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Satans Agenda for Disclosure First Contact Parts 5&6

Dr. Johnson's Main Website at: 1st Alternate Site: 2nd Alternative Site: Email: [email protected] Free Gift: Salvation & the TRUE Gospel/Good News! Correspondence/Donation/Mailing Address: Scott Johnson, 450 Conover Blvd. West #202, Conover, NC 28613 Table of Contents: Whistleblowers Coming Out Of The Woodwork Madoff Whistleblower: Big Banks Are Ripping Off Pension Funds Whistleblower Claims Massive Pattern Of Document Destruction At The SEC MOODY'S ANALYST BREAKS SILENCE: Says Ratings Agency Rotten To Core With Conflicts, Corruption, And Greed Dow Ends Down 400, but Off Session Lows Secular Economic Opinion Heads Up From a Steve Quayle Listener "Vibrant Response 12" Mass Catastrophe Exercise Takes Place in the Heartland Obama Warns Of Norway Style Lone Wolf Shooting In American On Or Near Tenth Anniversary of 9/11 Terror Attacks Norwegians ready for a Gestapo style police Project Bluebeam Imminent? Michio Kaku Hyping Alien Invasion As Corporate Media Says Alien Threat Would Help Global Governance Navy Seals Involved In Military Drills Over Bostons General Populace Possible Holographic Technology CNN Analysis...Calls On Government To Manufacture War With Aliens To Save Economy! Pay Your Carbon Taxes To Al Gore Or Space Aliens Will Attack NASA: Asteroids Are Supposedly Chemical Factories For E.T. DNA +Maitreya Q & A - Share International magazine July / August 2011 HAMAS CALLS OFF TRUCE WITH ISRAEL(Like there ever was one) As Rocket Fire Continues From Gaza 30 Rockets Strike Israel Since Thursday After Coordinated Terror Attacks Kills 8 Jews on Thursday EGYPT ISSUES FIRST MILITARY THREAT TO ISRAEL IN 50 YEARS...WITHDRAWS AMBASSADOR FROM ISRAEL THREATENS TO CANCEL CAMP DAVID PEACE AGREEMENT Southern Israel hit by 80 Gazan rockets

Netanyahu's Kadima opposition party is also calling for total ground invasion of Gaza after more than 100 rockets have struck Israel! Israeli Minister of Public Security says "Gaza will soon feel might of IDF." "We are preparing as we did in Operation Cast Lead in late 2008-early 2009 Egypt Turning Fast on Israel Thousands Gather At Israel's Embassy in Egypt and Take Down the Flag and Burn it... Arab League & Jordan Demanding U.N Stop Israel!!! Sharia Law To Be Instituted In Egypt Now Says Muslim Brotherhood "Israel earmarks mass grave sites in case of national disaster" WHO CREATED AL QAIDA AND WHY???? Al-Qaida Plotting Big Doomsday Revenge Directly Against The US With Weapons Of Mass Destruction US Concern Grows Over Al-Qaida Poison Threat How You Can Survive A WMD Attack Potential Confirmation of Coming Nuclear Strikes

Whistleblowers Coming Out Of The Woodwork August 19, 2011-- Here's one of the predictions in my "TIMELINE" article: "The new Whistle Blower law will turn once loyal Banksters into singing canaries to both save their own skins and get rich in the process." Watch for more and more Whistleblowers to come forward! The Banksters are on the RUN!!! Bix Weir They're coming out of the woodwork to take down the Bad Guys! Just look at all the Whistleblowers over the past 24 hours... Madoff Whistleblower: Big Banks Are Ripping Off Pension Funds "Attorneys general in Virginia and Florida filed civil suits against BNY Mellon alleging that the bank cheated pension funds in those states by choosing improper prices for currency trades the bank processed for the funds," The man who uncovered the alleged scam, Harry Markopolos, expects all 50 states to eventually join the suit. If the name sounds familiar that's because Markopolos was a whistleblower on the Madoff Ponzi scheme, only to have his claims ignored by the SEC for the better par of a decade. Whistleblower Claims Massive Pattern Of Document Destruction At The SEC The SEC, which recently launched a whistle blower program that offers financial rewards for people who report securities violations, now has one of its own attorneys alleging that the agency destroyed thousands of documents involving banks and hedge funds, Matt Taibbi reported. The allegations come from SEC attorney Darcy Flynn, who is a 13-year veteran with the agency. According to the report, Flynn claims the SEC has been destroying records relating to the investigations of financial criminals since 1993.

