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The 21st century has begun. What changes do you think this new century wiII bring?

exampIes and detaiIs in your answer.
Man, through the ages, has undergone many changes from the time when he depicted a herd of
mammoths on the walls of his cave to these days when he can create beautiful pictures and even make
coffee by use of computer technologies without leaving his favorite chair. The 20th century made huge
steps in developing computer technologies and reached many goals that made our life much easier. What
should we expect in the 21st century?
First of all, think that the pace of our life will speed up: we will move faster from one place to another,
from one continent to another using high speed jet airplanes. Second of all, believe that we will be able
to do many things that take much time now without leaving our house. Computers will be everywhere
including out clothes. Many people will have chips and mini computers inserted in their heads to hold
huge amount of information and have a quick access to it.
But what will be the most amazing thing in the 21st century is the flights to the outer space and Mars that
will be available to all people. Scientists say that Mars has many things similar to the Earth's. Moreover,
they say that with the help of modern technology people can artificially create conditions that will allow
people to live there on the constant basis.
1o sum up l am sure LhaL many amazlng changes wlll be broughL by Lhe 21sL cenLury lurLhermore l Lhlnk LhaL
wlLh Lhe help of Lhe conLemporary Lechnologles people can do many Lhlngs LhaL were even dlfflculL Lo lmaglne a
cenLury ago So nowadays lL ls raLher dlfflculL and even lmposslble Lo lmaglne all changes LhaL wlll happen ln Lhe
nexL decades

The 21st century has begun. What changes do you think this new century wiII bring? Use
exampIes and detaiIs in your answer.
Man, through the ages, has undergone many changes from the time when he depicted a herd of
mammoths on the walls of his cave to these days when he can create beautiful pictures and even make
coffee by use of computer technologies without leaving his favorite chair. The 20th century made huge
steps in developing computer technologies and reached many goals that made our life much easier. What
should we expect in the 21st century?
First of all, think that the pace of our life will speed up: we will move faster from one place to another,
from one continent to another using high speed jet airplanes. Second of all, believe that we will be able
to do many things that take much time now without leaving our house. Computers will be everywhere
including out clothes. Many people will have chips and mini computers inserted in their heads to hold
huge amount of information and have a quick access to it.
But what will be the most amazing thing in the 21st century is the flights to the outer space and Mars that
will be available to all people. Scientists say that Mars has many things similar to the Earth's. Moreover,
they say that with the help of modern technology people can artificially create conditions that will allow
people to live there on the constant basis.
1o sum up l am sure LhaL many amazlng changes wlll be broughL by Lhe 21sL cenLury lurLhermore l Lhlnk LhaL
wlLh Lhe help of Lhe conLemporary Lechnologles people can do many Lhlngs LhaL were even dlfflculL Lo lmaglne a
cenLury ago So nowadays lL ls raLher dlfflculL and even lmposslble Lo lmaglne all changes LhaL wlll happen ln Lhe
nexL decades

o you agree or disagree with the foIIowing statement? Advertising can teII you a Iot about a
country. Use specific reasons and exampIes to support your answer.
Every country has its own culture and traditions. There is no doubt that an advertising campaign
conducted in Russia will not have the same affect here in the United States. Let us take for example
advertisement of food and restaurants.
A huge amount of fast food stands suggest their services for breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper here in
Houston. The competition is very strong. Every week you get in your mail-box an envelope with different
types of discounts in exchange for visiting them or ordering pizza. Watching TV you are also from time to
time invited to visit a restaurant in order to taste some delicious food. t is not because it is easy to make
money cooking but because the demand for such service is high. First of all, people like to go out
sometimes to have dinner with friends. Second of all, it is often impossible to drive home for lunch. t can
be time consuming.
As for Russia, it is a great tradition to have dinner at home with the family and go to the restaurant for big
holidays. Additionally fast food is not popular in Russia. So you will see advertisements of yogurts, coffee,
dairy products and juice instead of restaurants and fast food stands.
ln concluslon l would llke Lo add LhaL ln order Lo succeed ln adverLlslng campalgn especlally on Lhe lnLernaLlonal
markeL company musL know LradlLlons language and hlsLory of Lhe counLry

o you agree or disagree with the foIIowing statement? Advertising can teII you a Iot about a
country. Use specific reasons and exampIes to support your answer.
Every country has its own culture and traditions. There is no doubt that an advertising campaign
conducted in Russia will not have the same affect here in the United States. Let us take for example
advertisement of food and restaurants.
A huge amount of fast food stands suggest their services for breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper here in
Houston. The competition is very strong. Every week you get in your mail-box an envelope with different
types of discounts in exchange for visiting them or ordering pizza. Watching TV you are also from time to
time invited to visit a restaurant in order to taste some delicious food. t is not because it is easy to make
money cooking but because the demand for such service is high. First of all, people like to go out
sometimes to have dinner with friends. Second of all, it is often impossible to drive home for lunch. t can
be time consuming.
As for Russia, it is a great tradition to have dinner at home with the family and go to the restaurant for big
holidays. Additionally fast food is not popular in Russia. So you will see advertisements of yogurts, coffee,
dairy products and juice instead of restaurants and fast food stands.
ln concluslon l would llke Lo add LhaL ln order Lo succeed ln adverLlslng campalgn especlally on Lhe lnLernaLlonal
markeL company musL know LradlLlons language and hlsLory of Lhe counLry

WouId you prefer to Iive in a traditionaI house or in a modern apartment buiIding? Use specific
reasons and detaiIs to support your choice.
f was asked where would prefer to live in a traditional house or in a modern apartment building,
think, would hesitate to answer. This question, from my point of view, is a controversial one. n the
following paragraphs will analyze both these options and present my view.
From the one side, living in a modern apartment building brings many benefits. First of all, it is cheaper
then living in a traditional house and paying different kinds of fees am not familiar with. For instance, my
friend, who recently bought a new house for his family, said me that it is much easier to live in an
apartment and tend to believe him when see his bills. So, living in an apartment will definitely help me
to save some money. Second of all, since live alone do not need a big house with many rooms. just
need a bedroom and a living room where can take my guests and have my work place. Another
important benefit of living in an apartment is that will not have to buy much cumbersome furniture in
order to furnish all rooms.
However, living in a modern apartment building can have a few disadvantages too. Firstly, it can be noisy
and, secondly, will not have any privacy outside my apartment, for example, in a pool or gym.
From the other side, living in a traditional house have some advantages too. For example, can have my
own pool, gym and a garden where can relax and be alone. However, living in a house is usually more
expensive and requires more time to maintain a house. For instance, will most likely have to hire
someone to mow my lawn and clean my pool not to mention all household tasks inside the house.
ln concluslon l Lhlnk aL Lhls momenL l would prefer Lo llve ln an aparLmenL lL can help me save some money and
allows me Lo spend more Llme sLudylng because l wlll noL have Lo do many household Lasks

f you couId study a subject that you have never had the opportunity to study, what wouId you
choose? ExpIain your choice, using specific reasons and detaiIs.
f would have the opportunity to study a subject do not know yet would choose to study the outer
space. have a Bachelor degree in Management and like to have the possibilities to work in this field.
However, was always interested in the space exploration.
think, it is a very interesting and challenging job to work on a space ship, gathering different kinds of
information, probes and specimens. Many people think that these kinds of experiments are a waste of
money and time. Nevertheless, believe that humankind is making steps forward by domesticating space.
We need to know what is beyond our solar system. We need to know what is beyond our universe.
Another important aspect of studding the space is that scientists are always about to make new
discoveries there and they do them. think it is a great feeling to give people new knowledge,
opportunities and experience. Scientists often find and study new constellations, they launch satellites
and monitor them from land.
When was a child collected stamps and cards with a space subject and dreamed that someday
would be able to make a flight into an outer space. However, my plans changed but my dream has not
vanished. believe that in a few years people will be able to visit the space just like they go to a museum
1o sum up l Lhlnk LhaL sLuddlng a space would glve me selfreallzaLlon more opporLunlLles Lo grow and more goals
Lo achleve

o you agree or disagree with the foIIowing statement? Attending a Iive performance (for
exampIe, a pIay, concert, or sporting event) is more enjoyabIe than watching the same event on
teIevision. Use specific reasons and exampIes to support your opinion.
The issue whether to attend a live performance or enjoy watching the same event on TV is a controversial
one. However, in my opinion an intermediate position can be taken. base my suggestion on the following
points. But before begin think need to clarify what kind of live performances like. mostly attend
concerts and prefer to see sport events on TV.
First of all, watching an event on TV can bring many advantages. One can relax and settle in his favorite
chair, eating a cake or having a drink. One does not have to spend time driving to the place where an
event takes place. Also, he does not spend money on a ticket. Moreover, sometimes sitting in front of a
TV set one is likely to see more interesting parts of a show more clearly with the help of an operator.
Second of all, the weather is no longer of that importance. He does not care that it is rainy or chilly
From the other side, attending a live performance has many advantages too. Firstly, people can enjoy the
songs as they are in a real time. Personally, like to attend a live performance because they give much
positive energy and many beautiful moments. Frankly, watching a show at home does not give me that.
One can enjoy loud music, the closeness of his favorite stars and shout the songs he likes.
ln summary l prefer Lo aLLend llve performances ln Lhe case of a concerL and show Powever ln conLrasL l prefer
Lo waLch sporL evenLs on Lelevlslon aL home

o you agree or disagree with the foIIowing statement? PeopIe shouId read onIy those books that
are about reaI events, reaI peopIe, and estabIished facts. Use specific reasons and detaiIs to
support your opinion.
Some people think that fiction books have no use at all. They claim that people should read about real
events that took place, real people, and established facts. have to totally disagree with this statement.
From my everyday experience and observation can stand that fiction, miracles and fairy tails are
required in our life. For several reasons, which will mention below, believe that fiction books play an
essential role in our life.
First of all, it is kind of difficult to imagine a six year old child reading about politics or history with the real
facts that are not always pleasant. think that children need miracles and Santa Claus because the real
world is too complicated for them. They are too innocent and inexperienced to know the real facts and
understand what is a real life about. n addition, am sure that making a child read only non-fiction books
can result in shock. n addition to these benefits,
Second of all, following this statement about refusing from reading books about fiction events we also
should refuse from festivals, parades, and celebration such holidays as Halloween because most of the
characters there are fictional. Moreover, comic books will disappear as well as animated films and fiction
movies. The disadvantage of non-fiction lies in the facts that nothing happens to excite the mind and
spirit. From the other side, fiction provides a great slope for a mind to think creatively.
ln concluslon l Lhlnk LhaL people need mlracles We can noL be saLlsfled wlLh only naked LruLh Puman klnd musL
belleve ln someLhlng and Lhls belleve helps people break llmlLs and make new lnvenLlons

t has been said, "Not everything that is Iearned is contained in books." Compare and contrast
knowIedge gained from experience with knowIedge gained from books. n your opinion, which
source is more important? Why?
People are learning and practicing through their entire life. believe that life experience and practice are
the basic reasons of the humankind's evolution. However, in my opinion, knowledge gained from books
plays a very important role in the modern life.
The most obviously important advantage of books is that they hold all knowledge gained by previous
generations. People write books about their discoveries and inventions, which are gained through
practice and experience. This knowledge is accumulated in books that are passed from generation to
generation. So, basically, people get all knowledge about the previous achievements from books, analyze
it and than, according to their experience and new data, write new books. n this case, books are the
holders of humankind's experience.
For example, at old times people thought that the Earth was flat. t was concluded from observations and
studdying. However, the next generations, using the experience of their ancestors, proved that the Earth
was round.
Personally, think that books are very important because they are able to give people the basic and
fundamental knowledge. Books store history, the important events and discoveries. Without them it is
difficult and sometimes impossible to move forward, make new discoveries and inventions.
1o summarlze l Lhlnk a person should Lake baslc knowledge from books because lL wlll help hlm Lo make hls own
lnvenLlons concluslons and dlscoverles Cnly uslng boLh books and one's experlence one can move forward

t is sometimes said that borrowing money from a friend can harm or damage the friendship. o
you agree? Why or why not? Use reasons and specific exampIes to expIain your answer.
think that borrowing money from a friend has some negative aspects and can harm or damage the
friendship in some cases. For example, a person borrowed some money from his or her friend and did not
return it. However, believe that borrowing money from a friend and returning it on time can not harm
friendship. Moreover, it even can strengthen the relationships between them. For several reasons, which
will mention bellow, think borrowing money from a friend and returning it do not damage the friendship.
think that borrowing money from a person who is close to one is normal. magine that someone needs
help and no doubt that his or her friends will offer it. For example, when my friend asks me to baby-sit her
child while she is taking her classes agree because know that she desperately needs my help in order
to finish her degree and save some money. Furthermore, am sure that she will be there for me if need
help. The same thing is with the money, sometimes we borrow money from each other but we always
return it to each other. think it is very important to return money borrowed from a friend. am glad that
can lend her some money when she needs it because am sure that she will return it as soon as
n addition, believe that when friends lend and borrow money from each other it means that they trust
each other. However, cannot disagree with the fact that money often can cause the end of the
friendship. For example, a person, who borrowed money from his or her friend and did not return it, will try
to avoid any contacts with the second person. At the same time, a person who lent the money to his or
her friend and did not get it back will have more likely an unpleasant feeling about the situation too. As a
result friends will fall apart.
ln concluslon l Lhlnk LhaL borrowlng money and reLurnlng lL wlll help Lo keep frlends LogeLher

What are some important quaIities of a good supervisor (boss)? Use specific detaiIs and
exampIes to expIain why these quaIities are important.
Many people have to work under somebody's supervision. n most cases an employee does not choose
his or her boss, unless a supervisor is elected. n the following paragraphs will list the most important
qualities of my "ideal boss".
First of all, he must be impartial. believe that it is very important to make a technical decision, think about
somebody's promotion, etc. impartially. For instance, my friend is a supervisor on a dairy mill. t is his
family's business so a lot of his relatives work there. But he never promotes someone because he or she
is his family. think it is a good quality for a boss.
Second of all, my "ideal boss" must be honest, patient and attentive. He should pay attention to people's
feelings, encourage them by increasing their salary, listen to their suggestions about improving labor
conditions and productivity. For instance, if he does not satisfied with the result he should understand the
origin of the problem and explain people how to fix it. n addition, he must know how to solve conflicts that
can arise between employees.
Another important quality of a boss is the ability to choose the right decisions and to learn on somebody's
Finally, think a good boss must value his or her employees because the profit directly depends on the
people who work there.
ln concluslon l Lhlnk a good boss should be able Lo make hls people en[oy Lhe work Lhey are dolng and encourage
Lhelr dlllgence

What are some important quaIities of a good supervisor (boss)? Use specific detaiIs and
exampIes to expIain why these quaIities are important.
Many people have to work under somebody's supervision. n most cases an employee does not choose
his or her boss, unless a supervisor is elected. n the following paragraphs will list the most important
qualities of my "ideal boss".
First of all, he must be impartial. believe that it is very important to make a technical decision, think about
somebody's promotion, etc. impartially. For instance, my friend is a supervisor on a dairy mill. t is his
family's business so a lot of his relatives work there. But he never promotes someone because he or she
is his family. think it is a good quality for a boss.
Second of all, my "ideal boss" must be honest, patient and attentive. He should pay attention to people's
feelings, encourage them by increasing their salary, listen to their suggestions about improving labor
conditions and productivity. For instance, if he does not satisfied with the result he should understand the
origin of the problem and explain people how to fix it. n addition, he must know how to solve conflicts that
can arise between employees.
Another important quality of a boss is the ability to choose the right decisions and to learn on somebody's
Finally, think a good boss must value his or her employees because the profit directly depends on the
people who work there.
ln concluslon l Lhlnk a good boss should be able Lo make hls people en[oy Lhe work Lhey are dolng and encourage
Lhelr dlllgence

The government has announced that it pIans to buiId a new university. Some peopIe think that
your community wouId be a good pIace to Iocate the university. Compare the advantages and
disadvantages of estabIishing a new university in your community. Use specific detaiIs in your
think it is a great idea to build a new university in my community. However, think it is a controversial
question whether the building of a new university will bring only benefits to our community. n this essay
will analyze advantages and disadvantages of this issue and present my view in favor of establishing a
new university in my community.
From the one side, establishing a new university in my community brings many benefits. First of all, a new
construction means more job opportunities. think it would be good for my community because many
people have to spend much time driving to their work day in and day out because they could not find a job
in our neighborhood. Second of all, a new university is a good chance to meet new people and like this
opportunity. Many students will live in our community. Finally, if a new university is built in my community
there is a big chance that will be willing to enroll in it. think it is great because it is not far from my place
and do not have to move to another part of the city. Another important aspect of this is that people from
my community will have a chance to use new libraries and facilities of a new university. For example
some people can take courses and classes there.
From the other side, building a new university can bring some disadvantages. A new construction means
noise, traffic jams and different kinds of pollution. n addition to these disadvantages, many young people
in our community can cause more noise especially in the evenings.
1o sum up l Lhlnk LhaL l would supporL Lhe declslon of Lhe governmenL of esLabllshlng a new unlverslLy ln my
communlLy desplLe a few dlsadvanLages LhaL could follow Lhls consLrucLlon l belleve LhaL a new unlverslLy wlll
lncrease a chance of many young people Lo geL a hlgher educaLlon galn more knowledge and experlence whlch
wlll help Lhem Lo succeed ln Loday's world

A company has announced that it wishes to buiId a Iarge factory near your community. iscuss
the advantages and disadvantages of this new infIuence on your community. o you support or
oppose the factory? ExpIain your position.
am from Saint-Petersburg, Russia. believe that building a large factory near my community has
advantages as well as disadvantages. n the following paragraphs will list basic benefits and losses that
will be brought by a new factory.
For several reasons, think that a new factory will not be a good addition to my neighborhood. First of all,
factories often bring pollution. They are prone to contaminating the local air and water. Second of all,
factories make noise. Another important aspect of building a new factory near by is that it will make the
local traffic heavy. As a result of this, the amount of traffic congestions will increase, as well as
contamination of the air. So, all these obviously will not make one's life happier and healthier in my
From the other side, believe that a new factory will bring some advantages to my community. First of all,
it will bring new job opportunities. Many specialists will be required to work there. Second of all, think
many local community facilities will have to be renovated to obtain reliable supply of water and electricity.
So, some old pipes may be changed. Another important benefit of this is that the local roads in order to
manage the increasing traffic will be rebuilt and widened.
Powever l do noL Lhlnk LhaL llsLed above beneflLs are worLh all Lhese Lroubles lncludlng waLer conLamlnaLlon and
Lhe consLanL polluLlon of alr lrom my polnL of vlew all facLorles musL be bullL far from Lhe people communlLles
because Lhey can be really harmful for peoples healLh

Some peopIe enjoy change, and they Iook forward to new experiences. Others Iike their Iives to
stay the same, and they do not change their usuaI habits. Compare these two approaches to Iife.
Which approach do you prefer? ExpIain why.
Some people like to live in the same house, have the same job and habits all their lives. However, others
aspire to changes and new experience. Personally, for the several reasons, which will explain bellow,
prefer the first approach to life.
First of all, changes in one's life bring many benefits. One tries new things, gains new knowledge and
experience. think it is great because without changes life becomes boring. always try to make changes
in my life. Moreover, when feel that my life is boring do not feel well about it. feel like spent those
days for nothing. did not do anything exiting, learnt nothing interesting and just waisted my time.
Second of all, people need changes. Furthermore, we need obstacles to overcome and reach our goals.
believe that changes make us stronger, more persistent, more self-confident, and more patient. Also,
feel that all people who succeeded in life like changes and new experience because it is impossible to be
the best at some field without perfecting the present knowledge and gain new experience. People catch
every opportunity to learn more and change their life for the best.
From the other side, people who like their lives to stay the same are very permanent. They have the
same job all their life, the same habits, the same week-ends and even the same years in years out. think
it is boring. What will they tell their children about their lives? What kind of contribution will they make for
the society? think such people are just afraid of changes.
l Lhlnk curloslLy and asplraLlon Lo Lhe new experlence are Lwo of Lhe maln reasons of human evoluLlon eople
always wanLed Lo break llmlLs and galn more knowledge and experlence So people who en[oy change are Lhe
englne of human developmenL

Some peopIe think that chiIdren shouId begin their formaI education at a very earIy age and
shouId spend most of their time on schooI studies. Others beIieve that young chiIdren shouId
spend most of their time pIaying. Compare these two views. Which view do you agree with? Why?
People learn through their entire lives. Curiosity was always the basic characteristic of a human being.
We always want to break limits and learn more. At this point some people think that children should begin
their formal education at a very early age and spend most of their time on school studies. This will help
them to succeed in the future. However, for several reasons, which will explain bellow, think that
children should not study at a very early age.
Of cause, children who begin to study at a very early age have more chances to succeed in the future.
They gain more knowledge and experience which are priceless and valuable. n addition, studying more
now they will give them the opportunity to perfect their knowledge in the future and become better
However, think that every child must have his or her childhood. Children should learn through playing
and communication with their friends and parents. think that such basic qualities as kindness, self-
confidence and just a good sense of humor can not be gained from studying. Children should more time
spend with their family, playing and learning with their parents. magine that a child instead of playing with
his friends does his homework and feel exhausted and tired. Another important aspect of this is that
children at their early ages need more exercise because at this age the development of their body is a
very essential aspect. Children first of all must be healthy.
1o sum up l Lhlnk LhaL chlldren should have Lhelr careless chlldhood wlLh no responslblllLles Moreover l am sure
LhaL playlng helps Lhem develop noL only Lhelr bones and muscles buL Lhelr ablllLy Lo make declslons analyze
Lhlngs make concluslons whlch ls very good for Lhelr fuLure

