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F R E E ,

F A N - P R O D U C E D


After quite a long wait, the first issue of Star Wars Outsider is finally here. If youve made it this far, then wed like to thank you for all your patience! There are thousands of fans out there in the world who contribute to the Star Wars universe in some way, be it writing fan-faction, creating fan sites, engaging in role-playing games, producing fan-films, blogging, and heck, even clacking plastic lightsabers together. The aim of Outsider is to bring the most talented and passionate fans in the one place and ask them to do their thing. What will result is hopefully a quality product that fans will enjoy. In this inaugural issue, we focus on the movers and shakers in the Star Wars fan community - fans who have already had a small impact in the Star Wars galaxy. We asked Greg Mitchell if hed like to expand the story of Aneesa Dym from his Dusty Duck Databank entry, and we also thought it would be interesting to hear Bob Vitas thoughts on the death of Vob Bitas, a character named after him. We also asked Mark Newbold - Star Wars Insider contributor and founder of - to tell us more about the characters of his fictional Setnin Sector. And weve recruited Tim Veekhoven to do what he does best: a thorough roster article, this one detailing the Rattatak gladiators from Star Wars: Clone Wars. Outsider is only new, and currently its scope is limited. For example, this first issue contains no RPG/TCG/CCG material (apologies, though we have people already working on some material for the next issue). But as Outsider grows both in size and popularity, it will eventually emcompass all facets of Star Wars fandom. Be sure to provide us with feedback as to what youd like to see in future issues. Well be starting a Letters section next issue, where well publish some of your feedback. A word of warning: THIS MAGAZINE IS NOT OFFICIAL! An obvious statement, but one we cant stress enough. Please DO NOT try to add any of this stuff to Wookieepedia or do anything like that. You should really read Star Wars Insider, the official magazine of Star Wars, and a high quality one at that. In Outsider, were purposely avoiding the mainstream storylines and characters, instead focusing on minor situations which are unlikely to interfere with possible plans that Lucasfilm might have for the future. A huge thanks goes out to all the contributors, supporters and readers of the magazine, and a very special thanks to Mark Newbold from, Tim Veekhoven from Teekay421 and Greg Mitchell for all their extra support. Whos the Rodian? Screenshot from Star Wars Galaxies Arthur Papadam Editor.

Screenshot from Star Wars Galaxies

Art by Tracy Duncan with Boba Fett artwork borrowed from Star Wars Manga: The Empire Strikes Back 3

by Mark Newbold
A long time ago (well, about l6 years ago actually) in a galaxy far, far away (or Bristol, Avon, wherever is nearer) a gang of intrepid Star Wars fans - Andrew Freeman, Steven Jenkins, Manjula Samara, Jason Joiner, James Simmonds, Andrew Harrison and Chairman and Publisher Stephen Nelmes set out to create a Star Wars magazine by the fans, for the fans. And, with the July l99l publication of the first issue of the Unofficial UK Star Wars Fan Club (UKSWFC) Newsletter, they did precisely that.

placed by Stephen Nelmes had started the ball rolling, and made him realise that there were more people out there who felt just like he did. This love of the saga, over the next l3 issues, would build the UKSWFC from a basic newsletter into a professionally printed, colour covered quality magazine. But a lot happened in the time between issues l and l3... With no official UK magazine, and the Lucasfilm Fan Club having a sizeable membership fee and being half a world away, there was clearly a gap in the fan market. Preinternet, fanzines such as this thrived. Home produced, printed and stapled by hand in bedrooms across the country, the UKSWFC was lovingly compiled by a tight team who initially thought the fire of Star Wars had burned out in l985. An advert in Starburst That first issue was packed with great articles. A spotlight on the history of the trilogy on video kicked off the inaugural issue, followed by a spotlight on the magic of ILM and an interview with Kenny Baker. Fan Fiction (Legion), merchandise reviews, fan art, a competition and a classified section run by Jason Joiner rounded out the issue, along with cut and pasted photographs and a close up on the Rebel Alliance in Empire.

By Septembers issue 2 it had become clear that, while being a labour of love, this particular fanzine was going places. A gorgeous colour cover of Carrie Fisher adorned the front page, and the content was just as attractive. A piece heralding the arrival of Heir to the Empire, new releases from Fox Video, missing scenes from Star Wars, the brilliantly named

Scratch Gravel! focus on modelling, Tatooine Times focusing on the latest news from the SWU and Empire Day, a loving look back by Gerald Crottey of his first impressions of Empire Strikes Back ll years before. Clearly aiming to recreate the feel and wonder of the early Bantha Tracks magazines, the mag was crammed with items. A club shop selling Sphere novellisations of the films, rulers and card sets, comic strips and adverts for far flung conventions in Italy this was just what we wanted at the start of the second age of Star Wars in l99l.

April l992s issue 4 gave us a Dark Empire review, a look at the original Star Wars action figure ranges, Jedis missing scenes, a much welcome letters page, and the first part of John Flynns infamous fake Star Wars prequel The Fall of the Republic. By now the club address had migrated south to Romford in Essex and the quality kept on rising.

Jedi Journal - the latest, circa l993, news on the new films.

Issue 6 featured the Star Wars Radio series, an interview with Tom Veich and on page 22 a letter sent in by yours truly remembering a recent trip to see the original Star Wars at my local cinema. And so it continued. Decembers Issue 3, behind a glorious Christmas in the Stars cover gave us a review of Heir to the Empire, a Kenneth Colley interview, Empires missing scenes and a report from Star Tours.

Issue 8 saw Andrea Swinsco take over the role of editor and in-depth articles on the future of Elstree, details on the then up-coming UKSWFC conventions in l994, the latest gossip on Mark Hamill and a review of the Australian Starwalking convention back in l993. They were even advertising for regional organisers to build local groups around the country.

Issue 7, behind Drew Struzans iconic Revenge of the Jedi artwork, celebrated the lOth anniversary of Return of the Jedi and featured a review of Stephen Sansweets From Concept to Screen Collectible, a review of the 2Oth German Trek Wars convention and the

Issue 9, behind another striking cover gave us an interesting look back at the state of the prequels in Spring l994. In a cutting from another magazine, Lucas mentions of the prequels, titled by the editor as The Clone Wars and being set 4O years before the events shown in Star Wars, that Its designed to fit in one big

package, so it definitely is not going to be completely different. It was also scheduled to be filmed after production on the fourth Indiana Jones film had been completed. With all the usual articles, and an early look at continuity in the Expanded Universe, this was another class issue.

And then, with issue l3, the magazine ended. When it looked as if it would continue on and on, going from strength to strength it folded. Going out with another typically strong issue, focussing on a farewell to Sebastien Shaw, a review of the Lando Trilogy, Ambush at Corellia, an interview with Jeremy Bulloch and news regarding the prequels and Leavesden Studios and the Special Editions the magazine came to a close. Perhaps the growing influence of the internet brought about its downfall, or pressure from the Official Star Wars Fan Club, but whichever it was, a place in the Star Wars firmament was lost thats never quite been

replaced. By the fans, for the fans that was what the UKSWFC set out to be, and during those 5 years during the l99Os, when Star Wars was rejuvenated, thats just what it achieved. Heres hoping this latest version of the Outsider has as good a ride.

Issue ll gave us a tribute to the late great Peter Cushing, a triple bill review and a look at Jedi Search, the first Jedi Academy book as well as a fascinating look at the differences between the various soundtracks on the early versions of Star Wars. But issue l2 is likely of the most interest to readers at this here site. Behind a cover showing Harrison Ford as Han Solo, freezing his butt off on Hoth, the magazine had an overhaul. Now published by Sublevel Productions and printed by PDC in Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent the once home made fanzine morphed into the Star Wars Outsider. Professional, well designed and executed the magazine gave us reviews of The Crystal Star, Super Return of the Jedi on the NES, a rough guide to Star Wars fan fiction and most vitally a projected look at what the prequels may have been. Already referring to the first film as Episode One, this takes news cuttings from previous years and builds a picture of what to expect from the prequel trilogy, and a cracking read it is.


street art by esay -






Screenshot from Star Wars Galaxies


The Execution of Vob Bitas

An Incorrect Death:



An Incorrect Death: The Execution of Vob Bitas Transcript of the story from Episode Y3E13 of Dateline: Umgul As reported by Senior Correspondent Aldish Ristan Dateline: 23 years BBY Location: Umgul City


Segment opens with a montage of archival footage of Slish Fondines sinkhole blobstacle course, including images of individuals as per the dialogue. Continue with images of other courses as Aldish Ristan reads from his script. V.O. Eight years ago, the blob racing industry on Umgul was in its infancy. Slish Fondine had opened the first blobstacle course in Umgul City, and the public embraced the new sport with open arms. Suddenly, there were blob racing facilities throughout the city, forcing Fondine and his cronies to form the Umgullian Racing Commission to oversee the massive profits that were being generating by bettors. Continued montage, with images of racing blobs and exciting finishes, and end with images of Vob Bitas. V.O. The blob racing industry continued to grow for many years, but was not without its troubles. Accounting scandals at individual tracks were common, and many blob owners took it upon themselves to enhance the abilities of their blobs to help win races. Rather than crack down on these practices, Fondine and the URC simply insitituted a death penalty for any being caught in a criminal act that affected the sport. The penalty was meant to deter such activities, but initial investigations didnt reveal any wrong-doing. That is, until Vob Bitas appeared on the scene. Cut to live correspondent Aldish Ristan at his Dateline: Umgul desk. A.R. Good evening, Umgul, and welcome to this edition of Dateline: Umgul. Im Aldish Ristan. Tonight, we look into the execution of Vob Bitas, the first and, to date, the only blob wrangler to be executed under the punitive regulations of the Umgullian Racing Commission. Although his execution was proof of the lengths to which the URC will go to maintain the integrity of their sport, investigations have revealed that it might have been a case of too much, too soon. Bitas may have been caught in the wrong place at the wrong time, and died at the hands of greedy businessmen who were trying to make a statement. In the end, it will be up to you to decide. Begin montage of images and video from the personal collection of the Bitas family. Roll footage to accompany script read by A.R. V.O. Vob Bitas grew up in a small mill town just outside Umgul City, the son of hard-working parents who wanted their children to have a better life than they had. Bitas was a good student, graduating as the salutatorian in his class before taking a job in Umgul

City as a computer technician. He met and fell in love with Lijj Eiram, and the couple had two children, Nej and Naghem. When the purchase of a lottery ticket gave the Bitas family a chance to follow their dreams, Vob decided that he wanted to purchase a racing blob. The unusual decision was met with trepidation by his wife, but her support of his dream was complete. Cut to interview with Lijj Bitas. L.B. Vob was always watching the blob races, especially the blobstacle races, and thinking about how exciting it must be for the owners to enter their blobs in the races. The excitement for the bettors was obvious, but Vob wanted to be the person who gave them that excitement. He wanted to have a stable of blobs, and race them at all the major racecourses. All he wanted to do was make people happy. Cut back to A.R. doing voice-over to images of Slish Fondine and the members of the URC. Follow with trial images of Bitas execution. A.R. About three years before the Battle of Geonosis plunged the galaxy into turmoil, Slish Fondine and the Umgullian Racing Commission instituted the death penalty for any being caught cheating or otherwise acting in a way that was detrimental to the sport of blob racing. The sporting world reacted with incredulity at the announcement, questioning the legality of the URCs plans to execute beings without a proper legal trial. Cut back to live image of A.R. at his desk. A.R. - Dateline: Umgul has since uncovered electronic mail and communication between the members of the URC and the Umgul City government, describing the agreements that were put in place when the URC made its announcement. Cut to images of e-mails, with appropriate passges highlighted to match script. A.R. provides voiceover. V.O. According to these transmissions, the URC agreed to provide appropriate monetary compensation to the Umgul City government specifically, the judicial and campaign funds - in exchange for the right to prosecute offenders without engaging the services of the justice system. These documents further state that the URC was able to act without interference from the Umgul City government, provided that adequate reporting and statements of intent [were] provided in advance of any punitive action. Cut back to A.R. at his desk. A.R. Thus, we see the that the URC could legally


execute any being caught cheating at blob races, provided that they reported any findings to the judicial branch of the Umgul City government beforehand. On the surface, this seemed like a gentlemens agreement. However, government officials believed that the agreement gave them the ability to forestall an execution until proper investigation by the authorities could be performed. Switch to interview with Logad Pabhir, Umgul City attorney and legal counsel. L.P. The original intent of the agreement was that the URC would have complete control over who it executed: in essence, they would have had the ability to set up their own system of justice outside the legal system of the Umgul City government. It was successfully argued that this was contrary to the basic freedoms that were offered to citizens under the constitution of both Umgul City and the planetary government, and the URC was forced to accept some measure of control by the local judiciary. It seems, however, that they were able to bypass the system in the Bitas case. Return to A.R., this time standing in front of images of Fondine and other URC members, before walking to images of Vob Bitas. A.R. According to the agreement, the URC had to produce several key documents before they could legally execute a being. First, there had to be compelling evidence of any wrong-doing. Second, there had to be sworn statements from investigators that ensured their neutrality in the investigation, to ensure that the URC didnt perform an in-house investigation. Third, there had to be a so-called application for execution, which was the legal request for the URC to actually perform the execution. According to the agreement, all of these documents had to be filed with the Umgul City Supreme Court at least three months in advance of any execution, in order to ensure accuracy and legality in any execution. Dateline: Umgul has been able to secure some of the documentation that was provided by the URC in the Bitas case, but the paper trail is anything but clear. Go to commercial break. Narrator voice-over describes upcoming segment, with images of paperwork and a close-up picture of Bitas himself. N. Coming up what paperwork did the URC actually provide in the Bitas case, and were they actually given permission to execute Vob Bitas?

