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ODI board Sir Nigel Shadbolt, Sir Tim Berners-Lee, Gavin Starks, Rob Bryan, Roger Hampson, Richard

Marsh, Martin Tisn (observer) ODI team and associates Gavin Starks, Jeni Tennison, Stuart Coleman, Michelle Prescott, Tom Heath, Emma Thwaites, David Tarrant, Kathryn Corrick, Richard Stirling, Jade Croucher, Stuart Harrison, Louise Burke, Carl Rodrigues, Andrea Cox, Sam Pikesley, Olivia Burman, James Smith, Anneza Pitsialis, Phil Lang, Edwina Bowles, Ulrich Atz, Julie Freeman, Tim Organ, Briony Phillips, Adrian Philpott, Samantha Haines, Sam Michel, Amy Williams, Chris Kenworthy, Susan Davies, Brian Hoadley, Emily Williams, Peter Kimpton, Helen Desmond, Leigh Dodds, Katy Taylor, Simon Whitehouse, John Gibson, Phil Booth Open Data Institute 65 Clifton Street, London EC2A 4JE Company 08030289 Design and art direction by Adrian Philpott Watercolours by Deborah Allwright Edited by Peter Kimpton

There is nothing so powerful as an idea whose time has come. When we began working with the UK government to open up its non-personal data, we recognised there was a great opportunity. An opportunity to enhance transparency, improve efficiency, and create social, environmental and economic value. As the open data movement gathered momentum we needed an organisation mandated to unlock the value of open data and help catalyse open data culture. The best way to ensure more high quality data is released as open data, and that open becomes the new default, is demand: from businesses and organisations, both public and private, from individuals and corporations. This was the case we made for the Open Data Institute the first of its kind in the world. We were delighted that the UK government agreed to help establish it. An essential feature is that it is independent of government, of its sponsors, and funders. There will be times when we have to hold government to account, to call out poor data practice, to highlight the precarious state of data assets in both the public and private sector. The ODI is a not-for-profit company, limited by guarantee. However, it is ruthlessly commercial and will re-invest profits into its core activities. In its first year the ODI has exceeded our expectations. We are very proud of the ODI team and their achievements. Achievements that include a growing membership, value creation, companies helped, policy contributions made, training undertaken, research carried out, and the overwhelming national and international interest generated. These are all strong and vibrant signals that the ODI is the right thing at the right time promoting an idea whose time has come.
1st October 2013
Sir Nigel Shadbolt and Sir Tim Berners-Lee, founders of the Open Data Institute

The ODI could have had no better foundations: meaningful funding, operational autonomy, world-leading founders, the perfect address book, the right place and timing. The UKs presidency of the Open Government Partnership, the signing of the G8 Open Data Charter, and the US Presidential Executive Order coincided to push a single message: data is open and machine-readable by default. Transparency as a public good is an excellent foundation. We have demonstrated potential for improved public-sector efficiency and economic growth. Over 40 companies have joined as members, initiating projects and opening up their own data. We built an exceptional team, who have welcomed over 3,000 people from 30 countries to our Shoreditch offices. Over 130 people from 11 countries took our courses. We reached over 100,000 people online. At the G8 we launched Open Data Certificates. Our peer-to-peer lending research hit the front page of the Financial Times. We helped a dozen startups generate 1.4m income, and unlocked substantial funding for open innovation: a 750k innovation programme, a 1.2m challenge series, 400k for research, 470k philanthropic investment, and 2.4m for international dvelopment. We have been open in everything we have done: from our first lines of code for tools, to codifying the ODI itself. Our development has all been collaborative and, working with dozens of countries, we have designed a model to catalyse open data culture internationally.
Gavin Starks, CEO
From top: Modern binary pioneer Gottfried Leibniz (1679); Charles Babbages Analytical Engine (1837); Alan Turing develops his Turing Machine (1936)

