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Curriculum Vitae

Illinois State University Department of English Campus Box 4240 Normal, IL 61790

Email: [email protected] Website: Office Phone: (309) 438-7848

Ph.D. Rhetoric, Composition, and the Teaching of English, University of Arizona, August 2013 Dissertation: Toward a Pedagogy of Visual Communication as Critical Practice in Professional and Technical Communication Committee: Drs. Amy C. Kimme Hea (chair), Adela C. Licona, Ken S. McAllister English, Texas A&M University-Commerce, August 2007 Concentration: Rhetoric and Composition Thesis: Digital Disclosure on the Other Side of Yonder: Composing Confession in Frank Warrens PostSecret Committee: Drs. Bill Bolin (chair), Shannon Carter, Donna Dunbar-Odom English, Cum Laude, Texas A&M University-Commerce, May 2005 Minor: Interdisciplinary Studies




Professional and Technical Communication Theory and Pedagogy, Visual and Spatial Rhetorics, Visual Culture, Digital Rhetorics, Feminist Rhetorics, Multimodal Composition, Service Learning and Community Engagement Pedagogies


Assistant Professor of English, Department of English, Illinois State University, 2013 present Graduate Associate in Teaching, Department of English, University of Arizona, 2007 2013

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Graduate Teaching Associate, Department of Literature and Languages, Texas A&M UniversityCommerce, 2005 - 2007

Peer-Reviewed Articles The Rhetoric of Reach: Preparing Students for Technical Communication in the Age of Social Media. Technical Communication Quarterly. (accepted and forthcoming in Winter 2014 issue; co-authored with Amy C. Kimme Hea, 50% of contribution). Print. Visualizing Writing Space: A Reflection. Special Issue: Spatial Praxes. Ed. Amy C. Kimme Hea, Jennifer Haley-Brown, Ashley Holmes. Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy. Summer 2012. Web. (co-authored with Adrienne Crump, 50% of contribution) Invited Book Chapters Response to Creating a Professional Profile. What We Wish Wed Known: Negotiating Graduate School. Ed. Ryan Skinnell, Judy Holiday, Christine Vassett, and Thomas Skeen. Southlake, TX: Fountainhead P, (forthcoming 2013). Print. Nationalizing the Gaze: Visualizing Racialization and Racial Americanization through Graphic Novels. Coloring America: Multi-Ethnic Engagements in Recent Comics. Ed. Derek Parker Royal. Jackson, MS: U of Mississippi P, (forthcoming 2014). Print. Textbook Contribution Visual/Spatial Analysis. Writing Public Lives: From Personal Interests to Public Rhetoric. Ed. Christopher Minnix and Carol Nowotny-Young. Plymouth: Hayden-McNeil, 2009. 111-20. Print. (coauthored with Adrienne Crump, 50% of contribution)

Invited Conference Presentation Getting Published as a Graduate Student: From Conference Paper to Publication. Speaker and Roundtable Discussion Participant. Graduate Student Reception, Rhetoric Society of America Conference. Philadelphia, PA. May 2012. National and International Conference Presentations Visual Design in Community Contexts: An Opening for Professional and Technical Communication. Paper to be presented at the Conference on College Composition and Communication. Indianapolis, IN. March 2014. But is She [Blank] Enough?: Visual Rhetoric, Women Candidates, and the News. Paper presented. Rhetoric Society of America Conference. Philadelphia, PA. May 2012.
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The Rhetoric of Reach: Preparing Students for Technical Communication in the Age of Social Media. Paper presented. Association of Teachers of Technical Writing Conference. St. Louis, MO. March 2012. Digital Disclosure: An Archaeology of Confessional Discourses in the Age of the Screen(s). Paper presented. Rhetoric Society of America Conference. Seattle, WA. May 2008. Show Me Your Secret: Negotiating Confession through Visual Images. Paper presented. Conference on College Composition and Communication. New Orleans, LA. April 2008. The Post-Traumatic World of Thane Rosenbaum: A Roundtable Discussion. Paper presented. American Literature Association Conference. Boston, MA. May 2007. When Rhetorics Collide: Situating Student/Tutor/Teacher Space(s) through Corderian Rhetoric. Paper presented. International Writing Center Association Conference. Houston, TX. April 2007. Identity Crisis: Literacy and a Sense of Self. Paper presented. Conference on College Composition and Communication. New York, NY. March 2007. Regional Conference Presentations Toward a Genealogy of New Media Rhetorics: What is it? And Where is it Happening? Paper presented. Southwest/Texas Popular Culture Association Conference. Albuquerque, NM. February 2009. Twitter and Tethered Selves: Mediating Memory through the Status Update. Paper presented. Federation of North Texas Area Universities Federation Rhetoric Symposium. Commerce, TX. February 2009. Digital Disclosure: The Oral Influence of Confession in Frank Warrens PostSecret. Paper presented. Conference of College Teachers of English. College Station, TX. March 2007. Seeking Invisible Truths: The Paradox of Progression in David Almonds Skellig. Paper presented. English Graduates for Academic Development Conference. Commerce, TX. October 2006. The PostSecret Phenomenon: Composing and Recomposing New Spaces of Identity and Personal Narrative through Corderian Rhetoric. Paper presented. Popular Culture Association and American Culture Studies Regional Conference. Savannah, GA. October 2006. Giving Away the Goods: Issues of Loss Prevention in the Writing Center. Paper presented. Southwest Central Writing Center Conference. Little Rock, AR. February 2006.
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Workshops A Survey of New Media Teaching and Research in Rhetoric and Composition. Participant, Qualitative Research Network Forum. Conference on College Composition and Communication. Louisville, KY. March 2010. Incorporating Visual Rhetoric and Oral Presentations in the Composition Classroom. Invited Speaker, Brown Bag Workshop Series. University of Arizona, February 2010. Catching Up With the Times: Incorporating Visual/Spatial Rhetorics in the FYC Classroom. CoFacilitator, Spatial and Visual Rhetorics 2 (SVR2): A UA Writing Program Pedagogical Event. University of Arizona, December 2008.