Return from commercial break. Back to A.R. standing near images of Vob Bitas. A.R. Welcome back to Dateline: Umgul. Im Aldish Ristan. Tonight, were looking into the execution of blob wrangler Vob Bitas three years ago. In our previous segment, we showed you the agreements between the Umgullian Racing Commission and the Umgul City government, allowing the URC to carry out the execution of any being caught cheating at blob racing. Now, well show you the actual documentation in the Bitas case, and let you decide if there was any wrong-doing. A.R. does voice-over to the images of the documentation submitted by the URC in the Bitas case, with appropriate highlighting of key passages as read in the script. Also, show images of investigators during description. V.O. According to the agreements, the URC was required to submit three keys pieces of documentation well in advance of any proceedings. Dateline: Umgul has obtained copies of two of the three documents that were submitted in the Bitas case: the investigatorss statements and the application

portrait of a widow: lijj bitas

for execution. Note that the submission dates on these documents was just three weeks before Bitas execution, not the required three months. In addition, weve since learned that two of the investigators


Harran Noling and Deevon Quish were imprisoned for falsifying legal documents in other cases, as part of an far-reaching investigation in the private investigation sector by Umgul City police. We have been unable to obtain a copy of the actual evidence provided in the Bitas case, and the URC has refused to allow Dateline: Umgul access to its personnel or its records. The Umgul City government has been unable to locate the evidence documentation, which should have fully disclosed Bitas criminal actions. However, according to Bitas son, Nej, this proves that his father was wrongly executed. Switch to interview with Nej Bitas, son of Vob Bitas. N.B. The fact that the documentation was filed just weeks before my fathers execution should be proof enough that the URC was not legally able to execute anyone. When neither the Umgul City government nor the URC could produce the documentation of their evidence of any evidence, for that matter, beyond the statements of certain URC officials it became clear that my father had been in the wrong place at the wrong time. He became the example of what the URC could do if it caught someone cheating, despite the fact that my father had done nothing wrong. Cut back to A.R., now sitting again at his desk. A.R. Up until the death of Vob Bitas, the URC had been unable to actually execute an individual for cheating. The Umgul City judiciary continued to exert a measure of control, arguing that the evidence brought forth in the prior four cases was insufficient to prove guilt. In fact, in all cases, the accused individuals were found to have been innocent on most counts, although Dateline: Umgul found that none of them were truly innocent. Two of the first four individuals targeted for execution by the URC were discovered to have been placing their blobs in experimental nutrient baths that were deemed by the URC to provide performance-enhancing chemicals into the body of a blob through osmosis. These nutrient baths were later ruled to be required for the health and wellbeing of the blobs, but the Umgul City government was forced to place stringent requirements on the additives in such nutrient baths. One individual was discovered to have had ties to the Hutt crime syndicate, and was killed in a bar brawl before he could be executed by the URC. The fourth individual was later cleared of all charges, after the URC was found to have used falsified investigation documents from one investigator Harran Noling, who later was hired for the Bitas investigation. A.R. does voice-over to images of Slish Fondine and

footage of blob racing events. V.O. Stung by their inability to control their sport, the URC apparently decided to take matters into their own hands. Fondine himself was openly critical of the Umgul City government and the judiciary, claiming that they were impeding his ability to protect his sport, despite the obvious problems with the investigations that were carried out by the URC. Fondine refused to talk to Dateline: Umgul, claiming that his lawyers asked him to remain neutral in our investigation. However, interviews with members of Fondines staff and other personnel within the URC have revealed that there was a call for an execution at any cost despite the fripping government, one source was quoted as saying to make a statement and preserve the integrity of the sport. Go to commercial break with cameras back to A.R., now standing in front of images of blobs. A.R. When we return: what drove the URC to execute Vob Bitas? Did it justify their actions? Return from commercial break, with A.R. again standing in front of images of blob. A.R. Blob racing has become an integral part of Umgullian life. In addition to the sport itself, there are blob farms where designer blobs are raised for sale as pets. Blob candy has become a popular snack food among people of all ages. And the tourism industry has been on a steady path of improvement ever since blob racing was first started. It is obvious that any tainting of the sport of blob racing might have a negative effect on the Umgullian economy, but was the threat of an incident enough to warrant the execution of an innocent man? Cut to images of Vob Bitas and his family, with A.R. doing voice-over. V.O. Vob Bitas simply wanted to make people happy by raising racing blobs and helping other owners get into the sport. His stable of blobs grew from a single, black individual known to the family as Inky to thirty specimens from all over the planet. Bitas Stables won a few events over the next few months, but their winnings only seemed to be enough to keep the family fed and clothed never enough to make them truly rich. However, when Bitas acquired a swirl-patterned blob that became known as Vortex, things changed. Continue voice-over, with archival footage of Vortex racing. V.O. Vortex won its first three races by wide margins,


despite the fact that post-race testing revealed no evidence of tampering. Vortex simply seemed to be better than other blobs. A string of losses took some away of the notice the blob was attracting, but Vortex continued to win more often than it lost. Bitas was slowly making credits, and the Bitas Stables were continuing to sow a profit. Cut to interview footage with Nej Bitas. N.B. About the time Vortex started winning, the URC started coming out to the stables to do spot checks of the facilities. My father and I were always asked to vacate the premises during these investigations, until we contacted the judiciary. It was deemed that the URC had no right to perform investigations without a stable representative being present. The URC managed to win a small concession, and ensured that the Bitas Stables representative was my mother, Lijj, not my father. Back to A.R., standing in front of an image of Lijj Bitas. He then walks past images of the blob Vortex during races. A.R. Lijj Bitas was no expert on blob racing, and revealed to Dateline: Umgul that the URC investigators asked some leading questions during their walks through the stables. She was repeatedly asked about the location of the stables nutrient storage facility, despite the fact that the URC prohibited individual stables from maintaining such facilities. She was asked about the use of specific chemicals, all of which were banned substances. Cut to interview footage with Lijj Bitas. L.B. They badgered me about things I knew were wrong, and tried to get me to make a mistake. I told them the truth at every question, and pointed out several times that they were questioning the wrong person. If they wanted answers, they should have talked to Vob. Cut back to A.R. A.R. Shortly after one visit, the URC had Vob Bitas arrested and held for execution on the grounds that he had been using an illegal chemical cocktail in the feeding of the blob known as Vortex. They filed the application for execution along with the investigators sworn statements as required, but asked for an extension on the filing of the evidence, claiming that they were still corroborating their facts. This, despite the fact that they had already submitted their investigators affidavits. Three weeks later, Bitas was executed for his crimes.

Cut to commercial. Narrator provides voice-over. N. When we come back, you decide: was Vob Bitas a victim? Return from commercial to A.R., segueing to images of Bitas execution, with A.R. doing voice-over. A.R. What you are about to see is quite disturbing in nature, and may not be suitable for all audiences. If you are squeamish, please look away. V.O. Before any sort of judiciary investigation could take place, the URC executed Vob Bitas in a public arena, on the infield of the Umgul City blob racing course. In keeping with the URCs demands, his body was tied to a pole and he was shot by a firing squad until dead. However, video obtained from URC databanks shows that Bitas was fired upon well after it was obvious he was dead. His body was then cut down and flung into a shallow trench behind the facility, a place set aside for disposal of refuse, and burned. The Bitas family was deprived of a proper funeral, and the disgrace of the execution led to a myriad of financial problems, not the least of which was the withdrawal of livestock from the Bitas Stables. Return to A.R., seated at his desk. A.R. Rather than see his familys name slurred, Nej Bitas took his meager savings and hired a team of lawyers to try and set things straight. Their investigations were stymied at every turn, with URC legal representatives threatening retalitatory litigation if the Bitas investigations didnt come to a halt. Rather than settle for this abuse, Bitas traveled to Coruscant to enlist the assistance of the Senate judiciary. Unfortunately for Bitas, his appeal came just prior to the so-called Jedi Rebellion and the formation of the Galactic Empire. His efforts came to a standstill as the Senate became bogged down in the legal work that was required to fully recognize the new galactic government and shed any pretense of the Old Republic. Cut to video of appeals made by Nej Bitas in Coruscant courtrooms, with A.R. providing voice-over. V.O. All was not lost, as Nej Bitas found a sympathetic ear in the person of Janu Godalhi, after the two met at a performance of Squid Lake at the Galaxies Opera House. The constable from Teth took over the investigations, allowing Bitas and his lawyer to handle the legal aspects of the case. Their combined efforts produced little real effect, although Godalhi was able to obtain an injunction against the URC that forced them to put a stop to the executions until any investigations were completed.


Return to A.R., walking in front of images of Fondine and the URC. A.R. However, the URC was not about to give up, and any access to their records was soon completely cut off. When we return, Nej Bitas provides the smoking gun in the case of his fathers execution. Cut to commercial. Upon returning from break, A.R. is standing in front of an image of the blob known as Vortex. A.R. Despite the legal stallings of the URC, Nej Bitas and his legal advisors were able to locate a key piece of evidence in the case against his father, Vob Bitas. Janu Godalhi managed to obtain the dessicated body of the blob known as Vortex, whose performance on the blob racing courses led to questions about whether or not it had been given performanceenhancing chemicals. The body was far too dried to perform a proper autopsy, but the cells extracted from the blob revealed no trace of any illegal substances, at least according to the doctors hired by Godalhi to analyze the body. In a public press conference on Umgul, Godalhi and Bitas presented their findings to the Umgul City judiciary and the URC. They then demanded that the URC be forced to make a public apology for the execution of Vob Bitas, and urged the judiciary to revisit their agreement with the URC on the execution of suspected cheaters. Fondine and his URC legal team openly refuted the evidence from the blob autopsy, and questioned the validity of the data. Cut to images of the Umgul City hearings, with A.R. doing voice-over. V.O. The turning point in the entire investigation came when URC officials provided details on the efficacy of certain performance-enhancing chemicals, claiming that their presence in the body of a blob was greatly affected by moisture content and physical activity. They claimed that the blob known as Vortex was obviously not going to show evidence of such chemicals, having been almost completely dried out before it was tested. When asked to produce records of what chemicals had been found in the blobs body at the time of Bitas execution, however, the URC legal counsel could only stammer and look befuddled. It seemed that, in their haste to cover up the lack of evidence to support the execution, they also destroyed any evidence that might have given them a leg to stand on. Ultimately, the Umgul City court ruled that the URC had acted improperly and with extreme malice in their execution of Vob Bitas, and ordered the URC to compensate the Bitas family for their loss. This settlement also included payment of all the Bitas

familys legal fees during their investigation. The URC was also forced to void the previous agreements with the Umgul City judiciary and re-negotiate a more official path for the execution of cheaters, including full access to their records and severe punishments for further misuse of power. Back to A.R., walking to his desk and sitting down. A.R. In addition to these rulings, the URC representatives, including Slish Fondine, were also sentenced to short prison terms, after the Umgul City judiciary cited them for obstruction of justice for their destruction of records pertaining to the Bitas case. Fondine himself emerged from prison just a few months later, having been given time off for good behavior, prompting renewed cries of impropriety at the URC. However, Fondine emerged to call for sweeping reform within the URC, and his efforts have not gone unnoticed. He sacked many of his former peers and advisors, and called in off-planet experts to help him reform the URC into a more law-abiding body. He also managed to overcome the bad press that blob racing received during the legal proceedings, using public apologies and an endorsement of Bitas Stables to help bolster the image of his sport. Close-up of A.R. as the segment winds down. A.R. In the end, the Bitas family found justice, although their father and husband could not be returned to them. Lijj Bitas and her son, Nej, have both accepted the ruling of the Umgul City judiciary, but recognized the fact that no amount of money could ever bring Vob Bitas back. With the settlement they received from the case, the Bitas family was able to rebuild the Bitas Stables. They also established the Vob Bitas Memorial Fund, which provides credits to non-profit legal assistance organizations to help underprivileged individuals receive proper legal counsel. The family insists that it has moved on, and there is even a cordial relationship between Fondines race courses and the Bitas Stables. Only time will tell how both sides of this tragedy finally make their peace. For Dateline: Umgul, Im Aldish Ristan. Thank you, and good night. Fade to black, then roll credits.