Demonstrating the power of open We created the worlds first robust quality standard for open data: the Open Data Certificate, showcased a 200m+ potential efficiency saving, and highlighted the scale of opportunity for transparency, efficiency, and economic growth. Becoming the go-to focal point for open data Thousands of people visited our London offices from businesses, the public sector, NGOs, universities, schools, and organisations seeking to discover, understand, and use open data. Our visitors came from across the UK, and from over 30 countries including Argentina, Australia, Austria, Brazil, Brussels, Canada, Costa Rica, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Hungary, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Korea, Liberia, Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, Qatar, Russia, Singapore, Sweden, Taiwan, UAE, Uganda, and the US. Convening diverse people and expertise We drove the open data agenda into new areas, forging relationships with people from the Cabinet Office to Telefnica, the Bank of England to the BBC, the University of Southampton to the Web Foundation and stimulated new inward investment from Quanta Computer. Generating new income We generated 620k in income from 40 corporate members, 400k from EU FP7 research bids, and 470k philanthropic investment from Omidyar Network. Working in partnership with the World Bank and Open Knowledge Foundation we created a 2.4m international development programme. With the Technology Strategy Board and Nesta we unlocked 1.8m for open innovation. The ODI Startup Programme generated 730k in commercial contracts, and 700k in investments.

An agile approach throughout ODI operations We try, test, and iterate the entire business on a continuous basis: our project planning, business development, financial planning, hiring, communications, research, technical development, and corporate expansion. Open data and systems help us keep the wheels on. Creating and meeting the demand for training We successfully delivered a diverse range of postgraduate-level training courses in Y1 to meet both market needs and to create demand for our Postgraduate Certificate, which will be launched next year. Our Friday lectures have become incredibly popular. They illustrate the diverse areas touched by open data, and reach tens of thousands in the sphere of open data culture. Demonstrating the power of evidence-based stories We provided specific and detailed policy consultations to UK government across a range of issues, and catalysed stories that received national and international coverage, reaching millions of readers. With open data applicable to all of the things, we chose the financial sector as a primary focus for this year, with additional areas such as health, crime and justice, energy and environment, all receiving time and investment. Creating a world-class team The ODIs success is determined by the calibre of its team. Our board includes world experts from across business, creative, technology, academic, and research fields. We currently have 15 FTE staff and 22 ODI Associates delivering the business, and provide a coaching and mentoring programme to help everyone develop their expertise.

Open Data Certificates are a kitemark for open data. Over 500 have been created over the beta period since we launched them at the G8 Tax, Transparency and Trade Summit in June 2013, and 20 published across a range of public sector and commercial organisations. How they work Open data publishers complete a questionnaire that covers the legal, practical, technical and social aspects of good open data publication. Certificates are then issued at four levels RAW, PILOT, STANDARD or EXPERT that reflect the quality of data publication at these levels. More importantly, publishers are given a list of suggested improvements in how they publish open data, which helps prioritise their activity. For reusers of the data, a certificate enables an informed choice about how much to embed the certified open data into the tools and services they build. A Standard level certificate indicates data that has a good level of reliability and support. Certificates are a useful tool for policymakers and those procuring open data solutions. Contracts that require open data publication at a Standard level guarantee a high level of provision. Expert level is for the providers of national information infrastructure. As the certificates site comes out of beta, we are working with organisations in the US, France, and elsewhere to adapt the certificates for use outside the UK. We are also working on a programme of auditing open data certificates to provide an ever more trustworthy kitemark.

The Open Data Institute has established itself as a world-leading centre of expertise on open data, incubating new startups, providing training, and providing an independent voice on policy issues affecting open data. It has been a remarkable first year for the organisation, a testament to the UKs leadership in this cutting edge field, and an indication of further successes to come.
Paul Maltby Director of Open Data and Government Innovation, UK Cabinet Office

We at the Information Commissioners Office have watched the development of the ODI with great interest; it is a very welcome initiative.
Christopher Graham Information Commissioner

Open data can help us harness the collective power and wisdom of thousands to improve policies and public services, enable millions to have their voices heard and save precious government funds.
Martin Tisne Director of Policy, Omidyar Network

The creation of a formal group like the ODI to shepherd the diverse efforts of companies like ours is a great accelerator for the process. This is an area where the UK is leading the way in Europe and the world. Congrats to the ODI team.
Ed Freyfogle Co-Founder, Lokku

Its a fantastic opportunity to be connected into a network of data specialists that one could never imagine existed.
Jenni Allen Head of Public Services, Which?