Some peopIe think that chiIdren shouId begin their formaI education at a very earIy age and
shouId spend most of their time on schooI studies. Others beIieve that young chiIdren shouId
spend most of their time pIaying. Compare these two views. Which view do you agree with? Why?
People learn through their entire lives. Curiosity was always the basic characteristic of a human being.
We always want to break limits and learn more. At this point some people think that children should begin
their formal education at a very early age and spend most of their time on school studies. This will help
them to succeed in the future. However, for several reasons, which will explain bellow, think that
children should not study at a very early age.
Of cause, children who begin to study at a very early age have more chances to succeed in the future.
They gain more knowledge and experience which are priceless and valuable. n addition, studying more
now they will give them the opportunity to perfect their knowledge in the future and become better
However, think that every child must have his or her childhood. Children should learn through playing
and communication with their friends and parents. think that such basic qualities as kindness, self-
confidence and just a good sense of humor can not be gained from studying. Children should more time
spend with their family, playing and learning with their parents. magine that a child instead of playing with
his friends does his homework and feel exhausted and tired. Another important aspect of this is that
children at their early ages need more exercise because at this age the development of their body is a
very essential aspect. Children first of all must be healthy.
1o sum up l Lhlnk LhaL chlldren should have Lhelr careless chlldhood wlLh no responslblllLles Moreover l am sure
LhaL playlng helps Lhem develop noL only Lhelr bones and muscles buL Lhelr ablllLy Lo make declslons analyze
Lhlngs make concluslons whlch ls very good for Lhelr fuLure

o you agree or disagree with the foIIowing statement? Watching teIevision is bad for chiIdren.
Use specific detaiIs and exampIes to support your answer.
Some parents believe that watching television is bad for their children. So, they try to restrict their children
from watching TV. However, other parents think that there is nothing bad in watching TV. Personally,
think that watching TV brings children only benefits unless they spend in front of TV set less then a
couple of hours daily. For the following reasons, which will mention bellow, believe that television plays
an essential role in child's development.
First of all, television helps a child to extent his or her range of interests. Children can find out many new
things and make many exiting discoveries for themselves. n addition to these practical benefits television
improves children's vocabulary, their memory and gives them the opportunity to gain more knowledge.
think it is very essential for a child. Of cause, someone can say that there are plenty of different recourses
of information such as books and teachers. But, think, in our modern world children must learn faster
and use all contemporary technology in order to succeed.
Second of all, watching cognitive programs helps children to learn more about wild life, our environment
and about the importance of preserving our forest and wild animals that live there.
Scientists say that a child should not watch TV more then 40 minutes successively. For example, my
mother always made us have a break after watching TV more then half an hour and let our eyes rest for
several minutes before turning on the TV again. think it is the best solution.
1o sum up l belleve LhaL Lelevlslon glves chlldren and all people Lhe opporLunlLy Lo learn whaL can noL be learn
from books 1elevlslon and movles ln parLlcular allow people Lo feel Lhe reallLy and see whaL Lhey wlll mosL llkely
noL be able Lo see ln Lhelr llves ersonally when l was a chlld l llked Lo waLch cognlLlve programs abouL wlld
anlmals unforLunaLely my famlly had only one 1v buL Lhese programs were Lhe only ones we all wanLed Lo
waLch So we gaLhered ln our llvlng room and waLched Lhem ln compleLe sllence and l always remember Lhose
momenLs wlLh a smlle on my face

o you agree or disagree with the foIIowing statement? ChiIdren shouId begin Iearning a foreign
Ianguage as soon as they start schooI. Use specific reasons and exampIes to support your
Language is the best means of communication. n the modern globalization era it is not enough to be able
to speak one language to communicate with the outside world. strongly support the idea that children
should begin learning a foreign language as soon as they start school. They faster become familiar with a
strange language, improve their hearing ability to understand new words as time goes by and learn new
words. n the following paragraphs will list some reasons to support my position.
First of all, if one wants to see outcome soon, one must start sooner. So, the early children begin to learn
new language the better will be the result. Scientists say that a child does not confuse two different
languages but learns them more effectively.
Second of all, adults are often afraid to make mistakes when they are speaking in a new language. This
fear is one of the biggest barriers for a person in his efforts to speak freely. Otherwise, children do not
afraid of making grammatical mistakes because basically they just repeat words and sentences in the
way they hear them. Also, children have a better chance to get rid of an accent. They faster get used to
the right pronunciation and better feel the melody of a language.
1o sum up l Lhlnk LhaL lL ls very essenLlal for chlldren Lo begln learnlng a forelgn language ln Lhelr early ages lL ls
brlngs many beneflLs such as greaL pronunclaLlon Also lL help a chlld develop and galn more knowledge whlch ls
good for a long run

o you agree or disagree with the foIIowing statement? High schooIs shouId aIIow students to
study the courses that students want to study. Use specific reasons and exampIes to support
your opinion.
The question whether high school should allow students to study the courses that students want to study
is the one that is open for debate. Some people believe that students in high school should have the right
to study the courses they like. However, other people disagree and stand that teenagers can not totally
be sure what they like and what they need to know at their age. n this essay will analyze these points
and present my view in favor of people who believe that some courses must be required to study by
From the one side, having a chance to choose what one likes to study can bring many benefits. First of
all, a student can be better prepared for the career he likes because he can spend more time studying
what he is interested in. Second of all, students will learn with more enthusiasm because they will learn
what they like.
From the other side, teenagers often can not completely understand what they want to do in the future.
So, given a chance to choose, they can choose classes, which are easy to learn and do not take much
time to study. As a result of this after graduation many students can be unprepared to enroll in
universities and, of cause, make careers. Personally, think that some courses such as mathematics,
literature, writing English must be required for studying by students. This will helps them to gain more
knowledge and experience, develop ability to think logically, improve writing skills, etc. So, students will
be better prepared for the real world and independence life.
1o sum up l Lhlnk LhaL hlgh school should have requlred courses because lL ls essenLlal for a sLudenL Lo have a
good base for Lhe fuLure llfe 8equlred courses as a rule are more compllcaLed buL Lhey glve Lhe opporLunlLy for
sLudenLs Lo exLend Lhelr range of lnLeresLs and help Lhem Lo develop many lmporLanL characLerlsLlcs such as self
confldenL perslsLenL paLlence eLc

o you agree or disagree with the foIIowing statement? CIassmates are a more important
infIuence than parents on a chiId's success in schooI. Use specific reasons and exampIes to
support your answer.
can not completely agree with the statement that classmates are a more important influence than
parents on a child's success in school. n this essay will first focus on the reasons why agree with this
statement and then list a few points why from my opinion in some cases is not true.
From the one side, classmates have a significant influence on child's behavior and his or her success in
school. First of all, children spend much time at school. Classmates have many things in common such as
age, interests, homework and classes after all. So, they discuss their impressions about a new teacher,
solve problems together, learn their homework, gain new knowledge and experience and even make their
own discoveries. Sharing all these makes them closer. Some of them become friends and they spend
after-school time together. n addition friends tend to copy each other's habits and manners. For instance,
my little sister became friends with the girl who did not have good grades at school at that time. t does
not mean she could not have better grades; she just had many friends who did not care about their
grades. So, when they started to spend their time together and share their interests, girl's grades
improved. They did their homework together, shared their dreams and exciting moments. From this point
must agree that classmates can change child's attitude towards school.
From the other side, parents have a great influence on children' success in school too. For example if
parents show an interest in their child's progress and talk to him or her about the importance of learning
think their child will listen to them and do his or her best.
ersonally l belleve LhaL relaLlonshlps beLween parenLs and a chlld play an essenLlal role ln chllds success ln
school lf Lhese relaLlonshlps are close and wholehearLed l am sure LhaL parenLs should noL be afrald of bad
lnfluence from Lhe ouLslde

Some movies are serious, designed to make the audience think. Other movies are designed
primariIy to amuse and entertain. Which type of movie do you prefer? Use specific reasons and
exampIes to support your answer.
Different people like different types of movies. Some people like to watch a movie that makes them think.
They prefer movies with a murder investigation or some kind of intricate plot. Other people prefer movies
that make them laugh. Personally, like more comedies, but sometimes my husband insists on watching
a fantastic or a scary movie just to diversify our repertory.
Comedies make one laugh. People can just relax, buy a bottle of coda and some popcorn and enjoy
those moments. t is a means of eliminating stress and tension. Usually, we go to the movie theatre once
a month because in this case we always find new comedies to watch. like those moments when it is
dark and one just can enjoys the actions from a large screen.
do not want to say that do not like movies that make me think. Sometimes really like the plot or
performance. For example, "Traffic", a movie about drugs and young people, is very touching and topical.
From my point of view, every family should watch this movie together and discuss the important aspects
of it. One more example of this kind of movies is "Mister G". t is about a little boy who needed a surgery
to live. His heart did not work properly, so a boy needed another one to survive . Basically, the movie is
about a family that faces many difficulties and obstacles, trying to save their only child. think that
humankind needs such movies. First of all, they help people enjoy their life and be grateful. Second of all,
they help people realize that they are a big family.
ln summary l Lhlnk LhaL every movle musL Leach us be klnd sLrong and graLeful

When peopIe need to compIain about a product or poor service, some prefer to compIain in
writing and others prefer to compIain in person. Which way do you prefer? Use specific reasons
and exampIes to support your answer.
t is rather difficult for me to answer the question how prefer to complain: in writing or in person because
sometimes just do not have a choice. For example, if order a product using the nternet from another
state or even country will more likely have the opportunity to speak to a representative of a company in
person. So, in some cases choose to speak in person and in others prefer to complain in writing.
However, believe that every option has its advantages.
From the one side, complaining in writing brings many benefits. First of all, one does not have to spend
his precious time driving, waiting for his turn and talking with a representative. He can just send mail or e-
mail and get all explanation he needs. Second of all, think it is the best way to avoid an unpleasant
conversation. Personally, do not like to complain about anything especially, in person. Finally,
sometimes it is impossible to have a face-to-face conversation because a company which provided a
poor product or service is too far away.
From the other side, complaining in person has some benefits too. First, this type of complaining provides
an immediate feedback. So, if have some complains about company's products will receive all
information and explanation right away. However, sending a company a letter and getting a feedback can
take more then a month. Second, face-to-face conversation is often more effective. People talk to each
other, see each other facial gestures and body movements, which can tell a lot about a person. n
addition to these practical benefits, in the case if one can not receive creditable explanation from one
representative he always can require to talk to another person. For instance, my husband recently had
some extra withdraws from his account by his bank and he was not aware of it. So, he went to the bank
and explained to the bank's representative the situation and they together found the solution and those
money was given back to my husband's account. think, in this case face-to-face conversation is the best
way to complain and get feedback fast.
ln concluslon l Lhlnk LhaL lf l have Lo complaln abouL a producL or poor servlce l wlll do lL ln person Powever lf
faceLoface conversaLlon ls lmposslble l Lhlnk l have noLhlng lefL buL Lo send a leLLer or wrlLe an emall Lhere

Some peopIe say that computers have made Iife easier and more convenient. Other peopIe say
that computers have made Iife more compIex and stressfuI. What is your opinion? Use specific
reasons and exampIes to support your answer.
Some people say that the invention of computers is one of the greatest humankind's inventions. However,
other people think that computers make their life more stressful. agree with those people who think that
computers brought many benefits and play a very important role in our modern life.
First of all, every company nowadays uses a computer to store its data and make different kinds of
operations. t is very difficult to imagine life without computers. A company would have to store millions of
papers and documents. Moreover, a customer would have to wait hours to check his balance or get a
piece of information about his transactions at his bank, while an employee was looking trough those
papers. Another important aspect of this is that people are able to type all their information, make
corrections, print or send documents using computers. t makes life much easier. One can spend the rest
of the time watching TV with his family or working on something new.
We use computers every day sometimes even not knowing it. When we go to a store and use our credit
cards many computers process our information and perform transactions. When we need to get some
cash we use money access machines that are computerized too.
Second of all, computers provided a great means of communication - the nternet. think it is the most
easiest and cheapest way to get in touch with relatives, friends, business colleagues, etc. Nowadays the
world becomes smaller and smaller. When was a little girl, could not imagine that it would be possible
to communicate with people from all around the world in so easy way. A person can get latest news,
become friends with someone from another country, find his old friends, ask for a piece of advice, etc.
Finally, in addition to these practical benefits people can shopping without leaving their house. They just
use an nternet access, a computer and their cards to make a payment. t is kind of difficult to imagine
that a few years ago people had to spend their time in lines buying tickets. Now, a person can choose a
destination, company, date and time and get tickets delivered to his door. think it is amazing.
1o sum up l belleve LhaL compuLers made our llves easler 1hey change our aLLlLude Lowards llfe l Lhlnk wlLh Lhe
lnvenLlon of compuLers people became closer and frlendller

t is generaIIy agreed that society benefits from the work of its members. Compare the
contributions of artists to society with the contributions of scientists to society. Which type of
contribution do you think is vaIued more by your society? Give specific reasons to support your
From my everyday experience and observation think that artists as well as scientists brings many
benefits to society. t is a controversial question weather the contributions of artists are more or less then
the contributions of scientists to the society. For several reasons, which will mention bellow, think that
both types are valuable, priceless and irreplaceable for every society.
The contributions of artists to the society are very essential. Art forms people's spiritual sense, their views
and personalities. People learn history, the traditions of their country trough the art. We also watch
movies that entertain and at the same time extend our range of interests. Another important aspect of this
is that art is an ancient means of communication. n old times people depicted the herds of mammoths on
the walls of their caves. They performed different rituals around the fireplace asking their gods for health,
good harvest and weather. Our language is a result of people's need to communicate.
From the other side, the contribution of scientists is could not be exaggerated. All humankind is indebted
to the scientists because of their work and achievements. Scientists make our life easier. We have cars
and airplanes to move fast from one place to another. We have microwaves and a bunch of preprocessed
food to make the cooking much easier. We have different devices that simplify all we do. Finally,
scientists are making great achievements in medicine that make our life longer and happier. Nowadays
people have a great opportunity to do many things faster by use of computers.
1o sup up l belleve LhaL arLlsLs nourlsh our souls when sclenLlsLs and Lechnology feed our mlnds So we can noL
ellmlnaLe or underesLlmaLe one of Lhem

We aII work or wiII work in our jobs with many different kinds of peopIe. n your opinion, what are
some important characteristics of a co-worker (someone you work cIoseIy with)? Use reasons and
specific exampIes to expIain why these characteristics are important.
A large number of people spend most of their time at work. Our life is divided into three equal parts: 8
hours - sleep, 8 hours - work, 8 hours - family time. So, in the most cases, one's co-worker plays an
important role in one's life. From my opinion, the essential characteristics of a co-worker are the following.
First of all, a person who works closely with me must like his job. think it is very important for a person to
feel satisfaction with his job. My husband is a software developer. He is fond of his job and people enjoy
working with him because they see how many energy he puts into his job.
Second of all, my co-worker must be persistent and never give up. like when people who came across a
problem try to solve it, find a good decision instead of looking for another person to hand it over. Another
important aspect of this is that a good worker should always ask himself "What can be improved?" and
suggests new solutions.
n addition, he must be a good team player. n the modern world good communication skills and the ability
to work in a team are among the common position requirements. Personally, think it is great to help
each other, share new ideas, develop new solutions, etc. t helps to create a team spirit and improve a
labor productivity.
Finally, my co-worker must be punctual. He or she should finish the job on time think that t is
unacceptable to make the rest of a team wait while a person finishes his or her job. Also, my "ideal co-
worker" should always be ready to offer his or her help and be supportive.
1o summarlze l Lhlnk lf a coworker possesses all of Lhese quallLles menLloned above he can make work wlLh hlm
really en[oyable and producLlve

We aII work or wiII work in our jobs with many different kinds of peopIe. n your opinion, what are
some important characteristics of a co-worker (someone you work cIoseIy with)? Use reasons and
specific exampIes to expIain why these characteristics are important.
A large number of people spend most of their time at work. Our life is divided into three equal parts: 8
hours - sleep, 8 hours - work, 8 hours - family time. So, in the most cases, one's co-worker plays an
important role in one's life. From my opinion, the essential characteristics of a co-worker are the following.
First of all, a person who works closely with me must like his job. think it is very important for a person to
feel satisfaction with his job. My husband is a software developer. He is fond of his job and people enjoy
working with him because they see how many energy he puts into his job.
Second of all, my co-worker must be persistent and never give up. like when people who came across a
problem try to solve it, find a good decision instead of looking for another person to hand it over. Another
important aspect of this is that a good worker should always ask himself "What can be improved?" and
suggests new solutions.
n addition, he must be a good team player. n the modern world good communication skills and the ability
to work in a team are among the common position requirements. Personally, think it is great to help
each other, share new ideas, develop new solutions, etc. t helps to create a team spirit and improve a
labor productivity.
Finally, my co-worker must be punctual. He or she should finish the job on time think that t is
unacceptable to make the rest of a team wait while a person finishes his or her job. Also, my "ideal co-
worker" should always be ready to offer his or her help and be supportive.
1o summarlze l Lhlnk lf a coworker possesses all of Lhese quallLles menLloned above he can make work wlLh hlm
really en[oyable and producLlve

escribe a custom from your country that you wouId Iike peopIe from other countries to adopt.
ExpIain your choice, using specific reasons and exampIes.
n our modern stressful world we often forget about our customs and traditions. However, think that
people should keep their traditions because they help to remember our forefathers and value the beautiful
moments we have in our lives.
n my country we have a great custom called "Maslenica". t is a holiday, which is celebrated at the end of
the winter. Many people gather on the biggest square of the city and see of the winter. They say to the
winter good-bye and ask the spring to change the winter. They celebrate the beginning of the life when
everything starts to grow.
People at this holiday bake pancakes and treat each other with them. Also, many people gathered on the
square play different games. For example, the most well-known game "pulling a rope" subsists in that two
teams pull a rope. The winner is the team, witch has a longer rope. Other people craw on the icy pole.
People have fun at this holiday even if they just observe those games and do not participate.
ln concluslon l am sure LhaL Maslenlca would beneflL many counLrles all over Lhe world eople have Lhe
opporLunlLy Lo relax leave Lhelr Lroubles and worrles behlnd and have fun Also Lhls hollday helps people Lo flnd
ouL more abouL each oLher communlcaLe and meeL new people ln addlLlon Lo Lhose pracLlcal beneflLs
Maslenlca helps people Lo slow down Lhelr llfe pace and en[oy Lhe presenL momenLs LhaL are lrreplaceable and

o you agree or disagree with the foIIowing statement? ancing pIays an important roIe in a
cuIture. Use specific reasons and exampIes to support your answer.
Dancing is one of the ancient means of communication. People of every country have their own national
music and dances. n old times people perform special rituals to make bad spirits go away and ask gods
for fertile soil, good harvest, health and good weather. So, dancing plays an important role in a culture.
Moreover, dancing of a particular country reflects its traditions, customs and history. n the following
paragraphs will give my reasons to support my answer.
First of all, the reason why dancing of a particular country is so unique because many art forms are put
together. People need music, costumes, singers to perform, players and of cause dancers. Each of these
art forms is unique and singular for every country. n old times people gathered to celebrate or mourn and
every occasion had its own music and costumes. For example, ancient tribes painted their faces with ugly
and strange patterns, put on colorful clothes and make strange movements around the fireplace.
Second of all, dancing is a combination of body movements that are peculiar for every nation. People of
different nations have different bodily movements because dancing is one of the first means of
communication. People differently express their feelings such as happiness, sadness, joy and sorrow
though movements of their bodies.
1o sum up l Lhlnk LhaL danclng keeps peoples LradlLlons allve Lhrough Lhe ages

o you agree or disagree with the foIIowing statement? ancing pIays an important roIe in a
cuIture. Use specific reasons and exampIes to support your answer.
Dancing is one of the ancient means of communication. People of every country have their own national
music and dances. n old times people perform special rituals to make bad spirits go away and ask gods
for fertile soil, good harvest, health and good weather. So, dancing plays an important role in a culture.
Moreover, dancing of a particular country reflects its traditions, customs and history. n the following
paragraphs will give my reasons to support my answer.
First of all, the reason why dancing of a particular country is so unique because many art forms are put
together. People need music, costumes, singers to perform, players and of cause dancers. Each of these
art forms is unique and singular for every country. n old times people gathered to celebrate or mourn and
every occasion had its own music and costumes. For example, ancient tribes painted their faces with ugly
and strange patterns, put on colorful clothes and make strange movements around the fireplace.
Second of all, dancing is a combination of body movements that are peculiar for every nation. People of
different nations have different bodily movements because dancing is one of the first means of
communication. People differently express their feelings such as happiness, sadness, joy and sorrow
though movements of their bodies.
1o sum up l Lhlnk LhaL danclng keeps peoples LradlLlons allve Lhrough Lhe ages

Why do you think some peopIe are attracted to dangerous sports or other dangerous activities?
Use specific reasons and exampIes to support your answer.
Nowadays many people attracted to dangerous sports and other dangerous activities. From my everyday
experience and observation think it is a result of dramatic changes in people's life.
Just imagine at old times men had to hunt for food, fight, face many challenges and obstacles. Now our
days are quite ordinary with a cup of coffee, donut, computer, desk table and TV. Basically, we do not
have to straggle every day for our life and we have nutritious meal without any efforts. So, all we have to
do is to contemplate out life. However, must confess it can be boring. All improvements created for the
past centuries made our life easier. Nowadays people look for adventure. They want to face a challenge,
prove themselves something, conquer the world, etc.
Personally, think that every person sees different goals in doing dangerous activities. Some people want
to add some stress and tension to their lives. From the other side, other people want to eliminate stress
and tension gained from their everyday lives. They can forget about all troubles and leave them behind.
believe that dangerous activities give one freedom, happiness, feeling of independence and tone.
1o sum up l Lhlnk LhaL dangerous sporLs and acLlvlLles are lrreplaceable ln our llfe WlLhouL Lhem ouL llfe would be
mlserable and borlng

o you agree or disagree with the foIIowing statement? Parents or other aduIt reIatives shouId
make important decisions for their (15 to 18 year-oId) teenage chiIdren. Use specific reasons and
exampIes to support your opinion.
Parents are in most cases our first teachers and friends. From my everyday experience have to agree
with the statement that important decisions should be made by our parents or adult relatives. n the
following paragraphs will give my reasons to support this statement.
First of all, teenage children have the tendency to live in their own fantasies. They does not clearly
understand the rules of a real life. When was 18 years old thought that the world was perfect and
everything seemed to be simple. Teenagers are basically inexperienced, they aspire for independence
and try to make their first steps towards freedom. think that it is like starting to walk when a baby needs
its parents for support. An independent life is a big and significant part in a person's life. So, my point is
that it is very important to make this step right.
Second of all, think that parents have right to interfere in their children's lives. They need to know what
kind of friends their children have and how children spend their spare time. For example had an
eighteen years old friend who got really angry with his parents when they prohibited him to be friends with
a young man. Somehow his parents found out that that young man was occasionally taking drugs. That
man was dead in a year because of drug abuse. After that accident my friend thanked his parents for that
Finally, think teenage children should be more open-minded with their parents. t will help them to make
the right choice and avoid many mistakes.
1o sum up l belleve LhaL young people should LrusL Lhelr parenLs because Lhey wlsh Lhelr chlldren only Lhe besL

Some peopIe beIieve that a coIIege or university education shouId be avaiIabIe to aII students.
Others beIieve that higher education shouId be avaiIabIe onIy to good students. iscuss these
views. Which view do you agree with? ExpIain why.
People learn through their entire lives. They constantly improve their knowledge and develop. think that
a college or university education should be available to all students because every person has the right to
choose the way to self-perfection. Bellow will give some of my reasons to support my position.
First of all, every person should have the chance to get a higher degree, gain new knowledge and
experience. However, some people believe that higher education should be available only to good
students. think it is silly. t is like to make unavailable traveling for one who does not have Q high
Second of all, some young people do not do well at school but they have great personality and ability to
learn. They are self-confident, persistent and patient. With these qualities they can get higher grades then
their classmates who are talented but lazy. magine for example situation when a teenager gets high
grades because his or her parents constantly make him or her study and help to do most of the
homework. n this case a child does very good at school but think a college can show the opposite
Finally, it is a discrimination against students to make available higher education only for good ones.
So, if a students does poor and gets low grades he/she should be sent down. But if a person was never
given a chance to try himself/herself at college what to do in this case?
1o sum up l Lhlnk LhaL all young people should have Lhe chance Lo geL a hlgher educaLlon 1o Lake or noL Lhls
chance musL be up Lo Lhem