Some of the records that were allegedly destroyed involve Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Lehman Brothers, Deutsche Bank, SAC Capital and Madoff. MOODY'S ANALYST BREAKS SILENCE: Says Ratings Agency Rotten To Core With Conflicts, Corruption, And Greed A former senior analyst at Moody's has gone public with his story of how one of the country's most important rating agencies is corrupted to the core. The analyst, William J. Harrington, worked for Moody's for 11 years, from 1999 until his resignation last year. From 2006 to 2010, Harrington was a Senior Vice President in the derivative products group, which was responsible for producing many of the disastrous ratings Moody's issued during the housing bubble. Harrington has made his story public in the form of a 78-page "comment" to the SEC's proposed rules about rating agency reform, which he submitted to the agency on August 8th. The comment is a scathing indictment of Moody's processes, conflicts of interests, and management, and it will likely make Harrington a star witness at any future litigation or hearings on this topic. Dow Ends Down 400, but Off Session Lows 18 Aug 2011--By: JeeYeon Park Writer Stocks closed off their worst levels Thursday, & were still down sharply, following a handful of disappointing economic news reports and continuing worries over the stability of euro zone banks. All three major indexes are on track for the worst month in almost three years. The CBOE Volatility Index, widely considered the best gauge of fear in the market, surged almost 40 percent to above 44. All 10 S&P sectors were sharply lower, led by energy and materials. "Is this selloff really a surprise? The macro data continues to paint a dire fiscal future for the worldInvestors are nave to think this is a 'rough patch,'" said Todd Schoenberger, managing director of LandColt Trading. Secular Economic Opinion Last week the bank crisis and Sovereign Debt crisis in Europe was so urgent Sarkozy and Merkel returned from month long vacations to meet with each other this week. Outcome? Silence. What happened to the pending overnight collapse of Societe General (France) and UniCredit (Italy)? Did they receive still more injections of Fiat Funds? Things are supposedly urgent in the U.S. but Obama leaves for his $50,000 a week digs at Marthas Vineyard. Evidentially all the Elites, here and abroad, have taken August off. A month or so ago I included an opinion here that it appears more and more inevitable to me that the Old must be completely destroyed (taken down by force) for the New to rise up. Today this seems to me even more true than it did

then. The reason for this would be the lack of co-operation of the Old World Order with the establishment of the New World Order, the attitude that they will never under any circumstances let go of their grip upon the neck of the world. Their ONLY CONSIDERATIONS, IMO, are staying in power and precluding exposures by stretching the Fiat Rubber Band until it breaks before which they will have pillage d (ripped off) the existing system for every dollar they can extract as is reflected in the content of all their secret bank accounts all over the world, Democrats and Republicans alike. And when it breaks the resulting consequences to the people will be anarchy. They could care less. They work for the Banks, Wall Street and the invisible hand, not you and me. ( By the way, as an interesting aside, it was reported yesterday that the Big Twelve, the Super Congress have received, cumulatively, SIXTY FIVE MILLION DOLLARS over the last few years by the various Special Interest). With these observations of the continuation of Fiat money & Bank ownership of the world, it is not hard to predict in advance that these twelve will turn the screws on the p eople as directed by the banks and their Illuminati Masters. They are, after all, WHORES, getting paid from many places and directions all at once including their paychecks from the people. So we must wait for the demise of the Old before receiving the New. If they, led by the FED, have a completely free hand it could easily take a year or two as they fill each and every hole in the dyke with wads of thin air monopoly money not caring about the consequences to the economy, the country, the currency or the people. This possibility can not be easily discounted as it is exactly what they have done to date. What I see now are Banks on the verge of collapse in several countries any one of which could trigger the ultimate financial earthquake due to intertwined derivatives, CDSs, Insurance and uncollectible Sovereign Debt being carried as assets. Many Banking Dominoes are ready to fall around the world; the first to fall could be anywhere. The Fiat boys are propping them up and sending the bills to the taxpayers. This is being done with the cooperation of their Corrupt Political Pawns here and abroad. To save the Banks they work for the Politicians have intentionally chained the hands, feet and necks of generations of their own people. Isnt it a sorry spectacle what people will do for a Blond, a Case of Scotch, a Campaign Contribution, a secret bank account, a free trip or a Stock Tip. They enter poor and come out rich, virtually every one of them. 1Ti 6:9 But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and [into] many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition. 1Ti 6:10 For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. At various times, we were reliably informed, Obama threatened a Race War should there be any attempt to remove him no matter the reason. Now our KING has issued Amnesty Orders for Illegal Aliens without a vote of Congress or the American people. The Constitution? In his mind it does not exist or apply to him. He was parachuted into the Oval Office without vetting on orders of the invisible hand which now orders silence even in the face of admissions of guilt by the PHD who forged his Birth Certificate. This