From the Literature boards on the Jedi Council Forums

Senator_ Cilghals

The Mercy, a hospital ship from the Dark Forces novellas

Luke V. T ogni
aka T on_ G



Bakuran GPA (General Purpose Attack) Fighter
What we know about it: almost nothing! Lots of free reign here manufacturer: Bakurans Note that design might be similar in AESTHETIC to the Bakura-class destroyer and Namana-class light cruiser Appearances: The Corellian T rilogy (very brief) More info at




A shrill cry split the silence of the empty corridors. Amphibious feet padded hurriedly through the bulk of the ship, carrying their long-legged, rotund owner to the downed boarding ramp. The Palowick exited the sand-colored jalopy and found her aging father repairing the undercarriage of the vessel with a hydrospanner. Out of breath and eyes wide with fright, she shrieked through the tiny lips at the end of her quivering proboscis, Daddy! My tusks fell out! Aneesa Dyms father looked to his daughter, palpitating from his laborious work, and scratched his wrinkled chin, smudging oil on his flabby skin. Whats that? Aneesa came closer to her father, desperate for his help. My tusks just fell out! See? Craning her whole body to the side so that her father could get a good look at the secondary mouth tucked away in the folds of skin beneath her lip-stalk, the young Palowick girl demonstrated her current lack of tusks. Her father smiled, his own tusks evident, and stepped down off the small platform, abandoning his work for the moment. Gingerly touching his daughters face, he turned her from side to side, examining her state. I see, he said casually. Well, it was bound to happen sooner or later. Whats wrong with me? Aneesa asked, tears welling up in her dark eyes. He chuckled, so as to put her at ease. Nothing, Neesy. Youre just growing up. Sometimes the old Palowick forgot that his daughter had not grown up on their homeworld of Lowick as he had. There was still so much that he had left to teach her about their people. I dont understand, she whined, trying to calm down. When Palowicks come of age, they lose their tusks. Youre not a baby anymore, Neesy. Your mouth will grow in nicely, youll see. What about you, Daddy? There was still a hint of fear in her voice. You still have your tusks. Her father stroked one bone tusk thoughtfully, remembering a life long left behind, and nodded softly. On Lowick, there were areas where Palowicks were not safe. There were predators. As the gods willed it, we were allowed to keep our tusks to defend ourselves and our families. But he smiled, his dreaming eyes twinkling as they often did when telling his stories, Id rather you not need yours, Neesy. Id rather you not meet any predators. Aneesa was beginning to calm down and finally turned her attention to the ship that loomed over them. Hows it coming? Her father gave a great sigh and looked up to his darling. The old Ducks about had it, but I think shes got a few surprises left in her. Thoughts of losing her tusks put aside, Aneesa took a great big look at her fathers work the Dusty Duck and shook her head uncertainly. Why dont you just buy some pit droids, Daddy? Ive seen other ships that have them. Theyd make the repairs in twice the time. Pshaw, her father scoffed good-naturedly. And miss the joy of working on this ship myself? Ill tell you, you never really know a ship until youve worked on her with your own two hands. Then, with a cantankerous glint in his eye, he leaned over and pointed to her. Youd do best to remember

that. Shell be all yours someday. The Dusty Duck was her fathers pride and joy, second only to Aneesa, herself. Just glancing over its hull, the young Palowick girl recognized spare parts from a dozen different star fighters and freighters, all meticulously grafted together by her fathers ingenuity. To little result. The tin can was a coughing junk heap, hiccuping its way through the galaxy, and they could never keep it in the skies long enough to technically label it space worthy. But her father loved it, and Aneesa, despite whatever disdain she held for the clunker, never spoke ill of the old ship, at least not in front of her father. Woohee, looka that! it. That, however, wasnt to say that no one else spoke ill of

The Dyms broke from their familial conversation and noticed the Rodian approaching, flanked by two Jawas carrying a large durasteel trunk between them. Both Palowicks instantly recognized the green-skinned Rodian as Gootle and the Jawas as his flunkies. Aneesas father had made many shady contacts during his life here on Nar Shaddaa, but of all of them, Gootle was the one Aneesa liked the least. He was lanky, like most of his species, but had swelled in his neck and around his waist from spending too much time in the Cluster Cantina. Hooking his suckered hands in his belt loops, he leaned back, took in the Dusty Duck with his obsidian eyes, and snortled out his snout. You still flying this heap? the Rodian asked, his Jawas snickering. He gestured to them with a lift of the chin. The boys, here, have their eyes on this scrap pile. Theyve got plans for it once you decide to let us take it off your hands. Aneesas father tensed but did not lose his temper. As long as their family had known Gootle and his Jawa fetches, the Rodian had had his eye on the Dusty Duck. Most likely for spare parts to sell on the open market. But Aneesas father had never relented. Pulling out the small rag he always kept stashed in his back pocket, Aneesas father gave it a good snap and dabbed at the oil on his hands. Ducks not for sale, the Palowick responded cheerily, diffusing the situation. Never will be. The old birds my legacy. I intend on keeping it in the family. With a wink, he looked to his daughter. Isnt that right, Neesy? Momentarily forgetting whatever grudge she held against the jalopy, Aneesa stood defiantly, protecting her familys honor. Thats right. The Rodian shrugged, as he always did when the Dyms refused his offer, and chuckled in that weird way Rodians often did. On to business, then? He beckoned with his hand to his Jawa friends, and they hefted and heaved the trunk closer to the Ducks crew. Got a new customer for you, Wicky. Wicky. Aneesa knew that her father hated that name. It was the name given to him by the smugglers who had landed on Lowick so long ago, looking for the planets precious firegems. The smuggler crew had journeyed into the more dangerous marshes of Aneesas homeworld, and her father had been drafted to be the crews native guide through the unfamiliar terrain. They had treated him as little more than a slave and called him Wicky, inspired by the planets name. Even though Aneesa hadnt yet stepped foot on the planet of her peoples origins, she knew that Wicky was a disgraceful name. Yet, as always, her father took the crude moniker in stride. He was a man of peace. It was one of the reasons Aneesa


admired him so much. Had she been in his position, she would have lashed out and enjoyed seeing the Rodian and his lackeys get what they deserved. But not her father. Whats the cargo? her father asked in a light-hearted, kind voice. Right up your alley. Commandeered bacta patches for underprivileged orphans. Wheres it headed? Abregado-rae. Theres already a buyer in place. All you gotta do is deliver the package. Gootle stopped, and despite his static Rodian features, he seemed to smile. That is, if you think this pile of poodoo can get you there. Aneesa felt hot and wanted to shout a retort, but instead looked to her father. The old Palowick simply smiled and even offered a small laugh. Oh, itll get us there. I have faith in my girl. He demonstrated by giving the landing leg of the Dusty Duck an affectionate pat. She hasnt let me down yet. The Rodian eyed the Palowick suspiciously, waiting to see if the old pilot were joking. When he saw that he wasnt, Gootle reached into his money pouch and tossed a few credits, which Aneesa promptly caught. Consider it an advance. Take your youngling out. Show her the sights. I hear Abregado-rae is real pretty. Just dont forget the job. And with that, the Rodian swiveled on his heel and carried his bulky weight away. The Jawas trailed after him, giving the Duck another once over and jabbering as if plotting how they would divide the spoils if the ship ever fell into their greedy hands. Aneesas father watched them leave, and his generous smile slowly faded, revealing a sadness that puzzled Aneesa. But his good nature was restored when he looked to his daughter. Better pack your things. Ill get the cargo inside. Were going on a trip. Then he clapped his hands together and began whistling while he finished his final adjustments on the Duck. * * *

herself, had only seen the sights through the viewport on the Duck. Whenever her father went on his runs, he insisted that his daughter stay behind and watch the ship. She had protested on numerous occasions, wanting to accompany her father on his smuggling drops, but he had refused. Its not safe, hed tell her. Aneesa knew he was just trying to protect her, but she wanted to be part of the excitement. An adventure or two wouldnt kill her, would it? At any rate, she was glad to be away from Nar Shaddaa. Their small shack on the Smugglers Moon was little more than a lean-to furnished with two musty mattresses surrounded by pails gathering the rain water that leaked incessantly through the patchwork ceiling. The Duck was their true home. Though, sometimes, Aneesa felt it was too familiar. She wanted more out of life than staying behind with the ship. She wanted to see the galaxy, to meet all of its colorful peoples. She wanted to make friends and maybe even fall in love one day. She wondered if she could ever meet another man as exciting as her father. He had such wild dreams and aspirations, and even though others like Gootle mocked him, he held true to his convictions, no matter what. Sometimes he confused her or irritated her with his eccentric ways, but, truth be told, that was the kind of man she wanted to meet in the galaxy. Yes, if she were to ever find a true friend someone she could love he would have to be a man like that. Beside her, her father snorted loudly enough to wake himself from sleep. He raised the cap he kept rested over his eyes and looked around, startled. Did we crash? he asked instinctively. Aneesa grinned and shook her head. Just came out of hyperspace, Daddy. Almost there. Her father breathed a sigh of relief. Aneesa turned back to the controls and the quiet of space, and he regarded her with a small smile. You remind me so much of your mother. She used to love to stare at the stars. Aneesa had never known her mother. She had died when Aneesa was only a hatchling, a victim of Nar Shaddaas ruthless streets. All she knew of her mother was that she had married Aneesas father on Lowick, and when he was hired as the guide of visiting smugglers and decided to journey with them to experience all that the galaxy had to offer, she left their homeworld with him. She never wanted much for herself, he said, looking out at the stars. On Lowick I was always so fascinated by offworlders and their huge ships and the trinkets they brought. I felt I was missing out on so much, working the harvest, living in our villageI wanted to see the galaxy. I wanted to fly to all the planets Id only heard pilots talk about. I wanted a ship of my own! Adventure, excitement He sighed wistfully, momentarily lost in his youth. I was a young fool with a young fools dreams. Your mothershe believed in me, though. She loved our life on Lowick and didnt want to leave butfor me she did. She gave up so much... Aneesa turned to her father, but he looked away, painful emotions threatening to overtake him. When you were born, he finally smiled, I think I was finally able to repay her in some small way. I only wish she could have seen the fine being youve grown into. Aneesa grinned with the tiny lips at the end of her proboscis as the world of Abregado-rae filled the Ducks viewscreen. She understood why her mother had forsaken their home to be with her father. His excitement for life was quite contagious. She was about to suggest that she had adventurous dreams of her own and that was precisely why he should finally let her come with him on a drop, when the proximity alarm sounded and her father shot up with a start. Relieving Aneesa from

