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Physiological adaptations to a weight-loss dietary regimen

and exercise programs in women

1Center for Sports Medicine, 2Department of Kinesiology, and 3Noll Physiological Research Center,

The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania 16802

Kraemer, William J., Jeff S. Volek, Kristine L. Clark, ing fat-free mass (2, 15, 17, 23, 42, 43) and resting
Scott E. Gordon, Thomas Incledon, Susan M. Puhl, N. metabolic rate (RMR) (33, 36), and improving serum
Travis Triplett-McBride, Jeffrey M. McBride, Margot lipoprotein (19, 22, 38) and triglyceride (22) status.
Putukian, and Wayne J. Sebastianelli. Physiological adap- However, results of several studies also indicate that
tations to a weight-loss dietary regimen and exercise pro-
exercise in conjunction with food restriction provides no
grams in women. J. Appl. Physiol. 83(1): 270–279, 1997.—
Thirty-one women (mean age 35.4 6 8.5 yr) who were additional benefits in these parameters (9, 39, 52).
overweight were matched and randomly placed into either a Furthermore, studies evaluating the impact of high-
control group (Con; n 5 6), a diet-only group (D; n 5 8), a intensity resistance exercise on body composition and
diet1aerobic endurance exercise training group (DE; n 5 9), other physiological adaptations during weight loss have
or a diet1aerobic endurance exercise training1strength train- reported inconsistent findings (3, 11, 12, 36, 43, 46). For
ing group (DES; n 5 8). After 12 wk, the three dietary groups example, conflicting results concerning the impact of
demonstrated a significant (P # 0.05) reduction in body mass, dietary restriction combined with resistance training
%body fat, and fat mass. No differences were observed in the on lean body mass have been reported. Ross et al. (43)
magnitude of loss among groups, in fat-free mass, or in demonstrated that lean tissue is preserved, whereas
resting metabolic rate. The DE and DES groups increased Donnelly et al. (11) reported no advantages of a resis-
maximal oxygen consumption, and the DES group demon-
tance training regimen to maintenance of lean body
strated increases in maximal strength. Weight loss resulted
in a similar reduction in total serum cholesterol, low-density mass. The inconsistencies reported in previous diet/
lipoprotein cholesterol, and high-density lipoprotein choles- exercise studies may reflect differences in several impor-
terol among dietary groups. These data indicate that weight tant program design components, such as severity of
loss during moderate caloric restriction is not altered by the dietary energy restriction, nutritional composition
inclusion of aerobic or aerobic1resistance exercise, but diet in and nutrient adequacy of the diet, mode and intensity
conjunction with training can induce remarkable adaptations of the exercise programs, dietary and exercise compli-
in aerobic capacity and muscular strength despite significant ance, and total duration of the study. Thus the influence
reductions in body mass. of exercise, but more specifically resistance training, in
body composition; strength training; lipoproteins; endurance a dietary program directed at weight loss remains
training; hormones unclear.
Another limitation with regard to research examin-
ing the physiological effects associated with various
forms of weight loss is that few studies have simulta-
ONE OF THE GOALS of Healthy People 2000: National neously reported data on body composition, exercise
Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Objectives is performance (muscular stength, endurance, power),
to reduce overweight to a prevalence of no more than metabolic rate, and blood lipid profiles, and no studies
20% among people aged 20 yr and older (37). Data have examined all of these variables in response to
obtained from the 1988–1991 National Health and resistance training. The outcome of a specific weight-
Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III) (5) loss program must be judged in terms of all of these
showed that the number of US adult women classified variables to make comparisons among various pro-
as overweight has risen to 35% compared with 25% grams. For example, a weight-loss program may im-
reported from NHANES II (1976–1980) (31). No effica- prove body composition to a greater degree but have a
cious practical therapeutic solution has yet been identi- negative impact on blood cholesterol compared with
fied addressing the increasing prevalence of over- another weight-loss program. Because blood lipid mea-
weight. Therefore, an increased understanding of surements have been strongly correlated with coronary
dietary and exercise strategies used to promote the loss heart disease risk status, these become very informa-
of body mass and maintenance of a healthy weight is tive in the selection of an optimal weight-loss strategy.
needed if these weight-loss goals are to be realized by We hypothesized that a weight-loss diet/exercise
the year 2000. regimen (i.e., high-fiber moderate caloric restriction
Physical activity in conjunction with moderate di- combined with individually prescribed high-intensity
etary energy restriction and behavior modification has endurance and resistance training programs per-
been promoted as an important component of a success- formed over 12 wk) would have a positive influence on
ful weight-loss regimen (7, 40). The results of many body composition, serum lipid profiles, and physical
studies support the beneficial role of combined diet and performance measurements compared with a treat-
exercise in accelerating weight loss (18, 22, 38), preserv- ment with diet alone. Therefore, the primary purpose of
270 0161-7567/97 $5.00 Copyright r 1997 the American Physiological Society