Illinois State University, 2013 present Graduate Courses English 451: Topics in Technical Communication Visual and Spatial Rhetorics English 350: Visible Rhetoric (2 sections; open for both graduate and undergraduate students) Upper-Division Undergraduate Courses English 350: Visible Rhetoric (2 sections; open for both graduate and undergraduate students) English 249: Technical and Professional Writing I (1 section) University of Arizona, 2007 2013 Upper-Division Undergraduate Courses English 307: Business Writing (1 section) English 308: Technical Writing (8 sections in three formats: 16-weeks, 8-weeks, 3-weeks) English 313: Introduction to Professional and Technical Writing (2 sections) Lower-Division Undergraduate Courses English 101: First-Year Composition I (1 section) English 102: First-Year Composition II (5 sections) Texas A&M University-Commerce, 2005 2007 Lower-Division Undergraduate Courses English 100: Basic Writing Studio (2 sections) English 101: College Reading and Writing (2 sections)
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English 102: Written Argument and Research (1 section) English 201: Introduction to Literature (1 section)


Assistant Editor, Rhetoric Review, 2009 2013 As Assistant Editor, I was responsible for the daily maintenance of Rhetoric Review. My responsibilities included: assisting the Editor, Dr. Theresa Enos, with editorial decisions beginning with each initial submission and throughout the publication process; copyediting manuscripts accepted for publication through a double-blind peer review process; soliciting book reviews; corresponding regularly with peer reviewers, book reviewers, authors, and publisher contacts at Taylor & Francis; tracking manuscripts through external review and internal processes; meeting publication deadlines; ensuring that formatting and content meet the journals guidelines; finalizing and proofing each quarterly issue prior to publication; training new RR interns. Content Writer, Technology Research Initiative Fund (TRIF) Online Writing Course Development Project, University of Arizona, Summer 2009 Hosted by the Office of the Provost, I worked with a team of content writers to develop online instructional modules designed to help students in their writing for general education courses. Intern, Rhetoric Review, Spring 2008 As the semester intern, I worked closely with the journals Assistant Editor and Editor and was responsible for formatting accepted manuscripts according to the journals guidelines, copyediting, and corresponding with authors.

Interim Director , Writing Center, Texas A&M University-Commerce, 2006 2007 As Interim Director of the Writing Center, I was responsible for scheduling sixteen undergraduate and graduate tutors, planning the annual tutor orientation, and developing materials for weekly tutor meetings. Additionally, I regularly observed tutoring sessions, mentored tutors, and monitored the Online Writing Lab (OWL).


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Writing Consultant , Commitment to an Athletes Total Success (CATS) Academic Writing Center, University of Arizona, 2010 2011 As a writing consultant, I worked one-on-one with students in the athletic writing center and assisted students throughout the writing process for assignments in various academic disciplines. I also provided guidance in the following areas: interpreting assignment sheets, invention strategies, draft development, organization, and effective editing skills. Writing Tutor, Writing Center, Texas A&M University-Commerce, 2005 2006 As a writing tutor, I worked closely with a diverse population of students and tutored students one-on-one as well as in groups. I also provided guidance in the following areas: invention strategies, draft development, organization, and effective editing skills.

Instructor, Med-Start Summer Program, ENG 197A: Introduction to Health and Medical Discourse, University of Arizona, Summer 2012 Hosted by the Office of Outreach and Multicultural Affairs in the College of Medicine, I taught a six-week writing-intensive course for Med-Start, a summer bridge program for high-school juniors from underrepresented populations interested in medical and healthrelated careers. Students engaged with a variety of texts including written prose and documentary film pertaining to issues in the bio-medical sciences. Students produced three essays: a personal statement, a visual analysis, and a researched argument. In addition, students also produced visual arguments presented in the Med-Start visual showcase. Instructor, New Start Summer Program, ENGL 101: First-Year Composition, University of Arizona, Summer 2008 Hosted by the Office of Academic Success and Achievement, I taught a six-week writingintensive course for New Start, a summer bridge program for incoming freshmen from underrepresented populations. Students engaged with a variety of texts including written prose, documentary film, and photojournalism focusing on thematic clusters such as identity, popular culture, and social justice. Students produced three essays: a literacy narrative, a rhetorical analysis of an advertisement, and a film analysis. In addition, students also produced a visual argument and presented papers in the New Start Academic Conference.