PeopIe recognize a difference between chiIdren and aduIts. What events (experiences or
ceremonies) make a person an aduIt? Use specific reasons and exampIes to expIain your answer.
think the question what events make a person an adult is the one that is open for debate. Some people
think that the graduation of high school makes a person an adult. Others think that the age of 21 is the
age when childhood is replaced by adulthood. However, from my everyday experience and observation
can stand three major events that make a person an adult.
The first event that makes a person an adult is getting a job. The ability to earn his own money gives a
person the opportunity to live independently from his parents. Personally, think the first job is a very
important experience in person's life and it has a great impact on his personality. He learns how to
manage his expenses and how to save money for the more important things. n addition to those benefits,
one learns how to arrange his time in order to have all done on time.
The second event, which from my opinion deserves an attention, is the graduation from a college or
university. think it is a very essential step in one's life because this means the beginning of a new life
with more responsibilities.
Finally, believe that marriage has a great impact on person's life. Marriage means an independent life
from one's parents with a new person. t is a very great experience. Two persons create a new family and
they face new difficulties and responsibilities.
ln concluslon l Lhlnk LhaL Lhe llsL of evenLs LhaL make a person an adulL can be conLlnued lor example geLLlng a
drlvlng llcense has someLlmes a very greaL lmpacL on persons llfe AnoLher lmporLanL evenL ln a persons llfe ls Lhe
army l know many young men who served ln Lhe Army LhaL changed Lhem very much 1hey became more serlous
selfconfldenL and lndependenL people So my polnL ls LhaL every person has dlfferenL evenLs LhaL lnfluenced hls
llfe and make hlm an adulL

o you agree or disagree with the foIIowing statement? Most experiences in our Iives that
seemed difficuIt at the time become vaIuabIe Iessons for the future. Use reasons and specific
exampIes to support your answer.
From my everyday experience and observation have to agree with the statement that our present
experiences become valuable lessons for the future. Someone said that today's problems will be the best
experience in the future. Below will give some examples to support my position.
First of all, want to say that obstacles make people stronger. By overcoming difficulties people gain
priceless and essential knowledge and experience. f one has to struggle with a disease he becomes
stronger may be not in a physical way but in a mental way. A person becomes more patient, more self-
confident and more attentive. These qualities will help him to win his disease.
Success has nothing to do with luck. People have to work hard in order to reach their goals. They face
challenges and failures and often they lose. However, people do not give up. They use their previous
experience and knowledge to try again and again. think that difficulties teach us very valuable lessons.
Only a man who understands this fact and knows how to use it in the future can succeed. Failures bring
us wisdom and new experience. Personally, always try to analyze my mistakes and make conclusions. f
am not succeed know that next time will avoid these mistakes and do my best.
1o sum up l Lhlnk LhaL human evoluLlon and developmenL are a resulL of consLanL efforLs based on prevlous
experlence and knowledge

o you agree or disagree with the foIIowing statement? Face-to-face communication is better
than other types of communication, such as Ietters, emaiI, or teIephone caIIs. Use specific
reasons and detaiIs to support your answer.
Humankind, through the ages, has undergone many changes from the time when people communicated
only face-to-face to nowadays when a person has in use many types of communication means. Some
people still prefer to use face-to-face communication despite many other sometimes more convenient
ones such as phone, mail, e-mail and fax. think to continue this essay it is essential to clarify what kind
of conversation we are talking about.
For example, if people are negotiating it is very important to have a face-to-face communication. t is very
important to see during a negotiation how one's opponent is moving, is he nervous or relaxed, what he is
doing, etc. Scientists say that the body language and facial gestures can say many thing about a person,
his strong and weak sides, his traits, manners and even habits. To know what kind of man one is dealing
with is very essential aspect in negotiation. Many managers prefer to have with the future employees
face-to-face conversation. So, in this case they see how a person behaves.
From the other side, if need to notify my bank that am going to close an account do not want to spend
my time driving there, waiting for my turn and talking with a representative. t is easier for me just to call or
e-mail them. t saves my time and my bank's too.
1o summarlze from my oplnlon all lmporLanL lssues beLLer be dlscussed ln faceLoface conversaLlon lL wlll
ellmlnaLe many farLher mlsundersLandlngs and brlng only beneflLs Lo boLh sldes

Some Iamous athletes and entertainers earn millions oI dollars every year. Do you think these people
deserve such high salaries? Use speciIic reasons and examples to support your opinion.
Some people think that famous athletes and entertainers have too high salaries for their work. However,
others believe that these people deserve such high salary. Personally, think that it is a controversial
question and it is open for debate. For several reasons, which will mention bellow, think that famous
athletes and entertainers have a great impact on our social life and make a big contribution to our society
and, hense, deserve high salary.
The first reason why think that such high salary is deserved by famous athletes and entertainers
because we all need them. Entertainment plays an essential role in our everyday's life. We need to relax,
watching TV with our favorite TV stars or favorite football players. Entertainment is one of the best ways
to eliminate stress and tension and leave all troubles behind. For example, can not stay home all day
long without watching TV. So, basically, believe that famous athletes and entertainers have such high
salaries because we need them. They like doctors for our minds and soles. Scientists say that people
usually spend the same amount of money for their food and entertainment. think this fact tells a lot.
The second reason for this is that famous athletes have to work hard in order to get good results. am
sure that achievements they make is the result of hard work, persistence and pain. They sometimes risk
their lives and health. For example, am a big fun of L. Amstrong, the most famous cyclist in world's
history. He faced probably, the most challenging difficulty in his life, cancer. He was very young for this
disease. Amstrong was in his early twenties when he found out about it. read a book about his life, and
what impressed me were his words after his victory in France. He said: "Cancer was the best thing that
ever happened to me ".He defeated the disease only because he believed in himself and did not give up.
think such person deserves to have a high salary and be loved by many people through out the world.
n conclusions, want to say that if people get high salaries it means they are needed and their
contribution to the society is huge.

Nowadays, food has become easier to prepare. Has this change improved the way peopIe Iive?
Use specific reasons and exampIes to support your answer.
Man, through the ages, has undergone many changes, from a period when he hunted for food to the
present time, when he buys preprocessed food in the shop centers. Some people say that the fact our
food are easier to prepare these days has definitely improved our life. However, other people belief that
this change has some negative aspects. n this essay will least some advantages and disadvantages of
such a change.
First of all, when people use a preprocessed food it definitely saves time. One does not have to spend
much time in the kitchen washing, peeling, cutting and cooking vegetables, etc. All one has to do is just to
use a microwave or a stove to warm up a ready for use food. Frankly, think it is a very good benefit.
People can more enjoy things they like to do like spending time with the loved ones, exercising, watching
TV or walking with a dog.
Second of all, if one has a good salary he can allow himself to go to a restaurant every day. t is a great
opportunity to have a fresh cooked meal with excellent service, meet friends and new people. One more
reason to have dinner at a restaurant because one can taste different and delicious food from all over the
world from Chinese to Mexican.
However, some people think that a preprocessed food has negative aspects. Unfortunately,
preprocessed food has less vitamins and minerals than fresh cooked food. Besides, it has more
preservatives and unnatural ingredient that can not be good for man's health. n addition, the number of
diseases such as obesity, fatigue, reflux disease etc. is rising.
ooklng ls a greaL LradlLlon lL ls a means of ellmlnaLlng sLress and Lenslon ersonally l belleve LhaL people should
noL forgeL Lhls LradlLlon and do noL abuse fasL food

o you agree or disagree with the foIIowing statement? Games are as important for aduIts as
they are for chiIdren. Use specific reasons and exampIes to support your answer.
Games as the ultimate form of mental and physical relief are important for adults as they are for children.
People learn how to behave, control their emotions, follow the rules. The most obviously essential aspect
of this is that people realize that our life is a big game with its own rules. n the next paragraphs will give
the reasons to support my answer.
Basically, there are two types of games. The first type is mental games that help us to upgrade our
mental abilities. The second type is the games that involve physical activities. They keep people fit and
Mental games for adults play a significant role. Adults learn co-operation, discipline, team work, self-
confidence. Scientists say that the brain cells of grown up people can grow with the help of mind
exercising. The most simple way to exercise one's mind is through mental games. For example, playing
chess makes people think, try to predict events, follow the strategy of an opponent.
From the other side, physical games help adults to stay in a good shape, relax, eliminate stress and
tension. Also, it is a perfect way to lose weight.
Mental games for children also play an important role. They help children to understand the real world
more quickly and adapt to the reality. n addition to those practical benefits mental games teach children
how to behave, be supportive and patient. Physical games from the other hand, strengthening children'
bones, health and teach discipline.
1o sum up l am sure LhaL people need games and lL ls noL lmporLanL how old one ls

Some peopIe think that governments shouId spend as much money as possibIe on deveIoping or
buying computer technoIogy. Other peopIe disagree and think that this money shouId be spent on
more basic needs. Which one of these opinions do you agree with? Use specific reasons and
detaiIs to support your answer.
Man, through the ages has undergone many changes from the time when he depicted a herd of
mammoths on the walls of a cave to nowadays when he can chart with anyone across the sea by use of
modern means of communication. Some people think that in today's world government should spend
more money on computers. However, others think that it is inappropriate and government should spend
more money on food and shelters for poor people, medicine, education, etc. These two options are very
different and controversial. But think that developing computer technology brings people more
advantages then they think it does.
First of all, humankind nowadays more and more depends on computers. We often do not suspect the
presence of computers around us. For example, when we withdraw money from cash machines, get
some gasoline on the gas station and pay with our credit cards in the stores. So, nowadays computer
technology plays an essential role in our everyday life. Second of all, computer technology brings more
job opportunities. For a country computer technology means power, knowledge and constant
development. n addition to those practical benefits, the development of computer technology brings a lot
of money to the country.
From the other side, government should not forget about poor people, who can not afford computers but
need food and shelters. However, think that computers help people gain more knowledge and
experience and find a job to provide food and home for his family. So, basically, computers give people
the opportunity to reach their goals and be innovative.
1o sum up l Lhlnk LhaL compuLer Lechnology glves people many beneflLs lncludlng Lhe opporLunlLy Lo lmprove
ones knowledge and be more selfconfldenL perslsLenL and experlenced ln Lhls world

o you agree or disagree with the foIIowing statement? Grades (marks) encourage students to
Iearn. Use specific reasons and exampIes to support your opinion
From my everyday experience and observation can stand that grades are very good indicators of
knowledge. For several reasons that will mention bellow believe that grades encourage students to
First of all, grades show students' knowledge. f a person gets a high grade on an exam it means that he
understands that subject very well. Otherwise, if a student gets a low grade on an exam it means that he
does not understand it completely. Personally, when get a lower grade on an exam then expected
know that could be better prepared. So, next time will spend more time and efforts to fix my lack of
knowledge and do my best on the exam. n this case low grades encourage me to learn more. try to
analyze my mistakes and avoid them next time. Also, try to arrange my time more effectively. know
exactly that can do better than that, so collect all my strength and focus on the incoming exam. t is like
a new goal or obstacle that one should overcome in order to continue his path. When finally get a higher
grade on an exam feel satisfaction and am proud of myself. think it is a great feeling. feel stronger,
more self-confident and patient. think these qualities are essential for a person who wants to achieve
something and succeed in the future.
Second of all, students have some kind of competition among each other for higher grades. When a
student gets a higher grade then another one, the second student asks himself: "Why do not have this
grade? s it something wrong with me? s he better then me? ". think every student at least one time
asked himself this question.
1o sup up l Lhlnk Lhere ls no doubL LhaL grades encourage sLudenLs Lo learn galn more experlence knowledge be
more selfconfldenL and perslsLenL Moreover l am sure LhaL Lhese small vlcLorles wlll help sLudenLs Lo wln and
succeed ln Lhe fuLure

Groups or organizations are an important part of some peopIe's Iives. Why are groups or
organizations important to peopIe? Use specific reasons and exampIes to expIain your answer.
Man, through the ages, has undergone many changes from the time when he lived in the caves to
nowadays when he lives in a comfortable apartment. But one thing that remains the same is that people
always lived in groups and organizations such as families, the smallest group, and tribes, the bigger
group. think that the reason why people live in groups is because we need communication and what is
more important we need support to survive. So, from old times to nowadays people merged in groups
because it made them stronger and helped to overcome many obstacles and difficulties. n the following
paragraphs will give my reasons and examples to support my answer.
First of all, people need to communicate with each other. We need to share out ideas and thoughts with
each other. think it is very important to know that someone think the same way one does and supports
one. n addition, communication is one of the features of reasonable animals. All animals that can
communicate with each other live in herds and support each other when one of them is in need.
The second reason, why think groups and organization are important to people is because they make us
stronger. For example, football team plays better then one player. Another example is the ancient
hunters. At old times people gathered in order to get food and survive in severe conditions. t was
impossible for one man to kill a big animal, but when people gathered in groups their chances increased.
Scientists say that people survived because they lived together and supported each other.
lor Lhe reasons whlch l menLloned above l belleve groups and organlzaLlons play an essenLlal role ln our llfe
Moreover peoples evoluLlon would noL be posslble wlLhouL Lhem

t is better for chiIdren to grow up in the countryside than in a big city. o you agree or disagree?
Use specific reasons and exampIes to deveIop your essay.
Some people believe that it is better for children to grow up in the countryside than in a big city. However,
other people think that a big city gives more opportunities and it is good for the long run. Personally, for
several reasons think that it is better for children's health to grow up in the country.
First of all, it is very important for a child to grow up in a healthy environment. Children need fresh air, not
polluted by the huge amount of cars and factories of the modern city. n the country they can spend more
time exercising and walking with their friends. Scientists say that now children spend the same amount of
time watching TV as they do at school. Probably, the possibility to join their friends for a play will change
this proportion. Another important aspect of this is that parents will have more time to spend with their
children as a result of eliminating traffic jams and decreasing driving time as a whole.
From the other side, children have some advantages living in a big city. For example, they have more
opportunities to choose from what they want to do. They can choose to attend ballet school, school of art,
gymnastics, etc. For the long run, it is good for them. They will be better prepared for a live in a "real
world" and they will have more chances to make a good career and succeed. Moreover, a big city usually
has many entertaining centers with movie theatres and play stations. When was a child liked to go to
the movie theatre with my parents to watch a premiere.
One more reason to choose a big city for a child is that a city provide better live conditions and services
such as medical, dental, etc. My friend lived in the country for a while and one time he and his family had
to drive a couple of hours to the nearest medical center when his child got a heavy cough.
1o summarlze l agree wlLh Lhose people who wanL Lo ralse Lhelr chlldren ln a clLy 1he plenLy of opporLunlLles
offered by a clLy helps chlldren Lo flnd whaL Lhey really llke and be Lhe besL aL lL Moreover desplLe Lhe alr
polluLlon chlldren geL a beLLer medlcal servlce LhaL ls good for Lhelr healLh

o you agree or disagree with the foIIowing statement? ChiIdren shouId be required to heIp with
househoId tasks as soon as they are abIe to do so. Use specific reasons and exampIes to support
your answer.
The issue about whether children should help with household tasks as soon as they are able to do so is
open for debate. Some people say that children should devote more time for playing with their friends,
watching TV and studying. However, other people believe that children should help their parents with
household tasks. Personally, for several reasons, which will explain bellow, adhere to the latter point of
First of all, think that every child should have his or her own responsibilities. When was a child my
parents taught me how to make breakfast in the morning. So, woke up, went to the kitchen and prepared
a couple of toasts for breakfast. t was easy and enjoyed doing it because liked the way my parents
thanked me and felt that they were proud of me. Also, my mom always wanted me to know how to cook,
clean and iron my cloth. Thanks to the learning, nowadays, when my maid can not come to my house
handle all household tasks myself.
Second of all, performing household tasks teaches children to value the job of people who did it. When
was a child did not imagine that cleaning house could be so time and energy consuming. So, when
began to do some of the household tasks by myself began to respect the job of others and tryed to
collect all my toys after my playing with them.
Finally, doing household tasks teaches children to arrange their time. n addition to those practical
benefits, help from children allows parents to have more spare time for their personal lives and for the
children. A family can have more time to spend with each other talking, watching movies or just enjoying
the beautiful moments.
1o sum up l Lhlnk LhaL chlldren should help Lhelr parenLs wlLh household Lasks uolng household Lasks helps Lhem
Lo grow lnLo lndependenL selfconfldenL and aLLenLlve persons who respecL Lhelr parenLs

ShouId governments spend more money on improving roads and highways, or shouId
governments spend more money on improving pubIic transportation (buses, trains, subways)?
Why? Use specific reasons and detaiIs to deveIop your essay.
Many people believe that governments should spend more money on improving roads and highways.
However, other people think that more money should be spent on improving public transportation.
Personally, think that both of these opinions have their advantages and disadvantages.
The first reason for improving public transportation is overpopulation. The amount of cars is rising
dramatically. As a result of this fact the contemplation of air is increasing that leads to irreversible
aftereffects such as the presence of acid rains and different kinds of human diseases. So, the improving
of public transportation will reduce pollution.
The second reason for this is the possibility to decrease the amount of traffic jams that also have a huge
influence on air pollution. Moreover, it will save time and people's money. One does not have to pay for
gas for his car, car insurance, repair, oil change and etc.
The third reason for this is a sharp decrease in the level of car accidents. People will feel more secure in
this case.
However, despite all these advantages this decision has a few disadvantages. First of all, public
transportation means the presence of schedule and working hours. So, one has to wait for a bus or for a
train in a subway or call for a taxi in order to get somewhere. Second of all, it is a big chance that one has
to spend some time getting to the nearest bus stop or subway entrance.
As for roads and highways, think it is a very important and topical issue. A personal car in this modern
world is an essential vehicle. t gives one freedom and independence. mproving roads and highways
governments will decrease the number of car accidents and traffic jams. believe that in several years air
pollution can be dramatically reduced by using sun energy to refuel our cars.
llnally l Lhlnk LhaL governmenLs should spend money on lmprovlng publlc LransporLaLlon as well as on roads and
hlghways because lL wlll beneflL all people

o you agree or disagree with the foIIowing statement? t is more important for students to study
history and Iiterature than it is for them to study science and mathematics. Use specific reasons
and exampIes to support your opinion.
Some people believe that students should study more history and literature. However, other people think
that studying science and mathematics is more important. From my experience and observation think
that students should study both science and history. Bellow will outline some basic reasons to support
my opinion.
First of all, believe that studying history and literature is important for the range of interests of students
and people on the whole. t extends the range of interests and teach people to analyze their history.
Every person should know the history of the country where he or she was born. Knowledge of one's roots
and origins gives the opportunity to understand many things that are around. Second of all, think that
this kind of knowledge is essential for students who are going to be lawyers, newspapermen, political
figures, etc. One more reason to study history is that it helps one to analyze mistakes made by ancestors
or learn from their wise decisions.
From the other side, think that it is also important for students to study science. Personally, like
studding mathematics because for me it is very interesting to work with figures, analyze them, develop
different ways to solve the problem. t teaches one to think logically and improves one's ability to think
non-typically. think it is great.
Studding of science allows people to improve their life conditions, make discoveries, develop innovations,
etc. Scientists work on new vaccines and pills to make our life longer and happier. They make researches
in different fields from medicine to space. Because of this kind of knowledge humankind has opportunities
to watch TV, fly, using jet airplanes, surf an nternet, play computer games, watch movies, drive cars, etc.
ln concluslon l Lhlnk LhaL sLudenLs musL sLudy many Lhlngs lncludlng sclence and llLeraLure ln order Lo succeed ln
Lhe modern world

o you agree or disagree with the foIIowing statement? A person shouId never make an
important decision aIone. Use specific reasons and exampIes to support your answer.
From my everyday experience and observation can claim that discussion of an important decision with
other people bring many benefits. n the following paragraphs will give my reasons to defend this
First of all, different people have different opinions. n order to make the right choice people should
discuss every possible decision and its consequences. Making an important decision alone can bring
many negative aspects. For instance, a person can reveal his selfishness or impatience and the
consequences of that decision can effect many people in the future. think that a good and wise decision
can be born only in discussion because people can share their knowledge and experiences a look at the
problem from different sides and aspects.
Second of all, think that making decision alone is unacceptable especially for a company. magine that a
chief makes the decision about increasing a production line without discussing it with his employees. n
this case a part of company's profit will be spend on extended purchase of raw materials. So, share
holders will be left without dividends. This decision may lead to getting rid of company's shares and as a
result of this declining the value of a company as a whole.
1o sum up l Lhlnk LhaL a person should always consulL hls relaLlves or colleges when maklng an lmporLanL declslon
Lo avold posslble mlsLakes

PIants can provide food, sheIter, cIothing, or medicine. What is one kind of pIant that is important
to you or the peopIe in your country? Use specific reasons and detaiIs to expIain your choice.
Plants play a very important role in our everyday life. They give us oxygen, provide with medicine,
clothing and food. Every country has its own staple food that dominates in the diet of dwellers of that
country. For example, the staple food for Japan and Korea is rice. As for me, am from Russia. believe
that our staple plants are potato and wheat.
Some people believe that wheat is the most important plant because it provides full and nutritious meal.
People bake bread and cookies, cook kasha and soup. At old times people in Russia raised wheat and
prayed for the good harvest in order to survive. Millet has a good storage time so it gives the opportunity
to consume it a whole year.
However, nowadays bread is no longer of that importance. A person has more products to choose from.
Besides, some people tend to exclude bread from their diet in order to decrease the amount of daily
calories and lose some weight. Personally, think that potato is more important plant then wheat.
Virtually, every Russian has potato every day at least once. One can boil, fry, bake or mash it. My favorite
meal is baked potato with cheese and a glass of milk. think it is delicious and it does not take much time
to cook it. Moreover, potato is easier to raise and store.
1o summarlze l Lhlnk LhaL poLaLo by far ls Lhe mosL lmporLanL planL ln 8ussla

What are the important quaIities of a good son or daughter? Have these quaIities changed or
remained the same over time in your cuIture? Use specific reasons and exampIes to support your
am from Russia. think that qualities of a good son and daughter almost have not changed for the past
several centuries. However, believe that some qualities have changed. will give the following reasons
to support my answer.
Parents always expect from their children love, respect and help. think these qualities remain
unchanged. However, at old times parents expected from their daughter to be a good and practical
woman because in this case she can marry a good and perspective man. Nowadays, think parents'
expectations from their daughter have changed. Now a woman has the same rights and opportunities to
make a great career, make money and be successful at equal terms with a man. t means that now
parents are not so worried about a future perspective husband. They know that their daughter can take
care of herself and be happy. Nowadays parents teach their daughter to believe in herself, be motivated
and strong. They want to be proud of her.
As for a son, think expectations remain the same. Parents see their son as a clever, motivated and
successful man.
1o sum up parenLs wlsh Lhelr chlldren be more successful Lhen Lhemselves achleve more goals So Lhey wlLh
greaL paLlence pass down Lhelr knowledge and experlence Lo Lhelr chlldren 1hey Leach Lhem only good Lhlngs and
expecL respecL and love ln reLurn Also parenLs Lry Lo Leach Lhelr chlldren how Lo avold mlsLakes Lhey have made
ln Lhelr llves l Lhlnk Lhe maln quallLy of a good son or daughLer ls Lo make Lhelr parenLs proud