Just agreed our third piece of business in a week thanks, ODI!

Francine Bennett CEO, Mastodon C

We started last December 2012 with only a training room, the material for a Postgraduate Certificate and one part-time trainer. We had much to do. In January we launched our free weekly Friday lunchtime lectures. The aim was to run six, publish the slides and audio recordings. Weve now run 27 lectures, which have been viewed online by over 100,000 people. Although the lectures were going well, the market wasnt ready for a Postgraduate Certificate in Open Data Technologies. We saw a need for an intensive zero-to-hero course: our five-day Open Data in Practice course was born. March saw our first paying customers with a bespoke course and in April we ran our first public courses. Current courses include: Open Data in Practice intensive, practical, five-day course Open Data Law and Licensing designed for non-specialists Open Data in a Day enables anyone to get started Open Data for Journalists one-day intensive course on finding stories in data These courses would not be possible without partners thank you University of Southampton,, School of Data or our now growing number of specialist trainers.

All icons from The Noun Project (see page 50)

I started following the Open Data Institute before it was opened. When the class Open Data in Practice was announced I arranged my travel and seat as soon as my organisation would let me. The ODI experience is immersive and informative. Each speaker engaged me intellectually and answered my questions with patience. My pre-conceptions of open were changed as well. The ODI has a wonderful art exhibit relating to open data, alongside guest speakers from the arts and sciences bringing ideas and perspectives into the collaborative atmosphere of the ODI. Finally, getting to meet all of the people I knew online and as well as making new friends made this course one I recommend for anyone interested in the idea of open. I also recommend anyone to ask Dave about the unicorn data set and Gavin about the unfranchise.
Jason Hare Open Data Programme Manager, City of Raleigh, North Carolina attended Open Data in Practice, September 2013

Show me the money provides the most comprehensive snapshot to date of the UK peer-to-peer (P2P) lending market. We collaborated with the three biggest P2P platforms in the UK (Zopa, RateSetter, and Funding Circle), banking professionals, and visualisation and media experts, to highlight the regional geography of lending in the UK. The complete data set covers almost 14 million loan parts (all transactions since October 2010). To protect individuals we conducted a privacy impact assessment and aggregated postcodes to outcode level (8,600 households on average). The project is available as a report and online as an interactive visualisation. It is also the first time anyone has published financial data with an Open Data Certificate. Core finding P2P innovation is country-wide A core finding of the research is that while regions in the southern England lend more, the UK is surprisingly balanced when it comes to the distribution of recipients. Further projects aim to include a real-time map of the market, and a similar data product for other financial industries. Reach and impact We gained high-profile media coverage for this story, most notably the front page of the Financial Times. The evidence of change directly attributed to the project includes the reduced minimum investment level of LendInvest (a crowdsourced, peer-to-peer mortgage lender). During the project we created close collaborations with the participants, financial sector, and the Bank of England.

In its first year, our research has evolved from a medium-term intention to a core component of operations. It is meeting numerous challenges related to open data, covering not only computing and data science, but a broad spectrum of social sciences, arts, and humanities. Our goals are to understand how applications of open data can transform organisations and communities for the better, and to demonstrate and document these stories so we and others can learn and improve. We are researching and developing tools that remove barriers to open data publication and consumption, while working to understand and respond to the longer term implications of deploying and applying open data at massive scale. In our first year of operation we have applied for and won three European research grants totalling almost 400k. Working with the Web Foundation, we have co-funded the development of the Open Data Barometer, which charts the development of open data culture worldwide, and undertaken a number of research projects with our commercial partners. Research will always be a collaborative venture, with networks and relationships playing a critical part. To date we have formed concrete relationships with 12 research organisations and hosted our first internships a trend which will increase significantly in 2014.