Space stretched out for eternity, and Aneesa stared at the vast beyond from behind the plastisteel canopy of the Dusty Duck. Her father snoozed, his snores musical whistles, in the co-pilot seat beside her. Shed flown the Duck occasionally in her youth, but now that she was maturing, her father insisted that she get better acquainted with the controls. Duck doesnt fly like other ships, hed say. You have to know how to talk to her. Aneesa had grown up with a yoke in her hand, but her heart still pounded and her knobby knees shook slightly behind the console. As afraid as she was to admit it, Aneesa didnt quite have the faith in the old bird that her father did, and images of the Duck puttering to a dead halt and colddropping onto some barren world again filled her mind with dread. She fought hard, however, to push the thought aside and concentrate on her goal. Abregado-rae. Shed heard tales regaling its beauty from the other smugglers on Nar Shaddaa. It was a pleasure paradise and had lured more than one wayward sailor to its immaculate shores only to be robbed by shady customers, or worse. Aneesa,


her position at the helm, he took control of the Dusty Duck, running his fingers all over the console, checking gauges, turning knobs. What is it? she yelled, over the shrill siren. Are we losing power again? No, her father muttered, curious. Its a distress signal. Aneesa looked out the viewport and could make out the shape of a small cruiser floating up ahead. Looks like its just stalled, her father relaxed. We should swing in for a closer look. They may need our help. Aneesa found it humorous that the crew of the Dusty Duck with all of its dead-stops and crash landings was in a position to help another vessel, but she appreciated her fathers caring sentiment. Im bringing us around, Aneesa reported, the hint of a smile lingering on her small lips. The Duck lazily drifted through space, decelerating as they approached the stalled cruiser. The elder Dym flipped a switch, hailing the ship. This is Dusty Duck responding to your signal. Anything we can help you with? They waited for a response, but none came. Moments ticked away, and Aneesa looked to her father. Maybe were too late. Maybe someone already picked them up. Her fathers brow furrowed in concern, and he hailed the craft once more. Repeat, this is Dusty Duck, ready to be of service. Silence remained, and Aneesa shifted in her seat, feeling a rush of cold underneath her flesh. Daddy, lets just go. Ive got a bad feeling about this. Yeah, Neesy, he said quietly. I think youre right. Turn us around and lets land our bird. She nodded, ready to leave the ghost ship behind, when suddenly the proximity alarm twirled again. Before she could ask, she saw a freighter flanking them on the left. Daddy Then the lifeless cruiser came to life and slowly faced them. Daddy, Aneesa began to shake, confused and worried, whats going on? Her father grew dark and serious, then looked to the radar. Pirates. * * *

Two ships, her father reported, his eyes studying the vidscreen. Togorians by the looks of em. Rumors had been circulating in the underworld of a particularly vicious cartel of Togorian pirates on the rise, capturing ships and slaughtering their crews. The stories described them as monsters, and Aneesa secretly hoped that an equally ruthless monster would dispatch of them one day. Aneesa worried, What do we do? Charge the ion cannon. UmDaddy? You know what I know! he barked uncharacteristically angrily, only proving how frightened he really was. Aneesa did not argue further. She unstrapped herself from the crash webbing and rushed through the winding halls of the rusty bucket, her memory guiding her to the ion cannon the Ducks lone avenue of defense. She dropped into the seat and powered up the cannon, her hands trembling as she did so. Immediately, the lights in the gun turret began to brown and flicker as the Ducks limited power resources were tapped for their desperate retaliation. In the cockpit, Aneesas father watched in mounting horror as the bulk freighter that had arrived beside the deceptive cruiser began to slide back its side hatches, introducing the Palowicks frightened eyes to an array of photon torpedoes. Oh he said quietly. Then, craning his body behind him, he yelled down the walkways of his ship, Hurry, Aneesa! Theyre getting a lock on us. Eager to assist his daughter, the old Palowick smuggler gripped the yoke and pulled up hard. The cruiser was clearly more than a match for the clunky flight patterns of the Duck and was there to block any chance of escape. Daddy, Im almost ready! Aneesas voice echoed from the back. As testament to her words, the lights on the panel began to blink and darken, and he knew that if this didnt work, they would be sitting ducks. Abregado-rae yawned below, ready to receive them, and Aneesas father worked frantically to aim for a clear shot. Many years of drop-landings had taught him well, and now he had perfected the maneuver into some sort of art form. Controlled chaos, hed often told Aneesa. He just prayed to his god that his aim was true. Fire when ready! Aneesa heard the order and tensed up. Her father had managed to bring her into a clear view of the Togorian nerfherders, and she was ready to deal out a bit of payback for their trick and evil intentions. Taking a deep breath, Aneesa leveled her sights and fired the ion cannon. Sapping every bit of power from the Dusty Duck, one bright bolt of yellow beam rocketed from the cannons barrel and missed both ships completely. Aneesa was ashamed at her lack of precision, but did not have long to dwell on it, for as she and her father had expected, the Duck went dark and began to plummet. * * *

While unfortunate, encountering pirates was just part of the smugglers life. By trade, smugglers carried merchandise under the detection of the Trade Federations oppressive taxes and Coruscants lazy eye. Smuggling was often viewed as the little beings way of sticking it to the Republic and watching out for the working class. However noble that notion sounded, though, it also meant that when certain factions sought to take advantage of such shady arrangements, a smuggler could not run to the Republic for help. No, the crew of the Dusty Duck was on its own. How bad is it? Aneesa asked, her heart pounding in her chest. It had been awhile since theyd had a run-in with pirates, and shed forgotten how terrifying the prospect was.

How bad is it? Aneesa casually asked as she sat crosslegged on the ground, aimlessly tossing a rock. Her father finished his survey, having collected all the parts


that had broken loose from the Dusty Duck during their fall into a small pile, and wiped at the underside of his wrinkled chin with his trusty cloth. Well, luckily we were able to generate enough power to pull up at the last second, otherwise wed be nothing but a smudge on the ground. As is, though, it looks like Im going to have to stop on the Island before our drop to pick up some parts. And what am I supposed to do while youre gone? Aneesa asked glumly, rolling her eyes. Let me guess. Stay with the ship. Better to be safe than sorry, Neesy. What if the pirates come back? Nah, I think theyve given up on us. Hopefully we gave em a run for their credits and theyll try their luck out on the Outer Rim. Id like to see them try, Aneesa grumbled, still irked by the Togorians sneaky ploy. They wouldnt last two seconds away from the Core. In spite of their narrow escape and nearly fatal fall to the surface of beautiful Abregado-rae, Aneesas father seemed in good spirits and even picked up a jaunty whistle as he prepared himself to leave the Duck behind. Aneesa stood on her stalklike legs, still sore from the coarse landing, and stretched a bit. Her father had proven his impeccable talent once again by bringing down their careening freighter on one of the landing zones. Of course, on a planet like Abregado-rae, it was not hard to find a docking bay. Positioned right at the beginning of the Rimma Trade Route and the Bacta Run, the paradise planet was a hotspot of trade and commerce, playing host to a wide variety of scum and smugglers despite its shiny veneer. Their hot landing had attracted quite a crowd. The Dusty Duck was nothing if not a spectacle, and many a wide-eyed creature had surveyed the mismatched behemoth, wondering what insane pilot put his faith in the space-faring jalopy. The attention often brought a great deal of embarrassment to Aneesa, who seemed perpetually chained to her mechanical sibling, and she feared that while her father was away, shed have to deal with an endless parade of Deep Space pilots and traders wanting to know the details of her fathers ship. Shed deal with the laughs and defend her fathers pride and joy for his sake, but secretly she wished she could leave the Duck behind and enjoy herself on the planet. What with this new wave of repairs and all, it was starting to appear that the Dyms would have a brief reprieve on Abregado-rae, and Aneesa had every intention of visiting some of the entertainment spots she had only seen from the skies. Even from the spaceport in the city of Le Yer that currently served as the Ducks temporary nest, Aneesa glimpsed the glittering lights of the boardwalk. From here she could see artists and street performers demonstrating their talents to off-worlders. She heard the jangle of exotic merchandise at the street market and thought she could use another bracelet or two. The recently arriving spacers were passing by in droves, and those who did not stop to gawk at the oddity that was the Dusty Duck were quickly getting lost in the sea of color, light, and glamour. Aneesas heart picked up at the prospect of joining them and seeing all that the strip had to offer, then dropped just as suddenly when her father emerged from the ship, wearing his traveling cap and dragging Gootles trunk behind him. Jolly as ever, as if they hadnt almost lost their lives to unsavory pirates only an hour ago, Aneesas father gave her a kiss on the cheek and tipped his hat. Stay here, Aneesa. Ill be back shortly. Ive got my comlink with me so Beep you if theres trouble. Yeah, Daddy, I know the drill.

She sighed and slumped on the boarding ramp, watching her life pass her by. Her father stopped and considered her with a wise smile. I know this part of the job is boring, Neesy. But dont let the lights of this place fool you. Abregado-rae is every bit as dangerous as home, okay? You must be on your guard. Im always on my guard, Aneesa grumbled bitterly. I thought you didnt want this life for me, anyway. I thought that was why you left Lowick in the first place. A pained expression gripped her fathers face, and he flushed with embarrassment. Instantly, Aneesa felt horrible for hurting this man whom she loved so much and wanted to take back her words, but it was too late. Youre right, he said sadly. I left Lowick to find a better life for my family, onlyIve only put you in more danger. I already lost your mother Aneesa stood, her anger replaced by sadness and regret. No, Daddy Its true. I never wanted the smugglers life. After the miners took me off-world, it was all I knew of the galaxy and I guess, deep down, I was too afraid to try anything else. As difficult as this life has been, its all Ive ever known. I dont want that for you, my daughter. I want you to find your own destiny in the stars. The two Palowicks father and daughter faced each other in silence. Aneesa didnt know what to say to her father or how to feel. At last, her father said, Maybe Im starting to realize that youre not my little hatchling anymore. You have your own life to lead and I need to let you go. Daddy Aneesa grew fearful, seeing an uncertain future beginning to spread out before her. It was at once exhilarating and terrifying. What are you saying? There was the glimmer of a tear in his eye, but her father smiled, showing the old chipped tusks that had carried him through many fights in his life. I think that, when I get back, we have a lot to talk about. Aneesa relaxed. She felt warm inside, like her life was finally about to begin. Okay, she beamed, feeling more mature than she ever had in her life. When I get back, he reminded her. Until then he winked. She rolled her eyes good-naturedly. I know, I know. Stay with the ship. * * *


After renting a Gados Floatboat to take him to Phyrstal Island, Aneesas father sought a shop in which to purchase parts for repairs before the scheduled meeting with his anonymous client. He passed by many seedy attractions, such as the Starlight Theater and Lost Loves Casino. They were all dives, despite their regal appearance, and the old Palowick had no time for them. Aneesa had always wanted to visit them, ever since seeing a HoloAd looking for fresh young talent when she was younger. As a Palowick, she possessed a naturally melodious singing voice, but her father had forbid her from entertaining notions of singing commercially. On Lowick, singing was part of their peoples worship. True, not all Palowick songs were of a religious nature, but as Lowick had no written language, their songs were a way to communicate

to the next generation the values and lives of their ancestors. Singing was something honorable, and Aneesas father couldnt imagine a Palowick using her gifts for something as trivial as turning a profit. Sometimes Aneesa worried him. His daughter was as much a dreamer as he was. He had tried his best to show her that the galaxy could be a beautiful place and teach her to always give beings the benefit of the doubt and believe in honor and truth. Yet, the galaxy was also treacherous, filled with villains and monsters, and he worried that, in his efforts to protect his daughter from such characters, he had, in fact, done her a disservice. Aneesas tusks had fallen out. She was growing up, and the old smuggler knew that soon his daughter would leave him and the Duck behind to find her own path. They had a lot to talk about before that happened, and he prayed to his god that his daughter was ready to be on her own. With thoughts of Aneesas future still weighing on his mind, the elder Dym entered a parts shop he visited whenever his work brought him to Abregado-rae. The door chimed, indicating his arrival. The shop was empty and quiet, only the sound of some Aubade drifting from cheap mounted speakers on the wall. The Palowick hesitantly leaned over the counter to call for assistance and jumped with a start when he was met by a Quarren emerging from the back room. Both beings shrieked in surprise until the Quarren came to his senses. Neeamesh? the Quarren exclaimed through his facial tentacles. Its been an age! He held his arms out wide, and Neeamesh Dym smiled at his old friend and gave him a strong hug. I was worried youd finally closed up shop. The Quarren shook his head. No, no, though I have half a mind to. Competitions too stiff out here on the island. If it werent for loyal customers like you, Id have gone under long ago. What is it you need? Neeamesh sighed and brought out a list of needed parts. The Quarren looked them over, nodding thoughtfully. Dusty Duck crashed again, eh? Its like Im always telling Neesy. Ducks not meant for flying. At least, not for too long. Then why do you insist on traversing the galaxy in that heap? Surely with the credits youve earned you could find a much better ship. Neeamesh shrugged sentimentally. The Ducks family. She may have her problems, but us Dyms dont give up on family. Youre far more patient than I am, my friend. Hows Aneesa these days? Growing up. Her tusks fell out yesterday. The Quarrens beady eyes swelled with surprise. You dont say! My, she is growing up. As she insists on reminding me. She wanted to come with me on my drop, but I dont think shes ready yet. Or maybe youre not ready yet, the Quarren gave him a knowing wink. Neeamesh blushed, then leveled at the parts shop proprietor. Do you have what I need? Sure, sure, the Quarren nodded, willing to change the subject. Let me go in the back and see what I can dig up. He disappeared into the back of the shop, and Neeamesh continued to look around, passing the time. His clients trunk was beginning to feel heavy, so he rested the case on the

counter. What brings you to my neck of the galaxy, anyway? the Quarren called from the back. Delivering bacta patches to the orphanage. Abregado-rae, as Neeamesh was constantly reminding Aneesa, was not a safe place. Many spacers had passed through Le Yers ports only to meet a grisly end and leave their children behind. It was nearly an epidemic, and amidst the lounges and nightclubs on the Islands strip, there was an orphanage dedicated to caring for these wayward children. Far from home himself, Neeamesh knew the importance of having a home and finding a family. Family was everything. The Quarren re-emerged behind the counter, apprehensive. Really? I dont suppose you know the name of your client? Neeamesh orphanage. shrugged. Gootle just told me the