What do you consider to be the most important room in a house? Why is this room more
important to you than any other room? Use specific reasons and exampIes to support your
My husband and live in an apartment, which include a bedroom, living room, bath room and kitchen. We
do not have children yet, so our apartment is pretty small but it is cheap and cozy. f would have to
choose the most important room in a house think it would be living room. n the following paragraphs
will present my reasons to support my answer.
First of all, living room is the place where we take our guests. t is the main and the biggest room in our
apartment and we try to keep it clean and cozy. For example, my husband vacuums it every other day
especially when it is wet outside and our dog makes dirty sports on the carpet with its paws after a walk.
Second of all, think that living room is the most important room in our house because we spend most of
our time there watching TV, having our dinner and just talking with each other.
Finally, our living room is a place where we study. Since our apartment is rather small we do not have a
room for studying, so have my table with the computer on it in our living room. like to study there
because the room is perfectly light with the large windows and the beautiful view from them.
My parents have a much bigger house with six rooms, large kitchen and two floors. However, think that
my mother would agree with me that their living room is the most important room in the house. When we
visit them we always gather there, lay the table, and have a long talk. My mother makes delicious cakes
and aromatic tea. like those moments.
1o sum up l Lhlnk many people wlll agree wlLh me LhaL llvlng room ls Lhe mosL lmporLanL room ln a house because
lL ls Lhe room where people spend mosL of Lhere Llme aL home

ou have decided to give severaI hours of your time each month to improve the community
where you Iive. What is one thing you wiII do to improve your community? Why? Use specific
reasons and detaiIs to expIain your choice.
think the question what would do if had a chance to improve my community is difficult. have in my
mind many things, the improvement of which will make our community better place to live but they all
require the participation of many people and, moreover, they require investments, which can not
provide. For example, my community is quite noisy. We have the huge mall just in front of our community,
so traffic jams are very common for this place. think that the construction of a few pass-by roads will
benefit all people who live here as well as people who drive by every day.
Unfortunately, the question is what can do for my community giving a few hours of my time every month.
think can not do much, but still can help someone in my community. For example, can baby-sit.
know a couple of families with little children, who can not afford to spend much money on the baby-sitter.
One of these families is a single mom with a little girl. Julia, this is her name, is a waitress in a restaurant.
She is a great person and we became close friends. So, sometimes offer her help with her child when
she has to work in the evenings. Another family has two funny little twins. One time their parents asked
me to baby-sit their children because they had to attend an unexpected presentation.
think this kind of help brings many benefits to my community. First of all, people become friendlier. For
example, those families, which mentioned above, became friends after introduced them to each other.
Second of all, people get to know each other and feel more secure in their houses and apartments.
Finally, am ready to help those people because am sure that they will help me too. One time lost the
keys from my car and Julia offered me her car for a while.
1o sum up l belleve LhaL babyslLLlng ls a greaL way Lo help my communlLy ln many aspecLs

Some peopIe say that the nternet provides peopIe with a Iot of vaIuabIe information. Others think
access to so much information creates probIems. Which view do you agree with? Use specific
reasons and exampIes to support your opinion.
There is no doubt that the nternet is one of the greatest humankind's inventions of the last century. t is
fast and easy way to get a lot of valuable information. However, some people believe that the nternet
creates many problems. From my point of view think that the nternet brings us advantages as well as
First of all, think that the nternet brings us many benefits. People can have access to the latest news,
weather, traffic, bid-and-asked quotations, etc. Another important benefit is that the nternet is a great
means of communication. A few years ago it was rather difficult to imagine that it would be possible to
communicate with people from all around the world. Students have the opportunity to speak to the
professors from prestigious universities, ask their opinions and extend their range of interests. People
have the opportunity to communicate with the people from other countries, find out their customs,
traditions and even visit each other. think that the nternet makes our world smaller and friendlier. We' ve
got the chance to learn more about the world's history, our forefathers and gain more knowledge.
From the other hand, many questions and difficulties arose with the appearance of the nternet. For
example, children got the easy access to the information they are not supposed to read. Also, people's
security and privacy are often violated through steeling and gathering information about people and then
selling it. Many banks had to increase their nternet security because of hacking.
Powever l belleve LhaL lnLerneL gave us more advanLages and opporLunlLles Lhan dlsadvanLages and problems

Possible Questions from the Interviewer of the IELTS Test
1. What is the meaning oI your given name?
2. Does your name aIIect your personality?
3. Tell me something about your hometown.
4. What are the diIIerences in accent between your hometown and Beijing?
5. What is the character oI the people like in your hometown?
6. What is people's Iavourite Iood in the region where you live?
7. What will you do during the Spring Festival this year?
8. Are there any traditional Iestivals in your region?
9. Describe a typical Spring Festival Ior a Chinese Iamily.
10. Tell me something about the Lantern Festival.
11. How have weddings changed in recent years?
12. Tell me something about the Qing Ming Festival.
13. Describe a traditional wedding ceremony.
14. How do Chinese usually celebrate birthdays?
15. Are there any traditions concerning the birth oI a baby?
16. How do you like Beijing? Compare it to your hometown.
17. What place do you like best in Beijing?
18. What places in Beijing should a Ioreigner visit?
19. What places would you recommend a visitor to go to in your region/hometown?
20. II you had the choice, where would you choose to live in China?
21. Which parts oI China would you recommend a Ioreigner to visit?
22. Tell me something about your Iamily.
23. Which is the worst place you've been to in China?
24. Who takes the greatest responsibility Ior bringing up your child in your Iamily?
25. Which is the best place you've been to in China?
26. Who does most oI the household chores in your Iamily?
27. Are the traditional sexual roles within the Iamily changing?
28. Why is the divorce rate increasing so rapidly? Is it a problem?
29. What is your opinion oI the one-child policy?
30. How do you discipline your child?
31. Is it acceptable Ior couples to live together without marrying?
32. II you had the choice, would you have a son or a daughter?
33. Are you going to bring your child up any diIIerently to the way your parents did?
34. What hopes do you have Ior your child?
35. Do women still have too heavy a burden in their day to day liIe?
36. Is the increasing inIluence oI the West largely a positive or negative thing?
37. What, according to you, has been the greatest change in recent years?
38. What, according to you, has been the most problematic change in recent years?
39. What, iI you are a lecturer what changes have you seen in education over the past Iew years?
40. Who should bear the responsibility Ior payment oI tuition Iees?
41. What can be done to improve education in rural areas?
42. Have recent changes aIIected your job in any way?
43. Do you agree with private education?
44. What can be done to close the gap between urban and rural areas?
45. II you had the power, what reIorms would you carry out within education?
46. Describe a typical working day Ior you.
47. How do you see yourselI in ten years time?
48. II you had the opportunity to change your job, what would you do instead?
49. II you had one million yuan, what would you do with it?
50. II you could start your liIe again, would you do anything diIIerently?
51. Do you have any ambitions?
52. Which country/place would you most like to visit?
53. What changes do you think China will see in the next Iew years?
54. Will any possible Iuture changes aIIect your job in any way?
55. How do you think you will cope in Britain?
56. Does anything worry you about going to the UK?
57. Are you looking Iorward to anything in particular in Britain?
58. What are your plans on your return to China?
59. What do you do in your spare time?
60. What will you do iI you Iail the IELTS?

Which wouId you choose: a high-paying job with Iong hours that wouId give you IittIe time with
famiIy and friends or a Iower-paying job with shorter hours that wouId give you more time with
famiIy and friends? ExpIain your choice, using specific reasons and detaiIs.
f was asked to make a choice between a high-paying job with long hours and a lower-paying job with
shorter hours would hesitate to answer. did not decide for my self yet what want in my life more my
family or my career. think that these options are very different ones and one needs time to make a right
From the one side, a high-paying job with long hours gives one more opportunities to make a great career
and succeed in life. Another important aspect of this is that one can earn more money for his family. n
addition to these practical benefits, a person can get satisfaction and self-realization that are very
important in one's life. think that it is a very great and essential feeling to be a part of progress, make
difference and be satisfied with the job. However, a high-paying job with long hours brings many
disadvantages too. For example, a person will have less time for his family and friends. Secondly, the job
will be more stressful and bring more responsibilities. A person will have to sacrifice many things to his
From the other side, lower-paying job with shorter hours can bring many benefits. One can spend more
time with his family and have many pleasant and beautiful moments together. Also, a job will be less
stressful and not require to sacrifice one's spare time to get it done. However, a person most likely will not
be able to make a career and make much money. Moreover, one's salary may be not enough to pay for
his children's education.
1o sum up l Lhlnk LhaL every person aL leasL one Llme ln hls llfe reallze Lhls and make a declslon wheLher he or she
wanLs a career or greaL famlly And l dld noL make Lhls declslon yeL

Some peopIe trust their first impressions about a person's character because they beIieve these
judgments are generaIIy correct. Other peopIe do not judge a person's character quickIy because
they beIieve first impressions are often wrong. Compare these two attitudes. Which attitude do
you agree with? Support your choice with specific exampIes.
Some people think that first impression about a person is the most correct. However, other people
disagree and believe that first impression is often wrong. From my everyday experience and observation
can stand that the first impression about a person is very often incorrect. n the following paragraphs will
list my reasons to support my answer.
First of all, when people meet for the first time they often do not have time to get to know each other or
even have a conversation. So, sometimes all they remember is how they looked. Personally, often
myself judge a person by his or her external appearance. Fortunately, many times made sure of the
incorrectness of my judgments. For example, when met my future husband for the first time he made an
impression of frown and not talkative person and, frankly speaking, did not like him at all. We did not
have a chance to talk, but his cloth and manners gave me that impression. However, after we were
introduced to each other and had a long talk changed my opinion about him. He happened to be a very
sensitive and kind person.
Second of all, believe that the true impression about a person can be made only after people spent at
least a few weeks with each other and were in different situations including extreme and danger ones.
think that a person shows his or her internal characteristics when in danger. Moreover, some people,
especially celebrities, tend to hide their weaknesses and not attractive sides in order to please an
ln concluslon l belleve LhaL flrsL lmpresslon ls very ofLen wrong l musL confess LhaL l unconsclously [udge a person
by hls or her flrsL appearance buL l Lell my self LhaL Lhls ls sub[ecL Lo change and Lry Lo keep my oplnlon wlLh me

Some peopIe trust their first impressions about a person's character because they beIieve these
judgments are generaIIy correct. Other peopIe do not judge a person's character quickIy because
they beIieve first impressions are often wrong. Compare these two attitudes. Which attitude do
you agree with? Support your choice with specific exampIes.
Some people think that first impression about a person is the most correct. However, other people
disagree and believe that first impression is often wrong. From my everyday experience and observation
can stand that the first impression about a person is very often incorrect. n the following paragraphs will
list my reasons to support my answer.
First of all, when people meet for the first time they often do not have time to get to know each other or
even have a conversation. So, sometimes all they remember is how they looked. Personally, often
myself judge a person by his or her external appearance. Fortunately, many times made sure of the
incorrectness of my judgments. For example, when met my future husband for the first time he made an
impression of frown and not talkative person and, frankly speaking, did not like him at all. We did not
have a chance to talk, but his cloth and manners gave me that impression. However, after we were
introduced to each other and had a long talk changed my opinion about him. He happened to be a very
sensitive and kind person.
Second of all, believe that the true impression about a person can be made only after people spent at
least a few weeks with each other and were in different situations including extreme and danger ones.
think that a person shows his or her internal characteristics when in danger. Moreover, some people,
especially celebrities, tend to hide their weaknesses and not attractive sides in order to please an
ln concluslon l belleve LhaL flrsL lmpresslon ls very ofLen wrong l musL confess LhaL l unconsclously [udge a person
by hls or her flrsL appearance buL l Lell my self LhaL Lhls ls sub[ecL Lo change and Lry Lo keep my oplnlon wlLh me

n your country, is there more need for Iand to be Ieft in its naturaI condition or is there more
need for Iand to be deveIoped for housing and industry? Use specific reasons and exampIes to
support your answer.
am from Saint-Petersburg, Russia. think that the question about whether land should be left in it is
natural condition or there more need for land to be developed for housing and industry is the one that is
open for debate. Personally, believe that it is a controversial question, because every option has its
advantages. However, in this situation an intermediate position can be taken. n the following paragraphs
will give my reasons to support the answer.
From the one side, saving land in its natural condition brings many benefits. First of all, many wild animals
will thrive in our forests. Unfortunately, nowadays many wild animals are endangered because they do
not have place to live and there are not enough food for them. Second of all, our children will be able to
learn about animals not only from books but also from observing them in their natural environment. n
addition to those benefits our air will be cleaner because many forests will clean it from pollution and
make it fresher.
From the other side, deforesting our land and building many new constructions can have a few positive
aspects. For example, building new industrial buildings may have a positive impact on the country's
economy. Many new companies will have the opportunity to produce more goods and as the result of this
the country will receive more money from abroad and this will lead to the improvement of the economy on
the whole.
1o sum up all menLloned above l Lhlnk LhaL we need Lo be more careful wlLh Lhe naLural resources we consume
and moreover we can do someLhlng Lo preserve Lhem lor example companles LhaL produce lumber can also
resume Lhe resources of wood by planLlng new Lrees Lhere 1hls way we can preserve our land and save lL from
defrosLlng l musL agree LhaL lL ls dlfflculL for 8ussla aL Lhls momenL noL Lo develop land for houslng and lndusLry
because Lhe counLry needs money and sLrong economy buL l belleve LhaL many new facLorles can replace Lhe old
ones wlLhouL developlng new land So my polnL ls LhaL we musL exLend Lhe producLlon of new goods buL noL aL
Lhe expense of Lhe wlld anlmals and Lhelr land

Some peopIe prefer to work for a Iarge company. Others prefer to work for a smaII company.
Which wouId you prefer? Use specific reasons and exampIes to support your choice.
The issue whether working for a large company is better than working for a small company is a
controversial one. From my everyday experience and observation think that every option has its
advantages and disadvantages. base my opinion on the following points.
From the one side working for a large company brings many benefits. First of all, one has better medical
insurance, higher salary. Often employees of a large company has less responsibilities. Moreover, they
feel more secure because their company has more clients and this means better chance to survive on the
modern market. However, one working for a large company has less chance to be promoted because
one's manager does not want to lose his or her job unless she or he is promoted too. Also, from my
observation, managers of a large company do not pay much attention to one's solutions and suggestions.
From the other side working for a small company has many advantages too. Firstly, one has better
chance to be promoted. Secondly, one can talk to the owner of the company about any improvements
that can be done in order to get more profit. Another important aspect of working for a small company is
the opportunities to find out more about how company works. As a result of this one can gain more
experience and get better recommendations. However, this also has some disadvantages. For instance,
one can get less salary, worse medical benefits, etc.
1o sum up l Lhlnk LhaL every person chooses for hlmself whaL he or she wanLs lf one wanLs beLLer career and
more responslblllLles Lhen a small company ls beLLer cholce CLherwlse worklng for a large company may be a
good opLlon Loo

FiIms can teII us a Iot about the country where they were made. What have you Iearned about a
country from watching its movies? Use specific exampIes and detaiIs to support your response.
Movies were always very popular and there are many reasons for this. First of all, movies are one of the
main resources of entertainment. A movie is a perfect way to relax after stressful day or week. Another
important reason why movies are so popular is because they are the easiest way to learn. For example,
when people watch a movie that was made in another country they unconsciously learn about country's
traditions, customs, people, language, nature and even climate. n the following paragraphs will give a
couple of examples to support my answer.
am from Saint-Petersburg, Russia. When was a little girl and watched movies about Texas had an
impression that Texas was a large and arid desert with big cactuses and hot-tempered cowboys. So,
when my husband was invited to work here in Texas two years ago was absolutely sure that we would
live in the desert. However, when first arrived in Austin was impressed and nicely surprised because
did not expect to see such beautiful nature with dense forests and blue lakes. t was a real discovery for
me that Texas has such beautiful and green places. This is an example how people learn about climate
from watching movies.
Also, people learn from movies about customs and traditions of another country. For example, living in
Russia learned many things about USA from its movies. found out about the holidays such as
Halloween and Thanksgiving Day, which are celebrated by the Americans. learnt about many history
events such as Civil War and the War of ndependence watching "Gone with the wind" and "Patriot".
ln concluslon l Lhlnk LhaL noL everyLhlng LhaL ls learnL from movles ls Lrue abouL Lhe counLry Many movle makers
Lend Lo exaggeraLe and even make up many facLs abouL Lhe counLry ln order Lo please Lhe audlence So my polnL
ls LhaL people should learn abouL Lhe counLry from dlfferenL resources such as books and magazlnes as well as
from movles

earning about the past has no vaIue for those of us Iiving in the present. o you agree or
disagree? Use specific reasons and exampIes to support your answer.
Man, through the ages, has undergone many changes, from the times when he depicted a herd of
mammoth on a wall of a cave to nowadays when he drives a car, watches TV and surfs an nternet.
believe that all achievements that were made by humankind are possible only because people always
learnt from their past. n fact, the definition of learning includes the idea of accumulation of experiences
from the past with present knowledge. So, must totally disagree with the statement above that learning
about the past has no value.
The first reason for this is that human evolution was possible only because people accumulated their
experience and knowledge of ancestors and it helped them to make a step forward. Second of all, they
analyzed their mistakes and tried to avoid them next time. People tried to improve their life by learning
from the past. Just imagine that every one would have to discover by himself that 2 + 2 = 4 or that fire can
be harmful. Furthermore, all knowledge that we have now is a result of the constant work of our
Another important aspect of the fact that our past is essential is that past makes us doubt. Take for
example the fact that a few centuries ago people were sure that the Earth was flat. Next generations with
their new experience proved that the Earth was round. believe that it happened not because scientists
did not know about previous achievements in this area but because their new observations made them
doubt about the well-known fact and they developed the new theory.
n addition, if follow the statement that our past has no value for us then we should not take experience
and any advices from our parents. magine, that we learn by ourselves how to speak, walk, drive car,
cook, read, etc.
1o summarlze l Lhlnk LhaL learnlng from Lhe pasL ls even more lmporLanL Lhen our own experlence Cne can noL
move forward lf he does noL reallze why and where he ls now

Some peopIe beIieve that the best way of Iearning about Iife is by Iistening to the advice of famiIy
and friends. Other peopIe beIieve that the best way of Iearning about Iife is through personaI
experience. Compare the advantages of these two different ways of Iearning about Iife. Which do
you think is preferabIe? Use specific exampIes to support your preference.
From my everyday experience and observation can stand that the best way of learning about life is
through personal experience. However, some people think that it is wiser to learn about life through
listening to the advice of family and friends. t does not mean totally disagree with this way of learning.
Moreover, think that it is wise for a person to take an intermediate position because each of these ways
has its own advantages. Bellow will give my reasons to support my point of view.
From the one side, learning through one's personal experience brings many benefits. First of all,
scientists say that personal experience has greater impact on a person. have to agree with this. Take for
example children. They will not believe their parents that something can hurt them until they try it and
make sure in it. Furthermore, most likely they will remember this experience longer. Second of all, people
learn how to analyze their mistakes, make conclusions and next time try to avoid them. So, think it is a
great experience that makes people stronger, more self-confident and persistent. They gain more
knowledge and experience that will be very helpful and valuable in the future.
From the other side, listening to the advice of family and friends brings many benefits too. Parents with
great patience pass down their knowledge and experience to their children. They teach them all they
know and they want their children do not make the same mistakes. n addition to those practical benefits,
learning from someone's advice is painless. For example, parents nowadays very often talk to their
children about drugs. think it is a great example when one should not try drugs in order to gain new
experience. think it is a case when children must trust their parents.
1o sum up l Lhlnk lL ls wlse Lo comblne boLh of Lhese ways Lo learn and Lry Lo analyze personal mlsLakes as well as
noL personal l Lhlnk LogeLher Lhey can greaLly slmpllfy ones llfe and make Lhe way Lo success shorLer

o you agree or disagree with the foIIowing statement? Universities shouId give the same
amount of money to their students' sports activities as they give to their university Iibraries. Use
specific reasons and exampIes to support your opinion.
Some people believe that universities should give more money for the sports activities. They claim that
importance of libraries and sports are the same. can not completely agree with this statement. n the
following paragraphs will give some basic reasons why think that way.
am a former student and know all advantages that can be given by libraries. First for all, it is the
cheapest way to prepare for the incoming lecture, to do the homework, to make a research and just to
read some books. From my point of view, it is very important to supply the libraries with the new books,
magazines, journals and newspaper. Second of all, libraries are the places where students can spend a
few hours reading between lectures if their schedule does not allow them to go home. So, libraries must
be light and large enough, have comfortable chairs and tables. A third reason, why a good library is so
significant for a student, is that it is a free access to computers and an nternet. f a student can not allow
to buy himself a computer or an access to the nternet he can use it there. like libraries because it is a
good place to meet and communicate with each other, serf the nternet looking for the last news, read
some books that you do not want to buy and just relax to the accompaniment of the pages.
As for sports activities, think it must be up to a person. First of all, he or she goes to a university to gain
knowledge, not lose some weight or work out. Second of all, a student must arrange his or her time in
order to have time to exercise. However, must say that every university should have a few playing-fields,
a pool and a fitness center where students may have a rest after strained days.
One more reason to have really good libraries is that it can save not only money but time for students. A
person has not to drive to the bookstore to get materials he or she is looking for. So, a library can save
time that then can be spent on a sport.
1o summarlze l Lhlnk llbrarles musL sLay Lhe maln resource of knowledge So lf a unlverslLy has some exLra money
Lhey should be spenL on Lhe new books new sofLware and new equlpmenL for Lhe llbrarles