order for silence applies to Supreme Court Judges. Our country has been Handed Over to them as represented in the person of Obama, by the TRAITORS in D.C. including the Supreme Court Judges and the thousands of others who sold their souls and their country for a Secret Bank Account. U.S. Government Agencies such as the S.E.C. , for example, like U.S. politicians, are in bed with the Banks and Wall Street. They are Whores just like the Politicians. The very last people these employees of The Corporation represent are the American people . Are you aware that Liberals are now filing lawsuits around the country against Conservatives attempting to take away our Free Speech Rights to criticize Obama and all Democrat Politicians who voted for Obamacare? I am not kidding you. And some are being filed in courts where the Judges were appointed by Obama and said Judges are refusing to dismiss these obviously frivolous lawsuits? Is it any wonder they are trying to shut down talk radio and take control of Internet Content while the TSA and the BATF and the Justice Dept. display their Police State tactics time and time again. And now there is at least one killing per day by cops shooting unarmed civilians somewhere in the country. Forty Five Million Seven Hundred and Fifty Three Thousand and growing fast are on Food Stamps, up two and one half percent in the last month and Yahoo says Obama has created jobs. Casper 8-19-11 opinion Heads Up From a Steve Quayle Listener August 18, 2011 Hawk, I wrote you a few weeks ago regarding a Tustin UFO my wife and I witnessed. This time Im writing with information regarding how near the hour is (as you remind us). A friend of mine went to see his high-school friends this last week. This group are without exception SWAT team, military, or local police agencies in the Oxnard and surrounding area. They had told him, and he shared with me at the time, in June that they were all going to special combat training, on a military base, in July. They didnt know exactly what it was for at the time and didnt know they were all going until they got together and started talking and realizing that all the surrounding agencies (key people) were going. Well they had their Luciferian training and it was urban combat and city clearing training on how to go block by block and house by house clearing people out of given areas. My friend asked then whether they thought this strange and why would they need such training. In the course they attended they were told the government is worried about things like financial collapse and riots overseas coming here so they were to prepare now. In addition they were told that FEMA had special rules allowing them to forcefully evacuate people. My friend pressed as to how they could not see this was a problem and what exactly would cause these evacuations. My friend had his grandfather taken to the Japanese camps in WWII and understands how this time will be even worse.

Additionally they were told their family members and friends would be kept safe in specially designated safe zones if they were called to perform their duty. (Comment: So they can all be blackmailed if needed) I have zero doubt this group will do what they are told believing it will save their hides. "Vibrant Response 12" Mass Catastrophe Exercise Takes Place in the Heartland In a quiet location of southern Indiana more than 7000 U.S. Army, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Department of Defense civilian personnel are engaged in the largest catastrophic incident drill to be conducted by the U.S. Army North. Starting on August 16 and ending on August 28th, this highly complex drill aims to train troops to respond to a catastrophic domestic chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear incident should it happen on American soil. This federal emergency response exercise, called Vibrant Response 12, will take place at Muscatatuck Urban Training Complex in Jennings County near Butlerville. more Obama Warns Of Norway Style Lone Wolf Shooting In American On Or Near Tenth Anniversary of 9/11 Terror Attacks President Obama, with the help of the corporate controlled media, has warned/threatened a Oslo Norway style attack on the 10th Anniversary of the 9/11 attacks to be carried out by a so called lone wolf terrorist. Considering the fact that it is documented history that lone wolf terrorists are usually mentally unstable patsies for some larger operation, this warning from Obama should send up red flags throughout the country. As the corporate media feeds the terrorism fear without so much as questioning the official line, the people of America are slowly losing their most fundamental rights all in the name of security. Norwegians ready for a Gestapo style police ivarfjeld | August 1, 2011 | URL:

The Bomb attack in Oslo makes Norwegians desire the disolvement of freedom, and establishment of a new police state. Scientists in Norway were surprised that the Norwegian people are ready to give up their legal rights towards the police, if there is a terror threat towards the nation. The study was conducted back in 2006, and tested the waters after the September 11 2001 attack in the US, the London bombing and Madrid terrostist attack in 2004. A total of 1332 persons gave feedback to the scientists form NSD poll. The amount of Norwegians who are ready to give the police power to held people for an unlimited amount of days, are probably much higher today, after the Massacre on Utya. Comment: The Norwegian population seems to have absolutely no interest in ideology, and principal thinking. Today, they are mostly occupied with their materialistic processions, and voice their right to reject any moral compass. The great irony of European history, is that the Germans voted to end their life in freedom, and hand all powers over to the Nazi-leader Adolf Hitler. The Norwegians are willing to copy that act. They do not mind living in a totalitarian society, where a Gestapo kind of police force can round up people, and keep them behind bars as long as the authorities desire. John 3:19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. When people disappear, you can be sure that few will really care, as long as they them selves are "safe". This kind of environment is the perfect arena for all who will welcome the anti-Christ. Project Bluebeam Imminent? Michio Kaku Hyping Alien Invasion As Corporate Media Says Alien Threat Would Help Global Governance The Intel Hub MrGlassTruther4U--August 14, 2011

Update: A new video from CNN has been released that openly admits this alien invasion would be FAKE! Are we being set up for a Project Blue Beam style false flag? Dr Michio Kaku, renowned physicist, author and the apparent mouth piece for the scientific dictatorship that is the NWO, talks on the corporate media about the likely hood of an alien invasion. Project Blue Beam is a very controversial subject and concerns the government carrying out a fake alien invasion to forward the agenda of creating their much sought after One World Government. Strong Delusion: E.T.s, Aliens, UFOs, Nephilum, Grenada Treaty What better way to make the people surrender the last of their rights and freedoms then to be presented with an unbeatable enemy from another world?? The fact that Michio Kaku is on the corporate controlled media talking about it is enough to ring the alarm bells. People watching this video and reading this quick article may well laugh at the mere suggestion of such a thing but i can tell you one thing, the elites that would carry it out sure would take it seriously. And as ex Nazi and ex head of NASA once said . the last card, the last card we play will be a fake alien invasion Navy Seals Involved In Military Drills Over Bostons General Populace - Possible Holographic Technology Note: As you may know, The Intel Hub has covered the drills taking place over Boston for the past few days now the cities mayor admits the drills were conducted by the Navy Seals. In the skies over Boston, low flying helicopters instilled real fear in many people. According to reports, some people found it scary, some even claimed to witness what appeared to be a holographic like technology deployed from the helicopters. One quote from CaptainTheDog085 states; I saw UFOs & a fake hologram plane fly right over my house very very low during the drills in Boston They had another drill at the Natick Labs (Bio Terror Drill) month ago too. I & many others saw allot of military trucks with something in back of the trucks going towards Boston week ago too Something is about to go down I have bad feeling Could this be a prelude to Project Blue Beam going active? CNN Analysis...Calls On Government To Manufacture War With Aiens To Save Economy..! Krugman, a New York Times writer who is routinely lambasted by the likes of Max Keiser and Gerald Celente for being a stooge for the establishment and an apologist for the Federal Reserve, appeared on CFR luminary Fareed Zakarias CNN show to make a seemingly radical argument.