I wouldnt be so trusting of your friend, there, Neeamesh. The orphanage is undernew management, ever since the Jedi shut down the Nebula Front. Say what you will about Eru Matalis, he knew how to take care of us. Without the Front to keep an eye on things, others have stepped in, looking to fill the void. The Quarren leaned in, carefully watching the door lest someone enter in the middle of his explanation. Ive heard talk of a certain fellow trying to make a name for himself with the Hutts. One of those strange Barabel creatures, I think. A real bruiser type. Likes to fill up on Gizers and make outrageous claims. Some have said hes wanted in ten systems for mass murder. The families of his victims put a bounty on his head. Others say he worked for one of the local gangsters but left to start a racket of his own. Hes trouble, Neeamesh. The Palowick frowned, but he had heard many lowlifes boasting before. Probably just talk. The Quarren shook his head, slowly and darkly. I havent see him myself. Only his Shistavanen friend, Chanek. Those wolves hang around a lot at the orphanage, talking to the younglings. I dont like it, Neeamesh. It doesnt feel right. Neeamesh considered this, scratching his flabby chin. Ive got your parts for you, the Quarren helpfully added. Want me to take them to Aneesa? Force knows theres no reason to hang around this dump. Youre the only customer Ive had all day. The Palowick nodded absently. Id appreciate that, thanks. Tell Aneesa to get started. Ill join her after the drop. Okay. But the Quarren placed a leathery hand on Neeameshs arm. Be careful, my friend. Not everyone in the galaxy is as kind as you are. * * *

Neeamesh entered the courtyard of the orphanage with much trepidation. He was bombarded by the eager faces of children hoping to hear the faraway adventures of pilots and smugglers. Their zeal and love of such stories reminded him of himself, and now that he realized where such interests had led him, he was hesitant to encourage their enthusiasm. A small Ortolan boy designated himself representative of the orphans, and Neeamesh greeted him with a handshake. Ive got a delivery to make. Gootle from Nar Shaddaa


sent me, the Palowick informed him. The Ortolan sauntered off to tell the proper adult, and Neeamesh was left with the expectant eyes of tiny beings watching him. Did you fly here on a ship? they asked. Is it big? Can you take me with you? Neeamesh did his best to hold them off. Usually dealing with children warmed a special place in his heart, but he couldnt deny that he was nervous to meet his client, especially after what the Quarren had told him. The Ortolan boy soon returned, proceeded by three feral Shistavanens. The Palowicks wobbly knees shook, and he hoped the wolves didnt notice. The lead wolf stepped forward. Chanek, Neeamesh presumed. You got the package? Neeamesh reluctantly brought forward the trunk he had been dragging through Phyrstal Island. Your bacta, he said, trying to sound professional. Just like you ordered. Chanek sneered. Bacta. Right. With a twitch of his snout, the Shistavanen signaled his two pack-mates to search the trunk. Chanek kept his malicious eyes on the Palowick smuggler the whole time as the wolves inspected the merchandise. The children were gathered around, as well, ready to see what the off-worlder had brought them. Finally, one of the Shistavanens looked up, alert. Theres only bacta here! Chanek growled. What did you do with the rest of the shipment, old timer? Neeamesh stiffened, trying his best to be brave. You mean the death sticks that you had hidden underneath? He straightened his coat, giving just a brief flash of the blaster pistol strapped to his thigh. I disposed of them. Really. Selling drugs to children. Or were you just going to use them to sell the drugs for you? The Palowick frowned, disapprovingly. You should be ashamed. Chanek remained sneering. That was the last mistake youll ever make. I brought the bacta patches for the children, as I was hired to do. Ill settle up with your boss back on Nar Shaddaa for the credits I owe him for the ruined cargo. Fraid it doesnt work like that, smuggler, Chanek chuckled and drew his blaster. * * *

Daddy? Prepare the ship! Im under attack! What?! We have to leaveNOW! Aneesa heard the shrill zap of a blaster on the other end of the comlink and feared the worst. Rushing up the ramp, ignoring the Quarren and his worried expression, Aneesa entered her cabin and retrieved the 6-2Aug2 hunting rifle. Her father had taught her how to use a slugthrower at an early age, to defend their home. She had proven to be quite a good shot with the rifle, but right now, she just hoped shed be good enough. Racing back down the ramp, not stopping to answer the Quarrens question regarding her father, Aneesa approached the edge of the bay. Along the boardwalk were mounted binoculars for tourists to get a more tantalizing look at Phyrstal Island across the water. Aneesa peered through the lenses and saw her father racing for shore in a floatboat with three figures on hydrobikes chasing after him, firing wildly. Shistavanens. Aneesa held her breath, biding her time. The slugthrower only had a 300-meter range, and it would be precious moments before they were in her sights. Precious moments she wasnt certain her father had. Get the ship fired up! she yelled at the Quarren. Were taking off hot! The Quarren, having feared this end would come, made no argument and disappeared into the Duck, prepping it for takeoff. Aneesa returned her attention to her father and his pursuers. The old Palowick was ducking the persistent shots, firing defensive blasts of his own. It hurt Aneesa to see her father firing a blaster, knowing how much he abhorred violence. But, as he had taught her, sometimes there was no other way. With baited breath, she silently urged him on, waiting for the moment when he could lay down his weapon and she could pick up hers, instead. She leveled her rifle, waiting. Ive got you, Daddy, she whispered. Come on In her mind, she clicked off the meters as her target approached, already hearing gasps from the more faint-hearted tourists now noticing the speeding gunfight on the water. But Aneesa shut out their voices, focusing on her father. Come onJust a little bit closer. The Shistavanens were gaining on her father, howling and snapping, relishing the weakening of their preys resolve. Aneesas anger blossomed within herand she fired. With a loud crack, the lead wolfman took a ceramic slug to the shoulder and yipped as he was thrown clear from his bike. One of the other Shistavanens reacted in surprise, looking to his fallen pack-mate, and Aneesa took his hesitation to fire another shot, hitting him right in the neck. Roaring in pain, he slumped over and rolled into the water. She smiled in grim satisfaction, taking careful aim on the last wolf nipping at her fathers heels. Daddy, get down! she yelled out to him on the water. The Palowick dropped down into the boat as a third and final slug blasted through the air and caught the remaining Shistavanen square in the chest. Aneesa didnt waste a moment to savor her victory. From behind she could make out the Ducks engine coughing to life, and she knew they werent in the clear yet. Still clutching her rifle, she rushed to the bays edge and

With the help of her fathers Quarren friend, Aneesa was able to reassemble the Dusty Duck. She hated to admit it, but the experience gave her a new respect for the old bird, and she was beginning to see what her father saw in it. It was a clunker an embarrassment, really but it had a lot of heart. She would miss that when she left her father to find her place in the stars. As she gave the ship an affectionate pat, wondering how she would ever get on without her father right by her side, her comlink crackled to life. Aneesa! It was her father. And he sounded scared. She raised her comlink and responded. What is it,


helped her arriving father out of the boat and onto the docks. He was shaking, visibly frightened from his harrowing ordeal, but managed a feeble, Good shooting. Aneesa gave him a small, distracted grin of pride and hooked her arm in her fathers, helping him along. Together they rushed to the ramp of the Dusty Duck, and the Quarren met them halfway. What happened? he exclaimed, seeing the old Palowicks disheveled appearance. Its time to go home, my old friend. Aneesa grew worried. Daddy? Her father turned to explain to her, but chose not to go into great detail while their lives were still in danger. Ive just offended some powerful men, Neesy. What? Why? By doing the right thing. They were smuggling death sticks, and I wont stand for that on my ship. There will be repercussions for what Ive done, and Ill have to face them. Suddenly, all of Aneesas hopes for the future left her. She wanted to stay by her fathers side. To make sure he was safe. Butwhat are we going to do? Ill offer to pay for what I lost. The Quarren was quick to correct him. Theyll want blood for payment, Neeamesh. This is very foolish. Its the only way. I dont want a bounty on my head for the rest of my life. Ill pay for the damages, and well be on our way. Aneesa tugged at her fathers vest, pleading. Daddy, hell kill you! We can just run away and hide. But her father was resolved. This isnt the life I wanted for you, Neesy. Its time for you to find your own path, but first I need to take care of this, or else it will follow you wherever you go. Im not going anywhere! I want to stay with you! With the Duck! He touched his daughters chin, wishing that were true. But he knew she was only afraid, and once this little fiasco was resolved, shed want to leave again. And she should leave. After all, hed had his chance to explore the galaxy, and for good or for bad, he didnt regret any of it. It was the least he could do to give her that same opportunity. Turning to his Quarren friend, Neeamesh patted him on the shoulder. Take care. Ill do my best to cover your tracks. Buy you more time until you can get to Nar Shaddaa and take care of this yourself. Thank you. Without wasting any more time they could already hear the faint splashing of the Shistavanens surfacing and swimming for shore the Dyms boarded the Dusty Duck and, with a wheeze and backfire, took flight and jettisoned into the atmosphere. * * *

Duck, her mind hardly able to concentrate on her task. They had barely returned to Nar Shaddaa before her father gave her a kiss and stoically marched to the Cluster Cantina to find Gootle and contact his client. An hour had passed, and still no word. She looked out again into the rain, hoping to see her fathers haggard form returning from his meeting. Butthere was nothing. She sighed and tried to hold onto hope, knowing thats what her father would have done, and retreated into the ship to get another container of oil. Halfway up, she heard footfalls and spun around, her heart leaping in excitement. Daddy? It was Gootle. His Jawa lackeys were gone, and he was alone. Oh. she drawled, not yet realizing what his presence meant. Aneesa he began, sadly wringing his hands. He trailed off, and Aneesas breath caught in her throat. No The Rodian couldnt face her as he told the news. Your fathers been killed. Aneesas knees buckled, and she collapsed on the ramp, still clutching her fathers dirty rag. No It was the client. Im he hesitated, quite upset, himself, and finally blurted out, Stang, Im sorry, kid. He was bad news. I didnt realize how bad when I offered your father the job Aneesa heard Gootles words but did not listen to them. All she could think of was every time her father had told her he loved her and how shed never hear those words again. Tears spilled down her eyestalks and her proboscis trembled. She was lost now. Lost and utterly alone. I never meant for this to happen, Gootle stammered, wringing his hands harder and harder. Your pop was one of the greatest beings IIf theres anything I can do Aneesa looked to him, her eyes steely and cold. Where is he? Your father? Gootle asked. Hes still at the Cantina. I thought it was best you came before they No, she corrected him firmly. The client. Where is he? Oh, him? Gootle stood straighter, more nervous than ever. No, kid. I know what youre thinking, and you cant. Hes out of your league, Aneesa. You wouldnt last two seconds against an animal like that. Then Ill get help, she said, raising up, her anger giving her the strength to stand. Who knows where he went? Hes got an incredible bounty on his head. He keeps moving, you know? He could be anywhere in the Outer Rim by now. Then Ill find him. She turned around, ready to march up to the cockpit and begin the search immediately, but Gootle yelled after her. In what? In this heap? This ship was your fathers crazy dream, kid. Its time to let it go. Aneesa turned to face him. No. This ship is family. Well make it.

Aneesa nervously oiled the landing gears on the Dusty

Here, he protested, shuffling around in the pocket of his flight suit. Here, if youre gonna go off like a mad bantha, at least take this.