Some peopIe beIieve that students shouId be given one Iong vacation each year. Others beIieve
that students shouId have severaI short vacations throughout the year. Which viewpoint do you
agree with? Use specific reasons and exampIes to support your choice.
The issue whether students should be given one long vacation each year or they should have several
vacations throughout the year is the one that is open for debate. Some people believe that students
should have a few short vacations. However, others believe that one long vacation each year have more
benefits for students. Personally, think that every position has advantages as well as disadvantages. n
the following paragraphs will analyze these opinions and present my view which is that students should
have one short vacation and one long vacation every year.
From the one side, one long vacation every year can bring many benefits to the students. First of all,
students will have the opportunity to work full time during this vacation. They will be able to earn some
pocket money or even money to cover the cost of their education. think it is a great experience.
Moreover, students will be able to be more independent, they will learn how to earn money and how to
spend them more carefully. am from Russia. Unfortunately, do not have any experience in the USA in
this field, but in my country students can barely combine their education with their jobs. So, basically,
students in Russia have the opportunity to earn some money only during long vacation. Second of all,
one long vocation gives students a great opportunity to travel, to learn more about other countries, their
traditions and customs, gain more knowledge and experience.
From the other side, several short vocations bring a few benefits too. First of all, students have the
opportunity to have a rest throughout the year. They can spend more time exercising, muster their
strength for another term and then get higher grades. Second of all, during short vocations students
usually have better opportunity to prepare for the incoming exams. Finally, usually a long vocation has a
negative aspect: from my own experience students tend to forget many subjects they studied earlier. So,
a couple of first weeks is usually spent on reviewing an old material.
1o sum up l Lhlnk LhaL ln Lhls case an lnLermedlaLe poslLlon can be Laken SLudenLs should have one long vocaLlon
ln summer and one shorL vocaLlon ln wlnLer

o you agree or disagree with the foIIowing statement? Modern technoIogy is creating a singIe
worId cuIture. Use specific reasons and exampIes to support your opinion.
Man, through the ages, has undergone many changes from the time when he depicted a herd of
mammoths on the walls of the cave to these days when he can chart with someone on the other side of
the globe. Modern technology is rapidly changing the world's living standards that results in creating a
single world culture. New technologies including nternet, television, electronic media, means of
transportation, etc has a great impact on creating a similar culture all around the globe. Bellow will list
my reasons to support my opinion.
First of all, nternet and e-mail have changed the way people communicate to each other. nternet brought
many benefits. t is a new means of communication, a fast access to information and news. People
communicate with each other, share their ideas, happiness and difficulties. We have a great opportunity
to find out more about countries and their history.
Second of all, the modern means of transportation allows people to move from one place to another very
quickly. A few centuries ago it was impossible to imagine to wake up in one country and fall asleep in
Finally, as a result of all mentioned above the boundaries between countries, their traditions and customs
are erased. Many people migrate during their lives. Some of them are looking for a better place to live,
others want to get new experience and knowledge or just pleasure. So, many families are created
between people from different countries. Traditions fuse and evolve into other ones or just vanish.
1o sup up modern Lechnology has a greaL lmpacL on Lhe way people llve now lL ls creaLlng a new slngle world
culLure where LradlLlons and dlsLances are no longer of LhaL lmporLance

How do movies infIuence peopIe's behavior?
believe that television and especially movies are one of the major and outstanding achievements of
humankind. like movies. They help you leave your troubles behind, relax and enjoy your life. must
confess that most of all like comedies and historical films. Comedies make me laugh and if am not in a
good mood they help me to cheer up. As for historical movies because it is interesting to find out more
about some historical events.
Every movie makes an impression on people. How big this impression depends on a person, his
characteristic features, his weak and strong sides. For instance, my sister likes serial "Friends and she is
a fan of "Chandler. can not say she looks like him after all she is female but they have a lot in common.
She is smart and resilient. She makes faces just like he does. She has a similar sense of humor and she
tries to imitate his habits. t is like she has a very close friend who is on the other side of the screen.
As far as am concerned, am terribly afraid of dark. Last time my husband and were watching a scary
film called "Spiders. t is a horror movie with the large spiders creeping around and killing people in the
dark. The only light in our apartment was the dim light of the TV screen. So when the movie was over
could not fall asleep. heard rustling of dry leaf and it seemed to me that millions of spiders were crawling
towards my bed. felt tingles down my spine. For several days was afraid of every shadow and every
rustle reminded me of that disgusting noise.
ln concluslon l wanL Lo polnL LhaL movles have greaL lnfluence on people's behavlor and lL ls noL always poslLlve

PeopIe Iisten to music for different reasons and at different times. Why is music important to
many peopIe? Use specific reasons and exampIes to support your choice.
Music plays an essential role in our everyday life. We listen to music every day and even sometimes do
not realize it. There are many resources where we can listen to music. We listen to the radio while driving
our cars. We turn on the TV and watch movies where music influences our mind and makes people's
tremble at the fear. For several reasons, which will mention bellow, believe that music is important to
First of all, music is one of the best way to relax after stressful day. Many people prefer to listen to music
in the evenings. For example, my cousin likes to listen to the classic music. He has a great collection of
CD disks with many famous musical compositions. n old days people gathered around a fireplace and
played and listened to music.
Second of all, music often helps people to cheer up. Personally, when something is bothering me prefer
to turn on my radio and listen to some of my favorite songs. t helps me to feel better about everything,
leave my troubles behind and enjoy my life. am sure that many people will agree with me on this issue.
Finally, music plays an essential role in different ceremonies. For example, think it is rather difficult to
imagine a wedding without solemn music or the Olympic Games without anthems.
ln concluslon l Lhlnk LhaL muslc ls Lhe unlque language whlch ls undersLood by everyone all over Lhe planeL Muslc
ls a greaL way of communlcaLlon and people all over Lhe world llsLen Lo Lhe muslc of oLher naLlons and undersLand
whaL an auLhor wanLed Lo Lell by lL

Neighbors are the peopIe who Iive near us. n your opinion, what are the quaIities of a good
neighbor? Use specific detaiIs and exampIes in your answer.
think that my neighbor at least must be friendly. n the morning when meet my neighbor he or she
should greet me and wish me to have a great day. Also, it would be great if he did not smoke. do not
smoke and do not like to smell a smoke from cigarettes in the morning in my bedroom if leave the
windows opened. A few years ago lived in a small community. One of my neighbors smoked every
morning in front of my windows while his dog was trampling down a beautiful lawn. t was really a terrible
experience, because did not need my alarm clock to awake any more. was awake exactly in a few
seconds after my neighbor began to smoke.
From my point of view, the ideal neighbor must always be ready to offer help. For instance, f need to go
somewhere he would offer me to baby-sit my children and borrow his car. One more thing, think it would
be great if he picked up my mail and watered my plants while was on vocation.
Finally, think that good neighbors are those who become friends.
From my opinion it is sufficient.
Powever lf Lalk abouL my ldeal nelghbor l can add some exLra quallLles llrsL of all he should allow me Lo llsLen
Lo loud muslc l Lhlnk lL would be greaL lf he dld noL call a pollce lf l declded Lo Lurn on my radlo fully ln Lhe laLe
evenlng or ln Lhe early mornlng Second of all my ldeal nelghbor should allow me Lo use hls backyard for my
parLy l undersLand LhaL lL ls almosL lmposslble Lo flnd such a good nelghbor buL lf aL leasL half of my requlremenLs
are saLlsfled l wlll appreclaLe lL

o you agree or disagree with the foIIowing statement? One shouId never judge a person by
externaI appearances. Use specific reasons and detaiIs to support your answer.
believe that one should not judge a person by external appearances while he does not know a person
well. When we meet a person for the first time we unconsciously make a first impression about him. Some
people believe that the first impression about a person is the right one. However, from my everyday
experience and observation can stand that external appearances are often illusive. can give several
reasons to support my opinion.
First of all, different people have different opinions about an importance of person's appearance. Some
people dress, behave themselves, wear haircuts to make an impression, feel better about themselves
and even to make self-realization. But this does not make them kinder, clever and more experienced.
Unfortunately, people tend to associate these qualities with external appearances.
However, other people do not care much about their appearances. Personally, do not care about my
clothes as long as they are clean, knit and comfortable. But, to tell the truth, often judge a person by his
external appearances. can not say it is wrong. think that it is normal as long as it is just the first
impression. think that people should remember that a first impression can be replaced by another one
very quickly, which is not always the better one.
When people begin to communicate and get to know each other, the first impression is replaced by the
deeper one. One begins to see the bad and good sides of a person under his clothes, make up, and even
1o sum up l belleve LhaL one should noL [udge a person before one geLs Lo know hlm well

Every generation of peopIe is different in important ways. How is your generation different from
your parents' generation? Use specific reasons and exampIes to expIain your answer.
Man, through the ages, has undergone many changes from the time he depicted a herd of mammoths on
the walls of his cave to these days when he can use personal computers to create a new pattern for his
carpet, send e-mail to his friend and even make him a cup of coffee without leaving his chair. There is no
doubt that every generation is different in many ways from the old ones. n the following paragraphs will
list some differences, which believe exist between my generation and my parents' generation.
First of all, think that my generation is more familiar with the modern technology then my parents'
generation. For example, my mother learnt from me about the nternet. was the first person who
explained my parents what the nternet is and how to use it.
Second of all, people of my generation have different interests and different opinions about many things.
For example, my parents and have different views about decision made by the government. My mother
thinks that more money should be spend on books and libraries for the children, and think that more
money should be spend on computer technologies.
Finally, think that people of my generation tend to forget many traditions and customs of the country they
were born in. We often forget about the meaning of the holidays our parents celebrate. cannot say that it
is wrong just think it is normal when recent historical events are celebrated with more enthusiasm.
However, believe that all people should remember their history and pass it down to the next generation
because this knowledge is irreplaceable and priceless for every person.
1o sum up Lhere ls no doubL LhaL nexL generaLlon ls always beLLer prepared for Lhe fuLure Lhan Lhe old one and
Lhls means LhaL our chlldren wlll also be more experlenced Lhan we do now And l Lhlnk lL ls for Lhe besL

A university pIans to deveIop a new research center in your country. Some peopIe want a center
for business research. Other peopIe want a center for research in agricuIture (farming). Which of
these two kinds of research centers do you recommend for your country? Use specific reasons in
your recommendation.
n my country, Russia, think that the question about whether to establish a new research center in
business or in agriculture is a controversial one.
First of all, because think that both these centers must work together and cooperate. For example, a
business research center can collect information about what kind of cereal people prefer more and how
much of it they consume every year. Then this information can be used by an agriculture research center,
which in its turn will provide the company engaged in farming with essential information.
Second of all, it is rather difficult to decide which research center will bring more benefits to my country.
From the one side, business research center can make very interesting and essential research for the
economy of the country. t can gather information about the small business in the country, about
consumer's preferences and what can be done to decrease the state debt. When was in my third year in
the university we ( and my classmates) make research regarding how many people use urban
transportation every day and how much they spend on it monthly. was really an amazing experience.
We calculated numbers, learnt how to make conclusions and suggestions. From the other side, an
agriculture research center can be very helpful in studying the conditions, under which the harvest of
wheat or potato can be better or the quality of vegetables can be improved. The increased harvest of
wheat will bring more money to the companies engaged in farming.
WlLh regard Lo menLlon above l Lhlnk LhaL lf l would have Lo choose whaL research cenLer wlll be more useful for
my counLry lL would be an agrlculLure research cenLer 8ecause nowadays l Lend Lo Lhlnk LhaL good harvesL ls
more lmporLanL for people of my counLry Lhan knowlng how adverLlslng lnfluence Lhe peoples behavlor

A foreign visitor has onIy one day to spend in your country. Where shouId this visitor go on that
day? Why? Use specific reasons and detaiIs to support your choice.
Traveling is a good way to find out more about different countries with different traditions and customs.
Some travelers prefer to spend in one country just a few days or one day and then leave for another
country. This way of traveling allows people to visit more countries in less days. Unfortunately, in this
case such travelers have to hurry in order to visit more places.
am from Saint-Petersburg, Russia. So, if a foreign visitor has only one day to spend in my country think
would advice him to visit the "Hermitage" - the most well known and amazing museum in Russia. The
"Hermitage" has 3 floors and more then 100 halls. t is really amazing to visit that place. Many people
from all over the world every day enter its walls. Some of the rooms devoted to the history of other
countries. Others devoted to the art of a famous painter and the history of his life. However, most of the
halls conclude many things such as paintings, royal belongings, sculptures from Russian history.
Some people say that it is impossible to feel deeply and see all these amazing historical values for one
visit. have to completely agree with this statement. When first visited the "Hermitage" was 14 years
old. t impressed me so much that was back next day to see what had not been able to see the day
1he PermlLage ls an lmpresslve and beauLlful museum l Lhlnk lL ls worLh Lo spend Lhere a whole day and l
belleve LhaL afLer LhaL a forelgn vlslLor can clalm wlLh a proud LhaL he or she saw 8ussla

Some peopIe think governments shouId spend as much money as possibIe expIoring outer space
(for exampIe, traveIing to the Moon and to other pIanets). Other peopIe disagree and think
governments shouId spend this money for our basic needs on Earth. Which of these two opinions
do you agree with? Use specific reasons and detaiIs to support your answer.
Curiosity is one of the great qualities of a human being. A man always wanted to break the limits and
learn more. Curiosity cased many inventions and discoveries made by man. Nowadays a huge amount of
money is spent on exploring outer space. Some people think that governments should spend as much
money as possible on space researches. However, others disagree and think that this money should be
better spent on people's basic needs. Personally, think that this question is a controversial one. For
several reasons, which will mention bellow, think that an intermediate position can be taken:
governments should continue invests money in space research but this money should not be spent very
carefully. At the same time, governments should spend more money on uplifting the living standards,
improving facilities, developing the modern technology and helping people in need.
Exploring outer space without any doubts will bring important results in the future. But nowadays we do
not move much forward. Humankind made a huge step in exploring the space a half of the century ago.
So, my point is that money should be spent very carefully.
From the other side, think that nowadays the Earth and people need more attention then ever. People
breath polluted air and drink contaminated water. Many animals are at danger of disappearance. People
suffer from hunger, diseases and poverty. think that governments should pay more attention to these
problems, mentioned above. They need to create programs for saving the environment and animals.
Another important aspect of this that governments should sponsor more programs connected with the
improving educational system.
1o sum up l belleve LhaL we should noL sLop explorlng ouLer space buL we need Lo make our LarLh healLhler

Some peopIe prefer to work for themseIves or own a business. Others prefer to work for an
empIoyer. WouId you rather be seIf-empIoyed, work for someone eIse, or own a business? Use
specific reasons to expIain your choice.
Basically, people work for money and self-realization. However, some people prefer to be self-employed
and others prefer to work for an employer. These two options are very different ones and did not make
my choice yet. think that each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.
Working as an employee brings many benefits. First of all, one can spend more time with his family
helping his child do his homework, fishing with the whole family, etc. Second of all, one has less
responsibilities. He just does his job and does not care about the market, competitors and expected profit.
One taking a vocation can forget about all troubles, relax and not worry about who does his job during his
absence. Finally, an employee can always find a more interesting job with a higher salary.
From the other side, be self-employed have many benefits too. First of all, one knows the more he works
the more he gets. Another important reason of being self-employed is independence. One does not have
to report to anyone except one's self. However, in addition to these practical benefits one gets more
responsibilities to take care of.
1o sum up l Lhlnk LhaL be selfemployed ls noL as easy as lL may seem A person musL be selfconfldenL sLrong
paLlenL Pe musL know exacLly whaL he wanLs and be ready Lo sacrlflce all hls spare Llme Lo lL l have a famlly and
aL Lhls momenL l am noL sure LhaL l am ready Lo sacrlflce my Llme Lo Lhe [ob

o you agree or disagree with the foIIowing statement? Parents are the best teachers. Use
specific reasons and exampIes to support your answer.
Obviously, the first teachers we have in our lives in most cases are our parents. They teach us to speak,
walk, ride a bike, behave ourselves etc. From my everyday experience and observation can totally agree
with the statement that parents are the best teachers. n the following paragraphs will try to support my
answer with some reasons and examples.
First of all, would say that parents are our very first teachers. They with great patience pass down the
essential knowledge that we need in order to join "the real world". Children often copy their parents' habits
and traits because children are sure that parents do only right things. Often children's first wish is to be
like their mother of father. Parents are the best teachers because they wish their children a success and
they do not teach them bad things.
However in order to succeed in today's world children need more than just to know good manners and be
able to read and write. They need real teachers who would teach them logic, mathematics, literature,
foreign language, management etc. Moreover, they need to communicate with the children of the same
age. Adolescence is a period when children learn more from their friends then from their parents. At this
age many young people reject their parents' advices and warnings. They begin to learn from their own
experience, make conclusions and analyze their first mistakes. t is very important for parents in this
period to be supportive and patient. Children may slam door and refuse to do some things because they
want to feel independence.
Another important aspect of this is that parents are the first people who must worn their children about the
danger of drugs and cigarettes and how to avoid and say "No" when they need to. n the modern world
parents must talk with their children about everything because it can save their life and make them
happier. So, the role of parents is really important because it gives the strength and understanding the
real world.
ln concluslon l Lhlnk LhaL parenLs are Lhe besL Leachers because Lhey glve Lhelr knowledge LhaL can noL be Laken
from books when lL needs Lo be known by chlldren

When peopIe move to another country, some of them decide to foIIow the customs of the new
country. Others prefer to keep their own customs. Compare these two choices. Which one do you
prefer? Support your answer with specific detaiIs.
People may choose to keep their old traditions from their native country or to accept new ones. Keeping
the old customs will help one to overcome the cultural shock and the change of the environment. From
the other side, accepting the new traditions will help one to adapt and make new friends with residents. n
this essay will give different reasons why people decide to follow the customs of the new country or to
keep their own customs.
f one is from the country with strong and old traditions, think it will be rather difficult for him to adapt to
the new customs and moreover to reject his own. That is why some people from the same country try to
live together and to create their own community where the old traditions are kept. They can not break the
customs that were created by their ancestors. For example, some nations are restricted in certain kinds of
food by their traditions. So, they do not go to the restaurants unless their traditional food is served there.
Some nations according to their customs have to wear certain types of cloth because their religion tells
them to do so.
From the other side, if one is from the country with traditions similar to ones of the new country it will be
easy for him to adopt and to follow the customs of the new place. He will not feel much difference.
Probably, the most difficult part of his relocation will be to accustom to the new climate.
l Lhlnk LhaL people of Lhe new counLry are frlendller when Lhey see LhaL forelgner follows Lhelr cusLoms l bellef
LhaL LradlLlons of every counLry deserve respecL especlally when one llves Lhere ln summary l Lhlnk LhaL every
counLry has lLs own beauLy and lf one wanLs Lo flnd ouL more abouL lL he wlll love lL

n generaI, peopIe are Iiving Ionger now. iscuss the causes of this phenomenon.
Use specific reasons and detaiIs to deveIop your essay.
Statistics shows that people are living longer now. There are several reasons for this. will point out a few
of them below.
First of all, a few hundred years ago mankind suffered from many different kinds of diseases which are
very well cured now. The achievements of contemporary medicine allow people to live with artificial arms,
hands, legs and even hearts. Recently read a few articles in the magazines about a man with an
implanted artificial heart and a woman who had an implanted chipset in her head to make her happier.
Additionally, many viruses are defeated nowadays with the modern vaccines and many pills help us to
relief pain.
Second of all, the conditions of live are greatly improved. A man chiefly does not have to sleep on the wet
and cold ground, defense himself from predators in the wild forests and fight for his life. The wide
extension of fast food stands, buffets and restaurants gives people the oppotunity to have full and
nutritious meal whenever they need to.
Many entertaining centers offer a wide variety of services where you can leave your troubles behind and
just relax.
All of Lhese Lhlngs menLloned above allow people Lo malnLaln healLhy llfe spend more Llme wlLh hls famlly and
frlends and make Lhelr llfe longer and happler

o you agree with the foIIowing statement? PeopIe are never satisfied with what they have, they
aIways want something more or something different. Use specific reasons to support your
"People are never satisfied with what they have, they always want something more or something
different". would have to agree with this statement entirely. Our life would not be so full and exiting
without goals. n this essay will give different reasons why agree with the above statement.
The dissatisfaction, needs and want start in a very young age. A child is never satisfied with his toys, he
always want more new ones. Scientists say that if one gives a child a familiar toy, he will play it for awhile
and forget about it. n the case one gives a child a new toy, he will become more enthusiastic and play it
two days.
Ones we grow older our goals became less material. A son or a daughter wants to get mother's approval
of father's pride. He or she may achieve this by getting high marks at school or by helping them. Ones we
grow old enough to take care of ourselves our goals change. First of all, we want to be happy and
succeed, secondly, we want our parents to be proud of us.
Some people think that rich people have everything they need and they have nothing to wish for. think it
is not true. The more money one has, the more one wants and can afford. Besides, there are some things
no one can buy like love, friendship and health. So, a rich person may want to loose some weight and
looks like some guy from a cover of the magazine or he wants to go out with a girl who is not interested in
him and his money.
ln my oplnlon llfe would noL be worLh llvlng wlLhouL goals lf people would be saLlsfled wlLh all Lhey had we
probably would have Lo llve ln caves So lL does noL maLLer how many goals were achleved we wlll flnd new ones
ln order Lo accompllsh Lhem all over agaln

Some peopIe think that they can Iearn better by themseIves than with a teacher. Others think that
it is aIways better to have a teacher. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons to deveIop your
People are learning through their entire life. Our first teachers in most cases are our parents. They teach
us to walk, speak, behave ourselves, etc. They with great patience pass down their knowledge and
experience to their children. There is no doubt that we need our parents to learn essential things. Parents
giving their knowledge prepare children to join the "real world". So, at this point we need teachers to learn
some basic things.
When children go to a school or college they have there many teachers who help them study more
difficult and complicated things. Personally, think that young people need teachers because in most
cases they basically do not understand yet the importance of learning some "uninteresting things" such as
logic, literature, grammatics, etc. So, teachers keep children on track and sometimes make them learn.
think, at adolescence young people need teachers because they help them develop and improve
themselves in order to succeed in life.
However, believe that when a person is no longer a child and he has a job and lives an independent life
he can choose how he is going to study. As for me, my choice between studding by myself or with
somebody's help depends on a teacher. f a teacher has very interesting lectures and gives many
examples from different resources will attend his or her classes with great pleasure. However, if a
teacher has dry and boring lectures and does not try to make them interesting will get some books and
study this subject by myself. t saves me time and probably some money if take books in a library.
So baslcally some Leachers can glve Lhelr sLudenLs so much ln a shorL perlod of Llme LhaL lL ls worLh Lo spend
ones Llme aLLendlng lecLures AL Lhe same Llme from my polnL of vlew oLher Leachers can noL glve me Lhe
knowledge l need aL my pace

usinesses shouId hire empIoyees for their entire Iives. o you agree or disagree? Use specific
reasons and exampIes to support your answer.
would have to completely disagree with the statement above. n the following paragraphs will outline
the basic concepts of my position.
First of all, will least the major disadvantages for employers. On the today's market a company must be
very flexible in order to compete with other firms. So, imagine the situation when a company can not fire
its employees to stay on the market. t will lead to loosing not only a profit, but the clients, market share
and competitive ability. Now, imagine the situation when a company is growing fast, everything is good
and the next few years are going to be excellent. So, employers need more people to extend the
production. However, nobody can tell what will happen in a few years. n this case, employers will be
afraid to hire new people and extend their business because they will not be able to fire them if something
goes wrong. Another important aspect of this is that a company can not have the best employees. t can
not hire the better one without dismissing another employee.
What kind of disadvantages will have an employee in exchange for this kind of job security? First of all, it
will be very difficult to find a job if one is not the best, because an employer does not want to spend
money on one's education. Besides, employer will not have a chance to fire one if he does not do his job
well. Second of all, employees with this kind of security tend not to perfect themselves because after they
are hired they can not lose their job.
ln concluslon l would llke Lo add LhaL Lhls sLaLemenL has some poslLlve aspecLs Loo such as consLancy a sLrong
splrlL of Lhe company eLc 1hls sysLem Lakes place ln !apan and some companles succeeded ln lL 8uL l Lhlnk LhaL
Lhe reason of lL subslsLs ln Lhe !apanese LradlLlons Lhe parLlcular culLural feaLures hablLs and cusLoms Powever
on Lodays markeL here ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes a company can noL afford Lo hlre employees for Lhelr enLlre llfe