this study was to examine the effects of diet alone and The heavy-resistance training program, performed by the
diet combined with endurance training and diet com- DES group, consisted of a squat exercise performed on a
bined with endurance and resistance training on physi- Tru-Squat machine (Southern Xercise, Cleveland, TN) and
ological and performance adaptations in overweight additional Nautilus machine (Nautilus, Huntersville, NC)
adult women. exercises as follows for each of the major muscle groups:
military press, bench press, lat pull-down, seated rows,
METHODS sit-ups, lower back, leg press, hamstring curls, calf raises,
and arm curls. Progressive resistance training took place
Experimental groups. This study was conducted over a three times per week and followed typical repetition maxi-
12-wk period by utilizing the Matola weight-loss program mum (RM) resistance training principles for progression in
with and without specific exercise training programs. Thirty- the resistance and volume of exercise in a program (25). The
one healthy premenopausal women were screened by a resistance training protocol also utilized a nonlinear periodi-
physician and demonstrated no endocrine, orthopedic, or zation model, that is, the loads were changed within the week
other pathological disorders, except for being overweight (i.e., with subjects varying their resistance loads for the exercises
either $120% of desirable weight, defined as the midpoint of on different days, alternating between heavy-day (5-to 7-RM)
the range of weights for a medium-frame woman on the basis and moderate-day (8- to 10-RM) loads. Subjects progressed
of the 1983 Metropolitan Height and Weight Tables, or a body from one to three sets with a short rest between sets and
mass index $27). Women were matched according to body exercises when using moderate loads (i.e., 1 min) and longer
mass index and randomly placed into one of four groups that rest periods (2–3 min) when using the heavier loads. This
included a control group (Con; n 5 6), which just performed program variation reduced boredom and has been shown to
the testing, maintained body weight, and normal activities; a enhance strength training responses compared with constant-
diet group (D; n 5 8), which maintained normal activities loading programs (28).
while reducing calories for weight loss; a diet group that Experimental tests. All experimental tests demonstrated
performed an aerobic endurance exercise training program 3 very good test-retest reliability over the duration of the study
days/wk (DE; n 5 9); and a diet group that performed an because intraclass correlation coefficients (r) were deter-
aerobic endurance exercise training program combined with mined for all tests and ranged from 0.94 to 0.98. All subjects
a strength training program 3 days/wk (DES; n 5 8). Each were completely familiarized with all testing procedures
woman was menstruating normally (i.e., every 29–36 days), before the experiment to reduce the influence of any learning
as calculated according to methods previously described in effects due solely to the mechanics of performing the test
detail, and testing was performed in the same phase of the protocol.
menstrual cycle (27). The experimental testing took place Body mass was measured on a balance scale to the nearest
before the program and after experimental familiarization, at 100 g, and body density was determined via hydrodensitom-
6 wk, and after 12 wk. Descriptive data for the experimental etry. A detailed description of the equipment and methodology
groups are presented in Table 1. No significant differences in used for underwater weighing tests performed in this investi-
any of the listed variables were observed among the groups at gation has appeared previously (1). In general, underwater
the beginning of the study. weight of the subject was determined with the use of a scale
Training protocols. Each subject was familiarized with the utilizing four electronic force cubes (load cells) attached to a
training protocols before starting her program. The cardiovas- chart recorder. After a maximal exhalation, subjects were
cular conditioning programs followed customary guidelines weighed underwater, and their residual volume measure-
for intensity, frequency, and duration of exercise (24). Sub- ments were performed by the use of an open-circuit nitrogen
jects in the DE and DES groups participated in a supervised washout technique while the subjects were still in the tank.
program of whole body aerobic endurance exercise individu- Percent body fat was calculated from body density by using
ally designed to elicit a target heart rate of 70–80% of the the Siri equation (44). Fat mass was determined by multiply-
functional capacity as determined by treadmill testing. Dur- ing percent fat times body mass, and fat-free mass was
ing the first week, each session lasted ,30 min (not including determined by subtracting fat mass from body mass.
warm-up and cool-down), and this was gradually increased to Maximal force production was assessed by the determina-
50 min over the subsequent weeks. Intensity and duration of tion of 1-RM strength for upper and lower body exercise as
exercise were individually increased for each subject as
previously described (29). We tested 1 RM for upper body and
improvement and tolerance occurred. For variety, endurance
lower body strength by using the Nautilus bench press and
activities included a cross-training mix of treadmill walking/
Tru-Squat machines, respectively. It is important to note that
jogging, stationary cycling, seated rowing, and stationary
these tests provided a specific representation of gains in
stair climbing.
muscular strength of the upper body and lower body muscula-
ture because ‘‘training-specific’’ exercises were used in the
Table 1. Descriptive data of experimental groups testing.
Maximal oxygen consumption was determined by using a
Variable Con D DE DES graded exercise test on a Quinton (Seattle, WA) motor-driven
n 6 8 9 8 treadmill by using a modified Bruce protocol (29). During
Age, yr 31.0 6 9.6 34.6 6 10.2 35.6 6 8.5 36.5 6 7.6 each stage of the test, heart rate was monitored continuously
Height, m 1.7 6 6.9 1.6 6 7.1 1.7 6 6.8 1.6 6 13.1 via a 12-lead electrocardiograph (model Case-15, Marquette,
Body mass, kg 77.9 6 12.1 71.4 6 12.3 77.7 6 12.2 76.1 6 13.0 Milwaukee, WI), and ratings of perceived exertion were
Body mass index 28.2 6 4.0 27.3 6 3.1 28.3 6 4.2 30.5 6 5.1 recorded each minute. Blood pressure was obtained every 2
Body fat, % 37.4 6 6.8 38.0 6 5.5 39.3 6 4.1 35.0 6 6.7 min via brachial auscultation. Expired gases were analyzed
Fat-free mass, kg 48.3 6 5.5 43.8 6 5.3 47.1 6 7.6 49.0 6 5.8 during the last 6 min of the test by using an automated
Fat mass, kg 29.6 6 9.2 27.6 6 7.8 30.6 6 6.3 27.2 6 8.8 metabolic system. The gas analyzers consisted of a Beckman
Values are means 6 SD; n 5 no. of subjects. Con, control group; D, LB-2 CO2 analyzer (Beckman Instruments, Schiller Park, IL)
diet-only group; DE, diet 1 endurance exercise group; DES, diet 1 and S3A O2 analyzer (Applied Electrochemistry, AEI Technolo-
endurance exercise 1 strength training group. gies, Pittsburgh, PA) and were calibrated before each test

