecessor to the
→ CP 7515. Both have been overtaken in the meantime by wireless interfaces integrated in
the PG.

CP 7515
Communications processor (wireless adapter) for a wireless connection of a laptop, a
programming device or an Internet pad with a WLAN. The CP 7515 has two wireless
interfaces (→ antenna diversity) and consists of a PCMCIA type II card that is inserted in the
appropriate slot of the laptop. In the meantime, the CP has been replaced by wireless
interfaces integrated in the PG.

The C-PLUG (configuration plug) is an exchangeable memory medium of storing the
configuration data. If the device is replaced, the configuration can be adopted by swapping
the C-PLUG.

Cyclic Redundancy Check. A checksum used in transmission protocols to detect errors in

"Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance", a method for detecting "collisions";
in other words, an attempt by more than one sender to start transmission on a frequency at
the same time. When this happens, both senders stopped at transmission and wait for a
more or less random time. They start their repeated transmission only when the other sender
has not started to transmit during this time. A second collision can only occur if both
randomly selected delays are identical.

Cut through
In the Cut Through process not the entire data package is stored temporarily in a buffer, but
is passed directly onto the target port as soon as the first 6 bytes (target address) have been
read. The times required by the data package to pass through the switch are then minimal.
The data is only stored temporarily using the store and forward mechanism when the section
between the target part and the port of the next switch is in use.
In PROFINET switches, cut through is implemented by using ERTEC-ASICs.

Default gateway
A network node that forwards all frames not addressed to stations in the same LAN (subnet).

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DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), like → BOOTP, a method for automatic
assignment of IP addresses. With DHCP, however, addresses can be assigned while the
device is operating.

Broadening and distortion of light pulses in fiber-optic cable due to signals arriving at
different times. On → multimode FOC, the distortion of the output signal is greater than with
→ single mode FOC.

Display mode (DMode)

Display mode that indicates various statuses (port status, power monitoring activated etc.).
The modes can be switched over using a button on the switch.

"Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum", a wireless modulation technique as used in
IEEE 802.11 standard "b".

Duplex connection
A connection between two nodes on which both can send and receive simultaneously. This
means that no collisions are possible during communication. "Switched LANs" operate with

"Extensible Authentication Protocol", a protocol with which servers and clients can negotiate
a procedure for authentication prior to the actual authentication.

Electrical Switching Module – SIMATIC NET Ethernet switch with electrical ports.

For Alarms & Events: An event is anything that happens that could be of interest to a client.
Although events can also be generated when a condition is met, they are not necessarily
dependent on conditions. Events that are not linked to conditions include, for example, error
messages of the communication system.

Fault mask
Specifies the desired status (good status). Deviations from this occurring during operation
are handled as faults.

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A computer or an application located between a local parent an external network to block
illegitimate data traffic between the networks. In this way, they prevent unauthorized access
from the outside.

FO port
Fiber Optic port

"Flame-Retardant Non-Corrosive" a halogen-free, flame-retardant material for cable jackets.
No acids are released when FRNC burns.

Full duplex connection

Synonymous with duplex connection

"Generic Attribute Registration Protocol", previously "Group Address Registration Protocol",
a protocol for LANs with which the switches and end devices can exchange "attributes"
(node IDs, addresses etc.). This gives each node an overview of the structure of the entire

Half duplex
Two-way alternate transmission mode- it is only possible to either send or receive over the
interfaces at any one time.

Half duplex connection

A connection on which only one node can transmit at any one time. The opposite is a duplex
connection. Half duplex is typical for shared LANs such shares wireless networks.

The transfer of a mobile client from one access point and its wireless cell to the next (see
roaming); in particular, the reintegration in the network.

Hidden node problem

Two nodes (for example clients) are arranged in a cell so that they are both connected to a
third receiver (access point) but they themselves cannot see each other; in other words, both
clients are outside the wireless range of the other. If both nodes send to the access point at
the same time, the packets collide at the access point without the nodes being aware of it.

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A device that operates like a → switch by connecting individual segments of a networked
together. In contrast to a switch, however, there is only a physical connection but no analysis
of the network traffic. The administrative advantages of using switches (routing network
traffic, collision rejection etc.) are therefore not available with hubs.

"Internet Control Message Protocol", is used in networks to exchange information and error
messages via the Internet Protocol (→ IP). It is therefore located at the same level as, for
example, → TCP and → UDP. ICMP Operates at the same OSI Model layer as IP, at the
Network Layer (layer 3).