If we discovered that space aliens were planning to attack and we needed a massive buildup to counter the space alien threat and inflation and budget deficits took secondary place to that, this slump would be over in 18 months. And then if we discovered, oops, we made a mistake, there arent any aliens, wed be better, remarked Krugman. There was a Twilight Zone episode like this in which scientists fake an alien threat in order to achieve world peace. Well, this timewe need it in order to get some fiscal stimulus, he added. Predictably, subsequent discussion about Krugmans comments were concentrated around his lurid analogy of an extraterrestrial invasion, while missing the elephant in the living room and the real point of the rant Krugmans advocacy for the Obama administration to stage a fake crisis, or indeed a war, in order to ram through its economic agenda. Pay Your Carbon Taxes To Al Gore Or Space Aliens Will Attack Paul Joseph 19, 2011 Having failed with drowning polar bears, global superstorms, rising sea levels and a myriad of other manufactured hoaxes, global warming alarmists have invented a new threat to try and persuade us to pay carbon taxes directly to Al Gore and the global elite vengeful environmentalist extraterrestrials from outer space.

A team of American researchers have produced a range of scenarios in which aliens could attack the earth, and curiously, one revolves around climate change. They speculate that extraterrestrial environmentalists could be so appalled by our planet-polluting ways that they view us as a threat to the intergalactic ecosystem and decide to destroy us. The thought-provoking scenario is one of many envisaged in a joint study by Penn State and the NASA Planetary Science Division, entitled "Would Contact with Extraterrestrials Benefit or Harm Humanity? A Scenario Analysis." It divides projected close encounters into "neutral," those that cause mankind "unintentional harm" and, more worryingly, those in which aliens do us "intentional harm." Extraterrestrial intelligence (ETI) "could attack and kill us, enslave us, or potentially even eat us. ETI could attack us out of selfishness or out of a more altruistic desire to

protect the galaxy from us. We might be a threat to the galaxy just as we are a threat to our home planet," it warns. But before we brace ourselves for alien annihilation, the report suggests things could turn in humanity's favor. "As we continue the search for extraterrestrials into the future, perhaps our thinking about the different modes of contact will help human civilization to avoid collapse and achieve long-term survival," it suggests. Green aliens might object to the environmental damage humans have caused on Earth and wipe us out to save the planet. These scenarios give us reason to limit our growth and reduce our impact on global ecosystems. It would be particularly important for us to limit our emissions of greenhouse gases, since atmospheric composition can be observed from other planets, the authors write. Is it really any wonder why polls show belief in global warming is collapsing? A recent Rasmussen survey found that 69 per cent of Americans believed scientists had likely falsified climate change data to push their agenda. Theyve fed us with drowning polar bears, overpopulation paranoia, global superstorms and all manner of manufactured lies in an effort to terrify people into accepting the hoax and blithely handing over their carbon taxes to Al Gore and the Rothschilds, but none of it has worked. Gores Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) has all but collapsed. The fact that they have now resorted to playing the alien invasion card illustrates how desperate and discredited the climate change cult has become.

Aside from all this, why do we need aliens to destroy humanity and save the planet? White House science czar John P. Holdren seems to have it all in hand. Holdrens 1977 book Ecoscience called for a planetary regime to carry out forced abortions and mandatory sterilization procedures, as well as drugging the water supply, in an effort to cull the human surplus. Holdren is now in charge of geoengineering the planet to protect against supposed man-made climate change. NASA: Asteroids Are Supposedly Chemical Factories For E.T. DNA

NASA researchers say they have found evidence that some building blocks of DNA found in meteorites were likely created in space. The finding offers more support to the theory that the origin of life may have come from elsewhere in the universe, handily delivered by a meteorite long ago.