with standard gases. Standard gases were calibrated via kg/week) over the 12-wk experimental period. The goal of the
Scholander methodology. Flow was measured by a Hans study was not to strictly control what subjects consumed
Rudolph pneumotachometer (model 4813) and transduced to outside of their scheduled Matola products. Sample menus
volume by a Fitco Micro-Flow instrument (model FLO-1, were provided to help subjects select a variety of foods for
Farmingdale, NY). These signals were integrated in a soft- their non-Matola product meals. If weight loss was not
ware package by Fitco. progressing at an appropriate rate or if subjects were having
Power production capabilities in the lower body were problems adhering to the dietary regimen, individual counsel-
determined by using a 30-s Wingate anaerobic test performed ing was provided.
on a computerized Monark cycle ergometer against an oppos- Blood collection and analyses. Blood was obtained from a
ing force of 0.49 N (0.05 kg)/kg body mass by using a protocol forearm vein between 0500 and 0600 after a 10-h fast at
previously described in detail by Kraemer et al. (29). Fly- baseline, after 6 wk, and after the completion of the 12-wk
wheel revolutions were electronically monitored during the dietary program. Whole blood was processed, and the resul-
test via computer interface (model 55sx, IBM Personal System/ tant serum samples were stored at 280°C until analyses were
2). Peak power (highest 1-s value), mean power (average performed. Serum glucose, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), total
power over the time curve), and percent decline (decline from cholesterol, and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol
the highest to the lowest points on the curve) were calculated and triglyceride concentrations were determined via spectro-
by associated software. photometry (Novaspec II, Pharmacia Biochrom, Cambridge,
RMR was only determined before and after the 12-wk UK), and testosterone and cortisol concentrations were deter-
experimental protocol via indirect calorimetry. After a 10-h mined by using standard radioimmunoassay procedures.
fast, subjects reported to the laboratory from 0500 to 0600 Serum glucose was assayed in duplicate by using an enzy-
and were placed in a semirecumbent position on a bed. After a matic (hexokinase) technique at an absorbance of 340 nm
30-min stabilization period, oxygen consumption was deter- (Sigma Diagnostics, St. Louis, MO). Total cholesterol, HDL
mined at 1-min intervals for 30 min by using the same online cholesterol, tryglycerides, and BUN were enzymatically deter-
metabolic system used for maximal treadmill testing. mined in duplicate by using commercially available kits
Nutritional protocol. One time per week all intervention (Sigma Diagnostics). Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) choles-
participants attended a 1-h group-format nutrition education terol concentrations were calculated according to the method
meeting led by a registered dietitian. The weekly sessions of Friedewald et al. (14). Serum testosterone and cortisol
focused on behavior-modification techniques and educating concentrations were assayed by using solid-phase 125I single-
subjects how to implement a healthy well-balanced eating antibody radioimmunoassays (Diagnostic Products, Los Ange-
plan designed for loss of body mass. Weekly meetings ad- les, CA) with detection limits of 0.14 and 5.5 nmol/l, respec-
dressed various nutritional topics, including sessions on tively. Immunoreactivity was measured with an LKB 1272
protein, carbohydrate, fat, fiber, eating on the road, holiday
Clini-gamma automatic gamma counter with an online data-
eating, portion sizes, and so on. Our objective was to create a
reduction system (Pharmacia Wallac, Wallac Oy, Finland).
6- to 9-kg weight loss in each subject by moderate caloric
Intra- and interassay variances for all assays were ,5 and
restriction over the 12-wk experimental period. Forms for
,10%, respectively.
documenting daily food intake were provided at each session,
Statistical analyses. Comparisons between values obtained
and these food records were reviewed for dietary compliance
at baseline, week 6, and week 12 within each group and
at the beginning of each new week. In addition, subjects were
between groups at each time point were made by using a
given a 1-wk supply of Matola products at each meeting.
two-way analysis of variance. In the presence of a significant
Briefly, the Matola products included prepackaged high-fiber
F-value, post hoc comparisons of means were provided by
meal replacement bars, shakes, and cereal. The macronutri-
Fisher’s least significant differences test. Statistical power
ent composition of these products is shown in Table 2. These
calculations demonstrated power ranges in this investigation
products were consumed in place of certain meals in a 4-day
rotational sequence. In addition to other meals ingested from 0.75 to 0.78. The relationship between changes in
during the day, subjects consumed the Matola products in the selected variables was made by using simple regression. The
following order: one product on day 1, two products on day 2, level of significance was P # 0.05.
three products on day 3, and no products on day 4. Thus a
total of ,12 products were consumed each week. Subjects RESULTS
were strongly encouraged to drink copious amounts of water
throughout the day. Body mass was also recorded and charted Table 3 shows the estimated daily nutrient intake for
at each meeting to ensure a steady rate of weight loss (0.5–1.0 the three dietary groups. There were no significant
differences among groups in any of the examined
Table 2. Nutrient composition of Matola products nutritional variables. Mean energy intake in the three
dietary groups was 1,194 kcal/day. Greater than 70% of
Nutrient Bar Cereal Shake the total energy was composed of carbohydrate, and
,15% was composed of fat. Mean dietary fiber was .28
Serving size, g 85 61 64
Energy, kcal 272 215 210 g/day.
Protein, g 7 6 13 Figure 1 shows the changes in body composition over
Carbohydrate, g 49 39 31 the 12-wk program in the three intervention groups. No
Fat, g 5 4 4 changes were observed in the control group. A signifi-
Saturated fat, g 1.1 NA 1.6
Monounsaturated fat, g 2.5 NA 1.8
cant reduction in body mass was observed at 6 wk in all
Polyunsaturated fat, g 1.4 NA 0.5 intervention groups. At week 12, all three dietary
Cholesterol, mg 5 0 15 groups (D, DE, and DES) significantly reduced body
Dietary fiber, g 11 8 12 mass by 26.2, 26.8, and 27.0 kg, respectively (Fig.
Individual products provide 10–50% of the US recommended daily 1A). In the D and DE groups, body mass at week 12 was
allowance of vitamins and minerals. NA, not available. significantly decreased relative to their week 6 values.