"Institute of Electrics and Electronics Engineers", a US institute that works on guidelines and
technical recommendations, to some extent comparable with DIN.

"Internet Group Management Protocol", a protocol with which a computer connected to the
Internet can inform a neighboring switch of the → multicast groups to which it belongs. This
protocol simplifies and speeds up communication when a message is intended for a larger
group of recipients. (mailing lists, audio and video streams, ...)

A degree of protection that indicates that a component in this category is protected from the
intrusion of coarse solid foreign bodies (as of 2.5 mm diameter), but is not protected from the
ingress of water. This corresponds to a normal electrical household appliance.

A degree of protection that indicates that the component in this category is fully protected
from dust and water jets. This corresponds to a practically airtight encapsulation.

A degree of protection that indicates that the component in this category is fully protected
from dust and water jets and will not be damaged by temporary immersion in water.

"Industrial Point Coordination Function", a proprietary network protocol supported by
SIEMENS that is the basis of rapid roaming (see entry). The → handover times allow
roaming of mobile nodes to be reduced to the order of 30 ms.

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"Isochronous Real Time Technology", real-time communication even under difficult
conditions (overload situation, complex network topology etc.). When this acronym is used in
device names, it identifies devices such as SCALANCE S switches that support IRT

Isochronous Real-Time Communication, IRT

In PROFINET with IRT, communication over Ethernet is divided into individual cycles. Each
cycle consists of two phases, an IRT channel reserved for extremely time-critical data, and
an "open channel", within which RT and non-time critical frames can be sent.
This allows time-critical and uncritical data to be sent on the same connection. At the same
time, however, a certain data rate (and therefore a transmission time) is reserved for the
critical data and real-time capability can therefore be guaranteed.
When this transmission method is implemented in ERTEC-ASICs (Enhanced Real-Time
Ethernet Controller), cycle times of 0.25 ms and jitter accuracy below 1 µs are achieved.

"Industrial Twisted Pair", a cabling and connector technology for Ethernet adapted to the
requirements of an industrial environment.

An IWLAN is an "Industrial WLAN", in other words, a wireless network "hardened" to cope
with the wireless complications of an industrial environment.

"Local Area Network", a spatially restricted network, for example compared with the Internet

Latency specifies the time taken by frames to pass through a switch. This does not include
the time required for buffering frames.

"Long Distance", an acronym used with SCALANCE S devices whose optical interfaces are
designed for particularly long distances

Load containment
With its filtering functions, a switch makes sure that local data traffic remains local. The local
network load of a segment is contained in the originating segment and does not represent
extra load on the remainder of the network.

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"Media Access Control", a protocol for controlling access to a transmission medium (cable,
wireless) that cannot be accessed by all nodes at the same time.

MAC address
A worldwide unique identification number for every hardware component of importance in a

Medium Dependent Interface, - straight.
On a MDI port or a MDI cable, the receive (Rx) and transmit (Tx) cables are not crossed

Medium Dependent Interface – Crossover. On an MDI-X port or MDI-X cable, the receive
(Rx) and the transmit (Tx) lines are crossed over.

Management Information Base. The MIB is a formal description of network objects in the
form of a tree structure that contains all the relevant information for network management in

A port (mirror port) with its specific data traffic can be mirrored to another port (monitor port)
for test purposes. Protocol analysis devices can be connected to the monitor port, in other
words, the monitor port is not available for data exchange. Mirroring has no effect on the
mirror port.

Modes are discrete waves used to transmit data within a fiber-optic cable. With → single
mode fibers, only one wave propagates, whereas in → multimode fibers several waves
propagate. Modes are patterns of electromagnetic fields in FOCs.

A frame with a multicast address is received by all nodes prepared to receive this address.

In multimode transmission, the pulse is transferred using many modes (waves) that travel
along curved paths or are reflected within the core. Attenuation is mainly caused by physical
absorption and dispersion as well as by mechanical bending. The amount of attenuation
depends among other things on the wavelength of the input light. Multimode fiber-optic

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cables have an outer diameter of 125 µm and 50 or 62.5 µm core diameter. Due to the larger
core diameter the pulse edges degrade more than in single mode transmission resulting in
shorter transmission distances.

"Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex", a wireless modulation technique used in the
IEEE 802.11 standards "a", "g" and "h"

Omnidirectional antennas
Antennas without a specific directional characteristic in contrast to directional antennas.

Optical Switching Module – SIMATIC NET Ethernet switch with optical ports.

