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Republic of the Philippines

THE VJD LENDING INVESTOR ZAMBOANGA INC., herein Represented b its M!n!"er M! Ann J. E#een!, Plaintiff, $%ers&s$ Ci%i' C!se N(. )))))))))) For: SUM OF MON ! "#"! $%R& C' #SUC#R R#, "#"! "O! (' ( S#&%N#S, an) * SUS +U M# C#R"ON ( P#!#, (efen)ants, ,- - - - - - - - - - - - - -,

(For Defendan


COM S NO., (efen)ants "#"! $%R& C' #SUC#R R#, through the un)ersigne) counsel, unto this /onorable Court, manifest that on March 0, 1230, she recei4e) a copy of the summons issue) by this /onorable Court )irecting her to ans5er the complaint in the abo4e-entitle) case, an) in compliance thereto, hereby submit her #ns5er an) a4er thus: #' #(M%SS%ONS #N( ( N%#&S: 3' 6hat 3 abo4e-name) of the )efen)ant a)mits the allegations being in a






but, )ue to lac8 of 8no5le)ge sufficient to form a

belief as to the truth thereof, )oes not a)mit that it is )uly organi9e) an) e,isting un)er an) by 4irtue of the la5s of the Republic of the Philippines, nor that the its Manager, May #nn *' 8eena, is )uly authori9e) by it:

2 1' 6hat )efen)ant "#"! $%R& S' #SUC#R R#, a)mits the

allegation in paragraph 1 concerning her personal circumstances but )oes not a)mit the rest of the allegations in the sai) paragraph )ue to lac8 of sufficient 8no5le)ge to form a belief as to the truth thereof: 0' 6hat herein )efen)ant )oes a)mit the allegation in

paragraph 0 of the complaint concerning the 8in) of business of plaintiff: ;' 6hat )efen)ant "#"! $UR& S' #SUC#R R#, a)mits the

allegations in paragraph ; of the complaint that she obtaine) a loan from the plaintiff 5ith the <ualification that the sai) 5as in the amount of P=2,222'22 only an) not in the sum of F%> /UN(R ( 6/OUS#N( ?P=22,222'22@ P SOS, as allege) in the

complaint: =' 6hat )efen)ant a)mits the allegations in paragraph = of the complaint concerning her co-ma8ers as co-)efen)ants, namely, "#"! "O! (' S#&%N#S an) * SUS +U M# C#R"ON ( P#!#, also signe)

the sai) promissory note as co-ma8ers an) boun) themsel4es to be liable Aointly an) soli)arily 5ith the principal borro5er for the entire amount: B' 6hat )efen)ant )enies the allegation in paragraph B of the complaint the truth of the matter as hereinafter set forth in the affirmati4e )efenses: C' 6hat herein )efen)ant )oes not a)mit the allegation in paragraph C of the complaint concerning the letter of )eman)s for lac8 of 8no5le)ge sufficient to form a belief as to the truth thereof, )efen)ant not ha4ing recei4e) any of those


3 D' 6hat )efen)ant )oes not a)mit the allegations in

paragraph D of the complaint the truth being as set forth in the affirmati4e )efenses: E' paragraph 6hat E of )efen)ant the )oes not a)mit the allegation fees in an)




litigation e,penses )ue to lac8 of 8no5le)ge sufficient to form a belief as to the truth thereof: "' #FF%RM#6%> ( F NS S: 6hat by 5ay of affirmati4e )efenses, the foregoing allegations an)

herein )efen)ant hereby re-plea)s further a4er:

32' 6hat contrary to the allegations of the plaintiff, the amount of P=22,222'22 5as only P=2,222'22 sho5n by a personal copy of the Promissory Note she e,ecute) for the purpose hereto attache) as #nne, F3-#sucareraG et se<' but the same 5as altere) by FRAUD to ma8e it appear as P=22,222'22: 33' 6hat as a matter of fact, the payments ma)e by the )efen)ant e,cee)e) his total obligation by P12,222'22 as herein set forth as counterclaim: 31' 6hat the sai) amount of P=2,222'22 has alrea)y been fully e,tinguishe) by $A!%ENT by herein )efen)ant as principal borro5er as e4i)ence) by official receipts hereto attache) as #nne,es F1-#sucareraG et se<' an) she ne4er incurre) in arrears 5ith respect to the payment of any of the monthly installment: 30' 6hat contrary to the allegations of the complainant, e4en assuming 5ithout a)mitting, that herein )efen)ant as

principal borro5er )i) not pay the sai) obligation originally incurre) on *anuary 03, 1223, the same has no5 prescribe) or is alrea)y e,tinguishe) by $RESCRI$TION, more than ten ?32@ ha4ing elapse) since it 5as entere) into:

4 3;' 6hat e4en assuming 5ithout a)mitting that herein

)efen)ant is in)ee) in)ebte) to plaintiff in the total amount P3,1=2,=11'=2, the same has alrea)y been e,tinguishe) by 5ay of CO%$ENSATION since plaintiff is in)ebte) to the herein

)efen)ants in the sum of P1,222,222'22 as price for the sale of the lan) of )efen)ant to plaintiff per (ee) of Sale copy of 5hich is hereto attache) as #nne, F0-#sucareraG et' se<', 5hich plaintiff has ne4er pai) unto )efen)ant as hereinafter set forth: COUN6 RC&#%MS 6hat by 5ay of counterclaims, )efen)ant herein re-plea)s the foregoing allegations an) furthermore a4er: 3=' 6hat the plaintiff is in)ebte) to the )efen)ant in the sum of P1,222,222'22 representing the purchase price of the lan) belonging to )efen)ants sol) to the plaintiff per (ee) of

#bsolute Sale hereto attache) as #nne, F;-#sucareraG an) 5hich price has faile) an) refuse) to pay )espite repeate) )eman)s as sho5n by the )eman) letters hereto attache) as #nne,es F=-

#sucareraG: 3B' 6hat as a result of o4erpayment of the original loan un)er circumstance constituting solution in)ebiti, plaintiff

still o5es the )efen)ant the sum of P12,222'22: 3C' 6hat )ue to the precipitate filing of this clearly groun)less suit, )efen)ant 5as compelle) the ser4ices of counsel for 5hich she 5ill incur attorney7s fees an) e,penses for

litigation in the sum of P322,222'22: ./ R FOR , premises consi)ere), it is respectfully praye) of this /onorable Court that, after )ue procee)ings, Au)gment be ren)ere) ?3@ (%SM%SS%N$ the complaint an) ?1@ OR( R%N$ the

plaintiff to pay herein )efen)ant the sum if P1,222,222'22 5ith

5 interest at the pre4ailing rate from the )ate of this

counterclaim an) to for plaintiff to pay )efen)ant the sum of the sum of P12,222'22 as o4erpayment of the loan an) the sum of P322,222'22 as attorney7s fees plus costs of litigation' Other reliefs as are Aust an) e<uitable un)er the premises are li8e5ise praye) for' City of Zamboanga, Philippines, February 3;, 1230' &EEJA! D" RAFAELA Counsel for the (efen)ant No' 21=, Canelar Street, Zamboanga City P6R No' 212110;: *an' 2D, 1230HZC %"P OR No' 333C==D;E: *an' 2E, 1230HZC MC& Compliance Number 3331223=;3D Roll No 0D01131' Republic of the Philippines@ C%6! OF Z#M"O#N$#' ' ' ' ' @ S'S' ,- - - - - - - - - - - - - , > R%F%C#6%ON %, "#"! $UR& #SUC#R R#, of legal age, single, an) 5ith a))ress at 21= Canelar St', Zamboanga City, Zamboanga City, after ha4ing been s5orn in accor)ance 5ith la5, hereby )epose an) say: 6hat % am the )efen)ant in the abo4e-entitle) case: that % ha4e cause) the foregoing #ns5er to be prepare): that % ha4e rea) an) un)erstoo) the contents of the same: a) that the allegations therein are true an) correct base) on my o5n 8no5le)ge an) authentic )ocuments: 6hat % hereby further certify that, insofar as my counterclaims abo4e-state) are concerne), % ha4e not commence) any other similar complaint, petition or action in4ol4ing the same subAect matter, parties or issues, before the Supreme Court, Court of #ppeals, or any other courts or a)ministrati4e bo)ies in the Philippines or else5here, an) that if % come to 8no5 of the pen)ency of such procee)ing, % shall inform this /onorable Court of such fact 5ith fi4e ?=@ )ays from 8no5le)ge thereof %N .%6N SS ./ R OF, % ha4e hereunto set my han) on this 3;th )ay of March 1230 in the City of Zamboanga, Philippines' "#"! $%R& S' #SUC#R R# #ffiant
SU"SCR%" ( #N( S.ORN to before me on this 3;th in the City of Zamboanga, Philippines' )ay of March 1230

&EEJA! D" RAFAELA Notary Public Until (ecember 03, 123; Zamboanga City P6R No' 212E03: *an' 2C, 1230HZC "P OR No' C==D;E: *an' 2E, 1230HZC
(oc' No' III: Page No' III: "oo8 No' III: Series of 1230

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