Table 3. Estimated daily nutrient intake Table 4. Repetition maximum strength in bench press
for the 3 experimental groups and squat exercise at baseline, 6 wk, and 12 wk
Nutrient D DE DES Group Baseline 6 Wk 12 Wk

Energy, kcal 1,246 6 148 1,139 6 111 1,179 6 191 Con

Protein, % 15.7 6 2.8 15.3 6 1.3 15.2 6 2.2 Bench press, kg 38.4 6 6.4 39.2 6 6.3
Carbohydrate, % 71.6 6 4.5 71.8 6 2.5 70.0 6 3.5 Squat, kg 70 6 20 72 6 27
Fat, % 12.7 6 3.1 13.0 6 1.6 14.8 6 4.4 D
Saturated fat, g/1,000 kcal 4.4 6 1.6 5.0 6 1.2 5.0 6 1.5 Bench press, kg 38.3 6 4.7 37.9 6 5.2 39.9 6 5.1
Monounsaturated fat, g/1,000 Squat, kg 72 6 30 68 6 23 75 6 31
kcal 6.8 6 2.0 7.0 6 1.5 7.6 6 1.7 DE
Polyunsaturated fat, g/1,000 Bench press, kg 38.8 6 7.7 36.5 6 9.1 38.2 6 10.0
kcal 4.0 6 0.7 4.5 6 1.1 5.0 6 2.2 Squat, kg 74 6 51 78 6 45 78 6 27
Cholesterol, mg 74 6 32 73 6 18 89 6 28 DES
Dietary fiber, g 27.8 6 2.4 28.7 6 1.9 28.2 6 4.0 Bench press, kg 37.3 6 2.6 47.5 6 6.6* 51.3 6 5.2*†
Squat, kg 71 6 28 82 6 26* 89 6 28*†
Values are means 6 SD. Daily intake was calculated from 3 days of
food records obtained from each subject. Percentages are based on Values are means 6 SD. * Significantly different from correspond-
total energy intake. ing value at baseline, P # 0.05. † Significantly different from corre-
sponding value at 6 wk, P # 0.05.
Significant reductions in percent body fat (Fig. 1B) and
fat mass (Fig. 1C) were observed at week 6 in the D and continued improvement at week 12 (114% in the bench
DE groups and by week 12 in the DES group. Addition- press and 125% in the squat). Maximal oxygen con-
ally, the DE and DES groups demonstrated a signifi- sumption, expressed relative to body mass (ml·kg21 ·min21 ),
cant decrease in percent body fat and fat mass at week improved significantly in the DE (125%) and DES
12 relative to their week 6 values. At week 12, the D, (128%) groups at week 12, but not in the Con or D
DE, and DES groups significantly reduced percent body groups (Table 5). When expressed in absolute terms
fat by 25.8, 28.0, and 24.3%, respectively. No signifi- (l/min), maximal oxygen consumption in the DES group
cant changes were observed in fat-free mass over the 12 significantly increased by 15% and in the DE group by
wk in any of the groups (Fig. 1D). There were no 10% (P 5 0.12). There were no changes in Wingate
differences in the magnitude of changes in body mass, anaerobic power performances in the Con, D, and DES
percent body fat, fat mass, and fat-free mass among groups after 6 or 12 wk. However, at 6 wk the D group
groups. demonstrated a significant increase in peak power
The results of the 1-RM strength testing in the bench (125%). There was no significant difference in RMR
press and squat exercise are shown in Table 4. No when expressed as kilocalories per day or kilocalories
changes were observed in the Con, D, or DE groups. per kilogram of fat-free mass in any group at week 12;
The DES group demonstrated significant increases in however, the DES group demonstrated a lower respira-
the 1-RM bench press and squat at week 6, with tory exchange ratio at week 12 (Table 6). Because it has