Passive listening
Support of Rapid Spanning Tree Topology Change frames. When an RSTP topology change
frame is received, the → MAC address table is deleted.

Polymer Cladded Fiber
Optical fiber that can be assembled in the field and whose core is made of glass and jacket
made of plastic.

Plastic Optical Fiber
Optical fiber that can be assembled in the field and whose core and jacket are made of

PROFIdrive is the functional interface between controllers and drives in PROFINET and
PROFIBUS. PROFIdrive is defined by the PROFIdrive profile of the PROFIBUS user
organization (PNO).

A safety profile complying with safety standard IEC 61508 that allows the transmission of
standard and safety-oriented data on one bus cable and can be used regardless of the bus
medium. PROFIsafe is the first profile certified by the German TÜV for failsafe
communication for Ethernet.

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Glossary: Terms and acronyms

"Primary Setup Tool", a software tool for the basic parameter assignment of Web

"Remote Authentification Dial In User Service". a method in which the authentication is
handled on a separate server.

Rapid roaming
Roaming in which the re-establishment of the connection is so fast that there is no
appreciable interruption of connectivity (→ handover). Rapid roaming is implemented with
→ iPCF.

Reconfiguration time
The time required to restore a functional configuration if a device fails or a network cable is

Redundancy manager (RM)

A switch in a ring topology that does not forward any frames between its → ring ports if there
are functioning connections between all other switches. As soon as a connection between
two switches is interrupted, the redundancy manager forwards frames between its ring ports
and so restores an intact connection between all switches.

"Request for Comments", the informal specification of a proposed standard for
communication, technology or method.

Ring port
Two ports in a switch via which this switch is connected to other switches to form a ring. One
switch must be configured as the → redundancy manager in the ring. This sends test frames
via the ring ports that are forwarded by all the ring ports of the other switches in the ring. This
makes sure that the ring does not have any interruptions.

"Registered Jack 45", a connector design with oblong jacks and 8 wires. RJ-45 connectors
are used, for example for telephones and Ethernet connections.

Remote Monitoring. RMON-compliant devices allow diagnostic data to be collected on the
device and read out by a network management station. This means that network problems
are detected early and can be eliminated. The particular advantage of RMON is that it is

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independent of location. The acquired data can be analyzed at any point in the network with
suitable reporting software.

The movement of a WLAN node from one wireless cell to the next.

Acronym that identifies SCALANCE W devices that support → rapid roaming.

"Received Signal Strength Indicator", a measure of the strength of the received wireless
signal. RSSI is generally standardized so that the value "100" represents the maximum
reception strength.

"Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol", a protocol with which the switches of a network can
determine paths for delivering messages between end devices. If the network has a
redundant topology (in other words, if there are several different paths connecting the
relevant nodes), the failure of any component or a cable can be compensated by switching
over quickly to the alternative path. RSTP is a further development of → STP.

SC connector
A type of connector preferred for fibre-optic cables with a square connector and high packing

A type of connector preferred for → PCF/POF fibre-optic cables with a square connector and
high packing density.

In the Ethernet bus system, transceivers connected together over the bus cable along with
the nodes connected over patch cables form a segment. Several such segments can be
connected via repeaters. When using twisted pair and fiber-optic cables, each subsection
forms a segment.

Signaling contact
Floating relay contact via which the detected error states can be signaled.

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Glossary: Terms and acronyms

Single mode
In single mode transmission, (and monomode transmission) the pulse is transmitted by a
straight mode (wave). Attenuation is mainly caused by physical absorption and dispersion as
well as by mechanical bending. The amount of attenuation depends, among other things, on
the wavelength of the input light. The single mode fiber typically has a core diameter of 5 to 9
µm. The outer diameter is, however, once again 125 µm (compare multimode). The smaller
core diameter degrades the pulse edges less than multimode transmission and allows
greater transmission distances.

"Simple Mail Transfer Protocol", the de facto standard for transferring mail over the Internet.

SOFTNET Security Client

A PC application used for the connection of PGs, notebooks and other PCs to networks
secured by SCALANCE S. The PC then functions as a VPN client.

Spanning Tree
The Spanning Tree protocol (STP) allows redundant transmission paths. This prevents
circulating frames and, if a fault develops, provides an alternative path within 20 - 30
seconds (reconfiguration time).

A term used for various subterfuges used in computer networks to disguise one's own
Spoofing normally involves an attempt to falsify the data packets of the intruder so that they
have the sender address of a different (trustworthy) host.

