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State of Delaware

YOU MUST COMPLETE STEPS 1 AND 2 BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH THE APPLICATION PROCESS. THESE TWO STEPS WILL TAKE SEVERAL WEEKS! ALL APPLICATIONS MUST BE FILLED IN ONLINE AND THEN PRINTED FOR SUBMISSION. Step 1 Request your Certified Criminal History which can be obtained by submitting a fee along with your fingerprints to State Bureau of Identification. For specific information and locations please contact them at (302) 739-5871. Please be advised that your Criminal History cannot be older than 3 months at the time your application is submitted. These documents must be attached to your application. Step 2 Request Certified Court Dockets and Sentencing Orders and/or disposition records for all ADULT dispositions listed as guilty, unknown, unobtainable, transferred. Contact the courts in the county associated with the offense(s) for further information on how to request the documents. These documents must be attached to your application. Step 3 Once you have received your Certified Criminal History and your Certified Court Dockets and Sentencing Orders, complete the page titled Criminal History Review Form. Step 4 Compare your offense(s) from your Criminal History Review Form to the offense(s) listed on the Offenses that Require a Mental Health Report. If jail time was served in relation to an offense(s) that require a mental health report, you will have to provide a Psychiatric or Psychological Evaluation from a licensed professional of your choice. Any psychologist or psychiatrist performing an evaluation must submit the information requested in Rule 9, paragraph (c) listed on page 12 of the Rules of the Board of Pardons. Step 5 Complete the entire Delaware Board of Pardons Application for Pardon by typing in your responses online and then printing once complete. Step 6 Complete the Affidavit of Mailing by typing in your responses online and then printing once complete. This form must be notarized. Include the original Affidavit in your application and mail copies to the individuals listed on the form. Step 7 To request a Telephonic hearing due to hardship, please complete and submit with the application the Hardship Form. Please be aware that this request is subject to approval. Step 8 Assemble all your documents to include the criminal history report and the court dockets and attach them to the appropriate sections as specified in the application. Once assembled, make one copy of EVERYTHING (so you will have a total of 2 complete packets). Use a paper clip or binder clip to attach your documents together for each packet. Stapled documents will not be accepted. Step 9 Keep one copy of your application packet for your records and mail the original packet to: Board of Pardons Secretary of States Office 401 Federal Street, Suite 3 Dover, DE 19901
If you have any questions, contact the Board of Pardons at 302-739-4111. You can also visit us online at


List all ADULT guilty offenses, pending offenses, disposition unknown, disposition unobtainable, or matters transferred to another court. Obtain this information from your certified criminal history and your certified court dockets and sentencing orders. Do not list any dismissed, nolle prosequi, or juvenile charges.


Arrest Date

_________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________

Make sure that all of the offenses required to be addressed in this application are listed. Failure to list all required charges will result in your application being returned. This list will serve as a guide as you complete the DELAWARE BOARD OF PARDONS APPLICATION

Add Additional Review Pages


1. Full name: ____________________ ________________ _____________________ ___________ First Middle Last Suffix

2. Address: _______ _____________________________ _______________ ______ _____________ Number Street City State Zip Code 3. Telephone Number: ____________________________SBI No. ___________________________ (Include area code) (Located on your Criminal History) 4. Email Address: ______________________________________________ 5. Date of birth: _____________________________


6. State every other name by which you have been known, including the name under which you were convicted (i.e., include your maiden name, name by a former marriage, aliases, and nicknames). ________________________________________________________________________________ 7. Attorney Information Are you representing yourself?

No, if no you must provide your attorneys information. Otherwise, proceed to the next step.

Attorneys Name ____________________________________________________________________ Attorneys Address __________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Attorneys Phone: ___________________________________________________________________ Attorneys Email: ___________________________________________________________________

Attach Criminal History Report and Criminal History Review Form

What is your highest level of education? ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Any known learning disabilities? Yes  No. If yes, briefly describe.

Any history of mental health issues?

Yes  No. If yes, briefly describe treatment.

Any history of substance/alcohol abuse? when addiction began.

Yes  No. If yes, briefly describe drug/substance of choice and

What is your current marital status?