Fig. 1. Mean (6SE) body mass (A), %body fat

(B), fat mass (C), and fat-free mass (D) in inter-
vention groups at week 0 (baseline), week 6, and
week 12. j, Diet-only group (D); r, diet1endur-
ance group (DE); l, diet1endurance1strength
group (DES). Significantly different (P # 0.05)
from corresponding value at baseline : a D
group, b DE group, c DES group. Significantly
different (P # 0.05) from corresponding value
at week 6: d D group, e DE group, f DES group.

Table 5. Maximum oxygen consumption at baseline, 6 wk, and 12 wk

Group Baseline 6 Wk 12 Wk Change

ml · kg21 · min21 28.43 6 8.12 31.75 6 8.12 13.32 6 4.07
l/min 2.18 6 0.39 2.42 6 0.24 10.24 6 0.26
ml · kg21 · min21 30.38 6 5.88 32.80 6 5.34 34.47 6 4.51 14.10 6 4.24
l/min 2.21 6 0.37 2.23 6 0.42 2.27 6 0.42 10.06 6 0.27
ml · kg21 · min21 28.20 6 3.88 33.59 6 4.22* 35.29 6 4.01* 17.09 6 6.19
l/min 2.23 6 0.53 2.42 6 0.39 2.45 6 0.25 10.22 6 0.43
ml · kg21 · min21 27.80 6 4.52 31.95 6 3.90* 35.42 6 3.61*† 17.62 6 4.97
l/min 2.10 6 0.34 2.25 6 0.27* 2.41 6 0.27*† 10.31 6 0.23
Values are means 6 SD. * Significantly different from corresponding value at baseline, P # 0.05. † Significantly different from corresponding
value at 6 wk, P # 0.05.

been suggested that dividing RMR by fat-free mass is groups all demonstrated a decrease in LDL cholesterol
inappropriate as the intercept of the relationship does at 12 wk (217.7 6 20.2, 223.0 6 24.6, and 226.6 6 31.2
not intersect zero (41), Fig. 2 illustrates the relation- mg/dl, respectively) only results in the DE group were
ship between RMR and fat-free mass at baseline and statistically significant. There were no differences in
week 12 in the D (Fig. 2A), DE (Fig. 2B), and DES (Fig. the magnitude of changes in any of the serum measure-
2C) groups. ments among groups.
Serum triglyceride, glucose, BUN, and cortisol and Significant correlations were observed between
testosterone concentrations are presented in Table 7. changes in several of the measured variables when
There were no significant changes observed for serum combined among groups (Table 8). The strongest rela-
triglycerides, glucose, BUN, and testosterone in any tionship with change in body mass was total cholesterol
group. Cortisol concentrations were not affected in any (Fig. 4) and LDL cholesterol. The change in body mass
group, except for significantly higher levels at 6 and 12 accounted for 60% of the variation in total cholesterol
wk for the DE group. Percent changes in serum concen- and 48% of the variance in LDL cholesterol.
trations of total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and LDL
cholesterol are shown in Fig. 3. Total serum cholesterol, DISCUSSION
HDL cholesterol, and LDL cholesterol at week 12 were
significantly reduced, when all dietary groups are Many investigations have examined the physiologi-
combined. However, the decrease in total cholesterol cal effects associated with diet-induced and diet plus
was only significant in the DE (231.9 6 10.4 mg/dl) and exercise-induced weight loss. A variety of physiological
DES (236.8 6 30.3 mg/dl) groups but not in the D group effects have been examined, including assessment of
(225.6 6 26.2 mg/dl). HDL cholesterol was signifi- body composition, exercise performance, RMR, and
cantly reduced in the D (29.7 6 8.6 mg/dl) and DES serum lipid profile. However, few studies have looked at
(29.4 6 6.1 mg/dl) groups at week 12 but not in the DE all these physiological effects simultaneously, and no
group (24.9 6 6.9 mg/dl). Although the D, DE, and DES studies have examined all these variables in response
to heavy-resistance exercise. Thus, because of method-
ological differences among studies, the clinical (i.e., risk
Table 6. Resting metabolic rate determinations for coronary heart disease) and functional (i.e., muscu-
Group Baseline 12 Wk Change lar strength and aerobic capacity) significance of a
particular weight-loss regimen may not be known and
Con must be interpolated from other studies. In this study,
RER 0.86 6 0.04 0.82 6 0.04 20.04
kcal/day 1,425 6 277 1,557 6 256 1132 we report several important findings related to the
kcal · kg FFM21 · day21 29.81 6 5.62 31.75 6 1.26 11.94 effects of diet alone and diet combined with endurance
D exercise or endurance plus heavy-resistance exercise
RER 0.83 6 0.04 0.85 6 0.08 10.02 on 1) body composition, 2) aerobic capacity, 3) muscular
kcal/day 1,475 6 104 1,400 6 302 275
kcal · kg FFM21 · day21 33.81 6 3.12 31.90 6 6.31 21.91
strength, 4) muscular power, 5) RMR, 6) serum lipids
DE and lipoprotein fractions, and 7) anabolic and catabolic
RER 0.84 6 0.05 0.83 6 0.06 20.01 hormone responses in overweight adult women.
kcal/day 1,517 6 208 1,487 6 280 230 Surprisingly, all dietary groups experienced similar
kcal · kg FFM21 · day21 32.67 6 2.37 31.66 6 3.65 21.01 reductions in body mass (26.2, 26.8, and 27.0 kg for D,
RER 0.83 6 0.05 0.78 6 0.07* 20.05 DE, and DES groups, respectively) and body composi-
kcal/day 1,470 6 184 1,327 6 199 2143 tion (25.8, 28.0, and 24.3% in D, DE, and DES groups,
kcal · kg FFM21 · day21 30.07 6 5.20 27.85 6 3.40 22.22 respectively), whereas fat-free mass remained rela-
Values are means 6 SD. RER, respiratory exchange ratio; FFM,
tively constant (20.1, 11.4, and 21.7 kg in D, DE, and
fat-free mass. * Significantly different from corresponding value at DES groups, respectively) over the 12-wk period. Our
baseline, P # 0.05. findings of no difference in the magnitude of loss in