"Service Set Identifier", within the framework of a → "Wi-Fi" WLAN, the name of a network
that needs to be known to all network nodes at the same time and that constitutes part of
each transferred message. SSIDs alone provide only extremely weak access protection from
third parties and should always be supplemented by other encryption methods.

"Secure Sockets Layer", a protocol for encrypted data transfer in the Internet is that obtains
its security by using "public key" algorithms.

Indicates the ability of a device to take over operation within a very short time.

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Store and forward

With the store and forward mechanism, the switch stores the frames and then queues them.
The frames are then forwarded selectively to the specific port that can access the addressed
node (store and forward).

"Spanning Tree Protocol", a protocol similar to → RSTP, with which the switches of a network
obtain information about the topology in which they are located. STP has various
weaknesses that can be exploited by potential attackers and that are avoided in the further
development known as RSTP ("Rapid STP").

"Transmission Control Protocol", along with → UDP a further protocol for communication over
the Internet. In contrast to UDP, TCP is connection-oriented; in other words, a dialog is
established between the sender and recipient. The advantage of this is that the correct order
and completeness of a fragmented message can be checked. The drawbacks are the
greater overheads for communication and administration.

"Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol", a set of protocols governing
communication over the Internet. Alongside → TCP that provides the "elementary" functions
(exchange of data frames, etc.), the "Internet Protocol" is used to implement the more
complex protocol layers (sequence of a session).

With this protocol, an interactive connection can be established to another device in the LAN
or on the Internet. The user then has the same options as when directly connected to this
device with a terminal.

"Trivial File Transfer Protocol"; a simple, UDP-based protocol for data transfer. Due to its
limited size, it can also be used by network nodes with little ROM.

"Temporary Key Integrity Protocol", a protocol for dynamic changing of the RC4 key with
which message transmission is coded in a WLAN.

TP port
Port with a TP connector (RJ-45 jack)

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"User Datagram Protocol", along with → TCP a further protocol for communication over the
Internet. UDP does not provide any mechanisms for checking the completeness or the order
of transmitted packets but does reduce the overheads resulting from the management
functions of more complex protocols such as TCP. UDP Is suitable particularly for sending
short messages to a large number of recipients (broadcasting/multicasting).

Virtual LAN within a physically existing network.

"Virtual Private Network", the use of a "private" network that uses a "public" network to
transfer messages. The use of the private network is transparent for the nodes of the public
network; in other words, invisible. In contrast to the nodes of the public network, however,
the private messages can be encrypted or hidden using tunnel techniques. A VPN allows the
use of a protected network embedded in an unprotected environment.

"Wide Area Network", a spatially restricted network with a greatest span than a LAN

"Web Based Management", configurations of an active node from an external Web browser
that accesses a Web browser integrated in the node via an IE connection.

"Wireless Distribution System", a method for grouping several access points to link the
access points for an Extended Service Set (ESS).

"Wired Equivalent Protocol", an encryption method for wireless data traffic.

Western plug
A colloquial for → RJ-45 connector

IWLAN product identifier introduced by the "WiFi-Alliance" manufacturers' association for
products compatible with a certain subset of the → 802.11 standards; sometimes also
(incorrectly) used as a general synonym for → "WLAN".

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"Wireless Local Area Network", a wireless-based LAN

"WiFi Protected Access", an encryption method for wireless data traffic.

WPA-PSK is a weakened form of WPA. In this method, authentication is not established by a
server but is based on a password. This password must be configured manually on the client
and server. Wherever possible, you should change to the WPA method to achieve greater

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Automated guided vehicle systems, 71
Autonegotiation, 103
100BASE-TX, 46
Backbone, 54
5 BFOC connectors, 505, 559
Bus cables, 555
50 µm fibers, 202
Electrical safety, 555
Handling bus cables, 555
Standard, 586
in plants, 555
Button, 240
Category for twisted-pair cable, 20

Cabinet lighting
62.5 µm fibers, 202
EMC, 569
Cable length, 104
Cabling, 573
8 Within buildings, 573
802.11 Within closets, 573
WLAN standards, 42 Carousels, 41
Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision
Detection, 43
A CLI, 151
Client, 44, 66, 67, 68
Access point, 66, 67, 68
Client list, 153
Access Point, 44
Collision detection, 43
Active network components
Collision domain, 38
Command Line Interface, 151
Ad hoc
Compatibility list, 129
Wireless network, 67
Configuration limits
Ad hoc networks, 67
for Industrial Ethernet communications media, 31
Address Resolution Protocol, 154
Advanced Encryption Standard, 43, 152
Fiber-optic cables, 312
AES, 43, 152
Power supply, 313
Antenna cables, 214
Signaling contact, 315
Antennas, 209
Twisted pair cables, 308
ARP protocol, 154
AS-Interface system, 22
Power supply, 313
ATEX100a, 229
C-PLUG, 76, 163
Cranes, 41
WLAN, 151
Autocrossover function, 103
Automated guided vehicle system, 70