Share International magazine July / August 2011 Questions and Answers a selection of Questions to Maitreya Q. Maitreya has said that the Palestinians will have their homeland. In a lot of proposals for peace in the Middle East the future Palestinian state would include the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. My understanding has always been that Hierarchy thinks in terms of a two-country solution in which Palestine and Israel exist side by side. Is this correct? A. Yes, I have thought for many years that Isreal will take the advice of Maitreya to bring about a just division of territory for peace to be achieved and maintained. Q. Does Hierarchy still see this two-state solution as a realistic option, now that Israel does not stop annexing Palestinian territory? A. Yes. Q. Should the illegal Jewish settlements on the West Bank (and East Jerusalem) be evacuated to make a just peace treaty possible? A. Yes. The Arab Spring (Arabic: literally the Arabic Rebellions or the Arab Revolutions) is a revolutionary wave of demonstrations and protests occurring in the Arab world. Q. Will the Arab Spring have a positive impact on the situation of the Palestinians? A. Yes. It is already beginning. Obama To Abandon Israel While Embracing The Islamic Nations March 22nd, 2009 | End Time Current Events: 5-9-10 May 9th, 2010 | Jerusalem, Gaza, WWIII & the New World Order January 11th, 2009 | End Time Current Events 4-18-10 April 18th, 2010 | Israel is a Jewish democratic nation 1/19th the size of California, and is one of the smallest nations on the face of the earth. With only about 8,000 sq. miles of land mass it is roughly two times the size of Rhode Island. The nation of Israel is surrounded by twenty-two hostile Arab/Islamic dictatorships that are 640 times her size and 60 times her population. Arab propagandists call Israel "expansionist." There is NO truth to this statement as Israel, occupies one-sixth of one percent of the lands called Arab. HAMAS CALLS OFF TRUCE WITH ISRAEL(Like there ever was one) As Rocket Fire Continues From Gaza Hamas announced early on Saturday they were no longer committed to a more than two-year de facto truce with Israel since the end of a war in early 2009. There is no longer any truce with the enemy," the statement said in a move seen as paving the way for Hamas to escalate the violence with Israel.

30 Rockets Strike Israel Since Thursday After Coordinated Terror Attacks Kills 8 Jews on Thursday At least 7 wounded as Palestinians fire Grad, Qassam missiles at Israel; Iron Dome successfully intercepts rocket bound for Ashdod. EGYPT ISSUES FIRST MILITARY THREAT TO ISRAEL IN 50 YEARS...WITHDRAWS AMBASSADOR FROM ISRAEL THREATENS TO CANCEL CAMP DAVID PEACE AGREEMENT "Egypt will also take protective measures and strengthen security at the border with the necessary forces capable of deterring alleged infiltrators as well as responding to any activity by the Israeli military." This statement contained a direct threat to set aside the decades-long peace treaty with Israel which mandates the demilitarization of Sinai as a buffer zone between the two countries The Egyptian military rulers' step means that Cairo is suspending the Camp David peace treaty and will not consult Israel as mandated. Egyptian sources report that Cairo is planning to inject substantial military strength into the Sinai Peninsula in the coming hours, forcing Israel's army to confront the Egyptian army on its southwestern border for the first time in three decades. Southern Israel hit by 80 Gazan rockets By YAAKOV LAPPIN 08/21/2011 Public Security Minister Yitzhak Aharonovitch arrived at the scene of the attack in Beersheba, placing the blame for the assault squarely on the shoulders of Hamas. "Hamas is responsible, it controls the Gaza Strip," Aharonovitch stated. Aharonovitch vowed that Hamas would pay a heavy price for the attacks on Israeli citizens. From: jay wick [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Sunday, August 21, 2011 11:48 AM Subject: Israel update,,,massive amounts of news - - current events - very important developments EVENTS RAPIDLY UNFOLDING IN ISRAEL AND MIDDLE EAST PUT ISRAEL/GAZA ON THE BRINK OF TOTAL /REGIONAL WAR - - - - -KEEP IN MIND WHEN U READ THIS NEWS ISRAEL HAS HAD CLOSE TO 50 ROCKETS FIRED AT IT IN THE LAST 24 HOURS WHICH THEY HAVE NOT RESPONDED TO AT THIS TIME..THEY HAVE ARRESTED 120 MEMBERS OF HAMAS LAST NIGHT BUT HAVE NOT RETALIATED FOR THE KILLINGS OF ITS PEOPLE IN ISRAEL...THEY ARE DECIDING HOW TO RESPOND AND IN THE MEAN TIME DOZENS OF MORE ROCKETS HAVE BEEN FIRED AT ISRAEL SUNDAY AFTERNOON AND SUNDAY NIGHT TARGETING PEOPLE AND SCHOOLS...AT THIS TIME WE ARE WAITING