Table 7. Serum concentrations of glucose, BUN,

cortisol, testosterone, and triglycerides at baseline,
6 wk and 12 wk
Group Baseline 6 Wk 12 Wk

Glucose, mg/dl 94.7 6 12.0 93.8 6 8.6
BUN, mg/dl 10.7 6 2.1 10.6 6 2.8
Cortisol, nmol/l 476.2 6 115.9 578.3 6 97.3
Testosterone, nmol/l 1.4 6 0.3 1.5 6 0.4
Triglycerides, mg/dl 79.1 6 20.1 84.0 6 28.5
Glucose, mg/dl 129.6 6 21.9 123.3 6 20.3 117.3 6 27.1
BUN, mg/dl 11.3 6 4.0 10.6 6 2.7 9.7 6 3.0
Cortisol, nmol/l 418.1 6 156.4 399.8 6 103.1 460.8 6 126.6
Testosterone, nmol/l 1.1 6 0.5 1.1 6 0.5 1.4 6 0.6
Triglycerides, mg/dl 65.7 6 11.8 69.1 6 34.9 74.4 6 19.2
Glucose, mg/dl 108.9 6 18.4 116.5 6 23.1 120.1 6 21.5
BUN, mg/dl 9.8 6 3.3 9.0 6 2.5 10.5 6 3.0
Cortisol, nmol/l 405.9 6 165.9 626.4 6 257.9* 612.1 6 209.7*
Testosterone, nmol/l 1.2 6 0.5 1.2 6 0.6 1.2 6 0.4
Triglycerides, mg/dl 90.7 6 60.7 82.7 6 46.4 83.7 6 38.3
Glucose, mg/dl 114.1 6 14.3 119.0 6 26.9 115.7 6 20.6
BUN, mg/dl 10.0 6 2.4 9.0 6 2.8 11.5 6 3.6
Cortisol, nmol/l 527.6 6 127.5 587.9 6 80.6 581.6 6 174.1
Testosterone, nmol/l 1.5 6 0.7 1.6 6 0.9 1.4 6 0.6
Triglycerides, mg/dl 97.7 6 75.7 90.5 6 71.5 80.9 6 27.1
Values are means 6 SD. BUN, blood urea nitrogen. * Significantly
different from corresponding value at baseline, P # 0.05.

that exercise training reduces the percentage of body

mass lost as fat-free mass during weight-loss regimens
(2). In contrast, our data showed no loss in fat-free mass
and no difference among groups. In support of our
findings on fat-free mass, a number of studies using
various methods of body composition such as magnetic
resonance imaging (42, 43), hydrostatic weighing (3,
34), and bioelectric impedance (38) have also reported
that the loss in fat-free mass is not only attenuated but
maintained or increased when exercise is added to
dietary restriction.
The retention of fat-free mass in the D group was
unexpected because dietary restriction without exer-
cise has been shown to result in reductions of both fat
mass and fat-free mass (see Ref. 15 for review). The
mechanism(s) that mediate this observation remains

Fig. 2. Relationship between resting metabolic rate and fat-free

mass at baseline (s) and at week 12 (r) in D (A), DE (B), and DES (C)
groups. A: y 5 943.48 1 12.08x, r 5 0.65 (baseline); y 5 710.42 1
15.61x, r 5 0.28 (week 12). B: y 5 442.74 1 23.00x, r 5 0.89, P # 0.05
(baseline); y 5 88.574 1 29.77x, r 5 0.79, P # 0.05 (week 12). C: y 5
1091.35 1 7.66x, r 5 0.25 (baseline); y 5 417.55 1 19.02x, r 5 0.63
(week 12).

total body mass, percent fat, and fat mass among

dietary groups is in agreement with the results of
Ballor and Poehlman (2), who reported in a meta-
analysis of 46 studies that exercise training does not Fig. 3. Percent changes (6SE) after 12 wk in total serum cholesterol
(open bars), high-density lipoprotein (HDL; shaded bars) cholesterol,
influence the loss in body mass, percent fat, or fat mass and low-density lipoprotein (LDL; hatched bars) cholesterol. Con,
compared with dietary restriction without exercise. control. * Significantly different from baseline for absolute change,
However, the data from the meta-analysis did show P # 0.05.

