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Chapter 14: The Reformation The Condition of the Church (451-453) 1.

What are the problems within the Catholic church? 2. What is pluralism? Why is this a problem for the church? 3. Who were the Brethren of the Common Life? What did this group represent? 4. What are the positive characteristics of the church during this time? Martin Luther and the Birth of Protestantism (453-462) 5. Why does Luther write the 95 Theses? 6. What are the principles of the doctrine of selling indulgences? 7. How does Luther feel about indulgences? 8. Who was Charles V and why does he order Luther to a Diet at Worms? 9. How does Luther believe that Rome has exploited the German lands 10.Who is the church according to Luther? 11.What is transubstantiation? 12.What is consubstantiation? 13.Who were other reformers? What are the main differences between those reformers and Luther? 14.How does Luther first respond to the demands from the Swabian peasants? 15.What are Luthers views about celibacy and sex? Germany and the Protestant Reformation (462-466) 16. How would you characterize Germany at this time? 17. How does the Habsburg dynasty come to be? What is the French reaction? 18. What is the dispute b/w the French and the Habsburgs? The Growth of the Protestant Reformation (466-475) 19. How have Catholic historians viewed the Reformation? 20. How have Protestant historians viewed the Reformation? 21. Who were the elect according to Calvin? 22. How was Calvins religion and the civil govt of Geneva integrated? 23. What was the purpose of the Genevan Consistory? 24. What was the purpose of Calvins TULIP? 25. Why is Michael Servetus significant in this history? 26. What do Anabaptists believe? 27. What groups trace their origins back to the Anabaptists? 28. What was the condition of the Catholic Church in England prior to its break with Rome? 29. Why does Henry break with the Church? 30. What is the Act of Supremacy? How well is this understood by Parliament? 31. What was the Pilgrimage of Grace? Why is it significant in this history? 32. Why does Henry dissolve the monasteries? 33. How does Elizabeth navigate through the religious tension in her country? 34. Who is Knox? 35. What factor tended to resolve religious matters in Eastern Europe? 36. What happened in Hungary to advance Protestantism? The Catholic and Counter Reformations (475-481) 37. What did the Tridentine decree, Tametsi stipulate? 38. What was the overriding goal of the Catholic religious orders? 39. What was The Index? 40. Compare and discuss how Protestant and Catholic historians view the period of Reformation.

Chapter 14: The Reformation

simony pluralism nepotism absenteeism sale of indulgences clerical ignorance Erasmus, In Praise of Folly Martin Luther Johann Tetzel 95 Theses Johann Eck priesthood of all believers Diet of Worms Confessions of Augsburg Philip Melanchthon Charles V German Peasants War, Twelve Articles League of Schmalkalden Hapsburg-Valois Wars Peace of Augsburg, 1555 Anabaptists John of Leyden Tragedy at Mnster Mennonites, Quakers, & Unitarians Ulrich Zwingli, Zurich Colloquy at Marburg John Calvin Institutes of the Christian Religion predestination elect/visible saints Geneva Consistory Michael Servetus Protestant work ethic John Knox Presbyterianism Huguenots Dutch Reformed Church Puritans

English Reformation William Tyndale Henry VIII In Defense of the Seven Sacraments Catherine of Aragon Anne Boleyn Thomas Wolsey Thomas Cranmer Church of England (Anglican Church) Act of Supremacy Pilgrimage of Grace Statute of the Six Articles Edward VI Mary Tudor Bloody Mary Marian Exiles Elizabeth I politique Elizabethan Settlement Thirty-Nine Articles Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots Katerina von Bora Angela Merici, Ursuline order of Nuns Teresa de Avila Catholic (Counter) Reformation Pope Paul III Council of Trent Index of Prohibited Books Jesuits (Society of Jesus) Ignatius Loyola Spanish and Italian Inquisitions Baroque Art Bernini Colonnade in piazza in front of St. Peters Basilica Canopy over St. Peters Tomb Ecstasy of St. Teresa Caravaggio, tenebrism Peter Paul Rubens

1. Analyze the causes of the Protestant Reformation 2. Compare and contrast the doctrines and practices of Lutheranism and Calvinism with Catholic doctrines and practices. 3. To what extent did Renaissance humanism result in the Reformation? 4. Compare and contrast the English Reformation with Luthers reformation in Germany. 5. Analyze the impact of the Protestant Reformation on European politics and society in the 16th century. Be sure to consider Germany, England, France and the Netherlands. 6. To what extent did the Catholic Church succeed in achieving its goals during the Counter Reformation? 7. Analyze how Baroque art and architecture reect the ideals of the Catholic Reformation

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