PeopIe Iearn in different ways. Some peopIe Iearn by doing things; other peopIe Iearn by reading
about things; others Iearn by Iistening to peopIe taIk about things. Which of these methods of
Iearning is best for you? Use specific exampIes to support your choice.
People learn through their entire lives. Some people prefer to read many books and gain knowledge from
them. Others prefer to learn from their own experience. Also, there are people who prefer to learn from
others by listening to their advice and analyzing their mistakes. For several reasons, which will mention
bellow, think that each of these ways to learn new things has many advantages. Personally, think that
the combination of these ways is the best way to learn and gain more knowledge and experience.
Undoubtedly, learning by doing things is the best way to learn. First of all, one can gain his own
experience, which is priceless and valuable. Moreover, some things are impossible to learn without
practicing. For example, when children learn how to read they can not perfect in it without everyday
practice. Or when a student learn how to type on a computer. He can not just listen to someone or read
books about it and then type very quickly. Many things in our life require practice and own experience.
Personally, think that mostly learn how to do things by doing them not by reading about them.
However, there are some things that are impossible to be learnt by doing them. For example, students
learn many things from the books and other different recourses like nternet, magazines, newspapers and
even through conversations. Take for example our history or space exploration. People learn about them
from books and TV programs. We can not get back in time and experience different historical events
except that we do it in our imagination.
ln concluslon l Lhlnk LhaL Lhe comblnaLlon of Lhese ways wlll glve Lhe besL resulLs Powever Lhere ls no doubL LhaL
personal experlence ls prlceless and lrreplaceable because lL glves Lhe greaL opporLunlLy Lo analyze ones
mlsLakes make concluslons and avold Lhem nexL Llme So ln my case l Lry Lo learn Lhlng by dolng Lhem lf lL ls
posslble and lf lL ls noL Lhen l use oLher ways Lo lean Lhem

Some peopIe prefer to eat at food stands or restaurants. Other peopIe prefer to prepare and eat
food at home. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and exampIes to support your answer.
Man, through the ages, has undergone any changes from the time when he had to haunt for food to these
days when he has to buy it. Some people prefer to buy fresh vegetables, meat and fruits and prepare
food at home. However, other people prefer to skip that step with cooking and have dinner at a
restaurant. think that both of these choices have some advantages and disadvantages. Bellow will give
some reasons to support my answer.
Personally, do not like fast food. So, my choice is always between a restaurant and my home. First of all,
would like to say that cooking is a great tradition. t helps people to relax, reflect on some pleasant
moments while peeling or cutting the vegetables. t is a means of eliminating one's stress and tension.
Second of all, sometimes do not want to have something too complicated for my dinner. just want to
have light food like a salad and a glass of milk. So, one of the reasons why like to eat at home is
because can have what want at this moment. One more great things about eating at home is that can
sit in front of the TV and watch an interesting program or a movie. Finally, having dinner at home allows a
family communicate with each other, be closer and share some good and bad moments that happened
earlier that day. Besides, eating at home is a great way to save some money.
As for restaurants, see some positive aspects about eating there too. First of all, sometimes get tired
from peeling, cutting, washing, frying, etc. t does not mean do it a lot. Sometimes just use the
microwave and a preprocessed food that bought earlier. want to have something more delicious than
have in my refrigerator, something that is time-consuming to prepare at home. So, for me it is a good
reason to go to a restaurant. There one may meet old friends or just has a great time listening to music
and tasting some delicious meats.
Also, restaurants are a good place to celebrate something. One does not have to prepare food for all
friend who are coming, wash dish, put in order all that mess after the party, etc.
ln concluslon l Lhlnk LhaL lL does noL lmporLanL where one has ones dlnner WhaL lmporLanL ls LhaL lL musL be full
and nuLrlLlous

Some peopIe prefer to pIan activities for their free time very carefuIIy. Others choose not to make
any pIans at aII for their free time. Compare the benefits of pIanning free-time activities with the
benefits of not making pIans. Which do you prefer - pIanning or not pIanning for your Ieisure
time? Use specific reasons and exampIes to expIain your choice.
Nowadays people have so many things to do that they almost always do not have enough time for it.
When we go to bed we carefully think and plan our next day and it continues day in and day out. We
wake up, recollect our checklist with things to do and in a few minutes we are already in a car on our way
to the office. Often people do not have time for themselves. So, when people have some spare time they
want to use it wisely. Some people prefer to plan activities for their free time very carefully. However,
others prefer not to make any plans. n this essay will analyze both cases and present my view in favor
of planning free-time activities.
From the one side, not making any plans and just letting the time pass by for some time have some
benefits. First of all, a person can just relax, enjoy the beautiful moments, spend his or her time with loved
ones, watch a movie, listen to relaxing music, observe the flowers in bloom from the window, contemplate
about his or her life and just slow down the pace of life. think it is a very good way to eliminate one's
stress and tension and just leave all troubles and worries behind.
From the other side, careful planning can bring many benefits too. First of all, one can travel. However,
traveling requires some planning to be made. For example, one most likely will need a hotel room. So, the
reservation should be made beforehand. Also, it is wise to check one's car to avoid breakdowns and have
an uninterrupted worry-free trip. Second of all, planning one's activities allows to spend one's free time the
way he/she likes. For instance, if want to play tennis on incoming week-end will certainly make a
reservation for a court because in this case will not be disappointed with the waste of my time.
Personally, prefer to make plans for my free time because it allows me to spend my vacation or week-
ends the way want it.
1o sum up l Lhlnk careful plannlng allows people Lo derlve maxlmum beneflLs from Lhelr free Llme Powever l
musL confess someLlmes l allow my self [usL Lo sLay aL home wlLh my frlends and famlly and noL make any plans

o you agree or disagree with the foIIowing statement? PIaying a game is fun onIy when you win.
Use specific reasons and exampIes to support your answer.
Playing games is one of the most effective ways to eliminate stress, tension and to learn many things.
However, know some people who like to play only when they win. Personally, agree with those people
who play games in order not to win but to have fun. So, for several reasons, which will mention bellow,
have to totally disagree with the statement above that playing a game is fun only for one who wins.
First of all, think that people should understand the main reason of playing a game. n old times people
gathered and played different games. t was a great way to find out more about each other, to
communicate and learn new. Nowadays, think that the reason why people play games is the same.
Second of all, in addition to the mentioned above benefit playing games is a perfect way to gain more
knowledge and experience. t is not important who wins but it is important that everyone makes
conclusions and learns to analyze one's mistakes and tries to avoid them next time.
Finally, mental and physical games help to develop brain and body. Mental games improve one's ability to
think logically, make conclusions and analyze. Also, it improves one's memory. From the other side,
physical games help to strengthen one's bones, develop muscles and improve one's health.
Cf cause l musL confess LhaL lL ls fun Lo wln and feel Lhe vlcLory Powever l Lhlnk LhaL Lhe parLlclpaLlon ln a game
ls more lmporLanL Lhen Lhe vlcLory lLself eople play games Lo relax Lo ellmlnaLe sLress and leave Lhelr Lroubles
behlnd and galn more knowledge Cne more reason why people play games ls LhaL avoldlng games or playlng Lhem
only when one ls sure LhaL he ls a wlnner does noL make one beLLer Cnly when people see Lhelr mlsLakes Lhey can
work on Lhem and reach Lhelr goals

Many parts of the worId are Iosing important naturaI resources, such as forests, animaIs, or cIean
water. Choose one resource that is disappearing and expIain why it needs to be saved. Use
specific reasons and exampIes to support your opinion.
As human's population is dramatically rising every year, people's requirements are increasing too. We
need more food, more fresh water, more place to live. As a result of this many parts of the world are
losing essential and sometimes irreplaceable resources, such as forest, animals, or fresh water. n this
essay will focus on the threat of disappearing many wild animals.
The reason why think that animals should be preserved is that all living creatures on this planet are
connected with each other. So, the disappearance of only one species can cause dramatic changes in
the planet and even death of many other living creatures. For example, the disappearance of bats will
cause the huge increasing of insect population and this will reflect on all animals and plants. Another
example is that if the population of bats increases, the population of insects will decrease significantly,
and this will cause the disappearance of many plants because insects are the main pollinators. So, think
it is very important to preserve all species on our planet and live in harmony with our environment.
Another important reason why think that animals should be saved is that , personally, do not want my
child to learn about different animals from books and not be able to see them alive. think it is shameful
for humankind to explain our children that we are the reason why those animals disappeared.
ln concluslon l would llke Lo say LhaL Lhe lssue abouL loslng lmporLanL naLural resources ls Loplcal and open for
debaLe nowadays l belleve LhaL LogeLher people can make a dlfference lrom my polnL of vlew Lhe flrsL problem
we should flnd a soluLlon for ls humans overpopulaLlon As l menLloned above peoples demands are growlng and
Lhls means we consume more and more naLural resources 1he second quesLlon whlch ls on Lhe llsL of mosL
lmporLanL lssues ls polluLlon lncludlng Lhe alr polluLlon waLer polluLlon eLc

ShouId a city try to preserve its oId, historic buiIdings or destroy them and repIace them with
modern buiIdings? Use specific reasons and exampIes to support your opinion.
Some people think that old, historic buildings are no need for the city and they should be destroyed and
replaced with modern ones. However, other people believe that historic buildings must be preserved in
order to know and remember our past. For several reasons that will mention bellow agree with those
people who want to preserve old, historical buildings.
First of all, by preserving historical buildings we pass our history to our future generations. think that out
children should know their history, learn from it and respect it. People need to know their traditions and
customs, which are priceless and irreplaceable. Our history is our knowledge and power. From my
opinion we need to preserve and restore historical buildings. By destroying them we show our disrespect
to our forefathers and their traditions.
Second of all, by by preserving historical buildings a city can attract many travelers. Welcoming tourists a
city can get many benefits including money, which can be spent on preserving historical buildings as well
as on improving roads and facilities.
Also, many tourists means a lot of new business opportunities. Another important aspect of this is that
businessmen will be willing to build new recreational centers, hotels, movie theaters, shopping centers to
make a city more attractive for travelers. n addition to those practical benefits, many people will have the
opportunity to get a job. All this is good for the economy of the city.
1o sum up l belleve LhaL preservlng old hlsLorlcal bulldlngs can brlng only beneflLs Lo a clLy and all humanklnd

When students move to a new schooI, they sometimes face probIems. How can schooIs heIp
these students with their probIems? Use specific reasons and exampIes to expIain your answer.
When a student moves to a new school he or she can face some problems. think that almost all people
had to move from one place to another in their lives and am not an exception. My family moved twice
during my childhood. My father is an architect, so, my family had to move from one place to another when
the old construction was over and my father was offered to develop a new project. Two major problems
had to face in a new school were "no friends" and "a huge amount of new people". n the following
paragraphs will analyze these problems and make suggestions about how a school can help a student
in this situation.
The first difficulty had to face in a new school was a huge amount of new people such as teachers and
classmates, who have no idea who am. t was easy with the teachers, usually stayed after the class,
introduced myself to him or her and asked about their curriculum. However, with my new classmates it
was a little more difficult. had to stand up for myself a few times because this is the way students get to
know each other. However, believe that there is a better way to get to know each other. think that
schools should participate in this process. For example, they can organize some kind of welcome class,
where new students will have the opportunity to meet their new classmates and introduce themselves.
The second problem had to face in a new school was that had no friends. could not meet my old
friends because they were too far away and did not have a chance to make new friends. Nowadays,
think it is much easier, because almost every student has an nternet access, so, he can chart with his old
friends. Unfortunately, did not have such an opportunity when was a student. believe that schools can
help newcomers by helping them to merge faster with their new classes. For example, a school can
attach someone to a newcomer and the first one will help a new student to accustom himself to a new
ln concluslon l would llke Lo add LhaL movlng from one school Lo anoLher brlngs noL only problems buL also many
beneflLs lor example l learnL how Lo make new frlends fasL and how Lo overcome obsLacles l Lhlnk LhaL lL made
me sLronger as a person and l am glad LhaL l had Lhls experlence ln my llfe

o you agree or disagree that progress is aIways good?
The main idea of progress is perfection. A man who is making progress in studying, a child who is
speaking his/her first words, a scientist who has made a discovery, or an economy of some country is
making progress, all of them are aspects of huge human progress. There is no doubt that progress is
good for the humanity as a whole but whether it is good for the world.
For example, being anxious for success mankind often forgets about the environment. Every country has
numerous fabrics with smoke rising form them. Needless to say, the amount of cars is increasing every
day. World economy is making progress in creating different types of machines, vehicles that make easier
our conditions of life. As a result we have many devices that make our life easier and at the same time we
have acid rains, polluted lakes and rivers, our food does not have as many important vitamins as it used
to, but it has nitrates, preservatives and unnatural components and ingredients.
As a result of human progress, now humanity has to deal with the problem of overpopulation.
lL ls my oplnlon LhaL now lL ls Llme for humanlLy Lo Lhlnk more abouL Lhe maklng progress ln solvlng Lhe problems
of alr polluLlon overpopulaLlon and waLer conLamlnaLlon

Many students have to Iive with roommates whiIe going to schooI or university. What are some of
the important quaIities of a good roommate? Use specific reasons and exampIes to expIain why
these quaIities are important.
When was a student at a Russian University lived with my friend Tonia. Frankly speaking, she was not
my friend at first. mean that we meat when we were in our first year at university. She was looking for a
place to live and offered her to stay at my place because lived alone and it was quite expensive for me
at that time. must confess that never felt regret about my decision because Tonia turned out to be a
great roommate. Moreover, we became friends and now after two years from my graduation we still call
each other, care about each other and chart through the nternet. Unfortunately, now we live in different
cities even in different countries, but hope our friendship will continue.
n this essay will list the main qualities of a good roommate which from my point of view are essential.
Furthermore, must inform that Tonia possesses all these qualities and am proud to have such a great
First of all, a roommate must be kind and generous. t is easier to deal with a person who is kind and
ready to offer a hand. For example, kindness and understanding are very essential qualities if one of
them got ill. Second of all, roommates must have common interests because it will help them to find more
subjects to discuss. think that when people have nothing to talk about they should not live together
because it will be difficult for both of them. n addition, a roommate must be funny but at the same time
she or he must be attentive and understanding. Selfishness is not a good quality for a roommate because
people who live together should be attentive to each other's feelings and be ready to sacrifice their time to
each other.
ln shorL l Lhlnk LhaL roommaLes musL be frlends because frlendshlp means undersLandlng and sympaLhy

f you couId ask a famous person one question, what wouId you ask? Why? Use specific reasons
and detaiIs to support your answer.
Many people like to know different things about the celebrities. For example, what pets do they have,
what is their favorite meal or color and how did they lose some weight, etc. However, think that these
types of questions do not allow people to learn more about a famous person, his or her personality.
believe that if would be given a chance to ask a famous person one question would ask him or her
about the meaning of life.
Some people live without thinking about why they are here. Others contemplate about the life and think
about the meaning of it. think that the answer to the question about the meaning of life for a famous
person would satisfied people more then just his or her pets and habits. First of all, famous people often
are not honest about their private lives and only want to look good in front of the audience. However, the
single question about the meaning of the live could give the audience more things to think of and reveal
more about the speaker's personality.
Second of all, in addition to those benefits, mentioned above, from the answer to this question people can
learn about the speaker's points of view, his or her attutude towards life. think that this information could
help many people to reconsider their attitudes and be more positive about their present and future.
1o sum up l Lhlnk LhaL Lhe answer Lo Lhe quesLlon Why am l here and whaL Lhe meanlng of my llfe can reveal
many lnLeresLlng LhoughLs Lo share wlLh Lhe audlence Also people would be less maLerlal l mean LhaL from my
poslLlon lL ls noL lmporLanL how many caraLs a famous person has ln hls/her waLch or whaL ls hls or her
preferences ln food WhaL lmporLanL ls whaL he or she Lhlnk abouL her/hls desLlny and Lhe meanlng of llfe

o you agree or disagree with the foIIowing statement? Reading fiction (such as noveIs and short
stories) is more enjoyabIe than watching movies. Use specific reasons and exampIes to expIain
your position.
Some people prefer to read fiction. However, others like to watch movies. Personally, think that the
question whether reading fiction is more enjoyable than watching movies is a controversial one. For
several reasons, which will mention bellow, think each of these options has its advantages.
From the one side, reading fiction brings many benefits. First of all, a book can be taken anywhere one
goes. For example, while traveling or just taking a bus one can read a book. When was a student a
couple years ago used to read books while taking a boring lecture. Second of all, reading extends one's
vocabulary, improves reading and even writing skills. Reading is essential for children. t extends their
range of interests, improve their imagination and helps them gain more knowledge and experience
through books. When was a child my mom always made me read a lot of books. Thanks to her did not
have a problem with writing different kind of essay in the school and got only high grades.
From the other side, watching movies has many benefits too. Firstly, movies usually have more influence
on people, their behavior and mood. n addition, watching a movie in a movie theatre gives many
advantages such as sound effects, a large screen, etc. Secondly, it is a good way to relax with one's
friends, eliminate stress and tension and just have a good time. My husband and like to watch a movie
on Sunday evenings. We drink coffee, eat grapes or apples and make comments while watching the
movie. n addition to these benefits, watching movie usually takes less time then reading the whole book.
ln concluslon l Lhlnk LhaL Lhere ls no doubL LhaL waLchlng a movle ls more en[oyable and lmpresslve Lhen readlng a
book Powever readlng a book brlngs more beneflLs for people ln general Moreover chlldren should spend more
Llme readlng books Lhen waLchlng dlfferenL klnds of movles because sclenLlsLs say LhaL waLchlng movles has much
less use for Lhe growlng chlld

Many peopIe have a cIose reIationship with their pets. These peopIe treat their birds, cats, or
other animaIs as members of their famiIy. n your opinion, are such reIationships good? Why or
why not? Use specific reasons and exampIes to support your answer.
Some people do not have any pets in their house, except for unwanted ones such as a raccoon or
mouse. These people think that there is no place for animals in their places. However, other people have
animals such as dogs, cats, and birds in their families and they have a close relationship with their pets.
Personally, belong to the people who treat their pets as members of their family. For several reasons,
which will mention bellow, think that such relationships between a man and an animal bring many
First of all, when people treat their pets as members of their families it means that they feel
responsibilities for their little ones. As a result of this people care about their pets' health, their diet and
shape, and think both sides benefit from this kind of relationships. People do not feel alone and pets are
in good hands. Personally, think that pets give people a great opportunity to feel they are needed by
these little but at the same time very courageous animals. Second of all, pets teach people, especially
children, kindness and devotion. Children grow up kinder, more attentive and friendlier. Finally, often pets
are the closest and most devoted friends of people and am sure that we return them the same feelings.
think it is great and makes everyone a little bit happier. For example, when was a child my family had a
beautiful cat named "Nikola". We loved him very much and treat him as a member of our family. So, when
he died we could not get used to the fact that he was not home. t was the feeling like we lost some of our
family. Since then we did not have the cat. Now my parents have a bird and a couple of golden fish.
ln concluslon l Lhlnk LhaL peLs play a very lmporLanL role ln our everyday llfe 1here are plenLy of examples when
anlmals saved peoples llves and helped us ln ouL flghL wlLh evll such as drugs and vlolence So l belleve LhaL our
peLs deserve Lhe besL we can offer Lhem our love and devoLlon

Some peopIe think that human needs for farmIand, housing, and industry are more important
than saving Iand for endangered animaIs. o you agree or disagree with this point of view? Why
or why not? Use specific reasons and exampIes to support your answer.
As human population is significantly rising every year, people's requirements are increasing too. We need
more food, more machines, more place to live. As a result of this people need more land to satisfy their
requirements. We cultivate and irrigate more and more land to plant vegetables, build new buildings,
airports, roads, etc. think sometimes we forget that we are not alone on this planet. have to disagree
with those people who think that human needs are more important than saving land for endangered
animals. base my opinion on the following points.
First of all, as already mentioned, we are not alone on this planet. A few centuries ago we were the part
of wild nature. think we need to remember this fact and respect all creatures around us.
Second of all, believe that we all need to think of the problem of overpopulation. The human population
is dramatically increasing and we have to do something about it. From my opinion, every family should
have no more than two children. t will help to stop the growth of population, decrease human needs for
farmland, housing and industry.
ln concluslon l Lhlnk lL ls a very Loplcal quesLlon nowadays My polnL ls LhaL all people should answer Lhls quesLlon
and flnd Lhe soluLlon

o you agree or disagree with the foIIowing statement? oys and girIs shouId attend separate
schooIs. Use specific reasons and exampIes to support your answer.
Whether boys and girls should attend separate schools is a controversial issue. Some people believe that
it brings many benefits. However, others believe that it is not good for the future of our children. agree
with those people who think that children should attend the same schools. n the following paragraphs
will give my reasons to support my opinion.
First of all, children from the very beginning should learn how to communicate with each other. They need
to learn social skills, be supportive and understand each other. Second of all, believe that now women
and men should be treated in the same way. A woman nowadays has the same rights as a man. She also
wants to make a good career and succeed. So, it is essential in the modern world to understand that
knowledge has nothing to do with a sex. Every one has the same access to the knowledge and
experience and it is only up to a person how hard he or she wants to work to reach his or her goals.
Another important aspect of this is that if children attend separate schools they do not have common
interests. They do not know what a person of an opposite sex likes, how he or she spends her or his
spare time, etc. think that it is not good for a long run. Some of them will create a family someday and
they most likely will not have anything to share. They will not have common interests. They will have
different friends and opinions about things. We had such experience a few centuries ago. Women grow
up their children and men worked and gathered in the men' clubs in the evenings. think it is not the way
it should be. A family has many beautiful moments to share together.
1o sup up l Lhlnk LhaL chlldren should aLLend Lhe same schools because lL wlll help Lhem Lo become greaL
aLLenLlve and klnd persons Moreover Lhey wlll learn how Lo respecL each oLhers lnLeresLs

Some high schooIs require aII students to wear schooI uniforms. Other high schooIs permit
students to decide what to wear to schooI. Which of these two schooI poIicies do you think is
better? Use specific reasons and exampIes to support your opinion.
think that the issue about whether all students must be required to wear school uniform is the one that is
open for debate. Some people think that all students must wear the school uniform. However, others think
that students should decide what to wear to school themselves. Personally, believe that students should
wear what they like. For several reasons, which will mention bellow, think that school uniforms should
not be required to wear at high school.
First of all, if students do not have school uniforms they can wear what they like to school. Personally,
like to wear cloth that is comfortable. Also, am a female and like to wear jeans and shorts, and as far
as know girls must wear skirts as a part of their uniform. think many female students will agree with me
that jeans much more comfortable then skirts.
Second of all, believe that school uniforms must not cause any discomfort. For example, some
international students will find unacceptable wearing some of the uniform's parts.
am from Russia. When was a student of the elementary school was required to wear the school
uniform that included a dark blue skirt and a white or light blue shirt. did not like it very much, because
did not like the fact that all students were dressed in the same color. We dressed the same way and we
were permitted to wear any adornments. Personally, did not like the fact that girls always had to wear
skirts and it was not convenient especially in cold weather.
ln shorL l Lhlnk LhaL sLudenLs should wear Lo school whaL Lhey wanL CLherwlse lf a hlgh school requlres sLudenLs
Lo wear school unlforms l Lhlnk LhaL unlforms musL be comforLable for all sLudenLs

