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1. All the Duty Doctors are requested to put on Aprons during duty with their Nameplates. 2. Doctors should be present in the Hospital premises 5 minutes before their respective duty and ta e charge of all patients. !. "he general shift is from # A.$. to 5 %.$. with lunch breath from 1 %.$. to 2 %.$. &. 'otation duties will be as follows( ) # A.$. to 2 %.$. 2 %.$. to # %.$. # %.$. to # A.$. 5. *n case of emergency+ leave+ and changing duties , one of the Duty Doctor will have full duty i.e. # A.$ to # %.$. with proper lunch brea . -. "he .asualty duty doctor will attend all emergencies and will also do clinical rounds+ twice a day /morning 0 evening1 of all the *n)patients admitted including *.2+ N*.2+ 0%34")3% of different specialties. 5. 6henever a patient is admitted+ the duty doctor will write a brief history of illness with provisional diagnosis without fail in the in)patient file of the patient and initial treatment to be started. #. $7. cases+ '"A cases and any matter+ which needs further clarification+ should be brought to the notice of $anagement8Dr 4ri anth 9agirdhar. :. All the Duty Doctors on each shift will divide among themselves+ i.e.+ one will cover casualty and the other will cover wards8*.28N*.2. 1;. .hange)over of duty+ will ta e place only when the on) duty doctor reports to casualty and the preceding duty doctor will brief the on)duty doctor on the condition of any serious patient and the treatment given. 11. Discharge 4ummaries must be completed according to the format+ to get it chec ed with senior colleague and to be ept ready at the time of discharge so that discharge formalities are completed in time. 12. 7eave must be applied for sanction one or two days in advance. *f there is no feasibility leave will not be granted. 1!. "he duty doctor will be entitled for wee ly offs+ which cannot be accumulated and availed later.

1&. During the leave period+ the salary will be deducted proportionately for the no of days of leave ta en. 15. "he duty doctor will inform the casualty nurse+ whenever he goes for rounds or to attend emergencies in the wards. 1-. "he duty doctor should provide his telephone number to reception+ on the day of <oining the hospital. 15. "he duty doctor 4hould inform his whereabouts whenever he is out of the hospital premises. and his contact telephone no. 1#. $onthly duty roaster will be circulated before the commencement of the month 1:. *f the Duty Doctors wants to leave the Hospital for any reason+ they are required to give one)month notice. *f they leave without information they are not eligible to draw salary for the number of days they have wor ed+ nor will they get =>perience .ertificate 2;. *f the hospital management finds any breach of rules and polices which brings disrepute to the hospital+ the management reserves the right to terminate the services without notice ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? @ou will in all respects be governed by the 3rganiAationBs rules and regulations+ applicable to your category of employees. Any breach+ non) conformity or non)observance of any of the organiAationBs rules+ regulations+ policies or directives would render you liable for action as deemed fit by the $anagement. *n case the terms and conditions e>pressly enumerated herein before are acceptable to you+ please sign the duplicate copy of this letter on all pages in to en of your having understood the aforesaid and having accepted the same. 6e welcome you to and wish you a happy and long stay with us. Cery truly yours+ Dor 4antosh Hospital /Accepted1 ???????????? $edical Director

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