TO SEE WHAT ISRAEL IS GOING TO DO..SO FAR THEIR HEAD MINISTERS ARE ALL SIGNALING THAT POSSIBLE GROUND INVASION AND TOTAL REMOVAL OF HAMAS IS VERY POSSIBLE..THEIR RESPONSE COULD COME AT ANY MOMENT..WATCH CLOSELY..THIS COULD HAVE EXTREME BIBLICALLY RELAVENT EFFECTS FOR THE ENTIRE REGION AT ANY MOMENT. BOMBSHELL ALERT!!!!! Netanyahu's Kadima opposition party is also calling for total ground invasion of Gaza after more than 100 rockets have struck Israel!!!!!!!!!!!! This is huge news.. usually the liberal party are the ones who dont want to aggravate a situation....they were the ones in charge in 2008 when Gaza was Bombed during Operation Cast Lead..Now they are calling on Netanyahu's conservative Likud party to strike hard and remove Hamas.. This is big big news the fact that the Liberal party in Israel is calling for all out war on Hamas!!!! If this happens it may turn the whole Middle East into total war against Israel... ALERT!!! Minister of Public Security says "Gaza will soon feel might of IDF." "We are preparing as we did in Operation Cast Lead in late 2008-early 2009," he said. "Talk to me in a week's time," "This round of escalation will not be over soon. The public needs to prepare itself. These will not be easy days." Jordan warns escalation in Gaza threatens entire region The statement, made by Jordanian Information Minister Abdullah Abu Ruman, condemned "Israel military operations that left civilian casualties in the Gaza Strip and killed a number of Egyptian officers," and warned against further "targeting of civilians" in Gaza. Egypt Turning Fast on Israel Thousands Gather At Israel's Embassy in Egypt and Take Down the Flag and Burn it... MASSES OF PEOPLE>>EGYPT IN A TOTAL FRENZY OVER WAR IN GAZA,7340,L-4111863,00.html Arab League Demanding U.N Stop Israel!!! ARAB LEAGUE AND JORDAN CONDEMN ISRAEL ESCALLATION...THE ARAB LEAGUE CONDEMNED ISRAELI ATTACKS ON SUNDAY MORNING AND DEMANDED TO U.N TAKE ACTION TO STOP ISRAEL'S RESPONSE...!!!! Saturday August 28th Hamas toys with Israel - rockets fired Saturday Sharia Law To Be Instituted In Egypt Now Says Muslim Brotherhood Obamas Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Organization..who has just taken over Egypt thanks to Obama says they will begin instituting Sharia Law in Egypt... "Israel earmarks mass grave sites in case of national disaster", YNET News, June 14, 2011 The IDF also took an action months ago which vibrates with prophetic Scripture! "Israel's National Planning and Building Board ruled Tuesday to designate eight sites across Israel as mass burial sites in case of a nationwide disaster ... Another work premise is that in case of a nationwide mass casualty event authorities would be unable to accommodate timely burial, due to foreseen problems with identifying remains and the need to clear bodies in order to thwart the spread of disease." The words, "identifying remains and the need to clear bodies in order to thwart the spread of disease" reminds me of the somber work in Israel of removing dead bodies in the aftermath of the Ezekiel 38-39 Russian-led invasion. Listen: "And the passengers that pass through the land, when any seeth a man's bone, then shall he set up a sign by it, till the buriers have buried it in the valley of Hamongog. And also the name of the city shall be Hamonah. Thus shall they cleanse the land. " (Ezekiel 39:15-16) Is Israel preparing so such a disaster as all-out war? WHO CREATED AL QAIDA AND WHY????.... Unraveling the Myth of "al Qaida" by Peter Chamberlin--Global Research, January 13, 2008 The myth of "al Qaida" is built on an expansive foundation of many half-truths and hidden facts. It is a CIA creation. It was shaped by the agency to serve as a substitute "enemy" for America, replacing the Soviets whom the Islamist forces had driven from Afghanistan. Unknown American officials, at an indeterminate point in time, made the decision to focus in on Islamic terrorists from the exploits of the Afghan Mujahedeen. The CIA already had their own network of Islamic militant "freedom fighters," all that was needed were a few scattered terrorist attacks against US targets and a credible heroic figurehead, to serve as the "great leader." In order to explain away the billions of dollars worth of weapons and training that went into the operation, they chose a rich jihadi, a Saudi millionaire named Osama bin Laden, who had been a faithful recruiter and business agent of the Mujahedeen. He was painted as the sole financier of