(Check one:)  Single

Married or Entered into a Civil Union



 Yes Do you have children or other dependents? No If yes, describe them. (Example: name, age and living arrangement)

Current Employment Status, if not employed state the reasons?

Are you currently enrolled in school/vocational training, if yes, provide the name and location and your area of study?

Fill out a separate copy of this page for each conviction that is listed on the Criminal History Review Form. Provide requested information for offense(s) which can be found on the court docket and sentencing order. Arrest Date: ___________________________________________ Offense(s): If more than one offense was associated with the same arrest, list them.

Sentence Date: _______________

Sentence : ________________________________________________

How much time, if any, did you serve in a correctional facility for this offense? ___________________ DDid you serve time in a correctional facility for this offense and if so how much time was servedid you serve time Probation: Yes No If yes, provide date completed ___________________________________ Restitution: Yes No If yes, amount and if obligation is resolved (paid) ___________________ (If obligation is not resolved, please contact the court and request a civil judgment and attach it to this page) Name of Court: ____________________________________________________________________________ Court Address: ________ ____________________________________ ___________ ________ _________ Number Street City State Zip Code Narrative Description of the Offense(s): Provide a complete and detailed account of the offense(s) you listed CC above. You are expected to describe in your own words the factual details surrounding the offense(s). Describe the full extent of your involvement in the criminal conduct.

Attach the Certified Court Docket(s) and Sentencing Order(s) associated with the offense(s)

Add Additional Summary Pages


What are your reasons for seeking a pardon? Attach any supporting documents as evidence to support reasons due to
extenuating circumstances. (Example: Denial letter due to failed background check or written regulations regarding criminal convictions preventing you from services)

Pending Proceedings: Do you have pending any judicial or administrative proceedings with the federal, state, or local governments? Yes  No. If yes, state the full jurisdiction in which the proceeding is pending, the nature of the dispute, and the current status of the matter.

Describe below any community/charitable activities you are involved in and your duties. (You may attach any certificates or documents)

References may be attached to this page Attach supporting documents as evidence to support reasons due to extenuating circumstances.


STATE OF DELAWARE DELAWARE BOARD OF PARDONS Applicant Name ___________________________________________Date of Birth ___________________ The above applicant has filed a petition for a pardon with the Board of Pardons (Board) in the Secretary of States O ffice, 401 Federal Street, Suite 3, Dover, DE 19901. The petition will be heard at the earliest possible date as determined by the Board. Hearings are held at the Kent County Courthouse, Courtroom 8, 414 Federal Street, Dover, DE 19901. Copies of this affidavit of mailing have been sent to: 1. The Judge(s) who presided at the sentencing hearing(s) or Presiding Judge(s) 2. Joseph R. Biden, III, Esq. Attorney General, Department of Justice, Carvel State Building, 820 N. French St., Wilmington, DE 19801. 3. Chief of Police in the city/county where the arrest(s) was/were made. Omit this step if you were only arrested by Delaware State Police. 4. Colonel Robert M. Coupe, Superintendent, Department of Public Safety, Division of State Police, P.O. Box 430, Dover, DE 19903. Reason(s) for applying:

Offense(s) and Date(s) of Arrest:

_____________________________________ Signature of Applicant

STATE OF ______________________ COUNTY OF ___________________ ) ) SS )

____________________________ Date

This applicant, being sworn, deposes and says that he/she is attesting that all statements contained in his/her application are true and correct in every respect, and that he/she has not suppressed any information that might affect this application. Sworn to me before me this ______ day of ___________________________________ Signature of Notary Public My commission expires ______________. (SEAL)
IMPORTANT: Make sure you have completed every item on the checklist and that your application is signed and complete. Any missing information will significantly delay processing.

, 20 __________.


Due to the circumstance(s) described below, the applicant is requesting that a telephonic hearing be allowed in place of a personal appearance.

Applicant Name _______________________________________ Date of Birth ___________________

Reason(s) petitioner has found that it would be a hardship to physically attend the hearing:

_________________________________________________________________________________ If an approval of hardship is made, the Board may require that you be available by phone at your scheduled time. Please provide a reliable telephone number that could be used to contact you for a possible telephonic hearing (___________)-__________________________________.

_____________________________________ Signature of Applicant

____________________________ Date

______________________________________ Approved

___________________________ Date

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