What is a very important skiII a person shouId Iearn in order to be successfuI in the worId today?
Choose one skiII and use specific reasons and exampIes to support your choice.
Some people believe that in order to succeed in today's world one needs luck. However, agree with
those people who think that luck has nothing to do with the success, only hard work and belief in one's
self can get one through all obstacles and overcome difficulties. There is a word for such a skill it is
persistent. believe that people who are persistent can do everything they want because can not give up
and go with the tide.
Of cause, there is a bunch of different skills that people need to succeed. However, my point is that
persistent is the most obviously important characteristic of successful persons. Take for example a
famous actress W. Goldberg. She had many refusals at the beginning of her career. But she always
believed in herself and did not stop looking for the new opportunities. Now she is one of highly paid
actress in the movie business.
Or take for example Disney. do not remember his first name. He was a poor guy who liked to draw fairy
heroes. Before his success he got through many failures but did not stop doing what he liked and
enjoyed. His success came with a little mouse called Mikky.
l bellef LhaL people who overcame many obsLacles become sLronger and wlser So baslcly perslsLenL Leach people
belleve ln Lhemselves analyze Lhelr prevlous mlsLakes and learn Lo avold Lhem nexL Llme be paLlenL curlous and

n some countries, peopIe are no Ionger aIIowed to smoke in many pubIic pIaces and office
buiIdings. o you think this is a good ruIe or a bad ruIe? Use specific reasons and detaiIs to
support your position.
The question about whether people should be allowed to smoke in public places is the one that is open
for debate. All people can be devided on two groups: smokers and not smokers. Smokers agree that they
do not benefit the society by smoking, but think that they should have some special places in office
buildings or public places where they can smoke. However, others believe that smokers should not be
allowed to smoke in any places except their own apartments. Personally, completely agree with the last
opinion. For the following reasons, which will mention bellow, think that smokers should not
contaminate the air other people breathe.
The first reason for this is that smokers not only damage their own health but actually cause damage to
the health of others. Scientists say that people who do not smoke, but regulary breathe in the smoke of
cigarettes, so-called "passive smokers", poison their health more then smokers themselves. For example,
when was a student lived with the roommate who was a chain smoker. First did not know what to do,
smelled that smoke everywhere and could not breathe freely, but in a few weeks got used to it. Now
think that was a real smoker because of the fact that regulary breathed in so much smoke.
Second of all, think that people should not be allowed to smoke in public places and in office buildings
because this rule will force them to quit. Smokers will have to quit smoking or at least will do it less often
and this benefits all people smokers as well as not smokers.
Finally, smoking in public places contributes to the growth of number of smokers because many people
seeing smokers may feel a desire to take a cigarette and join them. The advertisement of cigarettes is
already prohibited by the law and think it is a good sign because many people become smokers only
because they see other people do it.
ln concluslon l Lhlnk LhaL Lhls rule wlll beneflL Lhe socleLy of every counLry and our world on Lhe whole

our city has decided to buiId a statue or monument to honor a famous person in your country.
Who wouId you choose? Use reasons and specific exampIes to support your choice.
am from Ekaterinburg, Russia. Recently, my city has decided to build a statue to honor a famous doctor
Michail Belui. totally support this idea. n the following paragraphs will give my reasons to support my
First of all, Michail Belui was a great surgeon. He saved many people during his life. During the Wourld
War he was one of the most famous surgeons. After 25 years from his death many people still bring a
lot of flowers to the place where he was buried. think he was a great man who liked his job and
sacrificed everything to it. Michail Belui had many sleepless nights because the stream of wounded
soldiers was endless. He did not care about himself, he cared about people and always was ready to
help. Also, he was a great father. He had two sons who inherited his talent for surgery and became great
Second of all, Michail Belui was a very kind and attentive person. My grandma remembers him as a
strong, tall and charming man who had a very good sense of humor.
am sure that our modern generation has many things to learn from this man. Moreover, believe that our
country needs to remember such great people and be proud of them.
1o sup up l Lhlnk LhaL humanklnd musL know lLs hlsLory and pass down all lLs knowledge and experlence Lo Lhe
nexL generaLlons A sLaLue or monumenL ls a a slmple and good way Lo remember and value our hlsLory and
people who played an essenLlal role ln lL

n some countries, teenagers have jobs whiIe they are stiII students. o you think this is a good
idea? Support your opinion by using specific reasons and detaiIs.
Some people think that teenagers need to work while they are students. However, Other people believe
that young people should not combine their education with a job. These two options are controversial
ones. n my opinion, they both have disadvantages and advantages. base my opinion on the following
From one side, a working student has many benefits. First of all, a person learns how to arrange time to
be able to combine his studding and earning money. Personally, think it is a very important benefit a
person can get from this. Second of all, a student learns how to save money and keep his budget. A
person gains new experience and knowledge working with the new people. He feels more independently
and spends his or her money more careful.
From the other side, a person can have not enough time to meet his or her course requirements.
Sometimes it may result in a failure on an exam and a waste of money and time. From my everyday
experience and observation some people require more time to study new materials and prepare for an
exam. Others, at the same, can easy understand new materials. So, my point is that a person should
decide for himself whether he will be able to combine his studding and his working.
Another important aspect of getting a job is that a student most likely will have no time for parties, movies
and his friends. think that he or she should understand this fact.
1o summarlze l belleve LhaL a worklng experlence wlll glve a sLudenL more beneflLs ln Lhe fuLure Lhan lL Lakes from
hlm or her ln Lhe presenL

Some peopIe beIieve that university students shouId be required to attend cIasses. Others
beIieve that going to cIasses shouId be optionaI for students. Which point of view do you agree
with? Use specific reasons and detaiIs to expIain your answer.
There are two points of view to this question. Some people believe that students are adults and they have
their own responsibilities. So, they should have freedom in arranging their time. Other people think that
optional attendance has a corruption effect on the educational system as a whole. Personally, think that
this question is more complicated.
First of all, many students have already children. So, they sometimes have to skip a class or two in order
to perform their responsibilities. Second of all, many students do not have enough money for their needs
and they have to work more than other students. n this case, optional attendance is well-taken.
Another important aspect of this subject that sometimes lectures of a particular teacher may be dry and
uninteresting. believe that it is reasonably to skip those classes and learn all by one's self. t can save
time, so a person can spend it on a research or preparation for a coming test.
From the other side, think that some students who does not have any responsibilities may skip classes
without any reason. They can have more time to attend clubs and parties. t has a negative affect on their
grades. So, it can result in a waste of money and time. Students may take the same classes more than
one time to meet the requirements of their program. t is a waste of money for both a government and a
family. A government will lose money because they are spent on education and it means they are tax
free. At the same time, parents will have to pay for education of their child one more time. Another
important aspect of this that students will not learn how to arrange their time in order to have all things
done on time.
1o summarlze l Lhlnk LhaL sLudenLs musL aLLend classes Powever some sLudenLs wlLh chlldren or who have
excellenL grades and already work ln Lhe fleld of Lhelr ma[or should be allowed Lo sklp a parLlcular amounL of

Students at universities often have a choice of pIaces to Iive. They may choose to Iive in
university dormitories, or they may choose to Iive in apartments in the community. Compare the
advantages of Iiving in university housing with the advantages of Iiving in an apartment in the
community. Where wouId you prefer to Iive? Give reasons for your preference.
Some students prefer to live in university dormitories. However, other students choose to live in
apartments in the community. think both of these options have advantages. Bellow will give my
reasons to support my answer.
From the one side, living in a dormitory have many benefits. First of all, for a foreign student it is a good
chance to improve his or her communication skills and find new friends. Second of all, a dormitory has
many useful facilities such as libraries, a canteen, nternet access, etc. n addition to these practical
benefits living in a dormitory is often cheaper. So, it helps students save some money what is important at
the beginning of their independent life. Finally, living in a dormitory gives students the opportunity to ask
for help each other if something was not clear on the lecture presented in a class. This, in it's turn, lead to
higher grades. Also, students have many common subject and interests to discuss with each other. So,
basically, living in a dormitory helps students to become more sociable and good team-players and gain
new knowledge and experience by use of labraries and group discussion.
From the other side, living in apartments in the community also have a few benefits. Students can have
more privacy and, also, they can choose a community according to its convenience and location. t is
sometimes may be an essential because of a person's job.
ln concluslon l Lhlnk LhaL llvlng ln a dormlLory brlngs sLudenLs more beneflLs Lhen lL does llvlng ln a communlLy
SLudenLs learn Lo geL along wlLh each oLher be ready Lo help and make frlends

o you agree or disagree with the foIIowing statement? AII students shouId be required to study
art and music in secondary schooI. Use specific reasons to support your answer.
The issue about whether all students should be required to study art and music in secondary school is the
one that is open for debate. Some people believe that students should take these classes. However,
others think that it must be up to a student. n this essay will analyze both these positions and present
my opinion in favor of the people who think that studying art and music should not be required in
secondary school.
From the one side, studying art and music brings many benefits to the students. First of all, it extends
their range of interests. Second of all, studying art and music helps to reveal hidden talents and
possibilities. n addition to these benefits, it helps a growing child develop his or her perception of the real
However, from the other side, studying art and music also has some negative aspects. Personally, think
that a person who is interested in mathematics should not spend his or her precious time taking classes
in art or music. For example, when was a student a couple years ago did not like to attend some of the
art classes because it was too boring for me. wasted my time and money because was required to pay
for these classes and attend them. So, my point is that students should have the right to make a decision
for themselves whether they should take classes in art and music or they should not. For instance, there
were a couple of optional classes in music in my university. Many students took those classes and every
one was satisfied.
1o sum up l Lhlnk LhaL sLudylng arL and muslc ls very essenLlal for a person Powever l Lhlnk LhaL classes ln arL and
muslc musL be opLlonal because lf a sLudenL ls dreamlng abouL a career of denLlsL and spends all hls spare Llme
readlng abouL Lhe new Lechnologles and lnvenLlons ln Lhls fleld l Lhlnk lL ls noL falr Lo make hlm aLLend classes
when he does noL wanL Lo lL ls llke maklng a person slng when he ls good aL swlmmlng

Do you agree or disagree with the Iollowing statement? Only people who earn a lot oI money are
successIul. Use speciIic reasons and examples to support your answer.
I think that the question whether money is a main indicator oI people's success is a controversial one.
Some people believe that only one who earns a lot oI money is successIul. However, other people
think one who does not earn a lot oI money can be successIul too. For several reasons, which I will
list bellow, I agree with those people who think that money is an indicator oI success.
First oI all, iI a person earns a lot oI money it means he or she has unique knowledge and experience
and people want to pay Ior these. For example, a good lawyer is oIten paid a very high salary,
because he or she has won many cases and people are ready to pay big money Ior his knowledge.
A second example is that a salary oI a surgeon simpliciter depends on his experience and knowledge
and on how many surgeries he has completed successIully. In this case surgeon's salary simpliciter
depends on surgeon's success.
Second oI all, a high salary is in an indicator oI a prosperous career and proIession. People change
their jobs, move Irom one place to another looking Ior a more interesting and better paid job. OI
cause, some people do not care about salary as long as they like their job, but Irom my everyday
experience and observation I can state that the majority oI people who are not satisIied with their
revenue would exchange their current job Ior another one with higher salary.
Finally, money plays, may be unIortunately, a very essential role in our modern liIe. So, people who
earn a lot oI money by working hard are considered to be successIul.
May be it sounds a little mercenary but I think that success must be encouraged Iinancially otherwise
it is not a success.

Some peopIe beIieve that success in Iife comes from taking risks or chances. Others beIieve that
success resuIts from carefuI pIanning. n your opinion, what does success come from? Use
specific reasons and exampIes to support your answer.
Some people think that taking risks and chances will lead them to success. From my everyday experience
and observation believe that success results from careful planning. base my position on the following
First of all, believe that careful planning help a person to analyze his goal more deeply and make
realistic goals. He knows exactly what he wants. Taking chances, from the other hand, does not give the
opportunity to clearly understand a goal. A person just wants to do something to move forward and he
takes risk when there is no need in it.
Second of all, careful planning teaches people to arrange their time more carefully in order to reach their
goals. They become more patient and calm. They plan every step. This allows people to find easier way
to reach their goals and faster move forward. From the other hand, people who prefer to take risks
without planning may spend more time without any improvements waiting for a chance to take. Take
sportsmen for example. They exercise a lot before their performance to be in shape, do all their best and
improve their previous results.
Finally, careful planning teaches them not to give up, try to find other ways to reach their goals in the case
of failure.
1o sum up personally l Lhlnk LhaL all people who succeeded ln llfe would agree wlLh me LhaL Lhelr success came
wlLh Lhe hard work and careful plannlng

A company is going to give some money either to support the arts or to protect the environment.
Which do you think the company shouId choose? Use specific reasons and exampIes to support
your answer.
Man, through the ages, has undergone many changes from the time when he depicted a herd of
mammoths on the walls of the cave to nowadays when the arts are more complicated. Our attitude
towards the environment is changed too. A few centuries ago people did not care about pollution, erosion,
animal extinction, etc. However, nowadays people again and again talk about this and try to make a
difference. think that money donation for environment protection must take priority over the support of
the arts. Bellow will give my reasons to support my answer.
The invention of the automobile is undoubtedly one of the humankind's greatest inventions. However, the
automobile brought us many disadvantages as well. The air nowadays is polluted by millions of cars
every day. Every day clouds of exhaust are rising from the ground contaminating all around. So, think
that money from a company can be used to make our air fresher and cleaner.
Another important aspect of this is the contamination of water. Water is an essential recourse of all living
creatures. Nothing will survive without it. Unfortunately, we spend fresh water sometimes very carelessly.
Also, many factories wash away their used resources in the nearest river poisoning everything alive there.
think that money donations would be helpful for cleaning our water resources from oil, garbage and
chemical matters.
Finally, think that now humankind faced the problem of overpopulation. The population is dramatically
rising. We need more food, shelters, clothes, construction materials and space. So, many animals are
extinguishing. So, believe that this money could be spent on conducting a campaign against
1o sum up l Lhlnk LhaL ln order Lo make our chlldren happy we should be more careful wlLh Lhe resources LhaL we
Lake from Lhe naLure and lf lL ls posslble resLore Lhem

SchooIs shouId ask students to evaIuate their teachers. o you agree or disagree? Use specific
reasons and exampIes to support your answer.
think the idea about evaluation teachers by their students is very good. This kind of evaluation can bring
many benefits to teachers, students as well as to school. n the following paragraphs O will give my
reasons to support my answer.
First of all, teachers have the opportunity to find out from this kind of test how good and clearly their
students understand the lectures. t will help them to improve and perfect their knowledge and
experience. Also, teachers who get high grades must be rewarded financially or otherwise. On the other
hand, the teachers who receive low grades must be sanctioned, for example by lowing their salary. So,
this can help to uplift the level of professionalism among the teachers.
Second of all, students will more often attend lectures because they will be asked to evaluate their
teachers. Students will have the opportunity to choose the best teachers because if a teacher gets a low
grade he or she may be fired and replaced with the better one.
Finally, the quality of education will increase dramatically. Students will be getting more interesting and
professional lectures. Also, they will constantly attend classes in order to listen to an amazing lecture and
make an evaluation of the current teacher. n addition to those practical benefits, a school will be better
funded by it is sponsors and appreciated in the community. This, in its turn, will attract more students
because it will be an honor to study in such a school.
1o sup up l Lhlnk LhaL evaluaLlon of Leachers by Lhelr sLudenLs wlll brlng many beneflLs and allow sLudenLs as well
as Leachers Lo galn more knowledge and experlence

o you agree or disagree with the foIIowing statement? Teachers shouId be paid according to
how much their students Iearn. Give specific reasons and exampIes to support your opinion.
think that have to disagree with the statement above that teachers should be paid according to how
much their students learn. n the following paragraphs will give my reasons to support my opinion.
First of all, all people are different and they have different abilities to learn and understand the given
subjects. Some students have to spend many hours studding a subject. At the same time, other students
need half an hour to deeply understand the given lecture. Second of all, we all have different goals in
attending schools. Some students want to gain more knowledge and experience that will help them in the
future to succeed and make a great career. Others are forced to go to a school by their parents, so,
basically, they do not care about their grades and studding.
think that lowing or rewarding teachers depending on how much their students have learn is not fair.
However, believe that evaluation of teachers by their students is make sense. Teachers who get high
grades from their students deserve to be rewarded financially or otherwise. Otherwise, teachers who get
low grades must be sanctioned. This will forced teachers to constantly improve their knowledge to get
higher salary and simultaneously will improve the learning process. Students will have the opportunity to
have the best teachers and get more interesting and comprehensive lectures.
1o sum up l Lhlnk LhaL Leachers should be pald accordlng Lo Lhe quanLlLy of hours glven and Lhe grades recelved
from Lhe sLudenLs lrom my everyday experlence and observaLlon Lhe quallLy of Lhe lecLures glven by Lhe Leacher
ofLen does noL reflecL how much a sLudenL learn or wanLs Lo learn

s the abiIity to read and write more important today than in the past? Why or why not? Use
specific reasons and exampIes to support your answer.
Man, through the ages, has undergone many changes from the time when he depicted mammoth herds
on the walls of a cave to nowadays when he works on a computer with a large amount of information.
From my everyday experience and observation can state several factors, which defend the statement
that the ability to read and write is very important today.
At old times people did not depend on information that much. They did not have to fill out many
application forms, write a lot, read news from a newspaper about an economic situation, etc. Now
situation has changed. Knowledge and the ability to analyze information are more important now than
man's physical strength.
First of all, it is essential for a person to be literate in nformational Age. Everyday one needs to withdraw
money from cash machines, to pay a bill, to write out a check, to fill some forms, to read instructions, ads,
job requirements and applications. t is almost impossible to survive in modern society without these basic
abilities. Almost every job requires these important skills. magine that one does not have them and one
has a family to care about. So, one's first step is to find a job. One can do it either through newspapers or
asking for help from one's friends. One can not read, so one chooses the second way. Second step is to
pass a job interview and fill out some forms. Moreover, one has to sign a job contract - an important
document that concludes all one's rights and terms. So, basically, it is almost impossible to get a job for a
literate person in modern world especially in developed countries.
Second of all, the amount of jobs that do not require the ability to read and write, is dramatically
decreasing. Almost every employer wants to have an employee with basic communication and computer
skills. n fact, more jobs on the labor market are for literate persons. A lot of primitive jobs are done by
machines nowadays. So, it is a very good chance for illiterate people to be constantly on unemployment
ln concluslon l Lhlnk LhaL every counLry musL have sLrong programs agalnsL llllLeracy

t has recentIy been announced that a new movie theater may be buiIt in your neighborhood. o
you support or oppose this pIan? Why? Use specific reasons and detaiIs to support your answer.
live in a small community. From my everyday experience and observation can say that the idea about
building a new theatre in my neighborhood has some advantages as well as disadvantages. n this essay
will first focus on the reasons why support this idea and then move on to analyzing why oppose it.
First of all, like movies and my husband and sometimes go to the movie theatre to watch premieres.
Unfortunately, it is time-consuming for us. We have to drive about 50 minutes to the nearest movies
theatre. So, the idea of having a movie theatre in our neighborhood seems very attractive. t would save
us an hour just to get there and another hour to get back home. Another important aspect of it is that in
this case we will be able to get to the movie theatre by foot. must to confess that we always have
parking troubles in the parking space near the movie theatre.
Second of all, new movie theatre is a very good place for students who want to earn some money. My
husband and live near a student community, so think it would be a great news for them. n addition to
this practical benefit students will be able to watch all movies free of charge. suppose it is a great way to
save some money.
Finally, there are usually many restaurants and entertaining centers around a movie theatre. There
people can have dinner or play game machines.
n contrast, think that the building of a new movie theatre will destroy the silence and beauty of out
community. Such entertaining centers are often noisy. Moreover, traffic jams will probably be the result of
ln concluslon l Lhlnk LhaL lf Lhe quesLlon was abouL bulldlng a new movle LheaLre ln Lhe nexL nelghborhood l would
compleLely agree

What discovery in the Iast 100 years has been most beneficiaI for peopIe in your country? Use
specific reasons and exampIes to support your choice.
am from Russia. From my opinion the most beneficial discovery for people in our country has been the
discovery of the outer space. Russia is the first country that launched a spacecraft with a man on the
board into the space. This event was a big step towards the new discoveries and brought many benefits
not only for people in my country. Bellow will give my reasons to support my answer.
First of all, all humankind made a huge step towards the mystery of our creation. Scientists had the
opportunity to do the new research and experiments. Many new discoveries were made on the boards of
the spacecrafts in the outer space. People from all over the world watched these events. Many books with
real colorful photos were written about the beginning of the space exploration. Nowadays we have a big
station called "Mir" in the outer space created on the base of collaboration USA and Russia. Many people
work there doing amazing experiments.
Second of all, the world became "smaller". People learnt how to exchange information very quickly by use
of satellites. Television is broadcasted all over the world by use of satellites. Here in Houston can watch
Russian programs. People got the opportunity to exchange news very quickly.
1o sum up l belleve LhaL space exploraLlon wlll brlng much more beneflLs ln Lhe fuLure and someday we wlll learn
whaL ls beyond our currenL galaxy

o you agree or disagree with the foIIowing statement? PeopIe shouId sometimes do things that
they do not enjoy doing. Use specific reasons and exampIes to support your answer.
absolutely agree with the statement that sometimes people should do things they do not injoy doing.
Take me for example.
hate to get up early. t is so relaxing to wake up without the help of an alarm clock and to lie fifteen
minutes more recalling your dreams. Nevertheless get up at 6 o'clock every morning, put on my T-shirt
and shorts and go jogging. Sometimes when hear the sound of my alarm clock have a strong wish to
put my head under the pillow and fall asleep. Now and then wake up at night and look at my wrist watch
to check how many hours have left. And am the happiest person in the whole world because have a
few more hours to sleep. You may ask me "Why do do it every morning?". Because more than hate to
get up early love to feel freshness of the morning air. love to feel a little bit tired and at the same time to
be so full of energy. t helps me to feel better all day long.
Moreover, hate shopping. t is my opinion that shopping takes too much time which can spend doing
things enjoy doing. Nevertheless every week go to the nearest supermarket because otherwise my
refrigerator will be empty and can not afford to have dinner at the restaurant every day. Besides like to
cook. So, a few hours spent on shopping makes me happy for the whole week. s not it great?
lrom my polnL of vlew when a man has Lo do Lhlngs he does noL llke Lo he becomes sLronger more responslble
and can ln[oy llfe