the entire enormous operation that was centered in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Bin Laden may not even have known that he was playing a part in a deceitful CIA global drama until after the fact. The story of bin Laden is the story of the secret CIA/ISI insurgent camps in Pakistan and Afghanistan. According to Prof. Michel Chossudovsky, Osama was 22 years old in 1979, when he was trained in a CIA sponsored guerilla training camp near Peshawar, Pakistan. "Bin Laden family was put in charge of raising money for the Islamic brigades. Numerous charities and foundations were created. The operation was coordinated by Saudi intelligence, headed by Prince Turki al-Faisal, in close liaison with the CIA. The money derived from the various charities was used to finance the recruitment of Mujahedeen volunteers. Al Qaeda was a data bank of volunteers who had enlisted to fight in the Afghan jihad. That data base was initially held by Osama bin Laden." Al-Qaida Plotting Big Doomsday Revenge Directly Against The US With Weapons Of Mass Destruction During the Nuclear Security Summit held in Washington, DC in April 2010, US President Barack Obama expressed his concerns about a doomsday scenario. He warned that al-Qaida and other terrorist organizations are in the process of trying to secure nuclear weapons or other weapons of mass destruction, and would have no compunction at using them. Now, four months after the Abbottabad operation and the death of the notorious mastermind of 9/11, the lingering question that still remains is al-Qaidas worst revenge yet to come? (Comment: I dont know why not just ask the CIA) US Concern Grows Over Al-Qaida Poison Threat The Obama administration is concerned that a dangerous regional arm of alQaida is trying to produce the deadly poison ricin to use in attacks against the United States, the New York Times reported on Friday. Citing unnamed intelligence officials and classified intelligence reports, the newspaper said al-Qaida's affiliate in Yemen has been trying to acquire large quantities of castor beans, used to produce ricin. It said the apparent intent was to pack the poison around small explosives that could be exploded to disperse the ricin, a white powdery substance so deadly that a speck can kill if inhaled or taken into the bloodstream. The Times said the apparent intent was to detonate the explosives in enclosed spaces like a shopping mall or airport. US President Barack Obama and top security aides were briefed about the threat last year and have received updates since then. How You Can Survive A WMD Attack Some will be tempted to skip or skim over the topic of 'nuclear Armageddon' assuming it's much too overwhelming and un-survivable. Unfortunately, for their families, they will then have tragically missed the essential life-saving 'good news'. What possible good news could there ever be about nuclear destruction coming to America, whether it is dirty bombs, terrorist nukes or ICBMs from afar? In a word, they are all survivable for the vast majority of American families, if they know what to do beforehand and have made even the most modest preparations.

Potential Confirmation of Coming Nuclear Strikes August 19, 2011--Name withheld Steve and Hawk, I am the individual that has a few "connections" in the military world and have verified through them the attacks on Palo Verde (that are covered up) that Hawk has mention on his show back in 2004. I say that just to tell you I made a contact with this "connection" this week about the five known "pockets full of sunshine" on the main land. They have confirmed its true and that the five targets they have heard are: Hoover Dam, two for Chicago or Illinois (since the President calls that his home state)- they want the Sears tower to go down, New York City, and DC. This is the Islamist faction targets - the ones they can track, the cover is since Osama Bin Ladin was killed they will use that as an excuse to do something major on the 10th anniversary of 9/11, however their could be a "shadow" group that is out there moving under the radar that the good guys are more fearful of and cannot track. As usual I take this information to the Lord in prayer and will discern upon it more. Please have the listeners try to prepare even more for the next 30 days. Wanted Hawk and you to know what I was hearing on the backside. Jesus protect Hawk, you, and your listeners and God Bless,

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