He handed her a handful of credits and clasped her hands around them, his grief and guilt compelling him to compensate her in some feeble way. On me, kid. Best of luck to you. May the Force be with you or whatever it is those Jedi say. And, if you ever find the guy he cracked a grin, Give em one for me. Aneesa stared at the credits and the bittersweet expression on the face of her fathers old Rodian cohort. This was it. She was really doing it. Leaving Nar Shaddaa, possibly for good. She didnt know what fate awaited her in the galaxy, but one thing was certain. She had her fathers

honor to avenge. After all that he had done for her, she owed him that much. Breaking into a small smile, she took the credits and left Gootle behind, entering the bay of her ship, the Dusty Duck. It was just the two of them now, and somehow, she was okay with that. She had said it herself. The Duck was family. And family was everything. Her father had taught her that. THE BEGINNING

Find out how Aneesa and the Dusty Ducks story ends at the Official Star Wars Databank:




THEED, NABOO A ceremony held at the Emperors estate earlier today heralded the loyalty and bravery of Governor Panaka of Naboo. A longtime friend and supporter of Emperor Palpatine, Panaka is a selfless servant of the New Order. In reaction to a recent surge in rebel activity, the Governor personally led several combined units of Imperial Army troopers and Naboo Security Forces to wipe out the insurgent infestation on the edge of Lake Paonga. Over sixty enemies were killed, with a hundred more captured. Many of Naboos natives, the primitive Gungans, were also taken into custody, as a precautionary measure.

Panaka: A rising star in the Chommel Sector.

The loyal citizens of Naboo should not live in fear of rebels, criminals, and renegades, Panaka declared. Security and stability are the Empires top priorities. Backing his statements with action, the governor announced that the Naboo Security Forces would increase their presence around the planet. Additionally, he revealed that several new contracts had been forged with Sienar and TaggeCo. to provide the planet with new and updated defense technology. Though His Imperial Majesty was not in attendance, he was able congratulate Panaka on his victory via hologram earlier this week.


DOABA GUERFEL, CORELLIA The terrorist forces operating within the Corellian sector carried out yet another cowardly hit and run attack yesterday, devastating the small Imperial communications outpost, RF-2Q, leaving dozens of personnel dead or wounded. This outpost was hardly a military target, said Colonel Wullf Yularen when pressed for comment, Attacks like this and those carried out by other criminal elements like Mon Mothma only hurt civilians in the long run, and they still insist on calling traitors like her senator? Her term would have surely expired by now!. Failed attempts to maintain security and order against such terrorists have resulted in the plunging approval ratings of the Corellian Diktat as the people cry out for stronger Imperial rule in the sector.

Other Alerts:
- Gallofree Bankruptcy Proceedings Under Review - Narg Rehabilitation Efforts Conclude - A Hologuide to the Palpatine Gardens - Cloud CIty Sabacc Tournament Tops Year-End Ratings


Protests, Oppression Plague Kessel

Peaceful demonstrations over the Empires mistreatment of the Lowick System and the Palowick species were met with violence this week, as Imperial forces under the command of Slave Lord Trioculus secured Kessendra Stadium by force. Concerned for the wellbeing of Lowicks people, over a hundred beings from around the galaxy gathered in the citys gigantic amphitheater for a show of solidarity. At least a half-dozen Palowick expatriates showed up, as well. Unfortunately, the local Imperial government did not look kindly upon these activists and immediately set out to disperse the assembly. Crowd control stormtroopers and light scout walkers entered the stadium and proceeded to sweep across parade-ground. Ten sentients were killed, with another 39





injured. It is believed that the survivors have been imprisoned in Kessels infamous Spice Mines. No word has been given on their release, and the local Imperial government has issued a temporary freeze on all incoming and outgoing craft on the planet, so as to prevent the spread of sedition. Despite this, a recording of the incident has made it off the planet, and is now being A Palowick protestor, seconds redistributed. before being pulverized by an The Slave Imperial walker. Lords actions were commended by Calaron Sector Moff Bertroff Hissa, who deemed them humane and

Corellian Resistance Claims Victory In Imperial Outpost Strike

In another valiant strike against Imperial oppression, the Corellian Resistance successfully destroyed an Imperial outpost in a display of strength for its recently unified efforts. In the third attack of whats collectively being nicknamed Operation Zars Fang, Resistance forces eliminated an Imperial communications outpost being used as a central hub for military efforts to infringe upon Corellian citizens privacy through communications eavesdropping. Confirmation of its secondary function as an illegal detention facility was acquired following the release and rescue of its captives. The freedom fighters suffered only minor casualties during the attack, improportionate to those inflicted upon Imperial forces presentfurther establishing them as a credible rallying point against the Empire.


Corellian Diktats Approval Numbers Hit All-Time Low Imperial tributes and taxes cause of low opinion of Thomree. Citizens demanding less Imperial influence in the region. [more] Mon Calamari: We Were Not Discovered By the Empire! Xenobiologists Imperial Propaganda Outrages People of Dac. [more] Other Alerts: Scrivinir Geen - How Did He Obtain Office? The Palpatine Connection Exposed. Slave Trade Increasing on Bonadan Rebel Four Feared Dead Bootleg Animation Vids Flood Holonet



background ART by christian pacheco

Morituri te salutant!

How would that infamous Latin quote sound in Huttese, Aqualish or Nikto? Ever since the collapse of the Roman Empire, the gladiators have been part of the human interest. Just think of Spartacus and Gladiator and you know why the bravest and cruellest entertainers from the Roman Empire fascinate us so much. The Roman culture was not the only place where gladiators were used. It probably wont be a surprise when we tell you that the Star Wars-universe has plenty of gladiatorial games. Who could forget the beginning of the Battle of Geonosis where Anakin, Obi-Wan and Padm were pitted against three wild creatures? In this article, we will talk about the gladiators from the most obvious gladiator-like sequence in the Star Wars-saga: the Rattatak Cauldron from the Clone Wars Animated Series.

by Tim Veekhoven

Rattatak Gladiator Roster

ASAJJ VENTRESS was a native from Rattatak and the ultimate victor of the
fight. With the Force as her ally, she defeated all the other gladiators. Although she thought she was a Sith, Darth Tyranus quickly demonstrated the real power of a Sith Lord.

ANCHOR BLUE was a Houk (home planet unknown, possibly Lijuter) who was

artificially enhanced through the Vibroblade replacement that replaced his amputated hand. His owner sent an awful pain trough his arm that made him even angrier. This also marks the appearance of the Houk species (originally from Han Solo & The Lost Legacy) in the spin-offs. Got killed by Ventress.


BLORGA was a Gamorrean who used a double-spike hammer to crush or pierce his
enemies. He faced off against Grunda Dolma, then destroyed Bugnaught, but got killed by Ventress.

BUGNAUGHT was an unknown type of droid that participated in the battle. It was

equipped with a flamethrower. One could presume that Ugnaughts constructed it, but that is not confirmed. It defeated Carl, but got destroyed by Blorga.

CARL was the name of the rarely encountered SHIKITARI, a species hailing from

a planet with the same name. A Devaronian con artist entered the insectoid alien in the arena. Bugnaught ultimately killed Carl.

CROCKAGOR belonged to a yet unnamed green reptilian species and used a huge

spiked mace. Krutch caught him in his net and probably killed him.

FLALIOS was a partially masked human male who used two large flails and knives.

He faced off against Swyym-Ee and was killed by Ventress.

GIANT FLOG was truly a giant among the gladiators and was the last warrior Asajj

had to beat. His true origins are unknown, but his owner, Kesivo, bought him in the Moddell Sector. This has stirred rumours that Flog could be either a Phlog (as his name indicates) or even a Gorax. However, his species still remains unnamed. He crushed the Wampa, but was killed by Ventress lightsabers.

GRUNDA DOLMA was an Aqualish (probably an Ualaq) who fought with a double-

headed staff. He confronted Blorga, destroyed Mantoid, but was killed by Ventress. She first threw him away with a Force push, but he survived that fall. He was then crushed by one of the falling rocks.


JASPER McKNIVES was a mentally instable KajainsaNikto and a follower of the

dangerous Cult of Mdweshuu. He was the only contestant who entered himself to fight in the arena. He used an assortment of vibroblades and vibroknifes. His name is probably an alias for his true Nikto name. Ventress killed Jasper.

KRUTCH was a spider-like alien (species and planet unnamed) with six arms, six

legs and one green eye. He used a net and several melee weapons to defeat his adversaries. There could be a continuity problem with Krutch. We first saw Kullta Kutta slicing Krutch in two pieces. At the end of the battle Ventress smashed Krutch with a falling rock.

KULLTA KUTTA rode a Sowsquatch into battle. The armoured and masked Kutta
hailed from a long line of fighters. The Sowsquatch seemed to be a furred mammalian species with four legs, a row of dangerous teeth and large green eyes. Kullta killed (or wounded) Krutch or a member of his species. A droid adversary killed Kullta, although this happened off screen.

L8-L9 was a prototype Battle Droid constructed by TaggeCo and armed with
plasma cannons and flamethrowers. Although it defeated several gladiators, it was considered to be a failure and Baron Tagge continued the research. After blowing up several gladiators, L8-L9 was destroyed by Asajj Ventress.

NILO was a Rodisar General from Rodis who had been sold to the Cauldron by
Zygerrian slavers. Nilo, who wasnt as powerful as a General should be, was killed by TaggeCos L8-L9.

MANTOID was a strange black droid with at least eight armed appendages. The
Aqualish Grunda Dolma destroyed it.

SWYYM-EE was a reptilian Trigodile from Rattatak who used large knives known
as Filang. He confronted Flalios and was later killed by Ventress.


ROMAN STYLE GLADIATOR: This unnamed gladiator wore Roman style armour
and two large vibroknives. Nothing is known about him. At first he was blasted by L8-L9 but he seemed to have survived that blast since he was crushed by one of Ventress giant rocks. Another possibility is that there were two similar combatants in the arena, but it seems more likely to assume that he survived L8L9s salvo.

WAMPA GLADIATOR: This Wampa was the second last gladiator to be defeated

in the arena. Giant Flog used his rock to smash this Wampa. It is not known if his owner gave this Wampa a particular name.

THE TEN GLADIATORS: No less than ten unnamed gladiators appear for a short

time when Asajj is running away from L8-L9s fire. All these fighters seemed to have perished by the fire of the droid. One of them was a fat alien with two horns and two of them were definitely insect - or spider like. These gladiators used spiked maces, spears, vibroaxes and vibroknives as weapons.

LEFT SIDE GLADIATORS: When Kullta races forward, you can see two fighters

face off at the left side. One of them seemed to be human and the other one looked like a humanoid specimen wearing a shield. Its possible that the latter one also belonged to the unnamed ten.

CHARGING GLADIATORS: When all fighters race towards Asajj, there are two

unnamed characters. One of them wore a light blue outfit with black and the other one was a shadowy figure that seemed to be wearing a shield. Perhaps this shadow was also one of the unnamed left side Gladiators.


KRULLIAN was a character that did not appear to be in the Cauldron, though the

DVD does reveal this character behind the scenes. It is uknown whether Krullian is the characters name or the species name.


Art by Clment Gaillard



STACY is, like...


...totally canon!!! TREY STOKES


Im going to put Stacy into my next novel, if I can get away with it, said TIMOTHY ZAHN back in 2002, in a
mock-conspiratorial whisper to PINK FIVES creator, TREY STOKES. And get away with it he did. The result? STACY becomes the first original fan-film character in history that now holds her official place in Star Wars continuity.... Naturally, fans want to know more about her, as well as the latest instalment of the saga: RETURN OF PINK FIVE: VOLUME TWO. OUTSIDER catches up with TREY STOKES to find out more....