Choose one of the foIIowing transportation vehicIes and expIain why you think it has changed
peopIe's Iives. AutomobiIes, bicycIes, airpIanes. Use specific reasons and exampIes to support
your answer.
The invention of the automobile is undoubtedly one of the humankind's greatest inventions. t had a great
impact on people's lives. For several reasons that will be mentioned bellow think that the invention of the
automobile dramatically changed the way people lived before.
First of all, automobile allowed people to move faster from one place to another. This in one's turn
dramatically increased people's life pace. Distance was no longer of that importance. t was a new means
of communication.
Second of all, nowadays it is rather difficult to imagine life without a car. People can not do virtually
anything without a car. Just imagine for a moment that one does not have a car. One needs to go an
office, get a haircut, buy some food, watch a movie, meet one's friend, etc. To get all these done he uses
a car to move fast from one place to another.
n addition, people can travel using their own vehicle. t is great because one can travel independently,
without any train schedules.
Finally, think that the invention of the automobile was inescapable. People could not continue using
trains and horses to meet their life requirements. Moreover, just imagine for a moment how many horses
people would need nowadays. think we would talk about horse overpopulation as well as human
unforLunaLely Lhe lnvenLlon of Lhe auLomoblle has some negaLlve aspecLs 1he mosL obvlous aspecL of Lhls ls road
accldenL Many people every day suffer from dlfferenL ln[urles Also wlLh Lhe lnvenLlon of Lhe auLomoblle
humanklnd came across wlLh a problem of alr polluLlon A huge amounL of cars every day Lhrow ouL many
polsonous maLLers ln Lhe alr l belleve LhaL soon we all wlll be able Lo exchange our cars for Lhose whlch use sun
energy lnsLead of fuel

o you agree or disagree with the foIIowing statement? The best way to traveI is in a group Ied by
a tour guide. Use specific reasons and exampIes to support your answer.
Traveling is the best way to relax, leave one's troubles behind and enjoy the beautiful moments. Some
people prefer to travel alone. However, other people prefer to take a tour. think that these options have
their own benefits. n the following paragraphs will give my reasons to support my answer.
First of all, traveling in a group led by a tour guide gives one the opportunity to meet new people,
communicate, have a great time in the company. Second of all, one does not have to spend his time
looking for historical places that he wants to visit. A professional guide leads group from one place to
another. Also, it is very interesting to hear from a guide about historical events that took places there. n
addition to these benefits a group led by a tour guide does not feel uncomfortable because of a foreign
language. All the tourists need they can ask their tour guide. So, this allows to avoid difficulties to
communicate with dwellers of that country.
From the other hand, sometimes people like to explore countries without the help of a guide. They like to
make their own discoveries, be independent, feel freedom and stay in one town as long as they need.
Personally, think it is a great feeling. Sometimes want to be alone to contemplate about my life, to
forget all troubles that bother me and just relax.
1o sum up l belleve LhaL lL ls really up Lo a person how he or she prefers Lo Lravel Some people even llke Lo
alLernaLe Lravellng alone wlLh Lravellng ln a group led by a Lour gulde

Some peopIe Iike to traveI with a companion. Other peopIe prefer to traveI aIone. Which do you
prefer? Use specific reasons and exampIes to support your choice.
Some people prefer to travel with a companion. However, other people like to travel alone. Personally,
think these two options have their advantages and disadvantages. state my opinion on the following
From the one side, traveling with a companion can bring many benefits. First of all, traveling with a
companion is safer for several reasons. f travelers got lost in a strange city it is easier to find a way back.
They can support and help each other if something happened and one of them is hurt. As for me prefer
to travel with a companion if we travel by car. think it is very dangerous to be on a strange road by one's
self. One more reason to have a companion in a car is that they can change each other if one of them is
tired. Second of all, traveling with a companion is more exciting and interesting. They can share all
beautiful moments and new experiences. Finally, it helps to save some money because companions can
share all expenses on gas, hotels, etc.
From the other side, traveling alone can bring many benefits too. For example, one does not have to do
things he does not want to. f one is tired he does not have to go to a bar with his friend only because he
does not want to leave him alone. Moreover, sometimes personally want to be alone and enjoy all
beauty around me. can relax and contemplate about my life sitting on a beautiful cliff.
1o sum up l Lhlnk Lravellng wlLh a companlon ls beLLer Powever someLlmes l prefer Lo be alone by my self ln a
sLrange clLy lL glves me Lhe feellng of advenLure and l llke LhaL

Some peopIe Iike to do onIy what they aIready do weII. Other peopIe prefer to try new things and
take risks. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and exampIes to support your choice.
Form my everyday experience and observation think that all people who succeeded in life had to work
hard and gain more knowledge and experience in order to reach their goals. From the other hand, people
who all their life do things they already do well and do not improve their knowledge do not move forward.
base my statement on the following points.
First of all, people who want to succeed must constantly improve their knowledge and gain more
experience. Moreover, they must be the best at their profession. So, they need to try new things, take
risks sometimes and work hard .
Second of all, it is impossible to live without trying new things. magine one wants to learn how to drive.
He will never be able to do it without learning new things such as driving rules.
Personally, think that it is very interesting to learn new, to gain more experience, to make new goals and
reach them. Life is too short to stay on one place. People need changes because they make our lives
more beautiful and exiting. We find out new things, learn new things and dream to know other things.
People need challenges because while overcoming obstacles we make new discoveries, become
stronger, perfect ourselves and move forward.
1o sum up l belleve LhaL peoples asplraLlon for learnlng new Lhlngs ls Lhe maln reason Lhe way we llve now
eople make many dlscoverles and lnvenLlons LhaL make our llves easler happler and longer

o you agree or disagree with the foIIowing statement? TeIevision has destroyed communication
among friends and famiIy. Use specific reasons and exampIes to support your opinion.
The invention of television is undoubtedly one of humankind's greatest inventions. t is a way of
communication among people of one country and different countries and nations. People watch TV to find
out about the latest news, weather, sports, etc. t is a great way to learn new and extend one's range of
interests. Scientists say that children spend the same amount of hours in front of TV as they do in school.
think that this can be said about many grown people too. Also, television is a great means of eliminating
stress and tension. One can relax and leave one's troubles behind lying on one's favorite sofa and
watching a comedy. However, some people believe that television has destroyed communication among
friends and family.
Personally, do not agree with this statement. A couple centuries ago people spent their time gambling,
reading, gossiping or playing chess. do not think that television is a cause of destroyed communication
among family members and friends. First of all, if members of a family have common interests and they
want to make each other happy they will always find many ways to spend their time together and be
close. Otherwise, if people avoid each other and they do not have anything to share with each other they
will find television a great way to escape from this miserable existence. believe that many people chose
family and their friends over some soap operas or a movie.
Second of all, think that television can be a great resource of subjects to discuss. Many people watch
different educational programs to find out more about their environment, nature, wild life animals,
economic situations, etc. So, when they gather with their friends they discuss important issues and arque
with each other in looking for the truth.
My husband and often watch the news channel to keep abreast of the latest news. After that we always
discuss some issues we concerned about. Also, we like to watch a TV show "the funniest animals". We
like this program because it makes us laugh. can not imagine how these programs can prevent our
communication and be harmful to our relations.
1o summarlze l would llke Lo add LhaL lf people wanL Lo communlcaLe wlLh each oLher Lhey wlll flnd a way Lo do lL
CLherwlse lf Lelevlslon were noL exlsLenL people would flnd oLher escapes and reasons noL Lo be wlLh each oLher
such as drugs gambllng eLc

Some peopIe prefer to spend time with one or two cIose friends. Others choose to spend time
with a Iarge number of friends. Compare the advantages of each choice. Which of these two ways
of spending time do you prefer? Use specific reasons to support your answer.
Friends are people who support us through our lives. Some people prefer to have one or two close
friends. However, others prefer to spent their time with many friends. think that the number of friends
depends on one's personality. Personally, prefer to have a couple of close friends. n this essay will
analyze both cases and present my view in favor of having a few close friends.
First of all, a person can establish closer relationships with a few friends. They can spend their time
together, relax, watch a movie in a silence that does not feel awkward. Second of all, close friends have
more familiar atmosphere. They can share many beautiful moments and thoughts. For example, have
only two close friends - my husband and my class-mate. can share my worries and great news and can
tell everything to them.
From the other side, having many friends can be hard and stressful. One has to spend his or her time
with each of them. think it is not healthy because a person does not have time to relax and contemplate
about his/her own life. know this type of people. They like to be in the center of everyone's attention.
They talk a lot, make jokes, tell stories and rumors. Unfortunately, they basically do not have true friends.
They just play and pretend to be friends with other people. There is no doubt they succeed in it, but they
spend so much time listening to other's worries and troubles and entertaining them that they practically do
not have time for themselves. n addition, it is difficult and almost impossible to relax, discuss interesting
issues and just be oneself.
1o sum up l am LoLally agree wlLh Lhe sLaLemenL LhaL a frlend ln need ls a frlend lndeed l am sure LhaL my close
frlends wlll always help me and never beLray or Lurn me down Powever a large number of frlends does noL allow
Lo esLabllsh close and deep relaLlonshlps

Some universities require students to take cIasses in many subjects. Other universities require
students to speciaIize in one subject. Which is better? Use specific reasons and exampIes to
support your answer.
think the issue about what is better to specialize in many subjects or choose the one is a controversial
one. Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages. Some people prefer to specialize in one
subject and know it very well. However, others prefer to extend their range of interests and specialize in
many subjects but not in detail. Bellow will give reasons to support my position.
From the one side, learning something in detail brings many benefits. First of all, people gain more
knowledge and experience in this area. So, after graduation they are well prepared for their further career
in this field. Second of all, they do not spend their precious time on other subjects. This gives them the
opportunity to focus on one subject.
From the other side, people who specialize in many subjects have more options to choose from. For
example, if a person does not make a decision about what he is going to do after graduation it is a very
good chance for him to try many fields of study and make the right decision. n addition to this practical
benefit a person have the opportunity to extend his range of interests, his communication skills and have
better conceptions of things around. Also, a person has a better chance to choose what he really likes to
do and make self-realization.
1o sup up l Lhlnk LhaL every person should have a chance Lo choose uoes he wanL Lo speclallze ln one sub[ecL or
he wanLs Lo Lake classes ln many sub[ecLs

ou have the opportunity to visit a foreign country for two weeks. Which country wouId you Iike
to visit? Use specific reasons and detaiIs to expIain your choice.
am a person who likes to travel. think traveling is a great opportunity to meet new people, gain more
knowledge and experience, learn new customs and traditions. did not travel a lot yet, but am sure will
have a chance to do it. So, if had the opportunity to visit a foreign country would visit Egypt. think it is
a great and very interesting country with marvellous history. n the following paragraphs will give some
reasons to support my choice.
First of all, always dreamed to visit Egypt pyramids. My aunt visited Egypt a few years ago. She was
very excited after that trip and said that she would return there one more time at any cost. She said that
Egypt had impressed her very much with its glorious pyramids and ancient buildings. Second of all, think
that in that country one can touch history, feel the hard breath of workers building a pyramid under the
parching sun, see the chain of camels walking in the desert with the huge trunks full of presents for
Cleopatra on their humps. Finally, want to see a real dessert and ride the camel. All my friends who rode
the camel say that it is an unforgettable experience.
believe that will have a chance to visit this beautiful country someday. Unfortunately, now have plenty
of plans and things to do, so, am afraid that will not be able to travel for the next two years. want to
finish my education and then find a job, and these things have higher priority then traveling. My husband
wants to visit this country too and we made an agreement to make our trip to Egypt on our five years
anniversary which is in two years.
ln concluslon l wanL Lo add LhaL afLer my Lrlp Lo LgypL l wlll deflnlLely vlslL AusLralla 1hls counLry ls Lhe second one
on my llsL Lhe mosL wanLed Lo see

A person you know is pIanning to move to your town or city. What do you think this person
wouId Iike and disIike about Iiving in your town or city? Why? Use specific reasons and detaiIs to
deveIop your essay.
am from Saint-Petersburg, Russia. t is a very beautiful city that attract many people every year. My
close friend is going to move here after her graduation. She already found a job and she asked me to
help her with an apartment. Knowing her very well think can enumerate the majority of things she will
like and dislike about my city.
First of all, believe she will like a huge amount of museums, theatres, movie theatres, etc. My friend is
from a small town, so, she can not enjoy all these benefits at her native town. Second of all, it seems to
me that she will like the way people live here. The pace of life is much faster here then in a small town.
People are always in a hurry, they try to catch a bus, then they run to the nearest subway station, go to
an office, meet new people, etc. Also, think my friend will like people here. They are very friendly and
ready to offer a help to those in need.
Unfortunately, my friend will not surely like some things. As a result of a huge amount of cars and
factories the air is polluted here. One more thing she will definitely not like is the weather. t is quite humid
However, think she will also like the public transport here. The bus service are run by the Government
and it is quite regular. f one in a hurry he can take a taxi, which also is quite cheap and provide a good
ln concluslon l belleve LhaL ln splLe of all menLloned above dlsadvanLages she wlll llke Lhls clLy

PeopIe attend coIIege or university for many different reasons (for exampIe, new experiences,
career preparation, increased knowIedge). Why do you think peopIe attend coIIege or university?
Use specific reasons and exampIes to support your answer.
College is a place where people go to increase their knowledge, to prepare for a future career, to get a
new experience, to meet new people. Of cause, different people have different reasons to attend college,
but all of them want to change their life for better. n this essay will give the basic reasons and explain
why people go to college.
First of all, every person wants to improve his or her life. So, college is one of the places that helps one
get more from his life, to meet more opportunities. Knowledge is a power that can be gotten through
studding. After graduation people may get better job and completely change their career and life.
Second of all, people go to a college to get a new life experience, which is very important because
students learn to take care of themselves. Many of them work during their college years and earn their
first money. t is really great and exiting. They learn how to save money and keep house, how to arrange
their time in order to get all things done etc.
Additionally, students learn how to co-operate and communicate with each other. Many of them have to
live with a roommate. From the first sight, it may seem difficult to live with a completely strange person,
but it helps one to be friendlier, more supportive and it helps you save some money.
ln summary l would llke Lo add LhaL graduaLlon ls one of Lhe ma[or goals people Lry Lo accompllsh ln Lhelr llfe
because afLer LhaL many beauLlful exclLlng changes wlll happen 1haL changes wlll make a person proud of hlmself

Some peopIe spend their entire Iives in one pIace. Others move a number of times throughout
their Iives, Iooking for a better job, house, community, or even cIimate. Which do you prefer:
staying in one pIace or moving in search of another pIace? Use reasons and specific exampIes to
support your opinion.
t seems like world is becoming smaller and smaller almost by the minutes. When was a child could not
imagine to meet someone from another part of the planet. However, now have a few friends from Africa,
can meet many Chinese people on the streets, have dinner at a Mexican restaurant, buy some delicious
cookies at a cafe run by the French. t is really wonderful and amazing to see people from all over the
world, communicate and work with them. agree with those people who move a number of times
throughout their lives. However, believe that people who spend their entire lives in one place have many
advantages too. First of all, will focus on the reasons why support the idea about moving and then will
move on to analyzing the opportunities that people have staying at one place.
Personally, think that the first and most obvious reason to move from one place to another is to see the
world. Of cause, this can be obtained by traveling. Nevertheless, traveling does not give the opportunity
to immersed into traditions, customs and just the way of life of the country. t is like seeing beautiful
looking boots on a show-window and does not try them on to see if they are comfortable.
The second reason for moving is the opportunity to gain new experience and knowledge. One can meet
new people and new friends, extend one's range on interests. Also, one can find a better job, life
conditions and even climate. For example, my husband like warm and sunny weather. So his dream is to
live here in Texas a half of the year and move to Australia for another half of the year to catch warm
months. One more example, my aunt does not feel good in sultry and humid weather. So she had to
move several times to find a place where she feels comfortable.
From the other side, this way of life has some disadvantages. For instance, it is difficult to make a good
career if one is constantly moving. Of cause, it does not concern celebrities on their tours. Also, it is not
good for children because they will have to change their schools a few times.
Staying in one place has a plenty of advantages too. must confess that am closer to the people who do
not move much. prefer to have a permanent home with my old and favorite things, have a dog and a
beautiful view from the window.
ln concluslon l Lhlnk LhaL every person ls always looklng for someLhlng beLLer Lhan he already has So lf people
llve ln one place Lhrough Lhelr enLlre llves lL means LhaL Lhey are looklng for someLhlng else

PeopIe work because they need money to Iive. What are some other reasons that peopIe work?
iscuss one or more of these reasons. Use specific exampIes and detaiIs to support your answer.
think there are two types of people. The first type is people who work for money, another type is people
who work for self-realization. state my position on the following points.
First of all, people who work for self-realization like their job. Money is not important for them, they need
satisfaction. believe that this kind of people makes our evolution and history. They aspire after new
inventions and discoveries overcoming all obstacles on their ways. think that these people are very
interesting because they know a lot, read many books and have their own life experience. Of course they
need money for some essential needs such as food and cloth, but they do not need them for luxury
houses or expensive furnishings. Many scientists are people who devote their lives to new knowledge
and discoveries.
Second of all, believe that people need self-realization. t gives them opportunity to contribute in world's
history and share their knowledge and experience with other people. think it helps them to realize that
they are needed by humankind and will not be forgotten. This is priceless.
1o sum up l Lhlnk LhaL peoples asplraLlon afLer selfreallzaLlon ls Lhe maln reason why we have now good
medlclne dlfferenL means of communlcaLlons many devlces Lo make our llves easler eLc

PeopIe remember speciaI gifts or presents that they have received. Why? Use specific reasons
and exampIes to support your answer.
Receiving gifts is always very exciting. think that all people like to receive presents from their relatives,
friends, co-workers, etc. Personally, am sure that a person does not remember all gifts he has received
because it is impossible. However, know that all people remember a few gifts that were special. Why
people remember those special gifts?
First of all, believe that people remember special gifts because they were from very close and dear
people. For example, remember my parents presented me a ring when was sixteen years old. t was
not an expensive ring but it was very valuable for me and when left my home and moved to another city
often looked at that ring and felt like my parents were somewhere near me. felt their support and
understanding. t is like people who are close to us give their small parts of their sole with that gift. They
want us to remember them and they want to make us happy. These gifts are very valuable for people of
all countries and nationalities.
Another reason why people remember special gifts because they were exactly what people wanted to
have for a long time, but for some reasons, for example, they just could not afford those things, they did
not buy them. So, when they receive those things as gifts it makes them very happy and they remember
those moments for a long time. When was a child my mother could not buy me a bicycle because we did
not have enough money at that time. So, when my grandfather bought me my first bicycle it was the
happiest moment in my life. Moreover, he personally taught me how to ride and spent all my spare time
after that event cycling.
1o sum up l Lhlnk LhaL people remember speclal glfLs because Lhey presenLed wlLh love

o you agree or disagree with the foIIowing statement? With the heIp of technoIogy, students
nowadays can Iearn more information and Iearn it more quickIy. Use specific reasons and
exampIes to support your answer.
From my everyday experience and observation can state several factors, which defend the statement
that with the help of technology, students nowadays can learn more information and learn it more quickly.
First of all, the latest inventions of humankind dramatically improved our life. Nowadays we can move
from one place to another more quickly, we do not spend much time cooking, we have many different
recourses of information and means of communication. So, our life now is more dynamic and changeable.
During our day we receive a huge amount of information and process it. Students at the same time have
more resources to get information they need. They can go to a library, the nearest bookstore, or borrow it
from a friend or even download it from an nternet. think t is great. nstead of waiting for one's turn to get
a book in a library, one can print it from a file downloaded earlier. The great thing about it that one can
print only those pages he is interested in and also make marks on the pages to mark important ideas.
Another important aspect of this is the advantages of using computer the greatest invention of the last
century. Students do not have to spend their time by writing and re-writing many papers. t is really time-
consuming. They just type information in and may use many useful features such as "copy", "past",
"delete", "save", etc. Also, sometimes students do not have to write down lectures because they already
have them on their computers.
nternet plays an important role in our life now. We can communicate with the people who are on another
part of the planet. We also can get the latest news very quickly. People can ask for a piece of advice or
find different kinds of information on the nternet. Students can get their degree on-line, register for
classes, communicate with professors, take tests and even listen to a lecture.
think the great part in it that students may more effectively arrange their time. They can get their task by
e-mail and stay home to do it. t really saves time and make studying more fun especially if a person has
to work in order to pay his or her tuition.
1o summarlze l Lhlnk LhaL many lasL lnvenLlons lmproved sLudenLs llfe and allowed Lhem Lo concenLraLe more on

o you agree or disagree with the foIIowing statement? There is nothing that young peopIe can
teach oIder peopIe. Use specific reasons and exampIes to support your position.
have to totally disagree with the statement that there is nothing that young people can teach older
people. For several reasons, which will mention bellow, think that young people can teach older people
many things.
First of all, young people intend to learn new things faster. They faster learn new technologies. Second of
all, young people are more motivated. They aspire to succeed and make a good career, which requires
good knowledge and experience. So, they try to get more knowledge and experience from different
sources like nternet, books, newspaper, magazines and of cause from conversations with other people.
n addition to this young people bring many fresh ideas to the team they are working in. For example,
when my friend was hired as a software developer he surprised everybody with his energy, a bunch of
new and fresh ideas about what could be done to improve the process. He was the youngest person in
the team but everybody listened to him and it was like a fresh air, an impulse, which made everyone work
Finally, young people often know more about new technologies. For example, my husband is 26 years old
and he is a good professional in software development. So, he is often asked to read a lecture for
different companies and audience. Needless to say, the majority of people who attend those lectures are
older than my husband.
1o sum up l Lhlnk LhaL young people have many Lhlngs Lo Leach older people Moreover l Lhlnk LhaL people from
every generaLlon have someLhlng Lo learn from each oLher eople learn Lrough Lhelr enLlre llves from books LhaL
hold Lhe experlence and Lhe hlsLory of prevlous generaLlons as well as from Lhelr own experlence and experlence
of Lhe younger people

o you agree or disagree with the foIIowing statement? A zoo has no usefuI purpose. Use
specific reasons and exampIes to expIain your answer.
think that the question about whether a zoo has no useful purpose is the one that is open for debate. t is
a topical question nowadays. Some people believe that a zoo has an essential and cognitive purpose.
However, other people believe that a zoo has no useful purpose and people should observe wild animals
in their nature. Personally, think that both options have their advantages. n the following paragraphs
will analyze these points and present my own view in favor of people who think that animals should not be
kept in a zoo.
From the one side, a zoo has many benefits for people. First of all, children can learn about animals not
only from books and TV programs but from actually watching them alive. They can see animals, touch
them and even feed them. think it is an amazing experience for a child. He gains more knowledge and
experience from this "communication" with an animal. Second of all, a zoo is a perfect place for adults to
see many animals that people are not able to see in their lives.
However, from the other side, keep asking myself "What kind of benefits wild animals have from a zoo?".
Unfortunately, can not find any of them. think that wild animals should live in their nature environment.
Moreover, think that we should observe them through TV programs sitting in our favorite chairs, or
people who like danger should try to observe them in the native environment. think that animals are not
toys. know that most zoos try to keep their animals in the environment which is close to their native, but
they can not give them as much freedom as animals want to.
1o sum up l Lhlnk LhaL wlld anlmals should noL be kepL ln a zoo ersonally l en[oy more waLchlng ulscovery
hannel Lhen waLchlng a black bear who does noL know where Lo hlde from Lhe scorchlng sun ln a 1exas zoo

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