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Awards Professional Writing Teacher Award ($200), University of Arizona, April 2012. Charles and Ernestine S. Linck Award for Outstanding Masters Student in English, Texas A&M University-Commerce, May 2007. Charles and Ernestine S. Linck Award for Outstanding Masters Student in English, Texas A&M University-Commerce, May 2006. Grants Student-Faculty Interaction Grant ($150), University of Arizona, September 2012. Funds to Foster Collaboration Grant ($200), University of Arizona, October 2012. These two grants funded a campus-wide presentation to showcase student deliverables created for a service-learning collaboration with the Pima County Juvenile Court. Travel Grant ($500), Graduate and Professional Student Council (GPSC), Rhetoric Society of America Conference, May 2012. Travel Grant ($280), English Graduate Union (EGU), Association of Teachers of Technical Writing Conference, May 2012. Travel Grant ($325), English Graduate Union (EGU), Conference of College Composition and Communication, March 2010. Travel Grant ($205), English Graduate Union (EGU), Southwest/Texas Popular Culture Association Conference, February 2009. Summer Thesis Fellowship ($2500), Texas A&M University-Commerce, June 2007.

Reviewer, Rhetoric Review, August 2013 present. Member, Equity and Diversity Committee, Illinois State University, August 2013 present. Coordinator, UA Writing Program and the Pima County Juvenile Court, University of Arizona, 2012-present. Coordinated service-learning partnership with the Pima County Juvenile Court as part of my ENGL 307: Business Writing pedagogy; collaborated with Judge Adam and other court administrators to assess and determine the organizations documentation needs; developed instructional curricula. Contributor, UA Writing Program Outcomes Assessment Academic Program Review, University of Arizona, 2011. Committee Judge, Professional Writing Teaching Award, University of Arizona, 2011. Ranked and evaluated teaching portfolios submitted for the annual UA Writing Program Professional Writing Teaching Award. Member, Professional and Technical Writing Teachers Committee, University of Arizona, 20092013. Serve on committee responsible for curriculum development; attend and participate in monthly meetings; develop instructor resources.
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Essay Judge, Writing Program Essay Contest, University of Arizona, May 2009. Read and scored student essays submitted to the annual contest sponsored by the editors of the UA Writing Programs A Students Guide to First-Year Writing. Peer Mentor, Rhetoric, Composition, and the Teaching of English Program, University of Arizona, 2008-2009. Member, New Start Summer Program Conference Committee, University of Arizona, Summer 2008. Served on committee responsible for organizing a two-day undergraduate academic conference for the New Start Summer Program; coordinated logistics and scheduling; helped design and organize conference program; moderated student panels. Panel Chair, Rhetoric Session, South Central Modern Language Association Conference, San Antonio, TX, October 2008. Craft and solicit call for proposals; reviewed submissions; conference panel moderator. Panel Secretary, Rhetoric Session, South Central Modern Language Association Conference, Memphis, TN, October 2007. Assist chair in crafting and soliciting call for proposals; reviewed submissions; attended panel. Conference Chair and Organizer, Federation of North Texas Area Universities Federation Rhetoric Symposium (FRS), Texas A&M University-Commerce, February 2007. Organized a one-day regional conference sponsored by the Federation of North Texas Area Universities (University of North Texas, Texas A&M University-Commerce, and Texas Womans University) with 120 attendees; coordinated fundraising initiatives; solicited and reviewed calls for proposals; coordinated provisions for keynote speaker, Dr. Kathleen Blake Yancey; scheduled and coordinated conference logistics such as room and technology requests, catering, and conference reception. Essay Scorer, UIL Ready Writing Contest, Texas A&M University-Commerce, 2006. Read and holistically scored expository composition submissions from high school students in grades 9-12.

Association of Teachers of Technical Writing (ATTW) Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC) Modern Language Association (MLA) National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Rhetoric Society of America (RSA)

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Dr. Amy C. Kimme Hea Associate Professor of English Director of the Writing Program University of Arizona, English Department P.O. Box 210067, Tucson, AZ, 85721 (520) 621-3553, [email protected] Dr. Theresa Enos Professor of English Editor, Rhetoric Review University of Arizona, English Department P.O. Box 210067, Tucson, AZ, 85721 (520) 621-3371, [email protected] Dr. Ken S. McAllister Professor of English Program Director, Rhetoric, Composition, and the Teaching of English University of Arizona, English Department P.O. Box 210067, Tucson, AZ, 85721 (520) 664-6967, [email protected] Dr. Bill Bolin Associate Professor of English Texas A&M University-Commerce Department of Literature & Languages P.O. Box 3011, Commerce, TX, 75429 (903) 886-5272, [email protected] Dr. Donna Dunbar-Odom Professor of English Doctoral Coordinator Texas A&M University-Commerce Department of Literature & Languages P.O. Box 3011, Commerce, TX 75429 (903) 886-5264, [email protected]

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