OUTSIDER: Now that Stacy is like totally canon, the more continuity-minded fans are wanting to know more about her. Have you and Amy ever developed a detailed background for Stacy? Specifically: a) What is Stacys surname? b) How did Stacy ever become a pilot and get accepted into Pink Squadron? c) Did Stacy and Han ever go... ahem... all the way? TREY STOKES: Those are the sorts of questions I imagine George Lucas got when people started expanding his movies into novels and so on. And I bet his answer was often the same as ours: I dunno, we never thought about that. Actually I AM getting those sorts of questions lately, because a writer named Kathryn Olsen is writing Pink Five short stories that expand on the movies in all sorts of ways. Shes written one about how Stacy joined the Rebellion, for example. But she came up with that idea herself and then just ran it by me. Sometimes I make editorial suggestions, and there was a scene I wanted to shoot for Return of Pink Five but never did, so I gave it to her to write as a story instead. But for the most part Kathryn writes what she wants and afterward I just say sure, that works. But to answer your questions specifically a) I dunno, we never thought about that. Occasionally I say Staceys last name is Mallwalker, but only as a joke. b) I dunno, we never thought about that. But I know Kathryn has! c) This one we HAVE thought about... but I wont answer it, because its more fun to let people make up their own minds. Some folks think Stacey really is Han Solos other girlfriend that we never knew about. Others think shes imagining the whole thing: she may believe she and Han are madly in love, but really theres no relationship, just Stacey reading too much into it. And I never realized there could be two different

interpretations until people started debating it. So I went back and watched all our movies as objectively as I could, and realized a case can be made for either version - even though it wasnt meant to be ambiguous at all. I thought it was pretty clear myself, but obviously I was wrong! So - did they or didnt they? I dunno, you decide. OUTSIDER: Have you read any other Pink Five fan-fiction that is floating around? Are there any really weird stories that people have brought to your attention? TREY STOKES: Ive read Kathryns stories, of course - although the first one she just wrote on her own and I happened to find it online. THAT was a surprise, let me tell ya. But I liked what she did with it and so I approached her to be our official Pink Five EU writer - except we call it the PU, as in the Pink Universe. But I havent read any other Pink Five fanfiction beyond that. Its not like Id know where to find it unless someone told me. So I dont know of any really weird stories... but then Im not sure Id want to! Wait - now that I think about it, Kathryn recently pointed me to a Pink Five fanfic someone else had written. Theyd taken one of HER stories and attempted their own knockoff version that wasnt nearly as good. Thats already weird enough for me - an imitation of a fanfic of a fanfilm of a movie? How long can this go on before our universe simply implodes? OUTSIDER: Has work begun on Return of Pink Five: Volume Three? TREY STOKES: Our team has moved on to Volume Three, and just within the past few weeks some really spectacular stuff has started to come together. Volume Twos pretty good, but Volume Three might be really something. Or maybe Im just happy to be working on something new after so much time on Volume Two.... OUTSIDER: At what point did you decide that Return of Pink Five would be a 45 minute feature split into three volumes, compared to the relatively short Pink Five and Pink Five Strikes Back?


TREY STOKES: I wouldnt really say it was decided, it just sort of worked out that way. Its a long story, but since you asked... Return of Pink Five was written as one movie, just on a larger scale than the other two because we wanted to end the trilogy as extravagantly as we could. But a lot of scenes in the original script were based on costumes and locations we never thought we could get. Hey, wouldnt it be great if we had ______? Lets write a scene for that! But even as we wrote them, we assumed those scenes would be impossible and wed never really shoot them. But the opposite happened - so many volunteers brought their amazing costumes and props and skills that we ended up adding scenes instead of cutting them. Really, Volume Two is all the scenes that we didnt think wed ever do. We were prepared to go straight from the events in Volume One to whats now Volume Three. We knew how the story started and how it would end - if we just shot that much, the movie would work. But when all those impossible scenes became possible, we ended up with an entire middle act that we didnt really expect to have. Fortunately those scenes were always in the script so theyre not just tacked on, the structure was there. The story would have worked without them - but with them, its a BIGGER story. Which was great, except it also meant a longer shooting schedule and a lot more post-production to do. Early on I had to decide whether to scale it all back and make the project small again, or go with it and find out how epic this thing could get. Obviously I opted for epic, although sometimes I regret that decision! But that meant we couldnt get the movie done in time for that years Atomfilms contest, which was our original target. And that year theyd also shortened the maximum length for entries and we were clearly going to be over the limit. I think it was our line producer Serge Delpierre who first said what if we cut it into two parts? Which instantly made sense: half the length and half the post-production workload meant we might have something to submit after all. So we made it a two-parter, and that enabled us to submit Volume One to the Atomfilms contest. Except - it wasnt really ready, and after a lot of agonizing I decided Id rather take the time to finish it properly. So

after some discussion with Atomfilms we withdrew it from the contest and came back with a much-improved version the following year. Except by then theyd added ANOTHER restriction: no union actors. Well, Return of Pink Five is almost all union actors - we had to sign a contract with the Screen Actors Guild to make the thing in the first place. So we couldnt submit Volume One after all. But Atomfilms wanted to show it, and so they made us an out of competition feature. Which we didnt really mind - wed already won two awards, were not greedy. (Amy has one, I have the other.) We were just happy to have something online at last. So thats how one film became two. And then... Lucasfilm approached us about debuting Volume Two at that years fanfilm awards show at Comic-Con. Suddenly we had a deadline that was just a few months away, and it became clear once again that wed never be ready in time. For one thing, the rough cut for Two was a half hour long. Volume One had been hard enough to complete, and that was only fifteen minutes. And so - inevitably in retrospect - we did the same thing, for the same reasons. Volume Two was cut in half, which brought it back to a reasonable running time and enabled us to make the deadline for the show. Id already told Lucasfilm and Atomfilms about it beforehand, but it wasnt public knowledge. So when we screened Volume Two, and it ended with another To Be Continued, there was a startlingly loud awwwwwww from the audience. For a moment I thought four thousand people were going to tear us limb from limb. Fortunately, they restrained themselves. It was actually gratifying to hear that response - my first thought was these people just watched a fifteen minute fanfilm and they want MORE? Because lets be honest - most fanfilms wear out their welcomes after about thirty seconds. So I guess we did something right. And that was a very early draft of Volume Two, its been vastly improved since then. But I CAN promise there will be no Volume Four - Three is definitely the end. The three volumes ended up almost exactly the same length, and each one is a complete act of the overall story. So its almost as if we planned it that way all along. I guess if I was smart, Id say that - rather


than tell the truth, like I did just now. OUTSIDER: In a past interview, you stated that if you had anticipated Pink Fives polularity back when you produced the original film, you would have had Stacy wear the Alliances standard orange flight suit. Any plans for a Pink Five Special Edition? TREY STOKES: Well, we arent reshooting anything, but there already is a Pink Five SE in the works. The Pink Five you see on Atomfilms - and P5 Strikes Back as well - were done very hurriedly. Plus, I and the rest of my team have years more experience in visual effects now than we did then. I still have all the original files for both movies, and every so often when I need a break from working on Return, I go back and upgrade a shot or two in the other movies. And in the case of Pink Five, our prize for winning the contest was that we got to remix the soundtrack at Skywalker Sound - which was an amazing experience, by the way. But that versions never been released. Atomfilms still has the original version I submitted years ago, video glitches and all. One of these days I hope to give Atomfilms upgraded versions of the first two videos, with better audio and fx. But thats a lower priority - finishing Return comes first, of course. There are even parts of Volume One that Id like to improve upon now, but of course Im not letting myself THINK about that... OUTSIDER: Youve said before that you havent read any Star Wars books since The Han Solo Adventures. Do you think this is likely to change due to Stacys new status? Are you planning on reading Allegiance any time soon? TREY STOKES: Im about halfway through Allegiance right now. Its a good read and Im enjoying the story - and my copy is autographed by Timothy Zahn, which is a nice bonus. But I doubt Ill start reading SW novels as a regular thing. Unless Stacey shows up in another one someday. OUTSIDER: I understand that you appeared in 2 episodes of Star Trek. Hypothetically, if you were given the chance

to appear in the upcoming Star Wars television series, what sort of character would you like to play? TREY STOKES: Well, Amys the acting half of the partnership, of course - shed probably give you a different answer. But being a background alien is about as far as my onscreen abilities go. Me - Id want to direct an episode. And I hope that making a popular 45-minute Star Wars video on my own will count as a halfway decent audition. I mean, cmon, whats a guy gotta do? OUTSIDER: If Dark Horse Comics ever invited you to write a script for a Pink Five comic, would you accept? Kevin Rubios Tag and Bink comic series has proved to be very popular. TREY STOKES: Sure, itd be fun to do more with the character - for example we had an entire other subplot in mind for Return of Pink Five that we never scripted because the thing was long enough already. And its a good thing we didnt! But maybe itd work in comic form, as a sort of companion piece to the movie. Theres also the saga of Staceys year with Yoda on Dagobah, theres lots of good material there. Kathryns been working on that as a story already... turns out more went on during that year than you might think. But if it was entirely up to me, Id do stories about Stacey that take place after Return of Pink Five. I really like where the character ends up (and no, Im not going to reveal any spoilers). Itd be a great starting point for stories that could be completely original, rather than hiding in the corners of the existing movies. Either way, if Dark Horse wants to give me a call, Im available. Feel free to give them my number...



Sunday May 27, 5pm in the Celebration Theater - See the entire Pink Five saga, wrapping up with the




The Setnin Sector, situated in the Mid-Rim of the galaxy is a wild and dangerous region of space. Covering a vast area, Setnin worlds cover every aspect of planetary uniqueness. From the ice plains of Wennicas to the jungles of Alorea, the red rock worlds of Janos and Ruuthorne to the lakes of Morb, Setnin ticks every box for diversity. Setnins residents are much the same, unique and different, although all displaying core traits - tenacity, foolhardiness, stubbornness, belligerence and industrious. While being diverse in opinion and attitude native Setninites all follow an ingrained belief in The Setnin Way an intangible way of living that basically means doing whats best for sector, planet and home. From these two hundred plus worlds there have been people who have not only changed their homeworlds but the entire sector. Politicians, military leaders, artists and religious leaders have made their mark upon Setnins history, but none have had such an impact as the denizens of the underworld. For nothing is Setnin known as the crime capital of the Mid-Rim, and the black market beats to a pulse unlike that of any other sector or region. Presented here are those historic underworld characters.

Jan Lomona
The Setnin Sectors most prominent and successful smuggler and free trader, child of Narn Giapa and Sieera Cetting Lomona. The youngest of three brothers, Lomona had a strict upbringing on the Imperial loyal world of A-desando. As a child he built swoops and was a Souper Swooper, and along with his childhood Trandoshan friend Treesk he built a handful of race winning swoops for their own Wezzwen race team. After the premature death of his older brother Luude and his eldest brother Hijjins move into the A-desandian military, Jan left home age sixteen in his first starship the Trooper, soon finding work in the employment of Jabba the Hutt and Glann Cipple. Carving out a name for himself in the Trooper, the Crusader and later his beloved Berone Sunrise, Lomona became a prominent name in the Setnin underworld, managing to keep ahead of his major adversary, Dressels prime smuggler Petrol Merritch. Always with his droids Troopie and Aurran by his side his reputation grew. Jan became engaged to his childhood sweetheart Frans Latka and was tracked down by Paige Retgarr, the fourteen year old daughter he never knew he had at the same time he first met Terrie Saffra, an employee of Cipple who would leave a lasting mark on him. Returning home to A-desando to take up a brief tenure as governor of Ecaps City, Jan and Goah Galletti unwisely double-crossed Jabba the Hutt, forcing them to leave the Setnin Sector for an extended period of six months, returning just prior to the Hutts death. After attending the wedding of Paige to his best friend Ryath Centaur he was lost believed dead when Ryath s ship the Thunderchild exploded in hyperspace and he was flung in an escape pod to the other side of the galaxy, deliberately taking a decade to work his way back. He returned to become a major trading operator with the Trac-Tran Transit Company and through the Ki-Ki invasion helped repel Ki-Ki forces, once again with Terrie Saffra, now a commander in Squadron Indigo, by his side. Having used various aliases including that of the unfortunate Joel St John, able to get by in nine languages, owner of the Ghtroc Freighter the Dangerous Curve and ex-manager of the Heavy Jizz Wailer band The Berones, Lomona was an influential figure during the Ki-Ki/Setnin War and despite his new responsibilities continued to make his living free trading through the stars.

Goah Galletti
Third born child of Drate and Gres Portacio-Galletti. Living in the town of Negarde with his brothers Hindley,


Boah, Brush and his sister Weale Goah, had a decent upbringing until the arrival of the Empire and its invasion of Trefnare. Fleeing in two starships, the Galletti family escaped their homeworld only for the starship Wooden Doll carrying his parents and younger sister Weale to crash into an asteroid on the outskirts of the system. Goah stayed with his brother Hindley for a while until he decided to make a life for himself and journeyed to Arrarat, where he was employed as a load-lifter. Here he met Tref Goodman and the two of them moved to Cantarr Bi Romou, enjoying a blissful, albeit brief marriage. It was here that ISD Malevolent Captain Terrov took a fancy to Tref, and using his position of authority had Tref abducted and taken to his quarters. When she resisted his advances he had her killed. Devastated, Galletti remained on Cantarr Bi Romou for a while, eventually leaving and travelling to Amagad where he gained employment with Glann Cipple. Partnered with the Chinngardian Mactin Selka, Galletti was soon making a name for himself as a competent smuggler. Much happened to Galletti over the next few years he swapped his starship the Galaxion with Hindleys ship the Phoenix and then lost his brother Hindley to the Empire as well as doing jobs for Jabba the Hutt. But it was Glann Cipples interest in cloning and genetics that would change Gallettis life drastically. After offering Goah 100,000 credits for a sample of his DNA, no questions asked, Cipple posted Goah to the Core Worlds and replaced him with a clone. The real Goah sent regular information reports back to Glann for almost a decade, occasionally travelling back under the guise of Mister Heeks, until in one of his last acts as leader of the Setnin Sector underworld before his seven-year sojourn from the sector, Cipple recalled the real Galletti from the Core Worlds. But it was to be an unfulfilling return to the Setnin Sector, one that lasted for a few short years before Galletti travelled back to the Core Worlds with his new love Toni Meera, telling only his brothers Brush, Boah and his friends Jan Lomona and Luschia Arkensaw. A friend of Jan and Ryath Centaur, the real Goah Galletti had little chance of re-integrating himself into the life that his defective clone had left behind. Galletti died in the Core Worlds of natural causes during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion just prior to the Ki-Ki invasion of the Setnin Sector, leaving behind his wife and teenage son Drate.