Matthew Fontaine Maury creates ocean open data charts of weather, winds and currents his 1855 book is an open data project for safe navigation

The startups in our programme have achieved amazing things in a short period of time. We have provided them with space, mentoring, coverage, and help meeting clients and investors. They have generated over 700k in commercial contracts, and 700k in investment. As with all startup programmes, we expected a 90% failure rate, but only 16% have pivoted or decided to move on. Each startup is a pioneer of new open data business models. They prove that though data can be open and free, it can still create fantastic paid-for services with service-level agreements, or share-alike models, and generate new business insights for which people will pay. As computing and data processing are increasingly commodified, the trend is to increase the value of services that deliver real business value. OpenCorporates is the largest open database of companies in the world, with over 60 million companies in 60 jurisdictions. It is working with governments, the financial industry, journalists and anti-corruption investigators. Open Bank Project is an open source API and app store for banks that empowers financial institutions to securely and rapidly enhance their digital offerings using an ecosystem of third-party applications and services. Spend Network helps people spend less to close more business, using open spending data to create new insights for government and its suppliers. TransportAPI has created a single source of public transport information for developers, including timetable, live departure and disruption information from open data sources.

We assess startups on their ability to create social, environmental, and economic impact. Building to financially sustainability is mandatory. In addition to all the usual startup criteria of the strength of the idea, the team, timing, product, and market opportunity, the ODI raises the bar to ask what is the broader beneficial impact and how these businesses will consume and produce open data. Mastodon C are agile big data specialists: offering the skills and open source technology platform to help realise the potential of data, all on a zero-carbon infrastructure. CarbonCulture helps businesses turn sustainability leadership into great communications, staff engagement, and direct energy savings delivering value for businesses and their communities. Demand Logic discovers energy-saving opportunities in commercial buildings, and monitors building performance and comfort. Honest Buildings connects you to people, projects and companies for millions of buildings globally, helping you find the best solutions for any real estate decision. Locatable aims to make house hunting easier by helping people find areas that satisfy their most important criteria. Provenance helps makers tell the true stories behind their products to customers.

We have responded to seven government policy consultations over the past year, as well as providing evidence to the Shakespeare Review, and the Public Administration Select Committee. Addressing issues We have argued for the release of the Postcode Address File (PAF) as open data in our responses to the PAF Advisory Board and to Ofcom. We supported the Open Data User Group in calling for an Open National Address Dataset as a fundamental part of the National Information Infrastructure. The government missed an opportunity to separate PAF from Royal Mail during its privatisation. Key responses Responding to the Department for Educations consultation over sharing the National Pupil Database, and HMRCs consultation on opening up the VAT register, we highlighted that personal data should not be made open, nor preferentially shared with specific private companies. Releasing aggregated, anonymised open data satisfies most industry requirements. We have highlighted the importance of embedding open data into government. We did this in our responses on the Code of Practice for Datasets, Improving Local Government Transparency, on the UK draft National Action Plan 2013, our evidence to the Shakespeare Review, and the Public Administration Select Committee. We have called for a National Information Infrastructure that focuses on publishing core reference data, and increasing capability for those inside government to use their own data. Open data should be embedded into procurement guidelines and its quality and quantity monitored on an ongoing basis.