Table 8. Significant correlation coefficients between the resistance training program. The highest gains
changes in measured variables were made in the first 6 wk, with continued improve-
ment by 12 wk of training. Little attention has been
Variable Correlation given to performance changes with nutritionally sound
n 29 weight-loss programs. Furthermore, most resistance
Body mass vs. cholesterol 0.77 exercise training programs have not utilized the higher
Body mass vs. LDL cholesterol 0.70 intensities of exercise, nor have they varied the pro-
Body mass vs. HDL cholesterol 0.43
Body mass vs. V̇O2 max 0.63 gram over time (i.e., periodized training). These data
Percent fat vs. resting metabolic rate 0.39 demonstrate that with proper exercise prescription and
Fat-free mass vs. cholesterol 0.37 a sound weight-loss program, despite the reduction in
Fat mass vs. resting metabolic rate 0.41 body mass, positive adaptational responses can be
V̇O2 max vs. cholesterol 0.42
V̇O2 max vs. LDL cholesterol 0.38
achieved with a periodized heavy resistance training
program on strength performance. The benefit of add-
n, No. of subjects; LDL, low-density lipoprotein; HDL, high-density ing exercise comes from the fact that the functional
lipoprotein; V̇O2 max , maximal O2 consumption. P , 0.05.
capacity is improved. Also, changes occur in the actual
composition and density of the muscle and nerve tissue
unclear. It is possible that the high-fiber nature of the quality (e.g., type of myosin heavy chains, type of
diet resulted in an enhanced insulin sensivity and muscle enzymes, nervous system changes, nerve
lower insulin levels (i.e., by reduction of the glycemic branches, more neurotransmitters, and so on) when an
response of meals) throughout the day. The role of exercise program is added to the weight-loss protocol
dietary fiber and insulin in obesity is discussed in detail (10, 45). In fact, an increase in the cross-sectional area
by Ullrich and Albrink (51). Lower insulin concentra- of both type I (,22%) and type II (,28%) muscle fibers
tions may release the normal inhibitory action of has been demonstrated in subjects despite severe di-
insulin on the synthesis of adenosine 38,58-cyclic mono- etary restriction (,800 kcal/day) and large-scale weight
phosphate, thereby inhibiting lipogenic enzymes (e.g., loss (,15 kg) if resistance training is performed (12).
acetyl-CoA carboxylase, pyruvate dehydrogenase, glyc- As expected, both groups that performed aerobic
erol phosphate transferase) and stimulating lipolytic conditioning demonstrated a significant increase in
enzymes (e.g., hormone-sensitve lipase). This scenario maximal oxygen consumption expressed per kilogram
may have created an environment in the body enabling body mass at 6 and 12 wk. The fact that both DE and
subjects to preferentially mobilize adipose tissue stores DES groups increased maximal oxygen consumption by
as opposed to skeletal muscle. We have no data on the 10 and 15%, respectively, after 12 wk when expressed
insulin responses or enzyme activities of the subjects in in absolute terms (l/min) suggests that the increase is a
this study. Future studies may concentrate on these true enhancement of cardiovascular and respiratory
potential mechanisms in the context of preservation of endurance capacity and not an artifact of standardizing
fat-free mass during weight loss. Alternatively, the less maximal oxygen consumption by body mass. The rea-
severe caloric restriction, moderate rate of weight loss, son for the slightly greater increase in maximal oxygen
repletion of vitamin and mineral intakes to recom- consumption in the DES group relative to the DE group
mended daily allowance levels, and/or individualized is unclear. This enhanced aerobic training response in
programs of nutritional intervention may have also the DES group may reflect additional benefits of in-
contributed to our findings. creased volume of exercise, as shown by Donnelly et al.
Strength increases were observed in the bench press (12) in subjects who participated in both endurance and
and squat exercise in the group that participated in weight training. Alternatively, greater leg strength
may have allowed the DES group to run longer on the
treadmill, thus contributing to the increase in maximal
oxygen consumption. In support of this finding, Hick-
son et al. (20, 21) have also reported similar benefits in
endurance capacity when resistance training is per-
formed in addition to the endurance training program.
No statistically significant changes were observed
over the 12-wk training program in anaerobic power
performance. The mechanisms responsible for enhanc-
ing fast-velocity strength changes have been shown to
be different from those that mediate slow-velocity
strength changes (28). Thus the lack of improvement in
the power component of performance is most likely
attributable to the fact that neither the weight training
nor the cycle exercise used in the endurance training
was specifically designed with power development in
Fig. 4. Correlation between changes in body mass and changes in
mind. Nevertheless, no reductions in power perfor-
total serum cholesterol after 12 wk in all groups combined (n 5 29). mance were observed in any of the groups despite
s, Individual data points. r2 5 0.60; P # 0.05. significant reductions in body mass.