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Cut through, 30, 111 G

GARP, 128
Data espionage, 160 Gigabit Ethernet, 20
Data manipulation, 160 Graded-index fibers, 201
Data reservation, 19, 23 Grounding, 375
Degrees of protection, 579
Denial of Service, 37
Determinism, 27 H
Display, 241, 242
Handover, 71, 155
Distributed field devices, 22
Handover time, 155
Distributed intelligence, 22
Harbors, 76
DoS, 37
High-Availability, 28
DSSS, 42
High-bay storage rack, 41
high-bay storage stacker/retriever, 213
High-speed plant networks, 132
E High-speed redundancy, 63
EAP, 43 Hub, 38
E-mail, 36
EN 50173
Standard, 583, 586 I
IE FC Festoon Cable, 443
WLAN, 152
IE FC TP Food Cable, 443
Enhanced Real-Time Ethernet Controller, 27
IEC 61508
Safety standard, 23
Reduced voltage, 241
IEC 61784
ERTEC-ASIC, 27, 30
Standard, 586
Espionage, 81
IEC 61918
Extensible Authentication Protocol, 43
Standard, 584
IEEE, 41
IEEE 802.3u, 46, 48
F IGMP, 128
Fast Connect Twisted Pair, 186 Increased port requirements, 132
Fast Ethernet Industrial Ethernet
Common Ethernet features and differences, 20 Restrictions of, 20
Fast learning, 113 industrial Point Coordination Function, 155
FastConnect, 100, 186 Industrial Twisted Pair, 186
Fault mask, 103 Infrastructure mode
FC twisted pair, 186 Wireless networks, 67
Festoon cable, 443 Installation, 299
Fiber-optic cables (FO cables), 201 Media module, 324
Fieldbus integration, 22 IP address conversion, 81
with PROFINET, 22 IP address filtering, 80
Firewall, 36, 80 IP degrees of protection, 579
Food cable, 443 IP mapping table, 154
Formation of loops, 104 iPCF, 19, 23, 71, 155
Forwarding timeofday frames, 173 IPSec tunnel, 161
FRNC Cable GP 2x2, 442 IRT, 21, 107, 111
FTP, 36 IRT communication, 24
ISO (H1), 28

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ISO on TCP/RFC 1006, 28 N

ISO/IEC 11801
NAPT, 154
Standard, 583
NAT, 37
ISO/IEC 24702
Standard, 584
Functionality, 81
Isochronous Real Time, 21, 27, 107, 111
Network Address Port Translation, 154
ITP, 186
Network Address Translation, 37
Network topologies, 128
IWLAN RCoax Cable, 213
Networking bus cables
IWLAN/PB Link PN IO, 66, 72, 78
Notes, 555

LD, 106, 111
OFDM, 42
Leaky feeder cable, 71, 213
Omnidirectional antennas, 69
Learning Table, 154
Optical Switch Module (OSM)
LED display
Functions, 172
System, 282
Housing, 391
LED display - Power, 281
Installation, 391
Lightning protection, 374
Linear bus topologies, 174
Lightning protector, 214, 346
Overlap AP, 152
Network topology, 54
Logging functionality, 80
Packet filter, 36
M Passive network components
M12, 46
PAT, 154
MAC address filtering, 80
Patch cable, 190
MAC Dir filter, 156
Personal firewall, 37
MAC filter, 43, 155
Plug and play, 103
Managed Industrial Ethernet switches, 111
POF/PCF-LWL termination kit, 506
Management functions, 106
Polarity reversal protection, 313, 314
Manipulation, 81
Port, 36
Maximum lengths
Port Address Translation, 154
Multimode glass fiber-optic cable, 49
Port status
Multimode glass fiber-optic cable for
DMode A, 284
1 Gbps Ethernet, 50
DMode B, 285
Single mode glass fiber-optic cable, 49
DMode C, 286
Twisted-pair cable runs, 47
DMode D, 287
MDI/MDIX autocrossover function, 103
Power supply
Degree of protection IP65, 224
Network topology, 84
IP30, pin assignment, 231
Mesh networks
PowerPack license
Topologies, 84
Monomode FO cables, 201
Primary area
Monorail suspension track, 41, 213
Cabling buildings, 187
Motion control, 22
PROFIBUS User Organization, 24, 583
Multichannel configuration
PROFIdrive, 22, 24
WLAN, 71
Multimode fiber-optic cable, 311
Cable assembly, 34