Data is a growing part of our changing cultural landscape. We decided to challenge our understanding of and relationship with the vast amounts of data around us. How could we express this? With so much public, private and academic interest in the ODI, announcing that our very first project would be to commission art certainly raised a few eyebrows. We received 89 submissions in 2 weeks from over 20 countries. The nine works selected and exhibited in our space have been featured in the Wall Street Journal, the main TED conference, and one has been selected for display at the V&A Museum in London. They transform how we perceive our world. The almost maternal Vending Machine has developed a significant fanbase. It scans BBC News feed for headlines related to the recession, offering instant free snacks triggered by headlines linked to a worsening economy. During the last budget, it dispensed its entire contents. In Body 01000010011011110110010001111001 the urban environment provides a dynamic flickering and clicking sentience to the larger-than-life sized human form, reflecting the influence data has on individuals. Placing The Obelisk into the heart of a working environment was extremely provocative. The light-emitting sculpture changes from opaque to transparent based on the number of references to the four main crimes against peace as codified during the Nuremberg trials, and can still be found in todays online news. Only one of the nine works is screen-based. The idea of the web breaking through the glass and becoming part of our physical world could not be more timely, and significant, to the work of the ODI.
The Obelisk (2012) by Fabio Lattanzi Antinori.

Telling great stories about open data is a fundamental part of who we are. Everyone at the ODI lives and breathes storytelling every day. From a casual chat in the kitchen to negotiations with our partners or world leaders, we believe the power of open data lies in the richness of our stories and our ability to tell them. We have invested in convening, creating and talking about open data that has broad value: to society, to our economy, and to the environment. Stories bring colour and context to our message because they have the greatest relevance, and resonance. We have created four principles to guide our work: Storytelling: by creating and telling great stories we contribute to a wider celebration of the economic, environmental, and social impacts of open data. Collaboration: we establish the ODIs role and vision as distinct from others in the open data space but we are enthusiastic about collaboration with existing and new networks. Leadership: we demonstrate leadership in the open data movement, creating mechanisms to drive the agenda in repeatable, scalable ways. Understanding: we aid data literacy and build deep understanding of open data and its potential. Since we opened our doors, weve had 400 pieces of media coverage including in The Financial Times, the Wall Street Journal, The Daily Mail, Wired, The Economist and GigaOM. To continue having an impact we need to keep working with our friends and partners, to communicate the great results open data can achieve to as wide an audience as possible.

John Snow discovers the source and maps the spread of a cholera outbreak at a water pump in Londons Broad Street in 1854

Passionate about promoting open data culture, our team has been breaking new ground in the open data landscape, to prove why businesses large and small should consider both consumption and publication of open data to bolster, or even underpin, their business model. Industry and government We are seeing early evidence that open data from both industry, academia, and government drives growth, stimulates and accelerates innovation, and connects businesses in new ways with their customers. Early members include a range of markets from telco, media, to financial services, colleges and universities. Member perspectives Telefnica Digital have embraced an open approach: releasing footfall data to better inform emergency services. Soon to be regulated peer-to-peer lender RateSetter see open data as a competitive advantage against the incumbent and opaque lending protocols of banks. Leading consumer champion, Which?, sees open data as a new source of consumer insight, in education, healthcare, energy, and retail; and Taiwanese IT giant Quanta are exploring open data as a source for innovation, at the core of their business, in a bold research initiative. New models are embracing open The most exciting propositions are those coming from the SME and startup communities. Dozens of small, fast growing, and nimble services such as Mydex,, ScraperWiki, and 100%Open are committed to business models that consume or produce open data. .

Open data has a wealth of potential. Why? We see members reaching outside their organisations for innovation, research and development: building the next data ecosystem will rely on innovative open data business models that startups are pioneering. As Telefnica demonstrated at their Campus Party this year, opening up data from business draws the crowd. Anonymising and opening up customer behavioural data can generate social and economic value: in their case combining with crime data to create predictive analytics. And, by publishing product data as open data, BestBuy increased the reach and audience for their products. Open data can help streamline and unify supply chains and business operations. It can increase transparency, encourage competition, highlight inefficiencies and foster collaboration between suppliers. The writing is on the wall: we predict huge change coming in this area as government procurement around the world shifts gear. New frontiers, bigger challenges While we see opportunity, we also see challenges. Creating compelling, evidence-based use-cases is critical. Developing domain expertise in marketing, finance, insurance, health, transport, education, security, law, energy and environment, will not happen overnight: but those sectors are approaching us. We aim to draw stories, of both success and failure, from these early pioneers to engage, inform, and enable many more people to pursue opportunities in the open data economy. We give enormous thanks to our member organisations for their investment in us and in open data and look forward to collaborating with them, and new members, on this journey.
Early Egyptian hieroglyphics and Sumerian written language (c 3500BC)