The fact that all dietary groups demonstrated a tions (30). Thus data from this study and others (6, 32)
remarkable retention of fat-free mass is also supported might suggest that reducing total fat per se may not be
in part by the findings in our analysis of RMR. The the best way to prevent coronary heart disease because
RMR data, expressed as kilocalories per day or kilocalo- a low HDL cholesterol level is associated with an
ries per kilogram fat-free mass, were not different after increase in the risk of coronary heart disease (16).
12 wk in any of the diet groups. When RMR is ex- The lack of a response in serum testosterone concen-
pressed relative to fat-free mass, larger subjects tend to trations is consistent with the findings of Staron et al.
have lower values because of an overestimate of their (45), who reported a significant increase in testosterone
metabolically active mass compared with smaller sub- in men, but not women, engaged in progressive resis-
jects (41). Thus it has been suggested to regress RMR tance exercise. The DES group demonstrated a slight
across fat-free mass and compare the regression lines increase in serum cortisol (110%), whereas the DE
before and after weight loss (Fig. 2; see also Ref. 41). group showed a significant elevation (151%) after 12
The only significant regression lines were obtained at wk of training. Kraemer et al. (26) reported a similar
baseline and in the DE group after 12 wk. Furthermore, increase in resting cortisol concentrations after a 10-wk
the change in fat-free mass was not significantly corre- program of either sprint interval or sprint interval
lated with the change in RMR, which is in agreement combined with endurance training in men and women.
with the findings of a meta-analysis on the effects of The attenuation in cortisol response in the DES group
diet and exercise on metabolic rate (49). The lower relative to the DE group may indicate a protective effect
respiratory exchange ratio (CO2 production divided by of resistance training (i.e., weight training provides an
O2 consumption) in the DES group at week 12 may anabolic stimulus that counteracts the catabolic re-
indicate a proportionally greater utilization of fat at sponse of endurance training). This has been shown in
rest. Increased utilization of fat may be a metabolic a previous study in men (29).
adaptation reflecting the increased volume of exercise In summary, these data indicate that moderate di-
performed by this group. etary restriction alone has the same effect on the
When all diet groups are considered, there was a magnitude and composition of body mass alterations,
significant decrease in total serum cholesterol, LDL serum lipid profile, RMR, and muscular power produc-
cholesterol, and HDL cholesterol. The significant corre- tion as dietary restriction combined with exercise in
lation (r 5 0.77) between the change in body mass and overweight women. However, diet in conjunction with
the change in total cholesterol would indicate that the endurance and high-intensity resistance exercise signifi-
greatest reductions in serum cholesterol are achieved cantly improves maximal oxygen consumption and
in those individuals who reduce body mass to the maximal (1-RM) strength despite a significant reduc-
greatest extent. The reductions in total serum choles- tion in body mass. Thus exercise, especially high-
terol and LDL cholesterol are consistent with a number intensity resistance exercise, is an important compo-
of studies investigating the impact of weight loss on nent for weight management programs because it
serum lipids (19, 22, 38). Examination of the literature improves functional capacity and quality of life.
on HDL cholesterol would predict that this lipoprotein We thank a dedicated group of subjects, who made this project
fraction should either increase or remain unchanged in possible. Also, we especially thank Kathy Buhl and Laura Gerace for
women engaged in regular vigorous exercise (see Ref. technical assistance in body composition measurement and Brenda
48 for review) and possibly decrease after weight Sinclair for contributions related to nutritional aspects of the study.
Last, we are fortunate to have a great staff at the Center for Sports
reduction if body mass has not stabilized (8, 50). Medicine and the Noll Physiological Research Center and thank all of
Because subjects in this study may still have been them for help in data collection and nutritional support.
losing body mass at week 12, firm conclusions regarding This study was supported in part by a grant from Matola Botanical
the potential response of HDL should be made with International (Montreal, Quebec, Canada).
Present address of S. M. Puhl: State University of New York at
caution. Although exercise typically increases HDL, a Cortland, Park Center E-253, Box 2000, Cortland, NY 13045.
few studies have shown that dietary restriction in Present address of N. Travis Triplett-McBride and J. M. McBride:
conjunction with exercise results in a small reduction Center for Exercise Science and Sports Management, Southern Cross
in HDL cholesterol in women (4, 19). The fact that HDL University, Lismore, New South Wales 2480, Australia.
cholesterol was reduced despite a high activity level in Address for reprint requests: W. J. Kraemer, Center for Sports
Medicine, 146 REC Bldg., The Pennsylvania State Univ., University
this study may be due to the low-fat, high-carbohydrate Park, PA 16802.
nature of the diet or the low dietary cholesterol intake Received 24 July 1996; accepted in final form 17 March 1997.
of the subjects (13, 47). Mensink and Katan (35) have
shown that a high-fiber diet rich in complex carbohy- REFERENCES
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