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Fault-tolerant systems, 28 Secondary area

Isochronous Real Time, 27 Cabling buildings, 187
Real-time, 27 Security Configuration Tool, 159
Ring redundancy, 28 Security modules, 44
Switching mechanisms, 29 SELECT / SET button, 304
PROFINET Cabling and Interconnection Technology Self-healing
Guideline, 584 Network, 84
PROFINET CBA, 23 SET button, 240
PROFINET diagnostics, 132 Shared LAN, 38
PROFINET IO, 23 Shared medium, 67
PROFIsafe, 23, 24 Shield contact
Protocol filter, 156 Establishing, 568
Proxy, 22 Shielding cables, 567
Pseudo random numbers, 42 SIENOPYR Duplex FiberOptic Marine Cable, 496
Signal recorder, 153
Signaling contact, 240, 241, 243
R Assignment, 232
Silent listener
Wireless network, 41
Network authentication protocol, 42
Rapid Reconfiguration Spanning Tree Protocol, 132
Engineering tool, 24
Rapid roaming, 19, 23, 71, 144, 155
SIMOTION Scout, 24
RC4 algorithm, 152
Single mode fiber-optic cable, 311
RCoax cable, 66, 213
Slip contacts, 41
Real Time, 21, 27
SOFTNET Security Client, 82, 83, 158
Real-time classes, 27
Spanning Tree Protocol, 84
Real-Time Communication, 27
Special cables
Redundancy manager, 39, 60, 62, 132, 176
Contact person, 185, 422
Redundant links with the OSM/ESM, 176
Special lengths
Redundant ring, 39
Contact person, 185, 422
Redundant systems, 28
Spoofing, 43
Redundant Wireless LAN, 71
SSH, 36
Remote monitoring, 177
SSID, 153
Repeater, 38
Standalone network, 67
Standards for general purpose cable communications
Network topology, 59
RJ-45, 46
Industrial environment, 584
RJ-45 jack
Standards for general-purpose cable communications
Assignment, 231
RMON, 177
Office environment, 583
Roaming, 66, 70
Standby mode
RSSI, 153
OSM/ESM, 176
RSTP, 128
Standby redundancy, 64
RT, 21
Standby-sync ports, 176
Network topology, 55
Star coupler, 38
Stateful packet inspection, 36, 159, 161
S STEP 7, 24
Safety concept, 23 Step-index fibers, 201
Safety extra low voltage, 375 Store and forward, 30
Salt spray resistance, 76 Structured cabling, 186

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Switch, 38, 44, 55 Media module, 325

Switched Ethernet, 29 Unmanaged Industrial Ethernet media converters, 116
Switched LAN, 38 Unmanaged Industrial Ethernet switches, 111
Syslog server, 79 UV resistance, 76

TCP/IP, 21, 26 Virtual Private Network, 37
Technical specifications, 247 viruses
Temporal Key Integrity Protocol, 152 Computer, 36
Termination kit, 506 VLAN, 128
Terminator, 214 VPN, 37
Tertiary area VPN tunnel, 82
Cabling buildings, 187
TIA, 26
TKIP, 152 W
Totally Integrated Automation, 26
WBM, 151, 152, 155
TPC/IP communication, 24
WDS, 71, 144, 155
Trailing cable, 41
Web Based Management, 23, 151, 177
Transitions from one media to another, 117
WEP, 42, 152
Transport Control Protocol/Internet Protocol, 21
Western plug, 461
Trap, 177
Wi-Fi Protected Access, 42
Tree structure
Wired Equivalent Privacy, 42, 152
Network topology, 58
Wireless cell, 66, 68
Tunnel, 213
Wireless Distributed System, 71, 155
Tunneling, 37
Wireless networks
Twisted Pair Cord, 186
Structured, 68
Twisted pair interface converters
Unstructured, 67
Connector pinout, 458
WLAN, 40
WPA, 42
U WPA2, 43
UDP/IP, 26 WPA-PSK, 152
Uninstalling, 300

Industrial Ethernet Networking Manual

System Manual, 06, 6GK1970-1BA10-0AA0 607

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