ODI is giving people the opportunity to iterate this hasnt really happened in the UK.
Julie Meyer Founder, Ariadne Capital

Organisations like ODI are terribly important, you can have ideas about open data, but unless you have the organisational structure and the political support associated with it, it wont happen.
Kevin Cox Executive Director, Edentiti

ODI is very famous in Korea.

South Korean government delegation

The power that the ODI gives to small businesses to expand and grow their businesses with their innovative schemes, domain expertise and all-round helpfulness is truly game changing for small UK business. Ive not found anything else that delivers real results like the ODI.
David James Founder, Total Car Check

The Open Data Institute is a point where the community and academia and industry can come together and try and find the value in open data.
David Miller CTO, Open Health Care UK

Ive really enjoyed my time here its an excellent space to work in and its been a brilliant opportunity to hear passionate people talk about the power and potential of open data.
David Durant MySociety

Thank you for your fantastic presentation; I felt really proud of the ODI and the great work you are doing on open data and its significance globally.
Victoria Pattinson Director, Tech City Investment Organisation

Clockwise from top: Satellites for navigation, Inukshuk landmarks, indigenous Australian songlines, Stonehenge

Weve spent much of the last year listening: to business leaders, politicians, civil servants, academics, grassroots activists, entrepreneurs, to our own team, school kids, people who work with data every day, people who are excited about the potential of open, sceptics, and to people who dont know what is happening. A continuous stream of delegations have visited us, from Manchester in the UK to Taipei in Taiwan, from Monrovia in Liberia to Washington DC in the US, all asking the same question: How do we create an ODI in our country/region/city/ organisation? To us, the traditional answer of expansion: throwing up new offices and trying to create a centralised network would entirely miss the point. The purpose of the ODI is as a catalyst. If we didnt engage, everyone would create their own strategy. This not a bad thing, but we felt we could miss an opportunity to use the power of globally connected networks, that we all use, to share and enable change. However, if we created a centralised network, we are at risk of getting in the way of the very outcomes wed all like to see. We felt the better question was: How will we build a global Open Data Institute together? Our approach was to learn from the web itself, building in collaboration with existing communities, combining this global coincidence of desires with the shared insight, tools and network that we have all helped to create.

We have been blown away by the response. Dozens of people, from 20 countries, joined the conversation. We were invited to take the discussion to Aspen, and explore what might work in the US. People from organisations across the UK, Europe, Africa, Asia and Australasia, North and South America, all joined in to create an open organisational design. We have begun (and as this is a continuous process, there is no end-point), to codify the ODI itself as an ODI Node, and codify how it can be copied, as a many-parts, loosely joined network. We aim to help pool resources, connect people, fundraise where needed, amplify stories and use-cases, and enable what is currently a small group of pioneers to catalyse each other. There are three levels of ODI Node: Country, City, and Communications. Country Nodes are autonomous NGOs, with multiple-years funding, such as the ODI here in the UK. They act as the primary contact point for national and international governments, and work to support the whole network. City Nodes support local communities, carry out projects, research, training and related services that catalyse local development. Communications Nodes help propagate stories, taking local case-studies to, and bringing them from, the global community. Helping knowledge and expertise connect.