Ryath Centaur
Former Imperial Biker Scout and colonel in the Emperors 21st Blue Star Riders. Born on the world of Sapphire, Ryath Rai Centaur soon enlisted in the Imperial army along with his younger brother Torath and was soon rising through the ranks, making sergeant while posted to Entall. He married his fiance Sarra and successful engagements followed with criminals and a nascent rebel opposition falling before him before his posting to Durathosin. It was here that a rebel cell executed Torath and Colonel Pillot betrayed him. Disillusioned with the service and cheated on by Sarra, he elected to go AWOL and hunt down his brothers killers, primarily Pillot Alvarna. For years he tracked down the men on that list, sometime using the alias of Yorath Devalis. Becoming friends with Jan Lomona, Goah Galletti, Newell Arrithat, and a known acquaintance of Tarr Ranth, Centaur helped out the Rebel Alliance, though strictly for his own ends, and worked for Glann Cipple as a mercenary on a handful of occasions. He entered into a seven-year relationship with a Zelonian woman by the name of Clara and with her at his side founded the Iron Claw mercenary unit, which he based on Hellion. After a surprise defeat at the hands of a well-organised rogue Imperial faction and the loss of the original Thunderchild, Centaur wearily handed over control of the Iron Claws to his great friend Saul Davlon. Appalled with the chaos and ruin that followed the fall of the Galactic Empire, Colonel Ryath Centaur worked for the remnants of Imperial Security before finally leaving the Empire behind and returning to lead the Iron Claws following the death of Saul Davlon. After finally laying the demons of his past to rest with the execution of his long-time enemy Pillot, Centaur still plied a good trade as a mercenary in his starship the Thunderchild II. Centaur was seen less and less in the


Mid-Rim as he expanded his interests elsewhere, but was drawn back to the sector when he fell unexpectedly in love with Jan Lomonas daughter Paige. During the Ki-Ki/Setnin War Centaur became a figure of huge influence; given the rank of Colonel he assisted in the formation of the unified Setnin Defence Force and used the Iron Claws in conjunction with the Trac-Tran Transit Company of Jan Lomona and Squadron Indigo to strike at the Ki-Ki, and with his vast fleet, temporarily bolstered by the addition of Daemon Garrs Raven Corporation vessels before their defection to the Ki-Ki, he caused consternation to the enemy.

Tarr Ranth
Mandalorian-armoured Bounty Hunter and son of Lord Tarr Ranth. Sometimes using the alias of Tarrion Randelle, Ranth owned the starship Prodigal Son before losing her in a fire fight with the Bounty Hunter Queed over Gista and taking the Dark Star, which belonged to his father out of mothballs and refitting it enormously. Instantly recognisable in his jet-black armour, Ranth pursued many quarries, including the smuggler Canen Luone - and rarely failed to bring them back. Hunted himself for years by the Imperial Captain Nerain, Ranth preferred to keep his prey alive in case they ever escape so he could capture them again, Ranth aided Jan Lomona, Ryath Centaur and Goah Galletti on a number of occasions, and the starship thief Nias Derril on numerous occasions. Born on Corellia, Ranth inherited his armour from his father Lord Ranth, who inherited it from Tarrs Grandfather. An adversary of the famed bounty hunter Boba Fett, Ranth could more than hold his own with the best. Later in his life he studied in the force at the Jedi Academy on Yavin IV under his cousin, the Jedi Knight Blake DeAthe. Now a dedicated Jedi Knight, Ranth accepted a mission of danger to the world of Leogard to discern the number of Ki-Ki Sector vessels in wait. Ambushed, he met his death in the destruction of the Dark Star III, but returned to aide his cousin Blake DeAthe as a Jedi spirit.

Frans Latka
A-desandian born smuggler and long-time romantic partner of Jan Lomona. Born in Ponon City, Frans was Lomonas girlfriend, lover and fiance. They were together from a young age, and eventually she joined him on many of his trips through the galaxy. Tall and slim with a swathe of fiery red hair, Frans was a capable smuggler in her own right. Aware of Jans infidelity she nevertheless stayed by his side for many years, despite breaking off their engagement on two occasions and having relationships with the clone Goah Galletti and a bank clerk called Postre. After many years she finally ended their romance, unable to stand his philandering any longer. Returning to her homeworld of A-desando she worked as a security specialist and lived alone in Ecaps City for almost thirty years until she was contacted by Terrie Saffra, who asked her to embark upon an undercover ops mission deep in the heart of the Ki-Ki underworld. Now eager for a life change she accepted, and took on the most dangerous mission of her career.

Terrie Saffra 45

Born on the world of Carlin, Terrie left her homeworld and her younger sister Aisha to travel the stars. Eventually she wound up in the employ of Setnin Sector ganglord Glann Cipple and worked as a deep cover field agent, scoping out Cipples enemies and gathering information on them. Eventually she was picked out to join Jan Lomona on the mission to Abrogard where they encountered the daughter of the dead ganglord Dessio DStaan. Despite their attraction Lomona and Saffra didnt see each other for seven years. During the meantime Saffra helped set up links between the DStaan and Cipple operations. Returning to Setnin, Cipple had her infiltrate the Rebel Alliance, and whilst there she impressed enough superiors to offer her a commission in the newly formed elite Squadron Indigo. Feeling that it was the right thing to do she quit her position with Cipple and concentrated on her military career. Initially flying as I-Three she eventually she rose through the ranks and became I-Leader after taking command after the death of Indigo Leader Renn Drezzna during an impressive victory over Grand Moff Treece and remnants of the Empire at Varoone. Forthright and opinionated Terrie entered into a relationship with Jan Lomona after their mission to Maquina, freeing rebel POWs held captive for twelve years. During Lomonas ten year disappearance she began a new relationship with fellow Squadron Indigo member Aaron Styrus. She met Lomona again after a decade as she took Squadron Indigo from the side of the Galactic Alliance to the Setnin Defence Force during the Ki-Ki/Setnin War, and worked closely with both Jans Trac-Tran Transit Company and the Iron Claw Mercenary unit. Determined to make a difference in the conflict, she fought for Setnin and also for Jan.

Glann Cipple
The most prominent gangleader in Setnin Sector history. Once the leader of the travelling race the Muyaden, Cipple came into the Setnin Sector from the world of Klaem in the Corb Sector fifty-five years before the Battle of Yavin after betraying his people to the ancient alien Longbody. Making a name for himself working as a smuggler for the Setnin Sectors then major crime boss Duze Jostenn, Cipple soon hooked up with fellow operators Dressel, Riger and Dessio DStaan. With Cipple occasionally using the pseudonym of Mister Gold the quartet made significant inroads into building a new crime syndicate, with runs into the Core. Later joined by Anzai Karoo, the group challenged Jostenns lofty position. For twelve years they built their powerbase until Cipple had a secret affair with DStaans wife Jeriah. A day after the birth of their child Armella, DStaan left the sector with his family and headed for the Core, taking details of the lucrative Core Runs with him. Having plunged all their money into the Core runs Cipple, Dressel and Riger conspired to sell out Luschia Arkensaws Jedi family to the Empire for a million credits. Riger disappeared under mysterious circumstances and after paying off Karoo, Cipple and Dressel continued their partnership for a brief time but after a massive altercation they went their separate ways Cipple to Amagad and Dressel to Cawbate. Cipple decided to begin hiring trusted agents, taking Duze Jostenns Mon Calamarian assassin Carlonian Feese. Feese had made his presence known by assassinating his own employer Jostenn after Cipple and Jostenn had entered into a business partnership. Cipple decided that to legitimise his public image he would run for the governorship of Amagad City, which he won with the assistance of chief justice Garris Tarainnew and local Imperial General Kriner. Before long Cipple made himself master of the Setnin underworld, much to the consternation of Dressel and Grand Moff Treece. Remaining governor for twenty-four years, Cipple saw off Gang Wars and various challenges on his position. Glann hired such operators as Jan Lomona and Goah Galletti and fell in love with one of his smugglers, Bella with whom he had two daughters, Bessa and Brea. Cipple rarely left the luxurious confines of his Mount Fava Fortress, preferring to work on genetic experiments like the Coryarthanax, the clone of Goah Galletti and the Hunter Killer Lawkeeper project in locations as diverse as his Fortress and the Euphoria Station - fieldwork was left to his many agents. After the fall of the Empire at Endor Cipple faced other challenges two Gang


Wars followed, despite Cipple having many of his opponents eliminated. His first fall came after the discovery of the legendary Starship Heed. Upon selling it to Admiral Korne Lans the ship was sabotaged by mercenary Luschia Arkensaw. Certain of betrayal Lans levelled Amagad City, but only after the Heed had crashed into the Bay of Amagad and flattened the city with a tidal wave. Leaving Amagad with Carlonian Feese, Cipple lost his wife, newborn daughter, his business and the respect that he had so carefully built over the past forty years. His whereabouts were unknown until he resurfaced seven years later, working alongside Zobian Pirates and the Bedois dark force user Arcc Nedeen in a plan to invade and take the Setnin Sector by brute force. Cipple was ultimately located by the bounty hunter Queed and brought to the world of Trefnare where he had a final meeting with Dressel, Anzai Karoo and Queed/ Riger. Dressel, Karoo and Queed died, leaving Cipple as the only surviving member of the Happy Contrivers until his nemesis Longbody appeared from the shadows just as he had promised decades before and took Glann away to meet his destiny. Despite his treacherous betrayal of his former employees and colleagues, and despite working on the fringes of civilised society, Glann Cipple had a massive hand in shaping the destiny of the entire Setnin Sector.

Formally an ally and friend of Glann Cipple. Along with Anzai Karoo, Dessio DStaan, Riger and Cipple, Dressel ran a successful operation with them until sixteen years before the destruction of the first Death Star. However, various events led to the demise of the group partnership DStaan left with his family with all the details of the runs to the Core, Riger disappeared under mysterious circumstances and after an altercation Dressel and Cipple went their separate ways, Cipple to build his empire out of Amagad and Dressel from Cawbate. Dressel went it alone and built the major competitor to Cipples stranglehold in the Setnin Sector, using the talented smugglers Petrol Merritch, Sull Dinn and Velka Mararr and sometimes utilising the talents of Jan Lomona. For a while Dressel teamed up with Mister Spyte in a partnership known as the Talismen but this was short-lived. Ensconced in the Duet, his Catamaran-style Sailbarge, Dressel ran a tight operation. Smooth, slick but above all devious and brilliant, Dressel continued to be a major figure in the underworld for many years, taking the prominent position following Cipples escape from Setnin after the Heed debacle. Seven years later when Cipple attempted an invasion of Setnin alongside Zobian Pirates and Arcc Nedeen, Dressel was wise enough to give aide and work with fellow gangleaders to repel the threat. Dressel met his death at the hands of Riger, who had spent years planning his revenge under the guise of the bounty hunter Queed. Dressel was pushed off the same cliff in Old Veshat Town on Trefnare that he had pushed Riger off many years before.

Weale Galletti
Youngest member of the Galletti family, Weale was as unaware of her surviving brothers existence as they were of hers. Thought by her brothers to have been killed in the familys escape from Trefnare after the Imperial invasion, Weale was taken in at the age of eight and trained by Glann Cipples Shadow Warriors on Ferrerea, working for them on numerous occasions. Highly skilled in the martial arts, espionage and guile, Weale assisted agent Himbimimam out in the field on worlds as inhospitable as Janos and later on Tatooine where she operated for a while as Glann Cipples Alpha Source in Jabba the Hutts court, known as Innga Marrael and posing as a dancer. After the disbandment of the Shadow Warriors, Weale operated as an independent, hiring out her skills to the highest bidder, and made a reputation as an espionage expert, infiltrating organisations and gaining access to the highest echelons of business and politics. During the Setnin/ Ki-Ki War she worked alongside Jan Lomona and assisted in infiltrating Ki-Ki defences.


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