FOCAS, Aspen Institute, Colorado July 2013

The Open Data Partnership for Development is a partnership between The World Bank, Open Data Institute, and Open Knowledge Foundation. Initial funding, of 780k per annum, is coming from The World Banks Development Grant Facility and we are actively seeking partners to join our efforts. The objectives of the programme are to support developing countries to plan, execute and run open data initiatives, to increase re-use of open data in developing countries, to develop an ecosystem of skills, support and peer-learning, and grow the base of evidence on the impact of open data for development. Our activities will include training (including certified training) for political leaders, public sector servants, and civil society organisations. It will help them research and identify areas of impact, and develop metrics and frameworks for solving problems, as well as provide technical guidance and assistance. We will collaborate on workshops, conferences and seminars, and communicate the stories, case-studies and outcomes widely. These activities will be directed towards developing countries, defined by The World Bank, with an income of less than $12,215 per head per annum.

We will grow memberships, forge partnerships with leading universities and research groups, expand grant and philanthropic funding, expand internationally with ODI Nodes, and scale our training. We will develop key tools and services to facilitate open data publication, consumption, and collaboration across society. We will grow the evidence base to demonstrate the value of open data. We will expand Open Data Certificates around the world to help people find, understand, and use open data: adoption will be driven through policy and commercial engagement, training, and direct community outreach. Self-certification will always be free, but a commercial model will support this work at scale. We will deliver our commitments with the World Bank and Open Knowledge Foundation. With the Web Foundation, we will examine the impacts of Open Government Data. Our web platform will evolve to reach and enable co-creation with large audiences, scaling alongside international development. Our training will add an accredited Postgraduate Certificate. We will diversify and expand our corporate governance, and continue our mentoring programmes. The Data as Culture programme will span London, Brighton, Manchester and beyond. We aim to create one substantial evidence-based story every three months. Each will originate from significant research, development and engagement with domain experts across sectors and our startups. They embody those distinct activities. We will continuously test and iterate our models, accelerate international development and increase funding to the entire open data landscape. We will continue to catalyse the evolution of open data culture. We look forward to working with you. .

Crowdmixx Labs


Quanta Computer



Dialogue by Design Doorda

Virgin Media Deloitte Arup


FlyingBinary Ltd


Horizon Digital Economy Research Institute, University of Nottingham



Rackspace Socrata Which?

JC Analytics

Dr Mark Cote, Kings College London Lokku

BPE Lawyers Members EyeHub

Matrix Knowledge

Mydex Data Services

Oasis Loss Modelling Framework OCSI Supporters 100%Open 4sl Group

Royal Statistical Society

ScraperWiki Sibdocity Snips

AIMES Grid Services Amor Group

Systems in Context Ltd The Audience Agency

BES, Manchester Business School

Bright Blue

The Server Labs theblueballroom

Cogent Analytics

Throughout history we have recorded and shared data to survive and thrive. The illustrations in this book are a few examples of those milestones. We have reversed the chronology: P3. Sir Nigel Shadbolt and Sir Tim Berners-Lee launch the Open Data Institute in 2012. Sir Tim Berners-Lee invents the World Wide Web in 1989. P5. Modern binary pioneer and mathematician Gottfried Leibniz (1679) and his Leibniz rule formula; Charles Babbages Analytical Engine (1837); Alan Turing develops his Turing Machine (1936). P21. Matthew Fontaine Maury creates ocean open data charts of weather, winds and currents. A pioneer of shared data, his book 1855 The Physical Geography of the Sea helps launch a worldwide project for safe navigation. P31. John Snow discovers the source and maps the spread of a cholera outbreak at a water pump in Londons Broad Street in 1854. P35. Early Egyptian hieroglyphics and Sumerian written language (c 3500BC). P37. Satellites for navigation, Inukshuk landmarks, indigenous Australian songlines, and Stonehenge. Illustrations copyright 2013 Deborah Allwright. P15. Icons from The Noun Project: Cookie by Elves Sousa; Coffee pot by John OShea; Sushi by Linda Nakanishi; Lecturer by Lissette Arias; Person by Jens Trning; Globe by Simon Child.
Clockwise from top left: Skor Codex (2012) by La Socit Anonyme. Body 01000010011011110110010001111001 (2012) by Stanza. Three flames ate the sun, and big stars were seen (2012) by Phil Archer.

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